Arabian Horse Times - Vol 46 No 2 - July 2015

Page 117


Do you relate to the breeder, the trainer, or simply the enthusiast when it comes to Arabian horse? Both. I respect the breeder for having visions of greatness, and admire the trainer for bringing the vision to life.

experiment in photography. Our horses were my lions and zebras to photograph. Turns out … I was kind of good at it! n

How do you overcome designers-block? Take a break, look up from the computer and see what’s around me. I get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. What is your favorite part of what you do? Making people happy! What made you choose design and photography? I started learning how to do graphic design at the age of 17. I’m 100% self-taught. My father’s marketing company gave me the chance to learn and grow. I’ve always loved National Geographic®, and the cinema and photography captured me at a young age. I was lucky enough to have a family that supported me at a young age and helped me gather the tools I needed to

Maghnus Z

Volume 46, No. 2 | 115

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