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Friday, February , 



College of Law fights drop in applicants By Kevin Reagan DAILY WILDCAT

Even with the overall national applicant pool dropping between 15 and 16 percent, admissions officers in the James E. Rogers College of Law remain confident that the UA’s reputation won’t be hindered by a downward trend in law school applicants. Because of increasing tuition costs and the current economic landscape, the rate of applicants dropped 20

percent — even more than the national average — as of last year. “We’re all in a declining market,” said Eric Eden, assistant dean of admissions and financial aid at the College of Law. “It’s a sea all the boats are on.” All 10 of the regions that administer the Law School Administration Test in the United State have noticed a steady decline. The LSAT is one of the key factors, along with a student’s undergraduate grade point average and

resume, that determine an applicant’s acceptance into law school. The unfortunate standing of the economy, accompanied by the added worries of student loan debt and job security are all factors that are forcing students to reconsider whether it is the right time for them to apply to law school, Eden said. “People who are committed are thinking rationally about their chances,” he said. The average cost of tuition is

estimated at $40,000 per academic year for in-state students at the College of Law. This could make students either postpone applying to law school or change careers altogether, though Eden remained optimistic. “We already have a pretty big pool (of applicants),” Eden said. “We’re insulated by the talent in our pool, so our volume isn’t as effected.” Unlike medical schools, the College of Law accepts students from all

majors, such as history, philosophy and music. “There is a real community here,” said Allison Nash, the College of Law’s director of admissions and financial aid. The college takes great pride in its intimate environment with small class sizes and consistent mentorship, she said. “I don’t think it (a declining interest) is just for law schools,” said Jean


Experts advocate for global education By Kevin Reagan DAILY WILDCAT


Democrat Ron Barber speaks to the UA Young Democrats club at Espresso Art Cafe on Thursday. Barber is running for former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ seat in Congress.

Barber decries state priorities By Stephanie Casanova DAILY WILDCAT

Ron Barber, a victim of the shooting on Jan. 8, 2011, and Gabrielle Giffords’ former district director, jumped into the special election for Giffords’ seat two weeks ago with the intention of prioritizing education. He initially had no intention of running for office, he said, even after

being asked by both Republicans and Democrats to run. “But Gabby asked me to (run) and that kind of got me thinking,” Barber said. “The decision wasn’t easy to reach … but in the end it actually was the only thing I felt I could do.” During a discussion with the UA Young Democrats club on Thursday, Barber shared his opinion on issues such as immigration and

unemployment, specifically veteran unemployment, in addition to the importance of job creation in biosciences, technology and the solar energy industry. He also discussed higher education and the Arizona Legislature’s attitude toward it. “This Legislature has decided that education doesn’t matter, be it K-12 or higher education. It’s real clear that that’s not a priority,” Barber said.

“Basically I think this Legislature, if it had its way, would not have any investment in education or anything else except arresting people and locking them up because that’s what they believe, by and large, is the only role in government.” Barber said he opposes tuition hikes and believes the government

Experts in higher education debated how American students and universities can better prepare themselves to integrate with education internationally on Thursday. The panel discussion, titled “The End of Internationalization of Higher Education: Myth or Reality?” included four experts with backgrounds in the study of international higher education. Each brought their individual perspective on how internationalization has impacted academia, and where there are holes in the system that need to be addressed. “It is an ongoing process,” said Hans de Wit, a professor from Amsterdam University of Applied Science. “Internationalization adapts to new circumstances.” He categorized internationalization in two aspects — mobility and curriculum. International education is the reassurance of a student’s



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Student combats female stereotypes Inspired by childhood, woman pens thesis to address negative media portrayals of women By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT


hen elementary school classmates would play house, Mary Ann Warren was asked to be the maid. The experience stuck with Warren, who learned to speak out against injustice. Warren, a 58-year-old African-American interdisciplinary studies senior, was born in California, but her parents were born and raised in the South where they picked cotton during the time of Jim Crow segregation laws. Warren’s mother would recount to her children her husband’s words as they worked: “My children are not going to pick any cotton. They’re going to be educated.” Her parents kept their word. Warren’s four siblings went to college, but she was the first to attend a university — the University of California, Berkeley. In order to receive her master’s degree, Warren joined the military to help pay for school.

During her 30 years in the military, she moved up the ranks, eventually becoming a lieutenant colonel. She moved to Arizona after her military retirement. The first class she attended at the UA was Film and TV History, Beginning to Mid-20th Century, with Professor Mary Beth Haralovich. The course covered the segregation period in the United States, and Warren said she was surprised when they began to discuss the topic. “It was awesome because I was born during those times, I lived during those times and it was like something that was foreign to my classmates,” Warren said. Besides one other African-American classmate, the class was primarily made up of Caucasians. Growing up, Warren was not allowed to watch television because her father did not want her seeing stereotypical African-American characters. He would tell her, “That’s not you. That’s what they want you to be, but that’s not you.” In her first class with Haralovich, Warren watched a video depicting African-American stereotypes in film. Instead of becoming angry, WarBRITTNY MEJIA / DAILY WILDCAT ren said she learned to be proud of the characters’ ability to own their roles and turn them into Mary Ann Warren, an interdisciplinary studies senior strength and power. Haralovich’s ability to talk and Mary Beth Haralovich, a professor in the School of Theatre, Film and Television. Warren’s honors thesis fo-

WARREN, 2 cused on the negative portrayal of women in the media.

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News • Friday, February 24, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

Students learn to sustain green careers By Elliot P. Hopper Daily Wildcat

Students are learning how to earn green while promoting green alternatives. Professionals working in sustainability met with students on Thursday to tell them about careers in sustainable energy and the steps it takes to become an expert in the field. Many of the professionals, who were recruited to the campus by Career Services, were representatives and CEOs of sustainable companies like Global Green Integrators, a recycling division that minimizes landfill waste and Grecycle, a company that collects wasted vegetable oil from local restaurants to create biodiesel. Acts of sustainability were categorized as human, economic, social and environmental forms. Each speaker associated his or her company with one of these four backgrounds. Some of the companies, like Global Green Integrators, deals with both the economic and the environmental aspects

of sustainability and completely rely on renewable energy, said Lisa Perez, CEO of Global Green Integrators. “I am taking the food in the back of this room and selling it to pig farmers when this meeting is over. To me, that is sustainability,” she said. “My company uses whatever food scraps we can get.” Fourteen to 22 percent of the trash in a landfill is food scraps, according to Perez. The process is different for other professionals working for Raytheon Missile Systems or Tucson Electric Power, which are dependent on coal and fossil fuels. Both companies said they are looking for new sustainable resources. “Right now, it is crucial in step one, and step one is to make sure the lights are on in the emergency room or the lights are on in the classroom,” said Ted Burhans, a renewable energy employee for the Tucson Electric Power. “In saying that, our step two is aggressively taking steps to not rely on coal and fossil fuels so heavily and

LAW School from page 1

Paul Barnard, a sophomore studying English. “The funnel is getting smaller and smaller all across the grad school board.” As the son of an attorney, Barnard said he wants to study law in the hopes of emulating Atticus Finch, the character from “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The professional integrity and stamina required to endure law school is what attracted Barnard to pursue the

Education from page 1

physical and scholarly experience of worldly affairs, he said, but the use of internationalization as a “numbers game” for an institution’s domestic reputation poses concerns. “The reality is that most universities are established for national purposes,” de Wit said. Universities are starting to care less about academic opportunities offered by global markets and more about how they utilize them to increase revenue, he added. “There is a demand for U.S. higher education,” said Mariam Assefa, the executive director and CEO of World Education Services. Assefa

Barber from page 1

should be invested in education. It’s “wrong to put the budget balancing on the backs of students and their families,” he said, adding that the Legislature also does not prioritize health and human services, mental health services and environmental responsibility. Barber described the complications and fears brought by the drug cartels in Mexico, making U.S. immigration more difficult. He believes the government needs to take control

Keith Hickman-Perfetti / Daily Wildcat

Panelists speak during the Sustainability Career Panel and Networking Event at the Student Union Memorial Center on Thursday. Panelists represented companies such as Raytheon, Tucson Electric Power and Global Green Integrators.

looking for sustainable and renewable projects.” As the world’s largest developer, producer and integrator of weapon systems, Raytheon is also looking to become known for sustainability, according to Hyte Johnson, the

company’s director of environmental health and safety. “New sustainability and renewable energy projects are a very important aspect to the missile projects,” he said, adding that the company is starting to employ engineers solely to work on

profession, he said, and believes that the current student body of the College of Law is partly to blame for the decline in applicant interest. “When you begin to unravel what it really is you’ll be doing,” Barnard said, “there is some serious consideration of whether one can handle it.” In order to better educate the undergraduate student body about the law school experience, a new class has been introduced that delves deeper into the entire scope of understanding law and how the legal system operates. “More courses could boost one’s confidence in

determining whether they can really handle law school,” Barnard said. Along with this class, a new credit program is in the works at the College of Law to possibly lower the costs for undergraduates committed to pursuing law school. The “Three plus three” program will allow undergraduates to begin the first year of law school simultaneously with their senior year of their undergraduate careers. “Every year we try to sharpen our focus,” Eden said, “and this brand-new idea will hopefully save some tuition costs.”

explained that higher education is being bought and sold as a commodity, and as a result, there is a definite shortcoming in the United States’ academic talent. Internationalization, she said, can help fill universities’ financial gaps and increase talent within their student bodies. “Everybody is looking everywhere for the most qualified people,” Assefa said. Tacila Bezerra, a graduate student in educational psychology, said she thought of herself as one of these qualified students when she traveled from her homeland in Brazil to the UA. Some of her professors, she said, were unable to adapt to her as an international student with an undergraduate degree from a different country. “I just felt really discriminated (against),” Bezerra said. When seeking help from a professor

on improving her English for a writing assignment, she said she was blatantly instructed to drop the class entirely. A lot of emphasis is put on educating international students and not enough on educating faculty, said Jenny Lee, an associate professor in the UA’s Center for the Study of Higher Education. During the discussion, Lee explained the exploitation of international students that occurs at many national universities. An example of this, she said, was the recruitment of track and field athletes from Africa to an American university, where they would receive a degree that was virtually useless in the labor pool of their homeland. “Internationalization overlooks the human scale,” Lee said. “It takes away the responsibility of the institution.”

of the border and make it safer, then find ways to legalize guest worker programs and the Dream Act, a piece of legislation that would qualify undocumented youth for a conditional path to citizenship in six years. “The border, which used to be a free and open space, is now a fearful place … and they (ranchers living on the border) are really concerned,” Barber said. “We see the effects of drug running and all that and we all hear about the impact of illegal migration but if you’re living on the border … it’s something else.” Though the UA area would not be represented by Barber if he were elected, the university would

influence Southern Arizona, including the district Barber would represent, which covers mostly East Tucson. Erik Lundstrom, president of the Young Democrats, said he knew the club had to help Democratic candidates campaign for the special election. When he heard Barber was running, he called Barber’s campaign manager. Lundstrom said he was pleased that Barber agreed to a visit. “He is obviously very knowledgeable and he has an opinion too,” Lundstrom said. “A lot of the time, they (candidates) come and tell us what we want to hear. He told us what he thought, which I really liked.”






Daily Wildcat serving the university of arizona since 1899 Vol. 105, Issue 106

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News Reporters Yara Askar Stephanie Casanova Rachel Gottfried Elliot P. Hopper Savannah Martin Stewart McClintic Brittny Mejia Samantha Munsey Kevin Reagan Sports Reporters Christopher Cegielski Nicole Dimtsios Iman Hamdan Kyle Johnson Dan Kohler Emi Komiya Cameron Moon

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freely about race in class also inspired Warren to do the same, she said. “I saw what she (Haralovich) was doing with the work and I thought, ‘OK, I’m going to try it too,’” Warren said. For her honors thesis, Warren decided to focus on the negative portrayal of women in the media. The Honors College accepted Warren’s abstract thesis, and she won $1,500 for her efforts. From there, she went to the National Association of Black Journalists, where she submitted “Negative Portrayal of African American Women in the Media: A Qualitative Study of Silencing Stereotypes and Strategies for Change in Today’s Media.” “I think it has turned into something really different from when it started,” Haralovich said. “It started as exposing the stereotype, and now it’s become strategies for change. The project has developed in a beautiful and important way.” Warren said she wants people to understand that her project is heartfelt, and that African-Americans are not all out to harm and steal from others. She added that she feels like she owes a lot to Haralovich because her life really started after taking her course. Warren was inspired to expose stereotypes and struggle for change. Following the class, Warren and Haralovich developed a close friendship and Warren still continues to confide in her former professor and current honors thesis adviser today. She is even taking another class with Haralovich. “I have a lot to thank her for, because she’s so encouraging,” Warren said. “Each student is treated differently, they’re not brushed off. I think that’s admirable.” Haralovich described Warren as a hard-working and ambitious student. She boasted about her achievements and ability to inspire those around her. “She gives me too much credit,” Haralovich said. “She’s inspired and she’s inspiring too. She’s very warm and candid and it’s very good to have someone like this in class.”



The Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 10,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief.

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MAC Gym at the University of Arizona Rec Center


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increasing their sustainability efforts. Students who have a background in finance, accounting, engineering or management have a good chance at “getting their name into the market,” said Michael Baruch, a Bright HomeSave program employee with Tucson Electric Power. “I would recommend to students that while it does help a little what you major in, the most important aspect that we would look for is curiosity and the hunger to want to learn more,” he said. Some students attended the event to learn about what the professionals do, how they work in sustainability and how they could participate in local projects or internships within the field. “My second major is in regional development, so I have always had an interest in sustainability and renewable energy,” said Christopher Kern, a senior studying political science and regional development. “I would also like to keep my options open and the ideas flowing for new sustainable projects.”

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Arts & Life Editor: Jazmine Woodberry • 520.621.3106 • arts@wildcat.arizona.edu

SETTING THE TONE Noteworthy a cappella groups hope to strike chord in competition

By Cecelia Marshall

In addition to Noteriety and CatCall, other groups performing include Northern Arizona University’s Elevation, Arizona State University’s Priority Male CatCall and Noteriety, the UA’s featured student and the Pitchforks, Circle of Fifths from University of a cappella groups, will host Arizona’s first-ever a California at Irvine, Fermata Nowhere from Mt. San cappella concert Saturday. Antonio College, Infrared from University of Utah Held at Centennial Hall, the concert is a part of the and Pointless from Point Loma Nazarene University. International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella Ryanhood, a Tucson duo, will perform as guests. quarterfinals competition, in which nine groups from Previously, Noteriety has performed Cee Lo Green’s the Western region will compete. “Fuck You!” and “King of Anything” by Sara Bareilles, A capella competitions began with larger schools and both CatCall and Noteriety incorporate vocal predominantly in the Northeast, but interest has percussion and soloists into their performances. As a definitely grown, said CatCall founding member Ben tradition, CatCall always ends its performances with Lebovitz. Shows such as “Glee” and “The Sing Off” its rendition of “Bear Down.” have definitely drawn fans in to the genre. Adan Garcia, a political science junior and Founded four years ago with only seven members, CatCall member, said his past music experience has the UA’s all-male a cappella group CatCall has now been predominantly solo vocals with brief stints in grown to 10, and the group’s repertoire encompasses competitions such as “American Idol.” But since joining songs from ‘80s pop to current music. CatCall works the group last March, Garcia says he has learned a lot with high school singers via clinics and has performed about tone, blending and singing in a group. throughout Arizona and with notable vocal groups This is the 14th season of the Varsity Vocals competition such as Straight No Chaser and in a workshop with the and the two winning groups will move onto the semifinals, Grammy-winning New York Voices. The coed a capella held at the University of Southern California at the end group Noteriety, founded in 2009, has seen similar of March. The finals will be held April 28 at the Lincoln growth. The two groups have worked together several Center for the Performing Arts in New York City. times, but as Lebovitz explained, this is the first time So whether you are a “Gleek” at heart or interested something this big involving a capella has come to the to see how groups such as CatCall and Noteriety have state of Arizona. transformed your favorite songs, Saturday’s concert is “This is a big thing to try to put on,” said Lebovitz, sure to be an inspiring example of this rising genre. a senior studying music education and molecular biophysics. He said the concert is a good opportunity If you go to get more people interested in this genre of music. Besides trying to move on to semifinals and do Saturday, 7 p.m. at Centennial Hall well at the competition, Lebovitz said he and CatCall Purchase tickets online at uapresents.org, as a whole are more excited to meet the other or by phone at 621-3341 groups, collaborate and get inspiration from their $15 students, $20 general performances. DAILY WILDCAT


Music education junior Ryan Phillips, of the CatCall A Cappella group, practices on Sunday night for CatCall and Noteriety’s Collegiate A Capella competition. The two groups will compete with others from the Western region.

Playground blends nostalgia, nightlife By K.C. Libman

setting, which is filled with open-air fireplaces integrated into tabletops and artificial grass flooring. Have a beer at recess. Order a brown bag Playground’s interior is just as quirky, with lunch off the menu. Sip on a cocktail that tastes exposed brick contrasting the polished elements of like grape soda. the bar and the expanse of north-facing windows. At Playground Bar and Lounge, fond The bar, even when packed, feels accessible and memories of our yesteryears are part of this social. And unlike most college bars, it’s possible to downtown nightlife gem. Under the same have a quiet conversation at Playground. ownership and located next to the acclaimed Conceptually, Mislinski said he draws Hub Restaurant and Creamery, Playground’s specifically on memories from his youth to inventive atmosphere is a bold take on Tucson’s inspire the themes of his endeavors. bar scene. “Coming off more like ‘Cheers’ is more With an expansive interior, a modern and cozy important than coming off like a high-end Vegas outdoor area, and a rooftop for special events, club,” Mislinkski said. Playground is radically different from most bars This goal puts Playground in a class of its own in that it appeals to the college demographic by offering Tucson a different kind of nightlife — while maintaining an atmosphere of cool a budding new scene that may eventually rival sophistication. Scottsdale’s reputation as a vacation spot, without But make no mistake — there’s no the overly extravagant patina. pretentiousness here. Rather, owner, creator From lava flows to a happy hour affectionately and UA alumnus Kade Mislinski said he wants branded as “recess,” there’s no shortage of to see downtown Tucson become a district of nostalgia at Playground. As a Tucson resident its own, much like University Avenue or Fourth for 31 years, Mislinski said he has witnessed a Avenue’s dominant bar scenes. A creative bar number of trends flourish and wither within the like Playground helps to create that niche. community. From them, he said he has instilled “There’s a psychological barrier underneath a vision for what the city lacks and what he wants Fourth Avenue, with kids getting over to his creation to become. While he acknowledges Congress,” Mislinski said. “The feeling of the UA cornerstones such as Frog & Firkin and The businesses over there might be a bit different, Auld Dubliner, he said he ultimately hopes to and what we’re trying to do is be approachable.” place Playground within those ranks of fond Playground’s outdoor element, labeled Bar college memories. Cinema for its projector showings of childhood “I want it to be the happy hour spot, the after and film classics, a feature that provides the hours spot, or the spot on Fridays,” Mislinski said. approachable feeling Mislinski describes. Muted, “I want UA students to say, ‘You have to go to warm tones dominate the decor of this patio Playground when you come here.’” DAILY WILDCAT


Downtown Tucson’s Playground Bar and Lounge on East Congress Street is a new lounge and bar that opened in January. The Playground also has a menu of food available and a rooftop area tailored for special events.

Me, Josh and Mikey ...

at the Mellow Mushroom in Tempe By Andrew Conlogue with Josh Weisman and Mikey Agius

of the best draft beer lists he’d ever seen. For those who don’t drink, the root beer met Mike’s approval as well. It was locally brewed, straight from the tap, with no carbonation. If DAILY WILDCAT beer, root or otherwise, is your game, then Mike On the quest to find the most interesting recommends Mellow Mushroom. If you have restaurants in the state, we ventured to Mill Avenue a taste for wine or cocktails, though, you’d be near Arizona State University to review the Mellow happier elsewhere. Mushroom, a hip pizza joint for the college set. We were driven north, and joined for dinner, by guest Atmosphere: drink expert Mike O’Dea. And thus we come to The Mellow Mushroom is indeed mellow. It the review, where we’ll judge each restaurant by is geared toward a college crowd within walking atmosphere, food quality, service quality and price, distance, and it does not fail to deliver. It’s with a final, overall rating on a scale of one to five trendy and it gets the restaurant job done. Our cats (short for categories).With that, we present interest was piqued by a gift shop with shirts, Mike’s special category first. hats, and other memorabilia, but by the time

Drinks: (Guest category)

Mike called the wine list at the Mellow Mushroom basic, with nothing truly impressive. His analysis of the cocktail list was similar, declaring it fun but lacking depth. I had a White Chocolate Russian, a creative choice passed around and enjoyed by all, but it did nothing to change Mike’s or our opinion. His thoughts on the beer list were quite different. A discerning beer drinker, he declared it one

we’d arrived (which was fairly late at night), the gift shop was closed. Perhaps that colored our review a bit, but we’re not ashamed to admit it.


The menu has a lot of different varieties of pizza, so our choices reflected that ratio. I got a standard cheese pizza (to get the most essential taste), Mikey had the “Thai Dye” pizza covered in Asian fare, and Mike ordered the South-of-the-border Melchacho pizza. Josh had a hoagie on wheat, with spicy mustard,

mushrooms, carmelized onions and iceberg lettuce. The pizza was much admired by all. Mikey and Mike took the opportunity to trade slices, which was quite successful. However, we all agreed that the pizza could have been cooked a little longer. Though we liked our food in the moment, the flaws slowly grew more noticeable, and we found ourselves not enjoying our experience as much after an hour’s retrospection. As for Josh, he enjoyed his hoagie, but felt that it was something that could have easily been made at home to similar quality. He also pointed out that his side salad looked delicious, but upon actually eating it, found that it was not. Healthy options, he found, are not in abundance at the Mellow Mushroom.


We had a strange relationship with our server. She tried to make a joke about being psychic when she predicted one of our questions, but we didn’t hear her at first and it fell flat. Feeling bad (and also feeling a bit infatuated), Mikey blurted out, “I can read minds” quite loudly and with little context the next time she came. It was not his finest hour, and did not curry favor with the server for

him or our table. My White Chocolate Russian was also somewhat slow to arrive, and I found myself wishing I had had more time to enjoy it before the food arrived.


Given that it caters to college students, the price falls within the reasonable range, though toward the high end. Mike paid careful attention to the drink prices, and declared the local tap root beer reasonable at $3. The $6 pint, however, was a little questionable. I also received my White Chocolate Russian, normally $9, for half price because of a happy hour. That cut down nicely on what would have been a slightly painful bill.


The Mellow Mushroom is a fun experience that feels less fun the more you reflect on it. It took the four of us a very interesting walk up and down Mill Avenue (we almost went into a dueling pianos bar) to decide on the Mellow Mushroom. Knowing what we know now, we would enjoy another trip there, but the next time we’re in Tempe we may just brave another walk down Mill to find something new.



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Perspectives Editor: Michelle A. Monroe • 520.621.7581 • letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

Spotlight on Lin casts shadow on media, US Luke Davis DAILY WILDCAT


he recent success of New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin has exposed ingrained racism in the media, and in the U.S., against Asian-Americans. Lin, who graduated high school with academic and athletic honors, had his basketball talents largely ignored early on. Though he won many state athletic awards and was named first-team All State for his success in high school, most colleges undervalued his basketball skills, and he didn’t receive a single athletic scholarship. However, Lin was rewarded for his academic achievements. He attended Harvard University and was guaranteed a spot on the basketball team. Lin improved his game in college but only sporadically received national media attention. He graduated in 2010 with a degree in economics, but was not drafted by any NBA team. Over the next two years, Lin bounced around the NBA D-League but saw limited playing time. Lin signed with the Knicks on Dec. 27. More than a month later, the struggling New York team gave Lin his first chance. Lin took full advantage, scoring 25 points and delivering seven assists. Everyone started asking, “Where did this guy come from?” But he’s been there all along, dismissed for his race. Linsanity surprised everyone. “Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he’s Asian,” tweeted African-American champion boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. earlier last week. “Black players do what he does every night and don’t get the same praise.” Even though Mayweather’s comments are insensitive to all the hard work Lin has done, he might be scratching the surface to why Lin has struggled with racism. The U.S. is a country of stereotypes, and when someone breaks these stereotypes, everyone is shocked. Lin’s success hasn’t only exposed how surprised Americans are when an individual breaks the norm, but his arrival has revealed how racism toward Asians is thought of as being more acceptable than other minorities. It’s one thing when drunken, ignorant fans yell obscenities at a game, but when racial stereotypes are used so nonchalantly in the media by professionals, there are dangerous consequences. ESPN used the phrase “Chink in the armor” twice, once as a headline and once in an article by Anthony Federico. Max Bretos, an anchor on SportsCenter used it in a newscast. Federico was fired and Bretos was suspended. FoxSports.com writer Jason Whitlock takes the prize with his tweet, “Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight.” Days later, he gave an unsatisfying apology: “I debased a feel-good sports moment. For that, I’m truly sorry.” In other words, he’s sorry for ruining the mood, but not for what he actually said. It’s hard to find a major TV network in the U.S. that makes blatant racist remarks of any kind, and the media companies made the right call by reacting swiftly and harshly. However, it’s shameful that some Americans still believe that stereotypes are harmless. Hopefully ESPN’s and FoxSports’ actions send the message that racism is not a joke. Lin has taken the right approach by ignoring the hate and continuing to work hard. It’s appalling that he has to under these stereotypes, but one can only hope that we as a society can learn and grow. — Luke Davis is a pre-journalism sophomore. He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.


Trending dow n

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For the Bible, and teacher, tell me so: The Arizona House of Representatives voted to permit elective courses that will teach students about the influence of the Bible on civilization and culture in Western society. Obviously this move was enacted to combat the ever-heightening War on Religion, one that hits Arizona particularly hard, given that there are no state laws barring teachers from using any religious texts in classes so long as they are for non-religious purposes. But hey, isn’t it great that children can finally learn about the Bible’s impact on the United States? Like last year’s House Bill 2582, which would have banned the implementation of any religious laws in Arizona outside of Anglo-American traditions or “the principles on which the United States was founded.” And what could be more American than a lack of religious tolerance?

Contra-ceptives: During Wednesday’s Republican debate in Mesa, Ariz., most of the candidates, the exception being Ron Paul (sort of), spoke about the immorality of contraception. Newt Gingrich called President Barack Obama’s recent call for insurance companies to provide free-ofcharge contraception an endorsement of “infanticide.” Too true. If you don’t make babies, then you’re killing babies. But regardless of your position on the issue, you have to give Gingrich credit for being loyal to his conservative principles. After all, that’s about the only thing he’s ever been loyal to. The great white hope: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that may change the way affirmative action is applied in schools and universities. The case involves a white, Texan woman who alleges that she was not admitted to the University of Texas at Austin in lieu of less qualified minority candidates. Sad, really. When will the subjugation of white, Texan women stop? In all seriousness, though, the university has a policy that automatically admits students that graduate in the top 10 percent, and then makes up the rest of its enrollment, about 25 percent, by a process that includes race as a factor. Sorry, but if you can’t make it into the bottom fourth of an enrollment cohort, there might be something other than race that went into it.

A new page in international relations: Gen. John R. Allen, the head of international forces in Afghanistan, issued a formal apology for U.S. troops accidentally burning copies of the Quran. In response to the perfectly logical question of, “How in the hell did you accidentally burn copies of a religious text?” Allen answered that the books were erroneously taken to an incineration facility. This is the latest PR flub for the military, which is still enduring protests for mistakenly using a Torah scroll as a tablecloth prop in the USO production of “Springtime for Hitler.”

—Daily Wildcat staff

Policy to ban ‘inappropriate’ tattoos an indecent proposal Caroline Nachazel

Although we have an obligation to morality, we also have a right to our expression.



o visible tattoos are typical guidelines for any professional environment. Even fast food chains have guidelines about where and if tattoos can be appropriately visible on employees. A tattoo with an obscene message or explicit language should be covered at the workplace. However, more restrictions should not be placed on inked speech. The Bettendorf Park Board in Iowa is considering a ban on tattoos after a city pool staff member asked a pool patron to cover up a tattoo that another patron called “inappropriate.” The policy would create specific “decency” guidelines

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

that guests of Bettendorf Park Board facilities would be required to follow. The ban would require anyone visiting the city’s parks or public facilities to cover up their body art. Such a ban would be extremely difficult to define. Tattoos on places where clothing is hard to reach, such as ankles or necks, would have to be covered if the ban was implemented. Getting a face tattoo in Bettendorf would also require the purchase of a mosquito-mesh net or a Darth Vader helmet to cover them up. City authorities argue that the ban’s goal is to protect the family-friendly environment of city facilities. But even though the

little town of Bettendorf may have good intentions for the tattoo ban, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Telling people where they can go based on a physical characteristic is discriminatory, and decency guidelines for showing tattoos in public is just as much a violation of free speech as telling people what they can and cannot talk about in public. The First Amendment protects all forms of speech, and that should include tattoos. This ban would be a violation of the amendment that Americans hold so dearly. Proponents of the ban say it was drafted to try to limit the amount

of obscenity seen by children and decrease public displays of derogatory language. Tattoos are considered artistic expression and should not be restricted in public, non-professional places. The Bettendorf ban is only a gateway to a series of restrictions that could easily follow. Although we have an obligation to morality, we also have a right to our expression. Deciding what to dress like in public should be a personal decision. Showing off or deciding to cover a tattoo when going outside should also be a personal decision, not a government-mandated one. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen and if you can’t tolerate tattoos, don’t look. — Caroline Nachazel is a junior studying journalism and communication. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

CONTACT US | The Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. • Email letters to: letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

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• Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, major, etc.) and contact information.

• Letters should be no longer than 350 words and should refrain from personal attacks.

Friday, February 24, 2012 •


Notice of Public Tuition Hearing Arizona Board of Regents Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Police Beat


he Arizona Board of Regents will conduct a public, interactive hearing to hear testimony and comments from the public, students, and other interested parties regarding the level of tuition and mandatory student fees to be charged for resident and nonresident students at Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona for academic year 2012-2013. Comments at the tuition hearing will be heard on a first come, first served basis, rotating through participant sites.

By Elliot P. Hopper Daily Wildcat

Sign stealing saga

A man called the University of Arizona Police Department on Monday to report that he saw two students on Cherry Avenue carry two large signs back to their car at 3:45 a.m. Officers barricaded the area. When the men saw that there were officers nearby, they threw the large Delta Delta Delta sorority signs into their vehicle and got in the car. When officers tried to slowly approach the car, one of the men tried to run away. Officers caught the other student and put him in the back of the police car, where they asked him why they were stealing the signs. The student said they are rushing the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and were asked to steal the signs. The student said the next sorority they were going to steal signs from was Alpha Delta Pi. An officer asked the student if he had been drinking earlier in the evening. The student said yes. Officers searched him and found a fake driver’s license. The other man eventually stopped running, and was caught and arrested. Both were cited for minor in possession of alcohol in body and second-degree burglary. The first student was also cited for possessing a fake driver’s license.


ublic tuition hearing sites will be held at the main campuses of the universities and other sites throughout the state. Please check the Arizona Board of Regents website for specific information regarding the tuition hearing site locations for Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona.


A ‘spaced out’ stealer

A Highland Market employee called UAPD to report that someone had shoplifted from the store at 12:15 a.m. on Wednesday. Officers spoke with the night supervisor, who said he saw a woman walk in with a big purse and slip candy and a 32-ounce blue Powerade into her purse while waiting for her breakfast burrito. When employees approached the student, she pulled the drink out of her purse and gave it back to them, but did not give back the candy. As employees asked her about the candy, she grabbed it and set it on the counter, then tried to walk out of the store. As she was walking out of the store, officers stopped her. They asked why she had been trying to steal and if she was aware that stealing is illegal. She said she knew, that she made a mistake and that she just “spaced out.” Officers searched the rest of her purse and looked for other stolen items. They were unsuccessful, but found a bag of marijuana and a pipe. The student was arrested for possessing drugs, drug paraphernalia and shoplifting.

Flushing down the evidence

A UofA Bookstore employee reported that a woman tried to steal an item at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Officers arrived at the bookstore and detained the woman. Employees said she removed a tag on a red washcloth, which cost $2.99. The woman said she had no intention of stealing it until she went to grab the item and the tag ripped off. She said she became scared when the employee approached, so she went to the restroom and tried to flush the item down the toilet. When she walked back outside, officers were already waiting for her. She was cited and arrested for shoplifting. She told the officers that she learned her lesson, and that it would not happen again.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.

Links to the presidents’ proposals will available after February 24, 2012 at: www.azregents.edu. For more information, call (602) 229-2500. Comments may also be submitted electronically to: tuition@azregents.edu

Noticed clocks on campus not working? Don’t know what ABOR is? Just wonder why something is the way it is? Ask the Daily Wildcat! In the Daily Wildcat’s new column UA Eureka, editors will search out the answers to your questions. Send your questions to @DailyWidlcat with #uaeureka or email us at askuaeureka@gmail.com.

News reporters wanted! No journalism experience required. We’ll take eagerness and a love of news. The Daily Wildcat is looking for hardworking people who have questions and want answers.Think you would enjoy writing about breaking news and trying to get the scoop before everyone else? Email news@wildcat.arizona.edu for more information!


PB&J with OMA February 24, 12pm-1pm Sustain your energy level,network with medical students, and feed your hunger for pre-med knowledge and advice by stopping by OMA for a FREE PB & J sandwich! Sponsored by Latino Medical Students Association (LMSA) and The Office of Outreach & Multicultural Affairs www.diversity.medicine.arizona.edu FREE Cat Tran service from Main Campus to the College of Medicine!!! (Take the Teal, Purple, or Green Cat Tran Routes) College of Medicine-Tucson Office of Outreach & Multicultural Affairs. Room 1119C

Arizona Wildcats Hockey vs. Arizona State University (Home) Friday, February 24, 7:30p.m. The University of Arizona men’s hockey team’s first season under the “Wildcats” name. All information regarding the season and the team can be found at http://arizonawildcathockey.org. Tickets can be purchased at the Tucson Convention Center Box Office or at http://ticketmaster. com. Admission: $5-$17 Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Church Ave Arizona Repertory Theatre Presents ‘Necessary Targets’ Friday, February 24, 2012 7:30 p.m. A haunting, psychological drama that explores the humanity, humor and pain within a group of female refugees during the aftermath of the Yugoslavian civil war, as two American women try to help them heal. (Note: Containts adult themes and violence.) Admission: Regular-$28, Senior/ Military/UA Employee-$26, Student-$19, Preview-$17 UA Tornabene Theatre

Wildcat Calendar Campus Events

Daniyal Mueenuddin: A Reading Friday, February 24, 2012 7p.m. Daniyal Mueenuddin’s debut collection of short stories, “In Other Rooms,” “Other Wonders” (published in 22 countries in 19 languages), was the winner of the Story Prize for 2009, the 2010 Rosenthal Family Foundation Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the 2010 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize. The collection was one of three finalists for the 2010 Pulitzer Prize; a finalist for the 2009 National Book Awards, the L.A. Times First Fiction Award and the Ondaatje Prize. It was listed in top ten books of the year by “Publishers Weekly,” “The Economist” and “Time” magazine; and best books of the year by “The Guardian” and “The New Statesman.” His stories have been selected for Best American Short Stories and The PEN/O. Henry Prize. Mueenuddin lives in Pakistan. UA Poetry Center UApresents: Penn & Teller Friday, February 24, 8 p.m. Named two of the funniest comedians alive by “Entertainment Weekly,” Penn & Teller are known for their outrageous blending of comedy and magic. A hit on Broadway, in Las Vegas and around the country, the “bad boys of magic” may reveal secrets to their tricks, but still manage to leave you amazed. You may have seen them on their weekly Showtime series “Penn & Teller: BS!,” “The Late Show with David Letterman,” “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” or their Emmy Award-winning network specials, Get ready for an evening of nail-biting stunts, crazy antics and must-see comedy. Admission: Tickets start at $35 Centennial Hall

February 24-26

Campus Events

Exhibit “Company Town: Arizona’s Copper Mining Communities During 100 Years of Statehood” This exhibit at the UA ScienceEngineering Library, shares 100 years of stories, struggles and triumphs from Arizona’s copper mining communities. It features an indepth selection of photographs, pamphlets, original manuscripts, federal and state reports and personal papers drawn from UA Special Collections. The materials on display detail the history of eight Arizona mining communities – Ajo, Bisbee, Clifton-Morenci, Globe-Miami, Jerome, Ray-Sonora, San Manuel and Superior – and show that these communities were more than just a mine, and the people more than just mining workers. January 6, 2012 - March 9, 2012. Visit www.library.arizona.edu/applications/ hours/ to view the hours of operation. Ansel Adams: The View from Here Perhaps no photographer’s work has enjoyed such popularity as Ansel Adams’s awe-inspiring views of the natural world. His early trips to the Yosemite wilderness in the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s informed the stylistic approach that made him famous. These treks included not only the physical activities of hiking, camping, and mountain climbing, but also social, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual elements. With forty photographs and supporting documents from the Ansel Adams Archive, Ansel Adams: The View from Here explores the relationship between Adams’s magical photographs of the American landscape - both its panoramic vistas and its intimate details - and how he came to understand the importance of his natural environment. Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, Saturday & Sunday, 1pm – 4pm through March 4th at The Center for Creative Photography: 1030 North Olive Road.

Campus Events

Recital Featuring Grammy-Winning Guitarist David Russell Saturday, February 25, 7 p.m. The University of Arizona School of Music again welcomes internationally acclaimed classical guitarist and Grammy winner David Russell. Featured on the program will be works by Couperin, Weiss, Broucá, Morel, Assad and several selections of Celtic music. “Westfalenpost” (Germany) wrote, “David Russell is considered by many experts to be the most complete and simply the best guitarist in the world.” Grammy award winner in 2005 for his CD “Aire Latino,” in the category of best instrumental soloist in classical music, classical guitarist David Russell is world renowned for his superb musicianship and inspired artistry, having earned the highest praise from audiences and critics alike. In recognition of his great talent and his international career, he was named a fellow of The Royal Academy of Music in London in 1997. Music Holsclaw Hall

Arizona Repertory Theatre Special Preview Performance of ‘Julius Caesar’ Sunday, February 26, 1:30 p.m. The blades are out in this political thriller that is alive with assassination plots, murder and conspiracies, as Julius Caesar’s growing ambition threatens the Republic. Admission: General: $28, Senior/Military/UA Employee: $26, Student: $19, Preview: $17 Marroney Theatre Arizona Men’s Basketball vs. UCLA (Home) Saturday, February 25, 12 p.m. Arizona takes on UCLA. McKale Memorial Center

To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email calendar@dailywildcat.com or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication

Sports scoreboard:

Daily Wildcat

• Page 6

Sports Editor: Alex Williams • 520.626.2956 • sports@wildcat.arizona.edu

NCAAB No. 6 Michigan State 66, Minnesota 61

NBA Miami 102, New York 88

NBA Oklahoma City 100, LA Lakers 85

Arizona wins 20th game Wildcats bounce back from UW loss, defeat Southern Cal By Nicole Dimtsios Daily Wildcat It didn’t start out pretty, but in the end, the Arizona men’s basketball team was able to secure its 20th win of the season. “It hasn’t been an easy road to get to 20,” head coach Sean Miler said. “We’ve been a real resilient team. We’re playing our best basketball in the month of February.” In a season marked by a “do or die” attitude, Arizona (20-9, 11-5 Pac-12) wrapped up a season sweep over the lowly USC Trojans (6-22, 1-14), defeating them 70-54 on Thursday night in McKale Center. “It’s a matter of figuring how to win and moving on to the next one,” Miller said. Several of the Wildcats’ usual contributors struggled, but not freshman Josiah Turner or senior Kyle Fogg. Turner had a career night with a season-high 15 points. The freshman also had one of his best nights handling the basketball, registering six assists against zero turnovers in 31 minutes. Turner said his aggressiveness came about thanks to being spurred along by junior forward Solomon Hill. “He kind of got at me about being more aggressive so I thought I’d come out and try it,” Turner said. Fogg led the way for Arizona with another double-double, registering 16 points and 12 rebounds, eleven of which were defensive. Fogg’s rebounding has picked up in the last three games, something he challenged himself to do. “I’ve been trying to help them out a little bit on the glass,” Fogg said. “Ever since last week I’ve been trying to put more pressure on myself to box out and get rebounds on the defensive end.” Fogg and Turner both shot 50 percent from the field and the Wildcats shot 46 percent from the field as a team. Arizona started out the game woefully and trailed the Trojans by as many as eight points early on, but picked up the pace by the end of the first half. The Wildcats went into halftime on a 12-0 run, sparked by a Fogg 3-pointer. During that stretch, Arizona held the Trojans scoreless for the last eight minutes of the half. USC attempted nine shots during that time period. “We kind of came out sluggish on defense,” Fogg said. “I think guys’ ball pressure picked up. We were helping each other out. It was easier to stop the shot.” Sophomore guard Jordin Mayes saw action for the first time since the Wildcats defeated California three weeks ago and even recorded a basket. Miller said he would plan to use Mayes on Saturday, but that Mayes’ main contribution would be against ASU on March 4.

Women’s basketball loses to Trojans Arizona only has two games left before Pac-12 tournament By Zack Rosenblatt Daily Wildcat

As has been the case with most of its recent losses, the women’s basketball team came out strong in the first half. But in the end, it was not enough, as the Wildcats fell to USC, 78-62, at the Galen Center in Los Angeles. The loss, Arizona’s second in a row and 13th in its last 16 games, drops its record on the season to 14-14, 3-13 in the Pac-12. Sophomore forward Erica Barnes came off the bench and led the Wildcats with 20 points on 8-of-11 shooting, while junior guard Davellyn Whyte added 13 points and eight rebounds. USC had four players score in double digits, led by Stefanie Gilbreath with 18 points on 7-of-10 shooting, 3-of-3 from 3-point range. Arizona kept the game close throughout most of the first half, and after a layup by Barnes with 4:55 remaining, the game was tied 27-27. It was all downhill from there though. The Trojans proceeded to go on a 12-4 run to close out the half and went into the locker room leading the Wildcats 39-31. Things did not get much better in the second half, as Gilbreath scored a 3-point jumper in the opening minute. After Erin Butler, Arizona’s 3-point shooting specialist, nailed a shot from long distance with 16:24 remaining, bringing the score to 46-37, USC never let the game get any closer than that. The Trojans led by a game-high 17 points with 5:39 remaining after a twopointer from Cassie Harberts. To add insult to injury, Whyte fouled out of the game in its waning moments. She finished shooting just 4-of-11 from the field and turned the ball over four times.

Up next

Arizona takes on the UCLA Bruins in the last home game of the season at noon on Saturday. Miller said winning the game was crucial to securing a top-four seed for the Pac-12 Tournament in Los Angeles.

Up next Colin Darland / Daily Wildcat

Josiah Turner, Arizona’s freshman point guard, was benched to start the game against USC in McKale Center on Thursday after missing a team meeting. Despite coming off the bench, Turner had a career day as he scored 15 points and had six assists.

Who: UCLA When: Saturday at 3 p.m. Where: Los Angeles

Baseball welcomes Auburn to Hi Corbett Tigers struggling this year, but still should be good test for Arizona By Kyle Johnson Daily Wildcat

The No. 8 Arizona baseball team will face its first real test of the season when it faces off with Auburn at 6 tonight at Hi Corbett Field. There will be a doubleheader against the Tigers on Saturday at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. as well. “(Auburn) is a very good program,” head coach Andy Lopez said. “It will be good for us to play somebody of that caliber at this time of the season.” For Lopez, there is also a factor of familiarity at play with Auburn. Before moving to Arizona, Lopez coached at Florida for seven years, where his team played the Tigers every season in the SEC. This year, the Tigers come in with lowered expectations — they are projected to finish last in the SEC West according to the coaches’

poll — but with how the Wildcats have started the season, facing a team from a top conference might be just what they need. After the game on Tuesday, junior Joey Rickard said the offense needs to do a much better job executing this weekend, even with the 12 runs the team put up against Utah Valley that night. Rickard added that the team made a lot of mistakes on the offensive end, and they need to fix them with a stronger opponent in Auburn coming to town. So far Rickard, junior Robert Refsnyder, and sophomore Johnny Field have contributed a majority of the offensive production, accounting for 22 of the 34 total hits this season. Lopez said the play of the offense takes the strain off the rest of the team as other players work their way into a hitting groove. The six through eight spot in the lineup are batting just .089 percent through the first four games, with senior Bobby Brown still hitless in 14 at-bats. “Those other guys will get going, it’s

only four games,” Lopez said. “It’s so doggone early.” The bullpen hasn’t been perfect so far, but two freshmen showed some real signs of potential Tuesday night. Relievers Lucas Long and Mathew Troupe finished off the 12-6 victory over Utah Valley after starter Tyler Hale gave up four runs in just two and one-third innings. They, along with Stephen Manthei, have jumped to the front of the bullpen competition as Lopez still tries to figure out every pitcher’s role, he said. “The thing that we are trying to do right now, early in the season, is to figure out who the right pieces are on the backside of the rotation.” Lopez added that the bullpen is full of pitchers who don’t have a lot of college pitching experience, so as the season goes on the pitchers will start to find their place. “These are guys who haven’t really pitched a lot,” Lopez said. “You have to give them an opportunity to go out there and prove they can do it.”

Gordon Bates / Daily Wildcat

Outfielder Joey Rickard has been a big factor offensively for Arizona in its first few games.

Softball splits series Seniors ready to graduate against two Bulldogs By Mike Schmitz Daily Wildcat

By Emi Komiya Daily Wildcat

Arizona softball started off its double header with a 9-0 victory over the Fresno State Bulldogs in six innings and later fell to the Georgia Bulldogs by a score of 0-3. Junior pitcher Kenzie Fowler allowed just four out of 22 Fresno State Bulldogs to reach base while seniors Lini Koria, and Jessica Spigner and junior Brigette Del Ponte scored two runs each, Senior Kristen Arriola and freshman Shelby Pendley both had RBI walks with the bases loaded, giving the Wildcats a comfortable lead. Arriola recorded her 11th walk and 11th RBI of the season. Spigner and Del Ponte both had RBIs in the fourth inning as well, pushing the lead to 6-0 and finished with a homer by Spigner.

Coming off a solid win, the Wildcats then faced a higher ranked team for the first time this season against No. 13 Georgia. Arizona was unable to bring it home with runners in scoring position in the first three innings. Sophomore pitcher Shelby Babcock allowed five walks and three runs with eight strikeouts. Senior outfielder Karissa Buchanan barely missed hitting a home run with one out in the second inning. The team was unable to get runners on base toward the end of the game with only Spigner getting walked in the sixth. This is the second consecutive loss for Arizona against Gerogia in the Cathedral Classic. The tournament continues through Sunday on Wrigley Field in Palm Springs, Calif., with the Wildcats set to face No. 21 Oklahoma State, Fordham, Syracuse and Long Beach State.

Head coach Sean Miller, sounding like the father figure he has become for his players, spoke glowingly about his diverse senior class at his Tuesday press conference in McKale Center. He mentioned Brendon Lavender’s shooting, Kyle Fogg’s defense, Jesse Perry’s toughness, Alex Jacobson’s scout teamwork and Dondre Wise’s future in coaching. But what Miller was most proud of has nothing to do with basketball. All five of Arizona’s seniors are on pace to graduate in May, much to the delight of their head coach. “I give them tremendous credit,” Miller said. “Very few programs have five seniors in one class and to have all five of them projected to graduate on time this spring is a great accomplishment for them. I also think it’s a great accomplishment for our

program.” That “great accomplishment” comes to a program in need of a facelift in the graduation rate department. Among all the Sweet 16 teams from a season ago, Arizona basketball sat in dead last with a 20 percent graduation rate that ranked 321st in the NCAA. Arizona also finished dead last in the Pac12 in football graduation rates from a season ago, further contributing to Arizona’s reputation as a school that doesn’t graduate its players. But UA athletic director Greg Byrne and his staff have worked to improve the Wildcats’ academic image, and the graduation of Fogg, Perry, Lavender, Wise and Jacobson has Arizona moving in the right direction. “Our academic support staff has worked tirelessly over the last three or four years and these guys have invested a lot academically,” Miller said. “Our senior class is really filled with a lot of quality people.”






Arizona has five seniors, including Jesse Perry, Kyle Fogg, Dondre Wise and Brendon Lavender, on its roster. All of them, along with center Alex Jacobson, will play their last home game on Saturday against UCLA.

Saturday’s game against UCLA will mark the last time Arizona’s five seniors will ever play in McKale Center By Mike Schmitz DAILY WILDCAT

Seniors Kyle Fogg, Jesse Perry, Brendon Lavender, Alex Jacobson and Dondre Wise will play their final home games in an Arizona uniform on Saturday at noon against UCLA. “Their loyalty toward the University of Arizona and their loyalty toward us as a new coaching staff is greatly appreciated and never forgotten,” UA head coach Sean Miller said of his seniors. “My hope is that we as a coaching staff can take these guys as far as we can and vice versa. They’re a resilient group and they’re a group of great people, I think their families are very proud of them.” Here’s a look at each senior and their career at Arizona:

Kyle Fogg

Height: 6-3 Weight: 188 UA Tenure: 2008-09 to 2011-12 Accolades: 2008-09 Honorable Mention Pac12 All-Freshman Team, 2010-11 Honorable Mention Pac-10 All-Defensive Team Miller: “Obviously, his statistics reveal that he’s been one of the most consistent players to play at Arizona in that he’s participated in more

single games than perhaps any single player ever has in the history of our program. I think that says it all. “I don’t know if I’ve ever coached a player that’s invested more of himself between when last year’s season ended and this year’s season began and you look at his numbers, it’s great to see all that hard work pay off for him. Great kid and somebody who’s going to be really successful when he leaves Arizona, that’s for sure.”

Brendon Lavender

Height: 6-5 Weight: 212 UA Tenure: 2008-09 to 2011-12 Accolades: Currently first in the Pac-12 in 3-point percentage at 52.4 percent. Also third in the NCAA in 3-point percentage. Miller: “We always had great confidence in Brendon’s shooting, and sometimes his role on last year’s team is understated. He played in all 38 games a year ago. He had big moments. As he’s been thrust into a bigger Jesse Perry role, it’s one thing to have that opportunity, Height: 6-7 it’s another thing to deliver and really seize Weight: 217 that opportunity. I think we all know that UA Tenure: 2010-11 to 2011-12 Accolades: 2011 NCAA West Regional All- some of his shooting in games this year have been a real big reason why we’ve been on the Tournament Team Miller: “I don’t know if we could have winning side of things.” asked him to do any more than he’s done at Arizona. He became a starter on last year’s Alex Jacobson Height: 7-0 team, really improved as the year went on, is Weight: 253 one of the big reasons that we had the sucUA Tenure: 2007-08 to 2011-12 cessful run that we did in the tournament and Accolades: Scored a career-high six points in his last year we’ve asked him to guard the other team’s biggest player almost in all 28 of against Lipscomb on December 21, 2009 and our games. He’s embraced that. I’m proud of grabbed a career-high five rebounds against what he’s been able to do, especially in two Washington on February 2, 2010. Miller: “I don’t know if he’s been 100 percent quick years, to be in the position to graduate since I’ve been here. He’s fought through it, he’s is also difficult.”

never complained. He’s done the best that he could do. When we’ve put him in games he’s always come in with a great attitude and helped us. He’s been on the scout team representing another team’s center quite a bit. He obviously practices hard every day. I would say on our team there’s probably not a more popular teammate than ‘Tree’ because everybody knows that his heart’s really in the right place. I think everyone respects the odds that he’s overcome just to even be a part of our team right now, knowing what he’s gone through with his lower back.”

Dondre Wise

Height: 6-1 Weight: 220 UA Tenure: 2009-10 to 2011-12 Accolades: Scored a career-high two points against Rice on December 1, 2010 Miller: “Dondre comes from a basketball family with Nic being his brother. Dondre has basketball in his blood. I think he’s going to make a great coach with whatever path he starts out at. We want to be very helpful to him. I have no doubt that he’ll be successful as a coach and because of that our team really respects him because he’s knowledgeable. It probably stems from the family that he’s from. Dondre’s taken advantage of the opportunity he has here. He’s met a lot of great people.”


Fogg and Perry make most out of their abilities

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uccess is rarely measured by how a player maximizes his abilities. In a game filled with systematic disadvantages due to physical size and talent, the athletically gifted get praised while the workhorses are overlooked. All too often credit is unfairly dished out to a player blessed with a 6-foot-8, 240-pound frame, the ability to handle and pass like a point guard, sky like a two-guard yet dominate the post like a power forward. Scouts, coaches and fans alike drool over that 6-foot-10 powerful big

an integral role on Arizona’s Sweet 16 team as a freshman before snatching up the starting job his sophomore season and playing the role of defensive stalwart from there on out. During the last four years, Fogg developed from what Miler called a “really bad” defender to someone who can lock down point guards, shooting guards and small forwards as well as the best guards in the country. Then there’s Perry. The 6-foot-7, 217-pound senior and John A. Logan Community College transfer is an undersized tweener with a funky jump shot and no defined position. He arrived at Arizona with low expectations, and it took him 11 games to hit the double-digit scoring mark for the first time. But Perry went on to play a huge role in UA’s Elite Eight run and is now “the heart and soul” of this year’s Wildcats’ team, according to Miller. Perry has no business starting at

Mtn. Mountain Ave.


take into account the advantages and disadvantages that come with each individual player. Ideally, success should be defined by how well a player uses his given tools and canvas to create a masterpiece. Work ethic is the only quality a player can control, so it’s that player who out-produces his star ranking and physical limitations that should be praised. This brings us to Kyle Fogg and Jesse Perry. No two players have used desire and work ethic to overcome their physical limitations more than Arizona’s senior leaders. Fogg came to Tucson as an unheralded 3-star recruit with not many offers coming from elsewhere. During the initial transition out of the Lute Olson era, Fogg wasn’t expected to contribute right away or be anything but solid for four years at UA. The Brea, Calif., native didn’t get the memo, as he ended up playing

1st 1st

Mike Schmitz

man or that 6-foot-6 shooting guard who can jump out of the gym, as talent and potential continue to rule the basketball circuit. In the meantime, lost in translation are the players who may not have the biggest upside, but work tirelessly to make the best of their physical gifts. Think about it, should LeBron James really be held to a higher standard than Steve Nash all because he was already a walking triple double when he popped out of the womb? Nash turned a 6-foot-3, 190-pound frame and below-average quickness and speed into two MVPs through nonstop work and the perfection of his craft. Nash has maximized the potential that’s limited by his size and quickness, while James has barely scratched the surface of his ceiling. Yet at the end of the day, it’s James who will be considered one of the greatest players of all time. The barometer for success doesn’t

ON Mountain Ave. BIKE

— Mike Schmitz is a marketing senior. He can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatHoops.

NOW PRE LEASING for Fall 2012! Call to reserve!

U of A

U of A

center at any level, let alone for a major Division I program. Yet through his work ethic and desire to improve, Perry has come full circle and overcome the odds stacked against him. Fogg and Perry may never turn into big-time pros at the next level, if they become pros at all. They may never carve out a legacy similar to those whose jerseys hang in the rafters of McKale Center. But as Arizona’s senior leaders take to the McKale Center floor for the last time on Saturday, soak in the blood, sweat and tears this duo put in to outperform their potential for the good of Arizona basketball. If success were measured the right way, Fogg and Perry would surely never be forgotten.


Sc an w i t h Sm a rt P h o ne

fee t Plan C: 3 bedroom 2 bath 1431sq


Friday, February 24, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

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FEMALE ART MODEL needed. Sculptor in process of completing a series of partially clothed and nude figure models for gallery submission, needs replacement female model. MUST be dependable with no drama, three to five hours a sitting, one or two days a week. background in yoga or dance/ ability to relax in pose. Pay is $15/ hour, multiple weeks work. Height and weight proportionate, good physical condition. Email ThanosV8@gmail.com to apply or call (520)505-1684.

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! 4BLKS TO UOFA. 2Bdrm. $775. Studio $450. Hardwood floors, private patio, laundry. All in quiet gated courtyard. Serious students only. No Pets. Available June. 520-743-2060. www.tarolaproperties.com ! ALL UTILITIES PAID. 1Rm studio $400 no kitchen, refrigerator only. Giant studio w/kitchen $660. A/C, quiet, no pets, security patrolled. www.uofahousing.com 2995020, 624-3080 ! FREE 2BDRM. APT. 4blks N of UofA in exchange for light property management duties. Experienced resident asst., grad student or mature undergrad preferred. Begins in May. 520-743-2060 www.tarolaproperties.com !!! WE TAKE GREAT CARE OF OUR TENANTS AND OUR PROPERTIES! Nr. Main Gate & 4th Ave! www.universityapartments.net Now accepting applications for prime Studio, 1, 2 and 3 BR units for 6/1 and 8/1. Don Martin Apts, House Mother Apts, Lofts on Sixth, University Lofts. 520-906-7215. !!!!!!!! 1BD/ 1BA, $520, 3Blocks to UA, Furnished, Euclid/9th, Internet/ Water/ Gas Included, upa@cox.net, 520-647-4311, www.UPapts.com 726 East 9th Street. !!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL STUDIOS, 1bd, &2bd Casitas and Apartments Avail for prelease to start May or Aug 2012. See www.PrestigiousUofArentals.com for pics, floorplans, VTs, &info. Call Jarrett (Owner/Agent/Alumni) @520.331.8050 for appt to see. !!!FAMILY OWNED &OPERATED. Studio 1,2,3,4, 5BD houses & apartments. 4blks north of UofA. $400 to $2200. Some with utilities paid. Available now or pre-lease. No pets, security patrolled. www.uofahousing.com 2995020, 624-3080.

$87.50 MOVES YOU IN! A GREAT PLACE FOR STUDENTS! FREE Shuttle to the UofA! 1&2 BDs. 24hr fitness & laundry. Pool & spa, Ramada w/gas grills, gated access. Student discount, business center. Call Deerfield Village @520-323-9516 www.deerfieldvillageapts.com 1323N. MOUNTAIN. CUTE 1Bedroom/ 1Bath 3blocks from UofA. 615square feet, off street parking, enclosed yard, extra large closet, tile floor, kitchen, on site laundry. 615$ a month. 520-207-6281 1BD/ 1BA DUPLEX, carport, water paid, Mountain/ Speedway, $425 if pd early. APL 747-4747 1BD/ 1BA TILE throughout, water pd, AC, laundry, covered parking, Euclid/ 6th. $565 if paid early. APL 747-4747 1BDRM FURNISHED APARTMENT. $500/mo. 4blocks campus, 5blocks rec center. Quiet community. University Arms Apartments. 623-0474. www.ashton-goodman.com. 1BLOCK FROM UA. Reserve your apartment for summer or fall. Furnished or unfurnished.1BD from $610, 2BD from $825, 3BD from $1100. Pool/ laundry. 746 E 5th St. Shown by appointment 7514363 or 409-3010 2BD/ 2BA, LIVING room, dinette kitchen, small yard, side patio, new carpeting. Near UofA. $600mo, +utilities. Available immediately. 480-443-1386 2BDRM 4BLOCKS TO UofA. Tastefully remodeled, light, modern and spotlessly clean. Quiet, well-maintained, 6unit building, w/patios. Cats OK. Laundry. Owner managed. Available August 1 $765/mo. 623-9565. More info & 80photos: http://www.pippelproperties.com/804 LARGE STUDIOS 6BLOCKS UofA, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, windows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. $380. 977-4106 sunstoneapts@aol.com ROOMMATE MATCH & INDV. leases. FREE dish & WIFI. Pets, pool, spa, fitness & game rooms, comp. lab, cvrd park & shuttle. 520-623-6600. gatewayattucson.com STUDIOS AND 1BDRS starting at $400. Includes water, trash, extended basic cable, & internet. Fitness center, heated pool, laundry facilities, racquetball, pet-friendly. Call for specials 520-790-3880. STUDIOS FROM $400 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884-8279. Blue Agave Apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/Stone. www.blueagaveapartments.com

CAMPBELL/ GLENN- 1BD/ 1BA TILE- gated unfurnished Condo (2units) available $550/mo: kitchen, fitness, pool, laundry, pets, covered parking, Water & Trash utilities. Bus Bike Walk to UofA, mall, Bank. CALL #520-9770986

! -AUGUST AVAILABILITY UNCOMPARABLE LUXURY -6bdrm 6BATHS each has own WHIRLPOOL tub-shower. 5car garage, Walk-in closets all Granite counters, large outside patios off bedrooms, full private laundry, very large master suites, high ceilings. TEP Electric discount. Monitored security system. Very close to UA 884-1505 www.MyUofARental.com ! 3BDRM 2BATH NEAR UMC/Arizona Inn. $1495. Beautiful walled in home with professionally maintained grounds, hardwood floors, W/D, dishwasher, covered parking and more. No pets. Available June 1st. 743-2060. www.tarolaproperties.com ! 7BDRM 7BATH EACH has own WHIRLPOOL tub-shower. Over 3900sqft Just a few blocks North of campus. 4car GARAGE, walk-in closets, all Granite counters, large outside balconies off bedrooms, very large master suites, high ceilings. TEP Electric discount. Monitored security system. 884-1505 www.MyUofARental.com

UNATTACHED GUEST HOUSE, A/C, water pd $425 ALSO all utilities pd, 600sqft guest house $495 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

1,2,3,4 & 6BEDROOM HOMES for rent. 2to7 blocks from UA. Reserve now for August 2012. 8841505 www.MyUofARental.com 1BD A/C, WOOD floors, water pd, pets ok $550 ALSO 1bd remodeled house, A/C, water pd, $600 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com 2012/ 2013 YEAR. 3bdrm/ 2ba 5yr old. Appx 1,627sq.ft. Close to UofA, popular restaurants, market & more. Granite countertops with “like new” appli., eat in dining area. Fans in every bedroom. Washer/ Dryer. Partially furnished. Storage. Attached garage, loft & large outdoor patio. Master bdrm could be for two people, large balcony. $1,650/mo. fandslfamily@cs.com or 818865-8721. Pix on request.

2BLOCKS NORTH OF UMC. 2Bedroom, 1Bath, +office. Quiet, great views, off-street parking, very clean. Sorry, no smoking or pets. $950/mo. Call 577-7237 or email CSee@LPL.Arizona.edu

! HISTORIC WEST UNIVERSITY 1bdrm. cottage. $675. 1920’s Santa Fe adobe with oak floors, fireplace, W/D, wonderful natural light and beautiful grounds. No pets. Available June. 743-2060. www.tarolaproperties.com

2BR/ 1BA A/C, washer/dryer, tile floors, fenced yard, two car garage two car carport $825/mo 1609 E Silver. Phone 299-6723

! UAOFFCAMPUS.COM - 3AND4 BEDROOM available, brand new, walking distance to campus, awesome house near 4th Avenue, $1825-2500/ month - (520)8919043 www.UAoffcampus.com ! UAOFFCAMPUS.COM - 4BR/ 3BA unit available, great house, only a few years old, near campus, $1850/ month - (520)8919043 www.UAoffcampus.com !!! AWESOME 5BDRM HOUSES convenient to UofA now pre-leasing for August 2012. Quality Living Rents Quick! Washer/ dryer in all homes, zoned A/C, alarm system, lighted ceiling fans, stainless appliances, private fenced back yard, check out locations and floor plans at http://www.UniversityRentalinfo.com and call 520-747-9331. Rental Special. $50 off per month. All locations reserved by February 24th. !!! UOFA LUXURY RENTALS including A/C W/D & updated kitchens & bathroom. 1BD/ 1BA $695, 2910 Seneca. 4BD/ 2BA $1395, 3619N Santa Rita Ave. 4BD/ 2BA $1495, 2501E Towner. 4BD/ 3BA w/pool $3495, 1406E Seneca. 3BD/ 2BA $1495, 3040E 1st St. Call (520)954-7686 or Morgan@PeoplesMortgage.com. !!!! SIGN UP NOW for FY12! 2,3,4& 5bdm, Newer homes! 1mi to UofA, A/C, Garages & all appl. included. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776

!!!!!!!!! 3- 5BD HOUSES preleasing for August 2012! All homes are new or remodeled w/AC! See www.PrestigiousUofArentals.com for pictures, floorplans, virtual tours, and information. Call Jarrett @520-331-8050 (Owner/Agent) UofA Alumni to schedule showing appt!

CLOSE UMC MAIN campus guest houses. High ceiling fans skylights AC completely fenced very clean pets welcomes $550 furnished 248-1688

$800- $2400 FY12! 3,4 &5bdrm, BRAND NEW homes! 1mi to UofA, A/C, Gar & all appl. incl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776

! EXTRA NICE 2BR/ 2BA homes. Colored concrete floors, A/C, skylights, all appliances included, close to campus. 520-577-1310; 520-834-6915 www.uofa4rent.com

BIKE TO UOFA. 5th/ Country Club. 1br duplex. AC, carport, quiet area. $450/mo, lease. Phone 577-3574

REMODELED HISTORIC BUILDING, 2bd/2ba, stainless steel appliances, assigned parking, wood floors $1500, 745 E 1st St, REDI Management 520-623-2566

$1250, 4BD, 1305 E. Waverly #1 (Grant/ Mountain) fenced yard, covered patio, fp, approx 1679sqft, AC, 881- 0930 view pictures at prestigepropertymgmt.com

2BD HOUSE, GARAGE, dual cooling, fireplace $650 ALSO 2bd/2ba house, A/C, carport, washer/dryer $1100 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to ww.azredirentals.com

!!!!! 1-4 BEDROOM homes. All very nicely updated and renovated or NEW homes. Reserve TODAY!! 480-374-5090. www.collegediggz.com

PRE-LEASING FOR FALL 2012. New construction 3bd 2ba duplex, close to the CatTran. Upgrade throughout, open floor plan, private yard. $1450/mo, $1450 deposit. 909-4089

Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

! AUGUST AVAILABILITY 5-7 Blocks NW UA HUGE Luxury Homes. 4br/ 4.5ba +3car garage +large master suites with walk-in closets +balconies +10ft ceilings up and down +DW, W&D, Pantry, TEP Electric Discount, Monitored Security System. Pool privileges. 884-1505. www.MyUofARental.com

2BD/ 1BA 750SQFT. A/C, D/W, W/D. Carport storage, all-fenced backyard. Unfurnished. Cats OK. 725/mo w/lease 1422N Mountain. 4blocks UofA & UMC. 909-4766

LARGE 1BD/ 1BA duplex, walk to campus, high ceilings, wood floors $725 Also 1bd above garage, huge balcony $650 741 E 1st St REDI Management 520-623-2566

Attention Classified Readers: The Arizona Daily Wildcat screens classified advertising for misleading or false messages, but does not guarantee any ad or any claim. Please be cautious in answering ads, especially when you are asked to send cash, money orders, or a check.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAGNIFICENT HOME... WALK TO THE UOFA! NEWLY REMODLED 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATH. WOOD & TILE FLOORS, WIRELESS INTERNET. LOCATED IN THE SAM HUGHES NEIGHBORHOOD JUST BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. AVAILABLE AUGUST 1ST. THIS WON’T LAST. PHONE OR TEXT MARK 404-6477. !!!!!!!!!|ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS New 5Bedroom houses. Now Reserving for August 2012 Move-in. $2750/month - Current special $50.00/ off per month rent. Conveniently located to UA at 2550 E. Water Street (Grant and Tucson Blvd). Washer/dryer, zoned A/C, Alarm System, lighted ceiling fans, stainless appliances, private fenced back yard, plus more. Check out the floor plan at http://www.UniversityRentalInfo.com and call 520-747-9331 to look at one.

2MIN TO CAMPUS IN FY12! 1,2,3,4 & 5bdrm, homes & aptmts! 1mi to UofA, A/C, Gar & all appl. incl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776 3BD/ 2BA, MOUNTAIN/ Limberlost Minutes away from UofA. 2car garage, large backyard, includes W/D. $995/mo. Available July 1. Call John: 440-4047/ 907-8330 3BD/3BA WITH DEN, A/C, fenced yd, 1860sqft $895 ALSO 3bd house in Sam Hughes, dbl garage $1095 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com 3BEDROOMS 1BATH 1100SQFT, Jefferson Park Home Premium Location Available July 31. 1620 E. Linden St. 1/10 miles N. of University Medical Center. W/D, A/C Rent $1200. Owner is a licensed real estate agent. Carol 603-4340 4BD/3BA, DEN, A/C, all appliances $1400 ALSO 4bd/5ba, A/C, washer/dryer, pets ok $2400 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com 5BD/ 2BA, AVAIL 08/2012, dbl garage, A/C $1250 ALSO 5bd/3ba, private pool, washer/ dryer $2625 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to ww.azredirentals.com 6BLOCKS FROM UA. Available August 1. Remodeled 3BD/ 2BA, 1800sqft, hardwood floors, W/D, large fenced yard. $1450/mo. 7514363 or 409-3010. BEAUTIFUL 4BD. MUST see! Remodeled. Hardwood floors, recently repainted, fireplace, high ceiling, all appliances. Available July 1. 885-5292, 841-2871. Great for serious students. 2040 E Spring. Corner of Spring& Olsen near Campbell &Grant. $2200/mo. BRAND NEW HIGH-END boutique house just finished, bike to UofA. 3bd, 2ba, beautiful kitchen, stainless steel appliances, W/D, A/C. Great for UofA students. Must see! 222 E. Elm. 520-8855292, 520-841-2871

PRE-LEASING FALL 2012. Close to UA and Pima college. 3bd 2ba house with large backyard. Updated charming house with W/D included. $1095/mo, $1095 deposit. 909-4089 SAM HUGHES LUXURY townhome. 3bd 2ba. 1block to UofA. Covered parking, $1350/mo +utilities. 620-6206 www.windsorlux.com VINTAGE 2STORY 3BDRM house, walk to campus, washer/dryer, fenced yard $1350 1017 N Euclid, REDI Management 520-623-2566 WALK TO CAMPUS IN FY12! 3,4 &5bdm newer homes! 1block to UofA! A/C, Gar & all appl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776 ~Pre-Leasing~ FIND YOUR NEXT HOME HERE. Wildcat Properties has over 20 Well Kept, Single Family Homes for rent with May, June, and Aug start dates. Studios- 6Bedrooms. All homes in North Uni or Sam Hughes. Rents range $450-$625/ bedroom. www.wildcatrentalproperties.com or call Jon Wilt, UofA Alumni, at 520870-1572 for a showing.

NEED ROOMMATE ASAP for March, April and May. Master bedroom with private bath. 400/month which includes utilities. Near Glenn and Park. 1.5 miles from U of A campus. Must like dogs. Call Ben at 541380-0612 or email roederb@gmail.com.

BIKE TO CAMPUS IN FY12! 1,2 &3bdm Townhomes & Condos! A/C, Gar, FREE WIFI & all appl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776 SAM HUGHES LUXURY townhome. 3bd 2ba. 1block to UofA. Covered parking, $1350/mo +utilities. 620-6206 www.windsorlux.com

SPRING BREAK MEXICO! Celebrate at Rocky Point in my safe, gated properties. Two houses and a condo. See at www.rockypointvacationrentals.net. Call to reserve: (520)615-1244

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Comics • Friday, February 24, 2012

Daily Wildcat •


The Bear Down Times

7 4 3 1 4 8

6 3

9 2

8 7 2

9 4

4 7

Difficulty Level

7 1

2 5 1 6 9 4

2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

5 9

By Dave Green


Earn Money Participating in Economics Experiments The Economic Science Laboratory at the Eller College of Management runs many research experiments throughout the year. Students are paid to participate in each experiment. To be able to participate, please register at: http://www.econlab.arizona.edu By registering at our web site, you will receive emails inviting you to take part in various experiments at different times. Each time you receive an email, you will be given the date and time of the planned experiment, and you can then decide whether you are interested in participating in that specific experiment. In order to register and participate in experiments, you must be a University of Arizona student age 18 or older.

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• Daily Wildcat

Friday, February 24, 2012

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