The SPHINX | SUMMER 1983 | Volume 96 | Number 2

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editor's review Greetings . . . GREMLINS: As regular readers of this column certainly know, those are the "critters" responsible for the many little mistakes — misspellings, etc. — that creep into print despite our most diligent efforts. Well, it is relief to prove that gremlins existed long before this imperfect servant entered the scene. Thus, when you read the "original" version of The House of Alpha — as sent to us by Brother Anthony Crutchfield of Gamma Lambda Chapter — rest assured that it's printed just as in 1923 — gremlins and all! . . . We are again proud to present another Distinguished Collegians feature and to note that this marks the 5th anniversary of this annual look at outstanding College Brothers . . . Thanks to Brother Rudolph Jenkins, President of Beta Chi Lambda Chapter in Muskogee, Oklahoma, for his invaluable assistance in our FOCUS feature on Interior Undersecretary J. J. Simmons III (a member of Beta Chi Lambda) . . . A belated thank you to Rodney Knox, Assistant Director of Public Relations for the San Diego Chargers, for his information on Brother Wes Chandler — our featured Alpha Athlete . . . Kudos also to the public relations staff of Xavier University, spotlighted in The Black Colleges . . . CALL FOR PAPERS: 1984 will mark the 70th Anniversary of The Sphinx and plans are underway for a special issue to commemorate this occasion. We'd certainly like to hear from those of you who've read this journal over the years. Send us your favorite features, special background information, and anything else you might have that would make our retrospective complete. I look forward to the privilege of working on such an edition and I sincerely hope that our results will be to your liking. In addition, we would like to complete our General Office file of bound-volumes of The Sphinx. Your help is needed to secure the following issues: 1914-24 and 1927-29. We will, of course, welcome additional donations of other years . . . DEADLINES: Fall 1983, September 1, 1983; Winter 1983, November 1, 1983; Spring 1984, January 1, 1984; Summer 1984, March 1, 1984 . . . We have a series of interesting articles for the next fraternal year, as outlined below in On The Drawing Board . . . Until next issue . . . mjp

on the drawing "board • • • • • •

70th Anniversary Issue A Fascinating Journey Upshaw Moves Up Convention Coverage Brothers of the Year Alumni History


OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. MICHAEL J. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors: Julius R. Hall, Bradford Spencer, Darryl Young. Editorial Assistant (Intern): Demetrius Bryant. Contributing Editors: James B. Blanton, Alpha Workshop; Laurence T. Young, Sr., Omega Chapter; Walter Sullivan, Education Foundation: William Ross, Jr., Reclamation 6 Membership; Waldo Johnson, Jr., Speaking of Programs; Ozell Sutton, Ex-Officio. Commentary Columnists: Erwin A. France, Mai Goode, Huel Perkins, Michael J. Price.

9 18 20 21 23 27 35

2 3 4 6 7 17 22 37 45 73 77 78

— DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS 1983 - Our annual survey of outstanding college Brothers. — FOCUS — Brother J. J. Simmons, III is the new Undersecretary of Interior. — NEW ORLEANS - A glimpse at the host city for the 77th Anniversary Convention. — ALPHA ATHLETES - The best wide receiver in the NFL is Brother Wes Chandler. — LEGACY — The "original" version of The House of Alpha, first printed in 1923. — REGIONAL REVIEW - Reports from the five Regional Conventions. — THE BLACK COLLEGES - Xavier University, the nation's only predominately Black Catholic college. — T h e General President Speaks — T h e Executive Secretary's Desk — There Goes An Alpha Man — Speaking of Programs — Education Foundation — News Briefs — Million Dollar Fund Drive - Alphas O n The M o v e — Chapter News — Omega Chapter — Directory of Officers — Chapter Directory

ABOUT THE COVER: Five College Brothers hold national leadership positions. Standing from left, the Assistant Vice Presidents: Oscar Cosby, West; Kirk Bowen, East; Sherwin H a r v e y , Southwest; James Cary, Midwest; A n t h o n y Hightower, South. Seated is Keith Miller, on the Board of Directors of the Education Foundation.

Commentary Huel Perkins pg. 24

Mai Goode pg. 25 The Sph.nx (USPS 5 1 0 - 4 4 0 ) The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc , 4 4 3 2 Or Martin Luther King Dr , Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Published four times a year S p n n g , Summer. Fall and Winter Send all editorial mail and change of address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art Opinions e x p r e s s e d in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc , and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a com c i d e n c e and not as the responsibility of The Sphtnx It is never done knowingly Copyright 1 9 7 6 by The Sphinx. Atpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc Reproduction or use. without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1 9 1 4 Organizing Editor Bro Raymond W Cannon Organizing General President Bro Henry Lake Dickason S e c o n d class postage paid at Chicago. IL Postmaster Send form 3 5 7 9 and all c o r r e s p o n d e n c e 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King Dr . Chicago. IL 6 0 6 5 3

THE GENERAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People" Alpha men acting out of a critical need many years ago coined the phrase "A Voteless People is A Hopeless People" and used it as a rallying cry to encourage Blacks to register and vote as one w a y of addressing many of their problems. Throughout the width and breadth of this land Alpha men and Alpha chapters fought in the courts and in the political arenas for the right of franchise and participation in the political process. W e organized and directed Voter Registration C a m paigns, promoted "Get-Out-The-Vote Rallies," and in every way possible sought a voice in government and governmental processes. The time has come again when Alpha must pull out all stops, reiterate the fact that "A Voteless People is A Hopeless People," organize strong and successful voter registration campaigns across this nation and otherwise get Blacks qualified to vote in large numbers. It is imperative and critical that Alpha take the lead in increasing the number of registered voters by at least 25 per cent. If "A Voteless People is A Hopeless People," then it follows that "A Voting People is A Hoping People." The election of Harold Washington as M a y o r of Chicago and the winning of the Democratic nomination for M a y o r of P h i l a d e l p h i a b y Black c a n d i d a t e Wilson G o o d e have vividly demonstrated that Blacks can make a difference if they will register in large numbers and then go to the polls and vote their interest. There is no question but that we can become the balance of power in many or most of the states in the General Election in 1984 and cause to be elected a President, members of Congress, and local officers sensitive to the legitimate hopes and aspirations of Black and poor people. An analysis of the 1980 presidential election by the Joint Center for Political Studies clearly shows the potential power that exists within Black America. There were nine states in which the number of unregistered Blacks exceeded the Republican 2

margin of victory, among them: New York, with nearly 900,000 unregistered Blacks compared to a G O P margin of 166,000; N o r t h C a r o l i n a , where Reagan won by 39,000 votes, with 505,000 unregistered Blacks; and Massachusetts, where the Republican margin of 2,500 is exceeded by the 64,000 unregistered Blacks in that state. Clearly, a fully mobilized and informed Black electorate can make a difference. Even if you don't feel that full registration is possible, you should k n o w that if only the percentage of registered Blacks reached that of the majority population, the outcome in 1980 might have been changed in five states: Alabama, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina and Tennessee. Alpha Phi Alpha, through its 650 plus chapters, must take the lead in organizing and directing voter registration campaigns in every state, county, city and community across the nation. If Chicago has any lessons from us, it is the lesson that we have at our disposal and in our hands our o w n destiny and our own salvation. All of us remember the story of the parting of the Red Sea. Moses had performed many miracles and finally persuaded the Pharaoh to free the Israelites. However, Pharaoh had a change of heart and sent his army to recapture the Israelites and return them to the slave camps of Egypt. With the Red Sea before them and the onrushing

Egyptian A r m y behind them, the Israelites panicked and complained to Moses, and Moses to God. What did God say to Moses? He instructed Moses to stretch forth his rod. Moses stretched forth his rod; the Red Sea parted; the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. The waters came back together to drown the Egyptian A r m y . The moral of this story is that Moses had the means of salvation in his own hands. God didn't give him anything that he did not already have. Black America, too, has its salvation in its hands. It only needs to k n o w that and stretch forth the rod. In this case, the "rod" is the ballot. We must rise u p and qualify to vote in numbers yet unseen. Then we must march to the polls in unprecedented numbers and then elect to office those persons w h o support those issues important to our interest and well-being. For 77 years the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has given leadership to Black America. We have led in voter registration. We have led in political action, legal redress, and in support for education. We have led in developing mechanisms for inspiring our youth and activating Black adults. N o w we must come to the forefront again and p r o m o t e voter registration. We should join with other leaders and other o r g a n i z a t i o n s w h e n possible and organize voter registration drives in each of our communities. Where there is no structure for carrying on a campaign . . . Alpha should form one by convening fraternal, civic, political and church leaders to promote voter registration. A s I said in an earlier article — "Don't Just Stand There, Do Something." "A Voteless People is A Hopeless People," but "A Voting People is A Hoping People." Alpha . . . stretch forth your rod. Fraternally,


Ozell Sutton General President

The Sphinx / Summer 1983


Believe it or not, I agree with those of you who feel some discomfort with our "new" business operations. I, too, worked in the field as a volunteer for A-Phi-A; two years a college chapter President, two years as an Assistant State Director, and one year as an alumni chapter Secretary. And, yes, things were so much simpler then. When we called to Chicago, we asked for Brother Young; and, if he wasn't available, we'd speak with Shirley Evans. In short order, most of our business was finished. More importantly, they knew me . . . or at least they made me feel that they did. And that made me feel important and very, very good about myself. I was the local "rep" with "national." Yes, it was so much better than now — when you have to deal with nameless and faceless clerks (females, at that!) . . . who don't know you, apparently don't want to know you, and ask you for a dizzying array of numbers chapter, receipt, Life Member, Social Security, remittance — before they even begin to try to help you. Worse still, now it's even hard to keep up with the Brothers who work there - seems like there's always somebody new. This change has been rapid - since the early 70's - but it is an inevitable by-product of a changing, growing organization. That more fundamental change - in the size and character of the Fraternity - is really the underlying cause of the other changes which cause you and me discomfort. Consider these facts: the number of College Chapters has more than doubled since

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

1970, from 150 to over 325; the number of Life Members has grown eightfold, from 600 to 5,100 in the same period; the number of Alumni Chapters has grown by a comparatively modest 40%, yet even this added some 80 new units to be serviced in this category alone. And of course there are other, more subtle movements which nonetheless mean that more work has to be done by Alpha's central business office. In this category, just consider the new rules for starting chapters and new rules for pledging and initiation — both convention mandated and both, in the words of Ronald Reagan, adding more "bureaucratic paperwork and red-tape" to complicate our lives. With these and other considerations in mind, it was and is necessary that Alpha adjust - just like any other business would in similar circumstances. And in this age, that means using some form of automatic data processing system. In other words, the computer has arrived! And, my Brothers, its arrival means

that each of us must operate within the parameters set forth by the system — whatever system — we choose to employ for our operations. Certain information will be necessary to allow such a system to record, classify and retrieve our vital records — and that necessity will apply to each and every case involved. The design of a systems program may change . . . but each design will have its requirements, with a capital "R". Adapting to such a system — despite our fondness for business as usual — will be the key to our continued success. As I prepare to "celebrate" the tenth anniversary of my employment with this great Fraternity, it is my sincere hope that each of you will join me in attempting to adapt to the new demands placed upon all of us in a changing society. Certainly, the mundane and tedious business of "business "is not the stuff of which dreams are made; it provides little of the inspiration for greatness that we normally associate with Alpha Phi Alpha. Yet, each of us knows that unless we develop the internal capacity to efficiently manage our business operations — the noble ideals and aims of our Seven Jewels will remain unrealized. Help us serve you!

Fraternally yours, $

James B. Blanton Executive Secretary



Brother Isidore Lamothe, Jr.

Lamothe heads East Texas Boy Scouts Brother ISIDORE J. LAMOTHE, JR. has been installed as President of the East Texas Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, becoming the first Black Council President ever in the 45 council South Central Region and only the third Black council President in the entire 413 council nation, serving some 3,424,724 young people. The East Texas Area Council services more than 20,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers in 15 countries of East Texas and is noted for having one of the finest council camps in the country. Brother Lamothe was first recruited into Scouting in 1950 by Brother Alexander Duncan, now of Nu Rho Lambda Chapter. Brother Duncan was the District Scout Executive at that time and asked Brother Lamothe to serve as Division Chairman. In that day and time white Scouts belonged to districts and Blacks to divisions — in fact, all of Scouting was strictly segregated. Brother Lamothe was reluctant to accept the position under these conditions, especially since he had never been associated with the Scouting program at any time in the past. After reviewing the descriptive materials provided by Brother Duncan, Brother Lamothe quickly concluded that, if this program were administered properly, it appeared to be the finest program in the world for the development of a boy

into a man. He accepted Brother Duncan's invitation and since that time has served in numerous capacities on district, council, regional and national levels. For twenty years he served as a Scout Master, and in 1964 led a troop to the National Jamboree in Valley Forge, PA. In 1965 he earned his Wood Badge beads — commonly referred to as the "Ph.D. of Scouting." He has since served as a member of a Wood Badge training staff. As is customary in the Scouting program, Scouters are recognized for service rendered. In 1960 Brother Lamothe was awarded the Holy Trinity Medal of Honor, the highest award presented by the Catholic church to an adult leader; in 1963 he was awarded the Silver Beaver, the highest award presented by a council; and in 1976, the coveted Silver Antelope was presented to him — the highest award given by a region for outstanding adult leadership. Aside from serving as Council President, Brother Lamothe is also a member of the South Central Region Board of Directors, serving as the Chairman of its committee on Low Income Scout-

Brother Michael E. McDonald

McDonald named Governor's Fellow Brother MICHAEL E. McDONALD, a member of Mu Delta Lambda Chapter, Springfield, Illinois has been The Sphinx / Summer 1983

selected by Illinois Governor James Thompson as a Governor's Fellow for 1983-84. McDonald was one of eight individuals selected from an initial nationwide field of 250 applicants. As a fellow, McDonald will work next year in the Governor's Executive Office in both Chicago and Springfield, the State Capitol. McDonald was born August 13, 1956, in Buffalo, New York, which was the month, year and location of the 50th Anniversary Convention of the Fraternity. In 1971, Michael became the recipient of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Gold Medal of Peace, presented by the Buffalo Public Board of Education to the student who exemplifies the ideas and beliefs of the Omega Chapter civil rights leader. McDonald is a 1974 graduate of S.R. Butler High School, Huntsville, Alabama. In 1979, the graduated from Middle Tennessee State University (MSTU) with an Associate in Arts in Law Enforcement and Bachelor of Science in Political Science. At MTSU, Michael became the first Black to be elected student body President. He was also the first Black to be selected "Mr. MTSU" in a pageant sponsored by a traditionally majority white sorority. He was honored as an Outstanding Senior, and twice selected for "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges," and became a member of the MTSU "100 Mile Track Club." In addition, he was elected into Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honorary, and named to the Dean's List. At present, McDonald is on the staff of Representative Michael J. Madigan, Speaker of the House, Illinois General Assembly, and a 1983 graduate of the Masters in Public Affairs-Law program at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC).

Pinder donates African artifacts to FAMU In a series of events, Horida paid high tribute to Brother FRANK E. PINDER II. On March 15, 1983, Brother Pinder, who now resides in Washington, D.C., gave the major address at the FAMU Convocation. After this event, he donated to the Florida Black Archives, Research Center and Museum at FAMU The Sphinx / Summer 1983


Brother Frank E. Pinder II — one of the nation's largest and most comprehensive collections of African arts and artifacts. These specimens of finely skilled, human workmanship were obtained by Brother Pinder during his long period of service as a U.S. agricultural economics specialist in various African countries. The collection is valued at approximately $375,000. In a private ceremony, Florida Governor Robert Graham issued a proclamation in which he cited Pinder as "an outstanding citizen of Florida, the nation and the world; and as a professional consultant and a friend of the people of the newly developing nations." Honors are not new to Brother Pinder. The State Department twice awarded him its Meritorious Service Award. Honorary LLD degrees were conferred on him by Morris Brown College in Atlanta and Monrovia College in Liberia. He received the Mary McLeod Bethune Medallion, the Florida A&M Outstanding Alumnus Award, and was elected to the FAMU Hall of Fame. An opportunity to see his extraordinary collection is worth a trip to FAMU. The exhibit includes African masks and drums, 51 African dolls dressed in the original garbs of their countries, African spears and calabashes, gourds, varied types of Kente cloth, ivory mahogany letter openers, African robes, Ashanti stools and gold weights, walking canes, Ghanaian hats, Nigerian figurines and silver bracelets, Ethiopian silver holy scriture encasements, Egyptian saddles, African coins dating back to 1783 and other specimens derived from a rich culture.

There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake there goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift I he lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command. there goes the best man in and out lor he h an Alpha Man

Outstanding Chapter Programs Following are a few of the outstanding New Alpha Thrust programs executed during the year, as reported by the 1982-83 Chapter Report of Program Activities. • Xi Lambda and Iota Delta Lambda c h a p t e r s (Chicago) s p o n s o r e d the national pilot of the Alpha Phi Alpha Minority Health Fair Program, April 6-9. Four Health Fairs were held at key locations t h r o u g h o u t the C h i c a g o Black community. Dental, Blood Pressure, Glaucoma, Hearing, and Visual Acuity Screenings — in addition to health e d u c a t i o n seminars on the Cancer Warning Signs, Nutrition, and Sickle Cell Anemia — were provided free of charge. Over 400 persons (ages 10 to 83) benefitted from these services.

Greetings Brothers: In reviewing the Fraternity's programming efforts in education and community service, it becomes apparent that Alpha Phi Alpha is foremost among service and Greek-letter organizations alike in these areas. M a n y chapters have already submitted their Chapter Report for Program Activities for 1982-83 . . . and early projections indicate that local contributions to community efforts by chapters will surely topple such national contributions as the Million Dollar Fund Drive. The Chapter Report for Program Activities for 1981-82 substantiated these findings also. This means that in addition to vigorous efforts by college and alumni chapters to complete the Million Dollar Fund Drive by the 77th A n n i v e r s a r y C o n v e n t i o n in New Orleans, they have also given unselfishly to the communities in which they are found. Such charitable community efforts make Alpha Phi Alpha a valuable resource. Figured prominently a m o n g those community organizations receiving financial assistance from Alpha Phi Alpha were the local affiliates of the N A A C P , UNCF, and the NUL . . . thus serving as a reaffirmation of a local as well as a national fraternal commitment to the maintenance of these Black-based organizations. o

Brother Larry Lindsey at the pilot A-Phi-A Health Fair. A follow-up session was held on M a y 12 at the Provident Medical Center for persons who required additional medical referrals. M a n y of the screenings and services were performed by local Alpha men within the health care field as well as those in other professions. Brothers Robert W. Watkins, Jr., Allen W. Knox, and Robert T. Smith III served as local coordinators. Theta Chapter (University of Illinois/ Chicago), Nu Rho C h a p t e r (IIT/ Chicago), and Nu Delta C h a p t e r (Chicago State University / Chicago) also assisted in the effort. • Alpha Mu Chapter (Northwestern University/ Evanston, ID sponsored a Political Education P r o g r a m as a memorial to Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. on his birthday. O v e r 500 persons attended the program. It is

significant to note that among the prominent participants on the program was Harold Washington . . . soon to be elected M a y o r of Chicago . . . and that Alpha Mu was one of the first Black organizations to publicly present and endorse M a y o r Washington during his candidacy. • Zeta Upsilon Lambda Chapter (Reston/ Fairfax, VA) served as coorganizer for a Career Awareness and Education D a y for local students. • Eta Nu Chapter (University of Houston) sponsored a Greek show, \ "Stepping for Education," and donated all proceeds to the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation • Eta Lambda (Atlanta), Delta Beta Lambda (Daytona Beach, FL), and Theta Nu Lambda (LaGrange, GA) hosted local Leadership Development and Citizenship Education (LD/CE) Institutes. Beta Psi Lambda Chapter (Los Angeles) hosted the first of the Western Regional Institutes. • Rho and Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapters (Philadelphia) and Iota Delta Lambda Chapter (Chicago) each sponsored local components of Project Alpha: The Alpha Phi A l p h a / M a r c h of Dimes Conferences on Adolescent Pregnancy. The Philadelphia conference was held March 5 with over 60 j u n i o r / s e n i o r high school males participating. Brother James G. Yates served as conference coordinator. The Chicago conference was held March 25-27 at George Williams College at Williams Bay, WI. Over 200 high school males and their adult counterparts participated in the conference. Brother John W . Lee III served as conference coordinator. • Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha, NE) and Eta Lambda (Atlanta) secured proclamations from their respective M a y o r designating May 15-21 "Business Encouragement Week" and sponsored related activities for their communities. I am sure that there were hundreds of other New Alpha Thrust programs and activities held during 1982-83 which deserve special note. If your chapter has not submitted its 1982-83 Chapter Report for Program Activities, d o so today and be counted among those w h o are "Servants of All."

W A L D O E. J O H N S O N , JR. Assistant Executive Secretary Programs

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

EDUCATION FOUNDATION Computer Literacy: A Suggestion for Action t,3 VVU ? ' 1,> '' a -*1'"'''!



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Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., has had, since its inception, a strong commitment to excellence in education and scholarship The Fraternity has supported and sponsored many efforts to sustain this commitment via financial, moral, and motivational activities. The founding of the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. (hereafter referred to as the Foundation), was preceded by a highly successful and memorable program entitled "Go To High School — Go To College " This viable program was warmly supported by individual Brothers and Chapters and, in turn, was responsible for motivating many young men and women to further their education The philosophy of this program continues to find expression through current programs of the Foundation.

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

One does not need to be told that the changing pace of our society has greatly accelerated in recent times. We only need to observe the world around us in order to appreciate and understand this fact. During the lifetimes of many of us, we have witnessed the advent and development of the radio, television, video-disc, satellite communications, cable-TV, rapid transit systems, space exploration and travel, and computers. It has been stated that we are moving from an industrialized society to one which is information-based. The movement to an informationbased society is rapidly making many traditional jobs scarce or obsolete and we are being introduced to many new and, perhaps, strange ones. This has caused a drastic alteration in the career patterns of many of our colleagues and friends. The question which should be asked is: Are our youth being prepared for these changes or are others continuing to pass them by? This question is one to which we should make certain that our schools and colleges are being responsive. However, it is apparent that we should do more than rely on the educational systems and that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity should and must play a vital and significant role in assuring that our Black youth are prepared for the future. I challenge each chapter of our Fraternity to initiate a continuous instructional program designed to strengthen the grammatical and mathematical skills of our youth and to elevate them to a state of being computer literate. One might ask: What is computer literacy? It certainly does not mean that an individual must learn how to program a computer or to design such a complicated system. Rather, it is a state of being aware of how to operate a computer to simply ask it for information and analyses. It also means being able to know which keys of a computer keyboard must be touched in order to access such information. We are experiencing, each day, computerization activitiess through electronic

banking, electronic check approval, electronic cashiering in stores and in many, many other ways. We will soon be able to do many of our external chores right from the comfort of our homes via the computer. Many of our school systems are now utilizing the computer for instructional purposes even as low as primary grades. These students will have a tremendous advantage when they reach college or their chosen jobs over students who have not had this experience. I propose that Alpha Phi Alpha enter into the arena to help remedy this matter. Recently, Time magazine cited the computer as its "Man of the Year." Many people have smiled and joked about this as being absurd and ridiculous. True, a computer is not a human being and can only do what humans program it to do. The point, however, is that the computer, although inanimate, is a machine which has tremendous potential dependent upon how individuals put it to use. As mentioned earlier, the computer touches many phases of our everyday lives, it is involved in industry, utilized in many phases of industrialization, many phases of the business world and it is involved in many phases of our leisure time activities. I propose that various chapters might wish to include in their counseling and tutorial efforts, activities designed to strengthen grammatical, mathematical, and computer skills of our young people. I recommend that we conduct sessions in these areas at lest once per week during the regular school year and on a more periodic basis per week during the summer months. We have many Brothers who are skilled in the area of grammar usage, many who are skilled in mathematics and, yes, even many who are skilled as computer analysts. These Brothers could donate a few hours of their time each week in activities designed to accomplish the goals cited earlier. If anyone is to succeed in life, he / she Continued on Page 26 7

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The Distinguished Collegians for 1983 represent our traditionally diverse sampling of Alpha's outstanding undergraduate members. Though we certainly could not present all the Brothers from whom we received information, we did try to publish an adequate cross-section of Alpha achievers in various endeavors from various colleges and universities. It was reassuring to note that given the pressures of academic life and the high degree of apathy and conformity charged to today's college students, Alpha men continue to stand in the forefront of collegiate change and activity while also maintaining the high scholastic standards which are part of the foundation on which the Fraternity was built. It is indeed a privilege to present the Distinguished Collegians for 1983. LEGEND: The following citations are used in this feature. Mortar Board - Junior-Senior Honorary Alpha Chi - Scholastic Honorary Omicron Delta Kappa - Leadership Honorary Alpha Kappa Mu - Scholastic Honorary Phi Alpha Theta - History Honorary Alpha Lambda Delta - Scholastic Honorary Phi Beta Lambda - Business Fraternity Alpha Mu Gamma - Foreign Language Honorary Phi Eta Sigma - Freshman Scholarship Alpha Phi Omega - Service Fraternity Pi Kappa Delta - Speech Society Alpha Psi Omega - Drama Honorary Pi Sigma Alpha - Political Science Honorary Beta Kappa Chi - Scientific Honorary Pi Sigma Epsilon — Marketing Society Blue Key - Student Activity Honorary Psi Chi — Psychology Honorary Delta Sigma Pi - Business Fraternity Scabbard & Blade - Military Honorary Eta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering Honorary Sigma Pi Sigma — Physics Honorary. Frat Justicia - Pre-Law Society Tau Alpha Tau - Engineering Honorary Gamma Beta Phi - Scholastic Honorary Who's Who — Who's Who Among Students in American Kappa Kappa Psi — Band Honorary Colleges and Universities. Kappa Mu Epsilon — Mathematics Honorary

IJTSHFD COLLEGIANS WARREN H. ALI (Alpha Alpha - Cincinnati) Chemical Engineering major; 2.3/4 gpa; President, United Black Association; VP, National Society of Black Engineers; O u t s t a n d i n g Young Men of America; Men of Metro Honorary; Who's Who.

DARRYL ARBOR (Theta Psi - Central Arkansas) Accounting major; 3.4/4 gpa; President, Theta Psi Chapter; UCA Outstanding Student Award; President, Pi Kappa Delta; Gamma Beta Phi; Alpha Chi; Student Senator; Assistant State Director, Arkansas; Who's Who.

HARLAN BALLARD (Beta Kappa - Langston) English-Psychology major; 3.0/4 gpa; SGA President; President, Beta Kappa Chapter; President, Recruitment Club; Kappa Kappa Psi; Alpha Phi Omega, Parliamentarian; Marching Band; Communications Club; Dust Bowl Players; Dean's List; Outstanding Young Men of America; National Dean's List; PUSH Excel Award; Who's Who.



DAVID K. BOSTON (Kappa Zeta - Utica) Psychology major; 3.3/4 gpa; VP, Black Student Organization; Psi Chi; Phi Beta Lambda; Pastor, St. James AME Church, Utica, NY; Secretary, Utica Black Ministerial Alliance; NAACP; Phi Beta Lambda; Mason; Who's Who.

MAXF1ELD BOWEN (Beta Epsilon-No. Carolina A&T) Electrical Engineering major; 3.45/4 gpa; President, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; VP, Council of Presidents; Treasurer, Tau Alpha Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Chi; IEEE Service and Academic Awards; North Carolina Fellows; Dean's List.

KIRK L. BOWEN (Zeta Eta - Columbia) Economics major; 3.6/4 gpa; Eastern Assistant Vice President, Board of Directors, Alpha Phi Alpha; Vice President, Inter-Fraternal Council; Chairman, Entrepreneur's Club; Vice Chair, University Senate Committee on Student Affairs; SPOMOC Senior Honor Society.

CLAUDE BROOKS, JR. (Xi Beta - Troy State) Mathematics major; 2.17/3 gpa; President, Xi Beta (two terms); Gamma Beta Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Epsilon Sigma; Dean's List; ROTC and Leaderships scholarships; Distinguished Cadet; Director, TSU Gospel Choir; Who's Who.

DARRYL W. CAREY (Eta Chi - NE Louisiana) Marketing major; 3.68/4 gpa; NLU Honors Scholarship; Dean's List; President's List; Pi Sigma Epsilon; PanHellenic Council Treasurer; Mortar Board; Phi Eta Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; Black Caucus Associatioin; SGA math tutorcounselor.

RODNEY L. CARTER (Iota Omicron - SMU) Finance major; 3.25/4 gpa; President's Blue Ribbon Committee; IFC Rep; Student Senate Service Award; Pres., Dorm Council; Business Student Council; Undergrad Rep. School of Business; Dean's Council; Blue Key; Who's Who.

JAMES H. CARY, JR. (Pi - Cleveland State) Industrial Engineering major; 2.3/4 gpa; Midwestern Assistant Vice President, Board of Directors, Alpha Phi Alpha; President, National Technical Association; American Institute of Industrial Engineers.

OSCAR L. COSBY (Alpha Delta - USC) Psychology major; 3.1/4 gpa; Western Assistant Vice President, Board of Directors, Alpha Phi Alpha; Youth Advisor-Counselor, Southside YMCA; Political Activist, Democratic Party, Los Angeles Area Group.

MICHAEL W. DAVIS (Epsilon Chi - Kentucky) Accounting major at Transylvania U; 3.51/4 gpa; Secretary-Treasurer, Accounting Club; President, Minority Student Union; Phi Beta Lambda; Omicron Delta Kappa; Dean's List; Inspirational Voices Choir, Treasurer; Epsilon Chi Chapter, Treasurer.

FREDERICK GASTON (Kappa Xi - Middle Tennessee) History major; 2.72/4 gpa; Vice President, Associated Student Body; Pre-Law Society; Speaker Pro Tem, ASB Senate; Black Student Association; Speaker Pro Tem, Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature; Phi Alpha Theta.

KENNETH HAMILTON (Nu Beta - American U) Computer Systems Applications major; 3.62/4 gpa; Co-op student, IRS; Association for Computing Machinery; Comptroller, OASATAU (Black student's alliance); Photographer, Uhura Newspaper; Frederick Douglass Scholar (4 years); Alpha Delta Lambda.

SHERWIN A. HARVEY (Theta Upsilon - Arkansas State) Finance major; 3.03/4 gpa; Southwestern; Assistant Vice President, Alpha Phi Alpha; President, Black Students Association; SGA Senator; Young Democrats; Alpha Kappa Psi; Gamma Beta Phi; Who's Who.

MELVIN L. HENDRICKS (Eta Chi - NE Louisiana) Pre-Law major; 3.05/4 gpa; Chairman, Student Union Board Association; SGA Senator; Alpha Psi Omega; Frat Justicia; Outstanding Black Student of the Year; NLU Choir; NLU Debate Team; Who's Who.

ANTHONY HIGHTOWER (Alpha Phi - Clark) Political Science major; 3.6/4 gpa; Clark College Board of Trustees; Business Manager, SGA; President, Alpha Kappa Mu; Honors Program; Top Scholar, CC Political Science Dept.; Eta Lambda Scholarship Award; VP and DP, Alpha Phi Chapter; Who's Who.

RODERICK J. JACKSON (Delta Sigma - Grambling) Pre-Medicine major; 3.7/4 gpa; Presidential Merit Scholar; SAAP Scholar (biomedical); Gamma Beta Phi; Beta Kappa Chi; Alpha Kappa Mu; NAACP; Vice President, Biological Sciences Club; Mason.

MARCHE D. JENKINS (Kappa Alpha - Alabama) Health Care Management major; 1.45/3 gpa; President, Kappa Alpha Chapter; Assistant State Director, Alabama; Afro-American Association (AAA), Vice President; Pres., AAA Senate; SGA Senator; Anderson Society; Top Five Cadets, AFROTC; Alabama's College Brother of the Year.

STEPHON E. JOHNSON (Epsilon - Michigan) President, Epsilon Chapter; Communications major; 2.9/4 gpa; Executive VP, UM Student Assembly; President-Elect, Society of Minority Pre-Law Students; Board Chairman, UM Student Legal Services; Black Cinema Guild, VP.

ROBERT KILLINS (Delta Sigma - Grambling) French major; PresidentElect, SGA; received two French government scholarships for study in France; 3.78/4 gpa; VP, Delta Sigma Chapter; Alpha Kappa Mu; Who's Who; National Dean's List; Alpha Mu Gamma; President, French Club.


EDDIE B. MARBLEY (Eta Gamma - Prairie View) Chemistry major; 3.76/4 gpa; President's Honor Roll; Henry A. Callis Academic Award, Southwestern Region; American Chemical Society; National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers; Who's Who.

REGINALD P. MASON (Xi Delta - James Madison) Management Information Systems major; 3.04/4 gpa; ROTC - Lieutenant Colonel, George C. Marshall Award, Battalion Commander; Carnation Scholar; Dean's List; Black Student Alliance; Who's Who.

KEITH MILLER (Beta Phi - Dillard) Physics major; 2.8/4 gpa; Member, Board of Directors, Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc.; President, Beta Phi Chapter; Senior Class President; Sigma Pi Sigma; Student Liaison, Board of Trustees; Program Chair, NAACP.

PAUL QUICK (Alpha Nu - Drake) Computer Information Systems and Marketing double major; 3.47/4 gpa; Delta Sigma Pi, Senior VP; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Dean's List; Directors Award, Inroads/Kansas City; All University Hearing Board; T r e a s u r e r , A l p h a Nu Chapter.

WILLIAM C. REEVES (Iota Gamma - Rust) Chemistry major; 3.50 gpa; SGA President; President, Greek Council; Treasurer, Alpha Kappa Mu; President, Iota Gamma Chapter; Honors Council; Ten Most Influential Students; Science and Math Club; Who's Who.

INI HENRY SAMPSON (Epsilon Beta - CSU-Fresno) Education-Agricultural Sciences major; 3.37/4 gpa; Nigerian Students Union; Afrikan Students Union; President, Cross River States Association; Academic Super Star, International Students Office; Dean's List; Who's Who.

WILLIAM SHERMAN (Beta Alpha - Morgan State) Political Science major; 3.24/4 gpa; President, Beta Alpha Chapter; Senior Advisor, Alpha Delta Lambda; Student Advisor, University Honors Program; PreLaw Club; National Dean's List; Phi Eta Sigma; Outstanding Young Men of America; Who's Who.

JOSEPH J. SUBER, JR. (Beta Gamma - Virginia State) Political Science major; 3.3/4 gpa; Vice President, SGA; President, Alpha Kappa Mu; Vice President, Pi Sigma Alpha; 2nd VP, VACAPAF; Vice President, Senior Class; Dean's List; Mason; Scabbard & Blade; ROTC; Who's Who.

CASEY C. TOWNSEND (Beta Zeta - Elizabeth City) Mathematics major; 3.86/4 gpa; President, Mathematics & Computer Science Club; President, Alpha Chi; Treasurer, Alpha Kappa Mu; National Dean's List; Chancellor's List; Who's Who; Varsity Football, defensive back.


DISTI FREDERICK C. WALTON (Iota - Morris Brown) Political Science major; 3.68/4 gpa; President-Elect, SGA; Junior Class President; Co-Editor of Yearbook; Marching Wolverine Band; National Dean's List; Pan-Hellenic Council; Omicron Delta Kappa; Who's Who.

RANDALL WESTBROOK (Gamma Mu - Livingstone) Political Science major; 3.02/4 gpa; SGA President; Chairman, North Carolina Association of Black Student Governments; President, Pre-Law Society; VP, Political Science Club; National Dean's List; President, Gamma Mu Chapter; Who's Who.

DARRELL K. WILLIAMS (Gamma Iota - Hampton) Psychology major; Dean's List; 4-year ROTC scholarship; Senior Class President; Alpha Kappa Mu; Scabbard & Blade; George C. Marshall ROTC Award, most outstanding cadet; Psi Chi; Who's Who.

REGINALD WILLIAMS (Mu Beta - UT Martin) Meteorology major; 3.45/4 gpa; SGA Secretary of Communications; Black Student Association; Tennessee College Brother of the Year; Peer Enabling Program; Who's Who.

BETHEL WILLIAMSON (Alpha Nu - Drake) Public Administration major; 2.7/4 gpa; Treasurer, Black Student Organization; University Senate; All University Appeals Board; Outstanding Young Men of America; Treasurer, Bethesda Mennonite Church; Who's Who.

DARRYL L. WILSON (Xi Chi - Baldwin Wallace) Accounting - Computer Science major; 3.7/4 gpa; Cleveland F o u n d a t i o n , George Boyd and Delta Sigma Theta scholarships; AKA Outstanding Student Award; President, Xi Chi Chapter; Student Senatevarsity baseball; Black Student Alliance.

Participate in a matching gift.

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a. Contact your company's contribution officer b . Ask for y o u r company's matching gift form c Fill out the form in the a m o u n t that y o u wish to contribute to the UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, and write a check in the same amount to the UNCF. d. Identify your check as being sent from an Alpha m a n . e. Mail the form a n d your check to: United Negro College Fund c / o M s . Judith Walburg 500 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10021 f. You and your Chapter will get credit for the gift and the match.

Join the combined federal campaign. For Federal Government employees only — participate in the combined federal campaign: a. Fill out a pledge card for the payroll deduction of your choice. b . Earmark your pledge to the UNCF, N A A C P O R N A T I O N A L URBAN LEAGUE. c. Send a duplicate copy of the pledge card to: Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. P . O . Box 6669 Church Street Station New York, NY 10249 d. You and your Chapter will get credit for the entire a m o u n t of your pledge after the last payment is deducted.

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a. Fill out the Bank Draft Authorization attached. b . D o not exceed twelve (12) monthly payments. c. Send the Authorization Form and one of your checks — (blank and voided) to: Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. P . O . Box 6669 Church Street Station New York, NY 10249



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Above all, give!! And give generously!!


The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Black Sororities & Fraternities Meet Representatives of 600,000 collegetrained Blacks endorsed a March on Washington and pledged support of voter registration and minority economic development at a weekend conference in Chicago, at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare, held May 27-29, 1983. The meeting, attended by 217 officials of eight Greek-letter sororities and fraternities, was the first "Greek Leadership Conference" to he called by the eight, on civil rights and economic issues, although they have cooperated on social and educational concerns for nearly 60 years. It was conducted In two plenary sessions and eight workshops around the theme of leveraging the combined strength of more t h a n half a million college-trained Blacks through networks, for communication and action. Following addresses by Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Margaret Bush Wilson, chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the delegates passed a resolution to support a mass march on Washington "for Jobs, freedom and peace " on August 27. The demonstration will mark the 20th anniversary of the 1963 march t h a t catapulted Rev. Martin Luther King, J r . to national leadership and prompted a series of civil rights acts by Congress. Both Rev. Lowery and Mrs. Wilson cited the leadership potential of the organizations which have more t h a n 4,600 chapters in the U.S. and foreign countries. More t h a n half of the membership is in adult "graduate" chapters, according to Ozell Sutton, chairman of the sponsoring "Council of Presidents" of Greek-letter organizations, and chairman of the conference. In addition to backing the protest march, renewed voter registration efforts and economic development, the delegates called for improved quality in elementary and secondary education. The vote on education was accompanied by a blast at culturally biased tests, t h a t called for close review of possible harm they do. Sutton, in remarks prepared for The Sphinx / Summer 1983


ABOVE: "The Chiefs". From left, Francis; Newton; Swain; Sutton; Bryant; Cordon, Bailey; and Livingstone. BELOW: General President Sutton presides at the closing banquet.

the conference, said that nomination of a Black candidate for president of the U.S. is an issue around which local leaders can rally. "It will stimulate voter registration and will oblige all candidates to consider the political agendas of 26 million Black Americans," he declared. A series of other resolutions encouraged greater cooperation among the organizations and promised the vastly outnumbered college student members a stronger voice in setting policies. Rev. Lowery, in a speech reminiscent of the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., challenged the organizations to assume stronger leadership roles in local communities and in national affairs. Mrs. Wilson, herself embroiled In a struggle within the NAACP, hinted to the group t h a t her tenure as

chairman may be near an end. She also suggested that differences over administration and policy led her to suspend Benjamin Hooks as executive director of the organization, a move she later recanted. The delegates responded to her with a standing ovation; however, they also approved a carefully neutral demand to the NAACP t h a t it settle the differences among the leaders and "conduct our business" in dignity. The resolution praised, the NAACP as the "premier civil rights organization" in the country. The 217 delegates were led by the presidents, directors and staff executives of the following organizations: Faye B. Bryant, Supreme Basileus, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Ozell Sutton, General President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; Mona Bailey, National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Dr. Edith Francis, Grand Basileus, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.; Robert Gordon, Grand Polemarch, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.; Alice Swain, Grand Basileus, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.; Demetrius Newton, National President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; and Dr. L. Benjamin Livingston, Grand Basileus, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 17



J. J. SIMMONS, III Undersecretary of the Interior A former Oklahoma oilman, federal official and corporate executive now manages daily operations at Interior. Brother J. J. SIMMONS, III has been nominated by President Reagan and confirmed by the United States Senate as Undersecretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Brother Simmons, a Democrat from Oklahoma, now fills that department's No. 2 post; unlike other departments, there's only one Undersecretary of Interior. And the incumbent is superbly qualified for the position. At the time of his nomination, Brother Simmons was already in Washington, serving a term as a Commissioner of the Interstate Commerce Commission. At Interior, he replaced former Undersecretary Donald Hodel — who became Energy Secretary with the resignation of James Edwards. Capitol Hill sources praised the nomination of J.J., known as "Jake" to family and friends, citing his "broad experience with Interior Department issues and his distinguished career as an ICC Commissioner." Jake's experience also includes a prior working relationship with Interior's controversial head, Secretary James Watt. More than a decade ago, Watt worked as an aide to former Interior Secretary Walter Hickel and Jake handled oil matters for the department. 18

A native of Muskogee, Oklahoma, Brother Simmons attended public schools in that city. He studied civil engineering at the University of Detroit, joining Alpha Upsilon Chapter seated at Wayne State University, and went on to receive his Bachelor's degree in geological engineering from St. Louis University in 1949. He then joined the family-owned Simmons Royalty Company of Muskogee and was Vice President, SecretaryTreasurer and geologist for the firm until 1961. Jake then joined the Department of the Interior, serving as Assistant Director of the Office of Oil and Gas from 1961 to 1968; Deputy Administrator of the Oil Import Administration from 1968 to 1969; and Administrator of the Oil Import Administration from 1969 to 1970. For the next twelve years, he was Vice President for Government Relations for the Amerada Hess Corporation in New York City — before becoming a member of the ICC. As you can see from the brief career summary above, Jake Simmons is not a "token Black" federal appointee. He is, rather, an acknowledged expert in energy policy and

regulatory issues — with an extensive background in both private and public sector management at the highest levels. Because of the structure of the department, Washington insiders note that he is, in fact, Interior's "vice president" — overseeing the operation of the entire department while Secretary Watt concentrates on policy formulation. Brother Simmons is a Life Member and a member of Beta Chi Lambda Chapter in Muskogee — along with his brother, Donald Simmons, who carries on the operations of the family's oil business. The story of the family business (founded by their late father, J. J. Simmons, Jr.) itself deserves a feature story — some of which was carried in a recent issue of Ebony. The new Undersecretary is married to the former Bernice Miller of Detroit; and they are the parents of five children, one son and four daughters. Alpha Phi Alpha is proud to join the Simmons family in saluting the continued accomplishments of Jake Simmons . . . an Alpha Man. We are confident that there is more to come. By MICHAEL


The Sphinx / Summer 1983

"New Orleans Is Not A Dream It Is Rear

By MARCUS NEUSTADTER, JR. New Orleans' history dates back to the late 17th century when La Salle claimed the entire area under the name of King Louis XIV of France in 1682, which remained a small settlement until 1718, when Sieur de Bienville had his engineers plot the original city known today as the French Quarter. New Orleans today and through the years, with all of its charm and fictionlike history, is a city that courts both visitors and natives with her endless cyrenaic attractions ranging from a night at the opera to Preservation Hall, where the grass roots of the jazz movement began and is still performed;

from the St. Louis Cathedral to the alleged voodoo halls of the Algiers community; from the muddy waters of the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain are but a few of those magnetic attractions that add the flavor and color needed to warm the heart and soul. New Orleans has an unmatched charm and boasts numerous parks, inland waterways, museums, art galleries and theatres, even a park named for the famous Louis Armstrong, a native of "The City That Care Forgot," "The Crescent City" or "The Big Easy," as New Orleans is called by many. And, this is the hometown of that great gospel personality — Mahalia Jackson. While the Quarter's Royal, Chartres and Decatur streets are the main walking arteries in Bienville's original city and should be seen by all visitors, for the real soul-related touch of class, Basin, Orleans, Dumaine, Claiborne and St. Bernard represent where the ebony action is found. Conventioneers need not miss their sessions, because the action really gets going about 9:30 p.m. and keeps going until early morning — daybreak. Three of the nation's predominantly Black institutions of higher learning — Dillard University, Xavier University, and Southern University in New Orleans — where undergraduate chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha are domiciled — are educational points of interest and extend invitations for visitations. New Orleans is a progressive city. It is the largest port in the United States,

a leader in the tourist industry, has a rapidly growing population and millions of dollars in new construction, but it has not lost its heritage, its cultures and fond affections that attract tourists the year around. Visitors must be careful that they do not become addicted to the New Orleans way of life and never return to their hometowns . . . Just visit with us . . . Don't make it home . . . We are busting loose at the seams . . . And tourism has become our number one industry . . . Not homesteading. And, while you are her "Laissez les Bons Temps Roule!" (Let the good times roll!)

ALPHA ATHLETES In professional football, probably the most highly regarded position outside of quarterback is that of wide receiver. And one of the best in professional football today is Brother WES CHANDLER, part of the "Air Coryell" tandem of receivers with the San Diego Chargers. The wide receiver, like the quarterback, is consistently in the spotlight and good receivers are always focused on by opposing defenses. Yet even with the constant attention received by Wes, he still managed to become National Football League's leading receiver in 1982. The spotlight began to focus early on this New Smyrna Beach, Florida native. He was a multisport athlete at New Smyrna Beach High School, competing in football, basketball, baseball, and track. At the University of Florida, Brother Chandler began to receive national recognition as one of the most versatile and talented pass catchers in the country. He earned All-Southeastern Conference honors in 1976 and was named Ail-American in 1977, later being selected as Florida's Amateur Athlete of the Year in 1978. He caught 92 passes for 1,944 yards and 22 touchdowns during his career at Florida, and in his senior year he also rushed the ball 61 times for 353 yards, an amazing average of 5.8 yards per carry. After graduating from Florida, Wes was drafted in the first round by the New Orleans Saints in 1978 and played there for three years, setting the Saints single season record for pass reception yardage with 1,069 yards in 1979 and being named second team all-NFC by United Press International. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

He was traded to the San Diego Chargers in 1981 and continued his outstanding play, getting 52 receptions for 857 yards and five touchdowns. Chandler's athletic versatility was an excellent complement to the Chargers' wide open and exciting style of play, and he contributed

to San Diego's potent offensive machine by also returning punts and kickoffs. His efforts helped San Diego become and remain a contender while solidly establishing them as one of the most productive offensive teams in the National Football League.

In 1982 Brother Chandler really put it all together to earn a selection as first team All-Pro by the wire services and all the major sports magazines. In the strikeshortened season, Wes was the only NFL receiver to surpass 1,000 yards in receptions while also leading the

wes is Best! Brother Wes Chandler

league with nine touchdown receptions. His proven talents provide great hope for the Charger fans, and his performance will continue to excite fans of the entire NFL. When Brother Chandler is not catching passes himself, he is showing others how, serving as a receiver coach for Bethune-Cookman College. Initiated into Theta Sigma Chapter at the University of Florida at Gainesville, Wes accomplished the additional feat of attaining his degree (in speech pathology), an accomplishment bypassed in the collegiate careers of many professional athletes. But as Brother Chandler's records attest to, he is an extraordinary man and an extraordinary athlete; an Alpha athlete. 21


















Who Have Contributed $1,000 Or More To The



Jackson, Grandvel A.


Norment, HanleyJ.


Walker, Wilbert L


Bashful, EmmettW.


Dee, Frank A.


Jacox, Robert


Pennington, Vernon


Washington, T. W.


Black, Winsel 0.


Doggett, John N., Jr.


Johnson, C. P.


Ponder, Henry


Washington, Walter


Brewer, Jake D.


Flynn, H. Welton


Johnson, Frederick E.


Reed, Clifton R.


Watkins, Herbert N.


Allen, George


Brown, Donald N.


Franklin, William H.


Johnson, Sylvester


Richards, Eugene S.


Wesley, Charles H.


Charles, Larry


Gillem, Henry Gray, Sr.


Knox, Allen W.


Ridgel, GusT.


Wheadon, A. Wendell


Clarke, William Decker 2,300

Goldston, Nathaniel R.


Lamothe, 1. J., Dr., Jr.


Robinson, Steven


White, Amos J.


Collins, Elmer C.


Haith, Lacy T.


Langford, Otis W.


Sherwood, Warren E.


White, Harold R.


Coney, George E.


Harrison, Robert


Martin, John J., Jr.


Smith, A. Maceo


Williams, James R.


Cook, Alfred L.


Holland, Albert


Moore, Elmer J.


Taylor, Jess E.


Williams, Robert X.


Coston, Wayman R.


Holmes, Wendell P., Jr. 1,300

Moose, Robert E.


Teamer, Charles C.


Wine, Clarence B.


Dailey, William H.


House, C. C.

Newsom, Lionel H.


Trent, James M.


Young, George W., Dr.



Or These Brothers Who Have Contributed $500 To $999.99 Adams, Roderick, Jr. Adegbile, G. S. Adebisi Adkins, Rheudolph Alexander, Harland P. Anderson. David L. Anderson, Kenneth B. Ballard, Edward H. Banks, Clinton E. Bell. William A.. II Bowden, H. J. C. Rev. Boyer, James G. Brown, Bennie D. Burton, Lewis E. Byrd, Napoleon Byrd, William H. T. Caldwel, Lewis A. Calvin, Freezel D. Campbell, C. R. Cannon, Raymond W Carreathers, R. E. Colson, James P. Combs, W. D. Conley, Oran W. Conway, Fred, Jr. Corley, Averitle H. Cornish, Alba F. Cummings, Frank C. Daniel, David L. Davis, Ronald P. Denton, George L.


500 516 500 650 500 525 520 500 550 500 516 560 500 550 500 500 926 517 730 500 500 518 520 790 500 500 625 546 516

DeWitt, RufusB. Dixon, Virgil F. Dobbins, Bennie B. Edwards, Willard R. Frank, James Franklin, Curtis V., Jr. Freeman, Shelby T. Garner, JohnW. Garrett, L. W. Generette, Clarence Gipson. Irvin M. Goodwin, Felix L. Green, Elmer L. Gregg. Wendell H. Griffin, Leslie A. Hackett, B. McKinley Hale, J.Walter III Hall, KermitJ. Halstead, Clarence P. Hamilton, Leonard M. Hardy, Wilbur Harris, George A. Harris, George F. Hartley, Brodes H., Jr. Harvey, John A., Sr. Harvey, Wayne C. Hatchett, Morris M. Henderson, W.G.D. Henderson, William A. Hight Williams.

500 500 516 516 900 517 500 516 655 500 614 516 500 516 770 516 500 650 525 518 500 500 517 500 516 500 517 500 550 625

Hill, William J. Hodges, Dean R., Dr. Holloway, Ernest L Howard, JohnW. Hunt, Thomas R. Hurse, JohnW. Jackson, Edward F. Jackson, Kenneth C. Jackson, Rogernald Jarrett, Hobart Or. Jefferies, LeRoyW. Jeffries, Lyman B. Johnson, Cordell, Jr. Johnson, Fred S. Jones, Edward N. Jones, Judge 1. Jones, Sidney A. Jones, Smith King, Richard Langford, Charles D. Langhorne, Webster L. Law, W. H., Rev. Lewis, A. J. Lewis, Charles E. Lewis, James Lockhart, Verdree Lyerson, Frank T. Manning, Monroe L. Martin, Jerry L, Sr. Matlock, Clavin

500 500 517 516 562 500 600 500 520 517 516 500 500 565 500 500 500 500 500 517 500 500 iUU

500 645 516 500 500 500 516

Matthews, Robert L. McGee, Virgil V. McGhee, Robert A., Jr. Miller, Herman L. Minnis, Clinton L. Morse, Carlton H. Morse, Ernest L. Moton, Leon A. Nelson, William E., Jr. Nelson, William J. Nicholson, Frank Noirthcutt, Malthus Oldham, Walter J. Olver, Montague M. Outen, Arthur W., Jr. Owens, Jesse Palmer, Randall III Parker, William F. Patrick, Leroy Pawley, Thomas D. Perkins, Lloyd G. Peterman, Leotis Pinder, Frank E. Polk, Artie Price, John L. Randolph, Raymond B. Reese, Paul R. Riley, Marvin N. Ross, William Jr. Rowell, Georee Jr.

500 500 500 516 623 500 500 517 500 510 600 516 518 500 500 500 500 500 517 600 500 517 750 525 517 500 500 500 500 500

Rushin, James T. Sapp, Walter Shepherd, Johnnie L. Singletary, James D., Dr. Sloan, Leonard W. Smith, Ernest L. Smith, William H. Specialized Electronic Inc. Stevenson, Ernest F. Sullivan, Walter W. Sumlin, Oliver W. Sutton, Ozell Taylor, Theodore E. Thomas, Joe C. Thomas, Johnny W. Towles, Norman E. W. Townes, Ross E. Wilkes, Howard M. Williams, Marshall E. Williams, Randolph Williams, Raymond C. Willis, Herbert H. Witherspoon, Dr. A. M. Wright, Robert K. Wynn, D.D.S. David D. Zeigler, W. N.

500 516 516 525 550 550 525 500 516 516 516 694 517 520 516 500 500 500 570 500 500 500 500 516 500 500





S H A R E ? ? ? The Sphinx / Summer 1983

MYSTERY OF THE HOUSE SOLVED In 1923, Brother Sydney P. Brown was a young Atlanta attorney with, as he put it, "more time than law practice." This unwelcome "time-off" nevertheless provided him the opportunity to think about his six years as a fraternity man. His fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, was only seventeen years old; yet it held sway at the best colleges Yale and Talladega, Berkeley and Howard, Northwestern and Lincoln, Columbia and Wilberforce - and had about ten alumni groups in place across the country. Already, this organization had been an integral part of Brother Brown's life. A physician in Mississippi, and an Alpha Man, had led him to the Howard Preparatory School in 1912. Upon entering college, Sydney too would join the ranks of Alphadom. This unique status, that of "Brother", he credited with easing his transition back to college after World War I and his sudden move to the Midwest to attend the Northwestern School of Law. Out of law school, he moved to Indianapolis, then Atlanta — on both occasions to join Alpha Brothers in business ventures. Brother Brown's experiences during this period formed the basis for his perception of Alpha Phi Alpha. The result of Brother Brown's leisure time musings was the well-known poem, The House of Alpha. In our Winter 1982 issue, we presented for your consideration the "Mystery of the House" - a short feature on two distinct versions of the work. Both had appeared, from time to time, in major fraternity publications and we had no copy of the 1923 Sphinx cited by the author, so we asked for your help in determining which was the original poem. Thanks to Brother Anthony Crutchfield of Gamma Lambda Chapter (Detroit, MI) we now have an answer. And, as you'll see, the original differs from both of the versions we had earlier considered. It is nonetheless a pleasure to proclaim this mystery "solved" and to present, solely for your edification and certainly without the pledgeship pressure to memorize it, the "original" House of Alpha. The Sphinx / Summer 1983




COMMENTARY We Can't Have It Both Ways! Huel D. Perkins

HUEL PERKINS Have Blacks abandoned the quest for full integration? This Page

MAL GOODE Too many American actions belie our claims to be a just society. Page 25

YOUR COMMENTS on contemporary happenings are welcomed. Write us c / o The Sphinx.

To integrate or not to integrate — that is the question. Whether it is nobler to pursue the course of action we have set for ourselves as a race to completely eradicate the "last vestiges of segregation" or allow this country to retreat to its earlier dastardly practices of discrimination based solely upon the accident of color? This paraphrase of Shakespeare is occasioned by the fact that I see signs — not very visible, but signs nevertheless — that Blacks are beginning to grow soft on a stand for integration. A noted columnist wrote recently that perhaps we have been too concerned about integration and that in the face of this clamor and emphasis, the quality of education which Blacks have been receiving has deteriorated. And then there are the avowed "separatists" who contend that Blacks never should have tried to integrate in the first place. Completely disillusioned with the system, they have always held out for complete isolation and autonomy — not unlike the Sutton Griggs novel of 1899 entitled lmperium In Imperio wherein he proposed that Blacks should seize the state of Texas and establish it as their country. And then there was one of my students in the early seventies who had just completed her senior year at a predominantly white high school who vowed that she had tried integration and that it just hadn't worked. To which I replied that she had tried integration for just one year in high school — but that her parents and their parents before them had tried segregation for some 300 years and knew from bitter, spiritdenting, soul-searing experiences that it didn't work. Finally, I suggested to her that she give integration just a bit more of a chance before pronouncing final condemnation — at least half the number of years we were kept in slavery. Blacks, living through these incipient


years of racial re-alignment, are by no means of one accord as to what we must do "to be saved." Were we better off when only Black teachers taught Black children? Would a completely integrated educational system signal the end to Black "professionals" as we know them today? Does this incredible instinct for survival which some psychologists have noted in Black people extend into the area of formal education? Have Black people been socialized to the extent that they become dysfunctional unless surrounded by persons of similar hues as a support mechanism? While the questions posed above may require time before they are answered conclusively, one fact remains clear in my mind and that is this: the concept of "separate but equal" is a contradiction in terms. Go where you will — search where you may — I defy anyone with rational intelligence to produce an instance of solitary, secluded, disembodied entities possessing an equivalency. They just don't exist. This, it appears to me, was what the struggle was all about. Or maybe I became lost somewhere along the way. Any cataclysmic event has the capacity to redirect the course of history. The French Revolution, for example, forever changed the course of art. World War I spawned a new sense of manhood among American Blacks which was reflected in the writings of the poets and novelists of the Harlem Renaissance. And similarly, the historic Brown vs. the Board of Education changed forever the face of American education. It must be borne in mind that whites did not sue for integration (there are many who wish the word would disappear from the dictionary). It was Black people who became distressingly aware that a dual system of education — such as was extant in America at the time of the Brown decision — robbed young Blacks of the The Sphinx / Summer 1983

competitive edge necessary to negotiate a capitalistic system. But beyond the court decision itself was the fact that segregation was just downright wrong — morally, ethically, spiritually, however - in a country where everybody, with the exception of native Americans, had come over to these shores on a boat from somewhere else. Attitudes change slowly. Prejudices die painful deaths. And there are no laws on the books which can change the hearts of men. Yet, America is a country of law and not men and as the legal machinery grants Black people rights they have had to fight every step of the way to receive, they must either exercise these blood-bought opportunities — or lose them. From the beginning of the century,

when in 1905 a small band of Black, mostly college-trained leaders met at what was called the Niagara Conference announcing that the Black man's hopes could no longer be based upon compromise and moderation; through the founding of the NAACP in 1909 dedicated to upholding the rights of Black people through legal action and court rulings; through the founding of the National Urban League in 1911 concerned with assisting Blacks to adjust to the problems of urban life and unemployment; through the later-day direct-action organizations such as SNCC, CORE, SCLC - the quest has been for full and complete citizenship for Blacks in these United States and an end to the insane practice of discrimination based upon the color of one's

The American Sickness: Part Two Mai Goode In our first segment of this treatise (Winter '82), I pointed out the shame of not only making Richard Nixon a hero, even representing this nation overseas — but of spending more than a million dollars a year for his pension and protection. Before the ink was dry, a report came out that this "hero" might have a syndicated television program — with Nixon serving as moderator. Just think of what a fine example he would be to America's young people. Our sickness is pronounced in many foreign give-away programs, but probably the most notable is what we pay supposedly to "keep the Philippines democratic." About a year ago, the wife of President Marcos was on television discussing the poverty of her "poor country" and, at the time, reporters indicated she was wearing more than one million dollars worth of jewelry. Early this year the following was reported: " . . . the ever-controversial Imelda has amassed a real estate empire on four continents . . . just in case there's a revolution in the Philippines and she has to go somewhere else." She owns real estate on Long Island, a townhouse on New York's East Side and, according to New York Magazine, has bought an office block in the East 50's, a Park Avenue apartment building, two commercial buildings in London, property in the The Sphinx / Summer 1983

suburbs of London, office buildings in Hong Kong and "unspecified" real estate in Australia. Meanwhile, few in the State Department can tell you just how much the United States gives the Marcos' each year - but it is known to be in the millions. This, incidentally, while nearly forty-million Americans go to bed hungry every night. The author lives in one of the socalled "rich" townships suburban to New York City — where the residents are mixed (nearly thirty percent happen to be Afro-Americans); the Township Manager is paid close to $70,000 a year; and the Township Clerk $38,000 . . . but of a total of three hundred fifty employees, there is not one single Afro-American earning $20,000 a year. Yet the Mayor of the town is Black, and incidentally a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, but one who is either unwilling or unable to do anything about these inequities. Again, there is hardly enough time nor space to record the "sickness" of our national budget arrangements. The President, at this writing, is seeking more than $250 billion for the military to purchase IMF missiles, tanks, guns, ships, aircraft carriers, planes and for personnel salaries. Yet we have enough nuclear power stockpiled to reportedly kill every living thing on the face of the earth ten or twelve times over. It has

skin. Now, today, some of us are not quite certain that that was what we meant. We are not prepared for the sweeping changes such a redirection of civilization must necessarily entail. What seems to be certain in my thinking is that we cannot have both integration and segregation at the same time. The two concepts are antithetical, polar, mutually exclusive, contradictory. No. We can't have it both ways: Integration and segregation. As for me, I think I will choose the former. I do not wish to return to the back of the bus, the front of the train, the loft of the theater, the hole of the ship - or the one-room schoolhouse across the tracks. I have been there. been estimated that millions are privately invested in the armaments industries. Those who are pushing for passage of this ungodly budget know that if just one third of that budget (about eighty million dollars) was invested in building homes, paving roads, electrifying farms - we would have an era of prosperity unknown to this nation since the '20's, just before the stock market crash. Tragically, at a recent Congressional hearing on this matter, the "brilliant" David Stockman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget said, "Speaking of possible cuts . . . it is easy to point to defense and say that's where we'll solve the problem . . . if they can find some place where savings can legitimately be made, I think people will listen." Remember, this is the man who proposed two years ago that ketchup be counted as a vegetable on the lunch plates of millions of school children; and, if my memory serves me right, he also proposed in 1982 that food stamps be counted as "income" in preparation of income tax reports. Sickness with a capital "S". In the state of New York, Presidents of eight colleges/universities are occupying fabulous homes and estates for which they pay as little as $150 per month in rent - while students are charged more than that for living in the dormitories of those same schools. Last December in a television interview, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Charles Percy told a former ABC colleague of mine that the U.S. was determined to deny Poland "fishing rights," "favored nation" status, and other benefits of U.S. friendship because of the Soviet intervention in Continued on Page 26 25

Continued from Page 25 Poland in 1981. Yet the United States of America warmly embraces South Africa — not only with "favored nation" status, but by undergirding her economy with billions of dollars in trade each year while white South Africa violates every semblance of human decency in the treatment of Black South Africans, and has been doing so for years. Moreover, our doors are wide open to South African citizens and seldom do we ever hear Percy or any other congressman (except members of the Black Caucus) condemning South Africans as we condemn the Soviet Union for her incursions into Afghanistan and Poland. Finally, and this could go on for issue after issue, recall the last time you attended a football, baseball or basketball game and listened to the cheers and screaming of fans, mostly white fans, for their favorite teams. Remember that regardless of the exploits, the brilliance of these players — so often these same fans would not want any one of them (even Dr. J.) living in their neighborhoods. If this is not a form of sick-

EDUCATION Continued from Page 7 must be able to communicate, analyze and computate. These skills, when accomplished, can help one in the pursuit of any career. Needless to say, many of our young people find it extremely difficult to communicate in oral and written form without the constant introduction of slang or colloquial expressions. The opposite can be accomplished with practice and with assistance from experts. I suggest that such activities take on the form of repetitive writing exercises dealing with information which youngsters might be familiar with and through items read in newspapers or magazines. Mathematical skills can be presented on many levels depending upon the grade and age levels of the youngsters. I suggest that we have classes which

ness, mental and psychological, then I seek information from any one as to a term we might use for a nation, blessed like no other unit in the history of the world, whose so-called leaders continue to violate their fellow man, to abuse their neighbors, to violate their every oath of office and, at the same time, cry out: "We are the greatest nation on the face of the earth!" This is something all of us would like to believe, but cannot justify when we assess our normal behavior — economically, religiously, politically. We are afflicted with a sickness, plain and simple. Many Afro-Americans, in positions and professions such as my Brothers in Alpha occupy, are oftimes blinded by their mild successes; so blinded that they fail to observe or notice these sicknesses which afflict their brethren. Actually, however, all any of us need to do is to take note of conditions and situations which surround us — in the offices where we work; on the hospital staff where we serve; on the boards of corporations where some of us have been lucky enough to take part; yes, even on the streets or "drives" where we live. None need go too far, with his eyes open, before recognizing these

sicknesses. But if we note these conditions to our white associates or to our "arrived" Afro-American neighbors, we are accused of being "sensitive" or "carrying a chip on the shoulder." This is not really the case however. It is, in the words of the late Jackie Robinson in his last book / Never Had It Made, "I know I never had it made and I won't have it made until the humblest Black kind in the remote backwoods of America has it made." Though it is 1983 — 120 years since the Emancipation Proclamation; nearly 15 years since the death of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr.; and eighteen years since the slaughter of Malcolm X — one only need note the upsurge of the Ku Klux Klan, the revival of the Nazi Party, the doubled figure of Black unemployed against the national average, the syndrome of "last hired — first furloughed," the attacks on affirmative action in every sector of employment, and the hue and cry of the bigot, "What do they want now?" . . . and it becomes more clear than ever that this land of the free and home of the brave is afflicted with a "sickness." And there is little indication of the patient getting well anytime soon.

range from simple arithmetic exercises of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to pre-calculus or even introductory calculus. Again, much can be accomplished via problem analysis done in a competitive way as well as through exercises designed to illustrate how information can be related. Finally, computer-literacy can be obtained in a very easy fashion. Many computer manufacturers, such as Apple and Texas Instruments would be more than happy to assist us by loaning equipment or even making equipment available through donations if they are approached with a workable plan which emphasizes that positive results are possible and that dissemination of their roles in such programs will be conducted. I recommend that students be introduced to how to search for information, how to merge information, how to format information and

how to analyze information simply through operation of a computer terminal or micro computer. If students are advanced enough, they could be taught some basic programming techniques; however, these sessions should focus primarily on how to access information. I realize that all chapters will not be able to engage in such activities and maybe none will actually do so; however, it is our responsibility as educated men who have achieved some degree of success in our lives to assure that others coming behind have opportunities to gain information as well as the opportunity to compete.



Walter Sullivan. Chairman Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation

The Great American Smokeout Take a day off from smoking • Nov. 17,1983 26

The Sphinx / Summer 1983




Eastern Region: 51st Annual Convention By Edward D. Young Last year, the East met a r o u n d the theme - "The Struggle Continues." As a follow-up to that theme, this year's theme was "Overcoming the Struggle - Building Strength Through Unity." It is only through the unified efforts of the total Brotherhood and all Black Americans that we will eventually overcome this current struggle. In numbers there is strength and in strength there is hope for all. Alpha Phi Alpha has always been able to rise to the occasion. A special committee was appointed at the Eastern Region's Shirt Sleeve Conference in Philadelphia on October 16, 1982, to take a closer look at "Alpha Today." At the Eastern Regional Convention held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on April 14-17, 1983, a number of recommendations for structural changes were made addressing: program planning, goals and objectives, fiscal resources, conventions, and housing. Brother Kirk Bowen, Assistant Eastern Vice President, presided over the Second General Session. Brother T h o m a s R. Hunt, Eastern Vice President, introduced Brother H. Gray Gillem, Past Eastern Vice President, w h o gave the Fraternal Address. His message centered around the convention theme and he indicated that strength is the power to resist force. Brother Gillem also stated that we need to develop an awareness of w h o we are, and develop some kind of on-going counseling programs for our youth. General President Ozell Sutton addressed the convention at the Second General Session and stated that each chapter would be requested to give $1,000 to the Million Dollar Fund Drive when we meet in New Orleans in August. The Life Membership Breakfast is always a high priority choice for the Brothers, especially when Brother Ryle Bell is on the program. Brother Bell reported that because of the m a n y requests, he would make copies of his collection of jokes available to the The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Former Eastern Vice Presidents (I to r) IV. Decker Clarke, H. Gray Gillem and Charles Howard conduct the Seven Candle re-dedication service. Brothers in New Orleans. Brother Joseph J. Suber, 2nd Vice President from Virginia, gave the breakfast address and Brother R. Allen Durant, of Rho Chapter and Life Member #73, received a certificate from Vice President T h o m a s Hunt for outstanding services to the Fraternity for the past 49 years. There were seven Brothers w h o had been in Alpha for more than fifty years in attendance. A m o n g them were Brother Earl Pree, w h o attended the first regional convention at H o w a r d University in 1937 and Brother William Barnes of Zeta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, w h o has been an Alpha man for 58 years. The race for the Assistant Vice President was a close one. In fact, it was so close that it was necessary for the Brothers to leave the Formal Banquet at 12:15 A . M . to cast a second ballot because of a tie vote. After the second

ballot was cast, Brother Darrell Black was elected the Eastern Assistant Vice President. Brother William Ross, Jr., was elected the Eastern Vice President. Brother Ross won over Brother Hanley Norment by nine votes. O n e of the highlights of the convention for the college Brothers was the Miss Black and Gold Pageant. The judges chose Miss Beverly A. Burton, of Delaware State College (District VI), to represent the Eastern Region in New Orleans this August. A resolution was passed by the Eastern Regional Convention to recommend to the national organization to "continue the struggle" to make Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday. The A w a r d s Committee, chaired by Brother Walter Payne, worked for several hours to complete the task of reviewing all of the displays brought to the convention. After about 12 hours Continued on Page 28

General President Sutton and Eastern Vice President Hunt hear Million Dollar Fund Chairman I. ]. Lamothe at Eastern convention. 27

Continued from Page 27 of working, the Awards Committee announced the following awards to the largest number of guests ever assembled at an Eastern Regional Banquet: 1) College Brother of the Year: Joseph J. Suber of Beta Gamma Chapter, Virginia State College; 2) College Chapter of the Year: Theta Iota Chapter of V.P.I.: 3) Alumni Brother of the Year: Edward L. Long of Epsilon Omicron Lambda Chapter, Lawrenceville, Virginia; 4) Alumni Chapter of the Year: Iota Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Silver Spring, Maryland;

The Midwest meets in Dayton The 51st Anniversary Convention of the Midwestern Region assembled in Dayton, Ohio, April 14-17. With 268 delegates and over 700 Brothers in attendance, this was indeed the largest convention in the region's history. The Greater Dayton Pan-Hellenic Council welcomed the Brothers socially with a reception on Thursday and formally at the Public Session on Friday. Brother Jimmie L. Buford, Midwestern Vice President, presided over the First General Session. Brother Henry Ponder greeted the Brothers and presented himself as a candidate for General President during this session. Brother James Trent, General Treasurer, wished the region a successful and productive convention. Brother Trent also shared with the Brothers some of the latest financial developments in the Fraternity. The convention welcomed Brother Darryl Matthews on his return as Assistant Executive Secretary. Brother James H. McGhee brought the convention attendees to their feet with an inspiring Fraternal Address. The regional Miss Black and Gold Pageant was the best ever as eight lovely young ladies competed in casual wear, swim wear, talent and formal wear. The reigning National/Regional Miss Black and Gold, Ms. Cheryl Pearson, was elegant as she prepared to welcome the successor to her regional title. As the day came to an end, the 28

5) Alpha Award of Merit: Ernest L. Morse, Lawrenceville, Virginia; 6) District Award: District VII, Virginia. Brother Hunt and the host chapters presented Special Awards to the following widows for their continued untiring service to the chapters and the Pittsburgh area: Mrs. Madelyn Moorer Hairston (widow of Brother Howard Hairston); Mrs. Oteria W. Nicholson (widow of Brother William Nicholson); and Mrs. Lola Givens (widow of Brother Joseph Givens). Brother William Ross, the newly elected Eastern Region Vice President, stated that he looked forward to work-

ing with all of the Brothers of the Eastern Region for continued success. He also stated that the wives and sweethearts are the driving forces behind all of these great Brothers. Brother Ross pledged to give his full support to Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Hunt stated that he had come to Pittsburgh, which is his home, to end his reign as Eastern Regional Vice President. He indicated that the road back to Pittsburgh had not been an easy one, but God, his family and the Brotherhood had made his journey easier. He is satisfied with all of his accomplishments.

College Brothers competed for the regional "step show." The Fraternal Breakfast on Saturday was extremely enjoyable. Brother Joe Gunnell, Regional Life Membership Chairman, presided in his usual humorous fashion. Bishop Rembert Stokes was the breakfast speaker. During the Third General Session the convention delegates set about the task of electing the next Midwestern Vice President and Assistant Vice President. The candidates nominated were as follows: Vice President — Brother William Nelson and Brother Ivan Cotman; Assistant Vice President — Brother Steven Millon and Brother Lawrence Hale. Brother James H. Cary, Jr., Midwestern Assistant Vice President, presided over the College Brothers Luncheon. At the conclusion the chapters in the Midwestern Region resolved to complete their pledges to the Million Dollar Fund Drive by the National Convention in New Orleans.

Midwestern Vice President Jimmie Buford. The Fourth General Session was highlighted with speeches from each of the candidates. By the time the Fifth General Session adjourned the convention delegates had all cast their votes. During the Fifth and final General Session Brother Jimmie L. Buford was paid tribute for four years of service Continued on Page 29


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The Midwest's host chapter: Theta Lambda of Dayton, Ohio. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

A glimpse of the head table at Midwestern well done as Midwestern Vice President. Brother Ronald Mangum, Regional Treasurer, presented the delegates with a proposal for a regional fund raiser. The proposal was enthusiastically adopted. As the Black and Gold Banquet began, almost everyone was on the edge of their seats in anticipation of the results of the various competitions which had taken place during the convention. Fortunately, an excellent meal helped to relax everyone. Brother M y r o n Wahls, Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals, served as the banquet speaker. Brother Wahls was without a doubt well suited for the task. Brother Wahls so captivated the audience that, at the conclusion of his speech, every-


one had almost forgotten about the competition results. Luckily the master of ceremonies, Brother Henry A. Wilson, kept the order of the d a y . When the smoke had cleared the results were: Miss Black and Gold — Robbie Danzie, Drake University, sponsored by Alpha Nu Chapter; 1st runner-up — Diana M. White, University of Missouri at St. Louis, sponsored by Alpha Eta Chapter; 2nd runner-up — Kimberly Winston, Illinois Institute of Technology, sponsored by Nu Rho Chapter; and Miss Congeniality — Diana M. White. Step Show Competition: 1st place, Nu Rho Chapter; 2nd place, Delta Xi Chapter; 3rd place, G a m m a R h o C h a p t e r . Graduate Brother of the Year: Brother Fred Con-

1983 Highlights Of Southern Regional Convention By Joseph Hey ward Rain, sleet and not even snow could keep the Brothers of Alpha South from converging on Gainesville, Florida (Gainesville Hilton) site of the 1983 Convention. Snow in the good ole South in late March (fourth weekend) is a very rare event, but it happened for many Brothers and their families as they prepared to journey to Florida. T w o possible events could account for the attendance at this convention election of officers and the first time that Alpha South had not met on Easter weekend. Credit for a well-planned convention on the local level goes to Brother J. C. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Al Reid, left, accepts College Brother of the Year award. Rawls, State Director of Florida and Brother Wilford A. Griffin, Regional Convention Chairman. In addition, the Brothers of Nu Eta Lambda and Theta Sigma chapters worked untiringly to facilitate the m a n y requests of those in attendance. Vice President W. Mingo Clark, presiding over his final convention in his tenure of office, opened the convention officially on Friday morning, March 25, 1983. He noted that the resolution passed at the 1980 Convention (Nashville, TN) had not altered

w a y , Jr., Theta Lambda Chapter, D a y t o n , O H ; College Brother of the Year: Brother Lester McCarroll, Jr., Nu Rho Chapter, IIT; Academic Award: Alpha Nu Chapter, Drake University; Alumni Chapter of the Year: Epsilon Lambda Chapter, St. Louis, M O ; and College Chapter of the Year: Nu Rho Chapter, Illinois Institute of Technology. The Midwestern Vice PresidentElect, Brother Ivan Cotman, and the Assistant Midwestern Vice PresidentElect, Brother Steven Millon, were presented following the a w a r d s . Each of them gave an acceptance speech which assured the Brothers that the Midwestern Region is still in good hands. Brother Charles Teamer, C o m p troller, greeted the assembly and presented himself as a candidate for General President. As the banquet came to a close General President Ozell Sutton congratulated the Midwestern Region on an outstanding convention. Brother Jimmie L. Buford thanked the Brothers for their support throughout his tenure. The banquet closed with the singing of the Fraternity H y m n . The convention ended for most, with an enjoyable party hosted by the Brothers of D a y t o n . Special thanks to Dana "D.C." Carter, Alpha Nu Chapter, Drake University, for serving two years as regional photographer. the attendance of Brothers even though he, along with others, had driven there in the snow. Others were stranded and had to wait to get into and out of the Atlanta airport. The Alpha Sing-Along again set the tone for this most active convention. Candidates for offices, their supporters and Brothers busy about other important business, led to a festive and enjoyable convention. O r a t o r s , for which the South takes great pride, were present and addressed the theme, "Saluting the Past, Securing the Future: The Struggle Continues." Brother Marvin Davies, Special Assistant to the Governor of Florida, was the speaker for the Public Session. General President Ozell Sutton gave the Fraternal Address and Assistant Vice President A n t h o n y Hightower addressed the Brothers and guests at the College Brothers Luncheon. Those w h o heard these Brothers left the convention feeling that they must rededicate themselves to continue the struggle Continued on Page 30 29

Southern Vice President Clark welcomes his successor — A. M. Witherspoon. Continued from Page 29 helped to build our

of those that foundation. The election of a new Vice President and Assistant Vice President was one of the most important items on the agenda of many Brothers in attendance. Five Brothers presented their credentials and ran for office. Brother A. M. "Gus" Witherspoon, (Raleigh, NC) was elected as Southern Vice President — defeating Brother Larry Earvin (Atlanta, G A ) . Brother D w a y n e Keith Pigues (Memphis, TN) defeated two others — Brothers Craig Roberts (MS) and Gerald Sanders (GA) - for the position of Southern Assistant Vice President. Brothers Witherspoon and Pigues will be installed at the General Convention in New Orleans. W o r k s h o p s were held to improve the knowledge and skills of Brothers. These vital issues that mean so much for the successful operation of Alpha were addressed. Topics of discussion included the following: 1) Political Action; 2) Mock Initiation; 3) There Goes An Alpha Man; 4) Constitution and By-Laws; 5) Legal Responsibilities; 6) Responsibility of College Advisors; 7) Leadership Institute; 8) Housing Foundation; and 9) Million Dollar Fund Drive.

Executive Secretary James B. Blanton, w h o was delayed by the snow in his attempt to arrive in Gainesville, did arrive. Brother Blanton reported to the brotherhood on the status of the General Organization. The attempt to computerize the General Office was a point of discussion as well as the convention in New Orleans (LA) in August. O t h e r General officers in attendance were Brothers Charles Teamer (Comptroller), Walter Sullivan (Director of Educational Activities), and Walter Washington (Past General President). Brother Anthony Hightower provided the leadership for those activities that were of great interest to college Brothers. The College Brothers Affairs sessions included a discussion on 1) Programming, 2) Fund Raising and 3) Housing. Basketball games and Stepping Shows were enjoyed and the competition was very good. Mu Xi Chapter (University of Southern Mississippi) was the eventual winner in basketball and Mu Beta Chapter (UT-Martin) was the winner in the Step Show competition. The 1982 Miss Black and Gold Alpha South, Ms. Persephone Felder, thrilled the crowd with a repeat of her talent performance by singing "Love Is Where You Find It." Once again, the pageant was an elaborate and entertaining event with seven of the prettiest and most talented young ladies competing. The overflow and standing room only audience witnessed history for the state of South Carolina as Ms. Verneta Ferguson (Columbia, SC) was crowned 1983 Miss Black and Gold Alpha South. This represents two years in succession for South Carolina. First runner-up was Ms. Tennessee Black and Gold, Kim Yarborough and second runner-up was Ms. North Carolina Black and Gold, Alisia Evans. Ms. Ferguson will represent the region in the national pageant in New Orleans

this summer. The work of committees is another important portion of the convention. The work of the committees bears recognition and thanks. Highlights of some of the reports include the following: 1. Leadership Institute will be held in Columbia, SC, Benedict College, June 19-22, 1983. 2. T i m e a n d Place C o m m i t t e e reported that the 1984 Regional Convention is to be held in Gulfport, MS, fourth weekend in March 1984. 3. Resolution Committee recommended support for the March on Washington in August. 4. Reclamation Committee indicated 274 Brothers reclaimed. 5. Rules and Credentials reported 192 delegates registered and 358 registered for the convention. The Historical Commission presented a report and a display on the involvement of Alpha South. T h a n k s to Brothers W. J. Davis (Chairman) and Leonard Ballou (Co-Chairman) for the effort to provide the brotherhood of Alpha South with details of their history. The Formal A w a r d s Banquet, the culminating event on Saturday night was a time of apprehension on the part of Brothers and chapters competing for a w a r d s . Prior to the awards presentation, all females in attendance were presented a "yellow rose" by the members of the Executive Committee. The "yellow roses of Alpha" waving across the banquet hall has truly a beautiful sight. Brother Frank Gilbert, A w a r d s Committee Chairman, gave the rationale for the occasion and called upon a Brother to present the participants and winner in each category. The winners of a w a r d s are as follows: College Brother of the Year (Al Reid, Alpha Continued on Page 31

Alpha South — in convention assembled — Gainesville, Florida, March 24-26, 1983


The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Continued from Page 30 Phi, GA); Alumni Brother of the Year (Coleman Seward, Nu Mu Lambda,, GA); College Chapter of the Year (Kappa Alpha, AL); Alumni Chapter of the Year (Beta Beta Lambda, FL); Charles W. Greene Award (McKinley Washington, Beta Kappa Lambda, SC); State Director of the Year Award (J. C. Rawls, FL); and Vice Presidential

Awards (Iva Williams, AL and Joseph Heyward, SC). Three announced candidates for the office of General President were in attendance and provided opportunities for the Brothers to get acquainted with them. They were Brothers Henry Ponder, Charles Teamer and Rogernald Jackson. Two weeks following the convention, Alpha South gave away $5,000

($3,000, $1,500 and $500) as a part of the fund drive of the region. It seems as if we'll have to wait until next year's convention to determine if the successful attendance at our first convention on a weekend other than Easter was due to that fact - or the fact that there was an election of regional officers. See you then!!!

Shreveport hosts the Southwest By Raymond


The 37th Annual Southwestern Regional Convention convened in Shreveport, Louisiana, during the period March 31 - April 2, 1983 at the Regency Motor Hotel. The theme for this year's convention, "Maximizing Our Strength in Times Like These — The Struggle Continues," served as the platform for the convention proceedings. The convention began with a reception on Thursday evening and hosted by the Regional Vice President, Brother Raymond E. Carreathers and the sponsoring chapter, Delta Upsilon Lambda of Shreveport, Louisiana. On Friday, April 1, the Board of Directors of the Southwestern Region met, with Brother Carreathers presiding. The Minutes of the December 18, 1982 Board of Directors meeting were approved and the convention format was adopted. Following the board meeting, the various committees were assigned. A Public Luncheon was held on Friday, April 1, to officially kick off the convention. During this time various public officials and friends of Alpha in the State of Louisiana and the Shreveport area presented greetings to the brotherhood on behalf of their respective organizations and professions. The City Councilman, representing the Mayor of Shreveport, presented the symbolic key to the city to Brother Carreathers. Brother Alphonse Jackson, Louisiana State Representative and member of Delta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, gave a challenging Fraternal Address. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Honoring Past Southwestern Vice Presidents (I to r): Horace Williams (accepting for Earnest Wallace); Wayne Chandler; Robert King; L. G. Ashley; Charles Lewis; George Thompson; Roosevelt Johnson (accepting for A. Maceo Smith; Ozell Sutton; and Raymond Carreathers, incumbent. workshops, committee members and Following the luncheon, the First the four state caucuses were held. The General Session began with Brother caucuses allow the Brotherhood of the Audrey L. Mackey, Texas State Presistates of Arkansas, Louisiana, Okladent presiding. At this session, the homa and Texas to come together to ground rules to govern the convention discuss items of concern of the Fraterwere presented. Brother Henry Ponder, nity, particularly in their respective a candidate for General President and states and to recommend political President of Benedict College, addressed strategy on how to deal with the the brotherhood at this phase of the problems. Following the caucuses, the program. Brother Michael J. Price, Brothers and their guests attended the Editor-to-the-Sp/j/'nx and Assistant Miss Black and Gold Pageant, a first in Executive Secretary, was on hand to eight years. Competing for the title validate the participating chapters and were Miss Gina Blanks of the State of to answer the many questions from the Arkansas, Miss Portia Griffin of the brotherhood. He also distributed the State of Louisiana, Miss Willetta Gibbs Chapter Guides to the delegates of the of the State of Oklahoma and Miss various chapters. Cynthia Soviore of the State of Texas. At the end of this session, the The panel of seven judges, after viewBrothers dispersed to attend the ing the contestants individually and various workshops and committee collectively, selected Miss Portia Grifmeetings of their choice and interests. fin as Miss Black and Gold for 1983-84 There were three workshops to inwith Miss Cynthia Savoire as the first clude: 1) The National Program runner-up. Portia will compete for the Thrust; 2) Pledging, Initiation and National Miss Black and Gold title to Ritual Procedures; and 3) Chapter be held in New Orleans this summer. Management. The National Program Immediately following the pageant, the Thrust Workshop was conducted by Brothers were treated with traditional Brothers Ernest Holloway and Sherwin Regional Step Show and Dance, hosted Harvey. The Pledging, Initiation and by the Brothers of Louisiana. Ritual Procedures Workshop was conducted by Brothers Horace Williams On Saturday, April 2, the Life and Frederick V. Roberts, Esq. Brothers Membership Breakfast, chaired by Henry Young and Sheldon Early conBrother Wayne Chandler, started the ducted the workshop on Chapter day's activities. Following this event, Management. the brotherhood assembled for a brief Continued on Page 32 On Friday evening following the 31

Brother Charles C. Teamer, 5th from left, joins the host chapter — Delta Upsilon Lambda of Shreveport. Continued from Page 31 w o r d from the Regional Vice President and soon dispersed for the various committee meetings and workshops. The same workshops were repeated to allow the Brothers to get the benefit of the ones not attended the day before. Immediately following the committee meeting and workshops the Brothers were treated with the College Brothers Luncheon. Brother Kirk Bowen, Eastern Regional Assistant Vice President and Brother Charles Teamer, Comptroller and a candidate for General President, each gave inspiring addresses. Brother Sherwin Harvey, Southwestern Assistant Vice President, presided at the affair. Following the luncheon, time was allotted to the various committees to w r a p up their meetings. The College Brothers Affairs Committee also met during this period. The final Business Session began immediately following the brief meeting of the committees. The following officers were elected during this session: Brothers R a y m o n d E. Carreathers, Vice President; Marion Bracey, Assistant Vice President; Washington Taylor, Secretary; and Herschell Alcorn, Treasurer. Final reports from the committees were also given during this session. Brothers Roosevelt Johnson and Isadore Lamothe called the Roll of Chapters in support of the Million Dollar Fund Campaign. A total of $5,939.02 was collected from the brotherhood at the convention. All 32

chapters represented at the convention agreed to complete their pledges at the General Convention in New Orleans. The report from the College Brothers Affairs Committee included recommendations regarding the use of the Alpha material by any outsider. Additionally, the College Brothers felt that the activities held should be continued and that the Graduate Brothers and College Brothers should work together more in their respective communities. After the reports were received, time was allotted for a Memorial Service to h o n o r those Brothers w h o had entered the Omega Chapter since the last Regional Convention. The Formal Banquet to close the convention was held on Saturday night. General President Ozell Sutton served as the speaker for this occasion. O n e highlight of the banquet was the honoring of the past Regional Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents present to receive their award included Brothers Ozell Sutton, W a y n e C. Chandler, L. G. Ashley, Robert King, George W. T h o m p s o n and Charles E. Lewis. Brother Roosevelt Johnson of Alpha Sigma Lambda of Dallas accepted the plaque for Brother A. Maceo Smith. Brother Horace Williams, W a y n e Chandler and Lloyd H. Williams accepted plaques for Brothers Ernest Wallace, Jesse Chandler and T. Winston Cole, respectively. Following this presentation, Brother Robert Harris, Chairman of the A w a r d s Committee,

presented the following a w a r d s : Outstanding College Brother — Quentin White, Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern U n i v e r s i t y ; Outstanding Alumni Brother — Adrian Walker, Iota Psi Lambda, Lake Charles, Louisiana; Outstanding College Chapter (The A. Maceo Smith Award) — Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern University; Outstanding Alumni Chapter — Delta Rho Lambda Chapter, San Antonio, Texas; Henry Arthur Callis Award (College Brother with highest grade point average) — Eddie Marbley, Eta G a m m a Chapter, Prairie View A & M University; W.E.B. DuBois Award (Chapter with highest grade point average) — Eta G a m m a Chapter, Prairie View A & M University; Outstanding Chapter Advisor — Washington Taylor Beta Sigma, Southern University; Scrapbook Competition — Beta Sigma, Southern University; and Step Competition — Eta Epsilon, North Texas State University. In addition, the Beta Phi Chapter of Dillard University was honored for raising over eighty thousand dollars for the Sickle Cell Foundation of Greater New Orleans. The banquet was closed with the singing of the Fraternity H y m n . Following the banquet the Brothers and guests participated in the Formal Dance. O n Sunday, April 3 , 1 9 8 3 , the Board of Directors met with Brother Carreathers presiding. At this meeting comments and recommendations were received on the convention and for improvements for the 1984 Regional Convention scheduled for Beaumont, respectively. Brother Walter Walker, Convention Chairman, thanked the Brothers for their support. Brother Carreathers thanked the Brothers for their support and added that his future plans for the region and ths Regional Convention included but were not limited to: 1) Implementing more meaningful programs, particularly for the College Brothers to take part, such as Debating Contests, Public Speaking Contests, Career Development W o r k shops, etc.; 2) Regional W o r k s h o p s on Chapter and Brotherhood Leadership Development; 3) D e v e l o p i n g a Regional H a n d b o o k and Newsletter; and 4) Effective communication. In all respects, the 1983 Regional Convention was a success, primarily because the College Brothers really participated in the affairs of Alpha both social and business. It is the region's plan to continue its effort of raising funds to complete the region assessment to the Million Dollar Fund Campaign. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

The Western Region gathers in beautiful San Diego for 35th Anniversary Meet By Norman E. W. Towels The 35th Annual Convention of the Western Region of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was held at the beautiful Hanalei Hotel in San Diego, California. With a theme of "Unemployment - A Threat To Our Future," the convention began amidst anticipation and excitement toward the proposed speakers and business that would be conducted during the convention. The convention began on Thursday, March 31, 1983 with the Regional Officers and Chapter Presidents Meeting and Luncheon. Following this, the opening ceremonies highlighted the good wishes of local government officials and representatives from the other Greek organizations located in the city of San Diego. During the first Business Session Brother Clinton Minnis, Regional Vice President, presented his report in which he said in part: "Four years of leadership in the greatest region in this Fraternity has allowed us to develop programs and implement them to the satisfaction of the brotherhood. The many awards, plaques, certificates, citations, and other achievements that have been bestowed upon the chapters and brotherhood of this region in the last four years are unsurpassed in the history of this region." Following the First General Session, Brother Oscar Cosby, Assistant Regional Vice President (University of Southern California), chaired the College Brothers Caucus - during which the Brothers recommended extending the pledge program by one week to honor each of the Seven Jewels. Thursday evening an outstanding marketing presentation was given by Brother Terry Brown of the Miller Brewing Company, which was followed by a Smoker and Disco Dance. Friday began early for some Brothers as the Golf Tournament kicked off at 6:00 AM in the morning. The Brothers The Sphinx / Summer 1983

were visited by Brother Ponder, candidate for General President early in the day. An outstanding seminar on Black Unemployment was conducted by Brothers and guests of the host chapter, Zeta Sigma Lambda, and the panel was chaired by Brother Robert Mathews. The Business Awareness Luncheon was well attended by the more than 200 registered Brothers and guests and the principal speaker, Brother Clarence Pendleton - Chairman of the Commission on Civil Rights, gave a provocative speech on the political realities of today. Brother Ozell Sutton, General President, presented the national programs of the Fraternity; and Brother James

Blanton, Executive Director, discussed the operational procedures of the national office. Both presentations were well received. Brother Sutton honored us by being able to stay the entire evening and hold in-depth conversations with many of the Brothers through his attendance at the scheduled committee meetings of the convention. During this Second General Session the wives were hosted to a "Stress Seminar" put on by the able Brothers of the host chapter. Eta Sigma, the local college chapter, hosted the annual Basketball Tournament which saw Xi Rho of San Francisco State emerge victorious and ready to represent the region at the General Convention in New Orleans. The runner-up chapter was host San Diego State and the MVP was Brother Wayne Jones of San Francisco State. By far, however, the highlight of the evening was the Miss Black and Gold Contest, followed closely by the anjual Stomp Contest. The pageant, under the direction of Brother Keith Green (former Southern AVP and currently an engineering student at Cal Poly Pomona (Iota Psi Chapter) was well organized and a pleasure to behold. Six lovely ladies vied for the title. They represented Kappa Omicron Lambda (Bakersfield); Iota Chi (UC-Riverside); Xi Rho (San Francisco State); Gamma Continued on Page 34

Xi Rho (San Francisco State U) took top honors in the Step

Competition. 33

Minnis was "roasted" by Brothers Homer Mason (Beta Psi Lambda), Elmon Elmore (San Francisco), Rogernald (Billy) Jackson, former Western Regional Vice President and the candidate of the Western Region for General President. Truly it was Brother Minnis' night to bask in the sun. Brother Ronald C a n n o n , Regional A w a r d s Chairman, announced to the audience the victors in the awards competition. In golf, Brother Boyd Jackson (Iota Psi Lambda — Albuquerque, New Mexico); basketball, Xi

Eta Sigma (San Diego State U) captured its third consecutive College Chapter of the Year award. Continued from Page 33 Xi (UCLA), Theta Eta (UC-Davis); and Eta Sigma (San Diego State) . . . with the winner emerging from San Diego State. That same evening the Stomp Contest was held with Brothers participating from Epsilon Beta (Fresno State), Iota Psi (Cal Poly-Pomona), Alpha Epsilon (UC-Berkeley), Xi Pi (Cal State-Hayward), and Xi Rho (San Francisco State). The winner was Xi Rho, followed closely by Xi Pi. Saturday morning began with a spirited Life Membership Breakfast with Brother Rufus DeWitt presiding and Brother Edward Cruite providing the morning message and cheers. The Brothers left the breakfast revitalized and ready to face the coming activities of the day. This being the year that a new Vice President and Assistant Vice President were to be selected the convention was filled with high spirited debates and delegate caucusing so that each Brother might determine w h o best they would like to have represent the region in the ensuing term. The Third General Session was conducted on Saturday morning and all remaining officer reports were completed and accepted by the body. At 11 A M the College Brothers Luncheon and Fashion Show was held, which featured a presentation to Brother Clinton Minnis for his outstanding contributions to College Brothers during his tenure in office. The assemblage was given a provocative message by Brother Bobby 34

Grace, Student Body President at UCLA (Gamma Xi); and from Dr. N o r m a n E. W . Towels, Chairman of the Commission on College Brothers Affairs. The Fashion Show, which featured models from host chapters Zeta Sigma Lambda and Eta Sigma was enjoyed by all in attendance. By the Fourth General Session the convention was at a fever pitch. Six outstanding candidates were competing for the position of Regional Vice Presidents, while a head-to-head battle was developing in the race for Assistant Vice President. Brothers Ozel Brazil, J. Oscar Williams, Melvin Norton, G. Bernard Brown, A. Vernon Johnson, and N o r m a n E. W. Towels each presented themselves in an outstanding manner in the true spirit of Alpha. Prevailing after the second ballot was Brother N o r m a n Towels. For the position of A V P , Brother Allen Herbert (USC-Alpha Delta) defeated Brother D a m o n e Hale (Xi Pi-Hayward State). Brother Herbert becomes the second A V P in a row to hail from Alpha Delta Chapter. The culminating activity of the convention was the annual Banquet and A w a r d s Presentation. Brother Clinton Minnis, outgoing Regional Vice President, received some well deserved recognition by the Brothers. He was honored by the Life Members, College Brothers, Past A.V.P.'s, Area Directors, and his own local chapter — Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles). Brother

Dr. Norman Towels, Western Vice President-Elect. Rho (San Francisco State); Stomp Contest, Xi Rho (San Francisco State); best display went to Iota Zeta Lambda (Compton), and Epsilon Mu (San ]ose State); best scrapbook went to Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena) and Eta Sigma (San Diego State); best regional report went to Theta Eta (U.S.-Davis). The major a w a r d s went to Brother Martin Jacobs of Alpha Delta Chapter (USC) for College Brother of the Year; and to Brother N o r m a n E. W . Towels of Eta Pi Lambda Chapter (Pasadena) for Alumni Brother of the Year. Chapter of the Year honors went to Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles), Alumni Chapter of the Year; and for the third consecutive year Eta Sigma (San Diego State) w o n the College Chapter of the Year honor. Brother James McCann, Convention C h a i r m a n ; Brother D r . Langston Smith, Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter President; and Brother Phil Williams, President of Eta Sigma Chapter were honored by the region for putting on an outstanding convention. The wives, sweethearts, Brothers, and friends of the host chapters made the 35th annual convention one that will not be soon forgotten for their kindness, hospitality, and spirit in making this convention a wonderful experience for all. The Sphinx / Summer 1983


THE BLACK COLLEGES This article is one of a series by the Education Foundation — in recognition and support of historically Black colleges.

Xavier University

A unique institution of higher education

The scenic campus of Xavier University of New Orleans. X a v i e r U n i v e r s i t y of L o u i s i a n a is the o n l y C a t h o l i c i n s t i t u t i o n of higher learning with a predominantly Black enrollment in the Western Hemisphere. Established in 1925, Xavier is operated under a c o m b i n e d lay / religious board of trustees, administration and faculty. The university is composed of a College of Arts and Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Graduate School (in education). Degrees offered by Xavier are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Arts. Xavier has an enrollment of 1,900 an enrollment it The Sphinx / Summer 1983

has maintained over the past five years. Two-thirds of the students commute from the G r e a t e r New Orleans area. Residential students come from 30 states and a dozen foreign countries. The vast majority students come from low income families, requiring substantial student financial aid. Although Xavier remains predominantly Black, 15 percent of the students are now white, representing the greatest integration of any traditional Black Southern college. Greatest concentrations of students are found in health programs including pharmacy, and business administration. One-third of the students are enrolled in health or science-related

career programs. One-half of the freshman class has indicated an interest in this area. Programs offering training in health careers are the fastest growing on campus.

Dr. Norman Francis Xavier's President

The premedical program has an 8 3 % acceptance rate of its graduates into medical and dental schools. The college of p h a r m a c y educates 10% of all the Black pharmacy students in the country and has a 100% rate for students passing the state P h a r m a c y Board exam during the last three years. The medical technology program has 100% employment for its graduates and boasts of the most modern equipment of any med tech program in the city. The mass communications program recently dedicated its three-camera television studio with independent control room, videotape, a u d i o and film change facilities. Continued on Page 36 35


Xavier Continued from Page 35 The physics department is actively involving its students in solar energy research. Students are p r e s e n t l y d e s i g n i n g the equipment to provide solarheated hot water to the gymnasium. This m a y be completed by next year. Xavier has been awarded a $150,000 Mellon Foundation grant to strengthen the humanities. Plans call for new courses, an interdisciplinary liberal arts minor, a prefreshman program to strengthen analytical skills and a humanities forum with recognized authorities in the arts interrelating with students. In order to cut costs and offer the most comprehensive e d u c a t i o n possible, Xavier joined with Loyola University and Dominican College to form the New Orleans Consortium. This allows students to crossregister for courses at one of the other schools. Also, Xavier's social w o r k department has been named as the base for the Consortium Department of Social Work. Gert T o w n is a lowincome neighborhood sep-' arated by a drainage canal from the Xavier campus. T h e "social a w a r e n e s s " brought on in the 1960's made Xavier realize how much it could d o for this poverty area and h o w much could be learned from it: — Xavier leased land in Gert T o w n to the city for the construction of an indoor swimming pool to be o p e r a t e d by the city's recreation department. The lease is for $1 per year for 50 years. Xavier will use the pool during non-recreation hours to train students in life-saving and water safety and will staff the pool with health and physical education majors. 36

Xavier's strong sciences curriculum features an excellent Pharmacy — More land was leased in Gert T o w n to the city for $1 per year for a child care center operated b y the u n i v e r s i t y ' s D i v i s i o n of Education. — A n o t h e r $1 lease to the city for a health care center. — T h e Teacher Corps p r o g r a m began a summer r e c r e a t i o n p r o g r a m for youngsters, a free breakfast program (the first of its kind in the city) and home tutoring. — Xavier remodeled a machine shop and formed the A u d u b o n Arts Center for Gert T o w n youngsters to participate in dance, d r a m a , sewing, painting

and piano. — The Drexel Institute allows students to earn credit by working in the c o m m u n i t y . It is awaiting funding. The Urbinvolve program w o r k s closely with Gert T o w n , but it encompasses the entire city. Students w o r k in jobs in city government related to their major field of study. Urbinvolve was responsible for the formation of the Gert T o w n Resource Center to fulfill the legal, medical and social needs of the community. The Drug Information Center, recently m o v e d from the Xavier campus but

Department. still operated by Xavier p h a r m a c y students, maintains a comprehensive collection of information on drugs and drug research and is a service provided to New Orleans area pharmacists and doctors. In the p h a r m a c y studentpreceptor program, a registered pharmacist in a drug facility w o r k s with an assigned student on a oneto-one basis for a designated number of hours. Medical technology students, after three years of academic training, spend an additional year interning at an area hospital or clinic.

Brother Francis talks with Xavier students. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

man for the 1984 National Convention to be held in Cleveland, Ohio. He is married and has three children.

Brother William Bennett Brother WILLIAM R. BENNETT, Director of Financial Aid at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio has been elected President of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) for 1984-85. For the next year he will serve as President-Elect. Brother Bennett was elected to the post in balloting by the 2,500 institutional members of NASFAA. He has been active in the organization for many years, most recently serving a three-year term on the national council and serving as director of a commission which directed efforts of the group's committee on publications, training, institutional management services, and research. NASFAA members include private and public universities, proprietary schools and junior colleges all over the country. The association has headquarters in Washington, D.C. with an executive director and a staff of four professionals. Its role is to provide information and guidance on national issues involving financial aid programs. Brother Bennett has been Director of Financial Aid since 1972. Prior to that he was Athletic Director at East Technical High School. He was initiated into Gamma Iota Chapter, Hampton Institute in 1955 and holds Life Membership number 242. He serves as ^ e Vice President of Delta Alpha fcambda Chapter and is the local Chair-

Brother RAYMOND W. CANNON was honored by the University of Minnesota, his alma mater, on October 1, 1982. Brother Cannon is an alumnus of the University of Minnesota, having received his first degree, Bachelor of Pharmacy, there in 1913. The occasion was in connection with a special program, A Salute To Black Students and Alumni of the University of Minnesota for their academic and professional achievements, and the project was cosponsored by Ten / Toy Productions — of which Brother James E. Beard is the Executive Director. The University of Minnesota has a total enrollment of 47,500. The Mayo Clinic and Foundation are affiliated with its medical school. It is recognized as one of the great institutions of higher education in the western world. The University of Minnesota is governed by a Board of Regents of which Mrs. Wenda Moore, a lady of our race, is the chairperson. Brother Cannon is the oldest Minnesota alumnus of our race, and is the only living charter member of Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha which he helped to found in 1912. He and his brother. Miles O. Cannon, also a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Minnesota, opened a drug store in Minneapolis in 1916 in a neighborhood in which there were only two Black families. They fought down opposition and a boycott and conducted their business there for approximately 14 years until Brother Miles decided to change residence and live in California, and Brother Raymond (who by this time had completed his law course) decided to engage in law practice. After leaving pharmacy, Brother Cannon was associated with his other Brother, Attorney K. Homer Cannon, who, in his college days, was Drum Major of the University of Minnesota Band in 1919. Both of Brother Cannon's brothers were members of Alpha Phi Alpha. In honoring Brother Cannon, the University of Minnesota noted his contributions to the social, civic, industrial and cultural development to Minneapolis. He is a veteran of World War I, having served overseas in France. He is one of the founders of the Minneapolis Urban League and was chairman of the 37

Brother Raymond Cannon interim committee that brought it into existence over the vigorous oppostion at that time of the white business people of that city who thought it would increasse the Negro population. After it was organized, difficulty was encountered in obtaining a budget from the Chest Fund. Brother Cannon became the spokesman for the delegation at the last hearing and a budget of only $5,000 was granted. But this was a fairly sizable sum in those days. About six years ago Brother Cannon was one of two living founders to attend the 50th Anniversary Banquet of the Minneapolis Urban League. The league then had grown and expanded its program to the extent of five offices in Minneapolis, a staff of 42 persons, and a budget of $225,000. Brother Cannon was appointed to the Minneapolis Fair Employment Practices Commission by Hubert Humphrey when he was Mayor of that city. This was the first such body on the municipal level in the United States, and Brother Cannon represented this commission in a conference called by the late President Eisenhower in the White House. It is interesting to note that, among his many activities, Brother Cannon refused his appointment to the Draft Board during the World War II era by Governor Youngdahl of Minnesota because of racial discrimination against 38

Negroes in the Armed Forces. The news media gave this wide publicity over the country, and one of the results was the issuance of an executive order by the Governor integrating the Minnesota National Guard. Brother Cannon served three terms as President of Phyollis Wheatley Settlement House and its recreational facilities at Oak Lake. This was one of the largest institutions of its kind in the country. Among other items noted were his services as attorney for St. Peters A.M.E. Church (6V2 years gratis, including several litigations). He served as deputy of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite for Minnesota, South Dakota and Winnipeg, Canada, is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, 33°, former member of the Board of Directors of the Upper Midwest Region of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He has received numerous citations and awards among which are the Richard Allen Award, City of Minneapolis, Opportunity magazine, University of Minnesota (medal for World War I service) and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Much of the foregoing was mentioned when Brother Cannon was presented for this honor by the University of Minnesota. Brother Cannon attended the University of Minnesota, the College of St. Thomas, the Minnesota College of Law (now the William Mitchell College of Law) and the University of Judaism.

At the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce annual meeting the prestigious Community Leadership Award for 1983 will be presented to Brother JAMES P. COMER. Comer is director of the Schools Unit at the Yale Child Study Center and professor of psychiatry. He is also associate dean for Student Affairs at Yale Medical School where he is in charge of student evaluation and progress. Comer's community involvement is diverse and far-reaching. In addition to his work at Yale, he is on the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Energy Corporation (Southern Connecticut Gas Company), and Field Foundation. He is also a trustee of Connecticut Savings Bank, the Hazen Foundation, and

Wesleyan University. Comer is also on the Board of Advisors and Consultants for children's TV workshop ("Sesame Street"). Comer, a resident of North Haven, is married to Shirley Arnold Comer and they have two children.

Brother JOSEPH S. DARDEN, JR., Professor of Health Education and Chairperson of the Department of Health & Recreation at Kean College of New Jersey, has been selected as the recipient of the 1983 College / University Teacher of the Year Award for EDA, AAHPERD. AAHPERD (The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) is a national organization with approximately 48,000 members. It will celebrate its centennial anniversary in 1985. There are six districts included in the Alliance, EDA — The Eastern District - being the largest (from Maine to Maryland) with approximately 12,000 members. An educator of many "firsts," Dr. Darden was the first Black President (and the only one to-date of all the districts) of the Eastern District (1974-1975), and is the immediate Past District Representative to the Alliance Board of Governors (1979-1982) and the only Black to so serve, nationally. Known nationally as an authority in Sex Education, Dr. Darden has been at Kean College since 1964 (the second Black member of the faculty). The award was presented at the First General Session of the 60th Annual Convention of the Eastern District Association at the Biltmore Plaza Hotel in Providence, Rhode Island on February 17, 1983.

m After six years as District Superintendent of the North District of the United Methodist Conference, Brother JOHN N. DOGGETT, former head of the local NAACP chapter, has been reassigned to pastor at a predominantly white church in the Central West End of St. Louis to add to his list of "first" positions he has held. Doggett, whose term will expire at the end of June, will assume pastorate at Grace United Methodist Church. Doggett is also President of the The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brother John N. Doggett Board of Directors at Central Medical Center medical facility. Grace United Methodist works closely with Washington University and St. Louis Symphony, which means that it is highly cultural, progressive and has some of the city's leading citizens in the congregation. Doggett was also the "first" Black to serve on the World Methodist Council; to head two conference boards in the Missouri Conference and to head the delegation for the general and jurisdictional conferences. A native of Pennsylvania, Doggett received his Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from St. Louis University. He served pastorates in Delaware, New York and California before joining the Missouri East Conference in 1964. He served as pastor for Union Memorial United Methodist Church until his appointment to the district in 1976. He is married to Juanita Doggett, principal of Sherman School, and they have four children.

Brother JOSEPH N. GAYLES, JR., President of Talladega College, recently returned from an eight-day visit to the Democratic Republic of China where he was the guest of the Ministry of Education. "The purpose of the trip was to promote and foster cultural and informational exchanges between Taiwan and The Sphinx / Summer 1983

the United States, particularly, as it relates to higher education," said Dr. Gayles. He added that the possibility of developing "sister school" relationships between the two countries is being explored as well as having exchange programs for students and faculty. The U.S. delegation of three college presidents was escorted throughout their visit by high ranking officials of the Chinese government. Their itinerary included (in part) louring the following institutions of higher learning: National Taiwan Institute of Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, National Cheng Kieng University and Tamkang University. Dr. Gayles also toured several of the island's many cultural and religious institutions, such as the Longshan Temple, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, the National Palace Museum and other places of importance to Chinese culture and history. When asked what he considered to be the most interesting aspect of the trip, Dr. Gayles stated, "observing the intensity with which the Chinese people perform their duties and pursue their education, as well as their ideological development is overwhelming." The Chinese generally work seven days a week, having only three holidays and students attend school six full days a week. "Even though it (Taiwan) is a democratic society, the government is very much involved in the daily lives of the citizens. The national government regulates schools, the students have enormous loads of homework and extremely difficult examinations as mandatory procedure," added Gayles. He also stated that he found the Chinese to be very cordial and industrious persons who consider themselves to be protectors of all vestiges of ancient and modern Chinese history. The itinerary included Taipei, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Tamsui in China. Two days were spent in Tokyo at the conclusion of the trip.

m Brother FRED A. GORDEN is the Commander of the 7th Infantry Division Artillery at Ft. Ord, California. He is an active member of the Kappa Alpha Lambda Chapter. His major responsibility in the Division Artillery is to ensure that all of his subordinates are "in war invincible / in peace prepared." Brother Gorden was born in Anniston, Alabama. He attended school in Atlanta, Georgia and Battle Creek,

Michigan where he graduated from high school. Brother Gorden was destined to be an Alphaman from an early age. From his high school years he has strived in many areas for which he was justly awarded. He was inducted into the National Honor Society of the Wolverine State, the first recipient of C. W. Post and Clark Equipment scholarships, a member of Phi Rho Pi Forensic Society and a member of the All-City Basketball team. In 1958, Brother Gorden won an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. There he matriculated and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree. He furthered his field of studies at Middlebury College, where he earned a Master of Science degree in Spanish Literature and Civilization, with advanced studies in Madrid, Spain. Colonel Gorden's military career shifted into high gear upon completing West Point. He received a regular Army commissioin in the branch of Field Artillery. Brother Gorden has completed many military schools as a part of his many accomplishments. He is a graduate of the Army's Field Artillery basic and advance courses, the Army's Airborne and Ranger schools, the Armed Forces Staff College and the National War College. Colonel Gorden's military experience has led him to unique assignments around the world. He was a Field Artillery Battery Commander in the Republic of Vietnam; an instructor/ assistant professor at the United States Military Academy where he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal; a Field Artillery Battalion executive officer in the Republic of South Korea; and a Field Artillery Battalion Commander and Inspector General in the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii, where he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. Colonel Gordon was assigned to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., where he was in the Office of Personnel Actions and Executive to Chief of Legislative Liaison in the Office of the Secretary of the Army, and awarded the Legion of Merit. Brother Gorden was shown the light of Alphadom in the Mu Beta Lamba Chapter, Honolulu, Hawaii. He is married to the former Marcia Ann Stewart of St. Paul, Minnesota. They have two daughters, Shawn and Michelle.


Brother C. VERNON GRAY, as a candidate in the 1982 Maryland General Elections, became the first Black ever to be elected to the Howard County Council. As a member of the County Council, Dr. Gray has assumed the responsibilities as Chairperson, County Liquor Control Board, and Vice-Chairperson, County Zoning Board. As a recognized and respected member in his professional field, Dr. Gray is Chairman and Professor of Political Science at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. Furthermore, Brother Gray was selected as "Alpha Man of the Year" for 1982 by Kappa Phi Lambda in recognition of his leadership and outstanding contributions in community service, politics and in his profession. Brother Gray began his Alpha activities during his initiation into Beta Alpha at Morgan State University. He then moved on to acquire his Masters at Atlanta University and his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts. Brother Gray's expertise, community service and political acumen is wellknown and his reputation extends beyond the borders of Columbia, Maryland, and permeates many diverse areas in the State of Maryland. He has served as a member of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting; the Board of Directors of Meals on Wheels in Central Maryland; the Board of Directors, Maryland Rural Development Corporation; and Board of Directors, Minority Energy Technical Assistance Program. In addition, Brother Gray's community service includes such position as Vice Chair of the Howard County Community Action Council; Executive Board of the Howard County NAACP; Chairman, Dorsey Search Village Board; and Board of Trustees, St. John's Baptist Church. Brother Gray has also served on the Advisory committee of the Center for Urban Environmental Studies; the 1980 Maryland Democratic Party Delegate Selection Committee; and the General Assembly Joint Committee on Internship Program. In 1980 Brother Gray was named as an alternate delegate to the 1980 Democratic Convention. As Chairman of the Political Science Department at Morgan State University in Baltimore, and because of his experience and knowledge of state and local politics, Dr. Gray has been a political analyst for local television stations and is listed in Who's Who in America; Who's Who in the United 40

States; Who's Who Among Black Americans; Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans; and Men of Achievement-International Biography. Additional responsibilities which Dr. Gray has assumed in an indefatigable manner has been to chair a committee of the American Political Science Association; and as a member of committees of the Southern Political Science Association and the Executive Board of the National Capitol Area Association of Political Scientists. Brother Gray has also served on the Social Science Review Panel of the Maryland State Department of Education and Peer Review Panel of the National Research Council. During Brother Gray's twenty-three years as an Alpha man he has shown in "manly deeds" the commitment to community service and in "scholarship" the excellence to which all Alpha men strive.

Brother E. LEWIS GREGORY, Life Underwriter/Broker with the Prudential Insurance Company, as well as the Chief Executive Officer of Gregory Enterprises Ltd., recently published an article entitled "Direct Bulk Mail Campaigns — A Second Look," in Life Association News, the official publication of the National Association of Life Underwriters. Brother Gregory, who has also had articles published by Real Estate Today, the official publication of the National Association of Realtors, stated that this was a continuation of a series of articles he has been writing and publishing on sales communication skills. He stated that being an approved assistant professor on the faculty of Sinclair College keeps him in contact with the ever-changing materials and media in his fields. He is also currently working on his fourth book of poetry, which is to be dedicated to his wife Carol (Alpha Kappa Alpha), and sons Christopher, Courtenay and Clifton. Brother Gregory, a life member of Alpha, received his B.S. degree from Central University, C.D.R. from Howard University, and M.A. from Antioch University. He is also a member of the American Society of Writers, and the Alpha Phi Gamma National Honorary Journalism Fraternity. Besides being a life underwriter, publisher, professor, author and

realtor, Brother Gregory is also a freelance photographer and horticulturist residing in the Wilberforce area.

ML Brother JOSEPH C. GUNNELL, SR. has retired as Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist for the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, State of Missouri. Brother Gunnell, a former Director of Welfare for the City of St. Louis, began his retirement on January 31, 1983. Brother Gunnell has been serving in his most recent position for the last eight years. In addition to his duties involving equal employment and affirmative action, he has met with many schools, colleges and universities across the length and breath of the state, telling those about to enter the job market (and some already in) about the State Merit System and how it operates. He also encouraged those he would talk to, to consider state government as a possible employer. Brother Gunnell had served in several capacities in state government prior to going to the Office of Administration — including Human Relations Officer, Supervisor of Contractual Social Services, Supervisor of Community Services and Social Work Assistant in the Pruitt-Igoe area. In addition to serving the City of St. Louis as Welfare Director, he worked as Housing Manager, Relocation Supervisor, Instructor in Personnel Management for the U.S. Air Force at Scott Air Force Base (Illinois) and Lackland Air Force Bas (Texas). A member of the Board of Trustees of the Union Memorial United Methodist Church, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation and serves as Life Membership Chairman of the Fraternity's Midwestern Region.

Brother LEWIS R. HURST of Laurelton, New York has been selected as "Black Achiever in Industry" by the national program sponsored by the Harlem Branch, YMCA. The program honors Blacks who have achieved managerial, supervisory or professional status in industry. Mr. Hurst, a Staff Airport Engineer for the Port Authority of New York The Sphinx / Summer 1983

of Michigan School of Dentistry. The BDSA is the third largest chapter of the Student National Dental Association with a membership presently of 39 dental students out of 845 total dental students enrolled. Serving as the VicePresident for two years prior, Brother Lucas has assisted the BDSA in winning two national awards and the dental school student organization award for excellence for the past two years. Brother Lucas is also secretary for his dental class (class of 1984), having held that position for the past two years. It should be noted he is the only Black class officer in the entire dental school. He also holds membership in the National Dental Association, the Wolverine Dental Society, the American Student Dental Association, the Michigan Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. Brother Lewis Hurst

and New Jersey, was nominated by the bi-state agency because of his managerial skills and general professional abilities. Mr. Hurst joined the Port Authority in 1968 as Management Analyst and has been a member of the Aviation Department since 1969. He was an Air Traffic Controller with the Federal Aviation Administration at various posts throughout the country before joining the bi-state agency. He was a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Assistance Mission to Zaire in 1962. Mr. Hurst has earned a B.S. degree at Lane College, a MPA degree at New York University, and is currently a candidate for the Ph.D. degree at New York University. Mr. Hurst is active in various organizations. He is a former New York City Metropolitan Area Director, Alpha Phi Alpha member and currently the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Jamaica Branch, NAACP. He is also a Director of the Cambria Heights Senior Citizens Center. Mr. Hurst is married to the former Barbara Bolden and is the father of seven children.

ME Brother WALTER MARTIN LUCAS, III, Recording Secretary of Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Chapter in Flint, Michigan, has recently been elected President of the Black Dental Student Association (BDSA) of the University The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Within his native home of Flint, Brother Lucas has been very active, having been awarded in 1982 the Outstanding Young Men of America Award from the U.S. Jaycees. He is also a founder and Vice-President of Black Professionals, Inc., a non-profit foundation developed to assist, motivate, and provide scholarships to Flint area Black college-bound high school seniors. This corporation is comnprised of five Black Flint natives, all of whom are in graduate or professional school. Receiving dual degrees (B.S.) in Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Michigan-Flint in 1979, Brother Lucas has worked part-time on weekends while in dental school, and last summer worked two full-time jobs, one of which was as coordinator and supervisor of an innovative and unique Youth Enterprise Program, sponsored by the Urban League of Flint. This program was designed to provide 75 youths experience at developing their own "small businesses." At the end of the summer program, under Brother Lucas' tutelage and guidance, the program was deemed a success and was refunded for the entire 1983 year, by a grant from the United Way of Flint. Aside from the profession of dentistry and Alpha Phi Alpha, Brother Lucas is also a member of the Urban League of Flint, the NAACP, the University of Michigan Alumni Association, and Christ the King Catholic Church. Upon graduation from dental school in May, 1984, Brother Lucas plans to pursue a residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery, and thereafterwards, a career as an oral surgeon. Wherever Brother Lucas may go, with pride it can be said "there goes an Alpha man."

Brother Walter Martin Lucas, III

Fraternally, Brother Lucas is Secretary of the Michigan State Advisory Council of A-Phi-A Chapers, and serves as the Midwest Regional Liaison to the National Commission on College Brothers Affairs. As an active member of Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Brother Lucas has missed only one fraternity meeting in three years, despite driving 60 miles to attend them. He also serves on the fund-raising, reclamation, social, and Founder's Day committees. At the University of Michigan, Brother Lucas has served as Graduate Advisor to Epsilon Chapter, and maintains a close affiliation with Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter (Ann Arbor).

ME Brother ORRIN D. MITCHELL, D.D.S., has been appointed by Florida Governor Bob Graham to the Florida Board of Dentistry. He is one of six dentists from around the state whose duties include certifying dentists eligible to practice in the State of Florida. Dr. Mitchell, a native of Jacksonville, graduated from New Stanton Senior High School in 1964 and attended Florida A&M University two years. He received his B.S. degree from Howard University. He earned both his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1973, and his Certificate of Orthodontics in 1975, from Howard University School of Dentistry. Dr. Mitchell returned to 41

American Association for Higher Education, American Education Research Association, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the National Urban League. He is originally from Moss Point, Mississippi.

Brother Orrin Mitchell Jacksonville and opened his orthodontic practice in Methodist Medical Center Plaza. Dr. Mitchell currently holds membership in 11 local, state and national dental organizations including the American Association of Orthodontists, Florida Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association, and the National Dental Association. Some of his civic and business involvements include past member of the Board of Directors of the Jacksonville Urban League, member of Northwest Council Chamber of Commerce, life member NAACP, past president of the Arlington Toastmasters Club, and past Chairman of the Board of St. Paul Day Care Center. He is a member of New Bethel A.M.E. Church where he serves on the Board of Trustees. He is married and the father of two children.

Brother MICHAEL T. NETTLES recently received an Outstanding Young Alumnus award from Iowa State University. Brother Nettles, of 6535 Premier Drive in Nashville, Tennessee, is Assistant Director of Academic Affairs for the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. He received his B.S. in 1976 from the University of Tennessee and in 1982 was named Alumnus of the Year by that school. Brother Nettles attained his M.S. in 1977, M.A. in 1978, and Ph.D. in 1980 from Iowa State. He is a member of the 42

Brother Harold Patrick Brother HAROLD PATRICK is getting high marks for his success in turning around a less-than-successful McDonald's franchise in Philadelphia. Extensive remodeling, a complete Playland, and special community-oriented events (like "Hispanic Day" and "Jazz, Jazz, Jazz" celebrations) speak to the creativity with which Brother Patrick has approached the operation of "his" business. "We are more than just a store," he told a local newspaper, "we're a part of the community. And my approach is meeting the needs of the people . . . We're in the customer satisfaction business." "I've thought for some time about having my own business," says the 30-year-old Brother Patrick, who was Regional Sales Manager for Phoenix Mutual Insurance Company in Chicago before taking on - successfully - the McDonald's challenge. Harold was born in Evanston, Illinois and graduated from Evanston High School. He received his B.A. degree from Hampton Institute in Virginia, graduating with honors majoring in Mathematics. He joined the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company in Hartford, then transferred to

Chicago as an account executive in group insurance sales in 1978. In December, 1981, he became Regional Sales Manager for Phoenix Mutual, with responsibilities covering six Midwestern states. Although a newcomer to the City of Brotherly Love, Brother Patrick is already involved in his community. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the Nicetown Boys and Girls Club; the Hampton Institute Alumni; and Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. He is also a past board member of the Hartford and Chicago Urban Leagues.

Brother ELLIS R. PEOPPLES received the John C. Carroll Memorial Award for Excellence in Equal Employment Opportunity at a special ceremony on February 18. He was the second recipient of the annual award that was established in the name of the former Civil Rights officer who died August 7, 1981. The award is given to the FAA employee "who best exemplifies the spirit and purpose of the FAA, based on outstanding achievements made toward the fulfillment of Equal Employment Opportunity." Mr. Peopples received the award for his concern and involvement with minority and disadvantaged youth — in particular with his work to organize and conduct the youth awareness program known as the Technical Youth Program (TYP), Inc. The program received wide attention throughout the FAA and is featured in the March issue of FAA World magazine. The TYP is just one of a long string of EEO areas in which Mr. Peopples has participated. He is a long-time EEO advisory committee member and a former EEO discrimination complaints counselor. He was actively involved with the Civil Rights Office in the presentation of a Minority Business Seminar that drew participants from three states. Mr. Peopples also is active in his community. He is a youth consultant to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and is a member of the New Jersey Transit Advisory Committee, and the Juvenile Conference Committee.

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brother PERCY E. POLLARD has been named Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Personnel of the IBM Corporation. Now reporting directly to VP-Personnel Walton E. Burdick, Brother Pollard was formerly Program Manager of Personnel Development.

Brother MICHAEL H. REED is easily mistaken for an aspiring young executive. Nothing's wrong with a promising young executive — especially a young Black executive in the corporate mainstream. But Brother Reed, 33, has already "delivered" on more promises than most career-minded people could even hope to attain. He is a highly successful lawyer — a corporate lawyer — in a national law firm. He has been a partner in the firm of Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz since Sept. 1980. The early training paid off for the South Philadelphia resident. He received early vocal training at McDaniel Elementary School. He graduated from Temple University in 1969 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. He was admitted to Yale University School and won his J.D. degree in 1972. He joined the Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz firm that same year as a member of the business department, having a general business practice. As a corporate lawyer he specialized in the area of bankruptcy, dealing with creditors' rights and with clients in financial difficulty or those having claims in financial difficulty. Reed's firm has offices in Philadelphia, Washington, Allentown, Harrisburg, Detroit and Los Angeles. He is highly respected by his colleagues on S. Broad St. and in the legal profession generally. Reed is a member of the Barristers' Association of Philadelphia, serving as first vice president from 1974 through September 1976; a member of the National Bar Association, American Bar Association and Philadelpha Bar Association, serving on various committees of these groups, including a three-year term (1974-77) on the latter's Executive Committee of the Young Lawyers Section. Attorney Reed is also a member of the Hearing Committee of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Committee of Seventy and Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He has served as co-advisor of the Law Explorers Post 913, sponsored by The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brother Michael Reed the Philadelphia Bar Association and the Boy Scouts of America, an involvement that brings smiles of satisfaction. The Law Explorers Post recruits young adults ages 14-20 who have indicated their interest in pursuing legal careers. Meetings are usually held every other Wednesday evening, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Activities over the years have included conferences among Post members and judges, lawyers, law students, college students and paralegals; tours of the "Roundhouse" and the Philadelphia court system; viewing documentary films on prison experiments, group trips to New York City and Washington, D.C., during which Post members toured the United Nations, Howard University Law School, the U.S. Supreme Court Building, meeting various Court principals; the U.S. Congress and the D.C. City Council. Post members are eligible for participation in regular Exploring activities conducted by the Scouts. Reed has written articles in legal and professional publications defending the philosophy of affirmative action; addressed subjects of bankruptcy and other timely legal matters. Michael Reed has branched out and the legal profession and society are proud to claim him. But no one is prouder of Michael's achievements than his family, including Yalta GilmoreReed, his wife and Alexandra, their first child, born on May 31, 1982. Brother Reed was the subject of a featured article in September 21, 1982 issue of the Philadelphia Tribune newspaper. Since that article Brother

Reed has begun several additional endeavors. Within Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter, in which Mike serves as Parliamentarian, he and Brother Herbert Birtha (Corresponding Secretary) spearheaded a committee (which devised a financial plan). This financial plan allows individual chapter members voluntarily to lend a sum of money to a fund. The interest from this fund then is earmarked for chapter house maintenance. The contributors get the benefit of a reduction in their individual chapter dues as well as the satisfaction of helping with a major chapter expense. Though not fully operational as of this writing, the plan has received chapter approval and is underway. Philadelphia is witnessing a resurgence in political activity and achievement. Brother Reed is the Treasurer for the 1983 campaign to re-elect for a second four-year term City Councilman John Anderson. Anderson, also a lawyer, is a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. It was he who successfully sponsored in the City Council a December 1982 resolution which recognized Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Week in the city. Never neglecting the basics such as education, Brother Reed was told that the Camden, New Jersey branch of the Rutgers Law School "couldn't find any" Afro-American lawyers to teach any of its courses. Rising to this challenge also, Brother Reed has prepared a course in the commercial law area. He teaches it early one or two mornings per week for the 1983 Spring term at the Rutgers' Camden campus. Then he returns across the Delaware River to Philadelphia to begin his day of law practice and duties as a partner in one of Philadelphia's "establishment" law firms. Brother Reed is devoted to his wife, Yalta Gilmore-Reed. Their marriage was blessed on May 31, 1982 with the birth of their first child, Alexandra. A family man, Brother Reed is a living example of another Alpha Man on the Move!

Brother JOSEPH TRAVILLION, JR. was initiated into the fraternity at Alcorn State University, Delta Kappa Chapter, in December, 1950. During his college days, he held the fraternity positions of Dean of Pledgees and Chapter President. He is currently 43

active in Theta Sigma Lambda Chapter, Lorman, Mississippi, and is a life member. T h r o u g h setting high goals and standards, and strategically pursuing ideas, Brother Travillion has paved the w a y to an illustrious career through public service. In the field of public education, he has held positions ranging from elementary school principal to Dean of Education at Institutions of Higher Learning. Currently, he sits on the Board of Trustees of two institutions of higher learning. He is the Superintendent of Education of the C l a i b o r n e C o u n t y Public School System (an elected office), and is the President-elect of the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents, the first Black to ever serve in that capacity. Brother Travillion married the former A u d r e y Shelton and through the union has produced four sons, the eldest two, Gregory and Jeffrey, are also members of the fraternity pledging into G a m m a Upsilon, Tougaloo College, and Delta Phi, Jackson State University, respectively. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Alcorn State University and after a term in the Armed Forces, pursued his education at Tuskegee Institute where he received a Masters of Science degree, certification for Secondary Administration, and certification for Social Studies instruction. Further study at Jackson State University, Mississippi State University and the University of Southern Mississippi led to various degrees in Elementary Administration. The work for the degrees of Specialist and Doctorate of Education was done at the University of C o l o r a d o at Boulder. His certification ranges from Class "A", classroom, to Clas "AAAA", which deals with administration. Brother Travillion has blazed the trail of persistence and success which exemplifies an Alpha m a n since the

dent of Education, the position which he holds to this date. Along the w a y , Brother Travillion has written several articles which have been published in educational magazines, received scholarship and fellowship awards, as well as being inducted into several honor societies such as Phi Delta Kappa P r o fessional Fraternity. T h e C l a i b o r n e C o u n t y School System has been a topic of controversy recently because it is one of the wealthiest counties in the state and questions of fiscal authority have been raised. However, with strong community support, the support of major state and local officials, as well as the letter of law, Brother Travillion is definitely an Alpha on the move.

Brother Joseph Travillion beginning of his career. From 1957 to 1964, he performed as a social studies teacher and Assistant Principal at McLaurin High School in Florence, Mississippi. In 1965 he moved to one of the largest school districts in the state, the Jackson Public School System, as an Assistant Principal at Brinkley High School until promoted to the Principalship of Brown Elementary School in 1966. He stayed at Brown until 1971 when he went West to receive his doctorate and returned in 1973 to his alma mater, Alcorn State University, as the Dean of Education a n d Psychology. In 1978 he moved to the position of Claiborne C o u n t y Planner and later, in 1979, was elected C o u n t y Superinten-

Brother WILBERT L. WALKER has recently published his fourth book, a novel entitled Servants Of All. It is a sequel to an earlier novel, The Pride Of Our Hearts. A unique feature of both these novels is the fact that the protagonist, Bruce Jackson, and several other key characters are Alpha men. Servants Of All is Bruce Jackson's fight in a h u m a n service bureaucracy to improve the quality of services in the wake of r a m p a n t politicization. A secondary theme explores the informal relationships a m o n g Alpha men that enables them to assist each other when problems arise. Brother Walker is the author of We Are Men, a memoir of two wars; and Stalemate At Panmunjon, a novel. A Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha, he was initiated at Beta Alpha Chapter, Morgan State University in 1947. He was President of that chapter in 1950, and is currently President of Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, Maryland.

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The Sphinx / Summer 1983

EAST maryland Delta Lambda Chapter inaugurates Chapter Life Membership Program Delta Lambda Chapter has just begun a "Chapter Life Membership" program. The $500 membership fee is open only to Life Members of Alpha Phi Alpha, and is payable within three years. Funds for Life Memberships will be invested in the highest yielding securities, consistent with safety of principal and the goals of the chapter. Proceeds from investments will be used to fund the chapter's scholarship program. Six Brothers have already pledged, and begun payment on chapter Life Memberships. Three have completed payment of the full amount, becoming the first Delta Lambda Chapter Life Members, in addition to being Life Members of Alpha Phi Alpha. The program, adopted in January 1983, was proposed by Brother Wilbert L. Walker, Chapter President. Many of the chapter's twenty-five Life Members of Alpha are expected to join this program, as further evidence of their support of the goals of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Delta Lambda Chapter officers for 1982-83 are Brothers: Wilbert L. Walker, President; Clayton C. Stansbury, Vice President; Charles 'Tom" Mitchell, Corresponding Secretary; R. Grant Pinkett, Recording Secretary; Alton B. Cobb, Financial Secretary; William B. Proctor, Treasurer; James H. Wooten, Chaplain; Robert F. "Bobby" Brooks, Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Glendi E. Johns, Historian; Martin K. Austin, Parliamentarian; James Pierce, Sgt.-atArms; Jacob D. Howard III, Dean of Pledges; Ray A. Hill, Director of Education; and Charles Pinchback and Wesley Shelton, Lay Members to Executive Council.

mossQchusetts Alpha Kappa

welcomes new Brothers Greetings Brothers from Alpha Kappa Chapter of the Metropolitan Springfield, Massachusetts area. The Brothers first of all would like to congratulate

the neophytes of Alpha Kappa who crossed the sands into Alpha land. These Brothers are Steve "Love" Colon, Thomas Brown, Tim Godbolt, Kenny Johnston, and Fred Rosado of the "Numbers" line. Also, the "Deuteronomy" line which consisted of Ray McKayle and Tony Silva and the recent "Kings" line on which was the one and only Kevin Barnes. Alpha Kappa is in a rebuilding stage due to the loss of Brothers who graduated in 1982. We would like to congratulate Brother Jay Jubilee who turned WAIC into one of the top 1,500 radio stations in the country and announce that Brother Steve Colon will be taking over the General Manager position at WAIC for tne 1982-83 year. Next, the Brothers of Alpha Kappa would like *to thank the Brothers of Kappa Delta Chapter for their help and participation with our chapter functions. We would also like to express our gratitude to all people who donated blood at our second annual Blood Drive. Seventy-five persons donated which was ten more donors than last year. This year the Brothers of Alpha Kappa Chapter have been involved in tutoring programs at several local churches and community centers. We would also like to mention that Brother Kevin Barnes was elected Chairman of the Tara Felicia Walker Needy Children's Fund of the greater Springfield area. Also we would like to send out an extra good-luck to all Brothers and Angels of the Alpha Kappa Chapter who plan to participate in the Dance Marathon which will benefit Muscular Dystrophy and the March of Dimes. Alpha Kappa would like to offer an open invitation to any Brothers who happen to be in the Springfield area. The doors of Alpha Kappa are always open to the men who wear the Black and Gold.

Virginia Henrico Alphas hold Founder's Day Xi Delta Lambda Chapter (Henrico County, Virginia) held its first Founder's Day Banquet on Saturday, December 4 at 7:00 p.m. at Virginia Union University. The master of ceremonies was James E. Wright, Jr. Invocation was given by 45

new jersey Alpha Alpha Lambda presents university awards Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter has been very busy since our last report to the Sphinx. We have increased our donation to the Blood Bank account which bears our name. This program of ours has been accepted as a District Project. We now have several pints that will be made available to the community and our families. The chapter raised over $3,000 for the Newark Boys' Club. Over the past Xi Delta Lambda: Sitting (1-r) Dennis R. Winston, Director of Educational Affairs; Leo H. three years Alpha Alpha Lambda has Ross, President; fames P. Cuffee, Recording Secretary; and Alan ]. Foster, Treasurer. Stand-raised close to $7,000 for the Boys' Club. Brother Ray Hicks, former Presiing (l-r) Phillip E. Battle; fames E. Wright, fr., Editor-to-the-Sphinx; John C. Puryear, Historian; fames M. fohnson, Sgt.-At-Arms; Carrol E. Zanders, Vice President; and Weldon dent of Alpha Alpha Lambda, has served as both Vice President of the H. Smith, Financial Secretary. Central Ward Unit and Assistant Secretary for the Board of Trustees of Weldon H. Smith. A musical selection held its first dance, Xi Fest-A-Val, at the five clubs of the Newark Boys & was rendered by the Alpha Singers. the Flamingo Club. The dance was a Girls Club. Since the United Way The members of the Alpha Singers are benefit for the NAACP, National funds a substantial portion of the Boys' Phillip Battle, Rutledge Dennis, Urban League, and the United Negro Club budget, they find it necessary to Nathaniel Guthrie, Anthony Hill, Leo College Fund and is a part of the deal with two Brothers from the United Ross, Weldon Smith, Ronald Sumpter, Fraternity's national program to raise Way's Agency Relations Committee James Wright, and Marshall Garrett, one million dollars for these three and the Initial Funding Committee. pianist. worthy organizations. The dance These are Brothers Lincoln Turner, chairman was Carrol Zanders. The national and local history of the Fraternity was given by John C. Puryear. "The House of Alpha" was read by Dr. William H. Owens. The seven candle ceremony commemorating the seven founders of the Fraternity was performed by James Johnson, Anthony Hill, Phillip Battle, and Carrol Zanders. A solo was rendered by Dr. Rutledge M. Dennis. C. A. Pennington, State Director of Virginia, introduced the speaker — Thomas Allston III, Director of Publicity, Hampton Institute. Remarks were given by Leo H. Ross, President, and the rededication ceremony was led by Alan J. Foster. The charter members of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter are Phillip E. Battle, James P. Cuffee, Alan J. Foster, John S. Greene, Jr., Clifton Johnson, James M. Johnson, John C. Puryear, Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Dennis R. Winston, James E. Wright, Jr., and Carrol E. Zanders. On November 20, Xi Delta Lambda initiated its first new members. The new initiates are Warren M. Cobbs, David Goodall, Sr., Anthony M. Hill, Otho O. Purcell, and Ronald Sumpter. The Dean of Pledges was John Greene. Omicron Lambda Alpha Brothers at Special Olympics Clinic. Also, on November 20, the chapter 46

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

former Essex County Freeholder and Jim Dave Wilson, Vice-Principal in the Elizabeth, New Jersey School System. One might say that it is somewhat of an incestuous relationship. Alpha Alpha Lambda also has presented awards to two local colleges and universities. The Sydney JohnsonArthur C. Williams Award for Excellence in Science was presented to Ms. Betty Evans and Ms. Delores Ruth at Essex County College. The Lt. Col. George B. Warren Award for Excellence in Military Science has been awarded to 2nd Lieutenant Edward Grady at Seton Hall University. Both awards are given to Black students. Ours were the only awards given by a Greek letter organization, Black or white, at the respective ceremonies. Participating were Brothers C. B. Cates and Jim Dave Wilson. The chapter, along with the Newark League of Women Voters, sponsored a forum for candidates for election to the Newark Board of Education. Participating were Brothers Ray Hicks, Jim Carter, Cecil Cates, Verner Henry and Jim Dave Wilson. The Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter was involved in the most recent public hearing centered around the raising of standards at Essex County College. A letter of appreciation was received by the chapter from Dr. A. Zachary Yamba, President of Essex County College. The chapter also participated in the Eastern Regional Convention, where it took an active role in the campaign of Eastern Regional Vice President-Elect William Ross. Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter was among the first chapters in New Jersey to pledge its support to Brother Ross and we extend every good wish for his success in the Vice President chair. Members of the chapter who attended the Regional Convention were Brothers Jim Carter, Sydney Johnson, Warren Sherwood, Jim Dave Wilson, Verner Henry and Troy Baker. Alpha Alpha Lambda is setting the pace in New Jersey.

New York state Director Clifford Clemmons (2nd from left) joins Fredrick Day, L. H. Stanton and Marshall Williams at Black History Month activities. metropolitan area. The panel participants were Randall Pinkston, anchorman WCBS Television News; Marcus Poole, President, Channel Black Television; Ron Johnson, Vice President, Satellite News; and Cheryl Washington, Executive Producer of Cable News Network, who also coordinated the panel discussion. The next seminar, entitled "Buying and Renovating Harlem Brownstones," featured speakers from various city agencies, bankers, real estate brokers A-Phi-A Black History Month Committee Chairman William Freeman converses with and also Harlem residents who had Brother Floyd Thomas and his wife Naomi. bought and renovated brownstones. The speakers addressed a capacity Lambda Chapter House is located in audience on the ins and outs of acquirthe historic Hamilton Heights district ing city-owned property, buying these of Harlem, the theme for the month properties privately, financing these was "Building and Investing in brownstones and learning what to Harlem's Future — Our Challenge for expect when renovating and restoring the '80s." these properties. The speakers also The month's activities started with addressed the conversions of these an Open House which featured an Art magnificent brownstones into condoExhibit by promising Afro-American miniums and co-ops. artists from the New York area, Investing in the community was the dancers from the Creative Dance focus for the next seminar. Speakers Theatre of Harlem and poetry readfrom the Harlem Urban Development ings. The highlight of the afternoon Corporation and from the Uptwon was a seminar entitled "Blacks in the Chamber of Commerce discussed plans Media." This seminar featured promifor the development of Central Harlem nent television personalities from the including the proposed 50-floor Third Brothers, left to right, Steve Brewerton, Alvin Wilkes, Kenneth Larrymore, ]ohn Carlson and Henry Rice at A-Phi-A Black History Month activities.

new york Alpha Gamma Lambda celebrates Black History Month Brothers of the Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter coordinated a citywide celebration of Black History Month. Since the Alpha Gamma The Sphinx / Summer 1983


World Trade Complex. Speakers also focused on business opportunities for minority entrepreneurs in Harlem. Alpha Gamma Lambda concluded the month's celebration with its "Annual Old Timers Nite." This affair is a salute to all Alphas but especially to our Brothers over 65 years of age. Distinguished Alphas from throughout the metropolitan area attended this gala affair. Among those in attendance were Brother John Wilson, first Black graduate of Columbia's School of Architecture; and Brother Leonidas Levisay, noted New York physician. Also in attendance were Brothers Mel Bolden, Al Holland, Marshall Williams and Sherman Carter. Many Brothers spoke of their love for Alpha and recounted many memorable experiences as Alphas. The affair was held in the Delton Stanford Room of the Chapter House. After a delightful dinner and a solo performance by Brother Kenneth Larrymore, the Brothers and their guests danced to the music of the Jazz Experience." Brother William Freeman served as Chairman of the month-long celebration with Brother Garland Underwood serving as Co-Chairman.

maryland Kappa Phi Lambda celebrates banner year Greetings to all Brothers from Kappa Phi Lambda, the "Biggest Little Chapter in the East." This past year has been one of reflection, sober recollection and rededication to the highest ideals of " . . . our dear Fraternity." It surely falls upon the "fraternal community," as a part of the fabric and strength of the Black community, to rededicate ourselves to the improvement of ourselves and assistance to our fellow men. Students of this society are not certain as to whether the severe dislocations this nation is experiencing are temporary or the results of a serious dysfunction, but whatever the judgment of later years, the Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda are certain that history will note that the Alphas did rise to the challenge with a helping hand and fraternal guidance. Indeed, the struggle continues and the Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda have again turned their combined energies to community service. Under the guidance and coordination of Brother Rochelle Brown, members of Kappa Phi Lambda assisted 48

elderly homeowners in a weatherization project and provided additional home repairs. The weatherization and home repair activities were done in the village of Harmony Lane, a community adjacent to Columbia, Maryland. These efforts were coordinated with various agencies in Howard County. This year we again had broad participation and support from the Brothers in the chapter in our Saturday driving program. The driving program assists elderly citizens, who have no other way of going shopping, to take trips to the local malls and supermarkets. This program has been in operation for approximately eight years and the chapter Brothers should be proud of their sustained and long-term commitment to the community and its elderly citizens. Kappa Phi Lambda applauds and extends a warm and fraternal "thank you and well done" to Brother Rochelle Brown who has coordinated the driving program for the past two years. Among other projects continued during the past year was the provision of Thanksgiving baskets to needy families. This project was coordinated with other county agencies and the effort is a part of the continuing struggle against poverty and indifference. In rededicating ourselves to the goals established by the Seven Jewels, a moving and t h o u g h t - p r o v o k i n g Founder's Day Service was held at the Guilford Baptist Church in Columbia. Brother Wilbert Walker, President of Delta Lambda Chapter in Baltimore, was our guest speaker. Brother Walker has written several books and is a most inspiring speaker. Brother Walker's themes were rededication and new directions. He challenged each Alpha Brother at the ceremony to recommit themselves to the goals and aspirations of the Seven Jewels. In the community of Columbia, Maryland, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast has become an institutionalized event. The Memorial Breakfast program was presided over by Brother Kenneth M. Jennings, President, Kappa Phi Lambda, and the guest speaker was Judge William H. Murphy, Jr., Supreme Bench, City of Baltimore. A well-known and active barrister in the State of Maryland and the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan areas, Judge Murphy was elected to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore in November of 1980. Judge Murphy's speech emphasized the goals of Brother King and how the Brothers of Alpha, their families, friends and the entire

Black community must remain dedicated to the achievement of those goals. In addition to the magnificent speech at the breakfast the recipients of the Kappa Phi Lambda 1982 Scholarship awards were presented to the audience by Brother Harvey Moran, Jr., Director of Education. The 1982 Scholarship and Award recipients were Patrick Bradford; Kimberly Moran; Freeman Louis Sands, Jr.; Robin Nelson; Kathleen House; Cecily Yvonne Christian; Keli Coleman; Tamelin (Butch) Antione III; Kevin Fitzpatrick; and Jacqueline Antoine (faculty award). The hard work of the program committee, guided by Vice President David Rakes, assured that the Memorial Breakfast was a success. Many thanks and a job-well-done to Brothers Robert Fenner; James L. Fitzpatrick; C. Vernon Gray; Harvey Moran, Jr.; Roger Lewis; Edward D. Young; and Julius Conway, Jr. A special mention of the Alpha Wives of Kappa Phi Lambda is, indeed, in order here as they made a significant contribution to the Scholarship Fund of Kappa Phi Lambda. Moreover, the Alpha Wives have come to be a significant organization in the Columbia, Maryland area through their active participation in community activities. The Alpha Wives for the past two years have been guided by their President, the indefatigable Teri Kendrix. Many thanks to the Alpha Wives for their unswerving support to the chapter and also for doing their own thing in a grand manner. Hard work notwithstanding, the Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda and the Alpha Wives did find time for a most enjoyable social calendar this past year. Early last fall the racquet-ball disco, which is an annual affair and supports our scholarship fund, got the social calendar off to a rousing start and set the standard of excellence for all the social events which followed. At the annual Christmas party over 100 members and guests enjoyed a very festive occasion. Brother James Fitzpatrick and his committee members are to be congratulated on a very successful effort. The Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda pride themselves on being sensitive to the diverse needs of the Columbia, Maryland community and try to assist in filling in the spaces with either civic or social activities which are needed. This past Christmas season, under the enthusiastic urging of Brother Cecil Christian, Kappa Phi Lambda held its first Holiday Mixer and Dance for all our sons, daughters and friends who The Sphinx / Summer 1983

were on holiday break from their various schools. The dance was well attended, and by all measures, it was a fantastic success. Kudos to Brother Christian and the chapter looks forward to his leadership on this event again next year. The annual Valentines Day Sweethearts Party, scheduled for Sunday, February 13, was delayed by a record breaking snowstorm in our area on February 11; however, the affair was held on February 20 and how sweet it was! The Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda, their wives, sweethearts, and friend enjoyed a most warm and cordial evening. The reporting of our yearly social calendar would not be complete if we failed to mention the Kappa Phi Lambda Annual Spring Dance. As always, the dance was the place to be in Columbia that evening . . . always fashionable . . . always in good taste. Congratulations to the Brothers on the Social Committee and the chapter membership who work very hard every year to make this a successful event. Kudos are also in order for the many friends and supporters of Kappa Phi Lambda who every year surprise us with their enthusiasm and anticipation of the event. The Spring Dance was a gala affair and a most appropriate manner in which to bring our social calender to a close. Approximately seven years ago the Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda established the chapter's Education Scholarship Fund which provides awards and scholarships to outstanding Howard County students and faculty each year. The Educational Fund's program has been a tremendous success in promulgating one of the major goals of Alpha Phi Alpha and has assisted many students in the Columbia area to secure post-secondary education. During 1982, another organization has been established by the Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda, namely the APHIA Investment Association. The APHIA Investment Association is modeled after the more familiar investment clubs and its charter was executed on March 23, 1982. The development of the investment association was the offshoot of many hours of active discussion and concern for the long range financial base of the chapter and the continuation of its many community services and activities. The Brothers of the chapter are excited about this new venture and have begun to computerize their analyses of stock market and other investment opportunities. The officers of the APHIA Investment Association during the past year were: The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brother Kenneth Jennings, Chairman; Brother William Riley, Secretary; Brother Clarence Toomer, Financial Secretary; and Brother Douglas Bowe, Treasurer. The chapter officers who guided Kappa Phi Lambda through this most exciting year of continuing community services; chartering and the implementation of the investment program; expansion of the scholarship awards; and last but not least an exciting and satisfying social calendar, are to be commended for a job extremely welldone and for the continuation of the struggle. Leading the chapter this past year as officers were: Brother Kenneth M. Jennings, Jr., his leadership as President of the chapter and Chairman of the APHIA Investment Association has been truly inspiring; Brother David A. Rakes, who did a yeoman's job as Vice President and Chairman of the Program Committee; Brother Clarence Toomer, as Corresponding Secretary of the chapter and Financial Secretary of the Investment Association handled both tasks in a credible fashion; Brother Edward Young, as Recording Secretary of the chapter and a significant factor in all our activities exemplified the Alpha spirit; Brother Freeman Sands, as Financial Secretary had a busy year and handled it brilliantly; Brother William Floyd, as Treasurer kept us clear, solvent and provided us with a thorough and professional performance; Brother Harvey Moran, as Director of Education and a member of the program committee gave the chapter an energetic, informative and outstanding year; Brother Phillip Sadler, as Sergeant-at-Arms maintained decorum and the more exuberant discussants at our meetings; Brother William Burgess as Chaplain and editor of our chapter newsletter, provided us with spiritual guidance as well as all the news, all year long; Brother Robert Fenner, as Historian and program committee member played a major role in our presentations and chapter affairs during the year; and Brother William Riley, as Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx.

Philadelphia Psi Chapter celebrates 76th Anniversary of Alpha Greetings, Alpha Brothers, from the Mighty Psi Chapter in Philadelphia, Pa. It's been a while since the Brothers of Psi Chapter have reported our

Psi Chapter President James A. King, Jr. presents leadership award to Brother William H. Gray III.

activities to the Sphinx. We would like the Brothers to know that we have been working hard to uphold the aims of the Fraternity. Since our last correspondence, Psi has once again found itself in the spotlight. Psi has just completed one of the most productive years in our 62 year history. Although we have had several civic and social functions during the summer and fall of 1982, it peaked with our four day Founders' Weekend Celebration. Psi celebrated the 76th anniversary of the Fraternity's founding by co-sponsoring a four day extravaganza with the Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Company. The weekend's activities started when the University of Pennsylvania's President Sheldon Hackney presented a commendation to Psi Chapter for setting an example of cooperation and for providing service to the community. The City Council of Philadelphia presented to Rho Zeta Omicron Lambda and Psi Chapters a resolution recognizing December 4, 1982 as Alpha Phi Alpha Day. Mayor William Green also presented a proclamation to the three chapters in Philadelphia in recognition of Alpha Phi Alpha's founding. December 2-5, 1982 was a special time for the chapter because we were able to make a positive statement to both city and university officials who do not always see the worth of fraternities on a college level. The first activity of the weekend was the Greek Classic Invitational Basketball Tournament co-sponsored by the Budweiser Brewing Company. The two day tournament featured eight fraternities from Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania. The highlights included Psi Chapter's winning the championship and the Most Valuable Player Trophy being awarded to neophyte Brother Calvin B. Chambers. The second activity of the weekend was "An Evening of Alpha Magic." It was the social event of the semester and truly showed why the Alphas in 49

LeCount. The winner of the scholarship will be presented as Alpha Gamma's "Student of the Year" at our annual cabaret ball in April. Our second annual event, a talent show, was quite successful this year. The acts, which encompassed the Providence and Brown communities, were the best the chapter has encountered. This is an occasion which the Brothers are quite proud of because it provides an opportunity for many young adults to work cohesively while at the same time providing good entertainment. Cohesive and successful efforts were made and completed when Alpha Gamma and Phi Psi held a "dagattack" (daquiri/pini colada party). This party was unique in that it marks the first time a Black and White fraterBrothers, left to right, Greg Coleman, Calvin Chambers, George Burrell, Edward Robinson, nity have held an event together, thus, and ]ames B. King display proclamations presented to Psi Chapter. hopefully promoting better Black/ White relations on Brown's campus. Philadelphia are not only the leaders in all our illustrious Brothers in AlphaDuring the past year our chapter has brotherhood and community service, dom. Alpha Gamma is located in the strengthened the bonds with the but we also give the best social affairs. celestial city of Providence, Rhode graduate chapter, Mu Theta Lambda. The evening featured a magician to Island on the Brown University campus. On Founder's Day of our beloved provide additional magic to the atmosThis year marks the chapter's ninth fraternity graduate and undergraduate phere. There were two dance floors year (reactivation in 1974) of successBrothers, Alpha Angels, and the ladies with different DJs, a free buffet and fully upholding the ideals and conductof Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., bar. Visiting Brothers from the Delaing events which make our fraternity dined at the posh Biltmore Hotel. The ware Valley, including Glassboro supreme. 1983 brings a wave of new evening was made festive with a speech State, Westchester State, and Cheyney events to be held on our campus as well from graduating President Versey State, were in attendance. as improvement of the programs we Carter who addressed "The importance The Public Program was held on consider traditional. of undergraduates not to forget the December 4. This was an awards cereOn February 19, the Brothers of principles of Alpha as they get older." mony where we honored seven indiAlpha Gamma prided themselves for The position of undergraduate advisor viduals for their service to Philadelphia having received first place in the second is now filled by Brother Brian Douglas and their leadership in their respective annual Greek show held at Brown who replaced Brother Bruce Brown fields. Included were Honorable University. The chapter's performance who has given Alpha Gamma many George Burrell, Deputy to the Mayor; at the Greek show (a competitive stepyears of valuable and beneficial advice. W. Wilson Goode, former Managing ping exhibition participated in by the The officers for the 1982-83 academic Director of Philadelphia and present seven oldest Black Greek letter organyear are Brothers: John Deloach, Presimayoral candidate; Brother Congressizations) was unparalleled and left the dent; Dorsey James Vice-President; man William Gray III; Garry Maddox audience dazzled by the black and Mark Fentress, Corresponding Secreof the Philadelphia Phillies Baseball gold. The chapter is also proud of four tary; Lincoln Carter, Recording SecreClub; and Dr. Ralph Smith, first Black young men who are presently "seeking tary; Reginald Vaughn, Dean of to receive tenure at the University of the light." Known as Osiris, these Pledges; Harry Holt, Assistant Dean Pennsylvania's Law School. We closed pledges are Lee Harvey, Duane of Pledges; Eaon Richardson, Editor a program with donations of funds and Douglas, Phillip Jefferson, and Craig to the Sphinx; Bill Chapman, Parliaan outstanding speech by Brother A. Copeland. It is a long and tough road mentarian; Jay Cowan, Historian; Gilbert Douglass, Esq. of Zeta Omito Alphaland, but these young men are and Dexter Arrington, Pan-Hellenic cron Lambda. We also published our proving themselves worthy. Chairman, first annual souvenir advertising jourAs members of the Big Brother Club We, the Brothers of Alpha Gamma nal entitled "Renaissance." of Rhode Island many frats found Chapter, are proud of our achieveThe last two events of the celebrathemselves busy on February 18. This ments. Our commitment to Alpha and tion, and probably the most signifidate marked Big Brother / Little Brother our role as Alpha's here as in all cant, were the banquet and the smoker. Day. The Brothers of Alpha Gamma chapters is exemplified by our achievetook Providence youths to a basketball ments whether big or small. The goal game and dinner which was culmiof Alpha Gamma is to be as productive nated with an ice cream sundae maraas possible so that Alpha's light not thon. The day proved to be rewarding only glows within the Brothers, but for all involved. also within the individuals we interact Alpha Gamma In an attempt to encourage the avail- with. continues old successes, ability of higher education for Black begins new traditions and Hispanic Providence high-schoolers, The members of Alpha Gamma the Brothers have started a scholarship in honor of the late Brother Joseph B. Chapter extend fraternal greetings to

brown university


The Sphinx / Summer 1983

howard university Beta Chapter holds Reunion Banquet Fraternal greetings are extended to distinguished Alpha men everywhere from the illustrious Brothers of Beta Chapter. As the academic year 1982-83 comes to a close, Beta Chapter continues to uphold the high standards of Alpha, and strives for excellence in leadership, community service and academics. The highlight of the 1982-83 academic year, the Beta Reunion Banquet, was an overwhelming success. Past Beta initiates from as far back as 1911 returned to their alma mater to rekindle fond memories of "college days that swiftly pass," renew old acquaintances, meet new Brothers, and in general have an enjoyable and nostalgic evening. The banquet was merely a part of an overall program that included a Diamond Jubilee Disco, and a Beta Rap Session. All in all, the Beta reunion project proved to be an overwhelming success. With community service being an integral part of our chapter, the Brothers of Beta were involved in a number of projects. Included among these was a Career Orientation program in which Beta Brothers visited various Washington, D.C. area high schools and discussed career opportunities in the fields of law, business, medicine, and engineering. The Brothers also escorted local children to the Kennedy Center for an afternoon of cultural programs, and have a Walk-A-Thon planned for spring. In addition to lending a helping hand in the community, Beta Chapter has been very active on campus. The chapter, in conjunction with the Undergraduate Student Assembly, sponsored an art exhibit delineating the life and times of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. The exhibit, entitled "Honor the Past, Seek a Better Future," was the first part of a long-running Black history educational series entitled "The Howard University Project," and featured the works of internationally renowned artist Sherman Watkins. In addition to this, Beta also sponsored two very informative seminars. The first was entitled "Leadership," and the second was entitled "Phobias." Educational plaudits are extended to Brother Juan Powell III, a Civil Engineering major, for being selected to Who's Who Among American College and University Students. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Beta President Herb McMillan addresses guests at the chapter's Diamond Anniversary Banquet.

A-Phi-A Chapter Historian J. Leon Langhome speaks at Beta's Diamond Anniversary Banquet. The past academic year brought many challenges to the Brothers of Beta Chapter, but the high standards of Alpha, as well as Beta tradition, made

us ready to meet those challenges. We at Beta wish the best for all Brothers across the country, as they uphold the light of Alpha.

Kappa Kappa Lambda President Vincent Whitmore (right) presents an award to Brother Clayton Stansbury (center) in recognition of his services as speaker at the chapter's smoker. Joining them is Brother Wilbert Walker, President of Delta Lambda Chapter. Both alumni chapters are located in Baltimore, Maryland. 51

MIDWEST umkc Delta Rho celebrates productive year Greetings to all our Alpha Brothers throughout the land. We, the Brothers of Delta Rho Chapter of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, continue in our struggle to uphold the high ideals of Alpha which we feel we must exemplify as we continue to provide service to all. On April 10, 1982, the Brothers of Delta Rho held the Alpha Phi Alpha, "Bold and Gold Ball - A Tribute to Black Women." This event took place at the elegant Sheraton Royal Hotel and hosted Brothers throughout the States of Missouri and Kansas. Approximately 400 people were in attendance. On April 15, 1982, Delta Rho conducted a "Candlelight March" through the streets of Kansas City to commemorate the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This march covered 2.5 miles and included the members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., our own Alpha Angels, and the community at large. This event was covered by various news media within Kansas City. Also during the spring semester of 1982, Delta Rho proudly initiated two success oriented Black men into the Fraternity. The line, "Aphanite," consisted of Brothers: Leon M. Watkins, a Music major at UMKC's Conservatory of Music; and Douglas S. Shipley, an Administration of Justice major at UMKC. Brother Shipley is the youngest and last of the four Shipley Brothers to "cross the burning sands," (David, Theta, 78; Darrell, Alpha Psi, 79; and Donald, Alpha Chi, '80). September through November, 1982, found the Brothers of Delta Rho actively conducting their voter registration drive. Through these efforts, Congressman Alan Wheat, the first Black Congressman from Kansas City, was elected. Delta Rho also received special recognition as the organization responsible for registering the second highest number of individuals to vote in Kansas City's voter registration drive. On Halloween, 1982, Delta Rho created a haunted house for the children of metropolitan Kansas City. 52

This was to ensure them of having a fun and safe Halloween. It was conducted at the George W. Gates Boys Club. The event was very successful through the help of our "ever-faithful" Angels and all proceeds went to the Boys Club. Delta Rho received a special citation for this effort from the Boys Club. During November, the Brothers conducted their 2nd annual food drive. The Brothers went door-to-door and collected canned goods and other semi non-perishable food items. All of these were taken back to UMKC in conjunction with their food drive for the Harvesters organization. Once again, Delta Rho received special recognition for its efforts and for contributing more food than any other campus organization. So as not to neglect our young brothers and sisters in high school, the Brothers of Delta Rho also went out to the local high schools during the Fall of 1982. Their purpose was to inform high school students about the different programs college has to offer and to get them interested in attending college. To round out the year the Brothers were participants in two Founder's Day celebration banquets. The first was held on Dec. 4, 1982 and included members of Upsilon Chapter, Kansas University. The second was held on Dec. 11, and was sponsored by the graduate Brothers of Kansas City Beta Lambda Chapter. This event was also attended by Upsilon, and the graduate and undergraduate chapters of Omaha, Nebraska. It was a very successful attempt to bring graduate and undergraduate Brothers together. Brother Rev. Emmanuel Cleaver, a Councilman of Kansas City, presented a proclamation from the Mayor of Kansas City to the body proclaiming it Alpha Phi Alpha Week in Kansas City, Dec. 4-11, 1982. In February, the Brothers sponsored various lectures, films and programs for Black History Month. In conjunction with each of these the Brothers conducted a letter-writing campaign addressed to our Congressmen aimed at getting Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday its much deserved national recognition. On January 27, 1983, an article appeared in the University News, the campus newspaper, written by Brother Douglas S. Shipley. The article was entitled, "Black Sororities and Fraternities Reflect Pride and Unity." This article included some historical information about all the major Black sororities and fraternities. Brother

Shipley wrote the article because there is a need for Black Greeks on campus to get the positive recognition they have earned and much desire. Plans are on the drawing board for another "Candlelight March." Also, the Black and Gold Ball is being planned. As you can see, Delta Rho is alive and well and doing all it can to uphold Alpha.

michigan Epsilon Upsilon Lambda is rejuvenated in Alphadom Greetings to the Brotherhood of Alpha! After a long absence, Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Chapter in Flint, Michigan, has become rejuvenated and is once again firmly in the House of Alpha. To celebrate the end of a successful fraternal year, the chapter held its 27th annual Black and Gold Mystique Ball at the University Center. Guest speaker for this illustrious event was Brother James Gaddis, Michigan State Director. Dr. Tom Belford (D.D.S.) was honored as EUL's Alpha Man of the Year for his outstanding community and fraternity service. Visiting Brothers and their wives came from Ann Arbor, Lansing, Detroit, and Saginaw. A most enjoyable evening was had by all! Elected officers for the 1981-82 fraternal year were: Brothers Lewis E. Driskell, President; O'Neil Wiley, Vice-President; Billye G. Thompson, Corresponding Secretary; Walter M. Lucas III, Recording Secretary; Arnold .Cary, Financial Secretary; Frederick Waller, Treasurer; Preston J. Nash, Chaplain; and Mem A. Wright,

Dr. Tom Belford (center) receives EUL Man of the Year award from Brothers Carl Gibson (left) and John Feaster (right). The Sphinx / Summer 1983

regained strength and vigor. We look forward to serving the Flint community in the highest degree of honor, achievement, and leadership. We haven't forgotten that we are "First of all, Servants of all," and because of that, "We shall transcend all."


Brothers of Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Chapter. Historian. Our activities for the 1981-82 fraternal year included a Sweetheart Dinner for the wives and ladies on Valentine's Day. In March, Brother Paul Dunigan made an impressive presentation of his Black Art Gallery (Pyramid Art Gallery of Detroit) that was well received by the Brothers of EUL. April saw the Midwest Regional Convention in Milwaukee, and EUL was well represented by Brothers Arnold Cary and Walter Lucas. May welcomed the annual EUL Reclamation Smoker. All Alpha Brothers in the Flint area were invited to partake, not only of a delicious meal and the company of Brothers, but also to learn more about Alpha Phi Alpha on a local, state, and national level. A turnout of more than 20 Brothers indicated that the smoker was a success. June saw the annual Alpha Family Picnic, co-sponsored with Iota Chi Lambda Chapter (Saginaw). Despite bad weather in the morning, both Brothers and families came together to share a magnificent meal, brotherhood, and a competitive Alpha Softball Game, finally won by Iota Chi Lambda Chapter. July brought the culmination of EUL's efforts to establish a Black Panhellenic Council in Flint. Officers and committees were chosen, with EUL members serving as two officers and chairing two committees. The national convention in August, was the main summer event for Brothers of EUL, and as always, we were represented well by Arnold Cary and Walter Lucas. September meant election time and EUL unanimously reelected the entire slate of presiding officers. Installation ceremonies were conducted under the auspices of chapter chaplain, Brother Preston J. Nash. With over $2,500 collected for scholarships for Flint area students, The Sphinx / Summer 1983

October saw a partial dispersement of those funds by EUL to help defray the cost of a college education. The University of Michigan-Flint Office of Financial Aid helped identify a Black college freshman to receive the Alpha scholarship. In November, we again celebrated the culmination of a successful fraternal year with our 28th annual Black and Gold Interlude Ball. At the newly opened Hyatt Regency Flint Hotel, Brothers, wives, and guests partied until the wee hours to the delight of all. December began with our Founder's Day celebration, and the Brothers of EUL came together in remembrance of our beloved Jewels to share a luncheon meal and hear a thrustful and challenging speech by guest speaker Brother Steve Robinson on the topic of 'The Importance of Alpha." Our agenda for the upcoming year includes further incorporation of the national program, The New Alpha Thrust, into our local program. Also, reduced dues should help to reclaim many Brothers back into the House of Alpha. Our community calendar includes co-sponsorship with the Flint Black Panhellenic Council of a Career Day for Flint area high school seniors. We also shall be working with the Voter Education Coalition in February on voter registration. We will be hosting the state-wide Alpha Golf Tournament this June. And finally, considering that Flint has the nation's highest unemployment rate, we shall be working towards increasing our benevolence in scholarship monies to enable more Black Flint students to pursue a college education. Plans are underway to sponsor one youth to the Midwest Leadership Development and Citizenship Education Institute at Lincoln University. We, the Brothers of EUL, have

Nu Psi Lambda honors outstanding student Nu Psi Lambda Chapter (Bloomington, Illinois) selected Sheryl L. Donnelly of Bloomington as the first recipient of its Minority Achievement Award. The objective of the award is to acknowledge and honor graduating minority high school seniors in the Bloomington-Normal community who have demonstrated academic and social achievement and to encourage more minorities to continue academic achievement and social contributions. Ms. Donnelly was presented a $100 U.S. Savings Bond from Nu Psi Lambda Chapter as a symbol of encouragement and support in her goal of becoming a medical lab technician. The award was presented May 16, 1983 by chapter members Marvin K. Arnold and Ray H. Hodges. On hand to honor Ms. Donnelly at the brief ceremony was her mother, Mrs. Joe Spencer, and Bloomington High School Counselor James Bruno. Sheryl intends to continue her education by attending college to major in Science or Biology.

Iinois Mu Mu Lambda: "Shining the Light For Today's Youth" The Brothers of Mu Mu Lambda proudly completed another exciting and challenging year, only to start the new year with "seven times" the vigor and energy, producing outstanding programs for the year ahead. Some of last year's highlights included a Scholarship Dinner Dance held in May, and most notably, a benefit concert held in October. The concert truly personified the motto, "First of All, Servants of All," and also the true meaning of brotherhood. The concert, performed by Brothers Abraham 53

Smith and Fred Miller, was an overwhelming success. The event was so well received than plans are underway to make it an annual event. We also opened our hearts and offered extensions of brotherly love to six new Brothers joining the Fraternity. Our heartiest congratulations and a warm welcome go out to our six neophyte Brothers: Decature D. Tounsel, Jerome S. Garner, Arthur C. Carr, Donald E. Thompson, Michael A. Childress, and James M. Newman, initiated December 11, 1982. For the upcoming year, the Brothers of Mu Mu Lambda will premiere a new program, the Alpha Lites Seminar. The program, sponsored by the Education Committee, is designed to enhance the lives of today's young men, by offering a series of seminars aimed at achieving excellence. The program has attracted approximately 50 young men from 28 west suburban high schools. Mu Mu Lambda Chapter successfully conducted a series of three seminars for Chicago west suburban minority high s c h o o l s t u d e n t s . Entitled the "Alpha Lites" program, these seminars were designed to help the students get a better understanding of themselves and the challenges they will face in the years to come. Forty-eight young men gathered at Elmhurst College to hear presentations on values and survival skills, career opportunities, and college selection and orientation. The highlight of the Alpha Lites program was a career day, held on April 21, 1983. Minority youth spent the day with the Brother whose occupation matched their career choice. Featured speaker for the banquet at the conclusion of the day was Brother Erwin A. France.

Chicago suburban high school students participate in Alpha Lites program. assistance in public coordination.



The seminars will be conducted in four parts: I. Life Goals and Survival Skills; II. Career Focus; III. College Selection and Orientatioin; and IV. Career Day. Later this year Mu Mu Lambda will sponsor its first annual Beautillion: "Black Manhood Going Forth in the '80s," an event which is bound for success. Finally, congratulations go out to one of our most distinguished Brothers, Joseph W. Freelon. Brother Freelon was elected Mayor of Maywood, Illinois — achieving more than 60% of the votes from the community. Mu Mu Lambda is definitely on the move. Our sights are set high, our goal is excellence. Strength and dedication guarantee us success.

missouri Beta Lambda holds Founder's Day Observance Beta Lambda Chapter held its annual Founder's Day observance on Dec. 11, 1982 in the Westport Room of the University of Missouri at Kansas City. This observance marked one of the largest attended Founder's Days in many years. The observance was highlighted by the presentation of a Mayoral Proclamation by Brother Emanual Cleaver to Brother Donald Lee, President of Beta Lambda Chapter. Dr. Curtis Franklin presided as toastmaster and Jimmie Buford, Midwestern Vice-President, attended. Dr. Ivan Cotman of Detroit and Dr. Nick Nelson of Columbus, Ohio made comments.

The Brothers of Beta Lambda enjoy dinner during Founder's Day observance.

The Mu Mu Lambda Chapter is committed to working with Black youth and providing role models, counseling, and financial assistance through the chapter's scholarship program. The Alpha Lites program manifests the chapter's commitment to education and the general advancement of Black students. Director of Education for the chapter and organizer of the Alpha Lites program is Brother Roland Wesley. Seminar Coordinators were Brothers Kenneth Crews and Howard Jones. Career Day Coordinator was Brother Otha Lang. Assisting Brother Lang was Brother Marvin Aikerson. Brother Jadonal Ford also provided valuable 54

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Participants in ribbon-cutting ceremony include (left to right) Brother George Davis, General President Ozell Sutton, Congressman William Clay, Brother Rudolph Walker, former Midwestern Vice President Thomas Pawley, and Brothers Rudolph Walker and Wayne Harvey, Chairman of the Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation.

missouri Epsilon Lambda honors 50-year Brothers On Saturday, December 4, 1982 Epsilon Lambda Chapter celebrated its 65th Founder's Day with a banquet at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel. Guest speaker for the banquet was Dr. Lionel Newsom, President of Central State University and former General President of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Newsom challenged the Brothers assembled in a fiery speech on why you became an Alpha, "On Purpose or By Accident." Brothers being honored for their services to Epsilon Lambda Chapter were as follows: Man of the Year, L. Dwight Johnson; Daniel E. Bowles Award, Joseph C. Gunnell, Sr.; William Alexander Award, Dr. James Gavin; and John D . Buckner Award, Queen E. Fowler. The John D. Buckner Award is given annually to a person or organization that is not connected with the Fraternity, who has made an impact or a great contribution to the St. Louis community. The winner this year (1982) is Queen E. Fowler, Ph.D., Superintendent of the Weilston School District. The banquet culminated in a special tribute to the Seven Jewels by Brother John R. Pope. During the fiscal year 1982 the Epsilon Lambda Chapter conceived an idea specifically designed to honor older chapter members with fifty years The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brothers gathered at the dedication of the Alpha Terrace Building for senior citizens.

Brother George Davis, President of the Alpha Redevelopment Program, addresses audience at the dedication of the Alpha Terrace Building for senior citizens. or more in the Fraternity. The Chairman of the program was given the go ahead to develop a history on the activities of our older Brothers. The first social function for the senior Brothers was held on the evening of June 18, 1982 at the Fairmount Race Track. The older Brothers were feted by the Fraternity to a full course dinner after which the horse races could be enjoyed from the "Stallion Room," a vantage point above the lower grandstand levels. The evening

was an outstanding success, and all had a "rollicking" time in the electric atmosphere of the place. Here at Epsilon Lambda we believe that we have as many, if not more, Brothers whom have been Alphas for fifty years or more than any other chapter. They are Brothers T. Garrett Benjamin, M.D.; John Benson, M.D., 1926 University of Iowa; Otto Green, 1914 University of Pittsburgh; Virgil McKnight, 1926 University of Illinois; Patrobas Robinson, 1925 University of 55

Epsilon Lambda Brothers at the races include John Benson, M.D., and wife and Brother Otto Green.

Brothers in the winners circle include (left to right) Alfred Wilson, P. C. Robinson, John Benson, M.D., and Virgil McKnight.

Iowa; Edward Taylor, 1932; William Taylor, 1930; Frederick Weathers, 1925 Atlanta University; Alfred Wilson, 1925 University of Iowa; and Henry Harding, 1922 University of Iowa. On May 15, sunshine enveloped the House of Alpha as the Alpha Redevelopment Corporation of St. Louis dedicated the fourth project of its housing program. After the dedication program of the new building for senior citizens, Alpha Terrace, the board held its annual dinner on the site of the new building. Guests of the board members included Ozell Sutton, General President; Thomas D. Pawley III, Past MidWestern Vice President and Dean of the School of Arts and Science, Lincoln University (MO); Morris Hatchett of HUD's Regional Office in Kansas City; and Mrs. Julia Davis, mother of our beloved Brother, the late John D. Buckner. The speaker of the evening was Brother Morris M. Hatchett. The highlight of this meeting was the dedication of the east and west wings of the new building to the memory of Brothers William M. Alexander and John D. Buckner, both of Omega Chapter. The meeting room of the 56

board was dedicated to Brother Morris Hatchett, who contributed so much to the accomplishments of the corporation as one of its original board members.

throughout the nation. Both events were successful in that they provided information on the various paths one could take upon completing four years of undergraduate studies. To further enhance the awareness of the Black community, the Brothers of Alpha Mu sponsored informal lectures with Brother Roland Burris and Professor Sterling Stuckey. Brother Burris, the renown Illinois State Comptroller, discussed the "Political Progress of Blacks in the '80's." His insight on the matter provided for a very educational experience. Northwestern History Professor Sterling Stuckey discussed the "Life of Brother Paul Robeson." His admiration of Brother Robeson compelled him to discuss how the United States Government systematically erased Brother Robeson from the consciousness of the Black community. Chicago Mayor Harold Washington was the featured speaker at our annual King Day Forum. Mr. Washington, along with the other speakers at the event, related to the enthusiastic crowd how Dr. King's dream was still being pursued in Chicago. In the spring, the Brothers welcomed the S.S. "Unfinished Business" to Alpha Mu, which included Undray Wilks, Captain, Julius Ellis, Kenneth Henry, Scott Saunders, Michael Parks, Carlyle Wimberly, Morey Ganaway, Walter Owens, and Kenneth Carr-Anchor. The Brothers of Alpha Mu are proud to say that the neophytes will help continue our proud tradition.



Harold Washington featured at Alpha Mu King Day The Brothers of Alpha Mu, located at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, would like to extend fraternal greetings to all the Brothers of Alpha. Awareness in the Black community is a very important issue to the Brothers of Alpha Mu. To contribute to the accomplishment of this goal, we held our fourth annual Law and Business Day and our seventh annual Black Career Awareness Day this past fall. Law and Business Day allowed prospective minority students to speak in a relaxed atmosphere, with representatives of reputable law and business schools. Black Career Awareness Day exposed students to recruiters from established businesses and industries

Gamma Xi Lambda: a model for rejuvenation Early in January, 1982, the Brothers of Gamma Xi Lambda held a planning session for the purpose of surveying the community needs, interests, and resources of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area; and to structure the chapter's events for the year under the direction of the following officers: Brothers Rodney Jordan, President; Rayfield Cabaniss, Vice President; Dr. Boyd Wright, Secretary; George Thompson, Assistant Secretary; Henry Wesley, Treasurer; and John Garner, Sgt.-At-Arms. The survey resulted in the following Brothers chairing these special committees: Community Service — Brother Carlton Philpot; Reclamation — The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Chapter President Rodney Jordan leads the reclamation and rejuvenation efforts at Gamma Xi Lambda in Minneapolis.

Brothers Matthew Johnson, Sr. and James Wardlaw; Publicity — Brother Levi Brady; Awards — Brother Rodney Jordan; Social — Brothers James Beard and Ray Cabaniss. The year's activities were subsequently organized around the work of these special committees. Highlights of 1982 included community service projects of voter registration, where more than 400 new registrations were obtained; adoption of the Bethune Elementary School, under the direction of Brothers Philpot and Wesley, to assist in projects requested of the school principal. Projects included among other things, medical screening tests, one-on-one counseling, and a winter carnival. During Black History Month our chapter held a film festival where three relevant films were shown: one on the life of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, another on the life of Scott Joplin, and the last on the history of Blacks in Minnesota. Each of the films were shown at the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center in Minneapolis and Martin Luther King Center in St. Paul, free of charge. Throughout 1982, Brother Matt Johnson, Sr. and Brother James Wardlaw continued to lead a vigorous reclamation effort. The number of financial Brothers, combined with total participation by Brothers, increased significantly when 1982 was compared to 1981. Brother James Cannon, Dean of Pledges, with the assistance of Brothers Boyd Wright and Allan Sampson, The Sphinx / Summer 1983

invited 40 prospective pledges to a smoker, and 32 attended. From that group, six pledges started on line in May, 1982, and four impressive Brothers crossed the burning sands on September 18, 1982. The neophyte Brothers are Robert Crumpton, Manager, Minnesota Department of Education; Stephen Davis, Supervisor, National Car Rental; Rev. Normal Henderson, New Hope Baptist Church; and Richard Mangram, Manager, Control Data Corporation. The chapter also sponsored a series of monthly speakers on such timely and relevant topics as drug abuse, investment ventures, self-directed IRA's and Annuities, etc. Several purely social and sporting events were sponsored by the chapter including the Black and Gold 36-Hole Golf Tournament during the Memorial Day weekend, which attracted 80 participants. A spring banquet and invitational dance was held in June, where supporters of our 1981 Fall Ball were given a thank-you, and the new pledge group presented their sweethearts. A highlight of the dance was the appearance by several of the attendees of the "Mayors of Big Cities Convention," which was being held in Minneapolis at the same time. Brothers Ron Dellums, U.S. Representative, California; Dr. Thomas G. Mills, Mayor, Carson City, California; and Richard Arrington, Mayor, Birmingham, Alabama attended. In July, the chapter held a golf tournament for Brothers only, in which Brother Rufus Webster repeated as champion. The Seventh Annual Black and Gold Tennis Tournament was hosted by the chapter in August. This event is the highlight of the tennis season in the Twin City area and attracted 120 men, women, and teenagers. The culminating activity of the year was the awards banquet and recognition of Founder's Day held during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. At the awards banquet, in which Brother Rodney Jordan was recognized as Alpha Man of the Year, Brother Dr. Richard Green delivered the keynote address. A number of other Brothers received either the President's Award or the Distinguished Chapter Service Award. Following the banquet, the chapter held its annual Fall Ball and presented four Community Service Awards to residents who were recognized for their outstanding work in the field of educa-

tion. The proceeds of the dance were donated to the United Negro College Fund. The Founder's Day weekend ended with Brothers and their families recognizing Founder's Day by worshipping together at the church of Brother Rev. Normal Henderson, New Hope Baptist Church, St. Paul, Minnesota.

lewis university Nu Epsilon honors Julian Bond The Brothers of Nu Epsilon Chapter had the pleasure of honoring Senator Julian Bond during Black History Week. Brother Adrian G. Willis was master of ceremonies during the Lewis University Black History Week's 14th Annual Convocation. Brother Willis states, "Nu Epsilon is a small chapter, but you'd better believe Alpha is represented proudly in social and service projects all over Lewis' campus." He is presently President of Nu Epsilon Chapter, Minister of Information of Lewis University's Black Student Union, Treasurer of Lewis' Pan Hellenic Council, Mr. Sigma Gamma Rho, and active in campus history. Willis, and all the Brothers of Nu Epsilon Chapter, wish all Alpha Brothers peace and prosperity, and look forward to seeing everyone at the 77th Anniversary Convention.

Georgia State Senator fulian Bond joins Nu Epsilon President Adrian Willis at Lewis University's Black History Week Convocation.

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SOUTH auburn university Omicron Kappa beginning new tradition at Auburn The Brothers of Omicron Kappa Chapter at Auburn University extend their sincerest greetings to all of the Brothers who are guided by the light throughout the world. As a newly established chapter, we are adamant in our quest to attain and surpass the high standards mandated by the Brother Jewels. May 29, 1982 was a momentous occasion for you, the Brothers around the world and for Auburn University: for on this date Omicron Kappa was conceived. Campus life here at Auburn University is analogous to that which existed at Cornell. We have a student enrollment of over 18,000 students. Out of these 18,000 students approximately 400 are Black. We, the Brothers of Omicron Kappa, felt it was time that the light of Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for all Mankind was beamed upon this campus for all students to view. Our charter line consisted of the following Brothers: Michael Bell, Frederick Huntley, Roderic Johnson, Robert Smith, Anthony Smoke, Edmund Thomas and Ferdinand Williams. Fall quarter 1982 began the 1982-83 school year. The Brothers hit the campus and the community with all the imagination, vigor and energy that encompasses that "good 'ole Alpha spirit." This year's activities include a Charter Recognition Banquet with Brothers from various chapters around the state: Brother Leotis Peterman, State Director; and Barry Mask, President of the IFC (Intra-fraternity Council) here at Auburn University. This year is a building period and growth period for us. All the problems that a new chapter could encounter seemed to embrace us, but as the history book dedication states, we continued to march onward and upward toward the light. In order to help stimulate the interest of young Blacks in college education, correspondences were sent to high school students informing them of the need for more Black participation in colleges, particularly those colleges with a lower proportion of Black students. We also participated in the "Phone-a-Thon" sponsored by the 58

Auburn Generations Fund, a project which raises money for the construction of new buildings on campus. Approximately $3,400 was raised by the chapter for the fund. By the same token we have not forgotten our obligations to the youth of our community. A large part of our Saturday afternoons are spent with the youth of Kings Acres, a half-way house located in the Auburn area. Omicron Kappa also has Brothers instrumental in the major events here on campus. We would like to take this o p p o r t u n i t y to recognize and congratulate members of this chapter for their individual accomplishments. Congratulations are extended to Brothers Ferdinand Williams, an Electrical Engineering major and a member of Order of Omega (national service honorary) who also serves on the IFC Minimum Standards Committee; Brother Phillip Lyman, Pharmacy, who is a member of Phi Delta Chi (professional pharmacy fraternity) and also serves on the IFC Service and Rush Committee; Brother Anthony Smoke, Electrical Engineering, Co-operative education student and a member of IEEE (a national society for electrical engineering); Brother Roderic Johnson, Industrial Management, a member of the Auburn University Marching Band; and Brother Michael Bell, Chemical Engineering, a member of ASCE (American Society of Chemical Engineers). The officers for the 1982-83 school year are Ferdinand Williams, President; Anthony Smoke, Vice President; and Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Michael Bell, Treasurer; Robert Smith, Historian; Frederick Huntley, Secretary; Roderic Johnson, Dean of Pledges; Phillip Lyman, Parliamentarian; Edmund Thomas, Chaplain; Thomas Wilson and Willie Pollard, Advisors. Omicron Kappa is looking forward to a productive and successful school year. We are just beginning, but our future looks bright and our ambitions are high. We have quite some distance to go; yet we shall strive to "Hold High the Name."

north corolino a&t Beta Epsilon stresses brotherhood and participation We, the active Brothers of Beta Epsilon Chapter at North Carolina

A&T State University, would like to fill you in on the current news effecting North Carolina's 1983 "Chapter of the Year." As always Beta Epsilon strives to uphold all characteristics which differentiate Alphamen from the many fellows within the world of Greekdom. Beta Epsilon, through motivation given to the chapter by its members, continues to promulgate self-development and total brotherhood participation. And as a challenge for perseverance to the brotherhood as a whole, Beta Epsilon offers its "Year in Review." Briefly, and without burdening the publication with a listing of our efforts and activities, the chapter of Beta Epsilon uses as its bases the programs of the Fraternity at the state, regional, and national levels. But while following major guidelines, it has always been the will of Beta Epsilon to seek innovation: while adding to solidarity, we work towards a sort of individualism falling heavily on the talents of the Brothers. Total belief in the genius of our membership has breeded success in the wake of truly unambiguous failure. Additionally, not only genius is involved but again, participation. The chapter at North Carolina A&T State University has bestowed on the college twenty-one of its organizational heads, meaning there is always a channel for relief when obstacles occur in the way of program objectives. With respect and brotherly love to all members of our humble Fraternity, Beta Epsilon wishes the best for 1983.

bethune-cookmon Delta Beta is Florida Chapter of the Year Greetings to all observers of the light of the world from the Delta Beta Chapter located on the campus of Bethune-Cookman College. The high ideals of Alpha are still vividly displayed throughout the chapter as we continue to undertake various projects and activities. During the month of January the brotherhood successfully launched its Mass Voter Registration Drive in which students from our campus and the Daytona Beach community as a whole were given information and made bonafide registered voters. An all-out letter-writing campaign to make Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday The Sphinx / Summer 1983

a national holiday was again successfully initiated and completed by the chapter and as a result, letters flooded the office of Florida Representative Bill Chappel. February saw several outstanding accomplishments by the men of Delta Beta. On Valentine's Day, the Brothers sponsored a "Dating Game Show" which was an old rendition of the once popular television game show. Contestants were chosen from the audience, and the show was chaired by Brother Walter Overstreet. Also during that week, Brother Randy Senter competed against ten other gentlemen in the annual "Mr. Magic" contest sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The audience voted him as the winner of the contest as he dazzled the crowd with his poise and charm. Brothers Anthony Cochran and Jeff Lloyd combined forces to chair "Alpha's Disco and Step Show Extravaganza" which turned out to be most enjoyable, with Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, and Alpha Phi Omega participating in the step show. During the week of February 18 and 19, Brothers Anthony Cochran, Michael Goodman, Kevin Perry, Bernard Washington, W. Jack Warrick (Advisor), and Ms. Cherry Bess (Ms. Delta Beta) traveled to Miami, Florida to represent Delta Beta at the 1983 State Convention. It proved to be most informative as several issues were discussed. The highlight of the convention came when Delta Beta made a near sweep of all the undergraduate contests which include: "Chapter of the Year (for the second consecutive year); College Brother of the Year (Brother Kevin Perry); Stomp Contest Runner-Up; and our queen, Cherrye Bess, came within a couple of points of being named Ms. Black & Gold for the state of Florida for the second consecutive year as she was voted runner-up. As the convention concluded, everyone involved in the convention in any way knew of or about Delta Beta and that good 'ole Alpha Spirit was strongly expressed. The next week it was back to work as Alpha Phi Alpha co-sponsored a Community Economic and Cultural Development Fair in which the primary purpose was to provide information to community residents which will assist them in their efforts to be self-sufficient. The various activities included a Minority Business Expo, Science Fair, Mini-Health Fair, art exhibits, and panel discussions in which ways of solving community problems were exchanged. Brother Jeff The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Lloyd spearheaded Delta Beta's part which was more than overdue for the Daytona Beach community. Alpha Phi Alpha was nominated to participate in an "Academic Bowl" in which Black history questioins were asked saluting the end of Black History Month and the beginning of the Academic Bowl season. Brothers Anthony Cochran, Michael Goodman, Tyrone Virgil, and Barry Ward represented the fraternity and competed against Delta Sigma Theta. The Brothers of Delta Beta welcomed Brother Dr. Cornelius L. Henderson, Minister of the Ben Hill United Methodist Church in Atlanta, and a wellknown Evangelist, to B-CC's annual "Religious Outreach Week" in which Brother Henderson gave several stimulating and inspiring sermons and speeches that always seem to produce positive vibes throughout the entire student body. Good luck goes out to those Brothers who have begun their campaign for a 1983-84 Student Government Association office. These Brothers include Brothers Jeff Lloyd, President; Melvin Dawson, Vice President; Anthony Cochran, Secretary; Michael Goodman, Treasurer; and Todd Malone, Council Person-At-Large. So as you can see the light is still bright at Delta Beta. We may not be first in everything but we're way ahead of whomever is second.

south Carolina Alpha Psi Lambda welcomes new awards old On Tuesday, April 5, three pledgees were inducted into the Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter. The names of the three neophyte Brothers are: Herbert D. Bynoe, employed as an engineer with the Allied Chemical Co.; Robert W. Appiah, 1st Lt., U.S. Army; and Frederick C. Brandyburg, Area Economist, Department of Housing and Urban Development. Fifty-year Membership Certificates were presented to Brothers Raymond Bailey, Elliot E. Franks, and Thomas S. Martin. The chapter had its black tie dance at the Masonic Temple on Friday, April 15. The Brothers and their guests danced to the music of Phase II from 10 o'clock 'til late in the morning. Brother E. W. Cromartie II, who is an attorney and a business man, was elected to serve on the Columbia City

Council. Using the single-member district form of organization, Brother Cromartie became the first Black elected to the City Council in modern times. Many activities were planned at Benedict College to observe a decade of service provided by Dr. Henry Ponder who serves as its President. Brother Ponder has brought growth and fiscal stability to the college during his successful years of leadership. During this observance, the dedication of Henry Ponder Fine Arts-Humanities Center climaxed the commemorative year.

winthrop college Xi Phi members active in and out of Fraternity Salutations from the Brothers of Xi Phi Chapter at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Carolina. 1982-83 has been a productive year for us. One of the chapter's charter line members joined the staff of Winthrop College and is currently serving as our graduate advisor. So far this year, we have successfully completed the following projects: Ms. Black and Gold Pageant won by Ms. Rita Claudette Johnson, who was first runner-up in state level competition; a display on Brother Martin Luther King, Jr.; a drive urging all students and the Rock Hill community to wear black for one week in observance of Dr. King and his achievements; Alpha Heart Day on which we visited the local hospital, cheering the sick with cards; a Black History Bowl; co-sponsored with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity a homecoming contestant; and donated blood during the annual bloodmobile. Xi Phi became the first Greek fraternity on campus to have as one of its Brothers a foreign student - Chris Asouzu who is currently serving as Editor-to-the-Sp/iwx and the Chaplain. Moreover, Xi Phi is proud to have a charter member serving humanity in the Peace Corps in Kenya. Presently, there are five active Brothers. A line of three "Bad Boys" which consists of George Pickney, Carl Alford, and Reginald Gladney is working hard to make the dream come true. The Brothers of Xi Phi are involved in various activities apart from the Fraternity. Chris Asouzu is President of the International Club and a member on the Winthrop Soccer 59

the chapter and the Fraternity as a whole. Our participation in campus activities ranged from financial to social. Working with the administration, we coordinated a memorial program for the late Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. Delta Phi was also active in presenting oratorical programs based on issues concerning the community at large and escorting visiting speakers. This work puts the chapter in touch with all people from early education through the business sector. The chapter has also been working, in conjunction with a local medical center, on a sickle cell testing and. screening project in order to meet the needs of the immediate community. The Brothers of Delta Phi are also proud to support the United jilMiJ^feWfe? Negro College Fund through individual pledges and public solicitation, in order to assure the existence and develThe Brothers of Xi Chapter (left to right) Marshall Porter, Chris Asouzu, Darrell Johnson, opment of our present and traditional educational system. Charles Hickman and Gerald Creech. Within the chapter, Delta Phi has Two major projects which have been Team. Charles Hickman, our PresiBrothers with many outstanding consciously worked on during the curdent, is a member of the South Caroaccomplishments. Brother Cornell rent school year have been community lina Student Legislature, Political Brooks is the first student from Jackson services and developing more unity Science Club, Omicron Delta Kappa, State to compete for the Rhodes Scholbetween the three local undergraduate Minority Concerns Council, and he is arship. Voted Statewide Brother of the chapters and the local graduate also a Dean's List Student. Vice PresiYear, Carl Lavallais has shown the verchapter. Through this unity the comdent Darrell Johnson is a sports writer satility and common sense through munity has realized that we live up to for the local newspaper and a member academic performance and student our motto: "First of All, Servants of of the Minority Concerns Council. government actions to be chosen to All, We Shall Transcend All." For Brother Gerald Creech is serving as work for one of Houston's largest CPA example, all local chapters participated Secretary-Treasurer of the chapter and firms upon graduation. With the Armed in petition drives to name public is a member of the NAACP. Brother Forces as a career choice, Brother buildings after deserving and influenMarshall Porter is serving as Dean of Michael Washington has excelled to tial Blacks, some of which were Alpha Pledges. become the Batallion Commander of men, who made numerous social and We will continue to hold high the Jackson State's ROTC unit. civic contributions through public serlight of Alpha. We insist on being "first By projecting the precepts of Alpha, vice and even philanthropy. The efforts of all, servants of all, we shall transmanly deeds, scholarship, and love for were made to let the community know cend all." all mankind, Delta Phi heads "Onward that the "Original Fraternity" is willing and Upward Toward the Light." and able to contribute to worthwhile programs, whether in leadership or assistance. The chapter has established a holiday committee which has the sole purpose of coordinating programs geared toward child care and elemenDelta Phi works lota Chapter tary institutions. Questions are raised for community service anticipates in areas such as religion, sports, simple and chapter unity outstanding year arithmetic and the like, in order to The Brothers of Delta Phi Chapter ensure rewards for everyone. The comIota Chapter at Morris Brown Coloffer fraternal greetings to all the munity response has been overwhelmlege, Atlanta, Georgia extends its Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. The ing. However, the project which we are warmest greetings to the Brothers of chapter takes pride in introducing the proud of involves work with children Alpha Phi Alpha. new members of Delta Phi via the last from the Hudspeath Center for RetardOfficers for the 1982-83 academic pledge club. The Devastating Dozen of ation and the Methodist Rehabilitation year were Brothers Herman Mason, Delta Phi consists of Timothy Vinson, Center. The Brothers provided a Greek Jr., President; Gerald Sanders, Vice Michael Washington, Cornell Brooks, show for the kids and a talk session. President; Frederick Carl Walton, Davis Jackson, Rickey Davis, Wade Afterwards, the chapter was offered a Secretary; Shederick T. Champion, Jackson, Samuel Richardson, Austin standing invitation. The most imporTreasurer; Clifford B. Emmanuel, Johnson, Arnold Jackson, Steven tant aspect was response of the Dean of Pledges; David Smith, HistoBright, Carl Lavallais, and Jeffrey teachers, parents, and children toward rian; Pedro A. Bryant, Associate Travillion.

jackson state


morris brown

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Iota Chapter Black History Month display.

Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Brian Hart, Chaplain; Andre Gibson, Parliamentarian; and Alan Gibson, Sgt.-At-Arms. The newest members of Iota Chapter are Reginald Chesnutt, James McKenzie, Ronald Wingate, Darryl Hicks, Albert Williams, Hiram Andrades, and Gregory Eason. Iota Chapter started the year by adopting a family as an ongoing service project. Brothers make presentations to this family on each holiday as well as at least once a month. During the 27th annual Georgia State Convention held in January at the Presidential Hotel in Decatur, Iota Chapter sold sphinxheads for which the proceeds will be contributed to the Million Dollar Fund Drive. F. Carl Walton, Herman Mason, Jr. and Lennox Jackson took active parts in the convention by serving on the Awards, Chapter Display and Credential Committees, respectively. Iota Chapter participated in the Southern Regional Convention by selling sphinxheads and Alpha towels. Gerald Sanders, Vice President of Iota Chapter, was also a candidate for Assistant Southern Regional Vice President. He presently serves as Assistant State Director of Georgia. For Black History Month, Iota Chapter featured several displays on the campus to honor those who have made great contributions to society. Brother Mason provided the students of Morris Brown College and Therell High School with a workshop on genealogy. The Brothers also particiThe Sphinx / Summer 1983

pated in a Valentine's program at St. Phillips A.M.E. Church in Griffin, Georgia to honor its dedicated senior citizens. The year 1983 promises to be a productive year for Iota Chapter in the areas of leadership, service, and scholarship. Several Brothers serve as tutors in Chemistry, English, and Reading. Iota Chapter also has several Brothers on the National Dean's List. Consistency on the Morris Brown College Honor Roll is also characteristic of the chapter. Because of this, several Brothers are members of Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society. Brothers Frederick C. Walton, Lennox Jackson, and Clifford Emmanuel were recently named to Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Brother Brian A. Hart recently ended his term as President of the National Pre-AIumni Council.

memphis state Kappa Eta acquires house To our Brothers in Alpha land. The Brothers of Kappa Eta Chapter would like to enlighten you of our chapter activities during the spring semester of 1983. During the month of January, the Brothers were ushers for the PUSH program honoring the birthday of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. At the

program there was a special presentation of a picture of Brother King, drawn by Brother Clifton Berry. The Brothers were also active on campus as they sponsored studying sessions on Monday and Thursday of each week. We were the first Black organization to form such sessions to help promote scholarship among Black students at Memphis State. The Brothers in the month of February held their annual Black History program and was honored to have as their guest speaker Ms. Margaret Alexander Walker, author of Jubilee. A reception sponsored by the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha followed. The Brothers went into the community and sponsored a Black History program at the State Correctional Center. President Jeff Carson spoke of brotherhood and sisterhood. Brother Michael Bates spoke of unity and justice and Brother Tim Shaw recited the opening address. On February 20, we held our first Miss Black and Gold Pageant. The pageant was a success and was beautifully put together by Brothers John D. Calhoun, Vernon Jackson and Chairman Michael Nash, who was a neophyte at that time. The winner of the pageant was the lovely Miss Stephanie Harris, a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. The Brothers attended the state convention which was held in Nashville, Tennessee. During the month of March, the Brothers of Kappa Eta Chapter enjoyed a historic event, the acquisition of a fraternity house. The house is located at 3807 Norriswood Ave. on the campus of Memphis State University. We wish to extend a brotherly welcome to all Brothers to stop by any time they are in Memphis. We also this month welcomed six new Brothers into the House of Alpha. They are Philmore Epps III, Stanley Green, Paul Randolph, Donald Brown, Frederick Jones and Danny Williams. On April 4 we held a commemoration at Memphis State in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On April 8 we let the light of Alpha shine when we stood proud on this night during a Greek show in which the Brothers were voted best dressed fraternity, and received for the fourth consecutive year the overall excellence academic achievement award for having the highest grade point average from among all Black Greek fraternities of the Pan-Hellenic Council. In the month of May we were proud when Brothers were elected to offices 61

univ. of tenn-martin on campus. Brother Carl Johnson, Jr. was elected to a Senate seat in the Black Student Association, Brother Michael Bates, Director of the Constitutional Advisory Committee, Brother Stanley Green, Secretary of State in the Student Government Association and Brother Tim Shaw as his associate. Brother Jeff Carson was selected to Who Who's Among College Students. At Kappa Eta we recognized that as Alpha men we must always exemplify scholarship and brotherhood. At Memphis State University, the Brothers of Kappa Eta are known as leaders on campus and this is because we live by the founding fathers motto: first of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all.


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tennessee-martin u Award winning steppers of Mu Beta Chapter.

Mu Beta reports numerous successes The Brothers of Mu Beta Chapter at the University of Tennesse at Martin wish to extend warm greetings to all men of the Black and Gold. Keeping the Fraternity motto in mind, the Brothers of Mu Beta Chapter began the year by serving as volunteer operators at the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. The Brothers really enjoyed being servants of all, not to mention the television exposure. In addition to this and numerous other community service projects, the Brothers of Mu Beta welcomed three new Brothers into the brotherhood. The Triumphant Trio of Tenacity crossed the burning sands on December 4, 1982. Our new Brothers are Vincent Beasley, Kenneth Freeman, and Rickey Reed. Believing in scholarship above all other things, Mu Beta is proud of Brother Eddie Gray for being selected to Who's Who Among American College Students. This was a highlight for Mu Beta in that he was the only Black on campus to be selected to this prestigious group. In continuing its winning tradition, Mu Beta Chapter has participated in five Stepping Contests this year throughout the state, and are the proud winners of five first-place trophies, including first-place honors at the Tennessee State Convention in Nashville. Recently, we held our annual Alpha Winter Weekend on February 17-19. It was a huge success. This weekend int>2

cluded on the 17th a Black History Quiz Program, jointly sponsored with Student Affairs. On the 18th we sponsored a Black & Gold Disco at the House of Alpha. On the 19th we sponsored our 2nd annual Ms. Black & Gold Pageant and our 6th annual Campus Hop, which features little sister organizations. That night the Brothers sponsored a Post-Hop dance at the House of Alpha. Brothers from throughout the state came to participate and enjoy the festive weekend. Also, the Brothers of Mu Beta Chapter would like to congratulate Beta Omicron Chapter on winning College Chapter of the Year for the State of Tennessee. Hold that light high Beta Omicron. In closing, Mu Beta wishes to welcome Omicron Phi Chapter at Tennessee Technological Institute and its neophyte founders to Alpha land. "Brothers keep marching upward toward the light."

dark college Alpha Phi wins triple crown During a two day affair Alpha Phi Chapter and other members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity met in Decatur, Georgia for their 27th annual State Convention. Here was a chance for young and old alike to fraternize and enjoy the company of each other.

As at all conventions, there were the familiar seminars, luncheons, tours and other activities for the wives, and the business meetings. However, the question that was really on the minds of most of the people present was who? Who would win College Chapter of the Year? Who would win Miss Black and Gold7 Who would win the Step Competition? Who would have the best display7 Most importantly, who would win College Brother of the Year? Out of these five categories, Clark College's Alpha Phi Chapter participated in three. Miss Carmen Henry, a sophomore from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania competed with eight other young ladies for the honor of "Miss Black and Gold" for the state of Georgia. The ladies were judged in the categories of talent, swimwear, formalwear, and a question and answer session. By the end of the evening, history was made. For the first time in the 27-year history of the convention, Alpha Phi Chapter, represented by Miss Henry, won the "Miss Black and Gold" competition for the state of Georgia. Miss Henry went on to regional competition held in Gainesville, Florida, representing Clark College, Alpha Phi Chapter, and most importantly, the state of Georgia. The next step for Alpha Phi was two-fold: 1) to win College Chapter of the Year and 2) to win College Brother of the Year. The College Chapter of the Year award would be based on a chapter's service to both the community and its respective campus. Going into the competition, Alpha Phi The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Chapter was on an amazing streak. In the last four years, Alpha Phi has won this award four times. During the course of the convention, the members of Alpha Phi were cautiously confident. The competition was varied and stiff. At the awards banquet, after much waiting and pacing, the winner was announced. Alpha Phi Chapter had won an unprecedented fifth straight title, sending the Brothers of that chapter into a joyous frenzy. With Alpha Phi's second victory secured, just one obstacle remained, College Brother of the Year. The title of College Brother of the Year would be a great honor for a great and deserving young man who had excelled in both college and community life. Mr. AI B. Reid, a senior hailing from Gray, Georgia would be one of these men in competition for this title. Several members of Alpha Phi Chapter have won this award in previous years such as Mr. Clarence Johnson, who won the state title in 1980; Mr. Lorenza Butler, who won both state and regional titles in 1981; and Mr. Michael Hightower, who went to the top, winning the state, regional, and national titles in 1979. Mr. Reid has been very active in both campus and community aspects. His activities range from being a Scoutmaster for one of the local Boy Scout troops to achieving an honor that no one has accomplished in Clark College's history, four terms as the President of his class, the class of 1983. With Mr. Reid's overwhelming credentials and his leadership ability apparent, he was a unanimous choice for College Brother of the Year. Alpha Phi had accomplished what it had set out to do, to win the "Triple Crown." As with Miss Henry, Mr. Reid and Alpha Phi Chapter marched on to regional competition, anticipating that their endeavors would eventually lead to three national titles.

tuskegee Gamma Phi keeps it high The distinguished Brothers of Gamma Phi Chapter, located at Tuskegge Institute, extend fraternal greetings to all throughout Alpha. We hope that each chapter and Brother of the Black and Gold had a successful year in upholding the traditions, aims and purposes The Sphinx / Summer 1983

The Brothers of Gamma Phi Chapter. of Alpha Phi Alpha. Throughout the 1982-83 fraternal year, as throughout our history, we in Gamma Phi have stressed being "First of All" as our main objective and goal. We begin the 1982-83 fraternal year under the dynamic leadership of Brothers: Gerald Murry, President; Fredrick Hall, Vice President; Brodrick Montgomery, Treasurer; Johnny Mason, Corresponding Secretary; Clifford Bailey, Recording Secretary; Antonio Andrews, Editor-to-the-Sphinx/ Social Activities; Dexter Campbell, Parliamentarian; Ronald Hodges, Dean of Pledges; Gerald Givan, Dean of Probates; and Corinthian Carpenter, Chaplain. These Brothers set our guidelines for the year with service and leadership in the forefront. In the fall semester, we opened the social season with a Back-To-School Disco. The crowd response was tremendous as neighboring Alpha chapters helped the brotherhood gain a large following for the year. We continued to provide entertainment and social events second to none as we followed up with a Toga Party and a Masquerade Party, which was given with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Gamma Kappa Chapter, on Halloween. The brotherhood teamed with Miller Brewing Company to initiate two annual events for the campus community. Our first annual Alpha Sun Splash, which consisted of a picnic at Tuskegee's Abbott Park, a Ms. Bathing Beauty - Mr. Atlas Con-

test, and a Body-Slamm Disco to close out the festivities. The purpose of the project is to welcome back and acquaint students to the brotherhood. Also, our first annual Alpha/Miller Homecoming Stompathon, which featured Greek organizations from the Southern region, was a success. The Stompathon, which took place after the Institute's Golden Tigers soundly defeated Alabama A&M in the Alumni Bowl, produced a standing room only crowd in Logan Hall on the campus. The audience was totally thrilled and dazzled as each organization did their routines, but when the final votes were tallied, Alpha chapters had won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the fraternity division and Alpha Kappa Alpha 1st in the sorority division. We closed out the social calendar for 1982 with a Founder's Day program in conjunction with our graduate chapter, Alpha Nu Lambda. The program, which was attended by our State Director Brother Leotis Peterman and neighboring chapters, created an atmosphere of warm fraternal spirit and joy that touched everyone in attendance. Even with a large number of social activities, the Brothers were in the forefront in service to the community. We joined with the Tuskegee Public Library to present a story hour for children every Tuesday afternoon, a Hallowween party and a Christmas party. We started our tutorial program for school-aged children, attempting to instill the need for academic excellence 63

in each child. We held voter registration drives and workshops to stress to citizens the importance of their votes. We also participated in canned food and clothing drives for needy families on Thanskgiving and Christmas, made visits to Tuskegee's Veterans Administration Hospital and entertained the eldrly at local rest homes. Through all the excitement, service and academics, the brotherhood initiated eight young men into Alphadom in fall 1982: neophyte Brothers Charles Middlebrooks, Andra Sparks, James Reynolds, Roderick Holland, Gregory Gay, Gregory Craig, Cornelius Flakes, and David Carter. Once across the burning sands, these new Brothers made their presence felt in the chapter activities and programs. We would like to congratulate these new Alpha men and look forward to continued innovative and hard work from them. Upon our return for the new year in January, the Brothers gave a GQ-Backin-the-Groove Disco, which set the pace for our 1983 activities. The Brothers also recognized the late Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day-long program on his birthday, which included workshops, a lecture, and culminated with a candle-lighting ceremonial march that evening. February, which was Black History Month, had the Brothers presenting 'The Power of Blackness in Retrospect" and our 6th annual Mr. Magic Presentation. 'The Power of Blackness in Retrospect" was our Black History Month program designed to enlighten the community and campus with thoughts of cultural significance. It featured speeches on the history of Black spirituals, black dance, and the plight of the Black woman. Our 6th annual Mr. Magic Presentation enjoyed another successful year as seven young men competed for the title of "Mr. Magic." They were judged on talent, fashion, and awareness of events. This year's winner was Robert Prothro, sponsored by the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Gamma Kappa Chapter. We completed our social calendar with a Valentine's Disco, a Sweetheart Fashion Show / Disco, our 2nd annual Ms. Blue Jeans Disco and a farewell picnic in Abbott Park. As the semester began to come to a close, the brotherhood started to wind down the year with another tantalizing Toga Party to open our Alpha Week festivities, which was held April 9-16. It consisted of a Leadership Confer64

ence, a charity Basketball Tournament which had each participant playing on behalf of their favorite charitable organization, a Little Miss Ebony Pageant and culminated with "An Elegant Evening with an Alpha Ball," which was in conjunction with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. In addition to our regular community projects, we sponsored an essay contest throughout the Tuskegee school system and on campus for Black History Month. Also, we provided information and guided visiting parents on Parents Day, assisted with the handling of Special Olympics and sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt/Party for children in the city. The gentlemen of Gamma Phi Chapter have consistently shown excellence in any endeavor they have undertaken this past year. This excellence enabled Gamma Phi to make substantial contributions to several organizations such as the United Way, the Macon County School Board, the Tuskegee Housing Authority, the National Association for Sickle Cell Anemia, the Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, the Million Dollar Fund Drive, Africare Relief Fund and a special continuous project, which was adopting and supporting a child from rural Africa each month through C.A.R.E. Gamma Phi is unmistakably on the move in service and social endeavors. We're looking forward to another productive and successful year. At Gamma Phi, the Brothers feel that we have come quite a long way and have some distance yet to go. Still, we will continue to hold the name of Alpha Phi Alpha high as we move progressively forward.

voorhees college Eta Iota promotes scholarship The Brothers of Eta Iota Chapter in Voorhees College, Denmark, South Carolina, would like to extend greetings to all Brothers of the Black & Old Gold. The Brothers of Eta Iota had a very successful first semester by presenting the campus and community with a gala night in the form of their Miss Black & Gold Pageant. Miss Shonya Lewis was awarded that most coveted crown.

Officers of the chapter for the year are Brothers Festus Imansuen, President; Herbert Pittman, Vice President; Chinenye H. Ohanu, Secretary-Treasurer; and Anthony Brothers, Dean of Pledges. The roster of Brothers included Yinka Isioye, Christopher Priester, Godfrey Ekhomu, Micheal McMillan and Herman Brightman. In keeping with the ideals of scholarship, three Brothers of Eta Iota Chapter have sought and were awarded the three highest academic honors bestowed upon a student by the college. They are Brother Chinenye H. Ohanu, Biology major, 3.92 grade point average; Brother Festus Imansuen, Business major, 3.78 grade point average; and Brother Yinka T. Isioye, Business major, 3.71 grade point average. This is the first time in our history this has been accomplished. The Brothers extend an open invitation to any Brothers in the area, for the Brotherhood seeks a strong House of Alpha. It is our hope that each Brother of Alpha strives to up-hold the lofty ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha.

wofford college Omicron Chi continues Alpha tradition The Brothers of the newly-formed Omicron Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha bid fraternal greetings to all members of the House of Alpha. The Omicron Chi Chapter was founded at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, February 10, 1982. This was the first Alpha chapter in the area and has set the precedent for others to follow. The first six men, "Elite Six," who crossed the sands into Alphadom from this chapter were Lek Siriwat, Chris White, Ellis Colvin, Anthony Gaines, Harold Jackson and Alvin Wells. Just like other Alpha men, these men were leaders on campus. They add new meaning to the motto: First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All. Shortly after they became Brothers, they got busy with the work of A-Phi-A. They began immediately to provide service to the state, community and college. As a result of their determination and love for mankind, several other young men who were "striving onward and upward toward the light," wanted to follow in their footsteps and The Sphinx / Summer 1983

join in the praise and hold Alpha ever aloft. Their name, 'The Second Coming," was appropriate and has left a lasting impression on the Wofford College campus. The men who comprised this line were Lenny Best, Charles Davis, Delbert Means, John Hancock, Anthony Sallis, Robert Mickle and Emanuel Smith. Alpha is now on the move in Spartanburg and at Wofford. The chapter has several ongoing projects that provide service to all. Some of which are: a community tutorial program, a college Sunday School class, and a hospitality program for minority students on the college campus. In the past year, the chapter has provided rides to the polls during elections, sang at convalescent homes during the holidays and gave meals to the u n f o r t u n a t e for Thanksgiving. The chapter has made a name for itself and has done more in one year than some organizations do in five. Along with their Alpha Sweethearts and the graduate chapter in Spartanburg, Xi Theta Lambda, the Brothers of Omicron Chi have been doing the business of Alpha Phi Alpha.

florida Mu Zeta Lambda forms Male Chorus The Brothers of Mu Zeta Lambda has launched a new and very successful chapter venture. Under the direction of Brother Jack Johnson, we have formed an Alpha Male Chorus consisting of Brothers within our chapter who possess varying degrees of musical talent. We present musical concerts at churches throughout Polk County and give the audience a variety of music including sacred and gospel. Our featured soloist is Brother Lynwood Bell, who during his college days was a member of the much acclaimed Bethune Cookman College Concert Chorale. After rehearsals began we were also treated to a pleasant surprise in the person of Brother James Pratt, who besides possessing a great singing voice, has mastered a variety of musical instruments. These concerts are emceed by Brother Donzell Floyd, who during various breaks in song presentations gives those in attendance a complete overview of Alpha Phi Alpha ranging from Fraternity history to current Fraternity programs, and a brief introduction of each Brother The Sphinx / Summer 1983

The Alpha Male Chorus at Mu Zeta Lambda. (occupation, church affiliations, etc.). Our goal during each concert is to praise God collectively through song as well as impress the young men in attendance to the point of one day themselves striving to become Alpha men in their own right. At this time we would like to pay tribute to Brother William Starks, who soon will be departing this area due to career advancement. Brother Starks was initiated into Alpha at Beta Kappa Chapter, Langston University. Brother Starks arrived in this area at a very opportune time as there was no Alpha Chapter here. Realizing the need for Polk County to reap the benefits of this organization, Brother Starks was very instrumental in Mu Zeta Lambda becoming chartered. Since the inception of this chapter, October 7, 1975, Brother Starks has held several offices including a two-year term as chapter President, so we realize we are losing a great deal of Alpha experience but we also realize that as Alphamen we must continually reach for the highest levels of achievement so in this vein we applaud Brother Starks and know that when he arrives at his new destination (Atlanta, Ga.) he will have an immediate impact on Eta Lambda Chapter there. Until next issue . . .

lane college Beta Pi Brothers on the move Greetings from the Brothers of Beta Pi Chapter from Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee. The Brothers of Beta Pi have been very active in the 1982-83 school year.

Some of the activities sponsored by Beta Pi included the Centennial Expo '82; a Candlelight Memorial Service for Bishop Isaac Lane, the founder of Lane College; a Centennial Pageant; Talent Show; Black and Gold Ball; Black and Gold Banquet; and a program commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On the night of Nov. 18, fourteen new Brothers were inducted into Alphadom. The fourteen new Brothers of Beta Pi are Brothers Lee Wilkins, Business major (Memphis, TN); Vonzell Criss, Communication major (Memphis, TN); Anthony Marshall, English major (Chicago, IL); Calvin Scott, Sociology major (Collierville, TN); Dee Otis Henderson, Business major (Emerson, AR) Headknocker; James Whittaker, Biology major (Columbia, TN); Marlon Simpson, Business major (Dallas, TX); Berwin Williams, Computer Science major (Kankakee, IL); Andre Ivory, Criminal Justice major (Chattahoochee, FL); Patrick Nelson, Computer Science major (Chicago, IL); George Hair, Business major (Toledo, OH); Yasin Laramore, Computer Science major (Chicago, IL) Assistant Headknocker; and Rufus Bell, Communication major (St. Louis, MO). Beta Pi presently consists of thirtysix outstanding leaders. They have shown their leadership by presiding over the majority of all the offices on campus: Brothers Paul Adams and Stephen Delaine are President of the Student Government Association and President of the Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, respectively; Brothers John Sparks, President of the Scholarly Affairs Club; Dee Otis Henderson, President of the sophomore class; Steve Beard, President of the Concert Choir; Jeffrey Dolberry, President of the Gospel Choir; James Taylor, Presi65

dent of Jubilee Hall; and George Hair, President of the Mississippi Club. The officers of Beta Pi Chapter for 1982-83 are: Brothers Paul Adams, President; John Sparks, Vice President; William Cole, Second Vice President; James Whittaker, Administrative Vice President; John A. Jackson, Secretary; Patrick Nelson, Assistant Secretary; Tim Dance, Treasurer; Ira Owens, Business Manager; Stephen J. Delaine, Dean of Hops; George Tyson, Historian; Ruben Smith, Parliamentarian; Vonzell Criss, Chaplain; Phillip Cheatam, Musician; and Dee Otis Henderson, Editor-to-the-Sphinx.

north Carolina Kappa Lambda celebrates 550 years of service It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon in February when nearly 150 persons in this college community of Greensboro gathered in the swank Burlington Mills Country Club to pay tribute to 10 respected Alphamen, each of whom has been a member of the Fraternity for 50 years or more. In fact, these Brothers have achieved a combined membership of 549 years service. Sponsor of the program which was both nostalgic and uplifting in tone, was the Kappa Lambda Chapter of Greensboro, High Point and Burlington. As was noted on the program, the contributions of these Brothers to their communities have been significant. Being honored were A. H. Peeler, who has been a member of the organ-

ization for 59 years; Samuel Burford, Dr. F. E. Davis and N. L. Gregg, 57 years; Vance Chavis, 55 years; Dr. Theodore Mahaffey, 54 years; E.B.T. Carraway and Dr. George Evans, 53 years, and Naurice Woods, 50 years. Dr. James Colston will be honored posthumously for 53 years of service. Burford served as principal in High Point and Burlington, and served on the High Point City Council five years. Davis, before retirement, practiced medicine in Greensboro 42 years. Gregg is retired district manager of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Chavis served 40 years as principal and teacher in Greensboro public schools, and served on the Greensboro City Council. Mahaffey is retired from North Carolina A&T State University after serving as dean of the School of Business and assistant to the chancellor. Carraway, a veteran educator, retired in 1969 as extension agent for Caswell County. Evans, a former member of the Greensboro Board of Education practiced medicine here for 47 years. Peeler served Greensboro public education for 43 years, retiring as principal of Price Elementary School. Woods is retired after serving many years as principal for Mooresville public schools. Colston served as president of these colleges: Bethune-Cookman College, Knoxville College, Bronx Community College, and Savannah State College. The honorees were presented plaques and 50-year certificates. Speaker for the occasion was Brother Sullivan Welborne, assistant vice chancellor for stu-

dent affairs at A&T State University. Brother Harold Lanier is President of the chapter and Brother Richard Bennett was Chairman of the program.

alabama a&m Delta Gamma grows in numbers Greetings Brothers of Alpha. We, the members of Delta Gamma Chapter, are holding the banner high for this year. During the spring semester, we had 51 Brothers enrolled on campus and our year was full of productive activities. Our officers for 1983-84 are: Stanley Stallworth, President; Randolph Young, Vice President; Robert Bell, Corresponding Secretary; Lavon LaCount, Recording Secretary; Robert Powe, Dean of Pledgees; Tony Williams, Assistant Dean of Pledgees; Lawrence Fuller, Historian; Samuel Sanford, Chaplain; Charles Herring, Editor-to-the-Sphinx; William Maye, Sgt-At-Arms; Oliver Brooks, Parliamentarian; and Rodney Allen, Treasurer We would like to congratulate our senior Brothers who graduated in May. They were Travis Brooks, Michael Davis, Ronald Davis, Dennis Fails, Joseph Haynes, Rodney Jamar, Ellis Mims, Harold Pickens, and Kirby Stevenson. Here are a few of the chapter activities for the past year: Thirty four beautiful and talented young ladies were selected as sweethearts of Delta Gamma. Thus far, they have shared in our social and community service activities.

50-year honorees with awards at Kappa Lambda Awards Program.



The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Alphas on our campus have taken the leadership in the Student Government Association. Brother Stanley Stallworth, our chapter President, was elected Second Vice President of the S.G.A., while Brother Demetris Howard was elected First Vice President. The men of Alpha proved their athletic power by winning the Intramural Basketball Championship on campus. Our team was led by Brothers Charles Herring, Xavier McCall, Rodney Allen, Robert Power, Travis Brooks, William Maye, Lawrence Fuller, Robert Bell, Michael Davis and Gregory Holloway. Delta Gamma has provided outstanding community services in the Huntsville area. One of our most outstanding was our Tutorial Program at one elementary and two middle schools. Brothers served one hour per week in the area of counseling, mathematics, language, arts, reading and soccer. The schools involved were Terry Heights Elementary, Davis Hill and Edward White Middle Schools. This past spring will be long remembered by our neophyte Brothers, uniquely named "21 Degree Below." Those 21 Brothers who crossed the burning sands and who are now serving in key campus positions are Brothers Dwayne Adderly, Rodney Allen, Robert Bell, Oliver Brooks, LaFrancis Davis, Lawrence Fuller, Eugene Goldsmith, Otis Gordon, Charles Herring, Dewayne Hood, Demetris Howard, Anthony Hudson, William Maye, Xavier McCall, Arthur McGuffries, Oscar Morrow, Dwight Pearson, Robert Powe, Samuel Sanford, Stanley Stallworth, and Donald Ware. Our annual "Cabaret" was held in the beautiful House of Alpha. The Brothers and their beautiful ladies had a very entertaining evening, along with a few invited graduate Brothers. During intermission, the Brothers were introduced and awards were presented along with the traditional champagne toast by the Brothers. Michael Davis, outgoing President, was presented the Brother of the Year Award. Our chapter also won first place in the annual Stepping Contest sponsored by Kappa Gamma Chapter at the University of North Alabama in Florence, Alabama. Finally, the Brothers of Delta Gamma would like for all Brothers to know that we have a "New Thrust" on campus. We led, while others followed. We The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brothers Charlie Jackson, Sebastian Lurry, and Monroe Senter present $1,000 check to Dr. Clinton Marsh, Knoxville College President. will continue to hold the name of Alpha high because we are "First of all, Servants of all and we shall transcend all."

tennessee Alpha Mu Lambda honors outstanding Brothers Alpha Mu Lambda came together at its September 1982 meeting under the new leadership of Brother Sebastian Lurry ready to hold Alpha high. Assisting Brother Lurry in the leadership of our chapter for 1982-83 are: Kenneth Calvert, Vice President; Gregory Fernander, Secretary; William Holt, Treasurer; Charlie Jackson, Financial Secretary; and Leonard A. Jackson, Corresponding Secretary. Being aware of the pledge by the National Office of Alpha Phi Alpha to support Black Higher Education, our

chapter presented a check for $1,000 (for the second consecutive year) to Dr. Clinton Marsh, President of Knoxville College in response to a crisis which threatened the college's survival. This contribution, along with numerous others, helped the college continue until the annoucement of a 1.4 million dollar contribution from the United Presbyterian Church. On December 3, 1982 the chapter held its Founder's Day observance at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. While the guest speaker, Congressman Brother Harold Ford, was unable to attend the banquet due to urgent matters in the U.S. House of Representatives, the event was a tremendous success due to the excellent planning of the committee chaired by Brother Stephen Moorman. Approximately 250 community leaders, friends, and family members joined the Brothers for a full course, not to mention the food. Program highlights included: Brother

The Brothers of Alpha Mu Lambda. 67

of the Year — Brother Leonard A. Jackson was recognized as Brother of the Year for providing leadership in many of our chapter's projects including annual citizenship programs in area schools, annual chapter sponsorship of a youth to attend the Alpha Leadership Conference, voter registration, the Alpha Million Dollar Fund, and the Horace Andrews Fund. College Brothers of the Year — Our chapter presented a check for $75 and a plaque to each of the following outstanding college Brothers: Derek Miller (Gamma Omicron, Knoxville College) and Theodore Dunnaville (Mu Iota, University of Tennessee). Presentation of the Horace Andrews Fund — The chapter presented a check for $1,325 to Mrs. Pat Andrews for the educational support of her children, Angela and Horace, Jr. This presentation was made to the family of Brother Horace Andrews, who entered Omega Chapter in 1979, to honor his unselfish service to mankind. Community Awards — Service certificates were presented to Mrs. Diane Robinson, member of the Knox County School Board; Rev. William Booth, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church; and Brother Carl Cowan. Attorney Brother Cowan was a vital force in the struggle for equal rights in the Knoxville area. An emotional high point was reached as Brother Ronald Stewart moved the gathering with a superb vocal selection.

SOUTHWEST arkansas Delta Sigma Lambda unites father and son Forty-eight years after Brother Kenneth L. Johnson, Sr. crossed the burning sands into Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in 1934 at Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, young Kenneth L. Johnson, Jr., a 1966 graduate of AM&N College (now the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff), crossed the sands in 1983 into Delta Sigma Lambda Chapter, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Brother Johnson, Sr. is a charter member of Gamma Delta which is the undergraduate chapter in Pine Bluff. The brotherhood of Delta Sigma Lambda look with great pride upon this family tradition of father and son as a prestigious part of the thirty-five year existence of the chapter. b8

The Brothers of Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern University.

southern university Beta Sigma begins new successes with reunion Greetings Brothers in Alphadom from the Brotherhood of Brotherhoods, Beta Sigma at Southern University. Since our last correspondence, we would like to acknowledge the admission of 16 new Brothers into our ranks. We inducted what is known as this chapter's first Jewel line of seven Brothers in the spring of 1982. Those Brothers are Andrew Bohannon, Kevin Gray, Chris Johnson, Anthony Young, Roderick Patterson, Derrick Smith and Juan Davis. This fall we initiated our first international Brother into the chapter. Brother Hubert Shaiyen of Nigeria was made along with eight other dynamic and enthusiastic Brothers. They include Larence Snowden, David Dartez, Rodney J. Paul, David Hall, Frank Smith, Micheal Warr, Willie Lanier and Andrew Jackson. We are pleased to announce that Brother Derrick Warren became the second consecutive Beta Sigman to be named College Brother of the Year. The Brothers continue to excel individually in their chosen vocations. Brother Eric Sartin is now serving as Junior Class President and Brother Chris Johnson is the Junior Class Vice President. Melvin Robinson has recently been named the Associate Editor of the

Digest, our campus newspaper. Melvin also is a traffic reporter for one of our local radio stations, WXOK. Brothers Lance "Tank" Belony and Willie Lanier were two instrumental starters on the Jaquar 1982 football team who went 8-3 on the season. Brother Adrian Stacia clocked world class time as a quarter-miler in the fall Pelican Relays. Each summer we have Brothers who participated on numerous co-ops and internships. This past summer, Brothers James Campbell, Willard Starlard, Micheal O. Brown, Donald Burton, Sheldon K. Early, Joel T. Knight, Darnell Willis, Freddie Douglas and Lewis Prevost participated in summer programs nationwide. Brother Clifford Tate was the recipient of a $500 Environmental Protection Agency Scholarship in September. We have numerous Brothers who have been cited as Dean's List and Honor Roll students. Our rapport and level of outreach at all times find us giving our best. We are an integral part of every viable organization on campus including the SGA, Men's Federation, ROTC, Business Cluster, Union Governing Board, President's Advisory Council, Marching Band and all Engineering and Academic honor societies. We are especially proud of each other because we tend to secure all the necessary elements of campus life and convert it to the overall greatness of the chapter. We have in our midst Brothers who have accepted the challenge of leading by example. Some of our projects for the fall The Sphinx / Summer 1983

semester included a $1,200 donation to SCARF (Sickle Cell Anemia Research Foundation), a three day Black History film festival, and numerous visits to a juvenile deliquent home, The Blundon Home. We also sponsored parties for them, tickets to sporting events and plays for these children. We sponsored a Blood Pressure Clinic which was well received by the students. We continued our Go To High School - Go To College drive in hopes to inspire the students in our local school system to continue their pursuits of higher education. We've held cosmetic seminars, donated clothes to the Salvation Army, and had numerous service projects which brought several dollars into the chapter. The highlight of the semester was the first Beta Sigma reunion after 46 years of existence. The reunion, coordinated by Brother Quenton I. White (fall '80), attracted over 100 former Beta Sigmans. Brother Dr. James Peters of Storrs, Connecticut, the only living charter member of Beta Sigma, graced us with his presence. An explicit detail of the reunion was written by Brother Dr. Huel Perkings, a Beta Sigman, in his commentary in the fall 1982 edition of the Sphinx. This semester we kicked the new year off with a bang. We recently sponsored an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Seminar. We have accepted the key to the city for a city-wide clean-up project we rendered. Academically, we have accepted the Prince Riley Award for the highest overall cumulative average of Greek fraternities on campus. We have planned a Black Business Exposition Fair in which we hope to attract Black businesses to come in and lecture on minority business ownership. We are also sponsoring a child on the "I Care Program." We contribute monthly to her expenses for food, clothing, school supplies and other necessities she may need. At the 1983 State Convention, we were cited as the Outstanding College Chapter in the state for the fifth consecutive year. Brother Shane Smith was elected Second Vice President, becoming the third Beta Sigman to hold this office in as many years. First it was Cedric Holloman, then came Derrick Warren and now Quenton White has been named Louisiana's College Brother of the Year 1983. Quenton recently completed an internship as a press-aide to the Governor of Louisiana. He also received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army and has been named a member of the Board The Sphinx / Summer 1983

of Governors for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Foundation of Louisiana. Our chapter officers include: Brothers Sheldon K. Early, President; Micheal O. Brown, Vice President; Freddie Douglas III, Recording Secretary; Melvin Robinson, Corresponding Secretary; Derrick Parham, Treasurer; Derrick Smith, Parliamentarian; and Joel T. Knight, Sergeant-At-Arms. We here at Beta Sigma are proud to wear the symbols of Alpha and continue to hold the light high. We shall continue in all our efforts to be First of all - Servants of All - We shall transcend all.

grambling state u Delta Sigma helps campus and community Because the Brothers of Delta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha are happy to be a part of this Fraternity, we wish to extend a warm greeting to all our fraternal Brothers. This chapter is proud to announce the initiation of six new Brothers to the Fraternity. Four are from the fall of '82, and their names are Brothers Roderick Jackson, Edwin Smith, Robert Williams, and Anthony Glaze. Two are from the spring of '83. Their names are Victor Mitchell and Darren Boykins. Both the prophytes and neophytes are very ready to uplift the name of Alpha. During the spring semester of '83, the Brothers had a host of accomplishments at Grambling State University. First of all, we won the highest scholastic award over the other Greek fraternities (in the fall of '82, we came in second place). Our cumulative average was a 3.20. Secondly, we participated in a voter registration drive in which we were instrumental in getting the people active. After those events, we won first place for getting the most members registered in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The last accomplishment by us on the Grambling State University campus was the election of Brother Robert Killins, Jr. He was elected to one of the most prestigious positions on campus, the President of the Student Government Association. During that election, a record was set for the most students ever turning out to vote. Out of 1,028 votes, Brother Killins received 748. As for the community, the Brothers

worked diligently to help it. Two examples include the donation of several food baskets to churches in the surrounding communities. The baskets were donated to needy families during the Easter holiday. Also our chapter helped the United League of Voters in recruiting citizens to vote against a very important bond issue. In addition to Grambling State University and community achievements, we had one hundred percent attendance at the Regional Convention held in Shreveport. While there, we sold anti-racism pins. The pins are being sold for the million-dollar drive for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Urbean League and the United Negro College Fund. The Brothers of our chapter will continue to uphold the name of Alpha Phi Alpha. As a matter of fact, two Brothers graduated in the academic year 1982/1983 with honors. Their names are Vincent Jackson and James Thompson. Brother Jackson graduated with the honor of Sigma Cum Laude, and Brother Thompson graduated with the honor of Magna Cum Laude. As you can see, the Brothers of Delta Sigma are moving onward and upward toward that glorious light.

xavier university A view of Beta Tau The Brothers of Beta Tau Chapter extend cordial greetings to all of our distinguished Brothers in Alphadom. In the fall of 1982 Beta Tau Chapter successfully inducted three new prominent Brothers into its illustrious chapter. The line consisted of Brothers John Q. Adams, Charles Clarence Haydel III, and Alvin Smith. The Brothers of Beta Tau proudly participated in the Annual University Homecoming Ball, where Brothers escorted members of the Queen's Court and our own Miss Alpha. The Brothers also participated in the university's Homecoming Parade, in which we were given the honor of having the most decorative car of all participants. We, the Brothers of Beta Tau, organized a University Dean's Forum - in which students were allowed to voice complaints and ideas to most of the university's Deans and the SGA President. The forum was a success in which better student/faculty relationships 69

were recognizable. In order to keep up better relations with fellow Greeks, a Wine and Cheese Party was given in honor of Xavier's Greeks by Beta Tau. To ease the minds of students on campus, we showed a series of movies following the midterm examinations. As the year progressed our chapter organized Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for families in need. During Christmas, we also sang Christmas carols and gave gifts to elderly members of a local rest home. We, as Alpha men, know our dedication toward better education and thus we participated in a tutorial program at Daneel Elementary School — where our distinguished Advisor, Brother Rudolph Deteige is Principal. We also contributed $200 toward Xavier University's future Science building, issuing a challenge to all other Greek organizations on campus to match our contribution. Brothers Al and John Robinson coordinated an All Greek Can Shake with the UNCF, involving the Greeks of Xavier and Dillard University. As a result of this effort over $4,600 was raised. Trophies were given to the Greek organizations who collected the highest amounts. And, as always, Alpha was in that proud number. In the spring of 1982 an Annual Greek Show was organized by the campus Pan Hellenic Council, with our own Brother Eric Alexander as President. In the fall of 1982, Brother Reginald Taylor was one of twenty students accepted into Harvard Dental School. He is also a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society and is the proud winner of an Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation Scholarship. Brothers Reginald Taylor and Andre Smith are both members of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society. We also have a Brother in the field of Biochemistry, Marion Carroll, who was one of two persons accepted into the Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) program at the University of Vermont. Beta Tau also has eight Brothers in Xavier University's College of Pharmacy (XUCOP), which is ranked one of the top ten in the nation. These Brothers include Eric Alexander, 3rd year; Rene Allen, 3rd year; Clinton Anderson, 3rd year; Michael Ferguson, 3rd year — who also is on a Walgreen's Pharmacy Scholarship; AI Robinson, 3rd year; Anthony Tenette, 1st year; Andre Smith, 1st year; and Michael 70

Winn, 2nd year. A picnic was held at the end of the 1983 spring semester for Brothers and friends in honor of our accomplishments throughout the year. The leaders of our glorious chapter for 1982-83 year are Brothers: Michael Ferguson, President; Eric Alexander, Vice President; Anthony Tenette, Treasurer; Andre Buck, Secretary; Eddie d e m o n s , Parliamentarian; Rene Allen, Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Tohn Robinson, Director of Educational Activities; Michael Arnaud, Dean of Pledges; Andre Smith, Assistant to Dean of Pledges; and Emanuel Harrison, Historian. We, the Chapter of Beta Tau, will continue to uphold the true meaning of Alpha and wish productive and enjoyable years to all Brothers in Alphadom.

Hayes, who competed in the preOlympic tryouts in Taiwan and the Pacific. Members of the chapter participated in a basketball game at the Forum. The proceeds went for various community projects. Through the tutoring program, members of the Education Committee tutored a number of youngsters at Jefferson High School. Christmas baskets were donated, as well as money, to needy families. This activity was organized by the Alpha wives, sweethearts and members — in conjunction with the Chaplain of the Messiah Baptist Church. A very special thank you is owed to the Alpha wives and sweethearts who supported all of the projects of Beta Psi Lambda and were instrumental in the fund-raising aspects of the chapter.


Finally, a fund-raising bazaar was sponsored at the USC Alpha Delta House, its purpose being to provide funds to the USC chapter to assist them in maintaining supplies for the maintenance of the House which is utilized by all Alphas throughout the area. In July of 1982 the family picnic was held at Terminal Island which was open to members of the area. The Alphas made many contributions to the area of scholarship. They sponsored a fund-raising presentation at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium; the guest artists were the Dance Theatre of Harlem. On the occasion of the National Convention in August of 1982, President Sutton, members of the national office, Brothers from the Western Region and Brothers from across the country enjoyed a fund-raiser at the Shubert Theater: "Sophisticated Ladies" featuring the music of Duke Ellington. The proceeds from this event sponsored two Alpha Brothers from UCLA and two from USC. The student body President from UCLA, Bobby Grace, member of Gamma Xi, was one of the recipients. In December, the Alphas and their wives and sweethearts attended the incomparable Lena Home in concert at the Pantages Theatre. The proceeds went to the scholarship fund. The Education Committee established a permanent scholarship endowment fund for outstanding Alphas or other deserving students in the Western United States. In June, 1982, the Alpha Wives and Beta Psi Lambda gave scholarships to deserving high school students who

California Beta Psi Lambda wins Chapter of the Year Award The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Brothers met in San Diego recently for the Western Regional Conference. The honor of winning Chapter of the Year was bestowed upon the Los Angeles Chapter of Beta Psi Lambda. The Beta Psi Lambda Chapter has striven to uphold the motto: First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All." The Brothers compiled a portfolio which was presented to the Western Regional Conference panel of judges demonstrating the prolific efforts on the part of the Brotherhood in improving the community as well as bringing about programs on the regional level and programs designed to accomplish the goals of the national New Thrust Program. Beta Psi Lambda has been politically active on all of these levels and has been in the forefront for justice, social equality and freedom for all. Community service projects involved all of the Brothers who worked feverishly to "get out the vote!" They sponsored seminars featuring local political candidates, judges and the League of Women Voters who discussed the ballot measures before both the primary and general elections. In addition, the chapter sponsored a USC graduate, Brother Kenneth

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

were college bound. The Alphas always enjoy enhancing the fraternal spirit and sponsored numerous galas and other programs designed to bring Alpha Brothers together and foster a spirit of camraderie and support for the local, regional and national chapters. Beta Psi Lambda sponsored a luau in October, 1982 for the members of the eleven chapters of the Southern California area. Everyone had a marvelous time. A number of political personalities were present: Mayor Bradley's representative, Lloyd Raikes and Bill Elkins and Mrs. Hall from the League of Women Voters, Attorney Flournoy, Republican candidate for Comptroller and Attorney General John Van De Kamp. A Christmas party was held which was open to the Southern California membership. In the spring, the Black and Gold Ball was held in conjunction with UCLA's Gamma Xi to crown the queen for Miss Black and Gold of the Western Region. The pledge program was active in organizing a smoker at which the Brothers interacted with persons interested in becoming Alphas. In March and April several new Alphas were initiated into the chapter. A Founder's Day banquet held in December, 1982, was highlighted by honoring national officers James Blanton, Executive Secretary, and Brother Clinton Minnis, Western Regional Vice President. In terms of uplifting the personal growth of the Alphas, Beta Psi Lambda has participated in the Million-Dollar Drive and sponsored Black History seminars and other seminars relating to business, politics, government and legal issues. The Beta Psi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha has designed a program around the "New Thrust" agenda of our National President, Ozell Sutton. This agenda includes youth development, youth motivation and recognitioin, career guidance and tutorial assistance, advocacy p r o g r a m s , employment and job training, education, business encouragement, reclamation and social action. In accordance with the business encouragement awareness program of Beta Psi Lambda, Ed Roper, a stockbroker from Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. in Beverly Hills met with members of the chapter on Saturday, May 14 at 4:00 p.m. The topic under The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Beta Psi Lambda Brothers donate food to needy. discussion was making wise investments for the 1980s. Mr. Roper emphasized the fact that small investors can shelter their incomes and gain some tax benefits if they invest their funds carefully. He encouraged the Alphas to participate individually or as a group in buying stocks as a hedge against inflation. The Alphas have had an outstanding year, and it is the fervent hope of all of the members of Beta Psi Lambda that the wealth of activity support for the service of the local, regional and national Brotherhood for the betterment of mankind will be the touchstone for even more glorious years ahead.

monterey, CQ Kappa Alpha Lambda sets high standards "Greetings" to all who abide within the House of Alpha. The Brothers of the Kappa Alpha Lambda Chapter, located on the beautiful Monterey Bay Peninsula, Monterey, California, extend a warm welcome to all Brothers who may be passing through the area. 1983 saw a change of leadership in the Kappa Alpha Lambda Chapter. The officers for the 1983 year are Brothers William Hill, Sr., President; Elgin Allmond, Vice President; Victor Noble, Secretary; Elwood Williams, Treasurer; Linwood R. Brockett, Dean of Pledges; Horace Knight, Assistant Dean of Pledges; George Winston, Chaplain; Stanley P. Brown, Editor-tothe-Sphinx; Otis Jones, Historian; Clifford McDuffy, Sr., Parliamentarian; and James Joyner, Sergeant-At-Arms. The chapter has set very high goals for the 1983 year, with enough goodwill and fraternal spirit to obtain them all. They are: to establish a $50,000

Kappa Alpha Lambda Endowment Scholarship Fund; to improve the image and increase the influence the chapter has on the Monterey Peninsula; to develop and support programs which are designed to improve the quality of life for all people within the community; to develop and implement programs which are designed to assist Black youth in obtaining a positive image of themselves and to heighten their level of aspiration; and to establish a Kappa Alpha Lambda fraternity house on the Monterey Peninsula. Brothers of the chapter are always on the move in the community. Brother Al Glover was named "Citizen of the Year, 1982" for the city of Seaside, California. This is the second consecutive year that this award has been won by an Alpha. Brother E. Walker James was recipient of the same award last year. The chapter is always eager to have visiting Brothers to participate in its functions. Highlights of the year's calendar of events are the Easter program in April, the Scholarship Awards Luncheon in June, the Monterey Jazz Festival activity in September and the Black and Gold Ball in December. The Brothers of the Kappa Alpha Lambda Chapter will always ensure that the light of Alpha will be held high.

Colorado Touching the lives of young and old The Brothers of Delta Psi Lambda

Chapter of Denver, Colorado, extend to all Alpha Brothers a "warm hello" from the Rocky Mountains. Let us assure you that Alpha Brothers in the Mile High city are alive and well. 71

Under the leadership of our President, Brother Phil Cochran, we are continuing to hold the name of Alpha high. Our chapter outreach program consists of numerous activities which touch the lives of both young and old. One program of which we are especially proud is our weekly tonsorial care service. This is a project where we provide tonsorial and other personal care to senior citizens of the Stovall Care Center. Most of all, we try to bring a little sunshine into their lives by always engaging in friendly conversation, allowing them to recall old memories, and making them feel that they are still needed and their contributions appreciated. Other programs include weekly tutorial services to elementary school age youngsters at a local elementary school. This program is highly successful and has been in existence for more than six years, providing help and encouragement to our developing youth. In 1982 and 1983, we provided $8,000 in tuition assistance to deserving college aspirants. More than 16 food baskets were given to the needy last Christmas and a continuing program for food distribution to the needy is in its planning stage. Our chapter was instrumental in chartering an undergraduate chapter, Omicron Tau, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, and continues to provide guidance and advice to that chapter. Of course, Alpha Brothers in Denver are making their individual contributions in the political, religious, economic, and community service arenas.

southern California u Alpha Delta reports outstanding year Alpha Delta sends greetings to all of their fellow Brothers in Alpha. Alpha Delta, the first chapter on the West Coast, has taken on a number of positive programs this 1982-83 school year under its new administration consisting of Brothers Kevin Eubanks, President; Martin Jacobs, Vice President; Michael Green, Secretary; Allen Herbert, Treasurer; Aaron Griffith, Dean of Pledges; and Teby Njobe, Assistant Dean of Pledges. Alpha Delta started the school year with an orientation dance, giving out book scholarships to two worthy 72

freshmen. The chapter then forged on with a presentation of a South African Symposium which included speakers, a film, and the distribution of literature on the plight of the native South African. The symposium also resulted in the founding of a South African Task Force. For the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the Brothers joined forces with the USC chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and presented a Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration. The festivities included speakers, a jazz band, food, balloons, and buttons. A dance followed the celebration, raising funds for the founding of a joint Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Sigma Theta Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Scholarship. The chapter was also instrumental in the founding and continuation of the USC Black Alumni Dinner. Alpha Delta has also entertained a number of speakers at the Fraternity house including Cheka Abubakari on African origins of Christianity, Rumoko Rashidi on the study of Black women of antiquity, Brother Raymond Cannon on the history and his personal experience with the Fraternity, and Armstrong Williams on his position as one of the highest ranking Blacks in President Reagan's administration. Alpha Delta was present at the spirit conference and rejuvenation of the University of California, Irvine chapter; the annual Sweethearts Ball; and the Founder's Day celebration. The chapter was also active in the San Jose State University Greek Show and the USC Greek Show, taking third and first places respectively. Alpha Delta also made five new Brothers into Alphadom. The pledge line "Five Negarro" received one of the most structured pledge programs in the recent history of Alpha Delta, with such projects as volunteer work for the Special Olympics Program. Alpha Delta's acquisition of a fraternity house has helped the chapter in carrying out its programs and has served as a positive force in terms of the strength of the brotherhood. The Brothers have been generous with the house in helping out other Black organizations such as other chapters of Alpha in the area, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and the National Society of Black Engineers. Unfortunately, at the closing of the year the chapter will be without its central meeting place and home of many of the Brothers. The university committed the house to an unnamed white fraternity that has just ended its probationary period. Alpha

Delta remains hopeful of the acquisition of a new fraternity house and is presently taking steps to better its chances. The housing dispute remains a major issue of the chapter, and the chapter expresses a need for support in pursuit of a new fraternity house. Nevertheless Alpha Delta still forges on with positive programs in the future of the school year including a car wash for the Million Dollar Fund Drive, a career workshop at the house, a blood drive, and a high school leadership conference in conjunction with the graduate Brothers.

Colorado state u Omicron Tau getting started on the right foot Greetings to those in Alphadom from the newly-founded chapter in the state of Colorado, Omicron Tau, located on the campus of Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado. The Brothers of the "Seven Knights of Gold" crossed the burning sands on October 23, 1982 with the aid of the Brothers of Delta Psi Lambda of Denver, Colorado, who performed the services. The seven founding Brothers are James A. Darden, President, who is a senior majoring in Physics. Wellington J. Williams is our Vice President and is a senior majoring in Civil Engineering. Joseph M. Harris II, our Secretary, is a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. Allan M. Smith is the Treasurer of our chapter and is a senior Mechanical Engineering major. Our other members include senior Electrical Engineering major Gerold M. Brown, Junior Pre Vet major Kevin J. Franklin, and Milton T. Norton, who is a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major. Omicron Tau Chapter held its first Smoker on February 6, 1983 in which more than ten interested people from two campuses, Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado located in Greeley, Colorado, were in attendance. We have many programs planned for the future. These programs include a Big Brother program, a blood donor program and we are also starting a campus-wide tutoring service. Once again, the Brothers of Omicron Tau Chapter are proud to be "servants of all." We certainly encourage all correspondence in order to exchange projects and ideas. The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Omega CbapteR Laurence T. Young, Sr., Editor

Brother THEODORE MARTIN ALEXANDER, JR. entered Omega Chapter on April 15, 1983. Brother Alexander was presumed drowned in a boating mishap off the coast of Honduras while on a fishing trip with his wife, Janis, and friends. Brother Alexander was First Vice President, Public Finance National Accounts of E. F. Hutton & Company. He joined Hutton in 1979, following an extensive career in banking, finance and real estate both in the public and private sectors. He had worked for Chase Manhattan Bank and Dun & Bradstreet (both in New York) during the mid-50's, prior to going into business for himself as President of Alexander and Associates, Real Estate Brokers, from 1958 through 1966, in Atlanta. He became the first Black investment banker for Courts & Company in Atlanta in 1966 (through 1969); and in 1974 he was appointed by the President of the United States as the Regional Administrator and as Assistant Federal Housing Administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. During the two years before he joined E. F. Hutton, Brother Alexander was President of the Atlanta Economic Development Corporation. Brother Alexander was born June 22, 1932 in Atlanta, Georgia. He received his Baccalaureate degree in Economics from Morehouse College and subsequently earned a Masters in Business Administration from New York University and a Masters in Economic Geography from Columbia University. Brother Alexander was a member of many local and national organizations, among them the Atlanta Resurgens; the National Conference of Christians and lews; the Atlanta Area Boy Scouts; and the Public Broadcasting Council of Atlanta. A memorial service was held for Brother Alexander on April 21, 1983 at the Morehouse College Campus. Among the survivors are Brother Alexander's wife, Janis; and three children, Tedd, a sophomore at Morehouse College and member of Alpha Rho Chapter; Kimberly, a sophomore at Georgetown University; and Todd, a freshman at the Westminster School in Atlanta; his father, T. M. Alexander, Sr., a member of Eta Lambda Chapter; and two sisters, Alvia Boone and Dorothy McCown, all of Atlanta.

Brother MELVIN ALLEN, age 45, entered Omega Chapter April 3, 1983 at Mercy Hospital Medical Center in Des Moines following a brief illness resulting from a heart ailment. Brother Allen was born in Texas, earned his Bachelor's and Master's from Prairie View A&M University and his Doctorate degree from Drake University. At the time of his untimely death he was the Associate Dean of the Des Moines Area Community College Urban Campus. Brother Allen was initiated into Zeta Kappa Lambda Chapter in Des Moines, Iowa, during the Spring, 1977. He served his Fraternity as Chaplain and Secretary. He was a stalwart member of Corinthian Baptist Church where he served as Sunday School teacher, Chairman of the Deacon's Board and participated in musical programs.

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Survivors include his wife, Lenola; three daughters, Sherita, Meva and Stephanie, all of Des Moines; his father, Norman, of Needville, Texas; three brothers, Lawrence and Charles, both of Houston, Texas, and James of Needville; and two sisters, Norma Wright and Mildred Allen, both of Houston. The Alpha Phi Alpha funeral rites were conducted on April 6 at Estes Funeral Home, followed by church services on April 7 and burial in Houston, Texas.

Brother RUFUS BALLARD ATWOOD, age 86, entered Omega Chapter March 20, 1983 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It will be remembered that Brother Atwood was formerly President of Kentucky State University for many years. Brother Atwood was born in Hickman, Kentucky March 15, 1897. His career was varied. He was truly a man of humble faith — his interests being solely in education. He received his early education at Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, where he left to do his duty in the Armed Services of the United States. He received his Baccalaureate degree from Fisk, and a Bachelor's degree from Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, and a Master's degree in Administration from the University of Chicago. After Brother Atwood retired as President of Kentucky State University in 1962, he received the University of Kentucky's Sullivan Medallion, awarded annually to a Kentuckian for qualities of human understanding and dedicated service. Funeral rites were conducted at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, Ohio March 23, 1983, followed by Memorial Services in Bradford Hall Auditorium, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky, March 23. Interment followed in Frankfort Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mebel; and a sister, Anna Hickman.

Brother ELMER BRADFORD entered Omega Chapter - October 25, 1983 - in Mobile, Alabama, following an extended illness. Brother Bradford was born January 30, 1905 in El Paso, Texas and at an early age the family moved to Beaumont, Texas - where Brother Bradford received his elementary and high school education. Brother Bradford received his Baccalaureate degree from Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, where he was initiated into the Fraternity - following which he enrolled at Worsham School of Embalming in Chicago, Illinois. Brother Bradford was employed by the Chicago-St. Paul Railroad Company and Sergeant and Lundy Engineering firm. Upon his retirement from the engineering firm, he and his family moved to Mobile, Alabama to live in quiet retirement. He was a devoted member of Lilly Baptist Church serving the church faithfully. Final rites were held at Lilly Baptist Church in Mobile, with the Reverend Julius Williams presiding. Prior to the funeral rites, the local chapter - Mu Iota Lambda - executed the Alpha's Omega rites, serving as casket bearers. He is survived by his wife, Estelle; and a host of other relatives and friends, who continue to mourn his loss.

Brother NELSON F. BROWN entered Omega Chapter March 14, 1983, the victim of armed robbery at the entrance of the Illinois Service Federal Building, 46th Street and King Drive, Chicago where he was employed as General Counsel for the past several years.


Brother Brown was an outstanding attorney in the City of Chicago tor m a n y years - he was a g r a d u a t e of H o w a r d University, and Loyola University School of Law. He was an ardent volunteer and c o n t r i b u t o r to civil rights and c o m m u n i t y organizations. His father, the late Sydney P. Brown, served on the Board of Education for m a n y years - and for 40 years w a s a director and general counsel tor Illinois Service Federal. O m e g a services of the Fraternity were c o n d u c t e d at Unity Funeral Parlor, March 18, under the direction of Xi Lambda C h a p t e r . Final rites were c o n ducted at the funeral parlor on March 18, with the Reverend Kenneth B. Smith the officiant. Brother Brown is survived by his wife, Sonja; t w o sons, Stephen G. and Nelson F., Jr.; and a sister, Joyce B. Tyler.

Brother JAMES MONROE BYNES, JR. entered Omega Chapter M a r c h 16, 1983 in C h a t t a n o o g a , Tennessee. Brother Bynes w a s a retired dentist, having practiced dentistry in C h a t t a n o o g a for over 50 years. Brother Bynes was educated in the public schools of C h a t t a n o o g a , receiving his secondary education at H a m p t o n Institute where he received his Baccalaureate degree, a n d later earned his D o c t o r of Dental Science at M e h a r r y Medical College, Nashville. Tennessee. Brother Bynes was a member of m a n y local and national organizations and an ardent m e m b e r of First Baptist C h u r c h where he served on the Board of Trustees. He w a s also a M a s o n and a Shriner. Brother Bynes w a s a C h a r t e r M e m b e r of Psi L a m b d a C h a p t e r and played an active part in all the chapter activities. O m e g a Services were conducted by the Brothers of Psi Lambda on M a r c h 19 at the Hardwick's Funeral H o m e . Funeral rites were conducted March 20 at the First Baptist C h u r c h with the Reverend H. H. Battle officiating. He is survived by his wife, Sally, of 51 years; a brother-in-law; one nephew: and several collateral relatives.

Brother HERBERT S T E W A R T C A R R O L L entered O m e g a C h a p t e r , J a n u a r y 26. 1983 in Fort W o r t h , Texas - following a brief illness. Brother Carroll was born in N o r m a n , O k l a h o m a on December 29, 1924 a n d received his formal education at Langston University ( O k l a h o m a ) and N o r t h Texas State University. Brother Carroll was an ardent member of Beta Tau Lambda C h a p t e r in Fort W o r t h . Texas, having served that chapter in m a n y capacities. He was a m e m b e r ot St. Peter's Presbyterian C h u r c h , where he served as an Elder; Art Education Association; Life M e m b e r of the National Education Association; and Texas State Teachers Association. Brother Carroll was the recipient of several a w a r d s which included O u t s t a n d i n g Teacher — Secondary Schools Art Show; Fort W o r t h C h a m b e r ot C o m m e r c e ; and the Fort W o r t h C h a p t e r ot the Links. Funeral rites were held January 29, 1983 at St. Peter's Presbyterian C h u r c h with the Reverend Jesse G. Truvillion presiding. He is survived by his wife, Inas; a daughter, R h o n d a ; a sister, M a r t h a ; an uncle, Clarence; an aunt, M a r y , three nieces; and many other relatives and friends.

Brother CLARENCE E. J A C O B S entered O m e g a C h a p t e r April 2, 1983 at Ft. Hamilton Veterans Hospital (Brooklyn. N e w York) following an extended illness. He was born O c t o b e r 10. 190° in Atlantic City, New Jersey - where he spent his early lite and where he finished elementary school. Brother Jacobs received his collegiate e d u c a t i o n al Howard University, W a s h i n g t o n , D.C.. where he received a Bachelor ot Science degree in Music. From that point. Brother l a t o b s followed the field ot music — studying under T o d d D u n c a n - playing "Porgy" in Porgy and Bess in 1935.


C o n t i n u i n g his study of music, he enrolled in the School of Music at Q u e e n s College (New York), where he received the degree of Music in N e w York City. He became a member of the Eva Jessye C h o i r while studying at Julliard School a n d in 1940 he became a m e m b e r of the cast - "Cabin In The Sky." Brother Jacobs served in the A r m e d Forces of the United States for five years — discharged as a Captain — during which time he married Bernice Wilson in 1942, from which union two sons were b o r n . In 1965 Brother Jacobs joined the Board of Education ot Brooklyn, New York where he remained until his retirement in 1977. He was a m e m b e r of G a m m a lota Lambda C h a p t e r — a Life M e m b e r of the Fraternity, as well. O m e g a Services were conducted in his church — followed by funeral and burial rites. He is survived by his wife, Bernice; t w o sons, Rogers and Williams.

Brother WILLIAM A N D E R S O N *** Mte. L I P S C O M B , JR. entered O m e g a C h a p t e r April 4, 1983 in Riverside Hospital, Hampton, Virginia following a brief illness. Brother Lipscomb was b o r n January 11, 1918 in N e w p o r t N e w s , Virginia — received his elementary education in N e w p o r t News; his secondary education at Virginia State University, where he received his Baccalaureate degree in Business Administration; later receiving a Master of Arts degree in G u i d a n c e , U n i v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania. Brother Lipscomb w a s a master mechanic and machinist, employed for m a n y years in the N e w p o r t News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock C o m p a n y . He entered the field of Education and the N e w p o r t News Public School System - serving as Guidance C o u n s e l o r from 1966 until his retirement in 1981. Brother Lipscomb was a m e m b e r of Zeta Lambda C h a p t e r , having served in every official capacity in the chapter. Transitional services were held at Trinity Baptist Church, N e w p o r t News, on April 9, 1983, with the Reverend Maurice C a r t e r officiating. In addition to his wife, Eunice, he is survived by a foster son; a niece and a nephew; a n d a host of collateral relatives and friends.

Brother JOEL C. MARABLE, age 65, entered O m e g a Chapter J a n u a r y 11, 1983 at Cleveland Memorial Hospital, Shelby, N o r t h Carolina, following a brief illness. Brother Marable was born in Henderson, N o r t h Carolina, where he attended elementary and second a r y schools. He served three years in the A r m e d Forces of the United States in Iran. W h e n Brother Marable returned t r o m military service he entered Shaw University where he obtained his Baccalaureate degree, and it was during this period he became an Alpha man - M a y 1948 in Beta Rho C h a p t e r . Brother Marable served as instructor at Lincoln A c a d e m y , Kings M o u n tain, North Carolina; Lincoln High School in Bessemer, N o r t h Carolina where he remained until his retirement in 1981. Brother Marable's professional and civic affiliations were n u m e r o u s . He was an ardent and dedicated member ot the First Congregational United C h u r c h ot Christ, where - a m o n g other duties - he served as Superintendent ot the Church School, an officer of the C h u r c h m e n ' s Fellowship, m e m b e r ot the Trustee Board, and m a n y other committees. Brother M a r a b l e is survived by his wife, Willie J.; two d a u g h t e r s and a toster son - also leaving a host ot collateral relatives and friends.

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

Brother DEAN MOHR, age 88, entered Omega Chapter April 10, 1983 at Bay Pines Veterans Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida following a prolonged illness. Brother Mohr was an educator - serving as an instructor and athletic director at Wilberforce University, and later at Sam Houston College in Texas - later becoming President of Paul Quinn College, in Waco, Texas. Brother Mohr received a degree in Pharmacy from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio - at the seat of which school he was initiated into the Fraternity, Kappa Chapter. Brother Mohr spent the greater part of his life in YMCA work. The Melrose YMCA, St. Petersburg's black YMCA at a time before integration, was founded in 1945 and was operated by Brother Mohr until he retired in 1970. Brother Mohr was funeralized April 14 at Bethel Community Baptist Church with the Reverend H. McNeal Harris officiating. He is survived by five sons, five daughters, thirteen grand children and sixteen greatgrandchildren.

Brother MYLES A. PAIGE former General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. — entered Omega Chapter on March 29, 1983 at Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, California — following a brief illness. Truly the Fraternity has lost another of its stalwarts. Mass of the Resurrection was held in Los Angeles, April 4, 1983 at St. Benedict Roman Catholic Church, augmented by a large contingent of Knights of Columbus taking part in full uniform. Brother Paige was General President of the Fraternity from August 1957 - 1962 and served with dignity and honor. He was Justice, Court of Domestic Relations since 1958; Justice of the Court of Special Sessions of the City of New York, 1940 - 1958; and City Magistrate, 1936 - 1940. Brother Paige received his elementary and secondary schooling in Montgomery, Alabama; graduate of Alabama State Teacher's College; Baccalaureate degrees from Fisk University, Howard University and Columbia University; Bachelor of Law degree from Columbia, and Doctor of Law from Howard University; Doctor of Humanities from Wilberforce University; member of the Board of Trustees, Howard University since 1941. Brother Paige has an enviable record in connection with his military activities - culminating reserve as a full Colonel. He was connected with many community activities. He was formerly an Assistant Attorney General - New York State; appointed as the first Black City Magistrate in the City of New York, 1936; appointed as the first and only Black Associate Justice of the Court of Special Sessions of the City of New York in 1940-1960; member of the New York County, Federal and Brooklyn Bar Associations; rendered many important decisions in his long career as a Judge; recognized as the senior Black judge in the United States in point of years of service, with 25 years of consecutive service. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, and two daughters.

Brother J. LEWIS POWELL, pastor emeritus of the Faith United Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, entered Omega Chapter March 12, 1983 in Nashville, following an extended illness. Former students, teachers and clergymen from across the nation came to Nashville, Tennessee to pay a memorial tribute to Brother Powell held at the American Baptist Theological Seminary — where Brother Powell had served for many years as Professor, Dean of Students, and Vice President of the |r Seminary. Brother Powell was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, and was active

The Sphinx / Summer 1983

in many national and local organizations — including the Inter-denominational Ministers Fellowship Club, the Mason Lodge, the NAACP, and many other charitable organizations. Among Brother Powell's many contributions and humanitarian efforts was his building a park for Black boys and girls on land donated to him. To give others an opportunity to increase their "pounds" such as Brother Powell did - the J. Lewis Powell Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established at the American Baptist College in Nashville. Brother J. FARLEY RAGLAND entered Omega Chapter January 8, 1983 following an extended illness in the Community Memorial Hospital, South Hill, Virginia. Brother Ragland was an educational product of Virginia State College, Hampton Institute and Howard University; a former instructor in Science at St. Paul's College and a former teacher in the Public School System of Halifax County. He was a pharmacist by profession and owned and operated the Campus Pharmacy in Lawrence, Virginia for fifty years. Brother Ragland is survived by his wife, Hattie; four sons, James F., Leon C , Ray H. and Lawrence C ; two daughters, Lucia and Irma; a host of collateral relatives; and manv friends. Brother SAMUEL M. ROBINSON, age 54, entered Omega Chapter March 10, 1983 at Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg, Floria following a brief illness. Brother Robinson received his elementary and secondary education in the public schools of St. Petersburg. Following graduation from Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida, Brother Robinson was employed as band director at Gibbs High School. Brother Robinson served in the Armed Forces (1950-52) and was band director of the Divisional Band at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Following his stint in the Army, he returned to the school system of St. Petersburg, and appointed band director at 16th Street Middle School where he remained for 20 years; in 1972 he was appointed Dean of Students at St. Petersburg High School, and later appointed Director of Administrative Services, Pinellas County Schools. Brother Robinson was a Charter Member of Theta Eta Lambda Chapter at St. Petersburg; additionally a member of the Ambassador Club, the St. Petersburg Community Alliance, on the Board of Governors of the local Chamber of Commerce. A sunset memorial service was held March 19, 1983 at Bethel Community Baptist Church for the repose of his soul. He is survived by his wife, Verdya; a brother, Eugene; and several nieces and nephews.

Brother JOSEPH WILLARD VANN, JR. entered Omega Chapter February 25, 1983 in his home at Tulsa, Oklahoma following a brief illness. He was born September 7, 1929 in Coffeyville, Kansas, moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1930, where he received his elementary and high school education. He received his college education at Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio — where he received his Baccalaureate degree in Economics. Brother Vann served his country for 15 years as a commissioned officer in the Army with administrative and staff duties in logistics, personnel, intelligence and operations. Brother Vann served his community well - nine years as Director of Program Planning and Development of the Model Cities Program, and Community Relations Analyst, U.S. Department of Justice. Brother Vann was an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Sigma Pi Phi (Boule). Final rites were conducted at the Vernon African Methodist Episcopal Church in Tulsa - with the Reverend E. W. Dawkins officiating. He is survived by his wife, Josie Ruth; his father; and a brother and a daughter; with many collateral relatives.


Brother DeMINT FRAZIER WALKER entered Omega Chapter on April 18, 1983 at Chowan Hospital, Edenton, North Carolina following an extended illness. Brother Walker was born January 25, 1903 in Scottsboro, Alabama. He received his Baccalaureate degree from Talladega College in 1929; Master's degree from Hampton, Virginia, and a Doctorate from New York University. His life was in education, especially providing leadership in educating the young minds at the D. F. Walker High School, the school named in his honor, where he was Principal for thirty-one years. Brother Walker's involvement in political, social and civic affairs was extensive. Some of his affiliations were School Masters Club, Masonic Lodge, North Carolina Association of Educators, Life Member of the Fraternity, and many other organizations. Funeral rites were conducted at Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Edenton, North Carolina, with the Reverend J. L. Fenner officiating. He is survived by a sister, Eva; four brothers, Ira, Arnold, G. Wilson, and Abraham; and many collateral relatives and friends.

at Sam Houston College, and the University of Wyoming. He was truly an educator - teaching in the Elgin Public Schools, the Eagle Lake Public Schools; Dean of Thornton Business College; Supervisor of Tarrant County Veteran School and the Fort Worth Public Schools for 28 years, until his retirement in 1976. Brother Wilson was a member of Baker Chapel A.M.E. Church, serving as Trustee and Class Leader; member of many national and local organizations; co-founder of the Southside Investment Corporation; Life Member of NAACP; National Retired Teachers Association; and numerous community projects. Funeral rites were conducted at Baker Chapel AME Church on January 12, 1983, with the Reverend B. L. McCormick officiating. He is survived by his wife, Ulma; a sister, Ora Lee; three nieces; and a host of other relatives and friends.

Brother JOHN H. WALLS, age 93, entered Omega Chapter March 29, 1983 at Jewish Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky, following a brief illness. Brother Walls served the Louisville community for more than fifty years both as a medical specialist and as an advocate for equality in education. Brother Walls was a 1917 graduate of Meharry Medical College and began his practice in Louisville in 1918. Brother Walls was born on a farm in Western Tennessee, 30 miles north of Memphis - both his parents were born into slavery. They were sent, after being sold, to the same rural area in Tennessee where they met and married. Because neither of them could read or write, Brother Wall's birth date was never written down. He chose his own by approximating the season and the year. Funeral services were held April 3 at Broadway Temple A.M.E. Zion Church with burial in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana, the Reverend T. X. Graham officiating.

In profound sorrow, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. announces the entrances into Omega Chapter of the following Brothers since the last General Convention in Los Angeles, California:

Brother SHERMAN LOTT WILSON, age 45, entered Omega Chapter January 8, 1983 in Fort Worth, Texas following a brief illness. Brother Wilson was an active member of Beta Tau Lambda Chapter, Fort Worth, Texas for many years. He was born in Elgin, Texas and received his early education in Elein. Texas public schools and his secondary education

From Eta Psi Lambda, Tucson, Arizona - (May 12,1983) - Brother NORMAN W. BARTEE

Omega Chapter Notices

From Xi Lambda Chapter, Chicago, Illinois - (April 4, 1983) - Brother ARCHIBALD T. LeCESNE From Zeta Lambda Chapter, Newport News, Virginia (March 27, 1983) - Brother P. FLOYD THOMAS, SR. From Sigma Chapter, Boston, Massachusetts - (April 9, 1983) - Brother RICHARD M. WALKER

MEMORIAL SERVICE (Omega Chapter) All chapters and Brothers are urged to submit the names of Brothers transferred to Omega Chapter during the past year — so that proper tribute may be offered at the 77th Anniversary Convention in New Orleans.


The Sphinx / Summer 1983


Henry A. Callis, M.D.

Charles H. Chapman

Eugene Kinckle Jones

George B. Kelley

Nathaniel A. Murray

Robert H. Ogle

Vertner W. Tandy

GENERAL OFFICERS GENERAL PRESIDENT - Ozell Sutton, 1640 Loch Lomond Trail, SW, Atlanta, GA 30331 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - James B. Blanton, 4432 King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 GENERAL TREASURER - James M. Trent, 3606 Edward Street, Landover, M D 20785 GENERAL COUNSEL - John W. Walker, 6520 Sherry Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204 HISTORIAN - Charles H. Wesley, 7632 17th Street, NW, Washington, D C 20012 COMPTROLLER - Charles C. Teamer, 2601 Gentilly Blvd., N e w Orleans, LA 70122 DIRECTOR-GENERAL C O N V E N T I O N S - Kermit J. HaU, 100 Fairview A v e . , Yeadon, PA 19050 VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN - Thomas R. Hunt, 9 Rickover Court, Annapolis, M D 21401 MIDWESTERN - Jimmie L. Buford, 9807 Smalley Avenue, Kansas City, M O 64134 SOUTHERN - W. Mingo Clark, 2026 Winchester Road, Huntsville, AL 35810 SOUTHWESTERN - Raymond E. Carreathers, P.O. Drawer N, Prairie View, TX 77445 WESTERN - Clinton L. Minnis, 8786 S. LaSalle Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90047 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN - Kirk L. Bowen, 259 West 131st Street, N e w York, NY 10027 MIDWESTERN - James H. Cary, Jr., 1240 East 135th Street, East Cleveland, O H 44112 SOUTHERN - Anthony Hightower, 2210 Ross Avenue, College Park, G A 30337 SOUTHWESTERN - Sherwin L. Harvey, P . O . Box 2952, State University, AR 72467 WESTERN - Oscar L. Cosby, 909 W. Adams Boulevard, Apt. B-5, Los Angeles, C A 90007

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL OFFICE: 4432 Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60653 Telephone: (312) 373-1819

Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Walter W . Sullivan, Chairman 1800 N e w Hope Road, SW Atlanta, G A 30331 James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer John W. Walker, Counsel Ivan L. Cotman Ernest L. Hollo way Keith Miller Henry Ponder Jesse H. Sterling Paul C. Williams Ozell Sutton, Ex-Officio

Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. Wayne C. Harvey, Chairman 8775 W. Kingsbury University City, M O 63124

James B. Blanton, Executive Secretary Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary, Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Waldo E. Johnson, Assistant Executive Secretary - Programs

James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer John W. Walker, Counsel Mitchell Albert Larry L. Earvin Albert Holland Allen Killings Herbert Marshall Ozell Sutton, Ex-Officio


BUDGET AND FINANCE Charles C. Teamer 2601 Gentilly Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70122

EQUITABLE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Charles E. Lewis 3500 Fieldstone Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27105

BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT Virgil Chandler 4220 Pratt Street Omaha, NB 68111 COLLEGE BROTHERS AFFAIRS Norman E. Towels 10601 Diana Avenue, #456 Riverside, C A 92505

ONE MILLION DOLLAR DRIVE Isadore J. Lamothe, Jr. 1407 University Avenue Marshall, TX 75670

ELECTIONS John I. Hendricks, Jr. Box 42 Alcom State University Lorman, MS 39096

AWARDS To be appointed

GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Wilbur Hardy 329 Troy Street Aurora, CO 80011

CONSTITUTION Milton C. Davis 1202 Montgomery Road Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088

LIFE MEMBERSHIP Elmer C. Collins 26151 Lake Shore Blvd. #1224 Euclid. OH 44132

PERSONNEL Thomas A. Phillips 9908 Taylor Drive Overland Park, KS 66212

PUCLICTY - PUBLIC RELATIONS Harvey L. Brinson 12818 Broadmore Road Silver Spring, MD 20904

SENIOR ALPHA AFFAIRS Laurence T. Young, Sr. 555 E. 33rd Place. (1208 Chicago, IL 60616

RECLAMATION AND MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL PROJECTS William Ross, Jr. Hanley J. Norment 5205 Overbrook Avenue 12500 Arbor View Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19131 Silver Spring, MD 20904

PUBLIC POLICY Hobart S. Jarrett 315 West 70th Street, (15 New York, NY 10023

RECOMMENDATIONS Solomon Stinson 6900 NW 5th Avenue Miami, FL 33150

STANDARDS AND EXTENSION A . M . Witherspoon 2701 Rothgeb Drive Raleigh, NC 27609

PUBLICATIONS Joseph E. Hey ward P.O. Box 384 Florence, SC 29503

RULES AND CREDENTIALS Emmett W. Bashful 5808 Lafaye Street New Orleans, LA 70122

TIME AND PLACE Frank Devine „ 6202 Washington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143


B. Andrew Rose'

Roscoe C. Giles*

W. A. Pollard*

Frederick Miller Drawer "M" Mound Bayou, MS 38762

Daniel D. Fowler*

Charles H. Wesley 7632 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20012

L. L. McGee*

Rayford W. Logan*

S. S. Booker*

Belford V. Lawson, Jr. 1813 Kalorama Sq. N.W. Washington, DC 20009

Moses Melvin Morrison*

Charles H. Garvin* Henry L. Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis*

Raymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road Los Angeles, CA 90016

A. Maceo Smith*

Myles A. Paige 4124 Kenway Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90008

Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison Avenue New Orleans, LA 70122

William H. Hale*

Walter Washington Alcom State University Lorman, MS 39096

T. Winston Cole 124 S.W. 23rd Gainesville, FL 32601 Lionel H. Newsom Central State University IVilhorfnrro

D H d5.184

James R. Williams 584 Avalon Akron, OH 44320 •OMEGA CHAPTER

Frank L. Stanley, Sr.*

The Sphinx / Summer 1983


Directory o! Chapters All chapters are required to submit a Chapter Directory to the General Office within ten (10) days after the election of chapter officers. This form should list the chapter's "Official Contact person" — to whom all chapter mail is sent. This listing contains — only — those addresses sent to the General Office for 1981-82; and was updated as of February 1, 1983.

I LEGEND I (A) (P) (CS) (S) (FS) (RS)

(T) (ES) (VP) (DOP) (DP) (AS)

Advisor President Corresponding Secretary Secretary Financial Secretary Recording Secretary

Treasurer Editor-to-the Sphinx Vice President Dean of Pledges Dean of Pledges Assistant Secretary




Omicion Zeta

Beta Sigma Lambda

Bela Pi Lambda

(Fairleigh Dickinson University -




Elvin B M. Unit..- (P)

Harold K Lloyd (P)

Kenneth Green (CS)

Robert M

316 S 7lh Streel

Box 1700 Folger

Mu Rho Chapter

1495 Newton Streel N W Washington. DC 20010

Director Elmer Moore 2717 Tennyson St


Washington, DC 20015 AFRICA lArea I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Phi III ot Liberia -

Irving Smith. Jr (S)

2 Christine Cm

35 Bnarwood Road



Theta Chi Lambda


(Schenectady -


5 Donald Court

Iota lota Lambda



(Rome -



Hill (P)


Theta Theta Lambda (Franklort. Germany -


Donald C Thomas

Jr (CSl


Eta Chi Lambda

Alpha Gamma


Walter C Blount, Ir


#276) (S)

Alpha Alpha Lambda


Nu Kappa


Alpha Omicron Lambda

(UhA Baltimore County -

Warren E 'Sherwood (S)


No Report

C. A

15 Columbus Avenue

Alfred E Richardson (P)


3212 Griffin Avenue

Montclair, Nl 0 7 0 4 2

218 Manor Ct.

Delta Lambda

Richmond. VA 23222




Towson Stale U

(Baltimore -

Robsol G Pinkelt (S) 3201 Clilton Avenue

lota Alpha (Washington 8 Lee U -



Nu Report

Baltimore, MD 21216

Nu Upsilon Lambda

lota Alpha Lambda

loseph Fulmore (P)



4 9 6 East 29th Street

Walter H Green (S)

- #586)

Paterson. NJ 0 7 5 1 4

420 Graham # 6

Kappa Theta Lambda

Pittsburgh. PA

Monroe I P




lota Bela

Manning tP)

P 0 Box 165

(Teaneck -


Kappa Kappa Lambda

Orangeburg. NY 10962

Dr Archie Lacey (P)



Kappa Upsilon Lambda

168 Stuyvesant Road

Gamma Nu

Seaton )

W Germany


Teaneck. NJ 0 7 6 6 6

(Pennsylvania State U -


Waller W laurel (P)


Mu Thefa Lambda

lames E Royal

Theta Epsilon Lambda

[Providence -

38 North Street


Hewlett Chandler (T)

Newburgh, NY

P 0 Box 6062


Thomas VI -


No Report lota Sigma Lambda (St


VI -

Providence, Rl 0294O


No Report Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton



No Report tola Epsilon Lambda (Nassau


Bahamas -


Mu Phi Lambda [Seoul. South Korea



lohnny Ihomas (P) HHC. EUSA SJA IDS APO San Francisco, CA 9 6 3 0 1



No Report

(Harnsburg -

Mu Upsilon

Theta Zeta

No Report

Piscataway. Nl

Zeta Eta Ralph Lmera (P)


New York, NY


Clifford R Clemmons

Alpha Gamma Lambda




Suite 902

Theta Psi Lambda


(Metropolitan -


American I n t l Springfield





Adelphi U Center

Room 109 11530

Kappa Rho (C W Posl College C W




Eta Rho Lambda



(Rochester -

(Holslra University -


Theta Iota Lambda

Rulus W


201 Warner Streel

Box 4 2 -


Hempstead, NY 11550


Arthur Shurn (SI 242 Middlesex Street Springfield


Nu Xi Lambda (Sudbury

• #540)

Chiton t

Reed (P)

(Cornell U


(Syracuse U -


Gerald G #6)

P 0

Corey Nicholson (CS)

New Haven

lota Theta Lambda


Terry D Sheppard (T) Sprague Hall, Room 249S U of Connecticut



Gerald Roach (S) 533 Gregory Street. Apt CT 06604

Mu Psi #463)

No Report



Robert E Hunter (S) Vestal


13850 #511)



Zeta Zeta Lambda

(Burlington County -



P 0 Box 45


Gambnlls, MD 21054

Mount Holly. Nl

Gamma Sigma


Nu Gamma Lambda

(Delaware State College -


Darnell Wilkerson (P)


Philadelphia, PA 19143

Gamma Theta Lambda

Newark, DE

Box 7184

- Oakland Station



P 0 Box 506

South Hill

VA 23970

lota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House -

Howard University

(American U



Nu Beta Chapter Phillip A Lattimoie. Ill American University Eagle Station


- Box 124

(Reslon -


lohn A Mann (FS) 9525 Heathwood CI Burke

VA 22015

Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington Olha I

- #293)

Meyers (P)

4 7 1 6 Deer Run Court Alexandria. VA 22306 CENTRAL VIRGINIA (Area VI


lohn Hendeison (P)

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma (Virginia Union U -

541 Rockland Street



Lane. PA 17602

Beta Alpha

Michael F Junes (P)

(Morgan State U

1.1 Mu (Slippery Rock State College -


- #45)

804 Janlallon Drive Oxon Hill MD 20744

P O Box 242 Slippery Rock



lessee B Brown (CS)

Newark. Nj 07112


Mu Lambda (Washington

William A Sherman (P)



MD 21206


Early IS)

3. Box 274

Zeta Upsilon Lambda

Nu Beta

(UDC -


Morse (CS)

Box 595

1520 New Jersey Avenue N W

Richard Cumberbalcb (P) South Hall

Ernesl I

Washington, DC 2 0 0 0 1

Apartment B

Box 73 -

Epsilon Omicron Lambda


- #414)

5964 Daywalt Avenue



Washington, DC 2 0 0 1 6

Philip White (VP)

Utica College ot Syracuse Univ

Danville. VA 24543 (Lawrenceville -

Farmnlle. VA 23901

(Howard U -

Omicion Omicion


235 Pamona Ave




Pinckley York (P) 225 Crosland Avenue


(Dover -


(Danville -

Robert I

Zeta Rho Lambda lohn H

VA 23943

Delta Nu Lambda

Dover, DE 19901

iMillersville Stale Coll



347 Beechwood Drive

lota Srgma



- #174)

Miller (P)

27 Aronimink Drive #14)

Pittsburgh. PA 15213


(Newark College ol Engineering -

Wilberl I

Charles R Davis. Jr (P) P


Hampden Sydney


Washington, DC 20059


(U ol Pittsburgh



No Report

Hampden Sydney College


Herb V McMillan, III (P)

Xi Omicron (U ol Delaware -


Syracuse. NY


6202 Washington Avenue

lamaica. NY



Box 3 7 1 , Delaware Stale College




Randolph Robins (RC)

145 Hickory Street



at Maryland Eastern Shore

(Annapolis -

Silver Spring. MD 20902



P 0 Box 1141 Univ



Eta Eta Lambda

12500 Arbor View Terrace

112-01 175lh Streel

Ocean. NJ 0 7 7 1 2

Kappa Zeta

Nl 0 8 6 3 8


Princess Anne, MD 21853

Hanley J Norment

Roy Foust (CS)

leall Avenue Station 13210


Frank Devine

300 Lincoln D ' . Colonial Terr

Box 6 5 6 5



VA 23868

Box 381

- #203)

James M White

Paul's College


Christopher Yim (P)

Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne


Hi Zeta (Hampden Sydney -


Philadelphia. PA 19143

Mills (CS)


No Repoit



Hempstead, NY 11560


Easley (P)

2332 Bryn Mawr Avenue

C Edwards (P)


Elbert C Wisnei

Melvm Beard (P)

(Ulica College -



51 Alabama Avenue

(St Albans -

(Bowie Stale College

Waveily I

Dover, DE

6 0 0 Princeton Drive

(Syracuse -

Mu Phi



lota Kappa Lambda

Storrs. CT 0 6 2 6 8




CT 0 6 5 2 0

Kappa Delta

(U ot Bridgeport

- SU

Eta Zeta

(Philadelphia -


No Report

lohn M Williams (P)

Syracuse. NY 13210

Box 2388 Yale Station

(U ol Connecticut -

(Brooklyn-Long Island


Box 185


Gamma lota Lambda


Zeta Omicron Lambda

Alpha Theta Lambda

Raymond Edness (S)

of Urban and Environmental Studies


NY 14850

Delta Zeta



Paul Zubet (GS)

Troy, NY

ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Atlantic City -


RP I (P)

409 Elmwood Avenue

Burlington. M A 0 I 8 0 3 CONNECTICUT (Area III

(Yale I) -


Erskine R Tucker. )r

Baltimore, MD 21207

Kappa lota Lambda

(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dept

3614 Mohawk Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19119

Nl 08028

194 Crescent Avenue

Omicion Upsilon Or


14 Gednk Road


NY 14606


6 6 3 2 Boyei Street


Everett I

Hofstra University


227L Parkcrest Village

(Trenton -



(U ol Maryland. E S


Harold D Trawick (P)

Zeta lota Lambda

Raymond Remire/ (ED)

McGee (RC)


Paul's Polytechnic -

George 1 Hankerson (CS) Delia Tau Chapter

Bryan L Page (P)

Atlantic City, NJ 0 8 4 0 1


Delta Tau (St

Delta Nu



P 0 8ox 321


Rho #472)





310 North Illinois Ave

Long Island University


Nl 0 8 6 1 8


Lynchburg. VA 24502

Columbia, MD 21045

Phillip L lackson (P)


Post College

8 Pine Slreel MA02067


Eric Haiel (P)


No Report

Nu lota


Garden City. NY

NY 14209

(West Chesler Stale Coll

851 Carteret Avenue

(Glassboro Slate


Zeta Psi


7139 Suncrest Drive



Kennelh M. Jennings. Ir

Algernon Ward (P) Irenton


David C Tanner (VPI

Thompson (CS)

W Hempstead


Box 2822

(Adelphi U

George Mims (P)



Rho Lambda

885 Seneca Road Ir

llrenton State College -

Theta Epsilon



lohn H McMullen

Delta Chi



Eta Theta Lambda

Epsilon Gamma Lambda

leaneck.NI 07666




lota lota

Gary Halley (S)

59 Woodlawn Avenue




Augustus Petticolas (P)

Kappa Phi Lambda

155 Fairview Avenue

(Columbia -


(Lynchburg -

Fl Washington. MD 20744


Michael L Hill (P)


(City ol Brooklyn

Robin D

MA 0 1 1 0 9



- #528)

7604 Bock Road

(Cheney -



Gamma Nu Lambda

Charles Gould (RC)

Philadelphia, PA 19104 Delta Pi

Alpha Kappa Lambda No Report

Kappa Epsilon Lambda (Landover

3 / 3 4 Locust Walk



College Park. M 0 20240

c / o Office ol Fraternity Affairs

Somerset, Nl 08873 IAREA I I I -

Kev.n Hull (P)


Colon (P)

Bon 29


No Report

Box 569 Rochester

Alpha Kappa

(New York -

(Virginia Polytechnic U -


6 2 0 0 Westchester Park Drive


Antonio lohnson (P)


Theta lota

E Averal Austin (CS)


15 Cortland Drive


lota Upsilon Lambda (Silver Spring -

(U ol Pennsylvania -


lames P McNeil (CS)


NY 14214

25 Andrews Memorial Drive

MA 0 2 1 3 9


Kappa Xi Lambda

Jonathan Westbrook (Tl


(Somerset -

New York, NY



1030 Prospect Ave

160 Broadway


(U ol Rochester

471 Memorial Drive

- #125)


Box 3036 Charlottesville, VA 22903

Box 64


No Report

Malcolm L Champion

Henry Rice (P)


Frostburg, MD 21532

Nu [Lincoln U -

(New Yo'k

Mu Sigma

Cednc lones (P)

07701 #245)


Frostburg State University


Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainlield

Box 10436


221-25 Manor Road



Lorenzo E Waters, Jr (S)

Queens Village. NY 11427



P 0

Harnsburg. PA 17105


Gamma Alpha Lambda Stephen D Waters (S)

(Red Bank -


James Madison University

(Charlottesville -

Zeta Epsilon Lambda

P 0. Box 158



(Frostburg State Coll

Red Bank. N l




E S. Herring (P)

Kenneth M

600 West 113th Street

53 Monticello Place




(Columbia LI -

135 Canterbury Stteel




(U ot Maryland



Harrisonburg, VA 22807

lota Zeta



(1) of Buffalo -




State College

Zeta Theta Lambda

Delta Epsilon




Matthew Robinson (P)


Box 4172

532 E College Avenue


I P O Box 11048

Dartmouth College


Steven D Fields (P)

Delta lota


Matthew A Lopes. Jr (P)

(lames Madison U -

Baltimore. MD 21239


Hinman Box 5024 -

Xi Delta

P 0 Box 11347

(Metropolitan -

(Dartmouth College

Charlottesville. VA 22904




Box 4 3 0



ASIA (Area IV)

Sieve )



Newcomb Hall

White, III (S)


Hanover. NH 03755

No Report

Jr (P)



Kirk T Brown (S) 21001



(U ol Virginia -

Box 705

Aberdeen, MD

Box 1167



No Report

- #502)

Mark Frentress (P)

(Mid Hudson Valley -


Pittsburgh. PA 15241

Delta Mu Lambda



Kappa Beta Lambda

(Paterson -



(Erie -




6797 Waldmohr

Rl 02912


Moore (P)

Towson, MD 21204


- Brown University

(Washington -


Box 906 -

No Report

(Brown U -

(Towson Stale -

Indiana, PA 15705

Beta Alpha Lambda

No Report


Indiana U of Pennsylvania

(Jersey City


(Indiana U of Pennsylvania -

Newark. Nl 07103


Omicron Lambda Alpha

Mu Rho

Xi Sigma #713;



Eta Zeta Lambda

CT 06483




No Report

42 Bungay Terrace



No Report

Logan M



Michael P Williams (S)


No Report

NY 12211

Zeta Phi Lambda

No Report


CT 06002

Bridgepoit CT 06606 Cuttington Coll » 4 3 9 ) Eta Alpha Lambda

Eta Epsilon Lambda


Royce A Rosmond (P)



Vance L Page (P) 2215 Alton Avenue Apartment B Richmond, VA 23224


Beta Gamma (Virginia State College - #47) Joseph I Subei Ir (S) 1513 Oakdale Avenue Petersburg. VA 23803 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth U - #39 No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambda (Virginia State College - #112) R 1 Hayes (CS| 21329 Sparta Drive Ettnck. VA 23803 Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond - #147) Melvin A Crenshaw (S) 1500 Little John Road Richmond VA 23227 Nu Omicion Lambda (Fort Lee - #581) Michael C Walker (CS) 849 West Wythe Street Petersburg. VA 23803 Xi Delta Lambda (Henrico County - #593) Leo H Ross (P) 5210 Bonrngton Road Richmond, VA 23234 TIDEWATER NORTH (Area VI) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Iota (Hampton Institute - #75) Larry Townsend (P) Bo> 6262 Alexandei Street Hampton. VA 23513 Kappa Pi (William & Mary - #434) Gerald W S Carter (P) College of William & Mary College Station Box 9040 Williamsburg. VA 23186 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Lambda (Newport News - #106) Claude Carter (CS) 12 Suburban Pkwy Hampton. VA 23661 Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton - #190) James E Blacken (S) P 0 Box 483 Hampton VA 23669 Nu Delta Lambda (Surry County - #571) No Report TIDEWATER SOUTH {Area VII) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Pi (Norfolk State U #324) Anthony C Hall (S) Norlolk State University Box 2033 Norlolk VA 23504 Nu Theta (Old Dominion U - #471) Rodney Hines (P) 817 Marshall Ave Norlolk. VA 23504 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Phi Lambda (Norlolk #142) Wilhe Harris, l i (P) P 0 Box 816 Norfolk. VA 23501 Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk - #220) 8 L Davis, l i (CS) 311 St James Avenue Sullolk, VA 23434 Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth #223) Vinston L Porter (P) P O Box 1096 Portsmouth. VA 23705 Xi Alpha Lambda (Prince Williams County #590) Chester F Johnson (CS) 5610 Broadmoore Street Alexandria. VA 22310

MIDWEST ILLINOIS (Central) Director Arthur B Cooper P O Box 2085 - Station A Champaign IL 61820 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tan (U of Illinois - #18) Eric Floyd (P) 904 N Broadway Street Urbana. IL 61820 Zeta Nu (Easlern Illinois - #343) Morns Ratlins (T) 321A Street Charleston. IL 61920 ElaTau (Illinois Stale U - #371) Marcus Tyler (P) P 0 Box 604 Normal. IL 61761 Theta Omicron (Millikin U - #3891 Michael Johnson (S) 1078 W William Decatur. IL 62522 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign - #501) No Report

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon Lambda (East St Louis - #193) William Lloyd (FS) 12633 Willow Trail Drive Flor.isant M0 63033 Mu Kappa Lambda (Carbondale - #555) No Report

Nu Psi Lambda (Bloomington - #589) Tim Walker (P) 1517 Hershey Bloomington. IL 61701

. ILLINOIS (NORTHERN) Director Robert L Thirston 1734 Grove Avenue North Chicago, I I 60064 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Phi (Northern Illinois U - #329) Reginald Greenwood (S) Northern Illinois U Epsilon Phi Chapter Box 66D DeKalb 1160115 Mu Mu (Elmhurst College - #452) David A Lewis (Si 190 Prospect. Box 324 Elmhurst 1160126 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan - #544) Kenneth Robinson (P) P 0 Box 512 North Chicago. IL 60064 Mu Alpha Lambda (DeKalb *546l No Report Mu Mu Lambda (Glen Ellyn - #556) Clarence R Lewis (P) 19 W 101 18th Street Lombard IL 60148




Director Allen Knox 5020 S Lake Shoie Drive #2704 Chicago 1160616 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta (U ol Illinois - Chicago #8) Anthony Irvin iP) 951 W 114th Street Chicago. IL 60643 Alpha Mu (Northwestern U - #33) Joseph J Fleming (P) Norris CA0 1999 Sheridan Road Evanston IL 60201 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago - #113) Edgar Hamilton (P) 5020 S Lake Shore Drive #1402 Chicago. 1160615 Zeta Xi Lambda (Evanston - #246) No Report Theta Mu Lambda (loliet - #288) No Report lota Delta Lambda (Chicago - #505) Roberl Watkins (S) 4250 North Marine Drive #1034 Chicago, It 60613

ILLINOIS (NORTH CENTRAL Director Arndel Ricks. Jr 8841 S Prairie Chicago. IL 60619 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu Delta (Chicago State U - #467) Anthony Richatd (P) 7321 S Lowe Chicago. IL 60621 Nu Epsilon (Lewis U #468) Adrian Willis (P) Lewis U Route 53 Romeoville 1160441 Nu Rho (III - #479) Lester McCarroll Ir (P) 71 E 71st Street Chicago. IL 60637 Omicron lota (DePaul U - #716) Darryl Porter (P) 9104 Longwnod Drive Chicago IL 60620 Omicron Xi (Roosevelt U - #720) Darwin A Wilson (P) 7238 S St Lawrence Chicago. IL 60616

ILLINOIS (SOUTHERN) Director John Reeves 3519 Converse Avenue EaslSt Lours. IL 62207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (Southern Illinois U - #51', Mark E Davis (P) 419 S Washington Carbondale. IL 62901 lota Pi (SIU Edwaidsville - #412) Theartry Green (P) 514 N 24th Street E St Louis. 1162205

Director Curley R Bradlord 3109 9 ' i Street Rock Island 1161201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U #319) Aaron Johnson (P) 1527 W Fredonia Peoria IL 61606 Eta Eta (Western Illinois - #360) Michael Smith (Pi 1118 Lincoln Hall Macomb. IL 60455 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria - *538) lames E Peeples (P) 1208 N University Peoria IL 61606 Mu Delta Lambda (Springfield . #549) Dennis C Miner (P) 2832 Stanton Apartment 4 Springfield IL 62703 Mu Chi Lambda (Rock Island - #5661 Phillip Alexandei (CS) P 0 Box 1644 Rock Island. IL 61201



Director Theo Hamiter 7158 Avalon Trail Court Indianapolis IN 46250 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana U #731 Wayman Nunn (P) 501 N Park Ave Bloomington. IN 47402 Zeta Rho (Indiana State U - #347) No Report Nu Pi (U ol Evansville - #478) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis - #109) Leslie House (CS) P O Box 88131 Indianapolis. IN 46208 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville #539) No Report Nu Nu Lambda (Bloomington - #579) Frank Motley |P) 3643 Longview Drive Bloomington, IN 47401

INDIANA (NORTHERN) Director Ira demons Ir 4004 Eastern Drive Anderson IN 46012 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Rho (Purdue - #82) Mrchael R Sykes (P) 6)3 Waldron Street W Lafayette IN 47906 Theta Xi (Ball State U - #388) Tyione J Johnson (P) Box 355 Student Cti Muncie IN 47305 Iota Theta (Calumet College #405) William Robinson (P) 1624 Virginia Gary. IN 46407 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary - #182) iveretl S Palmer (P) 6529 Birch Avenue Gary IN 46403 Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend #290) Inactive Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fort Wayne #296) Timothy R Williams IS) P 0 Box 10747 Ft Wayne IN 46853

IOWA Director Cleon Brown. Jr 3720 Patricia Drive Apt 20 Urbandale IA 50322 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Theta (U ol Iowa - #30) Michael Marsh |P) P 0 Box 506 Iowa City IA 52240

Alpha Nu (Drake U - #34) Michael Easley (P) 1333 30th Street Des Moines. IA 50311 Omicron Pi (Iowa State University - #722) Basil M Rhymes (P) P 0 Box 1401 Welch Ave Station Ames. Iowa 50010 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines - #243) Eddie V Easley IP) 1431 41st Place Des Moines. IA 50311 Mu Tau Lambda (Cedar Rapids - #563) No Report Nu Chi Lambda (Iowa City - #588) James E Tolbett (P) 2427 Barllel Road Apartment 1C Iowa City IA 52240

KANSAS (EASTERN) Director Richard Marshall 626 Oakland Kansas City KS 66101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon

(U ol Kansas - #19) David Wardes (P.) 1014 Mississippi Lawrence, KS 66044 Gamma Chi (Kansas Stale - #87) No Report Kappa Tau (Kansas State U - »437i Olatun|i lakoya |P) 319 Goodnow Hall Kansas State University Manhattan KS 66502

KANSAS (WESTERN) Director P I Williams 3601 Randolph topeka KS6661I COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Mu (Wichita State U - #99) No Report Epsilon Omicron (Washburn U - #323) No Report Xi Nu (Emporia State College - #497r No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka - #195) P J Williams (P) 3601 Randolph Topeka. KS66611 Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita #257! Henry Brown (S) 4830 N Oliver Wichita KS 67220

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Omicron (Murray Slate U - #345) Lant; M Biles (Si 2309 Univ Station Murray KV 42071 Eta Rho (Western Kentucky U #369) Mike Hughes (FA) Peacelord Tower Assistant Dorm Director Apt Bowling Gieen KV 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville #171i No Report

MICHIGAN (EASTERN) Director Anthony Crutchlield 447 Palmerston Detroit Ml 48218 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (U of Michigan - »5i Ronald G Levi Ir (CS) 4129 Markley Frost Ann Arbor Ml 48109 Alpha Upsilon (Wayne Stale U - #41) Lawrence H Hale. II (P) 9960 Fielding Detroit. Ml 48228 Epsilon Eta (Eastern Michigan U - #316i Roberl LaGrand (P) Campus Lite 117 Goodison Hall EMU Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Eta Xi (U ol Oetrorl - #366) Noel Celestrn (P) 20163 Manor Detroit Ml 48221 Omicron Mu (Oakland University #718) Charlie Harrison (P) 85 Carr Pontiac Ml 48058 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Lambda (Oetroil #103) Oscai B Session (P) 19475 S Stratford Detroit Ml 48221 Epsilon Upsilon Lambda iFlinl #230l Billye G Thompson P 0 Box 1247 Fhnl Ml 48503 Theta Zeta Lambda [Ann Arbor - #283) William L Harris (S) 2861 Eisenhower Ann Arbor Ml 48104 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac #517) No Repoit


Director lames H Gaddrs 4028 Wisnei Saginaw Ml 48601 KENTUCKY (EASTERN) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Director Gamma Tau Shirley Cunningham Jr (Michigan State U «84i First National Building - Suite 906 Glen D Olivet iP) Lexington. KV 40507 418 North Case Hall COLLEGE CHAPTERS Michigan State U Alpha Pi East Lansing Ml 48823 (U of Louisville - #37) Zeta Beta Ron Nichols (P) (Ferris State - #333) Sludenl Cenlei Room 12 William Lykes (P) Louisville KV 40208 Box 4 Rankin Centei Beta Mu Ferris State College (Kentucky Stale U • #55) Big Rapids Ml 49307 Dolph Seals (T) Zeta Delta 1441 Blaumore Rd (Northern Michigan #335) Lexington KV 40502 No Report Epsilon Chi Theta Tau (U ol Kentucky - #3301 (GMI - #393) Keith Fisher (CS) No Report University Station ALUMNI CHAPTERS P 0 Box Epstlon Upsilon Lambda Lexington KV 40506 (Flint #230i Xi Alpha Billye G Thomson (Morehead Slate U »486i P O Box 1247 No Report Flint Ml 48503 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Nu Lambda Alpha Lambda (Grand Rapids #267) (Louisville - #101) No Repoit Alpha Lambda Chapter lota Chi Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (Saginaw #522) P 0 Box 11426 Charles Mathews (Pi Louisville. KV 40211 5805 Ambassador Alpha Beta Lambda Apt # 8 (Lexington #124) Saginaw Ml 48603 Earl G Smith (P) Kappa Delta Lambda P 0 Box 1248 (Lansing #527) Lexington KV 40590 Blanche Martin (P) Gamma Beta Lambda 1831 Nemoke iFianktoit - #168) Haslette Ml 48840 Donald W Lyons (S) Box 121 K S U MICHIGAN (WESTERN) Frankfort. KV 40601 Director Nathaniel Allen KENTUCKY (WESTERN) 3321 Maffett Street Director Muskegon Heights Ml 49444 limmie Stewait COLLEGE CHAPTERS 514 [ Cedar Street - Apt 5 Epsilon Xi Franklin KV 42134 (Western Michigan U #322) lohn Wright (PI 1323 Greenwood Apl 105 Kalamatoo Ml 49007

lota Epsilon (Grand Valley #402) Anthony W Gladney (T) Ravine Apts #58 Allendale Ml 49401 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights - #621) John Lester (P) P 0 Box 3972 Muskegon Heights Ml 49444 Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamatoo - #545) Kenneth Martin iSl P O Box 2468 Kalamaioo Ml 49003 Nu Rho Lambda (Benton Harbor - #583) No Report

MINNESOTA Director James Beard 4109 Portland Ave South Minneapolis MN 55407 COLLEGE CHAPTER Mu (U ol Minnesota - #11) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma Xi Lambda (Minneapolis - #179) No Report

MISSOURI (EASTERN) Director lames Williams 1620 El Tigre SI Lours M0 63138 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta (St Louis - #29) Stephen Wolfe IS) P 0 Box 20376 St Louis MO 63112 Epsilon Psi (UM Rolla #441) Vernon L Younge (CS) Highway 63 A Elm Rolla MO 65401 Xi Gamma (Southeast Missoun State - #488) Michael E Hughes (S' P 0 Box 440 Cape Girardeau M0 63701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St Louis * 105) Linme Thtgpen Ir (CS) 4611 Fletcher St Louis M063121 Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston . #218) Fdwaid W Barrett iP) 201 W lorn Brown Street P 0 Bo. 171 Charleslon MO 63834

MISSOURI (CENTRAL] Director Kennei Tippin 3621 Evergreen Columbia MO 65201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln University #44) Reginald Williams 1P1 1015 Atchison leflerson City M0 65101 Zeta Alpha (U ol Missoun #332) Jerome Smart (P) 200 Read Hall U ol Missouri Columbia MO 65201 lota Xi (Northeast Missouri #410) Michael I Lawience (P) 509 S Mulanix »A Kuksville M0 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City »150l William J Edmonson (P) P O Box 462 lellerson City M0 65101

MISSOURI (WESTERN) lames Fleming 2309 N lOlh Blue Springs MO 64015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Rho (UMKC #303) No Report Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri #334) No Repoit ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Lambda (Kansas City - #102) Donald Lee (P) P 0 Box 17395 Kansas City M0 64130

NEBRASKA Director To Be Appointed COLLEGE CHAPTER Beta Beta IU ol Nebraska »46i No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Xi Lambda lOmaha - #157) Renard Terrell (S) 4024 N 116th Omaha NE 68164

OHIO (NORTHERN) Director loe Sansbury 1430 Abbmglon Toledo OH 43607 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (U ol Toledo - #310) Timothy C Ivey (P) 1517 Secor Rd Apl 133 Toledo OH 43602 Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green U - #317) Albert Smitherman (S) Alpha Phi Alpha 130 S Prospect Bowling Green OH 43403 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo - #135) No Repor!

OHIO (NORTHEAST) Director Hilton 0 Smith 3038 Momcello Blvd Cleveland OH 44118 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Pi (Cleveland State Western Reserve - #15) Harry Brownlee (P) 11715 Parkview Cleveland OH 44120 Alpha Tau (U ol Akron «40i Carlton 0 Barnette l i (Pi 462 Dorchester Road Akron OH 44302 Epsilon Delta .(Kent State U #313) C Michael Otnei I P I Epsilon Delia Chapter Kent State University Kent OH 44242 lota Phi (Mount Union College #417i No Report Xi Chi (Baldwin-Wallace College »706i Gregory Williams (P) 3625 E 143 Cleveland OH 44120 Omicron Epsilon (Youngstown Stale University #712) Michael A Crawlord 109 Webb Street Voungstown. OH 44505 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown #160i No Repoit Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland #189) Andrew A Venable (P) f 0 Box 99551 Cleveland OH 44199 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron #273) Sylvester Small 1CS1 579 Wildwood Avenue Akron OH 44320 Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorrain #534) No Report

OHIO (CENTRAL) Director William Nelson Ph D 2572 Buinaby Drive Columbus OH 43209 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohm Slate U »IOi N. Ret • Phi (OhioU #20) Dennis Johnson iP) 2I ] ? S Courl Apl b Athens OH 45701 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus #138) James Upton (CSl P 0 Box 3039 Columbus OH 43203

OHIO (WEST CENTRAL) Director Edward White 5211 Big Bend Drive Dayton OH45427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Xi (W.lberlorce U #13) No Report Gamma Theta (U ol Dayton #74) Rohan Williamson IS) 300 College Park University of Dayton Dayton OH 45469 COLLEGE CHAPTER Delta Xi (Central State U #300) Marshan Brown (P) P 0 Box 441 Wilberlorce OH 45384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton »108i George C Findley (P) 1820 Ruskin Road Dayton OH 45406


Chi Lambda (Wilbertorce - # 1 2 1 ) Lee L J Ingham (SI Philosophy & Religion Department Central State University Wilbertorce. OH 45384 ZeU Delta Lambda (Springfield - # 2 3 7 ) Jake Brevet (P) 7162 Mandrake Drue Dayton OH 45424

OHIO (SOUTHWEST) Director Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Avenue Cincinnati. OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (U ol Cincinnati - # 2 3 ) Bobby Peck (CS) 3305 Jefferson, # 5 Cincinnati. OH 4 5 2 1 9 Delta Upsilon (Miami U - # 3 0 6 ) Richard Huckabee (P) 5176 Morning Sun # 3 Oxford. OH 45056 ALUMNI CHAPTER Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati - # 1 9 1 ) Ivan Reynolds (P) 650 Springer Avenue Cincinnati OH 45215

Delia Pi Lambda (Selma - # 2 0 4 ) William P Cook (P) 505 Woodrow Ave Selma. AL 36701 Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa - # 2 0 9 ) Bruce Crawford (S) 1 8 1 2 0 48th Street East Tuscaloosa. AL 35405 Epsilon Delta Lambda (Talladega - # 2 1 5 ) T Y Lawrence (S) 114 Baker Street Talladega. AL 35160 Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - # 2 7 8 ) No Report

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Chi Lambda (Milvraukee - # 2 1 0 ) Coleman 0 Wells (SO) 922 W Zedlei Lane Mequon. Wl 53092 Mu Eta Lambda (Madison - # 5 5 2 ) Duane McCrary (P) 1730 Bairdstreet Madison Wl 53713


Director Leotis Peterman 4 3 4 0 Yorkshire Drive Montgomery. AL 36108 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega College - # 2 4 ) Franklin W Thomas. Jr (CS) Room 306 Crawford Hall Talladega College Talladega. AL 35160 Beta Upsilon (Alabama Stat .' - # 6 3 ) Cordell Crawford (S) P 0 Box 28 Alabama State University Montgomery AL 36195 Gamma Kappa (Miles College - # 7 6 ) No Report Gamma Phi (Tuskegee Institute - # 8 6 ) WEST VIRGINIA Roderick Holland (CS) P 0 Box 36 (REGION I) Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Director Delta Gamma Douglas Miller (Alabama A 4 M - # 9 1 ) P 0 Box 271 Lavon LaCounte Institute. WV 25112 P 0 Box 220 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alabama A A M University Alpha Zeta Normal, AL 35762 (West Virginia State - # 2 8 ) Epsilon Nu (Stillman College - # 3 2 1 ) Antonio Bethel (S) Hi Report P 0 Box 511 Theta Delta Institute WV 25112 i l of South Alabama - # 3 7 9 ) Nu Nu Michael A Carlton (P) (Marshall U - # 4 7 5 ) P 0 Box U701 lames C Venable (P) Mobile AL 36688 1539 Ritter Blvd lotaNu Huntington, WV 25701 (UAB - # 4 0 9 ) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Belgee Falkner (S) Alpha Iota Lambda Volker Hall - U A B (Charleston - # 1 3 1 ) P O Box 329 lohn Scott (S) Biimingham AL 35294 P 0 Box 303 Kappa Alpha Institute WV 25112 (U of Alabama - # 4 2 0 ) Vincent Walker (CS) WEST VIRGINIA P 0 Box 7368 (REGION III University. AL 35486 Director Kappa Gamma Adolphus Young. Jr (U of North Alabama - # 4 2 2 ) P 0 Box 271 Derrick T Morgan (P) U of North Alabama Institute. WV 25112 Box 5554 COUEGE CHAPTERS Florence, AL 3 5 6 3 0 Beta Theta (Bluelield State College # 5 2 ) " u Tail #481) Anthony Graham fPI <U of Montevallo Randall Williams (CS) Box 796 Drawer X Kimball WV 24853 U of Montevallo XI Theta Montevallo. AL 35115 (Concord College - # 4 9 3 ) Xi Beta A Marco Dowell (P) (Tro» State U - # 4 8 7 ) Box D-228 Concord College barrel! R Heyes (S) Athens. WV 2 4 7 1 2 406 Pell Avenue ALUMNI CHAPTERS Troy, AL 36082 Xi i r Alpha Zeta Lambda (Jacksonville - # 4 9 8 ) (Bluelield - # 1 2 8 ) Ramon Rogers (P) Adolphus Young. Jr (S) P O Box 81 P O Box 271 Jacksonville State U Institute. WV 25112 Jacksonville. AL 36265 Gamma Delta Lambda Omicron Alpha (8eckley - # 1 7 0 ) (Auburn U at Montgomery Inactive #708) Kenneth Avery (P) WISCONSIN 2027 Beach Street Director Auburn. AL 36108 Coleman 0 Wells Omicron Kappa 922 W Zedlei Lane (Auburn U at Auburn - #717) Milwaukee. Wl 53092 Ferdinand B Williams, J (P) COUEGE CHAPTERS P 0 Box 1865 Gamma Epsilon Montgomery, AL 36830 Omicron Sigma (UW Madison - # 7 1 ) (Birmingham Southern - # 7 lohn L Davis (P) James Bell 837 W Badgett. # 1 1113 8th Avenue W Madison Wl 53713 Birmingham AL 35204 Epsilon Tali ALUMNI CHAPTERS (UW Milwaukee - # 3 2 7 ) Omicron Lambda lesse G Ward (S) (Birmingham - # 1 1 4 ) 4152 N 41 Slreet Samuel L lackson (S) Milwaukee. Wl 53216 P 0 Box 6058 Biimingham AL 36106 Zeta lota Alpha Nu Lambda (UW Whitewater - # 3 4 0 ) (Tuskegee Institute - # 1 3 4 ) Oarryl Johnson (P) No Report 1125 W Capital Drive Milwaukee. Wl 53206 Alpha Upsilon Lambda Eta Beta (Montgomery - # 1 4 1 ) (WSU Platteville - # 3 5 5 ) Samuel L Jackson (S) No Report P 0 Box 6058 Eta Pi Montgomery, AL 36106 (WSU Oshkosh - # 3 6 8 ) Beta Omicron Lambda No Report (Mobile - # 1 5 8 ) Alvin J Allen (RS) Mu Epsilon 1205 St Madar Street (Carthage College - # 4 4 6 ) Mobile. AL 36603 No Report Delta Theta Lambda Null (Huntsville - # 1 9 6 ) (Marquette U - # 4 7 6 ) A. J Garth (CS) Levestei Johnson (P) 2600 W Highland -Apt 104 P O Box 33 Milwaukee. Wl 53233 Alabama ASM University Nu Omicron Normal. AL 35762 (Carroll College - # 4 7 7 ) No Report


Theta Gamma Lambda (Dolhan - # 2 8 0 ) Alfred D lott (CS) P 0 Box 6893 Dolhan. AL 36302 Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - # 5 3 5 ) Jerry W Smith (P) P 0 Box 622 Sheffield, AL 35660 Mu lota Lambda (Mobile - # 5 5 4 ) Reginald Crenshaw (CS) P T) Box 213 Mobile. AL 36601 Mu Psi Lambda (riomewood - # 5 6 7 ) Larry Buie (P) P O Box 2281 Birmingham AL 35201

FLORIDA Director John C Rawls Rt. 4 - Box 183P Gainesville. FL 32601 COUEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A 4 M - # 5 6 ) Jeffrey Lamar (P) 417 Walker Ave # 1 1 Tallahassee, FL 32304 Delta Beta (Bethune Cookman - # 9 0 ) Bernard L Washington (P) 565 Second Ave # 3 Daytona Beach, FL 32014 Delta Psi #309) (Florida Memorial Coll ' Renard Dowdell (P) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami, FL 33054 Eta Delta (U of Miami - # 3 5 7 ) Cylus M Jollivette (ADV) 103 Ponce Building P 0 Box 2 4 8 0 7 3 Coral Gables. FL 33124 Theta Gamma (U of South Florida - # 3 7 8 ) Harold K Washington (P) U of South Florida. CTR 2421 Tampa, FL 33620 Theta Sigma (U of Florida - # 3 9 2 ) lohn C Pittman (D 125 N W Avenue 10th Street Apt. # 2 Gainesville. FL 32601 lota Delta (Florida State U - # 4 0 1 ) Michael Edwards (S) FSU Box 7002 Tallahassee. FL 32301 Kappa Upsilon (Metropolitan - # 4 3 8 ) James E Bryant. Jr (S) 5020 Cleveland Rd Apt 228


Jacksonville. FL 32209 Mu Theta (U of West Florida - # 4 4 9 ) No Report Xi lota (U ot Central Florida - # 4 9 4 ) lohnny M a c k ( P ) 3435 Saddle Blvd Apt 189 Orlando, FL32817 Xi Kappa (Florida Tech - # 4 9 5 ) Ronald I Mathieu (S) Florida Tech P 0. Box 5281 Melbourne. FL 32901 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Upsilon Lambda (Jacksonville - # 1 1 9 ) Frederick Newton (S) P O Box 40081 Jacksonville. FL 32203 Beta Beta Lambda (Miami - # 1 4 6 ) Albert Hall (P) P 0 Box 510027 Miami, FL 33151 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona Beach - # 1 4 8 ) David H Staples (P) 803 S. Thompson Avenue Deland FL 32720 Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa - # 1 7 2 ) No Report Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee - # 1 7 7 ) Charles R Russell (S) 433 Mercury Drive Tallahassee. FL 32304 Delta Delta Lambda (West Palm Beach - # 1 9 2 ) Robert L Smith. Ir. (P) 1817 37th Street West Palm Beach. FL 33407

Delia XI Lambda (Orlando - # 2 0 2 ) Felton A Johnson (P) P 0 Box 5548 Orlando. FL 32855 Epsilon Mu Lambda (Pensacola - # 2 2 2 ) Neroy Anderson (P) 1301 East Fisher Pensacola. FL 32503 Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala - # 2 2 6 ) William E lackson (S) 1822 SW 4th St. Ocala, FL 32674 Zeta Alpha Lambda (Ft Lauderdale - # 2 3 4 ) Nathaniel L Hankerson (P) P 0. Box 6072 Fort Lauderdale. FL 33310 Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft Pierce - # 2 6 5 ) Haver! L Fenn (S) 2601 Avenue I Ft Pierce, FL 33454 Theta Eta Lambda (St. Petersburg - # 2 8 4 ) frank F Smith (RS) 4173 Beach Drive, S E St Petersburg, FL 33705 lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa - # 5 0 3 ) William Gary (P) P 0 Box 1275 Cocoa. FL 32922 lota Pi Lambda (Miami - # 5 1 6 ) Wendell H Can (P) 12990 SW 190th Street Miami, FL 33177 Mu Zeta Lambda (Lakeland - # 5 5 1 ) Donzell Floyd (CS) 445 Avenue B, NE Winter Haven. FL 3 3 8 8 0 Nu Eta Lambda (Gainesville - # 5 7 4 ) Alfred Peoples (S) 611 S E 13th terrace Gainesville. FL 32601

GEORGIA Director Robert Willis 3604 Revere Rd S W Atlanta. GA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Iota (Morris Brown College - # 9 ) Frederick C Walton (S) P O Box 92055 Atlanta. GA 30331 Alpha Rho (Morehouse College - # 3 8 ) No Report Alpha Phi

(Clark College - # 4 2 ) Albert L Amey (P) Clark College Box 137 Atlanta. GA 30314 Gamma Zeta (Ft Valley State - # 7 2 ) No Report Delta Delta (Albany State - # 9 2 ) Marris V Jones (VP) P 0 . 36. Albany State College Albany. G A 3 I 7 0 5 Delta Eta (Savannah Stale Coll - # 9 5 ) Ransom J Ricks (CS) Savannah State College P 0 Box 20742 Savannah GA31404 Zeta Mu (Georgia State U - # 3 4 2 ) No Report Zeta Pi (U of Georgia - # 3 4 6 ) Phillip Franklin (P) 2151 University Station Athens. GA 30609 Eta Alpha (Paine College - # 3 5 4 ) Donald Murray (S) 1235 15th Street Paine College, P 0 Box 77 Augusta. GA 30910 Theta Beta (Columbus College - # 3 7 7 ) Louis Davis. It (P) 312 Yuchi Ave Columbus. GA 31907 lota Eta (Mercer U - # 4 0 4 ) Andy L Davis (P) P 0 Box 61 - Mercer U Macon. GA 31207 Mu Alpha (Emory U - # 4 4 2 ) Eric Morrow (S)

Box 21185 Emory U Atlanta, GA 30332 Mu Gamma (Georgia College - # 4 4 4 ) Michael A Burke (P) Box 1953 - Georgia College Milledgeville. GA 31061 Mu Delta (Georgia Southwestern - # 4 4 5 ) Anthony Tonye (S) Georgia Southwestern College Box 1196 Amerrcus. GA 31709 Mu Omicron (Valdosta State - # 4 5 5 ) Steven Robinson (S) Valdosta State College

Box 13 Valdosta. GA 31601

Nu Gamma (West Georgia Coll - # 4 6 6 ) James Taggert, Ir (S) 1791 S Gordon Street SW Carrollton. GA 30310 Nu Mu (Southern Tech. Inst - # 4 7 4 ) Brett M Gaines (P) Room 108. Dean of Students Bldg Georgia Institute ot Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 II T M (Georgia Southern College - # 7 0 3 ) Crandall Jones (CS)

LB 10131 Georgia Southern College Statesboro, GA 30460 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Lambda (Atlanta - # 1 0 7 ) Larry Epps (CS)

P O Box 92576 Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Chi Lambda (Augusta - # 1 4 3 ) Willie G Marshall (FS) 829 Strother Drive Augusta. GA 30901 Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah - # 1 6 4 ) Chester Ellis (CS)

P 0 Box 1361 Savannah, GA 31402 Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany - # 1 8 0 ) Edwin A Green (P) P 0 Box 4054 Albany, GA 31707 Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft Valley - # 1 8 3 ) Ralph Malone (S) 1211 Beverly Streel Fort Valley. GA 31030 Delta lota Lambda (Columbus - # 1 9 7 ) No Repory Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon - # 2 1 3 ) Albeit J Abrams IS) P 0 Box 5329 Macon. GA 31208 Eta Iota Lambda (Athens - # 2 6 4 ) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P O Box 902 Athens. GA 30603 Theta Nu Lambda (LaGtange - # 2 8 9 ) Alfred McNarr (S)

P 0 Box 1818 LaGrange. GA 30241 lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick - # 5 0 4 ) Richard Wilson (S) P O Box 98 White Oak. GA 31568 Kappa Tau Lambda (Valdosta - # 5 4 1 ) Calvin Willis (P) 4021 Lantern Lane Valdosta. GA 31601 Nu Mu Lambda (Decatur - # 5 7 8 ) Coleman Seward (P) 3650 Paddock Decatur. GA 30034

MISSISSIPPI Director Wiley Jones Alcorn State University P 0 Box 285 Lorman, MS 39096 COUEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College #85) Abron Washington (P) 3340 Harley. Apt 7D Jackson, MS 39209 Delta Kappa (Alcorn State U - # 9 8 ) Robert £ Moses, II (P) P 0 Box 267 Lorman. MS 39096

Delta Phi (Jackson State U - # 3 0 7 ) No Report Zeta Phi (MS Valley State U - # 3 5 1 ) Rothley Howard (CS) P O Box 899 Ilia Bena, MS 38941 lota Gamma (Rust College #400) Wayne Lesuer (VP)

Rt. 1 Box 368 Holly Springs. MS 38635 Kappa Beta (MS State U - # 4 2 1 ) Dwayne F Bynum (P) P 0 Box 1472 Mississippi State University Mississippi Slate, MS 29762 MuXi mSM - #454) No Report Nu Upsilon (U ol Mississippi - # 4 8 2 ) Chiton Johnson (P) P O Box 3251 University, MS 38677 Omicron Gamma (Millsaps College - # 7 1 0 ) Kenneth Carter (S) P 0 Box Millsaps College Jackson, MS 39210

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson - # 1 2 7 ) Oliver Rice (P) P 0 Box 374 lougaloo, MS 39174 Epsilon Xi Lambda (Mound Bayou - # 2 2 4 ) George J Bacon (RS) 1501 Kennedy Cove P O Box 5531 Greenville. MS 38701 Zeta Mu Lambda (Biloxi - # 2 4 4 ) No Report E U Phi Lambda (Columbus - # 2 7 5 ) Otis Barry (PJ P 0 . Box 464 Columbus. MS 39701 Theta Sigma Lambda (Natchez - # 2 9 4 ) John Hendricks P 0 Box 42 A.S.U Lorman MS 39096 Mu Gamma Lambda (Hattiesburg-Laurel - # 5 4 8 ) No Report Mu Pi Lambda IBrookhaven - # 5 6 0 ) No Report

NORTH CAROLINA Director Rudolph Hendricks

P 0 Box 16153 Charlotte. NC 2 8 2 1 2 COUEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C Smith U - # 3 6 ) Rodney K Hood (P) 1327 Onus Streel Charlotte, NC 28216 Beta Epsilon (AtT State U - # 4 9 ) Donald Smith (CS) Box A-14 NCAST SU Greensboro. NC 27411 Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U - # 5 0 ) No Report Beta lota (Winston-Salem Stale U - # 5 3 ) Dennis Turnage (P)

Alpha Pi Lambda Winston-Salem - # 1 3 7 ) David H Wagner (P) 3440 Cumberland Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Beta Theta Lambda (Durham - # 1 5 2 ) A M Cowards, Sr (S) 2307 South Roxboro Durham. NC 27707 Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbuiy - # 1 5 5 ) Herbert C Chambers (S) 615 West Council Street Salisbury. NC 28144 Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte - # 1 5 6 ) lames G Heath (P) P 0 Box 16153 Charlotte. N C 2 8 2 1 2 Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington - # 1 7 6 ) No Report Gamma Psi Lambda (Ashevrlle - # 1 8 8 ) Lawrence Gilliam (P) 10 Gilliam Place Ashevrlle. NC 28801 Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville - # 2 2 7 ) lames E Carson (P) 1866 leiberger Drive Fayetteville. NC 28303 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Rocky Mount - # 2 2 8 ) W O Warner 403 Atlanta Avenue P 0 Box 761 Rocky Mount. NC 27801 Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City - # 2 3 2 ) Roger A McLean (P) Box 21 Elizabeth City State U Elizabeth City. NC 27909 Zeta E U Lambda (Greenville - # 2 4 0 ) Walter B Council (S) P 0 Box 1187 Greenville, NC 27834 Eta Mu Lambda (Gastoma - # 2 6 6 ) No Report

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi Lambda (Columbia - # 1 4 4 ) Samuel Heyward (P) 3903 Brewer Street Columbia. SC 29203 Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston - # 1 5 4 ) lames T McKim (CS) P 0 Box 2714 Charleston. SC 29403 Gamma Gamma Lambda (Greenville - # 1 6 9 ) No Report Delta Zeta Lambda (Orangeburg - # 1 9 4 ) Hayward E Bovian (P) P 0 Box 152 Orangeburg, SC 29115 Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence - # 1 9 8 ) Joseph Heyward (S) P 0 Box 384 Florence. SC 29503 Eta Omicron Lambda (Rock Hill - # 2 6 9 ) No Report Theta Phi Lambda (Bennettsville - # 2 9 7 ) F Eugene Crawford (CS) 122 Campbell Streel Chesterfield. SC 29709 lota Eta Lambda (Denmark - # 5 0 8 ) No Report Mu Epsilon Lambda (Conway - # 5 5 0 ) No Report Xi Gamma Lambda (Beaulort - # 5 9 2 ) Cleadus W Ferguson (S) 1403 Greenlawn Drive Beaulort. SC 29902

TENNESSEE Director Micheal Nettles 6535 Premier Drive Nashville. I N 37209

• #H5



(Meharry Medical College No Report Theta Omicron Lambda Alpha Chi (Goldsboro - # 2 9 1 ) P 0 Box 14793 (Fisk U - # 4 3 ) Jerry D Johnson (S) Winston-Salem. NC 27102 Jonathan L Bush (CS) P 0 Box 788 Beta Rho P 0 Box 101 Goldsboro. NC 27530 (Shaw U - # 6 0 ) Fisk University Nu lota Lambda No Report Nashville. TN 37203 (Kmston - # 5 7 6 ) Gamma Beta Beta Xi Herbert Gran (S) (North Carolina Central U - # 6 8 ) Route 7, Box 279 (LeMoyne-Owen College - # 5 7 ) No Report No Report Kmston. NC 28501 Gamma Mu Beta Omicron Nu Kappa Lambda (Livingstone College - # 7 7 ) (Tennessee State U - # 5 8 ) (Lumberton - # 5 7 7 ) No Report Gregory Diggs (P) No Report Gamma Psi T S U Box 419 (St Augustine's College - # 8 8 ) Nashville TN 37203 SOUTH CAROLINA Austin R Cooper, II (P) Beta Pi Director P 0 Box 26611 (Lane College - # 5 9 ) Peter Felder Raleigh, NC 27611 Paul S Adams (P) P 0 Box 41 Epsilon Zeta Lane College (Fayetteville State U - # 3 1 5 ) Claflm College Jubilee Residence Hall Manuel Blackmon Orangeburg. S C 2 9 1 1 5 Jackson. TN 38301 P 0 Box 862 Gamma Omicron COLLEGE CHAPTERS Fayetteville. NC 28301 (Knoxville College - # 8 0 ) Beta Delta Zeta Epsilon #48) (South Carolina State Phillip lackson (P) (Barber Scotia College - # 3 3 6 ) Michael Hubbard (S) 901 College No Report Box 1954 Knoxville. TN 37921 Eta Nu S C State College Eta Phi Orangeburg. S C 2 9 1 1 (East Carolina U - # 3 6 5 ) (UT-Chattanooga - # 3 7 3 ) Gamma Gamma No Report No Report (Allen U - # 6 9 ) Eta Omicron Theta Pi (North Carolina Stale U - # 3 6 7 ) No Report (Austin-Peay State U - # 3 9 0 ) Gamma Pi Everett C Dudley (CS) Reginald 1 Bridges (P) #81) (Benedict College P 0 Box 5631 Austin Peay State U Douglas Showell (S) Raleigh. NC 27650 Clarksville. TN 37040 Bacoats Hall Kappa Omicron Kappa Eta Benedict College (Duke U - # 4 3 3 ) (Memphis Slate U - # 4 2 6 ) Columbia. SC 29204 Robert Harrington (CS) Stanley Green (CS) Delta Alpha 3807 Nornswood Box 4783 - Duke Station (Claflm College - # 8 9 ) Memphis. TN 38111 Durham. NC 27706 Eric Hill (S) MuZeta Kappa Theta The High Rise (U ol North Carolina - # 4 4 7 ) (Vanderbilt U - # 4 2 7 ) Box 334. Claflm College Otis I Jeffries Charles Biggs (P) Orangeburg. SC 29113 Univ of N C at Chapel Hill Box 5270, Station B Eta lota P 0 Box 551 Nashville. TN 37235 (Vooihees College - # 3 6 2 ) Chapel Hill NC 27514 Kappa Xi No Report Mu Tau #432!' (Middle Tennessee State Theta Nu (UNC - Charlotte - # 4 5 9 ) Bert Finley (U ol South Carolina - # 3 Gerald Dawson (P) P 0 Box 655 Eric I letlerson (CS) 1800 Irma Murfreesboro. TN 37132 Box 80026 - USC Charlotte, NC 28216 Ml M i Columbia, SC 29208 NuZeta (UT - Martin - # 4 4 3 ) Kappa Chi (Western Carolina U #469) Vincent Beasley (CS) (Francis Marion College - # 4 4 0 ) p 0 Box 121 Johnny P Guthrie (P) P O Box 543 U of Tennessee at Martin No Report Cullowhee, NC 28723 Mu Pi Martin, TN 38238 IiEta #456) (Baptist College Mu lota (Wake Forest U - # 4 9 2 ) No Report (University of Tennessee Frederick 0 Jones (P) Nu Phi at Knoxville - # 4 5 0 ) P 0. Box 6476 Reynolds Stat (USC - Conway # 4 8 3 ) Randolph Wilkerson (CS) Winston Salem. NC 27109 No Report 1810 Lake Avenue Omicron Beta Xi Epsilon Knoxville I N 37916 (Atlantic Christian - # 7 0 9 ) (Morris College - # 4 9 0 ) Nu E U No Report Mayhue Bostic. Ill (P) (Christian Brothers Coll - # 4 7 0 ! Omicron Theta Morris College Box 123 Dwayne K Pigues (P) (Univ of Wilmington) Sumter, SC 29150 3446 Carnes XiPhi No Report Number 4 (Wrnthrop College #705) Memphis. TN 38111 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Darrell lohnson (P) Omicion Phi Kappa Lambda Winthrop College (Tennessee Technological Universe (Greensboro - # 1 1 0 ) WP0 5018 Mr Anthony Charles (P) William Finger (CS) Rock Hill, SC 29733 Box 8502 P 0 Box 21052 Omicion Chi Greensboro. NC 2 7 4 2 0 Cookevrlle. TN 38505 (Wollord College - # 7 2 8 ) Phi Lambda ALUMNI CHAPTERS Robert D Mickle, Ir (P) (Raleigh - # 1 2 0 ) Tau Lambda Box 163 - Wollord College P P Thompson (RC) (Nashville - # 1 1 8 ) Spartanburg, SC 29301 1305 Foxrun Drive Wilson Welch (CS) Raleigh, NC 27610 P 0. Box 5646 Nashville, TN 37208

Psi Lambda (Chattanooga - # 1 2 2 ) Virgil V McGee (P) 739 M. L. King Blvd. Chattanooga. TN 37403 Alpha Delta Lambda (Memphis - # 1 2 6 ) lethio I Alexander Jr (P) 5016 Ravensworth Drive Memphis. TN 3 8 1 0 9 Alpha Mu Lambda' (Knoxville - # 1 3 3 ) Leonard A Jackson (CS) P 0. Bo* 2091 Knoxville. I N 37901 Beta Upsilon Lambda (lackson - # 1 6 3 ) No Report Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville - # 5 2 9 ) No Report Mu Nu Lambda (Kingspoit - # 5 5 7 ) No Report

SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS Director Hubert Brown 1716 Fluker Street Pine Bluff. AR 71601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Chi (Philander Smith College - # 6 5 ) No Report Gamma Delta (U ol Ark at Pine Bluff - # 7 0 ) Kenneth W Johnson (P) P 0 Box 155 - UAPB Pine Bluff. AR 71601 Theta Kappa (Henderson State Coll fames Moore {VP) Box H 2982


Arkadelphia. AK 71923 Theta Upsilon (Arkansas State U - # 3 9 4 ) 'saac D Renlroe (P)

P 0 Box 1366 State University. AR 72467

Theta Psi (U of Central Arkansas Gerald f stamps (S) Box 646 - U C A Conway AR 72032 Kappa lota


(Southern Arkansas U - # 4 2 8 ) Mike Dedner (P) P 0 Box 777 - SAU Magnolia, AR 71753 Kappa Kappa (U of Arkansas - # 4 2 9 ) Samuel Turner (P) 836 Fairview fayetteville AR 72701 Kappa Psi <UA Little Rock - # 4 4 1 ) No Report Nu Alpha (Arkansas Tech U - # 4 6 4 ) lames W Taylor (S) 1401 Parker Place, Apt # 1 8 Russellville AR 72801 AUIMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little Rock - # 1 1 5 ) lames t Wilson |P) * 2 1 6 Tatum Little Rock. AR 72204 Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff - # 2 0 6 ) Dan F Graham (CS) P 0 Box 6041 Pine Blull AR 71611 Theta Tau Lambda (Helena - # 2 9 5 ) Willis Williams (FS) 51 Lambert Drive Helena AR 72342 Mu Omicion Lambda

(Blytheville - #559) Clarence freeman (S) P 0 Box 272 Osceola AR 72370

LOUISIANA Director Desmond Abies 4634 Francis Drive New Orleans, LA 70126 COUEGE CHAPTERS Beta Sigma (Southern U - # 6 1 1 Melvin Robinson Jr (CS) P O Box 9929 Southern University Baton Rouge LA 70813 Beta Tau (Xavier U • # 6 2 ) Rene Allen (S) 2118 Simon Bolivar New Orleans LA 70113 fteta Phi (Oillard U - # 6 4 ) Keith A Miller (P) P O Box 1108 - Oillard U New Orleans LA 70122 Delta Sigma (Grambhng U - # 3 0 4 ) Edwin Smith (S) P 0 Box 200 Grambhng LA 71245 Epsilon Upsilon (SUN0 - # 3 2 8 ) No Report

Zeta Xi (USL - # 3 4 4 ) No Report Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U - # 3 6 3 ) Byron J Baioie (P) P O Box 3129 T.S. Ruston, LA 71272 Eta Chi (Northeast Louisiana - # 3 7 4 ) No Repoit Theta Theta (McNeese State U - # 3 8 3 ) Nathaniel Guidry (P) Theta Theta Chapter McNeese State Univ Lake Charles, LA 70609 Theta Phi (U of New Orleans - # 3 9 5 ) No Report Theta Chi (Northwestern State U - # 3 9 6 ) Ronald Page (P) NSU P 0 Box 5232 Natchitoches. LA 71457 Kappa Mu (Nicholls State U - # 4 3 0 ) Tyrone Melancon (CS) P. 0 2209 NSU Thibodaux LA 7 0 3 1 0 Kappa Nu (Southeastern Louisiana - # 4 3 1 ) No Report Nu Psi (Louisiana State U •- # 4 8 5 ) Greg Harris (CS) P 0 Box 21902 Baton Rouge, LA 70893 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Sigma Lambda (New Orleans - # 1 1 7 ) Desmond M. Abies (CS) 4634 Francis Drive New Orleans, LA 70126 Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge - # 1 5 3 ) Henry A Young (P) 1187 Bayberry Avenue Baton Rouge. LA 70807 Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport - # 2 0 8 ) James C. Leary (T) 2961 Looney Street Shreveport. LA 71103 Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambhng - # 2 2 1 ) Allen Williams P 0 Drawer 604 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Epsilon Kappa Lambda Chapter Grambling, LA 71245 Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria - # 2 3 3 ) Arthur Lee (P) 2929 Wise Street Alexandria, VA 71301 Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa - # 2 5 4 ) No Report Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles - # 2 5 5 ) Adrian L Wallace (P)

P 0 Box 1102 Lake Charles. LA 70601 Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette - # 2 5 8 ) Richard Travers (S)

P 0 Box 5224 Lafayette. LA 70502 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe - # 2 5 9 ) Milton A lackson Sr (CS)

P 0 Box 815 Monroe LA 71201 lota XI Lambda (Opelousas- # 5 1 4 ) Donald I Bush (T) P 0 329 Opelousas, LA 70570 Nu Alpha Lambda (Mairero - # 5 6 8 ) No Report Nu Theta Lambda (St. Martinville - # 5 7 5 ) Prosper Chretien (P) P 0 Box 364 St Martinville, LA 70582 Nu Sigma Lambda (Natchitoches - # 5 8 4 ) No Report

OKLAHOMA Director William G Henderson 1214 N E 67th Oklahoma City, OK 73111 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Langston U - # 5 4 ) Harold Dicerkson (S) P 0 Box 386 Langston CK 73050 Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State U - # 3 1 4 ) Oarryl Walker (S) 408 N Washington Stillwater OK 74074 Zeta Zeta |U of Oklahoma - # 3 3 7 ) Rodney Ford (P)

2412 W Brooks, #7 Norman OK 73069 Zeta Sigma (CenhalState U - # 3 4 8 ) Jerry Robinson (P) Apt 124 Brentwood Forest fdmond OK 73034

Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern State Coll - # 3 5 0 ) No Report Eta Theta (East Central State - # 3 6 1 ) No Report Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U - # 4 2 4 ) Michael A. Wilson (P) P 0. Box 6397 Lawton. OK 73505 Omicron Nu (University of Tulsa - -*-719) Darryl D White (P) Univ of Tulsa, Box 266 Tulsa. OK 74104 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa - # 1 4 0 ) Emanuel Palmer (S)

P. 0 Box 6152 Tulsa. OK 74106 Beta Epsilon Lambda

(Boley - #149) L. G. Ashley (S) P 0 Box 247 Boley. OK 74829 Beta Eta Lambda (Oklahoma City - # 1 5 1 ) Dr Oliver Stripling (P) 345 NE 60 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Beta Chi Lambda (Muskogee - # 1 6 5 ) limmie L White. Jr <S) Box 26 Warner, OK 74469 Zeta Gamma Lambda (Langston - # 2 3 6 ) Raymond Johnson. Sr. (P) Box 836 Tulsa. OK 74123 Eta Xi Lambda (Lawton-Ft Sill - # 2 6 8 ) Charles King, Jr (P)

P 0 Box 5752 Lawton OK 73504

TEXAS Director Gerald Joseph 2421 Delano Houston. TX 77003 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta (Huston-Tillotson College No Report Alpha Sigma


(Wiley College - #39) Herbert Paul (P) Jackson Hall Wiley College Marshall. TX 75670 Gamma Alpha (Texas College - # 6 7 ) Dennis Rice (P) 2404 N Grand Avenue Tyler TX 75702 Delta Theta (Texas Southern U - # 9 6 ) No Report Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College - # 3 1 2 ) Elroy Roberson (S) 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd Dallas. TX 75241 Epsilon Iota (U of Texas - # 3 1 8 ) Keith Canady Box 242 - UT Student Activities Center Austin, TX 78712 Epsilon Rho (Lamar U - # 3 2 5 ) Vernon Davis (P)

P 0 Box 10729 Lamar University

Beaumont, TX 77710 Epsilon Sigma (St Marys U - # 3 2 6 ) Clarence E Cook. Jr (P) P 0 Box 8009 San Antonio. TX 78208 Zeta Kappa tUT-EI Paso - # 3 4 1 1 Sidney Williams (P) 124 Vaquero El Paso TX 79968 Zeta Tau (East Texas State - # 3 4 9 ) Glen Harmon (P) P O Box S - E T Station Commerce TX 75428 Zeta Chi (UT-Arllngton - # 3 5 2 ) Kevin D Jackson (Pi Univ ol Texas at Arlington Box 4193 Arlington TX 76010 Eta Gamma (Prairie View - # 3 5 6 ] Robert Price (CS) P 0 Box 2255 Prairie View TX 77445 Eta Epsilon (North Texas State - # 3 5 8 ) Dodd C Slocker P 0 Box 5493 - N T Station Denton, TX 76201 EtaMu (U ol Houston - # 3 6 4 ) Merrill D Wade (P) 2401 Westndge

#3102 Houston

TX 77054

Eta Upsilon (Texas Tech U - # 3 7 2 ) Tarhan Burnett (S) Box 1 - Student Life Office Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409 Eta Psi (Texas Christian U - # 3 7 5 ) Bnan Q Gaston (P) 4836 Foard Street Fort Worth. TX 76119 Theta Alpha (Jams Christian College - # 3 7 6 ) Darryl Dawe (S) P O Box 69 Hawkins. TX 75765 Theta Mu (Sam Houston State U - # 3 8 6 ) Theodore R Williams (P) P 0 Box 2840 Huntsville, TX 77340 lota Kappa (Paul Quinn College - # 4 0 7 ) Roger M Provost (P) 1020 Elm Waco. TX 76704 lota Mu (SF Austin State U - # 4 0 8 ) Alton L Frailey (P) Route 10 - Box 6 1 2 0 Nacogdoches. TX 75961 lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U - # 4 1 1 ) Palmer Jason (P) P 0 Box 251 Southern Methodist University Dallas. TX 75275 Kappa Sigma (West Texas State - # 4 3 6 ) No Report Mu Nu (Southwest Texas State - # 4 5 3 ) Michael Tapscott (P) Mu Nu Chapter LBJ Student Center - SW Texas San Marcos. TX 78666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda (Houston - # 1 2 9 ) Adlee Anderson Jr (P) 4827 Benmng Houston. TX 77035 Alpha Sigma Lambda (Dallas - # 1 3 9 ) William Mitchell. Ill (S) P 0 Box 26324 Dallas, TX 75226 Beta Tau Lambda (Ft Worth - # 1 6 2 ) Samuel Watson (CS) 5637 Warnwright Drive Fort Worth TX 76112 Gamma Eta Lambda (Austin - # 1 7 3 ) Allen M Johnson (S) 9901 Mandevrlle Ctr Austin, TX 78750 Gamma Pi Lambda (Galveston - # 1 8 1 ) Edwaid Clack (T)

P 0 Box 3429 Galveston, TX 77550 Gamma Tau lambda (Beaumont - # 1 8 4 ) Howard Mills (P) 4165 Simpson Drive Beaumont. TX 77705 Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall - # 1 8 5 1 I J Lamothe. Ill (P) 715 West End Blvd Marshall. TX 75670 Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio - # 2 0 5 ) James L Pickett (P) P 0 Box 10071 San Antonio. TX 78210 Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler - # 2 1 2 ) Pearlie Henderson (P) Rt 21 Box440-A Tyler TX 75709 Epsilon Epsilon Lambda (Waco - # 2 1 6 ) Alvin Pollard (P) P 0 Box 1405

Waco, TX 76703 Epsilon Tau Lambda (Prairie View - # 2 2 9 ) Neal Barnes (P) P 0 Box 2241 Prairie View TX 77445 Epsilon Phi Lambda (Port Arthur - # 2 3 1 ) Mr Charles A Jones Jr (P) 4975 Beaumont Drive Beaumont. TX 77708 Zeta Tau Lambda (Amanllo - # 2 5 1 ) No Repoil Eta Upsilon Lambda (Odessa - # 2 7 4 ) British C Daniels (PI 704 Ohio Big Spring. TX 79720 Theta Delta Lambda (El Paso - # 2 8 1 ) Michael A lacques (P) 3404 Slocum Sheet El Paso TX 79936 Theta Kappa Lambda (Lubbock - # 2 8 7 ) No Report Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana - # 5 2 6 ) Henry McFadden (P) 512 State Line Pla'a

Box 8025 texarkana, AR 75502

Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco - # 1 8 7 ) Joe C Thomas (P) 208 Chadwick Way Benicia. CA 94510 Eta Sigma Lambda (San lose - # 2 7 2 ) Dairyl Parker (P) 3819 Seven Trees Blvd San Jose. CA 95111 Theta Beta Lambda (Oakland - # 2 7 9 ) Inactive

Kappa Sigma Lambda (Killen - # 5 4 0 ) No Report Mu Rho Lambda (Longview - # 5 6 1 ) No Report Nu Pi Lambda (Arlington - # 5 8 2 ) John Hanson (P) P 0 Box 120221 Arlington, TX 76012 XI Beta Lambda (Temple - # 5 9 1 ) Ernest Davis (P) P 0 Box 1249 Temple, TX 76501

Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey - # 5 2 4 ) No Report Kappa Omicron Lambda (Valleio - # 5 3 7 ) Ralph Hicks (P) 167 Moline Way Sacramento. CA 94591

WEST ARIZONA/UTAH/NEVADA Director Felix Goodwin 7065 N Stardust Tucson. AZ 85718 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Theta

Dttector Herman A Sanders 1128 Webei Way Sacramento, CA 95822

(U of Arizona - # 3 3 9 ) Jeioid D. Patterson ,VP) 4917 E 26th Street Tucson, AZ 85711 lota Upsilon (Utah State U - # 4 1 6 ) No Report Mu Eta (Arizona State U - # 4 4 8 ) Mark Chambers (P) 5622 S Hurricane Tempe, AZ 95281 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix - # 2 0 7 ) William Corbrn (CS) 2401 W Cheery Lynn Road Phoenix, A2 85015 Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson - # 2 7 7 ) Richard Davis (CS) 5620 E S Wilshire Drive Tucson. AZ 85711 Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas - # 2 9 2 ) No Report

CALIFORNIA (CENTRAL) Director Earwin (Earl) McCullar 3762 N Cedar Street Fresno CA 93726


COLLEGE CHAPTER Epsilon Beta (Fresno State - # 3 1 1 ) Lin C Jackson (P) 1136 E Terrace Fresno CA93704

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - # 2 3 5 ) No Report Nu Beta Lambda (Stockton - # 5 6 9 ) Kenneth D. Peters, Sr (S) 2663 Fallenleal Drive Stockton, CA 95209

CALIFORNIA (SAN DIEGO) Director Rulus Dewitt 4937 Dalter Drive San Diego CA 92041 COUEGE CHAPTER Eta Sigma (Metro San Diego - # 3 7 0 ) Phillip J Williams (PI 4310 54th, Apt 210 San Diego CA 95115 ALUMNI CHAPTER Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego - # 2 5 0 ) Sam Thomas (P) 7594 Careybrook Lane San Diego, CA 92114

Director G Bernard Brown 3946 S Burnside Los Angeles. CA 90008

P 0 Box 2114 Bakersfield, CA 93303

CALIFORNIA (NORTHERN) Director Joe C Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Benicia CA 94510 COUEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (UC Berkeley - # 2 7 ) Kerry Lewis (S) 944 Willow Sheet Oakland CA 94606 Delta Omicron (Stanford - # 3 0 1 ) No Report Epsilon Mu (San Jose State U - # 3 2 0 ) Jethroe Moore II (Pi 3221 Napa Drive San Jose. CA 95148 Nu Sigma (Stanford - # 4 8 0 ) Tony L Nolen (VP)

COUEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (USC - # 2 6 ) Michael Green (CSI 909 W Adams #A6 Los Angeles CA 90007 Gamma Xi (UCLA - # 7 9 ) Bennie M Brown (P) 3670 Keystone Avenue

No 6 Los Angeles CA 90034 lota Chi (U ol Redlands - # 4 1 8 ) Denae Regins (P) 805 Kentwood Drive Riverside. CA 92807 Iota Psi (California Polytechnic U - # 4 1 9 ) John N Brown (P) 2846 E Valley Blvd Apartment 5 W Covina CA 91792 Mu Kappa (UC Santa Barbara - # 4 5 h No Report

Mu Chi (Cal State Long Beach - # 4 6 2 ) Thomas C Robinson. Ji (P) 466 W Caldwell Compton CA 90220 Omicron Eta (University of California Irvine - # 7 1 4 ) No Report

P 0 Box 10033 Stanford CA 94305 Xi Pi (Hayward - # 7 0 0 ) Ross P Abbott (P) 4366 Edgewood Avenue Oakland, CA 9 4 6 0 2 XI Rho (San Francisco - # 7 0 1 ) Timothy L Gray (S) 994 Ingerson Ave San Francisco CA 94124 Xi Upsilon

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkeley - # 1 8 6 ) Capeis G Bradham (P) P 0 Box 3238 Berkeley CA 94703

COUEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (UC Davis - # 3 8 2 ) Rodney Cook (P) 2640 Portage Bay Ave Davis. CA 95616 Nu Chi (U of the Pacific - # 4 8 4 ) Kevin Smith (DOP) 1427 N San Joaquin Stockton. CA


ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno - # 5 1 3 ) No Report Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield - # 5 3 0 ) LeCostel Hailey (P) Kappa Eta Lambda

(California Polytechnic Christophei Santee (T) 1170 Santa Tne; Numbei 6 Los Osos. CA 73402



ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles - # 1 6 6 ) Henry H Melton (S) 5303 Marbum Ave Los Angeles CA 90043 Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena - # 2 7 0 ) No Report lota Zeta Lambda (Compton - # 5 0 7 ) Michael J White (CS) 232 N Locust Number 6 Inglewood CA 90301 Mu Xi Lambda (Rialto - # 5 5 8 ) No Reoorl

Mu Sigma Lambda (Culver City - # 5 6 2 ) Tony Mitchell (Si P 0 8ox 3261 Los Angeles. CA 9 0 2 3 0 Nu Tau Lambda (Orange County - # 5 8 5 ) Lloyd Chandler <RS) 2814 Burly Ave E Orange CA 9 2 6 6 9

COLORADO Director Phillip Cochran 1165 Drexel Sheet Boulder CO 80303 COLLEGE CHAPTER (Alpha lota - # 3 1 ) No Report Omicron Tau (Fort Collins - # 7 2 5 l lames Darden III (P) 205 Aylesworth Hall Colorado State University Ft Collins, CO 80523 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psi Lambda (Denver - # 2 1 1 ) Percy Lyle (CS) P. 0. Box 2975 Denver CO 80202 lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs - # 5 1 5 ) lota Omicron Lambda Chapter P O Box 15083 Colorado Springs, CO 8 0 9 1 0 Mu Upsilon Lambda (Boulder - # 5 6 4 l Ronald Reese (S) Mu Upsilon Lambda P O Box 2158 Boulder, CO 80306

HAWAII Director C Edward Singer 410 Magellan Street Honolulu, HI 96813



ALUMNI CHAPTER Mu Beta Lambda (Honolulu - # 5 4 7 ) Toy Grrce (P) 98 1114 Kaphapili Street Aeia HI 96701

NEW MEXICO Director Boyd Jackson 1305 Evelyn Court. NE Albuquerque. NM 8 7 1 1 2 COUEGE CHAPTER Omicron Delta (University o) New Mexico No Report


ALUMNI CHAPTER Iota Psi Lambda (Albuquerque - # 5 2 3 ) No Report

WASHINGTON/OREGON Director Herbetl Starke 15013 SE 171st Street Renlon WA 98055 COUEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Xi (U of Washington - # 3 5 ) Vincent R Newsome (P) 4135 Brooklyn NE Number 213 Seattle WA 98105 Beta Psi (U of Oregon - # 6 6 ) Inactive ota Tau Eastern Washington U - # 4 1 5 ) oseph E Taylor (P) : o Alpha Phi Alpha ' O Box 2213 CS 'ullman WA 99163 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Zeta Lambda (Portland - # 2 1 7 ) Willis A Williams 5623 N Haight Portland OR 91217 Zeta Pi Lambda (Seattle - # 2 4 8 ) Tommy L Bogan iPl 3543 S Dawson Street Seattle WA 98118 lota Mu Lambda (Tacoma - # 5 1 2 ) James Randall (P) lota Mu Lambda P O Box 171 - Fernhill Stn Tacoma WA 9 8 4 1 2 Nu Epsilon Lambda (Richland - # 5 7 2 ) Phillip lavender (CS) 400 N Oklahoma Kennewick WA 99336 Nu Phi Lambda (Spokane - # 5 8 7 ) James Smith, Jr (S) W 5515 Lowell Spokane WA 99208

ALASKA Director To be Announced Nu Zeta Lambda (Anchorage - # 5 7 3 ) No Report

The Sphinx USPS 510-440 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive Chicago, Illinois 60653

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POSTMASTER: If this magazine is undelivered please send Form 3579 to The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Chicago, IL 60653.


Members of the nation's oldest and greatest Fraternity of college-trained Black men — their families, and guests. The "Alphas," who else? W h a t ? The ultimate experience in fraternalism; the supreme governing body of the Fraternity . . . the General Convention. Alpha's sixty-ninth General Convention will celebrate seventy-seven years of service. W h e r e ? The historic old city featuring all the exquisite joys of living — music, eating, leisure and love. The new city of the South for the '80's — New Orleans, of course!

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. 77th Anniversary Convention August 5-11, 1983 The City of New Orleans 10 >

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