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Tuesday, January , 




Cleanliness instrumental for music school By Samantha Munsey DAILY WILDCAT


n a music room resembling your grandmother’s over-packed closet, music sophomore Nick Cohen goes to an old shelf built into the wall and selects a scuffed-up trumpet case. “This trumpet, for example, we would soak it in a bathtub and that gets all the grime out of the tubing,” Cohen said while opening the case to reveal a shiny trumpet. “It’s kind of weird for people who have not heard of doing that, but it’s been normal for

me ever since I started playing a brass instrument.” Cohen is one of three musical instrument technicians at the UA assigned to check out and clean instruments from the School of Music’s collection, estimated to be worth more than half a million dollars. The school’s senior technical director, Deon Dourlein, came up with this total during their last evaluation. “There are a lot of instruments we house, so this job is dreadfully important. We rely heavily on the students and couldn’t do without it

because we usually host about 300 concerts a year.” Some instruments stored by the School of Music include those used by the Pride of Arizona marching band. Cohen, who has played trombone with the marching band, said he enjoys working somewhere that caters to his in music. “I like to hire at least one person for the semester who has had some experience in the marching band at the UA,” said Dourlein, who typically keeps a waiting list of people interested in the job of instrument technician. “We usually

host some of the bigger instruments like tubas in the stadium, so when the student is familiar with the site, it helps out a lot.” Aside from your common marching instruments, technicians are also in charge of checking out not-socommon antique or model instruments dating back to the Renaissance period. “We have a collection of these instruments that are usually checked out by early music groups or professors who are tying to use them for various ensembles,” Cohen said. “When I got the job and was shown

some of the stuff we have, I was really surprised over the variety we had and who was using them.” Part of the instrument technician’s job is also serving the students. According to Dourlein, one of the requirements for a student majoring in music education is to know how to play common brass, woodwinds and percussion instruments. It is the technician’s job to provide these students with instruments to use for their classes and to help answer any questions the student might have.


Weight Watchers comes to campus By Eliza Molk DAILY WILDCAT


Hydrology major Chelsea Kestler and microbiology junior Hollie Mills volunteer with Compost Cats on Monday afternoon at Sabor restaurant in the Student Union Memorial Center. Mills and Kestler donated their time teaching students about the environmental benefit and simplicty of composting.

Union hosts compost project By Stewart McClintic DAILY WILDCAT

A three-week long instructional project that began on Tuesday will teach students about composting. The sustainability club, Compost Cats, is spearheading the project in coordination with Dining Services. Chet Phillips, a Ph.D. student and the project’s supervisor, said that for the next three weeks volunteers will act as “compost coaches” at various restaurants in the Student Union Memorial Center. The coaches will be standing by the new composting bins at Sabor, Three Cheeses and a Noodle and Cellar Bistro to teach students what food they can and cannot put into compost.

Phillips said the focus of the project is to potentially save tons of waste from going into landfills and, in the process, save money for the union. The way this works, he said, is that instead of the waste going to the landfills, the raw material from the bins is collected by the Compost Cats, brought to the new UA garden slightly north of the Highland Avenue Parking Garage, then turned into compost. The food takes about three to four months to actually turn into compost, he said. Composting the food saves money because the union does not have to pay the costs of transporting the waste to landfills around the area, he said. “It’s a great cause, it helps the

environment and is really good for growing vegetables,” said Hollie Mills, a microbiology junior and a volunteer for Compost Cats. The project’s goal, Phillips said, is to increase sustainability by keeping tons of waste out of landfills and allowing the waste to go back to the earth. The UA Green Fund financed the project’s nearly $60,000 budget. However, Phillips said he hopes it will be financially selfsustaining one day. “This is the student government at work,” he said. Compost Cats is a club within the Associated Students of the University of Arizona, the governing body for undergraduate students. Cam Adamson, an economics

senior and student lead at Sabor, said he thinks the project is great. “I think it’s good that the union is being proactive and trying to help the environment and be more sustainable.” Other Sabor employees said they are happy to be a part of the new project. “I think it’s good they’re doing composting because the recycling ends up going in the trash anyway,” said Katie Netzel, a junior studying creative writing and linguistics. Although the project has only emerged in three restaurants in the student union, Phillips said the ultimate goal is to have composting bins throughout union restaurants, including at the Park Student Union.

Weight Watchers of Arizona has partnered with UA Life & Work Connections to provide weekly meetings on campus for UA students and employees. About 25 UA community members attended the first meeting on Monday in the Tubac Room, located on the fourth floor of the Student Union Memorial Center. Valerie Peterson, the meeting leader for Weight Watchers of Arizona, began the meeting by showing her “before” picture — she said she lost 52 pounds on the program when she started three years ago. She is still on the program and watching what she eats, she said. “I’m in this with you,” Peterson added. Peterson said that having meetings on the UA campus will help students and faculty enrolled in the program lose weight, because of its convenience and ability to create a support system within the school. Erin Strange, violence prevention specialist at Campus Health Service, said that attending meetings on campus will help her and UA students hold themselves accountable for what they eat. “As I’ve gotten older, I feel I need to start taking more pride and responsibility for my physical health,” Strange said. “I know I’ll never get skinny, but I want to feel good.” Another reason Strange said she joined the program is because she plans to get married this summer,


School lowers math requirement Journalism program changes enrollment prerequisite from B to C By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT Journalism, the only major that required a B or better in math for acceptance into the program, is lowering their math requirement. The decision, made on Nov. 30, was passed by a vote from the journalism faculty and states that students who get a C in math will no

longer be denied acceptance into the journalism major. “We realized we were the only major on campus that required a B or better in math to get in,” said David Cuillier, director of the School of Journalism. “Even the math majors didn’t have to do that.” Cuiller said that, Although the grade requirement has dropped, this does not change the importance of knowing basic calculations. “It’s highly doubtful that most journalists are going to use algebra or trigonometry on the job — that’s just not going to happen,” he said.

“But they are going to need to know how to calculate percent change or analyze polling results, election results. So, that’s something we can teach in our classes and that’s what we hope will prepare the best journalists.” Basic mathematical skills are taught in classes such as Principles of Journalism as well as Advanced Reporting. The journalism school will also continue to find ways to standardize this math incorporation so it is infused throughout the curriculum, Cuillier added. Jay Rochlin, an assistant journalism

professor of practice, said he acknowledges the importance of math in journalism, but believes a C is an adequate grade for students to receive in a math course. “I think math is a critical part of journalism and understanding how numbers work is a critical part of journalism,” he said. “When people read budgets they have to know how they work, when people talk about percentage changes and understanding statistics especially.” For some students, this grade



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News • Tuesday, January 24, 2012

• Daily Wildcat

Greek restaurant makes natural change By Rachel Gottfried Daily Wildcat

When patrons of the Fat Greek restaurant bite into their falafel pita, they may not know that the tomato inside was grown and farmed in the owner’s garden. The Fat Greek, located on University Boulevard, is a restaurant frequented by many UA students and community members. The owners of the restaurant, George and Traci Markou, use vegetables from their own garden in the Fat Greek’s food. The Markous grow and farm all of these vegetables at the Markou Ranch, located in the Arizona Sonoran Desert. The vegetables they grow include tomatoes, onions, eggplant, zucchini, garlic, dill and cucumbers, and they use all of these in their restaurants. They also have animals on the ranch, including chickens, cows, goats, roosters and sheep, which are used for meat, milk and eggs. “We originally bought this land because we were going to open another store. After we bought the land, the economy went down, and

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which she said was a “big motivating factor.” “Trying to lose weight on my own wasn’t working,” Strange added. There is a $25 fee to join the oncampus Weight Watchers program, though the fee will be waived if attendees sign up for their monthly program, which is $49 per month,

we weren’t able to get a loan to start building,” George Markou said. The Markous have since decided to use this land to start a test garden. The idea to start the ranch came from Traci Markou, who watched her grandparents garden when she was growing up and always wanted to start her own garden. Her neighbors helped her get started by teaching her family farming techniques and selling them animals from their farms. The test garden proved to be very successful and the Markous decided to expand. “We tripled the size of the rows in the garden to be more productive and have just added a greenhouse,” said Traci Markou. The Markous have also found other ways to make the garden useful and save money. “Nothing goes to waste,” George Markou added. “We never have to buy wood because we have wood everywhere on the ranch. We have even traded wood for chickens. And we feed any weeds or left over vegetables to the animals.” They also sell eggs that are laid by

according to Peterson. The monthly program provides special online tools to help track food intake, as well as a free smartphone app for users to scan barcodes of food items. The app will then tell them how many Weight Watchers points that food item would be. Otherwise, the pay-as-you-go plan is $13 per week. For Emily Spirk, a vocal performance junior and a resident assistant in Yuma Residence Hall,

their chickens. “You can really taste and see a difference between these eggs and the eggs that you buy in a store. They are not as natural in the store,” George Markou added. Previously, most of these ingredients were taken to the Markous’ other store on North Swan Road, called Greek Taverna, but they are now going to focus on the university location this spring. “As soon as the produce comes in, we will test all produce at university,” Traci Markou said. Mickey Randleman, a cashier at the Fat Greek on University Boulevard, said she is very excited that the restaurant will be able to offer more ingredients from the Markou Ranch. “In the spring, a much greater variety and quantity of our produce will come directly from the Markou Ranch, and we’re excited to be able to offer that kind of fresh food to our customers,” Randleman said. “It’s a point of pride for this family-owned restaurant to be supported by, and supporting local agriculture.”

having the program on campus is “simpler” because she does not have to find a ride to meetings offcampus. “I don’t have a car, and coming here fits into my schedule,” she said. Spirk said she chose Weight Watchers over other weight loss programs because it’s more of a lifestyle change, where other diets felt more temporary and the weight would just come back.

rachel gottfried / Daily Wildcat

George and Traci Markou, owners of the Fat Greek restuarant on University Boulevard, stand in front of their new greenhouse at the Markou Ranch.


“Weight Watchers is careful about safe weight loss,” she said. “This program is a really healthy way to lose weight.” Any UA community member can join the program at any time, and there are two meeting locations — one in the Tubac Room of the Student Union Memorial Center from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Mondays and one in the University of Arizona Medical Center from noon to 1 p.m. on Fridays.

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requirement change will allow them a little more breathing room when it comes to math. “I think it’s more reasonable for students, because it (the requirement) was tough,” said Meaghan Fee, a journalism junior. “I actually had to GRO (Grade Replacement Opportunity) my class and take it again, because personally, I’m not that great at math.” The grade requirement change did not signify a drop off in journalism students’ math grades, but was based more on a comparison of the math requirements for other majors. “We realized (the requirement) was a little out of the ordinary,” Cuillier said. “To be the only major on campus that required that much rigor for math seemed difficult to justify and looking around the country, you don’t find that in many university journalism programs.”

Embargo on Iranian oil approved Mcclatchy tribune

LONDON — Europe slapped a boycott on Iranian oil Monday, signaling that the Islamic Republic’s second-largest market is likely to dry up as part of a U.S.-led campaign of sanctions that has already inflicted serious damage on Iran’s economy and sharply increased tensions. The value of Iran’s currency is falling dramatically, prices are rising and Iranians are stocking up on supplies in fear of worse to come. Iran, which earns an estimated 70 percent of its revenue from oil sales, has threatened to retaliate by choking off the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz at the southern end of the Persian Gulf. The U.S. says it will not permit the strait to be closed, and over the weekend sent the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln through the strait and into the gulf. There were no incidents. European officials hope the new

measures, in conjunction with tougher sanctions being imposed by Washington, will force Tehran back to the bargaining table over its nuclear enrichment program. Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes; the U.S. and its European allies suspect it of trying to build nuclear weapons. The new measure imposed by the 27-nation EU, which had been in the works for weeks, puts all new or proposed oil deals with Iran on ice. In a concession to countries in southern Europe, many of which depend more heavily on Iranian imports and are struggling economically, existing contracts can run through the end of June, giving them time to find new suppliers. Iran reacted defiantly. “The embargo will not affect Iran, and considering the economic turmoil in Europe, it will de facto hurt the EU members more than Iran,” Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of parliament’s foreign policy committee, told the ISNA

news agency. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said it would not stop Iran’s nuclear program. “Imposing economic sanctions is illogical and unfair, but will not stop our nation from obtaining its rights,” he said. In addition, the EU froze assets held in Europe by Iran’s central bank. It also proscribed trade in gold, precious metals and diamonds between the EU and Iranian public bodies. British Foreign Secretary William Hague called the package “an unprecedented set of sanctions” that ought to encourage similar action by other nations. European officials emphasized their desire to see Tehran re-enter talks over its nuclear program. “The pressure of sanctions is designed to try and make sure that Iran takes seriously our request to come to the table and meet,” Catherine Ashton,

the EU’s top diplomat, said. In the past, Europe often has resisted U.S. efforts to build pressure on Iran. “If you had told me a year or two ago that the Europeans would do something like this, I would have said you were crazy,” said Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a research group in Washington that favors strong sanctions. European governments have embraced tougher measures now partly out of frustration over Iran’s unwillingness to negotiate, but also because they fear that Israel, the United States or others could turn to military action to stop Iran’s nuclear program if economic pressure fails. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the EU embargo a step in the right direction. “Very strong and quick pressure on Iran is necessary,” he said.


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Cohen, who started the job three weeks ago, said the experience he is receiving as a technician is forcing him to see how other instruments work. “I’ve never played a woodwind instrument before, like the clarinet or saxophone, but people come in and ask questions about them, so I then have to learn that knowledge in order to help them,” Cohen said. “It’s great because the people I am normally working with are usually my friends from just being a music major. It has been good having a job where I would normally be wanting to spend my time at anyways.”

Opinions In the middle of the paper but not middle of the road. Agree. Disagree. Throw us down and stomp.


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News Tips: 621-3193 The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Eliza Molk at news@wildcat. arizona.edu or call the newsroom at 621-3193.


Daily Wildcat serving the university of arizona since 1899 Vol. 105, Issue 82

The Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 10,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief.

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Nation & World • Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Daily Wildcat •


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Bill Roth / MCT

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George Murphy, sitting with his wife Dorothea Taylor at Providence Alaska Medical Center on Sunday talks about how his wife saved his life after being attacked by a moose.

Alaskan senior fends off moose attack with shovel Mcclatchy tribune

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — An agitated moose ran down and stomped a wellknown Bush pilot from Willow, Alaska, but he was saved when his wife grabbed a shovel from their pickup truck and whacked the big animal until it backed off. George Murphy, 82, and his wife, Dorothea Taylor, 85, told the story of their recent moose encounter Sunday afternoon from Murphy’s hospital room in Anchorage, where he is recovering from gashes to his head and left leg as well as seven broken ribs. They were at the Willow Airport around 10:30 a.m. Friday running their golden retrievers as they do almost every day. They drive along the access road in their truck and let the dogs, Fellar and King Tut, run on ahead. When it came time to round up the dogs, Murphy told Taylor she could wait in the truck. “Sometimes both of us go and walk the old dog back,” Taylor said. Fellar is 12 and moves slow. Tut, his son, is 3 and can run like the dickens. “But this time it was 30 below and just too darn cold out there.” Murphy was hiking back to the truck with Fellar when he saw the moose up the road. As he first told the story, he referred to the ungulate as a bull but when he thought about it later, decided it must have been a cow. No matter. It was big, and stressed. “He was way off. Jeez, he spotted me and he started to come right after me. So I was trying to get to the truck. But I didn’t make it,” Murphy said.

At the airport, there were no trees to duck behind. Murphy dove into the deep snow for protection. And the moose came at him. “He started to stomp. Then he turned around and stomped again. And there was nothing I could do. I was afraid he was going to kill me.” Murphy, a retired state construction engineer, flew for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race nearly three decades, stopping only a couple of years ago. He once was the chief pilot for the race. He’s well known among both mushers and pilots as well as the news crews he carried to cover the race. He ran a flying service for a while and still has the 1948 Aeronica he bought back in 1966, when he first met Taylor in the then-new village of Port Lions, on Kodiak Island. He and Taylor, a retired teacher, are both familiar with wild animals. They filled their freezer with moose and caribou until they gave up hunting a couple of years back. They’ve been married some 40 years. From inside the truck, Taylor heard the dogs barking in alarm and jumped out to investigate. At 5 feet tall and 97 pounds, she is tiny but tough. Years ago, she shot and killed a trophy-size brown bear on Kodiak Island. The mount is on the wall of the home they built on 8 acres in Willow. She saw the moose rear up and strike at something on the ground with its front hooves. She didn’t know that her husband was down or that the moose was stomping him. She couldn’t see him in the snow. Tut was at the moose’s rear, barking and



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trying to nip its back legs. Fellar was standing near the moose’s front, barking like crazy too. “I thought he was trying to kill Fellar, the old dog,” Taylor said. Still unaware of the danger her husband was in, she yelled for him to come help her with the dogs. On instinct, she ran to where the action was. “And the moose started after me.” Taylor raced back to the truck but instead of jumping in for safety, she released the tailgate to look for something she could use. She grabbed a big grain shovel that they keep on hand to dig out if the truck gets stuck. She walked back to the moose, making a racket with the shovel on the road, where the snow was hard-packed. She kept shouting for her husband to get over there and help. Taylor took a swing at the moose and it backed off a little, but then it reared up and stomped its target again. It didn’t let up. “So I kept hitting it some more,” Taylor said. She swung mainly at the rump but said she got in at least one good lick to the head. She knew she was too close but what could she do? Finally, the moose turned away. “When it turned and started to go off slowly, I hit it with everything I had,” she said. Tut, the younger dog, took over and chased the moose away. “Then I saw it wasn’t Fellar the moose was after at all. He was striking over the top of Fellar, to get George.”

Britain’s Big Ben askew Mcclatchy tribune

LONDON — Time stands still for no one. In London, it doesn’t even stand straight. Big Ben, perhaps the most iconic structure in all of Britain, is leaning, and the lawmakers who work in the shadow of the famous clock tower are trying to figure out what to do about it. Members of Parliament gathered at the House of Commons on Monday to discuss a report containing some drastic solutions to deal with the problem, even though it will be thousands of years before Big Ben achieves the precarious slant of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Among the suggestions: temporarily relocating Parliament while costly repair work takes place on both the clock and the Palace of Westminster, where lawmakers meet; or selling off the entire complex to a rich foreign developer. Neither option is likely to be accepted in the near future. Nor is Big Ben expected to imminently topple over into the river that flows at its feet. “The House of Commons authorities would be surprised if the clock tower fell into the Thames any time soon,” Thomas Docherty, a Labor Party lawmaker, was quoted as saying. But “it may well be raised with the speaker (of the house) on


A. system (CNS) depressant. It interferes with the activity Yes, alcohol falls in the category of a central nervous

of various brain centers and neurochemical systems, sometimes with seeming paradoxical results. At lower doses it leads to reduced inhibitions and very high doses can suppress CNS function to the point of causing respiratory arrest and death. Matt Crossick / MCT

Parliament members gathered at the House of Commons on Monday to discuss a report containing drastic solutions to deal with the problem that Big Ben is leaning.

Monday. Given that Big Ben is situated over the speaker’s apartments, he may have a view on it.” A surveyor’s report last year revealed the top of the 314-foot-tall tower to be about 18 inches off the vertical. The tilt (0.26 degrees northwest, to be exact) lies at the tipping point, as it were, at which the lean becomes visible to the naked

eye, an engineering expert told the BBC on Monday. The cause remains unclear. Natural subsidence is one possibility, as the clay that lies deep beneath the clock slowly dries out. There has also been tunneling in the area in recent years to build a multilevel parking lot and to extend one of London’s Underground lines.

Washington poised to pass same-sex marriage legislation Mcclatchy tribune

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Democratic state Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen announced Monday that she supports gay-marriage legislation in Washington state’s Senate, giving proponents the 25 votes needed for passage. The state House already has enough lawmakers in support of the measure to approve it. Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire backs the bill as well. Democratic state Sen. Ed Murray, prime sponsor of the measure in the Senate, had thought he would have to put the legislation up for a floor vote without knowing the outcome. That all changed Monday. “I know this announcement makes me the so-called 25th vote, the vote that

Is alcohol considered a drug?

ensures passage. That’s neither here nor there. If I were the first or the seventh or the 28th vote, my position would not be any different,” Haugen said in a statement. “I happen to be the 25th because I insisted on taking this much time to hear from my constituents and to sort it out for myself, to reconcile my religious beliefs with my beliefs as an American, as a legislator, and as a wife and mother who cannot deny to others the joys and benefits I enjoy,” she added. Haugen said her preference would be to send the issue to voters to decide, but there aren’t the votes in the Legislature to do that. Murray praised Haugen as courageous, noting her district is divided politically. “This was a very difficult decision for her to make, personally and politically,” he

said. “These were heart-to-heart discussions and she worked through her own process.” The announcement comes on the same day that supporters and opponents of gay marriage packed hearings on the legislation in the state House and Senate. Murray testified in the Senate Government Operations, Tribal Relations and Elections Committee that he had been waiting for 17 years for a chance to ask the Legislature to legalize gay marriage. “Ultimately,” he said, “this bill is about people who love and cherish each other and wish to honor that commitment through marriage.” Opponents have vowed to challenge legalization of same-sex marriage at the ballot.

What makes alcohol a drug? It’s all about chemistry; the brain contains many types of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) that act as communication agents between different brain cells. These chemical messengers are molecular substances that can affect mood, appetite, anxiety, sleep, heart rate, temperature, aggression, fear, and many other psychological and physical states. College students drink to socialize and feel that alcohol helps by lowering inhibitions and “making” them more social (talkative, outgoing, fun).* However, if the brain becomes dependent upon the substance to release the good neurotransmitters, the drinker can become addicted. So why do some people say alcohol is not a drug? Perhaps, because it’s legal if you’re 21; perhaps, because alcohol is socially and culturally acceptable as opposed to illegal drugs. Confusion is exacerbated by health literature and professionals referring to substances as “alcohol and other drugs.” Alcohol has been called one of the world’s most devastating drugs in terms of health and social consequences (second only to nicotine). Drugs are of course a complicated topic to talk about, for many reasons – almost any drug can be fatal if used improperly, and psychological and social effects are more difficult to quantify than physical harms. *Balanced Placebo Design research from A. Marlatt at the University of Washington demonstrated that the desired effects from alcohol consumption were not actually due to the alcohol itself, but rather the belief, or expectation, that the beverage contained alcohol.

Average drinks per hour the last time UA students drank (median) = 1. (2011 Health & Wellness Survey, N=2,479)

Got a question about alcohol?

Email it to redcup@email.arizona.edu


The Red Cup Q&A is written by Lynn Reyes, LCSW, LSAC, David Salafsky, MPH, Lee Ann Hamilton, MA, CHES, and Spencer Gorin, RN, in the Health Promotion and Preventive Services (HPPS) department of the UA Campus Health Service.


Daily Wildcat

• Page 4

Perspectives Editor: Michelle A. Monroe • 520.621.7581 • letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

Election overly focused on gays Ashley T. Powell Daily Wildcat


residential candidates continue to express to us their hopes for this country, what they will change if elected and issues that need to be addressed in America. However this year’s past and current candidates are expressing too much of a concern about homosexuality. Today’s primary issues include the U.S. debt, war, education, crime and immigration, not homosexuality. In particular two Republican candidates, Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, made an unnecessary ordeal about gay marriage and homosexuals serving in the military. Bachman expressed her views on homosexuality by holding a clinic that allowed homosexuals to “pray away the gay.” According to ABC News, this clinic is there to help homosexuals become attracted to the opposite sex through prayer and effort. This is wrong. There will always be those that want to make other people’s personal business their business too. However, as the president of the United States, they should never concern themself with an individual’s personal life. The president needs to be concerned with the country as a whole, not about who a citizen is sleeping with or engaged to. It’s a state’s right to decide whether same-sex marriage will be legal or not; it is not a federal issue. Therefore, since these candidates are running for federal office, it should be none of their concern. On the other hand, Perry expressed his views regarding gays in the military through his outrageous campaign ad. In his commercial he claimed that there is something wrong with this country if gay men and women can openly serve in the military, while children cannot celebrate Christmas or pray in schools. If elected, Perry claimed he would rebuild this country on faith and end President Barack Obama’s war on religion. While these candidates have officially withdrawn — thank goodness — that was still an ad that should never have been released and a clinic that should never have been held. There are bigger things happening in America. Two current Republican candidates that share a negative viewpoint on homosexuality are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Gingrich opposes the marriage of same-sex couples while Romney opposes the idea of allowing gays and lesbians to serve actively in the U.S. military. The controversy here is that Gingrich’s ex-wife reported on ABC that he asked for an open marriage, an agreement that would allow both husband and wife to have sexual relationships outside of the marriage. Whenever confronted, Gingrich expresses how much he hates being asked about it. Considering that, how dare he ask about the personal and sexual lives of others. As candidates address issues in debates and speeches, homosexuality should not be classified as issue. Stephen Hill, a solider in Iraq, was booed at a Republican debate in September 2011 after asking via video about the repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” This is one of the only federal homosexual issues that has been discussed, and rather than discourse, the result was hatred. It is hard to understand in what ways a person’s sexual orientation should be an issue when a man or woman is brave enough to fight for this country. Our future president should not be concerned with sexual orientations and with whom he or she wants to marry, but rather the pressing issues that concern the U.S. as a whole. — Ashley T. Powell is a journalism sophomore. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

PULSE OF THE PAC See what other Pacific-12 Conference schools have been talking about.

The Daily Bruin UCLA

Oregon Daily Emerald Oregon “The digital age of activism is here”

“Passing the Dream Act is only half the battle” Now that the controversial California Dream Act and Assembly Bills 130 and 131 have passed, it would seem undocumented students applying to the University of California will finally receive the same financial aid benefits as all other students. As of Jan. 1, AB 130 is in effect and undocumented students are free to apply for privately funded scholarships and grants. The only thing students need to do is submit the financial aid application. The catch? There is no application. Many undocumented students do not have a Social Security number and are unable to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. So although the passage of these bills was a significant victory for undocumented students and supporters of immigration rights, the UC and the California Student Aid Commission have yet to devise a financial aid application they can use. Because the UC advocated for the passage of the Dream Act, it should have been prepared for its passage with plans for an application prior to the date that aid became accessible to undocumented students. Now the UC should work quickly to ensure that students will actually receive the aid they are now eligible for. Think applying for financial aid as an undocumented student will be easy? Think again.

State Press ASU “Overexposed: Sex on the brain”

You might not know it, but you’re thinking about sex right now. Don’t look so embarrassed, my collegiate constituency. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, you can’t help it. The fact is we’re wired to think about sex subconsciously at any given moment. Watch the Discovery Channel documentary, “The Science of Sex Appeal.” It turns out we are biologically hardwired, emotionally programmed and culturally trained to think about sex in an almost nonstop capacity. Dr. Terri Fisher of the Ohio State University at Mansfield recently conducted an experiment in which college-aged students counted on a golf tracker the number of times they thought about sex per day. Men aged 18-25 think about sex an average of 34 times per day. Women of the same age range averaged nearly 19 times per day. Of course we’re going to think about sex all the time. Before we can even make a conscious decision to seek it out, it’s slapping us in the face on television, in movies, comics, Internet pop-ups and schoolyard rumors. Now let me be clear: I am not anti-sex, at all. And I’m against censorship completely. I’m just posing the questions: Have we perhaps gone too far with — Sam Bouchat, Jan. 21 issue the in-your-face sex thing? Do I want to be thinking about sex 20 times a day? And, more to the point, do I really have a choice in the matter?

In the wake of the widespread website blackouts in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act, and the consequential dismissal of said act, the concept of Internet activism has come into the public eye. The Internet is fast becoming the catalyst for political and social movements across the globe, and this relatively new means of expression allows for the public and private involvement of the largest amount of people of any activist movement ever. The key to any movement is widespread knowledge, and that’s something the internet can provide. In the age where social media and sitting in front of a lit screen for hours becomes the new norm in human communication, it becomes less difficult to get people’s attention. Last week, with various popular websites like Reddit and Wikipedia blacking out in protest, 4.5 million Internet users signed an anti-SOPA petition and 18 senators withdrew their support of the bill. The Internet is the new picket line and, if used correctly, can be the most effective tool for social progress since the written word.

— Mary Clark, Jan. 20 issue


the show has focused on depicting children of a wide variety of cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds in lots An illustration of a candidate in a of different settings. Of course, the UFO graced the Perspectives page on basic concepts such as the “ABCs” and Wednesday, Jan. 11. One incumbent “123s” are important, but so is cultural signed the National Defense sensitivity. Kids learn this by being Authorization Act on December 31, exposed to many different experiences 2011. One candidate stood on the and people. It is important for kids floor of the Senate on Wednesday, to see not only themselves mirrored Jan. 18 to protest it. (This was also on television and in books, but also the day of news-engulfing SOPA children who are NOT like them. protests.) Those who scream tin foil Regarding breastfeeding, it has about a candidate should at least read obviously been stigmatized in our the text of the NDAA. society. The author cites an example of a Target breastfeeding “sit-in” in Robert Thompson response to a women having been astronomy junior asked to go into fitting room. Why should she have to go into hiding In response to the Jan. 23 column like she’s performing some lewd act? titled, “Breastfeeding not good topic Because of the stigma, the Target for ‘Sesame Street’ program” employees were uncomfortable with I completely disagree with Ms. the woman’s breastfeeding. How do Hurly. Childhood learning is more we “de-stigmatize” something? By than just letters and numbers, and teaching people, especially children, thankfully ‘Sesame Street’ recognizes another way of thinking. that. Since its inception in 1969, When my children were babies I

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

— Alesha Rimmelin, Jan. 22 issue

often breastfed them in front of my formerly bottle-fed preschool-aged nieces and nephews. They would stare at me and ask all sorts of questions, which I was happy to answer. What small children see in front of them today becomes “normal” to them … and what will be “normal” for them as adults. Even if they themselves didn’t get breastfed, they now see it as a part of the human experience that is perfectly acceptable and okay. Perhaps if the Target employees who kicked the breastfeeding mother out had seen more images of breastfeeding as children, they wouldn’t have had such a negative response. All forms of intolerance – from racism to homophobia to being antibreastfeeding – are learned behaviors. I encourage ‘Sesame Street’ to continue its great work in promoting a more diverse and healthy society. The only way to make breastfeeding a more “normal” activity is through positive discussion and imagery amongst all members of our society

– even the smallest. Shannon Twilling, anthropologist Arizona State Museum

ONLINE In response to the Jan. 23 column titled, “Breastfeeding not good topic for ‘Sesame Street’ program” I am offended that showing the functionality of breasts is considered not education. It’s sad that babies can look at magazine in the grocery store line that show off boobs on almost everyone to be sex objects but teaching their proper functional and nurturing purpose and letting them know that it is ok to not use formula, is educational and can save money as well as boost immunities to your baby, increase bonding and save millions in doctor/hospital visits. Leyla Forrest El Mirage, Ariz.

CONTACT US | The Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. • Email letters to: letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

• Snail mail to: 615 N. Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719

• Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, major, etc.) and contact information.

• Letters should be no longer than 350 words and should refrain from personal attacks.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 •


Police Beat By Elliot P. Hopper Daily Wildcat

Taillight tells all

A University of Arizona Police Department officer pulled over a student on Friday at 9:45 p.m. for having a broken taillight. The officer pulled him over on Sixth Street and Park Avenue and asked for his driver’s license and registration. The student said he was not aware why he was pulled over. The officer responded, “Your rear taillight is broken.” Before the officer walked to his car to verify the student’s license, the student told him, “My license is suspended from a prior DUI.” The license suspension was confirmed and the student was placed under arrest and put in the back of a police car. Another officer arrived on scene and transported the student to Pima County Jail. He was booked for driving with a suspended license. The officer still on sight listed the vehicle for impoundment. The vehicle was towed. The student’s personal items, including his laptop and backpack, were taken into a warehouse for safekeeping by UAPD.

You snooze, you lose

The UA Main Library contacted UAPD on Thursday at 10:30 p.m. due to a student continuously falling asleep at a computer. The librarians had advised the student that sleeping in the library is not permitted, and that if he was going to fall asleep, they would contact the police. He told the librarian, “I was simply using the computer and dazed off.” Thirty minutes later the librarian noticed that the student was asleep again. She called UAPD and they arrived on the scene in minutes. The officers approached the student and began waking him up. Instantly the police noticed the heavy odor of intoxicants coming from his breath. The officer asked for his driver’s license and if he had been drinking earlier. The man said, “Nah I was just using the computer.” The officer noticed that he was not logged onto the computer. The officer then told the student that sleeping in the library is not allowed and that he would have to be escorted out of the building. The officer noticed the student slurring his speech and staggering, but it was not enough to charge him. As the student and officers exited the library, the officers advised the student not to return until the following day because his privileges of entry were banned for the night. UAPD officers watched the student walk to the bus stop and entered his information into their system for trespassing in the UA libraries under intoxication and sleeping.

Coconino Residence Hall lights up

UAPD was dispatched to Coconino Residence Hall on Friday at 8:10 p.m. to investigate possible possession of drugs and alcohol. The call was made by one of the hall’s resident assistants. The officer arrived on scene and told the RA to take him to the room that smelled like marijuana. The officer investigated around the area before entering the room and noticed faint smells of marijuana as well. A male student answered the door and the UAPD officer asked him if he could enter the room. The student replied, “Yeah, sure, what’s up?” The officer told the student that he had been called in because the student’s room had a heavy scent of marijuana coming from it. The officer searched the room, finding a bottle of vodka, small bags of marijuana and lighters. The officer asked the student if the weed and alcohol were his, and he answered yes. The student was then read his rights and placed under arrest for the possession of drugs, minor in possession of alcohol and the possession of drug paraphernalia. The student was then issued a citation.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.

Campus Events

Arizona Intramurals Registration Period Grab some friends and sign up your team for one of these Season C sports: Spring Basketball, Co-Rec Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, and Whiffleball. You can play as a beginner (desert), intermediate (sunset), or advanced (cactus) level. We offer men’s, women’s, co-rec, Greek and graduate/professional leagues. Wednesday, January 11-Wednesday, January 25 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Student Recreation Center

LGBTQA Support Group This group is a safe space for UA students to talk in an open and supportive environment about issues impacting their lives and the LGBTQ and Allied community. Students can discuss topics ranging from coming out to making new friends, from the media to gender identity. Facilitated by LGBT staff to provide resources and guidance if needed, the group is free and confidential. Please drop in - no need to call! For more information, please contact Martie van der Voort, MC, LPC, 621-3334 or email: vandervoort@health.arizona.edu. As confidentiality is an important aspect of the group, the group is not open to individuals writing papers for classes or other projects. Room 412 is located on the 4th floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, directly across from the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) and next to Career Services. Tue, January 24, 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Science, Technology & Art: A SISTA Exhibition The School of Information: Science, Technology & Arts (SISTA) is pleased to announce our first exhibition to be held in the University of Arizona Student Union Gallery, running from January 17th to February 9th. Admission is free and open to the public. This juried exhibition includes work by UA faculty, staff, and students who are blurring the lines between art, research, technology, and science. Information about SISTA can be found at http://sista.arizona.edu or by e-mailing info@sista.arizona.edu. Union Gallery Hours: Monday - Wednesday and Friday: 12pm - 6pm, Thursdays: 12pm - 8pm

Wildcat Calendar Campus Events

Improv Comedy: Charles Darwin Experience FREE! The Charles Darwin Experience: The UA’s only all improv comedy group performs every Tuesday night in the Gallagher Theater at 10:10 pm. It’s an hour long show and completely FREE. So take a break from your mundane lives and enjoy the hilarity!

Ansel Adams: The View from Here Perhaps no photographer’s work has enjoyed such popularity as Ansel Adams’s awe-inspiring views of the natural world. His early trips to the Yosemite wilderness in the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s informed the stylistic approach that made him famous. These treks included not only the physical activities of hiking, camping, and mountain climbing, but also social, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual elements. With forty photographs and supporting documents from the Ansel Adams Archive, Ansel Adams: The View from Here explores the relationship between Adams’s magical photographs of the American landscape - both its panoramic vistas and its intimate details - and how he came to understand the importance of his natural environment. Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, Saturday & Sunday, 1pm – 4pm through March 4th at The Center for Creative Photography: 1030 North Olive Road.

“Mapping Arizona: From Mexican Territory to U.S. State” (exhibit) This is new exhibit on display in the UA Main Library from Jan. 6 – March 28, 2012, details the path Arizona took to become a state – first as part of the Territory of New Mexico, then as the Territory of Arizona, finally attaining statehood in 1912. In addition to an array of historical maps, “Mapping Arizona” also includes books and unique documents selected from Special Collections extensive holdings. These additional materials offer insight into the stories that accompany the lines, boundaries, and borders within the maps. UA Main Library, 1510 E. University Blvd.

January 24

Campus Events

“Healing in Tucson - The Healing Response to the Violence of January 8, 2011” Exhibit The University of Arizona Medical Center – South Campus is holding an art exhibit that focuses on the healing process and response to the tragedy, which killed six and injured 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The exhibit features pieces created by visual artists in Southern Arizona. The Behavioral Health Pavilion Gallery is open for viewing 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1:30-4 p.m. on weekends through February 26th. The University of Arizona Medical Center - South Campus. 2800 E. Ajo Way Room: The Behavioral Health Pavilion Gallery

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours A behind-the-scenes look on Tuesdays and Fridays at the cutting-edge optical technology involved in making giant telescope mirrors at Steward Observatory Mirror Lab, University of Arizona. Tours are conducted at 1 p.m and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Advance reservations are required and can be made by calling 520-626-8792. Admission: $15 adults, $8 students.933 N. Cherry Ave., N208 Campus Rec Tennis Class Registration Start playing tennis with instruction and advice for beginners on strokes, strategies, and rules. An emphasis will also be placed on strokes such as forehands, backhands, serves, and volleys. It is a great way to learn a new sport and perfect for someone who has never played or has little experience on the court. If you want to start playing a new sport… this class is for you! Register in person or online at: http://campusrec.arizona. edu/ Class requirement: Tennis Racquet. Register at the Student Recreationn Center, 1400 East 6th Street, 10am – 6pm Monday, January 23rd through Friday, January 27th


ATC Presents Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The 39 Steps’ Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have … Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps. A mind-blowing cast of four actors play over 150 characters in this fast-paced tale of an ordinary man on an extraordinarily entertaining adventure. Broadway’s most intriguing, most riotous, most unmissable Tony-winning comedy smash proves that anything the movies can do, the theatre can do more hilariously! January 14, 2012 - February 04, 2012. Times vary. Arizona Theatre Company presents at Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Church Ave. Phone: 520-622-2823 Carnival of Illusion/A Magical Journey Around the World Laugh, have fun, and celebrate as Carnival of Illusion presents national-quality magic in an oldworld setting limited to just 35 guests at Doubletree Hotel Reid Park. At Carnival of Illusion, you’ll have a magical evening performed in an intimate old world setting. Whether you’re having dinner with friends and family or celebrating a special occasion, Carnival of Illusion is the perfect place for a fun special magical evening. Buy advance tickets at www. carnivalofillusion.com Phone: 520-6155299. 445 S. Alvernon Way. Fridays and Saturdays at 6p.m. through May 2012.

ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email calendar@dailywildcat.com or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

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brAnd new HigH‑end boutique house just finished, bike to UofA. 3bd, 2ba, beautiful kitchen, stainless steel appliances, w/d, a/c. Great for UofA students. Must see! 222 E. Elm. 520-885-5292 520-841-2871 iron HorSe 2br/ 1Bath. All utilities, internet, cable TV, and shared laundry facility included. Off-street parking. Great condition & location. Near UofA, 4th Ave, and Downtown. $900/ month. Available March 1. Family owned and managed. Call Paul 520-3703456 nw deSert CASitA. Beautiful mountain sunsets. 1Bed +Office, pool, screened patio. Easy commute. $700. Lease incl water. 9820221. See more, visit http://rattlesnakerancharizona.blogspot.com/ SAm HugHeS 3bd/ 2ba dbl garage $1400 ALSO 6bd house washer/ dryer, pets ok $1800 REDI 520-623-5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com wAlk to CAmpuS IN FY12! 3,4 &5bdm newer homes! 1block to UofA! A/C, Gar & all appl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776

beAutiFul CAtAlinA FootHillS Home. 3br/ 2ba Campbell/Skyline/Alvernon area near Finger Rocks Trailhead; 3897 E. Diablo Canyon; Nice kitchen, Garage, 1631sqft, great privacy; $239,000, Chuck 520-7952176 or Marie at 520-240-2127, ChuckLSee@Hotmail.com minidorm For SAle Newer 5BR/ 3BA $430K 6blocks from UofA 744 E. Adams Street Oscar Ramirez/ Assoc. Broker 520-360-7600/ 918-6585 ORamirez.LongRealty.com

6bloCkS From uA. Available August 1. Remodeled 3BD/ 2BA, 1800sqft, hardwood floors, W/D, large fenced yard. $1450/mo. 7514363 or 409-3010. 825 n. 2nd AVe. (SpeedwAY/ Euclid) 2bd with den, $1050 Located Five blocks from the UofA main gate and University Blvd shops and restaurants. Beautiful two bedroom house in the historic district. Catch the streetcar minutes from your front door to Fourth Avenue and downtown. Fireplace, hardwood floors, updated kitchen with newer cabinets, sink and dishwasher with newer appliances. Washer, dryer, fenced yard and great front porch. Remodeled bathroom with porcelain tile, new vanity, light fixtures, sink and faucet. Will not last long! view pictures at www.prestigepropertymgmt.com

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roommates wanted for Sam Hughes 2bedroom apartment. one roommate to begin lease August of 2012 and one to be‑ gin lease in january of 2013. Contact lindsay at (512‑964‑ 1121)

2bd 1bA FireplACe. 2parking spaces, water paid. Renter’s insurance required, only $12.50/mo. 1month rent free. $800/mo. Call Sheila at 520-465-9461 3bedroom 3bAtHroom townHomeS. Luxury Townhomes. Right off the 3rd Street bike path. 3168E 4th. Call Jesse @321-3335 bike to CAmpuS IN FY12! 1,2 &3bdm Townhomes & Condos! A/C, Gar, FREE WIFI & all appl. www.GoldenWestManagement.com 520-790-0776

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Sports scoreboard:


Daily Wildcat

• Page 7

Sports Editor: Alex Williams • 520.621.2956 • sports@wildcat.arizona.edu

NBA Philadelphia 103, Washington 83

Dallas 93, Phoenix 87

NCAAB No. 4 Syracuse 60, Cincinnati 53

Who’s in, who’s out? Winning Pac-12 Tourney is only chance for Arizona

Pac-12 will get at least two teams in despite struggles By Mike Schmitz

By Alex Williams

Daily Wildcat

Daily Wildcat

When the dust settles and the Pac-12 Conference pecking order is finally solidified, two teams will make the NCAA Tournament cut. That isn’t to say the Pac-12 features two dominating squads manning the controls at the top of the standings, because that’s not the case. Cal and Stanford proved that this past weekend when the Cardinal was swept by the Washington schools and the Golden Bears fell to Wazzu. No team is safe in this conference of mediocrity. But the fact of the matter is there’s so much parity it’s almost certain the regular season champs won’t march through the Pac-12 Tournament unscathed and earn an automatic bid to the big dance. So let’s assume Cal, who’s currently tied for first with Oregon, wins the regular season title and earns an at-large bid to the tournament, as is customary protocol for most semi-major conferences. While the Golden Bears are experienced and talented with guards Allen Crabbee and Jorge Gutierrez, Cal isn’t good enough to win back-toback games against other Pac-12 teams hungry for a taste of the tournament. The Golden Bears lost to Missouri by 39, UNLV by 27, and have also fallen to Oregon State and Washington State. Even if Oregon, Stanford or Arizona captured the Pac-12 regular season title, they’ve all proven too inconsistent to predict if any of them will win the conference tournament as well. The fact of the matter is, the Pac-12 is bad, which will likely lead to two NCAA Tournament bids — one from the regular season champions and one from the conference tournament victor. Whether he uses the same logic or not, ESPN bracketologist Joe Lunardi agrees. Lunardi has Cal in as a nine-seed and Stanford in as a 12-seed with Arizona and Oregon in the first four out.

The Pac-12 is a mix of teams that fall somewhere in the range of terrible, mediocre and slightly above average. Last time I checked, slightly above average teams don’t get at-large bids to the NCAA Tournament. By the time it’s all said and done, the Pac12 champion will have either lost a game by 40 points, lost by double-digits at home to a school from South Dakota, or lost at home to a Division II school. It might be possible to overlook each team’s miserable time in the nonconference schedule if they looked somewhat capable in conference play. Cal and Stanford had a shot at doing that last weekend, but both failed. Arizona had a chance to put a road sweep together but dropped a very winnable game at Colorado a week after losing another should-be win at home against Oregon. If there’s one team in the conference that’s proved itself anywhere near worthy of an at-large bid, it’s Oregon, but the Ducks lost to every competent team they played during their non-conference slate. In a typical year, the Pac-12 regularseason champion would be all but guaranteed a bid. But this season, the regular-season champ will likely finish with five losses in a bad conference and won’t have a defining non-conference win. Oregon State’s Jared Cunningham is the conference’s closest thing to a surefire NBA player, and his Beavers sit at 3-5 in the Pac-12. A conference without great players isn’t going to have good teams. A conference without good teams isn’t going to get an at-large berth to the NCAA Tournament.

— Mike Schmitz is a marketing senior. He can Colin Darland / Daily Wildcat be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Arizona forward Solomon Hill drives to the basket against Colorado on Saturday. The Wildcats’ only hope Twitter via @WildcatHoops.

— Alex Williams is the sports editor. He can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatHoops.

of making the NCAA Tournament may be winning the Pac-12 Tournament in Los Angeles.

Recruiting a challenge for club hockey teams Players, coaches have tough decision when it comes to school choice By Kyle Johnson Daily Wildcat

For hockey players with the ability to play collegiately, the choices for playing at a university aren’t as clear-cut when compared to athletes in other sports. The elite players are recruited and go to one of the 58 schools that have D-I hockey programs, just like football or basketball. But for the players who sit just below that level, things begin to get a little murky. “Every hockey player grows up wanting to go NCAA Division I hockey, but that’s a tough road,” Arizona forward Jeff Wadhams said. In addition to already being limited to less than 60 schools, head coach Sean Hogan said that most schools only have 18 scholarships to hand out, while several only have 12, and a select few, like the University of Connecticut, have none. After the spots are filled up, the opportunity to get their education paid for is gone. Players then have to either try to walk-on to one of those D-I schools,

play Division III NCAA hockey or look to some other avenue. And that’s where Arizona jumps in. “We’re going after the kids that are borderline NCAA Division 1 players that aren’t getting offered a scholarship,” Hogan said. “So we’re essentially competing against NCAA Division III (for players) because they do the same thing.” Coaches can recruit players from all different places, ranging from junior hockey leagues, to prep schools, to players just coming out of high school. Hogan said he primarily looks at the junior hockey level when he recruits. The challenges in recruiting don’t only fall to the coaches — players have a much bigger role in determining where they actually play. Potential recruits essentially search for schools that meet their own personal needs and then proceed to contact a school’s coach to broach the possibility of playing at that school. Both Wadhams and forward Eric Watters contacted previous coach Leo Golembiewski first and then exchanged emails and information with his wife, who was running the contact phase of recruiting at the time. For Watters, the most important part about his decision was education, so

when he couldn’t find a Division III school with an engineering major, he decided to stay in-state and go to Arizona, he said. But, just because Watters found a school that fit his criteria, it wasn’t guaranteed he’d become a Wildcat. Since Arizona hockey is a club team, it holds tryouts every year to see who will make the roster. This forces players to decide on a school without knowing if they’ll actually be able to play there. Players have to balance their decision between playing at the best school possible and picking one they actually have a shot at making, Watters said. Watters came to the UA from Phoenix, so his decision didn’t come with much risk. But for someone like Wadhams, who moved from New York, or forward Dumas Maugile, who moved from London, the choice was much more difficult. “If you do make the team … you build a good chemistry with the coach, and throughout the year you’re still trying out for the next season to show that you belong to be there,” Wadhams said. “It’s definitely a risk, but you just have to trust yourself.” If Hogan has been contacting a player for a while, they should feel fairly safe about their spot on the team, but

Amy Webb / Daily Wildcat

The Arizona hockey team faces a number of challenges trying to recruit as a club sport, as opposed to an NCAA-governed program.

the lack of roster security is still an obstacle to overcome. This was especially true this last year since coach Hogan, who has an entirely different philosophy and structure of coaching, took the reins from Golembiewski. The American Collegiate Hockey Association can’t compete with D-I when it comes to the opportunity to play professionally or the monetary advantages. While Hogan said the ACHA does

offer the same opportunity to go to minor league professional teams as DIII schools do, for some the club team offers something even more important. College hockey is more about the experience than a stepping stone to professional hockey, Watters said. “It’s possible to move on from ACHA, but you got to work really hard at it,” he said. “If it happens, it happens, but I just want to play.”

Women’s hoops must get creative to draw fans


he women’s basketball team held a “White Out” for its game against Colorado on Sunday. The purpose of which, presumably, was to get some fans in the stands and capitalize on the fact that the Wildcats would be playing in front of a national TV audience. It works with the men’s basketball team, so why not the women’s? The answer is in the question — women. Now, before letters are written and comments are posted calling me a sexist, just hear me out. In athletics, especially at the collegiate level and in basketball, women’s teams are simply not as popular as the men’s team. That’s built into the system, especially at the University of Arizona. The men’s basketball team has been the main

white out last year against Washington, 14,619 fans attended an Arizona win. Even in an exhibition game against lowly Humboldt State earlier this season, the Wildcats still welcomed nearly 12,000 fans. So by the simple force of an elementary school Zack Rosenblatt promotion, women’s hoops had its eighth-best Daily Wildcat showing of all time. Simply put, Arizona needs to market its women’s basketball team better. The focus of sports fans, and the athletic department, fact that the team is in the middle of a winning in the city of Tucson for years. That’s never going season is just icing on the cake. to change, whether it is fair or not. I’m not a marketing expert, nor am I even How can the gap be narrowed? What needs to a marketing major, but it’s pretty clear what change is actually pretty simple — marketing. needs to be done. The stands might never be The men’s team gets all the marketing it could completely filled, but if, at the very least, the possibly need, but even without it, attendance atmosphere and popularity of the women’s would never be an issue. basketball program can increase incrementally, The announced attendance at Sunday’s that would be a boon not only for recruiting but women’s game was 1,861. Against North Texas in also for team confidence. November, the Wildcats held a “Field Trip day,” Arizona needs to start some sort of clever where elementary students from the Tucson advertising campaign, and head coach Niya area came to watch Arizona play. Because of that Butts needs to be at the center of it. Butts is special promotion, the team welcomed 4,327 charismatic, funny and willing to do what it takes fans, which ranks as the eighth highest total in to get fans in the stands. She also happens to be a program history. good basketball coach. By comparison, when the men’s team held a Take a page out of Jackie Moon’s playbook. In

“Semi-Pro”, the singer-owner-coach-player and marketing extraordinaire went to extremes to get fans in the stands. He wrestled a bear at halftime of a game. Who wouldn’t pay to see Niya Butts, or anyone really, fight a bear at halftime of a women’s basketball game? Obviously, that’s not going to happen. But if the athletic department wants to help out one of its top female athletic programs, then it needs to start getting creative. If not, the athletic department might just have to find a way to bus the elementary school students to McKale for every game. And that’s an idea even Jackie Moon might find unreasonable. Dick Young, a hall-of-fame sportswriter, once said, “Fans are the only ones who really care.” Everyone might not be an avid follower of the women’s basketball program, and that’s fine. But if the athletic department wants to maintain a competitive program, it’s time to make the fans care. — Zack Rosenblatt is the assistant sports editor. He can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatSports.



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