Michael Whelihan, published in Arabian Horse Times

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Generations of Horsemen: Left: Michael’s great, great grandfather, Patrick Whelihan. Right, top: Michael’s father, Austin Whelihan, as a young man. Right, bottom: The herd of horses Michael’s grandfather, Joseph Whelihan, brought from North Dakota to Canada.

The infinite blue sky and wide-open spaces of a Canadian ranch were the perfect place for a shy, young boy to begin his life. Surrounded by his family, with four generations of horsemen, he would honor the traditions they had established and become the fifth generation to follow in those footsteps. Using the lessons he learned from them, he would become an internationally successful competitor and even more important, a highly accomplished and universally respected horseman. Michael Austin Whelihan was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada on August 3rd, 1955. His parents, Patricia and Austin Whelihan, had four children: two daughters and two sons. However, Michael was the only one to inherit the love of horses. He shared that even as a young boy, he always felt most at ease in the company of animals. There was no need for words; he knew their thoughts and they knew his. Michael spent much of his youth exploring nature, riding his pony with his dog always by his side. There, in the midst of this unfettered freedom and childhood innocence, he developed a quiet form of communication with his companions that shaped his character and which continues even now.

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A true horseman is born; it seems the love and respect for animals is a part of their very being. Michael Whelihan was born into a family whose lives were intimately connected to horses and his own affinity would become profound. The Whelihan tradition of horsemanship can be traced directly to Michael’s great, great grandfather, Patrick Whelihan. He and his wife Anne Amelia were Irish immigrants. Patrick Whelihan was a successful businessman. In 1873, while on a three-month visit to Ireland, London, Paris, and Normandy, he purchased four Percheron draft horses and shipped them to Canada. It was reported they were the first of the breed to be imported to the country. The Percherons, and all horses, intrigued Patrick Whelihan’s son and Michael’s great grandfather, James Whelihan. Born in 1874, James had numerous, interesting and successful business ventures. At one time, he worked closely with the famous inventor Thomas Edison in developing rechargeable batteries. Among his businesses, James raised both cattle and horses; but the horses were his pride and joy. He passed his love of horses on to his son, Austin Joseph, grandfather to Michael.

Austin Joseph, Sr., who preferred to be called Joseph, continued the family’s tradition of raising cattle and horses, as well as other successful business endeavors. Michael remembers listening to his grandfather Joseph’s stories of his cowboy days, such as the time he bought 200 wild horses in North Dakota and brought them to Mortlatch, Saskatchewan where they were broke out to be sold or used for working cattle on the family’s ranch. The family tradition of horsemanship continued with Austin Joseph, Jr., Michael’s father. Austin Whelihan was a civil engineer by profession, but horses were always an integral part of his family’s life. When he was six, Michael’s family moved from Canada to Dillon, Montana, where his father worked as project manager on the Clark Canyon Dam. The family lived on a farm in the country and Michael spent as much time as possible outdoors. He was a bit of a wild child, riding his chestnut pony named Star over the rolling hills of Montana. The family lived there for seven years and then returned to Edmonton, Alberta where they settled permanently. Michael and his family showed their horses throughout the summer months at local, Class A shows in the Alberta and British Columbia show circuit, which included Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, and Red Deer, etc. Although he was still very shy, showing horses was an activity where he truly excelled. It was obvious to all that Michael was talented. At only 14-years-old, he had already won his first English Pleasure Championship with a Half-Arabian he trained and showed, and he was just getting started. Michael’s father, Austin Whelihan, became friends with a neighbor named Bob Lindsey, who happened to own Arabian horses. At a local horse show, Mr. Lindsey introduced the Whelihan family to his friend, Dr. Howard Kale, Sr., of Kirkland, Washington, the breeder of his Arabian horses. Before long, Austin visited Dr. Kale’s farm and purchased the family’s first Arabian horse. About a year later, his

parents purchased Michael his first purebred Arabian; a chestnut mare named Sharmista. Michael was smitten. The Whelihans and the Kales became good friends, and when Michael was 17, he went to work for Dr. and Mrs. Kale for the summer. The day after he graduated from high school, Michael left for Washington to work for the Kales. That summer he turned 18, and he showed the incredible mare Fantasia Drift. It was a regular Class A show, with two special classes: one for National Champion Mare and one for National Champion Stallion. Michael showed Fantasia Drift in the English Pleasure Mares class and won, beating another excellent rider named Gene LaCroix. Two years later, Michael went to Scottsdale, Ariz., to attend a training seminar at Lasma, given by Gene and Raymond LaCroix. Michael recalls that the seminar was an epiphany for him. It was one of those pivotal moments that are life changing. From that day on, Michael followed the philosophy and practiced the techniques he learned at that seminar, and Gene LaCroix has been his mentor ever since. Michael

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FANTASIA DRIFT & Michael winning English Pleasure Mares.

ZODIAC MATADOR & Michael winning the Canadian National Park Horse Championship and a standing ovation.

returned to Edmonton to train and show horses out of his family’s farm. In 1981, Howard Kale, Jr. invited Michael to Scottsdale to train the great stallion *Muscat, and the Kale horses at Karho. Michael worked there for two show seasons and was getting *Muscat ready for his big debut as a park horse. The stallion was extremely talented and ready to show. Just before the event, Michael had to go to Canada for an important meeting. He planned to return to Arizona within a day or two at the most. However, due to visa issues, he could not return to the U.S., and had no choice but to remain in Canada. Michael was devastated, but not defeated. He went back to his family’s farm and opened his own training business: Whelihan Equine Enterprises.

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They say that in life, when one door closes, another opens and that statement soon came to fruition. In February of 1983, Michael went to the Scottsdale show where he met his friend and fellow trainer, Gordon Potts, who suggested they go see a *Bask colt he had heard about. Michael liked the look of the horse and thought he had potential. At the time, he had a gelding in training, owned by Bob Bradburn of Pinnacle Arabians, also from Edmonton. Bob was looking for a show horse and on Michael’s recommendation, he purchased the fancy chestnut four-year-old stallion. His name was Zodiac Matador. Michael’s initial impression of Matador was very positive. However, as he began to train the young stallion, he knew the horse was special. He was unlike any horse Michael had ever ridden before. He would have to rise to a new level of horsemanship to bring out the best in this incredibly gifted creature. Michael met the challenge and turned the promising young stallion into a mega-horse. Matador and Michael’s first Park Horse class was at the Whittier Lions Club Classic. They won, but unfortunately, Matador sustained a slight injury. A few weeks later, at the 1984 Scottsdale show, the pair was fifth in the Park Horse class. Three months later, Matador was healed and Michael took him to the Region V show. They won the Park Championship. Two months later, he showed Zodiac Matador to the title of Canadian National Champion Park Horse in a class of 22 top horses and riders. It was Michael’s first Park National Championship and the fulfillment of his personal goal to earn that title before his 30th birthday. Zodiac Matador became a show ring and breeding sensation. Michael stood the stallion at his farm in Edmonton. Michael truly loved Matador and wanted him to be a success. He also had a vested interest in the stallion. Throughout 1985, Michael rode and trained Matador. Shortly before the U.S. Nationals, he sold his interest in Matador to Bob Bradburn. The stallion was


shipped to Albuquerque, N.M. for the show, where he was ridden to the Park Horse Championship by Gene LaCroix. Divesting himself from Matador was very bittersweet; he truly was a one-of-a-kind horse. However, it allowed Michael to purchase his family’s farm and to establish Whelihan Equine Enterprises. Throughout the mid 1980s and 1990s, horses trained by Michael Whelihan dominated the high performance divisions of English, Driving and Park in North America. There seemed to be a steady stream of top horses, with great ones discovered along the way. Even with all this success, Michael was never the most highly publicized trainer, but he was one of the most respected horsemen among his peers and clients. After the victory laps were done, the ribbons and roses were hung; there were always more chores to do and more horses to work. Michael quietly went about his business of making champions. It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact moment, but in the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was a shift in the world of Arabian performance competition. More owners wanted to ride and the amateur performance divisions started to grow at an incredible rate. Michael’s clients joined the movement, which created a need for him to expand his training services to accommodate this growing demand. Michael had always trained his horses for himself to ride in open competition. He had no idea how to train a horse for someone else. He credits Raymond LaCroix for solving this mystery. He told Michael he had to learn to gauge his riders first, and then find them a horse that suited their style and level of expertise. Essentially, he had to become a matchmaker. Once again, the LaCroix family had made a large impact on Michael’s life and helped him to succeed. It’s hard enough to ride a top English or Park horse, trying to explain it to someone else is even more difficult. However, the demand was so high for top amateur horses,

A Selection of ational Champions Trained & Shown by Michael Whelihan











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Michael knew including this service in his roster would ensure the continued success of his business. The amateur performance classes were, and still are, consistently among the largest and most competitive. Michael applied Raymond’s sound advice and he excelled. With each client’s success, he realized that in addition to creating great show horses, he was helping them fulfill their dreams, which made the victory even sweeter. There are many factors that contribute to success; natural talent and hard work are just two of them. Another factor is understanding your limits or your weaknesses. Acknowledging this and being open to learning something new, can catapult you to a higher level of expertise than you ever imagined. However, this takes personal insight, commitment to be your best, and a certain amount of humility. Michael is quick to give credit to those people from whom he has learned important lessons, whether they apply to life or to horses. Michael’s early ideas about training horses were truly inherent; they came from within him, from the understanding he gained and his close connection with each horse he rode and trained. His concepts were a continuation of his family’s tradition of horsemanship, which he learned from his father and grandfather. Michael also learned from other horsemen and women who were at the top of their profession, such as Gene and Raymond LaCroix, Gordon Potts, Jim and Peter Stachowski, Mary Trowbridge, and others. Michael said that sometimes these lessons were about more than just training techniques… From Gordon Potts, he learned about the grit it took to make it to the top. From Mary Trowbridge, he learned more about animal sense; Michael says she has a special gift. Most recently, from Greg Harris, whom he acknowledges has an abundance of sheer talent, Michael learned the importance of resilience. Every experience became a lesson he used to become the best professional trainer possible.

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During his years in Edmonton, Michael trained, showed, and bred Arabians and Half-Arabian horses. He also stood important stallions including the *Bask sons, DW Bonfire and Genuine, as well as noteworthy American Saddlebred stallions. Michael has had a lifelong fascination with Saddlebreds. When he was just six years old, his family went over to meet their new neighbors. They were Americans who had just moved to town and they had Saddlebreds. The man was riding one of his fancy, big trotting horses and as he talked to Michael’s father, the man reached down and swooped Michael up onto the saddle and took him for the ride of his life. That was it – he was hooked. When Michael was 18 years old and working for Dr. Kale, one of his duties was to groom the beautiful chestnut mare, Jewel Drift. Dr. Kale told Michael that if he did a really good job, and if the mare won her class at the big upcoming show, he would get a reward. Michael worked harder than ever to prepare Jewel Drift. They took her to the show and she was named Canadian National Champion Mare. Dr. Kale knew Michael loved Saddlebreds. The good doctor kept his word and gave him a trip to the Saddlebred World Championships, held at the Kentucky State Fairgrounds. Michael remembers the magical moment he walked into Freedom Hall. It was deja vu; he felt like he had been there before, he felt like he was home. Michael’s client, Bob Ruxer, owned the Arabian stallion DW Bonfire, as well as the Saddlebred stallion Supreme Sultan. When Michael sold DW Bonfire for Ruxer, he told Michael he would either pay him a commission on the sale, or he could come to his farm and have his pick of yearling Saddlebred fillies. Michael went to the farm and picked a filly that caught his eye. Ruxer was surprised, and a little dismayed, because Michael had picked one of the best fillies and her value far exceeded the commission. Still, Ruxer kept his word and gave Michael the

filly. Her name was Evening Dazzle. Michael raised and trained the filly. Eventually she became a World Champion 3-Gaited Mare. Michael owned and operated Whelihan Equine Enterprises in Edmonton, Alberta for 24 years. In 2005, he sold his farm and moved to Eatonville, Wash. to begin a new life, personally and professionally. He opened Whelihan Arabian Farms and resumed training, showing, breeding, and marketing Arabian and Half-Arabian performance horses. For more than 10 years, Michael, his family, and clients enjoyed a high level of success. Throughout his career of over 40 years, Michael has shown hundreds of national winners. However, the accomplishment he is most proud of was his role as a father and stepfather; watching special young women achieve their dreams. Still, as in every life, there were challenges along the way and life changing events. In 2016, Michael was at the Region IV show in Nampa, Idaho. After an excellent class, which he won, he felt ill. The following day, he felt worse and was taken to the hospital where he was immediately admitted. Within hours, Michael flat-lined twice. The doctors were able to revive him, but he remained unconscious for two weeks. Michael’s daughter, Carlyn, had flown in from her home in Edmonton, Alberta to be at her father’s side. As he hovered between life and death, it was her voice, her prayers, and deep faith in God that finally encouraged him to awaken. After regaining consciousness, Michael was completely unaware of what had happened. He only knew he could not see or speak. However, he could hear. His close friends and clients, Irwin and Pam Schimmel, who had kept vigil at his bedside, explained everything that had happened. Slowly, over the next five weeks, Michael began his long journey to recovery. The hospital staff was incredibly kind and very curious about this unusual man who trained horses. They had never had so many


A Selection of hampions Trained by Michael Whelihan









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calls and visitors in the history of the hospital. They were not sure who he was, but they were certain he was someone special, and they were right. After eight weeks at the Nampa hospital, Michael was strong enough to return to Washington. A friend sent their private jet to fly him back home, where he was immediately placed in a rehabilitation hospital to recuperate. Never one to take things easy, Michael took the accelerated approach to his rehabilitation and was able to leave in just two weeks. However, life would not be the same… The trauma of the heart attack damaged his optic nerves, resulting in severely diminished sight, which obviously curtailed his ability to train and ride. Through all of the turmoil, Michael’s friends and family rallied to his aid. Meanwhile, for months, his clients had continued to work toward the goal of showing at the U.S. Nationals in the fall. It would have been very disappointing to give up their dreams. Fortunately, Gene LaCroix generously offered his assistance and came in to help them. In October, just four months after his health crisis, Michael was able to attend the U.S. National Championships with his clients, but he was not able to compete. To fill in for him, Michael hired a talented assistant, Yvonne Copple. He also sent a few horses to other trainers to prepare for the 2017 Scottsdale show, including Jim Stachowski and Jessica Clinton. As it turned out, the Scottsdale show was a bittersweet success. Michael had a very special Half-Arabian mare that he had raised and trained for owner Janet Thompson, and he had looked forward to showing her. However, that just wasn’t possible. Jessica finished and showed the mare to perfection. In fact, she and Blazn Jewel HPF were the Scottsdale Half-Arabian English Pleasure Champions. Michael was there to cheer them on and at the outgate to congratulate them. After the excitement of the show, he returned to Washington to contemplate and plan his future.

Although Michael has experienced very serious changes in his life, the fundamentals, those things that truly make life worth living, remain. Thankfully, he still has his talents, his values, friends, clients, and most important, family. Michael’s daughter, Carlyn, has been a very important person in his life for the past 30 years. Some of the fondest memories he has of her were when she was still a little girl. At dusk, they would watch the horses in the pastures. He said she had an incredible eye for horses and that she could recognize each of them by their silhouettes even in the moonlight. Carlyn grew up with the Whelihan traditions, inheriting their love of horses. Michael describes her as a horse girl from the get-go and who learned to ride early and learned to ride well. Carlyn became a very accomplished equestrienne with multiple national championship titles to her credit. At the 2017 Scottsdale show, she was third in her class on a horse she personally trained. Michael says he is proud of Carlyn’s success in the show ring, and even more so as a wife to her husband, Grant, and the mother of their two children, Austin and Abigail. Carlyn and her family truly are the light of Michael’s life and the inspiration for the future. Of course, Michael’s future plans will also include horses. His health concerns have become the catalyst for changing his daily role of trainer, coach, and showman. His expertise in consulting for breeding, evaluation, selection, and training have always been in high demand and will now move to the forefront and become the focus for his future. Following five generations of tradition, Michael Whelihan was born a horseman. The spirit of the creature is a part of him, a part of his life, a part of his very heart and soul, and it will remain there all the days of his life. The next chapter of Michael’s life is yet to be written, but he has faith it will be every bit as fulfilling and exciting – perhaps even more.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their unconditional love and support. I would like to thank my friends who laughed with me in the good times and were there through the tough times. And to my clients, thank you for believing in me, for entrusting your horses to me, and for supporting my endeavors. There are not adequate words to express my gratitude to you all – but thank you.” ~ Michael Whelihan

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Jeweled Spirit

Carlyn & Michael Inheiritance WAF

Michael & Team Whelihan


Patricia & Austin Whelihan

Michael & Lizzie

Carlyn & Grant

Making Memories

Irwin & Mia Schimmel with Michael and the Prestige Champions

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Mike, You have never just worn the trainer hat for the Schimmel Family. Our relationship goes far beyond ribbons and roses. Together we share 35 years of memories, both in the ring and out, that we will cherish forever. Yes, there have been great horses. None more amazing than Dancealot, the Half-Arabian gelding by Zodiac Matador that you introduced to us in the fall of 1994. From there, the sky was the limit as you, Theresa, and Mia all won multiple National Championships in English Pleasure and Park. Dancealot commanded the ring and you did a fabulous job training, showing, and coaching the girls to their wins. Along the way, something more happened. You and Irwin formed a bond that strengthened both men. You could talk about most anything, from family to training. And your mutual appreciation for harness horses lead to some exciting times in the training barn discovering the next great prospect! As a mentor, you shaped our girls’ show careers. Conversely, no one was more pleased for you when your daughter, Carlyn, was born, or prouder yet when she won her first national title, walked down the aisle, or had her first baby, than honorary grandparents Irwin and Pam. Talking with you about pedigrees, we discovered you have an encyclopedic knowledge of both the Arabian and Saddlebred lines. At the dawn of the half Arabian/half Saddlebred, your knowledge helped shaped the future of the Prestige Farms breeding program and still influences it to this day. There is just something unique about a friendship that endures all that life casts your way. Thank you, Mike, for all the great horses and advice. Most of all, thank you for being you – an important part of the Schimmel/Prestige Farms family. God Bless you, and here’s to the many great years ahead that we will share. The Irwin Schimmel Family – Prestige Farms, LLC

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ANCEALOT Multi-National Champion with Michael Whelihan

Multi-National Champion DANCEALOT & Mia Schimmel

Multi-National Champion DANCEALOT & Theresa Schimmel

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Congratulations to Penny Carrington on the purchase of this great horse. Thank you to Mike and Jessica for your excellence in training and showing Jewel so beautifully. Janet & Richard Thompson, Horsepower Farms, LLC

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Michael Whelihan & Janet Thompson

Dear Mike, In 1998, I became involved in the competitive “arena” of the Arabian horse world. I was eager to learn and soak up as much information as I could. As the years went by, I always studied the other riders and took particular notice of the trainers. I observed how they treated their horses, and how they interacted with their amateur riders. You stood out in my mind, because of your gentle ways with riders and horses; training both for excellence, while maintaining a soft-spoken demeanor. Your theory was that if it all goes bad, we’ll just go have a piece of chocolate cake and try again the next day. You are so admired and respected by your colleagues. When a problem arose that they were having difficulty solving, many times I overheard you on the phone trying to help them. They came to you, now after 45 years of training, because they felt confident that you could offer constructive guidance. In 2007, being so impressed by you and your work ethic, I moved my horses to you. After Youth Nationals that year, you called and asked me to come up for some lessons and not to forget my show clothes. Oh my!! Was my only thought. You gave me the chance of a horse lover’s dream. Standing in your arena, here came your assistant with Prim N Proper in hand. I had never been given the opportunity to ride her. Of course, my nerves were rattled, but the obvious thing to me was that you had complete confidence in me, which in turn gave me a little of my own. After three lessons, we packed up Prim along with my show clothes and headed to a Class A show in Langley, BC. Our mission was to qualify her for the amateur division at U.S. Nationals. Mission accomplished!! To wile the time away between classes, right on the show grounds, we found a nine-hole putting golf course. I’m pretty certain, you walloped me each game, but what fun I had. Not only were you my trainer, but now a friendship was beginning. At U.S. Nationals that year, in the finals, I made a mistake during the last trot and came out with a Top Ten. We initiated your game plan and went and had a piece of chocolate cake. We couldn’t do it again the next day, but we did do it the next year when I was U.S. National Reserve Champion. For the last ten years, you have made my time “in the saddle” a precious one. You’ve encouraged me, supported me, and solidified our friendship. Your guidance has been insurmountable. The Arabian community came out in full force last year at U.S. Nationals to show their love, support and appreciation for all that you have done for the industry, and their regards for a very special person. At Scottsdale this year, the accolades continued. When the announcer called you into center ring to introduce you, he wanted everyone to know that you are one of the best. Mike, you are one in a million. I have treasured our time together, our commiserations over the phone, and will continue to take delight whenever we see one another, wherever we may meet. Here’s to my one in a million friend. Love, Janet

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“We moved our horses under Mike’s training early in 2010. We met with him first to discuss our goals and objectives and to better understand his program and training philosophy. We left with such a feeling of trust and respect for his expertise that we made the decision to join his program immediately, and that trust and respect has continued to grow through the years we’ve worked with him. While he is a most talented horseman, Mike has so many qualities that make him a very special person beyond that – he is sincere, loyal, reliable, hard-working yet humorous, and he has tremendous integrity. But what stands out most about Mike is that he truly cares – about his family, friends, clients, and of course, the horses. It is nothing short of amazing that he has continued to run his training business in spite of the personal hardships he has recently endured. Mike’s tutelage and advice have been key to our acquisition/training of high quality horses, development of show ring skills, and the establishment of our breeding program at Scion Arabians, LLC. We appreciate him greatly and are thankful for all he has done for us. We join many others in celebrating his accomplishments and we look forward to his future contributions as a master horseman.” Deborah & Eric Haug, Scion Arabians, LLC

Ferrara Photo

SCION ARABIANS SHOW HORSES: BLAZN STAR (Pension x Jeweled Spirit by Dixie Jewel) 2007 Half-Arabian Bay Gelding

HIGH SPIRITS DEH (Black Daniels x Jeweled Spirit by Dixie Jewel) 2011 Half-Arabian Bay Mare

JUMPING JACK FLASH BF (MHR Nobility x Movie Maker by Talent Town) 2006 Half-Arabian Chestnut Gelding

SHOWGIRL SKF (Vegaz x Starr Llight by Reign On) 2008 Purebred Chestnut Mare

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DEFINED BENEFIT DEH (by Pension) 2013 Bay Colt

SHOWGUN DEH (by Pension) 2013 Bay Colt

HEIRATOSKCA DEH (by HA Toskcan Sun) 2015 Bay Filly

2017 FILLY (by Afires Heir) Born March 28th

ASTRAL HEIR DEH (by Afires Heir) 2015 Black Colt

PENSIONS GUARANTY DEH (by Pension) 2013 Bay Colt

AMERICAN HEIR DEH (by Afires Heir) 2015 Bay Colt

EMPRESS HEIR DEH (by Afires Heir) 2015 Bay Filly

2017 COLT (by HA Toskcan Sun) Born March 2nd

2017 FOAL (by HA Toskcan Sun) Due in July

TOSKCAN SUNLITE DEH (by HA Toskcan Sun) 2016 Bay Filly

2017 FILLY (by Afires Heir) Born March 16th

(offspring listed below) (Aploz x Firelite DGL by Duel) 2001 Bay Mare

(offspring listed below) (Vegaz x Starr Llight by Reign On) 2008 Chestnut Mare

(offspring listed below) (Pension x Cinzia by Wisdom) 2006 Bay Mare

(offspring listed below) (Pension x Cinzia by Wisdom) 2010 Bay Mare

2017 FOAL (by HA Toskcan Sun) Due in May




Little Photo




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2000 Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure

Dear Mike,

You’ve been a horse trainer for 40 plus years. Thankfully, I’ve had the great pleasure of having you as my trainer for the last seven or so. During these years, you’ve taught me so much about riding; how a horse should feel light and move forward easily, and more. As each amateur does, I always listen for your approval or words of encouragement as I go by you in the ring. I quickly learned, I usually couldn’t hear you! If you are laughing hard, that means you are very worried or nervous. No words come out, you just giggle! It took me a while to figure that one out! Together, we managed to get me around the show ring, with some very nice accomplishments, and we formed a friendship that I will always cherish. When your business dynamics changed, and you were on your own, you trusted me to help you get the new business going. I loved getting everything ready for the shows. When you had the heart attack at the Region 4 show, the entire Whelihan Team, became frozen in time, waiting for you to recover. You gave us such a scare, all we could do was pray. Eventually, our prayers were answered, and you were back. Your impaired vision was a major obstacle in daily life, and in your work as a horse trainer. Together, with the help of many people, we continued the work of Whelihan Show Horses and finished out the show season at U.S. Nationals. I was honored to accompany you to the show and got to see firsthand the reactions from all your friends throughout the U.S. and Canada who were waiting to see Mike Whelihan! The support you received confirmed the outpouring of respect, love, and friendship, and the desire to help, felt by so many of our fellow Arabian horsemen. Thank you for teaching me to ride, thank you for trusting me with your business, thank you for being my very dear friend, and thank you for being you… Gail Leavitt SF BEYOND THE GLORY IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE Please contact Michael Whelihan: 360-951-7089 or Gail Leavitt: gmleavitt@msn.com

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is a Zodiac Matador grandson and a product of the Whelihan training and breeding program. This multiple National Champion, trained and shown by Jim Stachowski, and owned by Michelle Harris, stands at Stachowski Farms.

ZODIAC MATADOR & Michael Whelihan

Mike Whelihan grew up alongside us in the Arabian horse show world. We reflect back to the early years when we first met Mike. That was when he was working at Karho in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mike was one of the first Arabian trainers we got to know. We watched him work horses and knew we liked his style of training. He was very methodical and consistent; he was known for taking his time to train his horses the right way. Mike has shown some really great horses over the years like Zodiac Matador and Pension, to name just two. Mike is the definition of a true professional; always easy to work with, honest, and truly dedicated to training horses for his clients. We both have great respect for Mike as an Arabian breeder, owner, judge, and trainer. We are happy to be included in this tribute to him and to recognize Mike for his exceptional contributions to our Arabian horse industry. Jim & Peter Stachowski & families Stachowski Farms

HA TOSKCAN SUN & Jim Stachowski

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PURE POPPY with Michael, Wayne & Donna McArthur I have been a client and become a friend of Mike for 30 plus years... during all that time, we have never had a cross word... I respected his thoughts and opinions, and he respected my neophyte thoughts... made me feel good... I think in a previous life Mike WAS an Arabian horse... he thinks like one... reacts like one... anticipates like one... he knows the individual actions and reactions of EVERY horse he rides... The horses ALWAYS come first... clients may want to be where the action is on the show grounds, but that may not be the case... Mike will choose to stable where it is... cooler, warmer, less wind, quieter, or where there are no lights left on all night! Mike is an English Pleasure fanatic... I remember when Country English Pleasure started and Mike wasn't sure he wanted to show in that division... we went on to win a U.S. National Reserve Championship in Freedom Hall with a horse that Mike bred named Pure Poppy... my husband and I were there that night and I have to say it was a thrilling moment for us all... I actually saw him show Western Pleasure... ONCE! He pulled an old, rumpled trash bag out of the dressing room and proceeded to extract an equally rumpled, old, dusty, black western hat out of it! Results... I don't recall... In his personal life, Mike is very guarded.....not in a bad way at all... he is humble and honest... when he is not looking after your horse, and has time, he is really quite funny and a bit of a tease... I know Mike’s family, both of his parents are proud and supportive of him... he absolutely is besotted by his grandchildren and is going to make grandson, Austin, the next Tiger... The thirty plus years I have been in "Arabs" have completed my life... I was lucky I found my passion... many "Arab" people feel the same way... I found my passion and Mike to help me along the way... Karma...by the way... wouldn't that be a great name for a horse... Karma! I better phone Mike to start looking ... Thank you and best wishes always... Donna & Wayne McArthur High Point Farm

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We always saw Michael as not only a trainer, but as a breeder, indeed a breed-improvement contributor, of significance. It would be impossible to count the number of English horses that reached the show ring because of Michael, or won national championships that were not shown by him or his immediate clients. We believe Zodiac Matador achieved historic impact on the breed because of Michael’s firm belief in those bloodlines. An excellent teacher and communicator, Michael always had, and articulated in his own highly-effective way, a plan for each horse, rider, lesson, or show class. He understood that the related bills needed to be paid. We fondly remember a class at the Buckeye when, after a long hiatus from driving classes, Michael brilliantly showed one of our mares to a unanimous pleasure driving championship. This led to future driving championships for us, as well as his other clients. A high point was Carol and Michael selecting RB Secret Toi from a big herd of horses at twenty five below zero. Thank you, Michael, for many successes of various types and many fond memories. Carol Dorin & Mark Dorin

RB SECRET TOI & Carol Dorin

Ar abian Horse Times | 19 | Michael Whelihan

Dear Mike, Our breed is so lucky to have your talent. When we think of the definition of a true horseman, you fit the description perfectly. We wish you all the best and we are truly honored to call you our friend. Love, Dick, Lollie & Lara Ames Cedar Ridge Arabians

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