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TRENTSIDE CONFEDERATION SCHOOL NEWS (ST MARTIN’S AND WEST BUTTERWICK C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOLS) The week beginning 7th March saw both schools in our Confederation embarking on an RE Focus week exploring the theme of ‗How Do We Talk to God?‘. The church links and Church School status of both St Martin‘s and West Butterwick plays a very important role in the provision of education for all of our pupils and the values of our schools. West Butterwick school is particularly proud of the ‗outstanding‘ status it was awarded in the Statutory Inspection for Anglican Schools in January 2011 – a great achievement in the year that celebrates 200 years since Church Schools were first established! As part of our shared RE Focus Week, we organised a theatrical performance from a visiting theatre company based on a number of Bible Stories. An ‗Interactive Theatre Day‘ also featured, designed to build teamwork, self-confidence and communication skills using stories from the Bible, encouraging pupils to develop their own ideas, share opinions and make group decisions. Reception to Year 6 from both schools watched the performance based on the stories of Daniel, Gideon and Simon Peter on the Thursday afternoon - 10th March. Year 6 pupils at both schools participated in an interactive theatre day on Friday 11 th March. They experienced an ‗action-packed day of drama workshops exploring themes within the Citizenship, PSHE and RE Curricula‘ linked to the story of ‗David and Goliath‘. We had lots of visitors to our school that week, not just to watch the dramatic performances but to share in the richness of RE and Collective-worship related activities : Bishop‘s Visitors, members of the Parochial Parish Councils, Diocesan Representatives, Foundation Governors, Clergy as well as a number of Parents and Carers. Other activities included pancake making linked Theatre visit by both schools to ‗Shrove Tuesday‘ (the last day before Lent), a special worship linked to Ash Wednesday, Circle Time and opportunities for the pupils to lead the worship and prayer. The pupil-led worship at St Martin‘s told the story of Samuel and his mother Hannah. The children who led this worship had lunch with the Deputy Diocesan Director of Education, Paul Thompson and enjoyed telling him all about their group‘s ideas for future worship too. All in all, our RE Focus Week was exciting, stimulating and memorable! Take a look at our website to find out more..... Mrs J Buckle Headteacher


Lunch with Paul Thompson

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