Wisconsin Institutes of Medical Research grand opening

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i n n o vat i o n a n d c o l l a b o r at i o n

Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research

wisconsin institutes for medical research 1111 Highland Avenue Madison, WI 53705-2275 MS-20033-08

wi s c o n s i n i n s t i t u t e s f o r m e d i c a l r e s e a r c h

The Vision

Dynamic Spaces

The Wisconsin Institutes for Medical

“Work that takes place in this building

production of short-lived imaging

Research (WIMR) embrace a new way

will translate into every nook and

agents and computerized chemical

of doing science. With the opening of

cranny of the state, embodying the

synthesis. Complete facilities are

the East Tower, the traditional research

Wisconsin Idea,” said Robert Golden,

provided for the development of

silos are broken, as basic, translational

MD, dean of the School of Medicine

state-of-the-art, three-dimensional

and clinical scientists—in cancer,

and Public Health.

radiation oncology.

imaging and surgery—work together to

• First Floor/Basement, Center

quickly move discoveries from bench to

WIMR will allow the School, which

Tower: One of the nation’s largest

bedside and into the community.

represents the largest component

rodent and primate vivaria in a

of the University’s research funding

modern, pathogen-free and secure

WIMR was born more than a decade

base, to place its researchers in highly

animal care facility.

ago and forged through multiple work

interactive spaces designed to cultivate

groups, drawing from the creativity

collaboration and interaction.

and inspiration of campus-wide faculty

Beyond Science • The Healing Garden: A serene

and staff and partners from outside the

The East Tower, with floors the length of

space filled with planters and

University. The School of Medicine and

a football field, eliminates laboratory

benches is tucked between WIMR,

Public Health (SMPH) proposed a center

walls, places office areas close to

the HSLC and Hospital; a second

to encourage scientific collaboration,

labs, allows rapid sharing of complex

quiet space is north of the Boxer

to combine clinical and basic research

equipment and facilities, and includes

Connector, the passageway that

talents to tackle medicine’s most

interaction space on every floor.

connects the three buildings.

perplexing and significant questions.

Alternate floors are also joined by two-story atriums to further enhance

The soaring, eight-floor East Tower is

communication and collaboration.

the first of WIMR’s three interdisciplinary research towers that will grow to also

East Tower Research

house cardiovascular, neuroscience

• Seventh floor: Prostate cancer

and regenerative medicine research. Adjacent to UW Hospital and Clinics and the American Family Children’s Hospital, WIMR scientists can easily interact with clinicians and are within sight of the patients whose lives they hope to improve. Neighbor to the Basic science research in areas such as cancer and heart disease (CONFIRM HOW LI PHOTO FITS WITH THIS CAPTION) will be translated into patient care.

as well as a 30-ton cyclotron for

Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC), the schools of Pharmacy and Nursing and the Waisman Center, WIMR also paves the way for rich connections among all those who hope to improve the health and well-being of Wisconsin’s people.

• Sixth floor: Breast cancer • Fifth Floor: Surgery, orthopedic surgery, pharmacology • Fourth Floor: Hematologic and pediatric oncology • Third Floor: Lung and other cancers • Second Floor: Core Laboratory Resources • First Floor/Lower Level: Advanced Imaging and Radiation The lower level, with walls and ceilings more than eight feet thick, is designed to be vibration free. Equipment includes every imaging modality for human and animal research at the molecular level,

• “strings”: Cliff Garten’s atrium sculpture is suspended 76-vertical feet through the middle of the building. With twisting spirals of aluminum plates, Garten connects art to string theory and investigations being pursued at genetic and atomic levels. • The entrance wall: Seven stories tall, the sail-like wall is studded with metallic sparkle strips, and a subtle linear grid representing tomotherapy (which was invented in the SMPH) is embedded in the glass panels.

With Sincere Thanks Many partners have come together to make this project possible, including the

Researchers work in open laboratories, exchanging ideas and forming new collaborations.

How The Wisconsin Institutes For Medical Research Was Built • 1993: The Campus Planning

visionary component of HealthStar is designed to bring research and clinical scientists together to work across disciplines and move basic

Committee approves an Integrated

discoveries more quickly from lab to

Health Sciences Complex on the west

bedside and into the community.

end of campus. • 1997: The School of Medicine and Public Health launches the HealthStar Initiative, a state-federal-private

• 2005: Construction begins on the East Tower, the first of three towers in the WIMR complex. • 2008: The East Tower opens with

consortium to build state-of-the-art

231,000 assignable square feet for

health facilities and support medical

cancer and surgery research and

research. Governor Tommy Thompson

imaging and radiation science.

signs a state budget bill authorizing

“The Wisconsin Institutes for Medical


Research meshes perfectly with

• 2004: The Board of Regents approves

efforts to ensure that the University

National Institutes of Health ($18 million),

construction of a $133.9 million

remains at the absolute forefront

GE ($15 million), the Oscar Rennebohm

interdisciplinary research center.

of medical research,” Governor Jim

Foundation ($15 million), and many other

It becomes the East Tower of the

Doyle said.

generous individual, foundation and

Wisconsin Institutes for Medical

corporate donors.

Research (WIMR), adjacent to the

the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical

UW Hospital and Clinics and the new

Research are complete.

Health Sciences Learning Center and the School of Pharmacy’s Rennebohm Hall. The most

• 2012: The Center and West Towers of

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