“Vibrant Connections: Exploring Emotional Landscapes”

“Vibrant Connections: Exploring Emotional Landscapes”
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Jenni Souter’s art is a celebration of color, human experience, and spiritual connection. Her paintings capture the chapters of her life, deeply influenced by her identity as an empath and lightworker. Believing in the beauty and symbolism of organic life, Souter’s work reflects her love for nature and her spiritual conviction that everything happens for a reason. Each stroke weaves together scenes of shared human experiences, reflecting the joy, complexity, and dynamic movement of life.
Souter’s fearless use of vibrant oranges, reds, blues, and purples breathes life into her paintings, inviting viewers to step into her ethereal worlds. These colors are integral to her storytelling, accentuating the interplay between light and mood. Utilizing a new line of Pebeo paints, she achieves dramatic color effects reminiscent of stained glass, as seen in her “Ode to Monet.”
Her work acts as a conduit between the abstract and the tangible, fostering a discourse about the allure of the ordinary and the shared experiences that shape us. She aims to provoke internal analysis by prompting viewers to ponder the meaning and symbolism in her art. Her paintings, like “Ode to Van Gogh and Ophelia,” challenge viewers to delve deeper, uncovering layers of personal significance and universal truths.
Exploring themes of interconnectivity, Souter captures the delicate interplay of light and shadow, mirroring our inner landscapes. Her philosophical view of art as a medium for expressing universal truths about life, love, and community is evident in her masterful brushwork.
Each canvas invites us to pause, contemplate, and delight in the hues of our surroundings, valuing the simple moments that form the fabric of human experience.
Souter employs a variety of mediums including oil, clay, acrylics, and pastels, believing that working in a single medium is restrictive to her artistic process. Each idea manifests in its own individual style, allowing her to explore the full spectrum of her creativity. Through her portrayal of significant events and experiences, Souter offers hope and comfort to those suffering in silence, making her art a powerful testament to resilience and emotional richness.
“Brothers Playing at The Beach” Mixed Media with Pebeo Paint, 8”x 8”CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR ARTISTIC STYLE?
Internationally known, Jenni Souter says,” My art is a pleasing aesthetic experience. After the suicide of a loved one, I began to be able to see the world using the abstract color of a rainbow. My art has a decadent metallic underpainting with a jolly rancher-like final coat, which is a pure, colorful, bold eye candy. I use translucent Pebeo oil paints and invite you to look at www.jennisouterartist. com or Instagram: https://www. instagram.com/js.artgallery/. Enjoy! I worked very hard during COVID and made artwork covering many subjects, including landscapes and flowers like O’Keeffe. Perhaps I most identify with Mary Cassatt’s subject matter of children because motherhood has been paramount for me, and now I get to share the joys of motherhood with you.”
“Known Internationally, some call Jenni the new “Mary Cassatt “of the art world.” I paint the chapters of my life. I am very connected to the living world as an empath and lightworker. I love my life and nature, and I’m very spiritual, believing everything happens for a reason.
My creations identify the painter as someone who sees their organic life as beautiful, natural, and symbolic but at times tumultuous. Similarly, I am knowledgeable and have a deep
appreciation for the painting Masters and their techniques to which I pay homage.
I want the viewer of my art to be captivated by my use of beautiful, bold colors. I have been able to accomplish this dramatic color effect through the use of a new line of paints called Pebeo. Pebeo can be transparent, like stained glass. I use rich metallic paints before topping it off with what looks like a candy coating. For example, if I need a blue area, I use metallic blue frost. Then I added Pebeo Sky blue over it to give it depth, bursting with bright layers of vivid colors that I am pleased with. I have used groupings of pleasing colors in many series of paintings, with my favorite being the Rainbow Series, but I also love my Americana Series with rusty patriotic colors. Most of my paintings focus on the subject matter of children, such as Mary Cassatt, and I group them. I want to say that I feel so blessed because my favorite artists, who were my role models, suffered because I did not have children. I am proud to say I both raised and painted art for children.”
“When I was five years old, I told my mom I loved art the best and wanted
“Boys on The River” Mixed Media with Pebeo Paint, 8”x 8” “Brothers Skipping Rocks on the River” Mixed Media with Pebeo Paint, 8”x 8”to be an artist. She said,” You might need more money, so why don’t you become an art teacher too?
“Then, I only received art supplies for Christmas gifts, which helped me become confident in my craft because I had many experiences with every type of media.”
“In addition to my attention to vivid color, I am very concerned with the viewers’ internal experience of my paintings. I am trying to provoke an internal analysis of my work by prompting the viewer to ponder such questions as:
● What do I see?
● What prompted the artist to paint this picture?
● What is the meaning or message behind this painting?
● What is the symbolism(if any) that is represented in this artwork?
As a family does, Can you identify and interpret the joy and love felt while looking at Jenni Souter’s art?
One of her students looked at other art for the first time and reacted,” The color is a gift.” Other students have
said that after looking at the Rainbow Series, they feel “calm, peaceful, vibrant, creative, and beautiful.” They described the art as” pretty, adventurous, successful, in control, happy, thoughtful, fire, like a sunrise, challenging, different from other art, diverse, and colorful.”
“Indeed. I know God is in control because it is amazing that I am here, and I treat my life as a blessing. Why?
My mother told me that her Dr. would ride over every night to advise her to get an abortion in New York. She was Catholic and did not feel that was right. She felt so stressed, and I believe this affected my chemistry and made me anxious. My mother stated she had to give me up for adoption because the man she was dating said, “All children that were not his blood would be killed.” She put me up for adoption, and at the time I was brought into the world, she was not allowed to bond or even hold me. I was not given to my adopted parents until November 1.
“Thank You for The Flowers” Mixed Media with Pebeo Paint, 8”x 8” “Son Takes Care of my Dad’s T-Bird” Mixed Media with Pebeo Paint, 8”x 8”Therefore, that parent/child bond that creates a confident child did not come to pass. This trauma for a sensitive person like myself made a great weight of insecurity until I matured after major personal trials of persecution at work and home. I learned to get out of unhealthy situations, no matter the cost. I now can envision myself in a bubble, practicing positivity and peace, not letting negative experiences in the world get to my core for my health as I have been diagnosed with cancer.
I welcome you to enjoy the chapters of life that I share with you in my art. I have 1000 pieces of artwork, and I hope to make people smile as I smile at my boys, who bring me such joy and laughter. In addition, God had awarded me a beautiful man as my children are now grown adults. I could not wish for anything more. I am at peace as my life has been magical, complete, perfect. I would love to share a part of my life with you while I am still here. Please reach out at: www.jennisouterartist.com .”
● Publisher Award July 2018
Art and Beyond Magazine;
● Scarub Club induction in Detroit, MI;
● The private collections of Jenni Souter have been published, recognized, and exhibited in Hollywood Ca., NYC, and Miami, FL. Columbus, Ohio; Detroit, MI.; Bowling Green, Oh.; Monoco, Canada; Japan; Spain; London, Greece; United Arab of Emeritus, Africa; Germany; Rome, Austria, China, Singapore,& the Louvre in France.
Life is an obstacle course. See the ups and downs like a rollercoaster. God is running the tram. Trust Him even if you don’t understand why things are happening. If you are an artist, draw every chapter. Listen to music that makes you feel good. (I listened to “Lose Yourself” and manifested my artistic success.) Smile and try to do your best as if God is watching because He is. Get 8 hours of sleep. Post Mother Theresa’s Poem, “Anyway.”Love the tribe that loves you. Live by the Golden Rule.