1971 ABI Yearbook

Page 91


Rev. S. G. Norris possessed a deep conviction early in 1937 concerning the need for trained Pentecostal workers, This callto-teach grew into a responsibility, not only to Rev. Norris' own heart, but to members of Midway Pentecostal Tabernacle, where he pastored. So much so that united impetus was recorded in the minutes of the Tabernacle on May 21,1937: "The congregation met and decided to have a Bible School beginning October 4, 1937. The school, to be supported by tuition and pledges from members." - A. G. Newstrand, Sec. After much prayer and many sacrifices the doors of the Tabernacle were opened to fourteen students - the pioneers of the Institute. Dedicated faculty members, full of the Spirit of God, joined in the effort to train young men and women for Gospel work. On April 21, 1943, Apostolic Bible Institute was incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a non-profit institute for religious education and for training of ministers of the Gospel and missionaries, and to continue the work which was founded in October, 1937. Several years later, Midway Pentecostal Tabernacle purchased a church bUilding at Hague and Victoria Aves. in St. Paul. Apostolic Bible Institute occupied the former Tabernacle for several years, Growth of the school necessitated the purchasing of a school bUilding at 745 Grand Ave. The 464 Pierce St. building was then remodeled into an eleven-apartment building for married students. Dormitories at 721, 736, and 713 Lincoln Ave., and 449 Beacon St., prOVided living space for single students. The purchase of a forty-acre campus in the Fall of 1966 and the erection of an administration building plus an auditorium seating over five hundred, three dormitories plus the purchase of an additional dormitory at 2510 Hudson Rd., comprise the Institute's efforts thus far. In humility we bow with thankfulness to the One who gave the inspiration in 1937. In thankfulness we acknowledge the loyal cooperation of the members of Midway Pentecostal Tabernacle (now Apostolic Bible Church) and the faculty and staff. All these, and more, have transformed Rev. Norris' vision into a tangible reality, God has given Apostolic Bible Institute twelve full time faculty members, representing one hundred and seventy-eight years of Bible school teaching experience, three full time dormitory supervisors plus twelve staff members. What a modern-day Pentecostal miracle!


From October, 1937, until the present date, Apostolic Bible Institute emphasizes training of ministers of the Gospel, evangelists, miss ionaries, Sunday School teachers and workers and efficient lay workers. The final objective is the Christian worker, in whatever field his calling lies, efficiently trained for the promulgation of the Gospel. The Institute strives for extensive knowledge of the Bible, with special emphasis on knowledge of the Pentecostal doctrines. All courses are field tested and proven to "work" in the Pentecostal church. They are vocationally slanted. Some students, not called or fitted for the field of religion in a leadership capacity, have gone on to become teachers. Others attend the Bible Institute to obtain a firm background in a general Bible education as a foundation for life. However, the majority of students go into active work for the Lord and therefore are trained with that in mind. 88

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