Giving Guide

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Tuition is the primary source of operating revenue for the School.

The Annual Fund is vital to the daily operations at AOS. The Annual Fund provides essential, unrestricted income to support the School's current-year operating budget for items not covered by tuition. These funds directly benefit the academic and extracurricular experiences today.

The AOS PT C is the coordinating body for many parent activities. The PTC hosts student and family activities like the Back to School Breakfast, Book Fair and Spaghetti Dinner, Teacher Appreciation, Olympics, and more.

The AOS Dads Club supports the School's mission while encouraging and enjoying the fellowship of other fathers within the School community. The Dads Club hosts programs, fundraisers, and participates in School­ sponsored events for dads to get more involved with their children and their education.

Capital gifts and restricted gifts are designated to a specific purpose. Examples include gifts towards a new building or gifts to purchase equipment. Gifts may be used only for the designated purpose approved by the School.

A percentage of the AOS endowment's income provides cash toward annual operating expenses. A common way for a school to grow an endowment is through a planned gift such as a bequest. A planned gift is any gift that a donor includes in his or her estate planning.

Tuition is assessed annually.

The Annual Fund kicks off in September with the majority of gifts and pledges made during the 100-Day Campaign time frame that concludes on December 31. Pledges are payable by June 30 each year.

Book Fair - October Olympics - May Gala - every other February during years ending in even numbers

Golf Tournament - Fall BBQ Cook-off - Spring Clay Shoot - Spring

Specific requests are made when needs arise.

Endowment and planned gifts are accepted year-round.


Each tuition dollar is allocated as defined by a budget approved by the Board of Trustees, and therefore, cannot be designated.

Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted. They are used during the year received to support the operating budget.

The Book Fair benefits the school library and Olympic sponsorships underwrite the event and support the physical education curriculum. The Gala benefits faculty and technology development as well as classroom enhancements.

The Dads Club funds are designated per their board's approval with guidance from the School.

Capital gifts and restricted gifts are designated for a specific purpose by the School or the donor.

Endowment funds can be unrestricted or donor designated, pending approval. Likewise, planned gifts can be designated by the donor to support a specific area within the school.


The School emails reenrollment information to families in late January.

The School solicits contributions to the Annual Fund through mail, email and follow-up by the Annual Fund Committee.

The PTC solicits funds through email and invitations.

The Dads Club solicits funds through mail and email.

Solicitations are often made through personal meetings with school leadership.

Contact the Advancement Office at 713-470-5650 or

Tuition can be paid using two different payment plans and is processed through your Smart Tuition account.

Annual Fund gifts are made each fiscal year. Gifts may be made by cash, check, credit card, or stock transfer.

Gifts to the PT C may be made by cash, check, or credit card.

Gifts to the Dads Club may be made by cash, check, or credit card.

Gifts may be made by cash, check, credit card, or stock transfer.

Gifts to the endowment may be made by cash, check, credit card, stock transfer, or planned gifts (i.e. bequests, real estate, life insurance, retirement plans, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts).

Tuition funds the majority of the School's operating budget.

The Annual Fund supports School operations not covered by tuition, including professional development, classroom technology, and resources for fine arts and athletics.

The PTC contributes a percentage of funds raised each year to be used at the School's discretion. They help fund special projects, specific needs and many important AOS traditions: Classical Countdown, Fine Arts Week, Teacher Appreciation Week and more.

The Dads Club supports special projects and capital improvements that are not part of the School's budget. Technology enhancements and new artificial turf are examples of recent past support.

Capital gifts and restricted gifts can have a significant impact on the school community. The AOS campus would not be possible today without the past generous support of families who invested in the future of AOS.

A strong endowment creates a source of income beyond tuition and serves as a permanent asset that improves the financial stability of AOS. Gifts will benefit future generations of AOS students.





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