AOS 2017-2018 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 1

Annunciation Orthodox School Annual Report


From the Head of School



From the Board Chair


Carry the Torch Capital Campaign


AOS Annual Fund


From the Parent Teacher Club President


Book Fair Donors


Olympic Donors


From the Dads Club President


Mark Kelly Retirement Celebration

Director of Director of Advancement Jill Buja Annual Fund/Alumni Coordinator Mary Morgan Stevens Contributors Jason Ahlgren John Anaipakos Dr. Samuel V. Fragomeni Michele Friedman

Opposite: Class of 2018 Lifers (bottom left to right) Kaia Chambers, Katarzyna Kwiatkowski, Madeline Webster, Sophie Butler, Max Stovall, Peter Sarajev (top left to right) Isabel McIntyre, Nick Sullo, Kile Stenoien, Wade Arntzen, Zulema Georgandis, Emma Alexander, Katie Schott


ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 1


From the Head of School During my visits to campus last spring, I was met with a consistent narrative of how special the AOS community is. Since assuming leadership as Head of School, this narrative continues to strengthen as I witness the love, hard work, and dedication every member of this community demonstrates daily in an effort to grow our students’ hearts and minds. Thank you to everyone who donated to AOS in the 2017-2018 school year. Whether it be participating in the Annual Fund, underwriting the Book Fair, or contributing to the Carry the Torch Capital Campaign, we would not be able to provide the world-class education we offer at AOS without this monetary support. The money we raise provides essential income to support school operations not covered by tuition and has also gifted us a state-of-the-art building that encourages creativity and collaboration in the classroom. Not only are these resources and facilities important to the facilitation of our curriculum, but they also help ensure that AOS will continue to attract and retain top talent, in both students and faculty. AOS is unique, and your contributed dollars help us maintain and foster our school culture of learning in a nurturing, supportive environment. By donating, you are supporting the mission of AOS. Thank you, again, for sharing your gift and for being a donor.

Dr. Samuel V. Fragomeni Head of School

Left to right: Aliki Michael, Evie Smith, Nicholas Khalil, Neve Merideth, Addison Conner, Akash McCracken

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 3

Dear AOS Families and Friends: The 2017-2018 school year was a year of great accomplishment and transition for our school.

From the Board Chair

In November 2017, after a nine-month search process, and with input and participation from the entire AOS community, the Board of Trustees selected Sam Fragomeni, Ed.D., to be the next Head of School at AOS. Sam brings a proven and distinguished track record of educational leadership to AOS, most recently as the Chief Academic Officer at Explore Schools. Although Sam officially started as Head of School on July 1, 2018, he was hard at work on transitioning into his new role for many months prior, during which time he attended many AOS events, met with all faculty, and spent considerable time with his predecessor, Mark Kelly. As a board, we look forward to Sam’s leadership and to working with him to ensure that the school continues to thrive. As a community, we bid a fond farewell to our long-serving and beloved Head of School Mark Kelly at a retirement celebration in his honor on April 21, 2018. At this wonderful event, we raised over $80,000 to establish the Mark Kelly Endowment for Excellence. In addition, the board announced that the middle school will be named the Mark Kelly Middle School in honor of Mark’s 22 years of devoted service to the school. We also announced the naming of the Katherine Veletsos Lower School in honor of our founding Head of School Katherine Veletsos who laid the groundwork for the success of AOS during her 25 years of leadership. In February 2018, we celebrated the completion of our $19.4 million construction project with a ribbon cutting and blessing attended by many of our leadership donors, project team, and other friends and supporters. Our new facilities - a three-story, stateof-the-art lower school and early childhood building, beautiful dining hall, pavilion, and expanded green space - have truly transformed the AOS campus.


The Carry the Torch Capital Campaign, under the leadership of Kris and Richard McGee, came to a successful completion having raised over $15 million. We were blessed with the generous support of so many AOS families, both current and alumni, as well as extraordinary support from area foundations, including a remarkable lead gift of $2 million from the Glassell Family Foundation. The school’s financial position remains strong. Financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, reflect that the school, once again, ended the fiscal year with a surplus. This surplus is primarily made possible by your generous support of the AOS Annnual Fund. Contributions to the AOS Annual Fund totaled approximately $720,000 for the 2017-2018 school year. Finally, our Strategic Planning Committee, chaired by Trustee Sean Maher, made progress in the implementation of the new plan, including imperatives such as refreshing the website, hiring a communications director, and evaluating campus security. Implementation of the strategic plan is expected to continue over the next three to five years, so stay tuned for more updates. In closing, I would like to thank the following Trustees for their years of service to AOS: Demo Psifidis, Morgan Shin, and Jim Tanner. Our school is a better place because of their leadership. I am also very pleased to report that Kris McGee has agreed to serve as Board Chair in 2018-2019. Kris is passionate about the school and its mission, and we are very fortunate to have her lead the board at this time. It has been my great privilege to serve this wonderful school community as Board Chair for the last three years. Thank you for allowing me to do so and for your continued support of AOS.

John Anaipakos

Chair, AOS Board of Trustees

2017-2018 Board of Trustees Tammy Ahlgren John Anaipakos, Chair Jen Arntzen Alan Christensen Morris Clark Kevin Cokinos Panos Georgiou Michael T. Koinis Sean Maher Kris McGee, Vice-Chair Tom McGee Adrian Patterson Joy Posoli Nicole Postolos Demo Psifidis Will Randall, Secretary Mark Santikos Andrew Schroeder Morgan Shin Jim Tanner Tiffany Utterson

Advisory Members Byron Cherry Eyvette Hetherington Petros Papazis Jason Stabell

Right: Olivia Bell and Caroline Buja Next Page (left to right): Thad Dameris, Pam Lindberg, Alfred C Glassell III, Rev. Father Michael Lambakis, Mark Kelly, Richard McGee, John Anaipakos, Kris McGee, Doug Foshee, Sarah Foshee, Louise Moss, Gary Moss

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 5


Carry the Torch Capital Campaign The Carry the Torch Capital Campaign was very successful and raised over $15 million! We would like to acknowledge all current and former parents, the numerous foundations, and all of our other friends who have demonstrated their confidence in our beloved school and its mission. A ribboncutting ceremony took place in February 2018 to recognize and honor all those who so generously supported the campaign. The Carry the Torch Capital Campaign was led by chairs Kris and Richard McGee, who are dedicated alumni parents as well as highly effective volunteer leaders. Their work was supported by a strong campaign committee and significant involvement from the Board of Trustees. Thank you all for your amazing support!

Campaign Leadership Kris and Richard McGee, Chairs

Campaign Committee Marina and Alan Christensen Sarah and Doug Foshee Tricia and Panos Georgiou Angie and Dean Liollio Simone and Sean Maher Katina and Vasilios Mathews Louise and Gary Moss Joy and Paul Posoli Catherine and Will Randall Lorie and Robert Sheffey Tiffany and Craig Utterson

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 7

Carry the Torch Capital Campaign Donors FLAME $2 million and above Glassell Family Foundation

TORCH $1 million - $1,999,999 The Brown Foundation, Inc. Sarah and Doug Foshee Claire and Joe Greenberg

DECATHLON $500,000 - $749,999 Louise and Gary Moss and The E.H. Andrews Foundation Jane and Harry Pefanis

HEPTATHLON $250,000 - $499,999 Anonymous AOS Parent Teacher Club The Elkins Foundation Linda and David Elmer The Fondren Foundation Kris and Richard McGee W.T. and Louise J. Moran Foundation Sterling-Turner Foundation Wise, Evans and Sand Families

PENTATHLON $100,000 - $249,999 Kim and Demetrios Anaipakos Seva and John Anaipakos M.D. Anderson Foundation Jean and Dwight Beach The Boyd Morse Foundation The Burguieres Family Marina and Alan Christensen

The Clayton Fund The Cullen Foundation Hugh A. Echols Tricia and Panos Georgiou George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Eyvette and Tom Hetherington Angie and Dean Liollio Jaime and Ken Merideth Moss Landscaping Maria and Chris Pappas/ Vicky and Harris Pappas The Posoli Family Catherine and Will Randall Fairfax and Risher Randall The Rockecharlie Family Vivian L. Smith Foundation The Stabell Family The Utterson Family Joni and John Zavitsanos

Estate of Leo Linbeck, Jr. The Hobbs Family Shelly and David Katz Sayed Khoja and Christina Hadjioannou The Lyons Foundation The Maher Family Katina and Vasilios Mathews The McBride Family Florence McGee Lindy and Tom McGee Sara and Todd Mensing Nicole and George Postolos The Prout Family Janell and Joe Reniers The Santikos Family The Schroeder Family The Theofanidis Family The Willinger Family Elizabeth and Jud Wolfe

TRIATHLON $50,000 - $99,999

BIATHLON $25,000 - $49,999

Anonymous (2) Tammy and Jason Ahlgren Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation AOS Dads Club Adonia and Kevin Cokinos Arch-Con Corporation Holly and James Baker Laura and Michael Bartolotta Meg and George Basu Ruth and Ted Bauer Family Foundation Laura and Brian Conner Sarah and Paul Doyle Reagan and George Fibbe Mary Clark and Chris Granberry/

Siva and Teddy Adams The Airhart Family Amy and Klay Allen Christina and Matt Altenau AOS Class of 2016 AOS Class of 2017 The Arntzen and Evans Families Carol and Paul Beck The Becker Family Shannon and Jay Bell Karen V. Bentsen Mary and Frank Bradley Barbara and Chris Catechis Jill and Christopher Cokinos Alice and Mike Conlon Stephanie and Stephen Crain


Angela Shippy, MD and Tommy Doss Margo and Peter Elgohary Tami and Frank Erwin Michele and Brent Friedman The Mytchak/Gessner Family Jill and Gray Gilbert The Siobhan and A.J. Gracely Family Lisa and Michael Heim Katina and Gilchrist Jackson Amanda and Steve Johnson Maria and Charles Kelley Sarah and Mark Kelly Rena and Mike Koinis The Locklar Family Lady Ann and Ryan Loving Suzanne and James McCarthy The O’Leary Family C.N. and Maria Papadopoulos Foundation Pappas Family Trust Amanda and John Seaberg Ellen C.L. Simmons and Family Nicole and David Singer Victoria and Christopher Skinner The Sullo Families Susan and Jim Tanner Olivia, Grace, Holly and Jeremy Taylor Jemma and Chris Thomas The Tully Family Susan Vaughan Foundation Katherine and Andy Veletsos Village Plumbing and Home Services Kaylin and Chris Weber Renee and James Webster The Whitley Family Cara and Derrell Wright

DIOLICHO $10,000 - $24,999 The Aboudaher Family Kristin and Ron Adzgery The Albright Family Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral The Allen Family AOS Class of 2014 AOS Class of 2015 Chris and Merrell Athon Carol and Dwight Beach, Jr. Heather Able and Paul Bragg Josie and Taylor Brown Darlene and Dan Chu Shauna and Morris Clark Georgia Bouchoutsos and John Cotsoradis Sarah and Thad Dameris Gina Lucero Fry and Terry G. Fry Patricia and Simos Georgandis Maria and Orestes Germanides Gulf Coast Pavers Patricia and Pearce Hammond Peggy and Virgil Haney Carole and Raouf Hanna Krista and Kevin Kirton The Honorable John Kyles and Dr. Regina Kyles Diane and Van Laborde Clay and Rebecca Lilienstern Audrey and Eric Lokker Denise and Mario Madrid The Mayes Family Ralph and Ruth J. McCullough Foundation The McMorrow Family The Michaels and Onisiphorou Families

Camille and Tommy Mikhail Pam and David Ott/Liz and Rogers Herndon Bo and Dean Pamphilis Erin and Adrian Patterson The Cynthia and Gregory Phillips Family Mary and Evan Quiros Angela and David Ramm Amy and Dwayne Sablatura The Sheffey Family The Shin Family Nina and Stephen Skinner Kathryn and Kyle Smith The SolĂŠ Family Robie and Randall Stenoien Elyse and Rocky Stevens Janna and David Webber Blake Winston

STADE Up to $9,999 Anonymous (3) John Alford Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Addison Antonoff Mona Mahmound and Mohanned Awad Bank of America Foundation Alaina and Leo Benford Dee and Pete Boukouzis Ginger Brown Sarah and Sean Bunk Karen K. Craft Julia B. Crowder Elise and Demetri Dale Jane and Jim DeGeorge Anik and Gerry Desjardins

Sara and William Edwards Elizabeth and Brad Edwards Alisa and Kenneth Eng Susan and John Fainter, Jr. Christina and Ruben Flores The Foye Family Karen Francis Laura and Scott Fuselier Gulf Coast Pavers Leashanne and James Guo Daphne and Michael Haigh Sonja Bruzauskas and Houston Haymon Kathleen Carberry and Michael Johnson Catherine and Matthew Johnson Alanna Morrison and Sesha Kalapatapu Vicky and Pete Kanakidis Patsy and Tom Kasprowicz Samia and Kamal Khalil The Lane Family Sarah and David Larned Mary Catherine and Michael Lewis Kelli Lilienstern Beata and Ted Loch-Temzelides Annette Long Ann and Rodney Malcolm Connie McMaken Erin and Toby McMillin Amanda and Bryan Melvin The Metry Family Lydia Kavraki and Antonios Mikos Roslyn and Derrick Mitchell Cathy and Robert Moore Maria and Tim Newton Mary Strahan and Jason Norwood

Ovo and Francis Nwabudike Krista Olson, MD Stacey and Pierce Owens Monica and Ianni Palandjoglou Allison and Dan Parsley Laurie and John Pearson Pam and Jeff Phillips Marla and Karl Poirot Debbie and Demo Psifidis Tomiko Fukuda and John Puh The Pursley Family Kathy and Mylan Radulovich Dana and Abdallah Rassy Judy and Danny Rawson Lisa and John Reed Bryant F. Richardson Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Eva Paek and Larry Robey Lia and David Rodi Nancy Sablatura Molly and Robert Sample Carol and Andrew Savas Mary and Garland Stephens Richard Stilwell and Betsy Eason Carolyn Storin Dr. Mary Nell Suell John B. Tobola Julie and Terry Tsigos The Vincent Family Pat and Wayne Vogelsang Kristin and Christopher Wallis Sherri and Garrett Walsh Linda and Steve Wasserman Becky and Zig Werlla Sona Kothari West The Wise Family Alice and William Wright Susanne and Matthew Wright Andy and Leslie Zizinia ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 9

Carry the Torch Capital Campaign Donors IN MEMORY OF MRS. MARIA MITCHELL BALLANTYNE Mr. and Mrs. Marc F. Atiyeh Ms. Helen F. Berger Mrs. Linda L. Bomke Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chenoweth Mrs. Catherine Dameris Mrs. Dan L. Duncan Ms. Karima Ghazzaly Mr. Gary S. Glesby Mr. John Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Demo Kouzounis Ms. Pamela W. Loomis Ms. Gretchen Odum Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shryock Dr. and Mrs. Andy S. Veletsos Ms. Helen T. Vietor Ms. Betty Yianitsas Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Zorn Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Zorn

IN MEMORY OF MS. KATHY STRATAS Ms. Kristin M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Don Aron Ms. Karen V. Bentsen Mrs. Elizabeth R. Bittson Mrs. Kaliopi Bryant and Diane and John Vallas Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cessac Mrs. Mary Chilivetis Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Cowan Mrs. Mathilde Currence Mrs. Maria Demeris Mrs. Robyn Doyle

Mrs. Renate Elgohary Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Elgohary Mrs. Patti Ezell Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Fox, Jr. Mrs. Karen Francis Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Garza Mr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Haney II Mr. Houston B. Haymon and Ms. Sonja Bruzauskas Mr. and Mrs. C. DeWayne Higdon Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Jelson Ms. Sultana Kaldis Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Karvelas Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Kelly Ms. Elaine Koumonduros Mr. and Mrs. Demo Kouzounis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Lowman Mrs. Cindy J. Lumpkin Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Makris Mr. and Mrs. Carl Manchaca Dr. and Mrs. Vasilios Mathews Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCourt Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. McGee Dr. Antonios Mikos and Dr. Lydia Kavraki Mr. and Mrs. George Millas Mrs. Mary Minas Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pappas Dr. Gregory S. Pattakos and Mrs. Panagiota Stouraiti Mr. Marcus Payavla Mrs. Anna P. Payavla Mrs. Matina Peet Ms. Michelle E. Petrou Mr. and Mrs. Dionysios M. Phocas

Mr. and Mrs. Pete A. Poulos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reniers Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson Drs. Evangelina and Ioannis Skaribas Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Solé III Mrs. Angela P. Stergiou and Family Mrs. Pamalah Tipps Mr. and Mrs. George H. Tyson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Utterson Ms. Ann-Marie Veletsos Mrs. Katherine Veletsos Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Z. Werlla Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wright, Jr. Drs. Kimberly and Michael Yen Ms. Betty Yianitsas Mrs. Roula E. Zografos

Opposite: Ava Wise


ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 11

Carry the Torch Capital Campaign Donors Constellation Campaign Donors HERCULES $5,000 Emily and James Blackwell* Melissa Cross and John Bowling Jeanette and Abe Doumani*** Laura and Hank Heyser Linda and George Kelly Kelley and Stephen Lubanko Simone and Sean Maher* Christine and Jan Wijbrand Spin

PERSEUS $2,500 Jill and Max Buja Despina and Robert Collins Christina and Ruben Flores Nimisha Patel and Dipen Maru Emily and Jason Miller Brigitte and Mark Radulovich Bryant Richardson

ORION $1,000 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Ladies Philoptochos Society Christina and Matthew Altenau Andrews Foundation Susan and Samuel Barrett Joyce and Anthony Beebe Kristen and John Berger Lina Amador and Harold Borland Georgia and Christopher Butta Deborah Cannon Patricia and Khalid Dajani

Sarah Davies Analie and Andrew Durham Patrice Easterly Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Genna and Jon Evans Rachel and Marley Ferris Laura and Emmanuel Fyssas Lela and Robin Gibbs Karien and Kevin Goodwin Margaret and David Henry Georgia Hernandez Eyvette and Thomas Hetherington Samantha and Jeffrey Holy Catherine and Matthew Johnson Tina and Joshua Kahn Rena and Mike Koinis Helen and Charles Malachias Anu and Philip Matorin Lindy and Thomas McGee Cathy and Robert Moore Whitney and Allan Neighbors Aditi and Naveen Pemmaraju Tiffani and Dorsey Perry Marla and Karl Poirot Shelly and Martin Power Tomiko Fukuda and John Puh Amber and Jack Pursley Alyssa and Daniel Rieber Polly and Kenneth Schott Megan and Andrew Schroeder Nicole and David Singer* Emily and Patrick Smith Angela and Cliff Stanich Diana and Wesley Stewart Betsy Eason and Tom Stilwell Julie and William Thomas Jennifer and Andrew Thorington


Alicia Valentini Ellen and Douglas Verret Yvette and James Webb Kaylin and Christopher Weber Christine and Andy Wei Sofia and Wayne Williams Charlotte Bidard and Taleia Wilson Leslie and Andy Zizinia

PEGASUS $500 Robin Burks and Fred Ames* Seva and John Anaipakos Jessica and Ross Bartley Meg and George Basu* Fran and Mark Berg* Donna and Max Buja Suk and Peter Chang Cameron Chapman Edna and Charles Davis Marie and Arnaud de Limelette Biykem Bozkurt and Mel Dilci Angela Shippy and Tommy Doss Michol and Michael Ecklund Debbie and Pat Elam Norman Ewart Monica and Elie Ezzie Sarah and Doug Foshee*** Friedman/Reniers Families Sandra and Johnny Ganim Silvana Faria and Eduardo Gil Ann and Rob Griffin Marie and Greg Halvatzis** Cherie and John Howell Diann and Ronald Huijsman

Alanna Morrison and Sesha Kalapatapu Sultana Kaldis** Suzy and Bob LaForge Joy and Jeffrey Lee* Lilly Lerner Deborah Phan and Michael Leung Angie and Dean Liollio Lady Ann and Ryan Loving Sara and Chris Lowman Helen and Charles Malachias*** Ann and Rodney Malcolm Gisele and Spyros Maragos*** Katina and Vasilios Mathews Meghan and Andrew McConomy Michelle and Stephen McIntyre Collie and Harvey Michaels** Patricia and Hensel Murchison Maria and Tim Newton Heather and Daniel Pesikoff Janice Contreras and Rod Pinheiro Judy and Soterios Platis Megan and Bill Prout* Janell and Joe Reniers Lia and David Rodi Lindsay and Jonathan Roumel Elizabeth and Mark Santikos* Elizabeth and Richard Skinner** Victoria and Christopher Skinner Angela Sklavos Susie and Gary Stankowski Robyn Rothman and John Stevenson Milena and Erik Suarez Jemma and Christopher Thomas

Alvina Hamilton Tribute Donors Leah Pedersen-Thomas and Benjamin Thomas Stephen and Pamalah Tipps Tiffany and Craig Utterson Katherine and Andy Veletsos Village Plumbing and Air Sherri and Garrett Walsh Kaylin and Christopher Weber Meredith and James Wiersma Cissy and David Winn *Indicates an additional gift was made at this level

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Adzgery Ms. Leslie Kiefer Amann Mr. Chris Ballou and Ms. Cindi Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Beach III Prof. Eric Boerwinkle and Prof. Vicki Huff Mr. Harold Borland and Ms. Lina Amador Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bosworth Ms. Ginger E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cherry Dr. David Coats and Dr. Evelyn Paysse Mr. and Mrs. Chad A. Disch Ms. Jacqueline Effenson Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Finch Mr. Patrick Foye and Dr. Ana Blackmon Mr. Terry G. Fry and Mrs. Gina Lucero Fry Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gillan Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson Ms. Bernice B. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Cary Kottler Mr. and Mrs. Amol R. Kulkarni Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Makris Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Mosichuk Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Poirot Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Quay Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Schott Ms. Angela P. Sklavos Dr. Perry L. Steele Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Stewart Dr. Mary Nell B. Suell Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Varcados Mr. and Mrs. James D. Webb Ms. Deborah A. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. David W. Winn

Alvina Hamilton Director of Extended Day Center 1981-2018

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 13


AOS Annual Fund The 2017-2018 AOS Annual Fund Chairs Jen Arntzen and Joy Posoli would like to thank the AOS community for their support of the 2017-2018 AOS Annual Fund. The fund raised $720,000 to help cover the gap between tuition income and the operating budget for the school. This fund is an investment in our students because the money raised directly benefits their academic and extracurricular experiences today. Thank you to our parents, board, faculty and staff, grandparents, former parents, alumni, matching gift corporations, foundations, and friends for helping us surpass our fundraising goal. Congratulations to our Board of Trustees and our faculty and staff, who again this year supported the fund at 100%! We appreciate the members of the AOS Annual Fund Committee who act as ambassadors for this annual campaign. Because of their belief in the importance of this fund and the mission of the school, over 70% of all current parents made a heartfelt gift. Thank you for making your annual gift to the AOS Annual Fund a priority!

Committee Amy Airhart Kimberly Albright Kristin Allen Laura Bartolotta Lauren Cancienne Michael Cancienne Elise Dale Christina Flores Eyvette Hetherington Tom Hetherington Shelly Katz Debbie McBride


Board of Trustees Faculty/Staff Current Families

Shannon Petrick Karl Poirot Catherine Randall Kaitlyn Scheurich Jemma Thomas Dads Club Rep Bill Prout












Alumni Families











Unsolicited/Matching Gifts TOTAL GIFT AVERAGE

Board of Trustees Faculty/Staff

2017-2018 Annual Fund Team Chairs Jen Arntzen Joy Posoli

Annual Fund







Faculty and Staff



Board of Trustees





Current Families PARTICIPATION


PTC Rep Janell Reniers Director of Advancement Jill Buja Annual Fund/Alumni Coordinator Mary Morgan Stevens

Opposite Top: Evan Ecklund, Elliott Ecklund, Ria Arabandi, Elizabeth McGee, Meera West, Lizzy Sullo, Margaret Hammond Bottom Left: Ava Leung, Isabel Tagtow, Isabel McIntyre Bottom Right: Kile Stenoien, Matthew Held, Eric Fairchild

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 15

AOS Annual Fund Donors By Gift Society

DELPHI SOCIETY $10,000 or more Seva and John Anaipakos Holly and James Baker Shannon and Jessie Bell Adonia and Kevin Cokinos Tricia and Panos Georgiou Regina and Judge John Kyles Joy and Paul Posoli Zoya Kovenya and Sergey Vasnetsov

PARTHENON SOCIETY $5,000 to $9,999 Tammy and Jason Ahlgren Amy and Klay Allen Christina and Matt Altenau Kim and Demetrios Anaipakos Jen and Chris Arntzen Laura and Michael Bartolotta Melissa and Sean Becker Karen V. Bentsen Marina and Alan Christensen Alice and Michael Conlon Patricia and Khalid Dajani Sara and Paul Doyle Elizabeth and Brad Edwards Genna and Jon Evans Michele and Brent Friedman Deborah and Burt Ginsburg Caroline F. Hadlock Samantha Schnee and J Michael Hafner Bain and Brady Head Eyvette and Tom Hetherington Tara and John Ivascu Nina Andrews and David Karohl Shelly and David Katz Lady Ann and Ryan Loving

Simone and Sean Maher Katina and Vasilios Mathews Deborah and John McBride Kris and Richard McGee Sara and Todd Mensing Louise and Gary Moss Mary Strahan and Jason Norwood Alifiya and Salvador Pareja Jane and Harry Pefanis Megan and Bill Prout Catherine and Will Randall Janell and Joe Reniers Amy and Kaam Sahely Mary Elizabeth and Nils Sand Polly and Ken Schott Megan and Andrew Schroeder Amanda and John Seaberg Lorie and Robert Sheffey Elizabeth Cosgrove and Cameron Smith Celina and Jason Stabell Susie and Gary Stankowski Diana and John Tully Barbara Winston Wolfe Family Cara and Derrell Wright

KATHERINE VELETSOS SOCIETY $2,500 to $4,999 Siva Barnwell Adams and Teddy Adams Amy and Matthew Airhart Kimberly and James Albright Kristin Allen Meg and George Basu Joyce and Tony Beebe Wendy and Cris Bera


Deborah and Nick Bernitsas Lina Amador and Harold Borland Joni and David Calkins Lauren and Michael Cancienne Sarah and Corbin Chaffin Cameron E. Chapman Karen and Richard Chotiner Despina Colette and Robert Collins Analie and Andrew Durham Michol and Michael Ecklund Pat W. Elam Marley Ferris and Rachel Such Corinne and David Finan Christina and Ruben Flores Gina Lucero Fry and Terry Fry Helen and Russell Gebhard Daphne and Michael Haigh Tracy and Randall Hale Elizabeth and Rogers Herndon Elizabeth Bernstein and Aaron Hinojosa Samantha and Jeffrey Holy Leslie and Gregory Huang Catherine and Matthew Johnson Tina and Joshua Kahn Maria and Charles Kelley Alexis and David Kelly Teri and Charles Koerth Rena and Mike Koinis Diane and Stephen Laborde Renee and Michael Locklar David Marchese Nimisha Patel and Dipen Maru Jimmie Sue and Jeff Mayes Camille and Tommy Mikhail Emily and Jason Miller Melinda and Matt Mogas

Meera and Stephen Naehr Claire and Edwin Nelson Krista L. Olson Yolanda and William O’Malley Sophia and Richard Ou Tiffani and Dorsey Perry Tomiko Fukuda and John Puh Alyssa and Daniel Rieber Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Elizabeth and Mark Santikos Norma and James Shahda Amy and Joseph Shahda Anita and Sam Shahda Morgan and David Shin Laura and Jimmy Shuford Nicole and David Singer Victoria and Christopher Skinner Kathryn and Kyle Smith Lori Christ and Anthony Speier Christine and Jan Spin Stephanie and Patrick Tagtow Susan and Jim Tanner Jemma and Chris Thomas Laura and George P. Turley Kelly and Eliot Turner Tiffany and Craig Utterson Kaylin and Chris Weber Kelly and Jason Whitley Christine and Hanson Yates

CORINTHIAN SOCIETY $1,000 to $2,499 Mona Sarkiss and Omar Aboudaher Kristin and Bert Adkins Michelle and Josh Agrons Craig B. Allen Susan and Samuel Barrett Jessica and Ross Bartley

Erika and Matthew Benz Kristen and John Berger Emily and James Blackwell Susan and Jim Boone Mary and Frank Bradley Patricia Brinson Kristen and Jeb Brown Josie and Taylor Brown Amy and Franklin Caputo Erin and Luke Charlton Reena and Byron Cherry Shauna and Morris Clark Elise and Demetri Dale Jane and James DeGeorge Shamim Maredia-Dhuka and Javaid Dhuka Electra and Douglas Elliott Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Monica Chamorro-Ezzie and Elie Ezzie Kirstin and Craig Feazel Tatiana Martinez and Matias Fefer Adam Flores Jami and Tucker Fowler Jennifer and Scott Frasier Vanessa and Sergio Garza Lela and Robin Gibbs Ann and Robert Griffin Leashanne and James Guo Patricia and Pearce Hammond Carole and Raouf Hanna Margaret and Brian Henry Santos and Richard Hinojosa Sukhi Dosanjh and Sonu Johl Mark H. Kelly Molly and Samy Khalil Christina Hadjioannou and Sayed Khoja

Patty and Herman Kirkpatrick Anne and Andrew Lehman Deborah Phan and Michael Leung Mary Catherine and Michael Lewis Helen A. Lilienstern Mary Lopushansky Katherine and Paul Manuel Anu and Philip Matorin Meghan and Andrew McConomy Jackie and John McConomy Jennifer and George McCormick Florence McGee Erin and Toby McMillin Amanda and Bryan Melvin Stacey and John Moffet Margaret and Nicholas Mousoudakis Dona and Nicolas Nammour Sarah and Tom Niermeyer Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Julie and Craig Oliver Pam and David Ott Angel Wang and Patrick Pan Christina and Petros Papazis Laurie and John Pearson Shannon and J. David Petrick Pam and Jeff Phillips Janice Contreras and Rodrigo Pinheiro Marla and Karl Poirot Nicole and George Postolos Debra and Demo Psifidis Brigitte and Mark Radulovich Angela and David Ramm Josephine and William Rice Karen and Bill Rice

Paige and David Rockecharlie Kelly and Mark Rosin Amanda and John Seaberg Kaitlyn and Michael Scheurich Kristina and Marc Schultz Gregory L. Shannon Emily and Patrick Smith Ruhi and Samit Soni Angela and Cliff Stanich Robie and Randall Stenoien Mary and Garland Stephens Diana and Wesley Stewart Betsy Eason and Richard Stilwell Mary Nell B. Suell Sharon and Greg Sullo Julie and William Thomas Kemble White Fay W. Whitehead Sofia and Wayne Williams Stephanie and Gerald Willinger Blake W. Winston Leslie and Andy Zizinia

IONIC SOCIETY $500 to $999 Anonymous (4) Ann and Elbert Adkins Kristin and Ronald Adzgery Bess Alford John L. Alford Leslie Kiefer Amann Vanessa and Brandon Bailey Michele and Thomas Bailey Cindi Strauss and Chris Ballou Tammy and David Barringer Donna Baughman Jean and Dwight Beach Alaina and Leo Benford

Jill and Max Buja Angel and Chuck Butler Andrea and Chris Caswell Suk and Peter Chang Darlene and Dan Chu Alexandra Maldonado and Gabriel Dahik Sarah Davies Jacqueline Effenson Kelley Elliott Jennifer and Jarrett Ellzey Alisa T. Eng Laura and Dimitrios Fetokakis Martha and Alex Galbraith Patricia and Simos Georgandis Jill and Gray Gilbert Elna and Todd Griggs Fred D. Herring Julie Peak and David Hightower Betty and Peter Hoffman Julie Hughes Vicky and Pete Kanakidis Sharon and Stuart Kinder Bertha King Amy and Brian Kirkpatrick Stacy and Eugene Koay Ashby and David Lang Sarah and David Larned Lorraine and Orin Lewis Rebecca and Clay Lilienstern Lindy and Tom McGee Denise W. Metry Cathy and Robert Moore Liz and Matt Moriarty Ovo and Francis Nwabudike Monique R. Pappas Patricia and Bruce Patterson Cheryl and Chris Pieper ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 17

AOS Annual Fund Donors By Gift Society

Anne Marie and Harris Reynolds Jr. Bryant F. Richardson Adrienne and John Ropp Margie and Brad Sanders Hilary and Paul Smith Kendall and Carlos Solé III Nancy Somoza Roxanne W. Szumilas Wade E. Upton Alicia Valentini V.H. “Pete” Van Horn Maria and John Villamil Page and Phillip Vogelsang Sona K. West Shannon and Albertus Wiesedeppe III Beth and Jim Wiggins

DORIC SOCIETY $250 to $499 Anonymous (3) Rebecca and Sean Austin Lucy Barnard Camila and Corbin Barnes Cuqui and Larry Baum Katy French-Bloom and Michael Bloom Martine Carr Michelle and Trey Cash Katherine and Rick Chambers Jessica and John Colen Laura and Brian Conner Sarah and Thad Dameris Mary Daire and Marcus Delouche Terzah and James Doyle Sukey Fenoglio

Theresa and Ray Frierson Laura and Scott Fuselier Fawn and Matt Galbraith Sydney and Barry Goss Alvina Hamilton Kathy and Robin Harrison Barbara and Kenneth Held Bowie Helm Kathleen Henighan Diann and Ronald Huijsman Sana and Nuhad Ibrahim Virginia and Alex Jackson Clare A. Jackson Larisa Jackson Sarajev Saraswathi Karri Jennifer Vallone and Doug Klesel Sayli and Amol Kulkarni Joy and Jeff Lee Wanda and Leslie LeGrand, Jr. Claudette and James Lloyd Denise and Mario Madrid Christine Moraczewski Colleen F. Morimoto Clare M. Murphy Stacey and Pierce Owens Crystal and David Parker Erin and Adrian Patterson Laura Guion and Mark Pojar Merritt and J. Travis Pulliam Michael J. Rokas Soma Chakraborty and Biman Sadhu Laura and Andrew Schaefer Kathryn and Jeff Smith Cassandra and Sean Smith Michelle Thomas and William Stanley


Nancy Williams and Larry Stevens Milena and Erik Suarez Stephanie and Andrew Sullo Shannon and William Terrill Dorothy and Gene Thompson Blair and Scott Thrash Connie Tomlin Julie and Terry Tsigos Kathy Welch and John Unger Tara and Thomas Varcados Helen and Foti Vasos Emily and Andrew Webster Meredith and James Wiersma Amber T. Williams Ian D. Wilson Robert J. Wise Carrie and Tom Wood Susanne and Matthew Wright

FRIENDS OF AOS Up to $249 Anonymous (5) Ana Cristina and Faisal Aboul-Enein Dana Afifi Myrna Agris Amy E. Ailor Mylie Alaniz Sharon L. Alexander Jose Arenas Allayne L. Austin Mohamed Awad Wyndham Ivey-Bailey and Jeremy Bailey Johnette and James Barnes Sarah Bartlett Cori Beach

Caroline C. Beaver Christian Begg Maria Bejarano Keykowa N. Bell Staci Biggar Lisa and Stephen Birnbaum Vicki Huff and Eric Boerwinkle Joanne Bonasso Jill Boyer Marsha and Jim Braniff Helen D. Broussard Mary Daniell Bryant Rosemarie and Charles Butler Nancy Campbell Clara Castaneda Joyce Cate Kim Chapman Melanie Charles Chen Chen Ever Chevez Steven Cole and Laurel Agris Dorree and Michael Colson Bianca B. Condon Sharon Corbett Jack V. Cowan Valerie Coyle Karen Craft Buffy Cross Annie Cuenod Angelique and Scott Cunningham Catherine Dameris Antha Adkins and Francis Davies Cindy Demeris Lucy DiNunzio Cara and Gary Doughty Sally B. Douglas Debra M. Elam

Elizabeth Elwell Angela S. Enyart Laura Espinal Jacob Espinosa Terry and Kurt Feazel Alisa and James Ferguson Jr. Jan W. Fertitta Cele and James Fibbe Olivia and Mark Fisher Patrick M. Foye Rhonda Frazier-Brooks Susan French Laura and Emmanuel Fyssas Jein and Loran Gadson Sonia R. Garcia Pam and Jim Gaspar Mattie Gatlin Thalia Gazis Adam Georgandis Orestes B. Germanides Jan and Michael Gibson Karien and Kevin Goodwin Siobhan and Anthony Gracely Natalie F. Gray Janet E. Griffin Patricia V. Grosso Susan D. Grygiel Peggy and Virgil Haney JoAnna Hasbell Desiree Hearn Anna and Nick Hernandez Shirley and Robert Hines Jennifer Hockless Cherie and John Howell Kamila and Nomaan Husain Jamie Jackson Koetting and Kirby Jackson Ann-Marie Johnston

Julia M. Jones Kristina and Andrew Kanellopoulos Patsy and Tom Kasprowicz Melinda Marye-Kelley and William Kelley Sammie and Charlie Kirkpatrick Ann and David Klopp Constance M. Koinis Nikkie Kyriasoglou Renee and Father Michael Lambakis Joan Lange Lilly T. Lerner Edward J. Lincecum Jeri Lodato Ashley B. Long Ashley E. Malpiedi Maricela Martinez Nancy and Joe MathĂŠ Claire Mather Kathryn and Bill Maxwell Natalie J. McAfee Annie and Tim McDaniel Patricia McKenzie Liberty Karras and Michael Michael Katherine and John Miner Melna and Mike Moriarty Sheridan and Clifton Morris Sami A. Mossbarger Jackie Murphy Daniel J. Muschalik Christine Naponic Maria and Tim Newton Ekaterini Noffsinger Mary C. Ott Matthew Panozzo

Maria Papageorgiou Lydia and Pat Pazmino Heather and Daniel Pesikoff Jim Phillips Elizabeth W. Powell Shelly and Martin Power Charles W. Prout Angie Ramirez Judy and Dan Rawson Zsuzsanna H. Reeves Harris A. Reynolds III Reina M. Rodriguez Courtney and Joseph Roger Marian Rosse Lindsay and Jonathan Roumel Lesli L. Rowell Seth Rowoldt Johna A. Rusk Ivy Ruths Dwayne D. Sablatura Cindy L. Schumacher Marguerite L. Schutza Amit Shah Raymond D. Shelton Donna and Ted Simon Rheem Sobhani Susan and Dick Stasney Perry L. Steele Ada and Erik Stehl Mary Morgan Stevens Robyn Rothman and John Stevenson Michael Stovall Cynthia Tatum Ellie Thompson Patty L. Tompkins Charla Trader Ellen and Doug Verret

Jeannine and Paul Vincent Sarah and Thomas Way Ellie Weddel Rebecca and Hunter Werlla Amy B. Williams Cissy A. Winn Meredith Wise Alice and William Wright Rachel and Christopher Yarborough Catherine Yuksek Lauri and Jeff Zaruba

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 19

AOS Annual Fund Donors By Constituency

BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ADVISORY BOARD John Anaipakos, Chair Jen Arntzen Byron Cherry Alan Christensen Morris Clark Kevin Cokinos Panos Georgiou Eyvette Hetherington Michael T. Koinis Sean Maher Kris McGee, Vice-Chair Tom McGee Petros Papazis Adrian Patterson Joy Posoli Nicole Postolos Demo Psifidis Will Randall, Secretary Mark Santikos Andrew Schroeder Morgan Shin Jason Stabell Jim Tanner Tiffany Utterson

FACULTY AND STAFF Anonymous (3) Dana Afifi Amy E. Ailor Mylie Alaniz Sharon L. Alexander Bess Alford Jose Arenas Allayne L. Austin Mohamed Awad Lucy Barnard Sarah Bartlett

Donna Baughman Cori Beach Caroline C. Beaver Christian Begg Maria Bejarano Keykowa N. Bell Joanne Bonasso Helen D. Broussard Mary Daniell Bryant Jill Buja Nancy Campbell Martine Carr Joyce Cate Kim Chapman Melanie Charles Ever Chevez Bianca B. Condon Sharon Corbett Valerie Coyle Karen Craft Annie Cuenod Cindy Demeris Lucy DiNunzio Sally B. Douglas Debra M. Elam Pat W. Elam Kelley Elliott Elizabeth Elwell Alisa T. Eng Angela S. Enyart Laura Espinal Jacob Espinosa Jan W. Fertitta Adam Flores Patrick M. Foye Rhonda Frazier-Brooks Sonia R. Garcia Mattie Gatlin Thalia Gazis


Adam Georgandis Orestes B. Germanides Natalie F. Gray Janet E. Griffin Patricia V. Grosso Susan D. Grygiel Alvina Hamilton JoAnna Hasbell Desiree Hearn Jennifer Hockless Clare A. Jackson Jamie Jackson Ann-Marie Johnston Julia M. Jones Mark H. Kelly Constance M. Koinis Nikkie Kyriasoglou Joan Lange Edward J. Lincecum Jeri Lodato Ashley B. Long Mary Lopushansky Ashley E. Malpiedi Maricela Martinez Natalie J. McAfee Patricia McKenzie Christine Moraczewski Sami A. Mossbarger Clare M. Murphy Jackie Murphy Daniel J. Muschalik Christine Naponic Ekaterini Noffsinger Mary C. Ott Matthew Panozzo Maria Papageorgiou Monique R. Pappas Jim Phillips Elizabeth W. Powell

Angie Ramirez Zsuzsanna H. Reeves Bryant F. Richardson Reina M. Rodriguez Marian Rosse Seth Rowoldt Johna A. Rusk Ivy Ruths Dwayne D. Sablatura Cindy L. Schumacher Marguerite L. Schutza Amit Shah Raymond D. Shelton Rheem Sobhani Mary Morgan Stevens Michael Stovall Roxanne W. Szumilas Cynthia Tatum Ellie Thompson Connie Tomlin Patty L. Tompkins George P. Turley Ellie Weddel Amy B. Williams Amber T. Williams Cissy A. Winn Meredith Wise Robert J. Wise Catherine Yuksek

CURRENT PARENTS Anonymous (7) Mona Sarkiss and Omar Aboudaher Ana Cristina and Faisal Aboul-Enein Siva Barnwell Adams and Teddy Adams Kristin and Bert Adkins

Kristin and Ronald Adzgery Michelle and Josh Agrons The Ahlgren Family Amy and Matthew Airhart Kimberly and James Albright Sharon Alexander Craig B. Allen Amy and Klay Allen Kristin Allen Kim and Demetrios Anaipakos Seva and John Anaipakos Eva and Jose Arenas Jen and Chris Arntzen Wyndham Ivey-Bailey and Jeremy Bailey Vanessa and Brandon Bailey Michele and Thomas Bailey Holly and James Baker Cindi Strauss and Chris Ballou Camila and Corbin Barnes Susan and Samuel Barrett Tammy and David Barringer Jessica and Ross Bartley Laura and Michael Bartolotta Meg and George Basu Cuqui and Larry Baum Jean and Dwight Beach Melissa and Sean Becker Joyce and Tony Beebe Alanna and Christian Begg Shannon and Jessie Bell Keykowa Bell Alaina and Leo Benford Karen V. Bentsen Erika and Matthew Benz Wendy and Cris Bera Kristen and John Berger Deborah and Nick Bernitsas Staci Biggar

Emily and James Blackwell Katy French-Bloom and Michael Bloom Joanne and Scott Bonasso Lina Amador and Harold Borland Rhonda Frazier-Brooks and Syprian Brooks Kristen and Jeb Brown Josie and Taylor Brown Jill and Max Buja Angel and Chuck Butler Lauren and Michael Cancienne Amy and Franklin Caputo Andrea and Chris Caswell Sarah and Corbin Chaffin Katherine and Rick Chambers Suk and Peter Chang Cameron E. Chapman Melanie and Robert Charles Erin and Luke Charlton Chen Chen Reena and Byron Cherry Karen and Richard Chotiner Marina and Alan Christensen Darlene and Dan Chu Shauna and Morris Clark Adonia and Kevin Cokinos Steven Cole and Laurel Agris Jessica and John Colen Despina Colette and Robert Collins Dorree and Michael Colson Bianca and Eric Condon Laura and Brian Conner Buffy Cross Alexandra Maldonado and Gabriel Dahik Patricia and Khalid Dajani

Annual Fund Participation by Grade Level GRADE
















First Grade




Second Grade




Third Grade




Fourth Grade




Fifth Grade




Sixth Grade




Seventh Grade




Eighth Grade








Elise and Demetri Dale Sarah and Thad Dameris Sarah Davies Jane and James DeGeorge Shamim Maredia-Dhuka and Javaid Dhuka Cara and Gary Doughty Analie and Andrew Durham Michol and Michael Ecklund Elizabeth and Brad Edwards Jacqueline Effenson Electra and Douglas Elliott Jennifer and Jarrett Ellzey Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Monica Chamorro-Ezzie and Elie Ezzie

Kirstin and Craig Feazel Tatiana Martinez and Matias Fefer Marley Ferris and Rachel Such Laura and Dimitrios Fetokakis Corinne and David Finan Christina and Ruben Flores Jami and Tucker Fowler Ana Blackmon and Patrick Foye Jennifer and Scott Frasier Michele and Brent Friedman Gina Lucero Fry and Terry Fry Laura and Scott Fuselier Laura and Emmanuel Fyssas Jein and Loran Gadson Fawn and Matt Galbraith ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 21

AOS Annual Fund Donors By Constituency

Vanessa and Sergio Garza Helen and Russell Gebhard Adam Georgandis Tricia and Panos Georgiou Deborah and Burt Ginsburg Karien and Kevin Goodwin Sydney and Barry Goss Siobhan and Anthony Gracely Natalie and Charles Gray Ann and Robert Griffin Elna and Todd Griggs Leashanne and James Guo Samantha Schnee and J Michael Hafner Daphne and Michael Haigh Tracy and Randall Hale Patricia and Pearce Hammond Carole and Raouf Hanna Bain and Brady Head Barbara and Kenneth Held Bowie Helm Margaret and Brian Henry Anna and Nick Hernandez Elizabeth and Rogers Herndon Eyvette and Tom Hetherington Elizabeth Bernstein and Aaron Hinojosa Samantha and Jeffrey Holy Leslie and Gregory Huang Diann and Ronald Huijsman Kamila and Nomaan Husain Sana and Nuhad Ibrahim Tara and John Ivascu Koetting and Kirby Jackson Virginia and Alex Jackson Larisa Jackson Sarajev Sukhi Dosanjh and Sonu Johl Catherine and Matthew Johnson Tina and Joshua Kahn

Vicky and Pete Kanakidis Saraswathi Karri Shelly and David Katz Melinda Marye-Kelley and William Kelley Maria and Charles Kelley Alexis and David Kelly Molly and Samy Khalil Rena and Mike Koinis Christina Hadjioannou and Sayed Khoja Sharon and Stuart Kinder Amy and Brian Kirkpatrick Jennifer Vallone and Doug Klesel Ann and David Klopp Stacy and Eugene Koay Teri and Charles Koerth Sayli and Amol Kulkarni Regina and Judge John Kyles Diane and Stephen Laborde Renee and Father Michael Lambakis Ashby and David Lang Sarah and David Larned Lilly T. Lerner Deborah Phan and Michael Leung Mary Catherine and Michael Lewis Sybil and Eddie Lincecum Claudette and James Lloyd Renee and Michael Locklar Lady Ann and Ryan Loving Denise and Mario Madrid Simone and Sean Maher Katherine and Paul Manuel David Marchese Nimisha Patel and Dipen Maru


Nancy and Joe Mathé Katina and Vasilios Mathews Anu and Philip Matorin Kathryn and Bill Maxwell Jimmie Sue and Jeff Mayes Deborah and John McBride Meghan and Andrew McConomy Jennifer and George McCormick Kris and Richard McGee Lindy and Tom McGee Erin and Toby McMillin Amanda and Bryan Melvin Sara and Todd Mensing Denise W. Metry Liberty Karras and Michael Michael Camille and Tommy Mikhail Emily and Jason Miller Katherine and John Miner Stacey and John Moffet Melinda and Matt Mogas Cathy and Robert Moore Liz and Matt Moriarty Louise and Gary Moss Margaret and Nicholas Mousoudakis Meera and Stephen Naehr Dona and Nicolas Nammour Claire and Edwin Nelson Sarah and Tom Niermeyer Mary Strahan and Jason Norwood Ovo and Francis Nwabudike Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Krista L. Olson Yolanda and William O’Malley Julie and Craig Oliver Sophia and Richard Ou

Stacey and Pierce Owens Angel Wang and Patrick Pan Christina and Petros Papazis Alifiya and Salvador Pareja Crystal and David Parker Erin and Adrian Patterson Laurie and John Pearson Tiffani and Dorsey Perry Heather and Daniel Pesikoff Shannon and J. David Petrick Pam and Jeff Phillips Cheryl and Chris Pieper Janice Contreras and Rodrigo Pinheiro Marla and Karl Poirot Laura Guion and Mark Pojar Joy and Paul Posoli Nicole and George Postolos Megan and Bill Prout Debra and Demo Psifidis Tomiko Fukuda and John Puh Merritt and J. Travis Pulliam Brigitte and Mark Radulovich Angela and David Ramm Catherine and Will Randall Zsuzsanna Reeves Janell and Joe Reniers Alyssa and Daniel Rieber Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Courtney and Joseph Roger Michael J. Rokas Adrienne and John Ropp Kelly and Mark Rosin Lindsay and Jonathan Roumel Lesli L. Rowell Laura and Seth Rowoldt Johna and Lee Rusk Ivy Ruths Amy and Dwayne Sablatura

Soma Chakraborty and Biman Sadhu Amy and Kaam Sahely Margie and Brad Sanders Elizabeth and Mark Santikos Laura and Andrew Schaefer Kaitlyn and Michael Scheurich Polly and Ken Schott Megan and Andrew Schroeder Kristina and Marc Schultz Amanda and John Seaberg Gregory L. Shannon Lorie and Robert Sheffey Morgan and David Shin Laura and Jimmy Shuford Nicole and David Singer Victoria and Christopher Skinner Hilary and Paul Smith Kathryn and Jeff Smith Emily and Patrick Smith Cassandra and Sean Smith Kathryn and Kyle Smith Elizabeth Cosgrove and Cameron Smith Kendall and Carlos Solé III Ruhi and Samit Soni Lori Christ and Anthony Speier Christine and Jan Spin The Stabell Family Angela and Cliff Stanich Susie and Gary Stankowski Michelle Thomas and William Stanley Ada and Erik Stehl Robie and Randall Stenoien Mary and Garland Stephens Diana and Wesley Stewart Betsy Eason and Richard Stilwell

Jennifer and Mike Stovall Milena and Erik Suarez Mary Nell B. Suell Stephanie and Andrew Sullo Sharon and Greg Sullo Stephanie and Patrick Tagtow Susan and Jim Tanner Shannon and William Terrill Jemma and Chris Thomas Julie and William Thomas Blair and Scott Thrash Julie and Terry Tsigos Diana and John Tully Laura and George Turley Kelly and Eliot Turner Tiffany and Craig Utterson Alicia Valentini Tara and Thomas Varcados Helen and Foti Vasos Maria and John Villamil Jeannine and Paul Vincent Page and Phillip Vogelsang Sarah and Thomas Way Kaylin and Chris Weber Emily and Andrew Webster Sona K. West Kelly and Jason Whitley Meredith and James Wiersma Shannon and Albertus Wiesedeppe III Amber T. Williams and Family Sofia and Wayne Williams Stephanie and Gerald Willinger Ian D. Wilson Blake W. Winston Meredith and Rob Wise Susanne and Matthew Wright Cara and Derrell Wright Rachel and Christopher Yarborough

Christine and Hanson Yates

GRANDPARENTS Ann and Elbert Adkins Myrna Agris Johnette and James Barnes Marsha and Jim Braniff Patricia Brinson Rosemarie and Charles Butler Clara Castaneda Alice and Michael Conlon Jack V. Cowan Catherine Dameris Terzah and James Doyle Terry and Kurt Feazel Sukey Fenoglio Cele and James Fibbe Susan French Martha and Alex Galbraith Patricia and Simos Georgandis Lela and Robin Gibbs Kathleen Henighan Fred D. Herring Shirley and Robert Hines Julie Hughes Patsy and Tom Kasprowicz Bertha King Sammie and Charlie Kirkpatrick Patty and Herman Kirkpatrick Wanda and Leslie LeGrand, Jr. Claire Mather Jackie and John McConomy Florence McGee Melna and Mike Moriarty Sheridan and Clifton Morris Pam and David Ott Lydia and Pat Pazmino Charles W. Prout Judy and Dan Rawson

Josephine and William Rice Karen and Bill Rice Donna and Ted Simon Susan and Dick Stasney Dorothy and Gene Thompson Charla Trader Wade E. Upton V.H. “Pete” Van Horn Ellen and Doug Verret Kemble White Fay W. Whitehead Barbara Winston Alice and William Wright

ALUMNI FAMILIES John L. Alford Leslie Kiefer Amann Rebecca and Sean Austin Lisa and Stephen Birnbaum Vicki Huff and Eric Boerwinkle Susan and Jim Boone Mary and Frank Bradley Joni and David Calkins Michelle and Trey Cash Reena and Byron Cherry Angelique and Scott Cunningham Antha Adkins and Francis Davies Mary Daire and Marcus Delouche Alisa and James Ferguson Jr. Olivia and Mark Fisher Theresa and Ray Frierson Pam and Jim Gaspar Jan and Michael Gibson Jill and Gray Gilbert Caroline F. Hadlock Peggy and Virgil Haney Kathy and Robin Harrison ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 23

AOS Annual Fund Donors By Constituency

Julie Peak and David Hightower Betty and Peter Hoffman Cherie and John Howell Kristina and Andrew Kanellopoulos Rena and Mike Koinis Joy and Jeff Lee Lorraine and Orin Lewis Rebecca and Clay Lilienstern Helen A. Lilienstern Annie and Tim McDaniel Kris and Richard McGee Colleen F. Morimoto Christina and Petros Papazis Patricia and Bruce Patterson Jane and Harry Pefanis Shelly and Martin Power Anne Marie and Harris Reynolds Jr. Harris A. Reynolds III Paige and David Rockecharlie Nancy Somoza Perry L. Steele Nancy Williams and Larry Stevens Robyn Rothman and John Stevenson Kathy Welch and John Unger Zoya Kovenya and Sergey Vasnetsov Rebecca and Hunter Werlla Beth and Jim Wiggins Carrie and Tom Wood Lauri and Jeff Zaruba Leslie and Andy Zizinia

INDIVIDUALS Jill Boyer Anne and Andrew Lehman

CORPORATIONS AND MATCHING GIFTS Amerada Hess Corporation Apache Corporation Bank of America Foundation Chevron Humankind Community ENGIE Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Company Hewlett-Packard Charitable Giving Campaign Kirby Inland Marine, LP Murphy Oil Corporation Matching Gifts OXY Occidental Petroleum Corporation Piper Jaffray Charitable Giving Program Shahda Investments LLC Shell & Motiva Texas Instruments Foundation Wells Fargo Matching Gifts WORKDAY


ENDOWMENT CONTRIBUTIONS AOS Dads Club AOS Parent Teacher Club Joan Crain Nelson Children’s Fund

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS In Memory of Christopher Fox George H. Tyson In Memory Of Adam S. Kelly Catherine Dameris Peter T. Hoffman In Memory of Jimmy Moriarty James H. Howard In Memory of Nick Demeris and Ann Papavassiliou Argo Georgandis

FOUNDATIONS Edward H. Andrews Foundation The Mailman Foundation, Inc. Ott Charitable Foundation Edwin P. and Ann B. Seaberg Family Gift Fund William and Marie Wise Family Foundation Opposite: Alex Xavier, Leo Rosin, Eli Sahely, Jackson Doty, Matthew Skinner


ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 25

From the Parent Teacher Club President

The Parent Teacher Club (PTC), along with all members of the AOS community, experienced tremendous change and growth during the 2017-2018 school year. The new building not only opened new spaces for PTC events and activities and ignited the creativity of the 38 members of the PTC Board who chaired 24 committees, but it also inspired the PTC Executive Committee to rethink our volunteer and fundraising programs, including going to an every-other-year gala. After the year off, we are looking forward to embarking at the 2018-2019 AOS Gala in February. The PTC began the school year coordinating volunteer efforts for Hurricane Harvey victims. The response from the community was overwhelming and uplifting, truly a testament to the kind, caring families at AOS. The year ended with the Big Fat Greek Olympics, a day where almost everyone in the community is on campus, volunteering, and celebrating the spirit of AOS. In between, the PTC coordinated and funded four fantastic community events including the Back to School Breakfast, the Book Fair and Spaghetti Dinner where we all “Camped Out with a Good Book,” Grandparents and Special Friends Day, and the Eikon Art Show and hosted four speakers through Parent Education. In addition, PTC chairs and volunteers supported school priorities and activities through a variety of committees including Care Committee, Faculty and Staff Appreciation, Helping Hands, Spirit Sales, Visual Arts Exhibition, Christmas Program and Robes, Classical and Musical Countdown, Lower, Middle School, and Chorus Art Angels, Lower and Middle School Room/Team Parent Coordinators, Service Committee and, last but not least, Team Sports. The Chairs of these committees are an amazing group of supportive, hard-working, creative, fun and dynamic individuals, and we are grateful to every single one of them for giving their time and talents to the PTC this year. In addition to PTC Board members and volunteers, we would like to thank members of the AOS faculty


and staff who have been integral to the success of the PTC this year. First, we’d like to thank the Facilities Team, some of the the most hard-working, patient, kind, and caring people at AOS. We would also like to thank the more than forty members of the faculty and staff who supported the PTC’s fundraising efforts by serving as volunteers at the Jones Center/Lower School Night Out or providing special experiences for our auction. There was no requirement to participate in these events, and it is a testament to the dedication of the faculty and staff and the love they have for our kids that so many of them gave their free time to help us raise money for the PTC. We’d also like to thank the Business Office who manages our finances so expertly and the Advancement Office who spent hundreds of hours alongside us this year planning and working on PTC activities and events. Although PTC fundraising is overall significantly lower this year due to skipping the gala, we broke records for both Olympics and Book Fair fundraising and had a very successful, first-ever Special Experience Holiday Auction. We are very grateful to all our contributors. Despite not having gala revenues this year and due to prior PTC boards’ fiscal restraint, we were still able to maintain a significant level of direct support to AOS, transferring more than $150,000 to the Carry the Torch Capital Campaign, the general endowment, educational support, and professional development. My family has been a part of the AOS community for eight years, and during those years, I have realized how uniquely wonderful our community is. The faculty, staff, parents, and children who make up our community create a magical place of kindness, caring, and connection. I am thankful every single day that we chose to send our daughters to AOS, and I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to serve this year as the PTC President.

Michele Friedman

Parent Teacher Club President

2017-2018 Parent Teacher Club As of June 30, 2018


Fundraising Book Fair (Net Sales, Spaghetti Dinner, T-Shirts)

$ 28,069


$ 30,029


$ 7,833 $ 65,931

Product Sales (Spirit Items, Used Uniforms, etc.)

$ 11,288

PTC Dues

$ 9,260


$ 86,479



$ 9,745

Back to School Breakfast

$ 2,138

Community Service

$ 2,624

Faculty Appreciation & Support

$ 35,297

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

$ 2,888

Miscellaneous (Helping Hands, Classical Countdown, Garden, Visual Arts, etc.)

$ 2,166

Eikon Art Show

$ 4,201

Parent Education TOTAL EXPENSES

$ 3,500 $ 62,559

PTC Funds were used to benefit the AOS community in the following ways: Carry the Torch Capital Campaign Educational Support

$ 25,000 $ 12,010

General Endowment

$ 40,000

Professional Development

$ 80,000

PE - Olympics

$ 2,500

Mark Kelly Endowment for Excellence

$ 2,500


$ 162,010

Top: PTC Executive Board (left to right) Janell Reniers, Laura Conner, Michele Friedman, Amanda Seaberg, Katina Mathews Bottom: Olivia Anaipakos, Saleela Pemmaraju, Ava Cherry

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 27

Parent Teacher Club Leadership EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Michele Friedman President Elect Janell Reniers Treasurer Laura Conner Secretary Amanda Seaberg Past President Katina Mathews PTC COMMITTEE CHAIRS Back to School Breakfast Tracy Hale Sophia Ou Book Fair/Spaghetti Dinner Josie Brown Diana Tully Spaghetti Dinner, Shelly Katz

Helping Hands Val Burguieres Eyvette Hetherington

LS Art Angel Debbie Bernitsas Brigitte Radulovich

Night of the Arts Holly Psifidis Jemma Thomas

LS Room Parent Coordinator Erin McMillin

Olympics Tricia Georgiou Olympics Elect Marina Christensen Parent Education Morgan Garvey Spirit and Internet Sales Leslie Huang Jennifer McCormick Uniforms (Used/Lost & Found) Santos Hinojosa Liberty Karras

Care Committee Elise Dale

Visual Art Exhibition Angela Ramm Susie Stankowski Julie Tsigos

Community Service Leashanne Guo Amy Sahely


Faculty & Staff Appreciation Kimberly Albright Denise Madrid

Christmas Program & Christmas Robes Lauren Cancienne

Grandparents & Special Friends Day Kristen Berger Mary Nell Suell

Classical/Musical Countdown Amy Caputo Cathy Johnson Library Elizabeth Wolfe


MIDDLE SCHOOL COMMITTEE CHAIRS Art Angels - Chorus Kristin Adkins Art Angels - 7th Grade Kendall Sole Art Angels - 8th Grade Robie Stenoien Service Leashanne Guo Team Parent Coordinator Tammy Ahlgren Team Sports Sabrina Espinoza Mindy Rippstein

Book Fair Donors AUTHORS Eleanor, Henry & Grant Brown Khalid, Patricia, Adam & Noah Dajani Sloane, Neve & Reed Owen Merideth Gary, Louise & Carolina Moss George, Sheeba & Asha Thomas Tully Family Wolfe Family

SCHOLARS Ahlgren Family Margot & Nickel Evans Ginsburg Family Allison & Natalie Goodwin Hale Family Kahn Family Camille & Campbell Katz Maher Family Maru Family Mensing Family Hunter & Ellis Reniers Eva & Daphne Rockecharlie Sand Family Sheffey Family Stabell Family Lily Stankowski Caroline & Charlotte Weber

BOOKWORMS Omar Aboudaher & Mona Sarkiss Adkins Family Sammie Anaipakos Becker Family Benz Family Borland Family Remy Brejon & Zola Rodi

Luke, Beau & Emma Burguieres Zoe & Noah Chang Coldren Family Nicolas Collins Jack & Addison Conner Warren Cross IV Karina & Saila Davis DeGeorge Family Arianna & Valentina Doss Cecilia & Eliza Friedman Eleni & Emma Georgiou Leung Family Kara Lewis Joshua Mayes Matthew McCaffety Elizabeth & Wade McGee Posoli Family Austin Puh & Family Dylan & Marley Ramm Leo and Eli Rosin Zoe & Emmanuel Sgouros Vivian Spin & Family Stephens Family Patrick & Stephanie Tagtow Thomas Family Andrew Wasserman Jackson & Lynsey Wright

SUBSCRIBERS Natalie & Ryan Allen Altenau Family Bartley Family Grace & Matthew Bartolotta Ashton & Olivia Bell Dylan Bentsen Bidard Wilson Family Kaia Athenais Chambers Christian & Julia Clark Ellzey Family Ferris Family

Reese Kelly & Family Elyse Khoja Emerson & Zachary Koay Chloe Laborde James & Claudette Lloyd Justin Lopez Alexandra & Carolina Madrid Rowan, Anu & Philip Matorin CeCe & Charlie Mikhail Julia & James Miller Colin Moore Family Isabella & Max Pinheiro Will & Jack Prout Seaberg Family Siappas Family Singer Family Hannah, Sarah Grace & Janie Thomas Utterson Family Katerina Vasos

Ansley, Brynn & Sloane LeGrand MathĂŠ Family Mathews Family Reva & Saleela Pemmaraju Tommy Perez-Lodeiro Logan Perry Ray Family Roger Family Sahely Family Alyssa Shannon Connor & Hannah Smith Lizzy & Kate Sullo Tsigos Family Wiersma Family Brink & Finley Wiesedeppe Zoe Williams Joseph Wyble-Ceno

READERS Agrons Family Ellison & Emery Albright Dashiell Ballou Owen & Ava Baum Dimi & Ereeni Bernitsas Hahn & Henson Bloom Caroline & Ellen Buja Luke Charlton Brandon & Erika Cole Elise & Demir Dilci Doughty Family Durham Family Emilio & Nicolas Ezzie Galbraith Family Aaron Griggs Ethan & Lila Johnson Annabeth & Drew Kalapatapu Julia & Jonathan Lang ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 29

Olympic Donors OLIVE BRANCH Christensen Family Georgiou Family Ginsburg Family Kahn Family Hon. John & Dr. Regina Kyles Maher Family Mensing Family Sloane, Neve & Reed Owen Merideth Gary, Louise & Carolina Moss Vivian Spin & Family

TORCH Adkins Family Jim, Holly & Edie Baker Luke, Beau & Emma Burguieres Cokinos Family Nicolas Collins Margot & Nickel Evans Kevin & Karien Goodwin Hale Family Hinojosa Law PLLC Nina, David & Christopher Karohl Hadjioannou & Khoja Family Meg Lonergan Interiors Loving Family Julia & James Miller Jaxen Palmer Hugh, Katheryn & John William Ray Hunter & Ellis Reniers Sand Family Seaberg Family Sheffey Family Stabell Family Alex Stilwell Caroline & Charlotte Weber

Zoe Williams Wolfe Family

GOLD MEDAL Omar Aboudaher & Mona Sarkiss Sofia Aboul-Enein Ahlgren Family Natalie & Ryan Allen Klay, Amy & Konnor Allen Sammie Anaipakos Arntzen Family Grace & Matthew Bartolotta Basu Family Sean, Melissa & Sophie Becker Dylan Bentsen Benz Family Borland Family Zoe & Noah Chang Luke Charlton II Christian & Julia Clark Coldren Family Jack & Addison Conner Warren Cross IV Mr. and Mrs. James B. DeGeorge Jr. Arianna & Valentina Doss Durham Family Cecilia & Eliza Friedman Joshua Gadson Hanna Dental Implant Center Camille & Campbell Katz Matthew Kelley & Family Khalil Family Emerson & Zachary Koay Lane Family Lang Family Leung Family Kara Lewis Lonergan Family


Alexandra & Carolina Madrid Maru Family Matthew McCaffety Elizabeth & Wade McGee CeCe & Charlie Mikhail Kenny Moffet Colin Moore Family Helena & John Platis Poirot Family Kyriaki Postolos Prout Family Austin Puh & Family Randall Family Rippstein Family Leo & Eli Rosin Sahely Family Zoe & Emmanuel Sgouros Milan Shelton Samit & Ruhi Soni Doug, William & Sarah Jane Suell Patrick & Stephanie Tagtow Janie, Sarah Grace & Hannah Thomas Thomas Family Tully Family Andrew Wasserman Winston Family

SILVER MEDAL Bartley Family Ashton & Olivia Bell Bidard-Wilson Family Kaia Athenais Chambers Joanna Crane Ellzey Family Ferris Family Fetokakis Family Fowler Family Meredith Frasier

Galbraith Family Christina Haddad Reese Kelly & Family Chloe Laborde James & Claudette Lloyd Mathews Family Mousoudakis Family David & Crystal Parker Petrick Family Shin Family Siappas Family Singer Family Sarah & Meredith Skinner Wes & Faith Stewart Utterson Family

BRONZE MEDAL AOS Business Office AOS Facilities Crew Agrons Family Albright Family Dashiell Ballou Owen & Ava Baum Remy Brejon & Zola Rodi Eleanor, Henry & Grant Brown Caroline & Ellen Buja Alice & Betty Cancienne Caputo Family Brandon & Erika Cole Doughty Family Alex & Nina Ewart Emilio & Nicolas Ezzie Foye Family Merry Griffin Aaron Griggs Gemma & Thomas Huang Ethan & Lila Johnson Drew & Annabeth Kalapatapu Daphne & Melina Kouloumbris Ansley, Brynn & Sloane LeGrand

Lokker Family MathÊ Family Connor & Garvey O’Brien Tommy Perez-Lodeiro Perry Family Pesikoff Family Dylan & Marley Ramm Roger Family Rokas Family Turi & Amelie Scheurich Schroeder Family Alyssa Shannon Connor & Hannah Smith Lily Stankowski Anastasia, Nicholas, Eleni Rose & Sarah Constance Strickler Lizzy & Kate Sullo Tsigos Family Vincent Family Wiersma Family Brink & Finley Wiesedeppe

Opposite: Kimberly Grace and John Kyles

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 31

From the Dads Club President

We had another fantastic year for the AOS Dads Club! I am happy to report that for the fourteenth year in a row we have continued to provide additional funding and support to the school’s programs and funds in the amount of $17,996, ending the year with a Dads Club account balance of over $85,000. This year we funded two high-tech interactive flat screen carts for the Lower School to help improve teaching and bring technology into previously inaccessible spaces. In addition, we also provided our annual contributions to the General Fund and the Jimmy Pappas Fund, with the remaining funds being saved for future school requests. We rolled through our normal “Big Three” events this year, which were very successful and not only generated revenue, but brought our dads together to share experiences and spend some great time together. Here’s the rundown of each event: The Golf Tournament was led by our fearless chair Matt Airhart and his fantastic committee. We had 97 players and 30 sponsors this year! The tournament danced with the weather as there were multiple storms in the area, but we succeeded in threading the needle, and in the end, the event turned out to have fantastic weather. There were a few small rain cells that did hit, but our players were not diminished as they powered through the course. In the end, the competition was fierce, and teams of both moms and dads had a great time. Our ninth annual BBQ Cookoff returned to its normal venue across the street after a one-year sabbatical, and the bouncy houses took their normal places in the church parking lot. Co-Chairs Kris McGinty and Fred Wood were instrumental in coordinating our largest volunteer effort of the year and leading it to success. Each year we see the quality of the food and competition continue to rise, and this year was no exception. The teams fought overnight through severe thunderstorms and provided fantastic BBQ for all to enjoy in the morning. The fourth annual Sporting Clay Shoot again positioned itself as a strong contender in our lineup and battled for supremacy with our next year’s Dads Club


President Bill Prout and his Co-Chair Robert Charles at the helm. The field was strong this year, and the course was bursting with AOS participants at every station. This year the course recognized our skills and challenged us with some stations that were nearly impossible to hit, but that didn’t stop the top score from reaching an amazing 102 out of a possible 106. Finally, the raffle was hugely successful, and several AOS parents went home with some beautiful shotguns among many other items. Our speaker series had another great run as we heard from Daryl Williams, one of IBM’s greatest salesmen, on their premier Artificial Intelligence platform WATSON. We also heard from Crystal Collier with another great presentation on the human brain and the effects of vaping. We added another fundraiser to the mix this year with our first Movie Night Out. The force was strong with us with 104 tickets sold as we watched our own private showing of Star Wars – The Last Jedi. Brad Fleming rounded out our events with several well-attended happy hours throughout the year. In addition, he designed a new Dads Club hat which we have added to our arsenal of promotional items. Pick one up soon at the school store and show your support for AOS! I would like to thank the Advancement Office for their guidance and support. I would also like to thank Mike Locklar for his dedication and support over the years and wish his family well as they move on to high school. A quick thank you to Omar Aboudaher for his fiscal guidance as our Treasurer and to our Lower and Middle School Reps Robert Charles, Jein Gadson and Mario Madrid. I’d like to take a second to recognize the 2017-2018 Board for their help. If you pass any of these gentlemen in the hallway, please pat them on the back and thank them for their service and selfless dedication:

President Jason Ahlgren Vice President Bill Prout Secretary Mike Locklar Treasurer Omar Aboudaher Past President Jeff Phillips Lower School Rep Robert Charles and Jein Gadson Middle School Rep Mario Madrid At-Large Rep Brad Fleming Golf Tournament Chair Matt Airhart BBQ Cookoff Chairs Kris McGinty and co-chair Fred Wood Sporting Clay Chairs Bill Prout and co-chair Robert Charles As I bring this to a close I would like to note that we continue to be proud of our Dads Club. I have found over the years that it is the community and the involvement of the parents that makes AOS such a great school. While the Dads Club continues to provide strong financial support to our children and the school, it is important to highlight that we foster the relationships that bond us together as brothers in arms at AOS. The Dads Club provides the opportunities for us to get together, make new friends, share some stories, and help each other get through another school year. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the next Dads Club event!

Jason Ahlgren

Dads Club President Top: Dads Club BBQ Cookoff Participants Bottom: Dads Club Sporting Clay Shoot Participants

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 33

Dads Club Supporters GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS AIV AZA The Baker Family Bank of Texas The Bartley Family BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Taylor Brown Cokinos Energy Corporation Tricia & Panos Georgiou & Family Gray Reed & McGraw LLP Gulf Coast Modification Gulf Coast Pavers Gulf States Marine Supplies, Inc. Harvey Builders HR Ally, Inc.

Innovative Radiology P.A. Jones Walker LLP Sarah Kelly - Greenwood King Kris & Richard McGee Lockton/Page & Phil Vogelsang MATTCO Manufacturing, Inc. Moss Landscaping The Santikos Family Vivian Spin U.S. Dermatology Partners of Houston - Sugar Land The Utterson Family Veritas AEC Architects The Vincent Family

SPORTING CLAY SHOOT SPONSORS Bank of Texas Bartley Family & Derby Capital BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Burguieres Family Cadence Bank Catalyst Financial Company Jimmy DeGeorge DVO

Faust Distributing Georgiou Family Gray Reed & McGraw LLP MATTCO Manufacturing, Inc. Prota Financial Psifidis Family Veritas AEC Architects

BBQ COOKOFF SPONSORS Adam Beebe Corby Chaffin Jacob Fakheri Panos Georgiou Gary Moss Karl Poirot Bill Prout David Singer Wesley Stewart 34 ANNUNCIATION ORTHODOX SCHOOL

Top: Dads Club Golf Tournament Participants Bottom: Dads Club Sporting Clay Shoot Participants Opposite: Dads Club Golf Tournament Participants

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 35

Mark Kelly Retirement Celebration On Saturday, April 21, AOS welcomed over 350 guests for a special evening celebrating Mark Kelly’s 22 years of service as our Head of School. The night kicked off with a cocktail reception and entertainment in the Moss Family and Edwards H. Andrews Foundation Dining Hall. Guests then moved into a seated dinner under a beautiful tent where dinner was catered by Charlie’s & Co., and two commemorative video tributes to Mark Kelly were shown. Dinner entertainment featured performances by the Harbor Lights Choir, and guest speakers included Lauren Kelly, Sarah Kelly, and Mark Kelly’s longtime friend, Jim Axelrod. Board President John Anaipakos made the special announcement that the AOS Lower School would be named the Katherine Veletsos Lower School and the AOS Middle School would be named the Mark Kelly Middle School. The evening’s event raised over $80,000 towards the Mark Kelly Endowment for Excellence, a fund established for faculty and staff professional development and college tuition reimbursement. Thank you to the event chairs Marina Christensen, Laurie Pearson, Joy Posoli, and Tiffany Utterson for making this evening so remarkable for everyone involved and to the many donors who supported the event and contributed to this important cause!

Top: Lauren, Mark and Sarah Kelly Bottom: Tiffany Utterson, Laurie Pearson, Lauren Kelly, Mark Kelly, Sarah Kelly, Joy Posoli and Marina Christensen


Mark Kelly Endowment for Excellence Donors Anonymous (2) Kristin and Bert Adkins Kristin and Ronald Adzgery Tammy and Jason Ahlgren Amy and Matthew Airhart Kimberly and James Albright Mary and Eugene Alford Kristin Allen Robin Burks and Fred Ames Seva and John Anaipakos Jen and Chris Arntzen Chris and Merrell Athon Laura Segatori and Jason Bailey Holly and James Baker Laura and Michael Bartolotta Jean and Dwight Beach Joan Beauregard Elizabeth R. Bittson Suzie and Steve Boone Leslie Bourne Mary Daniell Bryant Nancy Campbell Cameron E. Chapman Melanie Charles Reena and Byron Cherry Marina and Alan Christensen Adonia and Kevin Cokinos Despina and Robert Collins Bianca B. Condon Sarah and Thad Dameris Ruth and Neill Davis Gregory B. Davis Mary Daire and Marcus Delouche Cindy Demeris Tommy Doss and Angela Shippy Sara and Paul Doyle Tricia and Dan Dutherage Michol and Michael Ecklund

Debbie and Pat Elam Kelley Elliott Electra and Douglas Elliott Angela S. Enyart Genna and Jon Evans Patti and Douglas Ezell Sally and Jack Farley, Jr. Marley Ferris and Rachel Such Jan W. Fertitta Reagan and George Fibbe Sarah and Douglas Foshee Stephanie and R. Clinton Fox Patrick M. Foye Michele and Brent Friedman Gina and Terry Fry Laura and Scott Fuselier Mattie Gatlin Jayne M. Geiger Argo Georgandis Tricia and Panos Georgiou Maria and Orestes Germanides Kimberly and Garland Gossett Kimberly and Michael Grant Pat Grosso Susan D. Grygiel Carla and Shawn Hansson Denise and Charles Hazen Maria and Paul Hendershott Elizabeth and Rogers Herndon Cherie and John Howell Leslie and Gregory Huang Kamila and Nomaan Husain Clare Jackson Julie and Peter Johnson Ann-Marie Johnston Sultana Kaldis Maria and Charles Kelley Carmen and John Knapp Rena and Mike Koinis April and Doug Konopka

Regina and John Kyles Joy and Jeff Lee Rebecca and Clay Lilienstern Lesley and Kevin Lilly Angie and Dean Liollio Kelley and Stephen Lubanko Denise and Mario Madrid Eva and Andrew Martire Katina and Vasilios Mathews Harlee and Joe McCourt Julie and John McFarland Kris and Richard McGee Jaime and Ken Merideth Collie and Harvey Michaels Valarie V. Minetos Melinda and Matt Mogas James R. Moriarty Deborah and Joe Mosichuk Louise and Gary Moss Sami Mossbarger Maria and Tim Newton Mary Ott Trisha and Jim Oyer Soyoun and Krishna Palem Maria Papageorgiou Bonnie Weisman and David Papell Aloysia Friedmann and Jon Kimura Parker Patricia and Bruce Patterson Karen and Melvin Payne Tiffani and Dorsey Perry Carol L. Phillips Kay and Marvin Pickett Marla and Karl Poirot Joy and Paul Posoli Nicole and George Postolos Andrea and Wade Quinn Janell and Joe Reniers Robyn and Jim Repass

Kathy and Norm Revis Bryant Richardson Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Paige and David Rockecharlie Ivy Ruths Carol and Andrew Savas Kaitlyn and Michael Scheurich Belinda and Scott Schmidt Debbie and Carl Schultz Marguerite Schutza Morgan and David Shin Ellen C. L. Simmons Evelina and Ioannis Skaribas Victoria and Christopher Skinner Emily and Patrick Smith Elizabeth Cosgrove and Cameron Smith Gloria H. Snyder Celina and Jason Stabell Elyse and Rocky Stevens Betsy Eason and Richard Stilwell Mary Nell B. Suell Theresa and Phil Sullivan Stephanie and Andrew Sullo Jemma and Chris Thomas Tiffany and Craig Utterson Leslie and Eric Wade Kaylin and Chris Weber Cary and David Welsh Sona K. West Beth and Jim Wiggins Alex and Aron Will Sofia and Wayne Williams Rob Wise William D. Yale, Jr.

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 37


Annual Report


Senior Editor Jill Buja Editor Mary Morgan Stevens Creative Director Isabelle Dom Graphic Design Danielle Garbouchian Photography Meredith Flaherty, AOS Parents, and AOS Faculty & Staff Special thanks to Jeri Lodato ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Head of School Dr. Samuel V. Fragomeni Director of Extended Day Center Emily Benton Director of Advancement Jill Buja Head of Early Childhood & Lower School Sharon Corbett Director of Communications Isabelle Dom Assistant to the Head of School Debbie Elam Assistant Head of Lower School Kelley Elliott Director of Curriculum & Instructional Support Alisa Eng Director of Information Technology Patrick Foye Head of Middle School Heather Haas Director of Finance & Operations Bryant Richardson Assistant Head of Middle School Roxanne Szumilas Director of Admissions Rob Wise Opposite: Graduating Class of 2018

ANNUAL REPORT I 2017-2018 39

Annual Report 2017-2018 ANNUNCIATION ORTHODOX SCHOOL 3600 YOAKUM BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006-4240 713.470.5600

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