Diss Matters Winter 2022

Page 31

Spread a little Christmas cheer – for free! With the current cost of living crisis and the

Day 7. When making a meal, make extra

added expense of Christmas on its way,

and give to someone you know is very busy

this season can often be a daunting time

Day 8. Start a friendly conversation with a

for many… what presents to buy, how


much to spend, how many to buy for? It’s

Day 9. Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog

important to remind ourselves that

Day 10. Make Christmas cards for nursing

Christmas isn’t all about how much money

home residents

you spend on others but the quality time

Day 11. Visit a relative or friend for a cuppa

you spend together and the Christmas

and chat

cheer you spread along the way.

Day 12. Compliment someone on their customer service Day 13. Help someone put up their Christmas decorations Day 14. Bake a cake for your colleagues Day 15. Visit someone who is experiencing loneliness Day 16. Hide a friendly note in a public place Day 17. Send an inspirational quote to a friend Day 18. Tell someone you know that you

Take part in our Acts of Kind-DISS Advent

are proud of them

Calendar! Perform one act of kindness

Day 19. Help with a household chore at

every day for 25 days. It’s that simple-

home or for a friend

spread a little joy and you’ll feel good for it

Day 20. Go for a walk or drive with

too! Give it a try:

family/friends to see Christmas lights in your community

Day 1. Give someone a compliment today

Day 21. Leave a Christmas card or gift for

Day 2. Bake some goodies and give to

your postal delivery worker


Day 22. Invite family or friends round for

Day 3. Pick up some rubbish lying around

Christmas nibbles and drinks

in the street

Day 23. Give a gift to a neighbour (children

Day 4. Make and send a care package to

could draw a picture for a neighbour)

someone who needs it

Day 24. Spend quality time with a loved

Day 5. Let someone go ahead of you in a

one- Watch a Christmas film or programme

queue Day 6. Have a clear out and take items to a charity shop

Diss Matters Winter 2022 31

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Articles inside

DYCC: A space for all

pages 41-43

More Tea, Vicar? A farewell to Canon Billett

page 44

Tudor Bakehouse Recipe

pages 45-48

Cinnamon Buns by Brownie & The Bean

pages 39-40

DDNP – 7 Parishes in Partnership

pages 37-38

Diss Litter Picking Group celebrates 1st birthday

page 36

Flour & Bean Recipe

page 35

Festivities at Bressingham Steam Museum

pages 29-30

Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar

pages 31-34

Police: Building Communities, Beating Crime

page 28

Christmas events at The Corn Hall

page 24

Waveney Rotary Club

page 27

Diss Museum – Memories of the Flicks

pages 25-26

Diss U3A Group: Learn, Laugh and Live

page 23

Catch Up with Park Radio

page 20

Diss Royal British Legion: A branch for everybody

page 21

Festive fun at Diss Methodist Church

page 22

A Mayoral Update

pages 18-19

Join Diss Arts Society – reveal your creative side

page 13

Council News

pages 4-5

Diss Historian’s Charity Calendar on sale now Your local Youth Group needs you! Carol Concert tickets on sale now

page 17

Community Fridge: Anyone can give, Anyone can take

pages 11-12

A Woodland Walk with Parish Fields Friends

page 7

Meet your new Town Councillors

pages 14-15

New faces at DTC

page 6

The Big Switch-On in Diss

pages 8-9
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