1 minute read


Nominated by: Sheila Jackson

Natasha McCrea is a dynamic entrepreneur, coach, actress, and director based in Los Angeles, California. With a passion for empowering women through various forms of media, Natasha has established herself as a multifaceted leader in the industry.

As the Co-Founder of Jackson McCrea Whiskey and the Founder of Crea8 Productions, Natasha has demonstrated her entrepreneurial prowess by disrupting industries and creating compelling content that inspires audiences. Her innovative approach to business and storytelling has earned her recognition and accolades in the entertainment and spirits sectors.

In addition to her entrepreneurial ventures, Natasha is the Founder and CEO of Love CEO Institute, where she coaches women on how to connect with their authentic goals and make loving life a lifestyle choice. Through her Feel Good Method, she advises women-led businesses and organisations on holistic approaches to life, love, and business.

Natasha's career also spans over two decades as an actor, writer, and producer, with notable projects such as "Evolution of a Love Addict" and "The Takeover." Her creative endeavours have captivated audiences across the United States and showcased her talent for storytelling and performance.

With a diverse skill set and a commitment to empowering others, Natasha McCrea continues to make a significant impact in the entertainment industry and beyond, inspiring women to embrace their potential and pursue their passions.