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Tuesday, september , 



Researcher finds old cells can learn new tricks Department head studies the body’s response to diseases By Jazmine Woodberry DAILY WILDCAT

A few rare young cells help us fight new diseases better as we age. A recent study led by Dr. Janko Nikolich-Žugich, head of the UA Department of Immunobiology, found that rare white blood cells,

which age more slowly than their counterparts, respond the best to infections as we grow older. Nikolich-Žugich has been tackling questions of aging for 15 years as co-director of the Arizona Center on Aging. He divides infection-fighting white blood cells, or T cells, into two categories: naïve and memory. Naïve cells fight brand-new infections. They then increase from 100,000-fold up to a million-fold and turn into memory cells. Those are

the cells that kick in when your body encounters a strain of flu it already has antibodies against. Memory cells also keep you from getting chicken pox more than once. Researchers wondered if our aging bodies still called up the same number of naïve cells to respond to new diseases. After several studies, the answer was no. “The responses of naïve cells, both in terms of quality and quantity, are never reaching the levels

of children and younger adults,” Nikolich-Žugich said. The decline in naïve cells—which shrink to a third of their former levels past age 50 — makes us more susceptible to disease. The fighting power of kids’ naïve cells against disease is around 90 percent. As we age, it dwindles to between 20 and 50 percent, he said. But that surviving one-third is the most powerful weapon against fighting disease — and that is what Nikolich-Žugich hopes to capitalize

on with the findings of this study. Funded by the National Institutes of Health, it was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Nikolich-Žugich said he hopes human trials can start in three to five years on a “kick start” vaccination that would activate and multiply naïve cells. “If we can devise a good vaccination or stimulation protocol, we should be able to selectively expand them even when we grow older,” he said.

Lending more helping hands Grant gives trainees opportunity to work with disabled children By Michelle A. Weiss DAILY WILDCAT

The Steele Children’s Research Center received a five-year grant that will be used to train professionals wanting to work with children who have autism, cerebral palsy and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. The $3.6 million grant, which the Health Resources and Services Administration funded, is going toward the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities, or LEND, program. Funds will be used to pay for faculty salaries, stipends for the 14 trainees and travel funds. The oneyear intensive program involves Dr. Sydney Rice, an associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics. She is directing the one-year intensive program while Eileen McGrath, an assistant professor in the department, is the training director. “When they finish the program they’ll have credentials and they’ll know a lot more than they used to,” Rice said. This experience will help trainees become leaders in dealing with neurodevelopmental disabilities, Rice said. Examples of neurodevelopmental disabilities include autism, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, osteodystrophy, cleft lip and palate and seizure disorders, Rice said. When trainees finish with the program, they’ll know more about these disabilities and how to


Sydney Rice, an associate professor from the Developmental Pediatrics Department at the University of Arizona Medical Center — University Campus, works on classroom-like activities with two brothers, 4 and 7, who both have autism.

work with one another. There are weekly training sessions on different topics including neurodevelopmental disabilities, life course and leadership training, she said. The program began on Aug. 16 with a three-day intensive leadership workshop at Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch Resort and a one-day conflict

management workshop. Trainees will also spend time in health clinics and interdisciplinary clinics for children with complex health needs. “The discussions will revolve around our clinical experiences, which will be observing children,” said Jody Pirtle, a trainee and a graduate student studying special education. Pirtle was also

selected as the virtual trainee for the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, which is the parent organization of the LEND program. Part of her job is to increase networking across the country. Pirtle said the trainees will also be doing a leadership project and a hands-on family mentorship project.

Sarah Hamill Skoch, another trainee, is a clinical psychologist, and said she went to a clinic for spina bifida, a neurodevelopmental disability. The clinic had children who were between five and six years of age. “I was really blown away by


Bike Valet still free for patrons a year after inception By Luke Money DAILY WILDCAT

More than 11,000 bikes vie for parking on campus every day. Despite this, the Bike Valet alternative bike-parking program continues to work to gain traction with students. First implemented in August 2010, the Bike Valet service was meant to offer UA students, faculty and staff a secure place to park their bikes, at a cost of 50 cents per use. Usage fees would help offset the cost of the project, $3,000 in initial startup and around $15,000 in annual payroll to hire people to oversee the bike corral. However, the Bike Valet became a free service shortly after it opened, in part to attract wider use by the campus community. And it will be free for the foreseeable future, according to Bill Davidson, the marketing specialist for Parking and Transportation Services. Davidson said the service was used around 6,500 times in its first year, an average of about 75 times per day. Though he said this level of usage was expected, PTS has been working to ad-

vertise the service around campus. He also said the Bike Valet has seen an increase in usage so far this year. “We had a lot of established customers last year,” Davidson said. “I think that some of the customers who were using it last year helped recruit new people to it this year.” Caleb Mendoza, a criminal justice sophomore, and Christopher Shirley, an anthropology major, have worked morning shifts at the Bike Valet since the beginning of this semester. Both estimated that they see about 50 people during their shift, which lasts for six to seven hours. Though neither of them bike to campus regularly, both said they would use the service if they did and would recommend it to others. “It’s just way more convenient,” Shirley said. “U-locks can be a pain.” Shirley should know, someone tried to cut through his once. But he said there have never been issues with bikes in the valet compound. Mendoza said that plenty of people who use the service do so often. “We have a lot of regulars,” he said.

UA Fall Career�Days are here!*

Davidson said most Bike Valet users are repeat customers. “We found that once people tried it they absolutely loved it,” Davidson said. “They keep coming back when we get them in the door.” Despite this loyal base, Davidson said there are no plans to reinstitute fees for the service. “Whenever we’ve started new programs we’ve always tried to give it a good two years before we decide to do something drastically with it,” Davidson said. Rachel Pergamit, a junior studying environmental and water resource economics who bikes to and from campus every day, said Monday was her first time using the Bike Valet, and that she was only using it after her bike lock broke. Pergamit said she remembered seeing the Bike Valet when it first debuted, but that she never would have used the service before it was free. “A bike lock is easier and gets you about the same thing,” she said. Pergamit also said she thinks the lo-


Alex Caswell, left, and TJ Dalton, right, work the Bike Valet across from the Student Union Memorial Center on Monday. The valet service is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

cation of the Bike Valet is inconvenient, and that she likes to park her bike closer to her classes. Angie Brown, a creative writing student going to school part-time, said it was her second time using the service, but that she found it more convenient

than her bike locker. PTS rents out a total of 194 bike lockers at 15 locations around campus for $90 a year, according to the PTS website.



Today & Tomorrow, 11am-4pm

Student Union Memorial Center Ballroom *Way more effective than a cardboard sign.



Daily Wildcat

• Page 2

News Editor: Luke Money • 520.621.3193 • news@wildcat.arizona.edu

Kevin brost/ Daily Wildcat

The Samuel H. Kress Collection consists of more than 60 European paintings and artifacts dating as far back as the 14th century. The best known work from the collection is the 26-panel Retablo of the Cathedral of the Ciudad Rodrigo, center.

Campus creepy crawlies

Prof conducts studies on CEOs

The UA will be hosting the first Arizona Insect Festival on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon on the UA Mall east of Old Main and south of the Student Union Memorial Center. The festival will feature more than 20 different tents, each with different exhibits and activities. Free parking will be available any time before 11 a.m. in the Tyndall, Park Avenue, and Main Gate parking garages. Admission to the event is also free. For more information, visit www. cals.arizona.edu/ento/festival.

UA business assistant professor Steven Boivie has conducted two studies examining how chief executive officers are hired, and how they can be more effective when they assume their roles. In the first study, he found that CEOs who have self-images that closely overlap with their company, that is, they define themselves by how successful the company is, tend to be more successful in their work. The second study found that companies tended to release more information around the time a CEO was hired, as a way to make positive impressions on the public or its shareholders, and have them associate that success with the new CEO.

Town hall meeting The Southwest Institute for Research on Women will be holding a town hall forum meeting from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday to discuss substance abuse and recovery for adolescents. The meeting will feature a speech from Richard H. Carmona, a professor in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and former U.S. Surgeon General, and a performance from Clean and Sober Theatre, an alcohol and drug prevention program. For questions about the event contact Kaleena Huggins at khuggins@email. arizona.edu, or 520-295-9339.

function independently. It can be used to help patients who are recovering from, or about to go into surgery, or are recovering from a disease.

UA faculty members garner grants Two UA faculty members, Michael B. Gill and Robert Schon, received grants from the National Endowment of the Humanities to develop courses designed to benefit the widest possible cross-section of the population. Only 16 such grants were available this year. Gill, an associate professor of philosophy, received his grant to offer a course on the origin of morality to students in the Honors College. Schon, an assistant professor of anthropology and classics, is offering a course this spring examining the reasoning behind cooperation. Both Schon and Gill will receive $25,000 in funding from the grants.

Diamond Children’s Medical Center wins UA Yuma welcomes award family studies class The Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) program at the University of Arizona Medical Center — University Campus and Diamond Children’s Hospital received the ELSO Award for Excellence in Life Support from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. ECMO procedures pertain to technology used on a patient with lung or heart damage so severe their organs cannot

The UA’s Yuma campus has started its family studies program, welcoming its first cohort of five students this semester. The program is a collaborative effort between UA Yuma and Arizona Western College, where students split their four-year education between the two schools, and is administered by the UA’s Outreach College.

Caroline nachazel/ Daily Wildcat

Daily Wildcat media reporter Brett Haupt interviews a student during a special segment of “Catwalking.” The segment focuses on the life of students who live in the recently completed Likins Hall. Check out the multimedia tab on dailywildcat.com for this video and other segments by the Daily Wildcat’s multimedia staff.

ASA kicks off year By Brenna Goth Daily Wildcat

The Arizona Students’ Association will recruit members and share initiatives at its kickoff event today. The association, a student advocate group, comprises students from the three Arizona universities. Its annual kickoff will be held at 7 p.m. in Old Main. Association officials will give short speeches on the organization’s history and its goals for this year. Hands-on activities will allow attendees to participate, said Ariel Molk, a director for the Arizona Students’ Association. “This year more than ever, there are opportunities to get involved in what ASA is doing,” Molk said. “This

year is really going to be focused on student input.” Students can join one of the association’s four committees with various focuses, including textbook prices, financial aid, the total cost of attendance and a UA voting initiative. Members will work with other students across the state. “This is definitely the first big opportunity to get students excited,” Molk said. Arizona Student’s Association is seeking students who are excited, engaged and eager to inform themselves, Molk said. She said students involved in various facets of the university are needed. “We’re looking for a broad student voice,” Molk said.

Daily Wildcat Q

What happens when a student gets caught drinking at a football game?

A . fighting, etc.), and attracts the attention of police, is

Anyone whose behavior violates stadium policy (drinking,

taken to the police command post on the NW side of the stadium. Information is gathered during observation. Underage fans, impaired by alcohol, may be cited and released to a responsible (and sober) friend or family member. If there is no safe ride home, they might be sent home in a taxi. Highly intoxicated fans may be taken to a hospital. Drinkers under the age of 21 may be cited for a MIP (Minor in Possession) which means that alcohol is found on the person, or in the body. Students will also be cited for violation of the UA code of conduct and referred to the Dean of Students. In lieu of an MIP citation, students may be assigned to a diversion program. When disruptive action, illegal behavior, or other misconduct is involved (fueled by alcohol consumption or not), the fan’s ticket is taken and they are not allowed back in the game. Persons clearly out of control or violent may be arrested and carted off to jail. Fans seeking a non-confrontational response to an issue with other fans may text their concerns and the exact Section, Row, and Seat information to gameops@arizona.edu. Appropriate stadium personnel will arrive to address concerns. Police and security officers are positioned throughout Arizona stadium to keep a close eye on fan behavior. Some officers survey the stands with binoculars while others walk about the stands, observing actions that might threaten the safety of others. Contrary to what some students believe, the police are not out to “ruin the fun.” Police serve, protect, and work in partnership with the community to make the game experience better for all in attendance. Sources: UAPD Officer Bethany Wilson and 2011 Arizona Football Gameday Guide.

In 1989, the UA replaced the Rodeo Day holiday with Martin Luther King Day instead. (www.125.arizona.edu/funfacts)

Got a question about alcohol?

Email it to redcup@email.arizona.edu


The Red Cup Q&A is written by Lynn Reyes, LCSW, LSAC, David Salafsky, MPH, Lee Ann Hamilton, MA, CHES, and Spencer Gorin, RN, in the Health Promotion and Preventive Services (HPPS) department of the UA Campus Health Service.

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20, 2011



Aerial Robotics reaches for new heights By Samantha Munsey DAILY WILDCAT

The UA Aerial Robotics Club is getting ready to take off this semester. Started by a group of aerospace engineering majors a decade ago, the UA Aerial Robotics Club is open to students interested in flying and building small remote control and computer-operated airplanes. Over the years, the club has entered a variety of competitions regarding aerospace development and innovation. One of the biggest developments in the field is the use of autonomous aircrafts: planes that are able to fly and locate objects in the sky without any hands-on direction from a pilot. “It’s cool that you do not need human interaction,” said Josh Alexander, aerospace engineering junior and president of the UA Aerial Robotics Club. “The plane will fly itself. You tell it where it needs to go and it will land whenever it’s done.”


From left: Marvin Portillo, aerospace mechanical engineer sophomore, Timmy Garrabrant, pre-computer science freshmen, Jose Valdez, biomedical engineering sophomore program an autonomous plane at the Maxwell Middle School sports field.

With computer programming, the autonomous aircrafts use GPS coordinates to pre-position paths the plane can take. This year, the club wants to attract more students

who are interested in programming, as a large majority of their members currently have a great knowledge about aerospace mechanics but not computers.

“It is a lot of testing and trying different things to see if it will work,” said Jose Valdez, a biomedical engineering sophomore and public relations officer for the club. “It is a lot of aerospace but is highly computer science and electrical and also some optics for the optical system part of the plane.” The group meets every Friday at 5 p.m. on the north side of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, room 410, to construct autonomous planes along with other remote-controlled aircrafts. Alexander said it takes about 20 hours to plan and build an airplane, and when it is finished it is tested the following fly day. A time, place and day to fly and test the aircrafts is determined during the meeting and are typically called fly days, where members get together and track the progress of their projects. “It was my first time flying one of

the planes,” said Marvin Portillo, club member and aerospace mechanical engineering sophomore during a fly day last Saturday. “It was fun and I plan on coming to more of these.” The club will be entering in two competitions this year. The first one, which will take place on April 26 in Boulder, Colo., is SparkFun Electronics’ competition where participants enter see who can fly an autonomous plane the fastest around a building. “For this we are actually replacing the engine we have in our autonomous plane for a faster one,” Valdez said. The second and final competition for the club this year is the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Seafarers competition, which is a national competition that takes place every June. “Last year we got eighth place after we were unable to fly the plane autonomously,” Alexander said. “We want to do a lot better this year.”

Obama unveils plan to slash deficit aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so he could describe the plan to reporters Sunday. Obama will present his recommendations to a congressional “super-committee” that is considering a deficit-reduction package of its own. The 12-member committee, an outgrowth of the debt-ceiling negotiations over the summer, is charged with hammering out a bill that will go to Congress for an up-or-down vote this year. The committee must complete its work by Nov. 23. Obama hopes his proposal will form the basis of a deficit-cutting package that Congress ultimately approves. Failing that, it would give him an issue to use in the 2012 campaign. His plan for lopping $3 trillion from the deficit is on top of the approximately $1 trillion in spending cuts that he signed into law in August, after reaching a deal with

Republican congressional leaders to lift the nation’s debt ceiling and avert a potential default. Obama pledged to unveil the plan earlier this month, when he called for a $447 billion jobs bill as he addressed a joint session of Congress. Breaking down the numbers Sunday night, White House advisers said they would reach the deficit target by: Raising $1.5 trillion by a tax-code overhaul. About $800 billion of that would come from the expiration of the George W. Bush-era tax cuts for upper-income Americans — families who earn more than $250,000 a year, and individuals who earn more than $200,000. The other $700 billion would consist of revenue increases achieved by closing loopholes, limiting deductions for those high earners, and ending tax breaks for oil and gas companies. As part of any changes to tax law, the White

Earthquake death toll rises to 50 at India-Nepal border MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

IMPHAL, India — Rain, landslides and severed communications continued to hamper rescue efforts late Monday after a large earthquake struck Sunday in northeastern India, Nepal and Tibet, killing at least 50 people. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.8 earthquake temblor was in India’s northeastern Sikkim state near the Nepal border. With most of Sikkim connected to the rest of India by a single, badly damaged national highway, a higher death toll is expected once emergency workers reach isolated communities. The damage would have been much worse, experts said, were Sikkim not India’s least populated state, with only 500,000 residents. Hundreds of people were injured. By late Monday, food and doctors were being airlifted into the area, although these operations were also hampered by poor weather, said R.K. Singh (sic), India’s home secretary. In one case, officials reported 16 landslides in a single six-mile stretch of road. The earthquake was caused by

pressure and related instability as the Indian tectonic plate moves northward into the Eurasian plate, geologists said, the same forces that have created some of the world’s highest mountains in the Himalayas. Television footage of the area showed roads buckled, buildings upended and rocks the size of tractor-trailer trucks blocking mountain highways as hundreds of people walked to rescue centers. Some 2,000 people were in emergency camps set up by the armed forces, Indian authorities reported Monday. Helicopters and more than 5,000 army troops were called in to help after the earthquake, which struck shortly after 6 p.m. Sunday. The mountainous area has become increasingly attractive to trekkers and other visitors, and border police reported rescuing over 20 tourists. P.M. Rai (sic), a lawmaker from Sikkim, said early tallies suggested at least 150 people were in area hospitals, including a significant number suffering from trauma. Authorities said this was the worst quake to hit Sikkim in six

decades. There were no immediate reports of damage to hydroelectric dams. Preliminary reports suggested at least 42 people were killed in India and a total of 12 dead in Nepal and Tibet. The Sikkim government said it would provide $11,000 to the families of the deceased and $550 to those who suffered minor injuries. While power was restored Monday morning to Gangtok, Sikkim’s state capital, it remained off in smaller communities, and cellphone coverage was spotty. Many local residents reportedly were traumatized by more than a dozen aftershocks in the initial 24 hours after the quake. Angeli Qwantra, a disaster management expert, told local network CNN/IBN that the aftermath underscored how unprepared Sikkim and the entire nation were in a region prone to earthquakes. The amount of building damage also suggested building codes were not enforced, she said, and Indian authorities should have done a much better job of more quickly reaching those affected.

House wants lawmakers to follow a principle it calls the “Buffett rule”: No one earning more than $1 million a year should be taxed at a lower rate than middle-income households. Saving $1 trillion by wrapping up the Iraq and Afghan wars. Obama’s aim is to steadily withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan and transfer combat responsibilities to the Afghans by 2014. Cutting $580 billion from various federal programs, including the major health care entitlement programs Medicare and Medicaid. The Buffett rule — named for Obama supporter Warren E. Buffett, a billionaire investor who complains that his effective tax rate is less than the rate his secretary pays — drew heated comments on the Sunday OLIVIER DOULIERY/ ABACA PRESS/ MCT talk shows, along with GOP vows to U.S. President Barack Obama makes a oppose it on grounds that it would statement about his proposed federal defict reduction plan. hurt economic growth.



“I find this (the Bike Valet) really easy,” Brown said. “I can drop my bike off, know it’s taken care of. And it’s in the shade, which is important to me.” Davidson said the big draw of the Bike Valet is that it is a secure and safe place to park a bike. But that security hasn’t attracted Megan Baker, an interdisciplinary studies senior who lives two miles from campus, to the service. Baker, who had two bikes stolen during her freshman



these families,” Hamill Skoch said. “I mean, their kids have been in and out of the hospital since they were born, some have had really complex surgeries, these kids have trouble walking … they have a lot that they’re dealing with. I usually walk away with just a great respect for what these families are managing on top of everything else.” Trainees have assigned readings and keep a reflection journal in addition to the weekly discussions, Pirtle said. The LEND sessions look at all stages of development rather than focusing on a specific time in a child’s life such as early childhood or adolescence, Pirtle said.

year, said the Bike Valet is not open late enough for her to use consistently. That is a concern held by Josh Smith, an engineering freshman who bikes to campus every day. Smith said he would definitely consider using the service if it was open late enough to accommodate his night classes. Davidson said the Bike Valet, like all PTS programs, is continuously being evaluated for ways it can better serve the UA. “We want to continue to respond to the requests of the cycling community on campus,” Davidson said, “and they want the valet.”

“One of the important things is when you’re taking care of children with complex health needs, you have to be able to know what everybody else does,” Rice said. “So, part of this training is to help each of the different types of trainees know a lot about what the other one does.” For example, a social worker will know a lot about what an occupational therapist does and physicians will know what psychologists do, she said. The interdisciplinary training allows them to all work together and be trained in leadership. The trainees in the program are all at least at a graduate level and are from Tucson, Flagstaff and Douglas.. “Every year we hope to have trainees from different places in the state so that we can improve the services and the knowledge across the state,” Rice said.

I 1

Tuesday Power Hour

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with a Cat Card



WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will announce a plan to slash more than $3 trillion from the nation’s deficit over the next decade by winding down the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, raising taxes on wealthier Americans, closing tax loopholes and cutting the cost of Medicare and other government health programs, senior White House officials said. Obama also will warn congressional Republicans during a Rose Garden speech Monday: If they pass a bill that cuts programs for poor and elderly Americans without asking profitable corporations and others to sacrifice, he will veto the measure. “In his remarks, the president will make clear he’s not going to support any plan that asks everything of some Americans and nothing of others,” said a senior White House




Daily Wildcat

• Page 4

Perspectives Editor: Storm Byrd • 520.621.7581 • letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

Fine print: May cause death Michelle A. Monroe Daily Wildcat


eeling anxious? Sad? Back hurt? America’s got a drug for you! We live in a society bombarded with drug advertisements every day. But what they don’t tell you is, as a young adult, you’re more likely to die from improperly using a prescription drug than anything else. For the first time, drugs now outnumber traffic fatalities as the biggest cause of death in America, according to data analyzed by the Los Angeles Times. Recreational use of prescription drugs, such as Vicodin and Xanex, killed more people than heroin or cocaine in 2009. This growing trend reared its ugly head on campus last semester. Wilson Forrester, a pre-physiology sophomore, was found dead at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house in April. According to a postmortem report, he had taken a combination of the painkiller oxycodone, the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and alcohol. None of the doses individually would have killed him, but together proved fatal.

“If (prescription drugs) were so safe, they wouldn’t make you wait for 20 minutes and explain all the dangers and proper dosages to you before they handed them over.” “College students today are woefully unaware and ignorant that combining these substances can be fatal,” Chip Forrester, Wilson’s father and chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party, told newspapers. “There is little to no education being done on college campuses and at fraternities about this danger.” Students need to be aware of the danger of drugs, even the ones that come from a doctor. If they were so safe, they wouldn’t make you wait for 20 minutes and explain all the dangers and proper dosages to you before they handed them over. College students come home from breaks a few wisdom teeth lighter and with a pocket full of painkillers. If they aren’t using them to quell the pain of their wisdom teeth operation, why shouldn’t they make a few bucks back and sell them to friends? Perhaps, it’s because you might unintentionally kill them or trigger an addiction. Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nationally, drugs killed around 37,485 people in 2009, according to the CDC. Arizona had about 13 drugoverdose deaths per 100,000 people in 2008, according to the LA Times. There is an unhealthy dependency on drugs in America. People would rather take pills for anxiety or painkillers than participate in mental or physical therapy. But these drugs are highly addictive and deadly. An accidental second dose, confusing two medications or giving a medication to someone not prescribed to it can kill. It doesn’t take much. People are less likely to pay attention if it comes from a little white or orange bottle. Taking a presciption pill from a friend is far less sketchy than taking one from a guy on a corner, right? Wrong. Prescription medications give people a false sense of security. If someone takes ecstasy, an illegal drug that gives a feeling of euphoria, most people will tell them to drink lots of water and make sure they don’t overheat and have a friend look out for you. If someone takes Vicodin for pleasure, how many people actually drink the full glass of water suggested, don’t drive their car after and make sure not to mix it with any medications? Do they even tell their friends? A pill is a pill. A drug is a drug. They all carry risks. Students are going to keep doing it. But if you have extra drugs, just throw them away. Don’t give them to your friends and risk the guilt of them accidentally overdosing. Wilson Forrester’s death was a tragedy, but a preventable one. There hasn’t been a big push from the UA to educate students about prescription drugs, even after last semester. But why do we need official incentive to act now? Don’t give your drugs away once you’re done, treat drug use as a dangerous habit and help educate and look after your fellow students. — Michelle A. Monroe is a journalism senior. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinions of their author and do not represent the opinions of the Daily Wildcat.

Drug testing fairness depends on who pays school-owned heavy machinery. Like the welfare case, students have challenged the tests by citing violations of their fourth amendment rights. Students of Linn State Technical College claim that the school does not have the legal right to drug test them because the school does not have probable cause or suspicion that students are drug users. Joshua Segall Students have also argued that drug testing should be left to the Daily Wildcat employers that hire them. Many of the students who attend the school are being trained to be aviation, auto, construction and industrial he concept of drug testing is nothing new. Since the engineers and technicians. The school believes that if it prepares their 1980’s, employers have drug tested employees and students for drug testing prior to being reviewed by an employer, it is candidates to avoid hiring drug users. Since then, drug better preparing them to succeed in the job market. testing has become more and more common. But how far is too Unfortunately, it appears as if both sides of this argument far when it comes to drug testing? make valid points. In the case involving the state of Florida, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida signed a bill at the end of May those receiving welfare should be subject to drug testing requiring those on welfare to submit to drug tests. Many argue because they are receiving taxpayers’ money for relatively that this is a violation of constitutional rights and cite the nothing. While those on welfare likely do not want to Fourth Amendment, which prevents activities of search (like a take taxpayers money, nonetheless they are still receiving drug test) without probable cause. government aid. Perhaps drug testing those on welfare will help But those with the above opinion fail to see that these searches motivate people to get off of welfare sooner. are not entirely unreasonable. If taxpayers are going to spend The case of Linn State Technical College is a little bit of a money on welfare, which helps subsidize and support low income different story. While the school has a valid point, they simply families, taxpayers should have a right to ensure that their taxes do not have the right to test students on their own tuition are going to good use, not to support potential drug addicts. dollar. Unlike welfare, the students of Linn State Technical Another extremely controversial drug testing topic that has College supply their own money and should not be forced surfaced is Linn State Technical College’s decision to force into mandatory drug screenings. Drug testing will simply force students to submit to drug testing. The Missouri school has their student body to transfer to other colleges. Instead of drug instituted a mandatory drug testing system for the entire testing, Linn State Technical College should take all the legal student body. The school has imposed a $50 non-refundable precautions possible to protect themselves from any frivolous fee to students to cover the cost of this drug testing, which lawsuits that could arise as a result of drug abuse. will test for substances that include marijuana, ecstasy, The ACLU has filed suit in both cases against the drug testing. cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, phencyclidines In the end, it’s all up to the beloved lawyers, judges and court (PCP), benzodiazepines, methaqualone, opiates, barbiturates system now to determine the statutes of limitations on drug (downers), and oxy and hydrocodones among other substances. testing with regards to the fourth amendment right. Linn State Technical College can’t run the risk that students are coming to classes under the influence. Justifiably, the — Joshua Segall is a management information systems senior. school wants to ensure that every student is safe to operate the He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.


Sound Off

National rankings matter I

t’s no secret that the UA is slipping when compared to the rest of the Pac-12. No, not on the football field, although that too is embarrassingly apparent. The UA is lagging behind when it comes to its fellow institutions in relation to national rankings based on retention, acceptance and graduation rates. The US News and World Report recently released its most up-to-date rankings, and the UA slipped from 120th to 124th this year. That places it among the bottom of the Pac-12 schools, ranked only ahead of Arizona State University (132nd) and Oregon State University(138th). Vice President of Student Affairs, Melissa Vito, told the Daily Wildcat that the UA doesn’t want to “play to

the rankings”, but perhaps the UA had better start paying attention to them to avoid slipping further. While you can argue that the US News rankings are highly subjective and don’t analyze all the aspects of a successful college, you can’t deny that the rankings matter to incoming students and their parents. The Arizona Board of Regents chooses to compare the UA to its “peer institutions” rather than fellow Pac12 schools. However, it still doesn’t change the fact that the UA will forever be grouped in with our conference. Yes, the UA most certainly can’t compete with Stanford in these rankings, but that doesn’t mean the regents get to cherrypick who our “peers” are. Ultimately, the three criteria US News bases its rankings on (retention,

acceptance and graduation rates) are highly relevant to a college’s success. Discount them all you want, but a college that accepts just about anyone with a high school diploma and a completed application, but can’t get them to stay or complete their degree isn’t exactly among the prime colleges. While there’s more to a college than its rank, that doesn’t mean the ranking doesn’t matter or that it doesn’t influence potential students. Until the UA recognizes this, and compares itself to both its “peer institutions” and those in the conference, we will continue to see mediocrity and low rankings. — Storm Byrd is the Perspectives editor. He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.

CONTACT US | The Arizona Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. •

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• Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, major, etc.) and contact information.

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Tuesday, september 20, 2011 •


Police Beat By Rebecca Rillos Daily Wildcat

Thief wants to cool down A University of Arizona Police Department officer went to a UA storage unit on Valencia Road near Nogales Highway on Thursday in response to a burglary. The officer met with the property caretaker who said that between Sept. 4 and Thursday, someone cut the fence on the south side of the property and broke into the storage units. The caretaker did not know who could be responsible, but told the officer that the lot had been broken into before. Six air conditioning units valued at $3,000 to $5,000 each were stolen. Someone had also stolen copper tubing from the lot. A victim’s rights form was completed and Crime Prevention was alerted about the lot to prevent future crimes.

Library license looter A UAPD officer met with a student who reported that his backpack had been stolen from the fourth floor of the UA Main Library at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday. The student said he had left his backpack on the floor around 5:17 p.m. and returned approximately five minutes later to find his backpack was gone. His backpack contained a laptop, car and apartment keys, a class clicker, textbooks, a debit card, CatCard and driver’s license. There are no suspects or witnesses at this time.

Lock, stock and two stolen wheels A UAPD officer spoke with a student who reported that his bicycle had been stolen from the racks outside the Psychology building between 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. on Thursday. The student said he had locked his bike with a combination cable lock through the frame and front tire to the rack before he went to class. When he returned, the bike and lock were gone. The student did not have the serial number for the bike and it was not registered with Parking and Transportation Services. There are no suspects or witnesses at this time.

Laptops lifted from the Louise F. Marshall building A UAPD officer responded to the Louise F. Marshall building on Wednesday after a report of stolen laptops. The officer met with an employee who said he had been in the process of putting unused equipment into UA surplus when he realized two laptops were missing. The Toshiba and Trogon laptops were last seen on Sept. 1 and the total estimated value for the laptops is $3,000. The employee said the room is open to the public and does not know anyone who would have stolen or borrowed the laptops. A victim’s rights form was mailed to the UA.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.

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UA Fall Career Days 2011

Sports scoreboard:

Daily Wildcat

• Page 6

Sports Editor: Kevin Zimmerman • 520.621.2956 • sports@wildcat.arizona.edu

NFL New York Giants 28, St. Louis 16

MLB New York Yankees 6, Minnesota 4

Baltimore 6, Boston 5

Replacing a Legend Zendejas grateful to Swim coach Eric Hansen trusted to continue former return as coach Frank Busch’s legacy starter By Mike Schmitz Daily Wildcat

Annie Marum/ Daily Wildcat

First-year Arizona swim and dive coach Eric Hansen, a former Wildcat swimmer, took over for Frank Busch after the 22-year Arizona head coach left to lead USA Swimming.

By Zack Rosenblatt Daily Wildcat

Frank Busch coached Arizona’s swim and dive teams for 22 years, his career highlighted by a 2008 NCAA National Championship and consistent top-10 finishes for both the men’s and women’s squads. But in March, Busch decided it was finally time for a change of scenery, and he was hired as the USA Swimming national team director. The biggest question, however, was who Arizona athletic director Greg Byrne would choose to replace Busch in what is one of the elite NCAA coaching jobs in the country. “When you think of Arizona swimming, first name that comes to mind is Frank Busch, in spite of all the great Olympians we’ve had here over the years,” Byrne said. “He had mentioned to me early on when I got here that he may have some interest in something else at some point,”

Byrne added, “and he obviously had given so much to our program and our university that he earned that right to that on his time frame.” Who would replace a man who won a championship, coached 48 NCAA individual national champions and 31 NCAA relay champions, was named Pac-10 coachof-the-year 11 times Frank Busch and NCAA Coach of Former coach the Year six times? Enter Eric Hansen. If there is such a thing as the perfect successor to Busch, Hansen just might be it, based off of his credentials and history as a Wildcat. His ties to the program — he earned a master’s in exercise physiology, swam for Busch and coached alongside him at the UA — and his success at the University of Wisconsin, where

he coached for 12 seasons, were obvious driving forces behind the decision for Byrne. “It was great (coaching at Wisconsin),” Hansen said. “I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. We had some success up there and it was tough to leave, but no better place to come than Tucson, Arizona.” Just as Busch did with Arizona, Hansen left the Wisconsin program in great shape after coaching the women’s team to 10 finishes in the top-20 at the NCAA Championships, not to mention an eleventh place finish at the most recent national championship. Individually, 56 of Hansen’s swimmers at Wisconsin — 36 women and 20 men — earned a total of 289 All-America mentions during his 12-year tenure. The sentiment in Madison, Wisc., is that while he certainly will be missed, the Wisconsin program he leaves behind is in

Alex Zendejas slammed his helmet into the Arizona Stadium grass and stormed off the field in frustration. ASU had just blocked his second consecutive extra point to defeat the Arizona Wildcats 30-29 in double overtime on Dec. 2, 2010, as Zendejas’ miscues became the talk of Tucson. He went on to miss two kicks in the Valero Alamo Bowl and eventually lost his starting job to junior college transfer Jaime Salazar heading into the 2011 season. So far this year, Salazar has underwhelmed through three games, going 1-for-4 with two big misses against Stanford on Saturday. During Monday’s weekly press conference, head coach Mike Stoops said Zendejas will get the start this Saturday against No. 10 Oregon. His shot at redemption comes almost 10 months after the ASU debacle. “I’ve continued to work, I’ve continued to practice like I was going to play. I haven’t taken a day off,” Zendejas said. “I’m just grateful and blessed to have another opportunity out here.” And the Wildcats need the senior more than ever. The lack of a solid kicker has left UA empty-handed on a handful of drives in its last two losses. “The kicking game needs to improve. We need more consistency from a certain range and we have to be able to get points,” Stoops said. “It’s demoralizing. When you have a team that’s reeling a little bit, those are important plays.” Zendejas’ time on the sidelines this season has given him a different perspective on how important he is to the Wildcats’ success. “It’s completely different being on the sidelines having something you love so much and not being out there,” Zendejas said. “You take a step back and you can stake stuff for granted sometimes.” Statistically, Zendejas was solid in 2010. He finished third in the Pacific 10 Conference in percentage, making 73.7 percent of his kicks, but it was the mental aspect of the game in clutch situations that doomed him. Yet, the third-generation Arizona kicker still has the confidence of his teammates. “You can say what you want to, but he’s done a good job. Since I’ve been playing he’s been a great kicker,” said quarterback Nick Foles. “Kickers miss field goals. You see it


kicking, 10

Stoops expects Pac-16 deal to happen By Mike Schmitz Daily Wildcat

With discussions about Texas and Oklahoma joining the Pac-12 heating up daily, the conference expansion seems to no longer be a matter of if, but when. “If I had to be on it I would say it’s going to happen here eventually,” said head coach Mike Stoops. “I don’t know when. I would say it’s inevitable it looks like. “I think we’ll probably know the landscape here pretty quick.” ESPN reported on Monday that both Oklahoma and Texas’ board of regents have allowed the universities’ presidents to enter discussions, moving the Sooners and Longhorns one step closer toward officially applying to the Pac-12. The proposed deal would bring Oklahoma State and Texas Tech to the conference in addi-

“If I had to be on it I would say it’s going to happen here eventually. I don’t know when. I would say it’s inevitable it looks like.” ­ Mike Stoops — UA head coach

tion to the Sooners and Longhorns. However, the expansion has still not been recommended to the Pac-12 presidents, according to ESPN’s Andy Katz, and there are still a lot of moving pieces given Texas’ massive television network. But given commissioner Larry Scott’s past aggressiveness running

the Pac-12, there’s reason to believe a deal will get done eventually. “Larry’s been proactive, let’s face it,” Stoops said. “What he’s done in two years, he’s very aggressive in his thinking and what’s best for the conference. He’s done a great job with that.” If the expansion does come to fruition, the conference may be divided into four pods — to keep regional rivals in tact — that are then divided into two divisions. Stoops is all for the idea of four-team pods where Arizona would play the three teams in his pod and two teams in each of the other three pods to make up a nine-game conference schedule. “I think that’s more tolerable for us. It would keep us in our markets of LA, I think it’s a big part of us in the

Paul Moseley/ Fort Worth Star-Telegram/ MCT

Texas and Oklahoma, seen playing here in last year’s showdown in Norman, Okla., Expansion, 10 are in talks to join the Pac-12 Conference.

Pro & Con

Is conference expansion good for the Pac-12? Alex Williams

Kevin Zimmerman

Daily Wildcat

PRO: Show me the money

financial hole that Cal’s athletic department is in was made obvious. Now throw in what will The addition of Oklahoma, Oklahoma be even more revenue State, Texas and Texas Tech seems after the Pac-12’s $3 bilpretty damning for the future success of lion TV deal is reworked to Arizona’s athletic teams. include those four schools, From football and basketball to golf and help from boosters and cross country, the competition is won’t be needed to keep an going to be stiffer, road trips longer and athletic department’s head the stage bigger. above water. But you can talk about competitive And looking at things from advantages or disadvantages all you the conference’s perspective, want. When it comes down to it, college adding those teams couldn’t be athletics are a business, and a multia smarter decision. The Pac-12 billion dollar one at that. couldn’t care less about how badly And along with those four schools Arizona fans think they’re getting comes a financial boost, one that may be screwed by the football team having able to save a program or two at Arizona to play Texas and Oklahoma ever year. — or at any other school in the Pac-12 — The conference is looking at the from getting axed. big picture, and it’s hard to turn down Look at the California Golden Bears as two of the most storied athletic proan example. Six months ago, administra- grams in America, along with two tors decided to cut the Golden Bears’ up-and-comers in Texas Tech and baseball program. Baseball was saved Oklahoma State. when a few deep-pocketed boosters were able to come up with the $10 milPRO, 10 lion needed to save the program, but the

Daily Wildcat

CON: Additions destroy identity, values of college sports Football teams are big business, and I get that money and notoriety are huge when talking about bringing teams like Texas and Oklahoma to the Pac-12. The money involved means more funding for smaller sports, and I’m betting coaches at Arizona all could use that increased spending to better their programs. But for the sake of playing devil’s advocate, what does that mean for the Wildcats and the current Pac-12 as a whole? All of a sudden, the conference of champions becomes diluted into a superconference that scales a random and money-grubbing selection of locations. This is an America that thinks bigger is better, but bigger also means monopolization and power to the rich NCAA organization, which is stuck in a hypocritical cycle of penalizing players for selling

jerseys all the while shifting its leagues to increase and take that money for itself. Is that what, ethically, sounds like the right thing to do? It’s not just the disgusting nature of how making money twists decision-making, either. It’s how we, as a society, view making money as being the priority when considering the history of the old Pacific 10 Conference. Sport is all about culture, and culture is lost when we toss that historic value aside. With a Pac-16 that could include Oklahoma, Texas, Oklahoma State and Texas Tech, there’s no more identity for that newly-branded theme of West Coast innovation that the Pac-12 touted in this summer’s video marketing campaign. Destroyed are those “rhythmic drumbeats of differentiation (that) echo generation after generation by trailblazing characters, radical rivalries and iconic moments,” as the video proclaims. Instead, we’re left with a conglomerate of very different schools with very different sports cultures, a rift

CON, 10

Odds & Ends

Daily Wildcat

• Page 7

Arts & Life Contributor: Greg Gonzales • 520.621.3106 • arts@wildcat.arizona.edu

worth noting

Overheard on campus

Cocaine no longer the drug of choice in South Florida Mcclatchy tribune

MIAMI — In these rough economic times, another pricey extravagance appears to be waning in South Florida: cocaine. The city that gave rise to Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs has seen a decline in people seeking treatment for cocaine addiction or dying from the drug. Twenty five years after “Miami Vice” became part of the country’s cocaine culture lore, Miami is leading the nation in the beginning of the end of America’s three-decade cocaine epidemic, experts say. The war on drugs had its biggest influence on the purity of cocaine, so drug users paid more and got less. And with a statewide unemployment rate hovering at 10 percent, the scourge that destroyed families and entire communities is being replaced with cheaper, easier to acquire narcotics, according to the

country’s leading drug experts. “It’s not disappearing, but it’s definitely declining,” said James N. Hall, Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Substance Abuse at Nova Southeastern University. “People are getting half of what they used to get — and this is occurring in the middle of the economic downturn. Cocaine, the most expensive drug on a per-dose basis, is costing more.” According to Hall’s drug-abuse trends report: — The number of people rushed to local emergency rooms with cocaine overdoses declined 14 percent from 2008 and 2009. — Last year, 549 people sought treatment for crack and powder cocaine addictions, down from 918 the previous year. — The number of cocaine overdoses in Miami-Dade County started declining

steadily in 2007, when 281 people suffered cocaine-related deaths. Two years later, the number had dropped to 155. Last year’s number of cocaine deaths bumped back up to 198, but experts say that increase was actually the result of more people mixing cocaine with prescription drugs like Oxycodone. With the $40 per gram price offering a lower purity product, drug users wound up with fewer medical emergencies, Hall said. “It’s kind of ironic, given Miami’s historic role in the cocaine industry — ‘Miami Vice’ was part of the culture,” said Paul Gootenberg, a State University of New York professor who wrote “Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug.” “The main thing to happen with cocaine in the past 10 years is not a dramatic decline in supply, but a globalization of cocaine: It’s gone from Miami, Colombia and New York to Argentina, Spain and Britain.”

Woman (on computer): Wikipedia, you fucking liar. Eat shit and die. — Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center Submit your overheard on Twitter @OverheardAtUA

On the spot

Student unions great hangouts; library is spooky What’s your favorite place on campus to hang out? That’s a tough one. Probably just the union, or Park. Park’s a good place. You have a better chance of finding a seat. The main union gets pretty packed. KAMP is pretty good — KAMP Student Radio — is pretty good if you need a place to hang out. Park Student Union would probably be my favorite. What about PSU makes it your favorite? The smaller number of people? You can get food there, you can relax, there are TVs if you want to Ryan Peiffer watch something. If you need to History senior study, as long as it’s not a test or something you can get your work done, you can read there. You don’t have to be in the solitary quiet of the library.


We are Anonymous

Yeah, the library is a little creepy sometimes, huh? It’s also a bit dirty and old … Yeah, it can be. The higher the floor you get up … I’ve only been up there (to the fifth floor) once, so … Have you ever had a battle over one of the private rooms? I never go for the room if I don’t have more than one person with me, since the rooms are supposed to be for more than one person. If I don’t have another person with me, I don’t have much of an argument for it. Sounds like justice to me. — Greg Gonzales

fast facts

Janice Biancavilla / Daily Wildcat

Masked in red and blue variations of the “Green Man” costume, UA students in the ZonaZoo section display their enthusiasm before the Wildcats took on the Stanford Cardinal on Saturday. Stanford beat Arizona 37-10.

News Tips: 621-3193 The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Luke Money at news@wildcat. arizona.edu or call the newsroom at 621-3193.

Daily Wildcat serving the university of arizona since 1899 Vol. 105, Issue 21

The Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 10,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief.

A single copy of the Daily Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of mutiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Daily Wildcat are available from the Student Media office. The Arizona Daily Wildcat is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.

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Advertising Account Executives Aly Pearl Amalia Beckmann Arthur Vinuelas

rubber to make it elastic. • According to their website, Alliance Rubber utilizes about 700,000 rubber trees annually. • Rubber trees can be “tapped” for up to 28 years, and must be around six years old before they can be tapped.

Editor in Chief Nicole Dimtsios

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Carson McGrath Chelsy McHone John Reed Jenna Whitney Luke Pergande

Copy Editors Greg Gonzales Jason Krell Charles Misra Sarah Precup Lynley Price Zack Rosenblatt

• The word “rubber” comes from the substance’s ability to rub off markings. • The first rubber bands came about in 1823, but were not patented until Stephen Perry did so in 1845. • In 1839, Charles Goodyear discovered vulcanization, the heating of

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Wildcat Calendar

Campus Events

UA Fall Career Days September 20 & 21, 11am to 4pm Student Union Memorial Center 3rd Floor Ballroom

Peace Corps at the UA Fall Career Days Student Union Memorial Center Room: Third Floor Ballroom September 20, 11:00am - 2:00pm . Come speak with a Peace Corps recruiter and returned Peace Corps volunteers about opportunities in the Peace Corps. Social Capital Workshop Student Union Memorial Center Room: 404 September 20, 3:00pm - 4:00pm. One of the best ways that we can enact change is by using the networks that we have. Upper Division Writing Workshop Social Sciences Room: 222 September 20, 4:00pm - 5:00pm Joe Stefani of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will discuss “Integrating Sources: Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing.” This lecture is part of a semester-long series of free workshops held every Tuesday.

Editor in Chief editor@wildcat.arizona.edu News Editor news@wildcat.arizona.edu Opinions Editor letters@wildcat.arizona.edu Photo Editor photo@wildcat.arizona.edu Sports Editor sports@wildcat.arizona.edu Arts & Life Editor arts@wildcat.arizona.edu

Newsroom 615 N. Park Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85721 520-621-3551

Classified Advertising Katie Jenkins Christal Montoya Samantha Motowski Jenn Rosso

for corrections or complaints concerning news and editorial content of the Daily Wildcat should be directed to the editor in chief. For further information on the Daily Wildcat’s Corrections Requests approved grievance policy, readers may contact Mark Woodhams, director of Arizona Student Media, in the Sherman R. Miller III Newsroom at the Park Student Union.


Contact Us

Advertising Department 520-621-3425

September 20 Campus Events

2011 FALL HOMECOMING MEETING There is a mandatory meeting regarding Homecoming Tents on the Mall and the parade on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 5:00p.m. The meeting is for all representatives of departments and organizations participating in Homecoming 2011. The meeting is in Room 205 of the “Swede” Johnson Building, located at 1111 N. Cherry Ave. (NW corner of Speedway and Cherry).

UAMA Exhibition: “20th Century Works from the Permanent Collection” Friday, June 10, 2011 -Sunday, October 9, 2011 The “20th Century Works from the Permanent Collection” exhibit heralds the return of some of the best-known and most-loved works in the University of Arizona Museum of Art collection. In addition to Rothko, O’Keeffe and Pollock, see works by Chuck Close, Robert Colescott, Andrew Wyeth and Richard Diebenkorn. Admission: $5 for adults; Free for students with ID, children, active military with ID and museum members. UA Museum of Art Biosphere 2 Tours Friday, September 17, 2010 - Saturday, December 31, 2011 Open daily for tours from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Biosphere 2 is located just north of Tucson in the middle of a magnificent natural desert preserve at a cool elevation of nearly 4,000 feet. “Time Life Books” recently named Biosphere 2 one of the 50 must-see “Wonders of the World.” Where: 32540 S. Biosphere Road, Oracle, Arizona 85623 Room: Biosphere 2 Visitor Center. To make reservations: 520-838-6200 email: info@B2science.org

Campus Events

Creative Continuum: The History of the Center for Creative Photography Presented by Center for Creative Photography at Center for Creative Photography August 20-November 17, 2011 The Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2010, presenting a prime opportunity to look back at this world-class institution’s evolution. Creative Continuum presents just a fraction of the materials housed at the Center: about 90,000 fine prints, nearly four million archival objects and hundreds of interviews in the Voices of Photography oral-history



Musical Compositions of Ted DeGrazia January 21, 2011 - January 16, 2012 Arizona artist Ted DeGrazia’s dual passions for art and music are explored in a special collection of musically inspired paintings, including the complete collection of abstract originals from his 1945 Master of Arts thesis at the University of Arizona titled “Art and Its Relation to Music in Music Education.” 6300 N. Swan Road Día de los Muertos Exhibit at Tohono Chul Park September 01, 2011 - November 06, 2011,7366 North Paseo del Norte, 520742-6455 Tohono Chul Park showcases fanciful and moving contemporary paintings, photographs, quilts, and artful works that link us as human beings in dealing with death, loss and remembrance.


Rockin the Desert: Photographs by Baron Wolman and Lynn Goldsmith Presented by Etherton Gallery at Etherton Gallery September 10-November 12. Etherton Gallery is pleased to announce our first show of the 2011-2012 season, Rockin the Desert: Photographs by Baron Wolman and Lynn Goldsmith. Rockin’ the Desert is Etherton Gallery’s contribution to the larger downtown celebration, Tucson Rocks! Baron Wolman, the first photographer for Rolling Stone magazine and celebrated portrait photographer Lynn Goldsmith, give us backstage passes to some of rock n’ roll’s most important moments and the legends who lived them. (520) 624-7370 135 South 6th Avenue Mí Musica exhibition Sep 3, through Oct 15, 2011. Art can give music a visual dimension in the same way music can illustrate art, both are connected by a common global image and culture. “Mí Musica” brings together artists with an exhibition of their visual interpretations of music in paintings, sculpture, and multi-media works. Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery & Workshop 218 E. 6th Street (1/2 block east of 6th St. & 6th Ave.) (520) 881-5335 visit us at: http: // www.raicestaller222.webs.com

Of Note

San Xavier Mission Guided Tours 1950 W. San Xavier Road Docents lead 45-minute tours of the National Historic Landmark, Monday - Saturday, and explain the mission’s rich history and ornate interior that includes painted murals and original statuary. 520-294-2624

To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email dailywildcatcalendar@gmail.com or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication


tuesday, september

• Daily Wildcat

20, 2011

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ART DECO 1BR w/HW floors. Walk or park. No pets. Short term leases OK. $550. Call Lynne 571‑ 277‑8222. LARGE STuDIOS 6BLOCkS uofA, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, win‑ dows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. $380. 977‑4106 sunstoneapt‑ s@aol.com NEWLy RENOVATED 1 & 2 bed‑ room apartments! under new man‑ agement, water and gas paid, brand new A/C units, community pool, FIRST MONTH FREE! 3066 N Balboa Real Estate Direct, Inc 520‑623‑2566 NICE 2BED 2BATH condo! $785/mo rent gated community pool updated appliances A/C cov‑ ered parking! Call ANDERSON REALTy @520‑797‑1999 OVERSIZED 1BR W/AC. Walk or park. No pets. Short term leases OK. $565. Call Lynne 571‑277‑ 8222. quIET 1BEDROOM APARTMENT, $555/mo. 1mi East of cam‑ pus, 5th St and Country Club, 3122 E. Terra Alta #B. Nice friendly community, great land‑ scaping, and large pool, ideal for grad student. Call Dell 623‑ 0474. www.ashton‑goodman.com STuDIOS FROM $400 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884-8279. Blue Agave Apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/Stone. www.blueagaveapartments.com

2BDRM, 1BATH CONDO for rent off Mtn, close to uofA. $675/mo. Missy 520‑250‑1946. Chirco Re‑ alty Co., Inc. BEAuTIFuL 2BED 2BATH fur‑ nished condo in the foothills. A gated community, good for gradu‑ ate and residency students. $1200/mo. Call 520‑405‑9902 to see. HuGE uNIT: (WIFI, Water and Trash included in rent), AC, All Ap‑ pliances, Located off of Mountain/ Ft. Lowell, Quiet Area, $825/mo. First month 1/2 off or good student discount 520‑440‑7851

1BD 680SqFT. $550/MO lease. $550 deposit. A/C, unfurnished, cats ok, water paid only. 1433 E. Adams. Walk to med school and uofA. Call 520‑909‑4766

1BD, $600/MO LEASE. $600 de‑ posit. Central A/C, carport, W/D, unfurnished, cats ok, water paid only, walk to uofA and med school. 1503 N. Vine. Call 520‑ 909‑4766 COLLEGE DORM ROOM too small? $99 for first month’s rent. 2/1, 920sqft, 2.5mi to uofA, w/d, ac, covered parking, dw, disposal. Move‑in ready. Cherry/ Ft. Lowell. $700/mo, $500 security deposit. (520)559‑1379 1BD uNATTACHED GuEST house, A/C, security doors, water and internet paid $400 REDI 520‑ 623‑5710 or log on to www.azredi‑ rentals.com LARGE STuDIOS ACROSS from campus! A/C, ceiling fans, private patios. Available immediately. $465/mo water included. No pets. 299‑6633. STuDIO APARTMENT 1121 E. 12th St. Complete kitchen, cov‑ ered parking, no pets, fresh paint, lease/ deposit/ references/ $295. Owner agent 907‑2044 !!! 5BEDROOM 3BATH, ONLy 4blocks to the uofA $2000 Kitchen with tons of cabinet space! Big Bedrooms & closets, fenced yard, tons of parking, washer & dryer, fireplace, very cute front porch for relaxing after a long day! Call Chantel 520.398.5738 !!!!!!!!*** Brand new 6bdrm/ 7basingle family res- HuGE LIVING room + GIANT 20’x30’ DEN + BIG office LIBRARY‑ ONE of a kINDNew furniture avail. $2,800/mo OBO. 388-0781 ROB. !!!!2BR/ 2BA or 3br/ 3ba luxury home, 3car garage by uofA. $1400 to $1800/mo OBO. Beauti‑ ful furniture available. Large rooms, laundry, outside balconies. 388‑0781 Dave !!2BR IMMACuLATE BLENMAN HOME near Arizona Inn at Tuc‑ son/ Elm, $1,000/mo, hardwood floors, A/C, w/d, huge backyard. Must see. Call Chad 520.906.8590. $1500, 4BD, 1305 E. Waverly #1 (grant/Mountain) fenced yard, cov‑ ered patio, fp, approx 1679sqft, AC, 881‑ 0930 view pictures at prestigepropertymgmt.com $535 1BDRM HOuSE & Evap, 511sqft, wtr & fncd front & back. Euclid Call ADOBE PMI at 6971.

$695 2BDRM, 775SqFT, wtr & trsh pd, evap, w/d hu, fncd. Brdwy & Cherrry. Call ADOBE PMI at 520‑325‑6971 $700 LG 2BDRM, 1071sqft, A/C, frplc, sngl gar, w/d/, fncd. 1st Ave & Elm. Call ADOBE PMI at 520‑325‑6971 $800 2BD, 1BA, 896sqft, wtr & trsh pd, washer & dryer, wood flrs. Speedway & Park. Call ADOBE PMI at 520‑325‑6971. 2br/1ba 10mins from uA, new tile & paint, dbl carport, big bkyd, $800/mo 1st, last + sec dep Call 520-444-4400




w/ A/C trsh pd, & glenn. 520‑325‑




3BD 2BA HOuSE for rent. Large backyard, nice front yard, carport, near uofA. $999/mo. 240‑9033 3BD HOuSE WITH Arizona room, washer & dryer, pets ok $800 ALSO 4bd with den, 2350sqft, washer & dryer $1495 REDI 520‑ 623‑5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com 3BR 2BA HOME For Rent $1225/mo Spacious and well main‑ tained. Near 1st and Edison. Call to see it today! Jesus Johnson at 520‑886‑6023. 4BEDROOM 3BATH $1500 Home with spacious living room, full size washer and dryer, dishwasher, storage room, private balcony, tile throughout the house with carpet in the bedrooms! Plenty of park‑ ing, right off the Mountain bike path, 5blocks to uA. Call Amy 520.440.7776 6BEDROOM 5BATH– A must see! Great two story floor plan with garage at Mabel and Cherry. Open living room, separate dining area, large bedrooms & closets, fenced yard and lots of storage. Call Chantel 520.245.5604 ACROSS FROM CAMPuS 4bd 3ba, fireplace, hardwood floors, offstreet parking, w/d, hook‑up, pets ok, $1600/mo $1600 deposit. Lau‑ ren 609‑3852 LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! 3BR, 1block uofA, parking, walk to classes, live with your friends. 405‑7278. LOOkING FOR RESPONSIBLE gRADuATE STuDENTS FOR 3BDRM/1BATH HOME, FENCED‑ IN yARD, QuIET NEIgHBOR‑ HOOD, 2702 E BLANTON CALL 324‑2465 7‑4, AFTER 5P 795‑ 0254 PRICES STARTING FROM $299 One Month FREE fully furnished 3/4 bedroom homes 1725 N Park Avenue Call 520.622.8503 SMALL HOuSE REFRIGERATOR, stove, water paid $450 ALSO 2bd house with bonus room, 1312sqft $750 REDI 520‑ 623‑5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

M/F ROOMMATE NEEDED, fully furnished, private entrances, sepa‑ rate leases, starts at $299 1725 N Park Avenue Call 520.622.8503

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Daily Wildcat •



Injury update

from page 6

great shape because of him. “He did a tremendous job here, and you know, we don’t have the best facilities in the world,” said Wisconsin athletic director Barry Alvarez. “But (I) never heard him complain one time.” “He was so focused on his job and recruiting and coaching his kids up. He just did a magnificent job here.” As successful as Hansen may have been the last 12 years, the past is the past. Expectations are much higher at the Arizona than they were for him in the Midwest. Not only does Hansen have the tough task of continuing the tradition Busch established, but he must attempt to ease the transition and keep his Busch-recruited swimmers happy. “I was obviously heartbroken,” senior Alyssa Anderson said of Busch’s departure. “I came to school here for him. I never thought in a million years that he would leave during my time here. (His decision) definitely came out of left field.” Redshirt senior Cory Chitwood swam for Busch for four years (he was a medical redshirt his sophomore year due to a shoulder injury), and he also coached Chitwood’s mother at the University of Cincinnati. When Busch made the announcement that he would be leaving the UA program, it was upsetting for Chitwood. “It sucked,” Chitwood said, adding that he was in favor of the Hansen hire. “I was a little devastated because, you know, Frank was one of the reasons I came here.” “I was upset he was leaving but also very happy for him for the opportunity he has to be a part of USA Swimming and to make it better. I liked the coaching change, I think the change is going to be really good and I’m still very happy.” According to Byrne, the transition to a new coach was made a lot easier because of Busch’s involvement with the process. “I wanted to hear his opinion on if he were hiring a coach, what would he would be doing. I think it would be irresponsible if I hadn’t done that. We spent a lot of time during that time talking,” said Byrne. Byrne went through the process of identifying different candidates, and said that Hansen’s “name came up right off the bat because of his ties to the UA program.” Byrne proceeded to have a conversation with Hansen over the phone, which led to a meeting in Phoenix where Hansen impressed the UA athletic director. “Not too long after, we offered him the job and we’re really glad that he’s here.” Busch’s familiarity with Hansen certainly helped his cause, as the long-time coach spoke highly of him and the job he had done at Wisconsin. Other than all those factors, it was Hansen’s passion for the Arizona program that really sealed the decision, both for Hansen himself and the Arizona athletic program. “I was drawn to (Arizona) because I know the U of A and I know Tucson, and I think it’s a really rich tradition for swimming and diving and a really great place to live,” said Hansen. And replacing his mentor and an Arizona legend doesn’t faze Hansen at all. “I’ve prepared my entire life to be in this position,” Hansen said. “As an athlete swimming on the national team … I set the bar for myself very, very high. “I think I’ve done my homework and we’re ready to go.”

Mike Christy/ Daily Wildcat

Kicker Alex Zendejas throws his helmet in frustration during Arizona’s 30-29 loss to ASU on Dec. 2, 2010, in Tucson. Zendejas has regained his starting job from junior college transfer Jaime Salazar.


from page 6

all the time. I think he just missed it on a spotlight stage and that’s tough. “He’s shown it over and over again,” Foles added, “his statistics prove it and we’ll see what happens with him getting another opportunity, because I love Alex to death and I think he’s handled the thing better than anyone could.” In his first start in front of ZonaZoo since the ASU nightmare, and against an Oregon team that he made both of his field goals and all three of his extra points last season — while pounding his chest at Oregon head coach Chip Kelly along the way — Zendejas can move past last year. “He’s been sitting back and waiting for the opportunity, and the door’s open a little bit and

we hope he’s the one,” said special teams coach Jeff Hammerschmidt. “We’ve got to get better in the kicking game, everyone knows that, and we’re hoping he’s the one to do it.”

They said it “He’s been a rock. He’s gone through some stuff. The NAU game he went out there and they booed. How do you handle that?” — Special teams coach Jeff Hammerschmidt “I had enough motivation since last year, the ASU game. That was a lot of motivation right there just coming into the offseason. I feel like I’ve worked hard this offseason in the weight room and on the field. So the motivation came from last year. — Senior Alex Zendejas



from page 6

Pac-12,” Stoops said. “Hopefully that would keep us in a natural geographic range that’s good for Arizona.” With four potential powerhouses joining an already stacked conference, the question becomes this: Will Arizona be able to keep its head above water? With the right financial resources, Stoops thinks so. “I believe you can be competitive as long as you’re committed to being competitive. I think that’s an institutional commitment,” Stoops said. “That takes resources. It takes facilities. It takes everybody. There’s no way you can win without it at the level we’re competing. I think Oklahoma State has proven that right now.” Although he’ll no longer be a Wildcat, Nick Foles is all for the Pac-16, but his mind is elsewhere right now. The Wildcats have No. 10 Oregon in town this weekend as Arizona looks to avoid moving to 1-3. “I think it will be cool. I think the more teams the more exciting it’s going to be,” Foles said. “I think this Arizona program’s going to continue to improve. We’ve just got to get over this hump right now. We’ve got to get a win.”

Arizona defensive cogs Adam Hall and Jake Fischer, along with running back Greg Nwoko, are on track for a midseason return from their respective ACL injuries, according to head coach Mike Stoops. “They’re doing more each week,” Stoops said. “They’re doing 7-on-7, not tackling live but they’re going. They’ll be a couple weeks.” Stoops said Hall, the 6-foot-5 junior safety, is ahead of Fischer and Nwoko and could be back as early as Oregon State on Oct. 8. Fischer and Nwoko are expected back against UCLA on Oct. 20 following Arizona’s bye week, barring any redshirt decisions. “It depends on how good they feel,” Stoops said of redshirting his injured players. “If they’ve got to play a game or two and they don’t feel comfortable, I don’t want to put anyone in an uncomfortable situation.” Arizona is hurting for all three players as the defense has given up 1,161 yards in the last two games while struggling mightily to run the ball. “Obviously he adds a dimension that we don’t have right now,” running back coach Garret Chachere said of Nwoko. “But as I told Greg the big thing is for him not to come back until he’s healthy and ready to go. He’s a kid who’s had multiple knee injuries.” — Mike Schmitz


from page 6

from page 6

Sure, it might hurt the on-field performance of a few the Pac-12’s existing schools, but they’ll likely have no problem trading wins for money. And the programs that are already competing on a national level — Oregon and USC football, ASU baseball and Arizona basketball, to name a few, aren’t going anywhere just because of a few good teams added to the conference. The landscape of college athletics is changing. And for the second year in a row, it’s up to the country’s westernmost BCS conference to rebrand itself for the better.

formed in the history of Arizona with its old Pac-10 pals. Heck, the Wildcats will be lucky if they meet a UCLA in basketball or a USC in football every year — along with Arizona State, they very well could be the westernmost school in a reshaped conference. Maybe it’s old-school thought to believe that saving history is worth bypassing some millions or billions of dollars. Times are indeed changing, but is it too crazy to question why we need to rebrand an NCAA conference for the third time in three years?

—Alex Williams is a journalism junior. He can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu.

—Kevin Zimmerman is a journalism senior. He can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu.

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