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Apogee Essence

Web Content Management System h1p://essence.apogeeis.eu/

who we are Apogee Informa0on Systems is a company specialized in today's emerging and cu?ng edge business sectors in: -­‐  web applicaAons, -­‐  human resources, -­‐  research consultancy and -­‐  project management services.

evoluAon & inspiraAon

We provide our services throughout European countries and bring accuracy, quality and solid results to our customers and partners. Our internaAonal recogniAon is ensured by our conAnuous evolu0on, level of responsibility, team integrity and crea0ve thinking. Apogee is commi1ed to success by transforming challenges into soluAons.

solid flexibility & freedom

why essence? Quality & 0me efficiency: technologically advanced system designed using high quality standards to ensure that your organizaAon will have a solid presence on the web. No need to install, no need to update: our system is ready to meet your expectaAons and be customized according to your future needs using modular features and applicaAons that are flexible and easily adaptable to meet your company’s needs. Security and Reliability: Essence is reliable and secure when publishing content informaAon of your company and products. Straight forward and user-­‐friendly: administraAve authenAcated users have the ability to manage the informaAon that is published on your website. Design and Development: unique state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art designs created to best represent and prove the quality of your company.

advantages Apogee Essence permits smooth maintenance, update and management of any website or portal. As an organizaAon, you can create your own homepage, store electronic data in real Ame and publish informaAon easily and smoothly.

from creaAon to creator

Concrete results: •  fully customizable website design •  reducAon of cost and Ame related to management, publish and access to all contextual informaAon •  file management over the web (no Qp needed) •  mulAlingual support both on the administraAon as well as on the actual site •  modular design allowing quick addiAon of various site tools, such as: image gallery, newsle1er, calendar and more…

standard features a new website can be very demanding. It is crucial that its appearance is CreaAng saccording ervices w e i nspire to your company’s profile. You should have the opAon to chose from various tools in order to upload and edit text and pictures appearing on the webpage that best describe and characterize your company. Apogee Essence enables you to modify on an easy way : •  your company’s profile •  all secAons, categories and products •  navigaAon menus and sub-­‐menus •  structure and design •  administrators, users and user groups •  workflows on the website •  shared files •  website’s languages

technical specificaAons Essence technical specificaAons iniAate with the importance of indexing contextual data informaAon instead of random storing. CategorizaAon allows immediate retrieval of informaAon instead of researching. In parAcular: •  based on top-­‐rated, up-­‐to-­‐date content management technologies •  storing of all data informaAon in a database •  modular design allowing quick development/ expansion of site •  categorizaAon of data from content and files •  mulAlingual support •  export of content to other media (web, rss, xml) •  use of MySQL or Oracle database •  compaAble with most browsers (MS IE 5+, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera)

characterisAcs 1) Standard Conven0ons: •  Content Editor elements: (WYSIWYG: CK Editor) Change style, font, color, tables, etc •  MulAlingual capabiliAes (UTF-­‐8) •  Interface elements: menu, sub menus, bu1ons, forms, lists, graphs, images, pages 2) Informa0on Management: •  Repository System: makes it simple and fast to upload and retrieve pictures and documents •  CategorizaAon of links for easy retrieval 3) Management of Users: •  System Administrators •  Content Managers •  MulAple users

visibility & SEO Search engine opAmizaAon, is a first priority to us. URL’s, ALT tags, Title tags, and Meta Data are all labeled correctly making it the best for your search engine visibility. We create effecAve link structure that will provide benefits to search rankings and helps to ensure that a search engine indexes every page of site. Our websites already succeed an average of 7.5 Google page ranking.

hosAng services Apogee Hos0ng Services we offer web, file and email hosAng services in a secure environment with full connecAvity to internaAonal Internet networks. Our servers experience a 99,99875% upAme and succeed 100% security proof. Our skilled personnel undertakes your website’s maintenance facing any issue that may arise 24/7

essence & you… You can take advantage of Essence according to your company’s needs: Website content administra0on using Essence WCMS you will be able administering all informaAon on your website Complete Website Portals System manage your content as well as your products’ informaAon, customers and orders on your shopping administraAon panel Unique designs & latest technologies compa0bility MulAmedia modules are embedded to enhance visitor’s experience by allowing them to engage, interact and stay for longer periods of Ame on the website.


commitment to success


•  Apogee Informa0on Systems headquarters 192 Delfon str. 54248 Thessaloniki Greece •  Apogee Belgium 54 Avenue des Celtes 1040 Bruxelles Belgium •  Apogee Spain 1 Tortella 1050 Barcelona Spain •  Apogee Italy 16 Corso di Porta Vi1oria 20122 Milano Italia

connect to evolve

for more informaAon:

h1p://apogee.gr/ markeAng@apogee.gr

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