The Antiochian Summer 2019 Supplement

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Antiochian THE

2019 Summer ent Supplem

A Publication of Antioch College

Antiochian Appointed Yellow Springs Village Manager

Associate Professor of History Kevin McGruder assumed the role of Antioch College’s new Vice President for Academic Affairs on August 21, 2019. Dr. McGruder replaces Dr. Lori Collins-Hall, who served as provost and vice president for academic affairs, who stepped down after five years in the role, and now continues her dedicated service to the College as a major gift officer. Dr. McGruder began his career at Antioch in 2012 as an Assistant Professor of History. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018 when he also received tenure at the College. A distinguished scholar and educator, Kevin holds degrees from Harvard University (B.A.), Columbia University (M.B.A.) and City University of New York, Graduate Center (Ph.D.). Beyond his professional work as an historian, he exercises a wide and deep set of volunteer commitments locally, regionally, and nationally. Before coming to Antioch, he also operated a business, directed real estate development projects, and worked in community development in the New York area and in Cleveland. Within the College, Kevin has been a sought-after advisor/mentor for many students, an often-elected faculty representative to governance bodies, and an active participant in shaping key institutional programming and strategy. In 2017, he was selected by the graduating class to be its Commencement speaker. His nomination for the VPAA position came from his faculty colleagues. Lori Collins-Hall will use her knowledge and experience to support Antioch College’s fundraising efforts.


Kevin McGruder Takes Lead for Academic Affairs

On Monday, May 6, Village Council members appointed Josue Salmeron ’06 as the new Village Manager. Salmeron began in June, before the current Village Manager, Patti Bates, retired. In an article covering the new Village Manager appointment in the

Yellow Springs News ( yy3tjswl), Salmeron expressed excitement about moving back to Yellow Springs after 13 years—he met his wife, Tania Hutchinson ’08, while at Antioch College and even volunteered as a firefighter/EMT for Miami Township Fire-Rescue. Hold-

ing a BS in Biological and Biomedical Sciences from Antioch College, Salmeron also has an MBA from Virginia Tech. He has most recently been managing director for Community Impact Strategies in Silver Spring, MD, near Washington, D.C. Village Council members were

excited that Salmeron was a “nontraditional candidate” who could provide a different leadership perspective during a time of change in the Village. They discussed their confidence in the transferable skills Salmeron has built during his career in D.C., including managing finances, funding, contracts, assets, partnerships, and programs with a focus on community development. Salmeron has even served on the Board of a credit union. During a roundtable, meet-thecandidates lunch at Antioch College’s Birch Kitchen, Salmeron spoke to a mixed crowd of College students, faculty, and staff; Yellow Springs residents; and community and nonprofit leaders. He answered questions about his view of the position, affordable housing and mixed-income neighborhoods, criticism in the workplace, and more with an emphasis on his own personal experience, education, and data. In his candidate profile for the Yellow Springs News, Salmeron wrote, “Like many Antiochians, I attended Antioch to acquire the training to win a victory for humanity. Much of my professional and personal endeavors have been to improve the quality of life for the various communities I have served.” Villagers and campus community alike are eager to see his leadership in action.

Winning Victories

One Morgan Place Yellow Springs, OH 45387

were announced at the Celebration Dinner the same night. This year’s winners are Anzia Bennett ’03, for her proposal, Three Sisters Kitchen: Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, which will connect 50 food-insecure households with free, fresh, locally grown food, and nutrition education for 20 weeks, celebrating local food tradiKaren Mulhauser ’65 (Alumni Association president), Addison Nace ’17 (finalist), tions, and creating stable Karen Foreit ’67 (Alumni Board), Lela Klein ’02 (grant recipient), Anzia Bennett markets for small farmers, ’03 (grant recipient), and Jesús Canchola Sánchez ’00 (finalist). Finalist Josh and Lela Klein ’02, for CreHershfield ’08 could not attend but submitted his presentation via video. ating a Cooperative Economy in the Rust Belt: Co-op Daycompetition. This year, two grants Launched in January 2018, the ton, which aims to build economic of $20,000 were awarded to alumni Winning Victories Grant program at power from the ground up with from the class of 2000 or later. Antioch College is designed to supblue collar workers in Dayton, OH, Twenty-one alumni committed port alumni initiatives that impact by developing a network of workto making a difference in the world quality of life, public good, social er-owned businesses. submitted proposals. Each proposjustice, and the environment in loIntended for all types of initiaal was carefully and independentcal, national, and international comtives, including business, entrely scored by two alumni reviewers. munities through an annual grant preneurial, and nonprofit, the Five proposals with the highest overWinning Victories Grant was enviall scores were selected. sioned and funded by Antioch ColFinalists presented their proposlege Trustee Matthew Morgan als at Reunion on Saturday, July 13, ’99. Applications were submitted 2019. Voting for the winners took by Antioch College alumni who are place immediately after the presencreating positive change in their tations, and the two winning grants communities and living up to the words of Horace Mann, the College’s first president, by “winning victories for humanity.” The impressive projects submitted in the grant proposals are a testament to 2 The Stoop the power of an Antioch College ed More news, ucation. A selection committee reLines of Thinking, viewed applications and chose five A Buffalo Grazing semi-finalists to be reviewed and 6 Alumni Spotlight voted on by the Antioch College 6 In the News Community, resulting in this year’s finalists. 7 Antiochiana The success of Antioch College Songs From the Stacks and the compelling story of its reviv8 Notes From the Field al as a new kind of college is due to 9 The Mound the support of alumni, their perseCOLLOQUIA & verance, and their belief in the value Commencement of an Antioch education. The annual awards from the Winning Victo12 Reunion Was a Blast ries Grant provide a way for the Col14 Volunteer Work Project lege to support alumni in return.


First-year student presents research at conference




Antioch College was represented by a student and member of the faculty at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. The Conference was held in Cincinnati from March 7–9, 2019. First-year student Delaney Schlesinger-Devlin ’22 and Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Teófilo Espada-Brignoni each made submissions which were selected for presentation. Delaney submitted a research poster titled, “Perceptions of No Child Left Behind in Newspapers in Texas between 2001 and 2006.” In her poster she uses qualitatively and quantitatively content analysis to examine the impact of newspaper reporting on public perceptions of the No Child Left Behind Act. See page 3 to read about Professor Espada-Brignoni’s presentation. The Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology was founded in 1904. Its purpose is to promote philosophy and psychology by facilitating the exchange of ideas among those engaged in these fields of inquiry, by encouraging investigation, by fostering the educational function of philosophy and psychology, and by improving the academic status of the subjects.

Lines of Thinking

Snow on Water By Tom Manley President, Antioch College (originally published June 13, 2019) Late last month I was very touched to be part of the life celebration for Antioch College alumna and long time faculty member and fellow student of Japanese culture, Karen Shirley ’61. This Lines of Thinking is dedicated to Karen in gratitude for her decades-long contribution to the education of several generations of Antiochians and through them many more to come. If you would care to learn more about Karen and her work as an artist, educator and human being, I would encourage you to read the lovely obituary written by her husband and sometimes creative collaborator, Michael Jones. It was published in the Yellow Springs News in May 2019 and posted on the College website. It was that obituary that mentioned Karen’s encounter early in her time in Japan with a most remarkable artist, Otagaki Rengetsu (1791–1875), who is the subject of this month’s brief entry. Famous and revered throughout Japan, Otagaki Rengetsu transcended the tragedies of her early life to become a calligrapher, ceramicist and poet whose work in all three genres was sought af-

ter greatly during her lifetime and well after her death. Today, her calligraphic style is emulated, her many poems are read and recited, and her simple, somewhat-rustic clay pieces became the models for a type of pottery that bears her name, Rengetsu-yaki (Lotus Moon Ware). Otagaki was born to a different family and name. Adopted by a samurai household as a child and sent to court as a lady in waiting, she was educated in the traditional arts of calligraphy, poetry and dance. She married twice and had five children, all of whom died by the time she was 33 years old. Deciding to never marry again, she took vows as a Buddhist nun and with them the name Rengetsu. She sought out teachers to school her in the art of Japanese ceramics and developed a style that included decorating vessels with short poems, incised as decoration. These along with scroll calligraphies allowed her to earn an independent living over the rest of her long, very productive life. Skilled in Japanese verse known as waka (literally “songs”), Otagaki employed mostly the tanka or short 31-syllable-form over five lines with a 5-7-5-7-7 sequence, which predated the even shorter haiku. I have selected four of her poems to share here. Each evokes a season, as is the

case with traditional Japanese poetry. The first two were translated by Kuniko Brown, the latter two by Kaz Tanahashi and Joan Halifax. Butterfly Fluttering merrily and sleeping in the dew in a field of flowers. In whose dream is this butterfly? Old Badger Old badger asking for sake this is the pleasure of leisure hours on a raining night (translated by Kuniko Brown) Snow on Water I see it dust the river wind then vanish—fragile snow over water disappears from my sight. Firefly in the Field Even if a thought of the firefly grass dwindles, it may light up as a firefly in a remote field. Read Karen Shirley’s obituary at:

Summer Farm Report By Kat Christen, Farm Manager (originally published June 13, 2019) As we cultivate the wet earth on the Antioch Farm this season, we are reminded of the importance of resiliency on our farm, especially in light of the excessive and prolific rains of spring. Healthy, resilient soils, rich in organic matter, like those we strive for on the Antioch Farm, can better weather the extremes of our new climate. This is one of the many lessons Antioch students are absorbing on the Farm. Students are learning on the Antioch Farm as staff, caring for our chickens before they go to class, or within courses themselves. Students in Ecological Agriculture, taught by Professor Kim Landsbergen, are conducting an experiment with various mulches. The experiment, implemented in the spring, will be concluded with soil tests fall term and determine if one mulch type better improves the soil: alfalfa-grass hay or straw. Results of the experiment could inform Farm decisions and

Historic Baseball Rematch On Friday, May 31, at 7 PM Antioch College again had a baseball game on campus, if just for one night. The College hosted the 1869 Red Stockings in a historic rematch with the Antioch Nine, reenacting the first professional baseball game that was rained out 150 years ago. The game was open to the public and took place on Antioch College’s Main Lawn. The resurrection of the Antioch Nine began in the Fall of 2017 when students in Visiting Professor of Visual Arts Forest Bright’s course on contemporary collaborative practices in the arts developed a public group project where they learned to play baseball, and as the Antioch Nine, challenged local candidates for office to a game at Gaunt Park in Yellow Springs. Buoyed by a successful match, the Nine, with the help of Antioch College President Tom Manley, sent a letter to challenge the Cincinnati Red Stockings, now the Cincinnati Reds, to a rematch of the historic, rained-out first game of professional baseball. In the rematch hosted on May 31, the 1869 Red Stockings played the Antioch Nine, who were represented by the Champion City Reapers of Springfield, OH. Spectators enjoyed the game on Antioch College’s Main Lawn in excellent baseball weather. More information about the 1869 Red Stockings team is available on the 1869 Red Stockings website: A special thanks to the Antioch College Facilities and Grounds crew for helping prepare Main Lawn for this exciting event. Alums also had the opportunity to learn to play vintage style “base ball” at Reunion 2019 with the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame Team (see page 13).


further support our commitment to building healthy soil. New gardens are also popping up on our busy Farm this season. The Antioch Apothecary Course, taught by Professor Beth Bridgeman, planted an Herbal Apothecary for our sheep, as well as a Native Medicinal Plant Sanctuary within the Food Forest. Medicinal plants from these gardens will be used for animal and human wellness on campus. Farm 101: Sustainable Apiculture, taught by Professor Amy Osborne, is caring for a honeybee hive located near the new Safe Passage Garden. This garden is a statement of support for violence-free migration for humans and butterflies. It was planted with a variety of milkweeds and dill, host plants for monarch and swallowtail butterfly larva. Butterflies and bees will co-mingle in this pollinator-friendly garden, when not pollinating our vegetable plants or making honey. The 2019 growing season, though still early, is already a thriving and vibrant place for learning and life in our campus.

Earth Week





With the help of a generous grant from the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, Antioch College hosted a week of events on campus in celebration of Earth Day. WADE IN: Earth Week at Antioch College was comprised of mostly free and open to the public events every day of the week from April 22–28 in which faculty, staff, students, and community members from Yellow Springs, OH, and beyond convened on campus to learn, volunteer, and celebrate together. WADE IN had a special focus on water because many communities have struggled with equitable access to and protection of water, and this is an environmental justice issue that is local and global. WADE IN kicked off with a livestreamed performance by the World House Choir. It also coincided with Community Day on Tuesday, April 23. Faculty, staff, and students led a teach-in about environmental justice followed by a panel discussion (view here: from Indigenous Water Protectors moderated by College staff members Shane Creepingbear ’08, associate director of Admission, and Jennifer Knickerbocker, director of Foundation and Corporate Relations. Panelists at the event were Corine Fairbanks, Oglala, Lakota, A.I.M. Ohio, W.A.R.N. (Women of All Red Nations); Guy Jones, Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, founder of the Miami Valley Council for Native Americans; Errol Medicine, Dakota from Wakpala; DuWayne Redwater, Hunkpapa Lakota from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe; and Jheri Neri, Director, Greater Cincinnati Native American Coalition. Nina Burgland, of the Annisninaabe people, joined via Skype. She is an internationally recognized voice for climate justice and part of the Youth Climate Intervenors. A free Community Dinner on Tuesday night had more than 80 in attendance, sharing food and conversation about the important information learned earlier in the day. The rest of Earth Week included a Potato-Plant-a-Rama at the Antioch College farm, a film screening of What Lies Upstream and a discussion after with alumna Maya Nye ’99, and an Arbor Day tree planting led by Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science Dr. Kim Landsbergen.

Community-Owned WYSO On August 30, 2019, Antioch College assigned the broadcast license for its WYSO 91.3 FM radio station to Miami Valley Public Media Inc., the non-profit organization created by the College to transfer control of WYSO to the greater Miami Valley community. While awaiting the recent approval of the license assignment by the Federal Communications Commission, Miami Valley Public Media had been operating WYSO under a management agreement with the College. Antioch College’s initiative to make WYSO a community asset by transferring assignment of the license to Miami Valley Public Media was announced on January 30, 2019. WYSO General Manager Neenah Ellis described the intervening period as one of intense preparation for the station. “Since April 1, every WYSO staff member has worked to create the infrastructure WYSO needs to operate independently,” said Ellis. “We’re grateful to the College for this opportunity and we tip our hats to the WYSO founders, whose vision for public service lives on. We are energized and we’re ready. And, we intend to thrive.” $3,500,000 was raised from generous donors and supporters to partially reimburse the College for its decades of investment in WYSO. Ellis said that WYSO will continue to work with Antioch College on projects of value to students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

In Helping WSYO Achieve Independence Antioch College Honors Enduring Educational “Landmarks” By Tom Manley, President In late January, Antioch College announced plans to make its radio station, WYSO, an independent, community-owned organization. This week the last milestone in that journey was completed as the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) offically transferred the broadcasting license to a now wholly independent, nonprofit community organization, Miami Valley Media. This is certainly an outcome to be celebrated—a win, win, win: for the station, College, and community as we hoped and thought it would be, and for which we are deeply grateful to those whose concerted efforts behind the scences brought it to fruition. Among those was Antioch College trustee Sharon Neuhardt and her law firm, Thompson Hine; Board chair, Maureen Lynch; WYSO staff, Neenah Elis and Luke Dennis; The Dayton Community Foundation’s Michael Parks; and the many generous donors and lead donor Charles Berry. But there is more to understanding and appreciaiting this story than the careful planning and complicated legal work conducted behind the scenes these past 18 months. First, one must know that the timeline was a bit longer, 62 years, in fact; for it was in 1957 that a trio of Antioch College students decided to create a community radio station and did. WYSO was born from their vision and agency and is just one of thousands of examples of how the College’s students have owned their educations and learned experientially through taking initiative over the years. Secondly, even though it was always the intention of its founders for WYSO to become independent and community-owned, there was no guarantee that it would happen. As Neenah Ellis, WYSO’s general manager has pointed out, there

are more than a few cases in recent times where colleges, universities or other organizations took purely transactional/financial approaches to the transfer of their FCC broadcasting licenses, effectively putting them on the open market to the detriment of the local community. As I see it, the educational philosophy that made it possible for students to exercise such agency in their learning and at their college, and the socially progressive values that guided the Antioch College trustees to ensure WYSO was secured as an independent, community-owned resource were vital to the positive end-result here. In my short time at the College, and in the Yellow Springs/Dayton area, I observe an ethos that encourages thinking about community as a created and built reality rather than an abstract principle. No doubt this belief has deep historical roots, but at Antioch College it was deepend tremendously starting in 1920 when Arthur Morgan became its president. A Dayton-area innovator and engineer known for his flood control work, Morgan was an unabashed champion of small communities. He saw them as essential building blocks for viable and renewable, national democracy and economy. A systems-thinker and progressive, he believed that in order for communities to thrive, they needed to develop a healthy degree of self-reliance in terms of their economic, cultural/intellectual, and governance practices. He also believed in the same things for colleges and, therefore, brought to Antioch a very different vision for how a college education should unfold. Antioch students, he argued, needed more than classroom knowledge to participate productively in society; they required actual knowhow in building communities in order to work in and for them. With Morgan’s leadership, the College became a laboratory for growing and testing ideas of how community might work better. The College also became an incubator for growing local businesses like Yellow Springs Instrument, Morris Bean Foundry, and eventually WYSO, among others; and the first liberal arts college to require stu-

CSKC Director on NAACP Race Relations Panel Thursday, May 23, Coretta Scott King Center Director Mila Cooper took part in a panel discussion on Race Relations in Dayton hosted by the NAACP Dayton Unit and held at the Dayton Art Institute. Cooper focused her remarks on

the need not to just address race relations but to enact policies and solutions that will create equity for African Americans and others in the Dayton area. Read more and see video from Dayton Daily News:

dents to take real-world jobs at regular intervals throughout their years of study. And, 100 years later, that innovation, Co-op as it is called, continues to transform the lives of Antioch students, many of their employers, and organizations in which they work. Today, enduring elements of Morgan’s vision along with those

of many others including Antioch’s first president, Horace Mann, and Coretta Scott King, alumna ’51, are present and influential at the College. They manifest themselves in our three guiding “landmarks”— Own Your Education. Learn Experientially. Act for Justice.—all of which find resonance with alumni from

past eras. I believe Morgan, Mann, and King would each recognize these standards proudly. And more than that, I think they would delight in the example of how these principles were translated by students into a thriving, nationally regarded community radio station and applied to ensure its future.

Conference Circuit

Espada-Brignoni presents research at four conferences Teófilo Espada-Brignoni, visiting assistant professor of psychology, presented his research at four major conferences. In February, he presented “Imperial diet: The American palate and Puerto Rican agriculture” at the Wilson College Humanities Conference: Consumption, Food, Culture, Desire in Chambersburg, PA. In March, he presented “Ambivalent morals: Debates on human morality in evolutionary theory” at the 111th Annual Conference of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology in Cincinnati. That month, he also presented “Narrating the jazz life: Music through autobiography” at Storytelling: Sociological methods, motives and mantras, a conference of the Northcentral Sociological Association. In early April, he attended the Cincinnati Conference on Romance & Arabic Languages & Literatures, where he and Ashley Rosa-Jiménez presented “Medicine, anthropology, psychology, and compassion in XIX-century Puerto Rico: The case of Isidora Gual.”

Professor Espada-Brignoni’s Research Imperial Diet: The American Palate and Puerto Rican Agriculture

Consumption, Food, Culture, Desire Wilson College Humanities Conference: Consumption, Food, Culture, Desire Chambersburg, PA February 2019

One of the features of imperialism is the representation of the other as an object of desire and control. After the Spanish-American War, several writers sought to represent Puerto Rico to North American officials and the general public as a fertile ground for U.S. enterprises. Likewise, they argued that the colonial relationship would benefit Puerto Rico by imposing scientific and rational leadership. Fantasies of leisure and consumption were realized and promoted by writers praising the varieties and qualities of Puerto Rican crops and scientists who analyzed the capabilities of Puerto Rico for growing fruits that would satisfy the American palate. The evaluation of the Island regarding the fantasies of desire it could satisfy, by scientists, officials, and travel writers came at the expense of invisibilizing the tastes and need of the locals. In this paper, I analyze both official reports and popular

accounts of Puerto Rico during the first decade after the Spanish American War. These texts construct the island as an object with the potentials to satisfy the exotic desires of tourists escaping the cold weather and looking for adventure, and the domestic needs of the United States while supposedly helping the locals improve their life. Puerto Ricans on the other hand are constructed as weak and docile subjects who could benefit significantly from the surplus America produces. Ambivalent morals: Debates on human morality in evolutionary theory. 111th Annual Conference of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology Cincinnati, OH March 2019

Of scholars who write on the history of science and psychology, one of Darwin’s main contributions was the dethroning of morality as an object deserving of scientific and philosophical attention. This idea stems from the writer’s sensitivities and desires of a world that regards religious orthodoxy and conventional forms of morality as obsolete. In this paper, the author uses discourse analysis to analyze, from a socio-psychological-historical perspective, how evolutionists such as Charles Darwin and William Lauder Lindsay framed morality as an object of natural history. Furthermore, some psychologists, among them B.F. Skinner and John Watson, call themselves Darwinists as a way of defending their work from those who criticize the stubbornest versions of positivism. Consequently, they imply that Darwinism rejects the analysis of internal states and other issues such as morality. While Darwin and Lindsay disagreed on whether animals and humans share a sense of morality, their views and specific positions stem from the naturalistic discourse. According to Darwin humans are the only animal that possesses a sense of morality. Lindsay disagrees arguing that human and non-human animals have moral capabilities. The difference between Darwin and Lindsay is the specific degree to which both display certain mental and social faculties. Lindsay argues that if we were to compare the lowest animal with an extraordinary human being, we would conclude that only humans could be moral. However, if someone compared the best specimen of a non-human animal species with a below-average human being, they

might find the animal to be superior. Darwin frames his claims about human morality in a similar manner. For him, the difference between humans and non-human animals relies on the current cognitive and social abilities of the latter and he even considers, that through evolution, animals might develop a moral sense in the future. Narrating the Jazz Life: Music through Autobiography Storytelling: Sociological methods, motives and mantras Northcentral Sociological Association Cincinnati, OH March 2019

Groups and individuals engaged in a particular trade develop ways of making sense of themselves that borrow from more general social frames while creating their own rules and points of view. Early jazz was characterized by the emergence of themes and ideas that musicians used to qualify their music, their behaviors, and collective performances. In this paper I use discourse analysis to examine the autobiographies of New Orleans’ musicians such as Sidney Bechet, Baby Dodds, Louis Armstrong, and Pops Foster as an example of how they made sense of their own lives. I use Foucault’s notion of “ethical substance” to explore the main themes these musicians used to frame their narratives and evaluate the lives of other musicians. Some of the themes shared by these autobiographies are: music as a trade, musical knowledge, and creativity. These autobiographies problematize what others write about jazz and assert narrative authority over their music. Medicine, Anthropology, Psychology and Compassion in XIX-Century Puerto Rico: The Case of Isidora Gual Teófilo Espada-Brignoni & Ashley Rosa-Jiménez Cincinnati Conference on Romance & Arabic Languages & Literatures April 2019

In August 1891, when she was 15 or 16, Isidora strangled her 8-month-old son. While she was not the first woman accused of infanticide (or parricide), her case drew the attention of physicians and reporters, who attempted to understand why she had killed her son. The case of Isidora, unlike the other cases of infanticide, revealed the new and complex set of relations between medicine, anthropology, psychology, and culture in XIX-century Puerto Rico. THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019 3


The Reflection

Martia Graham Goodson ’65 By Kevin McGruder, Vice President for Academic Affairs Historian Dr. Martia Graham Goodson ’65 died in New York City on July 28, 2018, from complications following surgery. At the time of her death, she was making plans to finalize a book inspired by her work on New York City’s African Burial Ground. In recent years, she had reconnected with her Antioch College roots. A friend of mine for over 25 years, below are my reflections on Martia. Martia Ethel Graham was born in 1943 in Savannah Georgia to Martin Ethelbert Graham and Jamie Reddick Graham. An only child, she grew up in Jacksonville, FL, West Virginia, and St. Louis, MO. She graduated from Antioch College with a degree in History in 1965, the only African American in her graduating class for which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the Commencement speaker. She later earned a Master’s degree in Sociology from Rutgers University, and a doctorate in History from Union Graduate School. In 1971, Martia married Edward Goodson, and they had a daughter Jamie and a son Malik. In 1974 she joined the faculty of Baruch College, a part of the City University of New York, in the Department of Black and Hispanic Studies where she was known as a creative and encouraging teacher dedicated to bringing history alive for her students by using New York City as a resource for them to explore. In the early 1990s, Martia and I were asked by the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, the pastor of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, to become part of a committee of members of the congregation being assembled to develop archives for the Church. During a renovation, documents, some dating back to the mid-1800s, were found in various areas of the church. Founded in 1808, Abyssinian is one of the oldest black congregations in the United States, and during the 20th century it became one of the most prominent and largest when it was led by the Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. (from 1908 to 1937). In 1923, Powell Sr. moved the growing congregation from midtown Manhattan into a new building in Harlem that reflected his vision of a “model church” edifice symbolizing black excellence that would inspire generations of congregants to leadership within the community. One of those inspired was his son Adam Clayton Powell Jr., who in 1937 succeeded his father as pastor and led Abyssinian until his death in 1972. From 1944 to 1970, Powell Jr. also represented Harlem in Congress, where he became known as “Mr. Civil Rights” for the 66 pieces of legislation that he sponsored; many challenged discrimination and segregation. As members of Abyssinian’s Archives Committee, Martia and I joined with a handful of other Abyssinian members with similar interests in the history, and we were soon sifting through a wealth of real estate records, church event programs, and photographs that brought the history of Abyssinian to life. Recognizing my interest in history, Martia told me about an adjunct position at Baruch teaching “Black Economic Development, 1865 to the Present.” Soon I was spending my weekends at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture preparing for class (this was before the internet) and two weekday evenings teaching the course to eager Baruch College students. It was during this time that I began thinking about returning to school to get a Ph.D. in History, 4 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019

which I obtained in 2010 from City University of New York. “45387!” That was the first thing that Martia exclaimed over the phone in the spring of 2012 when I told her that I had accepted a position teaching History at Antioch. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was reminding me of the zip code of Yellow Springs. Until that conversation, I had forgotten that Martia was an Antioch graduate. In the excited conversation that followed, Martia reminded me of that fact. Even though she had not been particularly connected to the College at that time, I could tell from her voice that in addition to be excited for me, she was happy that I was going to be teaching at a college that she knew well. As usual, after talking about the job and my return to my home state of Ohio after living in New York for 30 years, we caught up on the news about our volunteer work on the Archives at Abyssinian. By this time, we had retained a part-time archivist who had processed the collection and created finding aids which facilitated the use of the collection by visiting scholars. The committee had been renamed the Archives and History Ministry as part of a reframing of the work of church organizations. Long before this we had expanded our work to include public programs for church members and others, such as “To Be an Abyssinian” a program focusing on oral histories that Martia had conducted with several longtime members, “Still Standing Strong”, a bicentennial drama on the history of the church written by Archives Ministry member Hazel Smith. In addition our members conducted tours of the church for visiting groups and once a month for church members. We also maintained a rotating exhibition of copies of historical documents in display cases that lined the hallway leading to the church Sanctuary. Martia was an integral part of all of this work, and when I stepped down as president of the Archives Ministry, she succeeded me. I began my work at Antioch in the summer of 2012, part of the second group of six faculty hired since the fall 2011 re-opening of Antioch. Initially, as the only professor focusing on History, I began to receive inquiries from alumni interested in contributing to the History program through lectures on various aspects of History. We soon developed a Residency program in which interested alumni were invited to visit the campus for several days, with the College providing lodging on campus and meals in the dining hall, and the alumni covering their travel costs. Martia had been con-

Left to right: Kay Wu ’20, Jebe Moiwa, Assistant Professor of Spanish Language/Culture Didier Franco, Alé Montgomery ’20 nected with New York City’s African Burial ground for many years. In the 1990s as community activists in New York City rallied to prevent the recently re-discovered 1700s cemetery from being covered over in the construction of a federal office building in Lower Manhattan, she had become very interested in the research project, particularly the information on the harsh lives of the enslaved New Yorkers revealed through the examination of four hundred exhumed remains by Howard University researchers. In the summer of 2013 we offered Martia a three-day residency to share what she had learned. “Unwelcome History: The (Enslaved) African Presence in Old New York: An Interdisciplinary Residency” consisted of four presentations: “Some of Dem Bones: The New York African Burial Ground in Historical Perspective,” a Friday evening lecture that provided an overview of the African Burial Ground; “Colonial Newspapers: Complicit with Slavery,” a Saturday morning workshop that explored the ways that the press was complicit in maintaining slavery, and the various graphic design choices that were made to advertise for the re-capture of freedom seeking people; “Voices from the Graves: The Telling Teeth and Talking Bones of the New York African Burial Ground,” a Saturday afternoon discussion focusing on what the scientific analysis of the remains of bodies exhumed from the Burial Ground revealed regarding the harsh conditions of slavery in New York; “Creating Art from History: A

Workshop,” Sunday afternoon session. Martia’s Residency programs were a success, and was attended by Antioch students and Yellow Springs residents. The sessions illustrated Martia’s interest in making historical knowledge available to the general public, and her ability to draw on a range of disciplines to tell historical stories. At Antioch as I became active with the Diversity Committee at the College, and aware of the micro- and macro-aggressions that students of color were experiencing on campus, I shared this information with Martia in my telephone conversations. She was struck by the fact that many of the experiences mirrored her own 50 years before. In 2015, Martia returned to Antioch for the 50th reunion of her class. In addition to participating in reunion activities, such as folk dancing on Red Square, she asked me to arrange a meeting with a group of students of color so she could hear of their experiences firsthand and consider ways to support them. When she returned home, she continued to ask me about campus activities. Eventually she had an opportunity to mentor Hassanatou (Anna) Samake ’19 when Anna was on Coop in her hometown of New York. They got to know each other well, and being a leader on campus, Anna was able to provide Martia with a firsthand view of some of the challenges and victories that students were experiencing. In 2017, I was selected by the grad-

uating class as the Commencement speaker, and when I told Martia that my parents, approaching their 90s, would be unable to travel from Toledo to attend the Commencement, Martia and our friend and Archives member Sandii McNeil agreed to travel to Yellow Springs for Commencement. They stayed at my home, and we had a great time reminiscing on our experiences at Abyssinian and discussing life at Antioch and in Yellow Springs. During my Commencement remarks, I thanked Martia and Sandii for being there to provide me with moral support, and I singled out Martia for her example as a community historian, always seeking to bring her knowledge to the general public. When I first met Martia, I was operating a small gift shop, Home to Harlem, on 125th Street, Harlem’s main commercial thoroughfare. Although the business, with T-shirts, books, and other items celebrating Harlem did not survive, the relationships that I cultivated, and the general public’s thirst for more information about history, planted the seed in my mind regarding pursuing a doctorate in History. Martia’s work at Baruch College, with the Abyssinian Archives and History Ministry, and the African Burial Ground demonstrated to me that a career as a scholar writing and teaching in the academy and for the general public is possible. Martia retired from Baruch College in 2006, as an Associate Professor, after 33 years. Her book, Chronicles of Faith: The Autobiography of Frederick D. Patterson, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 1992. An oral historian, Dr. Goodson wrote numerous articles on oral history, black higher education, and medical botany. This interest led her to write New York’s African Burial Ground, an official guide to the cemetery that holds the remains of 15,000 enslaved Africans buried during the colonial era. Martia’s membership at the Abyssinian Baptist Church led to her most recent book, Church Ladies: Untold Stories of Harlem Women in the Powell Era. The book explores the pivotal role that women of Abyssinian Baptist Church played in the civil rights movement and other movements in the 20th century, during the pastorates of Adam Clayton Powell Sr. and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. At the time of her death, Martia was completing the editing process for Black Bones, a multi-genre collection about the African Burial Ground. She enjoyed music and traveling, particularly to Brazil. In retirement she became a skilled photographer. She also developed a counting method involving manipulation of the fingers that she enthusiastically taught to children at every opportunity. In recent years, Martia discussed with me her dream of using a portion of her large home in the Bronx to create a bed and breakfast for college students visiting New York on group trips. In April of 2018, she had an opportunity to give this idea a trial run when Anna Samake and three other Antioch students travelled to New York to attend a conference on women of color. Martia provided them with refreshments after they arrived late at night, tired and hungry from their van trip, and on the following morning she called me to let me know that they were having a great time chatting. She punctuated our call by texting me a photo of the travelers. A memorial service for Dr. Martia Graham Goodson was held at the Abyssinian Baptist Church on August 6, 2018. She is survived by her daughter Jamie, her son Malik, daughter-in-law Shannon, her granddaughter Malerie, her aunt Ruth Louise Graham Ray, and several cousins.

Alumni Board to Fly Less As far back as anyone can remember, the Alumni Association Board of Directors has met in person three times a year. This meant most members flew from across the United States to attend meetings in Yellow Springs. The Board has decided that one sustainable step it can make is to reduce the number of in-person meetings at Antioch College to two. The third annual meeting will be held using online video conferencing, an easy and accessible solution for all. According to Gordie Fellman ’57, who completed two terms on the Board last June, “Taking a simple but creative approach to yearly meetings by embracing technology and flying less is one small, but effective, way to reduce our carbon footprint and begin to address our own significant contributions to the climate crisis.”

Chris Chavers ’21 Writes Through Spring Co-op As intern for communications and development, Chris Chavers ’21 spent a lot of time honing his communication skills at the Transgender Law Center headquartered in Oakland, CA. “It was a lot of writing, but it was okay because I like to write,” he explains. He wrote press releases, articles, and social media posts — Chris even worked on the backside of the Transgender Law Center website, learning how to navigate and use WordPress, a content management system. A number of campaigns were in progress during Chris’s time at the Transgender Law Center, including one for Postiviely Trans (a project focused on health advocacy and research centered around the lived experience of transgender people of color and women who are HIV positive) against the Trump administration’s efforts to remove healthcare rights for transgender people, which would allow healthcare providers the right to refuse people care based on the providers’ religious beliefs. Chris pulled information from about 40 different videos of transgender people of color and women living with HIV to include their lived experiences in the campaign. You can read some of Chris’s work on the Transgender Law Center website. This piece focuses on a groundbreaking report released by Arianna’s Center, which is supported by Positively Trans. Chris explains the findings of the report about needs and conditions for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals living in Florida and provides background on Arianna’s Center, which was founded by Arianna Lint to support the South Florida trans community. Reflecting on his time in the Bay Area and his experiences there, Chris mentions that he had opportunities to learn outside of his Co-op job, including more understanding of the intersectionalities and inequalities in the LGBTQ community. He also found inspiration in the ability to make a movement and a campaign out of anything and finding the intersectionality between one’s communities and advocates, which can make a movement successful. While Chris will work to define his major this academic year, he also came away from this experience with a focus towards law school after finishing his Bachelor’s degree. He sees a law degree, and the knowledge acquired at law school, essential to being able to make lasting, positive change.

Kate Lafayette and Dr. Bernard Lafayette

Opal Tometi

Legacy Luncheon A sold-out success, nearly 250 supporters from across the Miami Valley attended the Coretta Scott King Center’s third annual Legacy Luncheon at the Dayton Club, commemorating the legacy of Coretta Scott King, an Antioch College alumna, and celebrating the achievements of individuals and organizations committed to advancing social justice. The Luncheon began with a spoken-word performance by current student Truth Garrett ’21. Civil rights activist and organizer Dr. Bernard Lafayette and Black Lives Matter co-founder and human rights defender, strategist, and writer Opal Tometi

both received Legacy Awards. Justice Awards for regional social justice leaders went to Bomani Moyenda, Attorney Michael Wright, Corine Fairbanks, and Neighborhoods Over Politics. The Legacy Luncheon was made possible through generous sponsorships from Dave and Elaine Chappelle, The Andrew Goodman Foundation, The Dayton Foundation, The Yellow Springs Community Foundation, Cox Media Group, WYSO, KeyBank, and the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission.

Antioch Three

Pictured are Noah Greer ’22, Dale Kondracki ’17, and frequent Co-op employer Paul Millman ’68, President of Chroma Technology Corp in Bellows Falls,

VT, which makes precision optical filters. Noah was on his first Co-op at Chroma last term, and Dale is the Marketing Associate at Chroma. Al-

though Dale never Co-oped with Paul, the connection was made through career counseling with the Co-op office when she was getting ready to graduate in 2017.

Beth Bridgeman, Assistant Professor of Cooperative Education, reviewed her degree, the many skills she had learned on her varied Coops, her interests and experience, and what part of the country she hoped to live in. Dale loves photography which was part of all of her Co-ops, including working with sled dogs in Michigan’s upper peninsula and a marketing position at an insurance agency in Florida. Photography was also a key part of her capstone Anthropology project, which involved interviewing tea farmers in Japan and helping with a marketing campaign to bring tourism and migration back to Wazuka, a rural tea farming village. Beth immediately thought of Chroma and reached out to Paul. When he saw Dale’s skill set, interest in observing people, and her photography and social media skills, he created a position for her at Chroma. Antioch’s Co-op connections provide students and alums with amazing experiential learning opportunities, and an incredible professional network.

Evelyn LaMers ’69 made 75 beautiful handmade ceramic signs for the Antioch Farm food forest. THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019 5



A Buffalo Grazing

Winning More Than Human Victories By Steven Duffy ’77 (originally published May 9, 2019) Although Horace Mann has advised us that we all might aspire to win that “Victory for Humanity” some Antiochians actually go well beyond that and work on victories for various parts of the animal kingdom and various parts of the larger ecosystem. (Plants may need their victories too!) There is a big world out there and many pieces of that world are in peril. There is so much to rescue and much to fix. About 10 years ago while the College was closed and this Buffalo was working at the College Revival Fund, on a Sunday evening I was doing Sunday dishes and was also watching 60 Minutes. I caught the name Andrea Turkalo. Immediately I thought that name rang a bell and had to be mighty uncommon.

It just had to be someone I may have been in a Biology class with, perhaps a Bob Bieri or Jim Howell class in the ’70s. Back then classes were much larger and you might not have gotten to know every single person in a class. I told my other half, “I know that person!” and the response was a skeptical, “Sure you did!” So I put the dishes on hold and watched the 60 Minutes piece. The face was vaguely familiar. After some research I found out that THAT Andrea Turkalo was an Antiochian from the class of ’74. She has been involved with the Elephant Listening Project and also works for the Wildlife Conservation Society. Sometimes called a “Natural World Hero,” Andrea has been studying the forest elephant population at the Dzanga Clearing in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 1990. Some people have called her “The Elephant Whis-

Recently, Maria Lopez ’21 went on a Co-op to Puerto Rico. She very much is wanting to be a veterinarian. On a previous Coop, she also assisted a veterinarian with farm animals in Guatemala. An affinity group of alums called the AOC (Antiochians of Courage for Diversity), which has a fund titled the Alumni of Color fund (no, it is not identity politics — it is just a diverse group of alums who want to help folks like them coming down the road), helped Maria out. As a trusted person with some continuity, I was appointed as a contact person between alums and the students who are currently on campus. Maria hangs out regularly as a library lion and after some talk with her and her Co-op advisor, it was only natural that she should get a Co-op stipend. (That Co-op I mentioned paid in expe-

rience rather than money.) The AOC group requests that students write a proposal and do a reflection paper so they can put their experience and stipend in some context. Thank you to Bradley Wilburn ’85, an original AOC group member, for making sure that students write proposals and follow up with some reflection. As mentioned at the top of this Grazing, even in the animal kingdom much is in peril and there is much to “fix.” In this case it is vaccinations, spaying, neutering, and love for cats and dogs. Who knows what will be next? Maria follows in great footsteps, even if some of those might be elephant footsteps or others. Antiochians, although non-paid internships can be wonderful, if you have any leads to Co-ops that include both growing experiences and pay well please tell the College.

ly hiking in the Glen. And, there are also some unhappy memories. For example, when a classmate became pregnant Audrey traveled with her and her boyfriend to get an abortion. They later married but she could not get pregnant again. Audrey’s first Co-op at the Hartford Life Insurance Company bored her; she spent hours filing policies by their numbers. She stayed in a Polish boarding house for women; the other residents were Poles who worked in the surrounding tobacco fields. Audrey heard about their hard lives while sharing meals with them. Her next Co-op demanded more filing. Audrey loved her third Co-op which was at Apparel Arts, a magazine published by Esquire in New York City. There she learned copyediting and proofreading. Always interested in writing, Audrey had been the editor of her high school yearbook. At the magazine, she was thrilled to work on stories about clothing. Though Audrey adored Antioch, she left after her second year to marry and move where her husband’s work took them. When she was five months pregnant, he was diagnosed

with heart disease. When she was 28, he died. She resolved to live by a motto, “Practice courage.” She and her son moved to Florida to live with her aunt. She was comforted by her aunt, her son, and her closest pal since they met in 7th grade, Peter Kastan. Practicing courage, she responded to the pleas of her four year old, “Can’t Pete to be my daddy?” Audrey and Peter Kastan married and had a son together. The happy family of four lived on Long Island for many years. After their sons went to college, the couple moved to Manhattan. The sons married and produced three grandchildren. Besides family, Audrey stayed in contact with her closest friends from Antioch; they wrote, talked on the phone, and traveled together to Russia and to China. In January 2018 after almost seven decades of happy marriage, Audrey’s beloved Peter died at 96. That year her two remaining close Antioch pals passed, away leaving her the lone survivor of her Antioch peers. Despite these facts, Audrey feels privileged to have had the opportunity to attend, study, and make her deepest friendships at Antioch College.

struggle:’ Long Island is nuclear-free today”

August 6—Richard Friedberg ’65,

June 27—Shelby Chestnut ’05, The New York Times, “Stonewall Hasn’t Ended”

Company Presents Art Opening

September 4—Dayton Daily News, “Antioch hands WYSO off to nonprofit community group”

July 7—Stephanie Brash ’88— Dunkirk Observer, “Book Illustrations Draw on Relationships”

August 7—Mary Evans ’20, YR Me-

perer” and she is known to be the leading expert on Africa’s reclusive forest elephants. A bio from Natural World Safaris states, “Andrea spent her formative years a world away from the forests of the CAR, in Taunton, Massachusetts as part of a blue collar family, attending public school,“ and then went to attend Antioch College where she majored in environmental studies and cultural geography. According to Natural World Safari, “Antioch opened her eyes to the wider world and gave her a taste of the wilderness with an opportunity to spend time in the Rocky Mountains. The remoteness and isolation appealed to her, preparing her for the Dzanga study.” Many decades later Antiochians still are working on victories for the animal kingdom. There have been a few passionate pre-vet students since we have re-opened.


Audrey Brown ’45 By Karen Folger Jacobs ’63 On a December morning, Audrey climbed out of her bunk bed and slid into a wool dress and a heavy coat to walk from her room in North Hall to the Tea Shop where she worked. There she found chaos: Antiochians were yelling, crying, or both. Startled Audrey did not know what horrible event had happened. No, it was not 9-11. It was 12-7, a date the president predicted to live in infamy—the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor—5,000 miles from where planes crashed into the Twin Towers 60 years later. That day Audrey never forgot. Audrey Brown ’45 applied to Antioch because her Girl Scout leader repeatedly told her that Antioch was the perfect college for her. She applied to only one college. She had no plan B. Audrey enrolled in September 1940, a month before this writer was born. Audrey had stimulating classmates, stimulating intellectually and artistically. She was delighted with her new friends, her profes-

sors, and the Div Dances with lovely corsages. Her dance card was quickly filled with male names for every one of the 10 dances. Audrey wasn’t the only one who

danced at Antioch. She recalls, “I was in heaven watching Martha Graham performed at our college.” Happy hours with classmates flood Audrey’s memories—especial-

In the News The following is a listing of some mentions of the College, alumni, students, etc. in the media since The Antiochian Supplement Winter issue. If you know of an Antiochian in the news, let us know at April 1—Rod Serling ’50, The Washington Post, “Rod Serling’s ‘The Twilight Zone’ remains startlingly relevant 60 years after its debut” April 19—Rod Serling ’50, Inside Edition, “Rod Serling and How ’The Twilight Zone’ Came About” April 30—Julia Reichert ’70, Variety, “Julia Riechert, Julia Ivanova on the ’Radical Art’ of Making Documentaries” April 30—Idris Ackamoor ’73, San Jose Mercury News, “Idris Ackamoor’s new show ’We Live Here’ is a love song to SF music” 6 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019

May 29—Marty Rosenbluth ’99, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “Meet the Jewish lawyer representing clients at the country’s strictest immigration court” May 31- Paul Ogden ’73, The San Joaquin Valley Sun, “Fresno State professor who pioneered deaf education honored by Gallaudet University” June 3—Jandos Rothstein ’86, The Washington Post, “My electric Smart car is tiny and a little silly. And it’s perfect.” June 13—Karl Grossman ’64, Nation of Change, “’Protest and decades of

July 12—Felicia Chappelle ’91—The Dayton Daily News, “Felicia Chappelle on return to the stage: ‘There is nothing more killing than being too silent’” July 12—Jay Tuck ’68—WYSO, “Defense Expert To Speak About Artificial Intelligence Challenges At Antioch Symposium” July 25—LeShann DeArcy Hall ’92, The Yellow Springs News, “An Antioch alum’s journey to the bench” July 25—Dayton Daily News, “Antioch College receives donated building”

Broadway World, “Franklin Stage DRAWING EXERCISES by Richard Friedberg”

dia, “After The Shooting, Dayton Residents Look Ahead” August 19—Insider, “13 of the most unique colleges in America” August 30—Julia Reichert ’70, The Atlantic, “‘American Factory’ Grapples With the Notion of Freedom” September 3—Yellow Springs News, “EDITORIAL—Contemplating farm to table” September 3—Rod Serling ’50, The Washington Post, “‘Donnie Darko’ Director Richard Kelly Developing Rod Serling Biopic”

September 10—Julia Reichert ’70, NPR, Why We Should All Watch ‘American Factory’ September 12—Phyllis Miller Swartz ’84, The Garrett County Republican, “Book signing for ’Yoder School’ set at Goodwill Mennonite Home” September 13—Seth Gordon ’00, The Xenia Daily Gazette, “WSU launches initiative to boost retention” September 18—Leila Klein ’02, The Dayton Daily News, “Gem City Market breaks ground” September 20—Jesus Canchola Sanchez ’00, The Chicago Tribune, “Chicago filmmaker Jesús Canchola Sánchez talks about his feature film debut at the Reeling Film Festival”




Correspondence to the Cincinnati Commercial Each month, College Archivist Scott Sanders digs into the archives and shares “songs from the stacks,” which reveal pieces of Antioch College’s history. View more Songs from the Stacks at antiochcollege. edu/antiochiana It took just a century and a half for Antioch College to finally make up its historic rainout with the Cincinnati Red Stockings. Though Antioch lost the game 14–7, it was an exciting back-and-forth affair tied at 7 after seven innings. Originally scheduled for 31 May 1869, the game was to be a launching pad for the first professional baseball team’s grand tour of Eastern States, designed to demonstrate to more established coastal cities that Cincinnati was equal to them by any measure. Because the president of that team was an Antiochian, the tour would begin in Yellow Springs where he had gone to school. So significant was this tour that a newspaper reporter, Harry Millar, was assigned to travel with the team; the first of his articles from the trip is reprinted below. The commemorative game held on campus 31 May 2019 was played by mid-nineteenth century rules, the most notable of which demonstrates that the baseball glove is one of the greatest inventions in the history of sport. It was played by enthusiasts that keep the vintage game alive under the auspices of the Vintage Base Ball Association. Established in 1996, the VBBA dedicates itself to “representing the game of base ball as it was actually played in accordance with the rules, equipment, uniforms, field specifications, customs, practices, language, and behavioral norms of the period.” The 1869 Red Stockings club formed in 2000 and had been eyeing this date at Antioch College for some time. Since the College hasn’t played an intercollegiate baseball game in about 90 years, the Champion City Reapers of Springfield played the part of the Antioch Nine. For added authenticity, the Reapers buttoned old English “A”s to their uniforms based on the famous team photograph taken by James Landy of Cincinnati in 1869. From The Cincinnati Commercial, Thursday, June 3, 1869


Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial The Cincinnati Base Ball Club— Their Voyage Eastward Mansfield, O June 1. When the Cincinnati Base Ball Club left the Gibson House, on Monday morning, in good spirits, the air was bracing, and “old Sol” was endeavoring to peep from the corner of an eastern cloud. Breakfasting, and then proceeding to our special car on the Little Miami Railroad, they began singing the club songs, and passing the time in pleasant manner to Yellow Springs. But the predictions of the “oldest inhabitant,” whoever he may be, are not always correct, neither were ours, for as we reached Milford “black double-banked clouds promised twenty-four hours moist misery,” and as for the sun, it had entirely disappeared. Falling at first in drizzling showers, and steadily increasing, it was falling in bucket-

fuls by the time we reached Yellow Springs. Notwithstanding this unexpected drawback, the members of the Antioch Club gave us a hearty welcome, but were sorry to inform us that the grounds would not be fit to play upon in case it should cease raining. The President of the club, after expressing his regrets to the Antiochs, informed them that they would try to meet them soon, and hoped under more favorable auspices. They then telegraphed to Xenia to Mr. CS Rodgers, of the Little Miami Railroad, stationed at Xenia, who promptly dispatched a special train to the Springs, and after hastily partaking of a lunch, spread by EP Johnson Esq., of the Yellow Springs House, we returned to Xenia; and taking the Columbus accommodation, were soon at Columbus, where we were obliged to change cars, and from there to Crestline had gay times. The boys, weary after riding so many miles, with the dampness of the moisty atmosphere coming in at the open windows, and at intervals almost suffocating, and again obliged to turn up coat collars and bind handkerchiefs around the throat to prevent catching a cold, determined to keep warm by hustling about and playing jokes on the members of the Nine. Several of the latter, having traveled a great distance, were enjoying a peaceful “snooze,” and one of the members who plays at “short stop,” and wears a handsome gold medal, presented him for best playing in the season of 1868, provided himself with a hideous Yankee contrivance, in the shape of a large bug with long legs made of wire, attached to a string. Passing along the car he would gently drop it upon the face of the individual, who would manifest the unpleasant feeling of the “critter” by slapping at it with his hand. Then ballads would be sung, the whole of our party, numbering thirteen persons, joining in the chorus. In the midst of a drenching rain we once more changed cars, at Crestline, for this place, having but twelve miles to go before we would reach our journey’s end for the time being. The cars on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, and Chicago road, on which we were placed, were small and dingy—in fact, the meanest road, as far as accommodations are concerned, in the country. This beautiful city we entered about 7 o’clock, and were quickly “bussed” to the Wiler House, where everything is done for our comfort. The hotel is conducted on the country plan, fresh milk and sweet butter being placed on the table in abundance. When nearing this place, the prettiest rainbow we ever saw extended over the heavens, and the sun shone brilliantly. Last night one of our members distinguished himself by defeating the champion billiardist of Mansfield some hundred odd points in a friendly game. The boys retired early last evening, and this morning are looking splendidly. The Independent Club of this city have a very strong Nine, and will give the boys all the work to do that they can in the game this afternoon. This is a beautiful day, and a large crowd is expected to be on the grounds at the match. H.M.M. THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019 7

Notes Field FROM THE

Updates from Antioch College faculty members about their travel and research conducted during Summer 2019. Luisa Bieri Rios

In addition to numerous other activities that I engaged in this summer, the Prison Justice Library continues to operate and expand its outreach. Recently, I did a complete overhaul to the Prison Justice Initiative’s website (antiochprisonjustice., a Wordpress site created by a student in 2014-15 that I didn’t know existed until a few weeks ago. I’ve added new posts, new content, and images. Jennifer Grubbs, visiting assistant professor of Anthropology, will be offering the Inside Out class this fall, which we are thrilled to bring back to our curriculum after the departure of Emily Steinmetz. Also, on our ongoing projects page ( ), I highlighted the incredible work of our student/faculty research initiative and exhibit as part of the national project, States of Incarceration. I use the stories and data from this website in some of my classes — it’s an incredible example of our students’ engaged learning. One of the things we’re highlighting is the expanding efforts of the PJ Library ( I applied and received funding for a Miller Fellow position to support the PJI’s efforts in 2019-20, and I also began a partnership with members of the World House Choir who are assisting with the books-to-prisoners project on what we hope will become a regular weekly basis. Finally, I’m excited to support Mary Evans ’19 in her Co-op this fall as she creates her newest radio project in collaboration with WYSO, Re-entry Radio. Stay tuned!

The coming together of colleagues produced a number of viable strategies and action plans for keeping a vital set of disciplines available and interesting to students and administrators alike in the near and short term. Professors Miwa-Osborne and Campbell have both offered courses through the SLP; Toyoko Miwa-Osborne is one of the pioneering educators in the program. Conference participants found her presentation on the use of Zoom as an online classroom tool enlightening. Of the SLP, she observed, “Professors themselves cooperate and support each other, and students may be able to collaborate for studies of their own interests. It has a lot of possibilities.”

including humpback whales, fin whales, right whales, harbor porpoises, gray seals, basking sharks, and various seabirds. Shoreline lunches within the archipelago pro-

project and to help arrange a donation of preserved specimens to the Antioch College Zoology Collection. Upon arrival, graduate students greeted Brian with some

Beth Bridgeman

Brian Kot

Assistant Professor Brian Kot continued his long-term whale research during July and August of 2019 in the western North Atlantic Ocean. He worked at one of his regular field sites within the Gulf Luisa Bieri Rios’s Project

Luisa Bieri Rios is Assistant Professor Cooperative Education.

Toyoko MiwaOsborne and Cary Campbell Language programs around the country, and especially at small, liberal arts institutions, have been feeling increasingly embattled over the last decade. Despite the lip service paid to “internationalizing” curricula, administrators all too often see declining enrollments as grounds to axe programs, not replace retiring faculty, and defund what look to be under-performing programs when it comes to languages. We just don’t seem to fit the easy market model of pumping out majors with immediately profitable ready-made careers. It’s hard to blame them: The argument for the value of language and culture instruction doesn’t participate in those frameworks. It’s against this backdrop that Toyoko Miwa-Osborne, Japanese Instructor, and Cary Campbell, Assistant Professor of French, participated in a conference of the Great Lakes Colleges Association(GLCA) at Oberlin this August. The goal was not only to meet colleagues with whom to collaborate more closely, but to think strategically about how just such an association of small colleges might, in effect, share each other as resources. As at Antioch, many of these have a single professor in a given language. Rather than locking that professor into a limited palette of skills courses, the GLCA Shared Languages Program (SLP) envisions allowing students from one institution to register for courses offered by another. With a set of protocols and technologies to enable quality video-based instruction and other collaborative tools in real time, professors may be able to free up a slot in their course load to teach a more specialized course, even though the numbers might have otherwise justified the cancellation of such a course with only the host institution’s students at play, because other GLCA students are interested. 8 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019

unique whale bone deformities and the skin of a 16-foot reticulated python in preparation for display! After multiple productive meetings, including an update about the museum’s global blue whale genetics project, he continued his drive across the border and back to Ohio.

Brian Kot

Beth Bridgeman

of St. Lawrence in eastern Canada and continued his collaborative research with marine scientists at the Mingan Island Cetacean Study (, a nonprofit organization. His objectives this season were to resume annual data collection on minke whales in the study area, write a new research paper, help operate the research station and train interns, and develop future projects with colleagues. In between days of inclement weather, rough seas, and thick fog, Brian and his team used a rigid-hulled inflatable boat to search for minke whales in the region. Photographs, behavior ecology data, and skin biopsies were collected from individuals to contribute new information toward existing work on minke whale population dynamics, feeding ecology, and conservation. About 10 minkes were encountered during each day of effort, interspersed with opportunistic work with other species

vided the team with opportunities to observe seabird rookeries, island wildflowers, and geological formations unique to the islands. An independent project using drone technology to comparatively assess the health of different whale species in the Gulf provided Brian with the opportunity to develop a new project. Acquisition of this aerial footage will allow researchers at the station to study whale body conditions and scarring rates (e.g., rope entanglements), while allowing Brian to address specific questions about whale behavior and physiology (e.g., locomotion). After finishing his field season and submitting a paper for publication, Brian then traveled to Ottawa, Ontario, to attend the 10th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry in early August. He then continued to Toronto, Ontario, to meet with colleagues at the Royal Ontario Museum about a future research

Assistant Professor of Cooperative Education Beth Bridgeman attended the Oral History in the Liberal Art (OHLA) Institute in July, convened by her Antioch colleague and Director of the Oral History in the Liberal Arts, GLCA/GLAA Initiative, Brooke Bryan. As an OHLA GLCA Faculty Fellow, Bridgeman received funding for her research project, Re-establishing a Seed Commons through Oral History Methodology: Capturing the Story of Seed, through generous support from the Mellon Foundation. Her research will be incorporated into her Seed-Sovereignty and Citizen Action course this fall. “[But] someone needs to keep up an old method if it’s not to be lost; some young person needs to get interested and begin the life’s work of mastering the craft; be it botanical art or baking salt-raising bread or making saddles. Like life forms themselves, human crafts must be continually renewed, regrown inside a living person, or they become obsolete, extinct, within a generation”.[i] Bridgeman’s project incorporates oral history methodology into an upper-level course on seed-saving, reskilling, and resilience. It provides a venue for preserving knowledge of the nearly lost art of saving

seed while grounding students in an epistemology of hope as they document changemakers who are charting a course forward into the great uncertainty of the Anthropocene. It highlights storytelling, and mindful listening, as a means of transferring knowledge from one generation to the next, and engages students in meaningful pedagogies within a community of practice. She is also serving as faculty mentor for her student Ryn McCall’s (Class of ’21) OHLA research project, Post Capitalist Communities: Tools for Building a Solidarity Economy. Bridgeman also applied for and received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant from the Great Lakes College Association to conduct research in Japan in Spring 2020. Her research project, Pedagogies of Nature: Shinto, Spiritual Ecology, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge, will explore Shinto-informed concepts of reciprocity and ritual in environmental engagement, including an emphasis on the traditional shinboku (divine ancient trees) and chinju no mori (protective woods) surrounding Shinto shrines. Bridgeman attended the Midwest Native Plant conference in July and is also on the planning committee (along with Dennie Eagleson ’71, Rachel Isaacson ’19, and Shelby Pratt ’19) for the Pathways to Regeneration: Soil, Food, and Plant Medicine conference, taking place in Yellow Springs in November, convened by Community Solutions, and sponsored, in part, by Antioch College. Earlier this spring, she taught Decolonizing Herbalism in an invited residency at School of the Alternative, in Black Mountain, NC. She presented The Antioch Apothecary: Teas and Tinctures, Syrups and Salves at the Society of Ethnobiology conference in Vancouver, B.C. in May, and will present Food, Forage, Farm, Feast: Teaching Reskilling, Sustainability, and Commensality at Antioch College at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education annual conference in Spokane in October. She has spent the summer making foraged meals with friends, reactivating her indigo vat to dye and sewing shibori shirts, and making lard soap. But by far the most wonderful part of her summer was playing with former students and dear friends Ellie Burck ’18 and Odette ChavezMayo ’18 in New York City, where both landed jobs after graduating.

Jennifer Grubbs

I spent a month this summer traveling through Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with my family. As an anthropologist, every journey involves some ethnographic work. Of particular interest were the murals, remnants, and taxi cab conversations about the Troubles history in Northern Ireland. My partner, a professor of Sociology and Social Justice Studies at Miami University, is an expert of political violence and social movement history. Traveling by car (and foot) through the country was powerful and insightful. Through photographs and field notes, we were able to better understand the ways in which foreign occupation of Northern Ireland continues to impact the lives of folks living there. We happened to stay in Belfast just days before a national holiday and were puzzled by the heaps and heaps of wood palettes sporadically located throughout the city. Through storytelling, we learned that these palettes would be set ablaze in resistance to the nationalist holiday. I am eager to bring these stories and passion into the classroom this year at Antioch. Students can read more about the IRA and resistance that continues in Northern Ireland today in my social movement course this winter! Jennifer Grubbs is Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology.

[i] Howsare, Erika. “The Magnificence of Seeing.” Taproot, 14 Nov. 2017, pp. 20–29



Seniors Showcased at

COLLOQUIA 2019 Kyna Burke ’19

will be available for future students to use as well.

The Antioch Tree Team: Creating the Antioch College Urban Tree Inventory

Jocelyne Cruz ’19

Major: Environmental Science

One of the most obvious and beautiful features of Antioch College’s campus is the abundance of trees present. Trees are vital to urban communities like Antioch College because they provide shade and habitats for animals and undergo a process called carbon sequestration to remove carbon dioxide from the air, as well as many other benefits. The goal of this project was to create an urban tree inventory of the Antioch College campus, to document tree health, size, species biodiversity, and ecological and economic value. I worked alongside the Antioch Tree Team to collect data on a majority of the trees on Antioch College’s main campus. Using i-Tree, a free program from the United States Forest Service, the campus tree data were analyzed to estimate the carbon sequestration rates and the economic impacts of the forest canopy. The outcomes of this project were a campus tree map, an inventory of the trees (species, size, health), the i-Tree report, and a policy memo about Arbor Day Tree Campus participation. Another outcome was an update on the declining health of the campus sugar maples and a request to stop tapping them for sap. This service project provides the campus with very important resources to manage our college forest canopy and

Major: Psychology

Identity in the Negative Space: Exploring Boundaries of Social Identity Theory In this paper, I examine the dynamics of social identity theory proposed by Henri Tajfel which states groups to which we belong are elevated due to the pride and high self-esteem they bring, these are our motivating factors. I explain the cognitive processes that lead to unconscious and impulsive categorization of our environments, including our identities. This is beneficial in understanding stereotypes and self-schemas through learned behavior in our environments to support the understanding of humans as social beings. Due, then, to the exclusionary aspects of these processes, this paper will analyze how the fluidity of identity challenges the embedded idea of unity especially in regard to the effects it has on immigrants.

Bailey Hollyn Bermond ’19, with a Self-Design major in ‘Ecoperformance,’ presented En Route: Searching for the Root, during COLLOQUIA. The piece explored regenerative movement in an intimate and immediate ecological context. In addition to this performance, Hollyn designed and facilitated a three-hour intensive workshop at the Wellness Center at Antioch College entitled, “The Embodied Voice,” sharing methodologies she has been practicing throughout her adventures at Antioch—both locally and internationally—within earth-centered circles.

Sam Eagleburger ’19 Self-Design Major: Organizing and Performing Counter-Hegemony

Liberatory Community Defense: A Natural History In my project, I examine how revolutionary and oppressed commu-

Palabras Malas, an installation by Alyssa Navarrette ’19 (Self Design major: ‘Ethnological Arts’) reclaimed six derogatory words often used to degrade and belittle in order to empower mujeres and feminine people.

Mari Smith ’19 , with a Self Design major in ‘Interpersonal Communication and Journalism in the Media Arts,’ created an original film as ‘A Study in Argumentative Performance’ to document arguments around the validity of pacifism vs. aggression in the context of effective activism in modern society.

nities can organize for collective self-defense. I argue that it is both politically necessary and ethically justifiable for communities to engage in extralegal defense formations, particularly when the state is the primary source of violence. Using the methodological framework of dialectical naturalism, I examine historical and contemporary cases to interpret both tactically sound and liberatory structures and strategies of community self-defense. My project is formatted primarily as a zine to facilitate wider audiences

COLLOQUIA poster session and reception in Herndon Gallery. and engage revolutionary and oppressed communities.

Rachel Rose Isaacson ’19 Major: Political Economy

The Political Economy of Public School Lunches: A Call for a Cultural Shift towards Healthy and Local Food Ethan Marcus ’19, with a Self-Design major in ‘Understanding Human Beings,’ created plans and began construction on a tiny home to explore living practices, concepts of self sufficiency, and subverting capitalist systems.

Rachel Isaacson is advocating for healthy food in public schools. Rachel is attempting to work with Yellow Springs schools to conduct an

assessment of Mill’s Lawn Elementary schools current food policies and helping to determine the next steps towards improving the quality and ecological sustainability of its lunch program. Rachel contextualizes her assessment of Mill’s Lawn Elementary’s food policies with a critical analysis of public school lunches and food education, along with a political-economic analysis of the U.S. agro-food system. She believes that we need to change our food culture, starting with our youngest populations, in order to develop new and better food systems for the future. THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019 9



The Fifth Commencement of the Newly Independent Antioch College Watch Commencement 2019 highlights or the whole ceremony online

Fierce Determina Adaptability and Class of 2019

Moumita Dam ’19 and Anna Samake ’19 at The Mound

Noah Yasgur ’19, Katie Sherman ’19, Mari Smith ’19, and Julien Stainback ’19 circling The Mound.


tion and Courage, Resourcefulness By Jeanne Kay ’10 “One could say Antioch is a social experiment. A microcosm of current cultural crises; a movement towards liberation of the parts of ourselves that have been denied or turned away from in the shared struggles of our time.” These words are from the opening of Hollyn Bermond’s Commencement speech, which she delivered on Saturday, June 22, 2019, in front of Main Building a few minutes before receiving her B.A. from Antioch along with her compatriots from the Class of 2019, the fifth graduating class of the newly independent Antioch College. Like virtually all graduating student speakers since the re-opening of the College, Hollyn thanked alumni for supporting her education. Hollyn’s Antioch Adventure has been particularly intertwined with alumni: she applied to Antioch on the recommendation of Ann Theis ’99, her mentor at the local TV station where she worked as a high school student in Denver, CO. She was admitted to several other colleges, but it was her interactions with alumni that made her decide to come to Yellow Springs. “Every alum that I met glowed when they talked about their time at Antioch.” Hollyn Co-oped at the Antioch School in Costa Rica—where she got certified in permaculture—and at Riversong Sanctuary in Hawaii where she worked with more Antioch alumni. During her time on campus, she worked at the Wellness Center where she received her yoga teacher certification, and volunteered with incarcerated women at Dayton Correctional Institution where she co-created a children’s book with inmates. She was also a regular volunteer for Phonathon nights in the Office of Advancement, where she was known to go off script to swap Antioch stories with alumni late into the night!

Hollyn self-designed her Eco-Performance degree. “The ability to self-design and work intimately with faculty advisers is one of my favorite things about Antioch,” she says. “It allows you to individualize your learning but also to diversify it by drawing from different disciplines. Like permaculture, it’s healthy for the soil to have more than one crop. We really learn from each other—we grow.” “Contrary to popular belief,” she continues, “Antioch is closer to the real world than it is to a bubble. It teaches you to problem-solve, to take control of your path, and to never expect anything delivered on a silver platter. It builds resiliency.” The following are the closing words of Hollyn’s Commencement Speech: “Being an Antiochian requires fierce determination and courage, adaptability and resourcefulness. From curriculum shifts to Co-op swaps, we have been around the world and back again. We have been through a great many changes, collectively and individually over the past four years (and for some of us a bit longer!). We have changed. “Acknowledging the inherent changeability of life affords us the perspective to be active participants in world affairs, our cultures, and our own lives in a way that we do not take things for granted. We take responsibility for our education, we are in the driver’s seat, with guidance from faculty, staff, and students we’ve built relationships with. Those relationships aren’t ending; they are transforming. “Finally, I want to thank the generous alumni that fuel the rising phoenix—the flames that have served as a kiln for each of us graduating today— stronger than before. I was awarded a four-year full-tuition scholarship, an opportunity to do something no one in my family has done before. “Thank you all for making this moment possible.”

Hollyn Bermond ’19

Middle Left: President Tom Manley, Board of Trustees Chair Maureen Lynch, Shannon Isom, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Mila Cooper.

Commencement Speaker Shannon Isom


Reunion2019 “Reunion 2019 was a blast!

” said Peter Labermeier ’78. “I heartfully recommend that you take the opportunity to attend next year if at all possible, even if it is not an anniversary year. There is something wonderful about being surrounded by people who have shared a similar experience, and most likely share the same world view.”

Maples Reunion

Jack Mathews ’15 and Sara Brooks ’15

Join us next year, October 15–18 2020


Tour of the Antioch Farm

No shortage of celebrating at the Celebration Dinner

“On The Difficulty Of Remembering,” Karen Shirley ’61 memorial exhibition in the Herndon Gallery

Ariel Leonard ’87, Rachel Levin ’76, Christine Grele ’87, and Lorka Munoz-Daugherty ’88

The Future of Community Governance session moderated by April Wolford ’92

On Saturday, July 13 at Reunion 2019, the official Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Museum’s 1869 Red Stockings vintage baseball team (not to be confused with the 1869 Red Stockings team... which is confusing and apparently contentious) visited campus to commemorate 150 years since

George Seifert ‘52 and Truth Garrett ’21

the first scheduled professional baseball game versus the Antioch Nine. Teams were formed combining the Hall of Fame team’s members with alumni, students, and faculty. The result was a fun and friendly game of old-timey base ball on the Horseshoe.


Work Proȷect VOLUNTEER

The Horace Mann-Lift and President Tom Manley, Jilana Ordman ’98, Beth Richards ’06, and Phil Brigham ’97

Gene Milgram ’69 and Vicki Owens

Irwin Pommerantz ’57

Views from July 2019 VWP comes to campus four times every year. No matter your skillset, you’re invited to participate! The following is a selection from the most recent Volunteer Work Project newsletter. Want to receive the full newsletter on a reg-

Play Project Joan Stockton ’65

By Steve Lipmann ’67 For me, Work Project is really Play Project. I spend my days at a computer or conferring with people in small spaces. Most of my time outside is spent pounding the pavement or looking at lower Manhattan from our 23rd floor terrace. So, I relish the opportunity to work outdoors, with a team, on a physically demanding project. On the Case Commons project, I reacquainted myself with a different muscle group every day as I rotated through power washing, scraping, priming edge work, and the grand finale, painting with brush and roller. Under Tod Tyslan’s (’96) patient tutelage, I learned a raft of new skills that I look forward to deploying next year.

Sky High Learning Permit By Jilana Ordman ’98 Beth Richards ’06 and I are regular participants in VWP. Beth uses her professional theater carpentry and electrical skills. I use similar skills gained slowly over the years 14 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2019

ular basis? Subscribe by contacting the Office of Advancement: or 937-767-2341

maintaining my parent’s and then my own homes. VWP contributes to Antioch and its community—formative influences in our lives. VWP brings together professionals and “hobbyists” to use what they know and learn new skills—all for the common good. Not exactly a victory for humanity, but always exhausting fun. Beth knew how to drive the Mann Lift from her theater work and was happy to teach me. We used the lift to do roof repairs to Pennell and also string lights over the dance floor at the Theater (for Reunion). But, taking the lift on the road! It was “relatively” legal and safe…and an activity these veteran Antioch volunteers would only have had the opportunity and Chutzpah to do at VWP!

Get Organized!

A day spent in Antiochiana is fascinating! Since there was to be a 2019 Reunion session discussing community governance at Antioch, I decided to research its history. There was so much information! I barely scratched the surface. I would like to come back and continue the research and then write a concise history of CG. In the course of a day, many people stop by to research various topics on their own, all with great tales to tell. Archivist Scott Sanders pro-

vides the materials they need to get started. —Jessie Herr ’63 Antioch Review Office Manager Cynthia Dunlevy needed help reorganizing its storeroom filled with back issues of The Review. Jessie Herr ’63, Sonia Robbins ’65, and I formed the team. It was great fun…like a huge puzzle that needed solving and wonderful to see a project from beginning to a satisfactory conclusion. It was overwhelming initially but made so much easier by the attitude, skills, and good humor of the alums…great people! Gene Milgram ’69 helped hugely with the heavy boxes. —Vicky Owens The treasures kept in Antiochiana tell interesting stories about Antioch-related people, such as John Bryan. I organized a large file containing articles about the business and personal life—and the values— of this complex and fascinating man who gave his farm to the State of Ohio to become a park adjacent to Glen Helen. I also completed the late Mike Kittross ’51 project to organize the American People’s School files, a progressive NYC institution founded by Antioch affiliates. There is so much to learn! —Irwin Pomerantz ’57 While working on the Antioch College blueprint inventory project, I came upon a flipchart of a “new library visioning/planning” presentation. Seemed up-to-date and useful today, so I “rescued” and Kevin Mulhall, Director of the Library, scanned the pages into his phone in order to print quite good copies. My objective is to save useful documents. It is amazing the wonders that are buried in the blueprint room. —Joan Stockton ’65

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