the magazine of Aquinas College
FISH 2021 Term 4 / December 2021
30 Copyright notice Published by: Aquinas College This material has been reproduced 58 Mt Henry Road and communicated to you by or on behalf of Aquinas College Salter Point Western Australia pursuant to Part IVA Division 4 of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). Editor The material in this communication Kate Spencer may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or Communications Officer communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright Ashayla Ramsay protection under the Act. Events & Alumni Inside photography:Total Sports Photography, Lews Photos, Aquinas staff & students, various donated submissions.
Principal’s Address
End of an Era for Boarding
Extended Day
Derby Reflection
AC Boys Take a Stance
2022 Captain’s Speech
Old Aquinian’s Serve the Homeless
Standing on the Shoulder’s of Giants
Past College Captains’ Day
PSA Golf Day
Annual Father Son Evening
Old Aquinians & Friends Tour
Winter Sport Update
Red Haze Day 2021
Edmund Rice Day
College Website Update
Holy Ground Coffee
Cover Image: Prof. Francis Campbell, Vice Chancellor, with Kurtis Tanna (‘22) & Alec Jorgensen (‘22) at Notre Dame University. Photographer: Kate Spencer
Br Clery 70th Jubilee
Foundation Update
P&F President’s Update
Senior Old Boys Day
2022 Calendar
Aquinas Business Directory
42 Why the name ‘Fish’?
In 1934 when Ken Kelsall first attended CBC Perth ‘Fish’ was the term universally in use to describe the bread and jam afternoon snack that was provided for the boarders. At the time Ken was told that the term had its origins in the earliest days of the College. In an article by Bob Hannah in the ‘Fish’ of November 1962 there were two very similar accounts, one from Sir Thomas Meagher and one from Reg Cooper, speaking of the tradition springing from the first day of the College’s existence. They recall ‘Fish-Ho!’ being shouted to call the boys to their afternoon snack. The practice of giving boarders an afternoon snack named ‘Fish’ was continued when the move to Mount Henry was made in 1938.
4 – FISH
ADDRESS David McFadden Principal
of everyday life, such enormity
what still needs to be addressed if we
of change by our community has
are to meet the challenges presented
been difficult and I would like to
by the World Economic Forum?
acknowledge both parents and staff for your efforts and acceptance of such change. The introduction in Years 11 and 12
Global citizenship skills: Include content that focuses on building awareness about the wider world; sustainability and playing an active role in the global community.
Innovation and creativity skills: Include content that fosters skills required for innovation, including complex problemsolving, analytical thinking, creativity and systems analysis.
Technology skills: Include content that is based on developing digital skills, including programming, digital responsibility and the use of technology.
Interpersonal skills: Include content that focuses on interpersonal emotional intelligence, including empathy, cooperation, negotiation, leadership and social awareness.
Personalized and self-paced learning: Move from a system where learning is standardized, to one based on the diverse individual needs of each learner, and flexible enough to enable each learner to progress at their own pace.
Accessible and inclusive learning: Move from a system where learning is confined to those with access to school buildings to one in which everyone has access to learning and is therefore inclusive.
Problem-based and collaborative learning: Move from process-based to project- and problem-based content delivery, requiring peer collaboration and more closely mirroring the future of work.
Lifelong and student-driven learning: Move from a system where learning and skilling decrease over one’s lifespan to one where everyone continuously improves on existing skills and acquires new ones based on their individual needs.
of the Aquinas myFUTURE program is a prime example. The creation of an online learning platform to meet
The World Economic Forum’s
the challenge of COVID in 2019, has
white paper “Schools of the Future”,
now been adopted each Friday by
recommends how all schools need to
the College, with all Year 11 and 12
develop to ensure quality education
students learning online. In doing
that prepares the global citizens and
so, it prepares them for university
workforces of the future 1. The paper
learning and has also enabled the
outlines eight key components of
introduction a range of creative
future schools (see box).
options and new partnerships with
Schools and teachers are challenged
external providers, which would
to develop future-ready students
otherwise not been possible.
because they need to be equipped
Examples include:
with the tools to do so and face
Universities – Both Notre Dame and
competing demands for resources.
UWA now provide study options
For such an established traditional
which have tertiary recognition.
College, Aquinas has had to make
Vocational – The student based “Holy
a number of significant changes to
Ground” Coffee Company provides
its structure and operations in an
certification and work experience.
attempt to move its path towards
Business – In excess of 30 student
the demands of the future. From
“white collar” internships
the adoption of a common teaching
As we move into the final wave of
and learning model, developing
change, in addition to securing and
three-school pastoral structures,
fine-tuning the changes made, we will
assessment/reporting and a new
also hopefully see the introduction of
student leadership model, few
a new and exciting final development.
areas of the College have remained
So how have we done? How are we
meeting the eight key components
Whilst change has become part
of future schools? What is working,
1-Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum 2020)
5 – magazine of Aquinas College
Director of Gibney House / 2022 Head of Boarding
has made us all better at our jobs.
will be greatly missed as they move
residential community in 2017 as
But most importantly, he is a good
off campus but are always welcome
Director of Gibney House, and before
person – an Old Boy of the College
back, and everyone at Aquinas College
the end of that year it was clear that
who embodies the concept of being a
thanks Hendo for is outstanding
he was the ideal candidate to step
“man for others”.
service over such a long period of
into the Head of Boarding role. He
Together with his wife Nicole, Sean
has held this position for the past
has taken Boarding at Aquinas
four years and has decided it is time
from strength to strength and in the
to move on to the next phase of his
process has been an inspiration for
working life. Sean’s association with
numerous students, staff and even
Aquinas College goes back to his
parents. His calm demeanour, strong
time as a student, Class of ‘81 as
sense of justice and empathy for
well as taking on the role of Acting
others make him a hard act to follow
Principal for an extended period this
in the role of Head of Boarding, but at
term. His reputation within Boarding
the same time he is the perfect person
was made very clear by the incredible
to follow, as in challenging times
reception he received from students,
the first question I will ask is, “What
staff and parents at the 2021 Year
would Hendo do?” Sean and Nicole
12 Boarding Graduation, where a standing ovation and rapturous applause acknowledged his wonderful contribution. Sean is an outstanding mentor and role model. His sense of humour is an asset and his gift for retaining an anecdote or funny story for months, and sharing it at the perfect moment is legendary. As his successor and someone who has worked under his leadership over the past four years, I cannot speak highly enough of what he has done for Aquinas Boarding. His guidance is always supportive and caring, with the best interests of the boys at the core of his actions. He is a strong advocate for his staff who
What would Hendo do?
Sean Henderson joined the Aquinas
6 – FISH
Head of Junior School
teacher is available. As well as
program in the Junior School at the
various choirs, dance clubs, sport
beginning of 2021 was a new addition
training, percussion and orchestra
to the wonderful opportunities
clubs. After school the boys have
already on offer for our students, that
a break between 3pm and 3.30pm,
has the added benefit of supporting
where they have supervised play and
our families.
afternoon tea. At 3.30pm there are
We recognise that many of our
varied clubs on offer each week; early
families comprise of double income
years play, Lego, STEM, cooking,
earners where both parents are in
woodwork, podcasting, photography
the workforce during the day. The
and academic challenge are just
8.30am-3pm time limitations are
a few of the options. As well as
not ideal when parents are working
basketball, soccer, Latin and Chinese,
longer days. For this reason, a
which incur a fee. From 4.30pm
complimentary service is provided
onwards any boys who require further
for our community to enable parents
supervision are in an after-school
to have their sons cared for in the
club until 5.30pm
one place with familiar faces and fun
Overall, the clubs have been a huge
success. Boys seem to really enjoy
From 7.30am each morning until
the variety of opportunities on offer
5.30pm each afternoon boys have
and get to play and enjoy a different
the option of attending a club where
aspect of school. They feel safe and
staff support and care for them
supported and families can hopefully
whilst their parents are working.
be fully present for their sons when
Each morning there is a before
they are with them. Our aim is always
school club where boys transition
to put student needs first and we
into the day with a book, game of
believe we have the balance right for
chess or chat with the supervising
our working families.
7 – magazine of Aquinas College
Graham Powell
Director of Aquinas myFUTURE
Aquinas myFUTURE provides our
This success is largely attributed to
the help of Dimatina Coffee, some of
students with a blended learning
the Aquinas Community and Old Boy
our students have completed barista
model that allows for a greater degree
network for answering the call and
training and completed hours working
of flexible learning, particularly on
volunteering their workplace. Such
in the Holy Ground Coffee van.
Fridays. The introduction of regular
was the response, that we had more
The flexibility creates time for
Friday classes delivered as vodcasts
workplaces than students.
students to have organised visits
allows our students to pursue other
Other successes are simply providing
to our universities. This enables the
interests and explore beyond the
opportunities. Opportunities to display
boys to walk the grounds and do
stipulated curriculum. The absolute
and develop transferable skills, such
workshops, an authentic “try before
successes of the program would be
as time management, communication,
you buy” experience. This allows
the Internship Program that allowed
teamwork and problem solving.
the transition to university, and the
approximately 23 of our Year 11
Opportunities to commit to service
pathway they choose, to be less
students an insight into the world of
learning and assisting in PSA
daunting than it needs to be.
work, and for some, a future pathway
Middle School sport as umpires or
as some students have already been
officials. Opportunities to gain micro
offered casual work over the summer.
credentials and short courses. With
8 – FISH
Derby REFLECTION Max Christie (’23)
The Derby Immersion is an experience
particular highlight of this trip for me.
be attributed to the teachers who
that I will treasure for the rest of my
Talking and interacting with some of
navigated the journey with us. Their
days. The trip started with a detour
the local kids, swimming in gorges,
efforts were very much appreciated by
to Port Headland and this diversion
sliding down mud banks and hiking
all the boys on the trip. I know I speak
was to foreshadow the schedule of
mountains with the kids on our
on behalf of the group when I offer all
the trip. Covid-19, the heat and several
backs or in our shadows are certainly
the teachers a sincere and heartfelt
bus breakdowns wreaked havoc on
memorable moments.
‘Thank you’.
our itinerary, however, the flexible
Adversity often reveals interesting
and variable nature of our schedule
and unforgettable moments. The
actually layered the adventure.
bus broke down, it was 35+ degrees
The opportunity to experience the
and the realisation that we might be
colours and landscapes of Broome
there for a while finally began to set
and Derby and the vastness of the
in. The hours passed slowly, however,
region really is an opportunity of a
we were elated to hear the rumbling
lifetime. Windjana Gorge is a sight
sound of rescue. The looming
that will be etched in my mind forever.
anticipation of air-conditioning
The grandeur of the natural scenery
approaching via our rescue bus
was breathtaking, yet the experience
caused us to break out in song. These
would not be the same if I didn’t have
incidental moments can’t be scripted
a great group of mates to share the
into an itinerary, yet they are some of
journey with. The sense of community
the moments I will remember forever.
shared with the local people was a
The trip’s success can certainly
9 – magazine of Aquinas College
ACTake BOYS a Stance Sean Henderson Head of Boarding
Those of us who signed this card below, each an Old Boy of Aquinas College, extend our congratulations to the present day students who took a stance against the unacceptable behaviour to female students at a social event as reported in the West Australian Newspapers on August 13. Your response was correct and with it your school, your parents and a host of Old Boys are justifiably proud. Thank you.
On August 13 this year, an article
least 80 years old, gather consistently
the card at Mass on Sunday 19
titled ‘Boys’ Show of Force’ appeared
for a coffee and a catch-up in Kings
September 2021 and were extremely
in the West Australian newspaper.
proud to receive it. Thank you to the
The article outlined how a group of
Whilst the behaviour of our students
group of Old Boys who went to the
Year 9 and 10 boys from Aquinas
at that social event was most
trouble of putting the card together.
had helped several female students
impressive, the fact that a group
from various schools who had been
of elderly Old Boys took the time
indecently assaulted at a recent
to put together their thoughts and
social event.
send them through to the College
A couple of weeks after this
was equally inspiring. The continued
newspaper report, a ‘Thank You’ card
interest, care, and support shown
arrived at the College.
towards Aquinas by so many of our
The card had been signed by 21 Old
past students, such as the gentlemen
Boys who had all graduated from
who signed that card, is a wonderful
Aquinas between 1947 and 1957.
trait of this College.
These gentlemen, all of whom are at
The boys were presented with
10 – FISH
2022 Captain
Ashton Teixeira (‘22)
We must never forget that the Aquinians of today will one day form a part of the story for those who come after us.
a part of the story for
field, in a classroom or on a stage.
those who come after
Speaking of stages, I’d like to take this
us. This is our chance
opportunity to formally recognise the
to add to the story.
incredible work of Ollie Lim over the
We need to do our
past months. He set himself the goal
utmost to make the
of raising $500. At last count, he’d
best contribution that
raised $46,000, largely from within
we can. We will not get
the Aquinas College Cowmmunity.
another chance.
What an incredible effort! When boys
To others, the crest may
like Ollie raise the bar, we all benefit
appear to be a symbol of entitlement,
from having such examples to follow.
Good morning, staff, students,
arrogance or ignorance, but not
This is what a culture of excellence
parents and official party. My name
to an Aquinian. To an Aquinian it
entails. A desire to be the best we
is Ashton Teixeira and it is an honour
means so much more, it is the thing
can be. It’s in our blood, the power
to stand before you today as your
that connects all of us to the sacred
of the red and black, calling on all of
College Captain for 2022. Before I
brotherhood which is everlasting, and
us to leave our own personal mark
begin the substantive component of
it reminds us of our connection to
on the College and beyond. To do
this speech, I would like to tell you
the place that we will forever be able
so we must show courage, and in
a bit about myself and my Aquinas
to call our home. We must wear the
many different forms. A battle will
crest with pride. We must wear it well.
never be won by a man who accepts
My time at Aquinas began almost 8
We must demonstrate to the broader
what he knows is wrong and chooses
years ago in the Junior School’s most
community that we acknowledge
to do nothing about it. Courage is
prestigious class - 4 White. It was in
that we are privileged to have an
found in going for that mark or taking
my earliest years where I began to
Aquinas education, and that we will
that penalty, but it’s also found in
first understand what it means to be
honour that opportunity by being
questioning ideas, standing up to
an Aquinian and the weight that such
the best people we can be, not for
bullies, choosing to say no, admitting
a privilege holds. As time went on,
ourselves, but for the people around
a mistake or asking for help. Courage
this understanding grew. I now know
us. Being an Aquinian is a full-time
is easier to describe than it is to
the importance of the crest which
commitment. We might take off the
embody. We will all fail to embody
represents more than one hundred
blazer sometimes, but the values are
this virtue from time to time, myself
years of rich history, and the legacy
within us.
included. But the measure of a man
of thousands of Aquinians who have
Aquinians have long cherished a
is not how he experiences success,
gone before us.
culture of excellence. We thrive on
but how he learns from failure.
We must never forget that the
the successes of ourselves and our
Boys, we’re a team, a team with a
Aquinians of today will one day form
peers, whether it be on the sporting
foundation of support and respect
11 – magazine of Aquinas College
for each other, a team that’s success
and support each other in times
thing, boys, and there’s a reason
is a culmination of our courage, our
of struggle, standing beside our
that it’s worn so close to the heart.
passion and the relentless desire
brothers with the willingness and
Historically, crests were to tell the
to be more than just an Aquinas
courage to start those awkward
stories of families, dynasties, and
College student, but to become
conversations that need to be had.
they were worn into battle. To fight in
an Aquinian. One of the most vital
Always remember that if you’re
medieval times without a crest upon
parts of a successful team is the
going through a rough patch, the red
your armour was to fight for nothing
shared commitment amongst
and black family will undoubtedly
at all. There are crests to be seen
its members to hold one another
welcome you with open arms. As
everywhere at Aquinas, but in reality,
accountable. You must have the
a school, we have made it through
there’s only one. Cherish your time
courage, and the personal integrity,
difficult times and I truly believe
being a part of it because as any Old
to call out those of your peers who
that as a community we can survive
Boy will tell you, in the blink of an eye
act in ways which may tarnish
anything. On the other side of any
your time at the College will be over.
our reputation, and in particular,
struggle, we will emerge united,
The dawn of a new year will provide
the reputation of those who’ve
because our bond is too strong to be
a clean slate for all of us. It gives us
come before us. Men like Alaric
an opportunity to sit back, reflect,
Pindaboor, JJ Savage and Brother
As James Kerr, writer of the book,
and analyse the year that has passed,
Bryan Clery. You must not accept
Legacy, once said, “a society grows
while also making decisions and
anything other than excellence and
great when old men plant trees
setting goals for the future. A new
you must not allow the actions of
whose shade they will never see.”
year gifts everyone the opportunity
others to compromise your values
In the past week, the class of 2021
for new beginnings, no matter what
and choices. Veritas Vincit; Truth
has graduated, handing over the
bumps you may have experienced
Conquers, is our College’s motto,
mantle to the new graduating class.
in your journey to date. I would
but have you stopped to think about
It’s a surreal feeling and it’s honestly
encourage all of you to take the time
what it means to you? Can you relate
quite scary to think that my time at
in the coming weeks, to separate
to it? Personally, I believe that, not
this great school is nearly over. This
yourself from the stress that may
only does it relate to being true to
is it, our last leg of arguably one
come with school or sport. Take
others, but it also relates to being
of the most valuable journeys that
time to truly reflect on what you have
true to yourself. As a team, we’re only
we will ever undertake. Personally,
achieved in your journey, and what
as strong as our weakest link, so in
I love Aquinas and I will forever
your goals and aspirations may be.
striving to do our best, we must strive
be grateful for the opportunities
To my fellow peers; the class of 2022.
to achieve, encourage, inspire and
that it has provided for me. In the
We each have one final page to write
coming year, I plan to give back in
in our College journey. Will your page
The year ahead is going to be a
every way possible, “Planting trees”,
be filled with the times that you have
busy one, as myself, Hamish and
which will contribute to my legacy
given back to the College? Or will it be
the rest of the elected Captains aim
and eventually “provide shade”
left blank? The crest doesn’t have the
to consolidate what the Captains of
for the generations of Aquinians
power to make you act. In the end,
2021 left behind. For all of you, 2022
who will walk the guard of honour
the choice is yours.
will be a rollercoaster of highs and
after me. The crest is a powerful
Thank you
lows, with each and every journey being unique. Please, boys, try to remember that behind the many faces you see every day are stories and struggles you do not know. This is why it is so important to practise kindness and affirm the value of the people around us. It is vital that we stick together
Old Aquinians Serve the Homeless John Richards
Director of Service Learning
This month I had a chance conversation with Tim Power (‘05) whom I earlier discovered was already driving for other Red Cross Soup Patrol teams over many years. As I always do, I made sure to exchange numbers in case he would be interested in leading an Aquinas team. Tim works FIFO during the week and is only home on weekends, but he gladly jumped at the opportunity to reconnect with Aquinas for this important service and went on patrol on a Sunday. That made him the oldest Aquinian to take part in this service which celebrates its 25th year in 2021. Aquinas teams have completed
experience and passion for this
of life and some have been leading
1880 patrols and delivered nearly
service began when they were in the
Aquinas students for many years.
50,000 meals! Twenty-five years is
Senior School. A program like this
Some start as soon as they come
a long time for a volunteer service
‘pulls at the heart strings’ because
off their P plates and are still at
program to keep going. In that time,
it can be so profound. For the first
uni. Others are now in professional
past drivers have been awarded
few patrols, people tend to wake up
careers but still make time to lead a
National and State volunteer medals
a little bit to the fact that we have
team. Two are past College Captains
and certificates and Aquinas College
rough sleepers on the streets of
and one is a former College Dux! It
was the first organization to receive
Perth. Then, after a while, you begin
is such a thrill to get a phone call
the Australian Red Cross’ inaugural
to take notice of some of the stories
‘out of the blue’ from a past student
National Team Award in 2019.
from the ‘regulars’ and you cannot
wanting to be involved in the service
Like all the Old Aquinians who now
help but admire their courage,
program. Like Tim, we have three
lead Soup Patrol teams, Tim’s first
resilience and gratitude for the
Old Boys who are on FIFO but who
I allowed myself to appreciate
how alike I was, we all listen to the same music, live in the same city, just some of us are
born into more advantaged lifestyles than others. - Cohen Ridgwell
simple meal and chat
still want to be involved whenever
they had. It is both sad
they can. Apart from the experience
but humbling.
of serving the homeless, many tell
In recent years, except
me how thankful they are to remain
for two or three staff
connected to Aquinas by way of
members or parents
meeting young students as they give
who have been involved,
up their time to go on patrol. They
almost the entire roster
are invariably asked the questions
of eight patrols a month
about ‘how they became involved?’
is led by an Old Boy!
and ‘why they still volunteer? It is
These past graduates
both good and noble to see an Old
come from all walks
Aquinian engage with current senior
13 – magazine of Aquinas College
boys to share their thoughts about doing something that is not related to work, sport, money or success. The boys themselves – especially the boarders- can’t help but take notice. Some of their part-time and live-in House Masters are Soup Patrol drivers! In their reflections, they always mention the team leaders they had. Old Boys help in other ways too. Over the summer of 2020-2021, there were also a handful of Old Aquinians involved in Salvation Army Breakfast Patrols as well as assisting at the Doorways Depot during Christmas Cheer. For this year’s Winter Sleepout, four past students volunteered for the ‘graveyard’ shift to patrol the boys as they bravely slept in the cold. Once again, it is their willingness to serve and the joy they experience when they are able to help others. Sometimes just meeting one another and knowing they weren’t the only ones volunteering, can be such a thrill. Together, these fine young men continue to make ‘every day at Aquinas a better day for others’ and the College and our wider community are so much better for it. For more information on the Red Cross Soup Patrol or to volunteer please contact John Richards.
14 – FISH
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
THE VALUE OF TRADITION AND COMMUNITY Stephen Spencer (‘96) We live in amazing times. Despite the
part of a community. The knowledge
traditions, weaves its way into our
devastation caused by the
that we are a part of something much
lives and provides a tangible link
Covid -19 pandemic, human beings
bigger than ourselves. Communities
between generations. It doesn’t
have never been safer, more
can manifest in many different ways,
matter if you graduated in 1973 like
educated, or had more opportunities
and we can belong to a wide variety,
my Dad, or 2021 like my son. We can
to pursue the life they have dreamed
but true communities share very
now share in the quiet joy that comes
of. Sure, there are examples where
similar traits. In many of the most
from knowing we all shared in a
this is not the case, but if you
powerful and long-lasting, tradition
tradition. Our day-to-day experiences
zoom out and view humanity in the
is the glue that holds communities
may have been different, but the
aggregate, in historical terms, we’ve
strength of the Aquinas community
never had it better.
Traditions themselves can also take
has only grown.
This should be celebrated, but in our
many different forms. They can form
My son Aidan (‘21) was only at
rush for safer, more comfortable, and
part of a ritual, they can be a set of
Aquinas for Year 12. We had lived
technologically controlled lives, we
behaviours, or a framework used
overseas for the previous six years,
have neglected some aspects of our
to help guide us through difficult
and it was only the pandemic
humanity that are nearly as important
situations. They can also evolve over
that forced us to return. It was a
to our well-being as the air we
time. What all the best traditions
difficult time for our family, but I
breathe or the food we consume.
provide however, are the keys that
will be forever grateful for what it
Many of us are experiencing a
give us access to a community.
gave to Aidan. He is now a part of
crisis of connection. Even though
Aquinas College is a true community.
the Aquinas College community,
we are nearly all connected online,
Many will talk about its “rich
and a family tradition has been
there is an epidemic of loneliness
traditions”, without really being able
and isolation that is at the heart of
to define exactly what they are.
Too often, we dismiss tradition in
many of the issues we are dealing
And that’s ok. It doesn’t need to be
favour of innovation. The pursuit of
with right now. Several recent social
defined or categorised. It just needs
new discoveries and the desire to
experiments have demonstrated
to be felt.
constantly improve on the past, are
what most of us intuitively know;
Despite having graduated 25 years
noble and worthy goals. But if the
human beings need to belong.
ago, it is only now that I am able to
past is ignored, if the traditions that
We long for the honest, deep
fully appreciate the way the Aquinas
got us here are simply wiped away
connection that comes from being
College community, and its rich
like notes on a whiteboard, then
15 – magazine of Aquinas College
we risk living in a perpetual cycle of
from much of the pain of loneliness
building blocks of our communities
reinvention, with no known start point
and disconnection that is rampant in
and foster them so future generations
and no acknowledgement that our
today’s world.
can continue to grow the legacy of
cultural wisdom is built in the past
It also serves as a reminder, that
those that have come before us.
and is passed on through traditions.
despite the glory and glamour of
In his three decades of teaching
individual achievement, true joy is
literature at Stanford University,
only possible when we feel we are a
author Robert Pogue Harrison has
part of something much bigger than
spent much of his time imploring his
gifted young students to maintain a
In his homily delivered during the
connection with the wisdom of the
Graduation Mass last month, College
past. “Genius liberates the novelties
Chaplain Father Rodrigo reminded
of the future, and wisdom inherits
everyone present of the power of
the legacies of the past, renewing
community when he quoted Pope
them in the process of handing them
Francis; “Rivers do not drink their own
down,” Harrison writes in his book
water; trees do not eat their own fruit;
the sun does not shine on itself, and
Traditions are the best method we
flowers do not spread their fragrance
have to sanctify reciprocity with our
for themselves. Living for others is a
past and build on the wisdom that
rule of nature. We are all born to help
resides there. The desire to innovate
each other, no matter how difficult it
and improve is a core human trait
is. Life is good when you are happy,
that should always be encouraged,
but much better when others are
but if we simply dismiss tradition
happy because of you.”
as an antiquated and unnecessary
If there is a vaccine to the
burden, we may further condemn
disconnection crisis that is plaguing
ourselves to a life devoid of
us, it will be found in community. So
meaningful community. By embracing
we must strive to build the strongest,
our traditions, and committing to
most robust communities possible.
a community, we shield ourselves
We must embrace traditions as the
If I have seen further,
it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants
-Isaac Newton, 1675
16 – FISH
17 – magazine of Aquinas College
Back Row (L-R): Paul Cresp, Peter Lynch,Paul Ness,Ricky Roderega,Bernie Hogan, Shane McLinden, Tony Power, Peter Gelmi, Harry Seward, Gerard Taylor Front Row (L-R): Simon Ness, Mick Stroud, Rob Hesford, Bevan Lawrence, Phil Willis
Mick Stroud with the PSA Golf Shield
Since 1959 the PSA has hosted an
the 18 holes. To win, the PSA takes
out the PSA Golf Cup. Christ Church
annual golf competition, allowing
the four best scores across each
came in second with Trinity in third
Alumni to don their old school
and Aquinas in fourth.
colours and reignite their College
Historically, the domination of this
Determined to come back and
spirit. This year, the 62nd event took
competition has drifted between
dominate in 2022, Mick Stroud and
place at the Cottesloe Golf Club on
three schools – Scotch (with 22
Phil Willis (’76) have taken over the
Monday 18th October.
wins), Hale (with 15 wins) and,
running of the event and are already
Traditionally, the competition is
of course, Aquinas (with 9 wins).
putting the call out for Old Boys to
played in the individual Stableford
This may come down to pure
join in next year. With the cooperation
format – which for non-golfers is
representation in numbers, but we’ll
of Aquinas College, we’re even set
a popular format that allows an
call it the skill of our players anyway.
to have uniforms, featuring a snazzy
individual golfer to play the course
This year Aquinas had 16 Old Boys on
new Alumni exclusive hat and shirt
on his own merits, allowing for a
the course. The top four scorers for
design. The Cottesloe Golf Club
player to pick up the ball and move
our team were Simon Ness (‘90) with
has been booked for a Friday in late
on if they’re struggling at a hole,
35 points, Shane McLinden (‘77) with
October 2022 with the exact date
thus keeping up the rate of play and
33 points, Peter Gelmi (‘79) with 32
to be announced closer to the time.
belaying frustrations. This type of
points and Mick Stroud (‘75) with 39
Once a date is confirmed, all Old Boys
play is congruent to both individual
points. Mick also earned himself the
will be notified, and we encourage all
and team play as it is a points-based
position of ‘top scorer’ for the event.
to attend.
system with the aim to accumulate
However, Scotch’s overwhelming
the greatest number of points over
18 – FISH
Annual Father Son Evening The annual Father Son night occurred
to be a good person, what a good
set some goals for the future for our
on Wednesday 22 September. After
man is and how they might grow into
boys. Unfortunately, our external
not being able to take place in 2020
these roles. In a world where we are
expert who has run the event in past
due to COVID restrictions it was
always busy, the Father Son evening
years was unable to travel due to
amazing to be able to re-introduce it to
is a rare but important opportunity to
COVID restrictions. Aquinas’ own Craig
the calendar this year. The evening is
spend quality time connecting with
Herbert ran the event in Dr Arnie’s
a wonderful opportunity for our dads
each other. The Fathers shared stories
absence and did a superb job and
and significant male role models to get
and lived experiences of their lives at
the parent feedback was that it was a
together with their Year 8 sons. They
their son’s age which were extremely
worthwhile event and a great way to
spent time discussing what it means
valuable and also assisted in helping
end Term 3.
19 – magazine of Aquinas College
OLD AQUINIANS & FRIENDS TOUR 2021 Dr Jack Bana (‘54)
The 15th annual coach tour of Old
display, Witchcliffe Shell Museum,
However, we have visited most of the
Aquinians & Friends was held in the
an avocado farm, and a great time
key sites in the southern corner of
first week of November with a total of
playing croquet.
WA bounded by Kalbarri, Menzies and
45 people. We were based in Margaret
The Old Aquinians taking part were
Esperance. These tours have raised
River and over five days and visited
graduates of the 1950s, with numbers
a total of around $62 000 for the
many venues and engaged in a variety
boosted by friends and relatives. Five
Aquinas College Foundation.
of activities. Some of the highlights
couples dropped out of this year’s tour
included Busselton Jetty Underwater
due to illness or incapacity, and the
World, the Wow Illusion Centre,
age group is such that unfortunately
Mammoth Cave, Eagle Heritage raptor
any further tours will not be viable.
WINTER SPORT Kristian Leeson Acting Head of Sport
1st Team Final Standings Badminton
Cross Country
1.Wesley College
1. Aquinas College
1. Scotch College
2. Scotch College
2. Christ Church Grammar School
2. Aquinas College & Wesley College
3. Christ Church, Hale School &
3. Wesley College
4. Hale School
Trinity College
4. Hale School
5. Guildford Grammar School
6. Aquinas College
5. Scotch College
6. Christ Church Grammar School
7. Guildford Grammar School
6. Trinity College
7. Trinity College
7. Guildford Grammar School Hockey
1. Hale School
1. Trinity College
1. Aquinas College
2. Wesley College
2. Hale School
2. Scotch College
3. Christ Church Grammar School
3. Scotch College
3. Hale School
4. Scotch College
4. Christ Church Grammar School
4. Christ Church Grammar School
5. Guildford Grammar School
5. Aquinas College
5. Trinity College
6. Trinity College
6. Guildford Grammar School
6. Wesley College
7. Aquinas College
7. Wesley College
7. Guildford Grammar School
Congratulations to James O’Neill,
2009. Subsequently, Ben West was
student getting the opportunity to
Mark Cummins and our Senior
a student at that time and played
showcase his skill at Senior School
School Cross Country team who
within the winning team. The team
1st team level, Liam Capes. The
claimed the Moyes Trophy for the
was lead by Captain Eligh op den
Football program across all year
winning school. The team was
Dries, who capped off a great year
levels continues to have healthy
lead by Captain Ethan Wyatt-Smith
with a spectacular goal in the last
numbers with 16 teams playing on a
who again showed his dominance
match of the season against Trinity
weekly basis.
throughout the season, along with
College. The First XI Soccer team
I would like to thank the
Luca Di Toro, Samuel Brennan and
will continue to be strong in years to
staff, coaches, ground staff,
Thomas Millard and this lead to
medical staff and ICT staff
the team winning the trophy for the
Outside of Senior School 1st teams,
for their contributions to the Middle
fourth consecutive year. The team
there were many more positives
& Senior School Winter Sports
consisted of students from Year 7 to
from the 2021 Winter Sports season.
program. It is very much appreciated
Year 12 and was a great example of
The Shield Rugby team finished top
by both the students and myself. The
inclusivity within the Sports program.
of their division, with signs looking
Sports program wouldn’t be the
Additionally, Congratulations to Dean
promising for the Rugby program
same without all of their hard work,
Evans, Ben West, Sarina Woods and
moving forward and strong numbers
dedication, support and guidance of
our 1st Soccer team who claimed
going through at Middle School
the boys. Additionally, we are very
the Lawe Davies Trophy for the
level. The Middle School A Hockey
privileged to have a fantastic grounds
winning school. Aquinas has not
team had some impressive wins
and facilities team on campus. So,
won the Soccer competition since
throughout the season, with one
thank you!
21 – magazine of Aquinas College
Athletics I was proud of what we were able to achieve on Friday 10th September as a team at the PSA Athletics Carnival. Aquinas started well in the 1500m and hurdle events and established an early lead ahead of the other schools. Aquinas continued to perform well throughout the day in the middle distance and sprinting events and our throwing events saw an improvement from last year. Aquinas led by 60 points, going into the last section of the carnival the 4 x 100m relays. Unfortunately, Scotch proved too strong in the relays and were able to close the gap. Even though we didn’t come away with the overall win, we exceeded all expectations, the students performed admirably and they were all able to showcase their talents. We displayed outstanding sportsmanship throughout the day towards each other and the other competitors in the Carnival. PSA Athletics Carnival 1. Scotch College - 1615 2. Aquinas College - 1612 3. Hale School - 1521 4. Christ Church Grammar School - 1429.5 5. Trinity College - 1308 6. Wesley College - 1138.5 7. Guildford Grammar School - 819 There were some outstanding individual and team performances throughout the day, and many students achieved personal bests. I hope to have all students on board again next season. The future is very promising, and if all students stick together and commit to the Athletics program from the start, we will be hard to beat in 2022. It was a pleasure working with the coaching staff, which was made up of a good mix of both teachers and external coaches. I would like to thank all the coaches for giving up their time throughout the 4-week program.
22 – FISH
RED HAZE DAY Kristian Leeson Acting Head of Sport
On the 14th of August we saw the
fantastic to see so many families and
College come to life in floods of red
Young Aquinian’s, as well as Old Boys,
and black for Super Saturday. On this
come together to spectate a wide
day, all Senior School teams from
range of games. I would like to thank
Aquinas College and Hale School
Steve Burke, the Ground Staff, the P&F
competed against one another. The
Committee, Megan Monks, Ashayla
College’s grounds were on full display
Ramsay, Kate Spencer and Nichole
and many spectators came through
Rowson, who did a lot of work in the
the gates to enjoy the festivities and
lead up to the event and on the day to
support the Sports program. It was
ensure everything ran smoothly.
23 – magazine of Aquinas College
14 AUGUST 2021
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26 – FISH
Showcasing the College AC WEBSITE UPDATED Ashayla Ramsay
Communications Officer
The world moves at a rapid pace.
and exploring further into the different
parents with a step-by-step guide of
The pandemic has accelerated the
opportunities the College has to offer.
the process and lets them book a tour
need for a digital transformation for
Given the traditions, it was important
of the campus online.
Aquinas College. One area that was
to highlight the alumni that have
The design was taken straight from
deemed in need of updating was the
passed through the College gates.
the student’s uniforms – black with
College website.
By highlighting key alumni it not
red stripe highlights which enables
This campus is busy - there’s always
only adds to boys’ journey but it
the website to reflect the strong
something going on and there is so
emphasises the diversity of life
branding that is the uniform. The use
much on offer for the students. This
pathways alumni have taken.
of video to highlight life at the College
was, for many prospective families,
A blog was also introduced to the
adds much to the appeal of the site.
the first introduction to the College,
website. With the transformation in
With consistent photography and
and so it became a top priority for the
how messaging is received and a
videography now occurring at the
reliance on digital communication,
College, the content can be continually
Alongside an updated and mobile
the introduction of the blog became
friendly design, the goal was to take
the central point from which College
The amazing work and patience of
viewers on a journey from the Early
information is shared to students and
the teams at Digistorm and Cooch
Years and engage with them as they
families. The introduction of the blog
Creative added to the process
move between different schools,
and revamping of all of the content on
resulting in a website that continues
highlighting the themes of Arts,
the website – following an SEO plan –
to showcase the College in the best
Academics, Sports and Faith. This
has greatly enhanced the website.
possible light.
allows a parent to see the entire
The enrolments section is a
journey their son could undertake
significant area of the website.
during their years at the College.
Parents don’t want to spend hours
Analytics have shown that parents are
trying to locate relevant information.
now spending longer on the website
The new enrolments area provides
27 – magazine of Aquinas College
Parents are now spending
longer on the website and different opportunities the College has to offer.
exploring further into the
28 – FISH
Holy Ground Coffee
Manager - Holy Ground Coffee
Have you stood on Holy Ground and
on the events. Most days you will
tasted the warm comforting brew,
find us nestled against the pool wall
made with care and purpose?
facing reception alongside our café
Holy Ground Coffee has almost
seating area. The early morning
completed its first full year on
walkers and joggers dash past for a
campus and many would say they
long black on the run. Then come the
can’t remember life before the happy
drop-off parents who may linger for
little red van. It’s a hive of activity
a chat under our umbrellas over oat
as the Year 11 and 12 students
milk cappuccinos and soy flat whites
prepare everything from almond
after treating their boys to foaming
lattes to toasted bagels from sunrise
hot chocolates with marshmallows.
everyday. The familiar grind and
Next, the teachers appear before
knock interrupts the music and
duty or in a break period for strong
laughter pouring out from the front
flat whites and our famous bagels.
hatch as parents, staff and students
Finally, it’s the boys’ turn to take over
line up for their daily caffeine fix.
the seating with their toasties, iced
And what a year it has been! We have
mochas and banter.
served our PSA sporting spectators
Holy Ground Coffee creates
and Reds Clubs over weekends.
community amongst education. It
We have brought great coffee to
brings another level of learning to
the College community all week,
students as they navigate the skills of
travelling around campus depending
listening and talking with customers,
29 – magazine of Aquinas College
student who works at Holy Ground
enabling boys to attend Aquinas
organised and consistently giving
Coffee has completed a certified
College who may not have been able
their best. The students are taught
Barista Course on campus at our
to monitor inventory, be responsible
training school within the Churack
But EVERY coffee from our window
for set up and pack down, cleaning,
Pavilion. They may then be selected
counts. Whether it’s a skinny long
cash up and work processes. Their
for either casual paid employment
mac or an iced latte, it counts! Every
attention to detail in the coffee making
as required, or part time paid
meeting and catchup under our
process, together with the finest
employment of 7.5 hours per week.
umbrellas counts. Every time you treat
ingredients, result in an experience
This enables them to complete the
your boy to a prepaid hot drink card,
worth stopping for.
practical side of a Certificate III in
it counts. Thank you for supporting
Did you know that on sporting days
Retail. Students are rostered on before
our goals. Together we can keep this
and events our baristas are putting
and after school hours and around
project going for many graduating
out more than one coffee every
their core subjects. Both ATAR and
minute? Baristas must be organised,
General Pathway students can take
focused and committed! They serve
up this awesome opportunity. We are
our past Aquinians at catch-ups, our
getting young men work-ready for
new parents at orientation and every
their life after school and equipping
passing visitor to the school. Holy
them with skills that are relevant in
Ground Coffee really is a showpiece
many workplaces.
for the high expectation of our Senior
We have huge goals for our little
School students.
coffee shop. We’ll be contributing to
This project has purpose. Every
the Bursary Fund annually, thereby
30 – FISH
Br Clery
31 – magazine of Aquinas College
32 – FISH
LOUISE SYMONDS Executive Officer Aquinas College Foundation
The biennial Foundation Ball at Crown
raised funds for the new Music School
past midnight.
Perth on 4 September was a glittering
and Recital Hall Project.
Special thanks to Chris McMillan for
night to remember as the broader
International opera singer and current
his exemplary MC duties and to Josh
Aquinas College community came
parent Paul O’Neill (’96), along with
Brockhurst (’92) from Century 21
together to celebrate the spirit of our
soprano Harriet Marshall, kicked off
Team Brockhurst for conducting the
College and to raise funds to benefit
the evening in style with a selection
live auction.
current and future generations of
of some of the most famous operatic
Thank you to our major sponsor,
Aquinas boys.
arias and duets. At the other end of
Karlayura Group, all our other donors
After securing one of the hottest
the evening, Diamond Road Band
and sponsors and our 560 Foundation
tickets in town, 560 guests enjoyed an
didn’t disappoint, with three solid
Ball guests; your tremendous support
evening with friends that included fine
45-minute sets that rocked the venue
for the 2021 Lights, Camera, Action!
dining and live entertainment, as they
and filled the dance floor until well
Foundation Ball - our 7th biennial
33 – magazine of Aquinas College
support team on the night, including
$80,000 for the Music School and
representatives from the Ladies’
Recital Hall project.
Auxiliary and Aquinas College staff;
No Foundation Ball would be
and thank you to the Aquinas College
possible without the tireless efforts
staff who provided support behind the
of our volunteers: thank you to our
scenes pre and post event.
Foundation Ball Committee comprising
The Foundation Ball will now take a
Emma Chapman, Danielle Green,
well-earned two-year break before
Caroline Bryndzej, Fiona Gebauer,
the 2023 Foundation Ball. Be sure to
Claire Griffiths, Emely Jakovich Jodie
mark your diaries now and start the
Trezise, and Chair Louise Symonds for
months of hard work; thank you to the
34 – FISH
to all our 2021 Ball Sponsors • • • • • • • • • • •
Beaumaris Escape Beryl Hillstead Wine Company Birighitti Family Brad Hogg Alumni Braidwood Investments (WA) Pty Ltd Brian Tucker Century 21 Team Brockhurst Cox Family Elle Design Rugs Fisher Family Hang Out on Preston
• • • • • • • • • •
Hickman Family Hugh Lydon Jakovich Family Josh Brockhurst Junior School Visual Arts Students Kennedy Family Murray Family Nat Fyfe Paul O’Neill Robyn Bowler
35 – magazine of Aquinas College
WELCOME BACK CLASS OF 2020! Ashley. “Thanks to your generosity
reminder to the community of the
the Foundation hosted the annual
and the generosity of your parents,
generosity of the Class of 2020.
Aquinas College Foundation Leavers’
another boy – who commenced at
Thank you to everyone who helped
Function, welcoming back more than
the College this year – is receiving
to make the evening a huge success:
60 boys from the Leaving Class of
all the benefits of a life-changing
representatives from the Ladies’
Aquinas College education, the very
Auxiliary, the OAA and the Foundation,
Over a sausage sizzle in the Staff
same opportunities you all received.”
class tutors, Peter Robertson
Common Room, the boys enjoyed the
President of the Old Aquinians’
and Nichole Rowson from the
chance to catch up with classmates
Association (OAA), Matthew Noonan-
Development Office, and Alliance
and class tutors and have a first look
Crowe (’99), also addressed the boys,
at the 2020 College Annual.
welcoming them to the OAA and
Best of luck to the Class of 2020 as
Foundation Chair and Old Boy Ashley
encouraging them to take advantage
you navigate the next exciting stage
Bacon (’92) warmly welcomed
of the social and networking
of your lives. We look forward to
the graduates, highlighting the
opportunities available to them
many more opportunities to welcome
importance of the Leavers’ Function
through membership.
you back to Aquinas College.
as an opportunity for the boys to
Before the boys headed off-campus
P.S. If you left your Annual behind
connect back to the College and each
to continue their celebrations, the
on the night, please contact Nichole
other in their first year out of school.
plaque commemorating the Class of
Rowson to arrange collection.
“It’s also an opportunity for the
2020 Scholarship Gift (which hangs
Foundation and the College to thank
in the Heritage Room alongside
you all for contributing to the Class
previous Peer Scholarship Gifts) was
of 2020 Peer Scholarship Gift,” said
unveiled and will be a permanent
On Friday 17 September 2021,
Dylan Blair (‘16)
Generosity is one of the hallmarks
will enable the College to provide
of a strong and united school
life-changing opportunities to
If you would like to contribute to the
community. At Aquinas College, one
more boys like Dylan Blair (’16)
2021 Bursary Appeal before
of the most powerful expressions of
who would otherwise not be able
31 December 2021, please visit the
generosity is the Annual Appeal for
to attend Aquinas College. Dylan
online store on our website. Tax
has now graduated from Notre
receipts in the name of ‘Aquinas
Thanks to the generosity of our
Dame University with a Bachelor of
College Foundation Inc. Scholarship
school community, the 2021 Annual
Biomedical Science.
Fund’ ABN 93 078 219 075 will be
Appeal for Bursaries has so far
The opportunity to provide students
issued by the Foundation for the 2022
received a staggering $139,000 in
with these bursaries, ensures the
financial year.
contributions. These contributions
College and the community will be
36 – FISH
AQUINAS P&F 2021 President’s Update Mat Scott It has been my great pleasure and
Old Boys and past parents) come
additional financial support. The
privilege to serve as the President
together on the College grounds
nature of these projects are typically
of the Aquinas Parents & Friends
to socialise well into the evening.
above that of normal College
Committee (P&F) now for nearly
Traditionally the P&F run the bar, and
operational spend, but do not meet
three years, and what an interesting
the food service is well supported by
the criteria for funding from the
time that has been with the many
our fraternal volunteer groups such
Foundation. We aim to ensure that
changes that have taken place at
as the Ladies Auxiliary (LAX) and
families who contribute financially
Aquinas and across the world during
the Parent Support Group (PSG). In
to the College will benefit from these
this period! The P&F has three broad
recent years we have also assisted
projects while their sons are still a
objectives, being to foster connection,
with building a sense of community
student. Examples of recent projects
community and education, across
spirit and pride in our boys on “Red
sponsored by the P&F include the
and within the entire Aquinas
Haze Day”, being the last home fixture
raisable wall in the swimming pool
community. These three objectives
of the PSA winter sports season. In
that allows for greater use of this
are interlinked and we believe are
2021 we had BBQs, manned mainly
important asset, the telescope
essential to building and maintaining
by the Middle School students
dome on the science block, the
strong bonds between students,
(who did an excellent job), a pop-up
Junior School playgrounds and
parents and the College itself.
uniform shop for spectators to get
contributions to a range of other
The P&F regularly hosts engagement
fully kitted out in the red and black,
cultural, historical and spiritual
meetings at the College (aiming
and volunteers helping in all manner
for at least one per term) where a
of other areas as well. It is great to
The P&F, along with the other parent
guest speaker from the College will
see such a high level of Aquinas
and volunteer groups, have had a
give a short presentation to parents
College community spirit regularly on
challenging time during COVID, with
on what is happening now and is
events cancelled or rescheduled, new
projected for the future. We aim
In respect to parent education, the
rules and regulations about social
for a mix of speakers so that we
P&F works with the College staff to
distancing and other governance
receive an update across all areas
identify relevant and pressing topics
requirements, but overall these
of the College, including the arts,
concerning the development and
challenges have been met with
sport, academics, and character
welfare of our boys. We bring in guest
determination, resilience and good
development just to name a few. The
speakers to present to parents on a
humour. As I prepare to hand over
P&F also sponsor the network of Year
range of subjects; often this may be
to a new committee at our AGM in
Group Coordinators and Class Reps
a session with a speaker who has
November, I am very thankful for the
(Junior School) to help provide a
already talked to the boys during
support received from the College
means for parents to connect outside
school, to give a parent perspective
Leadership, staff and particularly
of school time, with financial support
and to help encourage discussion
the ‘parents and friends’ of Aquinas
to host events to help establish a
around the ‘dinner table’. In recent
– especially those who have
strong sense of community within
times we have had topics such as
volunteered to join the committee
each year group.
study habits and awareness of the
and help make it all happen. We
At a College level, we also host the
dangers and pitfalls facing young
have a great Aquinas community,
annual sundowner which is held early
which I know will go from strength
in Term 1. This is a fantastic event
Finally, the P&F works with the
to strength and I am excited for the
that has been growing every year,
College Leadership Team to advance
where parents and friends (such as
a number of projects that require
37 – magazine of Aquinas College
Events LAX / P&F / PSG
38 – FISH
Pars HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHTS LOCAL TALENT HomeGrown Music Festival, which
with many months of planning and
intends bringing more local, original
was held in the sleepy wheatbelt town
hard work. But it proved worthwhile
music to Nungarin again next year.
of Nungarin on Saturday October 9,
when eight WA bands graced the
was the brainchild of Mick Caughey
stage performing original music for
(’87). His son Tom (‘19) is a musician
the listening pleasure of the 400
and has a band that performs at a
number of different venues in Perth.
Mick was fortunate enough to rally
After going along to many of these
together a small, but enthusiastic,
performances, Mick decided it was
group of volunteers to help with
time to bring an idea he’d been having
organising the festival. Being a
to fruition and create an event to
member of a small community and
highlight some WA talent and give
the associated clubs and sporting
locals access to fabulous live music.
groups had provided previous
Quite an undertaking and deviation
opportunity and experience at
from his usual farming operation.
organising events, but nothing quite
When first floating the idea, the
on this scale. Having the combined
generous support from the Shire of
experiences of the volunteer group
Nungarin and businesses far and
and their individual skillset made the
wide provided the confidence to go
process enjoyable and effective.
ahead. The reality of organising such
The success of the festival was
an event was a huge undertaking
beyond all expectations and Mick
King Ibis featuring John McAndrew (‘14) on drums
COUPLE RECOGNISED FOR CONTRIBUTION TO COMMUNITY John Perry (‘65) and wife Bella have been honoured in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours list for their selflessness, commitment and dedication to their local community. The Halls Head couple have been supporting local groups through their Charity, the John and Bella Perry Foundation, for decades. The charity supports youth, health and medical research as well as the arts. John & Bella Perry / Jake Dietsch - Coastal Times
39 – magazine of Aquinas College
NATIONAL MUSEUM TRAILBLAZER Old Aquinian Trevor Kennedy (‘59)
a rare miniature portrait of First Fleet
broke new ground in April when he
Surgeon-General John White, and
became the first Old Boy to have an
a grand longcase clock made by a
exhibit named after him displayed at
convict transported to Australia in
the National Museum of Australia in
The Museum has described the
The Trevor Kennedy Collection of
purchase as the greatest acquisition in
Australiana, consisting of more
its history, and said it would “open up
than 5,000 historical artworks and
new vistas and new horizons”.
objects, is said to be one of the finest
Trevor came to Aquinas in 1958
collections of its type. It includes rare
from CBC Albany and was a strong
as Editor of the National Times
and eclectic objects spanning the
contributor to College activities.
newspaper and the Bulletin magazine.
early colonial period to the 1960s.
In 1959 he was a member of the
He was later Managing Director of
Trevor donated items valued at
Alcock Cup football team, rowed in
Consolidate Press Holdings, controlled
about $7 million – said to be the
the Head of the River First Eight and
by the Packer family,
biggest donation in the Museum’s
was a College Prefect. He was also a
In 1983 he was appointed a Member
history - and the Museum paid more
prominent swimmer.
of the Order of Australia (AM).
than $8 million for the rest of the
He pursued a successful career in
objects. Among the prize items are
journalism in Sydney, with terms
Thank you to the following Old Aquinian’s who sponsored subject prizes for students who demonstrated academic excellence in Year 12 2021. Quentin Lau (‘92)
Hilary Lau (‘93)
Quentin attended Aquinas College from 1985 to 1992.
Hilary studied at Aquinas from Year 5 until graduation in
In 1997, he graduated with a degree in Architecture
Year 12 before going on to a double-degree in Law and
and returned to Hong Kong to commence his career
Commerce at the University of Western Australia. He is a
as an Architect. He now specializes in and provides
partner at a leading international law firm Herbert Smith
consultancy advice on residential property development
Freehills. Hilary’s practice is focused on the energy and
at the Summit Homes Group. He is one of the most
resource sector and Hilary has been the head of the Asia
experienced development Architects in Perth. He is
Energy Practice for the firm and ranked as the leading
married with a daughter at Santa Maria College and
individual as one of the best energy lawyers in Asia.
a son at Aquinas College. Quentin kindly sponsored
Hilary is married with one son who is eleven years old.
a monetary prize for the Year 12 Subject Dux for
Hilary kindly sponsored a monetary prize for the Year 12
Economics ATAR as well as Human Biology ATAR.
Subject Dux for Politics & Law ATAR as well as Marine & Maritime Science General.
40 – FISH
Olympic Game event since the 1960s.
March 1940, graduated from Aquinas
A true West Australian at heart, he
College in 1957. Perhaps part fish,
coached the Fremantle Mariners to
he went on to be appointed to the
three Australian National League
International Swimming Federation
titles and currently coaches the
(FINA) in 1968 and was chairman
Melville and WA State juniors.
for the 1988 World Swimming
In 1994 he was made a Member
Championships here in Perth. In
of the Order of Australia (AM) for
1960, 1964, 1958 and 1972, Hoad
his service to sport. In 2003 an
represented Australia at the Olympic
international water polo cup was
There are two ways that you may
Games – acting as captain from 1964
named after him. In 2009 he was
recognise Tom Hoad (‘57) – through
– 1972. Refusing to leave his beloved
inducted into the Water Polo Australia
his work in Australian water polo
sport behind, he went on to coach the
Hall of Fame. 2011 saw him inducted
or through is amazing collection of
Australian water polo team in 1976,
into the International Swimming Hall
outrageous suits. It was the earlier
1980, 1984 and 1988. In fact, it may
of Fame and just this year, 2021, he
that recently saw him recognised and
be because of Hoad that Aquinas
was inducted into the Sport Australia
has been represented in most every
Hall of Fame.
MUSICAL SUCCESS FOR OLD AQUINIAN Daniel Watts (‘18) has continued his
2022, the short film was awarded
success in musical composition.
Best Student Film at the Top Shorts
Daniel is a final year student at UWA
Film Festival, and in September was
undertaking music specialist studies,
selected to screen at the London
with a focus on music composition.
and Moscow Shorts Film Festivals
During 2019 and 2020, Daniel
respectively. The film was awarded
collaborated with Curtin University
Best Score in the London Shorts Film
media students to compose the
musical score for the production of a short film, titled Deep Blue. In April
AQUINIANS REPRESENT AT OLYMPICS Within the elite of Australian
our men’s hockey team. Standing as
debut in the Australian swimming
sportsmen and women that
captain of the team, Aran played a
team. Competing in the Men’s
competed in the (delayed) 2020
key role in the various victories of the
4x100m Freestyle Relay and Men’s
Tokyo Olympics Games were two
side. In the end, he led the team on a
4x200m Freestyle Relay, Zac and his
Aquinian boarders.
successful campaign, bringing home
team walked away with two bronze
Aran Zalewski (‘08) represented
a silver medal for Australia.
Australia as part of the Kookaburras,
Zac Incerti (‘13) made his Olympic
41 – magazine of Aquinas College
ROWING STREAK REMEMBERED In April 2019, Mike Adlam handed
he was heavily involved in athletics,
over to the College the CBC rowing
with Langley Park his training track
blazer worn by his father Joseph
of choice. A veteran of WWII, his
Adlam (’29) who was part of a record
name can be found in our Book of
breaking First Four crew that won
Remembrance located in the College
back-to-back Head of the River titles
Chapel. Thank you to the Adlam
in 1928 and 1929.
family for their contribution to the
These two wins were part of a
rowing history of Aquinas College.
glorious 6-year Head of the River winning streak for the College that lasted from 1926-1931, with all 6 winning teams coached by rowing legend and old boy C.J. Wroblewski. According to Mike, his father was a keen sportsman and enjoyed his time at Aquinas. As well as rowing,
THE COLLEGE CREW, 1928, WINNERS HEAD-OF-THE-RIVER Standing - W. Slater, G. Scott (Reserve), F. Pimley Sitting - J. Adlam, Mr C.J. Wroblewski (Coach), J. Hayton, D. Doyle (Cox)
OLD BOY HANGS UP PRINCIPAL’S HAT Peter Bothe (‘72) initially trained as a
Peter concludes his career after
Psychologist, and began his teaching
twelve years at Sacred Heart College.
career in 1979 at Aquinas College …..
Peter’s innovative approach has left
without a teaching degree.
its mark on the schools he has led.
He then spent eleven years in total
Catholic Agricultural College became
as a school Psychologist firstly
a registered training organisation.
at Aquinas, followed by Guildford
St Luke’s benefitted from strong
Grammar School and Wesley College.
industry partnerships through the
Peter’s passion for student
Karratha Education initiative.
wellbeing saw him appointed as
Peter’s leadership extended to the
Deputy Principal of Ryan Catholic
Catholic Secondary Principals of
Community School in Townsville
WA where he served as President
before three years as Head of Middle
for six years. He also served as a
School at Kingswood College in
Director on the Catholic Secondary
Principals of Australia for three years
He returned to WA and to Catholic
and was Deputy Chair of the Western
Education in October 1999 as
Australian College of Teaching after
Principal of Catholic Agricultural
four years of service. Peter was
College, now Edmund Rice College in
awarded a State Fellowship of the
Australian Council of Education
After four years and a term, he moved
Leaders in 2016 and in 2020 was
to Principal roles at Trinity College in
awarded the NEiTA Founders’
East Perth for 18 months, before four
Principals Award for Leadership.
years at St Luke’s in Karratha.
ANNUAL Senior Old Boys Day
Olympic Games veteran Tom Hoad
(‘54), also attended the lunch.
the impressive array of extra-
entertained fellow Old Boys and
The Olympic theme was linked with
curricular activities now being offered
their partners with Olympic stories
the success of younger Old Boys,
at the College. An excerpt from the
at the annual Senior Old Boys Day at
hockey co-captain Aran Zalewski
recent Lion King production was a
Aquinas College on August 25.
(‘08) (silver medal) and swimmer
Tom (‘57), who was one of three
Zac Incerti (‘13) (two swimming relay
Father Rodrigo da Costa Ponte
Aquinians in the 1960 Rome team,
bronze medals) who performed at the
celebrated Mass in the Chapel of St
represented Australia in water polo at
recent Tokyo Games with distinction.
Thomas Aquinas, delivering a brief
every games up to 1988, either as a
Other Senior Old Boys who spoke at
but pertinent homily.
player – including a stint as captain -
the lunch of their time at the College
Special thanks for another most
or coach.
and subsequent careers included Bill
enjoyable Seniors Day must go to
He spoke with pride at the lunch in
de Gruchy (‘47), Mike Erickson (‘58)
Nichole Rowson, the Events and
the Hughes Dining Room of how he
and Rob Kilderry (‘58) and Chris Back
Alumni Administrator, and Brother
watched fellow Aquinian Herb Elliott
Robert who helped organise the
(‘55) win his famous 1500 metre gold
The popular event included a
Mass before returning to classroom
medal in world record time in Rome.
welcoming complimentary coffee
And guests were delighted that the
served from the College’s Holy
College’s third representative at those
Ground Coffee van, followed by a
games, oarsman Max Cunningham
special assembly which showcased
22 OCTOBER 2021
Peter Kennedy (‘59)
43 – magazine of Aquinas College
19 March 2022
15 January 2022
Head of the River at Champion Lakes
Class of 1995 Reunion
Aquinas College hosting
11am The Camfield Tickets $20 per person from the College Online Store
1 April 2022
includes a welcome drink and light lunch
Year 7 Grandparents Day
Any queries, contact Todd Paterson email or call 0416259526
28 April 2022* ANZAC Day Whole School Assembly
17 February 2022
10.25am – 10.50am
Class of 1952 Reunion 9.30am – 2pm
7 September 2022
Various locations at Aquinas College (invitations will be
Senior Old Boys Day including a bespoke Assembly
posted and emailed)
9.30am – 2.00pm Various locations at Aquinas College (invitations will be
15 March 2022
posted and emailed)
Class of 1962 Reunion 9.30am – 2.00pm
25 October 2022
Various locations at Aquinas College (invitations will be
Past College Captains’ Day
posted and emailed)
9.30am – 12.15pm 22 or 29 July 2022 TBC 9 November 2022*
Class of 2021 Reunion & Sausage Sizzle
Remembrance Day Assembly
(receive 2021 Annual)
10.25am – 10.50am
6.00pm – 7.00pm @ Aquinas College 7.15pm onwards drinks at the Mt Henry Tavern, hosted by
Date TBC
the OAA
2022 Beverley & Districts Combined Public Schools Annual Dinner. Hosted by Scotch College Calling all Old Boy Year Representatives and Captains. *If you are an Old Boy and would like to attend the ANZAC
Please make yourself known to our Alumni team and
Day or Remembrance Day assemblies, please email
make sure your details are up to date with the College. The
College is available to assist in the planning of reunions and other alumni events -
OAA EVENTS Friday 4 March 2022
Friday 19 August 2022
OAA Business Breakfast
OAA Annual Dinner & AGM
7.00am – 9.00am
6.00pm – AGM – Waterford Room at Aquinas College
Hughes Dining Hall at Aquinas College
6.30pm – 10.30pm – Annual Dinner, Hughes Dining Hall at Aquinas College
Wednesday 20 July 2022
19 October 2021
OAA Career Networking Sundowner
OAA Spring Sundowner
6.00pm – 8.00pm
5.30pm onwards
City location to be advised
Location to be advised
44 – FISH
45 – magazine of Aquinas College
46 – FISH
We are looking for Old Boys to volunteer to coordinate the 2022 reunions. If you are able to help, please make yourself known to the Alumni team who can help you with the coordination. If it’s easier, get a group of mates together to lighten the load. One of the most important jobs is finding Old Boys the College has lost touch with. If you want to make sure you receive the reunion invitation or have the contact details of an Old Boy who the College has lost touch with please email the information to
47 – magazine of Aquinas College
Early in 2021 we started planning our 40 year reunion. The College gave us tremendous guidance and assistance from day one. Nichole Rowson was our contact at the school and she provided us with contact details for our class group as held by the College. We formed a small steering group that chose a venue, a date and followed up on those for whom details were missing or out-of-date. Nichole set up a Facebook page for the Class of 1981 and helped to administer this page. As we found “lost” mates, Nichole updated the central details and coordinated the sending out of all invitations and the
receipt of all payments. It was so easy and we had
a fantastic night! Thank you Nichole and thank you Aquinas. Tom Mitchell (‘81)
On November 6, the Aquinas College class of 1981 held their 40-year reunion. The get-together commenced with a tour of the College which was followed by a gathering at the Windsor Hotel in South Perth. Despite a number of their classmates being unable to attend due to Covid restrictions, it was an extremely memorable occasion and a terrific opportunity to reminisce about our school days. Given the success of the evening, we would like to encourage all other old-boy year groups to think about coordinating a reunion with their classmates. With the help of the ‘Development Team’ at Aquinas, led by the amazing Nichole Rowson, the organisational aspect of the reunion was seamless and uncomplicated. We would like to thank Nichole for all her assistance in the lead-up to our 1981
Best wishes to other year groups who are in the process of coordinating a reunion. Sean Henderson (‘81)
48 – FISH
Condolences Clem Gorman (’57) passed away 19 June 2021 in Terrigal, NSW. Professor of Literature and Author
of numerous books on Literature and the Arts. Lectured in Australia,
Brian Kirkwood (‘59) had been
USA and Europe. His latest book,
busily organising for his 1959
published earlier this year, was titled
leaving classmates to be strongly
Intrépide: Australian Women Artists in
represented at the annual Aquinas
Early Twentieth-Century France. Clem
Senior Old Boys Day lunch in August
was one of a number of St Louis
when he suffered a fatal heart attack
students who transferred to Aquinas
at his Dianella home on July 21. He
for his final years.
was aged 79.
Father John O’Reilly passed away
Brian had taken on the role of
30 June 2021. Father O’Reilly was
ensuring his classmates kept in
the Chaplain at Aquinas from 1967
touch, working off a detailed spread
to 1969.
sheet for everyone who had been in the group as it progressed through the College. Combining with colleague John Hall, he had meticulously noted each
Eighteen. Coach Brother Duffy said
classmate’s address and telephone
in his season’s summary: “Brian
number, birthday and where his
was amongst our most improved
family had lived when he attended
players. Gave very sound service as
the College – all colour coded. It
a backman.” He could also have said
was a great asset for contacting old
“Brian often cleared with dash and a
Brian John Loughton (‘66) passed
mates, and he was always organising
prodigious kick”.
away 10 July 2021
coffee catchups and the occasional
Brian was involved in a number of
Colin Chitty (‘59) passed away 25
class mid-year lunch. His pre-
business ventures post-school,
July 2021.
Christmas lunches at the Mt Henry
including a charter boat operation
James (Jim) Ryan (‘62) passed away
Tavern were always well attended.
out of Geraldton, which involved trips
17 October 2021.
Brian was a Kalgoorlie boy and came
to the Abrolhos Islands.
Barrie Buzolic (‘52) passed away
to board at Aquinas in his sub leaving
He is survived by his wife Kaye,
5 November 2021 in Cardwell, QLD.
year in 1958 after earlier boarding at
who was warmly welcomed at the
John Storey (‘61) passed away
New Norcia. He immediately made
Seniors’ Lunch, daughter Natalie, son
7 November 2021.
an impact, winning selection for the
Brett, and their families.
Peter James Fimmel (‘56) passed
interschool swimming carnival at
away 13 November 2021.
Crawley Baths. In his leaving year Brian was again in the swimming team and a valued member of the Alcock Cup First
49 – magazine of Aquinas College
CONGRATULATIONS Nathan Farley (‘04) married Casey Pabst 10 July 2021 in the Aquinas Chapel.
Alexander C. Blomfield (‘o6) married best friend Simone Moles on 20th February 2021
Cesare Scalise(‘o9) married Melissa-Ann Settineri on 20th November 2021 in the Aquinas Chapel
50 – FISH
A ‘n’ K Budget Bins
Lift Equipt
Tetris Environmental
Lighthouse Capital
The Berrigan Bar & Bistro
Acton Applecross
Liquor Barons Hamilton Hill
The Hair Room
A-Mac Painting Services
The Happy Pet Place
APD Architecture
Mawson Consulting
The ORS Group
Australian Pink Diamonds
McKenzie Rural Contracting
The Pawstry Box
Batteries Plus
Milkshake Co
The Valve Company
Captured Memories
MKG Partners Chartered
Universal Customs Brokers
Cloud Payment Group
Como Engineers P/L
Mount Pleasant Counselling
Westwide Electrical
Cooch Creative
WFI Insurance
Darling & Domain
Naked Specs Optical
Woods Midland Insurance Brokers
Do Diligence
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Zipform Digital
Dongara Marine
NicNacNoo - Gift and Homewares
Zipform Packaging
Doors Plus Balcatta
Perth Outdoor Installations
Ecosafe International
Perth Safety Deposit Boxes
Elle Design Rugs
PEST Australia P/L
Empire Financial Group
Plas-Pak (WA) P/L
Enco Group P/L
Priority 1 Fire and Safety
Endeavour Foods
Procopio Legal
Entire Tech
Pronto Catering
Extensive Property Maintenance
Psychology on Welwyn
Featherstone Physio Pilates
Quality Pest & Weed Solutions P/L
GRG Consulting
RH Property
Hangout on Preston
Safeman WA P/L
iBolt Fencing
Scaini & Co Chartered Accountants
Register your business?
iCoach Leadership & Mentoring
Soklich & Co.
Inclusion in the directory is entirely
Sophisticated Spaces
free and of a voluntary nature. If you
In Depth Auto Detailer
Sottaceto Preserves
wish to list your business and are a
South Perth Psychology
current or Old Aquinian or a parent/
Kangaroo Inn
State of Zen Health Coaching
caregiver visit our website.
Kelly Bucksey Photographer
Systech Solutions
51 – magazine of Aquinas College
It has never been more important to support local business and we know this value is supported by the Aquinas College community. For the opportunity to target your business advertising to our engaged network contact
Aquinas College Mt Henry Rd • Salter Point • Western Australia Locked Bag 11, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley WA 6983, Australia Telephone: +61 8 9450 0600 • Facsimile: +61 8 9313 1901
CRICOS Code: 00428E