Experience Arabian Horses, Issue #2 - published in Arabian Horse Times

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Where have you advertised your Outreach events? Primarily on our social media platforms. What is your format for events? How long do they run? Our format was a basic introduction to the Arabian horse with a brief look at the history of Arabians, what a judge looks for in conformation, and the benefits and lifestyle involved with Arabian horse ownership. It ran from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm with lunch and drinks served. How much preparation did it take you? Several months-worth of time and planning is put into a successful event. How have you followed up with your attendants? Email, invitations to future events and social media postings tagging those who attended. What is the highlight of your events for your business? We are all about sharing our love of the Arabian horse. Watching people interact, touch, feel and experience their presence was truly special for all of us. It was also wonderful to see their hunger to learn. We expect long futures with many of the attendees in the Arabian community. Ar abian Horse Times | 2 | ENV ISION

photos by Riyan, April Visel, Howard Schatzberg • www.hennesseyarabians.com


“What’s so different about Arabians?” is an often-asked question from those of you meeting the horse that owns us, for the first time. Well, in this second issue of Envision, we bring you a taste of the answer to just that question. As the oldest known breed of horse, with depictions of Arabian horses reaching as far back in time as 4,500 years, their wealth was paramount to the Bedouin tribes, who valued them so highly that they used them as currency, raising their valuable charges within their family’s tents to protect them from theft. The resulting Arabian horse of today is a consummate reader of human need and emotion, and these horses are more caring and interactive with their people than any other breed. You’ll see just how much so in the stories within about Warrior Horses for Warrior Kids, as well as the story of how one Arabian was trained to accommodate his owner after a stroke almost ended her riding career. Besides being emotional partners, Arabians can do just about anything anyone can think of to do with horses, and do it well if thoughtfully and sensitively dealt with, as you’ll see within in the article outlining just how many things Arabians excel at. If you happen to be perusing this magazine during the Scottsdale show, better luck yet, since you are at the show where you can see just about everything these horses do with the exception of endurance and racing. Ultimately, however, whether these horses are competing at shows or meeting you at the barn door after a long day, they are here to help people move forward in life, just what they have excelled at for thousands of years. Envision a small taste of what they can bring to your family and your life in the pages about lesson programs, and be sure to find a moment to be introduced to an Arabian horse so that you can see from his or her own eyes, exactly what they have to give you. Envision. And Enjoy!

Mary Trowbridge Mary Trowbridge

On the cover: ROL Divine Style, a purebred Arabian stallion owned by Delsan Arabians LLC.

CP Rock On, owned by Linda Abramowicz-Reed, meeting a young friend at an annual visit to The Little Light House, Tulsa OK.

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Where Did The Arabian Come From?

The Desert Horse

by Ruthie Saltsgaver


ccording to an ancient Bedouin legend, “….God took a handful of South wind and from it formed a horse, saying, “I create thee, oh Arabian. To thy forelock I bind victory in battle. On thy back I set a rich spoil … and a treasure in thy loins. I establish thee as one of the Glories of the Earth. I give thee flight without wings.”

Many, many centuries ago, a breed of horse galloped out of the South wind onto the hot desert sands of the Arabian Peninsula. It was an original—not a copy—not a composite of other breeds. It was a breed of horse destined to impact the equine world. Arab is a Semitic word meaning ‘desert’ or the inhabitant thereof. The desert horse of the Arabian Peninsula traces back 5,000 years, making the Arabian the oldest human-managed horse breed in the world. To illustrate how long ago this was, the Bedouin, the nomadic people who, along with their camels and goats, inhabited the arid peninsula, trace their connection with the desert horse from 3,000 B.C. to the mare, Baz, and the stallion, Hoshaba. Baz is claimed to have been captured, in the Yeman, by a man of that name. Baz, the man, was a tamer of wild horses and the great-great grandson of Noah. In the harsh environment of the desert—where only the hardiest survive— Bedouin horse breeders endeavored to keep their mares’ bloodlines Asil, or pure, to the form created by Allah. Their goal was to faithfully preserve perfection rather than to foolishly alter the gift they had been given. They line bred and in-bred their mares to safeguard the hardy characteristics and courageous temperament they valued. Any mixture of foreign blood from the mountains or cities surrounding the desert was strictly forbidden. In many breeds of horses, more value is placed on stallions than on mares, but the Bedouin considered these mares their prized possessions. Mares were superior mounts for raiding parties, as they would not nicker to the enemy tribe’s horses, alerting their foe before the attack began. As a way of travel, an instrument of war, and a means to attain wealth, these mares were crucial to the Bedouins’ existence. Therefore, the mares and their offspring were treated well—offered camels’ milk to drink when food was scarce, and for protection, allowed to sleep in the tents alongside the women and children. They were the tribe’s most valued resource—to be revered and cherished as a blessing from Allah. Breeding stock could be bought and sold, but the war mares were priceless. If one were to change ownership, it would be in the form of an exalted gift.

Mary Haggard Painting

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The Bedouin kept few written records but preserved their horses’ pedigrees through verbal stories, often embellished with tales of great courage, endurance and speed. One of the first written accounts of the Arabian breed was made in the latter half of the eighth century A.D., by the Arab historian, El Kelbi, who attempted to record the pedigrees of the desert horse beginning in 3,000 BC. He sought to establish a direct line from Noah to Ishmael to Solomon to the Prophet Mohammed. His work emphasizes the antiquity of the desert breed. Even in modern times, many Arabian pedigrees contain the notation: “desert breeding,” which signifies there is no written record. However, because of Asil, the importance of purity to the Bedouin, even today, desert bred is accepted as authentic verification of pure blood. The prepotent genetic vigor of Arabian blood was spread throughout the known world by Muslim conquests initiated by the Prophet Mohammed in the 7th Century. (Prepotency is the ability to consistently pass on physical and mental characteristics and ability. Because of centuries of pure breeding, Arabian blood dominates the breeds with which it is mixed and contributes its own unique and superior qualities to it.) Through the Dark Ages, Europe’s horses had been developed to carry a Knight and his heavy suit of armor. The Crusaders had nothing to compare with the small, fiery horses on which the invaders were mounted. Legends of their speed and endurance gave birth to an interest in these “Eastern” horses. It soon became standard practice to use purebred Arabians to lighten and improve the heavier European stock. As a result the Arabian became the one essential factor in the development of the world’s light horse breeds. With the invention of firearms, the heavily armored knight became obsolete and during the sixteenth century and down into the early part of the 20th century, hardy, light, and speedy horses were in demand as cavalry mounts. You may recognize some of the generals, who chose Arabians to carry them into battle. One of Napoleon Bonaparte’s favorite mounts was a gray Arabian called Marengo, and one of George Washington’s two war horses was a Half-Arabian—also grey—named Blueskin. Fortunately, both these horses lived to enjoy retirement, with Marengo surviving to the ripe old age of 38. In the mid 1800’s, during the Crimean War, one Arab horse raced 93 miles without harm, though his rider died from exhaustion. Then there was Bucephalus—perhaps the most famous war horse in history. You can see by this picture of his small-headed, long-necked statue that Bucephalus was at least some part Arabian. Alexander, the Great, and Bucephalus were nearly the same age, coming together in very dramatic fashion when each was about 12 years old. Alexander outlived his trusted battle mount by only four years, and history records that he wept when Bucephalus died from a combination of combat wounds and old age. Alexander built the city of Bucephalia on the site where his old friend was buried, with full military honors. Although possessing regal bearing and an imposing appearance, the Arabian is a rather small horse. It generally stands between 14.1 and 15.2 hands high and weighs between 800 and 1,000 pounds. Its strength and balance stem from a compact body with a short back, dense bones and sound hooves. It has a delicate wedge-shaped head, with large eyes and nostrils, set against a muzzle so small it might fit into the cupped palm of your hand. Its long arched neck and flamboyant tail make it one of the most beautiful and recognizable of all the breeds. Many Arabians also have one less rib, one less lumbar bone and two less tail vertebrae than other breeds. This may account for the distinctive shape of the Arabian’s back and quarters—and the high tail carriage. The Arabian Horse Association recognizes five purebred coat colors, the most prominent of which is bay. The others are grey, chestnut, black and roan. All Arabians, regardless of coat color, have dark skin. This dark skin historically helped protect the breed from the hot desert sun. The popularity of Arabian horses stretches around the world and throughout time for a reason. Yes, their sleek lines and exquisite beauty catches the eye of any horse lover. And their versatility, speed, courage, and intelligence make them ideal mounts for any endeavor, from pleasure, to ranch life, to law enforcement. Their responsiveness ensures they are willing partners—be it in elegant dressage or in grueling endurance trials. It is, however, their sociable disposition, born of millenniums of co-existing with humans, that makes this breed unique in the world of horses. n Arabian Horse Times Reprint from July 2017. Ar abian Horse Times | 5 | ENV ISION

Francine Dismukes ... Making A Difference In The Lives Of Arabians And The People Who Love Them

For a horse lover who is told they may never ride again, it

can be akin to a death sentence. For some there is acceptance,

but for others, it is a downright challenge. Such was the case for Kirsten Klindworth, who from a spinal cord

injury became wheelchair bound. Blessed to know Francine

Dismukes, an exceptional horse trainer, they embarked on

a heartwarming journey to get her ‘legs’ back, all with the

help of a beautiful, grey purebred gelding named Synbaadd, aka “Cory”.

Francine Dismukes, a horse trainer since 1960 – and owner of D2 Enterprises, a full-service video production company

that specializes in equine educational, sales, training and

farm promotion videos – and Malen Dell, trained Cory to

lie down and stay down, despite lots of distraction, so that

Kirsten could transfer onto him from her wheelchair and go

for trail rides again. We asked Francine to share with us her

story; what led her to Arabians, her training of Cory and

what she does today.

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What was your first introduction to horses? I was the typical horse crazy kid growing up, who cut pictures out of magazines. Around the age of 11 or 12, my parents found me a horse they could afford at the time, a grade mare for $25 in 1952. I rode her bareback with a halter and lead. Of course, I named her Black Beauty. I raised a filly from her, sired by a Quarter Horse, and trained her when she was old enough. I barrel raced and goat tied in local rodeos throughout junior and high school and graduated to open pleasure competitions. Impressed by my horses, people began asking me to help them solve problems with theirs. My first training experience was with an Arabian colt I showed successfully in halter and western pleasure, and I never looked back. 40+ years as a trainer, I’ve shown in every discipline, judged many National and major Arabian horse shows (receiving her Large R judges card at the age of 21), as well as international shows throughout the world. Whatever the talent a horse showed to me it was, I trained for. I trained multiple breeds, but only showed Arabians, especially in driving. When did you open FHD Training and what do you specialize in? I opened Baymist Stable in 1960 at the age of 20. We renamed the facility FHD (Francine & Henry Dismukes) Training Stable with my marriage to Henry, a veterinarian, in 1976. For the last 30 years before retirement, I focused on pleasure and competitive driving. One of my proudest moments was changing from single and pairs driving with Arabians, to 4-in-hand open competition on a dare. I entered an allbreeds competition twice against dozens of entries and won both with the only Arabians in attendance. What breeds do you have at your farm? I spent 90% of my time training Arabians, but began training Andalusians in harness in 1999. I had the pleasure of training a Half-Arabian/Half-Andalusian Filly, whose success in the show ring represented my entire equestrian life. I retired 6 years ago from showing, but still train on a limited basis. Who was your first Arabian? Fayhanad (Fayhan x Tezarda), a 1962 weanling gelding. I taught him tricks, formal driving and riding without a bridle. You are well-known for training Kirsten Klindworth’s Arabian gelding Synbaadd, aka Cory, to lie down for her to mount him, due to her spinal cord injury. How did this relationship come about? Several years before Kirsten suffered her stroke, she had a Half-Arabian with me in training. After becoming wheelchair bound, she asked if I could train Cory to lay down on command so that she could mount him un-assisted. I was confident that I could train him to lay down, but remaining safe for the rest of the process was a concern. And getting him to stay down was a whole other story! Because he was smart and willing, his schooling worked out perfectly and we had great success.

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Whatever the talent a horse showed to me it was, I trained for. — Francine

How did the making of the video and it going viral change your life? I was really surprised to see this video resurface and posted to social media a few years back. A main reason for videotaping Cory’s training was to have the opportunity to show what an Arabian is able to do, and refute the ‘crazy Arab’ reputation. Cory was a sweet, quiet horse, but wasn’t a blah horse. Turned out to play, the video shows that he is energetic and loves to show. He is the epitome of a very typical, beautiful Arabian, who is animated and gentle with a kind personality and loving soul; who can run in a field with uninhibited joy, as well as step carefully. I went into the process thinking that it would not work; this horse needed to be bomb-proof; but he proved me wrong, much to my relief. We wrote down the training procedure after Cory and successfully trained a 2nd horse for Kirsten, a Missouri Foxtrotter. We received a lot of recognition for it. What was your training process and how long did it take? I used a procedure closely resembling the clicker training method with tapping/praise/treats. With his trusting personality and being very receptive, Cory was the perfect horse for the job, but it was also imperative that the training be done with no intimidation. He needed to know that nothing bad would happen to him. I started with holding up one front leg and gently, but persistently, tapping him on the other front leg until he made some sort of movement with that leg. When that happened, the tapping would stop and the praise and treats would be given. He would become frustrated and try to free the leg I was holding and would accidently kneel down, and praise and treats would be given. After a while as soon as I picked up a front leg, he would offer the kneeling position. He then progressed to me pointing at a front leg and he would kneel, which progressed to staying down—even when leaving him. When he became solid with this, we progressed to the laying down. While in the kneeling position, I would gently tap one hind leg. When I got any movement of the hind leg/foot, the tapping would stop, followed quickly with praise and treats. We

A main reason for videotaping Cory’s training was to have the opportunity to show what an Arabian is able to do, and refute the ‘crazy Arab’ reputation. — Francine Ar abian Horse Times | 8 | ENV ISION

progressed with this procedure until he was completely stepping his hind legs all the way to his front feet and holding that position willingly. Then came the persistent tapping on his hindquarters until he lowered his rump and laid down! After he got that far, the kneeling first stopped, and only the tapping on his rump was used, and a que to get up was added (a touch on the thigh with a cluck). The same procedures for kneeling was then done for keeping him down for different lengths of time, leaving him, etc. We also needed him to be able to ignore all distractions around him and stay still. We did this for 3 weeks, every day for 10-15 minutes. The 2nd part was to saddle and ride him with the goal to have him ignore everything around him until touched on the thigh. This process took several months. His training, indeed, proved to be “bomb-proof ” on several occasions. Cory was once trail ridden with a group of people when a screaming fire engine drove by. While other horses panicked, Cory just laid down until it passed, and jaws dropped. At another event, Cory was in an arena demonstrating for the first time, his learned skills, and the stands were packed. With Kirsten’s condition worsened (she now had no mobility in her legs), and with help getting to Cory in her wheelchair to the center of the dirt arena, Cory patiently stayed still on the ground until Kirsten was able to pull herself out of her wheelchair and place herself on him. It seemed like an eternity, but Cory remained patient, and when ready, carefully got up. The crowd went crazy. As a trainer, I was sweating bullets, but was so pleased with the result. Do you find Arabians open to doing most anything? Absolutely, as long as they are physically and mentally capable of doing something you ask of them, and work with them without using force. Do you train other breeds to be “wheelchair accessible” and are Arabians more willing than others? I only trained Kirsten’s Missouri Foxtrotter in addition to Cory, but I believe any breed can be trained with the right personality and intellect. Without a doubt, the Arabian is ranked at the top for being one of the smartest breeds. I have dealt with many breeds, and most do not have the responsiveness or sensitivity needed.

Cory was also trained to drive, but not with the wheelchair accessible carriage. Kirsten wanted to sit in the normal 4-wheel buggy. I thought she was insane, but once again, Cory was trained to stand perfectly still until Kirsten was on board. Do you have support staff ? When I was active in the industry, I had a groom and associate trainer, Malen Dell. We trained with kindness, and most of my clients have had successful riding careers because of it. Though retired, I enjoy my few remaining Andalusians, agility train my dogs, and give an occasional lesson in driving or riding. What is the favorite part of your job? Creating a working unit between horse and rider, be it in trail, working or showing; whatever they choose together. We have produced hundreds of successful show horses/riders, as well as pleasure riding horses and competitive (CDE) and pleasure driving horses, and have won numerous National and reserve National championship titles. What is your favorite Arabian event you have participated in? Open competition in pleasure driving and combined driving events. My Arabians always won the best conditioned award at the CDE’s. Still a favorite discipline of mine, we will be hosting a Pleasure Driving Event at my farm in March. As giving as you are to others, what do you like to do in your free time for you? I work cattle and dabble with training horses, but now focus on training my dogs for agility competitions—two Australian Kelpies and a Papillion. They do well despite me and my age! Is there anything you haven’t accomplished that is still on your ‘bucket list’? Good fortune has smiled down on me and I have enjoyed life to its fullest. I only hope for my dogs to achieve their master agility certification, which requires a gazillion points, but keeps me busy. Also, God willing, I hope to compete one more time with my Andalusian in Katy, Texas, at the National Show in driving and western pleasure, where I competed last year at the age of 76 in six classes and won five National Championships and one Reserve National Championship! n

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Almost everyone you know has been affected by cancer or knows someone who has. In 2015, Ryan Melendez and his family too, became part of that “club.” Yet, what came during that incredibly scary time of despair was something much bigger than cancer; yes, way bigger. Through the beginning stages of his not-so-easy diagnosis, through the small steps of hope, then fear, then hope again, came an energy that changed the path of his life and his family around him. With Ryan’s unwavering tenacity and power to fight for his life, came the opportunity to “give-back” to the fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma with fundraising efforts earning him the honor of being a candidate for San Diego “LLS Man of the Year.” The inception of “Warrior Horses for Warrior Kids” had begun. Fully aware of the therapeutic gifts horses have, Ryan reached out to the community so close to his heart. The ability horses have to heal our hearts would be matched by the generous donors who came to the cause. Yes, Ryan was named 2017 San Diego “LLS Man of the Year.” What comes as an even equivalent honor, is the over 150 Warrior Horses who are being matched with their Warrior Kids, bringing not only funds to the fight against cancer, but an incredible connection to children who deserve to have the feel of whiskers on their face and the pride of their own best friend they can follow through life. Please join us as this journey continues.

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DIAGNOSIS Just six days into Ryan’s senior year of high school, his entire world changed! Prior to this day, Ryan was a competitive golfer, multi-National Champion equestrian, played guitars, had a 4.2 GPA... and had his sights set on Stanford! On September 2, 2015, Ryan began running a low-grade fever. For three days his mother took him to see the doctor, each time to be told it was just a virus, it will pass; NEVER once, taking his blood. During that time, he was vomiting, became lethargic and his fever was around 103.5. On the fourth day, his high fever still wouldn’t break and he vomited to the point that the blood vessels in his eyes burst, leaving the whites of his eyes completely red. He was rushed back to the doctor’s office where a new doctor took immediate action, saving his life. He was rushed to Rady Children’s Hospital by ambulance and put into the Intensive Care Unit. Doctors were not sure if he would live because his blood pressure was so low, his body was in septic shock, and his organs were starting to shut down. They were told to call family members. The next day, Ryan was found to have leaky blood vessels, and his lungs were gaining fluid; he could no longer breath on his own. After a couple more days in ICU, the doctors did a bone marrow test, and on September 10, 2015, the bone marrow test returned, and Ryan was told, “You have Cancer.” He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Later on, he was upgraded to having Very High Risk ALL, because he did not reach remission within the first month of treatment, along with him being much older. Ryan remained tough as he endured through much pain, but continued to push on. The day after his diagnosis, he began intensive chemotherapy, returning to the ICU again as he spiked a 107 fever. On top of everything else, his pancreas was in trouble and he could only eat 20 grams of fat a day. The first month of treatment was extremely difficult for Ryan and his family.

CHANGING HIS PERSPECTIVE Through it all, Ryan’s attitude changed, and he was determined to not let cancer define him! He began to develop relationships with fellow warriors, most of which were much younger than he. His Valley Center High School classmates had a Teddy Bear sit in Ryan’s chair at school to show their support and to let him know they were always thinking of him. Ryan’s favorite golfer, Ricky Fowler, gave Ryan a call while in the hospital too, to encourage Ryan and talk about golf—his passion! Ryan was super stoked to talk to Ricky and his spirits were lifted. Always setting high goals for himself, one being accepted into Stanford University and their golf team, the Stanford University golf coach, Coach Conrad Ray, gave Ryan a call when he heard about Ryan’s Leukemia fight and goals. Hearing from both Coach Ray and Rickie Fowler, was the motivation Ryan needed to get out of bed and start fighting!

USING HIS FIGHT TO HELP OTHERS The last two years have been quite the roller coaster ride for Ryan and his family. However, even in the darkest hours, they continued to pray for God’s grace to watch over Ryan’s fight. Cancer can be devastating to everyone involved with the battle. If you keep your head up, you can witness some amazing blessings. Some of these include meeting the greatest people ... doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and fellow warriors and their families! Ryan has been fortunate to meet so many extraordinary people. Many also fighting the battle and much younger than Ryan, see him as their mentor in many ways, while they have helped him through his own fight. Seeing them laugh and play in the hallways encouraged him to accept that he had cancer; “If they can do this, I can do this!”

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2017 San Diego LLS Man of the Year

WARRIOR KIMI AND LAPAZ NA (PEZ) We got to see Warrior Kimi be matched to Warrior Horse Lapaz NA! He is a 6-year-old purebred gelding bred by North Arabians and proudly owned by Anna Filleti. When Kimi arrived with her dad, Peter, “Pez” was all ready for her, wearing a garland of flowers. He even had a few gifts for Kimi as well, including a look-alike plush horse and a horse statue that she could paint to match Pez. Kimi is an animal lover and has a special connection with animals ... especially horses! There was an instant connection between her and Pez and it wasn’t long before she held his head in her arms for a face snuggle. It was so precious! These horses know just how incredibly special their Warrior Kid is; they are definitely intuitive.

WHAT IS A WARRIOR HORSE? An Arabian, Half-Arabian or any breed of horse that will bring new focus to a kid battling cancer. Each enrolled Warrior Horse has a funded donation minimum of $1,000 to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, a world leader in Cancer Research in a National Fundraising Campaign to find a cure. Every dollar raised goes directly to funding research and is tax deductible!

WHAT IS A WARRIOR KID? Kids with pediatric cancer who embrace interaction with a horse. This is a unique experience for Warrior Kids to have what will give them a focus outside of the hospital walls and the isolation they can have at home. It is specifically designed to allow a special connection to a Warrior Horse and allow a child to have support from the horse community. If able, they can meet their horse (Warrior Horses are matched to Warrior Kids nearest their location) and continue to have contact through visits to the ranch, watch them compete at horse shows online, and through email, texts, social media and video messages of encouragement!

Kimi was able to lead Pez to the cross ties, her first time taking a horse by the lead. She did great, and Anna did an amazing job making sure no feet were stepped on. It was so wonderful to watch Kimi brush her Warrior Horse—she was lost in the moment. Instantly taken far away from her daily battle with cancer, it was just a girl and her horse enjoying one another. Pez thoroughly enjoyed the treats and all the attention that Kimi showered upon him. There was no doubt that Kimi could have stayed there all day; her father confirmed that to be true. Afterwards, she led Pez back to his stall so she could see a 2-week-old foal. It was so beautiful to see that adorable baby filly and the first time for Kimi touching a baby horse. It was an amazing experience for all. She also had a moment with the North’s famous Stallion, Ever After NA, who quickly quieted down when Kimi raised her hand to his nose through the bars of his stall. He became as quiet and soft as a gelding. Kimi is a horse whisperer for sure! It was a perfect day, and for Kimi, it sure seemed like it was one of the greatest days she had experienced in her 12 years of life. She has been battling neuroblastoma stage-4 cancer for the last seven years. While she traveled back and forth to New York for a new trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering, Pez became her “pen pal,” sending her videos, photos and updates on what he was doing. Kimi was also able to watch him compete at the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals, thanks to live feed. Having a Warrior Horse is the perfect distraction for Kimi and she is already looking forward to seeing Pez again. Her father sent a handwritten letter from Kimi (see below). Nothing is better than being able to fulfill a little girl’s dream. We are sure Kimi will be seen at a horse show sooner than later! A HUGE thanks to Anna and Lapaz NA and everyone who donated for him to become a Warrior Horse! Kimi is one of the most amazing young girls you’ll ever have the pleasure to meet ... so smart and so kind. Thank you, Kimi, for allowing us to put that enormous smile on your face!

Once matched with a horse, the Warrior Kid will receive special access to their Warrior Horse, receiving updates and photos of their special horse. Goal: To match 500 Warrior Kids to noble war horses to fight alongside them in their battle. Every $1,000 raised will give a Warrior Kid (pediatric cancer patient) the special experience of matching with a Warrior Horse.

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At months old, Hazel was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a rare form of blood cancer that only 500 kids get each year. On August 16, 2015, Hazel spent her first of many nights at Rady Children’s Hospital. During Hazel’s 928 days with us, she spent 622 days in treatment, with 216 inpatient stays and 140 clinic visits. She was always cautiously quiet, patient and sweet with her Rady’s team. She became so familiar with the hospital routine, that when pulling into the parking lot she would say, “We are home.” But there was no place that made her happier than at her real home. She fought hard, without realizing it, and brought everyone so much joy and love without even trying. One of Hazel’s favorite people was her big sister, Raya. Always following her around. Though she was but little, she was fierce!


Khing of Diamonds, aka “Khing”, is a 4-year-old Half-Arabian gelding. He is proudly owned by Kristal and Ryan, the founders of Warrior Kids for Warrior Horses. When Ryan came up with the idea, they knew who the first Warrior Kid had to be, their dear little Warrior, Hazel. It was easy to pick Khing as her Warrior Horse as they had shown pictures to Hazel and her mom during clinic days, to pass the time. He also has the kindest heart and the sweetest disposition, a lot like Hazel. Unfortunately, Hazel never had the chance to meet Khing, as she passed away on April 26, 2017, just after starting Warrior Horses for Warrior Kids. However, Khing will carry on her memory upon his back; his special angel watching over him while he shows. Khing also has the honor in being Hazel’s big sister, Raya’s, Warrior Horse!


Hazel’s mom and big sister came to the ranch to meet Khing. It was a beautiful moment and a day for Raya; something special for her to do. Asked to help take care of Khing, at first she was a little unsure, but it didn’t take long before she started to interact with her Warrior Horse. He LOVED the attention and he sure did look super handsome in the pink bows she put in his hair. Khing even bought Raya a few toys including a princess crown, since he was a Khing, she, of course, would be a princess! He also got her a horse stable playset which she was wanting to play with right in the barn aisle. A true horse girl! While she was opening the gifts, she turned and said, “Thank you, Khing!” Afterwards, Raya pushed through her fear and fed Khing a few carrots. Us horse people forget just how intimidating horse teeth can appear! Asked if she wanted to take Khing for a walk, she said, YES! grabbing the lead line which she called the ”leash.” When the opportunity arose to sit on Khing’s back, she didn’t skip a beat and said yes again. So Khing, being the good boy he was, stood patiently with a smiling Raya upon his back; even getting a good sniff of her sneakers!


On May 21, 2015, like any other parent, Ivy’s weren’t prepared to hear, “Your child has cancer.” At 20 months old, Ivy was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Crook Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Her course of treatment was very intense for such a young child and she had a lot of inpatient stays due to having no immune system. Ivy’s last dose of chemo was this last September, but they are just starting to see negative effects that the chemotherapy caused during this intense growing phase for Ivy (basically all her toddlerhood!). Cancer does not discriminate, it affects all ages, genders and races. Their greatest wish is that the cancer research done today is successful in eliminating this disease.


SH Docs Buckaroo, aka “Doc,” is a stunning 12-year-old Half-Arabian Buckskin who has many National Championships in Trail. He is in training with Lou Roper and they had the most amazing time meeting one another. “Doc” is honored to be matched with Warrior Ivy to be her “Spirit” horse. Proudly owned by James, Joanne and Megan Callan, they all look forward to seeing Ivy again soon, either at home or at a show.

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The Versatile A rabian ... G ood -Natured, Quick To Learn, A nd Willing To Please A ny Age Of R ider

The Arabian horse is one of the most versatile horses on earth. They pretty much excel at whatever you ask of them. Whether you see yourself as a leisure trail or competitive rider, or love them just because, the Arabian horse will capture your heart.

TRAIL Be it for pure pleasure or show, Arabians are skillful, eye appealing and confident. When properly trained, they move over obstacles without hesitation and are safe and a pleasurable ride.

WESTERN This Arabian is calm, willing, has an obedient attitude with smooth, soft gaits and is happy and content to do its job. They are ideal for sitting in a saddle all day.

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ENDURANCE From the time of nomads, Arabians have been the choice for prevailing in the harshest, most inhospitable conditions. Able to cross vast distances with minimal rest, food and water, their makeup has served them well--dense bone, economic body size and weight, long shoulder, deep heart girth and huge nostrils that allow for maximum air intake. Their well-constructed feet and legs are durable, and their bravery and acute intelligence are prized. They are able to carry their riders over thousands of miles, the dominating choice today when competing against other breeds.

HALTER Essentially a breeding class, each horse is judged on its correctness of conformation, its movement, or “way of going” and those desirable qualities which he or she might pass on to offspring.

WORKING WESTERN This style highlights the agility and willingness of these horses to be guided by their riders, demonstrating difficult movements necessary in working cattle. The rider controls each maneuver of quick spins, straight sliding stops and lead changes. They exhibit smoothness, finesse, quickness, attitude and authority.

EVENTING On a high spirited, alert, athletic, bold and willing Arabian with the talent for jumping, you’ll love this sport. Ar abian Horse Times | 15 | ENV ISION

RACING Racing is in the heart and soul of every Arabian horse. With its own long history of racing, the athleticism, speed and beauty of this desert horse made it the perfect choice. Keeping this in mind, Arabian racing today makes perfect sense. Considered the original race horse, when English breeders wanted to add speed and endurance to their horses, they turned to the Arabian. The result? the Thoroughbred. Arabian racing is the fastest growing segment in the racing industry today.

HUNTER This Arabian requires manners, performance ability, and quality and conformation suitable for a hunter. They cover the ground easily with a long, low, efficient stride that accommodates an all-day ride.

NATIVE COSTUME Representative of those used by ancient Bedouins when they charged across the desert sands to engage their enemy in battle, the beauty of the Arabian horse and the colorful heritage of the costumes make this one of the most exciting and popular disciplines. Photo by Melissa Baus

DRESSAGE Dressage is considered ‘classical training’ because it uses gymnastic exercises--a series of movements and figures--which have been studied and developed for centuries. When done systematically and correctly, the exercises will cause the horse to be supple on both sides and to respond willingly and obediently, moving freely forward with pure gaits and an even tempo.

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ENGLISH Be it English pleasure, park or informal combination, this Arabian demonstrates animated, balanced motion with a desire to go forward with impulsion from the rear, expressed in long, lofty strides that eat up the arena beneath their feet as they flow over the ground. All gaits are performed with willingness and obvious ease, cadence, balance and smoothness. These fine horses combine their athleticism with grace and style typical of the Arabian horse.

DRIVING Drivers skillfully maneuver their horses through various gaits performed with fluid motion that is brilliant and eye appealing. The beautiful combination of an Arabian horse and elegant fine harness equipment makes this discipline a crowd favorite.

SPORT HORSE In this division, Arabians are evaluated in performance, manners, conformation, suitability as a working sport horse and quality. They push from behind, travel uphill, exhibit good length of stride and move with straight, rhythmic, balanced gaits. Conformation is evaluated in terms of potential trainability, potential performance and predisposition to soundness.

SHOW HACK Combining the precision of dressage and the brilliance of the Arabian horse itself, this discipline has its roots in classical movements of the collected and extended gait, the hand gallop, the halt and the reinback. All movements are natural, which amply demonstrates the Arabians’ pride, elegance and versatility.

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Getting To Know The Arabian Through Lesson Programs Bein Performance Horses Jessica Bein Cave Creek, Arizona

Number of years giving lessons: 35 Disciplines taught: Reining, Western, English, Hunter, Western Dressage, Trail, Ranch Riding & Horsemanship What is your age demographics in your lesson program? We are about 50/50 between adults and kids.

What makes your lesson program unique from others? We are a hands-on

program, teaching horsemanship skills at a basic level to grow horsemen in the long run. All instructors have a common goal and run similar lessons, which gives us a similar finished product.

Can you share an experience where someone from your lesson program instantly had a bond with a horse, or their life was impacted positively through interaction with horses?

Most people come to us looking for a connection with a horse, so I would think the bigger question would be, “Who hasn't been impacted positively?” If you're around these horses for a few minutes and you're not positively impacted, I'm not sure you are alive!

What kind of activities do you offer both adults and youth in your lesson program, that involves more than riding? All of our riders groom and tack up their own horses, and we encourage “hands-on” learning, so our riders become more than decorative passengers. We have a very social group that does seminars together, etc.; they are kind of hard to separate!

If you were giving a newcomer advice in looking for a lesson program, what would say to them? Make an

appointment to tour the barn and meet the instructors; your gut is usually right. Pet the horses, look at the tack room, ask lots of questions. A good instructor should have a teacher’s heart and seek out sharing the love of the sport.

What is the average cost involved with being in a lesson program? Usually just your weekly lesson fee, which of course, reflects how often you ride.

What is the first thing newcomers comment on about your lesson horses? Well, if it's Destinee, “She's perfect!”

The others we usually get feedback about how quiet they are.

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Witte Stables Peter Witte & Susan Witte Phoenix, ArizonaÂ

Number of years giving lessons: 30+ Disciplines taught: English Pleasure, Saddle Seat Equitation & Hunter

Seat Equitation

What is your age demographics in your lesson program? Five years and up.

What makes your lesson program unique from others? Knowledge and

experience. We take pride in our years of teaching beginners through advanced riders in a safe environment. We've been fortunate to have many high-quality lesson horses, to accommodate all levels of riders.

Can you share an experience where someone from your lesson program instantly had a bond with a horse, or their life was impacted positively through interaction with horses? There aremany.

The bond between horse and rider has such a positive effect on all. Whether it's adults dealing with the stresses of life, health, careers, etc., or children struggling with families, schooling, bullying and all that comes with growing up; the equine world teaches discipline, patience, caring, forgiveness and goal-related successes. It can relate on all levels, from the beginner learning to control the horse, to the finished rider achieving their goals. There's really no other sport like it that provides you with a partner that isn't human.

What kind of activities do you offer both adults and youth in your lesson program, that involves more than riding? Witte Stables offers a Kids Camp program. Children come to a day camp from 8 am to 1 pm. They

not only have riding instruction, but learn the basics of general horsemanship. We offer the camp year-round, and host over 800 children annually.

If you were giving a newcomer advice in looking for a lesson program, what would say to them?

To seek out a friendly, safe environment. Look for knowledgeable instructors and quality lesson horses. Find a stable that will help you set realistic goals.

What is the average cost involved with being in a lesson program? In our area, Scottsdale, $50.00 is the

average cost for a 30-minute lesson. Most stables offer packages that provide discounts. Helmets, paddock boots and riding pants are available at reasonable prices.

How do you think lesson programs assist youth in dealing with everyday life challenges?

What life skills does riding help your students master? Riding teaches patience, commitment, structure, compassion and dedication.

What is the first thing newcomers comment on about your lesson horses? Their beauty. They not only see the beauty in the horses aesthetically, but also in their demeanor.

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• Lesson Programs • CONNECTICUT


Scottsdale Equestrian Academy Cave Creek | 480-360-7433

Trowbridge’s Ltd Bridgewater | 860-488-7074

Select Show Horses Sheridan | 317-413-3485

Apex Riding Academy Scottsdale | 602-376-4545

Quarry Hill Farm Lakeville | 860-435-2571


Apex Riding Academy Scottsdale | 801-244-7996

Sloane Training Center Wolcott | sloanetrainingcntr@att.net

Bein Performance Horses Scottsdale | 480-220-6710

Double A Arabians Somers | 860-749-4797

PAR Excellence Farms Gilbert | 480-510-6125

Twin Brook Stables Clinton | 860-304-6355


Baldwin Stables Deep River | 860-526-5989

Bray’s Training Center Benton | 501-778-6375 CALIFORNIA HCR Performance Horses Redlands | 909-206-9526 White Horse Dressage Pilot | 818-326-5452 McDaniel Training Center Vina | 530-370-0111 Arroyo Arabians Santa Ynez | 805-325-8026

FLORIDA M & M Show Horses Webster | 352-425-9694

Strands Arabian Stables Toddville | 319-393-4816 AKS Farms Norwalk | 515-360-0097 KENTUCKY Firelight Arabians Louisville | 502-477-1018 MAINE Windswept Acres Arabians Vienna | 207-491-0410 MASSACHUSETTS

Christy Higman-Clements Trng. Miami | 305-606-0645

Cranberry Knoll Arabs/Sport Fairhaven | 508-982-9628

Greta Wrigley Training Gainesville | 352-318-7738

Klineview Stables Southwick | 413-569-6408

Ocala Equestrian Academy Ocala | 352-817-8020



Rooker Training Stables Fenton | 810-241-9246

Neophyte Farms Simi Valley | 805-630-0037

Riding School @ Casey Arabs Buford | 404-406-4880

Misty Hill Training Belleville | 734-657-4275

Priceless Arabians Loma | 951-897-5701

Atlanta Riding Club Canton | 470-281-0881

Trotwood Farm Hickory Corners | 502-604-3141

Canyon Lake Farm Chino | 760-443-3651

Iron Horse Milton | 678-231-5038

Winning Edge Training Center Coopersville | 616-292-3787

Doran Show Horses Lincoln | 925-719-1404


Foxfield Arabians Alto | 616-891-1521

Castle Rock Arabians Walnut Creek | 925-933-3701 Horizon Arabians Davis | 916-412-8072 COLORADO Gambel Oaks Equestrian Center Elizabeth | 303-646-0462

Arabians West Meridian | 208-888-0099 ILLINOIS John White Stables Woodstock | 815-648-4458 Centennial Acres Forreston | 815-501-6874

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CB Sport Horses Grand Haven | 810-240-8075 Curtis Performance Horses Ada | 616-822-6652 Rushlow Arabians Romulus | 734-782-1171 Signature Oaks Stables Dexter | 734-562-9023

3K Performance Horses Elsic | 989-323-0405

Cedarbrook Arabians Wilmington | 910-833-4537

MINNESOTA Cedar Ridge Riding Club Jordan stephanie@cedarridgearabians.com


Joyner Arabians El Paso | 915-276-5471

TA Equestrian Academy Troy | 937-308-5313

Weddle Training Stables Austin | 512-657-8612


Beahr Ridge Arabians & Training Center Ennis | 319-231-5075

North Star Stable Stacy | 651-587-9555 Golden Ridge Stables Lakeville | 952-469-4640

Diamond B Trng./Lesson Prog. Newberg | 503-539-3763 PENNSYLVANIA

Regent Arabians Rogers | 763-428-4975

C & G Ranch Evans City | 256-221-0233


Valley View Farms Springtown | 610-972-7079

The Riding Club at Clanton Performance Horses Peculiar | 816-709-9054

Whoa Nellie Equine Services Willow Hill | 717-729-4473


The Brass Ring Burleson | 817-447-0001 Tezmaral Arabians Argyle | 940-241-3333 Bay Area Equestrian Center Pearland | 281-996-1515 UTAH Crystal Arabians Lehi | 801-455-8347

Fired Up Ranch Lee’s Summit | 816-529-9195

Ryan Show Horses Gettysburg | 609-558-0643


Crescendo Training Centre Ephrata | 717-354-5585

Emmanual Equine Facility Strasburg | 540-974-5794

Travelda Farm Quakertown | 610-248-3590


Reno-Tahoe Equestrian Centre Reno | 775-853-1385 NEW JERSEY Carousel Farm Augusta | 973-219-1044 NEW MEXICO Valencia Farms Corrales | 505-899-5336 NEW YORK Quillin Ltd Elma | Quillinltd.com Watching Hawk Arabians Rome | 315-271-9073 Northridge Farm Lockport | 716-983-0496 Burnett Riding Weedsport | 315-708-4178 RGB Training & Sales Skaneateles | 315-209-9186 NORTH CAROLINA Chesapeake Training Center Rocky Mount | 757-377-9903

RHODE ISLAND Thell Arabs @ Greenfield Farm Greene | 401-255-6568


Timepiece Arab & Sport Horses Olympia | 360-943-9076 WISCONSIN


Westridge Farms River Falls | 715-426-9640

Performance Plus Arabians Sioux Falls | 605-361-3334

St Croix Training Center Hudson | 612-709-3638

Glory Bound Arabians Brandon | 605-582-6188

Jessica Cole Training Center Baraboo | jcts@jvlnet.com


Jericho Creek Farm Eagle | 262-594-3667

Copperhill Arabians Mt Juliet | 615-927-9915 Music City Riding Academy Lebanon | 615-495-7346 Mystic Rose Arabians Eads | 901-465-2119 Music City Riding Academy Hermitage | 615-495-7346 Irvine Training Maryville | 865-801-0612

Price Performance Horses New Berlin | 612-418-8401 LeFever Training Center Roberts | 612-965-4122 Dan Barker Performance Horses Waterford | 414-702-0047 CANADA Semiahmoo Stables Surrey, BC | 604-536-9440 Kim Seward Training Ardrossan, Alberta | 780-777-3260

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Thank you to our sponsor

Join The Fun! Enjoy Great Wines, Craft Beer and Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres and Live Music, all under the Scottsdale sun! Benefitting the Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund www.horsemensdistressfund.com

Ar abian Horse Times | 22 | ENV ISION

RAE-DAWN ARABIANS Where have you advertised your Outreach events? Rae-Dawn Arabians has utilized the ArabHorse Farm Tours that are held at the end of each year. It’s a wonderful concept that attracts hundreds of guests. The group that arranges the tours focuses on advertising through traditional forms of media to non-Arabian horse owners, as well as through social media, local community publications and television interviews. What is your format for events? Rae-Dawn Arabians’ goal for our events is to focus on the non-Arabian horse owner and the horse lover who may be a prospect for potentially owning and is interested in getting involved with the Arabian horse lifestyle. We strive to ensure our events are a very relaxed, no pressure environment. We want those visiting our farm for the first time to have the opportunity to experience first-hand the beauty and love of the Arabian horse, up close and personal. It is through the connection of horse and human that immediately can capture one’s heart. How much preparation did it take you? We begin preparing for our event as early as September, deciding things like what horses to bring down to Scottsdale from our farm in Canada, what area of the farm we will use to showcase our horses, as well as other details to put in place to ensure our guests can enjoy our beautiful horses in the most beautiful environment.

Photo by Lauren Ebert

How have you followed up with your attendants? The Rae-Dawn Arabians Open House has become a perennial event. We welcome back many past visitors, but also family and friends of those who have attended in years past and spread the word, encouraging them to attend the following year. Many times, those who visit us during our Open House schedule a time later in the year to come back and visit again.

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What is the highlight of your events for your business? This year’s open house was very special, as we focused on inviting individuals into the presentation arena to interact with the horses. It was our hope that this would be the perfect opportunity for the audience to see just how sweet and personable our Arabian horses are with human interaction. It was a complete success and many special moments were captured. I think we could say that our 2017 open house was one of our largest, welcoming nearly 800 guests, and most, all new to Arabian horses.

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