Portfolio | Anthony Chu

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Kai-hong Anthony Chu HKU BA(AS) 13 GSD M.Arch I 19 Selected work 2013-2019

Prototype of a Monument

SEASTAR + Repetier 6X

Behavior Config.

Tool Path Creation

2019 SPACE10 Research Residency GH Plugin for Path Generation and Real-Time CNC Control Modified Repetier for 6-axis 3D printing/Robotic control Machine Config.

The residency proposes an open source approach to create easy-to-program and affordable robotics. While high volume commercial productions have access to industrial processes and machineries, fabrication spaces are highly limited by the capacity of stationary tools and CNC machines. Lack in funding and trained professionals often translate to constraints in design typologies. Developed with existing CNC platforms, this proposal for a 3D-printer-base robots bring 6-axis machining capability into a compact form factor, at the same time largely reduce the cost traditionally associated with robotic system. It could overcome the current shortcoming of 3-axis machining that prevent the production of complex geometry in a distributed network of fabrication spaces. 2




Tool path visualization

Programming of the robot can be achieve through Grasshopper, a visual programming software use by many designers. 15 and growing number of component provide functions to convert native Rhino geometry into Gcode. A connection component queue and send command to the printer in real-time, enabling the use of this 3D-printer-base robot with other sensor and image process for higher level robotic processes. github.com/anthonychukh/SeastarNC github.com/anthonychukh/Repetier6X github.com/anthonychukh/CoaxialSPM 3

SPM module 2019 SPACE10 Research Residency Remote drive axis w/ Spherical Parallel Mechanism

2-start worm gear

Contrary to robot-based 3D printing, 3D-printerbased(3DPB) robotics create cheap alternatives to industrial robotic system. Kizir and Bingul concluded in their paper that closed-chain parallel manipulators (PMs) have better performance than their serial manipulator counterparts with regard to positioning accuracy, speed, force application, and payload-to-weight ratio.

Parallel arm seats

Flexible drive shaft

To fully utilize all 6 axis manipulation provided by SEASTAR and 6axis Repetier, the carriage features a 3-DOF end effector module with coaxial spherical parallel mechanism. The SPM module features remote drive system(flexible drive shaft from Zesty Tech) and a 1:40 gear reduction. This enable a hightorque output while light-weight assembly. The module was modeled in Fusion360 and 3D printed on Formlab machine. No bearings or hardware except fastener is required. This particular module was retrofitted onto an Anycubic Linear Plus with Azteeg X3 Pro controller. The estimated cost to set up this system is around USD320-360.


Internal ring gear

Curved linkage

Assembly: Computer -> USB -> Robot


Switching to Azteeg X3 Pro

Prototyping 5

Water Conveyor 2018 GSD Research 3D printed ceramic water buffer supr. Nathan King

This project uses a design intervention within the realm of architectural ceramics as a vehicle to increase the potential for moisture management through building surfaces. Our goal is to develop a tile whose geometry facilitates the preferential movement of moisture from one side to the other. This movement would build upon the natural moisture buffering capabilities of low-fired ceramics. The tiles themselves borrow elements from bio-inspired surface topographies that encourage water condensation, which constitue the source side where moisture is collected, as well as from the general principles of heat sink design whcih form the sink side where moisture is released. This configuration creates tile body that move moisture from source to sink preferably.






High stability with isotropic structure

These complex geometries were only realizable via ceramic 3D printing. The gyroscopic sink design create large surface area for evaporation as well as a stable structure during drying and firing process. The end product is a parametric tile design that can be retrofitted onto interior walls and ceiling.

These tiles could be retro-fitted onto existing window bays or ceiling. The unit could be anchored with a metal substrate on the back and expose to sun like and external environment for moisture movement.


1. Layer starts

2. Coils back

GeoSurf 2017 GSD Research(Ongoing) Large scale 3D printing supr. Cameron Wu

3. Complete reciprocal

4. Complete infill

5. Outer perimeter

The surfboard provide a simple geometry for large scale production 3D printing. Conventional slicer tool path creates non-printing travels and sporadic moves. This algorithm creates a snaking path that coils back on itself. This eliminates all nonprint move and generally improve print quality, reliability and speed. A custom C# grasshopper component convert polyline into Gcode.. Speed and print width is modify in the grasshopper script to provide variating parameter. Additional functionality is added for large scale print. Speed could be reduced as z height increases. “Turning Threshold� parameter control print speed at sharp corner and significantly improving corners sharpness when printing with large diameter nozzle. 8

Varying print speed





Concentric raft for stablizing structures and print


Tool path from Simplified3D: Sporadic hot end movement and non-print moves lead to oozing and inconsistent texture.


Custom tool path: Smooth finishing and sharp corner with shorter print time.


Bamboo Pavilion 2018 Shigeru Ban Architect Gradient Descent Optimization for Reciprocal Frame

The reciprocal frame structure was constructed in collaboration by Ban Laboratory at Keio University, Japan and Tonji University, China. A computational model was created to better understand the behavior of this structure before construction. For easy of on site construction, all frame members are constraint to a fix length and thickness, which lead to a skewed mapping of quad mesh on a spherical surface. A dynamic relaxation algorithm was created to find the optimal engagement length or member deformation. Project Team: Harano Yasunori(SBA), Jun Fujisaki(SBA), Anthony Chu(SBA)




Deformation mapping

Surface Curvature

Pre-optimized: spikes length indicate distance between member

Optimized: Engagement length adjusted and comfort to local curvature 11

Finished product

Vaccum bagging

Making Of 2014 Self-initiated Research Carbon Fiber Fabrication

Composite materials lies in the forth front of material science. Materials like fiberglass and carbon fiber are becoming more common in building materials. The production of high quality composite parts is a complex and highly calibrated process. This designed objects is part of a research into fabrication processes such as foam core form-work, vacuum bagging and polishing technique. Made from 2K tween-weave carbon fiber fabric and room-temperature cured, this monocoque lamp prototype is completed in-house in a personal workshop.


2018 Self-initiated Research Image and text projection through lens surface


The surface of these resin cubes are precision milled into optical contour to focus exact messages and graphics on a surface. Inspire by similar research, This method is capable of reproducing single characters, cursive words and even gray scale images. Light rays are maps onto target images to obtain a surface normal map. The normal map is then translate to the mill surface to refract light accordingly.

Hybrid Formation

2016 GSD Electives Interdisciplinary Design instr. Volkan Alkanoglu

This prototype draws inspiration from the rich curves and spline of automotive design. While expressive, the body panel of a super car follows straight requirement for aerodynamic and structural rigidity. Manufactured out of light-weight aluminum panels, the installation consists of unique CNC laser cut components. These individual components assemble like a large 3D puzzle, forming an elegant, soft and dynamic volume. This is a group project completed with Timo Tsui.


Gastronomical Objects Reciprocity between bodies and forms



Praire Dog

2019 GSD Thesis instr. Andrew Holder “Etiquette is the term applied to correct behavior in social life, and refer to the manner of actions and the expression of a proper social spirit through the medium of establish forms and ceremonies.� Our inner self manifest to the outside world through a predetermined set of filters of the time that shape how we see and were seen. These rules of engagement became more and more relevant as our private life are surrendered to pop media. This thesis proposes a framework for the Self to re-engage the discipline of architectural form and provide an alternative to anthropocentric design. Gastronomical objects are reciprocals of ourselves. Like a bone marrow scoop reciprocating the hollow shell of femur, these objects form non-overlapping, yet tight interfaces between the subjects, entangle in a turmoil of dance and embrace. They are armatures to our limbs and bodies, reciprocals to our internals and ideas. The phenomenological effect of physiognomy can help us introduce a different yet familiar set of languages to negotiate architecture of our time. The three sets of ceramics vessels informs the engagement method by formal and indexial reciprocation. This allowing each of them to be fully embraced and interfaced, while at the same time forming relationships with one another, through tight stacking and adjacency.

Slip casting formwork & pattern

Gastronomical Objects Reciprocity between forms 2019 GSD Thesis instr. Andrew Holder With our bodies we have developed an intuition for touch and sensation. As we fully grip onto a door handle, the configuration of our hands conform to the rigid body, but the rigid body were also informed by the arrangement of soft tissue around our skeletal structure. This mutual exchange of grip makes space for the intimacy between forms, a full reciprocity that is agreed and consensual. Reciprocation, to the extend of social norm and geometric relationship, is not an eventuality but a show of gesture. Gesture of which grew from a tight interface. It is “an experience of contact between a minimum of two surfaces that at least initially must be thought of as outside or as beginning before language and culture... Kissing is not a collaboration between two that aims to make one unified thing; it is the intimate friction between two mediums that produces twoness reciprocity without identity.”* These object interface with their counterpart and the subject at various poses and manners. The contact surface could be described as a mixture of smooth tangent and inconvenient bumping. From the inorganic, cloth like crushed can to ergonomic shoe tree, the subjects are 3D scanned and digitally sculpted. The four ‘totems’ signified the reconciliation between bodies and the potential of intimacy between organic/organic and organic/inorganic. * Kissing Architecture, Sylvia Lavin





Gastronomical Objects Tangential Architecture 2019 GSD Thesis instr. Andrew Holder The density of urban spaces is relieved by the clearance between buildings and streets, a ‘personal space’ with a supposing purpose of maintaining the sanity of the city. The kissing of two forms brings ‘the surprise of the difference of another mouth that is like yours but not yours.’ The pristine office space is contaminated by filth of the market, conditioned air mixed with murky fluid; conflicts activate spaces, like protesters at the square. The rare occasion of unification sublimate in atmosphere of euphoria. Architecture has long proposed a anthropocentric model; The body is abstracted into the harmonics of numbers. The metaphysical was achieve through abstraction of the physical. This approach is neither anthropocentric or anthropomorphic. It runs along the edge of the objectivity and on the interface between forms, tangential to our senses and perception. The blend of the ‘inescapable iconography’ of urban skyscraper and affordance of assemblies. Like Agostino Carracci’s Toilette of Venus, it diverge from the Classical and directly address the bestial and vernacular.

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Anchor Point









Two Things Two tower forms lean against each other as cavity weaves the internal spaces together. Eccentricity is stabilized by a poking column, stretching and dragging the skin as the forms lazily lean. Two elevator cores (labeled below, A & B) penetrate the two towers, where vein of mechanical fluid and occupant transverse its length. A structure cage forms the facade of the building, with griddles of shading growing out from the structure, clothing the facade in flaps of shadows.


Window Detail 1:1




cup 2 kiss











Insulated Window Section Modeled after an aluminum-extrusion window detail, the component and the assembly of component is reinterpreted as nipping and suckling action, as the bodies inflate and press against each other, while rain water drips and condense on it smooth outline. Rubber gasket are held in place at the apex of a pinch, as they absorb and cup the cold extrusion.










1 3


5 2

Library 6


2017 Hong Kong Young Designer Competition by Odradek


The □W9 pavilion is conceived as a temporary amphitheater with static and dynamic elements that blur the lines between architectural The □W9 is conceived as a artistic temporary amphitheatre with static and objects andpavilion human subjects and between performers and dynamic elements that blur the lines between architectural objects and spectators. The pavilion is a flexible civic space that performs as a human subjects and between artistic performers and spectators. The pavilion stage, workshop, or even playground. is a flexible civic space that performs as a stage, workshop, or even playground. Born into the lush greenery of the nursery garden, □ (square), W (double-u) and 9 (nine) are three rooms nestled side-by-side in Born into greenery of Each the nursery garden,by□vir(square), W (double-u) mounds of the soft lush landscape and lawn. of the characters, and 9 (nine) are three rooms nestled side-by-side in mounds of soft landscape tue of their geometric layout, provides a semi-enclosed room that is and lawn. Each of the characters, by virtue of their geometric layout, partially unveiled to enable flexibility in circulation and stage configprovides a semi-enclosed room that is partially unveiled to enable flexibility in uration for drama, dance and music performances. circulation and stage configuration for drama, dance and music performances. The three characters are draped with a layer of cloth-like structure. Drapery, rather than obscuring the rooms, has amplified the bodily The three of characters draped with aand layer ofof cloth-like expression □, W, and 9are through the tension relief drap- structure. Drapery, ery, as well as obscuring the ability tothe suck,rooms, sprawl, has nestle, suckle andthe snuggle. rather than amplified bodily expression of □, W, At the same time,the thetension crests and troughs cloth formed and 9 through and reliefof of the drapery, as wella as the ability to suck, roofscapenestle, that opens up possibilities of a dynamic setting sprawl, suckle and snuggle. At the stage same time,forthe crests and troughs performance of the clotharts. formed a roofscape that opens up possibilities of a dynamic stage setting for performance arts. Apart from hosting performances, the Members appears of Team Odradek include Kai-hong Anthony Chu, Yin it playfully emanates pavilion to have become a performer when Ngai Anselm Cheungitsand Chau Chuen Tim Yeung. bubbles through orifices periodically throughout the day. The pavilion has come to life. The □W9 pavilion is more than just an architectural object. Anticipating the blossoming of the West Kowloon Cultural District, □W9 pavilion, as a temporary structure, is a harbinger to propel the ambitious Cultural District into maturation. With the breadth of artistic and cultural activities it enables, the pavilion sets out to cross-pollinate across different fields of arts and cultural production and appreciation, and ultimately elevates the unique arts and culture of the city into the international cultural scene.

Plaster finish on chicken wire mesh



AUDIENCE Plywood waffle support

Room Lighting Curtain track Room W

Steel column

Room 9







WKCD Pavilion 2014 ESKYIU West Kowloon Cultural District Pavilion Competition

An international competition was held to create the Art Pavilion, prologue to the M+ Museum by Herzog & de Meuron in West Kowloon Cultural District. The proposal was a collaboration between ESKYIU and LEAD. A simple flexible gallery space is encased in a transformable skin. The proposal was awarded commendation entry in the competition.

This Art Installation and lounge is designed by ESKYIU, commissioned by Swire Properties for Art Basel Hong Kong 2015. It takes the formal gesture of the arcade as a starting point, with the structurally interlaced archways providing a place for the public to gather. Designed as a set of spatial relationships, fixed perspectival views are precisely aligned to create the underlying geometry for

the vibrant and transitory space. The interplay of the movement and activity of the spectator is further enhanced by an interactive component that exists in a constant state of fluctuation. Acting as an abstracted contemporary arcade, Ephemera provides multiple ways of inhabiting the space, oscillating between clarity and complexity as the spectator moves in, around, and through the piece.

Ephemera 2015 ESKYIU Swire Property Group lounge


Sky Dojo 2018 Shigeru Ban Architect Hotel and meditation space (In progress)

Water Garden 2018 Shigeru Ban Architect Restaurant under water (In progress)


Weather Prove 2010 HKU Fall Studio instr. Chad McKee

The project start with an exercise on body mapping. The right upper portion of the body was mapped using an triangulation system, and the motion of the arm at the conducting action is recorded onto drawing. A wire frame is wielded to represent the movement bounded within the volume of the movement. The final piece is exhibited at the Detour 2014, HK.


Luna Palace 2013 Double(O) Model making for Pavilion Design

The pavilion is designed for traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong. The tilting of the columns align with the position of the moon at the day of the festival. The pavilion will be built in traditional bamboo. The 1:50 model is fully handcrafted, with brass tubes of various thickness silver soldered together, to express the light weight bamboo frame structure of the original design.



Thnouh Vilage School 2012 Project Little Dream Charitable Construction

Project Little Dream(PLD) is a student-initiated registered charity, started by 15 college students that share the same dream; to promote educatio in the rural Cambodia. Since its establishment in 2009, 4 schools were completed and they are current providing education for over 500 student in the underprivileged part of the country. I joined PLD in the winter of 2011 as a volunteer in the construction of Khna Rong village schoo I subsequently committed myself to the organization as a staff member, involving in the design, planning, coordination and the construction o the Thun Mun, Kh’na Rong and currently, Thnouh Village School. Every year during winter break, the team fly to Cambodia to supervise th construction of the design of the schools. Together we also bring 60 volunteers from around the world who would assist in the construction We design, build and run school in rural Cambodia. Together with our local partners, we provide education on language proficiency and persona


on ts ol. of he n. al


The Ommpa Loompa Club and the Architecture of Misfortune

2016 GSD Spring Studio Workers’ Club for the Chocolate Factory instr. Grace La

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been republished many times with different style of illustration, and adapted into major movie titles. Closer reading into other Roald Dahl’s stories, one can identify a nihilistic narrative behind the appearance of children literature. Behind its supposing simplicity, children book remains a reflection of society with its good and bad at equal weight.

This studio project explore the potential of representing an architectural project in the means of children literature; With such means, it gives new reading to the architecture. Children illustration has a great potential for polemic; it is an establish typology strongly associated with virtuous ideals, which effect could be strengthen and exaggerated by incongruous narratives.

I The Secret Workers The building is penetrated by a constant rumbling sound, something like footsteps. “Mr Wonka, Do you hear the sound coming from the walls?” Ask Charlie. “What sound?” Said Mr. Wonka, “Oh, must the chewing gum I gave you, it sometimes gives people illusion!”


II Dinning Hall Looking at the empty room, Charlie ask, “Mr Wonka, do you prefer eating alone?” “Oh do I! Food taste much better this way,” “Beside I don’t like the smell of rat around me.” Charlie hears the rumbling again. This time, the sound is also coming from underneath his feet.

The architecture of re-appropriation ask not for a solution that will bring an end to misfortune. Instead, with humor and selfdeprecating sarcasm, we readjust ourselves to the statue quo. The humor in Charlie open up dialog, in a socially acceptable manner, on the problem and the anxieties of being human. 31

Doha Tower


2017 GSD Fall Studio Hotel Tower instr. Maryann Thompson

Black Box

The challenge of building a tower in Doha is match by the weather and cultural identity. With only a brief urban history, other Doha skyscrapers take iconography from a mix of architectural relic collected from Iran, Egypt, Syria, etc. This proposal reconciles the need for a climatic strategy and a critical regionalistic respond to the rapid urbanization.




On one hand, Architecture is a product of utilitarian inquiry. The use of parametric and computational tools enforce a technocratic, comprehensive project that accommodate our need for the “function” of architecture; Solar capture and structural optimization result in the tapered tower form.

Elevator Core

Staircase Core


“Comment peut-on être Persan?” [Ozell, John, trans.


Lettres Persanes. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. London: J. Tonson, 1721.]

Structural system: concrete shell|hung frame


Topological optimization

The main structure of the tower is a C-shape concrete shell with hollow life cores. It transfer all vertical load on the perimeter of the floor plan with floor frame hang from the shell structure with cables. Placement of elevator core correspond to the optimization result. A series of pre-cast concrete diaphragm braced the c-shape concrete shell. It also act as a thermal mass; insulated on the south 04

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“I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs; A palace and a prison on each hand.” Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

Black population*

Monument 2017 GSD Fall Studio Monument dedicated to Kalief Browder instr. Emanuel Christ & Christoph Gantenbein

The life of Kalief Browder ended on June 6, 2013. Torment in the infamous Ricker Island prison had proved to be too much for any 22-year-old to bear and after 2 years of fighting for his justice, he took his own life in his home in Bronx New York. The case of Kalief Browder is one of many that reveals the problems of the criminal justice system in the States; one that disproportionally undermines the underprivileged and people of color. Kalief is not just an isolated case, and this monument will become a testimony to the legacy of his strive.


Separated by the Anacostia River; On one side stands one of the poorest and most racially divided neighborhood in DC; On the other the Correctional Service Complex and the Central Detention Facility. Despite of all the love we have for our great cities, they are still recovering from the racial covenant and a bigoted real estate sales practice that keep us divide, which effect remains visible these days. This monument takes on the forms of a bridge. A symbol of connection and reconciliation, but also a viewing plane of the drudgery we had overcome. It nests itself among the other statues and memorial in the network of avenues that was first visioned by L’Enfant two centuries ago. From the opposite side of the river, it stands unreachable and distant. Like this society we are living in, the gaps between different groups has never been larger. This monument is only a pillar of change, and hopefully one day, it will bring the two sides of the River together.


Library on Emerald Necklace 2016 GSD Spring Studio Rare Book Library

Located at the heart of Boston, the Emerald Necklace provide the lush backdrop for the reading rooms of this rare book library. The experience of walking through the library is a narrated path through the landscape.

Three rows of book stack slip underneath an existing ridge on site, lines longitudinally along the length of the library, while they push against the creek that flow through the park. Landscape of the ridge becomes part of the roof. A series of interior open spaces lines the water front. Light is limited by trees surrounding the creek while the roof split into three steps of thin strip to regulate insolation.


Concentric Formation

Dome as Hidden Room

Concentric sectional scheme

Concentric Plan Scheme



San Carlino

St. Peter’s

St. Paul’s






Les Invalides

Panthéon Paris

San Gaudenzio





Hidden Room

The Hidden Room signifies an ambiguous and open reading of space and partition. The concentric domes create layers of in-between spaces. The thickness of the shell is lined with circulation path, creating an extra layer of complexity. This layering of structure challenges the conventional distinction of inside/outside/in-between as one unconsciously move through different portions of the domes.

2015 GSD Fall Studio instr. Andrew Holder


Kai-hong Anthony Chu

Education 2015-2019

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design


University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture


30 Dana Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA +1 857-999-5806 | chukha@gsd.harvard.edu www. a n th o n ych u k h . co m

in Architecture I


of Art (Architectural Studies)

Honors, Awards and Achievements 2019

Space10 Residency Program


Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme


Perspective Award 2013


American Institute of Architects Hong Kong Chapter Citation


Kenchikushinjin - Asian Contest of Architectural Rookie’s Award


Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation Scholarship

A 3-month research residency program to develop open-source, affordable 6-axis robots and firmware with real-time control.


Recipient - Student/Architecture - Trophy - Project Little Dream*


China Region Shortlisted



University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture First Class Honor & Dean’s Honor 2012

Perspective 40 under 40


*Award was shared with members of Project Little Dream; James Charles Mak, Francis Wong, Nelson Huen and Alison Cheng for collective effort in constructing village schools and promoting education in rural Cambodia.





Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, C#, C++, Vray, Revit, T-spline/Maya, Fusion360, Mastercam, Adobe Suite, Unity, Unreal Visit: github.com/anthonychukh/


Shigeru Ban Architects Architectural Intern - 3months Working directly with senior associates on 3D modeling and visualization. Developing optimization algorithm for reciprocal frame structure. Participation in humanitarian effort for West Japan disaster relief.



Architectural Intern - 2 months Conceptual designs on restaurant and residential projects. Facilitate fabrication with parametric modeling and structural simulation.

2013 - 2015

ESKYIU Architectural Designer - 15 month Construction coordination for residential interior projects. Interaction design and fabrication coordination for Art Basel VIP Lounge. Production of drawings and diagram for competition entry. Design and fabrication for sculpture and installation.

2009 - 2014

Project Little Dream Research and Development Officer - 5 years

2017 - 2018

2014 - 2017


Research Resident- 3months Develop software and program for CNC machine control. Hardware prototyping for 6-axis tool attachments.

Research of Cambodian architectural context Design and produce construction document for 2 village school projects Plan, schedule, budget and supervise construction on-site

Harvard University, Graduate School of Architecture

Technical Assistant at GSD Fabrication Laboratory Teaching/Research Assistant for Cameron Wu & George Legendre, Preston Scott Cohen, Iman Fayyad.

University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture

Teaching Assistant & Research Assistant for Olivier Ottevaere - 6 month Teaching Assistant for Career Discovery Program - 2 month

Skills • • • • • • • • • •

Concept design/schematic design/design development Advance 3D modeling and visualization Advance parametric modeling RhinoCommon API and plug-in development(C, C#, .NET) Structural simulation and optimization(Karamba, Millipede) Environmental analysis and optimization(Diva, Ladybug) Robotics and fabrication(Robostudio, Machina, Firefly, Beaver) Game and virtual experience development(Unreal, Unity) Hardware development and prototyping(Fusion360) Composite materials fabrication

Language • •

Proficient in English, Mandarin and Cantonese Basic Japanese

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