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ARTS & LIFE — 14




Monday, March , 






Concealed carry on campus a historically hot issue for colleges and universities across the nation By Samantha Munsey DAILY WILDCAT

Arizona lawmakers are not the only ones considering allowing guns on college campuses. Over the past year, lawmakers in other states have debated, and passed, similar legislation. In 2011, 23 states proposed bills that resemble Arizona’s Senate Bill 1474, which would allow students, faculty members and visitors with gun permits to have a concealed firearm on school property. Out of the 23 states, Mississippi and Wisconsin were the first to approve and enact the legislation. On March 5, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that University of Colorado’s gun ban was in violation of a state statute. “We have laws that allow people to have concealed weapons virtually everywhere in our states and it hasn’t been a problem,” said Adrienne O’Reilly, southwest regional director for Students for Concealed Carry. “So why would


By Yara Askar

it change if we cross this invisible boundary that separates off campus from on campus?” This is not the first time Arizona lawmakers have proposed legislation that would allow guns on college campuses. Last year, five similar bills were proposed and dismissed. Andy Pelosi, president of Gun Free Kids, an organization that provides information on gun violence prevention, said he traveled from his home in New York to Arizona last year to help lobby against these proposed bills. “My experience with Arizona is that over the last few years college presidents have been vocal about not wanting guns,” Pelosi said. “Law enforcement doesn’t support this, schools don’t want it, so my question is why are the legislators trying to pass this?” Legislators from other states have also debated allowing guns on campus for many years. In 2004, lawmakers in Utah passed a bill

Arizona university students may pay the price to keep weapons out of classrooms if proposed legislation to allow guns on campus passes. The Arizona Board of Regents released a fiscal impact study that examined how much it would cost the three state universities to safely allow guns on campus if Senate Bill 1474 were to pass. It would cost Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the UA $13.3 million in one-time costs and $3.1 million annually in operations to equip 732 public buildings across the three campuses with gun storage lockers. Since the proposed legislation does not require the universities to build storage lockers in the buildings, the Legislature will not fund the lockers. With an unfunded mandate from the state, student tuition may be caught in the middle if the universities cannot collect $13.3 million upfront from other entities, said Dan Fitzgibbon,



Q&A Protester reflects on revolution in Egypt By Amer Taleb

Student leaders fear funding for gun storage could come from tuition

change is parting from an old to a new paradigm, in the middle of that you have chaos. It’s never a smooth path, but let me tell you this: The biggest achievement so far is the change in the Egyptian people themselves. It’s a transformation in how the individual views authority, and that’s extremely powerful.

Wael Nawara is a writer, activist and co-founder of El-Ghad, a political party in Egypt. Time magazine named “the protester” as the 2011 Person of the Year, and highlighted Nawara as one of the most influential protesters in the Egyptian Revolution. Nawara now speaks to variPeople watch the violence on ous institutions and organizations TV and many might say that the about the revolution, which began revolution has made things worse, a year ago. and that less Egyptians would be dead if they had just stayed silent. Daily Wildcat: One year after How do you respond? the revolution, is Egypt where you Here in the United States, there expected it to be? was a war against the British, a civil Nawara: Egypt is going through war, and there was a lot of unrest its growing pains and anybody throughout the Civil Rights Movewho expected something different ment. Somebody could argue, would be mistaken. The nature of “What was the point of that? Lots of

people died.” Everything has a cost, and the mode of change is for the people to decide. Life is change. If you don’t like change, that’s up to you. But it’ll happen anyway. What was the atmosphere like when the revolution started? The first feeling was, “We made it. I can die today a happy man.” For years, we’ve had faith in our hearts, but there was no physical evidence that things would get better. It’s like if all your life you’ve been praying and someone tells you, “Stop wasting your time, God doesn’t exist.” And then one day you finally see God in all his glory and you see heaven and hell. Hallelujah!



Ads could get facelift in Arizona By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT

An Arizona lawmaker helped spark a discussion in the Legislature by proposing a bill that could make altered or enhanced printed advertisements illegal in the state. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat from District 15, proposed House Bill 2793 last month. The bill, which was discussed in the House Commerce Committee on Feb. 15, would require any manipulated advertisements to include a disclaimer. The bill targeted beauty product advertisements that use techniques like airbrushing to make photos of men and women more appealing. While



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News • Monday, March 19, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

Grant to improve local math education By Stewart McClintic Daily Wildcat

In the coming months, UA educators will work with schools across the state to improve elementary and secondary mathematics education. Erin Turner, an assistant professor of teaching, learning and sociocultural studies and Cynthia Anhalt, director of the Secondary Mathematics Education Program, co-directed a grant aimed at improving math education in Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz counties.

The Arizona Board of Regents in association with Intel Corp. approved the $590,000 grant. The math education program is slated to start in June and will run for about a year. In addition to working with teachers in rural areas to improve the teaching quality of mathematics in kindergarten through eighth grade, the project’s goal is to reach teachers who have no access to professional development resources in mathematics, Anhalt said. Teachers often graduate from college with a degree in general education, she said, which means

they know how to teach math, science, social studies and English, but these degrees do not focus specifically on math. This program is designed to help educate teachers to be better equipped to teach math at a higher level than what their general education degree has taught them, she added. The program is a two-week program and will continue in the fall. In total, Anhalt said, the course will run 104 hours, 80 of which the teachers learn pure math content. A full 24 hours will be devoted to

help teachers learn how to more effectively educate their students. Arizona school districts including Nogales, Santa Cruz Valley, Sunnyside, Sahuarita and Elfrida will enact the program in addition to schools such as Tucson Country Day School, San Xavier Mission private school and the Wildcat Charter School. Four groups of about 35 teachers will go through the program’s orientation over the next year. Mark Saliba, principal of Tucson Country Day School, said he feels that this is a great opportunity for

his school to join other schools to increase the math teaching capacity. “I think this will help us do a better job teaching our students,” he said. His school will have 11 teachers go through the program, two of whom are math teachers. Jesse Vondercek, a seventh- and eighth-grade math teacher at Tucson Country Day School, said he is excited to partake in this program. “I’m always excited for more professional development,” he said. “Teaching is an evolving field so we need to learn how to do our job better and better.”



the bill didn’t see a vote this session because other legislators found it too regulatory, it may be reintroduced in following years. It has also provoked a discussion about false advertising and media’s influence on consumers, especially women. “There’s tons of statistics about mental health issues in girls and women and just the correlation between the numerous images they see every day that basically tell them they need to be perfect to be valued in society,” Hobbs said. “If there was a disclaimer on the ads they would know, ‘OK, they’re not necessarily telling the truth.’” Many advocacy groups like the National Organization for Women Foundation and the National Eating Disorders Association claim mainstream media create false images of women that are impossible to live up to. These ideals can cause women and girls to think their bodies are unattractive, leading to diminished selfesteem. “I get the impression sometimes that people will only listen to me if I look pretty,” said Chelsea Hendryk, a psychology junior and member of the UA V-day Vagina Warriors, a club that addresses violence toward women and girls. “I just feel like we’re trapped in this reality that a woman’s beauty is as or more important than her credibility.” False ideals created by ads have also been associated with eating disorders, with some claiming that having a negative body image causes women to pursue unhealthy diets. In fact, 34 percent of women say they are willing to try a diet that poses a slight risk to their health in order to lose weight, and 80 percent say images in the media make them feel insecure about how they look, according to a poll conducted by People magazine. “I think that there’s the message in a lot of this kind of advertising that appearance is linked to happiness or finding love or being successful in life, so a lot of products really use certain kinds of bodies or appearances to kind of sell that idea,” said

that restricts its state institutions to develop a policy prohibiting a gun owner’s right to carry a concealed firearm. And in 2007, shortly after the Virginia Tech shooting that resulted in the deaths of 32 students and faculty members, the University of Utah’s ban that prohibited guns on campus was lifted by the Utah Supreme Court ruling it was unconstitutional. The college then created a new policy that allowed any person with a valid gun permit to carry a weapon onto campus. University of Utah’s Chief of Police Scott Folsom said since instating the policy five years ago, the college has seen neither a decrease nor an increase in crime on campus or gun-related activity. “The Legislature in Utah has determined that people who are properly permitted are allowed to carry a weapon,” Folsom said. “If people are uncomfortable around that or unsure whether someone is unlawfully carrying, they can always call their local law enforcement.” All gun owners in Utah must be at least 21 years old to obtain a gun permit. Permit holders in Utah had to take a gun safety course, pass a background check and pay a $51 fee. Because gun owners do not have to apply for a special permit to carry a gun on campus, Folsom said it is hard to determine how many students or faculty members typi- Online at DAILYWILDCAT.COM cally bring a firearm to school. See which college campuses “People are sometimes frightaround the nation allow guns. ened of the weapon and forget that the person carrying it is most likely a law abiding person who has gone out of their way to comply to the law Where is SB and get a permit,” Folsom said. The University of Utah has also 1474 now? installed gun lockers at its police The Arizona House of Represtation for students to stow their sentatives voted to approve firearms if they live on campus. If SB the proposed legislation on 1474 passed in Arizona, the Arizona March 7, but the measure has Board to Regents said it anticipates installing similar lockers around not cleared the Senate. It is buildings and classrooms on college also unclear if Gov. Jan Brewcampuses. The lockers, bays and er, who was endorsed by the signage would cost $13.3 million National Rifle Association, will among the three public universities sign the bill or not. and an annual fee of $3.1 million to maintain.

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House Bill 2793 would have banned advertisements from being enhanced. Although the legislation did not pass, it may be reintroduced in the future.

Kathe Young, a psychologist at the UA’s Counseling and Psychological Services. “So it’s not only maybe causing a girl or a young woman to feel dissatisfaction with her own body but to feel like, ‘I have to do something about that. I have to change my appearance.’” It is this correlation between low self-confidence, eating disorders and marketing techniques that has prompted Hobbs and others to seek regulations in the advertising industry. One online women’s magazine, Off Our Chests, has started a nationwide campaign to promote what it calls the “Media and Public Health Act.” Much like Hobbs’ proposal, this act would require advertisements that have “meaningfully changed the human form” to include a label stating the images have been changed. Similar legislation has also been passed in the United Kingdom. “This is just about making the images real,” Hobbs said. “So you might still have really skinny people with flawless skin, but at least you know that they’re real and not these computer-generated or airbrushed images.”

Despite these initiatives, some believe the relationship between media and body image is reversed. “We (advertisers) are holding a mirror up and saying this is what you as a society accepts,” said Ed Ackerley, a professor of advertising and marketing in the Eller College of Management and the owner of Ackerley Advertising. Consumers create standards based on the common expectations of their communities. Media reflect these norms, they do not create them, Ackerley said. Hobbs disagreed. “Of course an advertiser would say that,” she said, laughing. “They’re selling a product, but to sell that product, they sell an image, and it’s an image that people want but isn’t necessarily attainable.” The media doesn’t trick people into purchasing certain products, Ackerley said. Consumers know what they’re buying, and being told that photos were altered won’t stop them from spending their money. “The consumer is pretty smart,” he said. “They realize we’re only telling half of the story.”

“If the school chooses to install a gun locker, that is entirely the school’s responsibility and decision,” O’Reilly said. “Legislation in no way forces or recommends that campuses install gun lockers.” Pelosi said he thinks people should be concerned about the cost projected by the regents to install the lockers, as he anticipates the funding will come out of students’ pockets. “I think that given the current economic climate it’s ridiculous because the schools are going to pass this onto students and parents to pay the bill,” Pelosi said. “There is no reason to have these guns on campus or have students pay the added expense.” Since Pelosi started the Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus in 2008, 312 colleges and universities, including the UA, have signed resolutions provided by the organization against guns on campus and sent them to lawmakers. While Pelosi and O’Reilly differ on the issue of allowing guns on campus, both agreed that lawmakers and citizens need to be educated on the topic. “If every legislature and every constitution is educated on this idea of campus carry, then I’ll be absolutely fine if they vote no on it,” O’Reilly said. “But what we see is a lot of miseducated constituents and misinformed representatives and senators voting on this issue.”

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Daily Wildcat serving the university of arizona since 1899 Vol. 105, Issue 117

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Gun shows caught in crossfire with gun bans MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

Circuit Court of Appeals panel is to hear arguments in the Nordykes’ legal challenge to Alameda County’s ordinance, which has outlawed gun shows at the fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif., since 1999. With gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association on one side and gun control advocates such as the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence on the other, the Nordyke case is being closely watched across the country. The showdown is considered a barometer of how far local and state governments can go in regulating guns following U.S. Supreme Court rulings expanding constitutional protections for the right to bear arms. The most recent of those rulings, in a Chicago case two years ago, established that the Second Amendment applies to state and local gun control regulations. But it left unresolved the legal survival threshold for laws such as

Alameda County’s, and the 9th Circuit is expected to tackle that issue in the Nordyke case. “This could be the next big gun case to go to the Supreme Court,” said Adam Winkler, a University of California, Los Angeles, law professor and author of “Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America.” “It does pose a big question: whether the right to bear arms extends outside the home.” Winkler cautioned, however: “The gun show promoters have an uphill climb. When managing its own property, the government usually has a lot of (leeway).” In fact, a three-judge 9th Circuit panel in 2009 upheld the county’s law, finding it a “reasonable” form of regulation, but the court decided to reconsider the case with an 11-judge panel in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s major gun rights rulings.

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SAN JOSE, Calif. — Before the end of this year, Russell and Sallie Nordyke will set up shop for at least five gun shows at the Santa Clara County, Calif., fairgrounds, providing a gathering spot for enthusiasts to buy and sell rifles, pistols and other weapons. For the California couple, the southern San Francisco Bay Area is a small island amid a sea of hostility toward their TS Gun Shows. Nearby counties have enacted laws that forbid the sale or possession of guns on government property, effectively banning gun shows at some of the best spots to hold them. The Nordykes believe those laws are unconstitutional — and on Monday, a federal appeals court will once again take up their 12-year quest to strike down the regulations. Specifically, an 11-judge 9th U.S.

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Swing vote essential for 2012 MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

WASHINGTON — Over the next eight months, presidential campaigns will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to penetrate the suburban living rooms of people like 33-year-old Sarah Hays. “I agree with certain parts of the philosophies of both parties,” Hays said. “I’m a Catholic, and I’m pro-life, and that’s very important to me,” she said, “but I don’t believe that pro-life means only anti-abortion.” Hays is that rarest of people in a sharply polarized country — a swing voter — dissatisfied with both parties, crucial to either one’s hope of success. Over the last few months, as the Republican primary battle has focused on the most conservative parts of the party’s core, several polls have shown President Barack Obama making headway with self-described independents. As a result, the percentage of voters expressing approval of his performance in office has slowly risen in



an economics senior and chairman of the Arizona Students’ Association, a lobbying group that works to make higher education affordable and accessible in the state. “I feel that these costs are going to be passed on to students,” Fitzgibbon said. “I am confident that the way this is going to resolve is by increasing students’ tuition.” James Allen, president of Associated Students of the University of Arizona, said tuition is often seen as an avenue to make up for various costs. Funding for the storage lockers, he said, would most likely come from increasing student tuition. The fiscal impact study recommends that gun lockers be constructed on the outside wall of each building. The installation costs are estimated to be an average of $17,000, but will depend on the architecture of each building. The number of lockers required in the buildings will vary by building size. “The lockers would be the same, but it depends on whether the lockers will be attached to a red brick building, steel or a historical building,” said UA Police Chief Anthony Daykin. “A lot of different

most recent surveys. The latest major poll, released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, shows Obama’s job approval at 50 percent, with 41 percent disapproving. That’s a significant improvement over the same poll’s finding in January, when Obama’s approval was a net negative, 44 percent to 48 percent. The more recent poll, of 1,503 adults, including 1,188 registered voters, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The survey also showed a notable improvement in the Democratic Party’s image among voters, with just under half seeing the party positively. The public’s overall view of the Republican Party was strikingly negative, 36 percent to 56 percent. Though the polls could certainly change again, recent interviews with voters in swing states show that arguments favorable to Obama have begun to sink in. Since 1980, strong partisanship has swung back upward, from barely 1 in

considerations have to be made for each building in the construction of the lockers.” Each university would also need additional campus police personnel if the legislation were to pass. The slated firstyear cost of $13.3 million would include training and certification. The annual cost of $3.1 million would include salary and benefits for the additional police officers. Although building lockers would play down the bill and take away from the right to protect oneself in the building, it is still a step in the right direction, said Coty McKenzie, a political science senior and the state director of Students for Concealed Carry. People are overlooking the fact that the bill does not require Arizona universities to build lockers, he said ASUA surveyed 2,600 UA students on the issue. Eighty percent said they did not want guns on campus, citing decreased safety and lack of education as reasons. “There has been a number of faculty, parents and students that said if guns were allowed on campus, they would go teach somewhere else or transfer to a different university,” Daykin said. If the bill passed, the two students who were mugged in the Warren Underpass earlier this month could have protected

5 voters to about 1 in 3, according to data from the American National Election Studies, a project of Stanford University and the University of Michigan. That still leaves aside two-thirds of the electorate. The biggest chunk — some 40 percent of voters — are those who tell pollsters that they consider themselves “independent.” Far from a uniform band of centrists, the independent label covers everyone from anti-corporate pacifists on the left to tea party activists on the right. Most lean toward one party or the other, and their voting patterns can be nearly as partisan as anybody else’s, notes Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center. Including the independents who lean to one side or the other, the two parties have battled to rough parity. That’s why strategists in both parties expect this presidential election to end up close. “Ten to 15 percent of the voters will decide this election,” said Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew center.

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How much would it cost each university? UA: 365 public buildings, $629,988 annually in operations + $145,062 first-year training costs for personnel, $6,549,650 in one-time capital costs. ASU: 254 public buildings, $1.9 million annually in operations + $341,000 first year training costs for personnel, $4.7 million in onetime capital costs. NAU: 113 public buildings, $519,000 annually in operations + $263,000 in first year training costs for personnel, $2.04 million in one-time capital costs.

themselves, McKenzie said. “Now there are more than 220 schools nationwide that allow concealed carry and none of them have had any statistical evidence where enrollment has gone down,” he said.

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What has to happen for you to consider the Revolution finished and a success? That’s very hard to measure, but I’ll feel the revolution has started to pay dividends when I see a political process in place whereby the people are represented. Our pursuit for a better society is a march that will never end.

Were you worried about dying? Protesting is not easy to do, but you try to rise above those fears, and so many people showed unbelievable courage. Based on what they wrote on Facebook, you could tell that a lot of people knew once they went to protest, they weren’t If Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian coming back. Nobody wanted to die, but they wanted freedom so much that they man who set himself on fire and ignited were wiling to die for it. Freedom is a basic the Arab Spring, was still alive, what instinct. Without it, you’re dead anyway. would you tell him? We’ve heard you. Thank you for waking

If you go Wael Nawara will be speaking in the Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, Room 140, at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

people up and know that your life was not given in vain. You were not humiliated, you were privileged enough to become the spark for an awakening in global consciousness. You changed the world.

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Daily Wildcat

• Page 4

Perspectives Editor: Michelle A. Monroe • 520.621.7581 • letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

Not all football players are saints Megan Hurley Daily Wildcat


he NFL is collecting penalties signaling the end of its cultural prominence, and it needs to punish the New Orleans Saints for running bounty pools. This industry revolves around not just a sport, but an influential culture. Youth need to understand that violence should not be rewarded, no matter how televised the stage. “After the NFL made its investigation public … former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams admitted to running a bounty pool of up to $50,000 during the past three seasons, rewarding players for knocking targeted opponents out of games,” according to an ESPN article. The bounty program was in place during the 2009 NFL season, when the New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl. Now the achievement is tainted by the most disrespectful behavior among the team’s players and staff. The Super Bowl winner is known by most everyone. Even if a young person isn’t into sports, it is pretty hard to not be a part of the celebration. Because of the Saints’ tactics, everything about what a football game is comes into question. Children are taught that no good comes from violence, and if there is a bruised knee or an achy joint after a hard tackle during a game of flag football, that is just an accident. However, the bounty pool investigation, which shows the violence was no accident, sends children a different message. Children’s idols just got caught playing rough for money. Sure, the defensive coordinator may be getting the brunt of media attention, but the players were the ones getting paid. Players need to stop and remember that they are getting paid to play a game. The idea of a bounty program ruins the ethical teachings that children learn while playing. Playing football is supposed to be a simple way to discover how to work as a team, while learning the importance of respecting opponents. Adding a bounty program takes the “play” out of “player.” Children idolize football players, they buy the jerseys of their favorite players and they watch the games on TV. Adolescents look up to these players because some athletes prove that a person can come from any background and rise through the ranks by sheer determination and hard work. When this hard work is accompanied by monetary gain for hurting other people, these idols lose their credibility. They aren’t just playing the game to show the positive reward for long hours of practice. The bounty pool contradicts the basic values children are taught about working hard with good intentions, instead of acting with hidden malice. It undermines the respect between players and brings along the concept of greed, which has no place on the field. These athletes may be multimillionaires, but they are expected by society to earn their pay by playing the game like it was played decades ago. The New Orleans Saints should be punished for their unprofessionalism and greed. The NFL as a whole needs to prove that professional football deserves to be celebrated by today’s youth. — Megan Hurley is a journalism junior. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

Condom site inspires activism their four years than just studying and partying. There are three SIC coordinators on campus, and about 12 volunteers will be chosen to go with SIC to Africa this summer. Danielle But volunteering isn’t just for Carpenter college applications, it should Daily Wildcat continue throughout students’ lives. Ideally, the partnership between Conscious Contraceptives and SIC years ago should inspire students to ith enough drive and will allow it to expand even farther. hard work, young people get involved. The organization, called Conscious More students should participate can make an impact. One in order to make the expansion a Contraceptives, uses the one-forexample of this is Cory Capoccia, success. Americans cannot forget one charity model of Tom’s Shoes a graduate from the University of about the millions of others in need California, Los Angeles. He knew he by selling condoms online. For in Africa. Students should support a every condom purchased, part wanted to make a difference, and student-created organization, which started a website to help combat the of the proceeds go to providing underserved communities in the U.S. will lead to a global impact that will spread of HIV and AIDS. be forever remembered. As an undergraduate, Capoccia was and worldwide with contraceptives. Conscious Contraceptives Conscious Contraceptives involved with HIV groups and charity announced its college campuses work. After graduation, he landed a job is partnered with Support for competition early this month. International Change, which sends in corporate America, but said he felt Participating college campuses primarily college-aged volunteers there was no more room for charity. to rural communities in Tanzania to have assigned discount codes. He was interested in raising sexual During the competition, Conscious health awareness and helping others. help fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. He also knew how embarrassing it can They train and support a network of Contraceptives will contribute community health workers and offer donations toward trip sponsorship be to buy condoms. for SIC volunteers in 2012. The mobile clinics, mobile testing and Combining those three things led competition ends on May 1. to a successful, brilliant organization counseling. Targeting college students is College students, even here that began in December 2011. The important because college is the at the UA, are doing more with fact that Capoccia graduated just six


MAILBAG In response to the March 8 column “Online counseling hurts more than helps”: Your headline “Online counseling hurts more than helps” was a little misleading. While I agree that “social” or forum-based counseling could be harmful for the reasons presented in the article, classifying that as “online counseling” is inaccurate. Real online counseling is an analog of the face-to-face counselor-client experience and it has been proven in study after study at least as effective as conventional face-to-face therapy for many conditions. Online counseling is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of therapy delivery methods, but forum-based “psychological guidance” is not considered therapy by anyone within the profession. Online therapy platforms such as iCouch.me use video technology to allow users to see a real, licensed therapist in a secure, private environment. This is real counseling and certainly very helpful. Research suggests that among many groups, especially younger people, online video counseling can be even more effective than traditional face-toface interactions because it makes it easier for clients to make their sessions. The missed appointment statistics are dramatically improved in online video therapy clients compared to control groups in conventional therapy environments. There’s also an element of increased comfort in the online video environment. Going to a therapist’s

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

write: If he knew this before it’s a wonder why he continued with it …” Seriously? This statement office can be intimidating and often glaringly indicates that you do not know much about alcoholism, leads people to obfuscate their true nor have you had much, if any, feelings. In the one-to-one online experience with people with therapy environment, clients feel alcoholism. This disease is not a much more comfortable and not as choice, it cannot be wished away, it guarded. cannot be shamed away, it cannot At iCouch, we’ve seen hundreds be controlled simply by being aware of patients and it’s interesting that our therapists notice a much higher of it, as your question/statement indicates. retention rate with online clients Alcoholism is a devastating compared to their offline clients. disease, it is a disease of broken When using terms such as online promises to oneself, one’s family and counseling, it’s vital that there be friends. It’s a disease of desperation. a differentiation between “real” Many alcoholics desperately want online therapy and Loyola-type to stop drinking. Many do stop, and programs. The Loyola program many start again. Many die trying is not considered counseling, but to stop. Many ruin their own lives, more a forum for guidance. I agree and the lives of others, as George completely that these forums have Huguely has so horrifically done. the potential to be risky, especially Your statement perpetuates the in crisis situations, however, please don’t suggest that online counseling ignorant belief that “alcoholics could stop if they wanted to.” Please hurts more than it helps. educate yourself about the topics — Brian Dear, you write about. What is a “wonder” to me is how CEO of iCouch.me your article ever got published with such an irresponsible statement In response to the March 8 column “Stand up to ‘stupid drunk’ included in it. Shame on you. friends”: — Rebecca Scott, I was compelled to write in Ypsilanti, Mich. response to your recent article about George Huguely. Although you make In response to the March 1 valid points, there is one statement column “UA, colleges must teach that needs addressing; critical thinking skills”: You write, in part: I rarely read the Daily Wildcat, This was not the first incident. but I was glad to look at it on Friday, Apparently, after a previous violent March 1, and see an article titled: act against her, he wrote her a note “UA, colleges must teach critical that said “Alcohol is ruining my life. I’m scared to know that I can get that thinking skills.” Finally, a sign of intelligent life on drunk to the point where I cannot campus. control how I act.” And then you

perfect time to begin getting involved. College students have sex, and (should) use condoms, so buying from a site or organization like Conscious Contraceptives makes a common purchase a global change. Capoccia, Conscious Contraceptives and SIC volunteers illustrate how little steps can make big differences in the world. — Danielle Carpenter is a pre-journalism freshman. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

More information • For every person that uses the 10 percent discount code at check out, Conscious Contraceptives will donate $5 toward their university. • The UA’s code is “SICUOFA.” • Conscious Contraceptives will also donate one village program fee to the school with the most orders. Source: concon.org

Well, I am contacting you so that you know that my younger son, Matine Yuksel, has decided to promote your invitation for K-12. I have been teaching Philosophy and Logic at Pima College for more than 10 years, and I am dismayed to see a great majority of my students are clueless regarding critical thinking. My son is a very accomplished student with great work ethics. He made TV news for tutoring college algebra to high school students while he was a fifth grader in elementary school. He just won several prizes in Science Olympiad, Arizona. He is preparing himself for Harvard or MIT. Currently, he is busy preparing for AP exams. (He is AP National Scholar and he is most likely in top 20). He works at a pizza shop and he manages his money pretty well and does not ask us for pocket money or any expenses on his car … Well, I am sorry for indulging in praising my son, but as a father, I consider myself very lucky for having such a hardworking student who also appreciates the importance of critical thinking. Within about two weeks, Matine will start organizing his friends to promote the cause. Some of my students are also interested in promoting it in public (he has some interesting ideas about that) … So, I thought you would be interested in helping them: www.change.org/petitions/ critical-thinkers-not-informationreceptacles — Edip Yuksel, adjunct philosophy professor at Pima Community College

CONTACT US | The Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. • Email letters to: letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

• Snail mail to: 615 N. Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719

• Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, major, etc.) and contact information.

• Letters should be no longer than 350 words and should refrain from personal attacks.

MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012 •



You can run but you can’t hide

Two University of Arizona Police Department officers pulled over a gray Hyundai on Sixth Street and Campbell Avenue for failing to stop at a red light before turning right at 3:42 p.m. on Wednesday. The officers told the driver why he was pulled over, then asked for his driver’s license and registration. When officers scanned his information into their system, they found that the vehicle he was driving had been reported as stolen. As officers began to return to the car, the driver started to speed away. The officers called for backup and jumped back into their vehicle to follow the car. When they relocated the Hyundai, they saw the driver and the passenger flee from the car and into a nearby house. The officers chased them into the backyard, where they were able to tackle them. The driver and passenger were searched. Officers found needles, heroin and drug paraphernalia in their pockets. The two were cited and taken to Pima County Jail. The stolen car was returned to its owner.

Breaking and entering

A male student in the Delta Tau Delta fraternity called UAPD at 8:25 p.m. on Tuesday because he saw an unknown man enter the fraternity house. The student, who was staying in the house during spring break, described the intruder as a 6-foot-1 black man who appeared to be in his early 30s and was wearing a bright green golf hat. The man walked into the fraternity house and looked around. The student told officers the man startled him. No one else was in the house at the time. When the man noticed the student, he said the back gate was open and he was looking for someone in the house because he thought something had been stolen. The man also told the student that he had already called police about the potential burglary. The student then asked the man to leave and escorted him out. Officers arrived and searched the house. The student said the man smelled heavily of urine and trash. He showed officers the back gate and said he clearly remembered locking the gate 30 minutes before the man came into the house. Neither the student nor the officers could figure out how the man entered. Officers told the student to contact the fraternity’s president and the house’s owners because the gate needed a new lock. The student said he wanted to press charges against the man. Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.


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Campus Events

John T. Price: A Reading John T. Price is the author of the memoirs “Daddy Long Legs: The Natural Education of a Father” (forthcoming from Trumpeter Books/ Shambhala Press); “Man Killed by Pheasant and Other Kinships” and “Not Just Any Land: A Personal and Literary Journey into the American Grasslands.” His nonfiction writing about nature, family and spirit has appeared in many publications including “Orion,” “The Christian Science Monitor,” “Creative Nonfiction,” “Isotope” and “Best Spiritual Writing 2000.” He is a fellow at the Black Earth Institute and a professor of English at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where he teaches nonfiction writing. UA Poetry Center Monday, March 19th 7:00p.m.

‘Sharlot Hall and Hattie Lockett’ - An Arizona Centennial Exhibition We celebrate 100 years of Arizona statehood with a look at the achievements of two Arizona poets, Sharlot Mabridth Hall (1870– 1943) and Hattie Greene Lockett (1880– 1962), members of the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame. Both Hall and Lockett were women of thought and action, pioneers in word and deed. Please join us to celebrate Arizona’s centennial and the Poetry Center’s “Sharlot Hall and Hattie Lockett” exhibition. Poetry Center. Tuesday, January 3, 2012 Saturday, March 31, 2012. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

March 19

Wildcat Calendar Campus Events

Artist’s Talk and Book Signing: José Galvez Prize-winning photojournalist José Galvez will discuss his career documenting the everyday lives of Latinos in the United States, with special focus on his new work from the South. Galvez became the first Mexican-American photographer on the staff of the Los Angeles Times, and in 1984, he and his Chicano colleagues there won a Pulitzer Prize for a series on Latino life in Southern California. In 2000, he published his first solo book, “Vatos,” a collaboration with esteemed poet Luis Alberto Urrea. In “Beloved Land,” he and famed oral historian Patricia Martin explored the lives of Mexican pioneer ranchers in the American Southwest. In 2004 Galvez and his family moved to North Carolina to photograph Hispanic immigration in the South. His photographs have been exhibited internationally in galleries and museums, including the Smithsonian Institution. Center for Creative Photography Auditorium. Monday, March 19th at 5:30 p.m.

“Mapping Arizona: From Mexican Territory to U.S. State” (exhibit) This is new exhibit on display in the UA Main Library from Jan. 6 – March 28, 2012, details the path Arizona took to become a state – first as part of the Territory of New Mexico, then as the Territory of Arizona, finally attaining statehood in 1912. In addition to an array of historical maps, “Mapping Arizona” also includes books and unique documents selected from Special Collections extensive holdings. These additional materials offer insight into the stories that accompany the lines, boundaries, and borders within the maps. UA Main Library, 1510 E. University Blvd.

Campus Events

William Lipe – Before Lake Powell: Memories of Glen Canyon Archaeology When the Glen Canyon Dam was completed in 1963, Lake Powell started to fill, eventually extending more than 180 miles up the Colorado River in Arizona and Utah. The Glen Canyon Archaeological Project was the “mega-project” of its day, with crews in the field from 1957 through 1963. It recorded over 2000 sites, documenting intermittent episodes of occupation from Archaic through historic times. William Lipe was a crew chief on the U. of Utah part of the “GCP” from 1958 to 1960, and a crewmember in summer, 1961, after he returned to graduate school. The project set him on course for a career in archaeology (as it did many others). The talk reviews some of the archaeological contributions of the GCP, as well as its logistical challenges and political context. It is illustrated with digitized versions of slides and film clips taken during the project. Du Val Auditorium (inside UMC) 1501 N. Campbell Ave. Monday March 19th at 7:30 p.m.


“Way of the Cross” The annual exhibit of DeGrazia’s dramatic interpretation of the traditional Stations of the Cross also includes the resurrection of Jesus. The artist created these 15 original oil paintings for the Catholic Newman Center at the University of Arizona in 1964 where they were displayed for about a year. DeGrazia then replaced the originals with prints because of insurance and environmental concerns at the Center. A portfolio of prints is available at the gift shop. January 20, 2012 - April 15, 2012 6300 N. Swan Road 520.299.9191


Meet Me at Maynards The mission of Meet Me at Maynards is to bring active adults and families to the downtown Tucson area to enjoy healthy exercise, experience the beauty, history and architecture of our unique neighborhoods and to appreciate and patronize local businesses. Finish your walk/run at Maynards patio, and enjoy live music, and $5 off any entree and a whole pizza for only $12. And you won’t want to miss the weekly drawing on Maynard’s patio, for gift certificates and other prizes…7:00 PM. 311 E. Congress (north entrance on Toole). Checkin begins at 5:15 PM every Monday (come early… avoid lines). Stays open until 7:00. Begin your walk/ run at any time. Be sure to check in every time. Science Downtown: Mars & Beyond “Mars and Beyond” brings you the wonders of Earth’s neighborhood, our solar system, in stunning color and clarity. The emphasis is on Mars, the “Red Planet,” which has fascinated Earthlings from earliest recorded history to today. You’ll see stunning space imagery from the Red Planet and the solar system, including samples of some of the latest NASA Mars mission spacecraft - the robotic planetary science tools that, after millennia of wondering, are now answering some of Mars’ and the solar system’s mysteries. “Mars and Beyond” digs deep into the mysteries of the Red Planet, including some of the latest cutting edge scientific work by UA teams on NASA’s HiRISE Mars highresolution orbiting camera, the Phoenix Mars Mission science lab lander, the upcoming OSIRISREx, and more. Closed Tuesday-Wednesday. Monday, Thursday, and Sunday 9-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9-6 p.m. Admission prices vary. 300 E. Congress Street

To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email calendar@dailywildcat.com or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication

Sports scoreboard:

Daily Wildcat

• Page 6

Sports Editor: Alex Williams • 520.626.2956 • sports@wildcat.arizona.edu

NCAAB (1) Michigan State 65, (9) St. Louis 61

(13) Ohio 62, (12) South Florida 56

(2) Kansas 63, (10) Purdue 60

postseason hoops

Hangover dooms UA Arizona can’t overcome NCAA disappointment, bounced early from NIT By Nicole Dimtsios Daily Wildcat

Although the Arizona men’s basketball team wasn’t selected to go dancing this year, it was given a No. 1 seed for its fourth-ever appearance in the National Invitation Tournament. But despite their top seeding in the NIT, the Wildcats ended as just a blip on the postseason radar. Arizona, despite overwhelming support from fans who are used to hearing the Wildcats’ name called on Selection Sunday, lost in the first round of the NIT. The No. 8 seed Bucknell Bison defeated Arizona 6554 in McKale Center on Wednesday. It was the first time since 2010 that a No. 8 seed had knocked off a No.1 seed in the NIT. If it had advanced, Arizona would have had the opportunity to host three NIT games in McKale Center, a home-court advantage the Wildcats never got to experience. “We don’t really know the history of the NIT. We really wanted to make the tournament,” senior Jesse Perry said. “We were kind of still down. We weren’t really as riled up as we should have been. Bucknell just came out and they beat us.” Arizona, which fell to Colorado in the championship game of the Pac12 Tournament, was a shot away from receiving an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. Missing that chance doomed the Wildcats’ outlook on the NIT even before they were selected to it. “That’s not to say we weren’t out there and didn’t try,” head coach Sean Miller said. “But I think it’s OK to be at Arizona and feel bad about not being in the tournament and all of us feel that way. “That’s the challenge of this tournament — if you don’t put it right

3rd-place finish for track best in school history By Emi Komiya Daily Wildcat

Colin Darland / Daily Wildcat

Arizona freshman guard Nick Johnson drives to the basket against Bucknell on Wednesday. The Wildcats fell to the Bison 65hangover, 18 64 just four days after losing the championship game of the Pac-12 Tournament in the final seconds to Colorado.

Arizona men’s track and field had four athletes compete at the indoor championships last weekend, all of whom put up big points, leading the Wildcats to a third-place finish. It was the best the team has ever done — the previous highest finish was 10th in 2006. “It was one of those meets where, I don’t know if you could ask for a better performance from our guys,” head coach Fred Harvey said. “We came in with four Lawi Lalang guys and all four Sophomore scored huge … it’s runner exciting because you want your best people to perform at a meet like this. It’s a great feeling, I’m proud of all the athletes and I’m excited for the University of Arizona.” Sophomore Lawi Lalang added two more championships to his resume, bringing his NCAA career total to three after winning the cross-country title in the fall. Lalang dominated both the 5,000-meter race on the first day, clocking in at 13:25.11 and the 3,000-meter race on day two with a time of 7:46.64. The time was good enough to set a new meet and facility record. “It was my plan to win this title and I did it,” Lalang said. “I am really happy. It was slow at first so I decided I would go for it since nobody else was taking it.” Fellow distance runner senior Stephen Sambu helped put up major

track, 18

Baseball comes back to win first Pac-12 series By Alex Williams Daily Wildcat

It may have been playing its first series of Pac-12 Conference play, but the Arizona baseball team already found itself with its back against the wall on Saturday. After being outscored 11-0 in the first nine and a half innings of the series against Washington State, the Wildcats faced a tall task: Sweep a doubleheader or start the conference season about as poorly as possible. The Arizona offense came alive and the Wildcats took down Washington State 8-7 and 12-9 to sweep Saturday’s doubleheader and win the series 2-1 after being shut out on Friday. “Nobody sweeps doubleheaders.

College doubleheaders are almost always split,” said Arizona head coach Andy Lopez. “But I told them before the game that we could not walk out of here with a split. They had to get it done at home. They did and I like the way they did it.” Still, it took a little while for Lopez’s message to sink in. Arizona starter Konner Wade allowed five first-inning runs in Saturday’s first game, but the Wildcats responded with three of their own in the bottom half of the inning and tied things up in the third. After that, Arizona took over. The Wildcats outscored WSU 20-11 over the last 17.5 innings of the series, led by junior outfielder Rob Refsnyder, who went 6-for-8 on the day and drove in four runs while scoring four more.

“Anything but two wins would have been a big disappointment,” Refsnyder said. “We stubbed our toe Friday night and didn’t play well, but we came back today and I’m real happy with how we played.” Lopez said the offensive explosion might have been a result of the Wildcats finally adjusting to the cavernous outfield at their new home. Hi Corbett Field measures 348 feet at its smallest point down the rightfield line, and expands to 410 feet in left-center field. Eleven of Arizona’s 13 hits in the series finale were singles, something that gave Lopez a sign things may finally be clicking. “It’s what you have to do in this yard,” Lopez said. “This park is not kind to the long fly ball. It’s kind to the hard ground ball, and it’s kind to

line drives.”

Rocky start

The Wildcats had two schools of thought when it came to explaining the 6-0 shutout in the series opener. The first was simple — WSU pitcher J.D. Leckenby, whose velocity can touch the low 90s with sink, pitched a great game and silenced the Arizona bats. Refsnyder said that Leckenby might be the best pitcher the Wildcats face all year. The second explanation was a little more complicated. Arizona played a two-game series at Rice on Tuesday and Wednesday, and left its hotel at 2 a.m. Tucson time on Thursday. The Wildcats got back into Tucson around 1 p.m.

Thursday and held an hour-long workout, and the rigorous travel schedule may have taken a physical toll on the team. But Lopez said that the NCAA’s condensed schedule makes travel like that necessary, even if it isn’t necessarily in the best interest of the players. “This isn’t my doing,” Lopez said. “I would not play 21 games in 30 days ever. But the NCAA’s magical wisdom of condensing the season has forced us to do this. Not just the (physical) wear and tear, but the academic wear and tear. That’s not fair to student-athletes.” Lopez said the team would have Sunday off, then have an hour-long workout on Monday before hosting New Mexico State on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Arizona hosts NFL Pro Day By Zack Rosenblatt Daily Wildcat

tim W. glass / Daily Wildcat

Arizona pitcher Shelby Babcock delivers a pitch against Yavapai College on Oct. 3, 2010. Babcock allowed three hits in the UA’s win over UC Davis on Friday.

Weather throwing Wildcats a curveball By Cameron Moon Daily Wildcat

Of the eight games the Arizona softball team was scheduled to play over the course of spring break, it was only able to play two of them because of weather conditions. All three games against Baylor in Waco, Texas, a weekend ago and the Wildcats’ final three games of the Judi Garman Classic in Fullerton, Calif., were all canceled. Arizona was only

able to play two games against UC Davis and Iowa, both victories, on Friday. “We’ve continued to play the way we’ve been playing, we’ve been on an upswing,” head coach Mike Candrea said. “This is a big week ahead of us.” Both games were played on the first day of the Classic were blowouts, as the softball team run-ruled UC Davis 8-0 in six innings, behind a five-RBI performance from freshman shortstop Shelby

weather, 7

The Arizona football progran will host its NFL Pro Day this morning for testing and evaluation of potential Wildcats that are no longer on the team in preparation for the 2012 NFL Draft. NFL team scouts, coaches and player personnel are among those expected to be in attendance. At the Pro Day, the participants will be measured for height, weight and reach, participate in six drills (vertical jump, broad jump, pro shuttle, 3-cone, 60-yard shuttle and 225-pound bench press), a 40-yard dash and will conclude by performing individual positional workouts. Some former Arizona players expected to participate include quarterback Nick Foles, wide receiver Juron Criner and cornerback Trevin Wade, all of whom participated in the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis a few weeks ago. Running back Keola Antolin, linebackers Derek Earls and Paul Vassallo and defensive back Rob Golden are among the other former Wildcats expected to participate. For the three players who participated in the NFL combine, the Pro Day will be an opportunity to improve upon their testing numbers and performance in positional drills. Last year, former Arizona defensive end Brooks

Football to hold open spring practice in Glendale The Arizona football team will host an open practice at Glendale Community College on Saturday. The practice will include free admission and parking for fans and will last from noon until 2 p.m. The Wildcats will return to practice Wednesday after a week off for spring break. A Fan Fest will take place at the practice, including giveaways, the Territorial Cup on display for pictures, sales team representatives on hand to assist with season tickets and a 30-minute post-game autograph session with head coach Rich Rodriguez. Prior to spring break, Arizona held two practices to kick off the spring football season. Coming back from spring break, Rodriguez hoped that his players have kept in shape over the course of the week. “You don’t want to come back and

Reed improved his draft stock after a solid Pro Day performance and was eventually drafted in the second round by the Houston Texans. Foles, Arizona’s all-time leading passer with more than 10,000 yards, struggled a bit at the combine. After

start in spring practice and then lose some of that conditioning,” Rodriguez said. “I don’t want our football players saying, ‘Oh, it’s a week I can go to the beach, hang out and chase girls.’ I know what college students do in spring break.” One player Rodriguez has often cited as taking a leadership role in practice so far is senior linebacker Jake Fischer, who missed all of last season with a torn ACL. Fischer has embraced that leadership role, even going so far as to skip spring break to focus on football. “I’m going to try to be more of a leader, be one of the upperclassmen, you know just get the young guys in there to watch film and everything,” Fischer said. “We’re going to be in there watching film every day.”

measuring out at 6-foot-5, 243 pounds — making him the second-tallest quarterback at the combine behind ASU’s Brock Osweiler — Foles ran a quarterback combine-worst 5.14

pro day, 18




W-Swim places fifth at NCAAs By Christopher Cegielski DAILY WILDCAT

Arizona women’s swimming team ended its season by earning a fifth-place finish at the 2012 NCAA Championships in Auburn, Ala., last weekend. The Wildcats had marked the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championship on their calendar as the target date for their peak performance. Even though the Wildcats weren’t able to come away with the title, they finished higher than their No. 9 ranking. Arizona earned fifth place behind three other Pac-12 teams. California was the repeating champion, USC finished in third place and Stanford in fourth. “Fifth place is something we can build on and I am really proud of the effort that they put forth,” head coach Eric Hansen said. “I am really proud of their total body work this year and the progress that we made.”

The Wildcats were able to make adjustments and pull it together after losing three of their last four meets of the dual season. Major preparations came from the Pac-12 Swimming Championship, where the final tweaks could be made — making the Wildcats NCAA Championship-ready. Senior Alyssa Anderson performed for her last time at the collegiate level in the NCAA National Championship, producing a seventh-place finish in the 200-fly. Anderson won five 2012 All-America honors, coming in the events of the 500-free, 200-free, 800-free relay, 200-fly, and 400-free fly. Sophomores Margo Geer and Sarah Denninghoff were both able to record top-five individual finishes. Denninghoff placed fourth in the 200-backstroke and Geer earned third place with a new school record of 47.14 in the 100-free.

Pair of men’s divers qualify for NCAAs

Arizona seniors Ben Grado and Andres Guerra will compete in the NCAA Championships after receiving qualification following Zone E competition. Grado qualified after earning a second-place finish on the one-meter board during the second day of Zone E. Grado received diver of the month for February and is the first diver to sweep all three events at the Pac-12 Championships since first-year coach Omar Ojeda. Guerra was able to squeak into AMY WEBB / DAILY WILDCAT the last spot of seven men to qualiThe Arizona women’s swimming team earned fifth place at the NCAA Championships fy. He pushed his place forward by earning runner-up honors for the in Auburn, Ala., over the weekend. The men’s team will compete this weekend. platform on the last day of competition. Geer and Anderson’s efforts in the 400-free relay. Grado and Guerra will compete The No. 1-ranked men will compete along, with junior Monica Drake and sophomore Kait Flederbach, in the NCAA Championships from in the NCAA Championships from March 22-24 in Federal Way, Wash. earned Arizona a fourth-place finish March 22-24 in Federal Way, Wash.


March Madness talent gap slimming MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE

OMAHA, Neb. — It may have been, no it was, among the biggest mismatches in college basketball history. Seed or talent didn’t. define the separation. The information available on the website ope.ed.gov/athletics/ does. A few key strokes reveal that the University of Florida reported $123 million in athletic department revenue in 2010-11, the most recent figures were available. Norfolk State University reported $12.1 million for the same period. For a school that’s 10 times richer, it might seem patronizing to hear Florida coaches and players speak of the teams meeting on Sunday in the third round of the NCAA Tournament at CenturyLink Center on equal terms. But they are, and that’s the riveting and devastating result of victories by Norfolk State and Lehigh over Missouri and Duke on Friday in the wildest day in NCAA Tournament history. It took 27 tournaments for four No. 15 seeds to upend second seeds. Then it happened twice in

about two hours on Friday . By the end of the day, seven double-digit seeds had claimed victory, the most in one day in tournament history. The total of nine over two days also was a record. Some of the upset winners, like North Carolina State and Colorado, are from power conferences. But the triumphs of Norfolk State and Lehigh electrified the tournament and destroyed every bracket under a refrigerator magnet. Behind those broken brackets are uplifting stories, like Norfolk State’s. The college basketball world gets introduced to a program that funds 86 percent of its athletic budget from student fees attached to tuition, about $1,100 per student. That’s more than most schools, and the percentage is much greater than schools in power conferences. But it’s necessary because the Spartans, unlike the Gators, aren’t plugged into massive revenue sources like conference television contracts. “It’s an important part of our revenue stream,” said Norfolk State



athletic director Marty Miller. The game also gets to see players like Kyle O’Quinn on a wider stage. He’s well-known in the MidAmerica Athletic Conference as the player of the year. But his fame exploded with a 26-point, 14-rebound performance against Missouri, and on Saturday, he might as well have been host of a late-night talk show. Among other things, we learned that O’Quinn picked up 2,100 followers on Twitter between the end of the game and the time he sat down to supper, and that his teammates grew tired of him reporting updated totals. We also know that O’Quinn, a New Yorker, draws strength from his address. “You have to have the personality of ‘Don’t back down,’” O’Quinn said. “If you win, the city loves you. You’re either the hero or the goat, and you always want the city to love you.” And although Norfolk State isn’t college basketball prime time, you get out it what you put into it. “Norfolk State is my Duke University,” O’Quinn said.











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In Greensboro, N.C., where Lehigh previewed its game Sunday against Xavier, coach Brett Reed revealed that he got his doctorate because he thought that would help him become a coach at a Division III program, where athletic scholarships aren’t awarded. “I wanted to be in coaching for the right reasons,” Reed said. Guard C.J. McCollum, who scored 30 against the Blue Devils, was an under-the-radar recruit who could have attended Mid-America Athletic Conference schools in his native Ohio but landed at Lehigh. He was the Patriot League player of the year in two of the last three seasons and is the nation’s fifth — leading scorer at 21.7 points. Part of the problem: McCollum stood 5 foot 2 as a high school freshman and was 5-6 as a junior when college recruiting hits the critical stage. “I was a little frustrated not being recruited, but I’m blessed to be here,” said McCollum. When it comes to teams like Lehigh and Norfolk State, the tournament should feel the same way.


Pendley, who also ended the game with a walk-off home run in the sixth. Senior Jessica Spigner says the score was a byproduct of uncertainty. “We scored some runs early which is very important, because we just weren’t sure how many games we were going to be able to get in,” Spigner said. “We had to make the most of our opportunities.” The UC Davis game was the sixth consecutive shutout for Arizona, and its ninth in 11 games. Pitcher Shelby Babcock earned the win for the Wildcats, allowing just three hits and improving her record to 8-4 on the season. In the Iowa game, the Wildcats were able to take advantage of three Hawkeye mishaps, which allowed them to score three unanswered runs on their way to a 6-1 win. All-American pitcher Kenzie Fowler was able to remain undefeated on the season, improving her record to 8-0 behind a three-hit, nine-strikeout performance. The rest of the games Arizona was scheduled to play against BYU, LouisianaLafayette and DePaul were canceled, which has a major effect on the way the team hits, Candrea said. “When you’re not getting a lot of game time, the timing gets off a little bit,” he said. “My biggest concern is that we get enough swings and some at-bats and get comfortable and confident at the plate.”


Monday, March 19, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

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monday, march

19, 2012

Daily WilDcat •



UA Spring Career Days 2012 From Apple to Yelp, this is the fair you don’t want to miss! by Susan Miller-Pinhey, M.A., Career Services Senior Marketing Coordinator What are you waiting for? Start researching NOW. Who is coming to the fair? Who will YOU speak to? With newcomers Silicon Valley Bank, American Conservation Experience, Ross Stores and Zale Corporation coming to campus, the improving economy will be reflected at this year’s campus-wide UA Spring Career Days. Over 170 tables will be filled during the two-days of this career fair. Trek down on Tuesday AND Wednesday, March 20th and 21st for some great opportunities. Some of these organizations are brand new to the UA and some have been returning to our campus for years, targeting UA students for their skills and expertise. These organizations come from all areas of the work-a-day world and encompass everything from small businesses to very large Fortune 500 corporations. Listed here are just a few of the organizations you can expect to see during the fair. A more complete list can be found in this publication, accurate as of publishing. Check out the complete list online at www.career.arizona.edu for up-to-the-minute additions. Apple, Inc. is passionate about creating the world’s most innovative products. But it’s just as passionate about assisting the people who use them. So as a technical support advisor for the AppleCare College Program, when customers call in with questions, you won’t just provide answers—you’ll provide an experience. Arizona’s Children Association is one of the largest nonprofit agencies in the state to offer foster care, adoption, behavioral health, prevention programs, and other child welfare services. Barrick Gold North America’s vision is to be the world’s best gold mining company by finding, acquiring, developing and producing quality reserves in a safe, profitable and socially responsible manner. CDW is a leading provider of technology solutions for business, government and education and is ranked No. 41 on Forbes’ list of America’s Largest Private Companies. Gallo Wine Company is the Southern California distributor for E&J Gallo Winery, the largest producer of wine in the world. eBay, Inc., with more than 90 million active users globally, is the world’s largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything. Edward Jones focuses on one type of customer: those interested in relatively high-quality, low-risk investments held for the long term. A multibillion-dollar industry leader, Enterprise Holdings, Inc. was founded in

Explore. Experience. Achieve.

1957, has $12.1 billion annual revenue, 904,000 vehicles in their fleet , 66,000 employees and they hire over 8,000 college graduates a year. Farmers Insurance & Financial Services currently operates in 29 states with assets over $20 billion, offering attractive careers for more than 30,000 men and women. Ferguson, a Wolseley Company, is a diverse wholesale distributor with operations spanning multiple business groups. The company is ranked as the largest plumbing wholesaler in North America. First Investors Corporation, a Wall Streetbased financial services firm with over $6 billion in assets. Frito Lay, Inc., a division of PepsiCo, is the largest and fastest growing snack food manufacturer in the United States. Fund for the Public Interest’s 25-year commitment to professional, systematic grassroots action has made us the go-to group in our field. Gannett Local is a digital leader with more than 100 U.S. newspapers, TV stations, and websites like CareerBuilder.com, Gannett Digital Media Network, and USATODAY.com. GEICO - Government Employees Insurance Company. The name goes back to GEICO’s first customers in 1936, who were government employees and Military personnel. Customer Base: 8.5 million auto policyholders and growing, GEICO insures more than 14.4 million vehicles. Gowan Company is an international family owned provider of crop protection products; bringing science, regulatory acumen, innovative investment, and focused execution to the forgotten problems of agriculture. Honeywell International is a $28 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Insight Global, Inc. is an industry leading staffing firm that specializes in placing consultants in Fortune 500 level companies nationwide. Knight Piesold is a specialized international consulting company offering engineering and environmental services in Mining, Environment, Hydropower, Water Resources, Roads & Construction Services. Kraft Foods are the world’s second largest food company with annual revenues of $48 billion and, in the U.S., our products are present in more than 99 percent of households. KVOA Communications, Inc. for careers in the Televison Broadcast Industry. Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group is a

UA Spring Career Days March 20th & 21st

Tuesday & Wednesday, 11am-4pm Student Union Memorial Center Ballroom

leading global multi-line group of insurance offering a differentiated shopping experience companies whose largest line of business in through its family of brands. personal auto, based on 2003 net written preTTi (Techtronic Industries) is a world-class mium. leader in quality consumer and professional Macy’s Inc. with corporate offices in products marketed to the home improvement Cincinnati and New York, is one of the nation’s and construction industries. premier retailers, with fiscal 2009 sales of U-Haul International trucks and trailers $23.5 billion. can be rented from over 15,000 independent Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the dealers and more than 1,400 company-owned world’s leading oilfield services company supU-Haul Moving Centers. plying technology, information solutions and U.S. Army Medical Recruiting for the integrated project management that optimize United States Army Medical Department, one reservoir performance for customers working of the largest and most esteemed Health Care in the oil and gas industry. Organizations in the World. As the second-largest general merchandise Vanguard is one of the world’s largest retailer, Target is an upscale discounter focusinvestment management companies, with over ing on trend-right merchandise and everyday $1 trillion in U.S. assets. basics at affordable prices. Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. is the The Hershey Company is the largest North world’s leading supplier of automated diagnosAmerican manufacturer of quality chocotic systems to the anatomical pathology market. late and sugar confectionary products, with Yelp, Inc. is an online urban city guide Our thanks to the Corporate Sponsors, Student Clubs and Multi-Cultural Centers for their support of revenues of over $5 billion and over 12,000 that helps people find cool places to eat, shop, reer Days 2012 Diversity Mixer employees. drink, relax and play, based on the informed (Students can still RSVP at http://www.career.arizona.edu/Students/diversitynetworking Toys”R”Us, Inc. is the world’s leading opinions of a vibrant and active community of dedicated toy and juvenile products retailer, locals in the know. The Diversity Mixer in conjunction with UA Spring Career Days

Career Fair Partners

UA Student Services Fee

Gold Partners GEICO First Investors

Corporate Sponsors: Our thanks to the Corporate Sponsors, Student Clubs and Multi-Cultural Centers for their support of the UA Spring Career Days 2012 (Students can still RSVP at http://www.career.arizona.edu/Students/diversitynetworking) Diversity Mixer (Students can still RSVP at http://www.career.arizona.edu/Students/diversitynetworking) The Diversity Mixer in conjunction with UA Spring Career Days Our thanks to these The Diversity Mixer in conjunction with UA Spring Career Days is Sponsored by the University of Arizona Career Services generous sponsors for is Sponsored by the University of Arizona Career Services In partnership with Corporate Sponsors: their support of UA In partnership with Corporate Sponsors: Inofpartnership Our thanks to the Corporate Sponsors, Student Clubs and Multi-Cultural Centers for their support the UA Spring Ca-with reer Days 2012 Diversity Mixer

UA Career Services would like to thank our generous Career Services Partners. These partners play a vital role in building services essential to the success of our students. Employers can become members of the Career Services’ Partners Program at one of four contribution levels - Platinum, Gold, Silver or Copper (brand new!). More information regarding this program is available at www. career.arizona.edu/Employers/?Corporate.

Platinum Partners

Career Fair Sponsors

is Sponsored by the University of Arizona Career Services

Silver Partners

Dick’s Sporting Goods Enterprise Rent-A-Car Macy’s, Inc. Nestle UA BookStores Vanguard

Copper Partners

Northwestern Mutual Raytheon

Spring Career Days 2012

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Freeport McMoRan Insight Global, Inc. Zale Corporation

And supported by these clubs: supported by these clubs: Association of Latino Professionals in And Finance and Accounting American Indian Science and Engineering Society ASUA Executive Diversity Directors Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers And supported by these clubs: Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans American Indian Science and Engineering Society in the Sciences Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting

ASUA Executive Diversity Directors American Indian Science and Engineering Society

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

ASUA Executive Diversity Directors

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences


monday, march

• Daily WilDcat

19, 2012


new to the U for Spring 2012 Career Days By Susan Miller-Pinhey

strategic planning initiatives and services.

Be gentle. This is their first time on the UA campus. Listed below are some of the companies attending the upcoming UA Spring Career Days for the first time ever. Be sure to train your radar on these opportunities March 20th and 21st in the UA Student Union Memorial Center ballroom from 11am to 4pm. Check online at www.career.arizona.edu to see which day they are coming and research these organizations online before approaching the reps with your stellar one-minute commercial:

Campus Special, LLC is

American Conservation Experience is a nonprofit conservation corps dedicated to providing service learning opportunities for emerging land managers and conservation-minded volunteers in culturally diverse and naturally inspiring settings. ACE members embody an ethic of environmental stewardship, learn practical conservation skills, and explore career options while accomplishing vital conservation projects in many of America’s most spectacular open spaces. Headquartered in Flagstaff, Arizona, ACE sends small teams on direct service projects for land management agencies throughout Arizona and the American Southwest.

Baker Hughes serves the worldwide oil and natural gas industry with reservoir consulting and products and services for drilling, formation evaluation, completion and production. Baker Hughes operates in over 90 countries serving independent, international and national oil companies. Their service network is organized into 23 Geomarkets operating in nine regions and two hemispheres. Region and Geomarket management teams work to understand customer needs and coordinate delivery of individual products and comprehensive service solutions that include the right Baker Hughes technologies for the project.

Cambridge Financial Services is passionate about helping prospective financial advisors launch highly successful careers in financial services. “Financial Services” means a lot of things to a lot of people. To them it’s about helping individuals, families, and business owners achieve their maximum wealth potential through

looking for two to four Account Executives in Sales & Marketing for Summer 2012 working 40 hours per week for a salary of $3,000 to $6,000. The Campus Special is the leader in print, mobile, and online advertising on college campuses. Their internship program was nominated in 2009, 2010, and 2011 as one of the best places to intern by Intern Bridge. The Campus Special summer internship program has helped over 2,500 students gain the experience they need to launch their career in business, marketing, advertising, public relations, sales, and communications. Their Career Partners include prestigious companies such as AT&T, ADP, LivingSocial, Coca-Cola, News America Marketing, Cumulus Broadcasting, CBS Radio, Aerotek, Eli Lilly and more.

DVA Consulting -- Dean Vesling and Associates provide mechanical and electrical engineering services to a local proving ground for global mining leader. Engineers are responsible for product development, testing and machine validation.

Easton-Bell Sports: What if you could turn your passion into your profession? Their people do this every day. If you think you can take “work hard, play hard” literally, then you should join a team that refuses to draw a line between the two. Their specialties focus on high performance and protective gear for football, baseball, softball, lacrosse, cycling, hockey, and motor and snow sports. The Drive to Perform and Protect… Passion. It’s what drives you to win games. And it’s what inspires Easton-Bell Sports to make the gear to get you the win, safely. Athletes and enthusiasts trust their products to strike the perfect balance between protection and performance. For more than 80 years, this responsibility has spurred their employees to discover new ways to help customers perform their best in football, baseball, softball, lacrosse, cycling, hockey and motor and snow sports. Five Brands, One Goal. They work for teams, and they work as a team. With so many employees coming from a sports background, it makes

sense that they work together across their Easton, Riddell, Giro, Bell and Blackburn brands. While each brand maintains its own unique culture, best-practice sharing in research and development guarantees that their products sport the latest technology.

PayPal With more than 87 million active registered accounts worldwide, PayPal has made it possible for people to pay and get paid online across different locations, currencies, and languages. Responding to the eBay community, which had quickly adopted PayPal as its preferred payment method, eBay Inc. acquired the company in 2002. Since then, PayPal’s customer base has grown both on eBay and across e-commerce. Having built a single global payments engine that has some of the best risk and fraud detection capabilities in the payments industry, PayPal continues to be one of the leading ways to pay online. Today, PayPal is available in 190 markets, 24 currencies, and is accepted by millions of online merchants around the world.

Galloway Asset Management, LLC is a growing registered investment advisor company in business for twelve years. Their main values are integrity, experience, & commitment. They want their employees to have a great work/life balance, as well as a career with challenging goals, and a long-term career path.

Golder Associates strives to be the most respected global group specializing in ground engineering and environmental services. With Golder, clients gain the advantage of working with highly skilled engineers, scientists, project managers and other technical specialists who are committed to helping them succeed. GOOD is a collaboration of individuals, businesses, and nonprofits pushing the world forward. Since 2006 they’ve been making a magazine, videos, and events for people who give a damn.

Gowan Company is an international, family-owned provider of crop protection products; bringing science, regulatory acumen, innovative investment, and focused execution to the forgotten problems of agriculture. Gowan has earned the reputation of being the “Go To



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Company” for their industry.

HealthTrio Inc. is a dynamic technology company that is growing in the healthcare market. Highly scalable, always available application services are where the industry is heading; HealthTrio is already there. Come to HealthTrio to work on cutting-edge Healthcare IT solutions and be a pioneer in the expanding field of electronic health records. JBS is the world’s largest animal protein company and a dynamic food company with big ideas. With processing facilities in the United States, Brazil, Australia, Argentina and Italy, JBS has eight beef and three pork processing facilities in the U.S. alone. JBS Pilgrim’s Pride (the largest poultry company in the U.S.), JBS Five Rivers (the largest cattle feeding operation in the world) and JBS Carriers (a new transportation company) are all part of JBS USA.

Jim Walter Resources mines high quality metallurgical coal in central Alabama. They have openings in mining operations for mining engineers and other engineering disciplines. JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $1.3 trillion and operations in more than 50 countries. The firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers, small business and commercial banking, financial transaction processing, asset and wealth management, and private equity. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. has its corporate headquarters in New York and its U.S. retail financial services and commercial banking headquarters in Chicago. Under the JPMorgan and Chase brands, the firm serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies has been committed to delivery of quality product through superior customer service for 48 years. As a steadily growing organization, with a presence in 35 states, they recognize that the most critical component to their continued success is their people. The Leslie’s Summer Internship Program is a wonderful opportunity

to gain retail experience for students majoring in Accounting, Finance, Business Management, Retail Sales, Commercial Sales, Supply Chain and Risk Management. You will be assigned to a specific corporate division, depending on your academic goals and work alongside peer level team members, and managerial personnel.

Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (NAPI), is an enterprise of the Navajo Nation, located just seven miles south of Farmington, New Mexico. They produce products such as corn, alfalfa, pinto beans, potatoes, and small grains such as oats, wheat, and barley all on approximately 73,000 acres of farmland.

Power-One, Renewable Energy Solutions, LLC designs and manufactures energy-efficient power conversion and power management solutions, including inverters for alternative/renewable energy (solar and wind) and products for routers, data storage and servers, wireless communications, optical networking, semiconductor test equipment, industrial markets and custom applications. Power-One, with headquarters in Camarillo, California, has global sales offices, manufacturing, and R&D operations in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Provident Leasing is a fullservice, direct lessor, specializing in lease transactions ranging in size from $50,000 to $10,000,000 with terms from one to seven years. Quicken Loans in Scottsdale, Arizona, is looking to fill full-time positions. Are you the type of person who strives to make a difference? Loan Officers at Quicken Loans make a difference for their clients every day. Their Loan Officers are called Mortgage Bankers. They’re trained to listen, understand and analyze the needs of clients in order to provide them with financial solutions for their individual situations. Why are they different? Meet the anti-corporate culture of Quicken Loans where there’s no daunting hierarchy, “boss” is a four-letter word, and if you work hard you’re the one who will reap the rewardsrewards that are both personal and professional. More than any other

continued on p. 12

monday, march

19, 2012

Daily Wildcat •



Companies Attending Spring 2012 Career Days Employer

Day 1

Day 2


Day 1

Day 2


Day 1

Day 2

AAA Insurance Exchange 902 Home Depot 604 Microsoft 1110 1110 Abercrombie & Fitch 1103 Indian Health Service, MINTEC, INC 1208 ADP Small Business Services 704 Tucson Area 306 306 Navajo Agricultural Aerotek, Inc. 1107 Insight 305 Products Industry 1206 1206 American Conservation Insight Global, Inc 104 104 Neff Rental LLC 301 Experience 706 706 JBS 1108 North Star Resource American Family Insurance 506 506 Jim Click and Holmes Tuttle Group 406 406 Ameriprise Financial 1107 Automotive Team 606 Northwestern Mutual Apple, Inc. 1100 1100 Jim Walter Resources 1002 1002 — Tucson 205 205 Arizona Department of JPMorgan Chase 305 PepsiCo Economic Security 1106 Kinross Gold (Frito-Lay Division) 207/802 207/802 Arizona Electric Power Corporation 800 800 Power-One, Renewable Cooperative, Inc. 700 700 Knight Piesold 906 Energy Solutions, LLC 1211 Arizona’s Children Kraft Foods 1203 Progressive Insurance 1104 Association 405 KVOA COMMUNICATIONS Provident Leasing 402 Arizona Public Service 1207 INC. 401 Prudential Financial 206 AVIRTEK 1000 1000 Leslie’s Swimming Quicken Loans 308 B/E Aerospace 904 Pool Supplies 307 Ross Stores Los Angeles Baker Hughes 1001 1001 Liberty Mutual 202 202 Buying Office 400 Barrick Gold North America 901/902 Macy’s Inc. 203 203 Ross Stores, Inc 400 Beckman Coulter 1104 Maricopa Community Rush Enterprises, Inc. 303 Buckeye International, Inc 1105 Colleges 403 403 SAP Americas 606 Cambridge Financial Services 1200 Campus Special, LLC 1102 CARF International 1111 CDW 303 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. 602 Cognizant Technology Solutions 100 Collective Brands 604 Convergys 602 Creative Testing Solutions 804 DFW Wines 1103 Department of Army, NETCOM 1108 Dick’s Sporting Goods 100 Dillards 105 DirecTV 1209 DriveTime 900 DVA Consulting 801 E&J Gallo Winery 106 106 Easton-Bell Sports 1101 eBay, Inc. 1003 1003 Echo Global Logistics 1201 Enterprise Rent-a-Car 201 201 Ephibian 1004 1004 Equity Methods 804 Farmers Insurance & Financial Services 705 705 Fastenal 1202 Federal Bureau of Prison FCC Tucson 801 Federal Bureau of Prisons 1111 Ferguson, a Wolseley Company 1204 Firestone Complete Auto Care 601 601 First Investors Corporation 103 103 Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold 101 101 Fry’s Food Stores 906 Fund for the Public Interest 1205 Galloway Asset Management, LLC 502 GannettLocal 503 503 GEICO 200 200 GlobalTranz 500 500 GOOD 304 304 Gowan Company 401 HealthTrio 1207


Day 1

SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY CORP 903 Schlumberger Water Services 1113 Silicon Valley Bank 505 Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine Sunquest Information Systems 905 Target Corporation (Distribution) 504 Tata Consultancy Services 1210 TEK Systems 1101 The Hershey Company 603 The Shaw Group Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 802 Tohono O’odham Community College 1102 Toys R Us, Inc. 502 Trader Joe’s 1109 TTi (Techtronic Industries) 302

Day 2

505 704 905 504

1208 802

1109 302


Day 1

Day 2

Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc. 702 Tucson Federal Credit Union 405 Tucson Police Department 605 605 U-Haul International 1112 U.S. Army Medical Recruiting 1005 1005 U.S. Department of State 402 U.S. Navy 701 701 United States Marine Corps Officer Programs 805 805 Urban Teacher Center 308 Vanguard 204 204 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. 1209 Verizon Wireless 501 501 Walmart and Sam’s Club 600 600 Weidner Apartment Homes 404 404 Yelp 300 300 Zale Corporation 102


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Looking for your exciting future? Graduate to Avirtek in developing a world of automatic computer and cyberspace applications.

UA Career Services Student Union Memorial Center 411

Look for us in Booth 1000 at the U of A

soon-to-be graduates Spring Career Days: graduates, and interns wanted.

www.career. arizona.edu


Find out if you have the skills and interest required to earn a position as a Marine Aviator. On March 21-23, 2012 the Marine Corps Officer Programs will be giving free, no obligation, orientation flights in a King Aircraft at Tucson International Airport to college students. For more information or to reserve a seat, call or email the Marine Corps Officer Programs today at (520) 881-7893 or patrick.mcfarland@marines.usmc.mil

Northwestern Mutual’s internship program has been named one of America’s top ten internships for 15 straight years. To see if you qualify, just go to nminternship.com. No matter what kind of voice you have, it’s your chance to be in the top ten. Douglas Jones CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC Managing Director Northwestern Mutual - Tucson nmfn.com/tucson

Allie Jones Director of Recruitment and Development Northwestern Mutual - Tucson 1760 E River Rd Ste 247 nmfn.com/tucson (520) 615-5370

05-2743 © 2012 Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (NM) (life and disability insurance, annuities) and its subsidiaries. Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (NMIS) (securities), a subsidiary of NM, broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, and member of FINRA and SIPC. Douglas A Jones, District Agent(s) of NM. Managing Directors are not in legal partnership with each other, NM or its affiliates. Douglas A Jones, Registered Representative(s) of NMIS. Staff members support Representatives and might not represent companies associated with Northwestern Mutual. Products and services referenced are offered and sold only by appropriately licensed individuals. Vault Guide to Top Internships: Top 10 Internships 1997-2011: 2011 Edition.


monday, march

• Daily WilDcat

19, 2012


WHEN TO SEEK HELP… 1. Why do most people see a Career Counselor? People come in for many different reasons. Two of the most common reasons are for assistance in choosing a major and determining which career path to take. A counselor can be a great help considering there are over 12,000 careers to choose from. Students also come in for help with resumes, interview techniques and how to go about conducting a job search.

2. Am I the only college student who is undecided? It may seem like it at times. Some of the biggest decisions you will ever make will be career decisions. Career planning is a series of many smaller decisions, some of which are bound to change over time as you change. Please take the time to come to Career Services and let a professional guide you toward your career or major.

3. Which major will help me get a really good job? a. Management Information Systems. b. An Engineering degree c. Fine Arts d. Pre-Health e. All of the Above Actually, the answer can be all the above. Though careers and majors are related, no major can guarantee a great career. Along the

Are you in Career Crisis? same lines, no major is “useless”. Getting a good job has more to do with focusing on the career you want to pursue and getting both the education and experience required for success in that field. Students in some majors can find their first job sooner than others because of the ease of attaching a job title to what they have learned. Other majors may take more time. But those students should not despair! They can still end up with a great job and the bonus is, it will be a great job they are sincerely interested in.

4. What if my GPA is not above a 3.5? Can I still find employment? If your GPA isn’t something to write home about, then gaining experience in your field of study becomes even more important. Employers want to hire students with experience. Remember, the employer is not hiring a number, but an individual with skills, experiences and qualities. Your job is to make sure that you present yourself in the best way possible, emphasizing your credentials.

5. Can I take a test to see what career I should pursue? Yes! Tests are a great tool and can help you understand what careers may be a good fit for you. The most popular tests we use include the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). These

tests help you define your interests, values and personality style.

6. I’m not a Senior, can Career Services help me? You bet. Career Services can help you from the day you become a student at the university. As a Freshman, we can help you plan a career or major. As a Sophomore and Junior, we might help you gain experience in your field through an internship, Co-op or volunteer work. When you become a Senior, it becomes important to be able to conduct a job search for an entry level position. Résumé and interview skill improvement become critical at this time.

7. Can I use Career Services to get ‘inside information’ on a company for which I have an interview? Knowing the company you are interviewing with could greatly enhance your chances of landing the job. Our Career Information Library (CIC) is loaded with employer information, including a terrific database called Career Search. The web, of course, can be your best friend in this type of research.

8. I have a physical disability; do you have accommodations? We have a few things that can make life a little easier for you. Our Library is accessible and our computer lab has a Kurzweil Reader

new to the U continued from p. 10 place you’ll work, they are dedicated to honing your skills, helping you grow and making sure you have plenty of fun doing it.

Ross Stores, Inc. is an S&P 500, Fortune 500 and NASDAQ 100 (ROST) company headquartered in Pleasanton, California, with fiscal 2010 revenues of $7.9 billion. The Company operates Ross Dress for Less, the largest offprice apparel and home fashion chain in the United States with 1,013 locations in 27 states and Guam. Ross offers first-quality, in-season, name brand and designer apparel, accessories, footwear and home fashions for the entire family at everyday savings of 20% to 60% off department and specialty store regular prices. Founded in 1965, Rush Enterprises, Inc. is a full-service, integrated retailer of premium transportation and construction equipment and related services. Rush Enterprises, Inc. owns and operates the largest network of commercial vehicle dealerships in the United States, representing truck and bus manufacturers including Peterbilt, International, GMC, Hino, Isuzu,

Ford, UD, Blue Bird, Diamond and Elkhart and two construction equipment dealerships in Texas representing John Deere construction equipment.

services to government and private-sector clients in a wide array of industries, including the energy, environmental, infrastructure, and emergency response markets.

Silicon Valley Bank helps entrepreneurs succeed. SVB Financial Group is a financial holding company that serves companies in the technology, life science, clean tech, venture capital, private equity and premium wine industries. Offering diversified financial services through Silicon Valley Bank, SVB Analytics, SVB Capital, and SVB Private Bank, SVB Financial Group provides clients with commercial, investment, international and private banking services. The company also offers funds management, broker-dealer transactions and asset management, as well as the added value of its knowledge and networks worldwide. Headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., SVB Financial Group (NASDAQ: SIVB) operates through 26 offices in the U.S. and international operations in China, India, Israel and the United Kingdom.

Trader Joe’s offers Retail Store Management Opportunities & Store Internship Opportunities…What a difference. Are you interested in a career in retail store management after you graduate? Do you possess a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? Would you rather wear a Hawaiian shirt to work than a suit? If the answer is, “yes!” then we have a few opportunities that will challenge and excite you. At Trader Joe’s, their values direct everything they accomplish. From their commitment to treating everyone with integrity to their promise to create a WOW experience for their customers, every day, the Trader Joe’s values inspire, motivate and drive their continued success. They have a passion for people and a fervor for food!

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Zale Corporation is a top specialty retailer of fine jewelry operating approximately 1,900 retail locations throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, as well as online. Zale Corporation’s brands include Zales Jewelers, Zales Outlet, Gordon’s Jewelers, Peoples Jewellers, Mappins Jewellers and Piercing Pagoda. Through its ZLC Direct organization, Zale also operates online at www.zales.com, www.pagoda.com, and www.gordonsjewelers. com.

and a Tele-sensory Enlarger. Many of our videos are closed captioned and the most valuable written materials are available in large print and can be brailled upon request. We also have a friendly, well trained staff ready to help you. If you have any questions please feel free to call! 621-4224 has a TTY.

9. I have a career in mind. What kind of information can I find on it? We have detailed information on pretty much every career you can come up with both in books and through our DISCOVER computer program. Get information about salaries, hours, working conditions, future implications and education levels required.

10. Where are you located and what are your hours? We’re glad you asked! Our main reception desk is located in the Student Union Memorial Center, Suite 411. We are open 8:30 - 4:30 and our reception desk is open 8-5. Please stop by or call 621-4224 (voice/TTY) TODAY!

MYtH BUStERS Who you gonna call when you’re misinformed??? Well, if it’s career fairs or our very own UA Spring Career Days, you’d be wise to call MYTH BUSTERS! The traditional highlight of Career Services’ Fall Semester is the largest career fair held on campus all year…the UA Fall Career Days. Our annual Spring Career Fair is always the largest career fair in the Spring and we’re strongly encouraging students to take advantage of this opportunity. March 20th and 21st we’ll have over 170 tables filled with employers looking for UA’s best and yes, we’re talking about YOU. Please note: The following myth is an insidious falsehood! Don’t fall victim to this negative mindset.

ERRONEOUS MYTH: UA Spring Career Days is just for Seniors; furthermore, only Business or Engineering students need apply. Time out!!! Let’s just lay this myth to rest right now. UA Career Days is a great opportunity not only to find full-time, permanent employment if you are approaching graduation, but also to find an internship or even collect information about careers you may potentially be interested in if it is early in your college career. UA Spring Career Days is for everyone and that most definitely includes you. Work It. If you want to get a jump on how to work the career fair, here’s a quick tip: research the companies attending. First, pick out the top ten you’d like to work for and then rev up your research. The companies will be impressed with your savvy if you ask questions that show you’ve paid attention and read their website. They will be far less impressed if you approach them with a “So hey…who are you and what does your company do? And while we’re at it, how much will you pay me to help you do it?” Making a good impression is the first step to achieving your dreams. Now, go for it.

You’ve made it to college. Now, let us help you take the next step... Full-time Employment

Part-time Jobs

Career-Related Experience

Career Planning

Visit UA Career Services to find out how we can help you with your Career Exploration & Job Search Student Union Memorial Center #411 www.career.arizona.edu

monday, march

19, 2012

Daily Wildcat •



After the Career Fair by Susan Miller-Pinhey, M.A., Career Services Senior Marketing Coordinator If you “work the fair” this week, you will have some business cards and follow up work to do. And while you’re at it, don’t neglect signing up for Fall Campus Interviewing. Sure, it’s a whole semester away but lock it in now and you won’t have to worry about it next September when you’re trying to figure out where your Chem lab is hiding. Anything you promised a recruiter during UA Spring Career Days will be done pronto (i.e. within 24 hours of the event’s closing gavel). If you tell recruiters you will email them a resume, just do it. Even if the recruiter won’t be back in their office for a week, get that resume out ASAP. Whether your communication is via snail mail or the web, the recruiter will know when it went out and if you wait a week or more, it just doesn’t look like you’re all that interested. Convey your eagerness regarding their organization (and not incidentally, also your own amazing attention to detail) by getting the information they requested out quickly. You’ll be conveying your potential effectiveness and efficiency on the job so don’t take this lightly. Gather the business cards for companies that you would like to make a connection with while you are at the fair. Make a point of talking to

them briefly during the event. Pay attention to what they say. Chances are they will offer you some piece of advice that you can cite in your follow up thank-you note. Letting a recruiter know that you are interested in pursuing career opportunities with their organization is good. Demonstrating that you heard and remembered what they told you at the fair, that’s even better. Doing this all in a timely and professional manner…priceless. You can also take steps now to prep for next year’s UA Fall Career Days. Immediately after this fair ends, jot down some notes about specific recruiters and organizations that are of particular interest to you and that you want to target further. Make sure you include enough detail to jog your memory for the future. At the next career fair, you’ll establish a quick connection if the same recruiter is there (they tend to come back semester after semester) and you remember them. And once again, while campus recruiting is just about done for the Spring Semester, it will be back in full force in the Fall. Be sure you are signed up for the Fall Campus Interviewing program. You might also plan a quick visit to our office in the Student Union Memorial Center, Suite 411, before you skip town for the summer. We have many resources that can help you achieve your career goals.

location, location, location! Where do you want to live and work? California? New York? Alaska? Texas? Hawaii? Oregon? Perhaps you would like to venture overseas to Europe, Africa, or Asia. Have you considered your geographic preferences in terms of employment opportunities? Cost of living? Climate? Further training and educational opportunities? These are just some of the things to think about when considering LOCATION. “I’ll go anywhere and do anything” seems to make sense, but this idea can be unmanageable when it comes to your job search. “Where” can be almost as important as “what” in terms of your career objectives. The narrower your career field, the wider you should think in terms of geography. Some career fields, “sales and marketing” for example, happen nearly everywhere. For something very specific like “solar technology engineering” you need to focus your efforts where there are opportunities. In this case, where the climate and economic conditions are conducive to the solar technology industry. For those of you with narrow geographic preferences, the opposite of the above rule applies. You should try to be as open as possible in terms of career fields, employers, etc. Tucson, Arizona for example, is not a very large pond in which to fish for a job. You

will need to be more flexible than if you were targeting say three large metropolitan areas.

Be focused, but flexible. Be “flexible” by identifying a top-10 list of possible locations. Research these cities or metropolitan areas in terms of your personal lifestyle and career objectives. Then identify potential employers within that area. Take a look at a publication entitled, “The Places Rated Almanac”. It profiles major U.S. cities and metropolitan areas in terms of climate, cost of living, education, and many other factors. It is available in the Career Information Center (SUMC Suite 411).

What about money? Cost of living in a particular geographic area affects the relative value of salary. $40,000 may be a living wage in Tucson, but you would need to earn $102,819 in San Francisco to maintain a similar lifestyle. Salary Calculators are pretty common on the Internet. They help you determine equivalent salaries for different metropolitan areas. Here are a few good ones: HomeFair Salary Calculator helps you compute the cost-of-living differences among hundreds of U.S. and international cities. http://www.homefair.com/homefair/calc/salcalc.html

Arizona Department of Economic Security Child Protective Services (CPS) The Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Children, Youth and Families, has job opportunities statewide for CPS Specialists to help ensure the safety, well-being, and permanency of children and families. We CPS Specialist I CPS Specialist II CPS Specialist III

$33,312 $35,729 $38,855

To view the complete job requirements, visit www.azstatejobs.gov. Select "Child Protective Service Specialist," then click the "Search" button. Select the job title, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click "Apply." DES is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation. Telephone Human Resources Administration at 602.771.2870 to arrange an accommodation or request alternative format: TTY/TDD 7-1-1.

Creative Testing Solutions Inventing the Future We offer positions that will provide: Technical/analytical focus Defined policies and procedures Cooperative team Challenging opportunities

We are looking for: A skilled communicator Problem Solver Team Builder

Minimum Requirements: BS Degree in a Biological Science including… Microbiology Chemistry Biochemistry Biology

Creative Testing Solutions, formerly Blood Systems Laboratories, specializes in high-volume blood donor testing and infectious disease reference work. Our three national laboratories in Phoenix, Dallas, and Tampa test more than 3.5 million blood donations each year for more than 100 blood and tissue collection sites.

Visit our booth at the Career Fair

Arts & Life

Daily Wildcat

• Page 14

Arts & Life Editor: Jazmine Woodberry • 520.621.3106 • arts@wildcat.arizona.edu

Ernie Somoza / Daily Wildcat

Residents turned off lights and electronics for Earth Hour and flocked to the UA Mall on March 26, 2011, to enjoy entertainment hosted by the Residence Hall Association. The event featured performances by the Charles Darwin Experience, Elemental Artistry and Planet Djembe.

Ernie Somoza / Daily Wildcat

Jimmy Linenberger, a performer with Elemental Artistry, practices poi spinning, a mixture of fluid dance and technical movement.

IT’S ELEMENTAL Local fire dancing troupe exhibits skills on and off campus, offers classes for beginners

Members of Elemental Artistry said the troupe boasts experienced teachers who make sure students are comfortable with what they Elemental Artistry Any dance class can help you scratch the are learning before moving on to more difficult Cirque Roots Studio surface of the art. But a class in poi spinning tricks. with Elemental Artistry may spark your Fire dancing, especially poi, has exploded 17 E. Toole Ave. interest more than you anticipated. in popularity in the past five years through www.elementalartistry.com Fire dancing has been a dangerous form YouTube videos. info@elementalartistry.com of performance art used in ritual settings Baas encourages students to continue throughout the world for centuries, executed pursuing lessons after an introductory class, 621-3468 with deft skill by turning, spinning and like the $12 introductory props drop-in class. flipping flaming torches, batons and hoops. Baas said Elemental Artistry teachers take which can be on fire or not, in geometric It originated in New Zealand tribes. In some pride in their safety practices and every patterns, called poi. Poi classes are held tribes, women used it to both ease their teacher and performer is educated about every Thursday night from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. children to sleep and also strengthen their fire permits and requirements. If students wrists for household work. In other tribes, men by Elemental Artistry and can be done by aren’t comfortable with fire, LED lights can beginners. The poi are spun in several planes: replace flames and still allow rehearsal and used harder, denser and heavier wooden poi left, right, wall, horizontal and floor, creating a performance in the dark. balls to spin for warrior training and would cube. From there, with a loose grip, you bend hit themselves on purpose to demonstrate For students who want to experiment in a your body around the spinning along with strength. different environment than poi spinning class, adding movement and dance. Elemental Artistry performance troupe has Lindenberger hosts open spin and fire jam on At Cirque Roots Studio, a downtown been bringing this art to SkyBar and around the first Wednesday of every month. Students space decorated with antique mirrors, hung Southern Arizona about 75 times a year since can get one-on-one tutorials of new tricks and tapestries and assorted hula hoops scattered 2007. The troupe will be on the UA Mall for techniques and can have the freedom to try across the high-beamed wooden room, Earth Hour on March 31. more adventurous things. Linenberger confidently leads students Elemental Artistry, led by Michelle Baas, Elemental Artistry also combines forces with through motions that are easier to pick up than Tucson-based Orbital Evolution, a hula hoop became one of the leaders in fire dancing in they look. Tucson. performance group, and Flight School, an Beginners might strike a stray back, leg “We all have different obstacles in our life. aerobatics and performance art ensemble, to or face at first. But after a few minutes, I definitely feel adding fire dancing to my life offer variety in performances. has been liberating and empowering, and once experimenting after learning the basics “Fire arts are very unique and draw a lot of I had that feeling, I wanted so badly to share it becomes easier. attention,” Baas said. Fire dancing is certainly “It challenges your coordination and will with everybody else,” Baas said. “I like to teach more thrilling than your average dance class, mentally challenge the opposite sides of your people how to dance with their fears. To me, Baas said, adding that “you never know if brain,” said Joanie Contreras, a first-time poi that is what fire dancing is. It’s a way to move you’ll be good at it if you never try.” student. through the obstacles in your life on your Contreras said she could also see how it own and feel empowered to do them without If you go may help with balance and muscle and wrist anyone else’s help.” strengthening. Elemental Artistry also teaches classes for Elemental Artistry will perform on the The confidence, skill and speed in which those brave enough to try. UA Mall as part of the Earth Hour on Fire dancing may look intimidating but Baas people pick it up depend on how the poi is March 31 at 9:30 p.m. presented, Linenberger said. Poi involves assures students that “the fire is just more technical and fluid dancing movement that Lights throughout campus will be exhilarating than scary.” can be easy for some but challenging in a new “It’s not all about the fire,” said Jimmy turned off as a part of an event where way for most and expands your repertoire of Linenberger, a five-year troupe member and major cities around the world will go tricks to show off to friends. staff twirler. “Sometimes people don’t ever dark from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. to con“It’s fun to see how many different ways spin fire.” you can do the same trick,” Linenberger said. A popular type of performance art serve energy. “There are endless possibilities.” involves moving tethered weights,

By Cecelia Marshall Daily Wildcat

For more info

Spring break fashion adapted for classrooms By Ashley Pearlstein Daily Wildcat

Every year, spring break acts as a tease and leaves most everyone counting down the days until summer with a closet filled with Daisy Duke shorts, the latest Victoria’s Secret bikini trend and neon tank tops. Believe it or not, there are classy ways to incorporate spring break trends into your everyday style. Here are some ways to use summery trends without looking like you are on the last drunken day of your all-girls spring break trip to Rocky Point:

Daisy Duke shorts

We all know the look — the old unbuttoned Daisy Duke cut-offs paired with a neon colored swimsuit bottom that’s playing peek-a-boo. This may be acceptable on the beach (barely), but not at school. To add class to your shorts, pair them with a simple, tucked in V-neck and a skinny, braided brown belt.

Tucking in a shirt and using a skinny brown belt adds a preppy, classy flare to the look.

Neon tank top

Neon colors are the perfect way to show off a new spring break tan. Unfortunately, a bright pink tank top that reads “Mission Beach 2012” in highlighter pink or yellow might not be 100 percent school appropriate. Pair that neon tank with a sleek pair of black shorts, or a neutral colored maxi skirt, however, and neon goes from beach to classroom easily.


Rompers, or jumpers, are popular cover-ups for beach vacations. While great for the beach, rompers can be difficult to dress up. Try pairing it with a neutral oversized buttonup shirt and a thin belt around the waist. Adding more clothing to the outfit helps get rid of the lazy beach day look, making it a more puttogether ensemble.

Oversized sheer buttonup shirt

Walk along any beach during spring break and you are sure to see an array of brightly colored Beach print maxi dress bandeau bikinis covered up by Maxi dresses are a necessity for a see-through oversized buttonthe perfect beach look. They are up boyfriend shirt. This can be also very versatile, and perfectly difficult to transfer into everyday fine to wear to school for the most looks. To make it work, try wearing part. If the maxi dress is strapless, try a strapless tank top and leggings adding a neutral cardigan to make it and wearing the button-up on top more conservative. Adding a skinny (as long as the button-up covers brown or black belt around the waist your butt). These button-ups can will also help to break up the print, also be tucked into a pair of jean making it the perfect combination of shorts or a maxi skirt to add class to pattern and simplicity. the look.

Michelle A. Weiss / Daily Wildcat

Neon tank tops can go from beach to classroom easily if paired with black shorts or a neutral maxi skirt.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Wildcat •


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READER AD DEADLINE: Noon, one business day prior to publication.

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Editor in Chief DAILY WILDCAT | SUMMER WILDCAT Applications are now available for editor in chief of the Summer Wildcat (this summer) and Daily Wildcat for the fall 2012 semester. Candidates must be UA students (grad or undergrad) and should possess the requisite journalism experience and organizational skills to lead one of the largest college newsrooms in the country. You may apply for EITHER the summer or daily paper OR both. To apply, pick up a complete job description and application from the Student Media business office, 101 Park Student Union. Completed applications are due by 4 p.m. April 9. The editor in chief is selected by the Student Media Board, http://wc.arizona.edu/azmedia/mediaboard.html. Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss their interest with Mark Woodhams, Wildcat adviser, phone 621-3408, woodhams@email.arizona.edu, before applying. **no sellIng Involved** Awesome talkers needed!! te l e m a r k e t e r s / c a n v a s s e r s needed for super‑fun job part‑ time hrs/full‑time pay Mon‑ thurs 4pm‑8pm & sat 10am‑ 3pm call kathy (520)795‑4104 AssIstAnt MAnAger re‑ sponsIbIlItIes include lifting heavy packages, inventories, server, customer service, delivery, washing dishes, cooking, housekeeping and cash register. Flexible hours. Great salary. Apply 2023 S. Craycroft eArn $1000 ‑ $3200 a month to drive our new cars with ads. www.CarDriveAds.com egg donors. woMen 21-29, help a couple in need and make $6500+! Apply at www.bhed.com hAve A sMAll adventure. Work at Mt. Lemmon Cookie Cabin. Personable. Will train. $10 to start + travel. Call Vic at 733-1222

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graphic designers Enhance your portfolios in the exciting multi-media environment at the Wildcat Media Group. Create advertising, marketing and promotional materials (print, online and digital) for the DAILY WILDCAT, dailywildcat.com, KAMP student radio, UATV3 and more! You’ll be part of a student team of other designers, sharing ideas, building skills, working with businesses, sales reps and marketing staffs. Experience in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator required.

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By Dave Green

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Monday, March 19, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

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Daily Wildcat •



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The Bear Down Times

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answers to your ques�ons about sex and rela�onships In the 1960s and 1970s, oral contraception wasn’t allowed to be dispensed on campus. Students petitioned the Board of Regents in the early 1980s and won the right to obtain birth control at the Campus Health Service.






Q Will I be able to get pregnant after I stop taking the pill? A. Yes, as long as you are fertile before you started taking birth control pills (BCPs), you should be just as fertile AFTER stopping. After two months off the pill, fertility rates are the same whether you are a previous user of BCPs or never used them. Some women are able to conceive immediately after discontinuing BCPs while others may experience a delay of 2-3 months. It is safe to get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill. Oral contraceptive pills are a good option for women who want to become pregnant

in the future. By preventing causes of infertility such as uterine fibroids, pelvic infections, ectopic pregnancies, ovarian cysts, endometrial cancer and possible endometriosis, BCPs may actually improve your future ability to get pregnant. If your periods are irregular prior to taking BCPs, they may again become irregular after stopping BCPs. Having a regular, predictable menstrual cycle can enhance your odds of conceiving when you are ready.

Q Should I take a few months off the pill? A. No. Overall health and long-term fertility is not improved by periodically “taking a break” from birth control pills (BCPs). Stopping and re-starting oral contraceptives is not medically helpful in any way and may put you at greater risk for pregnancy, since you would have to rely on another method of contraception. Studies have shown that

women who don’t take BCPs are actually more likely to be hospitalized or die than women who take BCPs and avoid pregnancy. Even in the age of high-tech medicine, pregnancy itself can be risky due to the potential hazards of a ruptured tubal pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or childbirth.

Have a question? Send it to sextalk@email.arizona.edu www.health.arizona.edu

SexTalk is written by Lee Ann Hamilton, M.A., CHES, David Salafsky, MPH, and Carrie Hardesty, BS, CHES, health educators at The UA Campus Health Service.



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CAPS appointments/info: 621-3334 Triage hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3:30pm

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Pair of streaks come to an end for tennis By Iman Hamdan DAILY WILDCAT

The Arizona men’s tennis team’s losing streak came to an end last week after it won two of its four matches over spring break. After four hours and 40 minutes of play, the Wildcats outlasted the Idaho Vandals 4-3. Idaho swept Arizona in doubles play, forcing the Wildcats into clinching the match with singles wins. “Our four sophomores got the job done today,” said men’s head coach Tad Berkowitz. “They all competed well.” Sophomore Andre Vidaller took down Idaho’s Abid Akbar, 6-1, 6-1, to earn Arizona’s first match point. With freshman Carlos Bermudez dropping his match, the Vandals took the lead again at 2-1. In a comeback performance, sophomore Mario Urquidi edged the Vandals’ Cristobal Ramos-Salazar in three sets to tie the match at two. Urquidi dominated the first set 6-3, but fell 2-6 in the second. With his usual fight-back mentality, Urquidi defeated RamosSalazar 6-4 in the third set. Freshman Sebastian Ionescu dropped his match, giving Idaho a 3-2 lead for the match, making the next few wins crucial for the Wildcats. Sophomore Giacomo Miccini tied the match at 3, after defeating the Vandals’ Marius Cirstea in three sets with scores of 1-6, 7-5, 6-4. Finally, the


40-yard dash and had a 30.5 inch vertical jump. According to reports by ESPN’s Mike Sando, Foles particularly struggled on post-corner routes in the drills.



points coming in third overall. Junior high jumper Nick Ross took the least number of jumps on the event and was able to clear 2.23 meters and earn another NCAA Championship for the men’s team. Ross is the firstever Wildcat to earn an NCAA high jump title. “I knew that if I stayed mentally tough and hit some big


behind you, then you’re going to lose to an awfully good team, and that’s what we did.” The Wildcats were outplayed in nearly every facet of the game. The Bucknell Bison outshot the Wildcats 41 percent to 35 percent, outrebounded Arizona 36 to 28 and even shot a higher percentage from beyond the arc — 47 percent to 30 percent. The loss put the UA at an 0-4 record all-time in the NIT.

Campus Recreation


The Arizona men’s tennis team snapped an eight-game losing streak with a pair of wins over New Mexico State and Idaho during spring break. The men begin Pac-12 play against Stanford on March 30.

match was down to court five. In another three-set match, sophomore Kieren Thompson defeated Idaho’s Cesar Torres, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5. Thompson’s victory clinched the match for the Wildcats. The team’s record is now 5-10 as it enters Pac-12 play this weekend. Meanwhile, the Arizona women’s team lost its first match of conference play on Friday to Washington State, 6-1. “It was a bad day for us,” women’s head coach Vicky Maes said. “We didn’t show up. All year, we’ve had people step up to get the needed wins, but we simply couldn’t get it done in Pullman. It was a disappointing loss because we’ve come to expect so much more from this team.” The Wildcats’ loss snapped

their four-game winning streak. However, the team remains undefeated at home. The only point for Arizona came from sweeping Washington State in doubles play. In a shutout performance, the standout duo of senior Sarah Landsman and freshman Hailey Johnson took down WSU’s Andjela Kankaras and Ksenia Googe, 8-0. As the Wildcats fell one by one in singles play, it was up to sophomore Lacey Smyth to hold off WSU from clinching the match. Smyth went into a three set match with No. 43 Liudmila Vasilieva. Smyth won the first set 6-2, but dropped the second 4-6. In a close third match, Vailieva barely edged Smyth with a score of 7-6. The team’s record is 10-4 overall and 0-1 in conference play.

Criner, the UA’s all-time leader in touchdown catches, ran just a 4.68. He did well in other areas though, putting up 17 reps of 225 pounds on the bench press and recording a 38-inch vertical leap. He also had the largest hands at the combine, measuring 10.5 inches.

Wade, who told the Daily Wildcat prior to the combine that he wanted to run a 4.5 40yard dash, only ended up running a 4.59, which was good for the 19th best time among 34 cornerbacks. Wade put up 18 reps on the bench press and had a 34.5-inch vertical jump.

jumps on my first attempts that I could put the pressure on a lot of guys and that’s what I did,” Ross said. “I’m not happy or content with what I jumped but a win is a win. A national championship, you can’t argue with that.” The three women invited to the event concluded the weekend with an 11th-place finish. Junior shot put thrower Julie Labonte relinquished her title with a third-place finish on a throw of 17.68 meters. The third

Wildcat, sophomore runner Elvin Kibet came in sixth in the 5k race. Junior high jumper Brigetta Barrett defended her title with a mark of 1.96 meters — good for a facility record. “To me, a championship symbolizes my hard work paying off,” Barrett said. “It’s not really about anybody else at the end of the day. To know that the tears that I’ve cried, the sleep I’ve lost, and the pain that my body went through was worth something.”

The Wildcats hadn’t been a part of the NIT since 1951. “The NIT should have been an opportunity that we looked forward to,” junior forward Solomon Hill said. “For me, it was a chance to play with these five guys that I won’t be on the court with again. Losing these guys is going to be an experience for all of us.” The game marked the final appearence for seniors Perry, Kyle Fogg, Alex Jacobson, Dondre Wise and Brendon Lavender. Miller said he was more disappointed with the results

of this year than he was compared to his first year of coaching, when the Wildcats missed the postseason all together, because of the expectations placed on the program. Arizona was ranked No. 16 in the ESPN/USA Today Coaches’ Poll back in October. “We have a young group coming in to join some really experienced returners,” Miller said. “We have some things that we have to address this spring, both with our returning guys and to add to that group of four. But we’re not there yet.”

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