Confluence bibliography by omar berrada

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CONFLUENCE A short bibliography assembled by Omar Berrada for Art Jameel


M. Abonnenc, L. Arndt, C. Lozano (eds). Crawling Doubles: Colonial Collecting and Affect Ariella Azoulay. The Civil Contract of Photography Ariella Azoulay. Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography A. Balbale, J. Dodds, M.R. Menocal. The Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture Hans Belting. Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science Ursula Biemann & Paulo Tavares. Forest Law / Selva Juridica Kamal Boullata (ed). Belonging and Globalisation: Critical Essays in Contemporary Art and Culture Jill H. Casid & Aruna D'Souza (eds). Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn James Elkins (ed). Is Art History Global? Jean Fisher & Gerardo Mosquera (eds). Over Here: International Perspectives on Art and Culture Barry Flood. Objects of Translation: Material Culture and Medieval “Hindu-Muslim� Encounter Maria Hlavajova & Ranjit Hoskote (eds). Future Publics (The Rest Can and Should Be Done by the People): A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art Eungie Joo (ed). Rethinking Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education Isaac Julien. Geopoetics Nina Katchadourian. Sorted Books Bouchra Khalili. Foreign Office Bouchra Khalili. Story Mapping Saloni Mathur (ed). The Migrant's Time: Rethinking Art History and Diaspora Kobena Mercer (ed). Cosmopolitan Modernisms Kobena Mercer (ed). Exiles, Diasporas & Strangers Michael Rakowitz. Backstroke of the West

Irit Rogoff. Terra Infirma: Geography’s Visual Culture Allan Sekula. Fish Story Slavs & Tatars. Friendship of Nations Hakan Topal & Guven Incirlioglu (eds). The Sea-Image: Visual Manifestations of Port Cities and Global Waters Muntadas: Entre/Between Picasso in Palestine (A Prior magazine) ‫ في أدب الصداقة‬.‫عبد الرحمن منيف & مروان قصاب باشي‬ ١٩٤٨ – ١٨٥٠ ‫التصوير المحلي المبكر في فلسطين‬: ‫ لقطات مغايرة‬.‫عصام نصار‬

2. LITERATURE Etel Adnan. Of Cities and Women - Letters to Fawwaz )‫فواز طرابلسي‬ ّ ‫ رسائل إلى‬:‫ عن مدن ونساء‬.‫إيتل عدنان‬ ّ :‫فواز (ت‬ Etel Adnan. There: In the Light and the Darkness of the Self and of the Other )‫ سركون بولص‬:‫هناك (ت‬: ‫ في ضياء وظلمة النفس واآلخر‬.‫إيتل عدنان‬ Gloria Anzaldua. Borderlands/La Frontera Caroline Bergvall. Drift Lawrence Durrell. The Alexandria Quartet ‫ بلتازار‬.‫لورانس داريل‬ ‫ جوستين‬.‫لورانس داريل‬ ‫ كليا‬.‫لورانس داريل‬ ‫ ماونت أوليف‬.‫لورانس داريل‬ Brian Friel. Translations Jean Genet. Prisoner of Love ‫ أسير عاشق‬.‫جان جينيه‬ Bessie Head. Maru Maylis de Kerangal. Birth of a Bridge Abdelkebir Khatibi. Love in Two Languages Rachida Madani. Tales of a Severed Head Anton Shammas. Arabesques Ahdaf Soueif. The Map of Love )‫ فاطمة موسى‬:‫ خارطة الحب )ت‬.‫أهداف سويف‬ Derek Walcott. Omeros

Marina Warner. Indigo ‫ مالك الحزين‬.‫إبراهيم أصالن‬ ‫ لعبة النسيان‬.‫محمد برادة‬ ‫ الوقائع الغريبة في اختفاء سعيد أبي النحس المتشائل‬.‫إميل حبيبي‬ Emile Habiby. The Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist ‫الباب المفتوح‬. ‫لطيفة الزيات‬ Latifa al-Zayat. The Open Door ‫ساق البامبو‬. ‫سعود السنعوسي‬ Saud Alsanousi. The Bamboo Stalk ‫ الساق على الساق فيما هو الفارياق‬.‫أحمد فارس الشدياق‬ Ahmad Faris Shidyaq. Leg Over Leg ‫ ورد ورماد‬.‫محمد شكري & محمد برادة‬ ‫ موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال‬.‫الطيب صالح‬ Tayeb Salih. Season of Migration to the North ‫ أطياف‬.‫رضوى عاشور‬ Radwa Ashour. Specters ‫ أيام طالبة مصرية في أمريكا‬:‫ الرحلة‬.‫رضوى عاشور‬ Radwa Ashour. The Journey: Memoirs of an Egyptian Woman Student in America )‫ أمل ديبو‬:‫ (ت‬.‫ رحلة الى جبل تملباييس‬.‫إيتل عدنان‬ Etel Adnan. Journey to Mount Tamalpais; Amers editions (Bilingual edition) ‫ فتنة جدة‬.‫مقبول موسى العلوي‬ ‫ ال أحد ينام في اإلسكندرية‬.‫إبراهيم عبد المجيد‬ Ibrahim Abdel Meguid. No One Sleeps in Alexandria ‫عالم بال خرائط‬. ‫عبد الرحمن منيف & جبرا إبراهيم جبرا‬

Travel Literature Sir Richard Burton. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Madinah and Meccah C. M. Cursetjee. The Land of the Date Charles Montagu Doughty. Travels in Arabia Deserta Elizabeth Warnock Fernea. Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village T.E. Lawrence. Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. The Turkish Embassy Letters

William Gifford Palgrave. Personal Narrative of a Year’s Journey Through Central and Eastern Arabia, 1862-63 Jonathan Raban. Arabia Through the Looking Glass G. Rex Smith (ed). A Traveller in Thirteenth-Century Arabia: Ibn al-Mujawir’s Tarikh alMustabsir Freya Stark. Baghdad Sketches Muhammad al-Tunisi. In Darfur: An Account of the Sultanate and Its People (vol. 1 & 2, bilingual Ar-Eng) ‫ روايات غربية عن رحالت في شبه الجزيرة العربية‬.‫عبد العزيز إبراهيم‬ ‫) الجزء األول‬1840 ‫ ـ‬1500( ‫( الجزء الثاني‬1850 - 1880) ‫( الجزء الثالث‬1900 - 1952) ‫ تحفة النظار في غرائب األمصار وعجائب األسفار‬.‫ابن بطوطة‬ (‫)رحلة ابن بطوطة‬ ‫ الجغرافيا والرحالت عند العرب‬.‫نقوال زيادة‬ ‫ تخليص االبريز في تلخيص باريز‬.‫رفاعة الطهطاوى‬ ‫ كتاب صفة جزيرة العرب‬.‫أبو محمد الهمداني‬


Language Contact / Creole / Pidgin J. Barnabe, P. Chamoiseau and R. Confiant. In Praise of Creoleness (Eloge de la créolité). Gallimard, Paris, 127 p. (bilingual) John Holm. An Introduction to Pidgins and Creoles (Cambridge UP, 2000) Mark Sebba. Contact Languages: Pidgins and Creoles (Macmillan, 1997) Kees Versteegh. Pidginization and Creolization: The Case of Arabic (John Benjamins, 1984) Kees Versteegh. The Arabic Language (Edinburgh UP, 2014) ‫ تاريخها ومستوياتها وتأثيرها‬:‫ اللغة العربية‬.‫كيس فرستيغ‬

Translation Theory and History Michael Allan. In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colonial Egypt Emily Apter. The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature

Emily Apter. Against World Literature: On the Poetics of Untranslatability Mona Baker. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account Mona Baker (ed). Critical Readings in Translation Studies Hamid Dabashi. Can Non-Europeans Think? Souleymane Bachir Diagne. African Art as Philosophy: Senghor, Bergson, and the Idea of Negritude Jacques Derrida. Monolingualism of the Other; or, The Prosthesis of Origin ‫ أحادية اآلخر اللغوية‬.‫جاك دريدا‬ Dimitri Gutas. Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early ‘Abbasid Society Margaret Litvin. Hamlet's Arab Journey: Shakespeare’s Prince and Nasser’s Ghost Aamir Mufti. Forget English! Orientalisms and World Literatures Ngugi wa Thiong’o. Globalectics: Theory and the Politics of Knowing Lawrence Venuti (ed.). The Translation Studies Reader ‫ الترجمة والحرف أو مقام البعد‬.‫أنطوان برمان‬ ‫ شعرية الترجمة وترجمة الشعر عند العرب‬:‫ حصة الغريب‬.‫كاظم جهاد‬ ‫ ضيافة الغريب‬.‫عبد السالم بنعبد العالي‬ ‫ في الترجمة‬.‫عبد السالم بنعبد العالي‬ ‫ الفكر اليوناني والثقافة العربية‬.‫ديمتري غوتاس‬ ‫ تحوالت المفهوم في ارتحاله‬:‫ أقلمة المفاهيم‬.‫عمر كوش‬ ‫ لن تتكلم لغتي‬.‫عبد الفتاح كيليطو‬ Abdelfattah Kilito. Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language

4. THEORY & HISTORY OF CULTURAL ENCOUNTER Ammiel Alcalay. After Jews and Arabs: Remaking Levantine Culture Arjun Appadurai. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization Tarek El-Ariss. Trials of Arab Modernity: Literary Affects and the New Political Homi Bhabha. The Location of Culture Dipesh Chakrabarty. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference James Clifford. Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century

‫ مسارات الرحلة والترجمة في زمن العولمة‬.‫جيمس كليفورد‬ Miriam Cook. Tribal Modern: Branding New Nations in the Arab Gulf Miriam Cook & Bruce B. Lawrence (eds). Muslim Networks: from Hajj to Hip Hop Kay Dickinson. Arab Cinema Travels: Transnational Syria, Palestine, Dubai and Beyond Peter Galison. Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics Simon Gikandi. Slavery and the Culture of Taste Paul Gilroy. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Edouard Glissant. Poetics of Relation Stefano Harney and Fred Moten. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study Tsitsi Jaji. Africa in Stereo: Modernism, Music, and Pan-African Solidarity CLR James. Beyond a Boundary Lisa Lowe. The Intimacies of Four Continents Nabil Matar. Britain and Barbary, 1589-1689 Nabil Matar. Europe Through Arab Eyes, 1578-1727 Nabil Matar. Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery Maria Rosa Menocal. The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History ‫ الدور العربي في التاريخ األدبي للقرون الوسطى‬.‫ماريا روزا مينوكال‬ Maria Rosa Menocal. The Ornament of the World ‫ إسالم الحضارة وثقافة التسامح‬:‫ األندلس العربية‬.‫ماريا روزا مينوكال‬ Ronald A. Messier & James A. Miller. The Last Civilized place: Sijilmasa and Its Saharan Destiny Pankaj Mishra. From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia Pankaj Mishra. Temptations of the West: How to be Modern in India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Beyond Stefania Pandolfo. Knot of the Soul: Madness, Psychoanalysis, Islam Mary Louise Pratt. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation Tarik Sabry (ed). Arab Cultural Studies: Mapping the Field Tarik Sabry & Layal Ftouni (eds). Arab Subcultures: Transformations in Theory and Practice Tarik Sabry. Cultural Encounters in the Arab World: On Media, the Modern and the Everyday

Edward Said. Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient Edward Said. Culture and Imperialism Omnia El Shakry. The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in Modern Egypt Ella Shohat. On the Arab-Jew, Palestine, and Other Displacements Ann Laura Stoler & Frederick Cooper (eds). Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World José Miguel Puerta Vilchez. La poética del agua en el islam /The Poetics of Water in Islam Marina Warner. Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights ‫ مشاهد فاتنة من وحي ألف ليلة وليلة‬:‫ السحر األغرب‬.‫مارينا وورنر‬ Model House Research Group (ed). Transcultural Modernisms ‫ الثقافة العربية في عالم متحول‬:‫ سؤال الثقافة‬.‫علي أومليل‬ ‫ من جبل لبنان إلى قناة السويس‬:‫ حرير وحديد‬.‫فواز طرابلسي‬ ‫ صنعاء وعدن‬،‫ بيروت‬:‫ مدن متنازعة‬.‫فرانك مرميه‬

5. GEOPOLITICS - PORT CITIES Dionisius Agius. Seafaring in the Arabian Gulf and Oman: People of the Dhow (Routledge, 2009) Dionisius Agius. Classic Ships of Islam: From Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean (Brill, 2007) Wendy Brown. Walled States, Waning Sovereignty Youssef Courbage and Emmanuel Todd. A Convergence of Civilizations: The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World (Columbia UP, 2014) Leila Fawaz, C.A. Bayly, and Robert Ilbert (eds). Modernity and Culture from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, 1890 - 1920 (Columbia UP, 2002) Pascal Firges, Tobias P. Graf, Christian Roth, Gulay Tulasoglu (eds). Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History (Brill, 2014) Willem Floor. The Persian Gulf: A Political and Economic History of Five Port Cities, 15001730 (Mage Publishers, 2006) Carola Hein. Port Cities: Dynamic Landscapes and Global Networks (Routledge, 2011) George Hourani. Arab Seafaring - In the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times Mehran Kamrava (ed). Gateways to the World: Port Cities in the Persian Gulf (Oxford UP, 2016)

N. Lenze and C. Schriwer (eds). Converging Regions: Global Perspectives on Asia and the Middle East (Ashgate, 2014) Elaine MacKinnon & Aran MacKinnon (eds). Places of Encounter: Time, Place, and Connectivity in World History. Volume 1: To 1600 (Westview Press, 2012) Elaine MacKinnon & Aran MacKinnon (eds). Places of Encounter: Time, Place, and Connectivity in World History. Volume 2: Since 1500 (Westview Press, 2012) G. Mathews, G.L. Ribeiro and C.A. Vega (eds). Economic Globalization from Below: The World’s Other Economy (Routledge, 2012) Lars Meier. Migrant Professionals in the City: Local Encounters, Identities and Inequalities (Taylor and Francis, 2014) Stephen J. Ramos. Dubai Amplified: The Engineering of a Port Geography (Routledge, 2010) Naomi Sakr. Satellite Realms: Transnational Television, Globalization and the Middle East (I.B. Tauris, 2001) Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen F. Siu, Peter C. Perdue (eds). Asia Inside Out: Connected Places (Harvard UP, 2015) Leila Vignal (ed). The Transnational Middle East: People, Places, Borders (Routledge, 2016) ‫ فن المالحة عند العرب‬.‫حسن صالح شهاب‬ ‫ الفوائد في أصول علم البحر والقواعد‬.(‫أحمد بن ماجد )تحقيق حسن صالح شهاب‬

6. MISCELLANEOUS General Reference Philippe Cadène and Brigitte Dumortier. Atlas of the Gulf States Barbara Cassin (ed). Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon ‫ مفردات الفلسفة األوربية؛ الفلسفة السياسية‬.‫تحت إشراف علي بنمخلوف ومحمد جنجار‬ Jonathan Raban (ed). The Oxford Book of the Sea

Libraries as Confluence Luciano Canfora. The Vanished Library: A Wonder of the Ancient World, trans. Martin Ryle Susan Howe. Sorting Facts; Or, Nineteen Ways of Looking at Marker Susan Howe. Spontaneous Particulars: The Telepathy of Archives Roy MacLeod (ed). The Library of Alexandria: Centre of Learning in the Ancient World

Interspecies Jean-Christophe Bailly. The Animal Side Donna Haraway. When Species Meet

Music Hisham Aidi. Rebel Music: Race, Empire, and the New Muslim Youth Culture Jace Clayton. Uproot: Travels in 21st-Century Music and Digital Culture Formal-Textual Confluence Jacques Derrida. Glas Wayne Koestenbaum. Hotel Theory

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