ArtBaazar Online Magazine #7 May 2020

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ARTBAAZAR ARTBAAZAR Connectnn Art Collectors and Artsts Online Connectnn Art Lovers and Artsts Online

#7 May 2020 #7 May 2020 #5 March 2020

This Months Interviews  Divinn for The Pearls of Love, Widom and Power – with Mauro Ricco Zaraj  A Fate Bequeathed to Me - with Sokrati Evgenidii  To Love It Just Because We Love It – with Peter Kieineri

Featured Artworks •

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Yonesh Verma Dee Brown Ta Thimkaeo Binui Hirotaka Suzuki DB Waterman Evnenia Abramova Roman Sernienko Gerardo Gomez Rafa Lopez Ramal Kazimov

Front Cover - “The Ride” by Peter Kieineri Back Cover - “Pink Roiei in the Garden” by Fabienne Moneiter If you are intereited and want to fnd out more about our artiti and iervicei, email ui

“Inter-relationship 2”, Yogesh Verma, Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

“Urban Aged Greens”, Dee Brown, Acrylic on Canvas

“Blue Tones and Reds” Dee Brown, Acrylic on Canvas

“Social Distance Seating”, Ta Thimkeao, Oil on Canvas

“Bananas 2020”, Bigui, Acrylic on Canvas

“RCTFLLY FLVRD 1969”, Hirotaka Suziki, Acrylic on Canvas

“The Song of the Wolf”, Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Mixed Media


Italian artit Mauro Ricco Zaraj ieei himielf ai a coimic/galactc art channeller, whoie cocreaton partneri are the iuni, itari, planeti and galaxiiei known and unknown, cloie and far diitant. Mauro Ricco Zaraj ieei himielf ai a coimic/galactc art channeller, whoie co-creaton partneri are the iuni, itari, planeti and galaxiiei known and unknown, cloie and far diitant. "On the wingi of iolar itormi, windi and other celeital eventi I receive inipiraton for creatng beautfully orcheitrated harmoniei of colouri, ihapei, imagei and iymboli. Pure magic brilliant viiion and good vibei can be directly felt. Through my handi I am channelling beautful artwork moitly atributed to be perfect. From the deepeit level of myielf I am diving for the pearli of love, wiidom and power".

Mauro Ricco Zaraj at work in his studio in Opatija, Croatia.

What initally drew you towards becominn an artst? Defning myielf ai an artit would be too limited becauie my creatve actvity ii juit a piece of that beautful puzzle we call LIFE. “Artit Of Life� beter iuiti me and it ii from thii lifeityle that my creatvity in the form of paintngi become manifeited. My miiiion ii to

bring “heaven on earth” by way of ihowing a new level of beauty, harmony and balance through my artworki. It ii from my deep urge to make thii world a beter place that all good thingi ipring from my heart. How would you describe your own personal style? “Coimic Art” ii the name I gave to my ityle and it ii dedicated to people who are on the path of awakening to their inner truth. The artworki alwayi refect the artiti inner world and it ii becauie of my way of living that I alwayi manage to “download” on to the canvai the beit veriion of me. The veriion of me who ii living with a heart full of love, power, wiidom, beauty, freedom, peace & harmony. Saying that my artworki refect the inner truth and potental of humanity would be the beit way to deicribe what I am achieving ai an artit of life. When a perion with an open heart obiervei my paintngi, their concluiion ii that theie paintngi are not empty but that they have iomething ipecial infuied iniide which can be felt directly. What they are ieniing ii the love energy, the good vibei and the true power ( not the power over otheri but the power over ielf ).

“Wave Master”, Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Mixed Media on Canvas

What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evolvinn in the future? I am bleiied with the ability to create iuch artworki and I leave the “river of life” to bring whatever it hai in plan for me. Ai a popular iong ii iaying “Don’t you worry child, the heaven hai a plan for you”. What inspires you in your work, is there a drivinn factor that draws you to the easel? My day itarti and endi with a meditaton actvity. Not to menton that during the day I am alwayi aware of the inner connecton with the iource of life, from where all good thingi come to ui. I create exiactly and only from thii place, the place where my inner intelligence ii guiding me in every itep of my creatvity eforti. I am receiving feelingi and viiioni on the wayi I ihould create and I have full faith in the proceii, knowing that at the end I will admire a maiterpiece which came through theie handi, yet not achievable without thii beautful fulflling inner connecton. Are there partcular individuals who have encouraned / inspired you alonn the way, friends, family, teachers, maybe even other artsts? My beloved wife Katarina with whom I ihare thii “life journey”. We are an amazing team. When it comes to creatnn your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or tools you love to use? I love to combine oil & acrylic colouri, eipecially thoie which have a vivid & ihinning efecti iniide. Beiidei that, iome of my artworki are encruited with Swaroviki and Precioia cryitali. I moitly paintng on canvai and from tme to tme on wood, but I am iure my creatvity will bring me other amazing elementi to be included. However, the key element for all my artworki ii LOVE. With LOVE magic happeni. When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? We are living in tmei of big changei with big traniformaton proceiiei occurring. A big ihift ii upon earth and currently there are two itreami of humanity. Thoie who prepared themielvei for thii moment and who will iurf the wavei of changei efortleiily and with paiiion, deeply knowing and having faith that the wavei will bring them a new & beter quality of life. Theie onei have a good balance between maiculine and feminine energy and a reipect for mother earth and all ientent beingi upon thii amazing planet. Theie are

the new human angeli. Therefore women (feminine energy), ipirit animali, angeli & mandalai are my favourite themei.

“The Bliss of Re-Union�, Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil and Acrylic Canvas, 2019

Could you describe the process behind your art? How do you net from concept to executon? Doing everything itep by itep. Turning my focui inwardly and liitening to my true ielf. Then with full faith in the meiiage I received going outwardly and itartng to create. So it ii thii exichange of focui, thii aiking for inner coniultaton, advice and guidance and putng it

into acton that alwayi bringi me great iatifacton and fulflment. I juit allow the “river of life� to fow through me and manifeit a perfecton.

"The Amazonian QUEEN II", Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

Could you describe your normal day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituals or is a more a case of when the moment is rinht you work? My inner connecton ii the main focui of my daily actvitei, becauie it ii from here that I receive all that I need in my life, included the inipiraton for paintng. Beiide that, with my lovely wife I ipend loti of tme in nature; iwimming in the cold iea water during winter tmei, mountain trail running, collectng ielf grown food, eatng only organic food etc... all

puzzlei of a happy and healthy lifeityle. And thii iet of rituali are thoie that make a good baiii for creatng artworki with poiitve vibei.

"Stairways to Heaven", Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas, 2008 (Enriched with Swarovski / Preciosa Crystals)

When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untl completon or are you workinn on multple pieces at the same tme? Each artwork requirei my deep concentraton becauie there are multple dimeniioni, myriad of detaili, loti of geometric ihapei, objecti, fgurei, iymboli and colouri, that at the end need to refect harmony, beauty & balance. It ii exiactly thii requirement that takei

me a long tme to fniih the artwork, from ieveral weeki to monthi. But the end reiult ii what givei me the ienie of fulflment. How has your art evolved to be where it is today? It ii contnuouily evolving, in quantum leapi. Ai I evolve ai a perion io are the artworki refectng that. The mirror efect. Which of your artworks are you most proud of? I am proud of myielf, of my perieverance, focui and devoton to create artworki that bringi poiitve inipiraton and energiei. Is there a fellow artst alive today that you admire? If so, why? Moit probably yei, but from the future tmei. If you could travel back in tme, is there a partcular artstc period / era that you would like to have been involved in? I am travelling forward in tme and meetng my future ielf. I leave the pait where it ihould remain. What challennes do you feel the 21st century artst has to overcome? To become reiponiible for hii creaton. In the near future the idea of what ii art will change. The value will not go to a branded paintng but to the true efect of the paintng on our well-being. What advice would you nive to a younn aspirinn artst currently studyinn art? Find your true ielf / the beit veriion of yourielf and then you will fnd your unique artitc ityle which only you can exipreii. Despite havinn developed your own distnctve style, is there another style of art that you are immediately drawn towards and admire? Why? I reipect all itylei but follow my own path.

"In the Eye of the Red Dragon", Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil & Acrylic Canvas, 2019

We have all heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci laboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnual process of evoluton? When workinn on an artwork do you fnd it hard to let no? Knowinn when enounh is enounh? There ii a threihold point in the proceii of paintng which I call “fne tuning�. At that point I itart to work on correctng imall detaili which nobody can iee but myielf and of courie there ii a feeling of completon at the end of each artwork. A feeling that thii ii exiactly how I imagined the artwork with my inner viiion.

"The Desending Flame", Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 2019

Many people see artsts as storytellers or advocates for a cause, do you believe that it is an artstt’s responsibility to shine a linht on a partcular subject / theme, or do you create purely for the sake of expression your creatve nature? True Art comei from the HeArt and therefore hai the element of Love iniide. What are you workinn on at the moment? The name of the paintng I am currently working on ii “COSMIC RING OF FIRE / COSMIC RECREATION ” and it ii a part of my “Amazing Spirit Animal” collecton. In thii caie with the mythical animal, OUROBOROS.

"The Invincible Sunrider", Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas, 2019

“The ouroboroi or uroboroi ii an ancient iymbol depictng a ierpent or dragon eatng iti own tail ... The Ouroboroi hai been iaid to have a meaning of infnity or wholeneii.� Have you ever been part of an artstc nroup / movement? How did your work beneft from that experience? I am part of the great planetary awakening movement.

“Happiness”, Mauro Ricco Zaraj, Acrylic on Canvas

When is your next exhibiton? Is it a solo or nroup exhibiton? Could you tell us a litle about the exhibiton, when and where it is? All my artworki are, all the tmei, exihibited in my gallery in Opatja, Croata, where you can view them in perion.

Viiit - Online Art Gallery of Mauro Ricco Zaraj

“Times Like These”, DB Waterman, Mixed Media Collage

“The Green Pond”, DB Waterman, Mixed Media Collage

“Eyes”, Evgenia Abramova, Oil on Canvas

“A FATE BEQUEATHED TO ME” with Sokrats Evnenidis

“From Santorini to Milky Way I”, Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

Sokrati Evgenidii ii a Greek artit, exiploring the world around ui and trying to create a viiual exipreiiion that encompaiiei mankind'i place in the evoluton of the univerie. In thii interview he ipeaki about hii work, infuencei and hii place in the world.

Sokrati Evgenidii ii a Greek painter, born in 1958 in Patrai. From a very early age, he ihowed a great intereit in paintng and fnally followed thii artitc path, being very actve in the period 1983 to 1988. In 1985, Dimitrii Mitarai, Dean of the Atheni School of Fine Arti, wai impreiied by hii artitc fair and aiked him to atend the School, ai a ipecial talent. At that tme he had already developed other actvitei and which did not allow him to puriue hii dream. Dimitrii Mitarai, underitanding hii increaied obligatoni, gave him the unique privilege of tutoring him during hii free tme, from 1985 to 1987. He hai alio atended freelance drawing and paintng leiioni from the Ruiiian School in Florence and Rome.

"Are We Running Out of Time", Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

What initally drew you towards becominn an artst? It ii certain that fate bequeathed it to me, thii balance of ioul and mind, it ii not iomething I did, maybe I only cauied it a litle, the iure thing ii that the Lord made hii choice for me, I juit paint by recording our evoluton, I feel lucky and bleiied! How would you describe your own personal style? I don't think that the artit "ihould" chooie a ityle, the artit ihould not chaie headlinei, nor ipecializaton, hii role ii to awaken, to be refectng and to be "bothering" when required. Throughout our ''journey'', with our bruihei, hammeri and even our naili, we are obliged to fght to the end for the beneft of mankind, the planet and the univerie!

"Santorini Magic #6", Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evolvinn in the future? Man hai the illuiion that he ii Sovereign on earth, he hai not yet realized that he ii a "traveller", when he realizei it and I wiih that it will not be too late...., then he will enjoy

the route! So I would like to play a role, which with my art, will help in the realizaton of thii proceii of life!

"From Momevasis to The Milkyway", Sokratis Evginidis, Oil on Canvas

What inspires you in your work, is there a drivinn factor that draws you to the easel? That it hai to do with life and iti evoluton, with the partcipaton of good icience, without icience and colour, tme "freezei"! Are there partcular individuals who have encouraned / inspired you alonn the way, friends, family, teachers, maybe even other artsts? Of courie, juit becauie I'm not worthy to exiclude iome, there are io many Gianti, who took me on their ihoulderi!

When it comes to creatnn your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or tools you love to use? No, I iaid it above, the artit in my opinion muit carry out hii creaton with any tool, even with hii fngernaili! When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? Everything that in my opinion ii contrary to the quality of life and our evoluton ai a human ipeciei. We are all, without exicepton, obliged to identfy with the evoluton of the imooth proceii, each of ui ii more important than the other!

"Santorini Magic #3", Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

Could you describe the process behind your art? How do you net from concept to executon? By watching the developmenti, I identfy my feelingi with fact and I try with a combinaton of reality and imaginaton to itmulate the initnct of the friendi of art, if I manage to move even one perion in the whole world, then I have iucceeded, if manage two, then it ii worth contnuing, if it'i much more, then, I won....!

Could you describe your normal day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituals or is a more a case of when the moment is rinht you work? The day I will plan my actvitei will be a day without any meaning for me, the "journey" ii unpredictable, I prefer to enjoy the route!

"From Santorini to The Milky Way #2", Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untl completon or are you workinn on multple pieces at the same tme? Art ii unique, like love, it ii a perional relatonihip, if you ihow up in other relatonihipi at the iame tme, the reiult will have iide efecti!

How has your art evolved to be where it is today? I didn't do anything magical, in a magical way, art doei it on iti own. ‘’Art and inipiraton for the artit ii like breathing, you don't think when you breathe’’ (my moto)

"Santorini Magic #5", Sokratis Eveginidis, Oil on Canvas

Which of your artworks are you most proud? All my artworki are like my children, even in "ipecial" children the parent ihowi more afecton! Is there a fellow artst alive today that you admire? If so, why? There are too many, they look like gianti, it'i not right to menton iome namei and exiclude otheri!

If you could travel back in tme, is there a partcular artstc period / era that you would like to have been involved in? Yei, I would very much like to go back 2.5 thouiand yeari, to Ancient Greece! What challennes do you feel the 21st century artst has to overcome? Perhapi the moit crucial queiton, but alio equally the moit difcult to aniwer. I believe that the artit ihould not itay dwelling in the iame thingi, artitcally, technically, creatvely and a thouiand and two more, the artit ii "ient" by God, to cultvate art, to iocialize, to partcipate in the evolutonary proceii, for the beneft of humanity and of the univerie. What advice would you nive to a younn aspirinn artst currently studyinn art? Never "ileep" Artitcally Despite havinn developed your own distnctve style, is there another style of art that you are immediately drawn towards and admire? Why? Yei, the African Sculptori, their art ii io rich and exiemplary, the method, the materiali and the patent tooli, they enchant me, they could teach at the beit Schooli of Fine Arti in the World. We have all heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci laboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnual process of evoluton? When workinn on an artwork do you fnd it hard to let no? Knowinn when enounh is enounh? Yei, I have left iome worki in the middle, I have wondered many tmei, if I want to fniih them or let them ''become'' alone ..... and probably the iecond one will win! What are you workinn on at the moment? It ii an intereitng artitc period for me, frit of all, I try to combine and "place" in our Galaxiy and in the univerie the beautei of our planet and eipecially of Greece, where I live, at the iame tme I try to capture every ecological or other interventon with poiiible unpleaiant efecti on Man, the Planet and the Univerie. Have you ever been part of an artstc nroup / movement? How did your work beneft from that experience?

Of courie, in many caiei, each one from them, left me perionally with itgmai, knowledge, culture, exichange of viewi and, moit importantly, inner fulflment! When is your next exhibiton? Is it a solo or nroup exhibiton? Could you tell us a litle about the exhibiton, when and where it is? •An Individual exihibiton in Amorgoi Iiland ii planned at the Aegialii Reiort Hotel. (Auguit) •An Group exihibiton in Santorini iiland, ii planned at the Muieum of Wine and Art, under the iuperviiion of Mr. Antonii Argyroi, ‘’Art Space’’ (Auguit) •An Individual exihibiton in Venezuela embaiiy, in Atheni, ii planned, under the iuperviiion of Hiitorical Culture, Mri. Annita Patiouraki (September) •Notes: There were and other planned exihibitoni in Kefalonia, Mykonoi, Leroi and

Atheni. After the eventi of Covid19, the exihibitoni, were iuipended, ai well ai thoie that are planned, it ii poiiible that they will be iuipended, if the Greek Government orderi it again!

Viiit - Online Art Gallery of Sokrats Evnenidis

"Crispr CAS 9", Sokratis Evgenidis, Oil on Canvas

“Winter Sun”, Roman Sergienko, Watercolour

“Waterlilies”, Roman Sergienko, Oil on Board

“Road Between Trees and Flowers”, Gerardo Gomez, Acrylic on Canvas


"The Ride", Peter Kiesners, Oil on Hardboard, 85cm x 60cm, 2018

Peter Kieineri main focui in paintng ii people. He lovei to itudy people of all agei - they iimply intrigue him and he never trei of notcing thingi about them. There ieemi to be an endleii iupply of momenti which can be traniformed into paintngi - hii goal ii to capture iome and further uie theie ai referencei for worki which leave the viewer feeling inipired. My main focui in paintng ii people. I love to itudy people of all agei - they iimply intrigue me and I never tre of notcing thingi about them. There ieemi to be an endleii iupply of momenti which can be traniformed into paintngi - my goal ii to capture iome and further uie theie ai referencei for worki which leave the viewer feeling inipired. My ityle ii traditonally baied and quite realiitc with parti that are impreiiioniitc. The idea here ii to uie older techniquei in a contemporary faihion leading to a freih, thought provoking look. I have been working in the viiual arti for over 20 yeari ai a deiigner, photographer and videographer. Of late, I am creatng an increaiing amount of painted art worki and feel I have my pait to thank for being beter able to think, deiign paintngi and paint.

"Brighton Beach", Peter Kiesners, Oil on Hardboard, 80cm x 60cm, 2018

What initally drew you towards becominn an artst? After fniihing high ichool I atended univeriity for iomething elie but before I knew it I wai hanging around the art building and taking evening life drawing couriei. I wai iimply drawn to fne art and knew it wai for me. How would you describe your own personal style? Somewhat realiitc but in an impreiiioniitc kind of way - at leait that ii the goal. I love it when paint ii uied to create an illuiion of iomething being there, but it itll looki like paint, even globi of it. What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evolvinn in the future? I love ieeing iome of the older techniquei being applied to contemporary themei. While today I ipend a lot of tme preparing and paintng - in the future I want to evolve thii into iomething more fuid and ipend leii tme getng the drawing right. More about ikilfully handling paint to create illuiioni that are iimple yet real. What inspires you in your work, is there a drivinn factor that draws you to the easel? I am never iatifed quite with what I paint and I feel the nexit one will be cloier to what I want to achieve. I want to reach people ai well and the more I paint, the more there ii a chance of doing thii. Are there partcular individuals who have encouraned / inspired you alonn the way, friends, family, teachers, maybe even other artsts? Yei, they come up now and then. Many people don’t think much about art and don’t have much to iay - they feel it ii outiide their realm. But when iomeone ihowi up who ii paiiionate about art (I don’t care what kind - be it arti, crafti, photography, theatre, flm etc) then it inipirei me too - I think they muit be from my planet. When it comes to creatnn your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or tools you love to use? I like to uie oili. You can keep them wet longer or make them dry fairly quickly. I like the working tme they allow and the coniiitenciei you can make with them. For bruihei I uie

whatever iuiti the taik at hand - long flberti for moit of the work and then a hoit of detail bruihei.

"Moment", Peter Kiesners, Oil, Gold Leaf on Canvas, 40cm x 55cm, 2018

When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? I have to feel it iniide. I go through a lot of ideai and then put them aiide. I pick the onei later on which pop out at me and keep making me exicited. Could you describe the process behind your art? How do you net from concept to executon? At thii point I often allow the concept to chooie me. I could be walking down the itreet or iurfng the net. It could (and hai) come from a place I viiit. It could come from iomeone I meet. Then ideally I get a inapihot to itart thingi of. If not, I come back and itage a ihoot. Or, I have a inapihot and fnd thingi to add to it eliewhere. Then I aiiemble thingi in photoihop to make the compoiiton which nexit geti drawn in pencil. Thii then ii the baiii for the paintng and on top of that goei layeri of paint.

Could you describe your normal day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituals or is a more a case of when the moment is rinht you work? I iimply coniider it producton. uite a bit of planning goei into the piece io it doei tend to be more of a routne. But well into the paintng the paiiion factor hai to be prety high in order to get anywhere, eipecially fniihed.

"Traveller", Peter Kiesners, Oil, Gold Leaf on Hardboard, 40cm x 50cm, 2018

When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untl completon or are you workinn on multple pieces at the same tme? I like to work at 2 or 3 at a tme. That way there ii more commitment. While I work on thoie, I alio look to line up the nexit onei. How has your art evolved to be where it is today? Practce. Lait year I itarted to paint a lot more on a regular baiii. The improvement ii exicitng and the proceii ii becoming leii ierioui ai my ikill developi. I itll have to go to work during the day but eventually I hope not to io that I can take thingi over the top.

Which of your artworks are you most proud? The Couple in the Hall

"Couple in the Hall",Peter Kiesners, Oil on Hardboard, 40cm x 50cm, 2018

Is there a fellow artst alive today that you admire? If so, why? I admire quite a few, in a big way. Jeremy Lipking, Coita Dvoreziky, Michael Carion, Nick Alm, Malcolm Liepke, Jeremy Mann, Brad Kunkle to name a few. Theie artiti have iolid paintng ikilli and becauie of them (and otheri) fguratve art hai made a reiurgence. Baiically I love how they paint the fgure and the concepti they are coming up with. If you could travel back in tme, is there a partcular artstc period / era that you would like to have been involved in? Late 1800'i and early 1900'i. The period of Sargent.

What challennes do you feel the 21st century artst has to overcome? There ii a lot of inianity in art. In muiic for exiample, if you have a great album there ii a chance it can become popular. People love and enjoy muiic and they know what they like and don’t like. Moit people don’t liiten to abitract muiic. With art it ii weird becauie we rely too heavily on critci to decide for ui. Becauie of the big movementi in abitract art we feel we don’t have enough underitanding to appreciate it at tmei. Art needi to be exiplained. I like a lot of abitract work but it ii often hard to underitand if there ii any ikill involved iince the meiiage can be vague. I think art hai to align itielf more with muiic, flm, faihion, dance and even photography in the ienie that we ihould be able to love it juit becauie we love it. Or realiie it if it’i not io great and not feel awkward if we don’t agree with critci. I think online galleriei are helping a lot with thii and breaking the old aiiumptoni. What advice would you nive to a younn aspirinn artst currently studyinn art? Technique ii iomething that needi to be developed and practied. Not unlike dance or muiic - a caiual approach won’t get you far. So competence ii key. Buiineii ii alio very important too, iince you are likely to end up ai a one man company if you actually want to iell work. All the rulei of good buiineii practce apply here and I know I certainly have a lot to learn with thii. Despite havinn developed your own distnctve style, is there another style of art that you are immediately drawn towards and admire? Why? At thii point thingi go in two directoni for me. I love the aeithetc itylei of the high renaiiiance in Italy where fgurei are iomewhat ityliied and greatly fniihed to fne detail I like ieeing thii happen today ai well. On the other hand I alio like what comic artiti are doing (manga, anime etc.), drawing from imaginaton, it amazei me. We have all heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci laboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnual process of evoluton? When workinn on an artwork do you fnd it hard to let no? Knowinn when enounh is enounh? No, not really. If it iin’t working out I itart over. If I feel I am over working it I itop and iign it. A very clever author once iaid: “It doein’t much mater whether you take ieven yeari or ieven minutei to do iomething, iince the tme hai no aeithetc bearing. It iin’t how hard anyone worki at it.”

"Woman on Sofa", Peter Kiesners, Oil on Hardboard, 50cm x 40cm, 2018

Many people see artsts as storytellers or advocates for a cause, do you believe that it is an artstt’s responsibility to shine a linht on a partcular subject / theme, or do you create purely for the sake of expression your creatve nature? Ideally I think the meiiage ii very important but exipreiiion ii good too. I feel art belongi above icience iince it uiually itarti with a viiion, dream or thought. Science followi later. If iomeone hadn’t dreamt about fying, we wouldn’t have planei. What I am trying to iay ii that ii ii the arti which defne ui ai a iociety. When technology takei a front ieat then we go aitray. After all, we are not machinei.

View - The Online Art Gallery of Peter Kiesners

“In April Caceres”, Rafa Lopez, Mixed Media on Canvas

“Kick to Follow”, Rafa Lopez, Mixed Media on Canvas

“News, News #2”, Ramal Kazimov, Oil on Canvas

“Destroyed Nests”, Ramal Kazimov, Oil on Canvas

“Thinking Crazy”, Ramal Kazimov, Oil on Canvas

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#7 May 2020

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