Hamburg Vending Machine Artist Catalogue

Page 6

Name of Artist:

Jessica Bartlett

Address: Cell/Mobile: Email address: Website:

Studio G8, BV Studios, 37 Philip Street, Bedminster, Bristol, UK +44(0)7841018634

Title of Work(s) The Lighthouse Origional artwork. Burnt mark on paper. I have made a drawing by building up layres of paper that has then been painted white. I have burnt a drawing into the paint and paper. It is a dipiction of my memory of a lighthouse. The experience of seeing the lighthouse on the headland stayed with me. I wanted to capture the solitude of the location. On the headland the lighthouse stood as point to stop and look out, to contimplate your place. A fixed moment in time. Artist Bio/Statement: My practice is based on a drawing process and an interest in line on surface. The fine lines of the drawing are made through burning and melting the paint. I use a tool that has a fine tip, which heats up to a range of controllable temperatures. The burning process is interesting because it has permanence, a scar like effect that can be seen as a metaphor for memory. I am interested in memory of place and in capturing a moment. I configure my drawings from memory, photographs and found objects. I draw and redraw the scene or subject so that it becomes detached from the original. I work with simplified images to give a heightened dreamlike quality.

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