1 minute read


Nominated by: Anonymous LIZ

Liz Hoop is a source of compassion and support in her community, dedicated to improving the lives of senior adults and the disabled. As the founder of Hoop Cares LLC, she goes above and beyond to ensure that those in need receive the assistance and care they deserve. Specialising in non-emergency transportation, Liz facilitates vital access to healthcare by providing seniors and the disabled with transportation to doctor appointments, as well as other essential destinations such as the food stamp office, Medicaid offices, and Social Security offices.

But Liz's impact extends far beyond transportation services. Recognising the importance of self-expression and storytelling, she also offers invaluable support to aspiring authors through editing and publishing services. Liz helps individuals who dream of writing a book but may not know how to navigate the complex world of editors and publishers, providing them with the guidance and expertise needed to bring their stories to life.

Through her tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to serving others, Liz Hoop exemplifies the true spirit of community care and empowerment. Her multifaceted efforts to support the elderly, the disabled, and aspiring writers alike are a testament to her boundless compassion and generosity. In honouring Liz's remarkable contributions, we celebrate her as a compassionate leader and catalyst for positive change in her community.