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出版 Published by 二零一七至二零一八年度 香港大學學生會建築學會 Architectural Society, HKUSU, Session 2017-2018 負責人 Person-In-Charge 龍焯鈞 岑卓林 Lung Cheuk Kwan Marco Sham Cherie 編輯 Editors 徐杰樑 丘宜正 黃沛鈞 關焯鈴 陸曉雯 岑卓林 龍焯鈞 陳雋言 林欣煒 Tsui Kit Leung Leo Chiew Yi Zheng Nicole Wong Pui Kwan Anthony Kwan Cheuk Ling Sheryl Luk Hiu Man Charmaine Sham Cherie Lung Cheuk Kwan Marco Chan Chun Yin Jason Lam Yan Wai Kenny 美術設計總監 Art Director 龍焯鈞 Lung Cheuk Kwan Marco 澈 二零一七年十一月號 第三十七期 Transparence November 2017 Volume 37 香港大學學生會建築學會出版 Published by Architectural Society, HKUSU. All rights reserved, except that photos, if stated, are copyrighted by their respective owners.







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生命過程中,目光所及之處無不接觸到顏色, 色彩常常是你我對於 事物的第一印象。相同的色調看似單一卻有些微妙變化,衝突的色 調容易抓住人們的眼瞭。

我們問了所有的受訪者以下的問題: We have asked all the interviewees the following questions:

1 2 3 4 5

今日呢種顏色配撘比到你咩感覺? What feelings do the colour tone of your outfit gives you?

We are always encountering colours, and colours are often our first impression of things. Similar colours are simple and subtle, yet conflicting colours grasp people’s attention. 這一期,我們將會繼續走訪鈕魯詩樓的每個角落,找尋特別的身影, 讓我們透過衣著,認識屬於鈕魯詩人的色彩。

Raymond Tsang

BSc(Surv) II

邊一種顏色最能夠代表到你? Which colour best represents you? 呢套 outfit 入面最鍾意邊件 item ? Which item in your outfit do you like the most? 形容下你平時一貫嘅 style ? Can you briefly describe your style? 你覺得 fashion 可唔可以幫你表達自 己呢? Do you think that fashion can help you express yourself?

Jasmine Leung


1 因為我屋企衣櫃入面嘅衫通常都係白色、灰 色同黑色 覺得呢個配搭好乾淨同舒服。2 藍色 ,基本上啲人一講起我就會係藍色或者綠色。3 我 對鞋,前面睇好 formal,但其實係一對拖鞋黎哈 哈)4 簡約,衫褲鞋襪全部都係單色,同埋我身上 唔會出現超過三種顏色。5 可以啊! (hehehe) 咁每 個人著衫代表自己一種 style 架嘛。 1 The clothes in my wardrobe are usually in white, grey and black. I think this mix-and-match is clean and comfortable. 2 Blue. Basically people would think of blue or green when they think of me. 3 My shoes, it looks formal at the front but in fact it is a pair of slippers! (haha) 4 Simple. All my clothes and accessories are in single colour and my outfit won’t contain more than 3 colours! 5 Sure! (hehehe) Well… Garments represent one’s style.


1 Studying architecture is demanding, so I prefer a colourful outfit. Also, I chose this knitted dress with pastel colour because of the change of season. It looks fresh and it is able to balance out my tiredness after working overnight in studio. 2 Red. It gives out a fierce vibe. I also like the sharp red lip color as it looks cool. 3 Green checkered shirt. The outfit will look too sweet without it and it adds casualness. The outfit will turn into a neutral and urban style. The elegant and sweet look will change to a preppy one. 4 It is spicy sweet in vintage. It will not be too manly like the rock bands and remain its girly elements. 5 It can easily help me to change my mood. For example, I will feel good if the unwashed dress yesterday matches my outfit today. Everything can be mix-and-matched and my outfits surprise me everyday.

Emerald Lui

BA(ArchStud) III

1 讀 archi 好辛苦啊嘛,所以就想揀啲鮮豔嘅顏色,之後 因為岩岩轉季,就揀左呢條針織嘅裙,加埋佢好 pastel 嘅 色,所以俾人感覺比較 fresh,咁就平衡返琴日好累通完頂 嘅感覺。2 紅色,感覺俾人好 fierce 之外,鍾意嘴唇個隻 顏色好鮮豔,俾人感覺好型。3 綠色格仔衫,如果無左件 衫就太過 sweet 囉,咁加左呢啲 casual 風,成樣野就變得 urban 左同埋中性啲,咁就由 elegant 同 sweet look 變成 preppy look。4 係復古年代 vintage 嘅 spicy sweet 唔會 太過好似 band 友咁樣太過硬同時保持 girly 嘅 elements。 5 可以好容易咁幫我轉到心情,如果個日發現原來擺係門 口個件衫同琴日著完唔想洗嘅裙係好夾嘅話,心情就會好 好囉,表達到好多野都可以 mix 埋,發現每一日都有驚喜!

In this issue, we will continue to search for unique figures in Knowles Building. Let’s discover the colours of Knowles people through their clothes. 1 好 sharp 囉紅色,俾到人一種好型嘅感覺。2(綠囉 因為春 天係綠色架)都得都得~(LOL)3 恤衫囉~ 4 頹囉,摺囉。 今 日 特 登 著 得 無 咁 頹, 平 時 都 係 著 soc tee。5 都 可 以 嘅, fashion 令我可以著得好啲,更加有自信。 1 Red, it is a sharp color! It is chic. 2(Green! Because spring is green in colour.) Yup, that’s fine too ~ (LOL) 3 Shirt~ 4 Tappy and antisocial, I already wore something nicer today. I usually wear Society t-shirts. 5 Yes. Fashion allows me to dress up and be more confident.

你,又是那種顏色呢? So, which colour represents you? 1 就黎死嘅感覺,因為重陽節。2 綠色,好有 護眼嘅感覺。3 條褲,好舒服。4 “Troll” 5 可 以,可以 show 你個人有幾 troll。 1 The feeling of almost dying because Double Ninth Festival is coming. 2 Green. It is healthy to the eyes. 3 Trousers. It is comfortable. 4 “Troll” 5 Yes. It can show how “troll” you are.

Angie Wong BA(ArchStud) I

Meir Lam BSc(Surv) II

1 It gives out a comfortable vibe. It is good to wear denim jacket in autumn. 2 I prefer outfits with neutral colours. I usually wear items that are black, white and royal blue. 3 Denim jacket. Denim is the best! 4 I like simple outfit with my own style, I don’t really like adding on a lot of accessories. 5 Yes, sometimes. It depends on my mood. I usually wear outfits with vibrant colours instead of the dull ones.

Samantha Yung BA(UrbanStud) I

1 因為我鍾意黑色,好有氣場同霸 氣嘅感覺。2 泥黃色,因為個頭係 泥黃色。3 條褲 因為舒服囉 4 間 條﹑橫線 5 唔覺,啲衫純粹覺得 靚先著架嘛。 1 I love black. It radiates an aura of power. 2 Khaki, because my hair is khaki in colour. 3 Trousers because they are comfortable. 4 Stripes. 5 I don’t think so. I wear these clothes just because they look nice.

1 俾到舒服嘅感覺 因為 秋天岩著牛仔褸。2 我 係 比 較 neutral 嘅 , 著 偏 neutral 嘅 顏 色 , 通 常都係著黑、白、寶藍 色呢幾種色。3 條牛仔 褸 , denim 係最好嘅! 4 簡單得黎鍾意有少少 style, 唔係鍾意話有好 多 accessories。5 都 會嘅有時,會用顏色表 達,譬如有啲日子特別 開心啲嘅咪著得開心啲 囉,都視乎心情嘅,但 通常我都會著啲開心啲 嘅 colour , 都 唔 會 咁 悶。

Toto Chan

BA(UrbanStud) IV

1 啊妹買俾我架,好鍾意啊。2 藍色啊,男仔咪藍色 囉。3 鞋囉,因為藍色。4 普通人係黑色入面黑色嘅 style。5 都可以嘅,無人會見到你,低調。 1 My sister bought it to me. I love it very much. 2 Blue. It is for boys. (“Boy” has the same pronunciation as “blue” in Cantonese) 3 Shoes. They are blue in colour. 4 Low-profile. 5 Yeah. No one will notice you. I am low-profile.


經歷數十年的變遷,香港的建築風格亦隨之變換,由漁港時期的中式房屋,到殖民時期西式建築的 引入,到現今摩天大廈林立,香港可謂是不同建築文化的集中地。雖然風格各異,但是香港建築, 不管中外,往往都受風水文化所影響,令這些建築的構造上有着微妙的變化。因此,筆者決定探究 一下風水如何影響著香港的建築設計。 Hong Kong has experienced many changes over the past decades, its construction style has also transformed from Chinese traditional-style houses to Western-style constructions during colonized period. Until now, skyscrapers are erected everywhere and Hong Kong becomes the rendezvous of diverse construction styles. Although there are variations between them, no matter in Chinese or Western-style, Hong Kong’s constructions are often influenced by Feng Shui, which is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment, and creates subtle changes on the construction. So, we decided to analyze how Feng Shui affects the architectural designs in Hong Kong.


香港舊時深受中國傳統 文化所影響,普遍較為 迷信,對於風水玄學也 相當重視,特別是居住 新界的客家人,因他們 多半由內地遷移至港, 思想皆為傳統保守,正 值海寇猖獗,他們便築 起圍村自居,一以防衛海盜,二來隔絕原居民,而這些圍村的建築設計上除了以防禦外敵作為重要考量,不過 鑒於圍村人的傳統思想及習俗,風水玄學亦是一大要素,用坐落於新界北部的粉嶺圍作為例子,粉嶺圍建於明 朝萬曆年,為潮汕移民彭氏家族所建,彭族一向重視風水,因此在選址上,粉嶺圍背靠龍山,前臨鳳溪,為山 水所環繞,於風水學而言,山管人丁水管財,舊時居民確實相信圍村選址能有利人丁興旺,及達至財運亨通, 撇開風水而言,山嶺往往是圍村的屏障,河水也能提供食水及灌溉用水,讓村民能賴以為生。除此以外,中國 人以水為財,相傳是因為水是養育萬物的根本,而且水能儲藏,猶如聚財,因此中國人普遍會於住所處加入大 量水元素,以達至儲財入家的效果,彭氏於建設粉嶺圍時也為此考量,特意挖掘風水魚塘,呈半月形,除了作 請財之用外,據聞也能鎮壓邪惡,祛除妖氣,求闔村平安。 Hong Kong was deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture in the past and people tended to be more superstitious and believed in Feng Shui, especially Hakka people living in the New Territories. Since they were mainly migrated from China, they were rather conservative and traditional-minded. Pirates were rampant at that time, so they built walled villages for living, not only used to defend pirates, but also used to segregate from the indigenous inhabitants. Despite defensive purpose was one of the greatest concern in construction design of walled villages, Feng Shui metaphysics was also a concern as the residents remained conservative during that time. Fanling Wai in Northern New Territories is a case in point. It was built by the Chaoshan immigrants, the Pang’s clan, in Wanli year during Tang dynasty. They believed in Feng Shui and had chosen the site with good environment. It was fronted at the shimmering river and surrounded by mountains. From the perspective of metaphysics, mountains rule people and water rules money. Residents believed the location of walled villages were beneficial to the well-being of people and even wealth. In addition, mountains were often considered as barriers for the walled villages. The river can also provide fresh water and irrigation water for villagers’ living. Apart from that, Chinese treat water as wealth since water is the origin that raises every creatures in life and it can be saved. Therefore, Chinese people usually add a lot of water elements to achieve the effect of saving wealth at home. The Pang has also taken this into consideration and dug a half-moon shaped fish pond. Not only did it bring wealth, it could also suppress the evil ghosts and bring blessings to the family. 就村內建築物而言,常因風水而拆遷,如位於粉嶺圍北便村的彭氏宗祠 ( 圖一 ) 便是一例,作為彭氏的家族宗祠, 村民經常於此舉行春祭盛典,而且內裏也供奉着彭氏歷代祖先,因此對於其風水也是十分講究,於道光廿六年, 彭氏宗祠便因風水緣故而遷址,可見比起勞民傷財,風水更能影響一座建築物的位置及佈局。時至今日,香港 政府如要於新界作開山、築路、疏河等工程,都要事前與新界村民商議,以尊重當地的風水。 Architectures in the village were often demolished due to Feng Shui. For example, the Pang ancestral hall (Figure 1) in Fanling Wai. It was used for holding ceremonies and worship the Pang’s ancestors, so it's Feng Shui elements were also greatly emphasized. During Daoguang twenty-six years, the ancestral hall was moved due to metaphysical factors and reflected the importance of Feng Shui in influencing the location and setting of the construction. Until now, the Hong Kong Government will have to negotiate with New Territories inhabitants for constructions and maintenance works to show respect to the local Feng Shui.

圖一:彭氏宗祠 Figure 1: The Pang Ancestral Hall


除了傳統的中國建築外,風水於現代建築也有舉足輕重 的影響。今日香港,不再是昔日那燈火通明的漁港,取 而代之的是琳琅滿目的摩天大廈,尤其是中環等商業地 帶。然而,這些摩天建築雖看似現代,但其建造之初, 風水格局也曾是指標之一。以匯豐銀行為例,當年曾為 銀行位置進行一輪挑選,最後選擇了現址,坊間傳聞現 址為天馬飲水穴,山坡就像馬頭,低垂下來在維港飲水。 後來匯豐銀行經歷第三次重建,銀行邀請到著名建築師 諾曼·福斯特為其第四代 大樓進行設計,於設計大樓的過程中,諾曼·福斯特曾 參考風水師的建議,重新調整銀行內部的自動扶梯,儘 量切合風水的要求,而其到海濱的視線亦未受到其他建 築項目阻擋,正對着維多利亞港,吸收財氣。及後,其 競爭對手中國銀行香港分行亦進行一次重建,特意邀請 分行創始人之孫貝聿銘為設計,當年整個過程亦遇上不 少的阻礙。因其建築預算不足,貝聿銘特意將支撐大廈 的 X 型鋼結構暴露在外,可這舉動卻觸犯了風水大忌, 不得支持,最後,貝聿銘巧妙地將大廈表面重新設計, 成現時的寶石狀,整體大廈設計比喻為雨後春筍,節節 上升,設計才得以通行。可是建造完成後的中銀分行於 風水師眼中就像一把三尖兩刃刀,嚴重破壞香港風水, 而其中一面正對着匯豐銀行大樓,令後者及後於頂層築 起「大炮」防禦,(其實是擦玻璃的吊車),與其兵刃 相接,引發了一場現代建築的風水大戰,而這亦是後話 了。 Apart from traditional Chinese architecture, fengshui also has its pivotal impacts in modern architecture. Hong Kong is no longer a fishing harbour, instead it is filled with skyscrapers, especially in the business districts like Central. Although they look modern, Feng Shui was one of the criteria for modern architectures. For example, the HSBC headquarter in Hong Kong. It was selected among several options and was claimed to be the location where fairy horse drinks water. After that, HSBC has experienced the third reconstruction and invited the famous architect, Norman Foster to design the newest building. Throughout the design process, Norman Foster has taken references from the suggestions of Feng Shui masters and readjusted the escalator in the HSBC


headquarter in order to fulfil the metaphysical requirements. Since the HSBC headquarter is not blocked by the other constructions and is facing the Victoria Harbour, it is believed that it can bring in wealth. Its competitor, Bank of China Hong Kong has then undergone reconstruction as well and invited the well-known architect, Pei Leoh-ming for the new design. There were some obstacles during the reconstruction. Given inadequate construction budget, he adopted the design of exposing the X-shaped steel structural support. However, this move has violated with the Feng Shui rules and did not receive much support. Eventually, he delicately redesigned the building facades into diamond shape to fit the rules. Yet, the existing Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong is like a three-edged pointed sword from the perspective of Feng Shui masters. As the tower is facing the HSBC headquarter, HSBC then deliberately built a “cannon” to balance out the setting of BOC Tower. (The “cannon” is actually the washing-glass crane.) This was a Feng Shui war on modernized constructions. 除了上述兩間銀行的風水「爭霸戰」外,位於淺水灣的 影灣園 ( 圖二 ) 也是香港著名的風水設計之一。影灣園 建於已拆的淺水灣酒店的舊址,它獨特的設計不但是以 旗幟作靈感的弧線形外型,它的巨型方形鏤空也是一大 建築特色。影灣園這樣中空的設計不但令它成為該區的 地標,亦為它贏了不少的獎項,包括 1989 年香港建築 師學會年獎的銀牌獎。事實上,這個大洞是也為了風水 而特意設計的。在風水的角度看,這樣屏風般的大廈把 龍脈切斷了,因此就打造了這個「神龍入口」讓龍得以 穿過大廈到達海洋。 Apart from the Feng Shui war between the two banks, “The Repulse Bay” (Figure 2) located in the Repulse Bay area is a well-known Feng Shui design in Hong Kong. It is built on the former site of the Repulse Bay Hotel. The streamline outlook of the residential building is inspired by floaty flags, apart from that, the square hole in the middle of the building is one of its architectural features. This

時至今日,風水玄學仍然於香港建築發展上有著舉足輕 重的地位,無論是樓宇命名,層數,或是坐向,往往於 風水息息相關。因此,坊間亦開始推出建築風水學的課 程,讓業界人士瞭解風水的理論及應用,以助日後能應 對内地的客人,以及加強其工作表現,由此可見,建築 風水已由玄學,逐漸成爲知識。

圖二:淺水灣影灣園 Figure 2: The Repulse Bay

unique design not only made “The Repulse Bay” to be one of the landmarks in Repulse Bay, the design has also contributed to its many awards, including the silver medal at the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards in 1989. In fact, this big hole is added on for Feng Shui purposes. From a Feng Shui perspective, this panel-like building cut off the “dragon veins”, therefore the architect created this “entrance for the dragon” so that the dragon can pass through the building and reach the ocean.

In present, Feng Shui and metaphysics are still placing a decisive role in Hong Kong architectural development. Regardless of the naming of premises, number of floors and their positions, they are all closely correlated to Feng Shui. Therefore, architectural Feng Shui courses are introduced in order to allow people in the industry to understand Feng Shui theories and applications. It is hoped that this can help the people to cater for the needs of superstitious Mandarin clients and improve their working performances. From the above, it can been seen that Feng Shui in architecture has already developed from metaphysics to knowledge. 雖是如此,現代風水建築於香港人眼中已貌似是有錢人 的玩意,鑒於香港的土地供不應求,樓價急漲,因而不 惜移山填海,增加土地供應,以玄學而言,這已破壞原 有的風水脈絡,除此之外,人們衹想有個安樂窩,樓宇 的風水格局早已抛諸腦後,或者有一天,我們會因為生 活,或是時代的進步又或是被這個紙醉金迷的社會所制 肘,從而徹底摒棄建築的風水玄學,也許,我們會因而 失去一項重要的建築文化吧。 Even so, modernized Feng Shui architectures are often perceived as an interest mainly pursued by high-income families. Given that the land supply Hong Kong is in short and the property price is skyrocketing, lands are reclaimed to increase land supply. From the viewpoint of metaphysics, the Feng Shui in Hong Kong has been negatively altered by reclamation. Apart from that, people nowadays are placing such emphasis on having their own flats that they no longer consider the Feng Shui of the flats. Perhaps one day, we will completely abandoned the applications of Feng Shui and metaphysics in architecture due to the restrictions and advancement of society , and perhaps, we will lose this important culture in architecture because of this.


評頭品 築


水亦被稱為地理學,或堪輿學,是古代相地 的術數,歷史悠長,滲透於華人的日常生活, 所以我們常言道,有中國人聚居的地方就有 風水命理,到後期華人漸漸把這個東方的學 問帶到西方,現在有不少外國人都認為風水能帶給他們 平安、財富、健康,例如美國總統特朗普、維珍集團的 創辦人理查德·布朗森等都喜歡找風水師,可見無論中、 外都對風水學挺講究的。 Feng Shui is also known as geography or geomancy, it is an ancient way to evaluate a piece of land. It has a long history and has infiltrated into the daily lives of Chinese people. That is why we always say that there must be Feng Shui wherever the Chinese people are. The Chinese slowly brought this knowledge from the East to the West, nowadays there are foreigners who believe in Feng Shui as well. They think that Feng Shui can bring them peace, wealth and health, for instance, the US president Donald Trump and Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group. From this, we can see that both Chinese and Westerners pay attention to Feng Shui. 風水本質上既然是為了挑選一個好的地址,所以在房地 產方面我們當然也可以看到中國人對風水的重視程度。 例如,不少人在買樓時都會留意樓盤的座向、樓座的位 置,從建築的內到外都要符合風水格局才放心購買。現 今如要於新界地區大興土木工程,必先事先與新界鄉紳 相談,因為他們一般較為守舊,於他們眼中,移山填海 會破壞新界的固有風水格局,政府的土地政策因而受到 阻力屢見不鮮,如現正備受關注的新界東北發展計畫, 計畫將夷平邊境的風水林,但村民認為這些種植悠久的 樹木實起著阻擋北方邪氣的作用,而且環繞村落的風水 林亦具守護家園的意義,他們懼怕其龍脈會隨樹林被夷 平而盡斷,因此政府也曾與村民為著這件事周旋良久, 可見風水影響之深遠。此外,有些地產商更為了迎合客 人對風水的要求都會在樓盤的層數著手,就好像在香 港島西半山的天匯一樣,曾經因為改變樓層的數字而引 起爭議。「4」字在粵語和國語中的讀音與「死」字相 近,因此被認為是不吉利的數字,故此不少人都忌諱這 數字。地產商為了迎合顧客的心理,一般都會移除擁有 「4」字的樓層。天匯雖然實際只得 46 樓,但跳層後 卻變成了 88 樓,在 39 樓後突然跳到 60 樓,引起社會 的討論及哇然。屋宇署亦因此作出了規管限制跳層。 Essentially Feng Shui is for picking out a good site, so we certainly can see Chinese people’s emphasis on Feng Shui in terms of real estate. For example, the direction and location of flats are considerations of many people when they purchase a flat. They only feel assured to buy the flat when the architecture matches the Feng Shui requirements from inside to outside. Nowadays, whenever there are large-scale developments


projects in the New Territories, the government or the developers always have to consult the squire since they are generally more old-fashioned. They believe that reclamation and alteration of lands will damage the Feng Shui of the area. It is not uncommon to see hindrance when the government launches land policies, for example, the North East New Territories New Development Project plans to level off the Feng Shui woodland, but the villagers believe that this will harm the Feng Shui and are reluctant about the project. The government has been negotiating with the villagers for a long time, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of Feng Shui. Apart from that, some developers will change the floor number to cater for the Feng Shui needs of customers. “39 Conduit Road” in Hong Kong Island is an example. It has sparked controversy due to the changing of floor numbers. The pronunciation of “4” in Cantonese and Mandarin is similar to the word “death”, therefore it is considered as an unlucky number and many people see this number as a taboo. Developers generally will remove the floors with the “4” character, for the sake of catering the customers. “39 Conduit Road” has 46 floors in reality, but after the skipping of floors, it became 88 floors. After the 39/F, it is followed by the 60/F. This drastic skipping of floors shocked the society. The Buildings Department imposed a restriction on the skipping of floors due to this incident. 除了樓宇本身,它鄰近的設施及用途也被相信會對風水 有影響,在中國人的傳統文化中,普遍認為住在墓地附 近是不好的。墓地往往給人陰陰深深的感覺,在風水的 角度來說,屬於陰地,不適宜陽間的人居住。因此中國 人覺得住宅在墓地附近極爲不祥,許多人都對這些樓宇 避而遠之。 Apart from the building itself, its neighbouring facilities and uses are also believed to have impact on Feng Shui. In Chinese traditional culture, it is generally considered a bad thing to live nearby cemeteries. Cemeteries often give people a sense of creepiness, in the view of Feng Shui, they are the “Yin” lands and are not suitable for people living in the “Yang”. As a result, Chinese thinks it is extremely ominous to live near a cemetery. 可是香港實在是個彈丸之地,住宅鄰近墓地難以避免。 雖然說這些景觀不是大受歡迎,薄扶林、柴灣、粉嶺、 荃灣等區域有不少物業的住客都「享受」著墳場景觀, 但是,這些樓宇依然有價有市。位於香港仔的南灣御園 背靠香港仔華人永遠墳場,鄰近香港墳場的跑馬地禮頓 山等樓盤亦銷情理想。其實很多鄰近墳場的住宅發展, 發展商都會在樓宇設計上避重就輕,或是以其他賣點來 減輕墳觀的影響。另外,這些樓宇普遍景觀開揚,加上

墳場的發展機會比較少,不會給新建成的高樓大廈阻礙 住宅景觀。青衣的盈翠半島或上述的南灣御園都是靠海 而建,海景亦為這些墳景樓大大加分。另一原因是這些 單位比非墳景單位確實相較便宜,一些人為求能成功置 業,即使是風水的信奉者,但在種種的現實限制下都唯 有把風水學說放在一旁,資金不足的上車客亦會將就購 買墳景樓盤。畢竟華人社會對於有「瓦遮頭」也頗為執 著!香港地少人多,土地供不應求、樓價升幅大,政府 為了增加房屋供應,除了填海造地,就是發展新地段, 發展又大多在新界地區,因此不但是墳場,要發現山墳 也不是難事。發展商在興建屋苑的同時也需顧及這些山 墳,就好像大埔的嵐山這個私人屋苑範圍裡竟然有一個 祖墳,而該售樓書亦有標明不能移除那個祖墳。根據網 上報章資料,這屋宇的墳景和非墳景的單位的售價差大 概一成。儘管大多傳統中國人都對風水有一定執著,有 些墳景樓的住客就是不相信風水,比較多的是年輕人或 有宗教背景的人。他們對風水都不太介意,故此也經常 成為地產代理銷售這些樓盤的對象。 However, Hong Kong is indeed a tiny city. It is unavoidable to live near a cemetery. Although flats with these sceneries are not highly popular, but they still have a good market. In districts like Pok Fu Lam, Chai Wan, Fanling and Chai Wan, many residents are “enjoying” cemetery views. Properties like “Jadewater”, located in Aberdeen, which is back against the Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery or “The Leighton Hill” in Happy Valley which is near to the Hong Kong Cemetery, are selling well too. In fact, when dealing with residential developments neighbouring to cemeteries, developers will put extra effort in design or use other selling points to alleviate the impact of cemetery view. Also, these buildings generally offer a broader view, in addition, the view will not be easily blocked by newly built highrise buildings due to the lack of opportunity for cemeteries to further develop. “Tierra Verde” in Tsing Yi or the aforementioned “Jadewater” are built by the sea, the seaview of these buildings counterbalances the cemetery views. Another reason is that these units are cheaper than those with non-cemetery view. Some people, despite being a Feng Shui believer, will buy these units in order to afford owning a flat. First-time home buyer with little budget will consider these flats too. After all, it is quite important for a person to own a flat in a Chinese community. There are so little land, yet so many people in Hong Kong, the land supply is inadequate, and the property price is escalating quickly. In order to increase housing supply, in addition to reclamation, the government is developing new areas. Most developments are in New Territories, so you can find not only cemeteries, but also graves. Developers have to take these graves into considerations. A grave was

found in “Mont Vert”, a private residential estate in Taipo, and the sales brochure indicated that this grave cannot be removed. According to an online news source, the selling price difference between the units facing and not facing the grave is about 10%. Although most traditional Chinese people are attached to Feng Shui, some residents living in units with cemetery views do not believe in Feng Shui, in which most of them are young people or people with religious background. They do not really care about Feng Shui, that is why they are often the targets of the real estate agents when it comes to selling of these flats. 相信風水與否的確是因人而異,有人會說風水不可信, 因為大多都是經驗之談,沒得到科學的根據,筆者卻認 為只用一句「迷信」就否定風水從戰國時代到現今的存 在又未免太殘忍了。畢竟相信風水的人都是打從心底希 望事情能夠順順利利,盼望利用自己少許的能力買個安 心,然後在香港這個寸金尺土的地方購置一個安樂窩罷 了。 To believe in Feng Shui or not indeed is a decision varies from person to person. Some people say Feng Shui is not credible because it is mostly based on past experiences and does not have scientific basis. I, however, think that it would be too brutal to deny the long existence of Feng Shui with just the word “superstition”. After all, people who believe in Feng Shui are merely hoping that things will go smoothly for them and hoping to use their own ability to bring peace to themselves, and to be able to buy a place called home in Hong Kong.

Sources: All Saints Findsbury, Graveyard, Plein Air, Oils Painting by Rob Adams


3/F Olivia

Department of Architecture Project Officer

1. 簡單介紹一下自己 Please briefly introduce yourself.

大家在 Knowles Building 生活了一段時間,平 時在 Knowles 可能會看見一些熟悉的臉孔卻沒 有機會去認識他們。這次我們特意訪問了這些 Knowles 人,讓大家可以了解他們多一點。 You may meet some familiar faces around Knowles, yet you may not have the chance to know them. Therefore, we interviewed some of these familiar faces, so you can get to know them a little more.

我叫 Olivia, 我是在 Department of Architecture 工 作的。 My name is Olivia, I work in the Department of Architecture. 2. 你平時主要負責什麼工作? What kind of work are you mainly responsible for?

主要都是幫老師處理 appointment 和 reimbursement,還有幫手 reception。 I mainly help the teachers to handle appointment and reimbursement, and also helping out in the reception. 3. 你在這裏做了多久? How long have you been working here?

我大概做了兩年幾左右。 A little bit more than 2 years. 4. 你會怎樣形容 Knowles 的學生? How will you describe students in Knowles?

哈哈。。。很有創意,還有有禮貌的好學生! Haha...Very creative and polite. 5. 你喜歡在空閒的時間做什麼? What do you like to do in your spare time?

我喜歡上網看小說,看古裝武俠小說 I like to read novels online, especially Chinese Martial Arts Novel 6. 分享一個在 Knowles 裡面經歷過的難忘或搞笑回憶? Can you share an unforgettable or funny memory in Knowles?

沒有呀,因為都很正常的上班,很正常的下班哈哈 I don’t have any. I work and get off work routinely. 7. 如果給你在 Knowles Building 裡面加一樣東西你會加什麼? If you can add something in Knowles Building, what would it be?

加一個漂亮一點的廁所 Add a nicer washroom 8. 有什麼想跟 Knowles 裡面的學生說? What do you want to say to students in Knowles?


Be obedient. Don’t always give trouble to Ho Jie.

4/F Curry Printing Shop Staff 1. 為什麼你的名字叫 Curry ? Why are you called Curry?

無什麼特別,由小到大的名字都是叫 Curry Nothing special, I am called Curry since I was young. 2. 你在這裏做了多久? How long have you been working here?

這間舖頭就有二十年歷史,我就在這裏做了十年 This shop has 20 years of history and I have been working here for ten years.


4/F Curry 3. 沒有學生找你的時候你會做什麼 ? What do you do when there is no students finding you?

處理一下公司的事務,然後整理一下紙張,還有不停 地打印。 Handling the company’s business, and tidying the papers and printing non-stop. 4. 你喜歡在空閒的時間做什麼? What do you like to do in your spare time?

回家照顧一下幼女,有時間的話就會休息一下。。。 其實都挺累的 Take care of my younger daughter at home, or take some rest if I have time. To be honest it is quite tiring. (Curry 的幼女兩歲九個月,好可愛的! ) (Curry’s younger daughter is two years and nine months old, she is very cute!) 5. Print Shop 日常生活中令你最開心的一件事? What is your happiest thing working in Print Shop?

最開心都是有些同學寄 post card 給我們,或者給手 信我們。和同學生聊天都很開心呀。 Sometimes some students will send us postcard or buy us souvenirs. Talking with students is very happy too. 6. 有什麼想跟 Knowles 裡面的學生說? What do you want to say to students in Knowles?

少通頂(熬夜),少喝可樂,不要抽那麼多煙啦。 Don’t always work overnight, drink less coca cola, smoke less.

4/F Ivan Wong

Faculty Office Staff Administrative Assistance for Teaching and Learning

1. 你在這裏做了多久? How long have you been working here?

超過五年啦,我 2012 年的五月入職 Over five years, I start working here in May 2012. 2. 用三個形容詞形容你自己的性格 Can you describe your personality with 3 adjectives.

Laid-back, 適應力強,但一方面我朋友會覺得我挺 自我。 Laid-back, adaptive, but sometimes my friends will think that I’m quite self-centred. 3. 你平時主要負責什麼工作? What kind of work are you mainly responsible for?

我 是 Faculty Office 裡 面 負 責 Teaching and Learning 和 Program 的 部 分, 包 括 成 個 Faculty Office 內 部 的 Coordination, 主 要 都 是 做 頭 和 尾 的工作,例如 facilitate program 的 admission 和 examinations。 I am responsible for teaching and learning as well as the program part in the Faculty Office. That includes the internal coordination within the whole faculty, for example facilitating the admission and examinations in programs.

4/F Ivan Wong

放鬆下自己。我也喜歡去旅行。(Ivan 去過很多地方, 大學畢業的時候有 Backpacking, 去過歐洲, 之後 還去過墨西哥,摩洛哥等地方,不能盡錄! ) I like to have dinner with my friends after work, but if I have time I will go running or hiking to relax. I love travelling too. (Ivan has been to a lot of places. He went backpacking when he graduated from university, he went to Europe, Mexico, Morocco and many more!) 5. 那你以前是在哪裏讀書的? Where did you study before?

之前是在香港讀書的,我是 City U 畢業,讀 Public and Social Administration ( 公共及社會行政 ) 。 I studied in Hong Kong and graduated from the City University of Hong Kong. I studied Public and Social Administration. 6. 但為什麼最後在這裡工作? How did you end up working here?

我 畢 業 之 後, 大 部 份 時 間 都 是 在 大 學 做 administration。之前在中大做了很多年,做過不同 的 post,輾轉之間來到 HKU 工作。 I spent most of my time doing administrative work in university after I graduated. I worked in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and did different posts, but then I somehow ended up working here in HKU. 7. 在 Knowles 裡工作最享受的一件事 What is your most enjoyable thing working in Knowles?

都是跟同學合作和相處,因為跟同學相處是舒服的, 還有可以了解現在的年輕人的想法,感覺上無那麼脫 節,可能因為 generation gap 太大啦,哈哈。有時 如果有些事情可以幫到同學的話,都會有好大滿足 感。而且因為我主要的工作事務都是處理 admission, 都會很感恩幫到 HKU 和 Faculty 收到一批好好的學 生。 Cooperating with students because getting along with them is very comfortable. I feel less disconnected with the generation because I can understand teenagers’ thoughts as well, haha. I will get satisfaction if I can help the students out. Also, I am very grateful to help HKU and the Faculty to accept a batch of wonderful students because my main duty is handling admission. 8. 有什麼想跟 Knowles 裡面的學生說? What do you want to say to students in Knowles?

少點講粗口,可能因為我自己是一個比較保守的人, 所以我自己覺得粗口是好難聽的!我覺得一個人的言 行舉止都會反映到你個人有無修養,而且社會是對大 學生有期望的,希望我們的學生可以給一個好的印象 給別人,還有尊重自己,不要因為講粗口埋沒你本身 的才華。 Say less foul language. Probably I am a more conservative person, so I think foul language is very unpleasant to hear! I think one’s language and behaviour can reflect your manners, and the society has expectations to university students, so I hope our students can give a good impression to others. Respect yourselves, do not bury your own talent due to foul languages.

4. 你喜歡在空閒的時間做什麼? What do you like to do in your spare time?



5/F Susan Staff of Department Office 1. 你在這裏做了多久? How long have you been working here?

已經超過 20 年了。 Over twenty years. 2. 你平時主要負責什麼工作? What kind of work are you mainly responsible for?

我平常都會負責處理一些和 undergraduate 相關的 事宜和部門內的 event,有時我也會幫助處理 HKU Surveying Alumni Association 的一些事宜。 I usually handle affairs related to undergraduate and events in our department. Sometimes I will also help to deal with things related to HKU Surveying Alumni Association. 3. 平常有什麼機會同學生合作? When will you cooperate with students?

都有的,例如 information day 或 SS 的 function 。 但是以前就比較多機會與學生接觸,因為以前沒現在 那麼 electronic,現在有了 email 就比較少跟學生面 對面溝通的機會。 For example, information day or functions of Surveying Society. Yet, I used to have more chances to be in touch with students because there was less electronics in the past, but now we have emails so there are fewer face-to-face communications. 4. 分享一個在 Knowles 裡面經歷過的難忘或開心回憶? Can you share an unforgettable or happy memory in Knowles?

好開心和好難忘的回憶也有很多。若果說開心的回憶 的話,應該會說是我或同事生日的時候會請壽星公吃 飯慶祝,甚至會買蛋糕一起吃。若果說難忘的回憶的 話,就是有一次 studio 發生火災,把牆都燒焦了。 同學們畢業都很難忘的,因為從 year1 看到他們畢業, 我已經把他們當成我的仔女了,他們帶著四方帽回來 找我拍照,我也很感動。 There are many memories. For happy memory, I will say it’s the birthday celebration among my colleagues. We will treat the birthday star to lunch or even buy cake to celebrate. For unforgettable memory, there was a fire hazard in studio and burnt the walls. Students’ graduation is unforgettable too. I treat them as my own children as I watch them grow since year 1, when they come back wearing their graduation cap and find me for photos, I am very touched. 5. 以前的 studio 和現在的有沒有甚麼不同? Is there anything that is different in studio now than in the past?

以前每一位 surveying 的學生都會有一張桌子。他 們經常會把六張桌子合併成一張長桌,然後和自己的 studio 組員一起坐,並且一起溫習和傾談,甚至通頂 睡覺,關係很密切。還有,以前的 studio 外牆不是用 玻璃做的,而是一幅白牆。同學們應該珍惜 studio。 In the past, each surveying student has their own desk. They always put 6 desks together, and sit with their own studio group mates to revise, chat or even sleep overnight. Their relationships were very close. Also, the walls of studio were not made of glass, it was just a plain white wall. Students should treasure their studio.


5/F Susan 6. 你喜歡在空閒的時間做什麼? What do you like to do in your spare time?

我喜歡聽 K-pop,我喜歡 BTS,EXO,BlackPink ! 現在流行聽 K-pop,所以我也會聽一下,保持心境年 輕!還有因為我住新界,所以也會種花。 I like listening to K-pop, I love BTS, EXO and BlackPink! K-pop is so popular now, so I like to listen to these songs to keep myself young! I enjoy planting flowers too because I live in the New Territories. 7. 有什麼想跟 Knowles 裡面的學生說? What do you want to say to students in Knowles?

好好珍惜大學四年的生活。Play hard, work hard, 但是讀書也很重要因為現在是計算 cumulative GPA 的,不要留到最後才發力。 Enjoy your 4 years in university. Play hard, work hard. Studying is important too because now the university is calculating the cumulative GPA, so don’t wait till the last moment to work hard.

6/F Matthew Head of Division of Landscape Architecture 1.How long have you been teaching here?

I started teaching part-time in 2003, and I have been here full-time during 2007. I’ve been head since 2008. 2.What did you like about being the head of Division of Landscape Architecture in HKU?

Actually, I never planned to be head in landscape architecture, the reason that I do it is because I am very passionate about landscape architecture. I have been working for the past few years trying to expand landscape programs, so when I started teaching there, we accepted 15 students every two years. Now we have the undergraduate and master's programs, and we admit 50 students annually, which is good! Another great moment for me over the last ten years was also the establishment of the Landscape Students Association, so students are taking a bit of control over their destiny. It allows students to take an initiative of their studies and have their own voice. Most importantly it cultivates discussions on their own views and helps each other in their studies. 3.So what have you been doing before you came to HKU?

Well, I spent half my life in Hong Kong, I came in 1991. I grew up South London, studied five years in Scotland, and I worked for few years in London, then transferred to Hong Kong. I started as a junior landscape architect, then very quickly became a senior landscape architect, then I

6/F Matthew

became the director of Urbis, then I worked at Disney. I led the landscape team for the government, so that's the inspiration lake, roads, periphery area of the theme park, that's where I got my love for building. After a few years, I worked in HKU, and this is so far the best job I have. I love doing environmental work rather than parks and gardens, which is a part of our mission in the division of landscape architecture. 4.If you were a type of plant, what would you be and why?

I always see myself as a tree, maybe some type of broad leaf tree. I grew up in a part of England where it is known for its oak woodlands, it's a very much part of my youth. It has a distinctive leaf, and a sculptural form, it’s a beautiful tree. That's where I'll go back to. Although the oak trees in Hong Kong are a very different nature, but definitely, I'll want to be a tree. 5.Is there anything you think students will be surprised to find out about you? And what do you do in your free time?

I don’t think that there's anything remarkable about me.... Hmm…. I love to cook, I love to travel, I love to hike. I studied French and Latin for many years. My Cantonese is better than I let on. During my free time, I love to read and write, I have many projects where I just build things, whether it’s helping people with landscape projects, or building stage sets for theatre companies or building the rooftop garden. I love to make pottery and do jigsaws, as it relaxes me and turns my mind off for a while. 6.If you can bring your students to some place in the world, where would it be and why?

If I were to bring my students to somewhere, I want to share with them a wonderful landscape or environment, such as Copenhagen, India, Vietnam, etc. But there's so much to see in the world and every time you go you learn something, so just go travel! You don't need me!

7/F Ka Sing

我去了法國 exchange,所以到 year 5 才多一點時間 留在 studio。 I wasn’t active in hall while I was studying bachelor, then I went to exchange in France in my master degree, so not until year 5 I have had more time to stay in studio. 3. 分享一個在 Knowles 裡面經歷過的難忘或有趣回憶? Can you share an unforgettable or interesting memory in Knowles?

我 最 難 忘 的 經 歷 是 在 某 個 orientation 和 大 家 deep sharing 。還有一次在 studio 做完功課後,回到 hall 睡覺,睡醒後卻發現已經過了 deadline。 My most unforgettable experience was the deep sharing session in an orientation. And there was one time I went back to hall to take a nap after I finished my assignment in studio, but I realised I have passed the deadline once I was awake. 4. 你覺得現在的學生如何?有沒有甚麼想和他們說? What do think of the students nowadays? Are there anything you want to say to them?

我認為現在的學生比較辛苦,因為現在的競爭多了, 不少學生都會在暑假的時候做 internship 吸收經驗。 I think being a student nowadays is harder because there are more competitions and many students will do internship in summer to get working experience. 我希望你們可以不要太介意人工,吸收多些經驗。並 且可以找到你的興趣的事繼續你的人生。 I hope you won’t mind about your income too much, focus on getting more experience and find something that you are interested in to live your life.

8/F Connie Teacher Assistant 1. 你在 HKU 負責教什麼? What do you teach in HKU?

Common Core:Sustainable Urban Development and Hong Kong Urban Year 4:Urban Policy in Government

7/F Ka Sing

Leturer, BA(Conservation) Director

1. 你在這裏做了多久? How long have you been working here?

我 2004 年 便 開 始 做 Research Assistant。 後 來 轉 到 ACA 做 Teacher Assistant, 而 先 前 也 曾 在 Architecture 幫忙。 I was a research assistant since 2004, then I came to ACA to be a teacher assistant. Before that I once helped in Architecture too. 2. 你的學生時代是怎樣的? How was your days as a student?

2. 為甚麼你會在 HKU 做 Teacher Assistant? Why did you choose to be a teacher assistant in HKU?

我先前是在 planning department 做 town planning graduate 的, 但 因 為 我 不 太 喜 歡 這 份 工 作。 而 我 本身都對研究有點興趣,所以最後決定做 research assistant, 而 當 中 我 亦 有 幫 忙 做 教 書 的 工 作, 我 認 為 教 書 都 頗 適 合 我。 所 以 當 HKU 招 聘 Teacher assistant 的時候,我便 apply 了。 I was a town planning graduate in planning department, but I don’t really like this job. However, I am interested in research so I decided to be a research assistant. I also helped teaching in that job, and I think teaching is quite suitable for me. Therefore, I applied for teacher assistant when HKU was hiring one.

我讀 bachelor 的時候經常潛 hall,而 master 的時候


8/F Connie 3. 你的學生時代是怎樣的? How was your days as a student?

我認為在 HKU 讀 master 的時候好 chur,當時剛從 加拿大回來,所以我覺得香港的學生「好 chur 得」。 I think it was very tedious when I was studying master in HKU. At that time, I just came back from Canada so I think students in Hong Kong have high endurance. 4. 分享一個在 Knowles 裡面經歷過的有趣回憶? Can you share an unforgettable or interesting memory in Knowles?

我 有 一 次 通 頂 出 panel 的 時 候, 因 為 沒 有 睡 覺 所 以 有 很 多 typo, 就 連 標 題 也 打 錯 了, 最 後 是 在 做 presentation 的時候才發現。現在我的 panel 還掛在 8/F,然後我每天走過 8/F 都會看到那個 typo。 There was one time when I worked overnight to do panels. I got a lot of typo, even the title has something typed wrong, because of the lack of sleep. I only found out when I was doing presentation. Now my panel is still hanging in 8/ F, and I see that typo everyday I walk pass 8/F. 5. 有什麼想跟 Knowles 裡面的學生說? What do you want to say to students in Knowles?

藉著讀書的時候多點體驗不同的事。而且在空閒的時 候可以多點走出 studio,由香港大學附近開始走一 走,西營盤、堅尼地城有不少特別的地方,還有可以 培養多些興趣,增廣見聞。 Experience different things when you are studying. Go out of studio when you are free, walk around near HKU, there are lots of special places in Sai Ying Pun and Kennedy Town. You should also develop more interest and broaden your horizon.


8/F Department of Urban Planning and Design 7/F Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes 6/F Division of Landscape Architecture 5/F Department of Real Estate and Construction 4/F Faculty Office/ Printing Shop 3/F Department of Architecture 15

院際體育比賽 Inter-Faculty Sports Competition 院際女子足球比賽 Inter-Faculty Women’s Soccer Competition 十月十日下午,我們與牙醫學院進行了女 子足球比賽。面對對方的健兒,我們一眾 選手使出渾身解數,發揮出色的表現!雖 然最終以 4-0 不敵牙醫學院,但各位選手 都十分享受比賽過程,展現了體育精神! 感謝一眾選手!

早前,建築學會參加了各項院際體育比賽, 各位選手都使出了渾身解數,場內場外氣氛 都十分高漲!讓我們一同回顧當日的精彩片 段吧! Architectural Society has participated in different Inter-Faculty Sports Competitions in the past few months. All participants tried their best and the atmosphere was very intense! Let’s have a review!

Inter-Faculty Female Soccer Competition was held on 10th October. Our participants strived hard and performed well in the match against Dental Society. Although we didn’t win the match, our participants enjoyed the process and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship!

院際女子羽毛球比賽 Inter-Faculty Women’s Badminton Competition 建築學會於十月十二日出戰女子羽毛球 比賽對法律學院。比賽十分緊張刺激, 在雙方爭持下毫不氣餒,最後不敵對 手,獲得 3-0 的成績。再次感謝選手們 的努力和到場人士的支持! Inter-Faculty Badminton Competition was held on 12th October. The competition was intense and both sides tried their best. Thanks to all participants and audiences!

院際女子籃球比賽 Inter-Faculty Women’s Basketball Competition 我們與牙醫學院的選手進行了女子籃球比賽! 兩隊選手都施展了渾身解數,不斷進攻!最終 我們以 21:30 的比數不敵牙醫學院,但選手和 在場的觀眾都十分享受賽事! The Inter-Faculty Women’s Basketball Competition was successfully held.️‍ We competed with the Faculty of Dentistry, and both teams strived in the match! Eventually, we lost to the opponent by 21:30, but all our players and audience enjoyed the match a lot!


今年建築學會舉辦了一年一度的迎新,歡迎一 班 Freshmen 的到來! ASO17 was held in summer to welcome our Freshmen who are new to this Faculty and Society! 八月中旬,我們舉行了一連五日的 ASO17,希 望藉此幫助 Freshmen 融入大學生活。在這五 日當中,各組都歷盡高低,共同經歷過挫折與 喜樂,與組 mate 和組爸媽建立了深厚的感情, 留下了深刻難忘的回憶!希望下年的 ASO 能夠 再次見到你們! Throughout the 5 days of Orientation, each group had undergone ups and downs and shared their sorrows and happiness together. They created unforgettable memories and bonding was deepened among members of each group. Hope to see you all in ASO18!




今年的 service project 我們與不同的團體合 作,為低收入家庭設計和製作傢俱。目的是 希望透過我們學院的學生的建築相關知識去 服務社會。第一階段已經於十月完成,當日 參加者分別前往不同的家庭進行探訪,通過 實地考察以及和居民聊天從而了解他們的需 求,並初步構思了傢俱的設計。下一步他們 將會把紙上的設計化為現實,最後把這些度 身訂造的傢俱作為禮物送給居民。 In this year's service project, we are collaborating with different organizations to design and construct furnitures for low-incomes families. Our goal is to serve the society using the architecturerelated knowledge that our students have. The first phrase of the project has completed in October. Participants visited different families to understand their needs through observing the homes and chatting with the residents. The next step will be turning the drafted designs into real furnitures as a gift to the residents.


















S er vic e Proje c t Gro u p 5


Partition Wall

Ser vice Project Group 5


Open Window



Window ow Sill


hinge hinge

Daughter’s Bed

450 820 Span

Partition Wall





Partition Wall

Living Room

200 Partition Wall


450 50

250 350 hinge


Open Windo ws


Closed Windo w





900 400





Sliding door

Sliding door

Daughter’s Bed


*Not in scale to be confirme d

一年一度的開工大吉已經在九月二十七日順利舉行 我 ! 們 很 榮 幸 能 邀 請 到 多 位 嘉 賓, 包 括 建 築 學 院 院 長 Prof. 為我們致詞,以及何偉明先生為我們即席揮毫。 Webster 當日除了有舞龍舞獅表演,不同班也表演了班 cheers 和 切燒豬,場面十分熱鬧!

The Opening Ceremony was successfully held on 27th September! We were honoured to have invited our Dean, Prof. Webster to deliver a speech as well as Mr. Dominic Ho to write the Chinese calligraphy for us. Besides the lion dance performance, different classes also performed their class cheers and cut the roasted pig, which created a lively and joyful atmosphere.

開工大吉是建築學會的傳統活動,參照了建築界的動土 儀式。活動不但象徵著新學年的開始,亦祝福建築學院 的各位能在未來一年事事順利。感謝大家的參與和支持, 最後也再次祝願大家開工大吉!

Opening Ceremony is a traditional event of Architectural Society. It is based on the Chinese groundbreaking ceremony at the beginning of constructions. The event does not only marks the start of a new academic year, but also gives blessings to our members. Thank you all for your participation and wish you to have a good start and fruitful year ahead!



Knowles Carnival 已 經 在 11 月 8 至 10 日 順 利 舉 行! 我 們 派 發 了 福 利 包, 並 設 有 遊 戲、 攝 影 攤 位 等, 大 家 都 很 開 心 滿 足! 由 Freshmen 組 成 的 Organising Team 亦分別在三天策劃了不同 活 動 給 members 參 加, 包 括 鬼 屋、Running Man 及 密 室 逃 脫。 參加者亦很盡興,謝謝 OT 們的努 力和投入! Knowles Carnival was successfully held from 8th to 10th October! We have distributed welfare packs and set up games and photo booth, everyone was happy and satisfied! Some of our freshmen have formed organizing teams to organize different activities for members in the 3 days respectively, including haunted house, running man and room escape! Participants had lots of fun, thanks to the hard work and engagement of the OTs!


如果有看過《哈利波特》的話,應該對學生身穿長袍,於 英式長桌之間進餐這個場景不會感到陌生。其實那個場景 就是源自英國的高桌晚宴,也是香港大學的傳統活動之 一!我們在 2018 年一月二十四日亦會舉辦高桌晚宴,如 果大家想體驗於陸佑堂裏穿上綠袍進餐,便記得在網上或 向各位 EXCO 購票! If you have watched Harry Potter before, you should be familiar with the scenes of students wearing long robes and having dinner together. In fact it is a high table dinner, which is also one of the traditional events in HKU! We will organise a high table dinner on 24th January, 2018 as well. If you want to experience wearing green gown and enjoying a dinner in Loke Yew Hall, do remember to come to purchase a ticket online or from our EXCOs!


你可以透過以下網址購票: You can purchase your ticket in the following link:

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