Ardent for LIfe Late Summer 2018

Page 76


What Do You

VALUE? By Chris Tanaka, Sher Khan Karate, Owner/Senior Instructor

Allow me to begin with a disclaimer: the subject of this article may be a bit touchy for some of you; however, hopefully it will serve as a motivational step in the right direction. The prioritization of our time, energy, and money can be a struggle for most of us. Moreover, where we spend our time, energy and money determines what areas of our life we prioritize and find valuable. Two areas of my life that are at the top of my priorities list are self-defense, health and nutrition. I have the profound privilege of speaking with people regarding both topics on a daily basis. If I were to pose the question, “what is your number one priority in life?” more often than not, “family” will be the number one answer. Family is at the top of my list, as well, and is intricately intertwined with selfdefense, health and nutrition. I understand that I have the ability to be proactive in my endeavors to positively impact my family by placing a value on these two other areas of my life.

I ASK YOU TO CONSIDER THIS; if our number one priority is our family, how can we choose to be unhealthy ourselves and set that negative example for our family? Establishing and building upon productive healthy habits and choices are central to a sustained and happy quality of life. 76. - Late Summer 2018

When most people begin their journey in martial arts, they do so as a hobby or perhaps as an avenue towards better health. Self-defense, ironically, tends to be a secondary reason they start. Regardless of their initial reason, they are solidifying their ability to protect themselves and their family. If you choose to focus on your own self-defense skills, you are prioritizing your family by allocating time, energy, and money on your martial arts training. You have placed value in your training and in turn, placed value in your ability to effectively protect your number one priority…family. As we see daily occurrences of thoughtless violence in our society, we can no longer take the lackadaisical stance that “it” won’t happen to me or my family. Proactively taking steps to ensure your safety, and the safety of your family is important. Enrolling in a regular martial arts class as an individual (or family), sign-

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