Peripheral ARTeries Art Review August 2014

Page 20

Peripheral ARTeries

Eike Waltz (Germany/USA) An artist’s statement

I am with my dearling wife Sheila known to many as a passionate painter and a smile for everyone. Known to me as my inspiration, my everything. I could not have a better supporter. Our home is the Monterey Bay, California, better known to us as our paradise. My journey started in Germany, via 14 years in England which I left with a heavy heart to finally become an US citizen. Since everybody’s passion has been shaped by their past, a little bit of my background: I was born in Germany at the dawn of WWII. My playground was hysteria, fear, physical and mental devastation, ruins and ruined life everywhere. After graduating in the 50s from an all boy business school I choose to become an “engineer” working in a dimly lit factory 6 days a week, 12 hours per day and a pay which started at an impressive 5 dollars per month. At night time I closed my eyes and listened to the American Forces Networks and dwelt in Rock & Roll. During June of 1958 a friend asked me to join the local theater as an extra for the upcoming open air season. Reluctantly, I agreed and never regretted it. A whole unknown world opened up. I felt simply awakened and my fascination was crowned by watching my first ever ballet rehearsal. Never before had I seen such graceful girls called ballerinas. I was in awe. From thereon, events developed breathtakingly fast. The ballet mistress Magda Karder promoted me to be an extra for the ballet. Now I was to touch and hold these graceful ballerinas. Touch and hold tight, and I was paid 5 dollars not per month but per performance. I was in heaven. Was I holding tight. I became a professional classical ballet dancer looking back at a 12 year career. The stage became my mother, my father, my brother, my sister and my lover. Yes, I did learn that ballet is not only about pretty ballerinas but an Art Form demanding total dedication and sacrifices. An art form with a span of a butterfly’s life. Beautiful but short. An art form which taught me what professionalism is all about. 20

#196 Winter

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