Experience Arabian Horses, Issue #5 - published in Arabian Horse Times

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Lily Gramling & her leased horse, RA Kilohana (Khadraj NA x Karalisa), a 1999 bay gelding owned by Joyce Thomas and Alicia Garrett.

CONTENTS Cover Story Ocala Equestrian Academy


The Denver Broncos Mascot, Thunder


Find A Lesson Program Near You


Horses For Humanity Update


Stories From the Heart


Be Introduced to Arabian Horses at a Discovery Farm


The Possibilities ... In this first century where horses are no longer considered integral to mankind’s survival, the world we are all experiencing is changing at a rapid pace. Today finds us all searching for things to make life worthwhile, activities to take us out of ourselves and keep us present in the moment, and young and old alike are constantly looking for different ways to escape the daily stresses that seem to be ever-mounting in the world. Ask anyone who spends time with Arabian horses, and they will tell you that they’ve found the answer to all those issues and more through riding and interaction with the animal that has always been crucial for human survival and growth. Time spent with horses brings so many life skills that we couldn’t possibly list them all here, but flip through these pages and you will start to get the idea. Whatever age you are, horses are hardwired into our DNA, and it is never too late to enter into an adventure with them. In this issue of Envision, you will see just a few of the life-enriching experiences Arabian horses offer. Many Arabian addicts have found a sport later in life, and many who have no wish to ride, have found that the breed offers as much food for the soul standing beside them as it does for those astride. Arabian horse lesson programs are featured in this issue because this a great way to be introduced to them and how they can impact you and your family’s life. If even for one visit, we promise that you will leave with a warm spot in your soul for the world’s oldest breed of horse; bred for centuries to interact with people and fulfill their dreams, and the horse that will love you back. Chances are that if you’ve found one of these magazines in your area, there is a lesson program or Discovery farm near you. Check them out; arrange a visit and see what we are talking about. Look in the Arabian’s beautiful eyes, where they share their soul with you, and “envision” the possibilities. They and the people they own are waiting for you.

CREATIVE CONTRIBUTORS Lara Ames Kelle Deeter Charlene Deyle Meaghan Estes Jaime Johnson Cat McKenna Leah Matzke Melissa Pasicznyk Elizabeth Pizzonia Jody Thompson Jenn Trickey Mary Trowbridge

Mary Trowbridge Mary Trowbridge

Mary Trowbridge, right, shown with long-time student Rachel Oster and daughter, Lucy June Oster.

Cover design Lluvia Sommer

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Cover Story:

Elizabeth Pizzonia & her team at Ocala Equestrian Academy are no strangers to Arabian horses. And because of them, neither are the hundreds of students who mount up each week at “OEA!” Ocala, Florida, is one of the most populated horse counties in the country; home to just about every breed you can think of. What lines every stall of Ocala Equestrian Academy are not Quarter Horses or Thoroughbreds ... but Arabians. Every lesson horse is an Arabian or Half-Arabian. Why? “There is no other breed I would consider,” says instructor/owner Elizabeth Pizzonia. With over 30 years’ experience, amassing over 30 U.S. National Championships throughout her career as a youth, amateur and professional trainer, Pizzonia shares, “When a person begins their experience with horses, it’s our job to have it be safe, fulfilling and fun! Many people have ‘fallen upon’ an Arabian horse by accident. There was one in their trail ride, or a friend of a friend had one. Our clients are well informed from the get-go that we choose to use Arabians in our lesson programs, then the horses basically explain why for themselves.” The OEA holds seasonal camps, group and private lessons, clinics and workshops; all for the opportunity to share the experience of the magical Arabian horse with those of all ages. OEA understands the great value in bringing new people to them ... and giving them the best experience they can. That’s the simple philosophy.

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Elizabeth in center ring aboard Reserve National Champion Park Horse HS Liberty, and at home with a junior rider at one of the OEA’s many local horse shows.

Choosing The Right Lesson Program By Elizabeth Pizzonia, owner of Ocala Equestrian Academy Photography by Lluvia Sommer “How do I find the right place to begin taking lessons?� It is the most important question when beginning your journey with the Arabian horse. Unfortunately, there is not one answer that makes a place the right choice, but a combination of things. This guide will help you make the best choice in reaching your personal equine goals and dreams. First, you must establish your personal goals within the horse world. Ask yourself,

Are you looking to become a master showman or enjoy the horse in a recreational fashion? Whatever your equine direction is, choose a facility that will help you reach your goals with a structured plan to guide the way.

The Instructor. A friendly, welcoming environment is key. Learning to ride is an enjoyable adventure and you want to make sure you are encouraged in your riding process. Make sure that there are opportunities for you to advance your skills which is very important to your success as a rider. Take the time to observe lessons. Is the instructor attentive to his/ her students? Listen to the teaching style. Instructors have many ways of teaching; make sure that the instructor you are considering teaches in a way you can resonate with. Often, a good riding instructor will have positive references/referrals and credentials. With any successful riding program, it is critical to teach new riders from the ground up. Remember, horses are not soccer balls that you can just stick in the corner until you are ready to play with it again. To become a successful horseman/ horsewoman, it is essential you learn how to completely care for your horse. Riders should learn the skills to properly care for their lesson horse, from feeding, cleaning and grooming, to tacking, sportsmanship and much more. Look for a program that will teach you these important skills.

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Tour the facility. Something very important to every new rider is what kind of facility is offering riding lessons. Is this a professional equine facility promoting lessons? Set up a tour of the facilities you are considering. Look around and ask yourself, is this a safe and professional environment for lessons? Make sure there is a set arena for lessons, NOT an open field or poorly fenced area. Make sure lessons are done in a safely enclosed riding arena. A beginner rider will not advance properly or safely in wide open spaces that are not enclosed. A facility with a covered arena is a plus so inclement weather doesn’t cause unnecessary cancellations.

Ask what types of lessons are offered. Are group and private lessons available? Private lessons are great for one-on-one learning. Group lessons are a fun way to ride with others and learn new skills with multiple horses in the arena. Talk with your potential instructor and see what he/she suggests for you. If you choose a group lesson, make sure you are in a group of riders with similar riding experience. It is very frustrating for new riders to try and keep up with experienced riders in a group lesson. Ask how long the lessons are and the amount of time you are actually in the saddle. Is grooming, tacking and untacking part of the lesson?

Cost and inclusions. Riding horses is a commitment, be sure to talk with the instructor on lesson pricing. Ask if there are packages or discounts available. Check to make sure you know what’s included in your lesson package. Many facilities accept credit cards or similar forms of payment, however, be sure to discuss what type of payment is preferred and when you need to pay for your lessons.

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Check the surroundings. Check the surroundings of the designated riding areas. You don’t want to see obstacles in the way (i.e. tractor equipment scattered around the arenas, rakes and brooms not properly stored, hoses laying around). These are important to the safety of your riding experience.

Ask to see the lesson horses You will also want to request a viewing of the lesson horses and ask how many are actively used in the program. It is extremely important to see that these horses are well taken care of. Do they look healthy and well groomed? Watch the horses used in lessons. A horse that is happy and bright will put forth a quality lesson, but a horse that is unhappy and sour will deliver a poor performance. It is so important to take care of these horses. They are the true TEACHERS and their well-being is very important.

Get started today! These are just a few tips to help you find the right place to begin your equine journey. Ultimately, you want to feel confident and comfortable as a new rider and expand your skills. Every second you spend with your new equine friend is creating a bond that has no limits. Enjoy the ride!

For more information on OEA ... Contact Elizabeth Pizzonia, Riding Instructor/Owner Phone: +1(352)-817-8020 | Email: Ocalaride@gmail.com 4335 NW 110th Ave, Ocala, FL 34482 | www.ocalaeq.com Ar abian Horse Times | 6 | ENV ISION • #5

Alana Hasman

An Ambassador & Her Arabian Alana Hasman is an eight-year-old, rider at the Ocala Equestrian Academy. What sets Alana apart from the other horse-crazy kids, belly-laughing around the barn, is her diagnosis of Limb Girdle Muscular dystrophy type 2i (LGMD). LGMD2i is a form of MD which refers to a group of conditions that cause weakness and wasting of the muscles in the shoulders and hips. “What the horses have given Alana is amazing,” says her mom, Anna. “She is supposed to wear support-type boots, yet she doesn’t, as riding dramatically has improved her legs. It has increased her core strength and stamina immensely ... not to mention her confidence! Before riding, she tried gymnastics and dance. but she couldn’t advance. Riding horses has leveled the playing field for her. “She has taken a few tumbles falling off a horse before, but she dusts herself off and gets back on. Liz says when you fall off you get the “Cowgirl” award, and she loves that because the other riders encourage her by telling her it’s ok! She gets back on and goes again! Riding horses has given her freedom she doesn’t get anywhere else.” Alana enjoys working with the other riders at the barn and is treated equally. She helps clean grooming areas, grooms horses and keeps those laughs going with the other riders. So ... when Alana is at the farm, she IS one of the other kids. The CureLGMD2i Foundation has appointed her as their new Junior Ambassador. Oh, and one day, intends to show at Youth Nationals!

Alana Hasman and her purebred gelding Broadway Show+/ (Showkayce x Baskhemos Joy)

Quality time for Alana and her mom.

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Good-Natured, Quick To Learn, And Willing To Please Any Age Of Rider The Arabian horse is one of the most versatile horses on earth. They pretty much excel at whatever you ask of them. Whether you see yourself as a leisure trail or competitive rider, or love them just because, the Arabian horse will capture your heart.

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it English pleasure, park or informal combination, this Arabian demonstrates animated, English Bebalanced motion with a desire to go forward with impulsion from the rear, expressed in long,

lofty strides that eat up the arena beneath their feet as they flow over the ground. All gaits are performed with willingness and obvious ease, cadence, balance and smoothness. These fine horses combine their athleticism with grace and style typical of the Arabian horse.

is considered ‘classical training’ Dressage Dressage because it uses gymnastic exercises—a

series of movements and figures—which have been studied and developed for centuries. When done systematically and correctly, the exercises will cause the horse to be soft and supple on both sides and to respond willingly and obediently. He moves freely forward with pure gaits and an even tempo.


From the time of nomads, Arabians have been the choice for prevailing in the harshest, most inhospitable conditions. Able to cross vast distances with minimal rest, food and water, their makeup has served them well--dense bone, economic body size and weight, long shoulder, deep heart girth and huge nostrils that allow for maximum air intake. Their well-constructed feet and legs are durable, and their bravery and acute intelligence are prized. They are able to carry their riders over thousands of miles, the dominating choice today when competing against other breeds. skillfully maneuver their horses through various gaits Driving Drivers performed with fluid motion that is brilliant and eye appealing. The beautiful combination of an Arabian horse and elegant fine harness equipment makes this discipline a crowd favorite.

the precision of dressage and the brilliance Show Hack Combining of the Arabian horse itself, this discipline has its roots in classical movements of the collected and extended gait, the hand gallop, the halt and the reinback. All movements are natural, which amply demonstrates the Arabians’ pride, elegance and versatility.

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Essentially a breeding class, each horse is judged on its correctness of conformation, its movement, or “way of going” and their Arabian Type; the breed’s unique characteristics and desirable qualities to which pass on to offspring. The halter horse is shown “in-hand” individually and posed to displays their positive traits.

Jumping On a high spirited, alert, athletic, bold and willing Arabian with the talent for jumping, you’ll love this sport. Popular around the world, the jumping horse is forward thinking and moving with a confident heart and attitude.


This Arabian requires manners, performance ability, and quality and conformation suitable for a hunter. On the flat or over fences, a hunter covers the ground easily with a long, low, efficient stride that could accommodate an all-day ride.


Smoke photo

Racing is in the heart and soul of every Arabian horse. With its own long history of racing, the athleticism, speed and beauty of this desert horse made it the perfect choice. Keeping this in mind, Arabian racing today makes perfect sense. Considered the original race horse, when English breeders wanted to add speed and endurance to their horses, they turned to the Arabian. The result? The Thoroughbred.

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This Arabian is calm, willing, has an obedient attitude with smooth, soft gaits and is happy and content to do its job. They are ideal for sitting in a saddle all day.

it for pure pleasure or show, Arabians are Trail Beskillful, eye appealing and confident. When

properly trained, they move over obstacles without hesitation and are safe and a pleasurable ride.

Working Western

This style highlights the agility and willingness of these horses to be guided by their riders, demonstrating difficult movements necessary in working cattle. The rider controls each maneuver of quick spins, straight sliding stops and lead changes.

in performance, manners, Sport Horse Evaluated conformation, suitability as a working

sport horse. They push from behind, travel uphill, exhibit good length of stride and move with straight, rhythmic, balanced gaits. Conformation is evaluated in terms of potential trainability, potential performance and predisposition to soundness.

of those Native Costume Representative used by ancient Bedouins

when they charged across the desert, climbing the sands to engage their enemy in battle, the beauty of the Arabian horse and the colorful heritage of the costumes make this one of the most exciting and popular disciplines.


BIG NOISE! Long after the game ends, our favorite breed ambassador keeps rolling for fans everywhere.


By Jenn Trickey

The Denver Broncos beloved mascot, Thunder, our favorite Arabian horse breed ambassador, and his trainer, our own Ann Judge, are no strangers to galloping across an arena to cheering stands. However, to the delight of anyone at the 52nd U.S. National Championship Horse Show, the green under their feet was not the turf of Mile-High Stadium, but the green shavings of finals weekend in the Ford Truck Arena of Tulsa! Thunder, Ann and his owner, Sharon Magness Blake, kicked off the classes with their signature flag-flaring charge and hosted countless “selfies” to adoring fans non-stop. Thunder’s presence also prompted a successful “Coats for Kids Drive” to benefit the local community of Tulsa. The Arabian horse community was thrilled for the visit and give great thanks to Team Thunder for their dedication. And now that football season has come to a close, is it time for Thunder to kick back? Nope, not at all. Our proud, handsome guy is back at it with the Denver Broncos Charities and the Thunder Foundation making visits to organizations including the Children’s Hospital, Denver Rescue Mission, the American Heart Association, Volunteers of America and The Boys and Girls Clubs. Ar abian Horse Times | 12 | ENV ISION • #5

Team mascots have a unique and challenging job! They must enjoy people and love performing – both hallmarks of the Arabian breed! So how does one pay homage to a NFL superstar with gameday duties that include leading the Broncos out of the tunnel, all while supporting local charities and their causes? You honor him with his very own Breyer® horse. As if we could not be any prouder, the Arabian horse has a new member in the Breyer® stable! Touchdown!

Since 1999, Ann has served as the rider/trainer of “Thunder,” the Denver Broncos’ Mascot. As well as appearing at all Denver Broncos home games to over 76,000 fans, Ann and Thunder have attended two Super Bowls as well as countless charitable events. In 2018, Thunder was honored as the Grand Marshall of the National Western Stock Show parade—the only live animal Grand Marshall since Rin Tin Tin in 1940! Ar abian Horse Times | 13 | ENV ISION • #5

LESSONS Ar abian Horse Times | 14 | ENV ISION • #5

We anxiously await your visit. There is something for everyone! Ar abian Horse Times | 15 | ENV ISION • #5

FIND YOUR PROGRAM ♥ SUPPORTERS OF ENVISION … Devoted to strengthening the Arabian breed. Thank you! ** Also a Discovery Farm

ALABAMA RHAPSODY IN BLUE STABLES** Wetumpka | 251-454-2761 www.winningarabians.com ARIZONA APEX RIDING ACADEMY Scottsdale | 801-244-7996 www. apexridingacademy.com BEIN PERFORMANCE HORSES** Scottsdale | 480-220-6710 www.beinperformancehorses.com MARY CAMPBELL TRAINING CENTER Tucson | 520-975-2264 www.ridinglessonstucson.com MARY WILSON SHOW HORSES Cave Creek | 925-719-6867 www.marywilsonshowhorses.com NELSON FARMS, INC. Tucson | 520-647-3009 www.Nelsonfarmsinc.com PAR Excellence Farms Gilbert | 480-510-6125 www.facebook.com/parexcellencefarms Royal Salute Cave Creek | 480-585-6318 www.Royalsaluteaz.com SCOTTSDALE EQUESTRIAN ACADEMY Cave Creek | 480-203-1394 www.scottsdaleequestrianacademy.com

SCOTTSDALE RIDING CLUB** Scottsdale | 480-201-7039 www.scottsdaleridingclub.com

Cheyenne Arabians Ramona | 760-788-3780 www.Cheyennearabians.com

Neophyte Farms Simi Valley | 805-630-0037 www.neophytefarms.com

TWIN L PERFORMANCE HORSES** Cave Creek | 480-515-4495 www.twinlperformance.com

Doran Show Stables, LLC** Lincoln | 925-719-1404 www.doranshowstables.com

PRICELESS ARABIANS Alta Loma | 951-897-5701 www.pricelessarabians.com

Earthquake Arabians LLC Clayton | 707-386-7771 www.earthquakearabians.com

Reinstein Ranch Livermore | 925-583-4950 www.reinsteinranch.com

El Camino Ranch Redlands | 909-801-0029 www.elcaminoranchredlands.com

White Horse Dressage Pilot | 818-326-5452 www.facebook.com/whitehorsedressage

GLYNNSONG FARMS Castroville | 831-238-6559 www.glynnsongfarms.com


WITTE STABLES Scottsdale | 602-750-0417 www.wittestables.com ARKANSAS Bray’s Training Center Benton | 501-778-6375 www.btc-arabian.com CEDAR SPRINGS EQUESTRIAN CENTER Farmington| 479-799-3384 www.cedarspringsequestriancenter.com CALIFORNIA Arroyo Arabians** Santa Ynez | 805-325-8026 www.arroyoarabians.com Canyon Lake Farm Chino | 760-443-3651 www.canyonlakefarm.com Castle Rock Arabians Walnut Creek | 925-933-3701 www.castlerockarabians.com

HCR Performance Horses Redlands | 909-206-9526 www.hcrperformancehorses.com Horizon Arabians Davis | 916-412-8072 www.horizonarabianstraining.com

Deseos Arabians Calhan | 303-921-0785 www.deseosarabians.com Gambel Oaks Equestrian Center Elizabeth | 303-646-0462 www.gambeloaks.com CONNECTICUT

Lowe Show Horse Centre Somis | 805-386-8669 www.Loweshowhorsecentre.com

Baldwin Stables Deep River | 860-526-5989 Facebook: Baldwin Stables

MCDANIEL TRAINING CENTER Vina | 530-370-4705 www.mcdanieltraining.com

Double A Arabians Somers | 860-749-4797 www.doubleaarabians.com

McMullen Stables Santa Barbara | 805-797-4156 www.mcmullenstables.com

Sloane Training Center Wolcott | 203-879-1085 www.facebook.com/SloaneTrainingCenter TROWBRIDGE’S LTD** Bridgewater | 860-488-7074 www.trowbridgesltd.com

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TWIN BROOK STABLES Clinton | 860-304-6355 www.twinbrookstables.com DELAWARE Sultnana Stables Greenwood | 302-349-9651 www.sultanastables.com

IDAHO Arabians West Meridian | 208-888-0099 www.arabianswest.com ILLINOIS


CENTENNIAL ACRES Forreston | 815-501-6874 www.centennial-acres.com

Al-Marah Arabians Clermont | 407-301-0800 www.al-marah.com

JOHN WHITE STABLES Woodstock | 815-245-2585 www.johnwhitestables.com

CHRISTY HIGMANCLEMENTS TRNG. Miami | 305-606-0645 www.chctrainingmiami.com


CRANBERRY KNOLL ARABIANS & SPORT HORSES Fairhaven | 508-982-9628 cranberryknollarabians@yahoo.com

SELECT SHOW HORSES Sheridan | 317-413-3485 www.selectshowhorses.com

Edgewood Farms Rochester | 508-441-1067 www.edgewoodfarms.net


Klineview Stables Southwick | 413-569-6408 klineviewstables.com

Equestrian Quest Geneva | 407-314-1735 www.equestrianqueststables.com GRETA WRIGLEY TRAINING Alachua | 352-318-7738 www.gretawrigleytraining.com M&M SHOW HORSES Webster | 352-425-9694 Marcyaa9@hotmail.com OCALA EQUESTRIAN ACADEMY Ocala | 352-817-8020 www.ocalaeq.com GEORGIA Atlanta Riding Club Canton | 470-281-0881 www.atlantaridingclub.com Casey Arabians, LLC Buford | 404-406-4880 Lauracasey.biz IRON HORSE Milton | 678-231-5038 www.cjironhorse.com

AKS FARMS Norwalk | 515-371-5073 www.aksfarmsllc.com Strand’s Arabian Stables Toddville | 319-393-4816 www.strandsarabians.com KENTUCKY FIRELIGHT ARABIANS Louisville | 502-477-1018 www.firelightarabians.com MARYLAND Windsong Arabians Mt Airy | 301-831-5083 windsong21771.tripod.com/wa MASSACHUSETTS CHRIS PICARDI @ GRANDVIEW FARM Dighton | 617-549-3916 winrush@yahoo.com

Matlock Farm Lincoln | 978-404-1224 www.matlockfarm.com MICHIGAN 3K Performance Horses @ Spectrum Horse Service Elsie | 989-323-0405 www.spectrumhorseservice.com CB Sport Horses Grand Haven | 810-240-8075 www.cbsporthorse.com Curtis Performance Horses Ada | 616-822-6652 www.curtisperformancehorses.com Foxfield Arabians Alto | 616-891-1521 www.Foxfieldarabians.com

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LUXE ARABIANS Traverse City | 231-632-1181 www.luxearabians.com Misty Hill Training Belleville | 734-657-4275 Facebook: mistyhilltraining ROOKER TRAINING STABLES Fenton | 810-241-9246 www.Rookertrainingstable.com Rushlow Arabians Romulus | 734-782-1171 www.Rushlowsarabians.net Signature Oaks Stables Dexter | 734-562-9023 www.signatureoakstables.com Trotwood Farm Hickory Corners | 502-604-3141 www.trotwoodfarm.com WINNING EDGE TRAINING CENTER** Coopersville | 616-292-3787 www.winningedgetrainingcenter.com MINNESOTA CEDAR RIDGE RIDING CLUB Jordan | 815-354-2466 stephanie@ cedarridgearabians.com www.cedar-ridge.com

GOLDEN RIDGE STABLES Lakeville | 952-469-4640 www.goldenridgestables.com

TIEFENAUER TRAINING Farmington | 573-631-0126 Krhfy6@gmail.com

NORTHRIDGE FARM Lockport | 716-983-0496 annecinelli@icloud.com

C & G Ranch Evans City | 724-355-8498 www.candgranch.com

NORTH STAR STABLE Stacy | 651-587-9555 www. Northstarwelaras.com


Phelan Training Stable Bloomfield | 585-415-8577 www.Phelantrainingstable.com

Crescendo Training Centre** Ephrata | 717-354-5585 www.crescendotrainingcentre.com

Quillin Ltd Elma | www.Quillinltd.com

RYAN SHOW HORSES Gettysburg | 609-558-0643 www.ryanshowhorses.com

REGENT ARABIANS** Rogers | 651-253-8673 www.Regentarabians.com Kim.McKimmy@RegentArabians.com THE DREAM TEAM EQUESTRIAN ACADEMY Rosemount/Duluth 612-314-3173 thedreamteamacademy@gmail.com THREE CROSSES Rosemount | 651-253-6536 3crossespw@gmail.com CRANBERRY KNOLL ARABIANS & SPORT HORSES Fairhaven | 508-982-9628 www.cranberryknollarabians.net MISSOURI CHRISHAN PARK ARABIANS Springfield | 417-761-2031 www.chrishanpark.com LIBBY FERGUSON TRAINING Springfield | 417-894-8221 www.libbyfergusonhorsetraining.com CLANTON PERFORMANCE HORSES RIDING CLUB** Peculiar | 816-709-9054 www.clantonperformancehorses.com Fired Up Ranch Lee’s Summit | 816-529-9195 www.firedupranch.weebly.com

RENO-TAHOE EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Reno | 775-720-3548 www.Renotahoearabians.com FITZPATRICK PERF. HORSES Minden | 775-721-3855 www.fitzpatrickperformancehorses.com

RGB TRAINING & SALES Skaneateles | 315-209-9186 www.rgbriding.com


Watching Hawk Arabians Rome | 315-271-9073 www.watchinghawkarabians.com

Abaria Stables Concord | 603-731-2163 www.abarisarabians.com NEW JERSEY Carousel Farm Augusta | 973-219-1044 www.carouselfarmsnj.com Good Times Farm Freehold | 732-409-2882 www.goodtimefarm.com

NORTH CAROLINA Chesapeake Training Center Rocky Mount | 757-377-9903 JESSE CHASE PERFORMANCE HORSES Wendell | 757-630-8967 www.chasereininghorses.com OHIO

Tranquility Farm Chester | 908-966-3200 www.tranquilityhorsefarm.com

ANKAT TRAINING Newbury | 978-273-4062 Aboylan10@gmail.com


TA Equestrian Academy Troy | 937-308-5313 Facebook: TA Equestrian Academy

Valencia Farms Corrales | 505-899-5336 www.Valenciafarms.com NEW YORK Burnett Riding Weedsport | 315-708-4178 www.meaghanburnett.com/ CatoRidingLessons/

OREGON Diamond B Training/Lessons** Newberg | 503-539-3763 www.diamondbtrainingstable.com PENNSYLVANIA Blue Goose Stable, LLC Cochranville | 610-999-5231 www.bluegoosestable.com

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TRAVELDA RIDING ACADEMY Quakertown | 502-548-3590 www.traveldaridingacademy.com Valley View Farms Springtown | 610-972-7079 www.valleyviewfarms.us Watergap Stables, LLC** Christiana |610-593-2000 www.watergapstables.com Whoa Nellie Equine Services Willow Hill | 717-729-4473 www.trainmyhorse.net RHODE ISLAND THELL ARABS@GREENE FIELD FARM Greene | 401-255-6568 greenefieldfarm@yahoo.com SOUTH DAKOTA Glory Bound Arabians Brandon | 605-582-6188 Performance Plus Farms, LLC** Sioux Falls | 605-361-3334 www.pparabians.com TENNESSEE Copperhill Arabians Mt. Juliet | 615-927-9915 www.Copperhillarabians.com

IRVINE TRAINING** Maryville | 865-801-0612 www.Irvinetraining.net

The Brass Ring Burleson | 817-447-0001 www.thebrassringinc.com

MUSIC CITY RIDING ACADEMY** Lebanon | 615-495-7346 www.musiccityridingacademy.com

Weddle Training Stables** Austin | 512-657-8612 www.Weddleshowhorse.com

Mystic Rose Arabians** Eads | 901-465-2119 www.mysticrosearabians.com TEXAS BAY AREA EQUESTRIAN CENTER Pearland | 281-996-1515 www.baectx.com BayWood Equestrian Center Princeton | 214-499-1737 www.baywoodequestrian.com

UTAH Crystal Arabians Lehi | 801-455-8347 www.Crystalarabians.com Daniel Training Center LLC Riverton | 801-477-7080 TAYLOR RANCH RIDING PROGRAM Payson | 801-592-5601 www.taylorarabians.com VIRGINIA

WASHINGTON Command Performance Ridgefield | 360-901-2854 www.commandperformancetraining.com MS Performance Horses Monroe | 425-750-8465 N JOY ARABIANS** Olympia | 360-456-6339 www.njoyarabiansllc.com Timepiece Arab & Sport Horses Olympia | 360-943-9076 www.Timepiecearabians.com WISCONSIN Dan Barker Performance Horses Waterford | 414-702-0047 www.danbarkertraining.com JERICHO CREEK FARM II** Eagle | 262-470-3299 www.jerichocreekfarms.net

Beahr Ridge Arabians & Training Center** Ennis | 319-231-5075 www.beahrridgearabians.com

DABNEY MILL EQUESTRIAN CENTRE N Dinwiddie | 804-314-5216 dabneymill@aol.com

CG PERFORMANCE HORSES Cypress | 832-309-7018 cg-performance-horses.business.site

EMMANUEL EQUINE FACILITY Strasburg | 540-974-5794 emmanuelequine@yahoo.com

JESSICA COLE TRAINING CENTER Baraboo | 262-672-9742 jcts@jvlnet.com www.Jessicacoletrainingstables.com

Joyner Arabians El Paso | 915-276-5471 www.Joynerarabians.com

Evergreen Farm, LLC** Berryville | 540-955-0529 www.Evergreenfarm.info

LeFever Training Center Roberts | 612-965-4122 www.Lefevertc.com

Legacy Arabians Terrell | 972-679-5720 www.Legacyarabians.com

Garlands Powhatan | 804-598-3657 www.Tommygarland.com

P&H Horse & Cattle Co. Almena | 715-641-0354 www.pamandhoytrose.com

TEAM RIDER EQUINE LLC Pilot Point | 214-499-1731 Email: jsbentley75@aol.com teamriderequine.com

K & L SPORTHORSES Purcellville | 740-398-5131 www.klsporthorses.com

Price Performance Horses New Berlin | 612-418-8401 www.priceperformancehorses.com

Kim Seward Training Ardrossan, Alberta 780-777-3260 www.highlandparkequestrian.com

Sarkozi Training Centre Virginia Beach |757-471-3712 Facebook: SterlingMeadows

RED TAIL ARABIANS Elk Mound | 715-879-5832 www.redtailarabians.com

Semiahmoo Stables Surrey, BC | 604-536-9440 www.Semiahmoostables.com

Tezmaral Arabians** Argyle | 214-533-9123 www.tezmaralarabians.com

ST CROIX TRAINING CENTER Hudson | 612-709-3638 www.Stcroixtc.com Westridge Farms River Falls | 715-426-9640 www.Westridgefarms.com CANADA Cara Arabians Foothills, Alberta 403-860-2527 Facebook: caraarabianstables

It’s Never Too Late … Testimonials Of Late In Life Riders

Becky Nash with “Roxy & Bob with Mateo”

What caused you to decide to start riding? In 1998, my husband, Bob, and I moved to the Austin area. I was in a very demanding career in advertising and Bob was still working in Houston and commuting to Austin on the weekends. Fortuitously, our house was across the street from Battaglia Farms and some of the great Arabian horses at that time. Often, I would see these lovely creatures turned out. I had always harbored the thought of riding as a child but did not have the means or opportunity to do so. Some of my earliest memories of horses as a child were those featured in the Rose Bowl Parade and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (Arabian costume class). When I found I had some time on my hands, I thought this might be my chance. I floated my idea past my husband and I still have his email response which is quite entertaining. All he wanted to do was possibly ride horses on vacation and at the most, do some leisurely trail rides. I persisted, and we began showing when I was 40 and Bob was 60. By hook or crook and many years later, our hobby has become the center of our lives and I can’t think of anything I would rather do. What would you tell someone who is older to encourage them to start riding? What are you waiting for? It’s the best “anti-aging” thing you can do for yourself! Not only do you engage your body, but you also engage your mind. And it’s not just the riding, it’s the social world associated with it, of like-minded, healthy, fun and goal-oriented people. And you are creating a bond with one of the most beautiful and intelligent living beings in the world. How have you found riding to enhance your life and life skills? What do you love most about it? Absolutely, it has enhanced my life! Bob and I are probably one of the fortunate few couples that ride and show together. We support one another but you can bet we push each other as well. Both of us are competitive and we want the other one to win probably more than we want it for ourselves. When we retired, we knew that we wanted to do more than just ride. We wanted to contribute to the breed and the people we have come to consider family. Both of us support many organizations within the breed through volunteering. What are some of the obstacles you’ve encountered, starting this sport later in life? I CANNOT get my diagonals! Seriously though, if you are considering competition, it’s been a steep learning curve from not even knowing how to post to competing at a very high level, but I continue to learn and push myself. Regardless of what level of horsemanship you hope to achieve, get a great teacher (like mine ... Josh Quintus!) who with patience, continues to teach me and push me. How does riding compare to other hobbies you’ve had? There is no comparison. When you are one with your horse, it is unexplainable and must be experienced. As I mentioned, Bob and I both had very demanding careers and while we were working, had limited time to devote to hobbies, so picking something and sticking with it was important. We also knew we were the kind of couple that enjoyed doing things together; not spending weekends or time apart. Anything else you’d like to share with folks new to Arabian horses? Getting into this lifestyle late in life can be intimidating but don’t let that stop you. Find someone who has a good reputation and who you trust, to help guide you in your journey. It will make the experience more enjoyable and you will be successful. The memories you make will last a lifetime!

Ar abian Horse Times | 20 | ENV ISION • #5


The Newest Arabian Horse For Humanity By Becky Nash

On March 28, 2019, the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan will be the site of the unveiling of the newest Arabian Horse for Humanity statue, “Brave Heart,” a life-size Arabian horse statue molded by world renowned sculptor Karen Kasper and painted by famed Florida modernistic artist Romero Britto. This beautiful statue will be gifted to The Babies Heart Fund, the charitable arm of New York’s Presbyterian Columbia Children’s Hospital.

The statue was sponsored by noted Arabian horsewoman Lisa Blackstone and her husband, Steven Timme, of Atlanta, and given to the Arabian Horse Promotional Fund, who have gifted it to The Babies Heart Fund for this ongoing fundraising initiative. It was facilitated by new Arabian horse owners Dr. Damien and Kelly LaPar. The LaPars moved to the Northeast two years ago so that Kelly could pursue her passion for horses along with her 8-year-old daughter, Jacqueline. Dr. LaPar is a pediatric heart surgeon at the famed New York Hospital, and was instrumental in facilitating the upcoming partnership.

Brave Heart’s debut during The Babies Heart Fund’s annual fundraising gala will launch the start of an on-going fundraising campaign that will include many different initiatives. Among them are plans for events where donors, patients, supporters of Brave Heart is a member of The Horses For Humanity project the Babies Heart Fund, and the hospital, will meet live Arabian developed by the Marketing Committee of the Arabian Horse horses at various events both in the city and beyond, to introAssociation and the Purebred Arabian Trust. The project was duce people to the Arabian horse and experience the joy and developed to raise money for charities throughout the United healing that invariably the world’s oldest breed of horse shares States and help spread awareness of the iconic Arabian breed. with the people it touches. Also, a series of children’s books are Other statues include “Legend,” who sold in 2018 to benefit the being developed in conjunction with Brave Heart, who will Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; “Thunder,” sponsored by be permanently displayed in the hospital’s Atrium, that will Sharon Magness, owner of the Denver Broncos mascot of the Do you charity Goldie & Arabian horses help? address some of the questions and concerns of children samehave name,a and who was sold recently benefitting thecan National Contact the Market, Development and“Galaxy,” Promotional Committee. Lisa Blackstone, undergoing treatment for heart issues. Westerns’ Capital Campaign; donated by FinListics chair (lisa@lisablackstone.com) or BeckyHollywood Nash, vice-chair (becknash@earthlink. Solutions to William Shatner’s Charity Horse net), for any questions whatsoever. This is a great way to highlight your Arabian where hecommunity, sold to benefit LA Children’s Hospital; and horse Show program in your reachthe outside of our existing audience, and “Saber,” sponsored by Armed Forces Veteran Grace Rushing to prove that our Arabian horses give back!! raise money for the Wounded Warrior Program.

Ar abian Horse Times | 21 | ENV ISION • #5

Lesson Programs Join To Offer Newcomers an



he Boston, Massachusetts area is a well-known spot for many quintessentially New England things, among them clam chowder, the New England Patriots, and the Red Sox, just to name a few. Surprisingly, it is also becoming a well known and vital mecca for two flourishing horseback riding lesson programs utilizing Arabian horses to teach children and adults alike about the joy and life skills that come along with Arabian horse involvement. Jennifer Jelich, a 37-year-old California native, and Andrea Iodice, a 33-year-old native of the area, realized they were running identical programs just a short distance away from each other, and decided that they should get together and compare notes. Each one at their respective farms, Jennifer as the owner/instructor of Jelich Farms with facilities in Lexington and Waylan, Mass., and Andrea as owner/instructor of Unity Equestrian Farm in Littleton, Mass., are teaching over 100 lessons to riders of all ages scant minutes out of downtown Boston. After meeting last year, Jelich and Iodice found a common bond in their appreciation of the Arabian horse as a unique instructor and helpmate in bringing new people into the equestrian world. Both programs specialize as instruction in the art of riding, with emphasis on bringing in people new to horses and Arabians in a fun and safe environment. Each facility offers private as well as group lessons based on each rider’s experience level, along with multiple summer camps throughout the year. Andrea’s program incorporates programs for Girl Scouts and inner-city youth programs where the Arabians have had an unparalleled impact teaching confidence, leadership skills and responsibility. Jennifer graduated Ar abian Horse Times | 22 | ENV ISION • #5

Chico State College as an accounting major and worked for several years at Corporate Chevron as an accountant before leaving and moving east to pursue her passion for horses and instruction. Today, her program runs five summer camps each year, and offers a team leadership program very similar to Andrea’s that enables students to learn through sharing their knowledge with others, utilizing each farm’s master instruction horses. Even more important than the symbiosis between the two programs, the pair found on meeting that they both share a deep desire to promote the Arabian horse in an area that has long been considered, along with the rest of the Northeast, as primarily hunter-jumper territory. Consequently, they have decided to host an Arabian Night at Iodice’s Unity Equestrian facility in Littleton, MA, on April 27, 2019 that will be one of the first in the area to highlight the Arabian horse to the non-horse public. The event will be designed to introduce newcomers to the Arabian horse and horseback riding in an intimate and personal setting, and to showcase the Arabian horse while raising money for several local charities. The evening event will feature Arabian horse demonstrations in a familyfriendly environment designed for people to interact with the horses as well as experience some of the many disciplines that the world’s most versatile horse can achieve. Following the presentations will be a ticketed dinner and a silent auction

dedicated to promoting various area charities, facilitated by the beautiful Arabian horses owned by the pair’s customers. The event is open to the public and free of charge prior to dinner. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased by emailing Andrea@unityequestrian.net or calling 978-812-9057. Photographs by Nelia Braga Ar abian Horse Times | 23 | ENV ISION • #5

The stories of our very own, special community

Arabian’s Annual Visit to Our Friends at The Little Light House Tulsa, OK

During the 2018 U.S. National Championship Horse Show in October, representatives of the Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund once again, took time to pay a loving visit to our friends at The Little Light House in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This year’s four-legged ambassador was Canadian National Champion Ima Heir To Gold, aka “Johnny,” a 10-year-old Half-Arabian owned by Lisa & Anthony Andre of Riverside, California. Johnny felt the loving hands and eyes of dozens of kids. One after another, they marveled at their gentile giant guest of honor. The kids gifted the entire group with a song of gratitude for their visit; however, those who attended, were the ones feeling grateful. “I felt like Johnny came to Tulsa just for this,” said owner, Lisa Andre. “What a special day this is.” The mission of The Little Light House is to glorify God by improving the quality of life for children with special needs, their families and their communities, by providing tuition-free educational and therapeutic services. It has been a part of Tulsa since 1972 and an annual highlight for our Arabian horse volunteers since 2012.

ResAr abian Horse Times | 24 | ENV ISION • #5

Healing Takes Heart

A Holiday Smile

The 2018 California wildfires devastated the lives of so many, and the road to recovery and healing is long. We salute the unwavering

Everything that’s great about the holidays gets even better when special people can enjoy the spirit and kindness of the Arabian horse!

The California Fires

efforts of those within our Arabian horse community who rose with aid towards our fellow horse owners. Donated blankets, feed, shelter for displaced animals, tack and transportation were just a fraction of the generosity offered during such a dark time. Donations to the AHDF for those affected has reached close to $14,000.00. These funds will continue to help those in need. If you wish to contribute go to: https://www. horsemensdistressfund.com/campaigns/2018-california-wildfires/ If you have shared the love and magic of your Arabian horse or know someone who has, we want to know about it! Contact Envision contributors Mary Trowbridge, Mary@Trowbridgesltd.com Jenn Trickey, jenn@jenntrickey.com

Paul & Sabrina of Scottsdale

Multi-Regional Champion Apollo De Valentino (DA Valentino x The Merchant’s Sweetheart), a 2012 Half-Arabian gelding shared a unique moment at an annual event hosted by Paul & Sabrina Glans and Shannon & Steven Laffoon for Hope Kids Foundation. It was a memorable day honoring these special families as guests to their farm.

For Hillary Booth ~ Sportsmanship Takes Center Stage Press release written by Tim Jones for Jacksonville Equestrian Center

At the 2018 Sport Horse National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship Show, one young lady out-shined all of the sparkle with her outstanding smile and sportsmanship. Hillary Boothe, of Lompoc, California, competed with two horses and greeted everyone she encountered with warmth and sincerity. She was decorated with The Sportsmanship Award and presented with a tri-colored sportsmanship ribbon and a silver engraved tray presented by the Jacksonville Equestrian Center. Congratulations Hillary! Thank you for a display of conduct our breed can be proud of!

Ar abian Horse Times | 25 | ENV ISION • #5

ALABAMA Cool Fire Farms Hazel Green | 256-829-1514 Facebook: CoolFireFarms Wildoaks Arabians Wilmer | 251-649-9279 ARIZONA Amurath Arabians Scottsdale | 602-377-7885 www.amuratharabians.com

Day Dream Arabians, Inc. Santa Ynez | 925-736-0942 www.daydreamarabians.com

Holly Arabians Peyton | 719-749-0331 www.hollyarabians.com

Pullen Arabians Lakeland | 678-773-6826 www.pullenarabians.com

Fair Oaks Arabians Lincoln | 916-408-2499 www.fairoaksarabians.com

MJC Ranch Bennett | 303-644-3651 www.mjcranch.com

Signal Fire Ranch Danielsville | 706-789-2010 Facebook: SignalfireRanch

Gazon Arabians Woodlake | 559-564-2133

Monument Asil Arabians Stud Monument | 719-481-4354 www.monumentasil.com

Sun Valley Arabians Lizella | 478-788-9357 www.sunvalleyarabians.com

Powderhorn Creek Ranch Powderhorn | 970-641-9043 www.powderhorncreekranch.com

Talaria Farms Newnan | 404-892-1975 www.talariafarms.com

Wildflower Farms Castle Rock | 303-814-2214 Facebook: wildflowerfarmsarabians

Top of The Hill Arabians Marshallville | 706-695-6141

Arabians and More Litchfield Park | 623-224-5100 www.arabiansandmore.com

Hidden River Ranch Equestrian Center Hesperia | 760-662-9242 Facebook:HiddenRiverRanch EquestrianCenter

Cherokee Arabians Gilbert | 480-899-5257 Facebook: Cherokee Arabians

Jack Tone Ranch Stockton | 209-931-4972 www.fadjur.com

Fable Arabians Tucson | 520-298-7393 www.fablearabians.com

Langeford Chino Hills | 562-945-0933 www.langeford.com

Jeffrey Wilms Trng./Mngt., Inc. Fort McDowell | 480-614-8812 www.jeffreywilms.com

Las Colinas Pilot Hill | 530-823-5951

Mary Campbell Training Center Tucson | 520-885-1237 www.ridinglessonstucson.com Nelson Farms, Inc. Tucson | 520-647-3009 www.Nelsonfarmsinc.com Rio Estancia Arabians, LLC Rio Verde | 480-473-3520 Sundust Arabians and Pintos Cave Creek | 480-488-5711 www.sundustaz.com ARKANSAS Daystar Arabians Hackett | 479 639-2401 Facebook: daystar.arabians Egyptian Star Arabians Mena | 479-243-0555 My Lord’s Arabian Horse Farm Gassville | 870-481-5478 Facebook: MyLordsArabians Stone Arabians Malvern | 501-865-1200 Sunnyland Arabians Mountain View | 870-591-6212 CALIFORNIA AK Arabians Escondido | 949-310-0355 www.akarabians.com Alamo Oaks Arabians Mtn. Ranch | 209-754-4140 Alexandria Arabians Santa Rosa | 707-585-2233 Alexandraarabians.com Blackhawk Valley Arabians Pleasanton | 925-248-4555 blackhawkvalleyarabians.com Breezy G Ranch Palmdale | 661-722-5170 Facebook: Breezy G Ranch Bright Future Farms Walnut Creek | 925-938-9613 www.arabsporthorse.com Caliente Creek Ranch Moorpark | 805-439-0187 www.calientecreekranch.com Central Coast Arabians Atascadero | 805-461-6535 Circle T Ranch Arabians Hemet | 760-936-3483 Facebook: CircleTRanchArabians

Legendary Arabians Caliente | 661-861-1763 www.legendaryarabians.com Morgan Farms Arabians Templeton | 805-434-5412 Nordy Arabians Hydesville | 707-768-2003 www.nordyarabians.com

CONNECTICUT Trowbridge’s Ltd Bridgewater | 860-488-7074 FLORIDA Comet’s Tail Arabians Branford | 386-935-2711 Myspace: comets_tail_arabians

Carsons Arabians Juliaetta | 208-843-2610 www.carsonsarabians.com

Hawk S Flight Farm Sarasota | 941-925 1730 www.hawksflightfarm.com

Double M Ranch Sandpoint | 208-263-3760 Facebook: Double-M-Ranch

HeavenSent Farm Ocala | 352-369-5678

JP Arabians, LLC Meridian | 208-888-0954 Facebook: JP-Arabians-LLC

M & M Arabian Enterprises Burleson | 817-295-0796 Facebook: MM-Show-Horses

Pa-Sha’s Vista Arabians Ramona | 619-789-0981

Shansumako Farm Malabar | 321-725-6773 www.shansumako.com

Sapphire Arabians, LLC Hidden Hills | 818-269-6140 www.plumtreeranch.blogspot.com Schell Ranch Arabians Pauma Valley | 760-742-3574 Sherman Ranch Pleasanton | 925-216-6316 theshermanranch.com Silver Maple Farm Santa Ynez | 805-688-9873 www.smfarabs.com Stachowski Farm West San Marcos | 760-505-7447 The New Albion Stud Davis | 530-756-3911 cmkarabians.com Varian Arabians Arroyo | 805-489-5802 www.varianarabians.com Ventura Farms Thousand Oaks | 80- 496-0767 www.venturafarms.com Windamere Arabians Weed | 530-938-3558 windamere.com COLORADO Al Zarka Arabians, LLC Falcon | 719-683-4712 www.alzarkaarabians.com Cynthia Richardson Longmont | 303-652-1442 Gateways To Transformation Farm Longmont | 303-859-7385 gatewaystotransformation.com

IDAHO Acevedo Arabians Blackfoot | 208-760-0816 Acevedoarabians.com

Gulfwinds Farm Pensacola | 850-476-3396

Paragon Arabians McKinleyville | 707-839-2100 Facebook: ParagonArabians

Rock View Ranch Agua Dulce | 661-565-5689 www.rockviewranch.com

Zandai Arabians Cumming | 770-887-0472 www.zandai-arabian-horses.com

TanZyr Arabians Live Oak | 407-716-2878 tanzyr.bizlandcom|horses |tanzyrarabians.html Victoria Arabians Williston | 352-528-6914 victoriaarabians.com Websters Arabians Mount Dora | 352-988-3040 www.webstersarabians.com Windmaster Farms DeFuniak Spgs. | 850-834-3060 www.windmasterfarms.com GEORGIA Beaux Chevaux Farm Alpharette | 678-947-0959 Facebook: Beaux-Chevaux-Farm Beaver Creek Farm Dewy Rose | 706-213-1197 www.beavercreekarabians.com Burnt Hickory Arabians Ranger | 770-846-9027 burnthickoryarabians.com Country Cove Arabians Canton | 770-704-9295 Deep Creek Arabians Zebulon | 770-567-4937 Dreym Bay Farm Newnan | 770-252-2705 www.dreymbayfarm.com Koweta Arabians Monticello | 706-468-2549 www.kowetaarabians.com Paradise Arabians, Ltd. Lafayette | 706-694-8336 www.paradisearabians.com

Lost Juniper Ranch Oreana | 208-834-2086 www.lostjuniperranch.com MorThanA Dream Arabians Genesse | 208-285-1223 mdarabs.com|aboutus.htm ILLINOIS Hidden Hollow Stables & Training Dunlap | 309-243-7979 hiddenhollowstables.com Smith Horse Company Kankakee | 815-530-8472 www.smithhorsecompany.com VanGo Arabians Amboy | 815-857-4411 Facebook: VanGo-Arabians Waggoner Stables Farmington | 309-338-5128 Facebook: Waggoner-Stables INDIANA Heartland Arabians Hancock County 317-467-3663 heartlandarabians.com

KANSAS Hacienda Del S-Par Arabians Stilwell | 913-897-2652 www.haciendadelspar.com R4C Ranch Tonganoxie | 913-645-7649 www.r4c-ranch.com Renaissance Farms Manhatten | 785-776-5269 www.showscene.com|renfarm.htn Sunset Hill Farms Rose Hill | 316-776-0570 www.sunsethillfarms.com KENTUCKY Bella Vista Equestrian Center Lawrenceburg | 304-389-5717 Facebook: Bella-Vista-Equestrian-Center Hidden Hollow Arabians Bradfordsville | 270-337-2000 www.hiddenhollowpreserve.com Lawson Arabians Russellville | 270-725-1652 Facebook:lawsonarabiansathidden riverfarm Martha Murdock Stables Versailles | 859-879-18 42 Peregrine Bloodstock LLC Lexington | 859-221-5094 www.peregrinearabians.com Sequoyah Ranch Jonesville | 859-462-0370 Stonehurst Riding Club Louisville | 502-241-1268 www.stonehurstridingclub.com LOUISIANA V & J Arabians Doyline | 318-745-9921 MAINE Mountain View Arabians Madison | 207-696-8399 www.mountainviewarabians.com MASSACHUSETTS Ash Lane Farm New Braintree | 508-867-9927 ashlanefarm.com Near River Farm LLC Douglas | 508-476-9974 www.nearriverarabians.com MICHIGAN Ambiance Arabians Ltd Howell | 517-214-0456 www.ambiancearabians.com Arbor Meadow Grass Lake | 734-426-2853 www.arbormeadowfarm.com

Skatrud Arabians Knightstown | 317-418-6381 www.skatrudarabians.com

Armstrong Arabians Holton | 231-652-9687 www.armstrongarabians.com

IOWA Arabian Addiction Horses Prople | 515-462-2594 www.arabs-iowa.com|aahmain.htm

Bowland Arabians Sanford | 970-824-2480 www.arabhorse. com|stallions|synafix|

Legacy N Farm & Kennel Granville | 712-395-3700 www.legacy-n.com

Ricia E. Araabians North Street | 810-385-2094 www.riciaearabians.com

Strub Arabians Lamotte | 563-773-2330 www.strubarabians.com

Rogers Arabians Lathrop | 816-740-3862 www.rogersarabians.com

Susan’s Arabians & Pintos Humboldt | 515-368-1234 Facebook: Susans-Arabians-Pintos

Singinghearts Farm Rogersville | 417-753-7750 Facebook:Singinghearts-Farm

Tuscani Niles | 269-683-5449 www.tuscaniarabians.com

NEW MEXICO Arab-Del-Shep Farms Edgewood | 505-869-3262

Stachowski Farm, Inc Mantua | 330-274-2494 www.stachowski.com

Round Mountain Arabians Desert Horses Abbeville | 870-746-4500 Palmer | 972-658-2000 www.roundmountainarabians.com www.deserthorses.com

Twin Creek Farms Morley | 231-856-4693 www.twincreekfarms.net

Foothills Arabians Silver City | 575-538-5080 www.foothillsarabians.com

Stowe Arabians Springfield | 937-605-4779 www.stowearabians.com

Southern Heritage Farm Spartanburg | 864-582-5402

Gratia Arabian Bloodstock Kemper | 512-556-2436

Wildwood Arabians Ionia | 616-527-2042 www.wildwoodarabians.com

Romance Arabians|Rococo Sport Horses Corrales | 505-890-8386 www.rococosporthorses.com

Winfield Farm & Forgea Grafton | 330-483-3646 www.winfieldfarm.com

SOUTH DAKOTA Thundering Hooves Arabians Oral | 605-424-2722 Facebook: Thundering-HoovesArabians

Hackberry Arabians Manvel | 713-715-9300 www.hackberryarabians.com

MINNESOTA Conway Arabians, Inc. Chatfield | 507-867-0060 www.conwayarabians.com Sunset Ridge Ranch South Haven | 320-558-2980 www.sunsetridgeranch.com MISSISSIPPI Magnolia Arabian Stud Raymond | 601-857-5633 MISSOURI Cressant Hill Arabians Truxton | 636-597-4023 www.cressanthill.com Herbst Farms - Arabian SH Farmington | 573-756-6592 Facebook: HerbstFarms J & D Arabians Fair Grove | 417-224-6196 www.janddarabians.com Khysus Arabian Horses Raymondille | 573-548-0219 ashleycreekhorseco.net Will-O-Bar Arabians, Inc. Kirksville | 217-898-8942 MONTANA Gold Creek Arabians Hamilton | 406-363-6647 hgoldcreekarabians.com Magic Carpet Horse Farm Helena | 406-442-6243 Sapphire Arabians Florence | 406-273-4395 NEBRASKA Wings of a Dream Arabians Martell | 402-794-4974 NEVADA Franktown Meadows Eq. Facility Carson City | 775-782-0353 franktownmeadows.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Great Rock Horse Farm Lancaster | 603-788-4203 www.europeanestheticsand wellness.com Honeysuckle Rose North Troy | 603-242-3491 www.honeysucklerosenorth.com Windover Acres Arabians Alstead | 603-558-5501 NEW JERSEY Dorsett Farms Woolwich Twp. | 856-476-0870 dorsettfarms.com Pennfields Farm Stockton | 908-656-1206 www.pennfieldsfarm.com Weidel’s Boxwood Farm Pennington | 609-737-1036 www.weidelboxwood.com

NEW YORK Baraka Arabians Brewerton | 315-668-2782 Facebook: barakaarabians Clover Ridge Farm Lockport | 716-440-9006 www.cloverridge.com Cold Brook Arabians Cayuta | 607-594-2414 www.lightlink.com|cbarab Graps Arabian Horses Van Etten | 607-589-6238 Grassroots Arabians Holland | 716-537-2744 Grove Hill Arabians Holley | 585-638-5712 www.grovehillarabians.com Hidden Horse Farm Ltd Canandaigua | 315-573-4336 Hy-Wynne Farm Akron | 716-542-9841 Facebook: Hy-Wynne-Farm Stone Image Arabians Canajoharie | 518-673-3679 www.telenet.net|~stone Sugar Hill Farm, LLC Victor | 585-924-8240 www.sugarhillarabians.com NORTH CAROLINA Cedar Ridge Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC Haw River | 702-845-6752 crfegypt.com Sans Souci Show Horses Marion | 828-442-6442 sanssouciarabianhorses.com NORTH DAKOTA Cedar Coulee Pintabians Ray | 701-859-3221 www.ccpintabians.com Domist Arabians Baldwin | 701-258-7350 Domistarabians.com My-Bon Arabians Garrison | 701-337-5581 www.mybonarabians.com OHIO Academy Farms Ltd Medina | 330-239-3526 Esser Valley Arabians, LLC Cleves | 513-941-2737 esservalleyarabians.com Herder Arabians Oakwood | 210-896-0296 www.herderarabians.com Pegasus Arabians Berlin Heights | 419-588-3000 www.pegasusarabians.com Renaissance Arabians S. Charleston | 937-572-3279 rearabians.com

OKLAHOMA Amerikan Farms Agra | 918-375-2689 www.amerikanfarms.com Dreamcatcher Arabian Horses LLC Stillwater | 405-385-0883 Facebook: DreamcatcerArabian-Horses Firedance Farms Arabians Okmulgee | 918-756-3757 firedancefarms.net The Fourty Acres Sand Springs | 918-363-8468 Vallejo III, Inc. Afton | 918-740-3536 www.vallejoiii.com OREGON Scarab Farm Arabians Malin | 541-723-2017

Triple H Worthing | 605 212-9105

Honey Creek Farms Mabank | 214-418-1328 Facebook: Honey-CreekFarms-Performance-Horses

TENNESSEE Ali Sheba Arabians Dickson | 615-740-0870

LD Arabians Cedar Creek | 512-284-0402 ldarabians.com

Genesis Equestrian Center College Grove | 615-395-4228 Facebook: Genesis-EquestrianCenter

Logans Run Arabians Hempstead | 979-826-8514 logansrunarabians.wixsite. com|mysite-1

Nedia Arabians Shelbyville | 931-639-9374

Miars Enterprises LP | Miars Arabian Ranch Murchinson | 903-681-0302 www.miarsarabians.com

Sanchas Arabians Tullahoma | 717-982-5858 sanchasarabians.com SE Legacy Bloodstock Bell Buckle | 615-525-3327 Spring Hollow Farm Nashville | 615-765-7065

Maranatha Arabians Scio | 541-251 0069 www.maranathaarabians.com

SS Egyptian Arabians Moscow | 901-877-0881 www.ssarabians.com

Circle T Horse Ranch, LLC Salem | 971-222-5808 Facebook: Circle-T-Ranch

TEXAS 4J Pecan Acres Arabian Farm Rosharon | 281-595-3453

Bella Vita Arabians Eugene | 909-731-2882 www.bellavita-arabians.com

Arabians Ltd. Waco | 800-973-1445 www.arabiansltd.com

PENNSYLVANIA Applegate Arabians Hegins | 570-682-8412 Facebook: Applegate-Arabians

C S Arabians Crockett | 281-221-9809 www.csarabians.com

Blackberry Run Arabians Royersford | 610-960-2434 www.blackberryrunarabians.com Executive East|Valley View Farms Springtown | 610-972-7079 Facebook: rideatvalleyviewfarms Foxcote Show Horses York | 717-324-2180 www.foxcoteshowhorses.net Graci Arabians Lehinghton | 212-426-6231 www.graciarabians.com Roze Arabians Ltd. Elizabethtown | 717-585-0855 www.rozearabians.com SOUTH CAROLINA Highland Farm LLC Batesburg-Leesville 803-920-7638

Cherokee Hills Farm Troup | 903-842-2354 www.cherokeehillsfarm.com Dave Rhea Training Center Aubrey | 940-440-0601

Rising K Arabians Harlingen | 956-364-2945 Royal Legend Arabians Bryan | 979-589-1638 royallegend.com Tall C Arabians Cypress | 281-469-1095 Twin Fiddles Ranch Alvarado | 817-783-3620 www.twinfiddles.com West Desert Arabians Apline | 432-386-3255 VIRGINIA Amethyst Acres Equine Ctr., LLC Buchanan | 540-254-1017 www.amethystacres.com Arabian Hill Horse Park Franktown | 757-442-2447 Arabians Destiny Farmville | 434-392-5672 www.arabiansdestiny.com

Hidden Meadows Arabians Gig Harlor | 253-853-5428 www.hiddenmeadowsarabians. com Kettle River Arabians Kettle Falls | 509-738-6489 Kim Lacy Arlington | 425-343-2905 www.hiddenfallsfarm.net MS Performance Horses Monroe | 425-750-8465 Facebook: MS-PerformanceHorses R.O. Lervick Arabians Sranwood | 206-629-3565 www.rolervickarabians.com Shahidova Arabians Tenino | 360-264-5854 www.shahidovaarabians.com Shalwyn Arabians Walla Walla | 509-529-4067 Sunshine Acres Arabians Spokane | 509-847-4701 www.sunshineacresarabians.com Yellow Rose Arabian Horses Graham | 253-847-2879 yellowrosearabianhorses.com WISCONSIN Dah-Ban Arabians Maribel | 920-863-8253 www.dahbanarabians.com Fox Hollow Farm Clinton | 608-676-5159 Facebook: FoxHollowFarmInc Waterville Farm Oconomowoc | 262-965-3052 Facebook: Waterville-Farm Windfeather Training Center Green Bay | 920-536-0447 Facebook: WindfeatherTraining-Center WYOMING Ayres Acres Arabians Cody | 307-587-4012 www.witez.com

Bitterroot Ranch Dubois | 307-455-2778 Castaway Arabians Farm www.bitterrootranch.com Debut Arabians Boones Mill | 540-759-9479 Combine | 817-483-5344 Facebook: castawayarabiansfarm Grayco Arabians debutarabians.com Helena | 406-227-8409 Desert Rose Ranch Arabians Dempsey Arabians Hume | 540-635-6912 Hugus Alfalfa & Arab Pintos Kerrville | 830-895-5665 www.desert-rose-arabians.com Pavillion | 307-856-0212 www.arabiancuttinghorse.com www.arabpinto.com Ladamas Arabians DeShazer Arabians Warrenton | 540-351-6056 Paintbrush Arabians Cypress | 281-351-7829 www.ladamasarabians.com Casper | 307-266-6768 www.egyptianarabians.com Whispering Wind Arabians CANADA Dogwood Springs Arabians Galax | 276 236-4446 Millar Venture Arabians Avinger | 903-645-5933 Saskatchewan | 780-499-9219 www.dogwoodspringsarabians.com WASHINGTON Columbia Stallion Station Pasco | 509-546-0784 Dvorak Arabian Horse Farm Quinian | 903-356-2456 www.columbiastallionstation. dvorakarabianhorsefarm.com com

What is a Discovery Farm?

“This unique program offers you the opportunity to explore Arabian horses at farms where knowledgeable owners are delighted to introduce you to their horses and answer questions in a relaxed, no-pressure, non-sales atmosphere. You’ll learn all about the breed characteristics, and gain first hand knowledge of what makes this breed truly special. There are hundreds of Discovery Farms across the country and you can easily locate several near you.” —Arabian Horse Association Ar abian Horse Times | 27 | ENV ISION • #5

Horses Teach Responsibility

Riding teaches kids how to care for a living, breathing animal properly. A horse isn’t a ball or bat you can stick in the closet when you are done practicing. Riders learn how to properly care for “their” partner before and after the ride. Riders are also expected to dress properly and work hard. As a rider develops, they begin to see that being responsible pays off!

Riding Takes Commitment

Every successful horse has a committed rider. There is nothing more rewarding than taking lessons and staying committed to a goal. Riding takes a lot of sweat, tears and sometimes more sweat, but the rewards are endless.

Riding is a Lifelong Skill

Unlike some sports that only capture a child’s interest for a season or two, or a sport that ends once they graduate high school, riding never has to stop. Many adult riders rode horses as children and found their way back as adults. You can always improve your skills as a rider, no matter your age.

Riding Requires Athletic Ability


Horses are social creatures just like humans. Being able to communicate and interact with an animal has already been shown to have a positive effect on people, as has been experienced by those involved with riding programs. Horses make wonderful companion animals and many equestrians call horses their best friends.

Riding is more than “just sitting” there. Riding takes strength and endurance. A rider has to use a number of muscles to stay solid in the saddle. Riding a horse is an incredible full body workout. Soon, your rider will feel strong, empowered and confident in his or her body.

Riding Encourages Pride

Riding is a Special Way to Spend Time Together

Horse riders will be the first to tell you that nothing feels better than mastering a challenge or learning a new skill. Being able to successfully communicate with a 1,000-pound animal is a confidence booster for riders of all levels.

Riding is a Source of Many Incredible Emotions

Studies have shown that riding can provide numerous emotional benefits which can include improved self-esteem, communication skills, self-awareness, relaxation, empowerment, interpersonal relationships, self-control, focus, concentration and happiness. Many studies have also shown that riding can significantly decrease anger, depression, dissociation and aggression.

Watching your young rider grow up around horses is something very special. We invite parents to stay and watch lessons to help encourage their young riders.

Learning to Ride Well Takes Focus

A rider must use his brain and body to control and properly communicate with his/her horse. Riding takes full concentration; a young rider will not have time to think about what his/her friends said at school that day or who is texting them. When riding, the rider’s mind has to be completely focused. It’s a mental break from other worries and it’s a major anxiety buster that can help children in developing good lifelong emotional health.

The Riding Stable can Provide a Healthy Atmosphere

It’s important to find the right stable for your young rider, a place where both of you feel comfortable and supported. When young people are working at the barn with their horses, it creates a healthy environment. The stable is a very healthy and rewarding activity that focuses on the horse and rider partnership.

~ From Elizabeth Pizzonia, owner of Ocala Equestrian Academy ~ Ar abian Horse Times | 28 | ENV ISION • #5

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