The SPHINX | Fall October 1952 | Volume 38 | Number 3 195203803

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CLEVELAND IS BECKONING Cleveland's expecting a host of Alphas on December 26 for the annual General Convention. It is expecting not only Alphas, as a matter of fact, but five other Greek letter groups as weU—the membership of the American Council on Human Rights, which is holding public meetin7s bring all the fraters and sorors together. The aerial view shows downtown Cleveland, with the Stadium in front and the Auditorium behind it and slightly to the left near the mall with the two lines of trees.




Please note: Although the cover and title page of this issue say Volume 39, the other issues in 1952 were Volume 38

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, Inc. GENERAL OFFICERS General President: A. MACEO SMITH, 2011 N. Washington St., Dallas 4, Texas. Southwestern Vice-President: L. H. WILLIAMS, 119 N. Greenwood, Tulsa, Okla. Southern Vice-President: JACOB R. HENDERSON, 6S8 Fair St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Midwestern Vice-President: WILLIAM A. SMITH, 2537 Madison St., Gary, Ind. Eastern Vice-President: WALTER BOOKER, 1420 Hamlin St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Far Western Vice-President: W. BYRON RUMFORD, 1500 Stuart St., Berkeley 3, Calif. General Secretary: JAMES E. HUGER, 3456 S. State St., Suite 311, Chicago 16, 111. General Treasurer: MEREDITH G. FERGUSON, 925 Eleventh Ave., North, Nashville 8, Tenn. Editor in-Chief. Sphinx: W. BARTON BEATTY, Box 188, Phoebus, Va. Director of Educational Activities: MILTON S. J. WRIGHT, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, O. General Counsel: E D W A R L C. M\DDOX, 129 W. Third St., Suite 411. Los Angeles, Calif. Historian: CHARLES H. WESLEY, Cental State College, Wilberforce, Ohio. LAY MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MIDWESTERN—John P. Ward, North Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington. Ind. • SOUTHERN —James H. Lovett, Florida A. end M. College, Tallahassee. Fla. • EASTERN—Esham O. Baker. Howard University. Washington. D. C. • SOUTHWESTERN—Willard D. Dallas. Langston University. Langston, Okla. • FAR WESTERN—Borden B. Olive, 3032 Grove Street, Berkeley, Cal. JEWELS Henry A. Callis. 2306 E Street. N. E., Washington. D. C ; George B. Kelley. 1 - 113th Street. Troy. N. Y.; Nathaniel A. Murray, 2151 West 21st Street, Los Angeles 7, California. DECEASED: Charles H. Chapman, Robert H. Ogle, James H. Morton, Vertner W. Tandy. CHAIRMEN. STANDING COMMITTEES PUDGET—Kermit J. Hall, 5000 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia 43, Penna.

drew Tyler, New York, N. Y. (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania); Robert Levister, Boston, Mass. (New England). FAR WESTERN JURISDICTION — W. Byron Rumford, vice-president. Regional Directors— Edward Addison. 2276Vi W. 26th Street, Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern California and Arizona); Charles P. Furlow, 1418 Carleton St., Berkeley 2, Cal. (Northern California and Oregon Line); Carl Deiz, 9340 N. Portsmouth, Portland, Ore. (Oregon and Washington).

SPHINX STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF W. Barton Beatty. Jr. ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS J. Rupert Picott, W. Byron Rumford FUN EDITOR O. Wilson Winters EDITORIAL DIRECTOR—Milton S. J. Wright. ASSISTANTS—Hugh M. Gloster, Rayford W. Logan. Howard Long, Frank L. Stanley, W. Wesley Whetstone, Thomas W. Young. STAFF EDITORS—Edward W. Brooke. Robert P. Daniel, John Hope Franklin, Jacob R. Henderson. Lionel H. Newsom, J. Saunders Redding. A. Maceo Smith. Charles V. Willie. Stephen J. Wri 7 ht. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS—Carlton H. Lee. E. E. Alexander. Robert J. Anthony. Rufus B. Atwood. Waldo W. E. Blanchet. Oscar C. Brown, Archibald J. Carey. Felton G. Clark. Henry M. Collier. Jr.. Edgar Epps. William L. Fitzgerald, Nelson R. Freeman. Rudolph Henderson. George W. Hunter, Nelson C. Jackson, Francis J. Johnson, Francis A. Kornegay, Marcus A. Mahone, Horace W. Melvm. A. J. Polk. Ramon S. Scruggs. Clarence B. Shelton. C. E. Simmons. Jr.. Leroy A. Simmons. Everett Singleton, Robert L. Smith. Walter D. Spann. H. Theo Tatum. J. G. Thornton.

AUDITING—W. D. Hawkins. Jr.. Fisk University. Nashville, Tenn. PINS AND BADGES—Edwar 1 O. Maddox, 129 West 3rd Street, Los Ang^i< ... "al. SEMI-CENTENNIAL Commission—IT'l-n S. J. Wright, Wilberforce Universif. Wilberforce, Ohio. OTHER CHAIRMEN—Chairman for the Election Commission and the following committees will be chosen later during the year: Housing, Programs and Recommendations, Charter Achievements and Awards, and Ritual. REGIONAL OFFICERS SOUTHWESTERN JURISDUCTION—L. H. Williams, vice-president. Regional Directors—J. S. Chandler, 111 '/2 S. Second Street, Muskonee, Oklahoma, (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado and Kansas); Marion M. Taylor, 416 Karback Block, Omaha, Nebraska (Nebraska, Iowa); L. M. Mitchell, 1193 San Bernard Street, Austin, Texas, (Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico). MIDWESTERN JURISDICTION-W. Alexander Smith, vice-president. Regional Directors— Julius C. Judkins, Jr., 240 Colonial Bldg., Richmond, Indiana (Ohio); Ollen B. Hinnant, Jr.. Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. (West Virginia, Kentucky); J. R. Lillard, 1414 E. 19th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, (Missouri, Wisconsin and Minn.); Lonnie Saunders, 6427 Vinewood Street, Detroit, Mich. (Michigan, Indiana). SOUTHERN JURISDICTION—Jacob R. Hender=icn, vice-president. Regional Directors—Leroy B. Frasier, 2111 Duncan Street, Durham, N. C. (North Carolina, South Carolina); T. J. Womack, Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee (Mississippi, Tennessee); M. G. Miles, Florida A. & M. College, Tallahassee, Florida, (Florida); H. Lovell Mosley, 1204 First Court West, Birmingham, Alabama, (Alabama). EASTERN JURISDICTION—Walter M. Booker, vice-president. Regional Directors—Gregory Swanson, Martinsville, Virginia, (Virginia); Frank J. Ellis, Baltimore, Maryland (Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia); An-

• i. u A 1 ^ Q C h a P t e r s a 1 1 o v e r *he nation are being asked to cooperate with the Human Relations Project of the NAACP. under coordinator Lillian Waring Webb. The purpose of the project is to discover, publicize, dramatize, and reward individuals and groups who have done the most to create good will in human relationships. Culmination of the project will come on December 10, 1953—Human Rights Day—when there will be Human Relations Award celebrations all over the nation. The NAACP is bearing all of the expenses of the campaign and giving a 20 per cent commission to members of Alpha Chapters and other Greek-letter group chapters who give their services to help raise funds for the great project in human good will. The campaign is being planned in such a way as not to conflict wi>h the local programs of NAACP branches. It is supplementing, not replacing, the NAACP's regular membership drives. Each Alpha chapter is asked to find out which of its members will cooperate with the drive as volunteer workers in the effort to dramatize "on earth peace, good will toward men." If the goal of 150,000 Greek letter organization members to endorse the campaign is reached, the project will have a far-reaching impact.

Curtailment In Education WASHINGTON, D . C.

-MERICAN cities spent less per school child last year than for either ol the two preceding years in terms of uniform purchasing power. This reduction occurred in the face of a rise of the nation's income after taxes of $5E per person. In announcing this decrease, Earl James McGrath, a U. S. Commissioner of Education, called the curtailment in education a shocking condition.


"The nation's need for responsible citizens in the crucial years ahead calls for the most effective education within our means," declared Dr. McGrath. "It must be provided now. We cannot afford a further reduction in educational standards in our public schools. The actual educational investment in each boy and girl attending school last year dropped by six dollars in terms of uniform purchasing power as shown in the Consumers Price Index, 1950-51 base."

Off cia









Incorporated NUMBER 3



The Nixon


_ E N A T O R R i c h a r d Nixon, the R e p u b l i c a n candidate for the vice-president, defended himself q u i t e ably, recently, on the question of the now famous " N i x o n fund." T h e Senator pointed out (a) that the fund was not secret; (b) that he did not use the money for personal luxuries; (c) that the money was not given in r e t u r n for favors which he could give the donors. T h e SPHINX does not consider that Senator Nixon is very different from the average congressman in having been willing to receive extra support (apparently used not for himself, b u t to finance the distribution of his writings on the question of C o m m u n i s m in government). Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that the Senator's defense of the fund does not touch the basic issue. T h e basic issue is not whether the Senator was thereby enabled to buy mink coats, or whether he was simply being patriotic in fighting communism. It is n o t whether the fund was secret, or whether he gave personal favors of some kind to the donors. T h e basic issue, rather, is this: does any senator have a right to accept sums of money from private groups while in office? It seems to the SPHINX that once a Senator does accept money, whether privately or for "a cause" such as fighting communism, he automatically has indebted himself to the donors. Banks, real estate men, and oil men do not give money to people for no reason: and since they unquestionably did have reasons for giving the money, they certainly expected some k i n d of gain in return. However innocent Senator Nixon's intentions may have been, he w o u l d have found it difficult to vote for legislation contrary to the interests of the m e n who provided the fund. T h e same condition applies to many other public officials. •



B R O T H E R S in Alpha Phi Alpha all over the world are requested to take heed of the effort exhibited by o u r national president for increasing o u r financial members. Alpha P h i Alpha cannot m a i n t a i n its position of leadership a n d its over-all esteem unless more financial aid is secured t h r o u g h the payment of national dues by delinquent brothers. It is with considerable regret that we find it necessary to plead, a n d to some extent p e r m i t o u r plight to be printed, b u t this remains possibly the only media where contact can be m a d e on a large scale with Alpha brothers. If you read this magazine a n d h a p p e n to know some brother who is delinquent, kindly show h i m your copy of the SPHINX a n d explain to h i m the embarrassing OCTOBER,




T h e Convention Call By A. Maceo Smith.


4 President

Cleveland Looks to "Red-Letter Day"


By Bro. Lowell Henry and lames l\. Scott From The General Secretary's Desk


Martin Weighs Platform " R i g h t s " Plank By Bro. Louis Martin


Fraternity F u n By Dr. O. Wilson

11 Winters

"Come O u t of Shell, Brothers" By William




A C H R H u m a n Rights Statement An Inherited N i g h t m a r e By Ollin B. Hinnant, Alphonso James E. Adams and Rupert

18 28 Davis. Seals

DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: November 6 Publication


1616 C h u r c h Street, Norfolk, V a . A d d r e s s all n e w s m a t t e r to Editor-in Chief: W. BARTON BEATTY, JR. Box 188, P h o e b u s , V a . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE — $2.00 PER YEAR Published four times a year, in February, May, October, and December. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Norfolk, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1102, Act of October 3, 1917. Individual chapters will be billed for cost of engraving pictures submitted and used.

position in which he is placing our noble fraternity. T h e great Reclamation drive will reach its climax at the Cleveland Convention, December 26-31, when tin regional vice-president showing the highest percentage of increase will be given an award at one of the public ceremonies. T h e vice-presidents have been designated as general chairmen for the drive in their respective regions. (Continued on Page 14) PAGE 1



Dear Greek: In view of the large number of persons expected to attend the 1952 Joint Convention and in order to insure that you will obtain accommodations of your choice, we urge that you send in your application for hotel accommodations AT ONCE. Please see also the blanks you are to fill out, on page 30 of this issue. R. MAXWELL RICHARDSON, Chairman Alpha Phi Alpha Housing and Registration 10518 Hampden Avenue Cleveland 8, Ohio

Very truly yours, RICHARD L. GUNN, Chairman of Housing Committee Phone, EX. 1-2300

HOTEL RATES IN CLEVELAND Single $4.00—$7.00 $3.50—RW $4.00—$7.00

ALLERTON HOTEL, 1802 E. 13th St.

Double $6.50 — $9.00

Twin Bedded $7.00 —$10.00 $5.50 — R W $8.50 — $9.50

AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 1315 E. 6th St. CARNEGIE HALL, 6803 Carnegie Ave. CARTER HOTEL, Prospect and E. 9th St. CLEVELAND HOTEL, Public Square

$4.00—$7.50 $4.50—$8.00

$6.00 -- $9.00 $4.00*- — $6.00 $6.00 -- $ 1 0 . 0 0 $7.00 -- $ 1 0 . 0 0

HOLLENDEN HOTEL, 610 Superior Ave.


$6.00 -- $ 1 2 . 0 0

$8.00 —$15.00

MAJESTIC HOTEL, 2291 E. 55th St. OLMSTED HOTEL, Superior and E. 9th St. STATLER HOTEL. Euclid and E. 12th St.

$3.75—$6.00 $4.50—$9.00

$3.00*- - $6.00 $6.50 -- $9.00 $7.50 -- $ 1 0 . 5 0

$7.50 — $9.50 $9.00 —$14.00

Suites $12.00—$20.00 $14.00—$20.00

$8.00 —$12.00 $10.00—$15.00

$20.00—$40.00 $18.00—$30.00 (Two Rooms) $32.00 up—(3 rooms) $15.00—$22.00 (Two Rooms) $26.00 up—<3 Rooms) $10.00—$15.00 $18.00—$26.00

LOUISE D. PERKINS, Director Cleveland Housing Bureau, 511 Terminal Tower—Cleveland 13, Ohio Please make hotel reservations noted below! (Please Print or Type) Hotel

1st choice


2nd choice


3rd choice

Check Accommodations Desired •

With twin beds for 2 persons

With single bed for 1 person**

Suites, 3 Rooms

• •

Suites, 2 Rooms

With double bed for 2 persons

Party (will) (will not) travel to Cleveland by Automobile? Rooms will be occupied: (Please designate persons sharing same rooms) Name City and State Arrival, Hour, Date

Departure Hour, Date


Organization and Chapter City



NOTE: — You will receive confirmation direct from the Housing Bureau. * Rooms without bath.


** Very scarce; please arrange for double occupancy of rooms if possible.


"Horn Tooting"—Or Realistic Planning? By J O H N P R E S T O N W A R D Lay Member, Executive Committee JL H E life expectancy of our fraternity grows steadily shorter while the self-satisfaction bred by a rich background of development into a new area of fraternity growth is yet with us. T h i s is to say, lest you believe that I am trying to create a verbal enigma, that having pioneered in the establishment of Negro fraternity has made many of us content to rest on the laurels won by our predecessors. I cannot be convinced that our fraternity will grow merely because of the prestige won in a bygone day. T h e progress which 1 thought could be accelerated by a dynamic group such as f pictured when 1 contemplated affiliation has not been a dream fully realized in the fraternity of which I am willingly a n d gladly a part. But since I am an optimist by nature, I have n o t h i n g but hope for a brighter future for Alpha. I am a

realist, enough, however, to admit that tomorrow will be better only if we sacrifice today in order to build for that tomorrow about which we dream. 1 place these as some of the musts which you and 1 have before us il our fraternity is to survive and grow to be an even more potent institution for h u m a n betterment in years to come: 1. Undergraduate chapters must have aid sufficient to make them adequate competitors with rival groups on the campuses where they are located. This means not only facilities, but active recruiting from among men about to enter college from large urban areas in which Alphas are now seemingly prone to remain passive while others proselytize the cream of the crop into rival fraternal organizations. 2. Undergraduate chapters must take the lead in keeping brothers in the fraternal fold after they leave school by forming strong alumni organizations and having news letters or other regular mailing pieces constantly going out to those initiated through that particular chapter. There is nothing like a letter straight from home to keep home on the mind of a son who might go

CONVENTION PLANNERS National President A. Maceo Smith is having something to say. it seems, about Alpha's part in the Cleveland A.C.H.R. Convention. OCTOBER,


astray were his remembrance of it not often and adequately reinforced. This job of communication is not one which the Sphinx or any other printed matter less personalized than a communique from a man's original chapter can do. 3. The national program of the fraternity, already strong on paper, must be made more than talk—a thing which only money, commensurate with the tremendous task the general organization must do, can bring about. Unless first-class chapter houses appear in the near future on numerous campuses throughout the nation, chapters on those campuses will be matters of record only for the fraternity's historian. Worthwhile and plentiful scholarships, fellowships, and student loans must be offered as incentives for those among our ranks to continue their scholastic progress—and for those who look to the fraternity as more than just social contacts during and after college life, otherwise, I am afraid that we will wind up with a first-rate history book as we face a second-rate future. The weaknesses within our fraternity that are impeding the speed with which we progress are not localized. (Continued on Inside Back Cover)

Other convention planners at the table with him are National Comptroller Kermit J, Hall. left, and Lowell Henry, president of Cleveland's Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter. PAGE 3

*7&e (faweatttot

Cleveland Looks to

@OJU- '52 "Red-Letter

ROTHERS: O n e a m o n g the many duties delegated to the General President of the Alpha P h i Alpha Fraternity Inc. is that of issuing art official call for the convening of the a n n u a l sessions of t h e Fraternity. It is with great humility a n d pride that I, A. Macco Smith, General President of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., a n n o u n c e t h e convening of t h e Thirty-seventh Annual Convention of the Alpha P h i Alpha Fraternity in the City of Cleveland, O h i o . December 26-30, for t h e dispatching of any a n d all business that may be brought before the Convention in accordance with the Constitution a n d By-Laws of the Alpha P h i Alpha Fraternity. In this my first call as General President to you, my Brothers in Alpha, I am painfull) reminded of the chaotic conditions of the world thai confront us. We are all aware that technological progress in transportation a n d communication makes for a smaller world. W e are now neighbors with all peoples in the truest sense of t h e word. It is becoming imperative that we must find some solution to o u r social, political a n d economic problems other than t h r o u g h war. In view of these facts we must all pray, think a n d strive for a world where o n e is n o t identified as white, black, o r yellow, b u t as a man. I point u p these disturbing conditions, not because you are n o t already aware of them, b u t to sharpen your wits a n d to cause you to think more clearly of the lines that were written by Sherwood Eddy following W o r l d W a r I. T h e s e same lines are strikingly true today: " T h e saddest thing is n o t that some ten million of o u r best men are dead, that the world is impoverished, victimized, embittered by hate, rent by suspicion a n d fear. It is that we have settled nothing, made n o t h i n g sale, achieved n o lasting good." But, in spite of this dark picture, I d o feel certain that we as Alpha m e n can, as o u r founders did, find a way to work for a better world, a better nation, a n d a belter Fraternity. I n this, let us fail not. O u r s is a call to meet t h e challenge a n d show leadership in o u r efforts to see that right a n d justice prevail in all areas of the globe. I herewith direct a n d empower the General Secretary a n d the c h a i r m a n of the General C o n v e n t i o n Committee to inform each C h a p t e r of the details pertinent to holding this o u r Thirty-seventh A n n u a l Convention.

A. M A C E O S M I T H , General


GETTING THINGS READY "Top brass" completing arrangements for the October Southwest Regional . . Left to right: Tolly W. Harris. Regional Vice-President L. H. Williams. Regional Director Wayne Chandler.



By B R O . L O W E L L H E N R Y AND J A M E S E. S C O T T Co-Chairmen,





L E V E L A N D looks forward to a red-letter day in the history of Greekletter organizations. Plans are moving ahead for the conventions of the m e m b e r groups of the American Council on H u m a n Rights here during the Christmas holidays. T h e downtown hotels a n d showplaces of Cleveland have long since been engaged. T h e Ballroom facilities of the Allerton a n d H o l l e n d e n Hotels will be utilized as meeting places for the various sororities. T h e Public A u d i t o r i u m is available for the meetings of the fraternities. T h e A C H R J o i n t Convention is o n e of the most significant events in the history of Greek-letter societies. T h e major objectives of the Cleveland project a r e : (a) T o stimulate interest a m o n g the rank a n d file m e m b e r s h i p in the need for active support for the entire program of the American Council on H u m a n Rights. (b) T o demonstrate the willingness and ability of Greek-letter members to fight effectively for equality a n d justice for all. (c) T o further the principle of cooperation for specific goals between the six Greek-letter societies. (d) T o provide the first large-scale o p p o r t u n i t y for m u t u a l acquaintanceship a n d fraternization between the members of these great organizations. T w o o u t s t a n d i n g bands have been engaged for a m a m m o t h all fraternity-all sorority dance, displaying t h e various coats of arms a n d individual sorority-fraternity decorations in the m a i n arena of the Public A u d i t o r i u m . An All-Greek 'Closed' Dance, a n d the traditional b a n q u e t s will a d d zest to the social calendar. O n Sunday, December 27, the American Council o n H u m a n Rights will cite internationally p r o m i n e n t personages, o n e of w h o m will address the convention in its master public meeting. T h e following Monday, December 28, members of all sororities a n d fraternities will convene in a business meeting of the American Council on H u m a n Rights. I n this meeting it is hoped that each m e m b e r will come to u n d e r s t a n d fully t h e accomplishments (Continued on Page 31) T H E SPHINX

October 2>



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7 ^ ^ t&e (fateiat Secn&tcvuf & 0De4,& , T L eyes are looking towards Cleveland for Christmas. T h e biggest and best Alpha Convention ever held is being p l a n n e d by the brothers of Delta Alpha L a m b d a and Pi chapters. T h i s year o u r convention is being held jointly with five other Greek letter organizations窶馬amely, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delia Sigma T h e t a Sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Sigma G a m m a R h o Sorority and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Each organization is holding its own convention, but on Sunday all of the groups forming The American Council on H u m a n Rights will meet in a public meeting in the city auditorium. Plan now, each of you, to be certain that your chapter is represented. Let us t u r n out in full strength to show that Alphti is first of nil. Registration and Housing O n May 15, 1952 this office sent to all chapters registration and housing forms to be completed and sent in. T o date very few have done this; please vend now all housing forms to: Louise D. Perkins, Director Cleveland Housing Bureau 511 T e r m i n a l T o w e r Cleveland 13, O h i o Send registration forms to: R. Maxwell Richardson 10518 H a m p d e n Avenue Cleveland 8, O h i o T h e s e forms are being reproduced elsewhere in this issue for your information and use if need be.

T h r e e important a n n o u n c e m e n t s were sent to all chapters on September 3, 1952. T h e y are: (1) Official a n n o u n c e m e n t of the time and place of the 1952 General Convention. December 26-30, 1952, Cleveland, O h i o . (2) Notice of constitutional amendments due in the office of the General Secretary 60 days before the General Convention. (3) Notice of chapter constitutions and by-laws to be presented to the General Convention every two years. Employment T h i s office has been successful in placing two brothers in employment this summer. If you have any information about j o b openings, or if you are in need of information concerning job placement, please get in touch with us. Scholarship Congratulations to the brothers of G a m m a Eta chapter, Indiana University and G a m m a T a u chapter, Michigan State College for their very high academic rating. G a m m a Eta ranked n u m b e r one of all fraternities on I n d i a n a University's campus. Scholarships T h i s year 50 young people, -18 white a n d two Negro, were the recipients of Danforth Scholarships ranging from $500.00 to $2,400.00. It is* our thinking that more of o u r young men should try for this high honor: therefore we are listing the conditions for your consideration: 1. T h e applicant must be under 35.

2. H e must be a senior without having begun graduate work. 3. H e must have a high academic record. 4. T h e candidate must be highly recommended by the dean, head of his d e p a r t m e n t , teachers and pastor. 5. T h e applicant must be p l a n n i n g to teach in a college as a life's career. 6. He must submit a brief essay setting forth his religious views and how he hopes to relate these in his teaching and his everyday living. T h i s is important, says Dr. Benjamin Mays, because the committee feels that it often happens that the most influential teacher on a college campus is not necessarily a m a n trained in religion but a man trained in economics or science or some other field but w h o has a profound appreciation for religion and religious values. Pass this information on so that we can have more of o u r young men try for these scholarships. For further information on this subject write to: Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia Citizenship Program In step with many zations, Alpha Phi nounced that it will out effort to educate

national organiAlpha has ansponsor an allcitizens on the

(Continued on Page 8)

YOUR CONVENTION HOSTS Presenting your Alpha Convention hosts: the Delta Alpha Lambda Alpha. Inc. They've been getting things ready for you a long time. graduate chapter and the Pi undergraduate chapter of Alpha Phi Needless to say. they'll be disappointed if they aren't S W A M P E D !




Or, ii you feel less grammatical, "them's the ones." Anybody who didn't get into this picture, at the Southern Regional, was

out of luck, because it's the Oificial Conference shot—all?? of them . . . well, you count 'em. Scattered through the issue, you'll find conference activity pictures.

Martin Weighs Platform "Rights" Planks By B R O T H E R L O U I S M A R T I N President, NNPA; Editor, Chicago Defender; Publisher, Mulligan Chronicle. H I S is being written on Labor T. Day, the generally accepted starting date for the presidential sweepstakes. Brother Beattv has asked me to "weigh the merits" of the Republican and Democratic sides a n d lie "objective." Since it is manifestly impossible for me to be objective because of my long association with Democrats, I shall at least try to be factual. Measuring both Eisenhower a n d Stevenson by the yardstick of civil rights, an issue close to our hearts, the facts seem to be somewhat as follows: Both candidates say they are against racial prejudice a n d racial discrimination. Everybody, of course, is against sin. What They Say T o date, Ike does not favor a federal F E P C a n d Stevenson states h e does, providing the states fail to act o n the problem. Stevenson says he OCTOBER,


favors majority rule in the Senate to stop filibusters. Ike says n o t h i n g on this thus far. T h e two candidates differ markedly in the lengths they would go to use federal power against racial discrimination, a n d Stevenson apparently will go further than Ike. T h e vice-presidential candidates, Nixon ami Sparkman, both have voting records against civil rights which almost cancel out each other. Sparkman savs he stands with Stevenson on civil rights and Nixon says he's a liar or words to that effect. It can be "objectively" stated that the civil rights provisions in the Republican platform are less specific and less acceptable to the majority of Negroes than the Democratic counterpart. T h e candidates are at liberty, of course, to interpret the planks as they see fit. T h e G O P plank probably calls for far more interpreting than that of the Democrats, the language being what it is. They All Can Count Statistically, the registered Democrats are today more n u m e r o u s t h a n registered Republicans. The GOP

chose Ike because of his assumed appeal to independents. It is conceded, however, that Stevenson is not without attraction to independents also. Both parties have dissentients to plague them. T h e Democrats have to worry a b o u t Dixiecrats, and the Republicans have to worry about their brethren who wanted Taft to top the ticket. T h e r e were in 1950, according to the Bureau of the Census, 8,653,310 Negroes of voting age in the U n i t e d States. Of these, only 2,500000 are registered in the N o r t h a n d 1,200,000 in the South. If the current registration a n d vote drives enable Negroes to vote their full political potential in November, civil rights legislation will pass in the next Congress no matter w h o gets in the W h i t e House. Congress passes all the laws a n d the m e m b e r h i p there is very sensitive to the ballot box. A big Negro vote across the nation will not be ignored by members of either party. T h e r e may be, as some critics suggested, a lot of d u m b candidates in both parties—but of one t h i n g we can be sure: all of them can count. PAGE 7

Party Platforms on Civil Rights in 1952 REPUBLICAN (Adopted

July 10, 1952 at Chicago, Illinois)

We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is unAmerican and a danger to the Republic. We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office a s a majority party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises. The Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of federal laws relating to their civil rights. We believe that it is the primary responsibility of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to o p p o s e discrimination against race, religion or national origin. We will prove our good faith by: Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government. Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Federal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting. Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia. Enacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy. DEMOCRATIC (Adopted July 23, 1952 at Chicago, Illinois)

In order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, we urge that action be taken at the beginning of the 83rd Congress to improve Congressional procedures so that majority rule prevail and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House. CIVIL RIGHTS

The Democratic Party is committed to support and advance the individual rights and liberties of all Americans. Our country is founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. This means that all citizens are equal before the law and should enjoy equal political rights. They should have equal opportunities for education, for economic advancement, and for decent living conditions. We will continue our efforts to eradicate discrimination bas-

From the General Secretary's Desk (Continued from Page 6)

Congratulations to:

importance of exercising the right to vote. Brother Milton S. J. Wright, Director of Educational Activities, is preparing information for all chapters to be used in pushing this program forward.

. . . Brother Matthew W. Clair, on being elected Bishop in the Methodist Church. Brother Clair, former pastor of St. Mark's Methodist Church, Chicago, is in charge of the St. Louis area. . . . Brother George W. Gore, Jr.,


ed on race, religion, or national origin. We know this task requires action, not just in one section of the Nation, but in all sections. It requires the cooperative efforts of individual citizens and action by state and local governments. It also requires federal action. The Federal Government must live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and must exercise the powers vested in it by the Constitution. We are proud of the progress that has been made in securing equality of treatment and opportunity in the Nation's armed forces and the civil service and all areas under federal jurisdiction. The Department of Justice has taken an important part in successfully arguing in the courts for the elimination of many illegal discriminations, including those involving rights to own and use real property, to engage in gainful occupations and to enroll in publicly supported higher educational institutions. We are determined that the Federal Government shall continue such policies. At the same rime, we favor Federal legislation effectively to secure these rights to everyone: (1) the right to equal opportunity for employment; (2) the right to security of persons; (3) the right to full and equal participation in the Nation's political life, free from arbitrary restraints. We also favor legislation to perfect existing federal civil rights statutes and to strengthen the administrative machinery for the protection of civil rights.

President of Florida A. and M. College, on being elected vice-president of the National Education Association. . . . Brother Richard V. Moore, President of Bethune-Cookman College, for working out a unique special program for 25 faculty members of his college at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. THE SPHINX

Dr. Posey Selected For MSA Position • R O T H E R T h o m a s Edward Posey, professor of economics at the West Virginia State College, has been appointed by the Mutual Security Agency to the post of economic adviser to the Scientific and Technical Economic Mission to Burma. His duties include studies of labor activities in Burma, in cooperation with the Office of Labor Advisers, MSA. Dr. Posey's book, " T h e Negro Citizen of West Virginia," and his Ph.D. thesis, " T h e Labor Movement in West Virginia," reflect his major interest a n d activities—the Negro, Labor, and West Virginia. Varied Memberships For his contributions to the social a n d economic welfare of West Virginia, he has been h o n o r e d by his present membership on the West Virginia P l a n n i n g Commission a n d the State Democratic Platform Committee a n d by election to the presidency of the Charleston Business a n d Professional Men's C l u b . Dr. Posey's interest and activities in labor-management relations and in worker education began in Syracuse University, where he got his A. B. in 1923 a n d ' h i s M. A. in 192fi, and cont i n u e d in the University of Wisconsin, where he got his doctorate in 1949 in economics, history, and political science. H e was a General Education Board Fellow in economics a n d labor at O h i o State University in 193.5-36, a n d a Rosenwald Fellow in economics, labor, a n d monetary theory at the University of Wisconsin in 1945-46. Theory to Practice T u r n i n g theory into practice, Dr. Posey has contributed time and effort to development of workers education programs in accordance with the views set forth in 1949 in the J o u r n a l of Negro Education, " W o r k e r Education, a Challenge to Negro Colleges." For many years he lectured at the University of Wisconsin School for Workers on labor history, labor legislation, and collective bargaining. His work has kept him in close contact with the C I O , the AFL, a n d the U n i t e d Mine Workers. For the past year, D r . Posey has been on leave from the college in order to work with the Wage Stabilization Board, in Washington, D. C. as supervisory industrial relations analyst. Brother Posey was b o r n in Washington, D. C. OCTOBER,


LEADING LADIES Capably leading the Cleveland Alpha Wives as they help prepare for Alpha's part in the six-fold Cleveland convention (his December are the officers of the group. Seated: Mrs. Beulah Walker, treasurer; Mrs. Marguerite Graves, president; Mrs. Irene Henderson, corresponding secretary. Standing: Mrs. Byrdesta Robinson, recording secretary; Mrs. Helen Morris, vice-president.

AMONG CLEVELAND HOSTESSES These Cleveland misses are among those who'll be on hand to welcome the single contingent of Alphas during the holidays. Seated is Miss Eve Tyler, with the Misses Judy Jackson and Yvonne McGoodwin standing left to right, respectively . . . We can hear the boys counting their "traveling change" already!


John Preston Ward's Record Real Target for Luckier Alphas O H N Preston W a r d , Midwestern lay m e m b e r of the Executive Committee from the University of Ind ana, not long ago was given special attention in the Louisville Times and other newspapers as "probably the best known student on the Indiana campus." Ward's honors, the Times pointed out in a special article, range from m e m b e r s h i p in Phi Beta Kappa scholastic societv to tenure as ( h i e ! justice of the I. U. Student Supreme Court. H e recently won the $6,300 Root-Tilden Scholarship to the New York University School of Law. " W h a t makes W a r d ' s story really u n u s u a l . " declares the Times, "is that this 22-year-old I. LJ. senior from Marion. Indiana, has been blind since birth." $2,100 Scholarship W a r d ' s scholarship will bring him $2,100 for each of the next three years while he is earning his LL.B. degree.

Meantime, this amazing Alpha brothel plans to spend his summers at I. I', working toward a Ph.D. degree in government—the same subjec t he studied for his B. A. degree, which he received in [line. At Indiana, Ward carted off most of the honors available to him. Hewas one of 11 students appointed by President H e r m a n B. Wells to the faculty-student relations committee a n d was a m e m b e r of the Board of Aeons, high student tribunal serving as a liaison between the president and the student body.

H e has held a William Lowe Bryan scholarship, and prior to his election as Chief Justice of the campus Supreme Court, he was a m e m b e r of the Student Senate. For two years he has been on the student foundation committee, and he was treasurer of the (Continued on Page 32)

THE PUN IS AWFUL. BUT— The Misses Gloria Jones. Vera McWhi'e. and Gloria Clark, are set to give good Alphas irom all over the country a "Vera Glorias" welcome. The pun is. of course, worth at least two groans, the ladies (pictured left to right, as usual) worth at least three hearty hurrahs. They are—need we mention it—Alpha Sweethearts.




Student Senator, Too

West Head At Meharry I R O T H E R H a r o l d D. West recently became a m e m b e r of the circle of Alphas who head institutions of higher learning when h e was m a d e President of Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. An a l u m n u s of the University of Illinois, where he received his Bachelor's, Masters, a n d Doctorate Degrees in Bio-Chemistry, Dr. West has created for himself international respect both as a teacher a n d scientific investigator. H e has to his credit publications in at least 13 leading scientific journals a n d is one of die two members of color of the American Society of Biological Chemists. In addition President West holds membership in Sigma Xi, Kappa Pi. T h e American Society of Biological Chemists, American Chemical Society for Experimental Biology a n d Medicine, the American Federation for Clinical Research, the New York Academy of Science, the National Institute of Science, T h e Division of Higher Education of the National Education Association, and the American .Association of University Professors. Prior to his a p p o i n t m e n t to his present post, Dr. West served as Professor of Biochemistry at Meharry a n d as Professor of Chemistry and head of the D e p a r t m e n t of Science at Morris Brown College. Brother West is listed in American Men of Science, World Who's Who, Who's Who in American Educalio7i a n d Who's Who in Colored America. —BRO. C O L A K. N E W S O M E


Waynes '51 -'52 Year Successful

D R . O. W I L S O N W I N T E R S ,


DETROIT, Michigan

O L L O W I N G a fortnight of s l e e p ness nights and testing days, the annual "Deskadesis" brought to a dramatic climax one of Alpha Upsilon's most successful years. Held on June IS, 1952 at Dairyman's Hall, the gala affair followed a champagne party at the Alpha House. Miss Maxine Lewis, Wayne University co-ed, was selected from a talented a n d attractive court as Alpha Q u e e n of 1952-53. T h e members of her coUrt include ihe Misses Shirley Gillespie, J a n e Carson, Gloria \lexander, Gloria Meyers, Arthuree feter and Geraldine Westbrooks. Queen and Court T h e gracious Queen a n d her court were presented Sweetheart Pins as a token of the Fraternity's pride in their selection. Achievement Awards were presented at the c h a m p a g n e party to those brothers who, as officers and committee heads, made outstanding contributions to the chapter d u r i n g the past year. President Jerry L. Blocker presented the certificates. A Breakfast Party at the Virginia Style Breakfast C l u b concluded the evening of activity. U n d e r the leadership of a progressive administration, interest a n d participation in chapter activities increased considerably. T h e Reclamation Program was made easier by a h a r d working active participation by all brothers on various committees. T h e SPHINX C l u b , u n d e r the leadership of Brother Hayes Dabnev, made great progress d u r i n g the past year in fraternal civic affairs. The Hot Sands Braving the hot sands treaded u p o n by their former lords, the following were initiated into Alpha Upsilon on May 23, 1952: Gilbert Maddox, Jesse T o l b e r t , Grady Williams, Gerald Goldsby, L e o n a r d Ellison, R o b e r t Ellison, Roy Lamarr, a n d Clinton Isom. A b a n q u e t was held at the Alpha House in their honor. Officers elected for the 1952-53 academic year are as follows: Jerry Blocker, president; William Reeves, vicepresident; Grady Williams, recording secretary; R i c h a r d Brown, corresponding secretary; N o r m a n G r u b b s , treasurer; Jack Maddox, financial secretary; Lynn Hooe, p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; N o r t o n Spencer, sergeant at arms; and Jesse Goodwin, SPHINX associate editor.






What's in a muni? A rose by any other n a m e w o u l d smell as sweet. A Mephitis Mustelidoe reduced to its least common d e n o m i n a t o r would still be a skunk. T h e colonel's lady a n d J u d y O'Gray arc sisters next to the skin. Year after year, issue after issue, column after column I have mentioned the names of famous Alpha men, celebrities who create, govern, and promote the expanding affairs of Alpha Phi Alpha. I have expatiated on die virtues of the past and present affairs, 1 have promulgated the activities of the men who are perpetual convention figures, I have lampooned and satirized the lollies and foibles a r o u n d which the vignettes of fraternal life revolve. But in characteristic Shakespearean inquisitiveness I find myself thinking of the thousands of unheralded Alpha men when I ask: What's in a name? Looking in the Alpha directory and selecting at random two names that help make a composite of Alpha membership, men from opposite areas in the nation, we see J. Leslie Patton, Alpha Sigma L a m b d a Chapter, Dallas, Texas, a n d William P. Johnson, Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter, Suffolk, Virginia; two good DR. O. WILSON WINTERS Alpha brothers adding their names a n d their lives to the lustre and glory of Alpha. Are they married or single? W h a t did they do this summer? W h e r e did they spend their vacations? Do they ever read this column? Can they take a joke? / don't know. Brothers P a t t o n a n d J o h n s o n , being normal college men, but above the average, may have heard the story about the three octogenarians w h o were asked with whom they'd like to be buried. " J o h n D. Rockefeller," said the first. " H e not only made fortunes, b u t he gave them away" . . . "Franklin D. Roosevelt," said the second. " H e was one of the greatest Presidents of all times" . . . T h e third old m a n said, "My choice is Lana T u r n e r " . . . " B u t Lana T u r n e r isn't dead yet," pointed out the questioner . . . "I know," was the answer. "Neither am I." Have they heard about the wife who said, " W h y d o you go out on the front porch when I sing?" . . . " D o n ' t you like my singing?" T h e husband said, " O h , I just d o n ' i want the neighbors to think I'm beating you." Do they want contentment? . . . G o out t o the Arizona desert and live like a hermit. W h e n you've been out there a few years you will find yourself talking to yourself. After a few more years you will find yourself talking to lizards. T h e n in another couple of years you will find the lizards talking to you. Perhaps they want to cure a nervous breakdown . . . Go u p to the' C a n a d i a n wilderness, take an old I n d i a n squaw along as guide and camp cook. Rest, relax, fish, a n d sleep. Eventually your strength a n d health will return. O n e day you will be entirely well. H o w will you know? W h e n the old I n d i a n Squaw begins to look like Lena H o m e Boy you're well! Come on home! Shakespeare did not say that . . . "Flattery is the thinnest thing in the world . . . a n d the hardest to see t h r o u g h . " "Isn't it peculiar that money talks and talks . . . b u t never gives itself away?" (Continued on Page 14) P A G E 11

CLEVELAND'S ALPHA WIVES Playing an important part behind the scenes—and on the scenes, (Mrs. Rudolph) Henderson. Middle row. seated: Ethel (Mrs. Dan) too. when the time comes for the Christmas convention—are CleveStewart, Martha (Mrs. Joseph) Fowler, Beulah (Mrs. Melvin) Walker, land's Alpha Wives. They'll be hostesses from 2 to 4 p. m. on Leota 'Mrs. Thornton) Greene. Barbara (Mrs. Carl) Richards. Cleo Saturday. December 27, to visiting Alpha ladies at a "Leisure (Mrs. David) Beasley, Marilyn (Mrs. Arthur) Vance, Christine (Mrs. Walter) Branche, Geraldine (Mrs. Robert) Decatur. Standing: Hour." in the Coral Suite of the Hotel Hollenden. Program: cards, Lillian (Mrs. Edmund) Casey, Edna (Mrs. Ross) Pearley, Cleota with prizes; refreshments; visiting. Planning Committee led by (Mrs. David) Mitchell. Marguerite J. (Mrs. Clifford) Graves. Dorothy Christine (Mrs. Walter) Branche and Wini (Mrs. Middleton) Lam(Mrs. Alexander, Jr.) Martin, Lillian (Mrs. R. M.) Richardson. Hazel bright, with assistance of Marguerite (Mrs. Clifford) Graves, presi(Mrs. Harold) Barnett, Alice (Mrs. Harry) Lee, Byrdesta (Mrs. dent of the group . . . In the picture, seated on floor, left to right, Henry) Robinson. Helen (Mrs. James) Morris, Rosalie (Mrs. William) Spencer. Irene

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By WILLIAM F. McKINNEY, Director HE work of a Public Relations Committee is to better acquaint its public with the objectives and operations of the institution it is serving. When I use the term "public," I am thinking not in the general usage of the word but in terms of specific groups—in our case, the delinquent Brothers of the Fraternity; the prospective Neophytes, the communities in which the various chapters are located. The Public Relations Committee of the Fraternity, as appointed by General President A. Maceo Smith, with its chairman and 12 members loPAGE 12


cated in all sections of the nation, is attempting through publicity and assistance in sponsoring programs and projects to reach two publics in particular with the Alpha message—the delinquent Brothers and prospective Neophytes. Too long have we drawn ourselves as a Fraternity into a shell and muttered, "First of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all." The Public Relations Committee believes it is time for us to come out of our shell and proclaim by words and deeds that we are,' "First of all, servants of all," and that we do "transcend all." It is the purpose of the public rela(Continued on Page 31)

BROTHER LOWELL HENRY President of Delta Alpha Lambda


Ljou *2rn

(^.levelancl THE SPHINX

ALABAMA ALPHAS Ca hcrsd on the campus of Alabama State College are the brothers c'. 2c>-. Upsi'cn. Kneeling. left to right: Amos Leonard, Willie E. J n ? s , Francis B. Andry. John T. Porter, Charles R. Smoot, William M r'97. Marvin McCurtis. William Stanford. Spencer Thomas, Rut-

land Hodges, Eugene Hudson, Carrell Cargle. Standing: Charles Harbert, James Graham. George Harris. Thomas Odum. Louis Fomby, Alfred Young, William Beavers, John Parker, Willie Neely. Not pictured are Brothers Fred Carter. Roy Bell. Ashton Donatio. (Tablet in front)

AT THE SHERATON CADILLAC Ths Alpha Phi Alpha Spring Formal at Detroit's exclusive Sheraton Cadillac Hotel is the scene as the camera catches cm informal Alpha group. Left to right, on the sofa. Mrs. Marie Mitchell,

George Taylor, Mrs. Paul Boswell, Mrs. Maurice Houston (on arm of sofa), Mrs. Ramon Scruggs. Left to right, standing: Ramon Scruggs, Maurice Houston, Mrs. William Lawson. William Lawson. Dr. Paul Boswell. W. Barton Beatty, Jr.



About Reclamation (Continued from Page 1) Through the month of July, General President A. Maceo Smith has announced the Eastern Region under Vice-President M. Booker, of Howard University, was leading with the Southern Region, headed by VicePresident Jacob R. Henderson, running a very close second. If Alpha is to double its financial membership during this year, as the members would like to do, it must reclaim approximately 5,000 delinquent brothers. The action taken by the Denver chapters regarding brothers in financial arrears may be of interest to other chapters as they go down the home stretch in the Reclamation drive. Both the graduate and the undergraduate chapters there were concerned with this question: "Shall delinquent brothers who are being 'reclaimed' be required to pay the full chapter budget for 1952?" By voluntary action, both chapters agreed to prorate their chapter budgets for the year, thus allowing the delinquents to return to membership by paying one-half of the 1952 chapter budget, plus reinstatement fee and Grand Tax. For the Reclamation drive to succeed, General President Smith has been emphasizing all year, each of the financial brothers of the Fraternity must "act as a committee of one" to see that all delinquent brothers are personally encouraged to return to the fold. Other major financial objective of President Smith's administration has been a sound financial plan to assist

Brother Henry L. Williams, Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter, Cleveland, is working hard ior your entertainment.


All Alpha Aid Asked! What's a Life Member? It's an Alpha who's decided he will "go the second mile." In other words, it's a Brother who's really a Brother—one who's being realistic and generous in his devotion to Alpha by contributing enough to gain a Life Membership. Once he's done it, say the deservedly lucky gentlemen on the list which follows, he has a clear conscience, no nagging worries about obligations to his Fraternity, and a feeling of confidence and pride in his relationship to the group he loves. The SPHINX is proud to present the most recently available list of LIFE MEMBERS Calvin L. McKissack—Nashville, S. S. Booker—Youngstown, Ohio Tenn. Henry Allen Boyd—Nashville, Tenn. Isaiah L. Moore—Nashville, Tenn. Lewis L. Burrell—Buffalo, N. Y. Leroy P. Morris—Atlantic City, N. J. Robert W. Butler—Jacksonville, Fla. Frederick E. Murray—Atlantic City, C. Morris Cain—Atlantic City, N. J. Jesse S. Chandler—Muskogee, Okla. N.J. Robert P. Daniel—Petersburg, Va. Lionel L. Newsom—St. Louis, Mo. Walter G. Daniel—Washington, D. C. Robers E. Randall—Willow Run, Frankie Dee—New York, N. Y. Mich. Meredith G. Ferguson—Nashville, John C. Rawls—Prairie View, Tex. Granthan Simpson—Charlotte, N. C. Tenn. J. Garrick Hardy—Montgomery, Ala. Frank L. Stanley—Louisville, Ky. Harold D. Taylor—Philadelphia. Pa. John C. Harlan—Atlantic City, N. J. A. M. Townsend—Nashville, Tenn. Wesley Hicks—Buffalo. N. Y. Charles H. Wesley—Wilberforce, Edward L. James—Institute, W. Va. Ohio Walter F. Jerrick—Philadelphia, Pa. O. Wilson Winters—Norristown, Pa. Sidney A. Jones, Jr.—Chicago, 111. E. Shepard Wright—Winston-Salem, Rayford W. Logan—Howard Univ. Burt A. Mayberry—Kansas City, Mo. N. C. chapters in financing frat houses, This objective is reported to be on the way to accomplishment under the

leadership of a Housing Committee headed by Dr. William H. Benson and Dr. Henry Allen Boyd.

FRATERNITY FUN (Continued from Page 11) "It was a smart husband who bought his wife such exquisite china she wouldn't let him dry the dishes." "Every father believes in heredity until his children start acting like fools." Now let's take Brother Patton and Brother Johnson again. I mean, let us discuss our Shakespearean cynosures again. I wonder what kind of fellows they are. Are they active, always financial and ever present chapter meeting brothers? Why haven't I seen them and others of you at conventions? If they are married, what would their wives' names be? Starting with the world's first woman; perhaps it is Eve, or Hagar, or Mary, or Delilah, or Jezebel, or any other Biblical name. Am I warm, brothers? Do they have any children? Any babies? Have they heard of the Diamond Diaper Diagram? If you have a baby, imagine you are on a baseball diamond. Place the baby face up on the pitcher's mound with the right leg pointing toward home team dugout and the left leg toward the visiting team's dugout. The right arm should point toward third base and the left arm toward first base. The head will then be pointing toward second base. Take what would be equivalent to the tarpaulin which covers the field, fold it in the center at an angle of 45 degrees with the apex pointing toward home plate; bring the outer edges toward the pitcher's mound, meeting the other apices. With the three apices tied in a knot, with the mound-touching area of the baby's anatomy ensconced within the folds previously made. Three strikes may be made, several fouls and four bawls may be heard, but all other baseball con(Continued on Page 19) THE SPHINX

CONVENTION COKES The Coca-Cola hospitality suite in the Lord Calvert Hotel is the setting as Brother Moss H. Kendrix (right foreground) Washington. D. C. public relations specialist and Atlanta Coca-Cola representative. plays host to Conventioners. General President Smith

toasts the host in the presence of a feminine contingent including (left to right) Atlanta's Miss Hall. Savannah's Mrs. A. E. Bertrand, and Mrs. L. H. Burney and Mrs. J. R. Henderson, both of Atlanta. Brothers, standing left to right: Andrew Lewis. Atlanta; VicePresident Henderson, Bertrand. Burney, Collier.

Southern Regional Meetings Bring Renewed 'Spirit of Unity' By WILLIAM A. FOWLKES, JR. ATLANTA, Georgia _ OUTHERN Regional Vice President Jacob R. Henderson, of Atlanta, reports a renewed spirit of unity and Alpha fraternalism throughout his jurisdiction. The spirit of unity seems to have developed following election of the new national slate of officers, with their new program and expressed determination to get down to the serious business and ideals of the fraternity. Throughout the Southern Region there has been noted a desire to make the Fraternity Reclamation Program an outstanding success this Fall. The Spring Regional in Miami, Florida, April 11-12-13, showed this objective OCTOBER, 1952

to get the "lost brothers" back into the active Alpha fold. The Miami convention, with Beta Beta Lambda chapter as host, was an outstanding success. President Charles L. Williams and the Florida brethren left no stones unturned in welcoming delegates and visitors to the famous resort area and in seeing that their stay was profitable and pleasant. Mayor Chelsie J. Senerchia and Chief of Police W. E. Headley joined in official greetings of welcome. W. C. Cogdell, assistant supervisor of Dade County schools, was chairman of the general planning committee. Highlights Listed Convention highlights included the addresses by General President A. Ma-

ceo Smith, of Dallas, Texas, and Dr. George W. Gore, president of Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee. A play, "The Pride of Our Hearts," presented by Beta Nu Chapter, was a well received event. Vice President Henderson set forth the convention theme and objectives, which were well received by the brethren and incorporated into the proceedings of the body. The convention theme, "Political Action a Must," was well discussed by panels of distinguished brothers. Resolutions passed by the conferees called for the appointment by the regional vice-president of directors of each state to call conferences of Alpha chapters; strengthening of the National Constitution on definition of duties and line of authority of top national officers; and limitation of tenure of office on the national level. The Southern Region also resolved to turn (Continued on Page 31) PAGE 15

• I

Here's the Midwest Convention, panorama-style . . . (1) Brother Maceo Hill is in rare form a s he directs the hymn at the prom . . . (2) Brother James C. Evans is a s witty and eloquent a s ever a s he l e a d s the Brothers to the fountains of youth, inspiration and k n o w l e d g e at the banquet . . . (3) The Kentucky delegation p o s e s with Vice-President W. A. Smith. Cramon Meyer. Julius Swafford. Ollin Hinnant. Jr.. and Phillip Brooks . . . (4) Feminine Charm of West Virginia style g r a c e s the prom: Miss Loretta


Webster, Mesdames Olivia Canady. Mary Bramer and Helen Davis . . . (5) Surprised with a Hamilton Watch Past General President H. L. Dickason is momentarily lost for words a'- 'he banquet given in his honor . . . (6) Smiling General Secretary James Huger g i v e s assent to the harmonious meeting . . . (7) Hard-plugging Vice President Smith is in d e e p s'.udy a s Brothers Julius Judkins and Milton Wright listen attentively . . . (8) S u a v e



General President Maceo Smith outlines Alpha's n e e d s a s Brothers Lovelace and Benson reflect . . . (9) General Chairman J. Ernest Martin and Brother J. Claude Kingslow drink at the fountains tapped by Brother Evans . (10) Lighter moments include an after-party in the w e e hours with Brother Charles Washington (Chicago) entertaining the Misses Marjorie Cunningham. Mary Elston and Ann Bowling . . . (11) Likewise, Detroiter Cliiton Griffith finds Mrs. Suzanne Slaughter an interesting conversationalist.


ACHR HUMAN RIGHTS STATEMENT... (The following statement was made by Elmer II . Henderson, Director oj the American Council on Human Rights, before the Platform Committee of the Democratic National Convention. He made a similar statement before Republicans.)

CjTENTLEMEN: It is my h o n o r to represent the American Council on H u m a n Rights, a cooperative organization of six national collegiate Greek-letter fraternities a n d sororities joined together to further the great American Democratic ideal of the basic equality of all Americans in their civil, political, a n d economic relations w i t h o u t regard to their race, religion, or their national origin. O u r m e m b e r organizations are: Alpha K a p p a Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, Delta Sigma T h e t a , Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma G a m m a R h o , a n d Zeta Phi Beta. W e have a membership of over 70,000 college-trained persons. W e are here to respectfully urge you to incorporate in the 1952 platform of the Democratic Party an unequivocal statement pledging your party to use its full resources in both the executive a n d legislative branches of o u r government to see that segregation a n d discrimination based on race, religion or national origin are completely removed from American life. T h e American Council o n H u m a n Rights joins in the recommendations of the Leadership Conference o n Civil Rights of which we are part, as to specific language that we desire to see incorporated in your platform. T h e nine points contained therein cover the major issues of civil rights today. W e call your special attention to the filibuster in the U. S. Senate, fair employment legislation, segregation because of race a n d the immoral a n d undemocratic situation that exists in o u r nation's capitol. You granted us the privilege of appearing before the Platform Committee at your national convention in 1948 a n d it was gratifying to note the positive commitments on issue of civil rights, particularly fair employment practices, that were adopted by the Convention. W e were extremely disappointed, however, when soon after the election a large n u m b e r of Democratic Senators voted to reverse the r u l i n g of VicePresident Barkley that cloture applied to a measure as well as a motion a n d later to reverse the cloture rule in a way to m a k e it almost impossible to PAGE


invoke cloture against a d e t e r m i n e d minority. I need only say that declarations regarding the passage of bills are of very little consequence unless you make a firm pledge to change the Senate rules to require the imposition of cloture by majority vote. Now there has been a great deal of discussion about the position of Negro voters in the coming election. N o d o u b t your research d e p a r t m e n t has very adequately informed you of the present strength of the colored electorate a n d its strategic location in many states. I would like to say that Negroes are not wedded to any political party. I believe we have a highly independent vote—probably more so than any o t h e r class of voters in the country. Negroes have found great dissatisfactions in the Democratic Party. T h e y most certainly do not find a congenial atmosphere in the company of the Dixiecrat faction which wields such a potent influence. In November, Negro voters will scrutinize the record, assess the merits of the two nominees, weigh the parties in the balance a n d then make their decision in the best interests of our country and ourselves. M u c h will depend on the platform adopted by the conventions. I respectfully warn this committee not to take its tasks

lightly. T h e day of platitudes has long since passed. M u c h will depend on the character of your nominee, a n d I respectfully take this o p p o r t u n i t y to warn this convention that Negroes are unlikely to jeopardize the gains we have made or the onward m a r c h of the future a n d willingly place o u r destiny in the hands of one whose basic principles a n d stated policies are not in accord with the highest concepts of democracy a n d h u m a n equality. I have recently r e t u r n e d from an extended fact-finding visit to a number of E u r o p e a n countries, d u r i n g which time I was accorded the cooperation of o u r State D e p a r t m e n t . In all of those countries I was profoundly impressed by the great difficulty that our embassies a n d missions were having in selling American Democracy to the peoples of Europe. T h e billions we have spent t h r o u g h the Marshall plan a n d E. C. A. have halted communism, but they have not sold democracy. I was informed by o u r own State D e p a r t m e n t representatives a b r o a d that one of the biggest handicaps they faced was the contradiction between principle a n d practice represented in o u r discrimination against Negroes in the U n i t e d States. (Continued on Page 20)

THEY'RE NECESSARY! To you and you and you, they're necessary. Yes, we mean the Joint Housing Committee tor the National Convention of the American Council on Human Rights, which of course includes Alpha. The convention's at Cleveland, of course, and equally "of course." you'll be there. Left to right, around the table: Phyllis Hammonds, Zeta Phi Beta: Lenore Yancey, Sigma Gamma Rho; Ruth Collins. Alpha Kappa Alpha; James E. Scott, Kappa Alpha Psi; Richard Gunn. chairman, also of Kappa Alpha Psi; Louise Perkins, Convention Bureau: Beatrice W. Fox, Sigma Gamma Rho; Pearl Ramsey, Sigma Gamma Rho; June Gilliam, Alpha Kappa Alpha.


GRACING DETROIT'S ALPHA HOUSE Decorating Detroit's Alpha House are. lei! to right, the Misses (Alpha UpsUon Chapter Queen lane Carson. Shirley Gillespie. and Geraldine Westbrooks. Gloria Myers. Gloria Alexander, Arthuree Jeter, Maxine Lewis

Milton Wright's "Broadside" Seeks to Spur Voting Instinct F Alphas don't turn out en masse to vote this year, it won't be the fault of Alpha's energetic director of Educational Activities, Dr. Milton S. J. Wright. Brother Wright let go a real broadside at the brothers in a notice to all chapters regarding the National Education for Citizenship Program, scheduled this year for October 19-26. Setting the theme as "Full Civic Participation—the Price of Freedom!" Dr. Wright, who is on the educational staff of Wilberforce University, issued a vigorous call for: . . . More thought and planning, "vim, vigor, and vitality"; more brothers supporting each chapter's program, and more chapters (especially more graduate chapters!) taking part; wider community contacts and cooperation; greater use of the press, radio, and TV, schools, churches, and other groups, both before and after the Education for Citizenship Week. Specifically, he called for early appointment of committees and early detailed planning, in cooperation with other agencies and organizations and officials and leaders of the community; early press contacts and releases, and prompt press coverage afterwards, including releases to the SPHINX. OCTOBER, 1952

Regarding the 1952 election, he called for: study of the issues, the candidates, and the parties; thorough preparation for voting, through a week-long workshop at a centrally lo-

cated school or shop; forums, debates, radio round-tables, panels, mass meetings, propaganda and car-pools aimed at getting out the vote; and certificates of honor for groups contributing to good citizenship. In other words, Brother Wright finds that "education" involves "action"! The SPHINX hopes to be swamped, early in November, with "Citizenship Week" and "Get Out the Vote Drive" reports.

FRATERNITY FUN (Continued from Page 14) notations cease right there. What's in a name? Don't tempt me, brothers; don't tempt me. What's in a name) Cleveland at Christmas! A general convention with six Greek letter organizations meeting conjointly. "Let me have men about me that are fat; Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep of nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. Fear him not, Caesar, he's not dangerous He is a noble Roman, and well-given." I apologize to Leslie Patton and William P. Johnson for taking such vulgar liberties with their names . . . but I am haunted by that Shakespearean query, and am thinking of the hundreds and thousands of Alpha men . . . the Alexanders, Boulewares, and Calhouns, Dedmondes, Eatons, Roulhacs, Sheltons, Taliferros, Ulterbacks, Vaughns, Warrens, Yergans and Zinuuermans . . . names, personalities, Alpha potentialities . . . hidden in a Race the refulgence ot which is surcharged with prophetic imminence. On to Cleveland at Christmastidc: the city on Lake Erie. "Stay not on the order of thy going Only go at once!" PAGE 19

Midwest Regional Endorses Growing "Help Week" Trend X P H A ' S Midwestern Convention, meeting at Bluefield (W. Va.) State College, this summer gave- a hearty endorsement to the trend away from "Hell Week" toward " H e l p Week." As the approved resolution took final form, it read: "Resolved, that the Midwestern Regional Convention reaffirm the decision of the 1947 T u l sa (National) Convention with regard to initiation." In other words, the Midwestern Brothers wanted to remind their fellow Alphas that this trend away From frills and brutalities in initiation is not as new-fangled an idea as some may think. Another resolution the Convention passed was that the Constitution Committee consider setting u p payment of local and g i a n d tax for a total of 25 years as a standard for automatic life membership. The person keeping u p his payments lor that period would be I t i e d from g i a n d tax obligations for the rest of his life, but not necessarily from local fees. The Convention also acted to encourage the sending ol delegates from each chapter to the National or Regional Convention at least once in e v e n two years, Another highlight of the festivities was a banquet in honor of the retiring president of Bluefield State College, H. 1.. Dickason. T h e past Alpha general president recently was subject ol a SPHINX article, regarding his being named president of the West Virginia State Council of College and University Presidents (see February, 1952 issue). It was Brother Dickason who called attention, in a Convention discussion, to the fan that "political maneuvering by graduate brothers at conventions" serves to stifle u n d e r g r a d u a t e initiative. More undergrads, he said, should hi placid on committees, to give them a sense of belonging. General President A. Maceo Smith pointed out that Brother J o h n Pieston Ward heads a commission to report to the Cleveland Convention on u n d e r g r a d u a t e problems. He agreed t h i n was need for a revision of the constitution regarding the status and function of undergrads. A m o n g the other brothers heard on various questions were: Maceo Hill, on Reclamation; F r a n k L. Stanley, on P A G E 20

i n n easing opportunities for Alphas in engineering; W a y m a n W a r d , Jr., on the "blackball" question; Dr. Milton S. J. Wright, on the need for larger scholarships a n d fellowships; William H . Benson, declaring that control of chapter house mortgages must remain central and that the Fraternity I lousing Commission can assist local chapters but not buy houses for them.

Brother T h e o d o r e Mahaffey, Alpha Zeta L a m b d a C h a p t e r president, called the convention to order a n d introduced Brother William V Smith, regional vice-president. Brother Joseph I. T u r n e r was named convention secretary. Ollen H i n n a n t , Jack McGhee, and William Wallace participated in a panel discussion of "Alpha Phi Alpha and the World Crisis," calling for tntergroup cooperation to light disci imination. General Secretary James H u g e r was a member ol the second panel, along with Brother Ward, who discussed the "blackball."

1951-1952 Called "Year of Reactivation / / For Alcorn's Delta Kappa Chapter ALCORN, Mississippi E L T A Kappa C h a p t e r held its final meeting of the 1951-52 school year May 22, 1952, c u l m i n a t i n g a year of reactivation in which seven new brothers were added to the folds of Alphadom. O t h e r activities of the school year included the a n n u a l smoker for freshman men and new male students; participation in the homecoming parade; and observation of Education for Citizenship Week, April 20 to April 26. Brother Hance G a m b l i n , head of the Division of Education at Alcorn \. and M. College, was speaker at the Sunday Vesper Program. April 20, sponsored by the brothers. The SPHINX C l u b presented the Wednesday Chapel program with tie Brother Army Daniel, Jr. as speaker. H e discussed problems laced by Negro youth. Some of the individual honors ol the year were: Burnell Coleman, honor roll; T h e o d o r e Johnson, captain of the football team and vice-president of the Student Forum; Leon Lemons,

president of the Student Forum; Roy Huddleston, instrumentalist to accompany the choir on its tour. In April the Student Forum presented Brother Huddleston in a joint clarinet a n d saxophone recital. Plans for 1952-53 include: observance of Founder's Day. October 30; a n n u a l Smoker lor freshman a n d new male students; a float in the Homecoming Parade; Sweetheart Banquet; Education lor Citizenship Week: and an increase in the n u m b e r of Alpha men on the H o n o r Roll. New officers lor the school year are: T h e o d o r e Johnson, president; Eugene Grice, vice-president; I.eon Lemons, secretary: Recly Harrison, treasurer; Roy H u d d l e s t o n , parliamentarian and SPHINX associate editor.

Human Rights (Continued from Page 18) Many of o u r critics, I may say, are not communists. Inasmuch as peace in the world hangs by such a slender thread, a responsibility is imposed on this convention to recognize all of tin elements that will help assure that peace. T h e elimination of discrimination here at h o m e will be a cardinal Eactor in that great endeavor.

See You in Cleveland



Beta Gamma Helps NAACP; Aids "Hell Week" Reform PETERSBURG, Virginia E T A G a m m a is stepping into the leadership in the movement to change "Hell W e e k " to " H e l p Week." W i t h a view to staging a more constructive probational program on Virginia State College's campus, brothers of Beta G a m m a instructed its candidates for membership to do something useful. T h e Chapter's eight probates d u r i n g the period March 30 t h r o u g h April 5 performed a service to the campus community by installing street signs on all street corners on the campus. T h i s was the first campus step a m o n g the Greek letter organizations to transform "Hell Week." T h e probationary candidates were William Sykes, Frank Barksdale, Percival a n d Benjamin Everett, Lawrence Lipscomb, Larnell Parker a n d L y m a n Otey. Directing the " H e l p W e e k " activity were Rexford H o p kins, Edwin Brownley, King Grey, Sylvester Brown, Samuel Chappell and Dean of Probates Lewis McGriff. 1

Helping N A A C P Also included in the H e l p Week project was a drive by the probates to secure the membership a n d funds for the N A A C P in connection with the national association's a n n u a l campaign. W i t h this project completed, the chapter on H o n o r s Night awarded a scholarship to the freshman having the highest average d u r i n g the first semester. It also participated in the Fraternity's a n n u a l Education for Citizenship Week. For the latter, Frank Coleman headed the g r o u p of brothers who visited several high schools in Virginia to push the "Go to College" phase of the campaign. Scholastically, Beta G a m m a stood first a m o n g the fraternities on campus again in the c o m p u t a t i o n made annually by the registrar of the college. Elected to key positions in student government were Samuel T h o m p s o n , president; Edwin Brownley and Leo Brooks, class representatives. T h o m p son and Brooks were delegates to the National Student Congress meeting in Bloomington, Indiana, Augut 18-27. Receive Commissions At the a n n u a l commissioning exercise of R. O. T . C. cadets, Lewis McGriff, Edwin Brownley a n d James G u n n e l l received commissions as seco n d lieutenants in the U. S. Army. Immediately following commissioning exercises, commencement found leavOCTOBER,


ing Brothers Lawrence Ferguson, Solomon Payne, Clayton Fitchett, King Grey, Albert Boswell a n d Samuel Chappell. Chappell was the recipient of a Ford F o u n d a t i o n Atomic Energy scholarship, a m o u n t i n g to .$1500, for further study at the University of Rochester. James Wade, tenor, a n d his accompanist, G a r l a n d Butts, were first in a series of senior g r a d u a t i n g recitals having the largest audience in the series. D u r i n g the year Brother W a d e gave concerts in Emporia, W a r r e n t o n , Petersburg, a n d Richmond, Virginia. In June, Brothers W a d e and Butts were in New York City for Wade's audition with the Leonard d e P a u r Infantry Chorus. T h e chapter is p r o u d that his talent earned W a d e a membership in the renowned concert singing group. T h e chorus has p l a n n e d an extensive tour of the states and looks forward toward a n E u r o p e a n tour next summer. R e t u r n i n g members of the chapter look forward to a n o t h e r year of "firsts," with a very energetic Sphinxm e n C l u b a n d the continued effort of all its brothers u n d e r the advisorship of Brother J o h n Sanders. — B R O . GARLAND BUTTS

• Time Not Wasted On a recent tour, Denmark's King Christian X was greeted by an unusual number of cheering youngsters in one town. "Where," he demanded, "do all these children come from?" Explained the Mayor: "Your Majesty, we have been preparing for this great day for years."

Beta Upsilon Plugs Scholarship Plan



H E brothers of Beta Upsilon at Alabama State College are launching a n ambitious program of scholarship a n d leadership lor 1952-53. T h e pace has been set by Brother Alfred Young who, after a rip-roaring campaign, won the presidency of the student council. Brothers John T . Porter and Spencer T h o m a s are listed in the 1952 edition of "American College Student Leaders." H a v i n g a near-monopoly on scienot and mat hematics majors. Alphas are traditionally leaders in scholastic achievements of this campus. In keeping with the new Alpha trend, H e l p Week instead of Hell Week is being stressed even more u n d e r the progressive leadership of the newly elected president, John T . Porter. O t h e r officers for the current year are: William Beavers, vice-president: J o h n Parker, secretary; Louis Fomby, assistant secretary; George Harris, treasurer; Amos Leonard, financial secretary; Charles H a r b e r t , dean of pledgees; Alfred Young, associate editor to the SPHINX; Fred Carter, sergcant-at-arms. A m o n g the many students away serving with the armed forces are Brothers Sidney E. Welch a n d T h o m as Barlow. In spite of the decrease in membership because of graduation a n d military draft, the brothers of Beta Upsilon are pooling their energies to formulate a n d carry out more constructive a n d beneficial projects on the campus and in the s u r r o u n d i n g community.

Buffalo, Oil, Indians,



All good Alphas of the Great Southwest . . . l a n d of buffalo, oil, Indians, and genial hospitality . . . this m o n t h were concentrating their efforts on their 1952 Regional Convention, which was scheduled October 17-19 on the campus of Langston University. Host duties were being shared by Beta Kappa, u n d e r g r a d u a t e chapter at Langston, a n d the O k l a h o m a State Association of Alphas. Brother Wayn< Chandler, superintendent of Boley T r a i n i n g School, is president of the StateAssociation. Choosing "Reclamation a n d I n t e g r a t i o n " as its main theme, the Convention dealt with such sub-topics as "Striving t h r o u g h Difficulty for Efficiency," " T o Success t h r o u g h T e n a c i o u s Effort," a n d " N e w T r e n d s and Practices in Alpha." A m o n g the social highlights were an o p e n i n g smoker, an inter-fraternal dance, the A l p h a Wives' tea at the President's Mansion, a n d the Alpha Formal. T h e m a i n public meeting was combined with the Sunday m o r n i n g services. P A G E 21


Six lucky undergrads participate in the crowning ceremonies lor Miss Lula Cox. Florida A. and M. College Co-ed. at the Southern

Regional Conference Ball, in Miami last April. (Sorry, brothersnames weren't available to us this time.)

Eastern Regional Supports Summer Convention Idea By B R O . W A L T E R M. B O O K E R Eastern I 'ice-President


PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania

H E Eastern Regional Convention was held here May Hi, 17 a n d 18. T h e brothers of Omicron and Omi( i o n l a m b d a , the host chapters, left no stone u n t u r n e d in providing a "back-drop" for real organization of business sessions and for social delightlulncss. Progressive imagination and alertness for the desires of the visiting Brothers permeated the air of the "Homestead City." T h e Convention, which had as its theme "A W o r k s h o p on Youth" located its h e a d q u a r t e r s in the spacious and recently redecorated home of the Pittsburgh Alphas, which u n d e r the directions and genial guidance of Brother Charles C u t h b e r t , president of O m i c r o n L a m b d a , and Brother William Fisher, Convention Chairman, was a literal "center p o i n t " for the guests and delegates of the convention. The Alpha mothers, wives, and sweethearts of Pittsburgh contriP A G E 22

buted continuously to the spirit of welcome a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t that existed at the House. T h e Convention started with an " O p e n H o u s e " on the afternoon of May 16, given by the deans of women a n d men of the University of Pittsburgh. As the majority of the brothers a n d other guests gathered later in the afternoon a n d evening, they found and enjoyed another " O p e n H o u s e " at the headquarters of the Convention. T h a t evening, the brothers were entertained by the Delta Jabberwock a n d the Pan-Hellenic dance. At the o p e n i n g business session Saturday m o r n i n g , the Convention heard an address by Father Francis Gallagher, president of D u q u e s n e University. T h e address did much to set the direction a n d course of the meetings, particularly the workshops. Reports were then h e a r d from General President Smith, General Secretary Huger, Comptroller H a l l a n d u n d e r g r a d u a t e Lay Member Baker. In the afternoon session, following

an informal luncheon meeting during which the brothers had an o p p o r t u n i ty to experience the results of the culinary art of the Alpha mothers, reports of the Regional Directors Levister, Ellis, Swanson and T y l e r were heard. Following the committee reports, the Convention was divided into "Shops" u n d e r the able and resourceful leadership of Brother L. Maynard Catchings. "Youth and H i g h e r Education," "Youth a n d Military Service" a n d "Problems Confronting U r b a n Y o u t h " were the areas of coverage. A digest of the findings a n d recommendations will be forwarded to each u n d e r g r a d u a t e chapter. D u r i n g the time the shops were in session, a broadcast interview was held over station W H O , arranged and directed by Brother Mel Goode, one of the station announcers and news analysts. General President Smith, Past General President Lawson, and Eastern Vice-President Booker participated in the interview, which Brother Goode had well designed to bring to the listening audience the history a n d present, forward-going program of Alpha Phi Alpha. Recommendations T h e recommendations adopted by the Convention follow: (Continued on Page 32) T H E SPHINX

o o H


Mail to R. MAXWELL RICHARDSON 10518 Hampden Avenue, Cleveland 8, Ohio 1952 JOINT CONVENTIONS, CLEVELAND, OHIO December 26-30, 1952



1952 JOINT CONVENTIONS, CLEVELAND, OHIO December 26-30, 1952

Registration Committee

03 TO <5

National Office

Organization—Alpha Phi Alpha Name City






Escort Desired



Registration Fee Enclosed ($10.00)



National Officer.. Date

Offices Held in Chapter


Registration Fee Paid $.. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE

Receipt No.

Date Received Certified by National Office..

Receipt No..

Escort Committee

1952 JOINT CONVENTIONS, CLEVELAND, OHIO December 26-30, 1952 Organization

Organization Name

Financial Card No.


Home Address






Private Home Accommodations — Single (Please Check) Hotel Registration Form Requested — Yes (Please Check) No Accommodations Needed — (Please initial)

Double.... No


Date Received Accommodations Assigned Reservation Returned

Financial Card No.. (Last Name First — Please Print)

(Last Name First — Pl;ase Print)



Last Convention Attended

1952 JOINT CONVENTIONS, CLEVELAND, OHIO December 26-30, 1952



Date of Registration

Housing Committee




Date Received Banquet Ticket No..



National Officer..

Housing Accommodations Needed

Date of Registration.




Membership Status (Please Check Below) Non-Voting


Membership Status (Please Check Below)

Telephone No Alternate

Financial Card No (Last Name First — Please Print)

Home Address Location

Cleveland Address Delegate


Financial Card No

(Las; Name First — Please Frint)

Home Address


Receipt No.. Telephone No..

Home Address....


Chapter I Desire an (Please Age Group (Please



Location Escort for — Open Dance Check) of Escort Desired — 20-30 Check)

Height of Escort Desired — Short (Please Check)

Closed Dance 30-40

Over 40.




Local Address of Visiting Delegate

Tel. No..

Name of Escort Assigned Address

Tel. No..





SPIRITS WERE HIGH . . . at the GP-VP's table at the Southern Regional Convention Ball. Hard work and much iun could have been the theme oi the Conference. Here General President Smith (standing, center) and Regional Vice-President Henderson, with Mrs. Henderson

Tallahassee Spurs

(iourth and fifth from left) entertain at the President's table during the Ball. At left of Brother Smith is Attorney Jean Murray Capers of the Cleveland City Council, who dropped out of the sky, from Havana enroute back to her city, just in time to add her charm to the gay party.

Climaxing the week set aside for the celebration of Education for Citizenship, awards totaling S300 were to

be made in the following categories: $50 to each of the three freshmen hav(Continued on Page 32)

"Help Week" Plan



Week," the new idea for probation which is attracting nationwide support (see December SPHINX), was adopted last year by Beta Nu Chapter, which carried out many valuable projects during the initiation of the eight candidates under the direction of Brother Rupert Seals, ritual chairman. Among the other major events with which Beta Nu Chapter concluded its year's activities was a play "Pride of Our Hearts," depicting the initial meeting of the Jewels at Mr. Poindexter's in Ithaca, New York, presented by the brothers at the Regional Convention held in Miami, Florida. This drama was written by Brother James Brown, a former member of Beta Nu, and directed by Brother William Morris, III, a senior. PAGE 24

HUGER HOUSE, Inc. 5059 South Ellis Avenue — Chicago 15, Illinois PUBLISHES






Reviewed at the University of Chicago Lying-in-Hospital Date of Release: May 30, 1952 Shipping weight: 7 lbs., 9 ozs.

Cloth Bound


GAMMA PSI HONOR-SWEEPERS N. C. Kneeling, Joseph Rooney (left) and Robert Ingraham. StandMaintaining scholastic averages of "B" or better and running off ing, left to ri7ht: Stanley White. Francis Clark. Arthur Taplett. with every important campus office but one (this one going to a Leo Oxley. Everett Gill. Albert Morgan. Jeremiah Butts, James "sister" AKA), these men of Gamma Psi are building a terrific Lockhart, and Philip Hand. reputation for Alpha on the St. Augustine campus of Raleigh,

THESE MEN ARE IMPORTANT These men are important to anyone who's coming to the Cleveland Williams. Second row, same order: Melvin Walker, Theodore Travis, R. Maxwell Richardson. Arnett Woodson. Back row: Pi Convention—and that. Alpha Brother, means YOU. They form Chapter members William Spencer, Elliott Kelley. Herman Leggon, the Alpha Convention Committee. Front row, left to right: Delta William Smith. Alpha Lambda Chapter members Henry L. Williams, Edwin J.



Northwest Host to Regional For First Time In Seattle By B Y R O N R U M F O R D Vu e-President, Western Jurisdiction


Brother Edward Carter Maddox is Alpha Phi Alpha General Counsel. He is a member of the firm Maddox and Goodwin, Attorneys at Law. Suite 411. Stimson Building. Los Angeles, California.

Cincy Alphas Hold Rallying Banquet


C I N C I N N A T I , Ohio

E N E R A L President A. Maceo Smith and Midwestern Regional Director Julius C. J u d k i n s attended a rallying b a n q u e t given by Cincinnati Alpha men. T h e brothers assembled to promote better Alpha spirit a n d m u t u a l understanding. Brothers Smith and J u d k i n s were welcomed with enthusiasm by all the brothers present. "Education for Citizenship" Alpha Alpha a n d Delta G a m m a l a m b d a Chapters presented their ann u a l Education for Citizenship program at the W a l n u t Hills Y.M.C.A. Well attended a n d received, the program presented as guest speaker Milton S. J. Wright of Wilberforce University, Alpha's Director of Educational Activities. T h e j u n i o r a n d senior students of greater Cincinnati high schools a n d universities were present in large n u m b e r s , along with a delegation from Lockland W a y n e , whose Class B Mate basketball champions were honored guests. Musical Numbers Musical n u m b e r s were offered by W o o d w a r d High and Lockland W a y n e choral groups. Brother R o b e r t James of Alpha Alpha C h a p t e r gave the historical backg r o u n d of Alpha's continuous emphasis on the necessity of education for citizenship. James W . Mim a n d J o h n Delaney, P A G E 26

SEATTLE, Washington J . P H A men gathered in beautiful Seattle, seat ol Alpha Xi, August 7-9. T h e y came from the several States in the Far Western Jurisdiction to a t t e n d the first Alpha Phi Alpha Regional to be held in the Northwest. Brother Lewis G. Watts, Executive Secretary ol the Seattle U r b a n League. led the opening session at the Mayflower Hotel, speaking on the timeiy subject, "Status of Civil Rights on the West Coast." Brother Watts has been highly successful in securing jobs for minorities in the Seattle area and was instrumental in aiding the passage of the only state F.E.P.C. law in the West. His factual discourse on the subject was well accepted by the Convention. President Speaks T h e Regional was h o n o r e d by the presence of N a t i o n a l President A. Maceo Smith. Brother Smith addressed a luncheon g r o u p of 150 persons o n the subject, "A Progress R e p o r t on Interracial Housing in the U n i t e d States in 1952." Brother Smith was introduced by Brother C. P. J o h n s o n , National Director of Reclamation, w h o now resides in Seattle. Brother Rumford, presiding over the Convention, predicted a steady and progressive development of Alpha Phi Alpha in the Western Jurisdiction. Housing Exhibits were arranged by Brothei Robert Pitts, Race Relations Advisor, who is Public Housing Ad ministrator of San Francisco. Panel Discussion Brother James E. Jackson presided over a panel discussion on " T h e Operation of Fair Employment Practices Law in the State of W a s h i n g t o n . " Panel members included Attorney George Revelle, chairman of the W a s h i n g t o n State Board against Discrimination in Employment; the Rev. F. Benjamin Davis, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist C h u r c h : a n d Roljert Block, treasurer of the Seattle U r b a n League a n d a m e m b e r of the Board of the American Jewish Committee. T h e progress and development of president a n d vice-president of Delta G a m m a L a m b d a , brought the Education for Citi7.enship program to a successful conclusion. —BRO. ANDREW G.


MAN OF EXPERIENCE Brother Prather I. Hauser. an honor graduate of Wilberforce University with 30 years of experience as a YMCA executive, has just completed a nine-year period with the St. Antoine Branch YMCA, Detroit. The former president of the Evanston Interracial Council, UNCF organizer, writer, lecturer, and world traveler has been widely active with social and welfare groups, in both Evanston and Detroit, having been a board member or officer of some 30 organizations and being listed in "Who's Who in Colored America."

F.E.P.C. as a workable principle was portrayed to the Convention. T h e business sessions, led by Brother A. Maceo Smith, disclosed a greater need for an intensive reclamation program. Resolutions were presented s u p p o r t i n g a raise in the National dues. T h e question of summer conventions was well received by the group, a n d the question of Junior Colleges in the West was seen as a problem of serious consequence. Besides enjoying the natural beauty of Seattle and environs, the Convention was fortunate in meeting d u r i n g the celebrated "Sealair Week," which ended with the world-famous "Gold C u p " speed-boat races, held on the beautiful Lake Washington. E n t e r t a i n m e n t included a Formal at the historic Norway C e n t e r a n d concluded with a boat cruise a r o u n d Lake Washington. Members of Alpha Xi responsible for this successful Regional were: Brothers F. B. Cooper, Hascal H u m e s , Lee Lewis, Odell Lewis, Carter, McHenry, Tttnstall, James Jackson a n d Lewis Watts. T H E SPHINX

Mrs. T. W. Cole Honored at Wiley MARSHALL, Texas


L P H A "moves o n w a r d " here at Alpha Sigma C h a p t e r on Wiley College campus. A b a n n e r year began with the ann u a l dance known as the Alpha Black a n d W h i t e Ball in h o n o r of C h a p t e r Q u e e n Gwendolyn Pruitt, of Marshall, a n d was climaxed with "Education for Citizenship" Week, May 5-11. T h e May 6 program presented Brother Lawrence T e r r y of East Chicago as guest speaker a n d featured the awarding of Alpha H o n o r Certificates to students obtaining an " A " average for the preceding quarter. O t h e r highlights of the week included a Prayer Service led by Brother V. O. Ewell; the Alpha Quiz Program, with Brother Joseph H . R a i b o n II as quiz master;' " W i n d o w Shopping," a style review given jointly with the graduate chapter here, for scholarship fund benefit; and as the grand climax, an address by the beloved past general president, Brother Belford V. Lawson, Jr., w h o captured his audience with a theme a n d poem on Mother's Day. Mother of Year N a m e d " M o t h e r of the Year" was Mrs. T . W. Cole, to w h o m was presented a beautiful corsage, as a token of her thai in and her love for her four children. Brother T . W. Cole, Wiley dean a n d registrar, was awarded a trophy for his service to the chapter in the capacity of faculty advisor, a n d Brother Lawson also received in gratitude for his highly appreciated address. T h e following week, seven men crossed the b u r n i n g sands and are fighting lor Alpha fame. T h e y are Brothers Norvell Bruner, Boley, Okla.; R u b e Williams, Ft. W o r t h , T e x a s ; O d e a n Rhodes, Lul'kin. Texas: Benny L. Daniels, Marshall, T e x a s ; foe Kirven, Dallas, T e x a s ; Joseph Bailey, Beaumont, T e x a s ; and L. V. Williams, Denver, Colo. Leroy Jackson, President For the year 1952-53, Leroy Jackson steps to the helm as president, succeeding James A. Wright II. Brother Jackson hails from Shreveport, La. Since he has matriculated here at Wile) College, he has become m e m b e r a n d also president of A l p h a Alpha, an honorary society for students who m a i n t a i n an " A " average. Brother W r i g h t leaves us as a graduate of 1952 with intentions of entering a school of law. OCTOBER,


O t h e r officers lor the year are: Lawrence Terry, vice-president: Norvell Brunei', recording secretary; R u b e Williams, corresponding secretary; Odean Rhodes, treasurer; Benny L. Daniels, chaplain; Joe Kirven, SPHINX director; Joseph Bailey, parliamentarian, Alpha Sigma's "political tennis player"; Frank Ford, sergeant-at-arms. who comes here from Idebel, Okla.: Joseph H. Raibon, II, SPHINX associate editor, hailing from Houston, Texas. Leaving behind a sera]) book of achievements we have the following graduating brothers: James A. Wright, II, T e m p l e , Texas; Robert Prince, Dallas, T e x a s ; John Booker, III, Ft. W o r t h Texas; Van Buren McClellan, II, Lindale, Texas: Arnold H. Lockley, Beaumont, Texas; Luvester Drake, Ft. W o r t h , Texas: a n d L. V. Williams, Denver, Colo. — BRO. J O S E P H H.

R A I B O N , II


Budget Revolution Seen For Alpha J & . E R M I T J. Hall, chairman of the national Budget Committee, is a man u n d e r whose regime there has been a revolution in Alpha's budget status. Appointed at the Atlanta General Convention in 1949, Brother Hall immediately faced as his first task the revision of the 1950 Budget to avoid the deficits which the General Organization constantly had faced for a n u m b e r of years. H o w much progress has been made under his leadership may be seen in the fact that the Fraternitv has not h a d a deficit since 1949.' In early 1950, the Executive Council approved the procedures Hall reco m m e n d e d for the fiscal operation of the General Convention. At the Kansas City Convention the same year he was designated Comptroller—the officer whose responsibility it is to approve a n d regulate the overall financial program. Aside from his duties as Budget chairman, H a l l serves as advisor to General President A. Maceo Smith on fiscal affairs; heads the Committee on Life Memberships; a n d is a m e m b e r of the Committee on the General Secretary, the Cleveland Convention Committee, and the 50th Anniversary Committee. An active member of the very large and very active Psi Chapter, he serves that important Alpha g r o u p as parliam e n t a r i a n and as chairman of the Budget and the Education Committees. Holder of a Master's degree from (Continued on Page 32)

Let's Look at Cleveland! J . F you really want to see Cleveland while you're there for the Convention, a visit to the Observation Floor of the Terminal T o w e r Building should be on your schedule. U p on the 42nd floor—78(i feet above Lake Erie—you'll see a wonderful panorama from the "tallest building in the U. S. outside of New York City." From the North windows, you'll see the municipal buildings, the Stadium (home of the Cleveland baseball a n d football pros), the passenger boat pier, the Coast G u a r d vessels a n d station, a n d a view of the vast expanse of Lake Erie with large ore vessels on parade. T h e East windows provide a bird's-eye view of the shopping distiict, the office buildings, and suburbs; the South view shows you the steel mills a n d other plants on the winding Cuyahonga River, dotted with bridges of every type; and the West windows let you in on Cleveland's busy h a r b o r entrance, residential a n d industrial centers, a n d in the distance, the Cleveland Airport. T h e T e r m i n a l Tower's slogan is: "You see more in a glance than in a week of motoring." P A G E 27

An Inherited Nightmare This article was written by four brothers representing a small cross-section of the fraternity, who, as graduate and undergraduate brothers, are seeking to analyze Alpha's apparent position of jeopardy in the world of Greeks. Their decision to write an article for \publication in Alpha's official organ was piompted by the desire to awaken every Alplm to our present situation. This article is being published in that light.

„LPHA P h i Alpha is steadily losing competency in the world of Greeks. Yesterday it was o u r responsibility to be first a m o n g Negro organizations. T o d a y it is o u r responsibility to compete with all Greek-letter organizations. Ten years from today we will have been in full swing of competition with these organizations, a n d we will have been classed as best, or one a m o n g them—or as we apparently are today. If Alpha is to m a i n t a i n its reputed status, not only must we reclaim the 7 I per cent of inactive brothers, b u t we must institute a perpetual a n d challenging program in order to keep those brothers a n d continue to attract Alpha material in colleges a n d universities. Monetary Status In order to fully support such a program, o u r monetary status must be greatly improved. Heretofore, we have expected local chapters averaging about 30 members each to finance houses to represent all of Alpha P h i Alpha, while not realizing that the quality of wjiat they may build does not represent o u r fraternity. We stress scholarship, a n d yet other

Greek-letter organizations are known to have given thousands more in scholarships than we have. O u r financial assets as they stand today are not representative of the greatest a n d oldest fraternity in the world. It is pathetic that a n organization 46 years old has not accumulated any more than this. And n o wonder! W e have been trying to r u n a $15 g r a n d tax program on a grand tax assessment of $6.50. We have been trying to r u n a m o d e r n fraternity on a 1929 scale. Is it possible that the inactive Alphas have realized this a n d have refused to b u y a cheap program? T h e y have chosen to accept n o program at all r a t h e r than to affiliate themselves with mediocrity.

Boston Brother Convention Figure R O T H E R •Shag" Taylor, according to a story a p p e a r i n g in t h e Pittsburgh Courier on August 9, was "better known than any other delegate attending ihe National Democratic Convention." His record: nine conventions a n d '52 years of active participation. H e ' s never held elective office, b u t , as it's easy to imagine, he knows a tremendous n u m b e r of key people from all over t h e country. Dr. Silas F. T a y l o r (an M. D., though h e has never practiced), a graduate of Lincoln University, owner of a drugstore at t h e u p p e r e n d of T r e m o n t in his h o m e town, Boston, has always insisted that candidates think " r i g h t " on questions affecting the Negro minority. Although he was sometimes considered a " t r a i t o r " when he began as a Democratic Convention delegate back in the 1920's, he really came into his own in t h e days of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Adequate Taxes Such a program should be supported by a d e q u a t e g r a n d taxes paid equally by graduates a n d undergraduates alike. A percentage of these funds should be directed to scholarships o n the national, regional, a n d local levels. A sound housing project should be initiated: within a few years a sizable sum could be acquired by lo- the Fraternity farther a n d farther cal chapters on request, for the pur- away from its high ideals. —By BROTHERS: pose of building A l p h a houses of O L L E N B. H I N N A N T , Regional which we will all be proud. Director, Kentucky, and West Only by each of t h e brothers in the Virginia bond of Alpha recognizing a n d acceptALPHONZO DAVIS, U. S. Army ing the financial responsibilities, a n d J A M E S E. ADAMS, Bluefield State the administration operating Alpha College, Bluefield, W. Virginia o n sound business bases, can we reR U P E R T SEALS, Florida A. and M. lieve Alpha from this dreaded nightCollege, Tallahassee, Florida mare which has slowly been pushing

AT ALPHA FROLICS "Largely attended and highly enjoyed" were the words used to December a! the Durham, N C. City Armory. With all the endescribe the Beta Theta Lambda Chapter Pre-Holiday Ball, last loyment, the members managed to take time out for a picture.

P A G E 28


Fabulous Detroit not only gives generously to Community Chest campaigns and the United Negro College Fund campaigns. but also puts as much energy in well-planned social activities. The scenes on this page represent shots taken prior to the annual Alpha dance. Brother and Mrs. Langston Daniels, shown in the upper left corner, entertained a lew couples in their beautiful home on McDougall Avenue. Center left is the charming Mrs. Marie Scruggs with her President husband Raymond. Lower left. Brother and Mrs. Richard Shine. At upper right are Brother and Mrs. Maurice Houston; and at center right are Mrs. George Reid, and, Mrs. Paul Boswell of Chicago.

c^^o^so^e, OCTOBER, 1952


WRIGHT NAMED TO ELK POST *R. Milton S. J. Wright, head of the Department of Economics a n d Political Science at Wilberforce University, has been n a m e d G r a n d Director of Economics for the G r a n d Lodge of the I.B.P.O.E. of W . by the G r a n d Exalted R i d e r of that Order, Robert H. Johnson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The new G r a n d Director of Economics, who has been p r o m i n e n t in Fraternal, educational, a n d civic affairs lor several years, has successfully served as O h i o State Director of Education for the Elks for five years a n d is a g r a d u a t e of several o u t s t a n d i n g universities in the U n i t e d States a n d Europe. H e holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Dr. W r i g h t is the National Director of Educational Activities for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., a 53rd degree Mason (F. a n d A.M.); a n d a m e m b e r of Iola Lodge of Elks in Xcnia, O h i o . H e holds m e m b e r s h i p in the American Economic Association; the Economic History Association; the N a t i o n a l Association of Economics and Political Science; the American Association lor the Advancement of Science; the American Society of I n t e r n a t i o n a l Law; a n d several other scientific a n d scholarly societies. Hi is listed in " W h o ' s W h o in American E d u c a t i o n " ; " W h o ' s W h o in the Mid-West"; " T h e Biographical Directory of American Scholars," a n d in " \ \ bo's W h o in the W o r l d " ( T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a ] Blue Book). 窶年.

a vast money-making device for the favored few, a n d may make it possible for a greater n u m b e r of colleges, especially the smaller ones, to get television attention a n d to share in whatever television income may be available. " I n this way," Hall said, "we hope that all colleges will be able to meet the increasing financial burdens of their athletic programs, and none will find football so important that educational institutions will find themselves building policies a r o u n d football." At least one game is being televised on twelve dates of the season. Rem a i n i n g ones are November 1, 8, 15, 22, 27 (Thanksgiving Day), a n d 29. Vlthough only one game may be telecast on a given date to any one section, the sponsor will be permitted in addition to televise small college games (small colleges being defined according to the list of the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, official statistical agency of the NCAA) on a local basis. T h u s there will be many more than twelve games televised during the course of the season. \ college may a p p e a r on television only once during the season, either at h o m e or away.

"Good Chapters Get Together" PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - L P H A Omicron Lambda a n d Omicron Chapters were hosts to the Eastern Regional Convention in the "steel center of the world" May lfi-18. T h e formal b a n q u e t h o n o r e d the lounder, Brother A r t h u r I). Stevenson, w h o was given a life m e m b e r s h i p lor 40 years of continuous service to the Fraternity. Brother W i l b u r C. Douglass in his inimitable way made the presentation a n d capable judge Homer S. Brown, serving as toastmaster, was really at his best. Alpha Mothers provided a Snack Bar lor the conference a n d Alpha Wives o u t d i d themselves with a buffet supper for out-of-town wives that will long be remembered by local Alphadom. Alpha Omicron L a m b d a , Omicron, Wives a n d Mothers put their best foot forward with hospitality. Aside from a Pan-Hellenic dance, a formal dance, a formal b a n q u e t , a buffet supper a n d n u m e r o u s cocktail parties, the confer(Continued on Page 32)


Iola Lodge, Publicity I.B.P.O.E. of W.

New TV Grid Plan In Use This Year


NEW YORK, New York

N a nation-wide cooperative effort to keep college football from getting out of bounds as "big business" instead of remaining a highly desirable part of American education and amateur athletics, the N C A A Television C o m m i t t e e this year is u n d e r t a k i n g a plan to prevent "television m o n o p o l y " by the larger a n d more p o p u l a r teams. T h e plan, according to R o b e r t A. H a l l of Yale, c h a i r m a n of the committee, is helping eliminate television as P A G E 30

AT A.C.H.R. WORKSHOP lames E. Huger, Executive Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha, presents the recommendations of one of the sessions of the Civil Rights Convention-Workshop held on the campus of the University of Chicago, June 30. The meetings were sponsored by the Chicago Council of the American Council on Human Rights. Workshop recommendations were presented to the national conventions of the major parties by Elmer W. Henderson, A.C.H.R. national director. Seated on the platform behind Mr. Huger are Mrs. Victoria McClerkin. Alpha Kappa Alpha, General Chairman of the program; William H. Browne, III, Alpha Phi Alpha, President of the Chicago A.C.H.R., and Elmer W. Henderson, A.C.H.R. national director.


EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR VISITS ALBANY W. W. Gibson, the Rev. T. I. Pugh. Leon Johnson, and Dr. Otis Dr. Milton S. J. Wright. Alpha's director of Educational Activities. Free. Second row, left to right: Forrest Kirkpatrick, Edgar Martin. was entertained at Albany State College by two A. Phi A. James Cress. Ralph Pruitt, Rochelle Harris. Willie Hampson. Chapters this summer. He discussed the educational program. Walter Stubbs. James Scott. Clifford Grant. William Noble. Delta First row, left to right: Jasper French. Dr. Dorsey Walker. Delta joined with Gamma Omicron Lambda in sponsoring the F. V. Rollins. President Aaron Brown of Albany State, headmeeting. Not shown is Photographer Ben C. Hampton. ing the Gamma Omicron Lambda Chapter; Dr. Wright. Dr.

Southern Regiona (Continued from Page 15) out in full at the December Cleveland Convention. Forty-five chapters, among the 87 in the Southern Region, were represented by some 200 brothers at the Miami convention. Brother Henderson reports magnificent response of chapters to the N A A C P F u n d call a n d to the Bennie Brown F u n d . Public Session T h e Regional public session was held at St. J o h n ' s Baptist Church, while closed sessions took place at Washington High School. T h e Convention Formal was held at H a r l e m Square Ballroom, with Brother Anthony G a r d i n e r as master of ceremonies. T h e smoker was presented in the Flamingo Room of the Mary Elizabeth Hotel, with Dr. I. P. Davis as M. C. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delta Sigma T h e t a Sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and the Pan-Hellenic Council sponsored events to make the social side of the convention highly entertaining. Mrs. Fletcher A. Pasd i a l was president of auxiliary hostesses. Delta Delta L a m b d a Chapter, of West Palm Beach, h a d charge of the Convention Luncheon, at which Brother Gore spoke. Lively Panel T h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e panel was lively, with James Lovette, Southern Lay Member, as moderator, a n d Ernest A. Finney, of Delta Alpha; Perry J. OCTOBER,


Mitchell, of Alpha Phi; Andrew Stewart, of Delta Beta; and Jacob V. LaM a n , of Alpha R h o . Regional Director M. G. Miles responded to greetings at the public program, while W a l t e r C. Pinkston gave Pan-Hellenicana, a n d Brother W. C. Cogdell, the Rev. J. B. Blacknell, and Mrs. Marion Shannon played leading roles. Brother David H . Dobbs presided. •

Cleveland Looks to \\ // Red-Letter Day (Continued from Page 4) of A C H R , will gain some knowledge of its future program, and will go back to his or her organization with definite suggestions for the fulfillm e n t of its objectives. All the Cleveland Committees set u p are now functioning. Some of the more i m p o r t a n t committees have already completed their tasks; others are working assiduously to perfect every m i n u t e detail for the complete success of all phases of the Cleveland Conventions. T h e committee on housing has worked with the Cleveland Convention Bureau's H o u s i n g Staff for long hours in an effort to expedite the mailing of hotel reservations. Credit for the g r o u n d work laid goes to the Joint Convention Committee and the Advisory Committee of the Cleveland Chapters of all the sororities and fraternities involved. T h e Convention Committee looks forward to a large registration.

Come Out of Shell, Brothers (Continued from Page 12) tions committee to assist through publicity and activities in this awakening of Alpha to its rightful position of leadership a m o n g Greek letter Fraternities. Last m o n t h was engaged in releasing a series of articles setting forth current activities of the Fraternity in political, social, a n d economic projects. T h e s e articles were designed to attract those d e l i n q u e n t Brothers a n d to create in them desire to return to the fold. D u r i n g the m o n t h s of October a n d November the Public Relations Committee is releasing a series of stories on o u t s t a n d i n g Brothers from all parts of the nation, limed for the first term of the college year and slanted to prospective Neophytes, so that they may know the caliber of Alpha men. T h e Public Relations Committee solicits the cooperation of all Brothers in calling o u r attention to achievements of any Brother or activities engaged in by any chapter. It asks the Brothers not to forget one very imp o r t a n t thing in thinking of public relations: good public relations is not what you say you are, b u t what you DO. •

Deadline—December Issue November 6, 1952 P A G E 31


Eastern Regional

ALPHAS SERVE THIS WAY. TOO Two Alpha Phi Alphas, now in uniform, are back in school again, this time at the Armed Forces Information School, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Preparing a visual aid for use in a student discussion lab are: Second Lieutenant Edward J. Brooks, U. S. Air Force (left), Florida A. and M. College. Beta Nu, 1951; and Private First Class Calvin A. Dawe, U. S. Army. Lincoln University, Nu, 1951, Both are studying methods of keeping servicemen well informed about personal responsibilities to the nation and personal opportunities for education in the Service. The school operates under the policy supervision of the Department of Defense and is the only service school training civilian employees, officers, and enlisted men from Army, Navy. Air Force, and Marines.—Armed Forces Information School Photo.

"Good Chapters Get Together" (Continued from Page 30) ence toured the Pittsburgh Courier Publishing Company, University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning, local industry, and many historic sites of interest which serve to make this a great city. Playing prominent parts in arranging the meetings were Brother William Fisher, law student at the University o( Pittsburgh, who served as General Chairman, Howard Hairston, Charles Cuthbert, Ralph Brown, George Mason, R e g i s Bobonis, Charles Angell, Edward Ray, Thomas Saunders, John Cundieff, William R. Hunt, Dr! McKinley C. King, and William K. Leftridge. —BRO. HENRY D. MCCULLOUGH

John Preston Ward (Continued from Page 10) "Little 500" bicycle race staged last spring to raise scholarship funds. The 1948 graduate of the Indiana School for the Blind, Ward is the PAGE 32

second oldest of six children. Using neither a cane nor a seeing-eye dog, he gets around the Bloom ington campus without assistance and without difficulty,. He is a member of the Blue Key and Pi Sigma Alpha honorary groups and has been active in Baptist church work. Brother John Preston Ward hopes to teach, practice law, or do specialized social work. As a newspaper story pointed out, "he probably would have no difficulty doing all three things at the same time." •

Budget Revolution (Continued from Page 27) the University of Pennsylvania, Brother Hall is business administrator of Mercy-Douglass Hospital. He is also serving as administrative consultant in connection with the new $3,635,000 hospital building now under construction in Philadelphia. Brother Hall lives with his wife, Ethel, and his daughter, Judy, in suburban Yeadon, Pennsylvania.

Deadline—December Issue November 6, 1952

(Continued from Page 22) 1. T o support the American Council on Human Rights. 2. T o support the plans of the Cornell Memorial Committee, which involved a summer convention to be held at Buffalo in 1956; a pilgrimage to be made from Buffalo to Ithaca during the Convention. 3. T o request a constitutional change which will permit a General Convention to be held in the summer. 4. A constitutional change that will permit the 1952 General Convention to commit itself to Buffalo for 1056. 5. That there be a substantial increase in the grand tax, which will allow money to be ear-marked for scholarships and housing' generally and specifically for seven scholarships to be placed at Cornell as a memorial to the seven jewels who founded the Fraternity and to the posterity of Alpha Phi Alpha at Cornell. 6. That the Educational Foundation and the Director of Education be empowered to survey and canvass all available sources for scholarship and fellowship aid, and send this information out periodically. 7. The Convention voted against any formal recognition of Women's Auxiliary on the national level; but voted to encourage the continued development of local organizations. 8. The Convention voted to recommend to the General Organization a constitutional change that would place the business portion of managing the SPHINX magazine in the hands of the General Secretary and leave the Editor free to devote his time to matters editorial in nature. •

Tallahassee Spurs (Continued from Page 24) ing the top averages; $75 to the student with the highest average in the college; and $75 to the best-rounded student not affiliated with the chapter. Past President Belford V. Lawson was selected as the main speaker, and the charter members, all of whom are now professional men, were invited to participate. The last affair of the year was a smoker in honor of the following graduating brothers: Basker Alexander, James Blow, Raymond Cutts, Henry Finley, Richard Hunter, Earnest Knight. Walter Lang, Isaac Mears, William Morris, III, Charles Russell, Jasper Saunders, Aaron Wright Jr., and Floyd Wright. Twenty-two men were accepted in the SPHINX Club. —BRO. J. HAROLD LOVETT


Teachers, Administrators Supervisors Study In U.S.



W O hundred and seventy-one teachers, supervisors, a n d school administrators from 47 different countries t h r o u g h o u t the world last m o n t h arrived in the U n i t e d States to spend six m o n t h s studying and observing American educational theory and practice. T h e Office of Education of the Federal Security Agency cooperated with the D e p a r t m e n t of State in administering this teacher training program as authorized by the SmithM u n d t a n d Fulbright Acts.

Horn Tooting (Continued from Page 3) Graduates and undergraduates alike make u p our membership; graduates a n d undergraduates alike are responsible for bettering as well as passing on that which is placed in their trust. W e cannot afford to operate a fraternity in 1952-53 upon the blind faith that only methods tried and true in a bygone day are worthy of use in Alpha practice. T o do this is to deny the practicality of educational devices and techniques. W e dare not stop to toot o u r horn to show how far we have come, lest, having stopped, we be passed by others traveling the same road. • THIS IS IT BELOW! If this isn't a fmailiar building to most Alphas, it will soon be much more familiar to a host of brothers. Yes, it's the Cleveland Public Auditorium and Mall, scene of some very, very imporlant doings, come December 26!

ONE ALPHA TO ANOTHER: "CONGRATULATIONS" Walter Lang. Jr. (left). Kappa Iota Chapter member at Florida A. and M. and editor of the FAMCEAN, congratulates a fellow Alpha, William D. Hampton on being the only male student at Albany State College to make the new chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society. Like Lang, Hampton is an editor, his publication being THE STUDENT'S VOICE.


Courtesy of the Commercial S>' r\^















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