Academy of Whole Learning 2018 - 2019 Annual Report

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unlocking potential

2018 - 2019 Annual Report

Who We Serve


Primary Disability Welcome Letter




Our services


Strategic Plan & Highlights




Experts in the Field


Oh the Places They Will Go


Financial Information







Ot h e r Le a r n i n g D iffe r e n c e s 3 4 %

As i a n 6 % M id d le E a s te r n 6 %

N a tiv e Am e r i c a n 4 %

H is p a n ic 6 %


Au S p e D is 6

tis m c tru m o rd e r 6 %

Af r i c a n Am e r i c a n 6 %

C a u c a s ia n 7 2 %

Males: 70% Females: 30%

Financial Aid Approx. 29% of our students receive ďŹ nancial aid dollars

Our Mission

32 63

cities in MN and WI that our families travel from miles is the farthest distance one of our students travels each way to attend AOWL

We provide a personalized learning path integrating social, academic and life skills for students with autism spectrum disorder and individual learning needs.

unlocking potential

Dear Friends of AOWL We want to thank the AOWL community for your extraordinary spirit of generosity during the 2018-19 school year. Hundreds of you - parents, alumni, grandparents and friends of the school came together this past year to contribute your time, talent and resources to support our students. The commitment of resources is a testament to your unwavering belief in our school’s mission. For this, we are grateful. The AOWL community is witnessing a fledgling but growing tradition of deep generosity, and there are so many ways that its members have chosen to support the school. This past year, we are pleased to announce that our community provided more than $1.5 million in support of our students. These are profound gifts, the largest in the school’s history. They are an indication both that we are doing things right and that our responsibilities are increasing. The leadership team and Board are humbled and motivated.

As we begin the 2019-2020 school year, we are focused on continuing our excellence while simultaneously looking to secure our future through finding a permanent (or long-term lease) home for the comprehensive educational and clinical services we are committed to providing for our students and families. It is an ambitious workload, that will require considerable analysis, coordination and planning. Thank you for your patience and input along the way. One of AOWL’s many strengths is our deep sense of community. When we join together, we can make extraordinary things happen for our students. Again, we truly appreciate your support. With gratitude,

Volunteering, making an Annual Fund gift and supporting our MOAK Breakfast and the school’s strategic initiatives, your giving plays a critical role in creating the quintessential AOWL experience and ensures that each and every student is inspired to explore and discover their full potential. Your gifts contribute to the culture of excellence that permeates our clinical services, our classrooms, experientials, athletics and arts experiences.


Overview A school unlike any other Unlock

We believe that all students have potential and do well. At AOWL, we identify students’ needs and strengths so they develop self-awareness and self-regulation in order to unlock their true potential.


Through a balanced approach of academics, social and life skills, our instruction fortifies our students with the necessary relationships and executive functioning to excel inside and outside the classroom. With individualized attention, support and accommodations, students are well prepared and empowered to advance.

Soar “The best thing about teaching at AOWL is seeing the students start to believe in themselves and their ability. To see them recognize their own progress is always incredible and inspires me everyday to show up for them and give them my all.” - AOWL Teacher


Using a gradual release of supports, we embolden our students to take flight until they are fully capable of using the skills developed at AOWL to be successful in academic and professional competencies and can soar on their own.

unlocking potential

Our Services School


As a leader in neurodiverse education, we know all students have their own unique learning needs. Our staff provides individualized academic and social instruction enabling each student a chance to succeed.

4:1 student to teacher ratio


increase in enrollment over 6 years (from 18 students to 66)

Our services include: • Psychotherapy • Intensive Behavior Intervention • Testing and Assessments • Support/Skills Groups Credentialed with many insurance providers as an in-network therapy clinic.


Clubs “Beyond the Bell” program provides enrichment opportunities for our students, including tutoring, communitybased instruction, and after school clubs.


of our students participated in clubs

Summer Camp “Bridge the Gap” summer camp provides students entering grades K-12 opportunities to explore interests, develop important skills, and become more prepared for the next level of academic challenges.


of parents said they would enroll their child in summer camp next year

of clients are not AOWL students

“I was challenged where I needed to be challenged and supported where I needed to be supported.” - AOWL Student


Strategic Plan & Highlights Quarter 1 • Welcomed a new Board of Trustees with John Higgins as Board Chair • Adopted Gradelink as our electronic Student Information System Quarter 2 • Groups of Trustees, parents and administration visited 10 schools across the nation to comb for best practices in neurodiversity education • New bus donated • Opened new clinic: AOWL Therapy Services. Offering psychotherapy, skills therapy and intensive behavior therapy, support/skills groups and diagnostic assessments


Quarter 3 • Began beta testing Emote — behavior software • New website launched Quarter 4 • Received a $1,000,000 promise for tuition assistance over the next 10 years • Wyayn Rasmussen, Executive Director, earns her doctorate • Distributed over $300,000 in tuition assistance • Reorganized administrative offices to open up two new classrooms, create clinical therapy treatment spaces, enlarge the learning commons and create more meeting spaces

unlocking potential

Leadership Board of Trustees Chair John Higgins Vice Chair Rob Dingmann Secretary Teri Crosby Treasurer Ashley Sparks

School Leadership Wyayn Rasmussen Executive Director Greg Saunders Director of Exceptional Learning Carly Kortuem Director of Strategic Advancement

Parent Liaison Allison Barosko

Paul Gloudemans Director of Marketing and Admissions

Executive Director Wyayn Rasmussen

Mike Onan Director of Finance

Members at Large Becky Gibson Margie Fuchs Ivan Levy Kim Snow

Pat Mulvihill Ross Olson Patty Salmon Bob Tift

Katie Thormodsgaard Director of Therapy Services Lisa Janisch Lead Behavior Coordinator


Experts in the Field “This award speaks to how amazing my students are. I wouldn’t have received this award if it weren’t for them and all of their hard work and growth.” - Kade Drechsler

Kade Drechsler 2019 MISF Honor Teacher of the Year (Grades K-8) K-8



individualized lesson plans created in the 2018-19 school year

50% 77 7

exceptional learners educated at AOWL

of our teachers have advanced degrees

unlocking potential




community-based instruction outings

“As parents, we all have special moments that we will remember forever, and one of mine is the incredible joy that the kids had at being part of a team for the first time in their lives.” - Amy Higgins

school visits across the U.S. to learn best practices

Amy Higgins


times AOWL was featured in the media as experts

Special Olympics Minnesota Outstanding Volunteer Award Winner for 2019 8 8

Oh the Places They Will Go 2019 Graduates

“Being on the basketball team was one of my favorite parts of being a part of the AOWL community. It helped me form a lot of friendships.” - Jose

“This year I have become a true warrior, someone who could advocate for themselves and others. I never thought I could graduate. I feel accomplished.” - Maya

“Going to the Academy of Whole Learning has made my life better because it has helped me realize I'm not alone in dealing with my struggles. Thanks to my teachers and classmates, I know I can succeed. For instance, because of my vocational skills, I got my first job at Goodwill.” - Tyler 9

unlocking potential

Did you know?

58% of young adults with autism in their early 20’s are employed This is the lowest rate of employment compared to peers with other disabilities Source: National Longitudinal Transition Study 2

100% of our 2019 graduates are employed Academy of Whole Learning prepares students for life long success


Financial Information !"#$%&'()*(+,)-%(.%#/0102 30")&%(45#5%&%05 718"#-(9%#/(:0$%$(;<-'(=>?(@A>B

2018 -

2018 - 2019 Expenses

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19% 19%

Administrative Development

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2018 - 2019 Revenues 1% 8% 21%

Tuition & Fees

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Program Services

Total Revenue

Student Enrollment





Other Income














0 Revenue















2015-2016 2015-2016

unlocking potential


The Longview Foundation

The Higgins Family

Becky Gibson

The Kansara Family

Anne Ursu &

The Sloan Family

Jordan Brown 12

Donors Your gifts change lives. Thank you! $25,000 + Longview Foundation Hillsdale Fund Babs Koch Robert and Teri Crosby Donna and Rob Sheeley John and Mary Ursu $10,000 - $24,999 Leuthold Family Foundation attn: Steven Leuthold Dorothy & Harry Perkins Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation Allison and Jim Barosko Rosemary and David Good John and Amy Higgins

$5,000 - $9,999 United Health Group

Capernaum Pediatrichere Therapy Maya quote Jen and Todd Graham $1,000 - $4,999 Old National Bank Minnesota Independent School Forum CMG Marketing & Events, LLC H.B. Fuller Foundation Wells Fargo Corval Group Gefrey F Rasmussen DDS PA Straight Line Theory Delta Dental of MN The Howard and Nikki Applebaum Foundation The Murray Road Agency CarVal Investors JJS Property Management, Inc. Stephanie Albert and Pam Quiram

“Academy of Whole Learning is one of the strongest schools we have observed across the nation serving this high-need community. Their programs and services are top notch� - Robert Crosby, donor


$1,000 - $4,999 (cont.) Natalie and Carl Awalt Walter and Marjorie Benjamin Mike & Rhonda Benjamin John and Gretchen Corkrean Ellie Crosby David and Kitty Crosby Lucy Crosby Mitchell Mike and Peg Cuccia Robert Dingmann and Ethan Reynolds Mary C. Dolan Erik Ekstrum Becky Erdahl Susie Fry Stephen Fry Mark and Debra Harless Bill and Helen Hartfiel Rahul and Niti Kansara Jen and Elliot Konschak Judy Lively and Curt Stine James and Lisa Nyhusmoen Ross Olson and Bill Hudson Mike and Connie Onan Josh Pearson and Erika Schinler Patty Salmon Tim and Julie Samuelson Liz and Jeff Sloan Lynn Spelman and Dianne Dingman Dee and Gordy Sprenger John and Patty Thornton Ron and Lori Touchette Anne Ursu and Jordan Brown Stacie and Mark Vandermyde Colleen and Ben Wilkinson

$500 - $999 (cont.)

$100 - $499

Sit Investment Associates Foundation Target Ryan Companies Ligand Corporation Bell Bank Tim and Kristel Barber Steve and Theresa Carlson Henry Chang and Sherri Knopik Rosemary Dingman Christine Dubord Gary and Cathie Erickson Margie and Steve Fuchs Becky Gibson Kate and Rick Hartfiel Laura Hooper Dawn Igoe Fred Kaemmer and Kate Tilney Teresa Kempf Christi and Brandon Kruse Ivan Levy Steve Livermore Pat and Agi Mulvihill Kristi and Scott Pearson Luella and Bruce Ramberg Andrew and JoEllyn Roalstad John and Liz Sjaastad Kate Tilney John and Darlene Vandermyde Joe and JoAnn Ward Dan and Emily Ward Wendy and Keith Weigel

General Mills - Box Tops For Education AmazonSmile Foundation Thiel, Anderson & Kukla Cargill Network for Good Daniels Development Corp Jennifer and Thor Anderson Deb Basco Karen Baumberger Jodi and Andrew Benson Amir Berenjiam David and Erin Berglund Diane Bilger Bryan and Debra Boesen Sandy Bolich Lindsey and Tim Brandt Sam Buck Morgan and Anna Burns Joseph and Delphine Casey Anne Casey-Letourneau Dan and Kristen Charette Vince and Kate Conley Susan Davis Jacque and Jim DeBuse Rich DeMarco Eric Eklund Chris and Jamie Elliott Rhonda Engle Paul and Elizabeth Erdahl Susan Feliciano Kim Flemmer

unlocking potential

Donors $100 - $499 (cont.)

$100 - $499 (cont.)

$100 - $499 (cont.)

$100 - $499 (cont.)

$100 - $499 (cont.)

Ian and Carol Friendly Stephanie Friesen Kirsten Froelich Samantha and Tim Funk Dana Gilbert and Matt Sanders Lynn Giovannelli Andrew Gurbada Steve Hall and Danny Della Lana Peggy Hegg Jason Helgemoe Laura Hendrickson Justin and Kelly Hennessey Kelly Henry Ron and Cindy Hewitt Julie and Bruce Hjerpe Stewart and Karen Hoagland Carlton Hoagland

Zach Hubert Marylee and Joel Jennings Jennifer and Ned Johnson Amer and Maya Kalaaji Casey and Kevin Kelly Chad Kinart and Nicole Zickefoose JoAnn Kinart Charlie and Carly Kortuem Jen and Erick Kyllonen Joseph Lally David Leo Perry Leo and Lisa Villalta Harriet and Frank Letourneau Malia and Charlee Markquart Nadia and Joe Martyn Joel and Lois Maturi Susan McCarthy

Timothy Odegard Steve Peacock and Kate Seng Laura Pitan David Pittman Wyayn and Gefrey Rasmussen Troy Reding Brent Rickenbach Marge and Jim Riggio Amanda Rivera David Roy Jennifer Sabby Greg and Katy Saunders Cindy and Mark Schriever Stephanie Shea Margaret and Mike Slawin Cheryl and Chuck Smith Kim and Buddy Snow

Marit and Michael Sprenger Maura Steblay Eric and Jennifer Stine Dan Sullivan and Becky Erickson Katie and Tom Sullivan Julie Tanaka Jon and Lea Theobald Tim Thoreen Lana Thormodsgaard Allison and Andy Thuleen Bob Tift Eddie Ulrich Neil White

Nichole White Bruce and Karla Wickstrom Preston and Sharon Williams Audra Williams Richard Yudhishthu Jeff Yung Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski Bill and Heather Zerull Lee Ziesmer Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. Please accept our apologies for omissions or errors. If you discover an error, please contact our Advancement team at:

“The most important thing for me is the enviroment of the school. At AOWL, there is so much potential for students to reach the best of what they can achieve, both academically and socially.” - Gray, 12th grade student


3500 Williston Rd. Minnetonka, MN 55345

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unlocking potential

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