FISH - magazine of Aquinas College | Term 4 December 2022

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the magazine of Aquinas College TERM 4 / DECEMBER 2022 AQUINAS COLLEGE FISH MAGAZINE ISSUE 2 | DECEMBER 2022

Cover Image: Taj Lockyer (‘23), NAIDOC Week 2022 Photographer: David Penco

CONTENT FISH 2022 Term 4 / December 2022 12 35 Introducing the new Principal for 2023 Farewell to David
NAIDOC Week 2022 2023 College Captain Address The Show Must Go On Philanthropy Across the College Grandparents Day 2022 Winter Sport Update Foundation Update Letter to the Editor OAA PSA Golf Day Reunions Senior Old Boys Day Past College Captains Day Pars Condolences 2023 Calendar 2022 Graduation Gallery OAA Merchandise 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 25 26 28 31 32 34 36 39 40 42
by: Aquinas College 58 Mt Henry Road Salter Point Western Australia
Published Editor Kate Spencer Communications
Sheree Kendall Events Alumni Copyright notice This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Aquinas College pursuant to Part IVA Division 4 of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Inside photography:Total Sports Photography, Aquinas staff & students, various donated submissions.

FishWhy the name ‘Fish’?

In 1934 when Ken Kelsall first attended CBC Perth ‘Fish’ was the term universally in use to describe the bread and jam afternoon snack that was provided for the boarders. At the time Ken was told that the term had its origins in the earliest days of the College.

In an article by Bob Hannah in the ‘Fish’ of November 1962 there were two very similar accounts, one from Sir Thomas Meagher and one from Reg Cooper, speaking of the tradition springing from the first day of the College’s existence. They recall ‘Fish-Ho!’ being shouted to call the boys to their afternoon snack.

The practice of giving boarders an afternoon snack named ‘Fish’ was continued when the move to Mount Henry was made in 1938.

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land of our schools. We are inspired and nurtured by their wisdom, spirituality and experience. We commit ourselves to actively work alongside them for reconciliation and justice. We pay our respects to the Elders; past, present and future. As we take our next step we remember the first footsteps taken on this sacred land.


Introducing Rob Henderson Aquinas College Incoming Principal 2023

As the Aquinas College story stretches towards 129 years, it is becoming increasingly rare for the school to experience a notable first-time occurrence. When Rob Henderson (‘79) takes charge as Principal of the College in 2023, he will become the first Old Boy ever to lead the school; a significant, historical moment for both Aquinas College and the Henderson family, who have been an integral part of the school community for over four decades. The relationship between the Henderson family and Aquinas has been building since Rob started attending the school in 1973 and his two younger brothers followed shortly after. Their father, Bob Henderson, even taught at the College in 1980-81. The family was entrenched in the wider Manning community and the boys thrived at Aquinas. On top of their academic success, all three brothers excelled on the sporting field, and to this day the 1st XI batting trophy is named in their honour.

Although proud of his achievements as a student and athlete, Rob is quick to shift the adulation onto his younger siblings. “I’m by far the least talented of the three brothers who attended the school,” he says with an easy modesty. Rob is also quick to point out that

although he is excited and honoured to be the first official Old Boy turned Principal, his brother Sean (‘81) filled the role on a temporary basis in 2021, so he is reluctant to claim too much historical significance.

For Rob, the decision to return to Aquinas at this stage of his career was made a little easier by recognising the profound effect the school had on him as a student. “The most important influences on my life have been family, friends and then Aquinas.”

After graduating from the school in 1979 and obtaining a Commerce degree, Rob soon recognised that his real passion was teaching, which he viewed as a tool to help subsequent generations of young men and women become the best possible versions of themselves. His educational philosophy is a simple one, honed to a fine point after decades on the frontlines of teaching. He recognises the importance of metrics but also understands the importance of more intangible qualities that are not easily graded. “Ultimately we want to provide an environment that is conducive to developing really good young men into the future, and that can’t just be measured by an ATAR score or secondary graduation certificate.”

Aquinas College will be the tenth school Rob has worked at, the culmination of a four-decade career in education that has had a balance of both co-ed and all boys’ schools. Most recently, he has been Principal of John XXIII College in Mount Claremont, a role he relished and was reluctant to leave. “I’ve loved JTC, and the only school I would leave it for is Aquinas.”

This will be Rob’s fifth Principal appointment, following stints at Trinity (Acting Principal), CBC Fremantle, Ipswich Grammar (QLD) and finally John XXIII. He is well versed in the challenges of the role, but once again, he has quite a simple formula for success. “You’ve got to love the students; love working with the staff and have a real passion for Catholic education.”

Rob believes strongly that the Principal needs to have a large presence throughout the school and be approachable for both students and staff. “As much as I can, at morning tea time I try to spend time with staff, to really get to know them and what they stand for; and then at lunch time I wander the school. My wife tells me off for ruining my shoes by kicking the footy too much, but you have to have an active presence and make sure that the kids know who you

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are and that you are really engaged and interested in what they are doing.”

The tradition of Aquinas College is special to Rob and something he is proud to be a part of, but he is quick to emphasise the value of continual improvement that will propel the school forward. “If you just sit back and congratulate yourself on how good the school is you are not going to progress. It’s exciting to help enable that history to evolve.”

Beyond reacquainting himself with the school and the culture that has grown remarkably since he was a student, Rob has identified four areas that he would like to focus on initially:

1. Catholicity in the tradition of Edmund Rice,

2. Academic progress for all students, 3. Wellbeing of students and staff,

4. Affordability in order to allow as many families as possible to reap the benefits of an Aquinas College education.

Rob is excited by the progress he already sees the school making, particularly in the development of the arts, having a strong indigenous presence at the school and an increasing emphasis on

character education. He also recognises the importance of not overlooking the fundamentals of a good education. “To be a good Catholic school, you must be a good school, which means a really strong focus on teaching and learning. I’d like to think that at the last three schools I have been at, there has been a culture of sustained academic improvement and a really good analysis of what good teaching and learning looks like.”

As Aquinas College and the wider Catholic education community continues to evolve and deal with the many challenges of the modern world, Rob appears to strike a welcome balance between recognising the tradition of such a proud school while maintaining a

strong vision for the future. He likens leading the school to driving a large bus through traffic, “you have your side and rear-view mirrors that allow you to look back and make sure you are honouring your heritage, Catholicity and Edmund Rice tradition, but your windscreen is much larger so you can see where you are heading and the potential obstacles in front of you.”

We look forward to Rob commencing at the College in 2023.

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(L-R) Mia, Abbey, Zoe, Robyn & Rob Henderson. (L-R) Sean (‘81), Marnie, Rob (‘79) & Lachlan (‘82) Henderson in front of their home in Manning. (L-R) Rob (‘79) & Sean (‘81) Henderson ready for cricket.


Good afternoon, Mr McFadden, staff, students and invited guests. Today I stand before you in both honour and sadness. Honoured, as I have been given the opportunity to deliver this speech on behalf of the College community, but in sadness as it is time to say farewell. As we gather here today to appreciate the contributions of Mr McFadden to the College, there will be nobody in the room who is more uncomfortable than Mr McFadden. He is a man of work, not a man of attention. It is this hardworking nature, and strong sense of humility which can often create misconceptions about the role and contributions of a leader within a community. For Mr McFadden, leadership is an opportunity to serve, not a call to self-importance or arrogance. All you have to do is look around to see the impact that he has made at the College over the past years. His innovative mindset, and attitude to boundlessly work towards a better future has placed our school in what is arguably

at the Principal’s Farewell Assembly

its best shape in decades. Anyone involved with the College has a small window to make as great an impact as possible. Mr McFadden has managed to fit more through his window than anyone I have ever seen. His ideas are not directed towards single facets of the College, but rather he seeks to provide opportunities for every boy at the school, regardless of their talents and abilities. It is only once you start to list out all the changes and developments that have been made over the past six years that you truly get a sense of the mark that Mr McFadden has left on our school.

A new Year 7 area, a new Year 8 area, a brand-new staff room, the construction of the largest rowing shed in the southern hemisphere, the creation of the Angelicvm which in turn allowed for the formation of the Veritas Centre; as well as approved plans for a recital hall, university hub and various other developments which are set to begin construction in due time. Setting aside the infrastructural

developments overseen by Mr McFadden, his addition of various new programs is the main reason that Aquinas is pioneering in the education of the future. The formation of a distinct Senior, Middle and Junior School, opportunities to earn leadership positions at all year levels, a council system which is one of the most sophisticated in the EREA, the introduction of a Friday online learning system; giving students the chance to take control of their learning, gaining a head start on their tertiary education or workplace-based learning. The resources that we have been given by Mr McFadden are truly phenomenal, and what is even more remarkable, is the amount of trust that has been placed in us, to take advantage of these resources. In my first meeting with Mr McFadden this year, he handed me a book - “Legacy” by James Kerr. This book describes the incredible winning culture of the AllBlacks Rugby team and the extremely high standards that the players hold

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themselves, and each other to. Upon reading this book, there were two main things that stuck out the most to me. The first being the idea of leaving the Jersey in a better place than when you found it and secondly the emphasis placed on the responsibility to uphold and respect the proud history and values of your organisation. In Mr McFadden’s time at the College, he has lived and breathed Aquinas culture, connecting with the past through his incredible story telling ability, as well fostering the spiritual roots in which this school has been built on. He shares his love for our proud history whenever given the opportunity, creating environments such as Wednesday Chapel services in the newly refurbished Chapel – credit to Mr McFadden – for students to sit back in a quiet space and reflect on their role as an Aquinian – placing aside the stresses of tests and exams, to work on themselves as people. You see, Mr McFadden’s vision for what we can be as people is what makes him

such a great leader. He knows what we are capable of and will not accept anything less. He has initiated plans such as the Veritas program or the Year 9 Odyssey journey to develop the character of the young men within our community; and his hope is that as our time will inevitably come - to depart from the College - we will enter the world as good men, of strong values and character. Mr McFadden, during your time at the College, you have set the standard of what it means to be a man for others, and a man of great passion. We thank you, for the immeasurable number of resources that you have given us, and for your ability to inspire us not to just be better Aquinians, but better people. In this next stage of your life, we wish you both luck and success, and we remain confident that your connection to this College will never fade, for the red and black will forever be a part of you. “Slàn Go Foill”Goodbye for now

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NAIDOC Week 2022

The commencement of Week Two in Term Three heralded the start of the annual Aquinas NAIDOC celebrations.

The week-long celebration is a time within the Aquinas calendar for all Aquinians to celebrate and recognise history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Aquinas community and wider Australian community.

Monday always brings excitement and anticipation of the sporting clash that sees Indigenous students from Year 10 to 12 take on the much-hyped staff team in a game of basketball. The staff team burst on to the court and began to build a lead based upon a sound game plan, however things unravelled fast when Mr Hayman limped from the court. The students seized on Mr Bell’s inability as Coach to reshuffle his team with a series of three pointers and alley-oop dunks that quickly got the crowd support. In the end the boys ran out easy winners for a third

consecutive year.

The Indigenous Middle School students started the sporting dominance at recess on Monday over the staff team easily in the first Didj-ball (dodge ball) game we have enjoyed at the College. The action was ferocious with staff and students exchanging heavy body shots. At the siren to end time the boys had won two games to one to claim the first Didj-ball title. We hope this can be a regular fixture of NAIDOC week each year.

‘What does racism look like for you?’ was the topic for an open microphone panel discussion that all students in the Senior School had the privilege to attend, whilst a group of invited guests shared stories and insight around the central question. All students were affirmed and challenged by the speakers to embrace the National NAIDOC theme to ‘get-up,’ ‘stand-up’ and ‘show-up’ to address racism of all kinds in our community.

In addition to the panel all Senior School

students were invited during breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday to try their hand at Indigenous craft activities. An invitation that saw many students create beautiful dot art pieces, as well as elaborate friendship bands and keychains. Wednesday Break A also saw the Indigenous Team make available 400 servings of ‘roo-stew’ as prepared by the College catering staff, who followed a ‘secret recipe’ sourced and supplied by Mr Bell. The recipe is obviously a winner as the 400 serves were gone in under 10 minutes. Suffice to say we will have to double the recipe for next year!

The annual NAIDOC assembly has become a ‘crowd favourite’ for staff, students, parents and community members alike. This year the audience was treated to outstanding dance performances from an Indigenous girls’ dance group from Penhros, in addition to the Aquinas College Indigenous dancers. Year 12 student Xavier Cox sang two

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special songs in language, while Year 10 student Tremane Baxter-Edwards shared a truly inspirational speech centred on why Australia should apologise for the ‘Stolen Generation.’ Key-note speaker Mr Andrew Beck once again centred his thoughts and challenges to all in attendance around this year’s National NAIDOC theme. Following the assembly all invited guests, students and staff were invited to enjoy a beautiful morning tea that showcased Indigenous ingredients, flavours and tastes. The week was a wonderful showcase of Indigenous culture at Aquinas College and we congratulate the Indigenous Team and all the students involved.


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Take a guess how many people are in this hall today…

If you guessed around 3 thousand people… you’d be a little bit over the mark, there’s only about 1500 people here. But that’s still a lot of people! Enough to make even a veteran public speaker nervous, trust me.

But more importantly, there’s not just 1500 people in this hall, but 1500 Aquinians. Students, of course, but also teachers, staff, parents and families and graduates! All Aquinians. But what does that even mean? What makes us different from any other similarly large gathering of people? From any other school or organisation. I’d like to take you all on a brief journey. A journey through some of Aquinas’ greatest quotes, that I think sum up who we are as a school and why I feel so lucky to be standing at this podium today. Perhaps the most important words in our Aquinas vocabulary are stitched or written on every crest and uniform in this hall: Veritas Vincit “Truth Conquers.”

Our motto is deceptively simple: tell the truth and stand up for what is right at all times. But doing so isn’t easy–

sometimes, living by the Aquinas motto means fessing up when we make a mistake, owning our flaws and growing from them. Sometimes, it means speaking out even when the easier path is to stay quiet and say nothing. One example of this is when our AC boys spoke up and protected their peers who were feeling unsafe at a social last year. Sometimes, our motto means being brave enough to be ourselves. To not hide our identity and what makes us unique, regardless of what society expects of us. Being proud of what makes us different, whether that’s sitting in the library to play chess at lunch instead of playing footy or thinking that baddy (badminton) is a more dangerous PSA sport than rugby.

In all these ways, I think that Aquinians know and trust that truth truly does conquer all.

One of my personal favourite sayings here at Aquinas is that we should all strive to “be the best we can be, for others.” Let’s break this down. Firstly, we Aquinians certainly aim to be the best we can be, whether that’s on the sporting field, in the classroom, on the stage or in any other area of life. Each of us tries

to be our personal best, whether that means playing in 1st volleyball or in the mighty 4ths, singing solos as a lead in the production or playing a tree. The Aquinas spirit is to celebrate people for their hard work, for giving it their all even when they’re not in the limelight. But perhaps more important is the second aspect: “for others.” Aquinians don’t use their talents and privilege for personal gain, but rather seek to benefit those around them. That’s why, as a school, we do thousands of hours of community service every year; that’s why we raised over $45 000 at the World’s Greatest Shave this year.

I think this quote basically means that Aquinians are the first to arrive and the last to leave: the first in the gym, for example, sweating it out to improve and be the best we can be. The last to leave a venue because we’re organising emu walks to clean up every scrap of rubbish and leave it a better place than we found it, for others.

Finally, the infamous quote originating in the rowing shed – “this is our year boys.”

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think this is some cocky claim to victory before

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Matteo Conte College Captain 2023

it’s even happened. I know this because, well, it would be a tad ironic–it hasn’t “been our year” to win the Head of the River for quite a while now… But they keep saying it. Because the rowers know that it’s not just our year when we win. They know that they get to make each year great, by showing up and putting in the effort, day in, day out, by appreciating the incredible opportunity of getting to spend time with mates in the amazing environment around Aquinas. As my favourite author, Brandon Sanderson, would say: “Journey Before Destination.” To summarise this little literary analysis of our Aquinas sayings, I think being an Aquinian is quite simply about being a good person; being honest; being ourselves; being selfless. As they say in the Junior School: we are “humankind. So be both.” And as Mr Dempsey says: we are “good people first; good athletes second” –by which he means that being an Aquinian is about being a good person first and foremost, and anything else second. I love these Aquinas values. I hope that, as your Captain for 2023, I can embody these over the coming year. While I’m a dreamer, and have all sorts of big plans, my ultimate goal is to be the best bloke I can be for you,

each and every day. To give you my time and help when you ask for it, whether that be attending an event or giving you advice on how to study; to listen to and take action on your ideas and concerns; to be a positive, friendly face at all times.

I’m just one guy, but if we all do these small things for each other, however, I believe we can take Aquinas to a whole other level. If every Aquinian here today challenges themselves to start up a conversation with someone they don’t know, for example, we can build a community where we understand that our strength comes not from overcoming our differences, but from embracing them. If all of us commit to showing each other some tough love at times and reminding each other that ‘we’re better than this’ when we fall short, Aquinas can be a place where everyone feels seen, heard, valued and safe. In which we celebrate with each other over every individual’s victories and support each other through our struggles.

Speaking of support, I’d like to conclude by thanking the people who have supported me.

To my family, thank you for always being there to help and support me, so that

I’m able to help others. Thank you for being patient with me when I’m tired and stressed and for keeping my head within manageable proportions with your constant teasing.

To all the teachers who have challenged me to strive higher and have the courage to be myself. Thank you. To the graduates and past Captains who have inspired me more than I can say and to all the students; thank you for all the lessons you have taught me and will continue to teach me. For all the incredible experiences we have shared and will continue to share together.

To the Captains and Prefects sitting behind me and the Year 12’s in front of me–the leaders for 2023–thank you for being the coolest, most supportive bunch of mates anyone could ask for.

To all 1500 of you–from the bottom of my heart–thank you for the opportunity and privilege to serve you as your College Captain for 2023.

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Being an Aquinian is about being a good person first and foremost, and anything else second.


The phrase ‘the show must go on’ dates to circus performances when artistes were injured performing a demanding act or when animals escaped, and the crowd were entertained by the ringmaster or the band to alleviate worry, concern, or trouble. Queen’s chart-topping hit of the same name also told the story of persistence and, despite the challenges facing lead singer Freddie Mercury, he was unceasing in his endeavours to perform: ‘ the show must go on; inside my heart is breaking; my makeup may be flaking; but my smile still stays on’. The phrase is about grit, resilience, and endurance – all those positive traits we aim to instil in students of today when we encourage young people to carry on, don’t give up, and persevere!

When considering the various subjects of a holistic education, the Arts has possibly been hit the hardest during 2020

and 2021. The pandemic has resulted in venue capacity limits, reduced crossschool casts and rehearsal restrictions that were manifestly difficult to negotiate resulting in most schools’ long traditions of yearly productions being brought to a halt. Whilst wellbeing and safety were of paramount concern, it has, of course, left many an Arts student deeply disappointed. This profound sense of ‘missing out’ has only been intensified for students in their final two years of school. This is when the concept of ‘the show must go on’ takes on new scope and meaning; and it has been such a privilege and honour being at a school where it has been possible to produce significant performances and foster the talents and artistic pursuits of young people. Early in 2022 venue restrictions, continued social distancing and mask-wearing mandates were still negatively impacting rehearsal

and production seasons but whilst many other schools were cancelling, or postponing productions, Aquinas continued. It was the resounding mantra ‘the show must go on’ that was behind the driving force of this year’s productions. I feel proud and fortunate to have directed two productions in my first year at Aquinas College. Our June production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ was all about a spirit of inclusiveness and a strong team culture towards a common goal. The cast members, creative team and production crew were generous, kind, thoughtful and hard-working during a season that fluctuated with uncertainty and an everchanging rehearsal environment. It was a truly unique and special experience performing in the Heath Ledger Theatre at the State Theatre Centre – this musical connected so well with young actors. Most recently, our Middle School

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Director of Performance / Head of Learning Area - Arts

Production, an adaptation of Robin Hood, was a continued demonstration of the excellent team culture that is synonymous with Aquinas College. Rehearsing alongside like-minded and creative individuals was a positive and uplifting experience with students’ creative innovation the strength behind every scene, and song.

School productions solidify a holistic education, honouring the artistic

accomplishments and pursuits of young people in a world where innovation and creative thought are just as important as content knowledge. An Arts education encourages critical and creative thinking and an aesthetic understanding integral to life and learning. Problemsolving, leadership, teamwork, effective communication skills and social-emotional intelligence are all developed through involvement in school productions. These

skills are all deemed essential for success in the workplace and an Arts education is becoming more widely valued because of its ability to build these capacities in all students. For these reasons, and more, we will continue to ensure that ‘the show must go on’ at Aquinas College.

“Singing a solo in front of people for the first time was one of the most rewarding experiences for me… I would never have thought it possible, or had the opportunity to find out, without having done the production - Student, Year 11

Everyone felt included. The entire experience was unforgettable, and I can’t wait for next year’s production - Student, Year 10

It was such an inviting and loving community - Student, Year 7

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Across the College PHILANTHROPY

In conjunction with Mr John Richards, Director of Christian Service-Learning, the Foundation was proud to launch the Annual Foundation Philanthropy Award this year. The awards serve to recognise students – across Junior School, Middle School and Senior School - and staff who actively embraced our four touchstones of Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity during the year, and made outstanding contributions to the College or local community.

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated throughout Term 3. The quality of nominees was outstanding, making selection a challenge. After much deliberation by the selection committee, Noah Myers (Year 7) emerged as the Middle School winner and Jack Sheppard (Year 11) the Senior School winner (there were no Junior School or staff winners for 2022). Certificates of Commendation are to be presented to the winners at their relevant Presentation Nights. Read on to find out more about our Middle School and Senior School winners.

Noah Myers, Middle School Winner

Noah demonstrated great initiative by finding placements at Foodbank and Conservation Volunteers during his school holiday breaks. These agencies normally engage much older students and adults, so for a Year 7 student, like Noah, this was a wonderful achievement and service to his community. Noah has selected the Cancer Council WA as the recipient of his $500 prize money.

“I first volunteered when I did the Ignite Award in Year 5 & 6 and I really enjoyed it. I chose Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA). In Year 7, I found out we had to do a minimum of 10 hours of community service. I thought about volunteering for another organisation, as well as CVA, and decided on Foodbank, as I knew about what they did as a charity and I wanted to help. This Award means that I can give back to another organisation. If I can play a part in that, then it means the volunteer hours have even more meaning. My Nan sadly passed away from cancer and my parents told me how proud she would have been to know I made a contribution to Cancer Council in not only her memory, but for everyone affected by the disease.”

Noah Myers (Year 7 )

“We are so proud of Noah’s achievements. Every time he volunteers, he gets stuck right in and just gets on with whatever he is asked to do. Noah is so pleased he can give back by donating some well-needed money to his chosen cause which is the Cancer Council WA. Having lost his muchloved Nan to cancer, it’s a cause close to his heart. Noah is lucky to have Aquinas support him in his endeavours. We wholly encourage not only Noah’s, but also any young man’s, efforts in giving back. We feel blessed we continue to be able to do this. It truly does impact positively on everyone involved.”

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(L-R) Caroline Bryndzej from the Cancer Council with award winner Noah Myers.

Jack Sheppard, Senior School Winner

Jack is the founder of Jack’s Creative Kitchen, and has been baking, packaging and selling cookies since he was fourteen years old. Jack donates all his proceeds to local charities, including Saint Barts Refuge and Autism Association WA. In addition, Jack has used his Christmas wrapping skills to raise more than $1500 for Variety Club WA, donated 150 cookie bags for Edmund Rice Day 2021, helping to raise funds for Edmund Rice ministries, and spent personal time caring for autistic children. Jack has selected Autism Association of WA as the recipient of his $500 prize money.

“My philanthropic work is something that I hold close to me. I get to do something I love. Baking and creating has always been a passion of mine and I always wanted to do it on a large scale. The prospect to raise money to help others was a great opportunity. I have personally seen the wonderful work charities like St Barts, Variety WA and Autism Association of WA have done and it makes me proud to know my hard work goes to worthwhile causes. I’m just a person who loves helping people. It just feels natural to me and puts the biggest smile on my face. Especially when I’m using my time to do something worthwhile. It’s a very special

feeling when you give your time to make someone else happy. The most amazing part of the award was the $500 prize money that I was able to donate to the Autism Association of WA. I have always wanted to acknowledge those living with Autism in our Aquinas community and show my care and support.

Jack Sheppard (Year 11)

“We love Jack’s enthusiasm for service. Nothing is ever too much trouble. He is always willing and able, provided the support and the opportunity is there to help him. We encourage all parents to support their sons in pursuit of activities they enjoy that can also help others. Whether it is organised by themselves or the school, it is a spiritually rewarding experience that they should not miss as part of the holistic education offered at Aquinas. As Jack enters adulthood, service will always be a part of his life and we are so thankful to all the teachers and staff for supporting him in this area of his education. We are blessed to have a son who, more often than not, places others before himself and we are extremely proud of the beautiful man he is becoming.”

Fiona and Mark Sheppard

reassuring to know there is a generation of young philanthropists in our own community who are already making a difference in their world.


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is (L-R) Award winner Jack Sheppard with Paul Baird from Autism Association WA.


from the play of Robin Hood. From there we had students present their experiences about starting at the College, Year 7 Camp, Sports, Arts and Boarding Life. In between speeches, we were thoroughly entertained by the piano piece, White Clouds, performed by Christopher Chan. Later, Lucas Ho and Akira Tsang performed Pachelbel’s Canon in D. The assembly really showcased the marvellous opportunities that are offered to our Year 7 students.

At the end of the assembly, the

grandparents walked out to the Year 7 courtyard and enjoyed a sausage sizzle with their grandson whilst being entertained listening to the Year 7 and Middle School Bands. Overall, the day was a great success and would not have been possible without the assistance of Nichole Rowson, Erica Hamer, Christopher McMillan, Michael Dempsey, the Middle School Heads of House, Year 7 Tutors, Hugh Lydon, the Aquinas College Schola, Sonja Vaswani and Mark McAndrew.

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Grandparents’ Day was a highlight of the year. Held on the 14th of October, it was a great time for all the students to have a chance to communicate with our grandparents and share our school lives. At the end of period two, we all met outside the Chapel, for a Mass. After that, we had a break with biscuits, but I had to run to get my cello ready for my performance; I was going to be playing in the assembly.

Two days before the assembly, my friend and I were requested to perform for Grandparents Day. Although at late notice, we tried hard to meet up after and before school to practice our piece, Pachelbel Canon in D.

The performance turned out to be great, despite how nervous I was. Being able to perform in such a beautiful place was a great privilege. My friends and teachers were so supportive, which made my day.

The other thing that made my day had to be the sausage sizzle in the Year 7 courtyard. Tasty hot dogs were handed out to students and grandparents. There was even cordial, coffee and tea. This amazing lunch, along with a chance to talk with both our friends and grandparents, truly made this day one I’ll never forget.

Grandparents’ Day was definitely one of the highlights of the year. Grandparents’ Day occurred on the 14th of October 2022. What I loved about Grandparents Day, was how all the students in Year 7 interacted with the grandparents and had a fantastic time. First, we had a Mass which went for about 1 hour, then we had a 15 minute gap to relax then we had an assembly with a Middle School play, which was fantastic. After the assembly everyone got a sausage sizzle. During lunch, the Year 7 rock band played ‘Can’t Stop’ by Red Hot Chilli Peppers and ‘Rock and Roll Train’ by AC/DC. My grandparents have a special connection to the College because they are good friends with people who laid bricks to build the Edmund Rice Building. Overall, I loved Grandparents’ Day because I really enjoy catching up with them and having a great time with them.

Luke Dimasi, Year 7 Bryan West

On the 14th of October, Friday week 1 of Term 4, the Year 7 boys met up with their beloved grandparents at the end of period two to go and experience Grandparents Day. We started the day with a Mass to reflect on the personal bond between the two generations. This was a great experience as Father spoke about how we should cherish and love our grandparents as they guide us through life. After this there was a short break where we could have a chat with our grandparents and eat some tea and biscuits. Then, we all gathered in the Chapel once more for the Assembly. It was fun as we got to experience all the aspects of the College life as many boys presented beautiful speeches. There were many performances like the Middle School Production and music pieces to show the grandparents the talents of the Year 7 students. After this, we had a sausage sizzle with our grandparents in the Year 7 courtyard. It was delicious! There was music and other food as well, so the grandparents felt very welcome. At the end, our lovely grandparents had the option to stay and watch our PSA sport. This day was a very fun and lovely experience. It was a great time to reflect on our relationship with our grandparents.

This year on Friday, Week 1 of Term 4, the Year 7 students all met up with their beloved grandparents in period two. We started the event off with a Mass to reflect on a bond between us and our grandparents. Then after Mass we had a great morning tea including cold and hot drinks, and some biscuits. After a really tasty morning tea we went into assembly consisting of an exerpt from the Middle School Production, music pieces and some students giving a beautiful speech. After the heartwarming assembly, we all had a delicious sausage sizzle with our grandparents to conclude the day. For some it didn’t end there, as some grandparents stayed to watch Friday sport. This day was one I will truly never forget.

Alexander Peca, Year 7 Glowrey West


17 – magazine of Aquinas College


1st Team Final Standings

Badminton Cross Country Australian Rules Football

1. Christ Church Grammar School & Wesley College 3. Hale School 4. Scotch College 5. Trinity College 6. Aquinas College 7. Guildford Grammar School

1. Christ Church Grammar School 2. Aquinas College

Wesley College 4. Hale School

Trinity College

Scotch College

Guildford Grammar School

1. Scotch College 2. Wesley College 3. Hale School 4. Christ Church Grammar School 5. Aquinas College 6. Trinity College 7. Guildford Grammar School

Hockey Rugby Soccer

1. Christ Church Grammar School & Hale School 3. Scotch College 4. Aquinas College 5. Wesley College 6. Trinity College 7. Guildford Grammar School

1. Hale School 2. Christ Church Grammar School

Scotch College

Trinity College

Aquinas College

Wesley College

Guildford Grammar School

Congratulations to Paul McVittie, Louis Granich, Sarina Woods and our Senior School First Soccer team for winning the Lawe Davies Cup for the second consecutive year. The team was led by Captain Taj Bingwa, who capped off a great year when he secured the victory by converting a penalty on full time of the last PSA fixture of the season.

We wish to thank the staff, coaches, ground staff, medical staff and ICT staff for contributing to the Middle & Senior School Winter Sports Program. The students, Mr Silver and I very much appreciate it. The Sports Program wouldn’t be the same without all of

their hard work, dedication, support and guidance.

There were many more positives from the 2022 Summer Sports season. Please see some summaries from respective coaches below:

Middle School Soccer Year 7 Team

The 7A Soccer team had a challenging season but showed glimpses of success that will undoubtedly shine through in the future. Our team had a wide range of experience, from those playing soccer for the first time to established NPL players with a high skill level. Cruz Sowden was a consistent contributor every week and

1. Aquinas College & Scotch College 3. Hale School 4. Christ Church Grammar School 5. Trinity College 6. Guildford Grammar School 7. Wesley College

was well supported by established players Luke Dimasi and Curtis McVittie, who also showed great skill and work rate. Highlights for the season included wins over Scotch and Wesley and a draw with Hale, where we were unlucky not to come away with the win. The team also enjoyed a bye week Futsal competition where we combined with the 8As for some fun in the Br Paull Centre. Experiences like these will help as the boys get older and have the chance to play First XI Soccer together. I enjoyed coaching this great group of young men and look forward to seeing their progress in the years to come.

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Senior School Football Year 10 Team

I couldn’t be prouder of the 10A team’s efforts this season. 39 boys contributed to fantastic on-field success; whenever they fell short, they learned plenty about themselves and the footy they wanted to play. It’s a credit to the group’s unyielding grit that our two stand-out performances followed our two most disappointing results. A stumble against Trinity in Round Two was a critical moment for our group to reflect on how we act when challenged. The loss, which was more disheartening in terms of our attitude than poor performance, brought into question how we backed each other and served as the stimulus for what was to follow. After some open and honest conversations, the boys responded with arguably their best four-quarter performance at Scotch. Led by strong contributors in Max Skerritt, Flynn Fulton and Cale Scott, the boys fought out a four-point win after falling behind with two minutes to play. In the time after that,

the togetherness and maturity of the team haven’t been questioned. Coming off a Round Eight loss to Hale, the boys put together back-to-back come-frombehind victories over Trinity and Scotch. In the Trinity match-up, we trailed by four goals at three-quarter time before Bailey Morgan turned the game from the midfield and Sam Jennings Hopkins exploded up forward. In the Scotch game, Zennath Malay snagged two late goals in a game where we had even contributors across the park. Both games were decided in the final seconds and on each occasion, the boys stuck to the task and stood firm in the moments that mattered. We’ve prided ourselves on embracing the challenge and enjoying pressure rather than succumbing to it. The boys are learning to master their emotions and to lead by example, and it’s been a special privilege to witness their growth. Boys, Mr Griers and I wish you all the best in your football journey and thank you for the fond memories of this season.

Senior School Hockey Second Team

This year was a strong performance from the Second XI Hockey team, winning all but two games. The season started slowly, but with many upsides and through the course of early morning sessions and honest conversations about performance, the team turned into one of the best Second XI Hockey teams in the PSA. The boys faced adversity throughout the season, with plenty of outs due to COVID and some significant injuries. Our best showing was against Scotch in Round Four; the boys struggled to put the ball in the back of the net and were down 4-0 at ¾ time. Everything came together and the team put together the best quarter of the season and drew the game four all. It was a pleasure taking the team this season and watching all the players grow and develop as a team and get the results they deserve from all their hard work.

19 – magazine of Aquinas College

Middle School Rugby Year 8/9 Team Resilience, improvement, and pride. The three keywords and pillars associated with the Middle School Rugby team this season. It is safe to say the boys can hold their heads up high after an inspiring but challenging 2022 round of fixtures. Year 8/9A may be slightly misleading regarding the Middle School Rugby team this year. With the majority of the side being in Year 8, it is a testament to the boys for continuing to commit and show a true passion for the red and black jersey of Aquinas Rugby.

No doubt, there were times during the season when the boys were questioning if it was all worth it. However, their ability to front up each week and continue to chase success was as pleasing as any win Mr Valentine has been a part of. It would be remiss of the coach not to mention the four Year Nine boys who continually led from the front each week and even though they may not have realised it, were a significant part in allowing the Year 8 boys to learn, remain focused, and commit to future success in rugby at Aquinas College. There were many highlights throughout the season; improvement was a key goal set early in the first training session of the season. All that could be asked was for the boys to improve on the previous session and the last result; therefore, it is vital to note

on each return fixture that the Year 8/9A Middle School team had improved on the final score at the end of the match. With an eye firmly on next season, this feat should not be overlooked.

A few notable highlights, being 10-10 at halftime against Hale, a side majority full of Year 9 students only to go down after losing four players at the break and playing the entire second half one man down. The grit, tenacity and courage shown by those remaining on the field was the highlight of the season for the coach to this point. The sight of Zachary Smith throwing his body directly into the path of an opposition player four times the size of him only to hang on for dear life and eventually bring him to ground, rugby is, and always has been, a game for all shapes and sizes, Zac personified this, and from this moment, an instant rise in his confidence in the tackle area was born. The weekly bone-crunching hits from Tytan Milne consistently driving boys back in contact, demonstrating the notion that “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” in every sense. The leadership and persistence of our on-field leader Nicholas Heron, his memorable performances every Friday afternoon, being a significant contributor to the improving success of the team. This, his ability and willingness to play multiple positions, assisted the group on game

days filling gaps due to the last-minute withdrawals of players on a Friday. The season’s final two rounds saw the boys appropriately rewarded for all their hard work over the year. Two final games, two wins. Scotch was a fierce encounter, one where the boys could have been forgiven for shying away from the questionable tactics of the opposition; this was not the case; the boys fronted up as they had done all season, demonstrating determination, resilience, maturity and most of all, respect. To come away with the win and hand Scotch their only loss for the season was a pivotal moment for this group and one they must keep in their minds leading into next year. The season’s final game saw us come up against Christ Church Grammar School. The boys showed they could run away with the match and be the winners, 60 points to 12. The sportsmanship and grace shown by the Middle School Rugby side was immense; understanding how to be gracious winners and show gratitude along with a real appreciation to their fellow rugby players from CCGS could not have ended the season in a more positive light. The future is bright for this bunch of rugby players, and they should enter the Middle School Rugby season next year with high hopes and a real sense of unity, confidence, appreciation for one another and most of all, excitement.

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The Aquinas Athletics team was committed from day one of the fourweek training block, with more than 150 students training together on multiple occasions throughout the season. The collective buy-in from students led to a sense of unity, positive team morale and a strong connection between one another. Aquinas performed well throughout the day, finishing first place in the overall results in the following events, Middle Distance (800m, 1500 and 3000m), Sprints (100m and 200m), Shot Put and Triple Jump.

However, unfortunately, for the second year running, we lost by a low margin to Scotch College, who proved too strong once again. These defeats by small margins are what is driving the younger years to come back faster, fitter and stronger next year.

Even though we didn’t come away with the overall win, we exceeded all expectations by increasing our overall points compared to last year. The students performed admirably and were all able to showcase their talents. We displayed outstanding sportsmanship throughout the day towards each other and the other competitors in the Carnival. Co-Captains, Samuel and Thomas Brennan, ViceCaptain Oscar Hymus and the Senior School students are to be commended on their leadership throughout the Athletics season. The Athletics culture took a step forward with a sportsmanship gesture of the team standing and applauding the winning school during the presentations.

PSA Athletics Carnival

1. Scotch College 2. Aquinas College 3. Hale School 4. Trinity College 5. Christ Church Grammar School 6. Wesley College

7. Guildford Grammar School

There were some outstanding individual

and team performances throughout the day and many students achieved personal bests.

Congratulations to the following boys who broke Aquinas College records on the day: Under 14

Discus: Connor Shelby - 37.05m

90m Hurdles: Zack Ainsworth - 12.97sec Under 16

100m: Kai Gale - 11.24sec

200m: Kai Gale - 23.28sec

4 x 100m Relay: Kai Gale, Linkyn Hood, Bailey Morgan and Caylon Seelander - 45.41sec

Discus: Aston Archer - 48.02m

Hurdles: Tre Healey - 14.27sec (equalled)

Long Jump: Aston Archer - 6.34m

Triple Jump: Aston Archer - 13.02m Open

4 x 100m Relay: Thomas Brennan, Cooper Horsfall, Oscar Hymus & Aedam Quinn - 43.48sec

Additionally, congratulations to Zack Ainsworth, who also broke the PSA record for the 90m hurdles event in a time of 12.97 seconds.

After collating the results, we are pleased to announce the following age-group champions: Under 13

Champion: Judd Opalinski Runner-up: Andrew Lim Under 14

Champion: Zack Ainsworth Runner-up: Rockford Delahunt Under 15

Champion: William Hatton Runner-up: Oliver Perkis Under 16

Champion: Aston Archer Runner-up: Kai Gale Under 17

Champion: Elijah Huddlestone Runner-up: Byron McFarland Open

Champion: Luca Di Toro Runner-up: Cooper Horsfall

Lastly, congratulations to Zack Ainsworth (U/14) and Elijah Huddlestone (U/17), who were awarded PSA Champions for their respective age groups; for the most points at the PSA Interschool Carnival. Aston Archer was awarded Runner-up Champion for the U/16 division.

We hope to have all students on board again next season. The future is very promising, and if all students stick together and commit to the Athletics program again from the start, we will be hard to beat in 2023. It was a pleasure working with the coaching staff, which was made up of a good mix of teachers and external coaches. I want to thank all the coaches for giving up their time throughout the 4-week program.

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The spirit of giving continued to play an important role in College life during 2022, through various programs and appeals. The Foundation extends its ongoing gratitude for the community support it has received throughout the year. The highlights have included:

The 2022 Annual Bursary Appeal Launched in mid-May, the Annual Bursary Appeal once again exceeded expectations, highlighting the generosity and the connectivity of our College community, in particular our generous alumni, with just over $100,000 raised so far. Every gift, large or small, helps us in our mission to award bursaries to students with genuine financial need and great potential, and has the power to change lives.

Chris Waddingham (’91) is one such boy whose life was transformed by the gift of an Aquinas College education: “If the gift of life is one of God’s greatest

gifts then surely man’s is ‘giving’. An Aquinas College education WILL change the life of a young man. You have the opportunity to make a lasting impression on a young man’s life. He will never forget your help.” Chris Waddingham (’91)

The 2022 Annual Bursary Appeal runs until 31 December 2022, with all contributions tax-deductible.

Current Parent Annual Appeal

Thank you to all our current families who have contributed to the Current Parent Annual Appeal during 2022. Whether large or small, your tax-deductible contributions to either the Scholarship and Bursary Fund or the Building Fund are gratefully received.

Peer Bursary Gift

The Peer Bursary Gift program continues to gain momentum year on year. During 2022, a young man from the Class of 2021 contributed a further $2,000 to the Class of 2021 Peer Bursary Gift, to

support the total cost of the two-year, half-bursary. In his words: “I donated to the Class of 2021 Peer Bursary Gift hoping it will positively help another young man have the opportunity and access to what Aquinas offers.”

This sentiment has resonated with our current leaving class, who have so far raised more than $8,600 for their parting gift to the College, a gift that will provide a two-year, half-bursary for another young man to realise his dreams.

Annual Licence Plate Auction

The 22AQ Licence Plate went to auction during September, contributing more than $4,000 to the Annual Bursary Appeal. The Galipo family were the lucky winners of the hotly contested auction.

Look out for our 2022 Aquinas College Foundation Inc Annual Report in the first half of 2023. This will take the place of our annual December Newsletter.

Save the date for the 2023 Foundation Ball, to be held on Saturday 2 September 2023 at Crown Perth - a night of elegance, fun and community celebration. All proceeds will support the Aquinas College Bursary Program. Updates coming in the New Year!

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S A V E T H E D A T E 2 022 Foundation Annual Report


Post-Covid, events have been a wonderful way for the Foundation to connect on a more personal level with the community. Highlights include:

Kings Park Coffee Club

The Foundation and the College were delighted to host the Old Aquinians Coffee Club for the very first time on College soil. This well-established group has been meeting at Next Generation Club Kings Park on a monthly basis for many years. On July 15, 23 of its members - all Old Aquinians -attended the catch-up

in the Churack Pavilion, with toasted sandwiches and coffee (their Coffee Club staple) provided by Holy Ground Coffee. As well as providing a change of scenery for the Coffee Club’s monthly meeting, the morning was a wonderful opportunity for Geoff Churack (’55) to welcome his peers to the cricket pavilion he made a reality. A big thank you to the group for donating their residual coffee funds to the Foundation’s Annual Bursary Appeal. We look forward to welcoming you all back to the College on a yearly basis.

Welcome Back Class of 2021

It was a pleasure for the Foundation and the College to welcome back to the College the Class of 2021 for the annual Leavers’ Event in late July. In their first year out of school, this important event provides a vehicle for the boys to reconnect with each other and the College. This year’s event took the form of a breakfast, held in the Churack Pavilion, with delicious coffee provided by our very own Holy Ground Coffee and food by Steven Lewis and his team. The boys enjoyed catching up with each other and with staff, while checking

out their 2021 Annual. It is amazing how much these boys have already achieved since graduating last year. Thank you to Foundation Chair, Ashley Bacon (’92), for warmly welcoming the boys back to the College and to OAA President Matthew Noonan-Crowe (’99) for speaking to the boys about the social and mentoring benefits of OAA membership. Thank you to Nichole Rowson for organising this enjoyable event. We look forward to many more opportunities over the coming years to welcome back the Class of 2021

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2022 Welcome Parents Evening

Another year has ticked over and the Foundation has again had the pleasure of welcoming to the College a new crop of first time Aquinas parents at the Welcome Parents Evening. Held in the Staff Common Room on a very balmy evening on Friday 4 November 2022, this annual event is an opportunity for our new families to experience our welcoming community, make some new friends, and learn a bit about the Foundation and the Aquinas College parent groups, ahead of the commencement of their Aquinas College journey. Welcome to our newest members of the Aquinas College family. We look forward to working with you and your sons as you journey through the College.


Hoggy proves to be a hit with AC Boarders

Three Year 10 boarders recently had the rare privilege of a private cricket clinic with legendary cricketer and Aquinian, Brad Hogg (’88), courtesy of a Major Auction item purchased at the 2021 Foundation Ball. After several cancellations due to COVID, Seb Fulwood, Judd McKenzie and Toby Fuchsbichler - who all play Senior Cricket for Aquinas - enjoyed an afternoon at the Boarding nets facing the spin bowler. “Toby, Judd and I had an awesome arvo with Hoggy,” said Seb Fulwood. “He’s a great bloke and he made the training session lots of fun.” According to Seb’s mum, Jo Fulwood, the boys “were all very pleased with themselves that they were able to at least hit some of the balls bowled by a former Australian spin bowler.” A big thank you to Brad Hogg for donating the clinic for the 2021 Foundation Ball and for giving the boys an afternoon they will never forget.

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This is not about the Leyland Brothers, rather about the Christian Brothers Leyland. For me it’s about the Guardian Angels.

On the Ravey-Hopey Geology Fieldtrip in 1983 the Leyland died just the Perth side of Williams. Like Mandel, I know nothing about mechanics, I just drive. So this was a real dilemma. And then along comes Constable Care and asks, “What’s the problem?” It just died. “Lets have a look”. And he got us on the road again. Turns out Constable Care was a Diesel Mechanic in another life.

Scene Two is the Caravan Park at Hopetown. I sleep in the bus and the kids camp out, so along comes a bloke and asks me how the Leyland is going? And I tell him, “Not so good” and relate my experience with Constable Care. “Is that so? Let me have a look. Yep! I can fix that, I’ve got the part.” Turns out he worked for Leyland in the UK. Again, divine providence. Angels 2, Devils 0. East Mt Barrens, Eocene Sea Floor and spongolite, Geology done and home. Heh! An aside leaving Ravensthorpe and pulled over by a Cop. Now what? “Yes Officer” “The reason I pulled you over is because one of your boys flashed a brownie at me. I’ve been watching you for two days.”

BUS“Sorry Officer” “On your way” No names, no pack drill, boys will be boys.

I am a bit low on fuel but no worries I’ll call in on friends in Pingaring, Kevan and Marlene Williams (Emeritus Mayor of Ravey), while they have the best cooked chook going they don’t carry diesel. I should have known. Another crisis. I think I can make it to Kulin and would have but for a headwind and the Leyland dies this side of Kulin. So there we are again. Hang on what’s this? A vee-hicle (sic) pulls up and four blokes get out and ask what’s the problem? They had seen the big red and black Leyland with Aquinas written on the front. Who were they? Four Scotch Old Boys checking out a farm for sale. Strangers? Oh Yeah! So they make the mechanic in Kulin aware of our problem and we are on the road again. Angels 3, Devils 0.

Another year, another experience in the Christian Brothers Leyland. This time it’s the Year 12 Point Peron Geography Fieldtrip, I’m coming up to the lights on Cockburn Road, and I apply the brakes. Nope! We hit the back of a ute, a big tradie gets out of the driver’s door, a big tradie get out of the passengers door, and they are heading straight for me. “Don’t worry Bob”, says Steve Genoni, “They both work

for my dad” Angels 4, Devils 0. If you drive the Leyland when you look down at the pedals you can see the bitumen flashing past. No problem. On one occasion, it was wet and the driver’s wiper went swish-swash over the fence and into the canola. Again, down Spearwood way, changing gear and the whole gear stick came out in my hand. Who fixes all these problems? Who keeps the Leyland on the road? One of the most capable and unobtrusive blokes at Aquinas, Percy Marchant, Ex RAAF. I wonder if I could contact that Cop?

25 – magazine of Aquinas College
We received this Letter to the Editor from Bob Stanley and thought it was too good not to share. Do you have a story to share with the community? Send it to for consideration.
The AC Leyland, Ravey-Hopey Geology Fieldtrip, 1983

Old Aquinians


What a great day at Cottesloe GC where 128 players representing all seven PSA schools, gathered to play for the Shield this year. It was great to enjoy the camaraderie of old and new school friends and foes. In what turned out to be a tough day on the course with the conditions warm and windy, the scores certainly reflected that was the case. As is expected the Cottesloe was in superb condition and the greens very challenging. Needless to say there are always some players that rise to the challenge and manage the course.

This year the best score was Peter “Fingers” Annear who scored 39 points for his Christ Church Grammar School team. Despite Fingers’ mighty effort it wasn’t enough to carry his school to the Shield on this occasion.

As we have seen before the Scotch team rose to the challenge and amassed enough points from their top four players to take hold of the Shield for 2022. Well done Scotch College. No doubt some local knowledge was useful on the day but a big congratulations to Tony “Bo”

A small history of this event, Scotch College won the very first event in 1959, and at that time the best six scores counted and the event was Par. Since then Scotch has continued to stand on the podium 23 times, the latest being 2019 before COVID hit. There has only been one recorded draw in 1983 between Aquinas and Christ Church. Hale has won the event 15 times, Aquinas 10 times, Wesley seven times, Guildford six times, Christ Church three times and Trinity once.

We hope everyone had an enjoyable day and found the event met their expectations. There has been some welcome feedback in regard to playing off the blue tees which we plan to implement the option of players aged over 75yo playing off the white tees with a two shot penalty on their handicap. As well we plan to introduce a perpetual trophy for best individual score on the day. A number of players have suggested sponsorship options and if you are interested for 2023

please contact us.

There are a number of people to thank for making the day such a success including the Cottesloe Golf Club and staff. Thanks to Tracey-Lea, Luke, Damian and Connor in the pro shop, Ben and his staff in the bar, Kurt and the catering team who all went above and beyond to make the day a success, well done. In addition all of the schools alumni and development offices assisted the promotion and communications with the event to their respective alumnis.

As advised on the day we were generously sponsored by Peter “Pumpa” Hughes from the Apil Group. Thanks Pumpa your sponsorship is much appreciated Finally the day is about having fun, catching up with old and new friends, and competing in a game of golf. Thanks to all who participated, organised teams and replacements when required. We want to keep it simple and we would like any feedback on the event to make it even better going forward. We look forward to seeing you next year

Bovell, Rod Sedgwick, Richard Young and Alex Gordon for getting the job done!
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Phil Willis & Mick Stroud Organisers
27 – magazine of Aquinas College
Scotch College ..................................... 146 pts Hale School 142 pts Christ Church Grammar School 140 pts Guildford Grammar School .................. 131 pts Aquinas College ................................ 131 pts Trinity College 130 pts Wesley 127 pts
THE AC TEAM INCLUDED: Terry Alderman, Terry Buller, Matt Craggs, Henty Faffar, John Gilfillan, Paul Kestel, Justin Langer, Peter Lynch, Kevin Lynch, Callum Milne, Jonathan Murray, Simon Ness, Paul Ness, Michael Oosterhof, Tom Oosterhof, Michael Spencer, Mick Stroud, Gerard Taylor, Darren Wates, John Whyte, Phil Willis.


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1977 1982
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1992 1997


1965/66 XMAS LUNCH

Over the years, a group of former students from Classes 1965 and 1966 have kept in touch. They get together annually at their Christmas lunch to catch up on old times and share stories about what's going on with each other’s lives since graduation!

On Friday 18 November 2022 we had the privilege to catch up with them at the event and a grab a quick photo. Sara Cameron

(daughter of Charlie) was so inspired by their life long connection she was kind enough to buy the guests some Aquinas merchandise as a gift which was well received by all.

We know there are lots of year groups who stay in touch and catch up regularly.

If you and your AC mates would like to have a group photo in the FISH, email and the Alumni Coordinator can arrange to drop in on your catch up or email a group photo with a short story and the names of everyone in the photo to We would love to share it with the community.

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Senior Old Boys Day


7 SEPT 2022

Peter Kennedy (’59)

Senior Old Boys were impressed by the upgrading of buildings at the College and the breadth of the modern curriculum when they returned as guests of the College on September 7.

After being greeted with a mid-morning coffee, courtesy of the Holy Ground Coffee van – staffed by students learning to become baristas – Old Boys and their wives moved to the spacious new library, the “Angelicvm”, previously the College Hall.

There they were entertained by a variety of items ranging from a drama sequence and public speaking presentation, to singing from the Junior Choir.

In his thoughtful homily during Mass in the magnificent St Thomas Aquinas Chapel, Old Boy Father Greg Donovan (‘66) reassured those present by expressing the view that wisdom increases with age.

Then it was off to the generous lunch prepared by the Dining Hall Staff and assisted by the College Ladies Auxiliary in the Hughes Dining Hall where we were entertained by the extremely talented Year 10 Jazz Group.

During lunch several Old Boys shared memories of their time at the College when facilities were far more spartan. They included Bob Kestel whose last year at the College was 1952 and Bruce Sinclair (‘56). John Maslin (‘56) explained how he kept in touch with contemporaries and

Dan Duggan (‘59) spoke of the significance of the Aquinas “experience” to three generations of his family.

Michael Nevin (‘64) recalled coming to the College after completing the Junior Certificate in Bunbury, and Wilfred Hendriks (‘72), who – along with classmate Kim Cowcher (’72) - was attending his first Seniors’ Day, explained the challenges linked with having a non-English speaking background.

Those present would like to thank the College and especially the Acting Head of Development Sean Henderson, Alumni Administrator Nichole Rowson and Louise Symonds who administers the Aquinas College Foundation, for hosting a very informative and enjoyable reunion.

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25 OCT 2022

College Captains Day was another success in 2022. It is a day I mark in the calendar as one not to be missed. It is so enjoyable catching up with fellow Aquinians from years gone by and, despite the 12 months between each event, conversations tend to continue from where they left off the year before.

Matteo Conte provided an inspirational speech, his first as Captain of the College. His words and message to his fellow students was simple - be men for others. Mr Schumacher cited Mother Teresa’s selfless life in his address, following similarly humble themes to those explored by Matteo. It is so reassuring to hear those anecdotes being told to these impressive young men. What’s even more impressive is the way they live these values.

As always, I had trouble leaving at the conclusion of the function. Old memories, different ones, came back to me wherever I looked. You might forget what happened, but you’ll never forget how a place made you feel. That’s Aquinas.

As I looked back at the grounds when leaving, I knew that Aquinas remained in very good hands and will continue to produce men for others. There is no more important brief.

Mike O’Meara (’66)

An eclectic group of young and not so young men had assembled around a caravan. They had one thing in common: each had at one time been College Captain of Aquinas College. Tom Hoad (’57) and John McCormack (‘58) represented their decade. The younger cohort covered each of the subsequent decades right up until Naveen Nimalan the 2021 College Captain.

The van was the Holy Ground Coffee Van. It was but one of the changes they observed on an area best remembered by those more senior as the Redmond Oval. Discussion within the group gradually became a synopsis of the growth of the College from when it was a solitary building with boarders sleeping in dormitories, to the magnificent educational edifice that spread before their eyes.

The highlight of the day was the announcement of the incoming College Student Leadership Team. It had come a long way from when the students lined up in the quadrangle and the Head Master called up a dozen or so young men to present them with their Prefect Badges after which the College Captain was given access to the school phone to call his parents.

This year’s family-centred ceremony gave this group a detailed insight into the comprehensive structure of 21st Century student leadership. Matteo Conte, the College Captain for 2023, won the respect of his predecessors as he gave an extraordinary acceptance speech. Aquinas will be in good hands in 2023.

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Vin and Dianne recently moved to Darkan as Vin took up a new role as CEO at the Shire of West Arthur. Vin has just clocked 10 years in local government and is looking forward to some well-earned long service leave in the near future. Even though he is playing on the most picturesque golf course in a rural area, Vin’s game has not improved at all. Vin advises that Darkan is open for business if any Old Boys are looking to start a business in a centrally located town with a relaxed country lifestyle.



After graduating from Aquinas in 1965,

Robert went to UWA and studied (LLB). He was admitted as a Lawyer in 1971.

Robert retired from law practice in 1981 and moved to London in 1984 where he was involved in entrepreneurial enterprises.

Robert moved to Bali in 2012 where he now residses in Sanur in semi- retirement with his wife.


Billy Jack (‘81) recently married Kathryn Brake in Purcellville , Virginia, USA. Brother Peter (‘75) and several other family members attended the wedding. Billy has been based in Washington DC for about 30 years and is now the Vice Provost of Research and Professor of Economics at Georgetown University. He is also Director of gui2de, the Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation which conducts empirical field-based research to access the impact and effectiveness of development interventions.


After Russell completed school at Aquinas he worked for a short while before travelling with some friends. Upon his return he bought a deli/newsagency in Abbey, WA. He later sold the business and travelled some more. He then bought a Surf & Sports store in Busselton and got married to his now wife Sharon in 1995. Russell sold his business in Busselton and travelled around USA for 6 months before getting a job in Milingimbi, Arhem Land for 2 years.Russell has two children who are now living in Perth. After purchasing and selling a golf business, working in Leonora and Kalgoorlie and starting a Mortgage Broking company and spending a year travelling around Australia in a caravan, Russell found himself back in Busselton for several years running the Broking business before getting the itch again in 2019 when he went and worked up in Nhulunbuy, NT for 18 months. Russell is now living in Port Hedland and works as the Manager of the Beaurepaires Fleet Store.

Upon graduation, Murray studied at ECU Bunbury to attain a Primary School Teaching Degree. His career has taken him to Kalgoorlie, England and now Geraldton. He has been an Assistant Principal at a Catholic Primary School for nearly 20 years. Murray is now married with three children and has been involved in local sport, coaching football, cricket and basketball in youth and junior teams.


Tim attended and graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon after graduating from the College. His career path has seen him as an Army Officer, then moving to work in Technology Leadership in Asia, Europe and the USA. He now resides in Chicago, Illinois. Tim has recently celebrated the birth of his first grandson, Leo.

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Champion cricketer Justin Langer has joined fellow Old Aquinians Herb Elliott and Tom Hoad as a Legend in the Western Australian Hall of Champions, which recognises excellence in the field of sport.

In accepting the honour at the Hall of Champions dinner in November (2022), Justin told of the thrill of scoring a century at Lords as a 17 year old schoolboy, which was a prelude to a brilliant career marked by commitment and good sportsmanship.

Justin is acknowledged as one of Australia’s greatest opening batsmen, scoring 7679 runs in 105 Test matches, at an average of 45.27. He also won accolades after being appointed coach of the Australian Test team in 2018, resulting in a sustained period of success. The awards were launched in 1985, but only 13 athletes have achieved Legend status.

Old Aquinians were thick on the ground at the dinner with fellow Hall of Champions Legend Tom Hoad (’57), a former Captain and Coach of Australia’s water polo team, there to congratulate Justin. Tom, who was also Captain of the College in 1957, maintains his links with Aquinas as water polo coach. His leaving classmate, Don Martin (’57) – an Olympic hockey representative in 1964 and 1968 - was also present.

Three other Aquinians have gained recognition as members of the WA Hall of Champions. They are hockey player David Bell (’72) (inducted in 1997), cricketer Terry Alderman (’73) (inducted in 1999) and wheelchair basketballer Brad Ness (’91) (inducted in 2021), who won a gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

The Aquinas presence at the dinner was reinforced when the Australian Hockey Co-Captain, Aran Zalewski (’08), led the guests in a toast to Western Australian sport.

The late Jerry Dolan, who attended CBC Kalgoorlie and coached the Aquinas Alcock Cup football team with success in the early post World War Two years, was recognised in 1986.

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Colin Chitty (‘59) passed away on 25 July 2021. Colin Chitty followed his older brothers, Merv and Charles, from the family farm at Konnongorring in the Wheatbelt, to board at Aquinas in the mid 1950s. Like them he was active in College activities.

Colin came to the College after boarding at the Sacred Heart Convent in Goomalling, and relished the sporting opportunities that came his way, graduating to the First XVIII Alcock Cup side in 1958. Coach Brother Vin Duffy described him as a “capable and reliable half back”.

Post Aquinas, Colin – widely known as “Dude” because of his usually impeccable appearance – successfully worked his farm at Konnongorring, “Baldhill”, and was heavily involved in both sporting and community activities. He played in the local 1959 football premiership side and later Captained both the district football and cricket teams.

Colin had three daughters – Sharyn, Lisa and Fiona - from his first marriage and a son Darren – a College Prefect in 1998 - and daughter Brooke from his second marriage. He had 11 grandchildren. He died aged 79, after battling cancer. His wife Judy said: “There are givers and

takers in this world and Colin was a giver – to his community, to his friends and especially his family.

Gregory O’Neill (‘66) passed away on 7 April 2022.

George Page (‘59) passed away on 12 April 2022. George came from Singapore to board at Aquinas in 1954, starting in Brother Boyd Egan’s grade six class. But his passage to Perth was hardly conventional.

According to a 2005 report in The West Australian eight year old George had been found sitting alone on a pavement in Singapore in 1947 by Perth woman Helen Hughes, who was working in Asia. She learned that his Burmese mother could not afford his school fees.

George’s British soldier father had died working on the Thai-Burma railway but had left money in trust. George was then made a ward of Legacy, which assists servicemen’s families, and he eventually settled in Perth with his mother. The West reported that Helen Hughes had “felt a lump in her throat on seeing him march one Anzac Day in Perth”.

George knew one classmate when he arrived at Aquinas, Chris Hu – also from Singapore – whom he had met several years earlier. George studied hard to make up lost ground. He also threw himself into College sport. In his Junior Certificate year (Year 10) he played in the Senior Hockey team captained by future Olympian Don Martin, and rowed in the Head of the River regatta.

George took several jobs post Aquinas before settling in to the property industry where he made his mark. He was described as “a deal maker, always on the lookout for the big deals”, with “charm, charisma and integrity”. He also kept in touch with his school friends and was a long term member of the Old Aquinians

Hockey Club.

George was diagnosed with an illness that curbed his mobility, but persisted playing hockey despite the pain. Later when the illness progressed, he still attended gatherings with his old classmates, with his devoted wife Maureen supervising the wheelchair. The 1959 Leaving Class was strongly represented at George’s crowded requiem mass at St Pius X Church in Manning on April 29. He is survived by Maureen, sons Carl and Joel and daughter Marnie, and their families. Sadly eldest son Paul predeceased him.

Ross Bryant (‘66) passed away on 18 May 2022. Ross had a presence which permeated the entire Aquinas College population in the nine years that he spent there. He was the son of legendary cricketer Frank Bryant (’27). Unlike Frank, he did not score over 1000 runs one season in the First XI, but more than compensated with his humour, creativity and theatrics. Ross was very popular with both staff and students. As testament to his popularity, he was elected to the Prefect body in Year 12. Ross is best remembered for his stage performances. He twice won the award for Best Actor in the Catholic Schools’ Drama Festival. In later years he took this experience to the stage of His Majesty’s Theatre, other Perth venues and across the

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globe to theatres in the UK and the USA.

In 1994 he won the Best Actor Award at the International G & S Festival in Buxton, England, as lead actor in The Pirates of Penzance, for his portrayal of a ‘Modern Major-General’.

Barry Campbell-Foulkes (‘61) passed away on 24 May 2022.

Gregory Fitzpatrick (‘62) passed away on 3 June 2022.

Anthony Dyson (‘60) passed away on 15 June 2022. After finishing at Aquinas. Tony’s media career took him around the world. After a reporting stint in Bunbury, Tony headed east and joined the Maryborough Chronicle in Queensland. His subsequent assignments included covering the Vietnam war for Australian Associated Press. He also worked for Radio Australia before a long stint overseas with newspapers in Hong Kong, Kenya, South Africa and London, where he worked for the Daily Telegraph, Fleet Street. He was also a sub editor at The Age in Melbourne. His final assignment was on the subs desk at The West Australian Peter Dixon (‘60) passed away on 1 July 2022.

Christopher Hall (‘65) passed away on 5 July 2022.

Michael McPhee (‘67) passed away on 9 July 2022.

Hayden Hartrey (‘65) passed away on 14 July 2022.

Lawrence Sawle (‘41) passed away on 26 July 2022. Laurie was one of the most respected Directors on the Australian Cricket Board, recognising the need to

work in the national interest. Born in East Femantle in 1925, Laurie enlisted in the Australian Army and fought in the Pacific theatre during the Second World War. He was awarded an Order of Australia in 1992 for his services to cricket administration, and the ICC Volunteer Recognition Medal in 2009.

Patrick Fagan (‘55 ) passed away on 28 July 2022. Pat was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophegus and this was eventually cured, but the long bout of treatment and extended period in hospital resulted in pneumonia from which he never recovered. He and wife Robbie only missed two of the 15 Old Aquinians & Friends Bus Tours and he always helped with the auctions and organisation.

University of WA, Denis was a Research Scientist with the CSIRO in Melbourne before joining the family timber business in Perth. The extended Cullity family’s outstanding contribution to Aquinas was acknowledged when the House structure of the College was reorganised and “Cullity House” was launched.

Neil MacDougall (‘48) passed away on 3 August 2022.

Sincero Garbellini (‘52) passed away on 25 August 2022.

Ian Stein (‘59) passed away on 26 August 2022.

Maxwell Shooter (‘50) passed away on 1 September 2022.

Denis Cullity (‘45) passed away on 5 September 2022. Denis’ leadership qualities were identified early in his days at Aquinas. In his leaving year in 1945 he was Head Prefect and Captain of the College, and an Officer in the cadet unit. A science graduate (chemistry major) from the

Jake Heron (‘26) passed away on 13 September 2022.

Peter Devlin (‘63) passed away on 16 September 2022.

Cyril Edwards (‘52) passed away on 18 September 2022.

John Hugh Reilly (‘68) passed away 18 September 2022.

Ronald Clancy (‘55) passed away on 21 September 2022.

Harold Lampen-Smith (‘49) passed away on 28 September 2022.

John McPhee (‘62) passed away on 19 October 2022.

Neil Casotti (‘60) passed away on 5 November 2022.

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Albert Brindal (‘48) passed away on 22 October 2022. Ted came from a family of 5 children, his brothers Wally & Peter and sisters Kathleen & Dianne. Their early life was lived in Hampton Rd, Fremantle and when he was about six, they moved to Rottnest Island as his father was a signalman. Ted attended the island school and the family lived there for three years but as war loomed, the family left Rottnest when a signalman was needed at the Fremantle Signal Station overlooking the Fremantle traffic bridge.

Ted’s primary school years on the mainland were spent at what is now, Our Lady of Fatima in Foss St, Palmyra. For his Senior School years, he attended Aquinas. This was the start of a lifelong association with the College. The red & black ran very deep for well over 70 years & the fourth generation of the family to attend the College, starts next year.

Ted always felt Aquinas presented him with many opportunities and he certainly made the most of them. He was a great ambassador for the College and gave back to the College in a myriad of ways, the most visual being the coaching of hockey

teams and his lengthy involvement as President of the Old Aquinians’ Association and as a council member of the Aquinas College Foundation.

After leaving school, Ted became an Accountant.and was keen to further his studies. In 1972, Ted attained a Bachelor of Commerce and in 1978, finalised a Masters in Business Administration. He valued education and learning to the extent that over his life, Ted attended copious short courses, often in maths, particularly calculus which he enjoyed doing for relaxation. Numbers were his ‘thing’!

While Ted followed most sports, he was a state swimmer and state hockey player.

He also played water polo, squash, tennis, football and golf and was involved in judo and competitive sailing.

Ted coached and offered guidance not only in sport but also in life. He was a true friend to many, reliable and honest, a humble person who so generously gave of himself to others - a true Aquinian.

His strong faith and values were lifelong qualities from which many benefited.

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Calling all Old Boy Year Representatives and Captains

Please make yourself known to our Alumni team if you are able to help with the planning of your peer year reunion and make sure your details are up to date with the College.

We are specifically looking for reps from the following years for 2023 Reunions:

Class of 1973 (50 Yr), 1983 (40Yr), 1993 (30 Yr), 1998 (25 Yr), 2003 (20 Yr), 2008 (15 Yr), 2013 (10 Yr), 2018 (5 Yr).

The College is available to assist in the planning of reunions and other alumni events -

Class of 1965 Annual

Were you in the Class of 1965 and do you have an Annual you no longer need?

If so, please get in touch with Alumni Coordinator Nichole Rowson via the Old Aquinians -



Friday 03 March 2023

OAA Annual Breakfast

7.00am – 9.00am

Hughes Dining Hall at Aquinas College

Thursday 20 July 2023

Class of 2022 Leavers Function

Timing & venue to be advised

Friday 18 August 2023

OAA AGM & Annual Dinner

6.00pm - 10.30pm

Hughes Dining Hall at Aquinas College

Wednesday 06 September 2023

Senior Old Boys Day 9.45am - 2.00pm

Aquinas College - various locations

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Past College Captains Day

9.30am - 12.00pm

Holy Ground Coffee Van & Br Paull Centre

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42 – FISH OAA Polo OAA Cap Supporters Cap AC Black or Grey Supporters Cap AC 1894 Supporter Jacket 1/3 zip & full zip Long Sleeve White T Shirt Picnic Blanket (173 x 131cm) Canningvale Towel (69 x 137cm) $40 $20 $20 $25 $80 $30 $27 $35 Short Sleeve Grey T Shirt Hoodie Beanie Scarf Vacuum Cup Keep Cup Umbrella $25 $50 $20 $10 $20 $12 $35 OAA Merch Pricelist Uniform Shop +61 9450 0650 Term Time Opening Hours: Wednesday 10am - 3:30pm Thursday 10am - 3:30pm & Friday 8am - 11am

It has never been more important to support local business and we know this value is supported by the Aquinas College community. For the opportunity to target your business advertising to our engaged network contact

43 – magazine of Aquinas College
Sue Rowles 0403 531 585 | Your neighbour in real estate! Salter Point | Como | Waterford | Manning | Kensington | South Perth With multiple buyers at the ready, your home could be just what they’re after! If you’re thinking of selling, now is the time. FREE APPRAISAL
Aquinas College Mt Henry Rd • Salter Point • Western Australia Locked Bag 11, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley WA 6983, Australia Telephone: +61 8 9450 0600 • Facsimile: +61 8 9313 1901 CRICOS Code: 00428E AQUINAS COLLEGE 2023 College and Council Captains g p g p p Chaney House p Cullity House p Durack House p Prendiville House p Academic p Culture p Inclusive Community p Industry & Enterprise p Justice, Peace & Advocacy p Media Council Captain Service Council Captain
p Student Wellbeing Council Captain Sustainability
Conte Will Hussey Thomas
Eade Thomas Millard
Shearer Luke Griffiths
p Boarding Benjamin Clarke Rory
p Divinity Lachlan
Matthew Vinci
Brennan Lachlan Murray
n Gibney Clancy Charlton Mitchell Keene Lachlan Heal n Nunan g p n Pinder
AQUINAS COLLEGE 2023 College and Council Captains College Captain College Vice Captain Council Captain
Dixon David Scott Jack Zaninovich Byron McFarland Max Christie Tobias Melang
Chaney House
Captain Cullity House
Captain Durack House Council Captain Prendiville House Council Captain Academic
Captain Culture Council Captain Inclusive Community Council Captain Industry & Enterprise Council Captain Justice, Peace & Advocacy
Captain Media
Captain Service Council Captain Sport Council Captain Student
Wellbeing Council Captain Sustainability Matteo Conte
Will Hussey Thomas Eade Thomas Millard Travis
Shearer Luke Griffiths
Matthew Vinci
Captain Boarding Benjamin Clarke Rory Watson
Captain Divinity Lachlan Brennan Lachlan Murray Soli Ashe
Boarding House Captain Gibney Clancy Charlton Mitchell
Lachlan Heal Boarding House Captain Nunan Boarding House Captain Pinder
Dixon David Scott Jack Zaninovich Byron McFarland Max Christie Tobias Melang

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