Vaginal Infections

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Vaginal Infections

Vaginitis refers to a few different conditions that can cause infection or inflammation of your vagina Vaginal infections can cause pain and discomfort Without treatment, they may lead to complications that can adversely affect a person ’ s health. However, people can treat or manage most vaginal infections.

What causes vaginal infections?


Certain conditions make infection more likely:

● Reduced acidity (increased pH) in the vagina: When acidity in the vagina is reduced, the number of protective bacteria (lactobacilli) that normally live in the vagina decreases, and the number of bacteria that can cause infection increases, sometimes resulting in bacterial vaginosis.

● Poor hygiene: When the genital area is not kept clean, the number of bacteria increases, making bacterial infections more likely.

● Tight, nonabsorbent underwear: This type of underwear may trap moisture, which encourages the growth of bacteria and yeast.

● Tissue damage: If tissues in the pelvis are damaged, the body’s natural defenses are weakened. Damage can result from tumors, surgery, radiation therapy, or structural abnormalities such as birth defects or fistulas. Fistulas are abnormal connections between organs, which may, for example, allow the intestine’s contents (which include bacteria) to enter the vagina.

● Irritation: Irritation of vaginal tissues can lead to cracks or sores, which provide access to the bloodstream for bacteria and yeast.

Common symptoms

If a person experiences any of the following symptoms, they should see a doctor:

● unusual vaginal discharge

● vaginal discharge that has a strong odor

● irritation and swelling of the vagina and vulva

● pain and burning sensations while urinating

The Most Common Types of Vaginal Infections

Yeast infections

Yeast infections occur when the Candida species penetrate the mucosal lining of the vagina, resulting in an inflammatory response


● irritation, itching, and burning in and around the vagina

● thick, sticky, white discharge

● swelling and flushing around the vulva and vagina

Some people may experience a worsening of symptoms just before a menstrual period


Because yeast infections occur due to a fungus, people can treat them with antifungal agents

People can either take antifungal medication orally or apply a cream to the inside of the vagina. Both of these options are available over the counter. Pregnant people should not take oral antifungal medication.

Bacterial infections Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when there is an overgrowth of the bacteria that are naturally present in the vagina. This is the result of a decrease in the bacteria lactobacilli in the vagina.


However, if symptoms are present, a person can expect:

● thin gray or white discharge

● a fishy smelling odor from the vagina

● a burning sensation while urinating

● pain during sexual intercourse

● itching of the vulva


A doctor will usually prescribe clindamycin or metronidazole for BV If a person develops recurring BV, they will likely prescribe a second course of antibiotics or treat the condition for a longer period of time.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea

Other bacterial infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, are sexually transmitted infections (STIs)


Note that most people do not have any symptoms of chlamydia, and if they do appear, it might not be for several weeks.

However, symptoms may include:

● white, green, or yellow discharge

● bleeding

● a burning sensation during urination

● pain during sexual intercourse

Symptoms of gonorrhea include:

● vaginal discharge that may be green, white, or yellow

● pelvic pain

● a burning sensation while urinating

● swelling and pain of the labia


people often have chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time If this is the case, doctors will treat both of these bacterial infections with antibiotics

A person should not have sex until a week after finishing this medication.

AViral infections

Some viral vaginal infections include herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2), which causes herpes, and the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes genital warts.

A person can contract these viruses through sexual intercourse or by coming into skin to skin contact with a person who has them

Genital herpes

Symptoms of genital herpes include:

● painful ulcers or sores on the genitals

● burning or pain while urinating

● swelling of lymph nodes

● swelling of the vulva

● fever and headaches


The symptomatic appearance of herpes tends to disappear after 19 days

However, just because a person no longer has symptoms, it does not mean that they are no longer infectious.

Doctors cannot cure herpes, but people can undergo antiviral therapy to help manage the symptoms

Genital warts

Symptoms of genital warts include:

● warts, either separate or in clusters, around and inside the vagina and anus

● warts that may bleed

● itching, flushing, or discomfort


Like genital herpes, there is currently no cure for genital warts. However, a 2020 article states that for 80% of people, the HPV infection will clear from the body within 2 years.

Although there is no cure, doctors may be able to remove visible warts, either through the use of surgery or with topical solutions that people can apply themselves.


Trichomoniasis, or trich, is a very common STI. This infection occurs due to a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.


Approximately 70% of people do not present with signs or symptoms. Some people begin to show symptoms within 5 28 days, while others may not develop symptoms until much later

If symptoms are present, they may include:

● itchy, sore, flushed, or burning genitals

● a change in vaginal discharge, such as: ○ an increase in volume ○ a change in color to clear, yellow, or green ○ the production of thin discharge discomfort during urination


A person can take antibiotics to treat trich A doctor will prescribe either metronidazole or tinidazole

Noninfectious vaginitis

Noninfectious vaginitis typically occurs due to irritants Certain things that come into contact with the vagina may cause an allergic reaction.

There are many different things that a person may be allergic to or have a sensitivity toward, :

● sperm fluid

● spermicides

● latex condoms

● fragrances or cosmetics

● lubricants

● feminine hygiene products

● bubble baths and other soaps with fragrances

● sanitary pads

● other personal care products

● nickel plated objects

● douches that people do not dilute correctly

● close fitting underwear and lingerie


Symptoms of an allergy or sensitivity to triggers include:

● swelling and irritation of the vagina and vulva

● flushing of the vagina and vulva

● pain, burning, and stinging sensations on the vulva


The main form of treatment for vaginal discomfort as a result of irritants is to avoid any known triggers

To find out what triggers a reaction, a doctor may order a patch test. During a patch test, they will apply different substances to the skin to determine which ones cause an allergic reaction


To make a diagnosis, a doctor may swab the vagina or the skin outside the vagina and send this swab to a laboratory for analysis

There are multiple tests that a laboratory can perform on these swabs, :

● the wet prep, wherein a technician will put the swab into a saline solution and examine it

● gram stain, often for the diagnosis of BV

● cultures, often for the diagnosis of yeast infections

● DNA technologies, often for the diagnosis of bacterial STIs


Prevention includes the following:

● Keeping the genital area clean and dry to help prevent infections (washing every day with a mild, nonscented soap, such as glycerin soap, and rinsing and drying thoroughly are recommended)

● Wiping from front to back after urinating or defecating to prevent bacteria from the anus from being moved to the vagina

● Teaching young girls good hygiene

● Wearing loose, absorbent clothing, such as cotton or cotton lined underpants, to allow air to circulate and to help keep the genital area dry

● Practicing safe sex and limiting the number of sex partners

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