MAInfo Edisi 4 Mei - Agustus 2018

Page 37

Teknologi budidaya rumput laut yang dipaparkan oleh penulis dalam buku ini, memberikan pengetahuan yang lengkap tentang budidaya rumput laut. Mulai dari pengenalan rumput laut, persyaratan ekologi dan lokasi budidaya, pemilihan bibit rumput laut, hama dan penyakit, pemanenan, pasca panen hingga analisis usaha budidaya rumput laut. Penulis melengkapi uraiannya dengan informasi tentang teknologi yang dikembangkan berkaitan dengan budidaya rumput laut seperti teknik kultur jaringan. Buku ini menjadi ‘istimewa’ karena dilengkapi dengan glosarium, yakni “kamus kecil” sehingga dapat memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami istilah-istilah perikanan yang tidak biasa digunakan.

Harga: Rp 120.000,-

JUDUL: Teknologi Budidaya Rumput Laut; PENULIS: Nunik Cokrowati,S.Pi.,M.Si; EDITOR: Agung Sudaryono, Mussalimun, Wikke Elta Ayu Selviani, Abdul Mufid; SETTING/LAYOUT & COVER: Tim Kreatif MAI Publishing; UKURAN: 15 x 20 cm; HALAMAN: 266 Halaman; CETAKAN Pertama, Mei 2017; ISI: Paper Book; COVER: Art Carton 260 gr; ISBN: 978-60261714-0-5; PENERBIT: MAI Publishing Pemesanan dapat menghubungi penulis 081907193232 (WA).

Global food demand increases 70% up to 2050 due to an increasing of the population. Economic crisis causing high unemployed people and high food demand has positioned aquaculture becoming an important industry sector as food supply and economic mover. Aquaculture is the world‟s fastest growing food production sector by about 11 percent annually. Aquaculture in Indonesia is one of the most feasible means answering the expanding demand for fish, looking at the leveling off in the capture fisheries production and increasing demand for seafoods. Indonesia has a potential to be the greatest aquaculture producer in the world (67.7 millions MT per year) consisting of marine aquaculture sector (47 millions MT), brackishwater aquaculture sector (15 millions MT), and freshwater aquaculture sector (5.7 millions MT). However, this high potency is just utilized up to 11% and this will be a challenge to trigger for the Indonesia aquaculture stakeholders to be the greatest in the future. This high potency (population and fisheries resources) will result in attracting overseas aquaculture stakeholders to invest and to be t he players in Indonesia A sustainable aquaculture management is needed in Indonesia, including the development of infrastructure, investment, friendly environment, production and human resources. Future global aquaculture industry growth especially in Indonesia will be severely restricted if the aquaculture industry remains reliant on fishmeal and fish oil. So that in the future, aquaculture industry must reduce reliance on fishmeal and fish oil as a key ingredient in aquafeeds. A focus on looking for new sources omega-3 will be very important in developing sustainable aquafeeds. The next 10 years, Indonesia will face some great challenges for the sustainable development of aquaculture industry. The International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia would allow us to look at many threats and opportunities and consider how to best manage the sustainable development of the global aquaculture industry especially toward sustainable future aquaculture industry in Indonesia.

Harga: Rp 400.000,-

JUDUL: International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia Proceedings (2014/2015/2016) ; EDITOR: Agung Sudaryono, Abdul Mufid; SETTING/LAYOUT & COVER: Tim Kreatif MAI; UKURAN: 20,5 x 29 cm; HALAMAN: 129-231 Halaman; ISI: HVS; COVER: Soft Cover, Laminating Glossy; ISSN: 2356-0800; PENERBIT: MAI Publishing

Info pemesanan hubungi : Wikke (085740313146)

Edisi Mei - Agustus 2018

MAInfo | 35

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