Georgetown City Image

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Knowledge Because the Crestor has beslowed upon man the capacity lo learn, w€ have lhe duty to maximize acquisition of knowledge in order to establish the foundalion of a civilized society. G€orgelown is a well-Planned and developed

city as well as a centre of learning. Based on lhis conc€pt, lhe neighbourhood unil is modelled aftel institulions of higher leaming as lhe centre of infomalion. Educ€lion centres, schools and libmries form some of the physical manifestations of knowledge and as a focal point in lhe cily design. The Fikrah Garden or places that

are used to upgrade the knowledg€ of urban residenls are greatly emphasised in this concspt. The quest fot knotlledge has to be achieved through educailon in order to build th€ foundation of a civlllsed sociely. ln addjtion, knowledge as the comerslone of a city would result in enormous benelils io every aspect of human existence. A

cily wilh knowledge is a city wellequipped to overcome problems through prcper planning, consultalions and accurate jniormalion. This is lhe ultjmate goalol lhe city's concepl of knowledge.



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