The Antiochian Summer 2018 Supplement

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Antiochian THE

2018 Summer ent Supplem

A Publication of Antioch College

Admission Update: Just the Facts The Fall 2018 incoming class arrived on August 22. This diverse class of 48 embodies so much of what we value at Antioch College having already demonstrated intellectual curiosity, participation in rigorous academic programs, a commitment to volunteerism, and real world experience. We couldn’t be more excited about them! Enrollment gains this fall are very promising. Notwithstanding a compressed recruitment timeline related to the transition to a new academic calendar, Admission staff brought in a higher rate of viable applications than previous cycles. This is especially notable given that other members of the Great Lakes College Association (GLCA) are seeing smaller incoming classes than in previous years. Overall tuition revenue this year is expected to be the highest since reopening and meet budget goals. And, expected per-student tuition revenue for the incoming class is higher than that of any previous class since reopening.

By the Numbers




First Time



21 Ohio


Other States 75% increase over Fall 2017 totals, and a 14% increase over Fall 2016 89% increase over Fall 2017 of firsttime (not transfer) college students 36% Yield (percentage of students offered admission who then enrolled) 18% in Fall 2017 31% identify as people of color 20% identify as LGBTQIA 42% are first-generation college students 60% are eligible for Federal Pell Grants 3.22 median GPA of firsttime college students More On Admissions Through the dedication of our entire community, the College developed a compelling value proposition—Own Your Education—which Continued on Page 2

Inside: 2 The Stoop More news, Lines of Thinking 5 InBox 5 A Buffalo Grazing 6 Postcards From Co-op 7 The Mound COLLOQUIA & Commencement 10 Catching Up with VWP 12 What Happened at Reunion 14 In the News 14 Antiochiana Songs From the Stacks

What you’ve got here...

You’re holding a brand new publication which serves as a suppl ement between full issues of The Antiochian, the magazine for alumni and friend s of Antioch College. Two magazines, and two supplements will be published each year. The content of supplement issues will compile news items from many sources—including content which otherwise only appears online—alon g with new content created just for this publication. Please note that Class Notes and Obituaries will be published only in the full magazine issues. With so much good news to share, we hope that this will help provid e more of a picture of what is happening at Antioch College.

If you would like to keep receiving these supplements…

While the magazine is sent to all alumni and friends of the Colleg e, to keep costs in check future supplement issues will be sent only to regular donors. To make a donation to Antioch College, use the enclosed envel ope, go online, or call the Office of Advancement: (937) 767-2341

Inaugural Winning Victory Grant Recipients Announced Launched in January 2018, the Winning Victories Grant program at Antioch College is designed to support alumni initiatives that impact quality of life, public good, social justice, and the environment in local, national, and international communities through three awards: one $50,000 grant and two $10,000 grants. The winners of the first round of Winning Victories Grants were announced at the College’s Reunion gala dinner on Saturday, July 15, 2018. Susan E. Barkan ’78 received the $50,000 grant, and Lynn Estomin ’72 and Anuja Mendiratta ’94 each received $10,000 grants. Susan E. Barkan and Anuja Mendiratta received their awards in person at the dinner. Dennie Eagleson ‘71 accepted the award for Lynn Estomin, who could not attend. Pictured are Barkan and Mendiratta with President Tom Manley and Karen Mulhauser, Antioch College Alumni Association president. Susan E. Barkan received the $50,000 grant for a program, called Strive, pilot-tested in Washington State that provides structured coaching to parents visiting with young children to improve the quality of parent-child visits. Coaches meet with parents prior to scheduled visits, observe the visit, and provide feedback to prepare the parent for their next visit. The grant will cover creating an open-source platform and online, freely available “e-learning” to train new coaches. Its long-term goal is to make the program freely available nationwide for child welfare visitation, adapted and replicated in other communities. Lynn Estomin received a $10,000 grant for a proposal addressing the needs of veterans who feel isolated and need opportunities to publicly share their stories. The grant will underwrite regional writing and media retreats for veterans, many with PTSD, to train them to document events and create personal digital stories. It builds on a program that has worked with over 5,500 veterans and families, to provide a community of peers with shared experiences, and to highlight marginalized and non-traditional voices of veterans often excluded from mainstream media. Its long-term goal is for the general public to stop thinking the VA will deal with veterans’ issues, and start taking initiative for community re-integration.

Susan Barkan ’78, Anuja Mendirata ’94, Tom Manley, Karen Mulhauser ’65 The second $10,000 grant award went to Anuja Mendiratta for the “Practical Visionaries” project, which includes a first of its kind anthology featuring the voices, wisdom and stories of 27 women, under three themes: Redefining Environmentalism, Agents of Change, and Legacies of Injustice. The grant will also support participant gatherings, a website and community events. The project ultimately aims to build a more diverse, inclusive, just, and effective environmental movement by increasing the visibility, resourcing, and influence of Indigenous Women and Women of Color in the environmental sphere. Intended for all types of initiatives, including business, entrepreneurial, and nonprofit, the Winning Victories Grant was envisioned and funded by Antioch College Trustee Matthew Morgan ’99. More than 50 applications were submitted by Antioch College alumni who are creating positive change in their communities and living up to the words of Horace Mann, the College’s first

president, by “winning victories for humanity.” The impressive projects submitted in the grant proposals spanned generations, including 2018 graduates of the College, and are a testament to the power of an Antioch College education. A selection committee composed of members of the Antioch College Alumni Association Board of Directors and student, staff, and faculty representatives reviewed applications and chose five semi-finalists to be reviewed and voted on by the Antioch College Community, resulting in this year’s grant recipients. In a letter of support for Barkan’s $50,000-winning program, Benjamin de Haan, executive director, Partners for Our Children, writes, “Strive creates an effective, humane, and cost effective approach to parent-child visitation thus addressing a huge gap in services to children and family.” Alise Hegle, advocacy lead in the Office of Policy and Innovation at the Children’s Home Society of Washington, also Continued on Page 2

National Recognition for Sustainability

Antioch College has earned a Silver STARS rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education. Antioch College’s STARS report is publicly available on the STARS website: institutions/antioch-college-oh/ report/2018-03-29/ As a college of practice, Antioch cultivates the habits of learning, doing, living, and being in the world in experientially rich ways. The practice of environmental sustainability on campus provides students abundant opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge in service to the natural world and its ecosystems, from coursework to Co-op jobs. We give emphasis to this practice because there are no greater challenges today than those presented by the crisis of climate change. “Antioch College has consistently made decisions to invest the College’s limited resources into sustainable ways of living – including a solar farm that generates over 1M watts of solar power, achievement of LEED certification for all major renovation and construction, and a nationally recognized farm-to-table dining program for percentage of Real Food served. Sustainability is one of our core Areas of Practice, and a central part of the academic experience at Antioch,” explains Antioch President Tom Manley. Participating in STARS demonstrates and measures how sustainability is a lived practice for many on campus. While this is the first time Antioch has entered the STARS system and sustainability measures on campus continue to be an ongoing effort, achieving a Silver Rating speaks to the cross-campus, community effort undertaken to submit our report. According to President Manley, “The College’s STARS Task Force was central to reaching this milestone, as this group ensured the data was collected and compiled accurately and in a community-wide process.” With more than 800 participants in 30 countries, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in five overall areas: 1) academics 2) engagement, 3) operations, 4) planning and administration, and 5) innovation and leadership. “STARS was developed by the Continued on Page 2




One Morgan Place Yellow Springs, OH 45387




Lines of Thinking

For Abel Coelho ’04

Continued from Page 1

served as the focus of our updated admission materials which were rolled out last fall (the new calendar, curriculum, and value proposition were described in the Spring 2018 issue of The Antiochian). Gariot Louima rejoined our staff as Dean of Admission and External Affairs in September 2017 and quickly put our admissions program on course to realize positive new student enrollment results. Incoming students are eligible for a variety of generous merit based scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to students who show outstanding promise to contribute to the vision of Antioch College through meaningful engagement with community, the arts, and/or environmental concerns, and community leadership. Admissions has also worked with the faculty and the Office of Academic Affairs to make Antioch more transfer friendly. Since reopening, Antioch has had a single enrollment period for new students, fall. Beginning with the winter 2019 quarter, students who begin their college careers at other institutions now have the opportunity for mid-year transfer to Antioch. How You Can Help Talk to family and friends who have students who are interested in college about the enduring value of a liberal arts degree and the unique educational opportunities afforded by Antioch College. You can also refer a student online at: antiochcollege. edu/nominate-future-antiochian. If the nominated student applies, is ac-

By Tom Manley President Antioch College (originally published January 11, 2018) “O chestnut tree, great rooted blossomer, Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole? O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance?” — W.B. Yeats (from the poem Among School Children)

Fall 2018 incoming students cepted and attends, Antioch will provide an annual $500 Alumni Scholar Award in your name. The Alumni Association Board of Directors, with Catherine Jordan ’72 and David Scott ’72 taking the lead, has been working with the Office of Admission and Alumni Chapters to enlist recruitment volunteers across the country. You may indicate your interest in participating by updating your profile in the alumni directory ( If you have questions, send an email to The College is now accepting applications for Winter 2019 and Fall 2019. Keep these dates and deadlines in mind: Winter Transfer: Apply by October 15 for January admission. Early Decision for Fall 2019 (First Year Applicants): November 15 (EDI) and January 2 (EDII).

Regular Decision (First Year and Transfer): February 1 priority deadline for scholarships; May 1 final Wondering how to talk about Antioch College? Consider the following: With experiential learning (Coop) at its very core, Antioch students plan, create, and own their education. Antioch College prepares students for personal responsibility in advancing positive change in our communities, our country, and our world. In the words of Loren Pope, author of, Colleges That Change Lives, “There is no college or university in the country that makes a more profound difference in a young person’s life, or that creates more effective adults. None of the Ivies, big or small, can match Antioch’s ability to produce outstanding thinkers and doers.”

Just before the holidays I learned of the death of Abel Coelho, Antioch College class of 2004, and these lines from Yeats came to mind. Abel had performed at the College only a month before in what I considered a truly remarkable program of Japanese theater, contemporary dance, and music. Afterwards I remember thinking how in its entirety, the different performances and performers were unboxing traditional cultural forms through innovative reframing, sampling, and mixing. These translations, re-interpretations, and innovatory works were thoughtfully and respectfully done and at an extraordinary level of artistry. It made me happy, hope-

composer, Keiko Fujiie (who had collaborated with him and other Butoh dancers at Antioch) in Barcelona on a new project. The two had also been in conversation about a return performance at Antioch College to celebrate Earth Day in April 2018, perhaps with Fujiie’s composition, “Wilderness Mute,” a chamber and choral piece about the immediate aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That event is still being planned; of course, not with Abel, but with his unmistakable influences and spirit, to be sure. As for his performance at Antioch this past fall, it was, I realize now, virtuosic. Accompanied on piano by Keiko Fujiie, it took place on the bare stage of the Foundry Theater lit (no doubt by Abel) to use the darkness as a screen on which beams of light might render the invisible visible and then make it vanish in movement, reemerging somewhere else. Bare feet, limbs, hands, eyes, cheeks, jutting jaw, lips, teeth—a chiaroscuro of dance, music, and text shaped around Hamlet’s soliloquy, interspersed in Japanese and English, an articulation of something very new and, for me, full of hope. Louise Smith ’77, Antioch College Professor of Performance, introduced the performers and program that night. She had been Abel’s teacher back in the day and one could feel clearly the love and pride she shared for her student. It was she who wrote with word about his dying.

“I may not be a mover or shaker. I

may not be a captain of industry. You probably never heard of me, but I have lived a life of meaning, of joy, and of great contentment, all thanks to my time at Antioch.”—Eric Block ’80

Victory Grants Continued from Page 1

offered strong support for Barkan’s Strive program. Hegle states, “I strongly endorse Strive and your goal to create sustainable systemic change to parent-child visitation within the child welfare system.” Letters of support for Estomin and Mendiratta also reflect the Antiochian spirit of the College’s alumni: each found that they could create profound change and spotlight marginalized voices through their collaborations. Director of Warrior Writers, Lovella Calica, explained the

importance of Estomin’s proposal to work with the organization in her letter of support. She writes, “There are too few opportunities for veterans and community members to connect in meaningful ways and too few outlets for civilians to access veterans’ stories. This project will change that and win a victory for humanity.” “‘Practical Visionaries’ not only highlights the work of over two dozen women winning victories for humanity, it is itself a victory for humanity as it invites reflection on how and why these leaders are not being adequately recognized, and specifically creates a framework for


Continued from Page 1 campus sustainability community to provide high standards for recognizing campus sustainability efforts,” says AASHE Executive Director Meghan Fay Zahniser. “Antioch College has demonstrated a substantial commitment to sustainability by achieving a STARS Silver 2 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018

building resourced coalitions to directly support their work,” explains Elizabeth Rose Middleton Manning, associate professor, program director, and chair of California Indian Studies in the Department of Native American Studies at UC Davis. The success of Antioch College and the compelling story of its revival as a new kind of American college is due to the support of alumni, their perseverance, and their belief in the value of an Antioch education. The annual awards from the Winning Victories Grant provide a way for the College to support alumni in return.

Rating and is to be congratulated for their efforts.” Unlike other rating or ranking systems, this program is open to all institutions of higher education, and the criteria that determine a STARS rating are transparent and accessible to anyone. Because STARS is a program based on credits earned, it allows for both internal comparisons as well as comparisons with similar institutions.

ful, and pleased to experience them on Antioch College’s campus, a place that has witnessed great and memorable theater over the years. Those feelings were still fresh with me when the sad and surprising news of Abel’s passing arrived in an email. He had been living in Kyoto with his wife, who had left him sleeping peacefully in bed when she headed off to work. That is how she found him later in the day when she returned home. Abel had studied dance and theater (focusing on lighting) at Antioch. He had gone to Japan to study the avant-garde genre, Butoh, which had developed in the 1950’s in the post-war and nuclear-threatened world, during a time in which many elements of traditional Japanese culture were being challenged to reform and even indicted for the consequences of the war and Japanese militarism itself. While in Japan, Abel established a co-op that is still running today; upon returning to Antioch, he designed and performed, according to Eric Miller, “one of the most memorable senior projects” in the school’s recent history. Before his visit in November, Abel had returned to the College one other time after graduating. Apparently, his performance then was also memorable. After graduating from Antioch, Abel deepened his practice of dance and theater, teaching workshops and classes and completing an MFA in Traditional Asian Theater at the University of Hawaii. His own choreographies were performed internationally and, based in Japan, he was a leading force for the founding of the world’s first and only Butoh-dedicated theater, the Kyoto Butoh-Kan. This month Abel was planning to join the award winning

“Abel was a very special person whose life had challenges that art helped him to transcend. His work as a performer came from a deep place.” In the last lines of his poem Among School Children, Yeats asks us to ponder how we might make sense or know a part of something without regard to its whole: “O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance?” Those who had the great pleasure to have watched Abel Coelho dance and practice life creatively might suspect as I do that there were no dualities when it came to his art. His search was for unities and we benefited from his journey with us. I want to end this New Year’s Lines of Thinking with a poem that I dedicate to Abel: Snow, Crows First one, landing on the untouched snow, A solid black spot on a blank page. Then the other, landing above on a bare tree branch, Another glyph; two inky ideograms Together, forming a sentence with the lone tree, a complete, eloquent thought about experiencing emptiness and fullness In the same moment, In the same silence. For Abel Coelho ’04, January 1, 2018 Lines of Thinking is regularly published online; visit

Honoring VWP Commemorating 32 years of service to the College, a plaque honoring the amazing work of Volunteer Work Project volunteers was presented at Reunion 2018. The plaque will be given pride of place when it is installed on Main Hall. Along with the plaque, the good news was shared that VWP is now an affinity (or “virtual”) chapter of the Alumni Association. Alumni Board member Karen Foreit ’67 is behind the creation and presentation of the plaque. Two years ago, VWP received the J.D. Dawson Award, and Peggy Erskine ‘60, founder of VWP, received it at Reunion 2018; however, VWP’s impact is not always obvious. “There’s a physical reminder in everything it has touched,” Karen explains, “but just walking around, someone doesn’t have an idea of the history or extent of work VWP has accomplished.” With a plaque on Main Hall, the commemoration is not of something finished, but instead a reminder of the importance of the work completed and what will occur in the future.

Reunion Co-Chair Karen Foreit ’67 and Alumni Association President Karen Mulhauser ’65 unveil the plaque honoring more than three decades of volunteerism by VWP.

Fiske Guide The 35th edition of the the Fiske Guide to Colleges, a bestselling college guide for high school students and their parents, includes Antioch College among the “best and most interesting” schools in the United States. “Part social activist, part granola, and part anarchist with plenty of none-of-the-above mixed in, Antioch is a haven for square pegs,” the Guide states. “After shutting its doors for three years, Antioch is

now back in business and offering its signature co-op program: academic study interspersed with 16week work experiences. March and protest to change the world, then get a job. Cool.” For 35 years, the Fiske Guide to Colleges has been the leading guide to more than 300 four-year schools considered by the Guide to be the top 10 percent in the nation—including quotes from real students and

information you won’t find on college websites. Edward B. Fiske, who served for 17 years as education editor of The New York Times, wrote the Fiske Guide to Colleges because he believed college-bound students and their families needed better information on which to base their educational choices. Updated annually with the Fiske editorial team, the Fiske Guide to Colleges is considered

the most authoritative source of information for college-bound students and their parents. Helpful, honest, and straightforward, the Fiske Guide to Colleges delivers an insider’s look at what it’s really like to be a student at the “best and most interesting” schools in the United States, as well as in Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland—so you can find the best fit for you.

Rallying the Vote! In recognition of the responsibility and right to vote, the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom (CSKC) at Antioch College will host the Freedom to Vote Rally, bringing together the greater Miami Valley community for a day of education and action. Freedom to Vote Rally Sunday, September 23 2:00 to 5:00 PM Antioch College on the Horseshoe Free and open to the public Celebrating deliberative democracy, diversity, and social justice, Freedom to Vote will feature prominent national and local speakers who will highlight the importance of voting and bring awareness to various issues facing our nation.

Shaun King will provide the keynote address at Freedom to Vote Writer and civil rights activist Shaun King will deliver the keynote address. King has written extensively about the Black Lives Matter

Movement and police brutality in traditional and social media outlets. Other speakers at the rally will include radio broadcaster and ac-

tivist Rev. Mark Thompson, Santa Fe (TX) school shooting survivor Jai Gillard, Dayton YWCA President and CEO Shannon Isom, Shirley Chisholm Project founder Barbara Winslow ’68, Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science Kim Landsbergen, and others to be announced. Local organizations will be available for voter registration, and the event will also feature live entertainment and food trucks. The Coretta Scott King Center facilitates learning, dialogue, and action on campus and beyond. While Antioch College and CSKC are a non-partisan, we believe all citizens have a right to easy voting access in accordance with American ideals of one person, one vote.

Under the Stars… The Folger Shakespeare Library recently featured the Antioch Shakespeare Festival (also known as Shakespeare Under the Stars) with interviews from the co-founding professors’ children: John Lithgow and Robin Lithgow, children of Arthur Lithgow ’38, and Tony Dallas ’72, son of Meredith Dallas.

That was the urgent question inspiring the Second Restorative Justice Conference that took place at the beginning of June in Yellow Springs. Following on last fall’s successful Community & Restorative Justice Symposium, the second Conference focused on the relevant topic of “Healing Harms in Sexual and Family Violence.” The conference was organized by Jennifer Berman ’84 and featured three experts in the field: Duke Fisher, Lead Trainer at Learning Labs, Inc., and at the Skidmore College Project on Restorative Justice; Dr. Joan Pennell, Founding Director of the Center for Family and Community Engagement and Professor of Social Work at North Carolina State University; and Kaaren M. Williamsen, Director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center at the University of Michigan. All three have applied Restorative Justice in varied settings. They spoke and provided training based on their work with survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, discussing with participants the role of restorative practices in deepening healing and closure for victims. The two day conference began with a panel discussion with special guest speakers Raymond TeKorako Ruka, Maori elder and priest of Waitaha, and Richard Biehl, Director and Dayton Chief of Police. The Conference was sponsored by Antioch College and Community Empowerment Organization (CEO), a Yellow Springs nonprofit.

Modern Jungle

On Sunday, June 17, a globalization documentary co-directed by Charles Fairbanks, assistant professor of Media Arts, and Saul Kak, an artist and activist from Chiapas, Mexico, was shown in a free screening at the Majestic Theatre in Lexington, NE. In 2017, The Modern Jungle won a jury prize at Slamdance, an annual film festival in Park City, UT, as well as at the Athens International Film & Video Festival.

Send in Your Class Notes

The ever popular Class Notes will continue to be published in the full magazine issues of The Antiochian. Share your news with other Antiochians in the third person, and in 75 words or less. Send your note by email to or by mail to The Antiochian, One Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

Senior Survey 94%

strongly agreed or agreed that their Antioch education improved their criticalthinking skills.

“ I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Shakespeare festival took place at Antioch. I mean, this was an extraordinary liberal arts college, innovative in all sorts of ways.”—John Lithgow


strongly agreed or agreed that their Antioch education improved their ability to have balanced conversations about difficult or contentious issues

Sixty years on from those first performances, the children of the festival’s founders to talk about their fathers’ work and its legacy in an episode titled, “I Live To Speak My Father’s Words.” John, Robin, and Tony are interviewed by Barbara Bogaev. Listen to the podcast and read the transript: shakespeare-unlimited/antioch-shakespeare-festival

Are We There Yet?


strongly agreed or agreed that their Antioch education improved their workplace skills.

Kelton Garwood and friends from the 1956 production of “All’s Well That Ends Well” Kelton was the company swordmaster and played endless barely credited undertakers on TV westerns.




Sowing (More) Seeds Cooperative Education faculty member Beth Bridgeman gave a presentation on the history of U.S. seed law and the importance of seed sovereignty at Agraria in Yellow Springs on July 14. Agraria—a project of the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions—is a center for research and education about regenerative land use.

Nuclear Fallout

Nuclear Fallout: The Bomb in Three Archives, a collaborative show on view at the College’s Herndon Gallery September 20 through December 7, excavates the collective memory of the effects and aftermath of nuclear war. This interdisciplinary collaboration re-examines archival slides, photographs, 16mm films, objects, and documents from three markedly different archives: the U.S. National Archives military training films, multimedia materials from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Memorial Collection of the Wilmington College Peace Resource Center, and the ideologically sanitized exhibits of the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Embedded in the project is Japanese-American artist Migiwa Orimo, working within the three archives to create installations responding to the conceptual “scotomas,” gaps, blurrings, and erasures that exist in our faded recollections of these events in history. Through this collaboration, Nuclear Fallout asks its audiences to critically consider the way war is curated in our cultural telling—asking who creates the narrative, whose stories are missing, and who is no longer alive to tell it. Read more about the show, including a collaborative student research project led by professor Charles Fairbanks also on view:

Abel Coelho ’04 Collaboration Coming to Campus Associated with the Nuclear Fallout exhibit, a performance of NAGASAKI: Wilderness Mute (Still Life) will be held at 7:30 PM on September 21, 2018 at the Foundry Theater. Composed by award winning musician and Keiko Fujiie, Wilderness Mute is one of many collaborations with Abel Coelho ’04. The two were planning to bring the work to the College before he passed away in December 2017. The piece—based on the poetic text of Hayashi Kyoko inspired by the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and which draws from the firsthand accounts of victims of the bombing—is a collaborative multidisciplinary work, involving music, image, poetry, and Butoh dance. Outside of its premiere in Seattle earlier this year, this will be the only performance of the work in the United States.

Antiochian THE


A twice-annual supplement to the magazine for alumni and friends of Antioch College James Lippincott, Director of Alumni & External Relations Christine Reedy, Communications Specialist Jandos Rothstein ’86, Design & Production Published in the summer and winter by the Office of Advancement at Antioch College. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Supported by contributions to the Antioch College Annual Fund. Write to: Copyright 2018, Antioch College An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer


News From the Glen By Nick Boutis Executive Director, Glen Helen Ecology Institute

Graham, a bald eagle, feasting on salmon remains from the Whole Salmon Sidewalk Sale.

Eagles’s Delight

The birds of prey that reside at the Glen Helen Raptor Center ate very well the first week of July as nearly 100 pounds of the remains of wild Alaska Sockeye Salmon were picked up from Dorothy Lane Market’s Washington Square location in early July by the nonprofit organization, which rehabilitates injured raptors, including bald eagles. Dorothy Lane Market, a Dayton-based gourmet grocery store, holds an annual sidewalk sale of fresh whole Alaskan salmon. Customers order salmon, and have it filleted on the spot. Rick Hoffman, who volunteers at Glen Helen, took note of the salmon remains leftover during the process of filleting the fish during DLM’s Salmon Sidewalk Sale and a lightbulb went off since the non-profit is always on the lookout for viable food sources for the birds of prey. The store had been simply discarding the scraps, but thanks to quick thinking by Hoffman, the Glen was able to work with DLM to donate all of the scraps to the Raptor Center. The birds get an amazing and otherwise prohibitively expensive source of nutrition, and the market does a good deed and sends less to the landfill. Also, bald eagles absolutely love salmon.


Each May for the past 12 years, Glen Helen staff and volunteers have held a birdwatching marathon to raise funds for land stewardship activities. The self-imposed rules are straightforward: birds have to be seen or heard from Glen Helen, birds have to be wild (nothing caged at the Raptor Center counts), and all searching must be done in one 24-hour period. Over the years, we’ve found that a dozen people, putting in a long day of searching at the peak of spring migration, have been able to cumulatively see 80 or 90 species. Of course, each person in that group would only have seen a fraction of these. Enter Gabby Amrhein ’17, the Land Manager for Community Solutions’ Agraria property. Gabby became active as a birder as a student, and has become one of the most



active and highly regarded birders in Greene County. It was about 5 PM and we were nearing the end of the count day on Saturday, May 5th, and it had been a good day. As a group, we’d found 98 species, a truly remarkable number. But then, Gabby announced that she was aiming to personally find 100 species in the Glen that day, and was sitting at 92. Not to come across as a naysay-

er, but this was essentially impossible. We had already found nearly every expected species. Every possibility that theoretically remained was, well, theoretical. Plus, it was late in the day, and we’d already been birding for close to 12 hours. Yet, she succeeded. It was a marathon fueled by skill, timing, good fortune, and endurance. Her calfhigh rubber boots, which had been

in good condition in the morning, had sprouted holes from being treated as running shoes. Thanks to her accomplishment, our group total ballooned to 107 species. Just in Glen Helen. On one day. It is both a remarkable testament to what a skilled observer can accomplish, and a proud recognition of the diversity of life sheltered within Glen Helen.

Speaking Truth to Power

Newly elected board members Marc Masurovsky ’77 and Hanna Strange ’17.

Alumni Association Update By vote of the Alumni Association the following people have been elected to three year terms on the Alumni Association Board of Directors beginning in the 2018– 19 year: Phillip Brigham ’97 (2nd term) Michael Casselli ’87 (2nd term) Claryce Evans ’59 (2nd term) Karen Foreit ’67 (2nd term) Marc Masurovsky ’77 David Scott ’72 (2nd term) Hanna Strange ’17 We extend much gratitude for the dedication and service of the following members of the Alumni Board who are rolling off after completing

a three year term: Seth Gordon ’00 Aimee Maruyama ’96 Stan Morse ’65 Penny Storm ’65 Interested in serving on the Alumni Board? Nominations are currently being accepted. You may self-nominate, or nominate another Antiochian (please be sure to ask your nominee if they are interested in serving and to provide a candidate statement). More information including board member expectations and the nomination form are posted online:

On July 13 Antioch College held its inaugural Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham Distinguished Seminar Series at Reunion 2018. The series was created in honor of A. Leon Higginbotham ’49, celebrated civil rights advocate, author, and federal appeals court judge. As a student at Antioch College, Leon Higginbotham headed the school’s chapter of the NAACP, along with other leadership roles, including Community Council President. His notable judicial career included being the first African American United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and Chief United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit from 1990–1991. As an alumnus of the College, Higginbotham served on the Board of Trustees from 1983–1987. The Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. Distinguished Seminar Series will continue annually as other noted public figures, including authors, activists, and artists, are in-

vited to the Antioch College campus to engage with College and Yellow Springs community members, and with the wider public in Southwestern Ohio where Antioch is located. The inaugural presenter in the series was F. Michael Higginbotham, Joseph Curtis Professor of Law and former interim dean at the University of Baltimore School of Law, is a specialist in constitutional law, equal protection, human rights, and race relations, and an inspiring advocate of justice. Professor Higginbotham was recognized in 2012 by the Daily Record with its Leadership in Law Award as one of the 25 outstanding lawyers in Maryland and by OBALB as one of the top 100 Black lawyers in the United States. He is also the author of Ghosts of Jim Crow: Ending Racism in Post-Racial America and Race Law: Cases, Commentary, and Questions. Michael is a second cousin of Leon Higginbotham, and was greatly influenced by his work. Watch the presentation online:

InBox Following the publication of the redesigned magazine last fall, we received quite a bit of feedback from alumni. Thank you for sending this redesigned, information-packed [Spring 2018] issue. Maybe I'm blind, but I can find no caption or credit for the cover photo. Who is this young woman, what is she presenting, and who took the picture? —Louis Jaffe ’70 P.S. I can't put ’70 next to my name, which would've been my graduation year, because I withdrew from Antioch in ’68, the story of many in our hippie cohort, especially after the launch under James P. Dixon of the anything-goes “new first-year program.” Happily I finished undergrad eleven years later at NYU and went on to get an MPS in their Interactive Telecommunications Program. Antioch was formative to me in many ways. Editor’s Note We indeed neglected to provide a caption for the cover photo on the Spring 2018 issue. The photo is related to “The Return of The Antioch Nine” and features Ellie Burck ’18 explaining the rules and strategies of baseball to other students in Forest Bright’s class. P.S. Alumni status is based upon the class you enter with, unless you prefer otherwise, so we took the liberty of noting you as such.

A letter from the Alumni Association President Dear Antioch College alums, More than a year ago I let Antioch University know that I did not graduate from the University in ’65—I graduated from Antioch College–and that I no longer want to receive information from the University. Since then, I have not received information or fundraising appeals from the University. I was therefore confused when I began receiving messages from alums of Antioch College about the recent “Antioch Alumni Magazine.” I had not received it. It appears to have intentionally attempted to deceive College alums, or imply an association with the College that does not exist when it sent the recent magazine. Of course if after graduating from Antioch College you went on Editor’s Note: We are aware that Antioch University has been contacting alumni of Antioch College through a variety of means and have heard from many alumni who find these communications to be confusing or misleading. Antioch College was founded in 1850, and it was closed by Antioch University in 2008. When the College was purchased by the alumni and re-opened, it did so as a completely independent institution without a formal or informal connection

for a graduate degree from the University, it makes sense to get both magazines, but most of us did not. We can all let the University know whether or not we want to receive its materials and fundraising appeals. You can contact the University ( or 310-578-1080, ext. 118) to let it know that you no longer want to receive its information, and you can contact me if you want ( It was sad to have learned of this so soon after seeing so many of you at the wonderful Reunion. Karen (Webber) Mulhauser ’65 President, Antioch College Alumni Association

to Antioch University. The College has no legal, financial, or administrative ties to Antioch University. A few things to consider: If it’s from Antioch College: Emails always use; The magazine of Antioch College is called The Antiochian; Antioch College communications always include the “Circle Square Triangle” (also called

the “Vitruvian A”) logo; If it’s from the University: Emails use an address and often simply use “Antioch” as the from name; Print publications use 900 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs as the return address; If you receive a call from someone from “Antioch,” ask if they are from Antioch College or Antioch University.

We love to hear from you. Please direct your letters to the editor to, or submit your comments. Letters should be no longer than 150 words, must refer to content from The Antiochian. Published correspondence may be edited for length or clarity.

Other responses to the new design of The Antiochian. Congratulations on the superb new Antiochian. The layout, the articles, the art work, all deserve praise and the editors deserve congratulations. Thanks for keeping in touch in such an outstanding way. —Joe Ehrman ’46 Love the new Antiochian format and content. —Cheryl (Schultz) Everett ’68 The latest issue of the Antiochian was really well written and produced. Congratulations to all involved. —Paul Feinstein ’68 Thanks for the wonderful Spring 2018 edition of the Antiochian. There’s just one mistake in the p.7 article entitled “Checkmate.” The chessboard is setup incorrectly. It has the player facing the chess table with the left square, black/green, to his right. One cannot play chess with this setup. The white square must always be on the right! Apologies for correcting this “serious” error. I was Antioch’s ’63 chess champion. But that’s another story. Best and solidarity. —Jeff Mackler ’63 Lest you fear with such overwhelmingly positive feedback that you’ve picked up the wrong college magazine... It matches nothing else we do. Plus, —Nicola Baltimore ’92 it’s ugly.

A Buffalo Grazing

Ten Years Later By Steven Duffy ’77 (originally published June 13, 2018) Believe it or not, graduation for the class of 2018 is less than a fortnight away! There are some awesome new Antiochians in this bunch. Please pass me some Kleenex now for some selfish tears of joy! If you met some of these people, you might immediately resonate with them as they are a lot like Antiochians that I have seen cross the mound for four and some decades, including probably many of YOU (I guess that makes me a key witness!). These newest Antiochians have travelled the planet on their Co-ops both domestic and international. Some have worked hard on community building, some have spent long hours either in science labs or in media labs, in the OKLibrary, or even on the Antioch Farm, which helps feed us all. There are many constants. The locations may change or get renovated and faculty may come and go, but the learning experience and Co-op stay remarkably similar. It is hard to believe that the last graduation before we closed was 10 years ago. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it feels like a century ago. So much effort from so many hands and hearts went into reviving and rebooting a place, which many of us feel is “sacred ground.” Sometimes people who are here now may not realize what an effort it was to get things back up. That may be a sign that we really have accomplished more than we think. When new people first arrive they may expect this to be a normal everyday kind of place. Some of us know better; we have recently arisen from the ashes! Ten years ago the last pre-closure graduation was an enormously emotional and spirited affair. Among the speakers was Micah Canal ’08 who serenaded us by guitar through Antioch’s history. After graduation, Micah remained in Yellow Springs and worked for the College Revival effort and as the College again started taking on its very own identity worked as the Director of the Annu-

al Fund (and even later worked as Director of Admissions). When Micah was the Director of the Annual Fund, he sometimes asked Antiochians why they gave. Of course there are always Antiochians who will tell you their truth in their own very Antiochian way. So, one testimonial that seemed to sum things up nicely was from Ron Winger ’64 (who at one time actually was a class rep for the class of 1964). He instead wrote why he hadn’t given. With his permission and love here are his words:

Why I Gave

“Wow that’s a good question. Maybe I should first answer why I haven’t given. “For a long time it just wasn’t my Antioch and closing the main campus really meant it wasn’t my Antioch. “I must tell you that I got lots of calls from dear friends asking me to help with reviving the College; I was not a believer. I didn’t believe that it was even remotely possible. As far as I was concerned my Antioch was toast. “Then I got a call that slowly eased me back into a state of at least pay-

“ I got lots of calls from dear friends asking me to help with reviving the College; I was not a believer.” —Ron Winger ’64 ing attention. I watched the (live streaming) historic hand­over of the main campus to the Alumnae. Others, not me, had done the heavy lifting and a lot of people were in attendance. At least I was watching live with about 300 others. Surprisingly I had tears in my eyes. It was time for me to pay penance, to pay respect and even if I didn’t have any mon-

Commencement for the Class of 2008 in Kelly Hall ey to give at least my time. So I attended my first ever volunteer work party and attended my first ever Antioch Reunion. I had no idea it was the 45th year since I graduated but I hadn’t cared; after all it hadn’t been MY Antioch for the last 40 years. “The Work Project week was a life-changing phenomenon. Sure I got many ‘Glad you’re (finally) here’ and some more blatant ‘Where were you the last few years?’ But those comments always seemed to be followed by very deep and very loving ‘Thank you so much for being here now.’ “We worked hard and got a lot accomplished but we didn’t work so hard that there wasn’t a lot of time at breakfast and lunch (which were provided with alumnae support). We talked about our lives and loves, and about Antioch past, Antioch recently and what Antioch might become. We went for great dinners in the area, and we had more fun getting to know each other. We discovered long lost friends and made lots of new friends. All of these became deeply emotional experiences. When everyone started showing up for Reunion the emotions just

became overwhelming. I was home with my friends again. I was home with people I understood and who understood me. I was at Antioch College. “Even though my excuses for not giving were melting away I protected myself; I purposely didn’t even bring my checkbook. I was worried about the economy. Income was down, expenses were up, dividends and interest rates were anemic. However, I also had to admit to myself some other things were happening. Buildings were reopening and some of them actually looked nice. People just like me were doing everything they could. They were giving their time and/or their money. They were doing what they could. I just had to make a pledge and it was a good think that it was before they started ringing the bells atop Main Building (Fall Reunion 2009). I still didn’t know where the money was coming from. I was afraid to tell Claudia (my wife) what I had done. I needn’t have worried, we made adjustments. The money appeared and we were able to pay the pledge right away. So now we

are making another pledge and we will make that happen too. With love to Antioch and to you, Ron and Claudia Winger ’66.” The College is an institution many decades wide and deep but we have more in common even after winning that occasional victory for humanity. I hope to see folks from many decades and even some who got their diploma at what we almost thought was for the “last” time in 2008. In this age, we all need each other more than ever and need a place like Antioch College more than ever. It isn’t perfect, but it is worthy and always edging closer to Utopia. If you are in the area and the weather is right. Maybe you will come and peek at the 2018 graduation and a couple fortnights later comes Reunion. Please do come and hang out with like-minded people. Come home! Like Ron Winger, you may feel that you are in a place where you belong! A Buffalo Grazing is regularly published online; visit: THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018 5


The Art of Seed Saving By Hannah Riley ’19 My second Co-op was spent at an organization by the name of Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah, IA. Seed Savers Exchange is an organization dedicated to conserving and promoting America’s culturally diverse but endangered garden and food crop heritage for future generations, and they carry this mission out by collecting, growing, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants. The length of my intern position was concentrated in the preservation department, where I worked in four subsections: seed processing, evaluation, seed history, and the seed lab. Each subsection presented me with unique responsibilities that gave me the opportunity to explore the entirety of Seed Savers Exchange in fragments and as a whole. My internship began in seed processing, where I was responsible for cleaning and preparing seeds for germination testing. Because my position took place in the winter, I caught the tail end of the crops that needed to be prepared from the 2016 “grow-outs” for germination testing; grow-outs were crops selected for growing at Heritage Farm, the farm on the Seed Savers Exchange campus, from the 30,000 accession seed collection for various purposes such as increasing inventory, testing purity, and identifying possible duplicates within the collection which could later be deaccessioned and removed from the collection. After the selected crops were grown, they were harvested for seeds. The harvested seeds were then sent to the area in which I worked for the first week and processed. Processing involved examining the seeds for any obvious impurities that could be removed, singulating the seeds with high-pressure air, running the seeds through a column blower to select for the more viable seeds, sorting through them once more with tweezers, and finally placing them in a bag and marking them ready for testing. The purity of the seeds was maintained by never having more than one bag of seed open at a single time. This part of my internship involved the most manual labor, which was nice as it kept me alert and awake. Following seed processing, I was assigned a position with the evaluation team. The evaluation team of Seed Savers Exchange is accountable for a diverse set of responsibilities, ranging from gathering data from crop taste tests to evaluating the purity of seed inventory. My tasks included editing and renaming images according to organization protocol, entering taste test data and comments into spreadsheets, and recording the characteristics of seeds. I was later placed in the seed his6 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018

tory subsection of preservation after two weeks with the evaluation team. My work within this subsection started off slow, but it came to be my favorite subsection to work in out of my internship experience as a whole. The seed history team is responsible for tracking down and researching each variety of seed within the collection; this research is performed by leafing through seed catalogs—some predating 1850— in the organization’s library for varieties by the same or similar name, utilizing online databases of catalogs and countless other online resources, and contacting individuals who were responsible for donating the seeds to the collection. I became completely captivated through researching the accessions, and I constantly found myself pleasantly consumed by the research required for verifying the credibility of each accession to which I was assigned. My experience within this section had a strong impact on my plans for future work endeavors. Next I worked in the seed lab where I performed germ tests and packaging seeds for storage and distribution. The germ tests are extremely meticulous, which allowed me to stay involved and attentive to the details required for an unhindered test. Packaging—a more physically laborious task—kept me on my feet. I packaged for different destinations around the world, with one being the global seed vault in Svalbard, Norway. I found it extremely satisfying to know that I handled seeds that may be used far into the future to maintain the global food gene bank and preserve resources. This experience was greatly satisfying and worth the winter weather that struck Decorah during my time there. I was given the privilege of residing in a farmhouse five minutes walking-distance from the main campus of the organization, and the land surrounding Seed Savers Exchange was absolutely beautiful.

Primary Prevention as a Tool for Social Change By Tyler Clapsaddle ’19 Extensive research exists about how to prevent issues surrounding health problems. Upon applying to an internship at the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA,) I did not expect to be immersed in the field of primary prevention. Now, however, preventative action colors my world view for social change. MOCSA is a rape crisis center in

Midtown Kansas City, MO. The organization sits in the 4th floor of Penn Valley Towers in an office of about 55 people. MOCSA services six counties around the KC Metro area, providing counseling, legal advocacy, and education—all free of charge. Half of my internship involved answering calls on MOCSA’s crisis line; taking calls from victims, their families, or other service providers. Many people sought access to our organization’s free counseling or advocacy services. Other callers dialed the crisis line in search of local resources for a person close to them. Some were victims seeking someone to talk to. This required many hours of training in skills like trauma-informed communication and knowledge of legal processes of sexual assault reports. Learning crisis-response communication skills felt daunting. What if I said the wrong thing? Answering calls on the crisis-line allowed me to play a role in direct service to victims and their families—a goal of mine when considering this Co-op. The other half of my internship put me under the supervision of MOCSA’s sole Community Prevention Specialist, Vanessa. Vanessa’s professional history displays a long list of experience in campaigns, policy, and organizing. Vanessa’s main project is to supervise the Wyandotte County Sexual Assault Prevention Coalition (WyCo-SAP), and I assisted with a variety of the coalition’s operations. Whether it was performing outreach to community members and organizations to spur some interest in our coalition, compiling coalition meeting notes, designing a social media communication strategy, or attending the coalition’s community dialogues, this half of my internship provided a setting for me to observe and participate in community organizing. The project for this part of my internship was to write, shoot, and edit an informational video for the coalition’s media and presentation needs. The project not only shows what WyCo-SAP does in the commu-

nity, but also explains some concepts around violence prevention. In writing the script for the project, I had to come to understand that WyCo-SAP is seeking not to simply facilitate services for victims of sexual violence, but that its goal is to address the root causes of all forms of violence. What Vanessa explained to me (and later reinforced with links to information) was that the prevention of violence must happen at all levels. WyCo-SAP, with its Violence Prevention Planning, aims to create safer neighborhoods, increase community connectedness, and change the culture around violence within Wyandotte County. The coalition is bringing together individuals, organizations, and government agencies, to tackle the roots of violence in neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and in official county policies. Having the opportunity to work in media production and in community organizing represents the ideal intersection of my academic areas of interest: Media Arts and Political Economy. This Co-op developed my professional skills immensely. Acclimating to office culture, providing direct service to victims of sexual assault, producing media, and working within a community organizing setting provided an enlightening and challenging environment for my growth.

Breaking the Cycle of Consumption in Buenos Aires By Lucas Bautista ’18 For my fourth and final Co-op I worked with an organization called Club de Reparadores, which trans-

lates to Club of Repairers. This Club seeks to empower local repairers and promote reuse through refurbishing various household items. Skilled repairers volunteer their time at one of the Club’s events which helps the repairer also promote their own business for any further repairs that might be needed outside of an event. Events are usually at fairs and are usually several hours long. People register and the organization keeps information on the items we fixed as a way to see how much waste we are preventing. We fixed a whole variety of objects and usually advertised before the event about any specific repairs that we might offer at the fair. In my first event we were in a neighborhood called Agronomía where we had repairers who had experience repairing shoes, clothes, electronics, bikes, and even umbrellas. This event was really great because I got to get to know other people who wanted to keep using items that they still saw as useful. It was good to know that not only were people electing to stand up to a consumerist system, but they were also saving money while they did it. This Co-op taught me the importance of really making the most of the objects that we have and ensuring that we don’t create more waste. I realized how easy it is in the US to replace something that is broken by buying a new one, while in Argentina there is more of a culture to repair things. It also put in perspective how keeping old objects and fixing them can be useful. It holds us accountable for our impact in the world and reminds us that we always have a choice in how we participate in the economy and what we say with the decisions that we make as a consumer. When we elect to reuse something we take responsibility for the waste that we create and we take ownership of the power that we hold as an active participant of a consumer oriented system.



Seniors Shine at COLLOQUIA Preceding Commencement, from June 20–22, Antioch Col-

lege showcased graduating students at COLLOQUIA 2018 and welcomed the wider community to attend presentations, poster sessions, performances, exhibitions, and other experiences along with networking events involving professional communities of practice. “COLLOQUIA 2018—presented brilliantly by our curators and made possible by many, not least the exceptional faculty who have worked with dedication and love to support these stu-

dents—is nothing if not a testimony to the 168-year old legacy of Antioch College as a place where human enlightenment finds its highest purpose in human freedom and empowerment,” explains Antioch College President Tom Manley. Following are just a few examples of senior projects presented during COLLOQUIA 2018. View the entire catalog online:

Scott Montgomery ’18

Rose Hardesty ’18

Major: Political Economy

The Antioch College Student Strike of 1973: A Crisis of Student Activism or Failure of Leadership?

Jamie Ramsey ’18 Major: Environmental Science

Stable Isotope Analysis of Freshwater Mussels as a Proxy for Nutrient Concentrations Nutrient loading and resulting eutrophication is considered to be one of the biggest threats to aquatic ecosystems. Part of saving aquatic ecosystems and preserving water quality is monitoring the water and keeping long-term records of water quality data. This study aims to model the nutrient loading for the Little Miami River watershed where the Kidney Shell mussels were collected using nitrogen analysis. Samples were taken from shells collected in 1982, and sections were cut out from the year one, year 4/5, and year 9+ of life based on growth rings and sent to Cornell to analyze the percentage of Nitrogen in each sample. Preliminary results suggest that the shells of mussels can be used as proxy data for nutrient loading.

This project investigates the Antioch College Student Strike of 1973—an inflection point in Antioch’s history altering its path of development for decades to come. Employing critical discourse analysis, I examine the overarching narratives describing the strike propagated through mainstream and alternative (student-run) media outlets. I find the discourse surrounding the strike in mainstream outlets portrayed the strike as violent and embarrassing. This narrative ignores the growing inaccessibility of college education and rollbacks to shared governance by an increasingly corporate Antioch—arguments that were clearly articulated by students in their media circulations. Understanding the strike in the context of broader changes to the U.S. political economy and cultural formation, the cause of Antioch’s decline was tied to the increasing corporate nature of the institution, the failure of those business ventures, and rollbacks to shared governance – which holds important lessons for Antioch College’s survival in the twenty-first century.

dinnerparty, a process-oriented sculpture by Todd Ennis ’18 using mise-en-scène of an intimate supper as a framework to acknowledge our propulsion through time. Jamie Ramsey ’18 presents her work to Professor David Kammler

Isabelle Segadelli ’18 Major: Biomedical Science

Necrotizing Enterocolitis and the Premature Infant Gut Flora: A Systematic Review Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants is caused by bowel colonization of Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). The gut of an infant is considered sterile in the womb. This allows for noncompetitive colonization of the intestinal epithelial mucosa by UPEC. The human gut plays host to a number of microbes, strains of harmless UPEC found in an adult acts like commensal E. coli. One of the current interventions for premature infants diagnosed with NEC is probiotic therapy. Probiotic intervention is supposed to enable beneficial gut bacteria to be introduced to the premature infant’s intestinal system to proliferate in order to outcompete UPEC and regain homeostasis. Along with Nissle, Saccharomyces and Bifidobacterium are also probiotics used in treatment. Knowledge about probiotic treatment is important for interventions concerning preterm infants diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis. Isabelle Segadelli ’18 at COLLOQUIA

Rose Hardesty ’18 Major: Literature

Ecology in Children’s Literature Children’s literature has historically been used to teach practical and ethical lessons about the world, as well as engage children’s imagination, creativity, and empathy. In this project, I will analyze children’s literature that explores themes of environmental justice, ecology, bioregionalism, and a sense of place, collective organizing, and community stewardship. My project is literature-focused, but inherently interdisciplinary, and will be grounded in the theories of ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and critical ecopedagogy. The work is rooted in ecocriticism because it will focus on the relationships between humans and their environment, and the treatment of nature in literature. It is rooted in ecofeminism as a lens through which to consider underrepresented experiences of gender, race, and class in environmental children’s literature. Finally, it is rooted in critical ecopedagogy as praxis to move forward the conversation on inclusive and participatory environmental education.

Leandre Niyokwizera ’18 presents his study, Recent Advances in Antimalarial Drug Resistance and Novel Therapeutic Approaches, to Professor Kevin McGruder Scott Montgomery ’18 presents his work.




The Fourth Commencement of the Newly Independent Antioch College The rain clouds of the previous days parted on Sat- given by students at Commencement 2018 were, as usuurday, June 23, and the sun shined almost as brightly as al, the highlight of the day. The following are excerpts the graduates who crossed the mound. The speeches from the five speeches. Watch Commencement 2018 online Full ceremony: Highlight clips:

Angel Nalubega ’18 Four years ago, I came to Antioch… an awkward person who wanted to explore the crevices of this strange sanctuary in the cornfields of Ohio. I came to college with no idea what I would face. Antioch has been and will continue to be a boot camp for revolutionaries, dreamers, and future freedom fighters. It has been home, “startup,” sanctuary, bubble, all at once. The changing modes of Antioch seem to mirror my own. I and other first-gen and students of color have worked hard to get as much out of this place as it’s willing to give. I managed to stand here before you, being the queen of multitasking and caffeine consumption. I worked several jobs, chaired a committee, and have held more leadership positions than I can count, because I wanted to make this community better. Antioch was the place where I got to take risks while being completely unprepared to take those risks. Through my academics, I got to learn everything from the construction of race and ethnicity to postcolonial theory. I received a rigorous education both in and out of the classroom. I learned more in a women’s prison about race, gender, and citizenship than I ever imagined. Through Co-op, I gained practical experience working with immigrants and underserved communities. Co-op revealed to me not just what I wanted to do, but revealed to me what I was capable of doing. The education I have received at Antioch has challenged me to not only question, but act in service of disenfranchised people. If we leave this college without a sense of responsibility towards each other, we will have failed. Education isn’t just about yourself, but it’s about the use of that education.

Michelle Fujii ’18 I realized the impact individuals could have. I learned that I couldn’t wait around for someone else to do it. When my academic interests weren’t represented by the majors Antioch offered, I decided to design my own. I coordinated Independent Groups, became an editor for our newspaper, The Record, joined the effort in Nagasaki to abolish nuclear weapons for a Co-op, and eventually ran for Community Council President, where I led meetings, and worked on issues of caregivers’ rights, racial discrimination, and the student judicial process, among others. While I was skeptical when I first read this over 8 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018

Speaker Meli Osanya ’18

Speaker Angel Nalubega ’18

You’ve taken a nap at noon in the Olive Kettering Library. four years ago in the book Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope, I believe it today. “There is no college or university in the country that makes a more profound difference in a young person’s life, or that creates more effective adults… None of the Ivies, big or small, can match Antioch’s ability to produce outstanding thinkers and doers.” This is why I believe the world needs more Antiochians. The world needs people who can think of alternative ways of governing from within a traditional administrative hierarchy. The world needs people who can find creative solutions with little financial resources. The world needs people who fight to live free of all forms of interpersonal and structural violence. The world needs people who feel the urgency to make the world a better place. And the world needs risk takers, the type of person who comes to an unaccredited institution, who comes to a college that had closed just six years earlier, who comes to a college that had less than 300 students. And the world needs people who can continue to have fun through it all.

Nash Milem ’18 and Jen Rudd ’18 Signs You’re An Antiochian!

You may be an Antiochian if…. You thought you’d just stay on Co-op past three months or “a little longer.”

Or if you’ve gotten so fired up about anything and everything and just HAD to passionately rant to anyone even though it was one in the morning, and everyone just wanted to go to bed. If you’re running late, but thanks to Antioch time, so is everyone else! Or if you’ve gone vegetarian or vegan for AT LEAST eight hours post solar sheep visit … until you saw bacon at breakfast. You may be an Antiochian if you’ve argued about what defines being an “Antiochian.” No; but seriously guys, you may be an Antiochian if you wouldn’t be here without the help and support from faculty, staff, your classmates, and loved ones. Speaker Coco Gagnet ’18

Or if, once you leave, you’re ready to make some serious changes in the world around you. You may be an Antiochian if you’re excited to see all the work to revitalize this campus. And if you recognize how amazing our alumni are, and are ready to be part of that network soon. Or if you are ready to follow in past alumni’s footsteps, but will take that path in your own unique way. You may be an Antiochian if you have successfully expanded the limits of your comfort zone over your time here. Or if it’s sometimes been difficult, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Class of 2018

Professor Lew Cassity, Marcell Vanarsdale ’18, Jennifer Bish ’18, Timothy Grant ’18, Aidan Soguero ’18, and Laura Kokernot ’18

Todd Ennis ’18

Renée Burkenmeier ’18 Speakers Nash Milem ’18 and Jen Rudd ’18

just sold our souls to the devil that asks us to be ashamed if we’ve won no victory for humanity. We can live in contradiction.

Coco Gagnet ’18 But also if you wouldn’t have /minded/ it being a little easier. You might be an Antiochian if you’ve gone to one of the dances despite having a paper due 11:59 PM that day, and you haven’t started it yet. Or if you’ve gotten lost in the Glen for less than an hour with no cell reception and had to drink the springs water to survive. Or if the only Antioch sports you recognize are the chess tournament, trivia nights, and Camelot. Thank you for playing Signs You’re an Antiochian with us today!! As you can tell, it’s hard to put what it means to be an Antiochian into one checkbox, because Antiochians are nothing but authentic, and we never stop.

Meli Osanya ’18 The first time I met an Antiochian in the wild— i.e. my very first Co-op in the middle of nowhere Iowa—she began to cry profusely. Whether from excitement or disgust I’ve never quite determined, but when she pulled herself together she touched my shoulder, looked me dead in the eye and said, in a completely non ominous way: “Antioch will break you into a thousand little pieces before you’re done with it.” Which was great news for my optimistic, bright-eyed first year self… but standing here three years later, I’ve got to agree with her. The students who are walking across this stage have experienced more pain and struggle than they’ve let their peers know, let their faculty

Speaker Michelle Fujii ’18 with 2017–18 Chair of the Board of Trustees, Barbara Winslow ’68, and President Tom Manley members know, but also let you as their families know. Not because of some deep desire to shine a false light on Antioch’s supposed goodness, but because of the deep-set tenacity and stubbornness that makes Antiochians, well, Antiochians. The story of the journey that we’ve all taken together and yet so individually, cannot be told through critiques or laughs alone. In fact, one of the problems Antioch has as a new educational institution and one of the problems Antiochians have as a group of people has, is their inability to admit certain truths about themselves. Such as the fact that Antioch has more than one narrative. It is not the harmonious, magical place where community reigns supreme as Admissions once said nor is it the hellhole most students seem desperate to tell you about if you’re within earshot. It’s both! Antioch will and always has been both. Look at the people we are now, on this day, June 23rd, 2018. How we are no longer questioning if we are capable of being resilient or world changers. No longer wondering if we have

On my last Co-op, I was alone again, on the west coast, in the San Juan islands, working for the Lopez Island Community Land Trust. When I remember plucking ripe fruits from the trees, putting them into my basket, occasionally taking a bite, I am reminded of another line from Sappho: “As a sweet apple turns red on a high branch, high on the highest branch and the apple pickers forgot—well, no they didn’t forget—were not able to reach.” Forsaken by most, because they were unable to reach. But at Antioch, we choose to embark on a great act of extension. Extending ourselves for ourselves, for one another, and for Antioch. We are willing to reach, and it is in this courageous invitation of openness that we might come close to our deepest knowing, and deepest loving. I believe that Antioch faces the same issues that many institutions do, but we are unique in that— because of our size and scope—the mechanisms of the institution are laid bare for us. And in that visibility lies opportunity, we are always moving towards the possibility of Antioch. Its very mission is an ideal. And in that the mission of Antioch is never complete, and the institution itself never complete, we are always both arriving and departing, To live in the inbetween is often uncomfortable, often unsettling, but it reveals to us the fundamental truth of our changeability. That we are, in fact, never transformed, but always transforming. Antioch has helped me to confront the possibilities of becoming. I am a lifelong learner and becomer. Myself, and Antioch will continue to transform, but we will always be at home together in our desire. THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018 9

Volunteer Work Proj

Catching up with VWP Several times per year, volunteers from Volunteer Work Project create a newsletter circulated to participants and subscribers which provide updates about the volunteers’ amazing work that keeps the College moving forward. In this section, we’ll re-publish some pieces from the newsletters (and in this

first Antiochian supplement, we’ll look back in time a little bit at just a few of the projects and reflections by VWP participants). Want to receive the full newsletter on a regular basis? Subscribe by contacting the Office of Advancement: or 937-767-2341. Karin Cake with Mimi Jerkan ’16 behind

Evelyn LaMers ’69

Sylvia Newman ’16

Marcel Beffort ’17 and David Vincent ’65

The Leaf Wagon Rides Again By Jon Baker ’72 (originally published July 2017) In the fall, the College vacuums up all the leaves into a wooden trailer. Over the years, the wet leaves rotted out its sides and doors. Our task—rebuild! We began by stripping off all the rotten wood. Then new wood was used to repair the framing and rebuild the back door support. Reusing surplus plywood, thereby saving the College money, new sides and front were cut and installed. The trailer’s metal frame was wire brushed and painted with a good coat of rust preventive primer. The old doors were tossed and new ones built, again using recycled plywood. Then, new hinges, primer, and new paint and it looks almost like new! Beth Richards ’02, a theater professional and I, a Habitat for Humanity crew leader, had extensive woodwork10 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018

ing experience and brought our own tools. Other volunteers brought a willingness to work—which is all that was needed. Those less-skilled learned a few things about tools which might be helpful—when a closet door breaks at home. Vehicle maintenance and repair was also part of VWP. Working under the motto “Be ashamed to die without getting greasy at Antioch,” we first focused on a College van sans brakes. Deciding that this was one instance when NonStop Antioch wasn’t a good idea, we restored working brakes to the van. The College tractor used for grass cutting had a damaged drive mechanism. The drive was repaired plus pulleys, belts, and blades, so that vehicle is now back in service cutting grass.

At the Heart By Steve Cake ’67 and Karin Cake (originally published July 2017) We have attended several other Antioch Reunions, but had not taken the

ject Cynthia Dunlevey, The Antioch Review Business Office Manager, with Kathy Huff ’67

Gary Housekneht ’66

opportunity to participate in the Work Projects. As this was Steve’s 50th Reunion, it felt like a good time to stretch our wings with a new contribution. We really enjoyed being able to make a visible contribution beyond any financial one. Many assignments appealed to us, and we both found multiple tasks that challenged and interested us. Steve undertook to assist mechanical restorations and did some painting on the side, while Karin threw herself into the grant-writing process, painted window mullions in West, and assisted with the leaf trailer rebuild. We absolutely want to honor the kitchen crew who took such good care of us. To tell the truth, the Reunion itself was almost anticlimactic after the rousing time we had at the VWP. I feel that the VWP is at the heart of the sense of Reunion and hope to enjoy many more work sessions. —Steve A spouse can be a “horse with no name” at a Reunion, but not at this gathering, with these people. I felt thoroughly welcomed and well used at Antioch; free to explore all sorts of possibilities and beckoned to try my hand at several interests. We’ll be back for sure and also watching for ways to be involved between visits. —Karin

Review Review By Kathy Propper Huff ’67 (from March 2018) I spent the March, 2018 Alumni Work Project in the office at The Antioch Review, helping Cynthia Dunlevy, Office Business Manager, with several projects. I prepared the latest copies of the Review for mailing to subscribers that also involved a trip to the historic Yellow Springs Post Office. I stuffed a lot of envelopes with marketing materials to hand out to alumni participating in the Volunteer Work Project, at Reunion, and at local alumni gatherings to encourage them to subscribe to The Antioch Review, since the College is asking the Review to raise the level of its own funding. However, my primary task was to enter a lot of information into the electronic database of authors who had mailed in their literary submissions in order to whittle down a huge backlog of large manila envelopes containing articles, short stories, and poetry from all over the world. I also prepared selected submissions to give to outside reviewers who help Robert Fogarty determine the lucky ones that will appear in future issues. The best part of my experience was working with Cynthia, who is a great role model of efficiency and is also a lot of fun and talking with Robert Fogarty, who is always very interesting and is currently celebrating two great milestones this year: 40 years of being editor of the Review, and The Antioch Review’s 75th anniversary! I particularly enjoyed meeting David Battle, the long-time cover illustrator for the Re-

view; Eric Bergen, student intern from Wright State University; and Reneé Burkenmeier ’18, a very talented visual arts major at Antioch, whose on campus job is working at the Review. I felt honored to be in such fine company.

Artistic Campus Signage By Evelyn LaMers ’69 (originally published May 2018) Graphic design has always interested me, so painting signs for the Foundry Theater and the Antioch Farm was great fun. I used professional all-weath-

er smooth plywood, graphite paper, Sign Painter’s 1 shot Lettering Enamel, and very small brushes.

South Hall’s Classic Porch Rebuilt By Tom LaMers ’68 (originally published May 2018) When South Hall was repurposed as administrative space during the 1990s, the north and south doorways were enlarged to entryways styled with Classic details but in pine instead of marble. Trim on the south porch included four Tuscan columns and a balustrade. By

October 2017 Volunteer Workweek Report By Richard Zopf ’73 Once again, we were more than adequately fueled by our kitchen staff, Peggy Erskine ’60, Charlotte Hallam ’60, and Louise Meller ’67, who planned, purchased, and presented all we could eat. I think I saw Roger Huff ’69 washing some dishes; I know I saw Richard Zopf ’73 emptying some compost. Jim Spangler’s ’74 recipe for pork sandwiches was a new treat. Our first challenge was a new activity: transplanting all campus plants that are not Ohio-winter hardy to the greenhouse. Usually Kyle Lewis from maintenance does this, but a back injury stood in his way. It took Joan Stockton ’65 and helpers most of Monday to figure out how to do the job. With many people pitching in on Tuesday, Joan estimates 150 plants were moved! Jim Hunter ’82, Gary Houseknecht ’66, Joe Foley ’64, Jim Spangler ’74, Megan Trolander, Eric Rohmann ’68, Marc Snyder ’94, and Richard Zopf ’73 headed for Weston. Jim and Megan started the prep for painting the back upper level; Joe plumbed the water dispenser and convinced me to solve the leaking toilet; Jim, Gary, Marc, and Eric began to finish the carpet tile project on the second floor. This project began with vacuuming hundreds of carpet tile at Reunion, became part of a student class project over the summer that didn’t quite finish the job, and now it is completely done (well, there still are some tile that could be used in another part of the building). Tod Tyslan ’96 headed up the crew including David and Loretta Franklin ’65 to refinish picnic tables. They moved tables to Central Plant (the old engineering building) and began preparing them. However, the super deluxe finish that had been provided was super toxic, so plans changed. Tod became the power washer supreme and applied his talents all over campus. Tuesday was Founder’s Day, and our team made an impressive showing at the event. Many people enjoyed a pot luck dinner, but it was mostly the volunteers who endured occasional light rain to hear all the speakers! I suggested to Joe the basement windows of Weston could use some improvements. “Tom Sawyer” Foley soon had Megan and Gary reglazing, Megan and Sylvia Newman ’16 painting, and finally, Richard painting some more and some more and some more. The sashes removed were back in place on Sunday. Marc was beginning to feel restless without a lift under his feet, so Jim and he moved to the theater workshop where they figured out how to use the indoor lift, gather drywall, and repair the somewhat porous ceiling. Then this duo did finally get the real lift and used it, among other things, to unclog a downspout on Main Building, clean the gutters at Rockford Chapel, and evaluate the deteriorating portico on the south side of South. This structure bears a resemblance to the front porch of Weston but is far younger and in far poorer shape than Weston’s was. Rebuilding all the components may be a good January VWP.

2017 much of the south entry’s pine trim had crumbled. Alumni are working to repeat their Weston Hall Porch magic, salvaging sound parts and replacing the remainder with more weather-resistant materials. Master carpenters and other volunteers disassembled the old trim taking careful measurements and photos. Damaged parts were redesigned for foamed vinyl fabrication and duplicate columns ordered in fiberglass. Hardworking alumni then rebuilt the replacement parts during January and March VWP using many Alumni Volunteer Workshop power and hand tools. An exciting moment was fitting the balusters to their horizontal rails. Over 40 holes and pegs, liberally coated with glue and sealant, all had to align and fit together in a single motion and then be clamped. One misfit and we would have a not-quite-stuck-together mess! The assemblies and the fiberglass columns were sanded, primed, painted, and trial assembled in the workshop. During Reunion we hope to install the columns, do any required porch roof repair, reassemble the balustrade on the roof, and touch up the paint. While much of our work required exacting measurement and fit, we took comfort knowing our finished product would be up in the air away from examining eyes and hands.

Blueprint Inventory Project By Joan Stockton ’65 (originally published May 2018) I discovered the blueprint room a couple of years ago when I was trying to remember West Hall’s interior layout in 1961 when I was an Antioch student. And the blueprints I was searching for were MISSING! Last October VWP, after we finished the “let’s move Kyle’s plants to the greenhouse for winter” project, I was ready to do a less physical, more clerical project. Richard Zopf ’73 needed computer Excel help. (I grew up loving to analyze/categorize/organize stuff and 35 years in computing honed those skills.) When I discovered Richard’s Excel project was a blueprint inventory, I was like a pig in slop—the kind of thing I love to do and am good at and that can keep me interested and busy forever. And it is the history of Antioch College! The idea is to create an inventory, identifying the blueprints and where they are stored. The blueprint room in the Physical Plant office has six cabinets totaling 113 blueprint drawers, some with drawings, some empty. Most drawers already had labels as to contents. Also there are rolls and boxes of blueprints stuffed in various places and on top of the drawer cabinets. Last October I labeled the stacks (Tiers A through F) and numbered the drawers (1 to 113) and started through the drawers to “enumerate” the individual blueprints or sets. I didn’t get very far as some drawers had 100 or more individual blueprints! In March, I changed direction to survey the drawers to ensure contents matched drawer labels, relabeling drawers as appropriate and moving misfiled blueprints to correct drawers. At this point, 13 drawers have been completely enumerated, 17 are empty, about half have been surveyed. Lots more work to do!

Joan Stockton ’65 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018 11

Reunion2018 Rosalie Moore ’68, Karen Foreit ’67, Penny Storm ’65, Roz Houseknecht ’66

Year after year, Antioch’s alumni return to Reunion. Many do so annually. Antiochians are drawn back to Yellow Springs by something else. Something strong. Look at the faces of alumni at Reunion: animated, engaged, thoroughly alive. Pay attention, and you’ll see something in their expressions that looks an awful lot like joy. We hope you’ll come next year and tap into some of this Antiochian joy for yourself. Read the full recap:

QUOTES FROM SURVEY “ From my perspective, this was the best reunion I have attended—and I’m a ‘regular.’” “ Tracie is amazing, as well as the (very stretched) staff of the college—all went above and beyond.” “Great food throughout the week.”

“ Always love reconnecting with friends, and seeing the support of the college by dedicated alums. Appreciate too the engagement of new students, and the persistent determination of the college to survive!” “Engaging lectures and panel discussions.”

Sharon Merriman ’55, Louise Meller ’67, Robyn King ’71, and Lee Inman Feinstein ’70 Jane Guyer, Bernie Guyer ’65, Theresa Schiavone, Edward Goldson ’62

Nivia Quinones Butler ’88, Clarence Maybee ’87, Megan David ’88, and Joseph Green

Gary Houseknecht ’66 and Roz Houseknecht ’66

Part of the group who came back for the Environmental Field Program (EFP) Reunion organized by Resident Scholar Peter Townsend, Professor of Environmental Science and Geology from 1971-2008 12 THE ANTIOCHIAN SUMMER, 2018

From left, Pete Townsend, Charrlie Faulkner ’78, Laura Taylor ’82, Tamara Shulman ’95, Angelica Benton-Molina ’97, Emily Kerlin ’98, Keith Sorensen ’97, Rachel Ray Margolin ’75, Susan Conard ’71, Ellen Baum ’75,

Chrissie Laddon-Roberts ’74, Marianne See ’73, Tom Herman ’72, Ellen Baker ’89, Solar Joe Yarkin ’90, Julia Lightner ’91, Shalon Edwards ’90, and Margo Lowenstein ’90

Friday night bonfire

Tina Mahle ’07, Avery Martens ’08, and Carolyn Holly Wollin-Wood ’07

Joan Straumanis ’57 at Cabaret Horace playing the part of “Bully” in JOSEWULF, a short play by Robin Rice ’64

Keith Sorensen ’97 with his daughter

William Stroder ’71 at WYSO

Carl Smith ’63 viewing at “Drank the Water,” a retrospective by Michael Hambouz ’99 at Herndon Gallery

Dennie Eagleson ’71 at bat, Eric Miller ’81 pitching at the annual softball game on Front Lawn


In the News The following is a listing of recent mentions of the College, alumni, students, etc. in the media. If you know of an Antiochian in the news, let us know at April 17–Terri Windling ’79, Tor. com, “Shaping the Speculative Fiction World: Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling” April 21–Gariot Louima, Dean of Admission and External Affairs, Chicago Tribune, “Will high school activism hurt your college chances?” April 25–Rebecca Smith ’16, KXLY. com, “Gonzaga law students will travel to the Hague” April 26–Sharri Paula Phillips ’95, Yellow Springs News, “At Springfield Museum of Art — Colorful caravans, carousels in show” May 9–Halsted Welles ’64, East Hampton Stars, “Halsted Welles: Gardens, Music, and the Seasons”

can Academy of Family Physicians, “Building a Case for Health Equity” May 16–Johanna Bermúdez-Ruiz ’98, St. Croix Source, “STX Filmmaker Johanna Bermúdez-Ruiz Debuts ‘Soléne” May 16–Erika Nakamura ’04, The New York Times, “The Female Couples Remaking the Restaurant Industry”

May 24–Idris Ackamoor ’73, All About Jazz, “‘Soliloquy For Michael Brown’ By Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids” May 26–John Sims ’90,CNN, “Were slavery and liberation a choice? A conversation beyond Kanye West” May 29–Eleanor Holmes Norton ’60, The Atlantic article, “A Civil-Rights Icon Urges Law Grads to Defend Free Speech” June 1–Rural Today, “Antioch Farm: A diversity of crops and education”

May 21–Idris Ackamoor ’73, The Quietus, “The Strange World Of... Idris Ackamoor”

June 6–Xenia Gazette, “History, ecology, and restoration in Glen Helen”

May 21–David Goodman ’69, Think Progress, “Religious leaders arrested in Capitol while demanding restoration of Voting Rights Act”

June 7–Gabriel Metcalf ’93, San Francisco Business Times, “Longtime CEO of urban think tank SPUR departing for Australia”

May 22–Robert Stokes ’76, Urbana Daily Citizen, “Triad honors Dr. Robert Stokes”

June 19–Allison Maria Rodriguez ’03, PRWeb, “‘Wish You Were Here: Greetings from the Galápagos’ Vid-

eo Exhibit Opens at Boston Children’s Museum” June 20–Charles Fairbanks, Assistant Professor of Media Arts, Lexington Clipper-Herald, “Portrait of Globalization” June 28–Adam Stein ’04, PoPville. com, “The Eleanor, ‘a new restaurant and bowling lounge’, now open in NoMa!” June 28–Gene Trolander ’48, Connie Crockett ’76, Evelyn LaMers ’69, Yellow Springs News, “Women’s Park thrives at 20” June 29–Gunjan Laborde ’63, The Enterprise, “Gunjan Laborde Exhibits Art At Vital Nutrition” July 7–Mia Zapata ’88, Matt Dresdner ’89, Andy Kessler ’89, Steve Moriarty ’89, Valeria Agnew ’91, Rolling Stone, “Mia Zapata: Punk Musician Murdered in 1993, Changing Seattle Grunge Scene”

Antiochiana May 14–Brian Frank ’96, Ameri-

July 19–Chris Welter ’19, The Columbus Dispatch, “Disc golf’s fans say sports’ challenges keep them hooked” July 19–Alice Fogel ’76, The Telegraph, “Strange Terrain–New Hampshire State Poet Laureate at The Bookery” July 19–Yellow Springs News, “Antioch reunion finds ties with past, future” July 20, Sky News article, Is there a sexual assault epidemic at US universities?, caught up with several Antioch students about the SOPP July 25–Charles Rosenberg ’68, The Argonaut, “The trial and execution of the traitor George Washington” August 2–Odette Chavez Mayo ’18, Yellow Springs News, “Emporium art exhibit— Prison portraits focus on humanity”


Nancy Nooks to Horace Mann: July 1, 1857 Each month, College Archivist Scott Sanders digs into the archives and shares “songs from the stacks” which reveal pieces of Antioch College’s history. View more Songs from the Stacks at Nancy Nooks’ letter to Horace Mann is perhaps the most delightfully misspelled piece of correspondence in the collections of Antiochiana. Impassioned, angry, absolutely incomprehensible in places and oddly perceptive in others, her letter is prompted by an incident at Antioch College in (we think) 1857 reported to her in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. A group of Antioch women had attended Chapel services wearing garb more befitting a funeral than any other event to protest “the death of coeducation” because they had been refused use of the space for a public exercise of their burgeoning oratorical skills. The typescript of a letter to “EDITOR NONPAREIL” from a July 2nd issue of an unknown newspaper (One guess is the Springfield Daily Nonpareil, which lasted until 1858.) accompanies the letter in the file, written if not by one of the mourners as it is signed, at least by a fellow student. If this incident was even a blip on Horace Mann’s radar, it isn’t evident from his papers. What is certain is that he had many pressing issues at that moment (that is if the moment in question is the summer of 1857). The College had its first ever commencement on July 1st, 1857, and upon the conclusion of that glorious event, his attention turned immediately to Antioch’s broad and deep financial embarrassments of the time. In fact his dreams for the College (to borrow a line from Rod Serling’s 1953 Hallmark Hall of Fame teleplay “Horace Mann’s Miracle”) were being dashed upon the rocks of insolvency and denominational strife, the campus itself about to go up for auction.

Yesterday’s Gazette says, that a dozen or more young ladies, appeared dresst in mourning, at the commencement at Antioc Colliege. In consequence of being refused the use of the chapel, to practice what they thought they had been spending their time and money to prepare themselves for. Others would also dress in mourning if the dress would fully indicate their felings. We have look’t forward to the time, that a voice ah! many voices, should come from Antioc, heralding thought, and announcing that thought was free as air: and thought, too, pure enough to be spoken. Many, many among us have wish’t, for more Lucy Stones. Men unman themselves in many ways. But women never unwoman themselves by expressing pure thought, either in private or in public. I am not willing to think that so great an advocate of education would cramp free use of it, according to the dictates of ones own conscience. The time was when boys could with impunity take girls work, and sit side by side, and neither was out of place. But alas! girls must study, study, study, that they may be able, to oil the machinery with some yet unheard of substance that man, the mighty, engine, may move smoothly along without a jar. Must woman rock that out of the cradle that man in his profligacy has deposited their? Or must she study on, till she can cyentificly smile that in to it, that the young father has eradicated from his own constitution by his fredom? I may be mistaken, but I think if girls were incouraged to express themselves, more publicly and frely, and feel that they have some mission in the world, excepting patching up, and mending over, that they would be ornaments in the world, without the aid of miliners, and large manly skirt manufactorys.

Cincinnati, July 1st

With much respect

Mr. Mann Dear Sir, alow me to trouble you for information that I cannot get correctly any other way.

Nancy Nooks



I hope that Antioc is not necessarily anti-woman.

The College has invested considerable resources to create a new alumni website which provides improved communication tools for alumni. Please be sure to update your contact information. Add skills and interests which will help students and other alumni connect with you for mentoring and networking purposes. You can also share your story and your photos. Be a part of the re-awakening of the Alumni Community. Go to If this is your first time registering and you already receive emails from the College, please use the same email address to create your account for faster verification (you may update your email address if you prefer once you have verified your account).

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