Journal of Osseointegration 2011_#1

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ISSN (Print): 2036-413X ISSN (Online): 2036-412I Journal of Osseointegration Vol. 3, N. 1 Marzo 2011 quadrimestrale © 2011 Ariesdue Srl V. Airoldi, 11-22060 Carimate (Co) Grafica e web Michele Moscatelli Simone Porro Journal of Osseointegration è organo ufficiale IAfIL (International Academy for Immediate Loading). Non è permessa la riproduzione di articoli della rivista senza l’autorizzazione scritta dell’editore. Tutti gli articoli pubblicati sulla rivista sono redatti sotto la responsibilità dell’autore. La rivista Journal of Osseointegration è spedita in abbonamento: l’indirizzo in nostro possesso verrà utilizzato per l’invio di questa e di altre pubblicazioni o per l’inoltro di proposte di abbonamento. Ai sensi della legge 675/96 sulla tutela della privacy, è nel diritto del ricevente richiedere la cessazione dell’invio e/o l’aggiornamento dei dati. Registrazione del Tribunale di Como n. 12-08 del 14.4.2008 Stampa: Grafiche SIMA Srl Ciserano (Bg)

Sommario M. U. Shirozaki, E. M. Sampaio, L.-P. Lefebvre, P. T. de Oliveira, M. M. Beloti, A. L. Rosa

ORIGINAL PAPERS Influenza dell’ampiezza del solco sulla stabilità degli impianti in titanio. Uno studio nel coniglio > 17

> 27


P. M. Burgos, L. Meirelles, L. Sennerby

Analisi in vitro su cellule staminali di midollo osseo umano su lega Ti-15Mo per applicazioni su impianti odontoiatrici e ortopedici


> 43 >

Avulsione dei denti e inserimento differito degli impianti? Avulsione di denti e contemporaneo inserimento degli impianti? Staged approach? M. Frosecchi

N.T.C. Oliveira, V. Perrotti, A. Palmieri, A.C. Guastaldi, A. Pellati, C.L. Scapina, A. Piattelli, F. Carinci

Effetto dello spessore del rivestimento di titanio poroso sull’espressione del fenotipo osteoblastico in vitro > 35

A. Canabarro, G. E. Crippa,



> 9

Prodotti, aziende, eventi

> 50


MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION MANUSCRIPT LENGTH Papers submitted to the Journal of Osseointegration must be typed in a 12-point font and double-spaced; they should not exceed 20 typescript pages (including title page), plus a typical number of figures (about 10 to 15). Italian authors must also supply an Italian translation of the full text.

TITLE PAGE Provide the following data on the title page (in the order given): title, author names, titles and affiliations (where the work was actually done), corresponding author (telephone and fax numbers, with country and area code, e-mail and complete postal address).

ABSTRACT Abstracts must not exceed 250 words and should be structured as follows: Aim, Materials and methods, Results, and Conclusions. Marzo 2011; 1(3)

KEYWORDS Authors should list 4-6 keywords that appropriately represent the contents of the work.

HEADINGS The component parts of the main text of a manuscript will normally be Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, and Discussion. Other parts of the manuscript will normally include a list of references, tables, figure legends, and figures.

STUDIES INVOLVING ANIMALS OR HUMANS When data from animal or human subjects are reported, approval of the protocol by an institutional committee is required and a statement should be included in the "Materials and methods" section of the text. For human subject data, an informed consent of the subjects should be also provided.

REFERENCES References should be listed according to the Vancouver style of referencing, that is numbered in sequence as they are cited in the text. They should be also included on a separate page in the manuscript. Examples for arranging the reference list. JOURNALS Mangano C, Scarano A, Perrotti V, Iezzi G, Piattelli A. Maxillary sinus augmentation with a porous synthetic hydroxyapatite and bovine-derived hydroxyapatite: a comparative clinical and histologic study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2007;22:980-6. MONOGRAPHS Matthews DE, Farewell VT. Using and understanding medical statistics. Basel: Karger; 1985. Edited books Piattelli A, Misch CE, Farias Pontes AE, Iezzi G, Scarano A, Degidi M. Dental Implant surfaces: a review. In: Carl E. Misch. Contemporary Implant Dentistry. Third edition. Mosby Elsevier 2008:599-620. Authors will be responsible for the accuracy of the references both within the main

text and the reference list.

TABLES AND FIGURES Each table should be typed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript, and numbered consecutively. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Figures, charts, and graphs should be professionally drawn. Text should be large enough to be read after reduction. Resolution must be at least 300 dpi when the image is 3 inches wide. Files saved in TIFF or JPEG format are preferred. Please do not send images embedded in word processing programs (eg, Word) or “office suite”programs (Excel, PowerPoint, etc). Figure legends should be typed as a group on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. There should be an individual legend for each illustration. Detailed captions are encouraged. For microphotographs, specify original magnification and stain. 5

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