Artificial neural networks Infostore uses technology to optimize server performance

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ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: INFOSTORE USES TECHNOLOGY TO OPTIMIZE SERVER PERFORMANCE By Pedro Mussi, CEO of InfoStore and Mundo do Servidor InfoStore Group estimate is an optimization of up to 65% on servers with application of RNA principles Salvador, 08/12/2019 - What differentiates human beings from other forms of life? Certainly, it is the ability to reason. And this is precisely the search behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) studies: to provide the computer with this particular ability to think. Within the vast field of Computer Science, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), stand out for presenting a mathematical model inspired by the neural structure of intelligent organisms, a computational technology that seeks to equip the computer of “intelligence” through experience, a topic commonly addressed also when we speak of Deep Learning (from English, Deep Learning). ANNs have been in evidence in the academic and business world in recent years, with applications in the financial market for forecasting actions, in facial recognition, in audio recognition, in word processing, among others. Complex learning architectures, such as deep neural networks, have been applied in diverse fields such as: computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, audio recognition, social network filtering, automatic translation, bioinformatics, drug design, analysis of medical images, material inspection and board game, where they have produced comparable results and in some cases superior to those of human specialists. RNA as a solution for server optimization With the mission of "being a reference company in customer service in the supply of specific products and advanced technical services in computer science", Pedro Henrique Mussi de Amorim Brandão created the InfoStore, in 2004, making specific products available to the Brazilian market. technical knowledge. In partnerships with American companies that manufacture parts and pieces of Servers and Equipment for Data Centers and together with international logistics companies, Infostore started to meet the needs of large companies in Brazil such as: Organizações Globo, Petrobras, Ibovespa, CBF - Confederação Brasileira de Football, virtually all banks and public companies. Work developed through advice and analysis of the solution to the customer's problem, with control of deadlines for the delivery of services, IT equipment and cost optimization of projects.

Based on this concept, the Server X-Ray system is exposed to a daily load of processes sent to customers' servers, analyzing them and seeking to classify processes through prior knowledge, developing an experience, which evolves towards the acquisition of knowledge and learning. “We are developing an RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) system for servers. Currently, the market has great remote monitoring tools, but almost entirely focused on the computer park as a whole. When we decided to specialize in the server side, we sought to fill a gap not yet filled by any company in the world market. Our challenge is to create a server performance management and optimization system that aims to serve from a small business to a data center with thousands of equipment. Our tool is capable of monitoring and managing everyday tasks such as upgrades and security patches”, says Pedro Mussi. In order to reach the world market, the software will be launched in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The Infostore Group estimate is an optimization of up to 65% on servers. “If we take into account the costs of hardware and software licensing for the acquisition of a server park, this optimization can generate great savings for customers”.

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