1 minute read


Nominated by: Kiera Elliot-Pickett

Jenaya Huxter is a trailblazing entrepreneur who redefines success on her own terms. As the founder of Ausloans Finance Strathalbyn, she challenges conventional norms in the finance industry with her unique approach and unwavering dedication. Despite entering the field without prior experience in cars or finance, Jenaya has propelled her business to multi-million dollar success, establishing it as an award-winning market leader. Her journey as a young mother and businesswoman has shaped her belief in the power of choice and authenticity.

In her role as Director at Ausloans Strathalbyn, Jenaya brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to supporting individuals in their personal and professional endeavours. She understands the transformative impact of informed decisions and strives to empower others to navigate challenges and pursue their genuine goals. With a foundation built on trust and understanding, Jenaya ensures that every interaction is meaningful and respectful.

Amidst a world that often values conformity, Jenaya advocates for genuine choices and authenticity. She believes that our decisions shape our life's journey, and with focus and commitment, our aspirations can become reality. Beyond her entrepreneurial pursuits, Jenaya actively engages in diverse endeavours, from participating in business awards to serving as a Kangen Water ambassador, enriching her perspective and enhancing her contributions to every collaboration.

For those seeking to rewrite their narrative and embrace a path aligned with their true selves, Jenaya offers steadfast support and guidance. With her as a partner on the journey, individuals can confidently navigate towards their authentic success.