UC San Diego APIMEDA Lifebook 2019

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UCSD 2019

WELCOME! WELCOME! As UC San Diego’s inaugural Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American (APIMEDA) Program Manager and a UC San Diego alumna, I am proud to welcome you to our community. One of my favorite times of year is when we get to welcome new people to our campus and introduce them to our communities. When the members of the Coalition for Critical Asian American Studies (CCAAS) conceived of this Lifebook in 2014, they wanted the diversity of APIMEDA students at UC San Diego to see themselves being successful on this campus, and for new members of our community to find ways to connect to those of us who have been here for a while. This Lifebook is intended to provide you with information that will help you to navigate the campus academically and socially. Continuing APIMEDA students have told us what things have been most useful to them and what things they wish they knew and started to utilize sooner, and we did our best to put as much of that in this book as we could. We also asked APIMEDA staff and faculty to be amongst those resources. We hope that you take time to visit each of the campus resources listed and to attend student organization meetings to help you find your place on campus. In addition, I hope that you visit APIMEDA Programs and Services. We have started to develop new programs and traditions, and hope you will be a part of this growth. But most importantly, we want you to know that there is a community full of people at UC San Diego who wants to help you to succeed. Please get to know us, ask us when you need help, and stop by just because you can. I look forward to meeting you soon.


Windi Sasaki

UC San Diego Class of 2000 APIMEDA Program Manager she/her/hers, they/theirs/them

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS APIMEDA Programs & Services … 2 Campus Community Centers ……. 4 Wellness Services ………….………. 7 Support Services ………….……… 10 Academic Resources …………….. 12 Involvement Opportunities ….…. 15 Student Organizations …..……… 16

How can you use the APIMEDA Lifebook to help you achieve your goals? UCSD is filled with people who want you to be successful, and they may provide you opportunities to work with them, organize, and gain some of the skills below. Part of preparing for success in your career is knowing how to capitalize on the resources at your disposal. That’s where the Lifebook comes in! The Lifebook is a resource to help you achieve your goals no matter what they are! Written by students, for students, we’ve all been there. Let the Lifebook help set you up for your definition of success and gain skills that you just can’t get in a classroom.

Study Places ……………………… 21 Transportation Tips ……………… 22 Hop on a Bus & Explore ………… 23 Tips & Tricks ………………………. 25 APIMEDA Staff Highlights ……… 26 APIMEDA Faculty Highlights ..… 34

NACE 10 Skills Employers Say They Seek - Ability to work in a team structure - Ability to make decisions and solve problems - Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization - Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work - Ability to obtain and process information - Ability to analyze quantitative data - Technical knowledge related to the job - Proficiency with computer software programs - Ability to create and/or edit written reports - Ability to sell and influence others

APIMEDA PROGRAMS & SERVICES APIMEDA PROGRAMS & SERVICES Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American (APIMEDA) Programs and Services provides community and retention support for students who are part of our large and diverse APIMEDA communities. As the newest initiative within the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion organizational structure, we are continuing to develop and grow programs that help our APIMEDA population find their place and thrive at UC San Diego.

WHO WE ARE “APIMEDA� describes domestic students who are Asian (including East, South, and Southeast Asian), Pacific Islander, and/or of Southwest Asian North African descent. APIMEDA people come from a large diversity of ethnic identities, whose population size varies widely in the US, California, and UCSD. The students from the Coalition for Critical Asian American Studies (CCAAS) who advocated for this office used APIMEDA to describe the population. They sought to have an office that provided specific and targeted services for students who came from marginalized ethnic populations who were not being served directly by other campus offices.





Community Assistant she/her/hers



Design & Publications Assistant they/them/theirs



WHAT WE DO We encourage community development, enhances coalition building with and within the APIMEDA students, staff and faculty, fosters greater visibility for the diversity within the APIMEDA community, and helps students gain skills for success in their future careers. Here are some of our events! ACSEND


This is a welcome event for new undergrads in our community. Students can gain more information about our campus while meeting others with identities similar to their own. ASCEND hopes to provide new APIMEDA students with a welcoming environment and a space that allows them to make lasting friendships and connections!

This is a series where we bring in members of our community from different focus groups for students to meet them and hear about their experiences! Some people we’ve invited are academic advisors, CAPS staff, and alumni. We hope to give students the chance to make connections that will enhance their college experience.

APIMEDA LBGTQ FAMILY GATHERING Hosted by APIMEDA and the LGBT Resource Center, this is a quarterly gathering for LGBTQ APIMEDA identified folx to be in community and meet new people! From discussing the intersections of identities to having fun bonding with each other, we hope to foster a supportive environment where our family can grow and thrive! APIMEDA COMMUNITY AND COALITION CONFERENCE This event is designed to provide the APIMEDA community strategies for creating coalitions & community using authentic experiences from your mind, heart, and hands. Students get support to implement their plans with their peers and gain a deeper understanding of their commonalities and the ways they can think about their shared experiences.

DISCOVERING YOUR CAREER COMPASS These workshops help APIMEDA students learn strategies that can help them use what is important to them to find their academic and career paths. There are general workshops that give students a sense of some strategies, and small group workshops that provide more specific information and opportunities to connect one-on-one with advising and other staff who can help students use these strategies.


CAMPUS COMMUNITY CENTERS CAMPUS COMMUNITY CENTERS The Campus Community Centers at UCSD are here to create spaces for our diverse population of students, faculty and staff members. Each provides a forum to increase awareness of social issues, encourage dialogue, build community, improve retention, increase outreach and yield, and foster academic success.

BLACK RESOURCE CENTER The BRC promotes scholarship, fosters leadership, and cultivates community for students while centering the Black experience. The BRC seeks to provide support services and bring community to current students. In addition to the student services, the center is positioned as a resource for alumni, faculty, staff and the community at-large. CROSS CULTURAL CENTER The CCC strives to create a welcoming environment to students and staff from all different walks of life, identities, cultural backgrounds, and ethnicities. It’s a place where culture comes to life and where diversity is celebrated, which you can see reflected in their events, collaborations, and the space. INTER TRIBAL RESOURCE CENTER The ITRC provides community, personal, academic, and leadership development for UC San Diego’s native and indigenous populations. Their space, located on the second floor of Price Center West, is a place for students to be in community with native students, study, and learn.


CAMPUS COMMUNITY CENTERS LGBTQ RESOURCE CENTER The LGBTRC is a great space to explore topics about sexuality and gender while meeting others in a friendly environment. It provides a presence of community and visibility, and it’s open for all, whether you want to learn more or have questions. With small touches individuality spread throughout the center and many programs and services, you’ll find that the center can feel like a home that supports growth as a whole and a community for many. RAZA RESOURCE CENTER The RRC is an open and inclusive community space which strives to serve students primarily of Latinx and Chicanx descent and origin. The Centro is a lively space where students study, meet, write, get tutoring, and most importantly are in community. It is a space where Latinx/ Chicanx organizations hold meetings, events and where cultura, arte, and academics interconnect.

WOMEN’S CENTER The WC is a space where people can come together and collaborate to support women from all walks of earth. The Center provides education and support regarding gender issues, with the goal of promoting an inclusive and equitable campus community. Not only that, from a shower in the restroom to a private lactation room, you’ll find many more resources as you explore the space and attend their programs.






COLLEGE: Marshall, 4th Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: Ethnic Studies, Psychology IDENTITIES: 2nd generation Chinese- & Taiwanese-American; queer

COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: History IDENTITIES: Filipinx-American, Female, 2nd Generation College Student

COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year Transfer PRONOUNS: he/him/his MAJOR: Human Biology IDENTITIES: Chamoru, Filipino

Honestly, I chose to come to UCSD because I was intending to be premed (like so many other kids of Asian immigrants), and UCSD is known for its strong STEM programs. However, l soon realized that I needed to live my life for myself, and this meant I needed to do more than settle for the career and version of success that my parents wanted for me. In order to do this, I had to identify and hone my own strengths and passions.

I chose UC San Diego because I knew the university's tradition of no tradition would force me out of my comfort zone and enable me to rediscover who I am and what I stand for. It was a fresh start!

It is the closest I can get to Guam within California. While the beaches and weather may not be as warm, the large Pacific Islander community in the area allows me to stay connected with my culture. I look forward to the annual Pacific Islander Festival every September and connecting with those who come from similar backgrounds. In addition to the weather and culture in San Diego, I saw UCSD as an opportunity for me to cultivate my interests in medicine with amazing research opportunities.



STUDENT WELLNESS SERVICES STUDENT WELLNESS SERVICES College is a time to practice and learn wellness skills that will be useful when becoming a working professional. Student wellness services help students so that they can feel good, get fit, be safe, and find resources easily for healthy, balanced living.



No matter your circumstances, all students love and need food. With open hours every day, the TFP is a student-run service that seeks to reduce the challenges that some students face related to food insecurity and energy to be successful. Make sure to drop by weekly and grab some food through weekly assigned free points!

With the rush of college life, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of your basic needs. From housing, food, and finances, basic needs are super important to being successful. The Hub is a space made to ensure students have those resources! Collaborating on campus and partnering off campus, the Hub can help students ensure they meet those needs.



Want to get into climbing? Join an inner tube water polo team? Go kayaking by moonlight? UCSD Recreation offers opportunities to move your body, learn a new skill, and have some fun. Along with their many free facilities on campus, there are many classes that they offer, teams that you can join or create, and chances to go on a recreation trip!

A hidden gem in PC Plaza, the Zone is a lounge that promotes healthy, balanced living to students. It’s a space to relax, hangout, study, and enjoy free tea when you want to step out of those busy college schedules. With programs like cooking, yoga, therapy fluffies, and more, drop by for some self care.

STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES SHS strives to provide all students with access to quality healthcare. Services provided range from urgent care to services such as x-rays, vaccines, and mental health care to ultimately ensure students are developing and maintaining healthy and safe lifestyles.


COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES College can be difficult, and sometimes, it’s hard to know who you can turn to in moments where you might feel alone. Here at UCSD, we have CAPS to help! Whether it be stress, anxiety, personal or family struggles, depression, identity issues, or anything really, you can always talk to a professional. There is no stigma when it comes to your personal wellbeing, so if you need help, know that CAPS can be a resource for you!

The featured CAPS counselors work directly with APIMEDA Programs & Services to host community forums and gatherings. Through this, we hope to get to know students and provide the support they need.




“Life is a beautiful journey with challenges and opportunities to grow and succeed, and I will be honored to work with you during your journey at UCSD and beyond.”

“It is my personal belief to support you with kindness and care as you face new challenges and success. As someone who can relate to your path, I am excited to walk alongside you as you venture towards selfdiscovery.”


CARE AT SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTER CARE AT SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTER CARE at the SARC is the place you go to/call to report incidence of sexual violence or gender based violence whether that be domestic violence, stalking, or assault. Don’t ever feel like your voice is silenced as CARE can be completely anonymous and confidential. The center also provides violence prevention education for both students and staff at UCSD.



There is a variety of services on campus dedicated towards supporting students with financial guidance, professional development opportunities, academic success regardless of ability, and much more. These services are geared towards assisting students so they may succeed at UCSD.

FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIP OFFICE This office aims to provide students guidance and assistance for financial support. Some examples are loans, applications, work study, and study abroad/exchange programs. They also hosts walk-ins for quick questions and provide new scholarship information. OFFICE OF STUDENT DISABILITIES OSD aims to accommodate students who have documented disabilities with personalized support and assistance to help ensure their success at UCSD. They can provide assistance for permanent or temporary physical, mental, academic, and social disabilities in different situations such as classrooms to laboratory settings. STUDENT VETERANS RESOURCE CENTER The SVRC is a space for our growing population of UCSD students who are affiliated with the military. It is for students to come to gather, study, and meet with campus members who can specifically serve our student veteran population.

UNDOCUMENTED STUDENT SERVICES CENTER This center strives to serve and protect undocumented students, students from mixed-status families, and these students’ families through legal advice and services, access to lawyers, counseling and psychological services. It is a resource that provides undocumented students a sense of community and connection with other undocumented students who can empathize and help each other. LIVING-LEARNING COMMUNITIES LLCs are identity-themed housing spaces that allow you to get to know and grow with the people you live with. The LLCs are each characterized by housing within the same residence location, shared co-curricular experiences, access to resources, and engaging in activities that reinforce common affinities such as aspects of culture. There are currently the LGBTQIA+, multi-cultural, African Black Diaspora, and Raza LLCs.




SLS provides services ranging from counseling, attorney referrals, and workshops. They can assist in civil, criminal, UCSD Conduct Code-related issues, or any other legal problem/concern a student may have. They also host a preventive legal education program to help with legal life skillsand making informed legal decisions.

The mission of the UC San Diego Police department is to ensure and maintain a safe campus for students. Some services and programs they offer are safety escorts, residential security, and lost and found. If students ever feel unsafe, blue tower call boxes, equipped with cameras and courtesy phones, are found in many campus parking lots and outdoor sites that directly connect to campus police.



Part of being a successful college student is learning how to take advantage of all the academic resources here on campus. The Academic Resource Services at UCSD will help you find strategies to work more efficiently and effectively, to explore ideas and career paths, and synthesize what you learn with your future career.



The Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services (OASIS) helps students adjust and transition to academic life in college. Not only that, they also help students gain confidence in themselves as scholars and develop their leadership ability and cultural competence. Some of the programs provided are language arts tutorial services programs, learning communities OLCs, Math/Science Tutorial Program, and transition programs (OTP).

The Career Center is a resource for UCSD students to consult if they have questions about long term career plans, plans after college, advice about applying/finding jobs and internships, and resume/cover letter help and critique. It also has books and resources such as test prep books, Grad school books, etc. If you need help thinking about your career, haven’t written a resume or cover letter yet and need guidance, want to take personality quizzes to find out what interests you, the Career Center is the place to go.

SPACES Student Promoted Access Center for Education and Services (SPACES) is a studentrun program that aims to increase access and retention of UCSD students. SPACES strives to build leadership and unity among students and reach higher educational equity. They prove many programs to help students navigate their academics like access and retention programs targeting students in SPACES-affiliated organizations, overnight programs for high school students, a booklending program, and many more.

ACADEMIC INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AIP connects students with opportunities to explore careers, engage in the community, and enrich their education through experiential learning. The Academic Internship Program allows students to integrate academic theory and ‘real world' practice, engage in research that explores the relationship between the two, and gain hands-on experience in professional settings.




AEP provides undergraduate students with opportunities for mentoring and placement into research and opportunities to interact with faculty. AEP designs their programs to encourage undergraduate student to continue their education after receiving their Bachelor's degree.

The TLC is a new hub at UCSD designed to provide students with ways to apply what they are learning in practical settings. They provide resources on receiving internships, information about research opportunities, and ways to track the learning done in student organizations and volunteer opportunities on their co-curricular record.

STUDY ABROAD OFFICE The Study Abroad Office is a valuable resource on campus for students interested in going abroad. The office can provide you information with many different programs for students to study abroad as well as for information about financing options.

DIGITAL MEDIA LAB Geisel Library's DML provides a space for media creation and editing for all UCSD faculty, staff, and students. It is located in Geisel East Commons on the 2nd floor. Specific capabilities include free 3D printing, video editing (e.g., Final Cut, iMovie, Camtasia), image manipulation (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects), sound editing (e.g., Adobe Audition, Garageband), media-rich website creation (e.g., Dreamweaver, Flash, Filezilla), and basic productivity (e.g., MS Office, web browsers, Adobe Acrobat Pro). The DML is now offering support for app development, with Unity, Android Studio, and Steam enabled on all Windows workstations. They also have highly skilled staff who are there to help if you have questions too!


What internship, research, or volunteer work have you completed while you were a student at UCSD? ADA YU





COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers, they/theirs/them MAJOR: Dev Psychology MINOR: Educational Studies IDENTITIES: Chinese-American, 1st Gen College Student

COLLEGE: Sixth, 4th Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: International Studies International Business IDENTITIES: 4th Gen Japanese American (yonsei), 3rd/4th Gen Chinese American, woman

COLLEGE: ERC, 3rd Year PRONOUNS: he/him/his MAJOR: Speculative Design IDENTITIES: trans man, pansexual, autistic

Currently, I am apart of the Education Studies' PAL Program! Through the program I volunteer at a school site and act as a mxntor to two mxntees. Becoming a mxntor has been extremely fulfilling, and seeing the growth of my mxntees in both their academics and personal lives have been very rewarding. Overall, it has allowed me to make connections with students that not only allow them to learn from me, but it also allows me to learn from them.

Since entering college, I decided I wanted to study abroad. So during my junior year, I studied abroad in Japan for fall quarter. It was a wonderful opportunity for me because I was able to reconnect in some ways to my Japanese heritage but as well be exposed to new people and culture. I encourage if you have the opportunity and financial means to study abroad because you can gain new perspectives and expand your knowledge.

I have been an intern at the LGBT Resource Center for the past two years as well as the Operations Coordinator for the student organization MIAC. I feel like the most important lessons I learned from these positions were how to create engaging community spaces. It's really rewarding to see people come together, be in community, open up to each other, and allow themselves to be vulnerable. I think when people are vulnerable with each other that's where they learn the most.



STUDENT INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES GLOBAL TIES Global TIES gives students an opportunity to apply their skills and co-create sustainable solutions for nonprofits and NGOs. By tackling needs in San Diego and the developing world, students learn the the potential effects of their work in both a local and global scale. ENVISION The EnVision Arts and Engineering Maker Studio at UC San Diego is a hands-on, experiential education facility where visual arts and engineering communities converge. It is here to empower students to think, design, make, tinker, break and build again. IDEA CENTER The Idea Engineering Student Center provides engineering students with academic support and social engagement that enhances values of diversity for a global community. THE BASEMENT The Basement provides a creative space, mentorship, entrepreneurship programming, and resources to support aspiring innovators, entrepreneurs, and changemakers at UCSD. It brings together students and alumni, ideas and inspiration, earnest ambition, and real-world experience. REAL The Research Experience & Applied Learning (REAL) Portal helps students discover internships and other hands-on experiential learning opportunities.



CSI provides resources and opportunities to assist student organizations, events, Greek Life, and select communication and leadership programs to help enrich student involvement and growth. Get involved by seaching FB for groups or check out this list: studentorg.ucsd.edu

ASIAN & PACIFIC-ISLANDER STUDENT ALLIANCE APSA strives to create a spacewhere political, educational, cultural, & social issues can be addressed; to increase awareness about API history and heritage; to unite and represent a common voice and empower ourselves; and to serve as a basis for building bonds and addressing differences between students.


CSA believe that by (1) building and strengthening identification of the Cambodian culture among community, (2) offering academic, social and moral encouragement and (3) developing social networks that will assist us in college and in our lives thereafter, we will have established rare relationships and support systems based on common principles and values with fellow members who share common interests.


KP exists to educate the UCSD community about the many aspects of Pilipin@ culture, as well as to support Pilipin@ students, to strive for equality for all Pilipin@ people, for underrepresented and underserved communities, and to foster a social, political, academic, cultural, & empowering space.

KOREAN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION KASA prides itself on celebrating Korean culture through social interaction and empowering the Korean American voice on campus by means of cultural, political, and social events. Members of all backgrounds are welcome to join at any time during the academic year.



MASA is a social-cultural organization dedicated to educating community and showing that AsianAmericans are not one culture but rather a mixture of many diverse cultures. We create a fun, comfortable, stereotype-free environment for individuals from all ethnic backgrounds to come together and learn about our differences and similarities.


MSA strives to develop individuals by means of spiritual, social, and educational avenues through which a foundation based on Islamic principles and values is instilled. We stand to unite and retain these individuals and nurture a diverse community.


NSU is here for Japanese Americans, Japanese, and any interested students to interact in a socially conductive environment. We promote awareness of Japanese American culture, history, and issues on UCSD campus. We provide a link between the JA community on campus as well as the JA community in the SD area.


Our purpose is to serve students of Arab descent and those interested in Arab culture, regardless of heritage, at UCSD by providing a forum for identity exploration, community building, and cultural expression.


PUSH believes in the academic empowerment of Pilipino American students. We strive to be an active presence through service, establishing networking opportunities and collaborations, and promoting education and awareness of health issues in order to direct ourselves toward future goals in health.



SASE is a pre-professional organization devoted to promoting professional development and preparing undergraduates for their future. Whether you already have a goal in mind or are still deciding how to map out your future career, we want to provide you with the necessary resources to do so.

COALITION FOR CRITICAL ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES CCAAS seeks to create and demand for resources and representation for the APIMEDA community, and advocate for more APIMEDA faculty and Critical Asian Studies minor. We hope to raise awareness of our history, culture, and identity from an intersectional and cross-cultural perspective; to interrogate and deconstruct social constructions of race and our political identity; and to empower students. PACIFIC ISLANDER STUDENT ASSOCIATION PISA's mission is to provide a sense of community for students who identify as Pacific Islander or wish to be a part of the Pacific Islander community. PISA seeks to promote and perpetuate its mission through education, diversity, love and respect for the Pacific Islander culture. KAMALAYAN KOLLECTIVE is a political, people-centered, feminist, non-profit organization that seeks to reaise critical consciousness. We are a group of UCSD students and community members that aim to provide a progressive space on campus and beyond. HMONG STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO HmSASD is a group of Hmong students who mediate the multiple intersections of identities within the Hmong community and are dedicated to promoting higher education and culture. ARMENIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION ASAYAKE TAIKO CHINESE AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION DA REAL PUNJABIZ INTERESTED WOMEN OF EPSILON ALPHA SIGMA LEBANESE SOCIAL CLUB MALAYSIANS IN AMERICA AT UCSD MEDICS IN ARMENIA PAKISTANI STUDENT ASSOCIATION QUEER AND ASIAN



Why should students get involved in student organizations at UC San Diego? MARCO-LANDON SIU





COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year PRONOUNS: he/they MAJOR: Ethnic Studies IDENTITIES: Asian-American, Queer Person of Color, Bay Area (East Bay)

COLLEGE: Muir, 2nd Year Transfer PRONOUNS: he/him/his MAJOR: Theatre - Playwrighting IDENTITIES: Tongan, Gay Man, Intersectional Feminist

COLLEGE: Revelle, 3rd Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: Microbiology IDENTITIES: 1st Generation Japanese American

Getting involved means leading with purpose in your college experience. Organizations are meant to enhance your experience and uplift your values so that you may grow the club but also grow yourself!

Finding your community/ tribe/family here at UCSD only builds up your success.

You need to find a place where you feel comfortable being yourself. Student orgs become a second family and the people you meet help you get through even the hardest of midterms.




Why did you choose your current major? JERRY LI





COLLEGE: ERC, 4th Year PRONOUNS: he/him/his MAJOR: Chemistry IDENTITIES: Chinese-American, Agnostic, male

COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers, they/theirs/them MAJOR: Global Health IDENTITIES: 1st gen college student, 2nd gen American, Filipin@, genderqueer/femmepresenting, pansexual, woman of color, low income

COLLEGE: Warren, 4th Year PRONOUNS: they/them/theirs MAJOR: Cognitive Science HCI MINOR: Ethnic Studies IDENTITIES: Non-binary, Queer, Fluid, Vietnamese American, Child of Immigrants

I’ve really liked Chemistry ever since I was in high school. Everything in the field is so interwoven together, and I find the more I learn from it, the more I care about it. It not only continues to teach me in ways beyond the elements, but how to approach life. Chemistry has taught me persistence, patience and dedication that I would need in any field of study.

I chose the Global Health major because I really wanted to address health care inequalities in marginalized communities, like the low-income community I came from and to address human trafficking. I found that I really liked how interdisciplinary the major was, just like how I like many different things, so this major allowed me to expand my knowledge from different walks of life, while still being able to maintain my focus on people and their health.

I actually came in as Aerospace Engineering, but after a lot of evaluating, I realized that choice was for my family, not me. In college, I couldn’t help but be pulled towards community and design, so that’s why I switched to Human Computer Interaction my 3rd year. I believe design is a powerful tool that can impact people’s lives in subtle ways, and HCI allows me to explore that with the betterment of others in mind.



POPULAR STUDY PLACES GEISEL Our main library has multiple floors and layouts for groups and individuals. There are computer stations, study rooms, and printing machines for your access. You can also rent chargers, reserve available course books, and much more! BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY Biomed lies hidden on the opposite end of Library Walk from Geisel. It is another large study space with multiple layouts, computer stations, study rooms, and more. If you want a silent space to get into the grind, this is the perfect place to go and focus. MIDDLE OF MUIR MOM is a cute coffee spot that offers couches, tables,computers,printers, and the MOM&POP Shop. Bringing the quintessential coffee shop experience to the UCSD, Muir Woods is the energetic heart of campus that exudes positive vibes while you study. PEET’S COFFEE & TEA Next to RIMAC, Peet’s is a perfect place to do work. With computers, comfy couches, and tables, you can do work while enjoying sunset views. If you want a change of environment too, Glider Lounge is right above it. THE LOFT Located on the 2nd floor PC, the Loft sets a chill backdrop with lots of space to do work. This space mainly serves food and drinks and has events at night, but during the day, you can chow down while you study!



UC San Diego provides a variety of transportation services and resources to facilitate access to campus and medical centers. This includes public MTS busses, UCSD shuttles, and carpooling incentive based programs. Transportation services also deals with on campus parking permit sales and citation appeals.

BUS AND SHUTTLES U-Pass provides students unlimited rides on all regional MTS and NCTD mass transit bus and trolley/light rail routes. Check it out here: u-pass.ucsd.edu/

ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS UCSD teamed up with Lyft to provide you free ride credit during certain times: finance.ucsd.edu/SafeRides/Home

Download the Compass Cloud app on your phone and use your UCSD email to access your U-Pass.

Need a ride between 11:30PM - 6AM? Check out Triton Rides, a free shuttle service for students and faculty seven days a week. Call (858) 534-9255 to request a ride.

You need to show your U-Pass on buses. For buses and shuttles, pull the string next to the window to signal that you want to get off at the next stop. Some campus shuttles will ask that you show your UCSD ID card when the lines are long. Always scoot as far back as you can when buses are busy. Don’t get passed by the bus! Download the transit app and keep track of when the buses are coming.

Zipcar can be useful if you already have a license. You can apply online and rent a car by the hour. There are many Zipcar locations all over campus. Students can get a discount: transportation.ucsd.edu/mobility/zipcar.html

The Holiday Airport Shuttle provides students transportation between Rupertus Lane and the San Diego International Airport during Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks. Make reservations in advance as seats are limited.


HOP ON A BUS & EXPLORE ROUTE 41 UTC Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot Clairemont Town Square Reading Cinemas Convoy food Sprouts CA DMV Vallarta’s Target Kohl’s Happy Barber Balboa International Market 99 Ranch Amidine Barber Shop Tahini Mesa College Sab E Lee Fashion Valley Mall and Transit Center Mission Valley Mall

ROUTE 237/921 Punjabi Tandoor Mira Mesa Mall Planned Parenthood Square Bar Cafe Pho Ca Dao Manna BBQ ICMonster Goodwill Siam Nara Thai Cuisine H Mart In-N-Out Burger Mira Mesa Square Miramar College Salon and Barber Hairisma ROUTE 30 Caroline’s Seaside Cafe La Jolla Shores La Jolla Cove and Tidepools Pacific Beach Old Town Transit Center

ROUTE 150 takes you directly to the Old Town Transit Center which connects to even more buses and trolleys! The nightlife of Downtown Gaslamp, the array of food on Convoy, the small shops in North Park, there’s a lot to explore simply by hopping on a bus and seeing where the adventure takes you.

ROUTE 201/202/204 Pho La Jolla Chipotle Daphne’s BJ’s Flame Broiler Red Robins Philz Coffee The Melt Poke 1/2 McDonald’s Yogurtland Urban Plates Mendocino Farms California Pizza Kitchen Island’s Starbucks Robek’s Nektar Juice Bar Snooze The Tap Room AMC UTC Food Court 85C Bakery Cafe Ralph’s Von’s CVS Marshall’s Ross Ulta World Market ROUTE 101 Torrey Pines State Beach Del Mar Solana Beach Encinitas


What has been your favorite class and why? MARAM DEIRANIEH APIMEDA COMMUNITY ASSISTANT



COLLEGE: Marshall, 4th Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: Public Health, Biology IDENTITIES: Middle Eastern American

COLLEGE: ERC, 3rd Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: Cognitve Science Machine Learning IDENTITIES: -1.5 generation Indian-American, Hindu, Female

COLLEGE: ERC, 2nd Year PRONOUNS: she/they MAJOR: Public Health IDENTITIES: 1st generation, Chinese-Vietnamese

MUS 15, a music class I took about Michael Jackson! We learned all about his life from his childhood and the Jackson 5, rise to stardom, his his solo career to some of the controversies he was involved in, and everything else up to his death. Our homework was basically listening to an album of his and in class we would learn about what was happening in his personal life or the historical context it was produced under. It was a very unique class that definitely stands out among all of the other classes I have taken and I would definitely recommend!

I always used to think that numbers weren't for me, especially ones I saw in probability and statistics. My view began to change when I took COGS 109: Data Modeling because that's when I saw these specialties being brought to life and made me realize that ironically, there is an abundance of philosophy hidden in mathematics.

ETHN 123: Asian American Politics and ETHN 121: Contemporary Asian American History with Lisa Ho, ETHN 2: Introduction to Ethnic Studies - Circulations of Difference with Yen Le Espiritu they helped me learn a lot about myself and the community around me. Essentially, they changed my worldview, made me appreciate my immigrant parents more, and gave me motivation to keep going in college - to not do it just for me, but for everyone who helped get me here.




Want some hacks to make the most of your experience at UCSD? We asked students what things they found particularly helpful and what they wished they knew earlier. Here is some of what they said.

The salad bar at the dining halls is a good way to get toppings for instant ramen or for stir fry. Eat up y'all!

Your courses might offer podcasts. Check out podcasts.ucsd.edu.

Check out UCSD HandShake to find a job on or off campus. There’s also a career fair held beginning of each quarter.

Deadline to add class or get off waitlist is Week 2. Deadline to drop a class without a W on your transcript is Week 4. Deadline to drop a class without a failing grade is Week 6.

Use Coffee/Dine with a Professor vouchers each quarter at your college student affairs office to get to know proffessors/staff outside of the classroom.

If you live off campus, you can get the community dining plan which is 20% off all dining dollar purchases on campus.

UCSD Extension offers a limited number of vouchers for full time UCSD students to take a free class each quarter.


APIMEDA STAFF HIGHLIGHTS APIMEDA STAFF HIGHLIGHTS Our staff have lots of responsibilities, from counselling to budget management to safety. Staff can also help students navigate the campus, connect to future careers or mentors, provide support, and make our campus feel a bit more like home. Sore are even UCSD alumni! The APIMEDA staff listed here volunteered to share their information, because they want to support our students. Feel free to reach out to ask them to meet and learn more about who they are. They are looking forward to meeting you!

ALYSSA PATRICIO Senior Academic Advisor John Muir College 1st generation college graduate, Filipina American she/her/hers apatricio@ucsd.edu

BRIAN CRIE Assistant Coordinator Math & Science Tutorial Program, OASIS 1st generation college graduate, Asian American he/him/his/they/them bcrie@ucsd.edu

You don't need to be "in trouble" to access an Advisor. We're here to help your academic options make sense.

CAROLINE KIM Administrative Assistant Office of Student Conduct artist, activist she/her/hers chk010@ucsd.edu

ANGELINE VILLANUEVA YANG Director of STARS Graduate Division Pilipina American, 1st Generation College Graduate, Daughter of Immigrants she/her/hers avyang@ucsd.edu

Learn about and cultivate your own voice. Be curious about others' voices. Grow together.

BRANDON CHULALUXSIRIBOON Resident Relations Coordinator Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Thai, Chinese, American, brother, son, partner, friend he/him/his bchulalu@ucsd.edu

BERNADETTE HAN Director, Staff Education & Development; Strategic Organizational Change Management Campus Human Resources 1st gen, Asian, straight she/her/hers be4han@ucsd.edu



CHARLES LU OASIS Director OASIS Chinese-American, FirstGeneration College Student, Multilingual he/him/his clu@ucsd.edu

CHRISTINE LIOU The Basement Program Coordinator The Basement Taiwanese-American, Female she/her/hers clliou@ucsd.edu

CINDY HSU Senior Academic Advisor John Muir College Taiwanese-American, fluent in 4 languages (English, Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Spanish) she/her/hers cihsu@ucsd.edu

DALIA ALSHAMAS Immigration Advisor International Facutly and Scholars Office 1st generation Middle Easterner, 1st generation college graduate she/her/hers dalshamas@ucsd.edu

DIANNA QUACH Clinical Psychologist Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Asian American, Female, 1st gen college grad, and so much more she/her/hers diquach@ucsd.edu

EEMAN AGRAMA MINERT Marshall College Residential Life Egyptian, Bay Area native, Artist she/her/hers eeman@ucsd.edu

EMILY LOUI Program Coordinator Center for Student Involvement Daughter of immigrant parents, Chinese-American, Swimmer she/her/hers eloui@ucsd.edu

ERICA OKAMURA Program Director Health Promotion Services Japanese-American Woman she/her/hers eokamura@ucsd.edu

ESSMA EWEIDA Resident Relations Coordinator Housing Dining Hospitality MA Candidate, PalestinianAmerican, Cosmopolitan she/her/hers eeweida@ucsd.edu

ETHEL REGIS LU Academic Advisor Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Filipina American/Pinay she/her/hers erlu@ucsd.edu

EMMELINE CALINISAN DOMINGO Undergraduate Advisor & Outreach Coordinator Education Studies Filipina American, Ilocana, 1st Generation College Graduate, Daughter of Immigrants she/her/hers edomingo@ucsd.edu

Take advantage of a service learning opportunity. Lift others as you rise.



FRANK LIN Senior Academic Advisor Sixth College Academic Advising Taiwanese American, Queer, First Generation College Graduate, Child of Immigrants he/him/his frlin@ucsd.edu

FRIDA PINEDA ALVEAR Communication & Leadership Program Coordinator Center for Student Involvement Pinay, 1st Generation College Student, San Diego born & raised she/her/hers falvear@ucsd.edu

GAYATRI SINGH Reference & Information Services Coordinator, Librarian for Communication The UC San Diego Library Indian-American/South Asian she/her/hers gasingh@ucsd.edu

GLORIA AQUINO Academic Counselor Eleanor Roosevelt College 1st generation she/her/hers gaquino@ucsd.edu

Find ways to continue to pursue your interest, and let your passion guide their future decision.

GENNIE MIRANDA Director of Operations IDEA Engineering Student Center Filipina American, Australian, mother of two, eternal believer of the goodness in people she/her/hers gbmiranda@ucsd.edu

GRACE BAGUNU Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Revelle College Filipinx American gbagunu@ucsd.edu

HEMLATA JHAVERI Executive Director Housing Dining Hospitality Asian Indian she/her/hers hjhaveri@ucsd.edu

JAMES HER TCAS Administrator Triton Card Accounts Services 1st generation college graduate he/him/his jamesher@ucsd.edu

JENNIFER OH Director, Postdoctoral and Research Scholars Research Affairs Korean-American, 1st generation, middle child she/her/hers jmoh@ucsd.edu

There isn't just one decision point, but many throughout one's career path.

JESSICA KONGTHONG Pre-Health Advisor Career Center and Health Beat Half Thai and Half Filipino she/her/hers jkongthong@ucsd.edu



JOE FEJERAN Conference Specialist HDH Hospitality and Conference Services Chamorro/Guamanian, Gay, Transfer Student he/him/his jfejeran@ucsd.edu

JOHN JACINTO DUCA Director of Development, Diversity Initiatives Advancement Filipino-American he/him/his jduca@ucsd.edu

JOHN WENG Assistant Director, A.S. Administration Associated Students 1st generation, Taiwanese American he/him/his joweng@ucsd.edu

JOJE MARIE REYES-ALONZO Critical Gender Studies Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor Critical Gender Studies Program 1st gen Filipina-American, daughter of immigrants she/her/hers, they/theirs/them cgs@ucsd.edu


JOSEPH VILLEGAS Orientation & New Student Programs Coordinator John Muir College Pacific Islander, 1st generation college graduate, brother he/him/his j1villegas@ucsd.edu

JOYCE MORALES SHORT Program Manager UC San Diego Extension Daughter of Immigrants, 1st generation, BA @ UCLA, MBA @ SDSU she/her/hers jmshort@ucsd.edu

KIMBERLY (SHINTAKU) KRUSE Fund Manager Supervisor Research Service Core 4th Generation Japanese American she/her/hers kmkruse@ucsd.edu

KUMI OBAYASHI-WARD Program Coodinator and Academic Advisor The Japanese Studies Program Born and raised in Japan, Bilingual she/her/hers kobayashiward@ucsd.edu

LANA TALAMPAS Training & Education Specialist CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center Filipino-American, Feminist she/her/hers ltalampas@ucsd.edu

LINDSAY ROMASANTA Director of Student Success Programs Student Affairs, Student Retention and Success 1st generation, low-income college grad, Pilipina she/her/hers lromasanta@ucsd.edu

LING-CHIH KAO Program Coordinator Analytical Writing Program Taiwanese American, 1st generation, woman of color she/her/hers l3kao@ucsd.edu

SPACES Access Programs Advisor Student Promoted Access Center for Education & Service Katutubo (indigenous, tribal member from Philippines), queer, scholar-activist they, theirs, them jaruantoramirez@ucsd.edu



LORNA HIRAE-REESE Senior Academic Counselor, International Programs Specialist Eleanor Roosevelt College 1st Generation College Graduate, American-Japanese Descent, Born and Raised in Hawaii she/her/hers lhirae@ucsd.edu

MALIA MAHI General Manager Housing Dining Hospitality she/her/hers mmahi@ucsd.edu

MARGARET M. RATTANACHANE Program and Faculty Assistant Education Studies Laotion, 1st Generation, Female she/her/hers mrattana@ucsd.edu

MARIBEL C. GERONIMO Summer Bridge Program Assistant OASIS Pinay, 1st generation college graduate, daughter of immigrants she/her/hers m1geroni@ucsd.edu

MELISSA SILVERMAN Assistant Director of Residence Life Sixth College Multiracial, Woman of color, Mother she/her/hers m7silverman@ucsd.edu

MICHAEL UJIGAWA SALAS General Manager, Graduate, Faculty & Staff Housing Housing, Dining, & Hospitality 1st generation college graduate, Chamorro & Japanese musalas@ucsd.edu


MINDY TRAN Women's Center Program Assistant Women's Center 1st generation college student she/her/hers m9tran@ucsd.edu

MINH TUYỀN LÊ MAI Program Manager for Code.org, Digital Communications Specialist CREATE and Education Studies Vietnamese American, 1st generation college graduate she/her/hers mlmai@ucsd.edu

Have fun!! Cultivate relationships with your friends because it's a lifelong thing.

Employer Relations Manager & Career Consultant, Rady School of Management Graduate Career Connections Career Center 1st gen college grad, Filipino-American, daughter of immigrants she/her/hers matillman@ucsd.edu

MISTY E. CERVANTES NGUYEN Business Officer School of Global Policy & Strategy multi-cultural, bilingual, mother of three she/her/hers menguyen@ucsd.edu

NANCY MAGPUSAO CCC Student/Staff/Faculty Educational Programs Cross-Cultural Center 2nd generation Pilipina American, 1st generation college graduate, mother of two she/her/hers nmagpusao@ucsd.edu



NARI SHIN J-1 Intake & Compliance Coordinator International Faculty & Scholars Office Korean-American, Christian, Immigrant she/her/hers, they/theirs/them n3shin@ucsd.edu

PA CHIA VUE UG Student Accounts Manager Housing, Dining, Hospitality Hmong, 1st Generation College Graduate, Woman she/her/hers pachia@ucsd.edu

RINA SCHUL Clinical psychologist Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Israeli, White, Woman she/her/hers rschul@ucsd.edu

NATALIE WOLFE Business Operations Manager Economics Female, Chinese-American she/her/hers nwolfe@ucsd.edu

PEPER ANAN Senior Academic Counselor Eleanor Roosevelt College Academic Advising Office Transgender, Thai-American, UCSD Doctoral Student, Parent, Bisexual/ Fluid he/him/his banan@ucsd.edu

ROXANNE FARKAS, GCDF Career Coach Alumni- Career Center 1st generation college graduate rfarkas@ucsd.edu



Psychologist Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) South Asian Indian immigrant, former international student, woman of color she/her/hers nsukumaran@ucsd.edu

Student Success Coach (ERC/ Warren) Student Success Coaching Program 1st Gen College Grad, FilipinoAmerican, From National City he/him/his ncsalunga@ucsd.edu

PRISCILLA "PJ" JU Assistant Dean of Students Affairs Student Affairs at Sixth College Taiwanese-American, 1st generation U.S. Citizen, woman she/her/hers pju@ucsd.edu


SABRYNAH NGUYEN Leasing Consultant Housing, Dining, & Hospitality: ARCH Vietnamese, Laotion, and 1st Generation College Graduate she/her/hers snnguyen@ucsd.edu

SPACES Retention Programs Advisor Student Promoted Access Center for Education and Service queer pinay, 1.5 gen immigrant, 1st gen college graduate she/her/hers or they/them/theirs rdreyes@ucsd.edu

SANDRA C. DE SOUSA Graduate Student Services Advisor Materials Science & Engineering (MATS) Macanese, 1st generation college graduate, female STEM graduate she/her/hers sdesousa@ucsd.edu



SARAB AZIZ Events Coordinator History Department Syrian/American s3aziz@ucsd.edu

SOPHIA TSAI Research Scholarships Coordinator Academic Enrichment Programs Taiwanese-American, daughter of immigrants she/her/hers stsai@ucsd.edu

STEPHANIE ANNAMMA MATHEW Graduate Advisor Electrical and Computer Engineering Desi American, 1st gen, lowincome, woman she/her/hers s6mathew@eng.ucsd.edu

TINA GOV Career Advisor Career Center proud daughter of refugee parents, 1st gen college grad, Chinese-Cambodian American she/her/hers tgov@ucsd.edu

TINA MATA Programmer Analyst HDH/ITS Wife, Mother, Filipina she/her/hers tmata@ucsd.edu

TRACY CRUZ Senior Academic Advisor Sixth College Academic Advising 1st gen low income college grad, Filipino/Caucasian, mother of multi-racial children she/her/hers tlcruz@ucsd.edu

TYLER PAU Assistant Director of Residential Life, Marshall College Student Affairs Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), 1st Generation College Student, Educator he/him/his tpau@ucsd.edu

VALERIE KY Academic Advisor Department of Communication Chinese American, 1st generation college graduate she/her/hers vaky@ucsd.edu

WINDI SASAKI APIMEDA Program Manager APIMEDA Programs and Services 1st generation college graduate, multi-ethnic Asian American woman she/her/hers, they/theirs/them wsasaki@ucsd.edu

TIFFANY PLENGSANGTIP DONNELLEY Fund Manager Materials Science & Engineering (MATS) Thai-Chinese American, 1st Generation College Graduate she/her/hers tplengsangtip@ucsd.edu

I want to make sure students have space and voice to share your narratives so we can all learn and grow together.

ZARAH RUBIO The Zone Program Manager Health Promotion Services Pinay, Immigrant, 1st generation college student in U.S. she/her/hers zrubio@ucsd.edu


What helped you feel like a part of the community here at UC San Diego? SANDRA LUO






COLLEGE: Marshall, 4th Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: Mathematics - Computer Science IDENTITIES: Chinese American, 1st generation American

COLLEGE: Revelle, 4th Year PRONOUNS: she/her/hers MAJOR: General Biology (B.S.), Ethnic Studies (B.A.) IDENTITIES: Indigenous Pacific Islander, Chamoru and Samoan, 2nd generation college student

COLLEGE: ERC, 4th Year PRONOUNS: he/him/his, they/ them/theirs MAJOR: Ethnic Studies IDENTITIES: Gay, Queer, JapaneseFilipino

The People. No matter where you go, people will be at the core of your experience and memories. Invest time and effort into developing hobbies and relationships that will last you a lifetime.

I definitely covered all the bases of my personality. I love sports and grew up playing rugby, so I joined the school's women's rugby team. I am very outgoing and social, so I joined a Panhellenic sorority. I am social-justice oriented, so I joined the Ethnic Studies honor's program. I think to feel part of the community you need to actively join and partake in community, and what better way than to become involved in social organizations.

Having one-to-ones with other students and UCSD staff has allowed me to get to know people past the surface level. Over time, as I make time for the people I work with and care about, I've gained a sense of community and closeness with the people I surround myself with.



APIMEDA FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS APIMEDA FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS When CCAAS talked about their experiences at UCSD, they talked about not having APIMEDA faculty. Faculty are UCSD’s instructors and researchers, and it has mattered to students to see themselves reflected in the people who teach them. The APIMEDA faculty here volunteered to share their information here in order to support APIMEDA students. We encourage you to take their classes, attend their office hours, or reach out and meet them! They are excellent people for you to know on our campus.

AMANDA SOLOMON AMORAO Director Dimensions of Culture Program pinay, educator, mother she, her, hers alsolomon@ucsd.edu

DREDGE BYUNG'CHU KANG Assistant Professor Anthropology & Global Health Program, affiliation with Critical Gender, Ethnic, & Transnational Korean Studies 1st generation college graduate, Pell grant recipient, non-traditional student, Korean, queer open to any dredgekang@ucsd.edu

AMEETH VIJAY Assistant Professor Literature South Asian American he/him avvijay@ucsd.edu

During oice hours, you can always stop in to just ask questions or talk about what you've been thinking about.

It is extremely helpful to have small group based classes where you can get to know your peers and the faculty.

ERIN SUZUKI Assistant Professor Literature Japanese-American, yonsei (4th generation), born and raised in Hawai'i she/her/hers chk010@ucsd.edu

DANIEL LEE Clinical Professor of Medicine Department of General Internal Medicine - Owen Clinic Chinese, cis-gender, gay male physician he/him/his dalee@ucsd.edu

HOANG TAN NGUYEN Associate Professor Literature 1st generation college graduate, queer, Vietnamese American he/him/his, they/theirs/them htn057@ucsd.edu


APIMEDA FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Try to experience something completely dierent from what you expected or ever thought of doing.

JAMES C. NIEH Professor of Biological Sciences Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution Chinese American, Gay, LGBTQ he/him/his jnieh@ucsd.edu

JENNIFER CHANG Head of Undergraduate Acting Theatre and Dance Chinese - Filipino, 1st Generation American she/her/hers j7chang@ucsd.edu

JERRY YANG Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry Korean-American he/him/his jerryyang@ucsd.edu

JIM LIN Emeritus Math Professor, former Acting Provost of Muir and Sixth College Mathematics Asian American male, 2nd generation Chinese he/him/his jimlin@math.ucsd.edu

JIN-KYUNG LEE Associate Professor Literature Korean American/Asian American she/her/hers jinkyung@ucsd.edu

JODY BLANCO Associate professor Literature Filipino-American he/him jdblanco@ucsd.edu

JUDY KIM Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry Korean-American, 1st generation college graduate she/her/hers judyk@ucsd.edu

KAMALA VISWESWARAN Professor Ethnic Studies South Asian American kvis@ucsd.edu

LIANNE URADA, PHD Assistant Professor Center on Gender Equity & Health, Division of Global Public Health, Department of Medicine 4th generation Japanese American with publication record in community-based research in the Philippines and Mexico lurada@ucsd.edu

LILLY IRANI Assistant Professor Communication Iranian-American she/her/hers or they/theirs/them lirani@ucsd.edu

LUZ MARINA CHUNG Lecturer, Undergraduate Advisor, World Languages Credential Supervisor, Department of Education Studies Department of Education Studies Chinese born Latina, teacher, womyn of color from Ecuador she/hers/her/ella lmchung@ucsd.edu



NANCY KWAK Associate Professor History 2nd generation Asian American woman she/her/hers nhkwak@ucsd.edu

SAIBA VARMA Assistant Professor Anthropology and Global Health South Asian she/her/hers s2varma@ucsd.edu

SIMEON MAN Assistant Professor History queer, immigrant, 1st generation college graduate he/him/his or they/theirs/them siman@ucsd.edu

PATTY AHN Assistant Professor in Critical Media Production Department of Communication Korean American, Asian American, queer, non-binary, feminist, activist, scholar, organizer she/they pahn@ucsd.edu

It delights me when students from all backgrounds learn about dierent cultures & seek to broaden their horizons.

STANLEY LO Assistant Teaching Professor Cell and Developmental Biology, Biological Sciences 1.5 generation Asian Canadian he/him/his smlo@ucsd.edu

PAUL K. YU Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Chinese American he pyu@ucsd.edu

ROSHANAK KHESHTI Associate Professor Ethnic Studies Iranian, queer, woman, mother, musician she/her/hers rkheshti@ucsd.edu

SAM MUSEUS Professor Education Studies indigenous, multiracial, firstgeneration they/theirs/them smuseus@ucsd.edu

SANJAY R. MEHTA Assistant Professor of Medicine Medicine From Ohio he/him/his srmehta@ucsd.edu

STEFAN TANAKA Professor Communication Japanese American, Asian American he/his/them stanaka@ucsd.edu

TOM K. WONG Assistant Professor Political Science Asian American tomkwong@ucsd.edu


“So, transform yourself first… Because you are young and have dreams and want to do something meaningful, that in itself, makes you our future and our hope. Keep expanding your horizon, decolonize your mind, and cross borders.”


apimeda@ucsd.edu apimeda.ucsd.edu APIMEDAatUCSD 858-822-0525

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