Searching internet for Arif Patel bio and background information

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Searching internet for Arif Patel bio and background information

Arif Patel is a name shared by several individuals. One Arif Patel is a cricket player who has played in the SMA Trophy.

Another Arif Patel studied medicine and completed an Orthopaedic residency in Karachi, Pakistan, before moving to England in 1991.

Where he continued his orthopaedic and surgical training at hospitals in the South West Thames region, qualifying as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1993

Accountant Arif Patel

Have you been looking for an accountant that can help you save money? Look no further than Arif Patel! He specializes in personal and business taxation, costing and cash flow strategies.

If you're like most people, your taxes are a headache. Arif Patel is here to help - he's an accountant with over 20 years of experience!

Need an accountant but don't know where to start? Check out Arif Patel! He's a highly experienced accountant who can help you get organized and save money on your taxes.

Hotelier Arif Patel

Arif Patel is a well-known hotelier who has made significant contributions to the hotel industry in India[1]. He was most recently the Regional Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Hyatt India[2].

Prior to that, he was the Regional Director of Sales and Marketing for South Asia at Starwood Hotels and Resorts[1] . He has also worked for AccorHotels as Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Distribution for India[1][3].

Dr. Arif Patel is a psychiatrist with over six years of experience, currently based in Detroit, Michigan[1] [2]. He completed his medical degree at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine[3] .

Dr. Patel is affiliated with the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center[2] . He is known for being a great listener and for making his patients feel validated[1] .

Doctor Arif Patel Videographer Arif Patel

Arif Patel is an internationally published portrait videographer based out of Preston City, UK. His work tends towards the monochromatic and dramatic, incorporating traditional and contemporary elements of style.

Arif’s videography unravel the layers of intricate surrealistic and humanistic details that lie below the surface, beholding new appreciations of portraiture and fashion.

Arif Patel Info

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 Who is Arif Patel? | Arif Patel Dubai | Arif Patel Preston UK | EP Properties

 Arif Patel UK | Arif Patel Preston Bio, Career & Success Stories

 Arif Patel & Arif Umarji Patel Preston UK

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