Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - Special Edition

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Special Edition

Contemporary Art

Peripheral ARTeries meets

Gili Tzidon Lives and works in Hod Hasharon, Israel Adressing the viewers to a multilayered visual experience, photographer Gili Tzidon's work provides her spectatorship with an intense, immersive experience. In her A Still Small Voice series that we'll be discussing in the following pages, she successfully attempts to trigger the spectatorship's perceptual parameters. One of the most impressive aspects of Tzidon's work is the way it accomplishes the difficult task conveying a captivating sense of the absurd, capable of revealing theatrical moments that quietly rebel against the society of spectacle: we are very pleased to introduce our readers to her stimulating and multifaceted artistic production.

An interview by Josh Ryder, curator and Barbara Scott, curator

artists, active in Israel and abroad. Such experiences enriched my perception of art's role in our cultural life. My studies exposed me to a wide range of approaches, concept development, choosing locations etc. They guided by my lecturers’ help, I've gained access to remarkable works by many leading philosophers, thus enhancing my knowledge and influencing my present and future work. Such influence on a cultural data base on my work, style and the process itself, is enormous, but I assume it applies to any artist. I prefer accepting distinct cultural influences, - rather than rejecting them; both as an Israeli and as a person living in a westernized country.

Hello Gili and welcome to Peripheral ARTeries: we would start this interview with a couple of questions regarding your background. You have a solid formal training and you recently graduated from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design: how does this experience influence the way you currently conceive and produce your works? And in particular, how does your cultural background addresses you as a creative? Shalom to Peripheral ARTeries Magazine, please allow me to thank you for hosting me and for giving me the opportunity to present my work to your audience. After having graduating from the Bezalel Academy, I became aware to what extent my studies contributed to my work’s development. Besides the technical and academic materials, I was exposed to lectures given by renown


Your works convey a coherent sense of unity, that rejects any conventional classification. Before starting to elaborate about your production, we would suggest to our readers to visit in order to get a synoptic view of your work: in the meanwhile, would you like to tell to our readers something about your process and set


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