Event Participant Risk Acknowledgement + Waiver of Claim

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Event Participant Risk Acknowledgement + Waiver of Claim PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING AND SUBMITTING TO ANTYX COMMUNITY ARTS. In consideration of permission, granted now or in the future by ANTYX to participate in any of our projects, I agree and acknowledge that: I will abide by the rules and regulations imposed on the participants by ANTYX. There are risks and hazards inherent in the very nature of our projects and that as a result of these risks and hazards, I as a participant may suffer personal injury, even death, as well as property loss. I nevertheless freely and voluntarily assume the aforesaid risks and hazards and accordingly my participation in the program shall be entirely at my own risk. I waive any claim I may have against ANTYX, or any agency or person affiliated thereto, arising from my participation in the program and agree to indemnify and save harmless ANTYX and all agencies and persons affiliated thereto, for any claim, including any claim for medical services from my participation in the program. I will notify employees of ANTYX of any allergies or medical conditions I have and will release them from any liability if I suffer any personal injury or ailment as a result of not informing them. I understand that common allergens may exist in the event space and that I will take responsibility for informing myself and others of my allergies and will keep myself safe by not ingesting or interacting with foods with unknown ingredients. ANTYX may secure such medical advice and services as it, in its sole discretion, may deem necessary for my health and safety and I shall be financially responsible for such advice and services. This RELEASE, WAIVER OF CLAIM and ASSUMPTION OF RISK is binding on myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns. I am prepared to grant ANTYX permission to use, for the purpose of evaluation and reporting of the program, any and all data collected on the participant through registration forms, applications, or other materials. I agree to let my child or myself participate in projects facilitated by ANTYX. I agree for ANTYX to take and use photos of my child or myself. I agree to allow ANTYX to use any or all photographs and/or video the posting of pictures on the Internet to our respective websites, Facebook pages, and related social networking sites. I agree to let my child or myself be involved in any media coverage this project may garner. DATED at Calgary, Alberta this ____________day of____________________20____________________ First Name of Participant________________________________________________________________ Last Name of Participant________________________________________________________________ Signature of Participant_________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name _______________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone Number________________________________________________________ If participant is under 18 years old: First Name and Last Name of Parent/Guardian_______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________________________

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