Art Business News Spring 2016 Digital Edition

Page 59

“Leaving Summer,” by Ann Rea

is added value beyond the art. Her patrons see more than art; they remember an experience. For some, Rea’s approach is simply too commercial—a sell-out. Rea, however, insists she is selling art without selling out. “If you want to truly deliver unique value and a passionate mission that will resonate with other people, you cannot sell out. You have to absolutely stand firm in who you are and what you stand for. And know your values. And never, ever compromise. “When you submit to the art establishment and try and figure out [its] crazy rules, that’s more of a sell-out.” Recently, Rea’s easel time has had to take a backseat to her seminars and


consulting. But at the start of 2016, she says she’s determined to bring her art back to the fore. The sudden death of two close friends has added new urgency and perspective. “Life is precious—and short,” she says. Even so, she’s not ready to cede the bully pulpit. She recently relaunched her Making Art Making Money website with a renewed determination to free fellow artists from a wait-to-bediscovered mindset. “The new creative class of artists is leveraging the Internet to reach [its] target market and delivering a unique value proposition. That’s the type of artist I can help. “Artists need to take their power back. It’s long overdue.” ABN

“You don’t want to sell art. Why? Because selling art sucks. You want to create value above and beyond your art and sell that.”


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