Bahrain Confidential - June 2021

Page 37

Feature work, and scheduled time for us to do fun things together. This is the best way I’ve found to keep a balance without neglecting either of my roles as a business owner and a mother. Mother’s Day is approaching fast; do you have any offers that you’d like to share to our readers? Yes! I am offering mini sessions at a special rate this weekend. These sessions are for mamas and their kids and will be taking place in my garden. I will also be offering a discount on full sessions for mamas and their kids next week. I’m really excited about these offers: the work of

I also love shooting outside around the island. I like to shoot at a lot of the historical spots.

motherhood is often unseen and I want you to have a block of time where you just get to snuggle with your babies and be seen through my lens. I still have spots available on Friday afternoon for the mini sessions, and you can visit my Instagram for more information. Are there any tips that you’d like to give to aspiring photographers? Shoot something, anything every single day in the beginning. The more you shoot the more you start to notice what works and doesn’t work, what you like and don’t like. You have to push through this trial and error, and the more you shoot the quicker you will see growth in your work. Use whatever camera you have. Worry about improving your skills first and then you can level up your gear. You can also seek out a mentor or a teacher to help you along. I offer photography lessons to new photographers who need help with camera settings or fundamentals like light and composition. n

Bahrain Confidential June 2021 37

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