Equilibrium Magazine for Wellbeing/ Issue 63

Page 23

me?” The most common stress factors

person may need to be re-assessed by a

include work, money matters, relationships,

trained psychologist. The point is it may get

housing, among other things.

way out of control.

However, there is a big difference when

There are several ways of dealing with

stress affects your mental health. To put

stress. The first step is to find out what the

it simply, it puts extra pressure on the self.

cause of the stress is, then identify the

The reason for this is that you are dealing

key stress points and tackle them. Find a

with your mental health condition as well

positive or alternative way of thinking by

as your stress levels (double trouble). There

changing your thought patterns. It may

is also the possibility of stress having an

sound difficult, but it is one of the better

adverse effect on this condition. Depend-

ways of dealing with stress. The good thing

ing on the condition, a person will tend to

about it is that you may find another way of

think increasingly negative thoughts and

dealing with the source of the stress. If it is

will start to imagine the worst situation and what its outcomes will be. Sometimes, in extreme situations, it may cause the person to have an outburst of emotion towards another. This could be because the person has become delusional; in short, the person has thought so much that it has started to get out of hand. Bear in mind that this is in

still causing trouble, you may want to speak to someone. In some cases, however, stress can be positive. Research has shown that a “moderate” level of stress makes us perform better than usual. It also makes us more alert. It can help us perform better in various situations such as job interviews or public speaking.

extreme circumstances. In some cases, the



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