Georgetown City Image

Page 88


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City T?ansportation SYstem Th6 transportation system is on€ of tho main compon€nts in any ciiy lt


to flrltil

several objectives, which ancludes lacilitaling

accessibilily to places of wotship, work and recr€alion lt also opens up opportunities for social int€raclion and sirengthens unily among


residents, increases economic acttvilies and provides employmsnt opportuniti6s.

Traffic has increassd by leaps and bounds du€ to the increase io disposable income ol rcsidents and influx of visjtors. Upgrading of roads is on6 of the atlampts by the city to deal wilh this issue, as is lhe

construction of a n€w highway linking major points in lh€ North East

Dlslricl. Fudher att€mpts to r€duce trafiic congestion and increas6 mobility has b6€n made by shifiing govemmsnt (local and fsderal) adminislralive oflicss out of the ciiy inlo new grov!'th ar€as such as Bayan Lepas or off tho island enliroly. These are short term m€asures al best Long{erm apptoach€s lo llamc manag€ment such as a light rail system, altematrves to diesel buses. cenlral elecltonic lralf'c sysiems and

organised vehicle pa*ing r€quired,



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