Arlingtonian volume 86 issue 1

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Familiar titles are being taken off shelves across the country to restrict minors’ access.

14 The Golden ’60s


Arlingtonian sat down with the two new assistant principals, Nikole James and Matthew Jordan, to discuss their upcoming first year at UAHS.

A closer look into the German Exchange Program students took part in this summer.

31 The Importance of Now

11 Bear Connection Born Again

A look at six aspects of the UAHS experience that have returned to “normal” this school year for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

The recent rise in Hollywood biopics has connected present fans to past icons.


A look into the overturning of Roe v. Wade and what it means for America going forward.

Critic steps out of his comfort zone and enjoys Japanese food.

Old Stars on the Modern Screen


10 New Kids on the Block


2 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

Now in its second year, Bear Connection has transformed. Here’s why and how.

Yay8-in-8or Nay


How a 19th-century artistic movement permeates itself in 21st-century students’ lives through the creation of aesthetic trends on social media.

Back to School, Back to Normal?


4 A GAPP in the Summer

UA SPEAKS 26 Cartoon: Skoracki By the Numbers


Columnist discusses some of her favorite music from the summer, plus upcoming music.

30 Tensuke Express

20 Farewell, Roe.

Mission: Success

Pilot gives “Top Gun: Maverick” the thumbs up.


OPINION 28 Summer Sounds

The Book You’re Reading Could be Banned


Largely forgotten today, the UAHS countercultural scene of the late ’60s and early ’70s included protests and an underground newspaper.

This school year is the time to grow as students and unify as a community.

12 Aesthetic for Aesthetic’s Sake



Arlingtonian is a studentproduced newsmagazine published by Journalism III-Arlingtonian students at UAHS. The publication has been established as a public forum for student expression and for the discussion of issues of concern to its audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution.Arlingtonian welcomes letters to the editor, guest columns and news releases from faculty, administrators, community residents, students and the general public. The Arlingtonian

Arlingtonian’s print issues and website include adverstisments from supporting businesses. To find out more, email



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For now, though, enjoy this first print issue of the 202223 school year. Our staff has worked hard to produce timely and relevant coverage of the most newsworthy topics affect ing UAHS students today. So whether you’re curious about the German exchange trip (check out page 4), or you simply want to know what’s up with Bear Connection (page 11 has got you covered), dig in.


Asyear.we collectively settle into this new year, rebuilding the routines we retired three months ago, I encourage you to allow Arlingtonian to be your guide. We aim, both as your classmates and as student journalists, to play a role in nurturing a connected and informed school culture and to spark dialogue in the classrooms and hallways (well, hall way) of UAHS. We hope that our pub lication can serve as a meeting place, a metaphorical town square, for the UAHS community — a space to learn, share, explore and discover.


ARLINGTONIAN Volume 86 • 2022-23 EDITOR IN CHIEF James Underwood DIGITAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Greta Miller MANAGING EDITOR Carly Witt COMMUNITY LIAISON Matthew Doron COPY EDITOR Thea Postalakis MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Gracie Helfrich ARTS EDITOR Caroline Kegg STAFF WRITERS Ali GeorgeEmilyAbubakrAyarsBernardRyanChoEzraLiuSafiaMalhotraIrisMarkKatieMessnerAdelaidePetras CARTOONIST Lukas Skoracki GRAPHIC ARTISTS Lindsey Acker Noé MalloryChloeBeaudoinHarrisJohnsonScarletPoorLukeRockeyParkerSanfordCynthiaSong MANAGERBUSINESS Laila Dillard ASSOCIATESBUSINESS Ceci Croci Katy Trombold PHOTOGRAPHYMANAGER Edith LeBlanc PHOTOGRAPHERS Jayden Banks Mary Kate Basil Hailey SarahCamrynSydneyHoffmanHollernVioletHouserJohnsonEmersonKatzMcCullochJuliaOakley 3

Arlingtonian accepts donations throughout the school year. To find out more, visit

editorial board reserves the right to withhold a letter or column and return it for more information if it determines the piece contains items of unprotected speech as defined by thisThepolicy.Arlingtonian staff raises and pays all printing and production costs through advertising sales, donations andThefundraisers.Editorin chief shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy.

Arlingtonian is free to all UAHS students and staff thanks to contributions from generous readers and businesses. We do not receive district funding.

So make yourself at home with in the pages of this magazine. Write a letter to the editor. Come crash W1307 second period and pitch us your story ideas. Check out our website,, for stories just as engaging and hard-hitting as those printed in this physical issue. Follow us on social media — we have a presence on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and, for the first time, TikTok — and check out our podcast, The 3:05.



aybe the pandemic warped my sense of time, but the summer seems to have flown by. Somewhere in the flurry of summer jobs, summer reading, summer va cationing and summer relaxing, the days slipped by: June gave way to July, July gave way to August, and before I knew it, the 17th was upon us and it was time to lug out my backpack and brace for a new school


’24 4 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

Throughout the trip, students gained the privilege to explore inde pendently and experience Germany in a new light. Charlton views it as an op portunity to expand students’ freedom and teach them responsibility.

“It kind of was a college expe

UAHS students were also taken to a handful of surrounding cities with their host families.

The German American Part nership Program, otherwise known as GAPP, started up again this summer after a delay brought on by COVID-19.

year’s trip included seniors from last year whose 2020 exchange was can celed.“Some of the American students that went, I got to know them and it was really cool because I’ve known some of these people for a while but we’ve never talked,” junior Elizabeth Saint-Jacques said. “But we’ve become friends and we hang out a lot since we’ve gotten back.”

“There are times where we’re not with [the students] and so you learn to be a little more self-sufficient. You learn to do things that you’re not com fortable with and that can just help in the long run,” Charlton said.

A GAPP in Summer

On June 22, UAHS students boarded a plane for Frankfurt, Ger many, suitcases in hand as they chatted

“To start off… I didn’t want to go because I didn’t like the idea of doing an exchange and staying in somebody’s house,” Carlisle said.


“I visited I would say within the realm of probably 10 different cities other than the town that we were in,” community of Bad Bergzabern is located near the border of France, allowing access to multiple different“ student took me to Switzerland, and a bunch of dif ferent cities in France and a couple of different places in Germany, which was really cool,” Saint-Jacques said. “So we had a mixture of supervised time and then freedom throughout the city.”

“It’s a cultural exchange be tween [UAHS] students and students at our partner school and it involves a homestay and a school experience,” German teacher and American co-co ordinator of GAPP Emily Alaudini said.

Junior Natalie Yurkiw agreed with this, explaining how that freedom could prove useful in her future.


amongst themselves. In the midst of everyone was junior Harrison Carlisle.

In addition to sep arate grade levels, this

A closer look into the German Exchange Program students took part in this summer.

n sixth grade, the six weeks of Ger man classes required by the school were meant to draw students to the language, but it had a lasting impact on the 24 students who took learning the language to another level this summer.

Christy Charlton, a German teacher at Jones and the other Ameri can co-coordinator of GAPP, added to this sentiment.“Youdoneed to have the type of personality that is willing to take some chances, that’s willing to communicate with other people,” Charlton said. “But for some kids, even the shyer kids, it helps them come out of their shell a little bit...”The trip lasted about three weeks, including a trip to the city of Heidelberg. The three days students spent there were without their exchange students. Alaudini noted that the intention of this was to bring UAHS students closer“Onetogether.thing we al ways notice is that the Americans also build friendships within the Upper Arlington group so you connect with friends,” she said. “You meet new people that maybe you otherwise wouldn’t have met be cause maybe they’re not in the same extracurric ular activities as you, or maybe they’re not in the same classes as you, or maybe they’re not in the same grade level.”

The majority of the trip was spent shadowing the German exchange stu dents in their community. UAHS stu dents spent 10 days following their students’ school schedule each day to grasp an idea of how their education system works. Occasionally, students would present slideshows on different topics in classes and serve as a native translator in English classes.

“I think it was an eye-opening experience,” Yurkiw said. “I got to ex perience everyday life in Germany.”

“That is probably one of the main goals, to build bridges of intercultural understanding,” she said.

Each of the 24 UAHS students was paired off with a student from the German exchange school, Gym nasium im Alfred-Grosser-Schulz entrum. Students lived with their ex change families and built connections throughout the community. SaintJacques bonded admirably with her student before they met and even more so after.“[My exchange student] used to describe us as being like sisters and best friends forever because we did ev erything together and we like the same music and the same TV shows and it was just, like, a perfect match to find someone like that,” Saint-Jacques said.

A Memorable Trip

Arlingtonian staff member recounts a memorable learning moment from the German exchange program.

The German education system runs very differently from what UAHS provides. The school year lasts year round, with shorter and more frequent breaks rather than one large break.

“I think it’s really interesting: these students have been in German, some of them for several years, and they learned about the culture and they learned about the everyday [life]. This is their opportunity to experience that, to live that first hand, things that they’ve learned about in class,” Alaudi ni said. “It’s a very authentic learning experience.”Yurkiw had a similar observation with her exchange student and the life style in Germany.


Charlton can relate to this, along with understanding the students’ ex periences, as she found herself in the same position 40 years ago and still to this day stays in touch with her ex change student whenever they visit.

It was the quickest lesson I learned in Germany. So, the advice I have for all of the students reading this is to never assume water is inexpensive or that there are free refills in other countries! Overall, though, I loved the Germany trip and have a ton of advice for people traveling abroad for the first time with a school group. It can feel nerve-racking but it will be an amazing experience you never forget.

The influence this program had on her clearly struck the current stu dents in a similar way. Despite his reservations in the beginning, Carlisle said with confidence that he would recommend this program to future students.“Absolutely,” he said. “It was defi nitely life-changing.”

cause you’re not going through the same seven classes over and over and over again.”Butschool wasn’t the only part of the trip these students got to expe rience. Allowing UAHS students to build a relationship with the exchange students was an objective for Alaudini.

Along with this, schedules are more personalized with subjects stu dents pick and choose to take. School days also vary in length depending on these “Soclasses.sometimes they’ll be done at 11 a.m. or they’ll be done at 3 p.m. … and there are periods that are… an hour instead of 45 minutes,” Saint-Jacques said. “So it’s a little more involved be

Attending school was also a ben eficial way for the students to practice the German language.

’24 5

rience per se,” Yurkiw said. “I really enjoyed being able to walk around the city with my friends and kind of have the freedom to see the city and to in teract with Germans.”

“It’s a lot more split up, and I feel like people enjoy going to school there a lot more because it’s less strict,” Saint-Jacques said.

“I was an exchange student at this same exact school when I was 16 for three weeks, and obviously it made an impact because I’m a German teach er,” Charlton said. “More than that, it just opened me up to [that], ‘Oh wow, there’s a whole world out there that I know nothing about and I want to find out about it.’”


or me, the German exchange program was one big learning ex perience. So going into the trip, I was expecting there to be a heavy learn ing curve, but my first big lesson was one I was not expecting. It all started in the City of Heidelberg, where the German exchange group spent the first few nights before meeting up with our exchange partners. This was a time to adjust to German culture and bond as a group.On our first night, a group of us went to dinner at a restaurant near our hotel. Honestly, except for our ques tionable German skills, the meal went surprisingly smoothly. Until the waiter presented us with the check. Now you might not know this, but water in Ger many is not free like at restaurants in the United States, and there are no free refills. This was something our whole group was warned about, but honestly, I didn’t fully appreciate or realize what it meant. Throughout our dinner we all ordered water after water (which came with no ice I might add. This might have been my least favorite part of Germany). So when the bill came, we were shocked to see that our refreshing cups of lukewarm water cost more than all the food we had ordered! We all stared at the check in shock, not real izing why the bill was so high until we saw the price of the drinks — which to this day is the most I have and will ever spend on room temperature water.


“I try not to judge, whether or not somebody is [wearing a mask], because it’s a personal choice,” she said.

Sixth-grade camp is some thing of a rite of passage for young middle schoolers in the district, and an enjoyable getaway for the UAHS upperclassmen selected as counselors. However, due to COVID-19 concerns, camp has not been held since 2019, with the 2020 and 2021 camps being canceled.

“Even the bus ride was fun, and it just brought me closer to classmates I hadn’t really seen outside of school,” Raj said. “That was a huge factor in me applying.”

Now, students have entered a school year in which masks are entirely optional and unlikely to be required again.

Still, some students, such as senior Azrael Hudson, continue to wear a mask at school.

This year, though, the tradi tion is making a comeback, with one main change: “Instead of it being two nights, three days, it’ll be one night, two days,” according to UAHS environmental science teacher and camp coordinator JordanSeniorWalker.Ruchika

Back to School, Back to Normal?

Service Hours


Raj is one student interested in returning to camp as a counselor this year. Her own experience at camp as a sixth-grader led her to apply.

Summer reading was largely discontinued for the past two years. This summer, students had to read one book with “personal connection”; honors, AP and IB courses had an additional teacher-selected book.

The COVID-19 pandem ic closed many opportunities to volunteer, and as such, the service hour requirement was dropped. Now it has returned, and students, with the exception of freshmen, must log six hours of volunteer work by Sept. 30.

Summer Reading

6 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

Masks were required for all of the 2020-21 school year and for most of the 2021-22 school year. Throughout that time, the mandates drew con troversy, with some supporting them and some favoring a mask-optional approach. When the mandate was lift ed last year, a student protest through Golden Bear Boulevard demonstrated varied student opinions.

A look at six aspects of the UAHS experience that have re turned to “normal” this school year for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

“I visit my grandma every week, and I have friends who are immuno compromised,” Hudson said. “So I just figured that it’s safer for all of us. I’m not super worried about myself getting sick. But I definitely don’t want to get anybody around me sick.”

Hudson said she respected others’ decisions to wear a mask or not.

Sixth-grade Camp

Moving forward, there are many more biopics to grace viewers’ screens in the coming years, and with that will come more and more young fans of the same icons that older gen erations worshipped.

The recent rise in biopics has also ignited a new love for old icons, mostly by those in younger generations. People of younger ages are falling in love with stars from older gen erations, bringing back the cycle that older fans experienced when they were younger with icons such as Elvis, Queen and MarilynJuniorMonroe.Kennedy

Film critics and fans of original icons can find fault in the processes that actors go through to mimic their character. But another camp claims that it takes bravery and courage to portray a famous figure, and demands accolades for that actor.

The actors cast to portray these icons tend to be a pop ular topic of conversation — and controversy. Austin Butler, who played Elvis in the Baz Luhrmann biopic, isolated him self for two years and watched endless footage of his char acter to train himself how to talk, walk, sing, dance and act like Elvis.“Some actors are method [actors] and dive completely into their character for a long stretch in an effort to represent them,” Barney said. “Some actors don’t like the preparation and want to experience the situation and have a more re alistic ‘in the moment’ performance because they believe it is a more authentic portrayal. Some work with families and study vid eos of the person so they effectively mimic the sub ject. Others want to be more distant so that they can portray the subject as we all know them from the public persona and not have their personal lives bleed into the portrayal.”

Adam Barney and Roger Legg, members of the Co lumbus Film Critics Association, said they’ve seen biopics grow over the years.

“I think a good biopic will give you a better apprecia tion of the film’s subject. If you just wanted an understanding of the key events of the subject’s life, a documentary is obvi ously the better way to go, but a biopic can give us a new or different appreciation by focusing its lens on a specific facet of their lives,” Barney said.

This has caused almost a reversal of generations, with the younger generations repeating the same cycle of ad oration and obsession that older fans had when they were younger.“As the younger generations are now seeing biopics on Elvis, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, etc., I would expect future generations will be seeing biopics on Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Jay Z, etc.,” Barney said.


“I think we are currently seeing an increase in biopics because of the huge financial success of ‘Bohemian Rhapso dy,’ which grossed over $900 million worldwide. I think the success of that film made this summer’s ‘Elvis’ a very easy greenlight for Warner Brothers,” Barney said.

Old Stars on the Modern Screen



Thompson, a fan of the Elvis biopic, said, “Even if all the facts about Elvis and his personal life in the movie weren’t true, I think I still got a lot of important info that I wish I had known sooner.”

ovie theaters have made a return, and with them has come a rise in biopics depicting the lives of famous musicians, actors and actresses or iconic people of past generations. Biopics — an abbreviation of “biographical picture” — are films that dramatize the life of a public figure, past or present. For example, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which came out in 2018, was a Freddie Mercury biopic, which showed the rise of Queen, and the lives of the people involved. It was the first of many biopics to come out the past few years, and in 2022, Elvis and Blonde made their posthumous debuts on the biopic scene.

The recent rise in Hollywood biopics has connected present fans to past icons.


ook banning has been on the rise recently. Lawmakers and protective parents are zoning in on certain titles to restrict them from minors and public use.

Familiar titles are being taken off shelves across the country to restrict minors’ access.

A common reason cited for these challenges is concerns of ex plicit sexual Accordingcontent.tothe ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, there were 729 challenges in 2021 and among the most challenged were “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe, “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison, “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson and “Out of Darkness” by Ashley Hope Perez. The number of challenges has risen in recent years. Reasons behind “book banning” and restrictions dif fer, but are usually due to sexually ex plicit content, offensive language and sensitive topics.


From a study done by PEN

on how to “ban” a book can differ, but usually the book needs to be challenged by a person or group and presented to a school board, committee or assigned group to de cide whether or not it should be re moved.Usually, the challenger is re quired to read the book and explain why, how and where the offensive material took place, according to PEN America, a non-profit orga nization created “to protect free ex pression.” If found guilty, it will be restricted from access or restricted to certain age However,groups.many books are re moved without a formal challenge or process, or even removed from access while the books are still being re viewed, according to PEN America.

“Book banning takes that book out of someone’s hands and doesn’t allow them to read it,” Judy Deal, the UAHS Learning Center media spe cialist,Policiessaid.

America, from July 1st, 2021, to March 31, 2022, there were 1586 individual books banned or restrict ed from access. There are 86 districts with book bans, affecting 26 states, with Texas, Pennsylvania and Flor ida having the highest number of bans. Of these books, 33% included LGBTQ+ themes, 22% dealt with race and racism, 41% contained char acters of color and 25% included books involving puberty, sex or rela tionships.Inmost cases, even if a book is banned, it can still be found online. However, some students and fami lies cannot afford to buy these books, causing these restrictions to dispro portionately affect lower-income families.In addition, online sites are now being targeted to restrict access to books all together. In Virginia, Barnes and Nobles is being sued for selling “Gender Queer” by Maia Ko babe and “A Court of Mist and Fury” by Sarah J. Maas. Tommy Atlman, a congressional candidate in Vir ginia, argues that the two books are “obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors” and is fighting to get them removed from access. If the lawsuit is successful, it could set a precedent for more books to be even further re stricted.

In 2021, “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe was the most chal lenged and banned book, according to the American Library Association, the oldest and largest non-profit li brary association in the world.

8 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

A graphic novel about the Ho locaust, “Maus” by Art Spiegelman, was removed from a school in Ten nessee because of explicit language and nudity. Other familiar books that have been challenged or banned in clude, “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood and “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas.


“Book banning” is when a book is challenged by a group or person and restricted or removed from ac cess due to the material covered.

’24 9



Q: What do you want students to know about you?



Q: What is your speciality or concentration as an assistant principal?


A: Really the first goal would be just building relationships with teachers and students. Coming in brand-new to Upper Arlington, I think that for me the big pieces [are] building relationships, then just try to contribute as much as I can. I think we all have our individual talents and just trying to contribute as much as I can and bring out the strengths and talents of others that are in the building.

A: I went to The Ohio State University and got my bach elor’s. At the time, Ohio State did not give you a teaching license, so I went to a master’s program right away that also included the teacher licensure program at Cleveland State. I got my MED [Master’s in Education], then returned to the Columbus area and got hired at Central Crossing [High School]. About six or seven years ago, I started with Ohio Dominican University to get my second MED in leadership.

: What are some of your main goals for this year?

A: I just would like students to know that I’m approachable. I love having that interaction with students, so that’s a big part of it.

A: I grew up locally. I went to Dublin Scioto High School, and then I went to Miami University. Then I moved back up here. I got my first job teaching at Olentangy High School. I’ve always been in central Ohio, but I went back and got my master’s in administration at Ashland University. I really like school and I like learning a lot, so I feel I’m always taking classes and trying to learn something, to better myself.

Q: Where did you receive your own education?

A: For 14 years, I was a teach er at the original Olentangy High School. I taught math: I taught AP Calc BC and then I taught Algebra 2. This past year, I was an assistant principal at Berkshire Middle School.

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

Q: Are you excited for this new position?

10 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

A: My four big things that I’ll be responsible for are opera tions, the budget, DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] and Bear Connection. In operations, a big component of that is safety, [which is] constantly in motion as laws are adjusting, and as policies and practices are adjusting. I’ve met with the UA Police Department to strengthen some partnerships and get some background knowledge and some practices. I have meetings scheduled with the fire [department]. With the budget, obviously lots of people want lots of things. With Bear Connection, I’m super excited. I’m open to feedback and kids telling me things: what works for them and what doesn’t.

A: I’ll be working primarily with the math department and I’m working on the building mas ter schedule, so I do a lot with teacher schedules and student schedules, and also the interven tion department. So those are my big responsibilities.

A: I was a teacher at Central Crossing High School for 15 years. I taught psychology and US history for the ma jority of those. Then, I was an administrator for the last three years at Jackson Mid dle School.

Q: What is your background in education?


Q: Where did you receive your education?

A: Yeah, I’m really excited.

I live about eight minutes from here, so we’re a UA address, but my kids go to Hillard schools, so I feel like this is an opportunity for me profes sionally to stretch and grow a little bit, as well as personally, just being so close to my family and my children.

Q: What’s your background working in education?

Arlingtonian sat down with the two new assistant principals, Nikole James and Matthew Jordan, to discuss their upcoming first year at UAHS.

Q: What are some of your main goals?

New Kids on the Block



“It’s all really about making more connections — deeper connections among students themselves and among teachers and students as well,” Hiner said. “We really are trying to find a way to help everyone feel connected in the school.”

Bear Connection Born Again


hat’s up bears, it’s time for Bear Connection!” Those eight words, enthusiastically broadcast after fifth period every Friday, became icon ic in UAHS. They heralded the start of a new, 20-minute class, one which would prove controversial not only among students, but also among the whole of UAHS. Now, the pro gram has undergone various changes, with its basic goal in tact: to help better connect students to one another.


These remedies were reflected in the new look of Bear Connection, with class-centric Bear Connections al lowing for all students to be in a classroom, while emphasiz ing connections with classmates who students already spend a large portion of their time with. In order to get the most out of the time, Hiner recommended that students commu nicate with staff.

“I would really recommend that students reach out to their teachers and have a conversation about what they like to do,” she Althoughsaid.the current iteration of Bear Connection is planned to continue for the rest of the year, if issues arise future adjustments may be made. Although the times, loca tion and look of Bear Connection may change, Hiner said that the overarching goal remains the same.

“We were having a lot of issues with space for ev eryone, lots of students had to be on the [Golden Bear Bou levard] which was not conducive to having sensitive discus sions if the group wanted to and so forth,” Julie Hiner, a teacher involved in planning Bear Connection, said. “A lot of staff and students on our survey at the end of the year were [also] saying that 20 minutes once a week wasn’t enough to really get to know people in your group, and when you’re in a class every day you tend to get to know people fairly well.”

“I’d rather it [have been] with people I know in stead of random people I got placed in a class with,” said Zach Root, a junior who participated in the original Bear Connection last year. “I didn’t know the teacher at all, which didn’t help when they tried to start conversations or play games withBecauseus.”

Now in its second year, Bear Connection has transformed. Here’s why and how.

In the past, Bear Connection was held every Friday for 20 minutes, in a class consisting of 15 to 20 students from each grade. Originally, the group of students were intended to remain consistent for all four years of high school, along with the teacher leading the class. During the time period, students would play games, complete projects or meet with other Bear Connections for group activities. While some saw the program as an enjoyable break on a Friday after noon, others thought that the time felt awkward or forced.

of input from students, as well as other is sues, staff in charge decided to change the program for the 2022-23 school year.

This year, Bear Connection will be held following various class periods throughout the year, on Wednesday ev ery week. On Aug. 31, students met with their first period class for 20 minutes after the end of the period. A week later, on Sept. 7, Bear Connection will be held during second period, followed by third period the week after, and so on. During this time the class will engage in activities decided by the teacher of that week’s Bear Connection period. For students who have a delayed arrival or early release during the Bear Connection period, they will be able to either come to school at the end of the Bear Con nection time frame or leave at the beginning of the period. School staff are also working on a way to allow students who have a forum during Bear Con nection to be included in the program.

Changes to Bear Connection were made for several reasons, with two being primarily re sponsible.

Personality connotations also come with having an aesthetic and maintaining the aesthetic through personal presentation. If someone is wearing something specific, some thing about their personality is as sumed.“I

Junior Ashley He describes her opinion on aesthetics and maintain ing one.“Ithink I like the ideas of aes thetics, [and] I think a lot of people take them very seriously, [but] I think it’s pretty so, as long as it’s not hurt ing anyone [I think] it’s like a cool thing to do,” He said.

merging at its most prominent during pandemic-issued quar antine, the presence of “aes thetics” on social media in the form of mood boards, filters on posts, and other such collections of media, have become a way for teenagers to selec tively identify with specific styles and presentations of themselves. In sim ilar fashion to the creative minds of

Victorian England, aesthetics are used by both parties as platforms for personality and inspiration in living. However, it can become dangerous to rely completely on already man ufactured identities for complete influence in all actions, and can be limiting when building oneself based solely on what’s seen online.

This adopting of personality based on aesthetics was typical of aesthetic movement artists, who took up public personas through which they lived according to aesthetic principles.Butin today’s world, it is not always enough to have an aesthetic; some students feel that they must defend their aesthetic of choice to others.

ple. Having a premade guide readily available at the tap of a screen is help ful when deciding what to do next.

“I think especially if we’re talking about social media as Insta gram and Pinterest, you kind of see people and it’s like, ‘Oh, I might want to dress like that,’ so there’s a lot of inspiration influence I guess, that’s helped in perpetuating [aesthetics through] social media,” He said.

Aesthetic For Aesthetic’s Sake

How a 19th-century artistic movement permeates itself in 21st-century students’ lives through the creation of aesthetic trends on social media.



Championed by artists and critics like Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, the Aesthetic Movement, or Aestheticism, was an art movement that pushed against traditional ideas of the moral function of art in society. Instead of art being made to uphold a message or narrative, “art for art’s sake” claimed beauty to be the most important element in life and there fore writings, paintings and other mediums were there to reflect this. Exalting taste and pursuing self-ex pression over restrictive conformity, “aesthetics” were people who were desperate to distance themselves from Victorian materialism and ex pectations. In a similar light, teenag ers, through platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, define themselves by certain aesthetics, either by what they wear or what music they listen to.


The eradication of narrative in aesthetic movement artwork made way for the creation of mood through colors, tones and certain composi tions. Pinterest, especially, is built upon the collection of pictures to evoke atmosphere and aesthetic that people can then associate themselves with.

It is natural for people to switch up their wardrobes as they get older, just like how they change as peo

think that if you see a girl with a long maxi skirt and one of those really cute Bolero cardigans, [you get] the impression that [you] might be talking to, like, a manic pix ie dream girl type,” He said.

“I think for one thing all of us are works that are constantly in revi sion.” He said. “And so [I think], in the journey to [find] oneself, at least for me it’s about consuming every thing around you, taking it into stride and thinking about, ‘What about this do I want to become part of myself and what part of this do I want [to keep out]?’”

“I remember especially as I was transitioning to high school, [I want ed] to find a style that suits me, be cause I was like, ‘God, I do not like the way that I present myself now’… [and] the Receiptifys? That you have to [post] on your story, oh my… There was a time where I was like, ‘I’ve got to stream this song a little extra so that it makes it to the top’ [or] sometimes I just wouldn’t put a song on a playlist even though I en joyed it because I was like ‘this is kind of cheugy.’” He said.

Great Ex hibition marked a turning point in British visual art of predictable, repetitive de signs that fostered a stifling environment for aesthetic artists. Students looking to escape the monotony of ge neric retail gravitate toward aesthetics as a way to define themselves. Individuality is hard to come by in ado lescense, which is why the journey of finding oneself is hindered, especially by the environment that social me dia creates.“Ithink [social media] makes it harder [for someone to be their own person] because everyone’s trying to be the model person that everyone thinks they should be in stead of just being themselves,” fresh man Matthew Schmersal said. “I feel like they kind of feel like they have to live up to the aesthetic that they are trying to be.”

“I think it’s very easy to fall into the trap of creating a false image in order to fit into social norms. It’s good to ex plore different aesthetics to figure out what you like and who you are, but it’s also not healthy to have the mindset that you must always fit the aesthetic, nor that anyone else is ever perfect, in that sense,” Cheng said. “Everybody is much more complex than they may appear at first glance on

in purchasing clothing and accessories that I don’t need [in order] to look and feel a certain way, and this is not necessarily a bad thing, but is definitely the result of aes theticTheculture.”1851

It is not bad or unhealthy to want to have an aesthetic. It can be a chance to show creativity, or to try something new. But when relied on for a complete cast of what one’s identity should be, that’s when it can be more harmful than helpful.

The placing of categories can become limiting because once a per son decides and cultivates their aes thetic of choice, it can feel like if they step outside of that defined zone, they can no longer be a part of it.


“You can lose your sense of self if you try to fit into an aesthetic. The aesthetic can be a part of who you are, but if you try to change everything about yourself just to be placed in a box, you miss out on other parts of your identity that may not necessari ly fit into any aesthetic,” senior Lucy Cheng said. “I know I’m not alone

Aesthetics, the need to follow them, and the need to stand out while doing so may cause students to create a false version of themselves.

an Instagram profile, or from what you see every day in class, so it’s not realistic to [judge] an entire individu al on just their aesthetic.”

But these lofty ideals, while they would go on to figure prominently in the paper, were not the initial focus. Instead, the publication — and the students to whom it catered — began by focusing on a more im mediately tangible issue: the dress code.

The Golden ’60s

“It seems like a trivial issue today,” Mitchell said. “But at the time, it was a pretty big deal.”

Largely forgotten today, the UAHS countercultural scene of the late ’60s and early ’70s included protests and an underground newspaper.

of UAHS was supported by an underground press. In the spring of 1969, students founded The Gilded Bare, a newsletter created and distributed by students that rebelled against establishment mores and promoted the movement’s cause of freethinking and individual rights.


14 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

The budding counterculture within the walls

he counterculture of the 1960s is well ingrained into America’s national con sciousness. The peace symbol adorns the bumpers across the country. Events like Woodstock have found a spot in the popular imagination. The scene’s key figures, and the debates they had, are represented in historical films like “The Trial of the Chicago 7.” And the stereotyp ical hippy — peacenikish, long-haired, free-loving, tree-hugging and strung out — is a cultural trope.

But while ’60s radicals and their progressive politics are well known, few within the UAHS com munity are aware of UAHS’s very own anti-establish ment movement. Yet against the tumultuous national backdrop of the 1960s, discontent brewed within some pockets of the student population at UAHS. In the late ’60s and early ’70s, UAHS students organized protests, rallies and demonstrations. These students campaigned for greater rights, focusing on issues both local and na tional. And like figures in the national countercultural scene, they faced oppression from those with power, in this case the school administration.

First adopted during the 1968-69 school year, the original dress code at UAHS was far more conser vative than it is today. Female students could not wear pants, including jeans. Male students could not have long hair or facial hair. Graphic T-shirts were forbid den.

The dress code drew the criticism of some stu dents, such as Bruce Mitchell, who graduated from UAHS in 1971 and served as the Gilded Bare’s editor his senior year.

for such a policy to Arlingtonian a few months later.

In the late 60s, high schools across central Ohio, and across the country, saw a wave of student protests. In response, the Upper Arlington Board of Education proactively passed a policy on Aug. 12, 1969, stating that “disorder and disruption of school process will not be tolerated and persons attempting such actions will be held accountable.” The policy, which was left to individual building principals to implement, further enabled the school district to “seek the prosecution of those who would violate the laws” in cases of school disruption.The policy drew criticism from some students. According to an article published in the UA News, Gilded Bare-affiliated students attended the meeting at which the policy was adopted and “said that the new policy is ‘not specific’ and asked if ‘disorder’ was con sidered merely physical in nature.”

Still, the suppression that the paper faced mo tivated the students behind it to branch out. They be came more ambitious and diverse in their goals and took up topics beyond the dress code. Foremost among these topics was free speech.

The school district, on the other hand, argued that the policy was needed regardless. UA Schools su perintendent Walter Heischman explained the need

The school administration was not pleased with Union’s“Teachersshirts.were told to send every student wearing the t-shirt to the principal’s office,” Reynolds said.

Something did indeed “happen.” The contro versial policy was put to the test on Oct. 2, 1969, less than two months after it was adopted, when a group of students came to school donning shirts featuring the word “Union” and an orange clenched fist. The Stu dent Union, or Union, was a newly formed student group that advocated greater free speech rights, an open-speaker policy, a looser dress code and more.

◀ “He Needs a Mind of His Own!”


Members of the UAHS student group “Union” wore these shirts to school one day. 15

“It was free press,” said Paul Reynolds, a Gild ed Bare co-founder who graduated in 1970. “And it was outside the school premises, so they couldn’t really do anything about it.”

▼ Unionizing?


“As soon as they came down hard on the news paper, and hard on students who were involved, it shifted from the dress code to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly,” Reynolds recounted.

As Gilded Bare railed against the dress code, school officials attempted to crack down on its circulation and those who wrote for it. The publication was not allowed to be circulated on school grounds. The students shifted to distributing on the street corners surrounding the high school, just off school proper ty.

“The administration does not fear anything from students, but it would be foolish to assume that a disturbance may never occur,” he said. “We want to be prepared for what might happen.”

Approximately 40 students wore the shirt, and 16 refused to remove it. Those students were locked in

* * *

Pages from the Gilded Bare,

the Columbus Dispatch. The students who wore the Union shirts, Guesman said, were “honorable kids, but the tendency of the young is to be too caught up in rights.”

16 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

Meanwhile, the Gilded Bare continued to pro duce issues, alternately attracting ire, curiosity and ad miration.“People were fascinated with it,” Mitchell said. “The parents dropping their kids off for school would stop the car, get out, come over, and get a copy of it. Everybody was very interested in what the under ground newspaper had to say.”

▼ News from Suburbia

Indeed, the incident sent ripples throughout the broader UA community, attracting both praise and criticism. For example, opposing the students’ actions were members of the UAHS Parent-Teacher Associ ation (PTA), who in a scathing letter published in the Columbus Dispatch in October, 1969, stated that they were “ashamed of [the students] as parents, as we are of ourselves when our children disappoint society.”

Operating without a formal organizational chart (“it was definitely not formal, not organized,” Reynolds recalled) and publishing a masthead that

For his part, the UAHS principal at the time, A. L. interviewedstudentscriticizedGuesman,thewhenby

The students were officially punished for their shirts — Guesman told the Columbus Dispatch that “any unnecessary drawing or writing on” t-shirts was prohibited — but the students alleged that the deci sion was actually a matter of suppressing the Union.

the teacher’s lounge, Reynolds said, as the administra tion went through the process of calling parents. There, the students discovered a telephone and a phonebook. They sensed an opportunity.

“We kind of instantly knew that we had made a really big mark relative to what would otherwise have been just an almost invisible protest,” he said.

“The reason students were dismissed was not because of any violation of the dress code or any oth er reason the administration may draw up in the fu ture,” an unnamed columnist stated the next week in the Gilded Bare. “They are out to get the Union, but instead of destroying the Union, they have fortified it through their vivid imagination and convenient igno rance of the law.”

The protest was one among many that took place during this time. In the coming years, stu dents would hold sit-ins, demonstrations and rallies throughout UAHS and the community.

The UAHS counterculture, and the protests they organized, was covered in local newspapers.

“We just looked up the phone numbers of the newspapers, news desks, and the TV stations,” Reyn olds recalled. “And we just were all high-fiving each other and saying, ‘This is great.’”

The students watched through the window as crews from at least four Columbus-based news out lets — The Columbus Dispatch, the defunct Colum bus Citizen-Journal, TV 4 (NBC) and TV 10 (CBS) — arrived on the UAHS campus to report on the de taining of the students. Those outlets published stories or ran segments on the incident, which Reynolds said gave the movement a publicity boost.

One notable demonstration against the war occured on May 4, 1970, at Kent State. At that demonstration, members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed students protesting the war on campus, galvanizing the nation.

Gregory Duncan, UAHS class of 1969, was a Kent State student on campus when the guardsmen opened “Whenfire.

Gilded Bare eventually fizzled out by spring of 1972, when the Norwester yearbook listed the publi cation asThese“dead.”events at UAHS did not unfold in a vac uum. Rather, they served as a microcosm of broader nationalOnechange.ofthe core national events during this time was the Vietnam War. As more and more indi viduals were drafted into the war, it became a major fighting point for American activists, who advocated an abolition of the draft and the discontinuation of America’s involvement in the conflict.

The publication also continued to face censor ship and suppression from school authorities, such as the inability to distribute on school grounds. The stu dents behind the publication attempted to curtail this censorship. At a UA School Board meeting on Oct. 13, 1970, Mitchell spoke to the Board requesting that the paper be allowed to circulate on school grounds. The Board president, Margaret Postle, responded that the publication would need, among other things, a teacher-adviser.Atthemeeting, Mitchell called this require ment “unfair,” saying, “no teacher wants to stick his neck out for Suppressionus.” of the Gilded Bare took other, less explicit forms as well. For example, school administra tors attempted to exert pressure on parents aiding in the printing of the publication.

That meeting “proved very disappointing to the students who attended,” the Gilded Bare wrote.

the shooting took place, we were na ive enough to think, first of all — some of the people [around me] were saying there couldn’t be live ammu nition in those rifles,” Duncan said. “ To hear the shots — we had no idea that they were aiming at people.”

Throughout this time, the dress code remained a potent issue, even as students took up other causes. One provision in the dress code — pertaining to male hair length — proved especially controversial among students. Male UAHS students in 1970 were to keep their hair “short enough and well-enough in place so as not to fall below the ears at the sides,” according to the student handbook from the time. They were fur ther instructed to “keep the back shorter than ducktail length. Sideburns are to be no lower than the bottom

In the end, four students died and nine others were injured. The nation was galvanized; the event set off mass outrage in colleges and high schools across the country. 17

* * *

“We were using mimeograph during the first two years, and we would do it at somebody’s mom or dad’s office,” Mitchell recalled. “If the school admin istration found out where we were printing the paper, they would call the parents and try and get them to stop.”

Further, the administration targeted Gilded Bare writers for other violations, such as dress code, the Board’s Nov. 10, 1970, meeting, representatives for the publication complained that “school administrators refuse[d] to negotiate griev

ances with them” and that members of the publication had “been threatened with expulsion from academ ic teams,” according to a Columbus Dispatch article published the next day.

seemed to change by the issue, the paper served as a community space for students discontent with the sta tus quo.“It was just a volunteer group of students that were all trying to do approximately the same thing,” MitchellThesaid.paper resonated with disaffected students and curious readers alike by finding stories that Ar lingtonian — the “establishment” paper at the time — was notWriterscovering.and contributors for Gilded Bare made the contrast between the papers clear. In one letter, the publication decried Arlingtonian as a “symbol of the establishment” alongside football. In another, Mitchell called on Arlingtonian to “drop dead” in response to an article it published. And in 1970, Mitchell said at a school board meeting that Arlingtonian was “fearful of taking a stand against the administration,” according to the Columbus Citizen Journal.

At a second hearing on October 20, students testified for Ortman, who this time was seeking a per manent injunction. However, he once again lost.

while this was a transformative and tu multuous era in American history, core hallmarks of the high school experience — school dances, pep ral lies, graduation — continued as usual, as they do to this day.Indeed,

“Whenever an authoritative agency uses power arbitrarily, it creates issues that need not exist,” the Or tmans’ attorney, Bruce Campbell, said at the meeting, according to UA News. “What we are considering is one man’s right to be the person he wants to be.”

In denying the request, Board President Pos tle cited a survey indicating broad student and parent support for the dress code.

That, Ortman’s attorney wrote, meant a “per manent impairment of his earning capacity” amount ing to $220,000.Theschool district, in response, laid out a slew of arguments in favor of their dress code and their de cision to suspend Ortman.

Despite some of the tension, students who at tended UAHS during this time stress that there were and are no genuine animosities among students, and that the alumni retain a strong sense of community to this day.And

On Sept. 17th, 1970, a hearing was held in which Franklin County Court of Common Pleas judge Charles Petree denied Ortman’s request for a temporary injunction allowing him to attend school with his shoulder-length hair.

“It is not fair for other students to have to put up with someone like this,” Petree said, according to the Columbus Citizen-Journal. “If a boy dresses as a girl it isn’t good for school morale. If he wants to go to school, he has to have his hair cut.”

Unsatisfied with the district’s response, the Ortmans sued the district. In court records, Ortman’s attorney, argued the case on three grounds. First, he contended that Ortman’s hair was “a matter of per sonal style, taste and self-expression” and that it did not interfere with the educational process. Campbell argued that the school’s rules violated Ortman’s rights under the first, ninth and fourteenth amendments, as well as two provisions of the Ohio Constitution. Sec ond, he argued that the school had “interfere[d] with his right to raise his son in accordance with his own philosophy and standards,” violating “the privacy of the parental relationship.” Finally, Campbell argued that Ortman’s suspension prevented him from getting accepted to college and therefore from earning a liv ing.

“Actually, the community set the dress code,” Postle said, according to board minutes.

“Since shoulder-length hair is not generally accepted in the professional and business communi ty, the school is responsible for assuring that students learn to know and respect such societal standards,” the district wrote. “While shoulder-length hair may be ac ceptable on a rock festival sound stage, it is not proper in a school, where the maintenance of a businesslike, academic surroundings is necessary.”

The district didn’t just build its defense out of pragmatic arguments of safety and academic function

of the ear.”Discontent against this provision reached a boiling point in the fall of 1970, when Glen Ortman, then a senior, was suspended for five days after refus ing to cut his hair. In response, Ortman’s parents and an attorney attended the September 8, 1970, Board of Education meeting to ask for an appeal of the deci sion.

The district argued that long hair on males was a safety hazard in shop and physical education class es. Further, the district contended, long-haired males were “a source of disruption and distraction in the classroom” who “antagonize[d] many other students who wear conventional haircuts.”

* * *

the time period saw a series of wins by the UAHS football team. For three consecutive years — 1967, 1968 and 1969 — UA held the state champi onship title. That winning streak, students say, united the class.“It

wasn’t like [two sides] were opposing each other; I think that’s a pretty important thing,” Reyn olds said. “It was just two populations facing opposite directions.”

ing, though; it also appealed directly to the establish ment culture’s standards of propriety.

18 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022


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A look into the overturning of Roe v. Wade and what it means for America going forward. ADELAIDEBYPETRAS ’24, THEA POSTALAKIS ’24, AND SAFIA MALHOTRA ’24 Farewell,Roe.



tional Age Act,” which prohibited all abortions, with few exceptions, after 15 weeks gestational age. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the last remaining licensed abortion facility in Mississippi, filed a lawsuit in federal district court challenging the law and requesting an emergency tempo rary restraining order (TRO). The case reached the Supreme Court, with Mississippi asking initially for the Court to uphold its ban arguging that it was consistent with Roe v. Wade, but later asking the Court to overrule Roe v. Wade outright.

Roe alleged that the state laws violated her right to personal privacy, and the Supreme Court found that this right to privacy was protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.Thiscase was prodigious in many ways: not only did it grant people the right to have an abortion, but it also estab lished a constitutional right to privacy for Americans that would influence future cases.

In 2018, Mississippi passed a law called the “Gesta


1970, a Texas woman, under the pseudonym Jane Roe, filed a lawsuit against the district attorney of Dallas County, Henry Wade, challenging a Texas Law that outlawed abortions unless the mother’s life was endangered.

“[The girls who had babies in high school] weren’t able to finish school,” Martin said. “It was just the end of choice for them and what their lives would be like. And the ones that married ended up divorced. So I just couldn’t think that that was a good solution.”

Upper Arlington resident and fellow ReSisters mem ber Elaine Long concurred, describing the subject of abor tion as “hush-hush” in the years before Roe v. Wade.

“I had several friends. These were nice girls. These were popular girls from good families, and they got preg nant,” Martin said. “I suspect that one that I know probably had an abortion; she just dis appeared… They would either go somewhere and have an abortion, or they go live with a rela tive and have the Additionally,baby.”due to religious reasons and societal standards, many women without access

According to a study by the National Library of Med icine, an estimated 32,000 pregnancies in America result from rape each year. 32.2% of those kept the baby whereas 50% had abortions, 5.9% placed the baby for adoption and 11.8% had miscarriages or spontaneous abortions.

realize that rape happens, but for the most part, it’s completely your decision to get pregnant. Right? You’re able to stop that from happening,” senior Jim Butz said. “Exclud ing rape, I think [that] if you get pregnant it is your fault and you should be forced to have the baby.”

Legal restrictions surrounding reproductive issues were weakened with a court ruling in 1936 that decriminalized the transfer of birth control information in New York, and birth control was protected with the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut. By the early 1970s, contraceptives were com pletely legal and much more widely available. Additionally, after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, abortion was deter mined to be constitutionally protected.

Initially, the reproductive rights movement wasn’t widely supported in the United States. At the time, infor mation about birth control was considered obscene and was therefore outlawed.

After the repeal of Roe v. Wade, women in some states will lose the right to terminate their pregnancy or not, no matter the situation in which they were impregnated.

Before the reproductive rights movement gained mo mentum, especially before Roe, the figureheads of the move ment were white women such as Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Alongside her progressive views on reproductive rights, Sanger was a supporter of eugenics, the notion that certain demographics should not reproduce in order to “improve” the human genome. In some ways, she used her advancements in reproductive justice as a way to spread the idea that a fetus should be aborted if it were going to be born disabled or of color. She endorsed the forced and non-consensual sterilization of those deemed “unfit” to have children.For reasons like this, some still argue that abortion is used as a tool of eugenics and that the reproductive rights movement is more harmful than beneficial to minority groups. In fact, some consider the unborn to be a minori ty group themselves due to their lack of power and deci sion-makingPlannedability.Parenthood has run advertisements reading: “BABIES ARE LOUD SMELLY, AND EXPENSIVE. UNLESS YOU WANT ONE.”

However, before Roe, abortions weren’t nonexistent in states that banned it; illegal abortions were frequent occur rences. According to the Guttmacher Insitute, an organiza tion that researches reproductive health, estimated numbers of illegal abortions range from 200,000 to 1.2 million per year in the United States in the 1950s and ’60s. Additional ly, it was common for people to receive abortions from un known and potentially unsafe sources out of necessity.

On June 24, 2022, the court ruled in favor of the state of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Orga nization, overturning Roe v. Wade and revoking the federal right to an abortion for Americans, leaving it to the regula tion of the states instead.

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Genocide Aware ness Project (GAP) describes pro-choice advertisements like this one to utilize “the dehumanizing rhetoric of genocide.” The project urges readers to substitute a racial group for the word “babies,” claiming it would induce public outrage. Additionally, GAP points out that minorities are most likely to choose abortion, arguing that abortion contributes to the erasure of these groups.

However, others disagree with this so-called end of choice.“I


The stigma and secrecy surrounding birth control are evident in reflections from people such as Kaye Martin, who is a member of a liberal political activism group called the ReSisters.“[Sex] was something nobody could admit to doing, and there was no birth control because nobody had heard of birth control,” Martin said.

to birth control or abortion were pressured into getting married. For some, this is viewed as a consequence of one’s decision to engage in sexual intercourse. But to others, it is seen as an unfair loss of autonomy in making life decisions.



Within 10 days of the draft leak, UAHS students were met by protestors holding large, graphic signs depicting aborted fetuses and words such as “eternity is a long time to be wrong” and “never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal” in front of the school following the final bell.These protesters were members of the organization Created Equal, a non-profit, pro-life organization inspired by Mark Harrington’s vision of uniting human rights de fenders.Harrington and the other members of the Created Equal organization compare themselves to the anti-racist Freedom Riders movement of the 1960s, a historical group of protestors dedicated to abolishing segregation. Their website reads: “like the Freedom Riders, we’re focusing the attention of America on injustice — this time, it’s the age ism of abortion, by which young humans are killed daily for reasons we would not permit the killing of older (born) hu mans.”Created Equal was only one of many organizations holding protests over the summer. Planned Parenthood alone organized more than 400 “Bans off our Bodies” pro tests the day following the draft leak and has since continued to organize protests and rallies in defense of abortion rights.

Seeing as abortion is such a sensitive topic, some may believe that the de cision to have an abortion should be left to individu als, rather than legislation.

“CreatedAmericans.Equalhas added to a lot of harm to Ohioans here. They’re the group that stands outside high schools or on college campuses or outside the statehouse, with really graphic images,” Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio director of communications Aileen Day said.

The controversial ruling released this summer has fur ther polarized an already extremely polarized country, as some people mourn the loss of Roe v. Wade and others cel ebrate it. Tensions run high between pro-abortion and an ti-abortion


Meanwhile Created Equal, and other anti-abortion Americans, experienced that day much differently.

“It was very surreal at first. I couldn’t even believe it. And then, once it kind of sunk in, I had tears streaming down my face — we all did. This joy, that Roe had fallen

Juniorprecedent.ShiraBohrer, who is interested in political ac tivism and works at the Ohio Center for Sex Education, re counts the day Roe v. Wade was overturned.

— this unconstitutional policy that was in place for so long — that was saying that it’s okay to kill innocent little boys and girls,” Created Equal program coordinator Evangeline Abaffy said. “It was just a great moment to see this stone be turned over and to look to what’s next.”


“If you don’t want to have an abortion, don’t have an abortion. But you know, kind of like hands-off mak ing that decision for oth ers. You know, everybody should have the right to make their own decision,” Long said.

Prior to the official SCOTUS ruling for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Politico published a leaked draft majority opinion penned by Justice Samuel Ali to on May 2, 2022. Thus began what has since been coined as “the summer of dissent.”

On June 24, the court released the official ruling for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, only slightly altered from the leaked draft Politico had published. The ruling overturned Roe v. Wade and revoked the con stitutional right to an abortion for Americans after half a century of

“I think when it happened, a part of me and a lot of other people just sort of shut down. I remember being real ly frustrated with Instagram. I didn’t want to see it on the stories. I didn’t want to see people posting about it,” Bohrer said. “I was just, like, kind of over it. And it was just kind of a frustrating thing to be around because you just see all of this and it’s like, ‘Well, what can we do?’”

Ohio State Bill 23, which passed July 11, 2019, prohibits abortions once a detectable heartbeat is

There is tangible hostility between those holding the pro-choice and pro-life standpoints.

“I’ve talked to plenty of people… [that] would look at the evidence of embryology and they would come to the conclusion that that’s wrong to do because they have some basic morality,” Abaffy said.

On Aug. 2, 2022, voters in Kansas, a primarily Repub lican state, rejected a constitutional amendment that would have allowed the legislature to restrict abortion rights.

Kansas’s situation is now seen to those on the prochoice side as a glimmer of hope, encouraging them to not give up.Long agreed that the best way to resist is to speak one’s mind.“If you’re unhappy, stand up,” Long said. “Have your voicesThisheard.”same sentiment is held among many across the pro-choice“Abortionspectrum.should not be stigmatized,” Day said. “One out of every four people who can become pregnant will have an abortion in their lifetime. But the majority of Ohioans don’t think that they know anyone who has been impacted by abortion.”

Recently, an anonymous ten-year-old girl became a key point in abortion topics. The girl was pregnant due to rape and was denied an abortion in Ohio. She was direct ed to Indiana, where Dr. Caitlin Bernard administered her medication for an abortion.

“One out of 10 people in Ohio is having an abortion at under six weeks, so we’re sending around 90% of people out of state,” Day However,said.the topic of patient navigators is becoming increasingly controversial as states adapt to a post-Roe life.


On the surface Roe v. Wade appears to just protect the federal right to an abortion; however, it runs much deeper than that. Roe v. Wade protects an individual’s constitutional right to privacy under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Roe v. Wade also set a precedent that other SCOTUS cases rely on, such as Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing same-sex marriage.“Ithink this does kind of set the precedent of, you know, the national government, they have more power to take away people’s rights now. [But] I think most rights have been around since the beginning of the country; like every thing the Bill of Rights said,” Butz said. “I don’t think there’s any danger of that going away… I am not personally worried about“ThisDaythat.”disagreed.alsoopens the opportunity for justices to take away other rights like gay marriage and contraception and things like that,” Day said. “So it’s just really scary, especially because it’s opened the door to be able to further take away other Inrights.”itsmajority opinion, the court stated that “[n]othing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on prece dents that do not concern abortion.” However, Justice Clar

“Following the overturning of Roe, I stated clearly that I would be willing to support legislation that made progress in protecting life,” Holcomb said in a statement.

Indiana’s Senate Bill 1 will be effective Sept. 15, 2022. It prohibits the licensure of abortion clinics, as well as banning abortion unless in cases of rape or incest before the tenth week of Thepregnancy.differences in elected officials’ opin ions are also being shown throughout the country, as many other states decide what they will do in a post-Roe society.

found — typically within six weeks of conception. This can cause most abortions not to be performed, since, at six weeks, many people don’t know that they are pregnant, according to the Abortion Fund of Ohio.

According to the bill, illegal abortion, classified as a fifth-degree felony, entails “knowingly performing or in ducing an abortion once a fetal heartbeat has been detect ed unless designed or intended to prevent the death of the pregnantThiswoman.”billhas no exceptions for rape or incest. This rul ing has not been changed since the case of Dobbs v. Jackson.

Bernard underwent tremendous backlash for this de cision, mostly from fervent Republicans in Indiana, but she said she hoped that her decision made a difference.

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb stood in favor of this bill, outwardly declaring his opinions on the anti-abortion side.

To combat this bill, organizations that are pro-choice, such as Planned Parenthood, have been using resources such as patient navigators. Patient navigators help people who want abortions to obtain the help that they need, whether it be directing them out of state or connecting with health centers that could. Planned Parenthood can connect peo ple seeking abortions with these patient navigators and steer them in the desired direction.


“I think people realize how important our voice as physicians as advocates for access to care can be,” Bernard said in a July interview with NPR. “I hope it will be inspir ing and not However,deterring.”shortly after, Indiana passed a new Senate bill restricting abortion. The bill was passed on Aug. 5 by the state House 62-38 and the state Senate approved it 28-19.


Others don’t view adoption as an effective solution, cit ing issues within the adoption and foster care systems.

in the foster care system; that’s not a solution,” Long said.

marriage is also vulnerable to the minis trations of the SCOTUS, and the House has preemptively passed a bill to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which states that marriage may exist only between one man and one woman. The act remains on the books, but is legally unenforceable due to court’s decision in the Obergefell case.

ence Thomas, in a concurring opinion, stated that the court “should reconsider” its rulings in cases protecting same-sex marriage, same-sex intimacy and contraception access.

Certain demographics will be impacted differently by this court ruling than others. For example, low-income in dividuals and minorities will likely have less access to abor tions and other forms of reproductive care.

“Some states have completely banned abortion, while some states are completely fine with it, and it creates this huge discrepancy where the people that are the most affect ed by it are people that are unable to afford to go out of state to get the care that they need,” Bohrer said. “Abortions are still going to happen. That’s the reality. And it’s only affect ing the people that aren’t as privileged as others and it’s kind of like a theme I think, in a lot of legislation in the US.”

“It’ll be harder for people who need an abortion who cannot afford to travel to other states, who can’t afford to travel to other countries,” Long said. “There’ll be people that will have to have these babies and have a hard time raising them or not have the resources to raise them. It’s going to have a huge impact on people living in poverty.”

These are only some of the impacts that may follow the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling, although some will vary based on certain demographics.

Some, such as Butz, present adoption as a viable option for handling unwanted pregnancies.

“People are either going to have to self-manage abor tions by ordering pills online… and it’s actually very safe to self-manage your own abortion, but people just shouldn’t have to take healthcare into their own hands,” Day said. “So it’s either forcing people to take healthcare into their own hands or we’re forcing people to — if they even can — travel out of state a hundred miles to get healthcare.”

“That’s a crazy thing to do, in my opinion,” Butz said. “I feel like having no abortions and no contraceptives, or I guess having fewer abortions and fewer contraceptives, means that there’s going to be tons of babies showing up all over theSame-sexplace.”

According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, 25.1 million unsafe abortions are performed each year worldwide, and that number is predicted to increase drastically follow ing the overruling of Roe v. Wade.

The SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade will have a drastic impact on American history going forward for doz ens of reasons, one such reason being that the SCOTUS does not often overturn former court proceedings. “Stare decisis” is a Latin term that means “to stand by things decided” and is the legal principle of determining points in litigation ac cording to precedent, as defined by The Oxford Dictionary. The court adheres to stare decisis, and values precedent in general. It rarely overturns former court proceedings. Typically, when a court overturns a former ruling it is to invoke rights, rather than revoke them — as demonstrated in Brown v. Board of Education, Gideon v. Wainwright and Lawrence v. Texas. Hence why the ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization took many prochoice Americans — who believe the right to an abortion to be a fundamen tal human right — by surprise.

“I think that we know the statistics about the number of people that are adopting kids. I mean, there’s so many kids

Oftentimes people who do not trust the adoption or foster systems will opt to terminate a pregnancy if they can not afford to carry it to term.

The Biden Administration has backed contraception rights, issuing a warning to U.S. businesses and health insur ance providers that limiting coverage of contraceptives is a violation of federal law. Moreso, The United States Depart ment of Health and Human Services recently clarified that the Affordable Care Act requires insurance plans to provide free birth control to insured individuals. Democrats in the House of Representatives attempted to pass a bill protecting access to contraception, but were unsuccessful.

According to Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children of Ohio (CASA), there are more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States, as well as more than 16,000 in Ohio alone. Additionally, 1,000 of those children in Ohio age out of foster care every year without having somewhere to live.

“If worst comes to worst, you can always put him up for adoption or take him to an orphanage because you don’t have the money to care for him,” Butz said.

“Losing the right to abortion is a human rights crisis,” Day said. “The impacts are really drastic, and they’ll, unfortunately, be never-ending.”



students are part of the Arlingtonian staff this year.


is the graduation year of this year’s kindergarten students.


UA SPEAKS 26 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

students went on a trip to thisGermanysummer as part of an exchange program.


was the global box office sales for “Top Gun: Maverick.”



Arlingtonian cartoonist Lukas Skoracki, a senior, reflects on college applications.


new assisstant principals have joined the UAHS community this school year.




Eight students respond to a question in eight words



Describe your summer. EIGHT


I attended a protest over the summer. saw “Top Maverick.”Gun:

I had a good summer break. traveled out side the country during summer. went


I attended a concert over the summer.



schoolback-to-shopping. 156 RESPONSES

Data from polling on Arling tonian’s Instagram account, May not be a representative sample of the UAHS student body.

My summer was pretty good and I fished. — Senior Callum Davies Lots of travel and fun with my friends. — Senior Lauren Carmichael I worked at the pool; it was fun. — Junior Audrey Dungan My summer was good. I ate and slept. — Junior Jared Rabadam It was very fun and was very eventful. — Sophomore Alex Sullivan This summer I went to the Pacific Northwest. — Sophomore Julia Newland I went on vacation to Hawaii. T’was fun! — Freshman Elise Eisnnicher Preparing for school… oops, I forgot summer reading. — Freshman Matthew Schmersal 27


Columnist discusses some of her favorite music from the summer, plus upcoming music.




OPINION SEPTEMBER Issue 1 • September 2, 202228 ARLINGTONIAN

his past summer was full of a variety of things for UAHS students. Some kids were working a summer job, while others were hanging out with friends, completing the summer Capstone course, going to concerts or simply listening to music by the pool.


A look at some of this month’s upcoming concerts in central Ohio.

Over the summer, I listened to and enjoyed a lot of the newly released music by numerous artists. One of my favorites from this summer was SZA’s music release on June 9, 2022, called “Ctrl (Deluxe).” SZA published seven previously unreleased tracks that were made in 2014-2016 on the same date as her original album release, “Ctrl,” ex actly five years later. Along with SZA, I also en joyed artist Steve Lacy’s second studio album “Gemini Rights” that was released July 15. It followed Lacy’s debut album Apollo XXI and was preceded by the singles “Mercu ry,” “Bad Habit” and “Sunshine” fea turing musical artist Fousheé.

Summer Sounds Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 Bad Omens The KING of CLUBS 5 6 Magic City Hippies A&R Music Bar 7 8 9 Psychostick The KING of CLUBS 10 Front 242 Skully’s Music Diner 11 12 Father John Misty KEMBA Live! Demon Hunter The KING of CLUBS 13 14 Murphy’s Law Rumba Cafe 15 Brooks Nielsen A&R Music Bar Matt Stell The Bluestone 16 The Front Bottoms KEMBA Live! Briston Maroney Newport Music Hall 17 glaive A&R Music Bar Spaceface Rumba Cafe 18 Pusha T KEMBA Live! Post Malone Nationwide Arena 19 Ben Platt Schottenstein Center Mom Jeans Athenaeum Theatre 20 The Luka State The Basement Trombone Shorty Newport Music Hall 21 Panic! At The Disco Nationwide Arena 22 Disturbed KEMBA Live! 23 The Head and the Heart KEMBA Live! 24 25 Tessa Violet A&R Music Bar 26 The Melvins A&R Music Bar Death Cab for Cutie KEMBA Live! 27 28 Ricky Montgomery A&R Music Bar 29 Whethan The Bluestone 30 Conan Gray KEMBA Live! COMPILED BY SAFIA MALHOTRA ’24

While I did not attend any concerts this summer, many UAHS students enjoyed live music around Colum bus. One of my favorites artists that came to Columbus for a concert was Rex Orange County. Rex Orange County played his concert at KEMBA Live!, Columbus on June 20, 2022. He played some of his most famous songs from several of his albums including “Who Cares?”, “Pony” and “ApricotSomePrincess.”ofthemusic of the summer is still yet to come. Two music festivals are coming to Columbus in the month of August. Breakaway Music Festival is being held at the Historic Crew Stadium on Aug. 26, 27 and 28. This fes tival is hosting various artists, some of the most popular being The Chainsmokers, Quinn XCII, Yung Gravy and 21 Savage. The second music and arts festival, Wonder bus, is also the same weekend at The Lawn At CAS and features Duran Duran, Lorde, the Lumineers and Daisy the Great.

wanted a movie to make them feel good. Furthermore, in a time where a majority of Americans believe our country is going in the wrong direction, the movie reminded people of what makes our country great. A diverse group of highly talented pilots from the most prestigious flying school in the world competing to serve on a mission to protect our allies. Scenes of Cyclone risking his career for the good of the mission, Maverick downing far superior enemy aircraft in an F-14 and Hangman rescuing Maverick and Rooster remind people of their own ideals and values. The display of American military might against a threat reinvigorates a sense of patriotism and respect for the men and women who bravely serve our country that has been waning recently.

Compared to the original, Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, played by Tom Cruise, is more caring for others, showing compassion for his colleagues in the Darkstar pro gram and acting as a father figure to Bradley “Rooster” Brad shaw, Goose’s son. Although he is more caring, Maverick doesn’t lose his characteristic ego and confidence, regardless of the situation. The action is near constant throughout the movie, whether it is Maverick going over Mach 10, prac ticing low altitude flying, playing football on the beach, or stealing an F-14 Tomcat from an enemy airbase, it is im possible to look away from the screen. Dispersed through out the intense scenes, there are many well-placed jokes to relieve the tension. The movie also does a great job at calling back to the original without feeling like a repeat, in cluding only a few seconds of flashbacks and despite fundamentally still being about airplanes, every flying scene is different and exciting.

In the box office, the film has been breaking records since its release on May 27, the movie has grossed $662.5 million domestically and $1.3 billion globally putting it in seventh and 13th place respec tively. It also is the highest grossing movie released on Memorial Day weekend in addition to having a 99% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The reason it is so popular isn’t just because it is entertaining, it’s because it is a patriotic movie. It came out at per fect time, Covid was resurging, inflation was climb ing rapidly and gas was hitting $5 per gallon. People

Mission: Success

Pilot gives “Top Gun: Maverick” the thumbs up.



Lastly, as a pilot myself, I really appreciate the effort made to make the film accurate in terms of aviation ter minology, air traffic control communications, procedures and aircraft capabilities, things most movies get atrociously wrong. In all, I would give “Top Gun: Maverick” a 10/10 and it will certainly become a go-to movie for years (maybe decades) to come.

Notwithstanding the excellent storytelling, the unde niably best part of the movie is the flying. The movie gives the most authentic feeling of being in a F/A-18 Super Hor net going over 700 mph less than 100 feet from the ground that any of us will get. At the insistence of Tom Cruise, the movie never uses CGI to animate an airplane, although they do use computers to digitally change the appearance of three airplanes by putting a digital “wrapping” over F-18s to make them look like a different airplane. They did this for the Darkstar aircraft which doesn’t exist, the Su-57, a brand new Russian aircraft, and F-14, as there are no airworthy ones left. The audio captured from the engines during carri er operations is intense, but seeing four F-18s flying in close formation just a few feet from the ground just under the speed of sound through the Cascades Mountains of Wash ington is truly stunning. Moreover, the shots from the cock pit are amazing, showing the effects of the fast accelerations and how little room there is for error.

op Gun: Maverick” was released into a tough en vironment: movie theaters were half-empty and after two years of delays, expectations were skyhigh (pun intended). As a pilot myself, I was particularly drawn to the movie because of how much I enjoyed the original. Despite the adversity, the movie became a smash hit because it does an exceptional job at balancing character development, action and humor that exceeds expectations. Over a decade in the making, the film was crafted to perfec tion and has become my favorite aviation movie. Not only is “Top Gun: Maverick” a fantastic sequel to the 1986 original, it is a show of American exceptionalism and power deliv ered better than any precision bomb could.


ever have I had more fun eating at a restaurant than I had at Tensuke Express. I’m usually a picky eater (I don’t know what they were thinking letting me do a food review), so when eating out I like to go to places where I know what to expect and eat large amounts of simple, plain food. If I’m feeling adventurous one day, I’ll let them put lettuce on my burger. So when I walked into the cute, welcoming Japanese restaurant, I was somewhat intimidated.Tensuke Express is a Japanese ramen restaurant at the Kenny Centre Mall’s Japanese Marketplace. Sur rounded by other Japanese restaurants and stores, Tensuke Express is conveniently located for shoppers and diners coming from other establishments. It has a large seating area, yet still manages to appear cozy and at the same time modern. Very clean bathrooms, an organized trash and recycling system and Japanese pop music playing over the speakers created a very pleasant dining experience.

Tensuke Express

was excited when I sat down at my table to wait for my food. After a 15-minute wait, my food was ready. The ramen was served in a large, dark bowl and came with a generous amount of thick ra men noodles, a few large pieces of grilled chicken, half a boiled egg, green onions and spinach, all soaking in a deliciously warm white creamy soup. The noodles were extremely tasty and worked great with the well-cooked grilled chicken. Along with the greens and the egg, you’ve got all your food pyramid sections covered. I had some trouble eating all of this with chopsticks, but I persevered. It just took me a very long time. I was very pleased with myself and satisfied after I finished the ra men but those feelings quickly dissolved as I looked over at the eel.The eel didn’t look bad at all. Two rectangular pieces of fish-looking meat covered in BBQ sauce and sat on top of white rice looked somewhat appetizing, but my obviously inexperienced self reeled at the fact that I was about to eat an eel. Yet after all my worrying, the under whelming result was meat that had little to no taste, and a mouthful of BBQ sauce.All in all, stepping out of my comfort zone turned out to be suc cessful. Along the way I had to over come hardships like the chopsticks and the eel, but the main dish of ra men was absolutely fantastic and the restaurant itself is a wonderfully cute place. Because of this, Tensuke Mar ket is the first restaurant ever to be Ali Approved.




Tensuke Express serves a scrumptious chicken paitan ramen.

Critic steps out of his comfort zone and enjoys Japanese food.




30 ARLINGTONIANIssue 1 • September 2, 2022

The most Japanese food I’ve had are those orange packeted stove made ramen packets from a grocery store and I might’ve had some sushi like four years ago. So when it came time for me to order at Tensuke Express, I ordered what the menu said was the number one favorite, the Grilled Chicken Paitan Ramen for $13.50. I also took a large gamble and ordered some barbecue eel on rice. I had absolutely no idea what to expect with the eel, but I


As a student body, there are thousands of differences between us. Everyone has a different aesthetic, music taste, favorite subject in school or amount of siblings. These differenc

es can cause separation, but through patience, listening and the desire to self-educate, our differences can be what brings us together. What unites us as one student body. One school. Arlingtonian is diverse in its students, too. It is made up of writ ers, photographers, graphic artists, business associates, editors, and more. Everyone has their speciality, what they’re on staff to improve and grow in. But when a writer sits down with a graphic artist to plan their graphics or an editor sits down and works with a writer step by step on their layout, it improves the culture as a whole.

This school year is the time to grow as students and unify as a community.

The Importance of Now

our entire lives in front of us. The education we are receiving in these four years is providing us with what we need to succeed later on, whether that be taking every honors science class offered, or every painting class, we all are working toward a common goal. We need to live in the moment now, taking in all that we can. We’re reminded every summer just how time flies, and the same will happen during the school year. Reminding ourselves that now is our time to grow, to make mistakes and learn from them, and harness the tools, characteristics and traits that will carry us into the future. Now is the time.




e’re back. Returning to homework, tests, clubs and sports after ten weeks of time to grow. Last year was the first year in a new building, with lots of new things to get used to. For current seniors, it was their first full year of high school. Current sophomores will be the first graduating class to have all four years in the new school. Lots of big changes, additions and improve ments have happened this fall as well in order to make this school year the best it can be.

Although being in high school can feel like the most important thing in a student’s life right now, we have

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