Peripheral ARTeries Art Review, Special Edition, Autumn 2016

Page 164




Special Edition

Contemporary Art

basics of her sense of workload, but also specify the scale of her cultural affiliation. My literary palette has shaped the parameters of my inner world and, in particular, my country Mrania (translated from "I come from God and I go to it"), such as history, culture, mythology, poetics, pathetics and dynamics of my entire expression. It is I recreate it in painting by positioning the atrocious, through the sensory perception of art. The results of your artistic inquiry convey a coherent sense of unity that rejects any conventional classification. We would suggest to our readers that they visit kova in order to get a synoptic view of your work. While walking our readers through your usual process and setup, can you tell them something about the evolution of your style? In particular, what did address you to focus on ĐšreaNishava representing the culture of Mrania? My whole life is built up through the basic principles and laws of the SPECIAL ISSUE


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