September 17, 2012

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ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT Printing the news, sounding the alarm, and raising hell since 1899




Wildcats overtake South Carolina State in blowout ZACK ROSENBLATT

Downtown investing on the rise STEPHANIE CASANOVA Arizona Daily Wildcat

Arizona Daily Wildcat

Public and private investment in downtown Tucson has significantly increased since 2008 and is expected to continue to do so through 2014, according to a five-year economic development report for downtown Tucson. While the majority of public investment took place in 2011 with streetcar construction, an estimated $209 million in private investment between 2008 and 2013 will also contribute to the attempt to revitalize downtown Tucson. The estimated public investment is $589 million for the five year period. “It’s exceeding even my expectations at this point,” said Michael Keith, chief executive officer of Downtown Tucson Partnership. Downtown Tucson Partnership was created in 1998 to enhance “security, maintenance, marketing, festivals and events and economic development,” according to its website. Tucson business owners are either opening new concepts downtown or adding downtown locations to their businesses. From bars, restaurants and coffee shops to publishing companies and student housing complexes, downtown Tucson will have 141 new businesses in the five year period, 48 of them restaurants and bars, Keith said. “I think that a lot of people see that there’s a great potential here,” said Kate Preble, coowner of Brewd, a coffee house on Sixth Avenue near Congress Street. “Not just for the students but for everyone.” Preble opened the coffee house in January 2012 and said her decision had nothing to do with the streetcar. Rather, she wanted Tucsonans and students to have an alternative to bars and

Matt Scott was feeling it in Saturday’s game against South Carolina State. The senior quarterback was at the helm for 42 of the Wildcats’ 56 points in the shutout victory, and finished with 288 passing yards and three touchdowns along with 61 yards on the ground and a score. He went 30-for-36 through the air, and completed his last 13 passes of the game before he was pulled for backup B.J. Denker at the start of the fourth quarter. After the game, Scott said he didn’t realize how many passes he was completing, but he still believes he can do better. “I didn’t know my numbers were like that,” Scott said. “I thought I missed a few passes here and there that I could’ve easily hit. I can do better.” Rodriguez was impressed, although he still believes Scott is a work in progress. “He was pretty sharp,” Rodriguez said. “I think he missed one deep ball. Those are the things, in order to beat a team like we have coming up [in Oregon] those big play shots that we had … we’ve gotta hit. “Every week you can see that he’s hungry to prove himself,” Rodriguez added. “Even though he had three pretty good weeks, he’ll be hungry this weekend … Matt’s still learning, he’s only three games into playing the new system. There’s still some things he can get better at.” In three games, Scott has thrown for 995 yards and has 190 rushing yards.

‘Vanilla Vick’ gets his shot

B.J. Denker, the Wildcats’ top backup quarterback, calls himself Vanilla Vick because he has attributes — athleticism, lefthandedness, small stature — similar to Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Mike Vick. On Saturday, Denker finally had his chance to show the public what he had, as a 42-0 lead entering the fourth quarter became an opportunity for




BACKUP QUARTERBACK B.J. Denker celebrates a touchdown with walk-on receiver Sean Willett in Saturday’s 56-0 win over South Carolina State at Arizona Stadium. Denker played the entire fourth quarter as Arizona rested starting quarterback Matt Scott and others for Saturday’s game at Oregon.

Poetry Center loses director after 10 years STEPHANIE CASANOVA Arizona Daily Wildcat

The university is conducting a nationwide search for a new poetry center executive director following Gail Browne’s resignation. During Browne’s 10 years as executive director, the poetry center went from being housed in three small historic residential buildings to the first of three “new landmark buildings” for poetry in the country. The Helen S. Schaefer building is also the only one of the three poetry centers of its kind that is directly connected to a university. “I feel like I was hired in 2002 to construct this building and to develop an organization,” Browne said. “I feel that I’ve accomplished those goals and that the poetry center is in such a good place right now.” Browne said she believes that now is the best time for new leadership to maintain and continue to grow the program. After her tenure is over, Browne will move to Phoenix to explore new opportunities while continuing to work with arts and literature. “I’ve been involved in arts administration and arts marketing my entire career and I expect that I’ll continue to be involved in those areas,” Browne said. Browne also said she agreed to be available as a consultant for the new executive director for a year after she leaves the UA. “I was relieved to hear that she would be willing to stay on as a


UA POETRY CENTER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Gail Browne has announced her resignation after 10 years in the position. Browne is leaving to continue arts and literature work in Phoenix.

“Half of our books were in storconsultant and sometimes [be] involved with some of our larger proj- age … so there was just a limit to what we could reects past the time of ally do in those her stepping down,” spaces,” Browne said Mary WildnerWe’re sad to see her go said. “Here, not Bassett, dean of the ... Gail has done so much, only are all the College of Humanibuilt so much for us, been a books available, we ties, which includes wonderful leader. also have the space poetry as a area of to present not only emphasis. — Mary Wildner-Bassett Dean, College of Humanities our reading series Along with being but a number of a resource for stuprograms that help dents, the poetry center reaches out to the commu- to build audiences for poetry and nity through readings, lectures, literature.” Before becoming executive discussions, workshops and a K-12 director, Browne had an arts outreach program.

marketing company in the San Francisco Bay Area. Browne said she was able to apply her business skills to her job at the UA, which involved raising money, first for the new building and then to pay for reading series at the center. “It’s laborious to raise money for a capital campaign for building a building,” Browne said. “While we finished raising the money for this building, our next new project is to raise enough money for our programs endowment.” When Browne was hired in 2002, there was talk about moving the poetry center from one set of small “near-collapse” buildings to another university building then wasn’t being used, according to Peter Likins, president emeritus from 1997 to 2006. Browne continued to raise money and Likins supported the decision to build the poetry center its own building. “I think that’s why Gail gives me some credit for helping them get their new and really quite lovely home,” Likins said. “There’s a very large body over the generations of people who love that place … It is a world-class program.” The Schaefer building has won eight awards since it opened in 2007, most of them for architecture and design. Likins has maintained his admiration of the poetry center from a distance since he left in 2006, he said. When he found out about Browne’s decision to resign from



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KABUL, Afghanistan — Eight rural Afghan women gathering fuel for fires were killed Sunday by a NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan, Afghan officials said, and mourning villagers carried their bodies to the provincial governor’s office in protest. NATO acknowledged that a strike aimed at a group of insurgents had apparently also killed five to eight civilians. A spokesman for the NATO coalition, U.S. Air Force Capt. Dan Einert, said the bombardment followed a “significant engagement” Sunday morning in the remote Alinger district of Laghman province. He said a unit of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force identified a group of about 45 insurgents with hostile intent and called in

17, 2012


NATO airstrike kills 8 civilian Afghans MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

monday, september

There was a large turnout at the department of entomology’s second Arizona Insect Festival in the Student Union Memorial Center’s Grand Ballroom on Saturday morning.

the airstrike, which killed a large number of them. “Unfortunately, we are aware of civilian casualties as a result of this strike,” he said. Sarhadi Zowak, a Laghman provincial spokesman, said in addition to the eight women killed, seven other women were wounded. In recent years, NATO and Afghan government forces have been responsible for a shrinking proportion of civilian deaths, with nearly all such deaths and injuries blamed on insurgents. But airstrikes remain the single largest cause of civilian casualties caused by international forces. Overall, the United Nations reported more than 3,000 civilians killed or injured by the conflict in the first half of this year, a drop of 15 percent from the comparable period a year ago. That trend has reversed during the warm-weather months.


In Syria’s largest city, rebellion takes religious tone MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

ALEPPO, Syria — Two months into the battle for Syria’s second largest city, the airstrikes have become a part of daily life. Sometimes they are deadly accurate, taking out the rebels for whom they are intended. Just as often, they seem to miss. A rebel headquarters in a former police station in the northeastern neighborhood of Hanano stands as testament to this. Though its windows are all broken, it has been missed at least four times, the intended strikes landing in a nearby park, and an empty lot and destroying a five-story apartment building a full block away. The battle for Aleppo that began with a rebel offensive in mid-July has settled into a stalemate. The rebels control largely the same

neighborhoods they took in the initial offensive. But there is something different — a distinctly religious tone absent previously elsewhere in Syria’s rebellion. “This is not a revolution, it’s a jihad,” shouted one man, angry, as he stood near the rubble of the apartment building mentioned above. Behind him, men worked with a bulldozer, trying to reach people they believed were still alive under the rubble. As the death toll in Syria continues to rise, and the end of hostilities seems no closer at hand, the words from February of a Syrian activist, who fiercely defended the democratic and nonsectarian nature of the rebellion, resonate. “If no one else comes to help, of course people will turn to religion. When you are dying, of course you will become more religious,” he said.

The fight for Aleppo, much better planned and coordinated than perhaps any rebel offensive so far, offers a window into what things might look like after the Syrian government falls. Liwa Tawhid, one of the largest groups fighting here, had even made contingencies for policing rebel controlled neighborhoods and laid out plans to set up schools. Their plan for schooling includes religious instruction, and their council for making decisions about the fate of prisoners includes an expert in Islamic law. At a mosque being used as a base for fighters in another neighborhood, a sign warning civilians against entering was another sign of the religious drift. The sign referred to the men inside as “mujahideen,” which translates as holy warriors, as opposed to “thowar,” which means revolutionaries. Last Tuesday, at another rebel base, members

of Ahrar al Sham, a group whose members describe themselves as Salafis, followers of a conservative strain of Islam, some of whose followers also are thought behind last week’s attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere, handed out leaflets delineating the difference between mujahids and other rebels. It used the perjorative term “shabiha” — a Syrian word that usually refers to pro-government militiamen accused of carrying out some of the war’s worst atrocities — to refer to non-mujahids. The leaflet had multiple aims, including criticizing rebels who might loot or use their weapons carelessly. But it also explained that a mujahid prays, and “knows very well that God will give us victory if we apply his law by studying it and spread it between people nicely.”

Community Chatter Compiled by Yara Askar/Photos by Ernie Somoza Arizona Daily Wildcat

How has the construction in the downtown area affected how much time you spend there?

“It’s a pain when we go “It seemed OK to down there. It’s hard to go around but it’s an go out of your way and inconvenience to take it’s frustrating at times to different routes. It felt like go all around to get to a everything was chunked place.” up together.” — Brianna Shanley, undeclared freshman

“It takes me an extra minute to walk around. It’s an inconvenience more than an alternative way. I’m a very direct person, I like to choose my own way but it goes — Gannon Thute, pre- back to society and how business freshman they are choosing our path for us.”

“I absolutely hate it. I have to take a different route just because of the construction. There are two stop signs that take at least 30 seconds out of my day.” — Nick Depratti, architecture sophomore

— Zachery Hynek, business freshman

News Tips: 621-3193 The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Kyle Mittan at news@wildcat. or call the newsroom at 621-3193.

The Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 10,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief.

A single copy of the Daily Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of mutiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Daily Wildcat are available from the Student Media office. The Daily Wildcat is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.

ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT Printing the news, sounding the alarm, and raising hell since 1899


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“I have been stuck in traffic for more than 30 minutes because of construction. I think the concept of the streetcar is cool but the construction, not so much.” — Mike Nardoci, architecture sophomore

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nightclubs, especially those who are not yet 21 years old. She remains optimistic about the streetcar and hopes that it will motivate more students to explore the downtown area, she added. John Jacobs, a member of Congress Street Club, said that downtown is expected to be the most expensive commercial real estate in Tucson once the streetcar is running. Congress Street Club owns seven concepts along Congress Street, including Sapphire Lounge, Zen Rock and Empire Pizza. “Once roads open up the future of downtown is very bright,” Jacobs said. “For businesses to invest and help develop downtown right now, it’s a good investment. We want to be a part of that.” Keith said he believes the streetcar was a deciding factor for many business owners to start a business in downtown Tucson rather than another state’s urban area. “The streetcar corridor is the calling card we’ve been waiting for that says to young professionals, don’t pick Austin, don’t move to Portland, stay in Tucson,” Keith said. The report estimated


17, 2012


that more than 10,000 construction jobs have been created in the fiveyear period. Permanent jobs in the new and relocated businesses total 1,626, according to the report. Other public investment projects include parking garages, a new courthouse that’s currently under construction and the Fourth Avenue underpass. Preble believes once Tucson’s downtown is more developed, the city will have an urban core while still having rural areas with great views, she said. “Now we’ve got the best of both worlds and we don’t have all of the trappings of the big city,” Preble said. ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT FILE PHOTO

By the numbers


Downtown Tucson’s total private investment is expected to total $208,658,111 by the end of 2013. Here’s how the numbers break down in each sector:


Restaurants/Bars $12,434,691 Office $81,140,591 Retail $11,019,000 Entertainment $4,926,000 Multi-family housing $90,912,829 Residential family housing $8,200,000 Hotels $25,000

the executive director position, Likins said he eventually understood that moving on to new things in life is natural. “It’s always a surprise when a leadership changes at a university,” Likins said. “But then my second recognition was that this is the natural order of things. Universities have constant rotations in their leadership.” Wildner-Bassett said Browne made her decision over the summer but waited for the right time to publicly announce her resignation. Browne is highly respected by many in the College of Humanities and in the community and finding out that she will no longer be working with the UA was bittersweet for everyone, Wildner-Bassett added. “We’re sorry to see her go,” Wildner-Bassett said. “We understand. Gail has done so much, built so much for us, has been a wonderful leader.”

Source: Downtown Tucson Partnership

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Page 4

Editor: Kristina Bui (520) 621-7579


As ASU leads way to future, UA lags

Jason Krell Arizona Daily Wildcat


he UA does a lot when it comes to research and developing new technologies — just look at the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter — but the university isn’t necessarily leading the state in innovation. An argument could be made that Arizona State University holds, or will soon hold, the top spot. ASU is about to launch a brandnew series of interconnected programs that have the potential to revolutionize technology around the world. The two main parts are the Center for Science and the Imagination and the Hieroglyph program. The goal is “to be a platform for new kinds of thinking and collaboration at the university level,” said Ed Finn, director of the Center for Science and Imagination. “We want to bring together people in the sciences and the humanities and the arts to work on really ambitious, creative thinking about the future,” he added. It’s not the first time someone has tried to do something like this, Finn said, but ASU is trying to take a new approach by serving as a network, connecting the various groups and exploring new partnerships. Everything started in Washington, D.C., when science fiction author Neal Stephenson gave a talk that questioned the prevalence of a dystopian worldview of the future while wondering where the big, new innovations were. Hearing this, ASU President Michael Crow said the blame fell on the writers. “It’s the science fiction writers who should be inspiring [people] to think more ambitiously, more creatively about the future,” Finn added. Stephenson happened to think Crow had a point, and so the two decided to change everything with the center and Hieroglyph project. Already Stephenson is working with structural engineers at ASU to make his vision of a 20-kilometer high steel tower a reality. Stephenson believes it can help planes refuel without needing to land, and more importantly, it will make launching missions into space far easier. Finn also said multiple authors will collaborate to write a short story anthology depicting various important innovations in a positive light, ideally to further inspire a new generation of scientists. There is still a lot of work to be done with the tower and the programs themselves, but the potential is staggering. ASU is taking a huge step into the future by using a novel approach. By uniting the creativity of writers with scientists’ ability to create what they read about, the Center for Science and the Imagination and Hieroglyph are fixing a system that once upon a time inspired humanity to go into space. The UA does a lot of good for the world, but it will get left behind if ASU’s new programs live up to their promise. Plus, there’s no reason the UA can’t try something similar, as we have our own talented scientists and writers. Regardless of rival athletic teams, the UA should look to ASU as a role model for collaboration in art and science. We need to emulate its push for progress and innovation, or risk being left out of the future.

The trouble with civility Kristina Bui Arizona Daily Wildcat


n the wake of Muslim protests around the world — including the storming of the U.S. embassy in Libya — “civility” and the First Amendment appear at odds again. Part of an anti-Islam video shot in California that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad first appeared on YouTube in July and received little attention. But after Egyptian television aired segments of it, according to CNN, the video sparked waves of unrest across the globe. Officials have denounced the video, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declaring it “disgusting and reprehensible” and the Obama administration asking Google to review the video to see if it violates YouTube’s policies. Egyptian officials have urged the U.S. to take legal action against it. But the trouble with the Constitution is that everyone thinks it’s good until it enables something they don’t like. It’s only easy to defend free speech when it isn’t hurting anyone. On public university campuses, which function as forums for open dialogue and free expression, the urge to restrict speech strikes more aggressively than almost anywhere else. The UA quietly rescinded a civility policy about a year ago from its Community Living Guide (which students in Residence Life housing are required to abide by).

people to express different opinions,” a Google The Foundation for Individual Rights in spokeswoman said. “This can be a challenge Education applauded the move, saying that because what’s OK in one country can be the former policy required students to be offensive elsewhere.” “respectful” and prohibited abusive speech Rather than attempt to police speech or in verbal, mental or psychological forms even litigate it, leave it to non-public officials to hold though speech cannot be constitutionally people accountable for the things they say. Let banned just for being disrespectful or abusive. The policy also banned “bigotry” but failed to them say it. Then shed light on it, in a manner similar to blogs like OSU Haters and UNL Haters. define the term. These Tumblr blogs have short, sweet This fall, North Carolina State University missions: Find racist, sexist, homophobic or added a preamble to a policy it instituted last otherwise offensive tweets by students at Ohio year. The preamble states that the policy is “not State University or the University intended to interfere in any way of Nebraska-Lincoln, respectively. with an individual’s academic or The trouble with the Post them on Twitter without personal freedoms,” and that the Constitution is that comment. university hoped students would everyone thinks it’s In most cases, the writer of the “voluntarily endorse” the policy’s good until it enables tweet is embarrassed. Because expectations. something they hey, they just got called out for The policy originally required don’t like. being racist. And why shouldn’t residents in NC State campus they feel embarrassed about saying housing to “be civil with each something so stupid or thoughtless? other” and “speak to each Rather than attempt to prevent other in a civil manner.” It also people from speaking, projects like OSU Haters prohibited the display of “disrespectful” or force people to examine the consequences of “hurtful” items. what they say, and to think twice in order to Public universities cannot mandate that you avoid looking like a jerk on the Internet again. Or play nice with your classmates. There is no way to consider why their peers would think they’re for the government to mandate civility, though we can all hope that people voluntarily endorse a jerk in the first place. And that would be progress, no government it. The government, and public universities, mandate required. shouldn’t need to baby-sit civil discourse. People, including students, can hold each other — Kristina Bui is the editor-in-chief accountable. of the Arizona Daily Wildcat. That video remains on YouTube, by the way She can be reached at (albeit with restricted access in countries such as India, Indonesia, Libya and Egypt). or on Twitter via @kbui1. “We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables


Your views

In response to “Hip-hop cultures focus of new minor program” (by Brittny Mejia, Sept. 12): It’s easy to criticize hip-hop under an educational context, if you only see the cars, money, gang violence, sex, drugs and degrading of women. But hip-hop has the power to teach because it hits so many cylinders of education: poetry, history, sociology, literature, philosophy, politics and language. The roots of hip-hop go through jazz, blues, Jamaican music, slave music and even far back as African tribal music: history. Hip-hop requires the ability to rhyme, to structure lyrics, and to do it over a rhythmic beat: poetry. Hip-hop has been a prominent music genre and has influenced so much of American youth: sociology. Hip-hop was a tool to express for many artists and to tell their stories: literature. Transcendentalism is found in hip-hop music that inspires empowerment and independent thinking: philosophy, other philosophical topics include ideas of justice. Censorship, police brutality, the prison system has been carried over into hip-hop. And the influence of hip-hop in the way we speak has been evident through media, rhetoric and daily life: language. These are just a few of the examples of how hip-hop can be studied in an educational topic. You can deny this, but what you can’t deny is the impact, negative or positive, that hip-hop has had in American culture, like rock ’n’ roll, jazz, and folk. And last but not least, what better way to engage students into educational topics by using the music they listen to. This is the UA saying, “We don’t always have to learn what the professor finds interesting, but we can learn by what the students find interesting.” — Matt

In response to “Senator pushes for additional rec classes” (by Rachel McCluskey, Sept. 13): Great idea. Too bad we no longer have a PE major. Another casualty of our American culture, a tanking economy, or both? - MPH [Master’s in Public Health] student — Michael Woodward In response to “Getting a gun may soon be as easy as downloading music” (by Jason Krell, Sept. 11): The firearms market has advanced significantly in the past few decades but one thing remains the same. Fire versus plastic is no contest. You could print out a plastic gun but it would only be useful as a Halloween accessory. If a criminal is going to spend the money and effort to “download and print” a gun that doesn’t work, he could have spent less money and effort to get a real gun. Gun laws only limit access by those that already obey laws. Mass shootings are against the law but there are people out there that have no respect for human life or laws so restricting gun use will not deter them. The sad reality is that there are bad people out there that are willing to do harm to others. — Brian In response to “As global order shifts, U.S. slips” (by Savannah Martin, Sept. 12): Excellent, a well argued, intelligent piece, describing well the US ‘isolation’ in the world order and its potential to slip from the summit. As an international student at UA, I implore students to travel to see the world, to understand culture and to view the USA amongst its peers. It costs money to travel and to appreciate culture, but the cost to do otherwise is to wither and fall from relevance and importance in the world order … Travel! — Rob

— Jason Krell is the copy chief for the Arizona Daily Wildcat. He can be reached at or on Twitter via @Jason_Krell.

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

CONTACT US | The Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. • Email letters to:

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monday, september

17, 2012 •


Police Beat YAZMINE MOORE Arizona Daily Wildcat

The masked avenger

A man came into the University of Arizona Police Department headquarters at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 10 with a black mask covering his eyes, black leather gloves, a fedora style hat and a black sport coat. A UAPD officer talked with the man in the lobby and asked him to remove his mask and gloves, but the man said he didn’t want to compromise his identity. The officer told the man that he was required to provide his identification information to a university official. The man then identified himself with a Washington state identification card. He claimed that he had received a phone call earlier from a woman who may have been in a domestic violence incident. He didn’t know the location of the people who may have needed assistance because he interrupted the woman on the phone once he realized the police needed to be involved. The man claimed he worked for “Phoenix Jones” and wore the mask and gloves because he is a vigilant citizen who looks for crimes in progress and reports them to the police. According to the man, “Phoenix Jones” is an organization of citizens who reports crimes while in disguise. While the officer was speaking with him in the lobby, the man received a telephone call from a source who gave him information about possible crimes currently underway. No information was found to support the crimes the man reported. The officer submitted an advisory to the Dean of Students Office because of the man’s behavior.

Bag snatcher on the loose

UAPD responded to a theft at the Student Union Memorial Center at 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 11. When the officer arrived, he spoke with the 18-year-old UA student who had reported the crime. She told officers that at about 1:45 p.m, she and a few friends were sitting at a table in front of Panda Express. She set her bag down at her feet and didn’t look back down at it throughout the conversation. At about 3 p.m., she reached down to grab her bag to leave, but it wasn’t there. She looked around the area but couldn’t find it. The student asked her friends if they had picked it up, but they said they hadn’t. No one had noticed anyone come close to the table who could have snatched her bag. There are no suspects at this time. The student asked to participate in any further criminal proceedings.

Don’t be flaky

A UAPD officer responded to the Arizona-Sonora Residence Hall at 12:10 a.m. on Sept. 11 after a resident assistant reported the smell of marijuana. When the officer arrived, the RA escorted him to a room on the second floor. The officer knocked twice and announced who he was, but there was no answer. Finally, the 18-year-old resident of the room walked out of the elevator. The RA reported seeing the resident in his room about five minutes earlier, when he smelled the odor. As soon as the officer entered the resident’s room, he too could smell the marijuana. When the officer told the resident why he was there, the resident said, “I’ll be honest, I just smoked at my friend’s apartment.” A second officer said he saw small green marijuana flakes on the resident’s desk and the first officer confirmed the find. The officer disposed of the marijuana flakes at the scene. The resident said he didn’t have marijuana in his room and didn’t want the officers to search his room. He said boxes of marijuana could be found at his friend’s apartment, where he had been smoking. He said his friend’s apartment was located across Euclid Avenue near the Tyndall Avenue Parking Garage. The resident wasn’t charged with possession of marijuana because the small flakes were too small to be claimed as evidence. Instead, he was given a code of conduct referral and sent to the Dean of Student’s Office.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at

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Campus Events

Professional Development Seminar- ‘Job Search for Internships and Jobs’ - This seminar offers information about the most effective strategies for finding a summer job, internship during college or career position near graduation. Learn a variety of job search methods. Sept. 17, 2012. 2pm2:50pm. Student Union Memorial Center 411. UA Career Services staff, 520-621-2588

Weekly Writing Workshop – ‘Topic Choice and Effective Research: The Thesis and General Planning’ - Victoria Stefani of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will discuss “Topic Choice and Effective Research: The Thesis and General Planning.” This lecture is part of a semester-long series of workshops held every Monday. Sept. 17, 2012. 4pm-5pm. Main Campus, Education 318. Donna Rabuck, 520-621-5849.

‘Imágenes’ Trombone Faculty Artist Series Recital - The UA School of Music presents “Imágenes,” a trombone Faculty Artist Series recital featuring Moisés Paiewonsky. Paiewonsky will perform works by Mozart, Rachmaninov, Sulek, Grondahl and more. Other guest artists on this exciting program

Wildcat Calendar Campus Events

include pianist Elena Miraztchiyska and UA trombone studio members David Allen, Alex van Duuren and Peter Mueller. Sept. 17, 2012. 7pm-9pm. Price is $5/per person. Main Campus, School of Music Crowder Hall. Ingvi Kallen, 520-621-1162

Talk - ‘What is the Meaning of Mimbres Art’ - The paintings of people and animals on classic Mimbres pottery are very popular, appearing in and on everything from museum exhibits to refrigerator magnets. Speaker Patricia A. Gilman will extend an interpretation of the narrative bowls by linking Mesoamerican images and creation story to a wider historical context – the Classic Mimbres period (A.D. 1000-1130) in southwestern New Mexico. Sept. 17, 2012. Main Campus, University of Arizona Medical Center DuVal Auditorium. Jon Boyd, 520-444-6385 Exhibit - ‘Made in Arizona: Photographs from the Collection’ - To celebrate the Arizona centennial, a selection of diverse photographs created in the state during the 20th century are on display. In addition to iconic views of iconic sites by photographic

September 17

Campus Events

masters, this presentation embraces the unexpected and shows the rich breadth and scope of the Center for Creative Photography’s fine print collection. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. This event is ongoing until Nov. 25, 2012. Center for Creative Photography, 1030 N. Olive Road. Visitor Information Staff, 520-621-7968.

Exhibit - ‘From Here and Far Away: Artist’s Books, Pages and Paintings’ by Beata Wehr - This exhibition will consist of artist’s books and mounted pages as well as encaustic paintings on the subjects of time, transience, immigration, memory, human behavior and place. There will be two kinds of books in the exhibit: mixed-media using tactile materials that reinforce content, and others printed in editions that mostly derive from the first group or are digitally composed. This event is ongoing until Dec. 7, 2012. UA Poetry Center, 1508 E. Helen Street. Annie Guthrie, 520-626-4310


Birds of Tohono Chul Walking Tour:


Tohono Chul hosts docent-led walking tours of its grounds at 8:30 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Details at www. Sept. 17, 2012. 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. All tours are included in the price of admission, no reservations are necessary. 520-742-6455

Arizona Theatre Company Presents ‘Next to Normal’ - Arizona Theatre Company presents an award-winning musical that explores how one suburban family copes with crisis. The southwest premiere at Temple of Music and Art follows a long Broadway run. The event is ongoing until Oct. 6, 2012. 330 S. Scott Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701. Please see website for times and admission. 520-622-2823 Desert Initiative – ‘Looking Across the Border’ - The Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery’s art exhibition presents innovative investigations of the desert, at Pima Community College, West campus. Event is ongoing until Oct. 05, 2012. 2202 W. Anklam Road, Tucson, AZ 85709. Mon./Wed. 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Tue./Thu. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free admission. 520-206-6942

To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication


Editor: Zack Rosenblatt (520) 626-2956

Page 6


UA takes care of business in 56-0 win CAMERON MOON

The Numbers

Arizona Daily Wildcat

If anything can be drawn from Arizona’s 56-0 win over South Carolina State at Arizona Stadium on Saturday, it’s that the Wildcats won’t be taking any opponent lightly. No. 22 Arizona (3-0) held a 28-0 lead at the start of the third quarter, but kept its starters in because head coach Rich Rodriguez didn’t feel that the team performed as well as it could have. The Wildcats logged a schoolrecord 43 first downs and added 689 yards of total offense, two yards shy of the UA record. “We got some first downs, but there were some possessions I thought we could have been better at,” Rodriguez said. “The guys took care of business. They were very businesslike all week and focused and did what they were supposed to do.” The Wildcats’ offense hummed along as usual, putting up over 500 total yards for the third consecutive game and scoring over 50 points in its second consecutive game, thanks to another solid performance from COLIN Prenger/Arizona Daily Wildcat senior quarterback Matt Scott. Scott RUNNING BACK Daniel Jenkins carries the ball against South Carolina State on Saturday. Jenkins had a game-leading 76 rushing yards and a touchdown. racked up 349 yards of total offense The rout marked the first shutout for last year, obviously. There were times hard and finally got a chance to show and four touchdowns on 30-of-36 Arizona since the 2008 season opener we struggled against our offense [in what he’s got out there.” passing. Besides developing some depth at Arizona battered SCSU with a against Idaho, a game the UA won 70-0. preseason scrimmages], but to get a a paper-thin quarterback position, “A shutout is always big,” sophomore shutout, that’s big.” potent mixture of running and passing. By the time the fourth quarter Rodriguez wanted to reduce the Both facets of the offense compiled safety Jourdon Grandon said. “As a over 300 yards with a 56-46 run-pass defense, we look to go out and shutout started, Scott and sophomore running number of hits Scott had to take in ratio. Running back Daniel Jenkins every opponent. To go out there and back Ka’Deem Carey, who was unable a game that was essentially over by led the team in rushing with 76 yards, get the first one in a couple years, it to extend his streak of 100-yard games halftime. Of course, to Scott, the number of with a 71-yard performance, were on including a pile-pushing five-yard feels really good.” Arizona held the Bulldogs to just 154 the bench, prompting Rodriguez to hits he took Saturday night was all touchdown. “I was just trying to focus on my total yards on 54 plays, a stark contrast send in his backups and give some relative to how he played the game. “I’m not going to sit back there fundamentals, stay low and keep my to the 636 yards on 90 plays given of the team’s younger players some and curl up or anything,” Scott said. action. up in last week’s upset of Oklahoma feet moving,” Jenkins said Backup quarterback B.J. Denker led a “(Rodriguez) knows I’m a tough guy … Rodriguez acknowledged that it State. It may have been against a lesser wasn’t easy to get his team fired up opponent, but the Wildcats’ shoddy 14-play, 87-yard scoring drive on his first It was really good to get out a little after to play the Bulldogs, who have never third down defense improved, allowing possession, including a 17-yard scoring halftime and let some other guys get some work in. strike to a wide-open Sean Willet. beaten a BCS team, but that the just two conversions in 13 tries. “It’s going to really help us in the “I think B.J. did good,” Jenkins said. “We’re coming together,” linebacker Wildcats’ focus was in the right place. Marquis Flowers said. “We struggled “He’s another guy that’s been working future.”


time in eight seasons that the Wildcats started a season 3-0. The last time was in 2010, with Mike Stoops as head coach.


first downs for Arizona against South Carolina State, a school record.

4th Wildcats’ national ranking in total offense 26.5

points Las Vegas favored No. 3 Oregon over No. 22 Arizona for Saturday’s match-up in Eugene, Ore.

He said it

“They’ve got a lot of fast dudes. Fast, fast. They’ve got fast guys playing fast. — UA head coach Rich Rodriguez about Oregon’s weapons on offense

Up Next

Who: Oregon Where: Eugene, Ore. When: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. TV: ESPN

Check it out

To see a photo slideshow from Saturday’s win, go to multimedia

Sean Miller secures a fivestar, small forward recruit ZACK ROSENBLATT Arizona Daily Wildcat


RECEIVER RICHARD MORRISON muffs a punt against SCSU on Saturday. Morrison has had trouble holding onto the ball so far this season, but it hasn’t proven costly just yet as the Wildcats are 3-0.

Grading the game Arizona Daily Wildcat football beat reporter Kyle Johnson takes a look at the Wildcats’ 56-0 win and grades the team’s performance. KYLE JOHNSON Arizona Daily Wildcat

Passing game

Quarterback Matt Scott was efficient all night, missing on only six attempts and completing 13 straight before being pulled for backup B.J. Denker in the third quarter. While Denker wasn’t spectacular in his first field action for the Wildcats, considering it was against South Carolina State, he at least proved to be a viable option if Scott is forced to miss any action. The two quarterbacks combined to go 36-for-46 for 366 yards and four touchdowns.



So far the receiving corps has proven to be deep and versatile, and the story was no different Saturday. Twelve different players caught the ball and four different receivers had touchdowns. Getting open isn’t the problem though — it’s catching the ball and holding onto it. The Wildcats have six total fumbles this season, with five coming from receivers. Junior Richard Morrison has been the main culprit and he was at it again Saturday. Morrison turned it over once and also muffed a punt that the Wildcats recovered.


Ground attack

Individually, the numbers aren’t staggering, but as a group the Wildcats ran the ball the best they have all season. Arizona gained 323 yards on 56 attempts and scored four times in a full team effort as Daniel Jenkins, Ka’Deem Carey and Jared Baker all had more than ten carries. The runs weren’t spectacular, but Arizona finally showed its depth at the position. Plus, Scott continued to run well, adding 61 yards on nine carries, bringing a level of versatility the Wildcats lacked in the past.


Big play ability

This is the one area the offense was lacking in Saturday, and with a game against No. 3 Oregon on the horizon, it’s something the Wildcats need to improve on. Scott had the longest run of the night, gaining 19 yards on a carry early in the second quarter. He missed on his one deep throw of the night though, and head coach Rich Rodriguez specifically mentioned the play in the post-game press conference. Receivers Dan Buckner and Sean Willet had 27 and 31-yard touchdown catches, respectively, but both came when the game was pretty much out of reach.


Pass rush

Arizona is tied for 99th in the nation with just three sacks in its first three games. Saturday night was more of the same as only reserve linebacker Dakota Conwell came away with a sack. Getting an FCS quarterback on the ground just once is pretty pitiful, and a bad sign with Pac-12 play starting up.


Opportunistic defense

The defense came out and did its job Saturday, limiting the Bulldogs to just 154 total yards with only one drive getting past the 50-yard line. Cornerback Jonathan McKnight made a nice diving interception on an errant throw from SCSU quarterback Richard Cue in the second quarter, and forcing turnovers is something the Wildcats will need to do in order to challenge teams like Oregon and USC.


Short kicking game

Senior John Bonano again missed from close range, shanking a 25-yarder in the first quarter. It’s hard to expect too much from a collegiate kicking game at this point, but anything under 30 yards should be a gimmie.


The Wildcats will be losing senior small forwards Solomon Hill and Kevin Parrom next season, but on Thursday head coach Sean Miller did well to try and offset that loss. Small forward recruit Rondae Jefferson revealed via Twitter on Thursday night that he would be joining the Wildcats in 2013. The 6-foot-7 forward from Chester, Pa. tweeted “Arizona it is #BearDown”. He made the decision during an in-home visit with the Wildcats. Jefferson is a five-star recruit and the No. 10 ranked player of 2013 recruits, according to Dave Telep, ESPN’s senior college basketball recruiting analyst, described Jefferson as the kind of player with a “lunchpail” mentality. “[Jefferson] brings a resume of winning and just a toughness to the small forward position,” Telep said in a phone interview with the Arizona Daily Wildcat. “He can be facilitator, he can be a very good scorer in the lane, he has great instincts and reflexes. If he’s ever able to get a consistent perimeter shot, at least from mid-range, he’ll be even more of a threat.” With the looming graduation of seniors Solomon Hill and Kevin Parrom, Jefferson is perfect for Arizona. Jefferson averaged 12.1 points, 9.2 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 2.7 blocks per game for Chester High School during his junior season. Telep believes Jefferson will fit into the Wildcats lineup perfectly. He called him the type of player that “championship teams always have,” comparing him to similarly versatile, championship-winning Tar Heel. “I think for Arizona it’s a very unique piece,” Telep said. “Obviously they loaded up with the bigs last year and this is the kid that, he’s not gonna be the high scorer or the No. 1 rebounder.“ He’s going to be that Danny Green type player that championship teams always have. One guy who ties everything together, whether it’s a help on a block or a weakside rebound or a tip-in, that’s Rondae Jefferson.” In 2009, for North Carolina’s championship team, Green averaged 13.1 points, 4.7 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 2.0 three-pointers per game. He was also named to the ACC AllDefensive Team, as he recorded 1.8 steals and 1.3 blocks per game.

The signing makes this the third year in a row that Miller has added a five-star recruit to the Wildcats, following the additions of Josiah Turner in 2011 (who has since left the program) and Kaleb Tarczewski, Grant Jerrett and Brandon Ashley in 2012. Jefferson, who is from Philadelphia, had also been considering Florida, Texas, Rutgers, Syracuse, Memphis and Temple, according to ESPN. His brother, Rahlir Hollis-Jefferson, stayed in Philadelphia to play for Temple University. The last player to commit to Arizona from Philadelphia was point guard Mustafa Shakur in 2003. Jefferson joins four-star shooting guard Elliott Pitts, who hails from Concord, Calif., in the Wildcats’ 2013 recruiting class. Telep attributed Miller’s success in reeling in Jefferson to an attention to detail and a commitment to the recruitment.


SEAN MILLER, seen here coaching 2012 recruit Grant Jerrett, is loading up for the 2013 season.

Arizona soccer ties LMU IMAN HAMDAN Arizona Daily Wildcat

After 110 minutes of play, the Arizona women’s soccer team finished with a score of 0-0 against Loyola Marymount on Sunday in its first tie of the season. “It was not our best game of the season,” head coach Lisa Oyen said. “LMU did a good job bouncing back from their game

on Friday and we did the exact opposite. When we don’t play well we get away from doing the really simple things.” In a scoreless first half, LMU outshot the Wildcats (4-3-1) 8-6 with three on goal to Arizona’s one shot on goal. This is the fourth time this season an opponent has outshot the Wildcats in the first half.

Soccer, 7

Sports •

monday, september

Football from page 1

backups to see the field. While he didn’t quite live up to his moniker, Denker had a solid night going 6-of-10 with 78 yards and a touchdown in one quarter of action. It was Denker’s first Division I football experience after playing in the junior college level at Cerritos College in California. “It felt good,” Denker said. “I haven’t played in a live atmosphere, I haven’t got hit since my last season at [Cerritos]. It definitely helps [with confidence]. It helps with the crowd getting rowdy, to play in front of thousands of people. I’m not used to that.” For the Wildcats, Denker is next in line on the off-chance of a Matt Scott injury, so Rodriguez felt it was important to get Denker some time on the field against the Bulldogs. “BJ’s practiced pretty well,” Rodriguez said. “We needed to get him some experience. I thought he saw the field pretty well for his first time out there. “

Position switches

In fall camp, the Wildcats’ lack of depth on defense forced Rodriguez to bring some offensive players to the defensive side of the ball, most notably fullback Taimi Tutogi.

Arizona Daily Wildcat •

17, 2012 Now, it’s the other way around. Against South Carolina State, Rodriguez debuted a couple of defensive players on offense. Jowyn Ward, formerly a defensive lineman, was permanently moved to the offensive line two weeks ago. “I moved Jo about two weeks ago,” Rodriguez said. “I wish I would’ve moved him in spring. I think he would have been in the mix. At the time we were still looking for guys defensively, but he’s clearly a second team guard.” In 19 career games on the defensive line, including three starts, Ward recorded 11 tackles, 1.5 for loss, one sack and one fumble recovery. Senior center Kyle Quinn is happy to have Ward on his side of the ball. “He was having fun out there,” Quinn said. “He was a little nervous at first, but he’s a natural lineman. “He’s done a great job for two weeks but he got out there and got playing time … finding and hitting anything that moves. He’s a big, strong kid. It’s fun to see him play.” Dame Ndiaye, formerly a defensive end, was moved to tight end in practice last week. The redshirt freshman saw the first game action of his career against South Carolina State. “I don’t even know if he knew how to get in his stance,” Rodriguez joked. “He didn’t jump offsides, but I’ll have to see the film if he blocked anybody.”



from page 6

This match also marks the fourth time this season Arizona took six shots or fewer in the first half. Junior forward/midfielder Jazmin Ponce and sophomore forward Emily Lai both came close to putting points on the board. Twenty-one minutes into the first half, Ponce launched the ball just right of the goal, missing it by inches. Fifteen minutes later Lai took aim and shot the ball, hitting the top post. Groans of disappointment sounded throughout the stadium as Arizona failed to place the ball in the back of the net. “They figured out the way I play so they backed up when I had the ball,” Ponce said. “I tried to turn and hit it every time, but it wasn’t going the way I wanted it. It was just frustrating we couldn’t get the ball into the net.” The momentum changed in the first 15 minutes of the second half as the Lions came out aggressive offensively. As the Wildcats regained control, senior midfielder Ariel Boulicault took a wide shot to the right which resulted in a corner


JUNIOR MID-FIELDER Ana-Maria Montoya dribbles the ball against Loyola Marymount on Sunday. The Wildcats had their first tie of the season at 1-0.

“The way that LMU defended is kick opportunity for Arizona. Lai launched the corner kick not the way we had other teams just inside the goalie box, and defend us,” Oyen said. “I think we after four headers the ball settled had a hard time solving that.” at Ponce’s feet. She shot, but it was blocked. Still scoreless in regulation, the Wildcats headed into overtime See our video recap at for the first time this season, but even the additional 20 minutes didn’t give Arizona enough time to pull off the win.


UA cross-country sweeps Invitational LUKE DAVIS

Arizona Daily Wildcat


QUARTERBACK Matt Scott carries the ball against SCSU. Scott ran for 61 yards in the 56-0 victory.

The No. 12 Arizona women’s cross-country team, led by junior Elvin Kibet, swept the 2012 Dave Murray Invitational at the Del Urich Golf Course in Tucson on Friday. The women’s team finished in first place overall with 15 points. The win was Kibet’s second consecutive win at the invitational. Kibet was just north of her course record time of 16:22 she set last season, recording a time of 16:49. “I felt really good,” Kibet said. “The first two miles I pretty much just chilled then pushed it for the final mile. But after this race I feel I am ready for anything and I believe in myself.” Kibet finished 11 seconds ahead of sophomore Nicci Corbin in the women’s 3-mile race, and those two were followed by eight Wildcat runners. On the men’s side, senior Stephen Sambu, a redshirt senior, won the 4.25-mile race by 16 seconds, posting a time of 20:28 and helping to propel the Wildcats to an

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overall victory with 22 points “I was very happy with my performance,” Sambu said after his first cross country race since 2010. “I feel stronger and ready for the rest of the season.” Sophomore Kenji Bierig finished third overall and freshman Nathan Kandie finished sixth. The level of competition on Friday was far from what it will be in the upcoming races, as the competition was primarily made up of local community colleges, but head coach James Li was delighted for the women to finish with a perfect score and beat second place Grand Canyon University by 50 points. “I think [Friday] went pretty good,” said Li. “We knew coming in it would be more of a time trial, but we still had some of our top runners not run. But we’ll get there.” Li was also excited about how Sambu ran. The redshirt senior sat out all of last season and did not compete in the team’s first meet in Flagstaff, Ariz. “Stephen (Sambu) is looking great,” Li said. “He’s running nice and easy and looks ready for the coming weeks.”

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2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

By Dave Green


2Br 2Ba a/c. Fenced yard. Covered parking. $850/month. 1239 E Drachman. Call 798-3331. Peach Properties HM, Inc. aPartment for rent 2BD/1BA available, excellent for serious non-smoking graduate students in quiet community. ${625.00} + deposit, 1-yr lease. Glenn & Columbus. (520)9751283.

BeaUtIfUl central remodeled Condos for Sale! GRANITE COUNTER TOPS! $99,000-$109,000. 2-3bed/2 bath! Ft. Lowell/Country Club! Call Lauren Simon at Long Realty (520)425-0393

!!! moUntaIn/ adams area. Large 1br duplex $690. AC, security bars, polished cement floors, new cabinets, new wiring. No pets, quiet, security patrolled 299-5020, 624-3080.

1Br trI-Plex. new carpet. A/C. Covered parking. $510/mo 1281 E Glenn Street. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. 1Br wIth wood Floors. $450/mo. 1378 N Country Club. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. 2Br 1Ba, walkIng distance, 1323 N. First Ave., water paid, internet access, $650/mo, +deposit, flexible terms. Call 520-370-8588 or 886-1445 2Br close to UMC. wood floors. A/C. Off-street parking. $850/mo 1424 E Adams. Call 7983331 Peach Properties HM, Inc 2Br In west University. Wood floors, fireplace, A/C. 638 E 4th St #1 $850/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. 3Br 2Ba ceramIc tile floors. Fenced yard. Off-street parking. Dishwasher. $995/mo 917 E Elm. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. close to Uofa -1625 N. Highland Ave. –Unfurnished 2BR, 2BA, approx. 1000sqft, A/C, fresh paint, new carpet/vinyl, fenced yd. w/patio (shared w/2units), 1 covr’d space, $700/mo. incl. water, Speedway/Euclid, The Property Management Group, 721-7121 cozY stUdIo. ceramIc tile floors. A/C. $365/mo 811 E Drachman #2 Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. fIrst aVe and Ft Lowell. Quiet, clean studio. AC, shared W/D, water paid, no pets. Lease $360/mo. 629-9284. large 1Bdrm 1Bath 5blocks UofA. A/C & evap cooling, large fenced yard, off-street parking. No pets. $590/mo +$700 deposit. 1131E Lee St. Call Godfrey: 2418859 or 318-1428 stUdIo w/fenced Yard. Ceramic tile floors. A/C. $450/mo 3142 E. 4th Street. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.

1Bd 1Ba gUesthoUse A/C ,Ceramic Tile, Water Included, Community Pool,, Washer/Dryer $495 1bd 1ba Guesthouse A/C, Wood Blinds ,Ceramic ,Tile Office/Study Utilities Paid $600 Call REDI 520623-5710 or log on 1Br wIth ceramIc tile floors. $475/month 3252 1/2 E Bellevue. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.

!!! 3 -4 Bedroom hoUse VERY close to Campus. Available now! Call for more details Tammy 520398-5738/ 520-440-7711 !!! moUntaIn/ lee VerY nice 2br, 1ba. $990. Completely remodeled. New kitchen, new windows, wood floors, new AC, dishwasher, W/D, security bars, no pets, quiet, 299-5020, 624-3080. !!!! 6Bdrm 6.5Bath each has own WHIRLPOOL tub-shower. Just a few blocks from campus. 5car GARAGE, walk-in closets, all Granite counters, large outside balconies off bedrooms, very large master suites, high ceilings. TEP Electric discount. Monitored security system. 884-1505 !!!!!!!!! aBsolUtelY gorgeoUs New 5Bedroom houses @ $2300/ mo ($460/ bdrm). Reserve for December 2012. 2550 E. Water (Grant and Tucson Blvd). Washer/dryer, A/C, Alarm, Call 520747-9331 *** 8 Bedroom 6 Bath across the street from Campus, A/C, 2 W/D, LOTS of private parking! Available now. Will lease to group or do individual leases per bedroom. 520-398-5738 ***1Bedroom room for rent available now, VERY close to Campus. Prices starting at $400. For more info, please call Tammy 520-398-5738


• Arizona Daily Wildcat



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monday, september

17, 2012

Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

1Bd 1Ba hoUse A/C Carpet, Blinds, Water Paid, Patio, $400, ALSO 1bd 1ba House Saltillo Tile Blinds Hurry Wont Last!! $425 Call REDI 520-623-5710 or log on 2Bd hoUse a/c Polished Concrete, Blinds, Carport, Arizona Room, French Doors, Water Paid, Washer/Dryer, close to UofA $795 ALSO 2bd 2ba House Walk to the UofA, across from the stadium, historic district, in Sam Hughes $850 Call REDI 520-623-5710 or log on 2Bd/ 2Ba In beautiful updated historic building, secured entry, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, assigned off-street parking, 745 E 1st St $1350 REDI Management 520-623-2566 2Blocks from Uofa. 3BD/ 1BA including large master, fenced backyard, big, $1100/mo, $1100 deposit. Available now. New paint, new carpet. Call Lauren 609-3852. Additional info 2373175. 2Br 2Ba w/ fenced yard. Ceramic tile floors. A/C. Dishwasher, microwave, washer/dryer, carport. $825/ month. 20 E Lee St #2. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. 3Bd hoUse Pet Friendly , Mountain Views, Polished Concrete Floors, Security Doors $695 ALSO 3bd 2ba House A/C Arizona Room Block Walled Yard $995 Call REDI 520-623-5710 or log on 3Bd/ 2Ba, close to campus, A/C, wood floors, all appliances including washer/dryer, avail 08/01/2012, 2807 E Lee $1295 REDI Management 520-623-2566 3Bdrm 1Bath 1227n Olsen. Catalina Vista neighborhood, across from UA hospital. Hardwood floors. $925/mo. 621-3689 3Bdrm/ 2Ba Uofa/Umc Central AC, tile, W/D, huge fenced yard, off street parking. $1050/mo 10month lease available, won’t last Tim 795-1499 4 - 5 Bedroom houses available, SUPER close to Campus, available now. A/C, W/D, Private parking. 520-398-5738

close to Uofa -1049 N. 2nd Ave. -1BR, 1BA + Den, 850sq.ft. Unfurnished. Updated ktchn. w/brkfst. bar, wood flrs. in liv. areas, tile in ktchn., carpet in BR, all appl. + w/d, frt. Yd. lndspe. Incl., fenced rear yd., optional alarm, 2 in-wall a/c’s, $795/mo., Speedway/2nd Ave., The Property Management Group, 721-7121 renoVated home on moUntaIn aVe (1/4 mIle to Uofa). 2BD 1BA +huge arizona room. Garage, large fenced backyard, 1150sqft. AC, new appliances. W/D. Free CatTran. $950/mo 303330-3776 stUdIo/ gUest hoUse, all tile, small, Country Club/Glenn, $325 if paid early APL 747-4747 VIntage 2Bd hoUse 3Blocks from UA. Wood floors, Mexican tile, fireplace, basement, central A/C &heat, parking, laundry, $750/mo, water paid, cats ok. 3199339 walk to Uofa 2BD/1BA hardwood floors, fireplace, fenced backyard, storage, off-street parking, pets ok. $950/mo +$950 deposit, available now. 436 N Euclid. Text or call Lauren 609-3852 or 237-3175

2 rooms aVaIlaBle, hoUse, Tucson Blvd and 22nd. $350/mo per room, all but electric included. Washer/dryer, central AC. 520604-6360 Brent. IndIVIdUal leases aVaIlaBle in these incredible houses located from 1-5 blocks of Campus! Prices ranging from $300-$490 per bedroom, with total access to the whole house. Please call Tammy for more info 520-4407711 roommate wanted for immediate move-in. Brand new beautiful house at 222 E. Elm #2. A/C, state of the art appliances, W/D, luxurious bathroom, MUST SEE! $575/mo +utilities. Call Gloria anytime 520-885-5292 or 520-8412871.

!!!!#1 Uofa/Umc, furnished room, w/private bath & entrance. No kitchen but refrigerator & microwave, internet & utilities included. Non-smoking. Clean, quiet, secure. $400/mo, no lease required. Tim 795-1499.

4Bd 2Ba hoUse Covered Patio, Storage Shed, Block Walled Yard, Dishwasher $950 ALSO 4bd 2ba House A/C Washer/Dryer, Dishwasher, Ceramic Tile, Water Included $1100, Call REDI 520-623-5710 or log on

large hoUse 1mIle north UofA. 1 or 2 rooms available. Share with Professional who travels a lot. $350/mo all inclusive. HS internet, cable and all utilities. Pets OK. 258-8095

4Bd/ 2Ba, all appliances, no pets, close to UofA, Euclid/Speedway, $1600 if paid early, APL 7474747

2Brs UPstaIrs. fIrePlace, dishwasher, washer/dryer. $850/month. 3228E Glenn. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc.

4Br 3Ba w/ den. Ceramic tile floors. Pool. Dishwasher, washer/dryer. Fenced yard. $1195/ month thru July 31st. 819 E Alturas. Call 798-3331. Peach Properties HM, Inc. 5Bd/ 3Ba, sam HUGHES! 2413sqft, pool table, built in BBQ, dbl garage, A/C, washer/dryer, 2000 E 10th St $1895 REDI Management 520-623-2566 5th and coUntrY Club, 2BDRM, 2BATH 2STORY HOME. WASHER/DRYER HOOKUPS, AC, FIREPLACE, FENCED YARDS, VERY CLEAN, CLOSE TO BIKE PATH AND BUS ROUTE. QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD. $900.00/MO CALL OR TEXT LIZ @(520)237-1656. AVAILABLE NOW. BIke to Uofa 3bedroom 2bath Quiet, tile throughout, upgraded kitchen, laundry room, gated carport, big back yard, dog ok $950/mo 481-1350 camPBell - PrInce adoBe BrIck home on 2lots 3Bedrooms 2Bath PorcelaIn floors 2car garage a/c refrIgerator washer drYer dIshwasher fIrePlace fenced. $2000, 10% off no pets or smoking. 8876966, 327-7494

are YoU lookIng for a mover? Same day service? Student rates available. 977-4600 wash &fold 85 cents per pound. No hidden cost. MonThurs. Fair Wash Laundry 1108 E 6th St, 1block east Park Ave. 520798-0789

2008 sUzUkI Bergman 400cc scooter for sale. $4000 O.B.O. “Midnight Black” color. 12K mi. Never laid down. E-mail:

adoPtIon-YoUr oPtIon NY couple offers your newborn hugs, laughter, financial security, tons of TLC. Family comes first. Expenses paid as permitted. Legal/confidential. Call Peggy and Sonu anytime toll-free 1-888-9625022.

lookIng for gre Tutor. Call Jorge 520-271-7396.

Daily WildCat We’re Super Classy



17, 2012





290-2000 The of Kachina Sign Center, Theowner owner of Kachina Sign is a proudisparent of freshman Center, a proud parent Nellie H. She has worked so hard to ofachieve freshman Nellie H. her dreams. The owner of Kachina Sign Center, She has worked to “All our dreams can come so true, hard if we have is a proud parent of freshman the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney achieve her dreams. Nellie H. She has worked so hard to achieve her dreams. “All our dreams can come true, if we thecan courage to pursue them.” “All ourhave dreams come true, if we have -Walt Disney the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

Partnerships amongst the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, Student Affairs, Graduate and Professional Student Council and Student Services Fee make the Subsidy Program possible.

FALL 2012

Brewster Rockit

The program is designed to help students pay for specific, school-related child care expenses in Arizona.

answers to your ques�ons about sex and rela�onships Notice. Care. Help. Suicide is preventable. Learn how to be a lifesaver with Project Lifeline. Call (520) 621-3941 for more information.


Can you contract HIV from any bodily fluid?

A. No. There are only four bodily fluids that carry the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) with a high enough viral load to infect a partner. Those four fluids are blood, semen (including pre-cum), breast milk, and vaginal secretions. Other fluids such as urine, tears, sweat, and saliva do not have a high enough virus content for infection. There are 5 activities that can put you at risk for contracting HIV: sexual intercourse (oral, anal, or vaginal), sharing needles, mother-to-child transmission during childbirth, blood transfusions (which is extremely rare), and work exposure for those who work in the healthcare field. What’s the best way to protect yourself against HIV? Know your status and the status of your partner. Use barrier methods such as condoms or latex dams each and every time you have sex. If you are using needles, don’t share or use

someone else’s. LifePoint is a local syringe-exchange program where people can bring their used needles and exchange them for clean ones – no questions asked. If you are an HIV+ woman and are pregnant or plan to have children in the future, there are antiretroviral therapies you can take during your pregnancy to lower transmission risk to 2% or less. If you work in the healthcare field, always use universal precautions. Remember, everyone has an HIV status. The only way to know yours is to get tested. As of August 1, 2012, the Affordable Care Act eliminates the co-pay for women’s HIV testing. Depending on the insurance plan’s effective date, many women can get tested with no out of pocket cost. The Campus Health Service offers confidential HIV testing all year round. To make an appointment, call (520) 621-9202.

Have a question? Send it to

SexTalk is written by Lee Ann Hamilton, M.A., CHES, David Salafsky, MPH, and Carrie Hardesty, BS, CHES, health educators at The UA Campus Health Service.

injured? Sports Medicine doctors are available to you! Injuries can occur anywhere from participating in intramurals to everyday mishaps. The Campus Health Service has qualified doctors who are able to assist with your sports medicine needs.



Editor: K.C. Libman (520) 621-3106

Page 10


Get a hipster girl to notice you HAYDEN JORDE

Arizona Daily Wildcat

There she is — that girl in your lecture class. She has a full sleeve, her hair is dyed red and one side is growing back in from the undercut she used to have. You want to talk to her, but you will never get her attention — at least not in those duds. You have to dress the part, and here’s how.

Supreme hat


Nothing tells a girl you have a St. Vincent song stuck in your head like wearing a Supreme hat. They simply look sick. Not only does it make you look stylish, it implies you know how to skate. What could be better? If it’s the indie chick you are after, this is a must. Check Buffalo Exchange before paying full price on this item. 1.

8. Do as London does — Theophilus London is the coolest man alive. If you are lost in the world of style and fashion, google his name and start taking notes. What is the most important part of his look you are going to want to steal for yourself? His rad sunglasses. Everyone and their mother has a pair of Ray-Bans these days, so up your game and go high fashion. He has worn Lemtosh sunglasses by Moscot in the past, but those bad boys run upward of $250. So ask yourself, how much do you really want to impress this girl?


3. 4. Sweaters are perfect for times during fall when it is not quite cold enough for a full jacket, but you want more than a hoodie. The best part of a sweater is it’s one of the easiest of all thrift shop finds and can be purchased quite cheaply.


5. 6. Cigarettes are to the hipster community what steroids are for major league baseball. I am not saying you should smoke by any means, but they definitely seem to be popular among the hipster community. If you don’t actually smoke, say you are trying to quit and complain about how badly you want one. Brand isn’t that important — just don’t smoke lights. 7.

Skinny jeans

2. Not blue jeans — you’ll need a pair of skinny jeans. Regular blue skinny jeans are all right as a last resort, but if you are after the ultra-hipster, you’re going to have to dress like one. Run to Urban Outfitters or American Apparel and pick up a pair of brown or tan denim jeans. Remember that they must be cuffed, so buy them longer.

Ladies, want to know how to snag a hipster guy? Check out the arts section next Monday. Photo illustration by K.C. Libman and Robert Alcaraz

Local songwriter finds his voice ed every note to be just right. In May 2011, while vocals and the mastering of the album was still in the works, Sanchez died in a car accident. Although Sanchez was gone, the band still had a piece of him. As one of Hector’s friends put it, “We are so lucky his portion had already been recorded.” “After Hector passed away, you realize the fragility of human existence,” Fanus said. The EP was released on March 30, 2012, but the blow of Sanchez’s loss was too much for the band, and the members decided to go their separate ways. Fanus said he stopped writing music for about a year after Sanchez’s passing. Then, when the one-year anniversary of Sanchez’s death approached, Fanus said he was inspired to write a song just for him. But Fanus didn’t stop there. KEVIN BROST/ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT He realized that he had six years worth of music waitJUSTIN FANUS, OF local act Diver City, is now branching out with a solo career, ing to be recorded and released. He had compiled quite a highlighting his singer-songwriter abilities. few songs over the years that weren’t right for “Diver City,” and he had kept them to himself. He’s currently working to release these songs on an album titled Before I’m Gone. niche in a band called “Diver City.” “Before I’m Gone is going to be a collection of everyDiver City formed in 2009 and consisted of Fanus, Hector thing,” Fanus explains. “All the songs I wrote that had Sanchez, Dashiell Albrecht and Daniel Millstone. They meaning for me, they were really connected to the things I chose the name “Diver City” because of their different was going through — from prom night to just being angsty.” backgrounds in life and in music. He said his biggest inspiration has been Craig David, an Their musical inspirations couldn’t be further apart — as R&B artist, but he finds inspiration in all genres. His sound Fanus described it, “one liked R&B, one liked metal and another liked more bro-type music.” Their goal was to make is similar to Jason Mraz, as a lot of the time it’s just him a new sound — something different, something Tucson had and his guitar. It’s simple and beautiful, yet simultaneously Justin Fanus’s song “Artist,” as he croons it using only never heard before. And with that, they began recording an deep and memorable. vocals and a guitar, describes everything he is as an artist. Though his solo work is a departure from the material eight song EP titled Slipstream, in fall of 2010. Fanus has been writing songs since he was 5 years old, The process was long and grueling, but slowly the guitar, he wrote for Diver City, he’s still the same musician underand picked up guitar upon entering high school. When he neath. “It’s different than Diver City’s sound,” drums and bass were recorded. The vocals, Fanus’ forte, joined his first band, “The Daily Special,” he was admittedly took a little longer. he said. “A lot of it is just me and my guitar, just like it not that good. But he continued writing until he found his He described himself as a perfectionist and said he want- always has been.” PAIGE POLLARA

A r t

Arizona Daily Wildcat

stands for attitude

stands for rough

stands for talent, have you got the

i s t

right stuff?

’s imagination

is stimulation

is transformation

Can you feel the vibration?

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