AP 2D – Design
AP 3D – Design
AP 2D – Drawing and Painting
AP 2D – Photography
Illustration Art Ceramics: Pottery
Ceramics: Sculpture
Introduction to Design
Introduction to Drawing Junior Portfolio 2D Design Junior Portfolio 3D Design Mixed Media Painting Photography
Yearbook & Graphics
Computer Science
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
Introduction to Com. Prog.
AP English Lang. & British Literature
AP English Literature Honors American Lit. & Inter. Comp
Honors Literary Genres & Intro. American Lit. & Inter. Composition
Archmere’s strong academic program of studies challenges all students at the College Preparatory, Honors, and Advanced Placement levels to advance their critical thinking, sharpen their academic skills, take ownership of their learning potential, and advocate for their own educational goals so that they can explore and discover new opportunities, experience success, and empower themselves and each other to reach new levels of personal distinction and academic achievement.
Archmere takes particular pride in recognizing and serving various achievement levels among its students, all of whom seek the rigorous mix of challenge and success that suits their strengths across different disciplines. Success in Archmere’s demanding College Prep classes might lead students to advance to its Honors-level courses and later to AP-level classes. It is this flexibility that sets students up for success at Archmere and beyond.
British Lit. & Advanced Composition Creative Writing Drama & the Modern World Literary Genres & Intro. Comp. Non-fiction Literature Outcasts & Demons
Short Fiction
Women Writers
AP European History
AP Government and Politics
AP U.S. History
AP World History: Modern Civil Rights
Conflict and Culture
Contemporary Global Issues Europe and the Modern World
Faith in History
Law and Legal Psychology
U.S. History
World History to 1200
Advanced Linear Algebra
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
Honors Algebra I
Honors Algebra II & Trigonometry
Honors Calculus
Honors Geometry
Honors Math Analysis
Honors PreCalculus
Algebra I Algebra II
Algebra II & Trigonometry
Economic Principles Geometry
Probability & Statistics
Concert Choir
History of Broadway Musical Jazz Ensemble
LogicPro X
Music in Film
Stage Band
Advanced Cancer Research & Analysis
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics
Anatomy & Physiology
Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry
Honors Engineering
Honors Physics
Anatomy & Physiology Biology Chemistry
Food Chemistry
Forensic Science Introduction to Engineering Marine Biology Physics Theology
Honors Theology Seminar
Christian Ethics Christian Service Christian Spirituality
Church & Sacraments
Death & Dying
Encountering Jesus the Christ
Exploring Sacred Scripture
Faith in History
Intro to Philosophy
Norbertine Spirituality
Social Justice
For descriptions of each course, visit our Course Catalog:
Honors Chinese IV
Honors Chinese III
Chinese III
Chinese II
Chinese I
AP French
Honors French IV
Honors French III
French III
French II
French I AP Spanish
Honors Spanish IV
Spanish IV
Honors Spanish III
Spanish III
Spanish II
Spanish I Cultural Geography
Cultural Perspectives
AP Research
AP Seminar
Additional Courses
Health 9 Health 10 Driver Education
Consistently meriting the College Board’s highest AP Scholar awards, Archmere Academy students have excelled academically. Archmere’s dedicated and passionate AP teachers prepare students for success in the future with a college-paced curriculum.
The success of our AP curriculum is one clear indication of the value of an Archmere education. Because of our robust academic and AP program, Archmere students stand out to college and universities. In 2022, 239 students took 572 AP tests (exams, projects, presentations, academic papers, and portfolios). 113 of those students earned AP Scholar Awards, with 86% of these tests earning the passing score of 3 or higher with an average score of 3.574. Only 27% of the 2.64M+ AP students worldwide earned AP Scholar Awards.
Physics - Mechanical Chemistry
English Language & Composition
AP English Language & British Literature
AP English Literature & Composition
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C
AP Environmental Science
AP United States History
AP European History
AP World History: Modern
AP U.S. Government & Politics
AP French Language & Culture
AP Spanish Language & Culture
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP 2D — Design
AP 2D — Drawing & Painting
AP 2D — Photography
AP 3D — Design
AP Research
AP Seminar
Archmere Academy students don’t choose this or that; they choose this and that.
Archmere Academy’s Global Studies Program prepares lifelong learners for every good work by building cultural competence and by fostering personal growth and professional success through travel and study. This multidisciplinary academic program provides cross-cultural, experiential learning opportunities that cultivate empathetic leadership, effective communication, and a global mindset. Students who meet program requirements will earn a Global Studies Certificate, and those who also participate in one of Archmere’s international travel opportunities will earn the Global Studies Diploma.
Students must either take four years of a language or Archmere courses designed with a global distinction to qualify for the Global Studies Certificate and Diploma. As part of their studies, they must create a shareable project, as in the AP Capstone program.
One of the program requirements encourages students to get involved with Archmere on a deeper level, either by hosting an international student, presenting a TEDxYouth talk on a global studies topic, participating in an Archmere club that cultivates a global mindset, such as Model UN or Habitat for Humanity.
As part of Archmere’s commitment to offering classes with a global distinction, international travel opportunities will be available to students each year. The Spanish and French classes host an exchange trip each year. Students will have additional travel opportunities throughout their time at Archmere Academy. In the upcoming year, students are traveling to Belize over spring break 2023 to learn about coral reef conservation.
Chinese I
Chinese II
Chinese III
Honors Chinese III
Honors Chinese IV
French I
French II
French III
Honors French III
Honors French IV
AP French
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III
Spanish IV
Honors Spanish III
Honors Spanish IV
AP Spanish
Christian Service
Civil Rights
Conflict and Culture
Contemporary Global Issues
Cultural Geography
Cultural Perspectives
Faith in History
Norbertine Spirituality
Social Justice
World Religions
AP Capstone
AP Environmental Sciences
AP European History
AP World History:
Archmere Academy’s nationally recognized Art & Design program focuses on creative investigation. An intentionally designed curricular sequence of study supports students from predominantly teacher-directed foundation coursework in the ninth grade to our twelve advanced elective offerings, where students are encouraged to self-direct their artistic explorations. Students learn through intensive hands-on studio experience in the Manor, our 5,000 square-foot building that houses a pottery studio, a traditional darkroom, a Mac Lab equipped with the Adobe Creative Suite to support digital art, 3D printers, industry-grade large format printers, and three dedicated painting and drawing studios. Under the guidance of expert faculty who are also practicing professional artists, students self-direct their creative inquiries while developing strong technical skills. Throughout the program, students also learn about the broader historical context of art and design by examining aesthetics, studying art movements, and engaging in the critical analysis of art works. Students concentrating their elective courses in the Art & Design program will develop a body of work that demonstrates critical thinking, artistic development, and an authentic understanding of the elements and principles of art and design.
Every year, the Archmere Academy theatre program produces a fall drama and a winter musical. The Archmere Drama Club sponsors activities such as Broadway open mic nights, trips to New York to see Broadway shows, and participation in the Greater Philadelphia Cappies program. The Drama Club also participates in regional theatre festivals in the area, including competitions at Bucks County Playhouse and West Chester University.
Archmere’s instrumental music program is comprised of two performing groups — Jazz Ensemble & Stage Band. Our signature instrumental curriculum incorporates jazz, funk, rock, blues, and swing. We focus on music from artists like Spyro Gyra, Glenn Miller, Chuck Mansion, and Dave Brubeck. Students involved in the instrumental music program may audition for Archmere’s Stage Band. In the past few years, Archmere’s Stage Band has performed at various festivals and competitions including San Fransisco’s Pier 39, Carnaval de Quebec, Festival of States in New Orleans, and Disney World. We strive to give each student a memorable performance experience. In addition, the band runs a yearly clinic and workshop in Westmoreland, Jamaica.
Fine Arts awards at Delaware Regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in 2022
of Archmere Academy students enroll in at least one Art & Design elective
Students won National Scholastic Art Medals in 2022
Concert Choir covers music from the Renaissance through the Contemporary period. Emphasis is placed on the development of choral tone, proper vocal production, rehearsal techniques, musicianship, and some music history. The Concert Choir performs both a capella and accompanied works, occasionally incorporating students from the instrumental groups. Concert Choir students with advanced vocal abilities are eligible to audition for Mastersingers.
The Mastersingers of Archmere Academy is comprised of 30 outstanding singers selected through extensive auditions in September from the members of the Concert Choir. They have performed extensively throughout the state of Delaware, having performed numerous times for the governor and other state officials. Mastersingers throughout their history have performed for Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, as well as at Citizens Bank Park, Carnegie Hall. Additionally, they have performed in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Seattle, Toronto, San Fransicso, Orlando, and on tour in Italy through Naples and Rome.
The Helena Raskob Arts Institute offers individual music lessons to Archmere students on campus in the Patio. Students can take private lessons in piano, voice, and organ. For students with a specific interest in other instrumental lessons, the Institute Director will work to identify a teacher who might be available to join the studio at Archmere.
The studio program includes chamber music, enabling orchestra students to have an on-campus opportunity to develop chamber music skills through participation in The Institute’s programs. Students already taking lessons in strings, woodwinds, and brass instruments will receive coaching for various chamber ensembles and be offered performance opportunities at Archmere.
51 Archmere students were recognized with 126 awards in 12 Art and Design categories at the 2022 Delaware Regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.
Grace Yang ’25 and Liz Xu ’24 won National Scholastic Art Medals in 2022.
Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia ’22 was awarded First Place and a $10,000 grand prize in Herschel Backpack Design contest sponsored by the National Art Education Association, including an on-site at Herschel and production of her original product design.
Archmere Academy was recognized as one of Top 50 High School Visual Art Programs in U.S. in 2021 and 2022.
Instrumental Music students are selected to be members of the Delaware All-State Band and Jazz Band. Many have also been chosen to be members of the All-Eastern Band and All-Eastern Orchestra.
Archmere Academy was nominated for 10 and won 4 Cappies Awards in 2022: Best Costumes, Best Ensemble in a Musical, Comic Actor in a Musical, and Lead Actress in a Musical.
Alicia Chu ’24 was the Naitonal 3rd place winner of MTNA Senior Voice Competition. She was also the 2022 National YoungArts Foundation Merit award winner, a semifinalist in the Classical Singer Music Vocal Competition and semifinalist of Music International Grand Prix’s competition, placing 3rd in the New York region.
4Cappies Awards in 2022 for Archmere’s production of Once Upon a Mattress
Helena Raskob Arts Institute students received State or National recognition in 2021-22.
Andres Ramos ’26 and Valentina Ramos ’26 performed the harp and piano, respectively, for the Embassy of Slovenia.
Our dedicated athletic staff views coaching as a professional commitment and the Archmere athletic experience as an extension of classroom learning. With two Sprinturf fields, a sports complex that includes two gymnasiums and a fieldhouse, redesigned baseball, softball, and soccer fields, and a newly renovated fitness center, Archmere’s athletic facilities are on an elite level among secondary schools in the area.
The athletic programs at Archmere help shape each student’s character — the teamwork, collaboration, humility, and discipline that students experience foster growth of character and empathetic leadership on and off the field. Our individual athletic programs embody Archmere’s core values and belief that a community of respect, zeal, reverence, and wisdom helps make the world a better place.
Fall Sports Winter Sports Spring Sports
Cheerleading* Cross Country (Boys & Girls) Field Hockey Football Soccer (Boys) Volleyball (Girls)
Basketball (Boys & Girls) Indoor Track (Boys & Girls)
Swimming (Boys & Girls)
Baseball Golf Lacrosse (Boys & Girls) Rugby* Soccer (Girls) Softball
Tennis (Boys & Girls) Track (Boys & Girls)
Students and families of all faith traditions are welome at Archmere Academy. As a community of faith, Archmere is one of only two Norbertine high schools in the United States. To celebrate its Catholic heritage and the Norbertine charism, Archmere is united by the importance placed on community, respect, zeal, reverence, and wisdom. While campus ministry programs are ecumenical in mission and scope, all students are welcome to join the activities and services Archmere offers. Students demonstrate leadership and creativity while expressing, deepening, and reflecting on their faith.
Through campus ministry, students have the opportunity to participate in monthly liturgies in significant roles, such as Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, altar servers, or musicians. While our liturgies are conducted according to the Roman Catholic tradition, students of all faiths are encouraged and welcomed to participate in any way possible during our community celebrations.
Every day, students can take time to reflect on the day’s Gospel during Kenosis, which occurs in the Oratory at the beginning of each lunch period with daily Mass following. In addition, Confession and Adoration are available on a weekly basis.
Each class will participate in a day-long retreat to foster community and grow closer to God and one another as they continue their Archmere journey each year. The Kairos retreat program is one of the most involved and enriching of all the campus ministry opportunities. Kairos, the largest program run by campus ministry, is an intensive three-day retreat where Archmere juniors and seniors can grow in their relationship with God, self, and others. While it is optional, it continues to be popular every year.
Empathetic leadership is a key component of Archmere Academy’s mission. We integrate service to others in need into the Archmere experience. In addition to the regular outreach programs, the student-run Community Service Club plans food drives through the school year to support local food banks, like Claymont Community Center and Knollwood Community Center. There are also opportunities for service within the Archmere community through our annual blood drive and tag days that raise funds for various local charities and organizations.
“Despite not practicing Catholicism myself, I always felt Archmere’s religious dimension presented positives rather than negatives. I broadened my perspective within Archmere’s religion classes, where I learned moral philosophy, history, and traditions of religions around the world. Teachers and peers allowed me to share my own views and were eager to understand my beliefs. Overall, the religious experience at Archmere enhanced my worldview and provided a complete and multidimensional education.”
Rohit Mathur
Archmere Academy students are well-rounded. They develop a wide range of experiences and skills that leads them to success in the future. Because of Archmere’s small size, students can balance their academic schedules with options to play sports, participate in the arts, and so much more.
With over 50 clubs, activities, organizations, and student-run events, Archmere offers students a wide variety of opportunities to find an activity they love to do on campus. Students are encouraged to propose and lead new clubs inspired by personal interests.
5k Club
Academic Bowl
Aevidum Mental Health Club
Archmere Academy Organ Society
Archmere Storytellers
Art Club
Athletic Assistance
Auk Ambassadors
Auks Beat Cancer
Auks For Earth
Auks Give Life
Auks on Air Podcast
Auks Read! Club
B+ Club Campus Ministry Chess Club Chinese Club Community Service Club Crochet Club
Dance Club
Deathly Hallows Club
DEI Club
Drama Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
eSports Club
Ethics Bowl
Foreign Language Clubs & Honor Societies
French Club Gay/Straight Alliance Golf Club
Habitat for Humanity Helena Raskob Arts Institute Horticulture Club Intramural Basketball Mastersingers Math Madness Contest Mathematics League Mock Trial Model United Nations National Art Honor Society National Honor Society Personal Finance Club Photography Robotics Club Rugby Club (Men’s) Science National Honor Society Science Olympiad Scuba Club
Spanish Club
St. Norbert Leadership Corps
Stage Crew Student Council
Tapestry TEAMS (Tests of Engineering
Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science)
The Green Arch Video Announcements
Yearbook: The Patio
of Archmere faculty is involved in at least one club, activity, or sport.
Clubs, Activities, Organizations, and Student-Run Events each year
“Throughout my years at Archmere, my teachers encouraged me to participate in math competitions and take advanced math classes that very few high schools offer. This inspired me to lead the DE Stock Market Club and explore my interest in mathematics beyond the traditional classroom environment.”
Jessica Pei ’20 • Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Archmere Academy’s Office of School Counseling helps students develop a healthy understanding and respect for themselves and others. With the School Counseling team, students increase their skills in problem-solving, decision-making, emotional management, and academic skills through individual and group counseling sessions, classroom presentations, health coursework, and schoolwide assemblies.
Archmere’s school counselors provide student-focused and datadriven programming that nurtures students’ overall physical, social, and emotional well-being. Students have a place to recharge and gain coping strategies. The school counseling office offers social/emotional learning programming through The NEST (Nurturing Every Student to Thrive). The NEST utilizes the entire Archmere community to best position students for success beyond the classroom, including training Peer Support Leaders so students have a peer they can reach out to for help. The solid foundation they create allows Archmere students to successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, productive citizens, who respect themselves and others.
Every student has access to learning support resources. Students with or without documented learning differences who need assistance with organization, study skills, and tutoring can meet with the learning specialist. Our Learning Support staff are also a resource for parents, caregivers, and faculty.
• 1:1 sessions with a Learning Support Specialist
• Resources to help students study effectively and build executive functioning skills
• Small group sessions
• Two Learning Support Specialists on staff
School Counselors available to students, with one counselor assigned to each class
Peer Support Leaders on campus in 2022-23 for student support
Student racial and social justice facilititators through YW Leaders training at YWCA of Delaware
“Saint Norbert’s vision was to give people a “sense of place” and belonging. Archmere embraces this tradition wholeheartedly, recognizing that what inspires its students most to achieve are the relationships they form while they are here. This commitment to a diverse school community is reflected today in the school’s mission statement and core values.”
Archmere’s Office of College Counseling has over 75 years of college admissions experience. Counselors are available to all students and their families for 12 months and counsel students from their ninth-grade year through graduation. The college counselors are also leaders and educators within the admission profession at the state, regional, and national levels. The College Counseling program aims to promote student growth and assist students in finding the colleges with the best academic, extracurricular, and social fit for them.
Archmere’s college counselors examine and share with students and families how colleges make admissions decisions to help students understand the strategic side of college applications, in order to maximize their success and understanding of the process. Throughout the process, students continually have discussions and personalized college counseling to prepare for the application process. In addition, it equips students with the necessary tools to maximize each student’s success in making the best possible college decision.
The College Counseling department works closely with the Archmere Alumni Association on career-focused programming for students. Each spring, the junior class has a Career Day with alumni, parents, and other local professionals that speak with students in small groups. Other career programs include a young alumni career panel and networking reception, fieldspecific evening programs, and a video series of interviews with alumni and friends of Archmere.
64 students recognized by National Merit Scholarship Foundation over last the five years with 2 National Merit Scholars in the Class of 2022.
Since 2019, $18M+ on average in college scholarships awarded per graduating class
100+ professionals from colleges and universities visit Archmere Academy each year.
75+ years of combined college admissions experience from 3 full-time and 2 part-time College Counselors
• College seminar class in junior and senior year
• Parent programs for each class
• Minimum of four individual meetings with a counselor for each student
• Essay workshops and individual meetings
• Practice interviews with staff and guest admission professionals
• Mock application reviews/case studies programs
• Host two official SAT dates per year
• Offer free practice SAT and ACT testing
• Understanding Testing program
• Why a Career series
Networking program
• Junior Career Day
Personality inventories
• Video interview series with professionals
Scholarship & Financial Aid
• Financial Aid Night
• Early Financial Aid Night
• Individual financial aid counseling
In recent years, Archmere graduates have matriculated at the following colleges and universities:
Amherst College
Berklee College of Music
Boston College
Boston University
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Case Western Reserve University Catholic University
Clemson University College of the Holy Cross Colgate University College of William & Mary
High Point University
Johns Hopkins University
Loyola University Maryland
Maryland Institute College of Art Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
New York University Shanghai Northeastern University Northwestern University
Pennsylvania State University Princeton University
UCLA University of Chicago
United States Military Academy United States Naval Academy University of Delaware University of Maryland College Park University of Miami University of Michigan University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh
Columbia University Cornell University
Dartmouth University
Drexel University
Duke University Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Franklin & Marshall College Georgetown University Georgia Tech Gettysburg College
Harvard University
Reed College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Saint Joseph’s University
Savannah College of Art and Design
Stanford University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University
Temple University
Trinity College
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Richmond University of St. Andrews University of South Carolina University of Virginia Vanderbilt University Vassar College Villanova University Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University Washington University of St. Louis Yale University
“Archmere has provided an elite academic experience for our daughter. The community has also welcomed our youngest daughter with open arms. We are so fortunate to be part of the Archmere community, grounded in faith and dedicated to providing an environment that ensures all students have the opportunity to grow academically, socially, and in faith, and to leave Archmere better than they found it.”
Julie & Tim Hamberger P ’22, ’25
“When I first stepped onto Archmere’s campus, it felt like a perfect fit. The student body, the faculty, the facilities, and the academic opportunities are why I chose Archmere. I live in South Jersey, and Archmere is just a quick drive over the bridge! I’m thankful every day for the opportunity to learn and experience high school at Archmere.
Ava Passehl ’22 College of William & Mary
“Looking back at our decision to send our three kids to Archmere, the most influential factor was not only the beautiful spacious campus, the learning-centric spaces and ornate buildings, nor all the advanced technology for learning—it was the faculty and staff. Their impact is so often witnessed daily in our children’s education and personal development, we’ve come to recognize them as “Auk-olades.”
Jin Kim P ’18, ’22
“Being one of three women Science Olympiad captains my senior year solidified my continued interest in the sciences and pushed me to succeed in a leadership and team setting. It is also no surprise being one of the co-founders and presidents of the B+ club, I ended up as an oncology nurse!”
Lauren Yoslov, BSN, RN ’16 Nurse, Hospital at University of Pennsylvania
“After graduating from Archmere, I felt more than prepared for the academic rigor of college. At the end of my first year of school, I was nominated and accepted into Swarthmore College’s Writing Associate Fellowship Program. I worked as a Writing Associate for my school until I graduated, and I truly enjoyed helping other students develop confidence in their writing. I always attributed my college preparation and especially my confidence in my writing skills to my teachers at Archmere.”
Taylor Tucker ’16 Swarthmore College | University of Pennsylvania
“Prior to sending our sons to Archmere, we heard many reasons why Archmere is a good choice: strong academics, beautiful campus, dedicated teachers, safe and caring environment, thoughtful administration. Our experience has proven all of this to be true. Archmere does a great job of bringing people together and fostering an active school community. We were warmly welcomed by faculty and staff members, giving us an immediate sense of belonging. Social events and campus activities throughout the year provided us opportunities in a variety of settings to connect with other parents and families. While our backgrounds and experiences are diverse, all parents we have met share common goals and values.”
Chuck & Carmel Anerino P ’23, ’26
“Archmere helped me immensely for college, as I’m confident that I’m ready to tackle these new challenges. From taking numerous AP classes and leading the Math League team to playing Varsity baseball and intramural basketball, my Archmere experience epitomized the breadth of opportunity that Archmere provides. Even though I’ve just recently left Archmere, I can proudly say I’m an Auk for life.”
Archmere Academy closely resembles a college campus—with dedicated buildings for science, fine arts, academics, and athletics. A large open quad connects all of these buildings with Adirondack chairs that students can use for independent work and for relaxing, too. The newly renovated St. Norbert Hall houses administration and most academic departments, and features the Technology Center, Library and Learning Commons, and private study rooms for collaborative and focused work.
Students can find the Main Office, cafeteria, and the Counseling Suite in The McLaughlin-Mullen Student Life Center. The oldest buildings on campus, The Patio and The Manor, have served many purposes since 1932. Today, students attend fine arts classes in The Manor. The Patio is reserved for special events, such as concerts, Prom, the Helena Raskob Arts Institute, and other social gatherings.
With free periods built into their schedules, students have the autonomy and independence to manage their own time. Students may choose from a range of possibilities for their free periods— including attending Mass in the Oratory, meeting with teachers, working on a painting or sculpture in The Manor, or enjoying the beautiful labyrinth and meditation gardens.
Our unique college campus-like setting and schedule encourages and allows students to responsibly manage their calendars, homework, projects, and commitments to activities beyond academics, fostering the independence they will need in college.
Whether you are on the Pennsylvania Mainline, just over the bridge in New Jersey, near Elkton, MD or Dover, DE—Archmere is within your reach. Archmere is in Claymont, DE, just north of Wilmington and about 30 minutes south of Philadelphia. It sits so close to the borders of neighboring states that it is easily accessible to families living in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. School district buses and Archmere’s shuttle service make us closer than you think!
PA school districts in Chester and Delaware counties within 10 miles of Archmere provide free bus transportation to Archmere students living in Chester, Upland, Chichester, Garnet Valley, Penn Delco, Wallingford, Swarthmore, Ridley, Rose Tree, Media, Springfield, Unionville, Chadds Ford, and West Chester. On regular school days, most buses leave campus at 4:50 p.m. to accommodate student involvement in activities and after-school functions.
The SEPTA Claymont Station is a short 15-minute walk to Archmere. DART bus transportation is also available between the Claymont Station and Archmere.
The Archmere shuttle service routes in Delaware cover the Greenville/ Hockessin/Newark and the Bear/Middletown/Dover areas. Another shuttle service runs to New Jersey, serving the Mullica Hill area. Archmere also runs a shuttle via the Blue Route, servicing students from Newtown Square, Havertown, and Drexel Hill areas. The annual fee ranges from $3,600 to $4,200 based on your round-trip route. One-way options are also available.
While the majority of Archmere’s students travel from Delaware (51%) and Pennsylvania (41%), our student population from New Jersey (7%) is growing!
NJ MD(1%)
From Tim & Lynn B. from Mullica Hill, NJ.
Parents of Archmere students from the Class of 2022, 2023, and 2026
“We consider Archmere to be a hidden gem right across the Commodore Barry Bridge. The school offers everything we wanted for our three children— opportunities to engage with inspired faculty and motivated students in the classroom, to compete in multiple sports, and to participate in a variety of clubs and leadership activities.”
Tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year is $30,900. Fees included in tuition are library, athletic, yearbook, and all regular school fees. In addition, there is a $450 technology fee for Archmere’s one-toone Mac laptop program.
Estimates for new books range from $200 to $400, depending on a student’s academic schedule. Uniforms range in price from $150 to $250. The AUK Attic school store, run by The Mothers’ Guild, offers discounted prices for used books and uniforms.
Scholarships and grants are awarded based on superior academic performance and financial need for the duration of a student’s time at Archmere Academy. Students with superior performance on the entrance examination and a strong academic record may qualify for an annual scholarship.
Any additional financial awards are need-based grants. Families must submit a financial aid application and their latest IRS 1040 form to the School Scholarship Service by mid-January (or before the admission interview) to help determine the value of the grant. Grants do not generally exceed one-half of tuition.
Through the Diversity Scholarship Program, promising students of traditionally under-represented populations whose families demonstrate financial need can receive an Archmere education. Students who meet Archmere’s academic qualifications and complete the admissions process may receive significant four-year grants based on financial need.
The very first step in the admissions process is to complete a standard inquiry form. This is also a great time to schedule your shadow visit. While shadow visits aren’t a mandatory part of the admissions process, we highly recommend you take advantage of the opportunity. This can all be done in one convenient step!
Once step one is complete, we will prompt you to create a username and password for the candidate page on the Archmere Parent Portal Page. From that page, you can complete your application, download the required transcript request forms and directly submit teacher recommendation forms (beginning October 3). You must be logged in to view and access these forms. All application materials must be submitted by January 5, in order to be considered for admission. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $60.
The entrance/scholarship exam for 8th graders is November 12, 2022 or November 13, 2022, with a make-up test scheduled on November 16, 2022. Preregistration is required, along with a $55 registration fee. The registration form can be found on your candidate page upon completion of your application. Results will be released approximately two weeks after the exam.
Students and their families who have completed all application materials and have taken the entrance exam will be invited to interview with a member of the admissions committee. A suggested time frame and sign-up link for the interview will accompany the entrance exam results.
Admission is competitive and based on a combination of the student’s middle school record, teacher recommendations, performance on the entrance exam, and the personal interview. Of the 304 students who applied for admission into the Class of 2026, 137 entered Archmere in the fall of 2022.
Visit www.ArchmereAcademy.com/apply for more information, or reach out to our Admissions team. Contact information is provided on the back of this Viewbook.
Logan Duffie